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PERLOV, P.M.. Use of the autoclave soda process for the treatment of tuny5ten- molybdenum products. Obog. rud 5 no-5-314-37 160. (YIRA 14:8) (Nonferrous metals) (Hydrometallurgy) FERLOV, k'.M.; PoPuLkylk, V.m. Intoraction of iron and nanganese tungstates vith sc4lum solutions in conditions of the autociave process. Obog. rud A no.5:15-19 159. (MIRA 14:8) q"states) (HydrometAUurgy) ZASHIKHIN, N.V.; FEELLOV P IL_ , Use of hydrometallurgy in the dressing of Tandan' oxidized sulfide ores. Obog.rud 5 no .2:2&-31 160* (KERA 14:8) (dhina-Taili s (WtalIurgy)) (Leaching) PERLOYP P.H.; KATSITEEELIS011, E.M. Fhaae analysis of titanh= ores. Cbo-,. -;-Ld 4 rc.6:!1-13 '5~-. U L (VIRA 14: 8) (Titanium ores--linalysis) 2,i%.~* , i.11, N.11. ~ PERWV P 14 Combined flotation-hydronetal2urgy flo,,;Bheet for from mixed oxide-sulfide ores. Trudy Pekhanobr (Copper ores) (Flotation) (Eydrometallurgy) copper recovery no.12505-56 160, (MIRA 14-.5) M,--'-.SL1]NIT1SKIY, I.N. ond PERLOV P.P. "Development. of the Autoc lave -c(x1a Proce~:L, for the Treatment of Tungsten Concentrates." report to be presentd at the Intl. Mineral Processing Congress, London, Englan6, I)-g-Apr-60. All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Mechanical Processing of Minerals, Leningrad. PERLOV, S.A. Production of reed cellulose and paper from-, it. au=. i der. ~:-=. no.2:54 AP-Je 164. (MITtA 17:9) -PBMV, S.A.; GRISHAMV, A.F. , inzh. Testir4v,- cane harvesting machiues. lkim. pron. 33 no.9:22 S '51E. (MIRA 11:10) I.Glav?iyy lnzhener stroyashchegosya Khersonskogo tsellyuloznogo zavoda (for Perlov). 2.Ukrainskly ttauchno-tssledovQtel'ekiy institut teell,vilonoy i bumzhnoy promyehlerinosti (for Gr'lf~)iunkov)- (Harvesting mchincry-Te-tuing) KANOVICII, E.;,., inzh.;__EFF_L4)V, Ye.V., inzh. Equipment for producing and transporting bituminous mastics. Stroi.. i dor. mzsh. 9 no-4:27-29 Ap 164. (MIPA A: 1) 3/bslj63/000/004/026/051 simultsn "us P~i~duct ion of B149/BI86 ' ies,are iihitanel ed to th s Dat~~:supplieds flow ep~ara*br -Usp,002 6itibn of jises ~pa rat pc 01~ t tained i low-ratelcoeffioients Ono= c- adves t;OfItb*- methods, 4men LAU :straoterP a note: Complete - d ion ? 2, kSHASTBI, R., kand.tekhn.ilauk; KRACIIATRYAN,, T., inzh.; VDOIJEETS, A., inzh.; PERIX,.-Ye., inzh.; EYRING, E., inzh. Usii~:, the method of thermal pyrolirsis of casinghead gasoline for D the 3imultaneous prAuction of acotylene and ethylene. Prom.Arm. 5 no.4:50-52 Ap 162. (RIRA 15:5) 1. ArmNUKRIMPROTEK7. (Armenia-Vatural gas) (Acotylene) (Ethylene) SHUNAYLIV, B.-K.; PMWV I Ye.F.; SAVELIYEEVA, 1.14. Rounding method for broaching gea:- wheels. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.129:53-66 163 (MIRA 17:8) 'PERLOVS Ye.l.; O(ANESYAM, A.S. Determining the production costs at the various levels of autovation in the chemical industries. Xhim. prom. no.2t 117-122 F 064. (MIRA 17:9) GMELOVAP Ye.; DEICSHKO,, L.; ZOLOITYMINA, G.; PERLOVAp E. ~Iethodology for developing norms for the m=ber of workers in metallurgical plants. Biul.nauch.iaform.: trud i zar.plata 5 no.8t29-3.4 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Steel IMustry) rmwvtl , R. V. Ferlava, N. D. - "Yzterial for the zc-ogeoEraphy cf tl-.e c-,Iced faumn of Gor'k-,v Cbl,--st," Uche- . zqrigki Gorlk. gos. un-ts, ls,;Ue 14, p. FI-02, - 15 ite-s. SO: U-4631, V) Sept. 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal 'nyl& Statey, No. 24, Y49). PMUVA, N. D. Perlova, N. D. - "The specific gmvity of the cycads in entomcfauna, nnd their agriculturpl aigzAficance", 11chen. zppiskl Gorlk. gos. un-ta, Issue 14, 1049, r. 03- 105, - Bibliog: 21 iterns. SO: Ur4631, 16 Sept. 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 24, 1940). PEELOVIL, R. L. Xbr., All-Union Inst. Plant Ind., Leningrad, -1939-.40. 14br., Pamir Botanical Gardens, Tadzhik Afft 1., Acac. Sci., -1945-. sProduction of an Autohexaploid Solent," Vallis Mei3:ci Juz. by Means of Its Cultivation at the Pamir,* Dok. AN. 25, No. 5, 1939; "Production of Tetraploid Plants in Triploid Potato Species, Group Andigen&, jF Cultivating In the Painirs," ibid., 27, No. 1, 1940; "Seedling Progeny of Diploid Species of Potato," Ibid., 29, No. 4, 1940; "Production of the Original Specim of the Chile Autotriplold S'Nlanuz Maglia Schle.,htd. at Pamir," ibid., 48, No. 1, 194.5. L. ITTU3i, Potatoes -1 varieties Expe rinental culti-Vation of sever-a- Of Potatoes in the Main Botanicz:l Garden. Biul. Glav. bot. sada, rjo. 1() V 1951. Month],-, .y~ Li-31 of Russian Accessions, Library of CongrOss, December 1952. Unclassified 73MVA, R. 1. I-- '' Display on the evolution of the potato In the Knin Botanical Garden. Biul. no.14:50-53 152. (KLRA 6:5) 1. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad Akadenii Nauk SSSR. (Potatoes) PMWVA, R. L. Development of species forms of wild iind cultivated potutoes In Western Pamirs. 1xv. AN SSSR Ser.biol. no.4:'75-86 JI-Ag 15). (91-RL 6:7) 1. Glavnvy botanicheakiy sad Akademii nauk S=R (Pamir a --]Potatoes ) (Ntatoee-ftmirs ) PARLOTA R.L. An exhibition ol,I the evolution of tomatoes and cabbages. Blul.Glav. bot.sada no.16:9-13 153. (XLRA 7:4) 1. Glavnyy botanichoOdy @ad Akadezii nauk SSSR, (TomatosB--JIxhIbItiou9) (Cabbass-lahlbitions) 0- Vo,, 4tafth =tint to ~e ZANY' laim" Xkim. loss, Lenir, Tegicin he tent bilber tuber tb4a jo the Khorog re, nk. Leylue PMWVA, R. L. - Demonstration at the Maim Botanical Garden of Hichurin mdtl~ods for creati*-new vegetable varieties. no.23:37-41 155. (MLRA 9:7) 1.Glavayy bot.-Luichaskiy sad Akademii nauk SSSR. (Hoscov-Plant breeding-Fuhlbitions) PERIM, R.L. SpDntaneous polyploids in the tuberLferous species of the genus Solanum L Trudy MOIP. Otd.biol. 5:191-199 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Glavnyy bDtanicheakiy sad AR SSSR.. 14oskva. (POTATOES) (POLYPLOIDY) PRILOVIk. R.L.; NOVIKOV, V.K. Heterosis in the cabbage plant. Biu:, z2o.37:107-lD9 l6o. (MMk 13:11) 1. Glavnyy botanicheakly sad Akariem'.i nauk SSSR. (Cabbage breeding) (Heterosi.a) FZRILIVA. R. L. . I " wlA.,-Rvml*vs (1885-1957); obitmryo Biul. Glav. bet. eada n0-31:130--132 '58. (KIRA 12: 5) (Rozanova Marila Alek-sandrevria, 1885-1957) PERIDVAI Rakhill I'vovna Po,redeniye dikikh i kullturmykh vidov kartofelya v ramykh geografi- chesidA rayonakh Sovetakogo Soyuza L%e behavior of wild and cultivated species of potatoett in various geographical rayons of the Soviet Union-7 Moskva,, Imd-vo Akademli Naul SSSR, 1958. 237 P. Illus.,, Diagre., Tables. At head of title: Moscow. Glavnyy Botanicheskiy Sad, Pushkinskoye. OLiteiraturaO: P. 223-235 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Potatoes, Vegiatables, Melons. im Abs Jaur: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 77696. Author :-kerlova Inst : Main Botanical Garden, AS USSR. Title : bqxtrimnt in Crossbreeding of Sweet Pepper of the Variety Ribinovyy Koroll No 28U. Orig Pub: Dyu~L. G1. botan. sada. AN EISSR, 1957, vYP- 28, 110-112. ,^0 ,bstmct: Spr:yuts of sweet bush red pepper of the varl.ety Rmbinovyy korol' Nc 2311 oT the selection of the firm E. Denarc (Gernr-ny) im 1954 and 1955 wore crossbred in soil boxes in green-houses. A*: the end of April, the boxes were transferred iuto serd- (lark hotbeds where thu plants were subjectel to hardening, were watered aricl fed. At tho bc,~iruiing Card 11r, C. 75 USSR/Cultivated Plantei Potsto~iss VeGetables. Flelons. etc. M. Abs Jour Ref Zhl" Biol-, No 4j~ 195% 15638 Author R.L. Perlova, F.D., Kryzhenovskiy Inst Title Trying Out the Sem1productive Test:LnC: of Sweet Poppers arvu.nd Moscow. ((Wt poluproizvodsvennoGo iapytaniya sladkogo pertsa PEA bbsinroy). Orir, Pub B.IM1. 01- botan, Buda, 1957p No 27,, 108-UO- Abstract M-ie Main Botanical Garden of the AcadaW of Sciences U3SR conducted in 1952 the testing of the sweet pepper collection on open Grourd, The most promising varieties were studied in 1955 field conditions at the Scientific Experimental Garden Site in Snegiryakh. respite the year's unfavorable meteoroloCrical conditions fbr sweet pepper, ripeWnf, wns very even, and the fruit vus distinguished by its fine commercial qualities, Card 1/2 PZRWVA. Itakbill LI-rovna; OGOLEYNTS, G.S., KRTUNAILOV, I.K.. red.tzd-va; M"M, I.F.. [Behavior of wild and cultivated potato varieties in various geograpt~lcal zones of the Soviet Union] Povedenie dikikh i kullturrqkh vidov kartofelia v rm.%nykh geografichookikh raionakh Sovetskogo Soiusa. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. ;137 P. (WRA 12:2) (Potatoes) PERLOVA, R. L. Doc Biol Sci -- (diss) "Characteristics of behavior of various ~Feu f 5 -4ja %;bi"~ '5 k s of potatoes in 46644~ geogrophio areas of the Soviet Union." Len, 1957. 21 pp 20 om. (All-Union Aoad Agr Soi im T, I. Lenin. All-Union Soi Res Inst of Pbant Cultivation), 100 copies (KL, 14-57, 85) -7- PHRIA)VA, B. L. / - ~- , Growing the "Ruby King No.2811" sweet pepper. Blul. Glav. bot. sada no.28:110-112 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Glavnyv botanicheskiy sad Akadimil nauk SSSR. (Moscow-.Pepper) IGNATOR, A.I., red.; SHAYKEVICH, A.S., red.; VOLKOV, Yu.N., red.; ,A.., red.; NIKOLAYEV, N.A., EL I TERKAN, Ye. M. , red. ; FZRWR, S red.; F.101BURG, G.S., red.; BUT11OVSKAYA, Z.M., red.; CHERRIDW)KAU, F.M., red.; YANI(OVSKIY, V.F., red.;MALYGIN, O.P., red..; BOGOMOLOV, I.G., red.; KOZLOV, A.A., red.; SMIRNOV,I.I., inzh,,red.; ROGOV, B.A., red.; :?ETRUKHOVA, G.N., red. izd-va; DEMKINA, N.F., tekhn. red. (Safety mid industrial sanitation regulations for making boilers and metal constructiono]Pravila tekhniki bazopasnosti i proiz- vodstvenwi sanitarii pri proiz,6rodstve kotellnykh rabot i metallo- konstraktaii. Utverzhdeny 29 av,psta 1961 gods. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 28 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Pmfso:yuz rabDchikh mashinostroyaniya SSSR. 2. Glavnyy tekh- nichaskly inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh mashinostroyeniya (for Ignatolt), 3. Starshiye nauchnyye sotrud- niki Leni-ngradskogo instituta okhrany truda Voesoyuznogo teentrall- nop soveta profsoyuzov (for 6haykavich, VolkoF, El I terman, Perlova). d,. Nachallnik otdola Vaesoyuznogo proyaktno-takhnologicheskogo in- gitituta tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya (for Nikolayev). 5. Starshiya nauchnyye sotrudniki Leningradekogo institute gigiyeny truda i profmabolevaniy (for Erenburg, Butkovskaya, Chernilovskaya). (Continued on neit card) . , vrach.. GRDTITLO, M.I., inzh. k. Improvement of vorkirig conditions for the moist met~,od of flat grinding. Gig* I san. 23 no.9t66-69 S'58 (MIRA 11:11) 1. lz Voeooyuznoro nauchno-iosledovatellskogo ln8tituta olMrpny truda vaesoyuzhnogo teentrallnogn Soveta prof. Sayuzov v Leningrade. ( MUSTRIAL HY4rM , in wet grinding (Rua)) IVANOV, Boris Alekseyevich; ODINTSOV, M. M., otv. red. ;.-.HRLO-VICH,-BF. , red.; PECHERSKAYA, T.I., tekhn. red. (Plan of the stratigraphy, facies regionalization, and tectonics of the Sikhote-Alin' Range]Skhema stratigrafii, fatsiallnogo raioniroianiia i tektoniki IUzhnogo Sikhote-Alinia. Irkutsk, Irkutskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 45 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Sikhote-Alin' Range-Geology) TKACHUK, V.G., otv. red.; TOLSTIKHIN, N.I., red.; POPOV, I.V., red.; ZAYTSEV, I.A., red.; YEFIMOV, A.I., red.; PALISHIN, G.B., red.; GRECHISHCHEV, Ye.K., red.; ASTRAKHANTSEV, V.I., red.; PERL OVICH, B.F., red., PECHERSKAYA, T.I., tekhn. red. [Transactions of the Second and the Engineering Geology 19581 Trudy Soveshchaniia po geologii Vostochnoi Sibiri. vo. No.4. 1961. 161 p. Confoarence on Underground Waters of Distern Siberia held in Chita, pod-temnym vodam f inzhenernoi Irkitak, Irkutsko6 knizhnoe izd- (MIRA 16:4) 1. Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam i inzhenemoy geologii Vostochnoy Sibiri. 2d, Chita, 1958. (Siberia, Enstern-Water, Underground) (Siber!La. Eastern-Engineering geology) XONEY, Aleksey Androyanoviel MLOV I V.,; SEPPIM, N.G., red.; PERWVICH,,_B.F.; P01111MA: A:V., (Petrography of alkali ultrabasic and ~Wc rooks in the Sayzba and Vnil-khen plutona (Vitim Plateau)] Petrograftia ahchslochN~b i&IAraosnovnykh I osnovnykh gor-nykh porod Saiahinskogo i Oulkhenskogo plutonov (Vitimskoe ploskogorle,). [Irkuts)q) Irkutskoe Wahnoe izc'6-vo, 1962. 138 P. (Akademiia niuk SSSR. Sibirskoe otdeWe. Vostochno- Sibirskii geologicheskii institut. Trudy, no.11) (MIRA 16-4) (Vitim Platoau-Rocks, Sedimentary) VLAD~IUROV, boriv Mikhaylovich,- BELOV, I.V..,; km- QVIC B.F., , ved.; SHAFIROU, A.S., red.; PECHEISKAYA, T.I.,, [Petrography of Padun and Margadoll trap intrusivea] Petrograflia . Padunskop i MELrgudol.'skogo trappovy" intruzivov. Irkutsk., Irkutskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 150 P. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Vootochm"Sibirskii geologicheskil inaltitut. TrudyO no.10) (MIRA 16:3) (Irkutsk Pr:)vince-R6cks., Igneous) MLOMMO. T.P.;jOARLOTICH. B.F., red.; KAnS', T.D., (Studies of 16stern Siberia from the point of view of engineering geology] Ocherki Po Inshenernot geologii Tostoch- noi Sibiri. Irkutsk. Irkutskoe knithuos lzd-vo, 1960. 86 p. (min 14:4) (Mberis. &stern-Ingineering geology) TIACHU31, Y.G.,; MISHIN, G.B., red.; BELOV, I.V., red.; SHOTSKIT, V.P., red.;-PSIMOVICH, B.F., red.; MISNIKOV. Y.T., tekhnsred.. [Mterials for the young scientists' conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the West Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] Katerialy k konferentaii molodykh nauchnykh sotrudnikov-, k 10-letilu VoBtoohno-Sibirakogo filials JW SSSR. Irkutsk. INo.l. (Geology and geography) Geologiia i geograftia. 1958. 153 P. (MIRA 10:13) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirakiy filial, Irkutsk. (Siberia, Western--Oeology) (Siberia, Western--Geography) SIRDTKINA, A.I., kamd.geograf.nawk; IVANOVA, Z.N., mladshiv nauc~myy sotrudnik; BORISOV, N.D.. Prinizali uchastiye: OTIDMNOVA. U.N., tekh-aik: SKITEYKIN, A.I., takhnik. T~iM WYMAYA.. A.D. red.; IVANOV, G.S., kcand.tekhn.nauk,; ZAM, I.M., [Directions for meteorological and hydrological stations and postal Nastavlenie gidromete orologiche skim stantsiiam I poBtam. Moskva. Gidrometeor.izd-vo. No.10. [Inspection of meteorological and hydrological stations and ponts] Inspektaila gidrometeorolo- gicheskikh staintaii i postov. Pt.5. [Inspection of meteorolo-gical and hydrological ship stationsj Inapektalin sudovvkh gidrometeorolo- g1cheskikb stantaii. 1959. 45 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) GlEivnoye upravlaniye gidrometeorolo- gichaskoy sluzhby. 2. Nouchno-itisledovatel'skiy inatitut aerokli- mitologii (for Sirokina). 3. (k)siidaretvennyy okeanograficheakiy inatitut (for Ivanova). 4. Lon'Lngradakoye otdelentyu Gosudarst- vennogo okeanograficheBkogo institute (for Borisov). 5. Nachallnik Metodichefikogo otdela Gosudarstirennogo okeonogrefichenvogo Institute (for Ivanov). (Meteorology, Kgritime) (Oceanography) LOWLCHEV, D.A... red.; V.112iEV, I.K., red.; ODIIITSOV, red.; POGODIV, Ya.V., red.; TARNOVSKIY, G.17., red.; TUCLISKIY, L.v., red.; PFeLOVICT! --,,.F red LOW, '#I.D., tr-khr.. r--d. [Sumnaries bf-tl~a reports of the Conference on Mineral Re- sources and the Geology of the Siberian Platform] Te zisy dolclu- dov Sove!ihchanlie po geologicheakorm EtroeuUv I miner&1'riyn reaursam SibirsKoi platformy. Irkutsk, Akad. nauk SSSR, Si- birskoe otd-nie. No-4- 1c)60. 138 p. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Soveshchaniye po goologichoskonu stroyeniyu i viinerallrqn resursam Sibirskay platfonny. (Siberian Platfori-n-Goology) (Siberian Pl,:tform-Mino.- and irdneral renourcos) VILEVSKIY, Y~.G.; GLUKHOVSKIY, B-Kh.; YUSHCM, A.A., nauchnyy red.; PERWVSKAYA, A.D., red.; TARKFUN07A,V.I., red.; ZARYF, I.Y., [Wind waves in the ocean; results of research and observational data on wave elements and winds In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean] Vetrovoe volnenie v okeane; rezul'taty issledovanii I materialy nabliudenii nad elementami voln I vetrom v severnoi chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana. Moskva, Gidrometeor.izd-vo (otd-nie), 1961. 102 p. (Moscow. Gosudarstvennyi okeanograficheskii institut. Trudy, no.62). (MIRA 15:1) (Atlantic Ocehn--waves) SOPACH, B.D.; BLI31OV,. L.K.,, red.; PBRWr.=YA A,D.. red.; SADDVSKIY, V.N.. 74W ~L red.; ZM31. I.N.. takhn. erm.., Elleotrio conductivity as a manij of measuring the salinity of sea water] Nicktroprovodnost' kmk mstod opredelentia, solenosti morskikh vod. Plod red. L.K. Blinova. Mos)vra. Gidromteor. led-vo, 1958.- 138 P. (MIRA 110) (Sea water) KEKCHJaBVA. M.Kh.;-PERLOVSKAYA, R.I. (Moak-lia) Work: of subject commissions on mathematics. Mat.v shkole no.4: 55-58 JI-Aj: 160. (MIRA 13:9; (Mathematice-SUdy and teaching) SOV/19-58-6-35/685 AUTHORS: Virnovskiy, A.S.; Belen'kiy, V.N.; Krutikov, B.S.; Borisov, M.D.; Ferlovich, M.I. and Kornev, B.P. TITLE: A Method of Simultaneous Exploitation of Two Gusher Layers With One Well (Sposob odnovremennoy eksplua- tat3ii dvukh fontannykh plastov odnoy skvazhinoy) PERIODICAL: ByuLleten' izobreteniy, 1958, Nr 6, p 12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Class 5a, 41 Nr 113629 (575268/2858 of 6 April 1955). Submitted to the Ministry of Petroleum Industry of USSR. To simplify design and make pos- sible the mechanical cleaning of paraffin from gus';ier pipes, the liquid from both layers is lift- ed by one gusher pipe string, and each layser is Card 1/2 SOV/19-58-6-35/6835 A Method. of S'multaneous Exploitation of Two Gusher Layers With -L One Well. - separately controlled b.-I separate exchangeable depth pipes. Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Blazhe:inova, A.N. , Engineer, Ikhlov, I.A. , 6 7-e - 2 Engineer, Perlovskiy, R.Sh. , Engineer, Yarmak, M.K. , :engineer TITLE: The Automatic Oxygen Cras Anal vzers DPG and MGK (Avtoiratichp.3kiye kislorodnyye gazoanalizator~ DPG and MGK ~, PERIODICAL: Kislorod, 1958, Nr 2, pp. 26-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This raper deals with the chemical, chemical-physical and physical methods of gas analysis whichserve as a basis for the constructioll of apraratus, Preference is given to the chemical-physical method of deyolarization and in the case of automatized plants, to the physical method, in which the paramagnetio properties of o*8en, b,~ which it is distinguished frco all other gases, is utilized, In the section: Magnetic methods of Oxygen analysis the ratio between the intensity of magnetization, volume or specific magnetic suscepti- bility and magnetic permeability is determined and duly expressed in the? formulae. Fur~thermore,, the theories are developed which serv-~ as a basis for the elaboration of methods of gas analysis and on the strength of 'ahich suitable apparatus are built. The followin methods are di.stinguished: 1.) Physi(ml-, 2.) magnetomeohanical-, 3 ther- Card 1/'? momagnetic-, and 4.) magnetoelectrical methods. Preference is g~Jv?n The Automatic Oxygen ' a5 Analyzers WK and DPG 67-58 to the magnetomechanical (Ref 4-9) and to the thennomagnetic ',Re~ 10-17) methods. Among the latest types of Soviet gas analyzerz, the magnetio YGK-3 and the themoinagnetic YGK-2 and YGK-1~ are mentioned. Only the tvm latter are, however, described as being, ).n accordance -~dth the field dealt with by this paper. In the Sectir'n The D polarization Method of Oxygen Analysis the latest qnvitt automatic oyygen depolarization analyzer of the typ, DPG5 descrit)ed- It was constructed on the basis of the principle of the depola-rization of the electrodes polarized by the oxygen (in the course of cathode regeneration) It was designed b-, OKBA MK-hD The apgaratus descrited is already being used in several inu Li, t ria 1 plants in the USSR. There are 5 figures, and 22 references. 9 of which are Soviet. AVAILABU'-,: Librar-y of Congress 1. Oxygen-Analysis-Magnetics 2. Oxygen-Analysis-Polarizati(m Card 2,12 -.Le i n e (. rj Magnetic Gas Analyzers royeniyo, -56, 'Xr 11, pp z, 7 (U-70 Priuorost, -s Of wo n e w t p e -c gas Rna`yzer:~ 61,T T I - - . - -'f ~ -..e f oz- a;,i t -)ma, i, ty ICK ,r for tne ar ii Wa- V .,,jT. poner, WK MGK ,3 works on the pr,, a ~ : ~ p . , !i ga s h a v ~ %,2: c n 3 -cwi.-v trr,)'_4r-n a uiagn,~,t, - f. i n,, r- :esis-.ance as ccin-lar-I with the 'f) r-~~ ~r,;, _r r s~Jstam-;i 121riliLIS tL VTe3sure arz-r ff e T r7r . ?I - ng t heC mn-m net- to an umbalanced bridge circuit. Magnetic Gas Anslyzers tween T r o:' T a j7n~~ 3o t. M a f-Y Of nr)O~.l '--CO ~)c C t in orl~-- 1~ t-irerzitii -,r,,-) s t a t s s ti r-met(- ani -i E ' L. 0 n i c r c, m- rrDduc--O N I t r. J R nn ~4 .- .". 1, ,, h in, a s i, Da MGK f. 7 T, --) alu r,; J.- per! I e-'.. 7),, nie ri 5 t-~m- F, a r m r r T P,- C RAD - P -ontrol'inp mele,, RR anaiy?er. tr n, nEeile v9L,- wa ,-e1 F, is~. t.1 n rol i ed into the In,,,- m .I.v,-np, plnt-num -e, I ~ rigs wi i ch may ea c h "beat. -ms stone , :3 a br,age (as bridge Magnetic Gas Aralyzers *i,, ir,~,s -nayz~,,rq porcent,!~7r 17a.9 -,,ix~ure MK 4 f Joes not but ~r i., b" !00, BIAZIHINOVAO A.N., livh.; IKHIA)Vq I.A., lw,;h.-, FXWVSKIT, R.Sh.. iuzh.; TA"UK, X.R., inzh. AutomtIc NIK and DFO oxygen maljrzars. Klalorod 11 no.2$26-33 158. (OjWgon--Anabrsle) (MIRA Ilt6) USMANOV. Kbi.U.; PAR16INA, R- V- Determination of the aldehyde group In ceUulose by oxidation with potassium permanganate. Uzb. kh1m. sha. no-3:20-28 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut khimil polimerov, AN UzSSR. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN UzSSR (for Usmanov) e (Cellulose) (FornWi group) FUNCZAK Tadeusz; WLKEWSKA, Barbara; ll.AWlk)WSKA, Alina; .9 . - U I of ~ a Role of the pancreae in the coLrse of infectius *L~S. *-ze:- - . lel:. 21 no.9:542-544 165. 1. Z I Klin4ki Pediatrycznej AM w Lutlinle. I, A con!.ri bi. t, Gn c, ul'.,,~,,,Y of kanamyc ir. i r, tr.~~ t rP~i i, L f;' rU.9 1 t 1 9 i- nc.31:llt--,- 1 a 66 Z A C7 1. Z Szpiala Miej3kiego w PERLOWSKI, Hisnrykj ;3ZC*.EPANSKIj, Jerzy 2 types of nentguological diagnosis in diseasea of the parwaaeal aLnusex, Pole tyg. lake 20 no.39tl457-1458 27 S 165. 1, Z Pracowni ridiologictnej Szpitala Kiejakiago w Bialej Podlaskiej (Kierown:Lkt dr. mod. Jerzy Stemepanski). PERLMSKlx Jim (Warsaawa) ProchLCtlon of tcrwor crazies in the U.S.S.R. Przegl bud,7.41 i bud riieszk 35 no.lOt535-537 0163. MUSHTE~, 1). a. Vliic.nie dofvrmatsii trincera v polete sla. usiliia. pri upravlanil samoletam. (Tek-hrii-ka vozdu5hnogo flotat 1947P no. 6. p. diagre.) Title tr.: Effect of trim tab defomation in flight upon the pilot's effort in control. TL504.Th 1947 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955 PUWVA, R.L.- KRTZHANOVSKIY, F.D. ---monownw;W" .Preliminary field test of sweei; popper in the Moscow area. no.27:108-11.0 157. (KLaA 10:5) 1.(Ilavnyy botanichemkiy sad Aki4erdi nauk SSSR. (Moscow Province-Pepper) PKBLOYSKIY.A.A. V.I.Loeain. great leader and teacher of workers of the whole world on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of his birth. Geog. v shkcle 18 no.-2:1-5 Mr-Ap '55. (HLRA 8:7) (Ijenin, Vladimir Illich. 1870-1924) MTGXLF:R, D.; PERLSTRIN, A* Prtgcordial pain In dissecting aortic aneurysm. Med. int.. Bucur. 7 no.4:88-93 Oct-Dee 55. 1. Spitalul unificat -Timisoara. (AORTIC AYWRTSM, manifestations precordial pain, in dissecting aneurysms) (PAIN precordial pain in diaspeting aortic ans~arysms) U=/Aeramautics MY 1947 C(n ~ Surfaces Aircraft - Controls One vreet or the Deformation of the Trimers in 724&t an Operating Stress of a Plane," D. M. pp 020& Voz Flote No 6 (231) *Ith an increase of speed there in an increase of the $%Me and strains suffered by a y1we In flight .. - 044 is aspeciaLIL: true of the strains applied to'MW ofttrol surfaces of the plane. This article attemp" to establish eme mathematical formLlas for daterain- I* the critloal'streso that can be bame by these control surfaces (such as trimars) at extreme spawks M -.- - 28T14 UM/Asronsutics (Contd) MY l9k7 rAl the affect of deformation of these trinmers on agntrol of the p1me. INI, ble 111"Ill, -h sol"aal" L It, Flit an't M. Va Molotov Tdvh. I.. 1,roolmIrrml). -MIQW M~W'17. N.. 7, Tbg ow 4 COO-MSO w bypmbwte bkoebivill "no. ki illuvoord. ArAl dAtA tire given ftwo a too. of bkwb pknt% uoing bypwhkwitr -tmfhvv. N.C.. In a 4-br. byporblwilt PCIP-mrsirbinit frIverm6matill'asid p1l 10.3, theom,momptimcdCo0u.- 1% Is" "tom bleaclini polp. the vixiii4vy d The favilkleorbW oflif hiracbrof IMIP was IMI ark! 4-11 MIMPAurs. and 0- *A. and frtin.' briniking Imitib. wid "httlr~ 'roluto I'm the Mwbrd pulp wrere 87A%. O.Odre. UPA4 m.. and 91. resp. John Lake Keay% 'Ci o n I u Ap ani 9 in bfF ,rl felt) IV. M. m Le ingrad Inst. TtThnol.l. r . Chem. U.S.S.R. 25. 8TrVTtT9.',2-)(EngI. tratis ationl.-S~c A. 47, 3&58 H Cmftt of proWornbin in blipod to mom child InfeaJous c US". W.-Ya, VmWt q. (LetAntit.0 Stalc I'Mim. NO. 6. 54 Wille-111. h fvpfs,*I. awl wathe fit-( .1 - he lAaW pirothrolvittitt 1,-vtf douln and IN, wvrfity of Ow It- -'rop is dirwitly tcLjl,,l to tht grivity A iht, cs- Ad- 1 7- lilsiWallon of Vira.j , J- Ow I it luallml ill Al I It, Imed, C'. xf h'_J.:jO'fI GUREVICH, Ye.S.; PERLISBTEYII. M.Ya. Vltmmin C mBtabD1i8M in typhoid.,Mosima 29 no.1:68--P9 MjNr 1951. (CLML 20:9) 1. Of the Department of Infectioixe Dif-eases ancl Epidemiolo,.j (Elead-Prof. Ye.S. Gurevich). Leningre-d Pediatric Institute, &ad of the Hospital. imeni S.P. Botkin, Leningrad. WNW 2K Ell -At 1c '3 TO 1-7 44 tp- gN_ 7 PDW24!, Vo A* p BE44w, L. M. and PAWIA, V. P. I.-Acedemleb"ky, Moscow ":Envestigatlon of Active-tars Distribution in Alkali-Halogen Crystals by Radioactive Imotop Method" (S!ction 14-13)-a papersubmitted at the general assembly and 1nternational Congress of Crystallography, 10-19 Jul 57, Wntreial, Canada. C-3AWP109 70-3-19/20 AUTHOR: BeXpWev, L.I.I., _Perlshteyn, IF.A. and Panova, V.P. TITLE: Investigation of the distribution of act-uators in alkali- halide crystals by means of radio-active isotopbR. (Issle- dovanie raspredeleniya aktivatora v shchelochno-galoidnykh kristallakh metodom radioaktivnykh indikatorov) PERIODICAL: "Kris tallo graf iya 11 (Crystallography), 1957, VoT._2_,Na.3, pp. 437 - L-40 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Investigations were carried out for potassium iodide, socliu_u iodide and iodide crystals. Growth of crystals by the Kyropoulos method is effected in an open crucible into which the basic substance and the activator are poured simul- taneorusly. Owing to the differences in the melting tempera- tuxes and in the vapour tension of the individual components, their volatility is non-unifoimi. In the given case, TlI has a lower melting temjeiuture and a higher vapourtension and volatilises more intensively; consequently, there is a decr- ease in the TlI concentration in the melt with the progress of' gro%~th of the crystal and this can cause non-uniform distribution of the activator in the crystal. A's factor Card 1/ 3 was studied by using a melt of 991 KI and 1'-, Tl I, from which specimens were taken at equal intervals of time and in these the T1 concentration was determined from their relative 70-3-19/20 I.Lvestigation of the distrib,,.tion of actuators in alkalihalide ci7stals by means of radio-active iso0opes. (Cont.) A activity. Th ~0~ esults of nwasurements have shovn that the content of Tl I decreases in accordance with an expon- ential relatLon which is expressed by equation: Kt n = Kt0e-1.15 (tn - to), and graphically by the curve, Fig. 1, p.438. If a seeding is intro~Luced a.nd the crystal begins to grow, the evaporation surface decreases and accordingly, also, the loss of activator material. Tkie chanGe in the T12 I concentration in the melt leads to a differinL; concentr:,,tion in the crystal and this is graphically expressed by Pi:-. 2, p. 438. The distribution of the activatoT in the crystal Grown by the Kyropoulos method is shown in the graph, Fi~,.3, and it can be seen from this graph tnLat the activator is distributed in layers and, thus, layers whicii foim later contain less activator material due to its eva.poration from the melt. The lower concentration of' the activator -.,aterial in the centre of the crystal is auLrib- uted to self --~,urif icat ion of the substance v&iich takes place cam 2/3 durinL~ .-he low-er speed of -rowtl of the ci-jstal. The effect of hermetic sealinL; has also been investiE~ited and unde-T such 70-3-19/20 Investib~Ltion of the iisLribL~,--ion of icrua-uors ii-i uix~ajLiajiie crystals 'trl muans of' nadio-active isotopes. (Con U. ) conclitions, the distribution of uhe activator in the c.-Istal was more uniform, a-- can be seen from the -raph, Fi-,. 4, p.439. U (71 The ad(Ution of a radio-active isotope e-iabled elucidation of the influence of lonG duration annealinf- of crystals on the redistribution in them of the activator due to diffusion. The crystal of KI was heated to 600 U and held at that temperature for seven days and, following that, it was slowly cooled down; the concentration non-uniformiAes decreased but were not entirely eliminated. There are 6 fig-ures and 5 refel-ences, 3 of which are Slavic. ASL*)OGIXOION-. Institute of Cry-stalloE;raphy Ac.Sc. U.S.S.R. (Institut Kristallografti AN SSSR) SUBMITIEM: March 1, 1957. AVAILAME: Library of Congress Out 3/3 30V/~0-3-4-21/26 AUTHORS: Belya.1rev, L.M. Per and Panova, V.P. TITLE: Investigation of the Distribution of an Activator in Alkal'~ halide Cr,ystals by the Method of Radioactive Indicz~tors. 11. (Issiedovaniye raspredeleniya aktivatora v shchelochno-galoidnykh k-ristallakh metodom radio- aktivn,ykh indikatorov. II) PERIODICAL: KrIstaliografiya, 1958, '.17ol 3, rqr 4, pp 506-50? (USSR) ABSTRACT: First part in Kristallografiya, 1957, vol 2, Vr 3, p 437. Radioactive Tl 204 1 was added to alkali halide crystals during growth to enable the movsment of' the cation impurities to be followed. KI crystals to which Tl,,,l, TlBr or T11'. were added were studied to see the effects of the anions on the distribution of the impurity cations. br 82 and 1131 were also used as indicators. lt is con- cluded that anions of tLe activator influence only quan- titatively the distribution of cations of the activator through the crystal (KI - Tl salt system) but do not inflUE!nce the emission spectrum or the intensity of the uard 1/2 SOV/20-3-4-2i/26 Investigation of the Distribution of an Activator in Alkali lialidE! Urystals by the Method of Radioactive Indicators. 11. scintillation of the crystal. The distribution of the anions of the activator follows the same law of distri- bution as the cations. There are 3 figures and 3 Soviet references. A~SSOClATIO.N: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of (;rystallography Ac-Sc-USSR) SUBMITTED: January 14, 1958 L;ard 2,12 AUTFORSO. 2e4ayev, L. M., Panova, V. P., Perl'shteyn, V. A.) 48-1-~4/2C Chadayeva, V. V., Tsigler, I. N,.' TITLE.' On the Growing of Spectrometric Crystals According to the Yeth(,,".1 loped by Kyropoulos (0 vyrashchivanii metodom Kiropulosa cheskJkh Kristallov). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya. AN SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1.958, Vol. 22, Mr 1, pp. 21-22 (USSR). ABSITiRCT: It is pointed out that in the growing according to the method by Kiropulos the activator evaporates during the growth at the expends(-., of' a higher tension of the acti-irator-vapors and at the expense of a 1--w- ex, meltirg-temperature of the activator. In Growing according to tli6 method by Obreimov-Shubnikov a self -purification of the substance takes place during growth arid the activator is displaced into the upper part, of the crystal. Therefore, neither of this two methods offers any possi= b'.lity of' obtaining crystals with a uniform distribution of the activator - If, however, the concentration of the activator in the crystal i_- ir.= creased lip to 4-5-lo4 Mol TIJ per ~W-Mol, emission of light in the :-'-c= tivator-concentration becomes f.-ractica-Lly imperceptible. In order tr oh, tain such a concentration of the activator in the crystal by tlo~,- grnwini; Card 1,13 of crystals accordirig to the mFthod developed by Kiropulos, it is neces= On the Growing, of Spectrometric Crystals According to the Lethod 48-1-4/2o Developed by ](3TOPOUICS. sary to introduce an activator inth the set (up to 30/o) which rRr-i~r3 the growth, especially in the initial stage, very difficult. Theref:--t r]E'aSures for the reduction of tne activator-losses at the exi,ens- evaporation are quite natural. For this purpose the authors con~01-ici,ed a hermetic furnace. In the cover of the furnace is an inspection glass, oo that the process of the growth can be observed. The activator-losses vwre determined by ineans of radioactive thallium. It Is 3hown thaL From an open crucible almost the entire activator evaporates within 12-15 hours, whereas in a hermetically closed furnace the activator con--entra= tion :in the melt within 32 hour:3 decreased by 2oO/o. under consideratic- of this fact the authors calcuLated a set with such an activator-addi- tion that the nonuniferm distribution of the activator does not diqtur~-' the spectrometric character of the crystal. The fact Uat the f irr~ace vr,as termetically closed made a contact of the melt with atmospheric hu= midity impossible and thus a formation of bubbles in the inelt was prc-= %*E!nted. The latter are the causia of the formation of dull spots in crystal. The reduction of the activator-losses permitted to obtain dilim iodide crystals of karge dimensions. Of the grown crystals sc in, lators were produced and tested. Crystals with a diameter of 55 to ~-- 'MI Card 2/3 ZLrid a height of 35 to 45 mm in Lite case of an excitation of ther by On thp Growirg of Spe~tronetric Crystals. According to the Method Developed by Kyropoul:)s. means of a Cs137_preparation with the photomultiplier VY-24 &i amplitude dissolving power of 8,5-110/o(aml)litudnoye razresheniy,,~'. Priere is I figure. ASSOCIATION.' Institute for CrystalioL;raphy AN USSR (Institut kristallografl-i. ,KLU'c- mii nauk SSSR). AVAID~BLE: Library of Congress. 1. Chemistr7 2. Cry5tals-Growt, Card 3/3 .2 4 a o o 3 OV/70 -4 - 6 - i AUTHORS: Khalmov-Mallkov, V YA, Perllshteyn, V. A. TITLE: Concerning the Effect of Furnace Temperatur, Gradl,-i,t on the DI.Btrlbutlon of an Impurity In a Gro-,zlnj~ 1'. ry a ta A PERIODICAL: Kristallograflya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 6, PP 904-907 ABST3ACT: ~71his work was presented at the second conference on scintillators in 1957, at Khar1kov. If a molten cylindrical sample I s cooled at one end (directed crystallization , a divisive effect Is posslbl(, leading to the concentration of the Impurity at onf~ or the other end. The concentration C 3 of the impurity along a length Z 0 of the cryatal. may be represented by Eq. (I if the mdgration Is by con- vection and by Eq. (fl if by diffusion. Ca rd 1//S Concerning the Effect of Furnace Temperature 77115 Gradient on the Distribut1on of an Impurity SOV/70-4-t-:6/3: in a Growing Crystal k-1 C. = kC,, (1 (1) C. CO I Ierf J/~r (I - 2k) evp lik (I -- A-) x (I ~ er" I (I - :1k) I Here C0 is the initial concentration of the lmpu~--'Iy; .-c Is the coefficient of trapping, equa2 to C s /Cz 0 (CZ being the concentration of the impurity at 0 point Z0); 1,0 Is the crystal's length; VZ 0/4D; 11 Is the rate of crystallization; and D Is the d..O- l'usion coofficiont. Flgui,e I represents tho abo,,.-, relationn for )(