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BkMUMV. V.V.-, A now Bpecios of the genus Atgetopsie (family Chaenicthridae) (with suzzar,r in Englishl. Zool. thur. 37 no.9:1409-1411 3 158. OaRA 11:10) 1.Zoologicheiskly inatitut AN SSSR, Leqngmd. (Imtarctic regions.-Chsenichthyidae) Irm;: KXIUIT~1110:; W~/546- vn,-I ~,71 u'. ; --tz Y.- --I'!- F~ .01tict. on tL, (Itlt-1-1y) oo. 7) 1,2-~O 51. 9--1 --1 A~ktlt~ L"7 I 9d. (TItI;,jt,:' ): I.V. r-t- of 5,1--a, P-fe-r; td.: . 1. Ok--; T-b. r.,1.! 0. 1. MUILIM: Thl. b-k 1. 1,-~DId f- -1- hyd-1o,;I.--. Cur,~I=::: Thl" 1A a eoliectim of 9 ~tsrleo on tb- -! c- lagi-I fi 'At of ~ ~-- F ---- ift Z-i~ :1",-, .1--mi t7 ~ I A-ts~ .I Alt-tt~ S.I-ttfl~ R-h 1..ttt.~ of U- kinl.t-7 ~f V. M-b-t Kru- of tl~ UWU - ;-et of T-- P-11. Tl~ -i,41tIon. co-t~ -1 a, th- d!--1 chip "CI dr-.=- 57, t~tt~ .-t Th- It- -1 t I n -k ~r 5"o .1 r.-diti.1, al-AN . th.? .- tI. F.; t ftlj-J~C: Tit- C-rj~-.IoCj of 1~., of -.1, ,c . - r j -t'. . t~ " I'C: ,I I --t -A r-- it, f 'k, 1-t Ant-t . t',- jo,t of tII- 1-11- O~-, thr-r_', U, b-thi- tb. '1- f t?, t22cv-'. of I t,o%- :'-It.; of &pth -p-,ioor; th, -11,f f t~tt~ ~f "'110 It; th- G". 1~.:` "It to, -I t~ 1- -1 -I -th lfttttl~-, Ul- r-rli~loo cf,', Co-t; el-1- 11-titnt I A- -'I Oce -; g-tIc f--, I~It,llna br~-, fl.h, -1- t-, wxI Thm -tJel- - rittrn ty r tl-- 0k-jorjj A--I o.-I (Int,Itu-, ~f ~--ol,,-y Af~ GaZ, ...... -,-I~d b, r.;,dItt- (C-'.) TAPIX OF CO.==; P.-I zht,-, A.T. 44 Rjut-, C.D. Ar-,-01-, V.A. A,,.-.,: M B-u,' V.V., ~j T-Ihy~1-1-1 P---h A.Y. I,h, Y.f'- .--,I K.I. -j-- A.V. f-j. F.V. M.X. YI-11-1-t-! p AYAI`I~~11~ LI - y "' r- ' ' (': STAROSTIN, I.V,:, PERMITINO Yu.Ye. Composition of species and quantitative develofmant of macro- fouling on the marine water-9upply system of a metallurgical plant on tho shores of the Sea of Azov. Trudy Inst. okean. 70: 124-141 10. (MIRA 17.7) LEBIDEV, Ye.M.; PEVIITIN, Yu.Ye.; KARAYEVA, N.I. Fouling of plates in the Black Sea. Trudy Inst. okean. 70: 270-275 063. (MIRA 17:7) S/08 61/000/021/0617/094 Bi 78XB101 AUTHORSi Permitina, K. S,, Frishberg, V. D~ TITLEi Ccals of the Kuznetsk Ba-31n PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal- Khim~ya, no. 21, 1961i 396, abstract 21M24 (Sb,."Podgotovka i kc,ksovaniye ugley, Sverdlovsk, Metallurg-izdat, no,. 2, 196-0, 3-31) TEXTs A. detailed description of the KL.znetsk coals. The petrographic, technice.1 and technclogical characteriE;tics of the coals are given; certain laws governing variaticns in properties are revealed, and informa- tion regarding the stru.~ture of the resierves is provided, together with other points of interest. In conclusion it is indicated that the evalua- tion of the data obtained by exploratory and preliminary prospecting opens up the prospect of a considerable increase in reserves of fat coals in the near future There are 22 references. [Abstracter's notei Complete translation. Card I PISMITTRA, K.S. Microscopic study of the clinkeri M process of coal. Trudy Lab.gool.t4gl. nn.6:144-149 156. 04LRA 10: 2) 1. Vostochnyy nauchno-iseladovatel'skiy uglakhimichaskly institu".. (Coal research) FUSHBARG, V.D.,; MARMITINA, K.S.; SOKOLOV. V.Z. Coal reserves in the Kuznetsk Basin as a factor determining the development of coking technology. Koks i khim. no6l:10-13 059. (KIRK 12!1) 1. Vostochnyy uglek-himicheakty institut. (',Kuznetsk Basin--Coal geology) (Coal-Carbonization) 68-58-5-1/2- AUTHORS: Frishberg, V.D., Permitina, K.S. and 117uller, I.P. TITLE:: ___________1[uznetsk Basir, as Coals of the Balallr6n--51F Series of the a Raw Material for Coking (Ugli balakhonskoy svity Kaz:ie-skcr-o basseyna kak syr1ye dlya koksovaniya) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1958, Nr 5, PP 3 - 9 (USSP). ABSTRACT: Coals from wasures of the second coal-bearing series of the Kuzr)eti)k Basin (Balakhonsk) are characteristic in their non-uniform structure. The content of vitrite varies from 20 to 70% and their rank from gas coals to lean coals. Technological characteristics of the main types of these shoals are given in Table 1 and thei results of their coking on a piiot plant scale - Table 2 and the figure. At present, these -,oals are utilised in the blend5 cf the Eastern Works, in a proportion of up to 60%. Or. the basis of the experimental results obtained it is proposed to introduce some changes in the technologie'al groupings of the above coals assigned to them at present. There are 2 tables and I figure. ASSOCUTION: VULEN Card .1/1 lb-57-3-3461 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, p 143 (USSR) AUTHOR: Permitina, K. S. TITLE: Microscopic Study of the Caking Process in Couls (Izucheniye pod mikrcskopom protsessa spekaniya ugly&) PERI ODIC AL: Tr.. Labor. geol. uglys AN SSSR, 1956, Nr 6, pp 144-149 ABSTRACT: Noting that until the present no doubts have been raised among investigators on the question of the causes of caking in coals, the author proposes an original method of studying the process of coke formation in a polished section under the microscope, heating it by stages up to 7bOO. The results have led to an improv- merit in our concept of the caking process and have sup- plemented our Information on the behavior of different microcomponents of coal during heating. The process of caking was studied for mixtures of different composi- tion and also for couLs from different fields in the Card 1/1 USSR. Ye. G. M. FRISHBBRG, V.D.; PERMITINA. K.S.; MMLER. I.F. Coal from the Balakhonka series of the Kuznetsk Basin as raw material for coking. Koks !L khim. no-5:3-9 158. (MIRA 11:6) l.VoBtochW uglekhimichesidy institut. (Kuznetsk Basin-Coal-Carbonization) e~eAq 5-L i let; pm-ft gov, M4. a -plak 0% p. top, hg, "i jq? W3541!IME 01 i`3 PIRMITIVA, K.S.; FRISHRERG, V.D. Con'to of the Kollchupino formation of the Kuznets Basin se raw materials fnr cokIng. Koko i khIn. no.4:3-8 15?. (MLRA 10:5) 1. V'ostochzWy uglekhimicheskly institut. (Kuznota Basin--Coal) SOV/66-59-1-3/26 AUTHORS: F.-ishiberg, V.D. , Fer mitina, K.S. and Soir-olov, V.Z. TITLE: Geological Reeerves of Coal in the KuzneLEZ'1-1.Y Basin as a Factz:r Determining the Direction of De-relopment of the CDking Te,~Iinology (Geologicheskiye zapasy uFlya Kuznetskogo bassayna kak faktor, opredelyayushchiy napravleniya razvitiya tekhnologil koKsovaniya) PERIODICAL: Koks _4 Kbimiya, 1959, i~r 1, PP 10 -- 13 (USSR) AB13TRACT: Aa the ma4.n effort ija the future development of the iron and stael industry will be concentrated in the Eastern ec,onomic reg-Jons, the Kuznetskiyu'~eibasin will become the main sii- pply :3cuxce of coking coals for these regions. Prcyed reserves of the basin and their distribution ac-:,(7rding tc te~,.hnolc-gical --oal types are discussed (Tables 1,1 2). It is; concluded that proved reserves of ,~oa-s suitable for coking amount to about 11 milliard tons, i.e. sufficient for ?0-.100 years. The distribution cf --c-als reserves between the individual technological types can seture. the iLCrease in the output of coke up to 60-65 million tons per year, roviding preferential ,--~z-uahlr-g and new cokiag te,--luiology Mf 5) are employed. Cardl./2 SOV/68-59-1-3/26 Geological Reserves of Coal in the KuznetEktrIIAz&,r as a Factor Determining the Direction of Development of the Coking Techriolo&y With the conventional coking technology the yearly output of coke can reach 35 million tons. The main effort in prospecting work should be directed towards findi 'ag soft coals. There are 2 tables and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: IMKhIN Card 2/2 s' i"tim'' i -mi~ii- Moto cwr . t UrAl 48towi m TTIM In rat U ' .- e S p ja 0996i 1956, 12),l A cdcrwople axaWmtlcn tb= ml cowip6mon is reparted. CM1 w" Mated with ai r woli3~ In piftes Mid In the I to terpmaulms rarvAng =u = Im 3c t; U. mating owlace It. 41 " p to 750% " sectimm ' 1 = tbl ima I l-oMe Icr=d. It ma 1 1 Im d tmt 71traln, a vlualnlwd " xaln M -o x1joro ~a of juAl and zpmj! so ovVIvT42 nanalts aw 3wl", 0m inert in V. Into a plastla state. FUMInIzed tho Mkirs irvooss vat almilor to InlaDdV grop as coca ss of mt Max I:t rarmking YJ Tral na FRISHIMM, V.D.; POPOVA, Me.; PRMITINA, KOS. Properties of dull components (durain) of coals from the Balakhonka series In the Kuznetsk Basin. Koko I, '56.(V1,RA 9:7) I.Testochn" uglekhimicheekiy institut. (Kuznetsk Basin-Coal-knalyais) FOXITINk. N.G.; SHLYGIR, A.I. Itlectrochemistry of the adsorption of hydrogen on metals In pre- sence of a liquid phase. Izv-.AN Kazakh.SSR.SerAhim. no.4:53-59 151. (NLRA 9:5) (Hydrogen) (Catailyets) USSR/Chemistry - Catalysts Jun 52 "The Reactive Capacity of Hydrogen That Is Ad- sorbed in the Activated State," N.G. Permitina, A.I. Shlygin, Kishinev State U: Acad Sci Kazakh M Raw Fiz Khim,, vol xxvi, No 6, Pp 874-877 Using electrochem method for-clarifying the mecha- nift of hydrogenation in the presence of a liquid pbase, demonstrated that the total quantity of b7drogen adsorbed in the activated state is re- active toward methvlethylacetylenylcarbinol; 220T.U showod that tbare Is inhonogeneity of - tba surface 6f platinized Pt and, particularly that there is presence of 2 types of adsorption centers which 4UTer sharply in activity. The nt-4re aetive bave a low value of the adsorption potential toward bydrogen. Svirface movement of activated adsorbed bydrogen taken place only to an insignificant ex- tent. The svbstrate has an effect on the adsorp- tion potential of the surface; the number of centers exhibiting the highest activity depends not only on the structure of the catalyst, but also the compa of the liquid phase. 22CPP12 -,T,YGT PMNITINA, N. 0., ~ ~L N , A . -~ . Catalysis Correlation Df adsorption and caLalytic processes during hydroEenati')n i:i tne prescnce of a liquid phane. Zhur. fiz. khim. 26, Nio. ~, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 195P. Unclassified. SOKOLOV, D.V. ; K:fi)KHWVA. V.V. ; PERMITINA, N.G. Condensation of 1,2.5-trimethy'l-4-piparidone with formal4ah7d,3. Vest.AN Kazakh.SSR 14 no.10:153-70 0 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Piperidone) Ubrmaldehyde) (Condensation products (Chonistry)) so,' saw so** go.* *a*** mss -Im- A 4 .9 T M * 0 t - -A-A-L-A-x -t-A -A A- A, S . AL - a -1-4 lee 0 Bw 012 doposits in the Vr&2 1burifisins area. P. M. Rv. -,,ov arj R. v '06 . 1934, 5, NO- 15, 3--4).-&na2jticu1 data urt3 z1von. oll Is 1cii in ar=.atio hydrocarbons. Ch. It- IOU" %NvIvat.. S~1 - .-. I 'o - a ,; - we* Ito PI Aft A I a two 10 090 a a AV 10 a, a 0 0 0 a a 0. a in a I a 1 101 4*01 sloe ---r4 - - 0 0 a 0 0 96 - - --I',- I Foe 0 41111001110 &k CE U lk A 0 -t- too ..v #I- tav!b~_ s n! o V N r i . JIM at. "s. - (J. (~M. CIWM. item. low. 1881- P 11~1 of Oa is pro- CO.".5 M N M . P.P. I - Inot id (Nitt Ha i l - . im n gni Pared 1, y t of 10). Willi wim. 19 14. $111. at Iola. U. H. T. minor m1glifitstiom, MIS LIT110411kOf CLASSPICATON 4.- All I O's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 9=go foe Coo moo 300 coo Noe 009 008 00& 008 0o& 004 000 goo so -00 -00 -00 ;:*go 200 coo x00 as adma 41ML V. m Pauhbbw-. Appi.-Ch" il q -N~i -I ~ be d*bimd b am*. ~d ak-ame TALLUKICAL LITtoaft" 0 0 0 a 010 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 4010 0 0-0 &.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Wo * 0 AM-* fee too 93- ISO .1 w 09 a a 1 6 000000000000000000 o o 90000000000 00060 00 *0 -00 A-) ~041 A A 01 %F Do 00 S- Z'- /0 UNNSION CLASWMA"Oft RIN.Ii- ~T. 4=v: Zoo no* Goo w0 0. Go* 400 see wee 200 too we* Wee AV Mb '11-01 load* "'ImIssma 3's I& 0 0 fo 0 f :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 010 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ova ~00 10 00 so 00 ova '31, 00 00,11 log -3~ ~1 00141 P~fml4i AND V690121611 1.01. 1.00 -04 .0* -00 UWA. Wit. ad bad by -00 kbm49-z1wkwbmw 11. Prow wee %W-ly 0. atim d Ful j, pwoW by d6till truma of U, T. rog 600111 in a bumm of so* :;0 0 wee fto ties &SOIL* *60 #A A 1 0 FM 0 1 UP 6. AD 0 3 0 AS 996060-09,9066 0066000000 0 KCCESSION NR: AP4019969 c,/0020/64/154t'*006/1306/1309 AUTHORS: Gross, 'Ye.F. (Corr. -nember AZI S SSR) Permogorov, S.A. Razbirin, B.S. TITLE: An optical analog of the Mossbauer effect SOURC3: AN SSSR,, Doklady*, v. 154, no. 6, 1964, 13o6-1309 TOPIC TAGS: optLcs, Mossbauer effect, phononleag transition, crystal, crystal spectrum, cadmium sulfide, cadmium selenide, zinc 3ulfide ABSTRACT: Very sharp lines h~kve beon found in crystals a--: CdS , CdSe , ZnS , a,-; d some ot~.t-,,-,3 0",-lission a nd Z"L'3(- 4K near fundaimpl-ii a'03 *, -~on er; '-e ( s cc! Fig. I of thc E,-,.- 'I uu:-c width is about .-.0-- ev. Tht- j-,ure.'-v --lectron' c (;,~-Cnonlejj) tions which correspond to -'J nfs sued-,, to be simiir t,:, t-1. J narrow lines in t~.e Faiama spectura s st ~ i u o raffacl.). autho:-s have invest 4. gated tho temperature dependence of ti-,ese in the range between 4 and 26r, of bie Enclostzu). c-ep-~rL;--,CU is similar to that of the MlossbauEir effect except that Lhe Lampera- f Card 1/4 ~,rACCESZHON NH.: AP4019969 ture range is much lower than that for the latter. "The author3 are grateful to Ye. D. Trofimov for many discussions." Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicho3kiy In3titut im. A.F.JoffL. Akadamii naik SSSR. ( PhyiLcotechnicat Inatituto, Academyof sciences,SSSR) SUBMIWED: 07Sep63 ATD PRESS: ';3055' ENCL: 02 SUB CCDE: SS, OP NO REF SOVt 008 OTHER: 008 CaM ~2/-4- ACCESSION NR: AI?4019969 d b n-0- n-I Card 3/4 ENCLOSURE: 01 1 Schematic representetion of electron vibrational spectrum for the irradiation of CdS crystal at T - 4.2K: a - i n t h e" 'c a9 c o-f the interaction with optical rhj- ions only; b - in the case of in,,cr- actions with optical and acoustic(A) phonons ACCESSION NR: AP4019969 .-A Card'4/4 7- ks *A L T-20( ENCLOSURE : 02 Fig. 2. Change of the line A - 4888.6A and the band, depend- ing upon interactions with acoustic pho-nons and the tempe~rature GROSS, Ye.F.; RAZDIRIN, B.S.; PUMN'YOROV, S.A.- Free and bound excitons in cadmium sulfide crystals and the analogue of the M16ssbauer effect in optics. DokI. AN SSSR 147 no.2:33E~-341 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Chlen-korresporAent AN SSSR (for Gross). (Cadmium sulfide crystals) (Excitons) %6ssbauer effect) A WNSA.&V DISTI, 11*"Ov !IF& WAW U~,4JW A44%&A.=WJAFA4 %MXYIWLW.P W" WLAW AJAWVL44W.LVJ W~ the, bii Lisbt,~ frais deperdermice is to tho fut that different portions of': the .. *Im khlk,~Iam i "Orout IZ*scenc*~Uaeso- the 4actrm of the afterglo-4 of 41M ~r 41ktual'afleds van b'Weatigati' at,T n 4#2Xj, iw veU as the. twparature iut -&I 2-M. AM=& early in--:!--1-,- depii Wof tbe' i glow Spelitrum- in A ,v card 7 ir 77 NMWXW~p N~- = ' I - L 47053-66 LIWT(i)/!p lip(c) ACC NRo AP6015467 SOURCE CODE: AUTHORt Grosep Ye. F.; Perrno )rovo S. A.; Rubtrin, B. S. Ir ORG: Pbysiciq E Pering InaUtute im. A. F loffe, AN SM, Leningr&d (Fizlko-tekilm leeskly ImUtut AN SSSR) TITLE: The inotion of free excitons and their Interaotion with Phono s SOURCE: Fizika tveirdogo tela, v. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1483-1492 TOPIC 7AGS: exciton, phonon Interaction, phonon spectrum, cadmium sulfide crystal, crystal optic property, luminescence, luminescent crystal ABSTRACT: An investigation Is made of the possibility of the manffestation of the kinetic energy of freely moving excitons In an exciton luminescence spectrum. Differences are noted among the processes of a phononless, a one-Vhonon, and a two-phonon optic annihilation of excitons, rolated to The different formulation of the law of conservation of momentum for these processos. The resiAts are used to analyze tlie exciton luminescence spectrum of CdS single crystals in the temporature range of 4-77K. It Is shown that excitons in this case may be considered as free quasIpRrtIcles following the Maxwell distribution In the kinetic energies and Interacting with phonons with the fulfillment ofthe law of the conservation of momentum. In Card 1/2: -L 4705.~-66 ACC NRs AP6016467 conclusion. the authv" consider it their pleasant duty to express their gratitude to K. K. Reb, e, V. V. Khlzbnvakov, witA, A. )Goc kMn for a frulffid discussion of the results, and to V. A. Abramov for asaistance In making the measurements. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas and 4 figares. SUB CODE- 20/ SUBM DATE: 124:)ct65/ ORIG REF- 010/ OTH REF: 007 1 ACC NRs AP6036321 SOURCE CODF."I -'dE-/'003'0/"/07i8/Oll/KO01/KO04- AUT11ORi Lider-,.K. F.; Novikov. D. V.; Permogorov, S. As ORG; institute of Physics, State University, Leningrad 'TITLE: Application of bound-exciton optical spectra in the study of radintion.damage in crystals SOURCE: Phy-sica status 9olidi. v. 18. no. 11, 1966, Kl-K4 TOPIC TAGS: radiation damage, ionizing irradiation,: ar4~c_ Ara,-_ exciton NE, -~A, 'ABSTRACT,. Radiation damage in crystals was investigated by means of The radiative annihilation of bound-' excitons bound to lattice defects. exciton states gives rise to emission lines which are resonant with the absorption lines. Oi the bound-exciton lines, the most intensive are t the Il line (4888.6 A) and the group of 1. lines (12A: 4867.2 K; 12B: 4869.1 A; 12C: 4870.2 Bound-exciton emission was studied at 77 and 4.2K in CdS crystals bombarded with ions and deuterons. Ion bombardment caused the 12 to appear in the lumineacence spectrum at 77K i of those specimens for which it had not been observed before bombard- ment; it iLntensificid those which had been present before bombardment. At 4.2K a new line with a 4870.1 A wavelength appeared in the luminescence lard 1 / 2 ACC NIL-70-663-642-1- and absoi7ption spectra of ion-bombarded crystala. The stimulate([ line correnponded to the 12C line. To 1)rove that the changes observed in the: luminesconce spectrum resulted from the radiation damage, CdS crystals were bombarded with a flux of 1016/cmz 6-Mev deuterons. Essentially the same changes occurred in the luminescence spectrum as occurred afterl bombardmcint with ions. At 77K a line appeared in the luminescence spec-1 tr*um with its center near 4886 A. As compared to the line obtained by ion bombardment, it was considerably broader and did not exhibit an apparent dependence on light polarization, All the radiation induced changes were'stable at room temperature, The appearance of an emission line at 4886 A at 77K an well as the emission and absorption line at 4870.1 A corresponding to it at 4.2K can be associated with the in- creased sulphur vacancies in the near-surface layer. They act as donors and produ,ce a change of dark resistance. When such crystals are excited by light, excIton neutral-donor complexes are formed near these vacan- cies, which cause the appearance of a new-spectral line. The energy of the bombarding ions and deuterons is sufficient to displace atoms of both sulphur and cadmium. However, In this case sulphur vacancies are primarily fornod. ',IVA-951- SUB CODEs 20/ SUBM DATEs- 29Aug66/ ORIG REFs 003/ OTH REF: 005 Cwd 2/2 Y Pr um~ "m --.7r, v 0. Tr. i c 0 r v r, V1.1 r,. PL ?I E.", i G.D. A. PERI-JOY V ..oLOP lectr-* c s.L e ro; :~f- t e r- L., tf-.e 1 i g-.h t pc -'ar i za t on lar, e 1 11 C VS Lh 15 ?~r J s .a n 2 -. 2 ' 'C-.1 '.7 n9 I,,*. Tlit 'w:- ta AT 3'-l.;!, ALEYSEEV, V,G.; ".ICKUL'SKIY, M.A. ~, FER.MQ;Q.ROV, V.I.~ _, , tudy of bicpalyiners by u!~irig a raw photoelectric spectropolarlmter of S L high sensitivity. Biofizll:a 10 no.2047-349 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut atomnoy energlA, Imeni .?:urchatova AN SSSR. PERHOGOPOV, V.I.; LAZURKIN, Yu.S.; SHMURAM, S.Z. Siiidy-6f-the complexes of nucleic acids with acridine orange by the optical activity dispersion method. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no.6: 1440-1443 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.P. Aleksandrovym. 20729 s/o5l/61/010/004/007/007 3 'goo (10-v~116 4" E032/E314 AUTHORS Kizel- , V.A. and Pern~o&_9_r9v-,--V-l- TITUEs Photo-electric Spectropolarimeter PFRIODICALt Optika i spektroskopiyai, 1961, Vol. 10, No. 4, Pv, 541 - 544 TEXT;i The instrument described in the present paper was designed to measure the magnitude and dispersion of natui,al optical activity and magnetic rotation although it can tie used for other polarisation measurements, A block diagram of the apparatus is shown in the figure. The light sources are a strip lamp or the E,,` -J (DKSSh) krypton lamp (depending on the spectral region under investigation). The apparatus incorporates the (UM-2) monochromator and the polariser and analyser are in the form of 111an prisms (15 x 15 mm). The beam is carefully collimated by slits. the beam diameter being 8 min, The image of the exit slit is projected onto the cathode of a photomultiplier. Light leaving the polariser is modulated by a Faraday cell working at a frequency of 485 C.P.s.. If the specimen under Card 1/7 20729 S/051/61/010/004/OU7/007 Photo-electric E032/E314 investigati(.ii does not rotate the plane of polarisation, X then ligh. transmitted through the crossed analyser- V polariser system is modulated at & frequency of 2*~ In the presence of rotation an off-balance signal having a frequency '\) is present. The latter is detected by a system consisting of a photomultiplier 0~_1-2_-A (FEU_29))~ a narrow-band amplifier tuned to the frequency j (band- width 15 c.p.s.), a synchronous detector and an output micro- ammeter, In this way, photomult:Lplier and amplifier noise can be considerably reduced. Interference is prevented by screening the -electrical circuit.-) tind the photomultiplier by iron and co-per screens. The above frequency 1.9 also P convenient from the point of view of reducing mains inter- ference, The measuring procedure consists of reducing the reading on the output micro-ammeter to a minimum by rotating the polariser (the angle of the polariser can be read to within 0,0010). The analyser remains fixed in order to avoid changes in the sensitivity of the photocathode. The amplitude of the oscillations in the plane of polarisation introduced Card 2/7 20729 5/051/61/olo/ou4/007/007 Photo-electric IF032/E314 by the Faraday cell is determined as follows. With the polariser and analyser in the crossed position the transmitted light intensity is given by = I + I sin a m s 0 where a is tic angle of' rotation of the modulator, 10is tne intensity of light incident on the analyser and Isis the intensity of light scattered in the analyser and the preceding component. The s--.attered xnterisity is then as5umed to be given by I al + b1 and honce the off-balance signal per unit angle of rctation is given by ,.~ Im 10 S - = sin 2a b Card 3/7 207 2 9 S/051/61/010/004/007/007 Photo-electric E032/E314 Experiments showed that the main source of noise in the detecting apparatus is the photomultiplier, It may therefore be as~sumed that. 2 S. cl n m The S.Lgllal-to-rtoise ratio is therefore characterised by the quaiit.tty S sin 2ct 1 - b A z -- = -- 2 2 S (a + sin (X) I c From this0expression it is found that 71gn= 0601, amax 3 , while when A = 0.1 amax 1,- 15 and A0.01 2A0.1 . It follows that the scattereci light must be reduced as far as possible. This design can therefore be use!d to choose the optimum conditions for each case by the current in the cell. From this point of view it Card 4/7 20729 S/051/61/010/004/007/007 Photo-electric .... E032/E314 is superior to that described by Gillham (Ref. 3). The cell was in the forin of a thin-walled tube filled with a -bromo -rq)hthal (vie having a large Verdet constant, It is exceedingly important for the windows of the container to be non-birefringent. The accuracy is + 0.003 deg. This accuracy can be? maintained for specime'~ densities up to o.8. Acknowledgments to G.I. Gorchakoir and V.I. Letokhov, who took part in the development of the dovice4 Yu.V, Denisov is thanked for directing the design of the oscillator. There are I figure and 5 non-Soviet references. suBmi,rTEDi October 31, 1960 Card 5/7 20729 S/051/61/010/004/007/007 Photo-el-ectric E032/E314 Figures 131,~ck I niodulatori Block 2 - recording apparatus; Block 3 - 3upplies for the recording apparatus; Block 4 - Faraday coili Block 5 - light source. PH ~1,~ I strip and Krypton lamps, respectively; PI - monochromator; -n I and )2 - lensesi 1-1, A - polariser and analyseri 0 - specimen-, (J)" - phc.tomultiplier, 1 - pre-amplifLile-r; 2 - riarrow-band amplifieri 3 - synchronous detector,, 4 - vacuum-tube micro-ammeter; 5. 6, 7, 8 - supplies, 9 power ampliLfier of the modulatori 10 - pre-amplifier; 11 master oscillator, 12 - supplies; 13 - phase-Bhifter; 14 supplies for the lamps U I rough zero indicator; U 2 - fine zero indicator, U 3 magnet current, U. - modulation amplitude, Card 6/7 I-lioto-clectric .... 20729 S/051/61/olo/004/007/007 ----'032/E314 Figur e p 7~% -------------- 6A,,2 uj 6Aox2 U, L~-: U, 03y, ,3y m 17 ----------- A J7., 7ei 1H, 9 f0 f0 Card 7/7 BioK-cxoma npn6opa. PERIVGOROV, V.I,.; LAL-URKIN, Yu.S. Mechanism of actinomycin - DIIA, complex. BlofizlkfL 10 no.1:17-25 165. (14IRA 18:5) 1. Institut atomnoy energii K-.irchatova, Moskva. V&N KAN 5 7, S/0190/65/007/002/0361-1/0365 r kR )o 66 AICES. N: AP5, r07 b V ahk-Y D Serdyuk ., r. iim~ MASkiy, 11 L.: A*;. 9j,. mw~ T -a- Bats Cury ha''Or ix-coil:1transition from t.he meltin 8s of Lh ving ikwitionW~, imteichain linkages- "I. a . SDURO V -a-okomo 6' rr'YY 49yodineni)L, 3- v.,,7, no 2j -1 -%365 965;, 362 k~ A .1410 !AGSt de-so: ~~P!6rnucleio:.~ a id~ bilding on p.dye,,~nucleotide K- ergy ABWRA ' T v_ There -6 e as yet no, ,reliable 1 data on the binding energy of the *tax7 6haiw i= the- do4ble bel!~,,- of DNA. - This, is . due chiefly - to the L edqper~ nt-al diffl -ulty of dirikt micro4=1orimetrio deternination. The authurs work gut- a methoa of determl~,ing thel, ng energy by introducing into DNA a so maber.of ~~odal interciAecular 4~ covalent supplementary bonds (or clips) betvii~ t1a oompleontary. chaiiis. Whenda dye_(acUnc,qjcin,or acridine, orange) acts ___t~ 6 Aeltilik curve -of DIM. change# characteristicallys The melting point, arA ~--l-the- ~tug-ba*eAture_ rango ;Lacreasei', If -all dye molecules introduced into the _':1.eo1ut on axe bound[ to DNA so V'Ut each iaip-is formed by one dye molecule., the clip t conce Lrat ion is -dett nod by'the formila c n 2D/P., where D- is the molar ccn!~en- KIZI;L I p V. A. ; ZI;N+ GOROV 9- V. 1. Photoelect-ic spectropola,,imeLer. Opt. i spektr. 10 no-4:54-1-544 Ap 161. (MM;- 14: 3) (Pola.riscope) USSR/Cbemistry - Catalysts 1 Jun 52 "The Effect of Pressure on the Solubility of Molec- ulax Hydrogen In the Beta-Phase of the System Palladium - Hydrogen," P. S. Perminov, A. A. Orlov, AcaA A. N. Frum),An "DOk Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 84, No 4, pp 749-752 It V&S found that the soly of hydrogen in palb%dium in the region of the beta-phase can be represented by a logarithmic' function at lea t up to 0.9-2 g-atm hff li/g-atm Pd. Measurements were =de at 1001 50, 0, -32, and -78. At -780, pressure has the lowest 232T12 effect on soly. The resLLIts are in good agreemnt vith electrochem data. 232T12 ft E,-.,ur,c,rj : USSR T t wz D ry : Human and Animal Physiology, Reproduction ir. Ref Zhur Biol., No. 2, 19,59, No. 8361 Xostyurina,P.; Drozdova Z. Permskaya V. , Tit- kova V. Chaykovskaya A. Leningr;d Medical Institute An Evaluation of the Functional Properties of the Pregnant Uterus Prior to the Onset of Labor. Sb. nauchn. tr. Kafedry akusherstva i ginekol. 1-1 Leningr. Med. in-t, 1957, 1, 34--41 t no abstract YkKOVLEV, I.I.; ClUYKOVSKAYA, A.L.; ~ERIISKAYA, V.A.; TITKOVA, V.S.; DRMIOVI , Z. A - Characteristics of vascular reactions and contractions of the uterus ir, pregnant women prior to labor as a result of the use of c-affeine and bromine; according to data of clinical and physiologicai emwninations. Sbor.nauch.trud.Kaf.akush. i gin. I U11 no.2:174-181161. (MIRA 16:7) (UTE1-1US,PREG1'A1,T) (CAYFEUT-PINSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (BRC141]&'--PM'SIOLOG1CAL EFFECT) EEKSKAYA, V.A. Comparative evaluation of various techniques for administering proverine in weak Labor contractions. Akush. I gin. no.5.,23-29 6-0 155. (MIRA 9:1) 1. Is 'kafedry akusheretva i ginakologii(zav.-prof. I.I. Yakovlev) i kurva tokeikologii (nskuchny;r rukavoditell -prof. X.Ta Mikhallson) I Leni,agradskogo meditsinvkOgD institute, Imeni akad. I.P. Pavlova. (NIMIGHTHR, off . acceleration of labor) (IABCO!, acceleration with aeostigmins) Vt, All. CL Cnn Tocht Sci -- (diss) "Use of Combined -tu il-AlViffor the Purpose of Incraasin9AS1UdE:e '461&ft~~v Cav"'ty Filto r, P- of SWerftaspeol ~&w#at- Filters." Lon, 195'-', 16 pp. (I~anistry of lUghor Education ~SSP. Lon Crdor of Lab6jr Rod 1~anner Eng Const Inst). 100 copies. !IM, 10-58, 120). - 28 - HRMSKA~'A MELFMkll, DOROGA. Alfavitno-predmetnyl ukazatei orikazov, ts'irkuilarov, rasporiazhenii instrucktsii, polozhenit t pravil S 1920 po 1-e ianvaria 1929 goda, sokhraniatu.4hehikh silu na 1. tanv. 1929 g. fCAjlphabetical subject index of orders, circulars. decrees. instructions, and regulations-/. 3. izd. Sverdlovsk, 1929. 372 p. DLC: T79-X75 1946 SO: Soviet Trans-oortation and Cammmications. A Bibliog_ra2hZ. Library of Congress, trence Depar~m-ent, Z-9h ngton, 195127. UJI:,,,ified. PSAM19, N,, ensionerka --E- Practical help is the main thing. Sov. profsoiuzy 18 no.21:20-21 N 162. (MIU 15.-I1) 1. lieshtataviyy instructor oblastnogo komiteta professionallnogo soyussa rabochikh mestnoy promyshlennosti i kommunallnogo khozi.raystva, g. Leningrad. (Trade unions-Officerall creLtiv thij j, fa r, ~~r;c *,v,; In 'k 7" J~ 0j, TI'l '41", f- rErd.17,11F, E. As Kem byt' fWhat to he7. Moskva, Trudrezenrizdat, 1953. 367 p. SO: Mlomthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 1954. MXTAK, Yaugent. 'About mothers' idols and patont leather shoes. Rab-i stal. 32 no-7:22-23 JI 156. (xlu 9: 8) (Children-Namagement) FIEWYAH, Yevg. The co=mniBt as,-rision. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no.24:4-5 1) '61. 14:12, ,c),laminism) (Social conditions) PEM'Yky, Ye. Is a h-~-ate-d garage nec-anc for an automoti2e'l llvtDrjot 1, -- F *: : "I, '61. (1,~!R.A 1~-: , (Garares) p -.,*; r ry k F, , y-_,; - , r, 1, . . . , - - J. 11 . - . . 20,7r5. ~,,. " - - , , - --y , 9 - - . .1 J,% - '! ., ~, .7.. -;1 . .[-, ~ J. ~ - . I,-- tkovk*Ly. 'na.-.iyf~ - - 11 ~ ~ t ', 14. ~ , * :,: - . I - . " - -) . - , - : , - - -7: y - , , , , C, --; k ~, - , , - - T ?~, 1. )4. 1 . -j L) : -- - I - - ~ .1 ., ., ..% Exc., Vr- FFIRI-Ilylly? Y-i;~Anly Andr,~yevlcfi. A word a bo-it the mounllv. in ~ l.; ~- -.d! t ' . Miolodi,i.,; 7vnr,4i~,ti, 1`4~,-- " c, - - ~,-~-278F~) IID95,~5.R921B% PERMKORO G. USSR on Railway lines under construction SOURCE: Nj Kazakhatanskaya Pravda 16 Nov 1947, Alma Ata Abstracted In USAF "Treasure Island".. on Me In Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 38011. PERMYAKGA, G. USSR ON: RaLLway lines tu-Aer construction SOURGE.- N-. Kazaktaitanskaya Pravda, 16 Ncv 47 Ala Ata. Abstracted ii USAF "Treasure Island". on file in Library of Coagress, Air Information Divisiort, Report No. 38011 rmzkwLwmw. WOR" Box-container for glass. Rate. i izebr.predl. v strei. s#.123: 28-29 155.01ams--Trunspertatlen) (MLTIA 9: 7) ACC NR:- SoURCE CODE: UR/0240/66/000/011/0078/0081 AUTHOR: Ba;hmalkova, T. A. Sukal'skaya, S. '!a. ; Nikiforova, 0. A. ; Per-:-../akov, A. A. 'ORO: fione TITLE: Radiati VY&i(!nic evaluation of ground in which radioactive wastes are buried .SOURCE: Gigiyqpali sanitariya, no. 11, 1966, 76-81 iTOPIC TAGS: radioactive waste disposal, radioactive waste disposal equipment radio- liactivity measurement f i !ABSTRACT: The area observed, in use since 1362 has a ccmplex of installations , includ- ling depositories fl..,or fluid and solid waste products. a place for decontaminating ma- ~chines, and pontainers, etc. The study tested air pollution and variations in the lradioactiv~ V., rate in operations connected with the transport and disposal of the waste products."' Two' mai'n sources of pollution were the ventilation systems in the buildings and the sewage where it reached open reservoirs. Sr9O, cs137, Ce144, and Ra226 Were used as indicators. For control of: the radioactivity level determined by aerial fall- 50 ,out activity of the deposits and the settled dust, density fallout rate of Sr and ICSN7, aerc-sol air activity on the studied territory, adjacent grouni, including plants, were measured. Samples were selected at various times of year. The control 'point was 11 km from the object. A total of 107 deposit and dust samples and 48 plant C~brd 1/2 UDC: 614.73:621.)39.7 PF"Myli TV , 1". ~~ . Char&,-- t-:? I ~,; * ~ r q !, I ,~ I :,;. , ~ " I 'I; - recent cort ~ ~( i i i -2 ~ - - ~ , , ,3 a c; r e -j r-, ~, ~ - : I 1~ . I ~ : in the ~enisie-,- : a,,. -1 1 - r . ", -1 - . , . I~ ; ~, I . I. . . .1 . SS3P '', ', ., LORUS)HIN, Tu.A.; FZWAKOV. A.I.; TROYINOV. Tu.N. Ta2 Interglaciation in Western 3Iberia. Izv. AN SSSR. Ber. geol. 25 no-7:82-88 JI 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Geologicheakly institut AN SSSR, Hoak-va. (Siberia, Western-Glaciological research) PERMYAKOV, A.P., inzh. llwovcwr tV!q quality of raw materials used in the nanufactire of Wnenite refractnries. Ogneupory 19 no.4:232-1235 '54. (141RA 11:9) 1. Rudniic zavoda "Magnezlt." (14agn Oti i t a) FEWAKOV A.P. gornyy inzh. ...... I Now developments in cutting a:cess ramp and working trenches in rock. Gor.zhur. no.10:22-23 0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Satkinskiye rudniki zavoda *Magnezit'. (Barthwork) (Strip mining) PEPM*AKOV, A.P Developing and perfecting mining operations in. "MagnezitO plant mines. Ogneupory 27 no.8072-376 162. 0~ 15:9) 1. Zavod "Magnezit". (MRgnesi-,n) (Strip mining) SiMGF-YEVA, N.D., inzh.,- i'FIVYAF')V., B."., inzh.,- KLYj~',fT'1, xwid. ;7 1 - .,-'X 9 tekJm. nauk; . -1 . , ' ' I'kt d . te k h- . r; Contamination factor and u3e of the conve,-tiv.:~ w.-cil, tni? su7fac,-.q of boilers with led Sh04 cleaning, operat4ng on I mazut. Tuploenergetlka 13 ~263 # "'. 1~~ -. , ;') 1. Vaeso,rumyy topl~tokhriichoskly inotl.Wt.. KLYACHIMp B.Lt kand. tekhn. nELuk; SIMGErEVA, N.D., inzh.; PITMAKOV, B.A., inah.; IVA.NGV, B.V., inzh. Corrosion of low-texq*rature heating surfaces of boilers operating on mazut with high stMIur content. Teploenergetika 10 no.8:33-38 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Vseno3ntznyy teplotoldmiche3kiy institut. (Boilers-Corrosion) ;'LlJ44YA(I% , B.A., im;?I.; ~'~ :.. ~. -' .I .. ~ . ~'.Uuy "f :.(:Ell, * '-f '~~ !',:- : , ita, - '~ ~ I. V~ f -, " I . :-':k 11, I . - . :~." 1 '1" . . .:" '. "I's VORON:24, I.V.; PERMYAKOV, B.G. ReBlaltS of dralning the Sibayistrip mine. Gor,, zhur. no.5:19-22 My 164. (MM 17t6l 1. Bashkirskiy medrio-seryiyy kcmbiriat, g. Slbay (for Voronin",. 2. Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskly institut (for Permyakov). BADLANOV, Vyacheslay AJAmyevich; MUMLOV, S. I. p kand. tekbn: n*kv retsenzent; FERKYAKOV, E.Ye., inzh., red.; DUGINA, N.A. tekhn. red. (Welding of cast iron] Svarka chuguna. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekbno izd-vo mohinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. -143 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Cast iron-'Welding) PMDIYJXOV, G. To the young travalera. On. nat. no.7:26-27 JI 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Arsentev, Vladijair Klavdievich, 1872-1930) PAW:YAKQV. Ill v G E!Yevic)i; ULOYANOV. AndrOY Vladimirovich Cdecessed]; German Avgustovich: BMXMAN, Yu.X.. vedushchiv red.; THL)FI14CA', A.V.. [Fundamentals of oil and gas goology] Osnovy geologii nefti i gas&. Moskva. Goo nouchno-t ekhn. izd-iro neft. t gorno-toplirnoi lit-ry. 195?. 292 p. (MIRA 11:2) (Petroleum geolot7) (3a9, liatural-Gaology) 0011 00% see 0*0 Oeb ties oft oft 0 Oft 00" so- ow 0 41s- 1111F so *:is* 0 41s0 0 so 00* oo* a Al 0, 0 0 ft I I a C I 4-m 04 1.2111,101 "a kww 61" =421s W&A a I off Mau" and 11,41 re"k.71fulf-Ity 11~~ 1 00 41".1slos"r ovisd at 14*1* tis It"A'C' in a l"Jusci 9C too I'locts, v(sojimclim I" vulwim so MWIC. I. 4~' &0 sPwwwlw ulthaux-4 23 Intormillm! beftliap oil Swc arwl 41oftl0kins In **INV, Tow h&"'k-II7 4 Aml laic 10 *0 low" brt*vrn 1A atul Iff .~' 1101or"ght at"Imtko 00 44 (4W tak is 101111 kg, 94 Con. 1 0 gird fair Jo It"11 ks /m4 con Tak ilm'wicl, In wtvkinx furnar" saw too xm% 90 a x it a a 000000#000000 200 y 00 00 11100 00 I too LA.-Wm 0 0 0 :'Is I boos 0000 *1* a 0 411 - - 90 : 0 11 w 61 111 0 16 m a 0 a a' Q 41 a .1 Eq Ff 041. Al The neis cil depWts in the Ural Mwistailix area. - M Ruikov mid It V Ptitlivak,w NO S. NO. 15' 00 w)iru dril)- li 11914) A cmdr.Al d1wowurrd nrar hm ;. (III w6irl had lilt fMu'kItI* propt-gUo 0 0AW, Initial 1) 1) 119', twivmn 11W and IM' dikills; t-~ 150' and 4f; dmit, i1w ml I. low Ili k%l%,, malk A A 11-hibiwi, -0 a 00 40 00 00 JO 0 040 SO* ul~ c0 0 001 ce 0 go. a . 4%6 so :11i I POO 6 90 a;, -:* 0 00 :1': LIO 0 450 it A M4TAIkVrQ1EAt LITOR&II.Of f4.&I%1FKATfA* t:q 0 : fm 0 63 a ~ T 04 Ana a a 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 q 0 Is o 0 04) 00-00 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 609 fe 0 111` 0 0 0 000 0 0 000000 0 Is 0 0 0. 0. L L _L_J F Q I T Y_ L_ LI IS Cc IL Ar 00 00 At.- li--it _A_1_ I -00 00 the blood 115 healthy Indlyiduall AM4 in acute And thronic 00 hePfitifil- Ifird - V .4 % 11 , 00 24. Nu. 4 5, M 8(ltl4o) - NiClWlillil' AVD) WWrIS bj,x~j 4UKAT in healthy subiects. 13 patirlits will, jm~ujr "rj, chYmzlMi% tu-potitis. nk~Ainii ~W t in),,ted inijawn,,ly 00 a at I 'A,-mx level or given P.7 03 in a I(Mmg lev,I IM111 the bl,"Od sugzf and 1110od dsasta%e. In atruithic 0: r~ f liver utiflio%irt, nicolistic avid in the atx)vr do%aRr dne, not IcimvT 1.1i"I sugar bill kiweirs the Idi"I din'taw of 06 09 J 00 00 00 '00 -00 -00 goo z0 0 0 coo roe qs, 0 see %0 o pa r too .00 a I a L A .91Ai,L%iCUP:AL L-TtAltLifif CLAWFKATiON ~ip. - __ - ----T-- -- t.. il , .-- -9 - Y U ig 19 10 A rl lp to Ill fx it q 2 If 111 It It 0140 09 *0 0 00*0 *0: :: :::Z0 Goo* a a9l 6 SIGIS, Do*** el 0-i0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0-0 *-*-* 0 ~00.44, 4) 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 a a fib 10 " a a v a v 0 A "AL VAL -A-.A--j4A.4 o*A'- ~-Oo 00, toed C1 nkaunk add an thl addity end diewwo Ci of dwastive jr0ko. F. X. Pernayakov. Man. Mel "MW3) Nkotinic add (1) No. 9. AD has a pnwwunced ciect on the laFtr*ic jukv and has pos- bie cardicimal Use an 6ftttw CutwTh and in POrk- in- -00 I sbo" a 2-phaw art Ion, testinal, and dwAcnkl ukm. fifst'lumvering and then raising the witfity and ofigestivr capacity of the gastric jukv. Treatment with I ovrr a pemid of 10-15 days his tht tBect of nortnalising the stonwh function. S (Amlieb 00 woo Oo IW Coo 00,3 age too "go Woo see Woo too no* 11. A 81TALLUMSC&L UTCRATUNI CLAUSPICATON *Dalai am Qv 151 0 0 0 U a a go A$ v 0 We same Run UNKIIIII 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 4) 0 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 0 0 led: 00 1 00 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a () 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 000000 0 0 so PXFX.fAKOV, G. Grams wool. Vokrug ovete no.3.1:16 N '55. (HLRA 9:1) (Badges) PXFd(MM, G. % ftwft"~. V~ - Chinese magnoliarins. Vok3-ug eveta no-1:7 Ja'55- (KLRL 8:2) ~Botany, Medical) M)ITAKOV, G.I.. inzh. Electrolytic DoliBhdng Of StSlnlesD steel. msh.. Jl-Ar, '59. ( ul-U, 121:1.2 ) (Steel, Stainless) (Electrolytic polishing) P M-4YAKOV, '. M. "Tne _uestion of the Etioiow_y of Sc-Called Toxicaseptic Diseases of the tiewborn," Zhurnal KUrrobialogii, Epideaiologi:L i li-mmobiologii, No -1, 1-53. Molotov Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology PBRM'AKOV. G.R.; GORISYEV. A.I.. sleear-1. Using the S-251 mortar pump for vhitevc-,.91- 'ing. t i2o'Z. v strot. no.5:18-20 no-5:18-20 '58. (MIRA 11:6) 1.01&vnyy makhanik etroitallnogo uchastica Zhilstroy trosta Kuznetsktyazhstroy (for Permyckov) 2.Stroltellncry uchastok Zhiletroy treste Euznetsktyazhatroy (for Gorderev). (Painting, Industrial-Equipment and supplies) (Axoping machinory) PERWAKOV. 1. "Development of oil- and water-bearing beds with nonsteady stiite flow" by 'V.M.Shchelkachev. Neft. khoz. 39 no.2s7l-72 F 161. (MIRA 17.2) , I , 1 1, L ~' ,. J, . , ~ I PERHYAKOV. I.A., Inzhoner. Optimum electric reEime for arc steel smelting furnaces. Prom.enarg. 12 no.9:17-20 S "7. (MIRA 10:10) 1.Uralene:rgochermet. (Electric furnaces) o "s CA ;7 r -i Subject USSRAlining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 5/24 Author Permyakoxr, Title Control of boundaries areas of a strata. AID P - 2092 1. 0. the flooding process Of a Pool outside its in the oil recovery of large petroliferous terraoe type under conditions of uneven oil Periodical: Neft. khoz., v-33, no,.4, 20-28, Ap 1955 Abstract The author analyses different possibilities in oil recovery of large terrace deposits with uneven petroli- ferous strata and non-uniform permeability. He considers the processes of flooding, starting with the wells inside the pool boundaries, and advocates the flooding Of SMallEtr areas at the same time. The! most efficient way of flooding as dependent on the permeability of adjoining strata is outlined. Diagrams table. Institution: None Submitted : No date