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Cyclopentadienyl Compounds of Metals and Compounds Related 74-27-1-1/4 to Them structure, as assumed by Pauson,did absolutely not correspond with its physical and chemicai properties. The author deals with the magnetic properties of the ferrocene, discusses the results of the radiographic investigations of the known 2j crystals of ferrocene, which confirm their so-called sand- wich-structure. Also the method of electron diffraction was confirmed by this structure. Then follows a discussion of the results of the spectroscopic, thermochemical and polaro- graphic investigation of the properties of ferrocene. Moreover the author occupies himself with the electron structure of i" the dicyclopentadienyl derivatives of the transitional metals. The chemical properties of the ferrocene, its oxidation and the reactions (with the destruction of the compound of iron with cyclopentadienyl rings) are discussed in a very detailed way. A discussion of the acylation of the ferrocene is following. After the interaction took place (ferrocene-acetyl chloride) diacetyl ferrocene was obtained; in a similar way di-o-ohloro-propionyl-chloride ferrocene and di-o-carboxy benzoyl ferrocene were obtained. The investigations made it evident that there are acyl groups in all diacyl ferrocenes Card 2/3 in several rings of the ferrocene nucleus. The investigations Cyclopentadienyl Compounds of Metals and Compourds Relz.~ted 74-2-1 -1-1/114 to Them with dibennoyl ferrocene showed similar results. The reactions of the intramolecular acylation of the ferrocene nLve already been carried out by Nesmeyanov. Vol 'kenau and others. In these reactions 1,1-di-(w-carboxyl-propionyl)-ferrocei,,e was obtained with a yield of 16" . According to the reduction P; carried out by Kleiamensen di-(cj-carboxy-propyl)-ferrocene was obtained with a yield of 775a. Furtlier descriptions of the synthetization of cyclopentadienyl-ketotetrahydro-indenyl- -iron and -ferrocene carried out are following. (References XIII, XIV, XV, formulae p 14). Then a detailed discussion of the possibility of an alkylation of the ferrocene is following. There are 11 tablea and 219 references, 39 of which are Soviet. 1. Cyclic compounds--Analysia 2. Cyclic compowids--Synthesis Card 3/3 .fo t r C r, 03t., ~11 - II j)ifern) jj~rer t 4 U Card 1/4 p. Diforrocenyl Mercury Reactisns 20- Reaction t.,tXps place un&ir gromter i'l es w. t!: -ulf on ic acld,3 ch I,-) ran rLy -I Thozi, d. 1 -:-rteen.v. 3111 and phenyll ferr_,;,zr~Yluulfon~ Fire prodlic-,-d ,n P. 1,- 3 5-6 $ on tiv, r-!..~-Ilnz ('r unhydri&.e :4 11" iv!roc~w, FoA Or t Il i 8 Cj C, L; 919 1 01 F "It, c f I ; ; C J T P converted int: !*,!-r~ wi ~. Ri~a:,tlkrt Y, ch takeo pla~o:(. f-von Und4i gz-~-atEn Ac(-,y. i'errooer.e (,r v f,:-ma in % yle.el of an,.l f~rrocene farms in great el-a d,-?scrJl,e,j ijbG\-e. Difol-l-Loeny'. mercury docs r.,,,,t recL !;t hil &:Ir. h~nrlds~. Reactixis t,akp_ place nior- eisi2y %'i.h ~ljlfc 's h cc Vfi th I Odill;~i Fin' i6 ferrocen~l s"!, ;r.i. n a trercury 1',.m, _-,-rr.3kj) 1 F, 11 t e r i 3 P!, F -I.' : %-, .1 - , f scd-Jum tti~,sliil V.)rv. :-i., c i. s _i o " 15 c p I ; U , a 1 h r ~ f , , f '_ wh .' ch te 7-d r-pac v .1 Card 2/ 4 mmul n unch,mae,i. pr Diferrocenyl Mercury Reactions ;~(J_' 19-2-27/"60 thiocyanogen ferrocene is reduced into disulfide hy the action of thiosulfate; moreover, 25 % of the diferrocenyl mercury which entered the reaction are converted into ferrocene. With Sellr4 the mentioned compound forms diferrocenyl selenium in a yield of 21 %. On thim occas4on selenium is reduced to bivalence. In all oases the reaction product is precipitated either totally or partly In an oxidized (ferricinium) form and is then reduced bi, sodium thiosulfate. Thus, the important nucleophilic activity of the C-atoms in ferrocene (easy electrophilic sub6itutu- tion of the H atoms of the cyclopentadienyl rings) is ex- pressed also in the properties of the mercury derivatives of ferrocene: diferrocenyl mercury reacts with su:fohalides under slighter conditions than diphenyl mercury (r-~fs 3,4). The occurrence of ferrocene in all reactions investigatea (except for SeRr ) as by-product is possibly due to the forming of the firrooenyl radical which carries [A)ong tne hydrogen from the solvent or froin other f r? v. Card 3/4 groups. An experimental part with the usual d,ita !*_?owc. Diferrocenyl Mercury Reactions 0-, 19- Z- . U"G There are 4 references, 2 of which are Suv~,et ASSOC'?~TION: koikovskiy gosudar.9tvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonr~---k llt:.te Univergity imeni, ?A. V. Lomonutiov ~OY Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Nestrjuyanov, A. N. , Member, Academy of ~-'j 5 9 Sciences, 1199R, Perevalova, E. G., Chu r anov , S. S T1 TLE: The Reactl,in:i rf Ferro(,ene Sulfonic Acids (Fienk t fervoteeniullfokislot) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii- Nauk 53,3SR, 1058, Vol. '.1.9, Nr 5, Pp. 949-,);2 (USSR) A'SSTRA','T: After having ,F-rricpne bv va-io,js reagpnts and some a-rivat~v,~,s of ferroc-~n& ?,:.c Lit ;,is 4n an garlier pRper (reference i) the nuthors in the orpsent pap-gr dp%l with a number of furihor N-i,Curo,)s subutituted ahorh they obtained. Furthor aii attempt was made *.r) retill2e the excharge reactior. of the :3111f-~ group. By interaction of Lhe lead efilt if dis--i-ifoni:, 20 71 i- I h 1) h (' ": p f-lip t r i r, r i u v , h t a I n ~ a m on o c o r a n hy a r: a q Ciq_r1')C' H 11 Fou CH so 111. 1 hosphoriis oxych-, ~,T-i do *I I h If tie #4hA sai t tht.- di d f orms the acid di cf.. rj (if! if Verruo~ t!p Card 1,14 disulfoniQ The ;.pad salt of monns-ilfjnjo aoift is The Remotj or5 of' Ferrcr-n-, 1.1 1 ! -,-r; :.- cis - 1. 1-- . );, 1, A oxf di zel by phosphor-,s r,xychlorl de to ferri n iufn-~,a 1. 1 ~r . on whi eh nco.,tninn an I ntensive dark green c-. , - : q c-r,i o ~,f i 7 t. i s nei the- possl b ~(- t o ob tai n acid ch i r-ri ms~,i no, fr. n or d-Lsulfonic neld fi-om barium salts. By hf-,;,L-~vg of fr-rroo~ene with diethylamint. lr-~ li- (diet~ylamide) 47,'L ferrocene disulfonic ac!id ?efc ff 90 H(C H ) /,- was produced. From MOW- 5 4 2 5 2- f h, ori -i prAuccA di hy I ami dv, Oj~ im of sull'Jnjo aeid, dilerrocenyldisi)lfide hn.1 -he 'tatter a.,; 2 derivatives: brnzoate and 9,-1*er,-(-(,-E-n%,.-t114-- at;id. is in iho air iap-i'v "OrIverted to a dilzo~figi,-. In the ivfraro~-j .I ,st-alned nlca,--Subotl~utva sulfuz,..'U0 compouris of f-rr- :,c- in the dom;,~n of (taken by L. A. Kazitsyr,,t arA B. V. ohPrjtAerisC;C maxima eyjet wh~,rb ineli(,ti-i the pret;ence ot* a frqe ryclopenrad1pnyl rLng. Thiev s3ro ivren* in all I's-r;,ocenF- atarivativoia -1 this t,lyi~. This confirn.~; Ot(- Suthoj'St opini~!n expv~F4-i~-d (ref 1) that Ir.- suifa jroups .1e in differon' ,j.A 2/4 rj~ngF. The ik~tht-,r% airi n,A suc,~,?Pd In repirlin1fig Olf! 8~1 ,ioni? of Fprr~)-ine 5 j : f r.Ylj c Avi ds I - I j-- - Kr-ip by a tiv O-v melting together w. ',n h-~ it h.v ryo,nng,~--j 'by v~arl of the influence it' pltr.-~:j m 1p?,!-, 'VfIT-0,- rv I I, ?'My g1-011p (by mC-.fjDS with a , 1ttipse attempts -,ea destriicii-.n of he ferror,~-ne nucleiis, vnpr.~, ei th~:- hydrc,x)6a or Jr,-n sai, were liberatezi. Thp hv,1r-c,vt-. sulfrinl,~ unler !irmati n of ferrceemp. alEo fp~ -j. Tne F-abiji!v at trip iy~kr-.ges of r-n with the c- riv,,,; iv, arj)%-pn' 11v hjjTrjtv "Adured under the ini';u4:n,-- cmprrr-!d with ferrocene. Tv- du-~ t ion of a su c- gr(,up riidi-e s the sil Seep Li V fu ~-. hor -,.jtp ~, ti ir s hzjrh degr-?A in the pamr -s~r apid lo a munh to*er aegron in rl-- ot,h6r rll,.g (re. Trie influpnoe exerted by the F?u.t, gro-ap upon the regot , ,rlty of rho fr-ri-ornne nucle,is sifio laz Tc, t to - q~!etvl ;crvup t r.xpir~~ imc-nti. pprL wi 1 n ttin UsuRi d.-Isi !, 'I It'19. Th-?r- nro ' rof-.r-~rp-n, 4 of which are 'Sov)pt. 3/4 - , 4 - - Tile No-actl oyis c t S - 1 ",)r I - A~-l cli-- ~TP IN: lit) ~-k- "!,~ i v %,Pnnyy uni vergi t c-i in.. V.. '~ I - ~- - I, tic) t;c,: a ~j, a I 'p. Uni vprei ty impn'. M. V. ",ornor, -, ) AVI TT FD -. Jamzarv '6, ")~8 Clard 4/4 SOV/ 2o-12o-6-2*i',/59 AUTHORS: Nesmeyanovj A* No, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR.) Pe evai-S. G.-, Beynoravichute, Z. A., Malygina, 1. L~ TITLE: Reactions of 1,11-Dimethyl Ferrocene (Reakteii 1,11-dimetil- ferrotsena) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akedemii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol, 12o, Nr 6, pp~1265-1 O'U (USSR) ABSTRACT: Reports were made already earlier on the influence of the substituents on the reactivity of the ferrocene nucleus. In the present paper the metallization- and acylation reach tions of the substance mentioned in the title were investa gated. n-amyl sodium was used as metallizing agent, In this connection two directions of renction are poseible: A sub stitution of a) the hydrogen of the methyl group, and b) of the hydrogen of the cyclopentadienyl cycle, The metalliza tion into the methyl groups expected from the analogy with t0luene (Ref 8) did not take place; on the contrary, it takes place into the cyclopentadienyl cycles. The main prod Card 1/3 uct (yield of 52 ~) is dimethyl ferrocene dicurboxylic acid Reactions of 1,11-Dimethyl Ferrocene SOV/2o-12o-6-27/59 with a decomposition point at from 196 - 2000. Two ac-,ida were isolated in small quantities. All 3 acids yield soiid dimethyl ethers and, hence, none of it is di-(carboxy-meth.v- -ferrocene which forms liquid ether (Ref 9), The mutual po- sition of the methyl- and carboxylic groups has not yet been determined. The acylation of the substance mentioned in the title was carried out by means of acetyl chloride under tne presence of AICI The acylated products could not be vepftr~,t ed. Aftar protra~t'ed storing of the mixture diveetyl d;nroth.v, ferrocene crystallized out. Two isomers could be separatt'd from it by means of fractionated cryatallization~ On tho basis of a comparison with Ref ICI it there is reason to It-, lieve that they contain stereoisomeric 1,11-diacetyl ferr,, cenes. The monoacylated dimethyl ferrocene was isolated chromatographically from the residual liquid mixturn- `ue to the oxidation of this mixture with sodium hypochlori!k-, dimethyl ferrocene carboxylic acid was obtained as trimethyl ether. After the reduction of the same mixture by means of LiAlH dimethyl triethyl ferrocene was isolated, Thus, M- contridistinction to ferrocene a triacylated product :F forT ed. The ferrocene nucleus is thun considerably nativated Card 2/3 in the reactions of the electrophilic substituents unjer U- beau ti ,)ns of I,, f -Fj mE:tj-jv I inf rice cf E. rroc., ene 30V/ "0-1 C'n n,- r- 1. Ferrocenes--Chemical reactions ..U arc v A 1i i '_7 it % B Lj' 1.0~-aV i Ci A TITLE: The of I Yerro(;~nt, t i I f PERIODICAL: Duklady Akide:aii nauK S!SSH, 195t, Vol. 121, Nr 1, ( j s S,;l ) A3'.TIL',CT-. In r-cc,:-.t tiL.& various and -.1i:11k I 1 L --:(J 1, j.. i -, U f te C U I r t 0e S f (Ref 6). 1;1 the pre-4e..t iap,r t.,ie uuLhors ac'A-veu I he s,-n- thesis wei-tioned in the title bj t,;,,o ,ais: a) methyl ether of ferroccne carbonic acid (Jield 33,j) bi means of lithium alumohydr3te and b) by reduction ul' t,c methylate of the 11111-di,-aethy I -amino-m ethyl-ferrocere ~Hefs by means of ~jodium amal-am (yield In tht; lat 3.:nll -,uantitj of ~aono-~f;rrocenjl cirbir,,,l 2t ,-r (C5H3FOO5 H4CH 2)20 is prAAced. Ii. ar; e,,.: Card 112 actions a) and b) are cescribs.~d. The Th e '3~,ntheqis of hlcth~,l Ferrocene spectra of th,~ ;Li~t:ijl furrcc~_n~ inich -r~as the react _,ons -a ) a na ~, j arc corres ~on~ ~n i. : e:-, - 1 c-_' -i.ere t-ken in thL laboratori k noy spe~,trosko:)ia .,a ziole alyar kafedry crZanichesko,, khimii (Laboratory; Of copj of tht: FacLilty of Organic ChQmi!3tr~- of th, Mc,sco-~- S".1t, Universitj,). In a pi A,r on ferrocene a1L;,,1,tion (ittf 2) 1 0 fErrc,_-L-nt.~ Yith -a meltin,7 point of 110 - 11) 7, a s iD cd T produced i,roduct has a :aLltin, tC-.~ r3t,11'(: 0 Thuse last d-Aa ar, unduabt,c. Th e rt~a.5~,r.3 for 1 c? 1 diVEr.,ence -are (-x-- lainLC la t t~r . There are 9 re-, t~r._~,ces which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Mosk:)vskij ,csudarstvern,j aniversitet im. M. V. LDmonosc)va L, (!4'o8cow State University imeni L. V. Lomonosov) SUB"'ITTLD: 11"arch 12, 1936 1. Methyl ferro-.ene ---- Synthesis 2. Methyl ethers--Reduction 3. Lithium aluminum hydrates--Chemical reactions 4. Mettlyl iodide--Reduction 5. Sodium-Chemical reactions Card 2/2 50) AUTHORS. Neemoyanov, A. U. t .50V/20-124-2-25/71 Shilovteeva, L. So, Uetynyuk, Yu. A. TITLE- Synthesis of Ferrocene Derivatives by Means of the NvN-Dimethyl-Aminomethyl Ferrocene Nethiodide (Sintez proizvodnykh ferroteena s pomoshch'yu yodmetilata NpN-dimetilaminometilferrotsena) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk- SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 2, pp 331-334 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The compound last mentioned in the title was earlier used by the authors (Ref 5) for the synthesis of methyl ferrocene. It proved to be a suitable reagent for the introduction of the ferrocenyl-methyl group (Refs 2 -8). In the present paper some substitution reactions of the dimethyl-amino group were carried out, furthermorelmothyll-!-~forr4)tos'no was aminomethylated and ferrocene aminoethylated. It was thus possible to obtain the sodium salt of ferrocenyl-methane sulfonic acid by theinteraction between the compound mentioned in the title and sodium sulfite. By the influence of potassium thiocyanate ferrocenyl-methyl thiocyanate was formed. Sodium phenolate and -f-naphtholate Card 1/3 yielded the phenyl- and # naphthyl ether of the ferrocenecarbinol. Synthesis of Ferrocene Derivatives SOV/20-124-2-25/71 by Means of the N,N-Dimethyl-Aminomethyl Forrocene Methiodide By ferrocenyl methylation of the p-oxy-azo benzene an azo compound was formed containing a forrocenyl group. This had hitherto not been possible. On the aminomethylation of the methyl ferrocone (Hof 5) with a mixture of N,N,U I NI- tetramethyl- diamino, methane and paraform a homoannular (N,N, dimethyl-amino methyl) methyl ferrocene was obtained in a 60% yield. The aminomethylation of the methyl forrocene was carried out in the substituted cyclopentadiene ring in a yield which was somewhat higher than for ferrocene (515,, Ref 2). The addition of phosphoric acid increased the yield up to 80%. Besides, diaminomethylated mothyl ferrocene is formed (101% yield). Thus the methyl group in the methyl ferrocene considerably activates the ferroceno nucleus against electrophilic attacks. The formation of the homoannular compound suggests that the ring to which the methyl group is bound, is activated to a more considerable degree. The successful production of the diamino- methylated mathyl ferrocene further proves that the influence exerted by the substituents is transferred from one cyclopentadienyl ring to the other one by means of the iron atom Card 2/3 (Ref 9). From the compound mentioned in the title the authors Synthesis of Perrocene Derivatives SOV/20-124-2-25/71 ty Means of the Ngli-Dimethyl-Aininomethyl Ferrocene Methiodide synthesized the homoannular dimethyl ferrocene. It may be assumed from the comparison of infrared spectra that the alkyl groups are in a 1.3-position. There are 12 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gasudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Roscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED. October 14, 1958 Card 3/3 5 (2,3) AUTHORS: Nesmeyanova, 0. A., Perevalova, E. G. SOV/20-126-5-26/69 TITLE: Diferrocenyl (Diferroteenil) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 5, PP 1007 - 1008 (USSR) A.BSTRACT: In order to produce diferrocenyl the authors have investigated the decomposition of diferrocenyl-mercury in the presence of palladium black. When heating mercury-organic compounds with metal powders without solvents, a radical doubling occurs (Ref 1). Thus, in the case of diphenyl-mercury, a satisfactory yield of diphenyl is obtained. In the present case, however, diferro- cenyl is formed, but the yield is small. The main reaction pro- duct was ferrocene (Refs 20). Further in organic solvents in- soluble substances, probably ferrocene-polymers were formed. The formation of ferrocene can apparently onl:, be explained by the disproportioning of the ferrocenyl rad1calB formei as in- termediate products. From these radicals ferrocene is formed, as well as its polymer or diferrocenylene. Yields are shown by table 1. The separation of ferrocene and diferrocenyl is de- scribed. Besides9the existence of the said polymers among the Card 1/2 reaction products is proved. Diferrocenyl is an orange-colored Diferrocenyl SOV/20-1 26 -5-26,16- ~ crystalline substance, easily soluble in benzene, but less easily soluble in petroleum ether, ether, and alcohol. It cry- stallizes from alcohol. Diferrocenyl is thermally less stable than ferrocene. It becomes dark at 205 0, and melts at 2300 U!I- der partial decomposition. In this manner no ferrocene is Zormed. Consequently, the ferrocene forming in the catal~tlca' splitting of the diferrocenyl-mercury is not a product of chemical decomposition of diferrocenyl. There are I table and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Hoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i=. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni 121. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: April 14, 1959, by A. N. Neameyanov, Academician SUBMITTED: April 10, 1959 Card 2/2 PERVALOVA, B.G.; IMSMANOVA, O.A.; LUKIYANUVA, I.G. Ferrocenesulfinic acids. Dokl.All SSSR 132 no.4:f353-856 Je l6o. (MIU 13:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. I.I.V.Loinonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Neeneyanovym. (SUfinic acids) '57 0 O(A~ B011%003 AUTHORS; Perevalova, E. G., Nesmeyanova, 0. A.. Luklyanova, I. G. Now 1- TITLE: Perrocenesulfinio Acidel PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960v Vol. 132, NcF. 4, pp. 853-856 TEXT: In.a previous paper the authors described the production of ferrocenesulfinic acid (Ref. 1). In the article under review, they synthesized terrocenedi8ulfinic acid and examined the properties of both acids, Ferrocenedieulfinic acid was obtained by reduction of the LY acid chloride of ferrooenedisulfonic acid with zinc dust. It is difficultly soluble in water and organic solvents. Its solutions are rapidly decomposed, and its disodium salt is much more stable. Both mono- and diferrc-,enesulfinic acid react with sublimates in a similar way as benzosulfinic acid and yield large quantities of mono- and di-(chloromercury)-.ferrocene.' The authors tried to obtain in a similar way a ferrocene derivative of tin by actioh of tinchloride on the sodium salt of sulfinic acid, They found, however, that a reduction B102 60/132/04/33/064 Card 113 Ferrooenesulfinic Acids S/02()/60/132/04/33/064 BOII/BO03 I PRESENTED- January 12, 1960, by A. N. Nesmeyanov, Academician SUBMITTED: JanuarY 3, 1960 Card 3/3 FXRSTAIDVA, B.G.; NEDWASDVA, O.A. Synthesis of dlferrocezTl b7 the Ullmnn reaction. Dokl.Alf SSM 132 no-5:1093-1094 Js 160. (MIU 13:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvanTy universitet imo HaVeloomonosovae Predstavlem akademikom A.H. Neemayanovyn. (Iron) A I 83136 S/020/60/133/005/014/019 B016/BO60 IF. 3)00(8) AUTHORS: Nesmeyanov, A. N., Academician, alova. V- ty Ustynyuk, Yu. A. TITLE: Ferrocenyl Mothyl Lithiumi. PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 5, PP- 1105-1107 TEXT: The authors previously described the production of ethers of ferrocenyl carbinol (Ref. 1). In the present study they used lithium to cleave ferrocenyl carbinol methyl ether dissolved in tetrahydrofuran. The resulting ferrocenyl methyl lithium was used to produce ferrocene derivatives. The authors proved furthermore that ferrocenyl carbinol ethers can be readily obtained by heating ferrocenyl carbinol with the respective alcohols in the presence of acetic acid. In this way, the authors obtained methyl-, othyl-, and benzyl ethers of ferrocenyl carbinol in yields of 73, 110t and 72/5. The ready formation of thene ethers is explained by the stability of the ferrocenyl methyl Card 1/2 HNSMEYANOV, A.N., akad.; PPIRVAWVA, B.G.; Sl.%UYOVb. N.A.; SHL"thl-lit, Tu.S.; REJ&TOVA, M.D. - - Formation of the 1.2.3-ozadiazine ring in the r(~actior, of 1.11-diacetylferr-ocene with ary1diazonium compounds. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.4:851-854 Ag 160. (MUM 13:7) 1. Moskovskiy govudarstvennyy universitot imon! M.V.LomonoBova. (Oxa(Lia2ine) (Yerrocene) (Diazonium compounds) B10201601' ~r'IOV102 BO, 6/BO60 ATJTHORSi E. G., Yur-yeva, L. P., and Baukov, Yu. 1. TITLE4 D1TC-It Cyanation of Forricinium SaItFi PERIODICALi Dnklaay Akademti naik SSSR. 1?60, Vol. pp. 1402-1405 TEXT: The authors Tep3rt on the substitution of hydrogen atoms in ferri cinium ferrich",nride and ferricJnium ferribromide. As had been expected, the ferricinium cation was pasFlvp in the elec+rophillc s,,jbs!ituziDn, since the positive e~harge, no matter whether localized on the Irnn at7,m or distributed over the whole me)lecule, prevents electrophil:ic attacK,,i. Thus the authors did not su,.ceed An performing any elect roptil I ~.c sub- stitution in ferricinium. They therefore attempted nucleophilic cub- stitution. Notable yields (-)vEr 50%) cf n1trile of the ferro(,,~ne carbc xylic acid were obtainod when us-ng 'he solution of liq,14d HCIq in anhydro,;(3 tc-trahydrofuran. A yield Dver 90% was ,.>btained when ferricinium salt was replaced by a mixture of ferro~,ene and anhydrcus FeCl 3* By this method one may also obtain the W therl,,-, )rIescribPr.1 nitr; ler3 :)f sub~zt z tu!9d Card 114 87406 Direct Cyariation of Ferrcn~,im Sa:ts S10201601, ~5/00(,/0-11 ?/'0 B016/BO60 It was fr Dc (methyl- and ethyl-) ferrDoene acdp- infrared spectra of these ni tr: ies na* conta., n a itute~ cyclopentadienyl ring. It was co-icluded that *he nitr~le Uoup enterS s-.-, a ring as contains an elec*rcn donor oubst'tuent. A nnnstlbsttuted cyc., pentadienyl ring was missing in the :~Iher rwo compounds produced by the au t ho rs t i n n I t ri 1 e Df he t e r oanni, :,a r , h I' : -D f '? r ro ~ on e c a rb') xy 1 A c a -_ i ~ a r d in dinitrile of het-:!roannular ferroce-na dicarboxylic ac'J. This was spectroscopically :-)nfirmed (Ref. 14)- Electr,~n acceptor sabstit~_ient5 (C1, CN) are therpfDr,7 be.'_,evel tc, render 'he -yariation of the cyc2openf. dieny! ring w,4*h whi-h they are linked mire difficult; the C11 grrup Pn'e the free ring. The a,.ithorE 1~,ubt their original a!~Bumption of the ferri- cinium cat -1,:,n be: ng -apable .- f a n-1cle -,phi I , c subs t itut ion, s ince the effect of electron doncr and eie,tr-jri acr,qt:~r 3ubqtituentg w;As fo-ind t be as strong aa in the elc.ctrophilic subs,it,iti-jn. The material yielde-, b.-l- their experiments ia ri-gar-deJ as beinir -.n~i,ifficient to establish tale re- action mochtin'sa. Th- -)n.) cf~rtan fa-t -3 that the ro~irtior, rrjj by an attack of the CN an!-2ri aratrist r)rte of the carbon rit~tn,) -)f the y('~' - pentadienyl ring-3. Tw,-, api3limpt!-ns put ft-rth ~on-_-rninr *h,- rpfl:-'I~,n mechan.smi 1) a b-~nd Is f :rm-,i rl-t ~e*ween ?h- CV --inicn 'Ind '~ ir-n Card 2/4 87406 Direct Cyanat on Fer:'. -,n' um S;,1 * s S/020/160/1 35/006/022/0 B01 6/B060 atom of the ferricinlum cation, and *he pr-)t,,)n thpn -ittacks one of hydrogen atoms of the cyclolentadienyl rin(;s. This hydrogen is qs~lit -~ff as a hydride compound and may be used up for the reduction of the ferri- cinium cation, while CR binds with the carbon atom of the cyclopentadieny' ring. Possibly, all these stages take place simultaneously within one single reaction complex (or a cyclic transitional stage). 2) There occlirq a specific electrophilic (or homolytic) substitution, and ferrocene and CN4 cation (or CN* radical ') are involved in the reaction. In this case, tne role of the ferriciniuri cation (cr of FaCl 3) would consist in the ,ransformation of the CN ac~lcn into a cation (or into a radical). L. A. Kazitsyna is thanked for having taken the spectra. A paper by Ye. M~ Shustorovich and M. Ye. Dyatkina is mentlDned (Ref, 8). There are 17 references~ 10 S--vipt, 4 US, I German, and 2 Brtish. ASSOCIATION, Moskov-3)-,,; C,)--,~jdu.-r,-,r43nnyy iniversitet im. M. V. L-clon, ~3-)va (Hoecow State University impni M. V. LomonDsov) Card 3/4 87406 Direct Cyanat. :)n --f Fer,-.,- in iun. S~.. , -l~ S/o?0/60/1 ~~,,'Ocrs, O.-Ile-.1,01, Bol 6/B060 PRESEYTED, T U, y 1 -1 , I '1~0. 11 - i~ ~ i~. ': -- -, -,, i-,- ~ i n -~ " . A r - 1, - U; , - , 11. SUBT-ITTTED: June P-.), ' 4~0 Cari 4/4 1275 51-700 2,209, U141 89402 5/062/6!/000/001/'00-7,'016 B'0'/B220 AUTHORS: PerevedusajL G., Simukova, N. A., Nikitina, T. V., shetov, P. D., and Nesmeyanov, A. N, TITLE: Interacticn between ferrocene derivatives and aryl diazonia PERIODICAL- Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1961, 77-83 TEXT: The authors have shown in Refs~ !-3 that ferrocene reacts with aryl diazonia to form aryl ferrocenes. The present paper deals with the arylation of p-toiyl, methyl, ethyl ferrocene, as we'll as acyl and carboxy ferrocenes. It was possible to arylate p-tolyl ferrocene by means of p-tolyl diazonium and this resulted in the formation of hetero- annular di-(p-to'Ly-) ferrocene: P-CH-C H N C, 6 4 2 Fe(C Ji C H CH C5H5 FeC5H4C6H 4CH 3-P 5 4 6 4 5-P12 The yield amounted to only 9% of the theoretical one; this is attributed to the poor stability of the cation of this compound, Reaction between phenyl Card 1/ 3 89402 Interaction between ferrocene S/062/61/000/00!/'007/016 B*Oi/B220 diazonium and methyl ferrocene resulted in a mixture of phenylated methy.' ferrocenes from which it was possible to isolate the heteroannular meth~l- phenyl ferrocene in a poor yield- C'ji N X C5H5FeC 5H4CH3 o 5 2 % CH 5C9H4FeC5H4C6B5' The ethy.1 ferrocene reacted similarly (20% yield). Reteroannular d1propionyl, dibutyryl, and di- benzoyl ferrocene reacted with p-nitro-pheny! diazonium In the same way as observed in the case of diacetyl ferrocene. The bond between the iron and1he cyclopentadienyl ring was split, and derivatives of 1,2,3-oxa-diazine were formed. Resinification took place in the reaction between D-nitro-phenyl diazon:Lum and the dimethy! ester of ferrocene dicarboxylic acid. It was proved possible to isolate chromatographically a reduced amount of p-nitro-phenyl-dicarbomethoxy ferrocene. but the ferrocene ring was destructed at the same time (appearance of iron ions). Monosubstituted ferrocenes, such as acetyl ferrocene and carbomethoxy ferrocene, react with p-nitro-phenyl diazonium like ferrocene, but with a lower yield of arylation products. Monoacetyl ferrocene formed both homoannular and heteroannular p-n1tro-pheny! acetoferrocene: Card 2/ 3 89402 Interaction between ferrocene ... 5/062/61/000/001/007/016 BIOI/B220 P-NO2C6H N Cl C5 H5PeC5H4 COCH3 ...4.2 b CH 3COC5H4FeC 5H4C6H4NO 2-P + C5H5FeC5 H3(COCH3)c 6H4NO2-p. The methyl eater of ferrocene carboxylic acid reacts to form heteroannular p-nitro-phenyl carbomethoxy forrocone (yield 7%). The presence or absence of the non-substituted cyclopenta- dienyl ring was always established spectroscopically. The free mono- and dicarboxylic acide of ferrocene as well as their sodium salts together with p-nitro-phenyl diazonium gave mixtures from which the arylation products could not be isolated. L. V. Yershova and M. Kristynyuk assisted in the experiments. There arp 14 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni, M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: July 28., 1959 Card 3/3 NMMYANOV~, A.N., akademik-; PEREVALOVA, E.G.; GUBIN, S.P.; NIKITINA, T.V.; FONCMRENKO, A.A.,;- SHIJ L7K=..S. Properties of phonylferrocene. Dokl. All SSSR no-4:888-891 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvonnyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Ferrocene) NESMEYANOV, A.I.; PFREVALOVA, E.G.; SHILOVTSEVA, L.S. Reactions between organomagnesium compounds ard (Ferrocenylmethyl) trialkylazwr.onium salts. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.11:1982-1985 N 61. (?IIffiL 14: 11 1. Moskovskiy posudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonos,.)va. (Magnesium organic compounds) (Ammonium compounds) 0 25317 S/020/61/136/005/017/025 B103/B215 AUTHORS: Nesmeyanov, A. N., Academician, Perevalova, E. G.,,eLnd Nikitina, T. V. TITLE: Synthesis of azoferrocene, its reduction and behavio.r under the conditions of benzidine rearrangement PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk S30SR. Doklady, v. 138, no- 5, 1961, 1118-1121 TEXT: The authors synthesized azoferrocene, examined its interacti~on Vith reagents transforming azobenzene into benzidine, arid studied the behavior of azoferrocene under the conditions of the production of hydrazo: compounds and their subsequent benzidine rearrangement. Azo derivatives of ferrocene were first synthesized by G. R. Knox (Ref. 11: Proc. Chem. Soo., 1959, 56) (methyl- and phenyl azoferrocene). The authors obtained azoferrocene by the action of N~O upon, ferrocenyl'lithium (Ref. 12: Tetrahedron Letters, No. 1, 1 1960)). A similar reaction was described for phenyl lithium (F. M. Berin'~~r, J. A. Farr, S. Sand6,Ref. 13: J. Am. Chem. Soo., 75, 3984 (1953); R. Meier, W. Frank, Ref. 14: Ber.., 89, 2747 (1956)). There is hardly any organic solvent vith which azoferrocene would form Card 116 S/02 61/138/005/017/025- Synthesis of azoferroceno, ite..25317 B103YB215 benzidine-type compounds under the action of strong acids (conditions of benpidine formation from azobenzene). The action of concentrated HCRor H2C04 partly causes its Jecomponition, and partly its transformation-Into ferrooenyl amine. The ILthorq explain this pecullar-behuvior of azo- ferrocene which differs from that of tizobenzene as follows: azoferrocene is protonized in the presence of a strong acid, and cation I forms whose positive charge is neutralized due to electrons supplUed by the iron atom, and due to the formation of ion radical II. Ferroacenyl amine and fission products of the ferrooene ring iere obtained from Il by acid action; C4H,FeCH,N = NC6H&FeCsHx -"-* (CjIsFeCH4~ ~CM4Fer4H&I - + HCJ IC4H& Fer-sH,14 NHCH,FeCH,l+ QHjFeC&HdNH, + FeCls + JQH, + C&HINCI I. The authors assume that tie ion of II has a III structure: Card 21.6 25317 3/020/61/138/005/Qi7/025 Synthesis of azoferrocene, its ... B103 B215 N - NI-I Fe* Fe' III - /-%~. IYO - ;1 0 (W. F. Little, A. K. Clark, Ref. 19: J. Org. Chem, 25, IM (1960)). Furthermore, the authors studied 'lie reduction of azoferrocene under c6nditions under which hydrazo benzene is formed from azobenzene with almost quantitative yield, -,hile almost no aniline is formed. Azoferrocene proved to react neither w 'ith lithium aluminum hydride, nor with phenyl magnesium bromide, nor with lithium in tetrahydrofuran medium. In alkaline medium it is reduced to ferrocenyl amine (yields: 20 %, and 76%, respectively) by hydrazine hydrate and zinc. This behavior of azoferrooene is similar to that of benzene derivatives; azobenzenes with donor substituente canno 't be reduced to hydrazo comDounds as easily as azo- benzene itself, Phereas the corresponding hydrazo compound can more easily be reduced to amine. It in known that the donor properties of the ferrocenyl group are much stronger than those of the phenyl group. Hydrazo ferrocene probably formed as an intermediate in the reduction with Card 3/6 S/02 61/138/005/017/025' 25317 Synthesis of azoferrocenti its ... B11D3YB215 zinc dust. Stirring and heating of the reaction mixture makes the violet color of azoferrocene dialippear gradual'-y. However, it appears again as soon as stirring has stopped, and zinc has dropped to the bottom.. This is repeated until the color disappeared irreversibly. The authors assume a further reduction of hydrazo ferrocene to amine, and also its disproportionation into szoferrocene and ferrocenyl amine. Without a reducing agent, only diaproportionation takes place and causes a-rapid increase in the azoferrocene concentration and violet coloring. If the reduction is interrupted at the first disappearance of the violet color, -and if the reaction.mixture is divided into trio equal parts one of ~Phich is treated nith diluted HC1 whereas the othe 'r one is shaken in the air, a mixture of azoferrocene and ferrocenyl amine is formed in both cases. In the second case, however, the amount of azoferrocene is much higher than that of ferrocenyl amine. In the first case, the disproportionation of hydrazo ferrooene into amint and azo compound is much faster under the action of HC1. In the--second half, the hydrazo ferrocene which,so far has not been disproportionated, is oxidized into azoferrocene by 4e atmospheric oxygen. Since no other amine besides ferrocenyl amine has been found, the authors conclude that a benzidine-type rearrangement does Card 416 S/ 020/-1/ 1 01 02~ ' 117 25 - Synthesio of azoferro~2ene, atri... B 10 El . not take pla~,e. Tr,.-,, `.- : -] ' e _~, ir 1 -,T, t e. ~- under g~: I-, r r.. !rrqnqemen I ch:,r1i_* er be 17e s -)f' r n series. An anal oi-,y ~,f f~rrccene benzene 1 roved qucocssf,i; J in those clasps v.,:ere the general abi'~ i ty of electro)n suiply of' the syst#?m played 1-ne m~i, 11 !_.,irt IntrLmolecular rearrant_lement of' benzenp derivatives iu tisuul ly -hura- terized by a cyclic transition stage in-cludirp quinc-ile- ty-,e qtria:,tures, In the case of ferrocene derivLitlves, similar transiliDn st~ltes cannot be of the eame character. The spenifity of' electron interactions Y,,t~iin the system is very distinct in suc'k structures, and iron plays a decisive rc~le in ferrocene derivatives Furthermcre , "fulvenoid" structures ( - - III in scheme no. 2) will correspond to the "qi4inoide" structure of t-!)e benzene series. A com-,~lete analogy in the conveyance of ele(-tron influences in these two structuri~q is very unlikely (, I Gershzon is mentioned. There are 2 1 references ; 7 S~viet-bloe and !.~ nc,n-Soviet ,-bloc . The four references to English- language publications r3rp wiven in the bod.11 of the abstract, ASSOCIATION: Moskov,)kiy aosud: rstvenryy universitpt iv.. M, V 1, nf)n0,qova ~Mosco-,% Statq Univer,3ity imeni 1,11. V Lolr,_)n Fi(,~v Card 5/6 25856 S/020/61/139/004/0'6/C2;1~ B '03/B206 AUTHORSt Nesmeyanov, A. N., Academician, P~- ava:ova, E. G., V'vb;r., j, P., Nikitina, T. V., Pcnomarer_k6~ -A -A,, and ShTlovtseva, TITLEi Properties of phenyl ferrocena PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 13 C TEM The authors investigatedt 1) the amino met ati-,n, e, aulf:~ra- tion, 3) concurrent (with ferrocene) acetylation, a 4~ nitration of phenyl ferrocene. They established that the alkyl up, if linked w:tt the ferrocene ring, facilitates the subee-juent elect ~rillic subst-,tution In this case, the cyciopentadienyl ring to which the t6lkj! group !a bonded, is more strongly activated. In relation to the ferroqanyl group. the phenjl group is an electron-acceptor group (A. N, Neemayancv at a.. Lief; 51 DAN, 103, 61 (1955)). These data by the authors were conflrmtd by Y Rosenbl~m7J, Am. Chem. Soc., 81~4530 (1959))'1 The electrophi,lic su.',ati- tution of the hydrogen atoms in the forrocene ring is deactivated by the phenyl group. 1) Amino methylation. To a mixture of 70 ml of Cardl/ 6 25856 S1O?01611!391j0,11G'6/'12-' I Properties of phenyl ferrocene B103/B206 acetic acid and 4 g of H 3P6 4' cooled to 100C, e.25 g ~0-019 acie) of tetramethyldiaminoethane is gradually addedi and then 4 g (G,~),5 molel, of phenyl ferrocene. The reaction mass was stirred foi ' hr at room temperature and for 10 hr at 110 - 1150C in a nt,.rogen current and ,;b- sequently diluted with water to the double amount. The ferrocene gl which had not entered into reaction was extracted with benzene. 40% NaOH solution was added to the acidic solution, and the formed (N. N-dimethy'- aminomethyl)-phenyl ferrocene was extracted with ether. After disti.ling off the ether, 2.6 g of the above-mentioned oampound was obtained as a viscous, darK, reddish-brown oil. The yield amounted to 54~~ of the theoretical one (related to pherVI, ferrocone) and to 66;4 of' the phery. ferrocene reacted. The final product was distilled In vacuo Its bolling poirt was 150-1600 C/3 mm Hgj 20 1.6315. In the infrared -spectrum of the final n. _ I product, weak absorption bands existed in the range 1000 and '100 cm From this, the authors assume the formation of a mixture from the hetero- and homoannular isomers. The latter seems to form in small quantities The methiodide of the final produot was produced by addition of CH 31 to Card 2/6 Properties of ph6nyl ferrooene 5/020 61/139/004/016/025 B103 B206 a solution of 3.2 g In absolute Ch 3OH (or in benzene) with precipitafion after 15 min by a..;reat amount of anhydrous other. An almoot,quantitative (4-3 g) amount oUnothiodide was produc0d. It is a yellow, cryatalltne -substance with the decompodItion point 70 - 750C. Since in the infrared spectrum of the methiodide which was produced from the distIlled fipal product, absorption at 1000 and 1100 am- I is missing, the authors conclude that the oubBtituting groups are in Yarious cyclopentadionyl rings. Through reduction of the methiodide by sodium amalgam, the~hwteroannular 1, 1-mothy.L-phonyl f4rrocene was obtained (Goo reaction no. C,H, /-\- C'14' (Cli,4 NCHIN(CH.). \ / Fe Fe H.P0. CH,N (CHI)t CarO. 3/6 CIH, CTi I cjl.j W No./fir \ / Fe Fe Ctl,N (CHo)s J Cli, S/020/61/1'39/004/01,6/025 Properties of phenyl ferrocene B103/B206 The yield was 1-8 9(71% of the theoretical one). Absorption at ;000 and 1100 0m- was missing in iteinfrared spectrum. A free cyolopentadienyl ring can only be proved spectroscopically in the substance which was isolated from the mother liquor. The authors came to the conclusion that, the hateroannular isomer was the main component of the mixture produced by amino methylation. Therefnre,,th~j reaction mainly occurs in the free cyclopentadienyl ring. 2) To a,99lution of 10 g (O.Op mole)'of phenyl ferrocene in 100 ml of dichlorosthbne,, 10 g (0.060 mole) of freshly prepared dioxane sulfotrioxide wQs.-added while cooling with ioe. Under the conditions of formation of fepj!oceno monoeulfonic acid; pheny.1 ferrocene sulfonic acid was obtainq4-1 so -diaxane C6H5C5H4FeC5H5 3 0 6H5C5N~qY450 3H. This acid was isolated as lead salt? which crystallizes '-V:L~hW,~,vater molecules. Absorption at 1000 and 1100 om'I was here aIso,m4j4jnsj the phenyl and oulfo grou�o &r therefore in different oyalopen taoienj~l rings. The formation of hetero- annular aulfonic aoid is also proof of a lower reactivity of the ring Card 4A 0 S/020/51 /139/004/016/02 5 Properties of phenvl ferrocene BlOVB206 linked with phenol- 3) The deactivating effect of the phenyl grovp on the ferrocenyl ring is specially marked during the Friedel-Craft; reaction. A solution cf 1 .4 ;Ll of acetyl. chic-ride and 2.66 g of AlCl in 10 ml of absolute et-,).-, t;lded in thO ccor:.,e of 20 min to a solution of ferrocene ~~:,d pnenyi ferrocene (5-42 g). in 100 ml of CS 2' All components iialar, riAlo of 1:1i1:1. The authors obtained acetyl ferrocent, ---iith a yield of' 25-40 of the theoretical one, and a mixture of acetyl F,~~er.y, of only 5%, 64~,,fa of pher~vl ferxocene and 3DA' cf rt-c.overed unchanged. From this, the authors conclude that fer--ocene z-.a'i be acetylated more easily thanphenyl ferrocene. 4) Pheny! ferrocene was nitrated by means of ethyl nitrate in CS2 in the presence of AIC1 Thu authors obtained a 13~146 yield (of the theoretical one) of f~trro--ene (see reaction no. 2.). N03 Fe fo Card 5/6 Properties of phenyl 3/020/61/1 39/004/01~/025 B105,/B206 The main quantity oil thda final product is isolated together with part of the nonreacted pheryl ferrocene in nonoxidized state (and not as a cation)- The authors pres,,ime that nitration does not take place with the phenyl ferrocene cation but with phenyl ferrocene. The continuance of the forro- cenyl ring under thetc, e~,ndtions is noticeable, probably as a consequence of a reduced capability of beinft,, uxidized to a cation as compared with ferrocene. Ferrocene itsellf caTnot ~~e n:Ltrated under *these conditions. Attempts of the authors t(., f,~rrocene vi-ith varioua other reagents (e. g., nitronium borofl_ir_,r~dc" ~.,oo failed. Only, oxidation of fLrrocene to the catio% which is i-iort n reac~icn,,, of the elE)C.rophilic aubZ;titution, was brought about. Ther,--- are : ~ Soviet-bloc and 3 licn- * Soviet-bloc. One r-fer-.~c- t 2n,~__,z;h-_)arqua6e publ'ications _JU ~T-Ver. in*.Ie body of the ab3tr,-,c-,,, E~ ~ 3 :14. iosunblum, R. B. Icodward, J. Am. Chem. Soc., ASSOCIATION: Yoski.~vok4y universitet, im. 1,1. V. Lomono.,3ova (!,!o 0 C (3 -C;3L tI V!3 "Y ifliCni V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: Apri. Card 6/6 FEREVALOVA, Z. G. Dissertation defended for the degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences at the Institute of Elemento-organic Compounds in 1962: OFerrocene as sai Lromatic System." Vest. Akad. Nauk SSSR. No. 4, Moscow, 1963, pages 119-145 ACCESSION NR: AP4010040 S/0062/64/000/001/0062/0069 AUTHORS: Ustv*nyuk, Yu. A.; Perovalova, E. G. TITLE; Reactivity of compounds containing the ferrooenylmethyl group. 7. Rearrangement of the dimethylbenzyl(ferrooenyl- methyl)ammonium chloride under the action of nuoleophillo reagents SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Ser. kh1m., no. 1, 1964, 62-69 TOPIC TAGS: ferrocenylmethyl compounds, reactivity, rearrangement, ferrocanylmethyl group, stabilizing action, Isomerization, Intra- molecular reduction, carbanion stabilization, nuoleop*hillo reagents dibuttyllithium ABSTRLCT: The comparative stabilizing action of the benzyl and the ferrocenyl rings on an adjacent carbanion center was determined ifrom the rearrangement products. Dimethylbenzvl(ferrooonylmethyl) ammonium chloride (I) rearranges in the presence of d1butyllithlum to (alpha-phenyl-beta-forrooenylethvl)-dimethylamine (11), 72% yield. In the presence of potassium amide, conversion Is 50%,.with benzvl- 1-Card 1/3 '"OESSIOlf - NR:- ~,P4010040 magnesium chloride, 21%. C4HsFeCoH#CHs\*/CHo C.H. FeC& If,\+/CHS N N C,H,CH,/ \Clio c'-"- G11- ul;cl) C'11& - CH - Clio C4H& FOQH& Thus the benzene ring stabilizes the adjacent anion center more than the ferrooenyl ring does. A new type of Isomerization was observed in the reaction with dibutyllithium; N,N,N't N'-tetramethyl-, alpha,beta-diphenylethylene diamine and 1.2-diferrocenylethane were produced In addition to II, the amount of II decreasing on prolonging the reaction. The following intramoleoular reduction of the ammonium nitrogen Is suggested: Ok J ACOESSION VR: AP4010040 C,%H&FeC"CVi, 01-01/c"31 C,OW".016 + C0ijd9N(CH,)s C4"& -HP "Authors express deep appreciation to A. N. Nesmeyanov for attention to the work and valuable advice." Orig. art. has: 10 Equations. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyediueniy Akademil nauk SSSR Moskovskly gosudarstvenny*y universitet im. M. V., Lomonosova (Institute of Organometallio Compounds,, Academy of Soienoes SSSR Moscow State University) SUBMITTED:,06Sep62 DATE ACQ: 10064 ENOL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NR REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 005 AOCESSION NR: AP4010041 S/0062/64/000/001/0070/0073 AUTHORS: Usty*nyuk, Yu.A.; Perevalova, E.G.; Nesmeyanov, A.N. TITLE: The reactive ability of compounds containing the ferrooonyl- methyl group Report No.8. Wittig rearrangement in a series of ferro-: cenylearbinol others SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlys. Ser. Mm., no.l. 1964, 70-73 TOPIC TAGS: ferrocenylmethyl group, Wittig rearrangement, ferrocenyl- carbinol others, butyl lithium, lithium ether linkage, ether isomerl- zation, anionic center stabilization, I phenyl. 2 forrocenylethanol, 2 phenyl I ferrocenylethanol, 102 diferrocenylethanol, 1,2 diferrocanyl- ethylene ABSTRACT: In continuation of earlier work, this rearrangement was studied for the benzylferroconylmethyl and bisferrocenylmethyl ethers under the Influence of butyllithium and totrahydrofuran. During re- action with the first oompound a 55% yield of I-pbenyl-2-ferrooenyl- ethanol-~.l was obtained without formation of Its 2-ph"q1-1-f9rrocsnyl--:- Card T/12 ACCESSION NR: A?4010041 ethanol isomer, while reaction of the second yielded 1,2-diferrocenyl- -ethanol. The latter rearrangemant proceeded with lose eftsev with a yield of only 23% and a 27% residue of unchanged starter ether. The product of the second rearrangement was convertea into 1.2-diferro- cenylethylene by dehydration; this latter Is a red crystalline sub- -stance, M.P. 264-265, soluble in hot benzene, toluene and chloroform. The new data confirmed earlier findings, I.e., that the ferrocenyl nucleus will stabilize the adjoining carbonation center to a lesser degree than the benzene ring. The laboratory procedure, the products obtained, and their description and IR spectra are reported. "The authors wish to thank O.T. Nikitina for determining the molecular weight." Orig. art, has: 4 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheek M soodluenty Akademll nauk =R (Institute of Organoelemental Compounder' - Academy of Bolen-, ces smh Moskovskly gosudarstenyol unIveraltet In. X.V. Lomo- nosova (Rdscow State University) SUBMITTEDs 108op62 DATz Am 14psb64 ZKOLI 00 SVB CODE: ON n RW SM 004 OTMI 004 Card i/2 3326), S/062/62/000/001,001-11 00 B106/B101 AUTHORS Ne smeyanov, A. N Pereval ova, E. G. , an'] lie smPyanov% TITLE: Mechanism of ferrocene formation in electrophilic and homolytic reactions of iodoferrocene and mercury lerivit.v(I of ferrocene PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye nauk, no. 1, 196?, 47 - 52 TEXT: In almost all electrophilic and homolytic reactions of iDdofer,rcc~-!e)l and mercury derivatives of ferrocene, ferrocene is iormed as an unex~e-,~-j by-product. The mechanism of ferrocene formation was studied wiU-. the aid of some reactions of diferrocenyl mercury. When boiling diferrecen-.,. mercury with metallic sodium for 15 min in absolute benzene and subsequently carboxylating the reaction mixture with dry ice, no ferrocene carboxylic acid was obtained but ferrocene (10~j of' tne theoretical value)besides a large portion of the initial proluct. of diferrocenyl mercury with SnCl in petroleum ether gLve of 2 Card 1/4 33264 S1062/62,'9Do/OD 1, :~-J Mechanism of ferrocene formation ... B106"B101 ferrocene besides metallic mercury. Reaction of diferrocenyl merc,Ary with CuCl 2 in dioxane yielded an inseparable mixture of chloroferrocene and ferrocene. Reaction of copper chloride with 1,11-di-(uierc,iry cr..)r-.Je' ferrocene yielded a mixture of dichloro ferrocene and ferrocene conta,,!11:t," much more ferrocene which could be isolated from the mixture. T~.- formation of ferrocene can be explained in all these crises, if a radical is assumed to be involved, which either splits a rijjr,)j-,er, from the solvent, or, if the latter --~s absent, even from tie ferr,-)cc,-.-? derivatives. The formation mechanism of this ferrocenyl raJicai i.~ unclear. The radical can not be formed by thermal s~,littinI7 of mercury because the latter withstands long heating in benzene. Res,11t.; of previous studies of the authors show that in electrop~iic of mercury in diferrocenyl mercury according to the pattern (C5H 5FeC 5H4)2 jIg RXC5115FeC5H4R + (C5H5)2 Fe the yield of ferrocene decreases with increasing readiness of substitution. The formatio,. ferrocene during the decomposition of diferrocenyl uercury in tne :rez:e.-- of palladium black without solvent, Dreviously observed 1,y t-ho ~f t:.e present authors, can be attributed to the fact that a ferr,)cenyll is formed as an intermel ia- te prol~ic t wh ich z3pl i ts Card 2/4 33264 S/062/62/000/001/003/015 Mechanism of ferrocene formation ... B106/B101 other radicals or from diferrocenyl mercury. To find out "hether this was also true for reactions in solvents without hydrogren, the behavior of the ferrocenyl radical in CCl4was investigated. An unambiguously radical reaction was already observed when diferrocenyl mercury was heated in absolute M4* This reaction led to the formation of mercury chloride ferrocene (57%), ferrocene (22%), and resins which, in addition 4- o carbon, iron, and hydrogen also contained chlorine and mercury (in ;he atomic ratio of 10-12 : 1~. When heating diferrocenyl mercury in absolute CC14 in the presence of hydroquinone and benzoyl peroxide, neither resins nor mercury chloride ferrocene were formed, but only 12 and 3% ferrocene, respectively, whereas the bulk of diferrocenyl mercury did not react. Addition of antioxidants or radical sources inhibited the reaction, which indicates the chainlike nature of the process. Thus, the following pattern is suggested for the reaction between diferrocenyl mercury and M4: WISFOCS Ili + Alf STOC&II 6)111 g - CIII&CIII& + CgIliFeCill j - M? -' C.114Fer.,11j Csll,FeCsll,- fig -C4If&FeCsIfj+GCI4- C41fjFer41I&- lfg-COUCCO14CC1, 4-Cl* Cj*+CjIljFoCjIfj- lig-CIIIJeCilfl- Card 3/4 6,Z/00010~01011' 105, 4 1 't 6 0.4 9,06 sy~~Jo I OT .0ce 'C'es G 'ro V. VO. 0'rj 0 G O.Tlal 01* IA e e 0*4 OT Olt, ol Oe OG~. & ,,Te c Y~e 0 ap ? ,oce 0"0, 0 0 Oile, gle, 1~5 rt e TO CA a eepe e.~.tco' 0 et ,,pe yLe -be'06,50 fty~e op .,,o,O ,eeO te e. &~,Op '0e tea, *1 4rXI "t c e-Ce ti." TO OT eTl e ~, \I %.C0. JL e el'Il' Ope e e %T Vefl -te 'OeTe ?13 Os ots " (A. ra '0e 'o 0,9 1. 0 e ,.reae%~o tt~e O'~ te %e e 01.1 r .4ef to -re. 0 'OD . 0%, -ro %06 Soyatl 8, J,& G T 0,11, e.ty~e Ir 't'S.e e 101 e &e- S/062/62/000/010/001/00 Aminomethylation of phenyl,... B144/13186 :Initial ferrocene Amino iaomora ludino Mothylaton number, type R fin benzene of tota l M.P, in IR spoctrum amines C 1000- 1100 UM ;phenyl 1neterocyc lie 0.14 82 90-95 - 2 homocyclic 0.38; 15 143-145 1004; 1104 0.81 3 167-170 . ~1103i i1o6 :p-tolyl 1hetero cyclic 0.26 83 95-99 - 1 homocyclic 0.57 17 172-175 1004,1106 ichloro 1het6rocyclic 10.22 80 165-190 - I homocyclic *0-32 11 .-163-166 10o6; 1104 1mixed 9 C H C 1 3:C 6H6 - 1:1 Thus the aminomethylation was e ffected mainly (- 5:1) in the non-cubstituted cyclopent ane dienyl ring; this was shown also by the I R spectra of iodo- methylate of the substances obt ained. The spectra of heterocycl ic isomers showed no 1000-1100 cm-1 bands. iodomethylates were o btained by converting amines wi th twice the methyl io dide excess in benzene; their compositions and gross formulas are given. An excess of 1, 11-methy l-p-tolyl ferrocene, Card 2/3 3/062/62/000/010/001/003 Aminomethylation of phenyl,... B144/B186 C,aH,?Fe (m.p. 93 - 950C) was obtained from the iodomethylate of 1,11- N,N-dimethyl aminomethyl)-p-tolyl ferrocene by reduction with sodium amalgam. There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy Losudarstvennyy univeraitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni It. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: March 7, 1962 Card U6391 S/06 62/000/010/002/003 B144YBW AUTHORS: Nesmeyanov, A. N., Perevalova, E. G., Yurlyeva, L. P., and Grandberg, K. I. TITLE: Direct cyanidation of ferrooone derivatives PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 10, 1962, 1772 - 1777 T--*XT-. Bromo, nitro, acetyl, phenyl, p-nitrophenyl ferrocenes (P) and phenyl ferrocenyl sulfone were cyanidatad; ferricinium borofluoride (1) and ferricinium chloro platinate (II) were synthesized and I was cyanidated. Bromo, phenyl, and p-nitrophenyl-Fl were cyanidated by a method given in Dokl. AN SSSR, 135, 1402 (1960). The cyanidation of. phenyl-Fl yielded 88-52~ phonyl forrooene carbonic acid nitrile, C 17H 15 NFe, a reddiah-brown, oily substance with the composition C 71.06, 71-05; 11 4.97, 5.00;, and N 5.19, 5-30~4. The IR absorption bands at 1004 and 1106 cm- 1 showed the homocyclic structure of this nitrile. The substance was converted into the amide C 17H15 NOFe by adding KOH and H 202 (yield 12~; bard 1/3 V~ S/06 62/000/010/002/003 Direct cyanidation of ferrocene... B144YBie6 m.p. 155-5 - 156.5 0 C), as it does not crystallize. A heterocyclic nitrile, C11HaBrJNFe was obtained by cyanidating bromo-Fl (yield: 78~i m.p. 91-92'C; C 45 ~2, 45-92; H 2.88, 3.09; Br 27.83, 27.67; N 5.00, 5.00; Fe 19.32, 19.4~~O. Cyanidation of p-nitrophenyl-Fl yielded dark red, resin-like crystals of a heterocyclic n1trile, C 17H 12 NO2Fe (m.p. 134 - 1350c; c 61.42, 61-40; H 3.55, 3.74; N 8.21, b.37; Fe 16 54, 16-46%). Cyanidation of nitro and acetyl-FI yielded only 3 and 1;A by heating for 2 and 6-5 hrs, respectively, even with a considerable excess of FeCl 3 and HCN. Treatment of 1.5 g phenyl ferrocenyl sulfone with 4.6 g FeCl 39 60 mg tetrahydrofuran, and 3 ml liquid HCN, yielded 52~9 heterocyclic phenyl sulfone ferrocenyl carbonic acid nitrile, C 17 NO2SPe, (m.P. 141 - 141.5 0C; C 58-30, 58-51; H 3.88, 4-11; N 4.17, 4.39; S 9.02, 9.13; Fe 15-97, 16.107^a'). Cyanidation of FI-carbonic acid ni-trile--xith-a considerable excess of FeCl 3 and HCN added to it, increased the yield in dinitrile from 27 to 62%. F1 was also cyaraidated immediately into the dinitrile of i,11-ferrocene dicarbonic acid (yield: 68%). Experiments with an equimolecular FI-mononitrile mixture showed that cyanidation into mononitriles is much easier than into Card 2/3 S/06 62/000/010/002/003 Direct cyanidation of ferrocene... B144YB166 dinitriles. I was synthesized by passing BF 3 through a benzene solution of 5-55 g F1 with 1.62 g quinone. It ia a dark violet crystalline substance, C 10H10 BF4Fe, which is easily soluble 'in H 20, acetone, and nitromethane (C 44.06, 44-16; If 3.65, 3.751 F 26-15, 28-43~)- 11 was obtained from aqueous ferricinium ferrichloride solution and chloroplatinic acid;.it is a bluish black, crystalline substance, (C 10H10 Fe)2PtC1 60 which is moderately soluble in H20 and, %hen heated, decomposes into methanol and nitromethane forming F1 (C 30-39 30,221 H 2.77, 2.73; Cl 27-42, 27-062L). When cyanidating 11 2(C 5 H5~2 FJBF 4+ HCN PC5 H5FeC5 H4CN + Fe(c 5 "5)2 + 2HBF 44% of the initial compound was converted into nitrile, and 45~ was reTuced into Fl. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. LomonoBov) SU B-.~ I TTi~D: March 7, 1962 dard 3/-1 119MMOV, A.N.1 PERVAWVA, 9*0.1 -SHIIOVTSKVA, L.S.; TYURINp V.D. Pbrrocem7lxethylation by means of NpN-dimethylaminomethylferroecmo and its iodomethylate. Izv.AN MR. Otd.khim.nauk no.1191997- 2001 V 062, 1 (MIRA 15312) I* Hookovskiy gosudaretvepW universitet im. H.V. Lomonoaova. (Perrocene) t NESNWOV,, A.N.; PEREVALOVA. E.G.. YUROYLVA, L.P.; GRUORRG, K.I. Direct cyanation of ferrocene derivativea. Izv. AN SSSR.Otd.khim. nauk no.10:1772,-1777 0 162. (HIRA 15:10) 1. Mmkovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im.~'M.V.Mmonosova. (Ferrocene) (Hydrocyanic acid) 8/062/62/000/011/oo6/o2i B101/B144 AUTHORSs Nesmeyanov, A. N., Perevalova, E. G., Shilovtseva, L. S., and Tyurin, V. D. TITLEt Ferrocenyl methylation by means of N,N-dimethyl aminomethyl ferrocene and its iodo methylate PERIOD1CAL: Akademiya nauK SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh 0'2t 1997 nauk, no, 11, 19' - 2001 TEXTs The following syntheses were made with N,N-dimethyl aminomethyl ferrocene (A), trimethyl(ferrocenyi-metnyl) ammonium iodide (B), and di- methyl-ettiyl(ferrocenyi-methyl) ammonium bromide (C)3- (1) Reaction of B with Na2S-IOH 20 on a boiling water bath and extraction with ether produced di-(ferrocenyl-methyl) sulfiae, yield 50, m.P. 107 - 1080C (with decom- position). The IR spectrum contained absorption bands at 1000 and 1104 cm- 1. (2) Di-(ferrocenyl mathyl) disulfide, yield 53%, m.p. 125-1270C (with decomposition), was obtained from B and NaSH, the latter being pro- duced by bubbling H 2S through NaOH solution. (3) The synthesis of ferro- Card 1/4 6/062/62/000/011/006/021 Ferrocenyl methylatiog by mearis of ... B101/B144 cenyl methyl acetate was made in three wayss (a) Reaction of B with glacial acetic acid at 90 - 950C in N 2 atmosphere, yield 25~, m-P. 74-760C, IR absorption bands at 997, 1104, and 1740 cm- 1. A compound soluble in benzene,(gross formula C 12H12Fe, m-P. 115-1350C) formed at 110-150OC; it was not further investigated. (b) Reaction of C with sodium acetate at 150-1550C in vacuum (7 mr. Hg), yield 59~-V', m-P. 75-760C. (c) Reaction of A with acetic anhydride, yield 89%. Tne compound obtained by (c) was, as to m.p. and IR spectrum, identical with the compounds obtained by reactions (a) and (o). (4) Reaction of A with methyl benzoate in N 2 atmosphere at 130 - 1350C, and extraction with benzene, produced ferrocenyl metbyl 1 benzoate, yield 50j;, m-P. 132-1350C, IR bands at 1003, 1098, 1700 cm- (5) Reaction of A with methyl anthranilate produced ferrocenyl M,athyl anthranilate, yield 46~;, m.p. 125-1240C, 1R bands at 996, 1102, 16a6 cm (6) Heating of B with ethyl acetate at 120-1250C produced, instead of the expected ferrocenyl =ethyl acetate, ferrocenyl carbinol ethyl ether, yield 427-*', b.p. 68-700C/0-3 mm Kg, n20 1.5840. The IR bands at 1002, 1106 cm-1 D Card 2/4 S/06 62/000/011/006/021 Forrocenyl methylation by means of ... B101YB144 proved the existence of a non--ubstituted cyclopentadienyl ring. Bands of an eater carbonyl group were riot obaerved. (7) B with butyl acetate pro- duced ferrocenyl carbinol butyl other, yiold m.p. 31.5-32.50C, b.p. 105-1o6oc/2 mm Hg, n20 1.569~. IR bands at 1004 and 1104 cm-1. D 1 (8) ifeat- ing of B with piperiaine at 1100C proaucea N-Jorrocenyl-meLhyl) piperidine, 1 yield 94~, m.p. 84.5 - d5-50G, IR bands at 1002, 1103, 1303 cm- . Reaction of A with piperiaine aid not lead tQ a substitution of the dimethyl amino radical. (9) N-(ferzocenyl-metny!) morpholine was obtained from B and morpholine at 120-13000, yield 95%, m.p. 74-750C, IR bands at IjO6, 1104 em (10) N-(ferrocenyI-zetfjI) aniliiie was obtained from B and actiline in boiling aqueous sol-tion, y.-Leld 751c;, m.p. 84-64-500, IR bands at looo, iio6, 1602, 1552-1566, 5930 cm- 01) N-(ferrocenyl-methyl) phthali- mide was obtained from B and potassium phtnalimide in dimethyl formamide solution at 150-1400C, yield 97~~, m.p. 209-2100C (with decomposition), IR -1 bands at 1000, 1102, 1706, 1758 cm - (12) Ferrocenyl methyl amine was ob- tairied from N-(f errocenyl-methyl) phthalimicke ana hyarazine hydrate heated at 80-900C in N2atmosphere, by precipitation witn NaOH, b.p. Card 3/4 6/062/62/000/011/006/021 Ferrocenyl methylatican by means of ... B101/B144 108-11ooc/0.3 ma, fig, n20 baricas at 1002, 1106, 52t38, 5568 cm D This compouna decomposes in a,.r. 64ou~in6 of H~! througn its bcnzene solu- tion yielded ferrocenyl meLnyl amine hyarochloride, decomposition tempera- ture 255-2350C. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovukiy t;usuaarstvunnyy univeraitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBUITTEDs April 2, 1962 Card 4/4 PEREVALOVA,J,..E,G.; BUBIN, S.P.; SMIRNOVA, S.A.; NESMLYANOV, A.N., ai~emi~-- Redox potentials of heteroannual disubstituted ferrocenes. Dokl. AN SSSP 155 no. 4:857-860 Ap 164. (t,1111A 17z5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Lomonosova Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. 9/062,/62/000/012/005/007 B117/B101 AUT1!ORSj Weameyanov, A# B., Purevalovaj,...)~._G.f Yurlyeva, L. F., and Denisovich, L. 1. TITLEt Reaction between ferrocene carboxylic acid nitrile with organometallic compounds and production of di- and triferro- cenyl-mothyl compounde PERIODICAL: Akademiya. nauk SSSR. Izvestlya. Otdeleniye khimichaskikh nauk, no. 12, 1962, 2241-2243 TEXT: Reaction of ferrocene carboxylic acid titrile with ethyl magnesium bromide yielded propionyl forrocene (m.p. 38-390C) and the same reaction witi. methyl magnesium iodide yielded acetyl forrocene (M,P- 85-8610). The ketone yield was found to be 70 and 60~ at a considerable Grignard reagent excess. Diferrocenyl ketone (m.p. 210-2110C, yield 55-6(Y,~') was obtained from reaction between farrocenyl lithium and ferrocene carboxylic acid nitrile. Differrocenyl ketone Aas used for synthesizing compounds of the triferrocenyl methane ueries, not hitherto described. The reaction of diferrocenyl ketone with ferrocenyl lithium yielded 60 triferrocenyl Card 1/2 B/020/62/143/006/016/024 S-1 9 B106/B138 AUTHORSs Gubin, S. P., and Perevalova, E. G. TITLEt Formal redox potentials of monosubstitUted ferrocenes PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145, no. 6, 1962, 1351-1554 TEXTt The formal redox potentials of 30 monosubstituted ferrocenes WEtre determined by potentiometric titration with potassium bichromate in a mixture of acetic acid and aqueous perchloric acid. Relative quantitative data were thus obtained on the effect of substituents on the oxidation of the ferrocene nucleus to the ferricinium cation. The determinations were conducted by the method of J. G. Mason and M. Rosenblum (11cf.2s J..AmIChem. Soc., 82, 4206 (1960)) at 25 � 0-10C in nitrogeu atmosphere. Table shows the results. The differences of the logarithms of the equilibrium constants for the reactions of substituted and unsubstituted ferrocene were calculated from the corresponding potentials (Column 4, Table 1) and compared with the constants 0'* and 60 according to Taft (Ref. 10: 11. S. Nlyumen, Prostranstvennyye effekty v organicheskoy khimii (M. S. Ne,wman, Steric effects In organic chemistry), IL, 1960, 591), and amand Card 1/0 5/020/62/143/006/016/024 Formal redox potentials of ... B106/B138 published statement that hydrogen ano alkyl substituents cannot interact with the reaction center bj the field effect mechanisia (Ref. 9: V. A. Pallm, Uop. khim., 30, 1069 (1961)). The interaction by tn,.- fit-IC effoot mec!ianiam occurs over a shortor oiatance, %hich It.adll tc, 111i in- crease in the absolute value of Q. Academician A. N. Nenmeyanov is thanked for cooperation and advice. There are 1 figure and 1 table. The most important Englis~,-language references read as follows: T. Kawana, D. i;. Bublitz, G. Hoh, J. Am. Cnem. loc., 62, 5811 (1960); H. ii. jaffe, Chem. iev., 53, 191 (1953); D. S. Trifan, R. Baskai, Tetrahedron Letters, 1960, no. 13, 1; J. D. Roberts, R. A. Carboni, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, 1P/ 5554 (1955). ASSOCIATION: "oskovskiy gosudarstvcnnyy universitet im. 1- V. Lomonosova ~L',oscor State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) ?R--5-:-NT1~Di December 12, 1961, by A. N. Nesmeyanov, Academician SUBMITTLLi November 9, 1961 Card 3/5 5/02 62/14 5/0V,/C,1 6/C,24 Formal redox potentials of ... B106YB136 Table 1. Formal redox potentials of monosubstituted ferrocenes C,H,Fe~ H X J J 1) 4 (formulas do not take account of changes in the reaction medium). Legendi (1) Ef I v (according to a standard calomel electrode); '11) x., C; (III) b., OC; (IV) under decomposition; 2 calculated from the mm, Hg 'X - H 3 formula (E 0 E0)/0.0591 - log K/K.; only the primary a n values obtained from the dissociation constants of the corresponding p-substituted benzoic acids have been used; 4 the potentials of these compounds differ slightly from published data; the potential differences bet%een ferrocene and phenyl ferrocene, and between ferrocene and p-nitrophenyl ferrocene, are constant within the error limits of the experiment; 5 from published data; 6 the value for the -COOC 2H, group from published data has been used. In olumn 21 tk--,o - itso; m; rL n p. Card 4/5 5/020/62/147/002/015/021 B1o6/B101 AUTHORS: Gubin, S. P. , Smirnova, S. A.. Nesmeyanov, A. N., Academician TITLE; Redox properties of compounds containing two ferrocenyl groups x3i,'H!ODIC;%L: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 147, no. 2, 1962,. 364-387 TEXT: The authors studied the effect produced by one ferrocene ring on the redox properties of a second ferrocene ring bound to the first either directly (diferrocenyl) or by groups Y of different conductivity (-Jig-, -CH 2-1 -CH 2- CH 2-1 -CH 2- O-CH 2-1 'CH 2- N+(CH 3)2-CE2-) - They measured the 11 first and second redox potentials E ~o and J~ fo '(Table 1). The signifi.cance 11 of Eio and Efo is evident from the following scheme: Card 1/4 Redox properties of compounds ... Y e Fe + Eflo S/02 0/62 /147/002 /015/02 1 B106/B101 Y Y + le Fe Fe i:~ Fe+ Fe* +1e /I Ell 0 f Under the chosen conditions diferrocenyl was oxidized at one Fe atom only. When two ferrocene rings interact, the electron density increaser at the ring oxidized. The redox potentials indicate that the methylene group transfers to the other nucleus; hardly any of the electron-donor effect of the ferrocenyl group, whereas the effect of the positively charged ferricinium ion is transferred even across bridges of 3 atoms. The investigations covered also how some substituenta in the methyl group of methyl farrocene affoot tha redox potentiala (Table 2): in this case, too, the effect of electron-acceptor substituents was transferred via the methylene group to a notably greater extent than that of electron-donor substituents. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. The most important English-language references are: R.' W. Taft Jr., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 75, Card 2/4 S/020/62/147/002/015/021 Redox properties of compounds B106/B101 4231 (1953); H- H- Jaffe. Chem. Rev., 53# 191s (1953). ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy goBudarstvennyy univeraitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni Ui V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: July 18, 1962 Table 1. Redox potentials of compounds with two ferrocenyl groups C5H5Fee5H4- Y-C5H4Fee5H5 (in v, related to the standard calomel electrode). Legend: (1) melting point, OC; (2) diferrocenyl;-.,r -r obtained by reduction of diferrocenyl ketone; (3) with de.composition. Table 2. Redox potentials of some monosubstituted ferrocenes C5H5Fee5H4CH2X. Legend: (1) v, related to the standard calomel electrode; mean deviation from the E f values indicated t0.003 v 0 Card 3/4 NESWYANOV, A.N.; PEREVALOVA, E.G., YLTRIYEVA, L.P.; GRANDBERG, K.I. - - -.1. Synthesis of ferrocene derivatives from nitriles of ferrocenecarboxylic acids. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.khim. no.8:1377-1380 Ag 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Lomonosova. (Ferrocene) (Nitriles) (Ferrocenecarboxylic acid) AP30094 ~/042VPAJONA6/1045 AUTHOM Perevalova, E. a i Ustenyuk. Tu. A, zNesmeyanov, A. W. 4P IT_ TITLIt The reactivity of cospounds containing the ferrooeny 0group. Report 1. Wdrolytic.,cra eking of tetravalent ammonium aalts SOURG3r'-ANSSSR. Izv. Otdoloniyokbiniehaskikhnauk,no.6,3.963,1036-1045 MFIC UGS: tetravalent, a=onium salts, ferrocenylmetbyl group, hydrolytic crack- rate.of,bydrolysiv ABSTRkC.Ti Aseries of tetravalent anmonilm salts, containing the ferrocerylnetbyl group was synthesized, i.e. compounds of the type shown in. the enclosure, where RM sub 2 is methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, n-nonyl, benzyl, a3JL;y1, carboVastbyl, phenacyl or ferrocenyl metbyl, and the anion I is chloro, brcao, iodo orpicryl. Hydrolytic cracking of these compounds in alkaline, neutral and 30% aqueous div3ane solutions vas studiedi' rate of hydrolysis vas independent of anions and of BolTent concentration, but increased with electron acceptor properties of the CH sub 2 R Hydro2yais proceeded according to the 5 3ub N I mechanism with the imter- :--mediate formation of the ferrocenylmethyl cation. Orig. art, has: 9 tables, 8 -96ZUU1414 ~4ind I f1gurs. nose PEREVALOVA E.G.- USTYNYUK, Yu.A.; NESMEYANOV, A.N. Reactivity of compounds containing a ferrocenylmethyl group. Report No.4: Reaction of ferrocenylmthyllithium. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.11:1967-1972 N 163. Reactivity of compounds containing a ferrocenyl-methyl group. R rt NO.5: Preparation of organolithium compounds with Zrferrocenyl alkyl groups. lbid.:1972-1977 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imenJ Lomonosova. ACCESSION M AP3002288 SJUM31owbigm Ab THOR: Perevalova, S. G.; Usty*roruk, Yu. A.; Nesmoyanov, A. N. A U TIT13: Reactivity of compounds containing a-Terroc 6 1 ~rovp. Report 2. Regeneration of tetravalent aamonium salts, contair4ng ferrocehylmethyl radical, Vith Bodium aml by &do SOURCE: AN-SSSR. Izv. Otdolenlye kbimichesldkh nauk, mo. 6, 196.3, 1045-1049 TOPIC WS: ferrocerq.1metIVI grovp, trimethyl ferroceny2methyl amonium iodide, dimetbylallyl _firroceny3methyl a=onium iodide, dixetbylbenzyl farrocany1methyl affmniim iodide, sodium amalgam ABSTRACT: Mi6 reduction of trizethyl-, dimet~ylallyl_, and &imethylbenzyl ferro- canylzetbyl ammonium iodide with sodi= -amalgam by the method of Emde and co- 18, 166; workers (Arch. ftam 247, 1909, 33% 314, 351; v. 249, 1911, 111, 1. Liebigs Ann.. Chem* 39.1$ 'jqj:2 .1 _88) was investigated. The ferrocany3methyl group split off from the X of the tatravalant ammonium much more readily than the nothyl, much less readily than the benzyl, and at about the same rate A3 -the any' group. Hence, farrocene group stabilizes the neigbboring radical center less than the bentyl, and more than the methyl, radical, and about equaLUy to the double bond of Card ------------------ ------- ---------------------- -------- PERVALOVA, USTYNYUK, Yu.A.; USTYMMI, L.A.; NESMEYANOV, A.N. Reactivity-of compounds containing a ferrocenylmethyl group. Report No.6.- Steric effects in reactions of alkylation by quaternary aimnium salts. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.11: 1977-1985 N 163. (MIRA 17-1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. ACC NR, AP7012431 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/008/1467/1469 AUTHOR: Nesmoyanov, A. N. Perevalove, E. G.; Yurlyeva, L. P.; Gosteyeva, G. N. ORG: Institute of Heteroorganic Compounds, AN SSSR (Institut elementoorganichoskikh soyedinenly AN SSSR) TITLE: Synthesis of nitriles of phenylfcrrocenecarboxylic acids SOURCE: AN SSSK. izvestiya. Sertya khtmichesknya, no. 8, 1966, 1467-1469 70PIC TAGSt organic n1trile compound, chemical separation, phanylferrocenecarbo)92AC aeld SUB CODE: 07 ABSTRACT% The authors describe an improvement on an earlier method for separat- ing mixtures of amides of isomeric pheuylferrocenecarboxylic acids, prepared by the hydrolysis of the reaction products of the cyanation of phenylferrocene. The individual amides of the isomeric phenylferrocencearboxylic acids were con-, verted to the corresponding nitriles. The nitrile of p-ferrocerylbenzoic acid was also prepared from the amide of p-ferrocenylbenzoic acid and used as a standard in gas chromatographic analysis of the mixture of nitriles of 1,2-, 1..3-P and 1jX-)*eny1ferrocvnecarboxylic acids, obtained In 1~be cyanp~ti n of .JPRS: LAUPE227 phpy1ferrocene.- OrIg. art. haS3 2 formulas and 1 toole. L Cwd .14 1.. UPCs 542.91-542.957+621.765.666 - 1377 ACC NR: AM12420 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062,166/000'011,1938,1943 AUTHOR: Nesmeyanov, A. N.; Perevalova, E. G. Tyurin, V. D.; Gubin, S. P. ORG: HDscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (11oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Metallation, of alkylferrocenes SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Serlyn khlmicheskaya, no. 11, 1966, 1938-1943 TOPIC TAGSt ferrocene, lithium compound, ferrocenyllithium SUB CODE: 07 ABSTRACT: The rretallation of methyl-, ethy3:-, and n-propylferrocene with and 'excess n-butyllithiuM at room temperature was studied. Mixtures of mono- dimetallated alky1ferrocenes -were obtained. The monometallated alkylferrocenes were found to possess a heteroannular Structure- The mixture of mono- and dimet- allated alkylferrocenes, after carboxylation, were converted to a mixture Of nes proceeded with 'mono- and dicarboxYlic acids. Metallation of alky1ferroce greater difficulty than that of ferrocene itself. Approximately 2-2-5 times as much of t~e monometaUated aikylfcrrocene was formed as of the dinetallated derivative. The metailgLzed. alkylferrocenes were also used for the synthesis of heteroannular njtroaW3_ferrDcene6 by the reaction with PrOPY1 nitrate. Ni:tromqjhyl_, nitroethyl-,, and nitr-ppropy1ferrocenes were obtai-ned in low COYa UDCs - 542.91 + 547-113 + 546.72 073Z 135-4 ACC NR. AP701= yields. No dinitro-compounds vere Isolated. Orig. art. hast 3 fonculas, 4 tables# PRSS 40,1-iJ2 Ej "XI L 35318-66 Dri(m)/EWy(,!) ACE -NR.AP6026891 AUTHOR: Nesmeyanov. A. N.; ORG: Moscow State UniversiLy TITIE: Behavior of m- and rearrangement SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/65/000/012/2120/2124 Perevalova, E. G.; Nikitina, T. V.; Kuznetsova, 11. im. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy posudarstvenny o- -ferrocenylh drazobenzene5iunder ondil-'L'~1' (,f wnzidine SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 12, 1965, 2120-21124 TOPIC TAGS: benzidine, benzene, substituent, forrocene, molecular structure, chemical reaction ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of a previous investigation. The effect of forroconyl as a substituont on the bonzidino rearrangement of hydrazo- bonzono was studied. It was established that forroconyl as a uubstituont on the benzene ring complAcates bonzidino rearrangement: m. and p- forrooeny1hydrazobonzonos under the conditions of bonzidinn rearrangement generally got disproportionated rather than rearranged, i.e. the end-produot is ferrooonylanine and azoforrocone. Compounds of the bonzidino type do not form. Those findings indicate that the introduction of the forroconyl substituent. - whether in the para or in the mota position - into the hydrazobonzeno moleoule impedes bonzidine rearrangement to such an extent that disproportionation becomes the main Urend of the reaction. [JPRS: 36,4551 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 29ju.163 / CRIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 005 UDC: L-35324-66 E;,JT(m)/EWP(j) lul CC NRs AP6026892 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/65/000/012/212-4/2128 AUTHOR: NesmVanov, A. N.; Perevalova. E. G.- Nikitina T. V., Kuznetsoina, h. ORG: Moscow Statc-University im. M. V. Lomon050V (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Effect of hydrochloric acid on the azo derivatives of ferrocenel SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 12, 1965, 2124-2128 TOPIC TAGS: hydrochloric acid, ferrocene, organic azo compound, chemical synthesis, nitrobenzene, chemical decomposition, condensation reaction, chemical reduction, amine; ABSTRACT: A study was made of the effect of cone. NCI on benzonoazoforroconel and m... and p,.forroconylazobenzones - azo derivatives of forroceno synthesized .by condensation of nitrobonzone -,dth forroconylazaino and ra.- and p-ferroconyl- anilines. It is shown that cone. HC1 causes bonzenoazoforrocono to decompose and form Fe-froe substances; products of benzidino-type rearrangement have riot been detected. Cone. HC1 transforms r.- and p-ferrooonylazobenzones Into ferrocaWlanillne, aniline and substances isomeric to forroceny1hydrazobonzonee In this case the ferrooenylasobenzonos are protonatod and decompose, to form FeC12. which then reduces the second molecule of the protonated ferz~*-OwWlazobsnzene to a hydrazo compound. The hydrazo compound is either further reftood to awAnee or gets disproportionated mid reamngod. 1JFRS: 36t4551 SUB CODE: )9,7 / SUBM DATE: 29Jul63 / CRIG REF: 006 / OTH REF: 003 L 35316-66 RM RZ NRs AIP6026698 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/65/000/012/2196/11!98 AUTHOR: Reshetova. M. D.; Yarysheva, L. M.; Perevalova, E. G.; Ne m Lnrv, It. N ORG: Moscow State University i1n. Lomon05OV (Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny-j univers"tet) TITLE: Synthesis of certain substituted ferrocen learbinolsi SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 12, 1965, 2196-219S TOPIC TAGS: chemical synthesis, ferrocene, hydrolysis, methylation ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of a previous investigation (PEMWALOVA), ,'which deals with the synthesis of hoteroannular chloro-, bromo- and cyano- ;(alpha-oxyethyl) forroconos and (alpha-oxypropyl) forroceno by reducing the ;corresponding acylforrocones with LiAlH4. The coripounds thus obtained were; ~1.11-chloracotylforrocono. 1,11-chl-oro(a:Lpha-oxyothyl)ferrocone, I'll- .bromo(alpha-ovethyl)forrocone. 1,11-cyano(alpha-oxyethyl)forrocone, and ,1,11-carbometboxy(alpha-ox7othyl)forrocono. 1,11-eyano(a-lpha-oxyothyl) ferrocene was converted to 1,11-carbomethoxy(alpha-oxyothyl)ferrocone by alkaline bAmlysis and subsequent methylation with diazomothano. 1JPRS: 36,4551 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 05Apr65 / ORIG REF.- OW / OTH ld-,F: OW Card 1/1 UDC: 542-91+547.1' L 36507-66 E,%'T(m)/17,P(j) 91, ,-CC NR: AP601?876 (4) i_ SOURCE CODEs 0/0062/66/000/005/0832/C039 AUTHORs Perevalova, E. G.; Grandberg, K. L; ;~ji~ikcTap sitet); stitut ()bskovskiy gosudarstvannyy univor- sj, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (In- - TITLE$ Electronic influence of-te-rro-c-emilas a substituent SOURCES AN SSSR. Izvevtiyas Seriya khimichaskayal, no. 50 19660 832-839 TCPIC TAGS$ ferrocene, dissociation constant, aniline, benzoic acid, phenol, substi- tuentp amine ABSTRACTS By determining values of Hammett's if p the authors studied certain elec- tronic effects of ferrooenyl as a substituent. Using acid-base potentionetric titra-!~ ticnp they determined the dissociation constants of p-, r,-, and o-ferrocenylbenzoic acids,, a series of substituted benzoic acids and ferrocenecarboxylic acid in 70% di- oxanev and the dissociation constants of p-ferrocenylphenol and a series of P-substl tuted phenols In 30% ethanol. The basicity constants of p-j, m-,, and o-fsrrocenylanl:~ linesp a series of peabstituted anilinesp and forroosrorlamine in 80% ethanol were also determined, The data obtained were treated by the least-squarea method, e val-I ues were calculated for the reaction series studiadq d values were found for ferro- UDC1 541 + 541.49 + 347.103s541.132 eftra 1/2 L 35327-66 EIA7 (m)ZZiP( gm ACC NR, 26836 SOURCE ODDEs UR/0020/60667662W374A377' AUTH)Rs Nefedova. M.N.i Kursanov, D.N.Norreeponding member AN SSSR)i Setkina, V.N. her valova E.G.j Nesmeyanov, A.N. (Academician) ORG s none TITLE: Effect of substituents on the rate of I L ferrn 01! derivatives SOURCEs AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 166, no. 2, 1966, 374-377 TOPIC TAGSt ferrocene, electron donor, dissociation constant, substituent, reaction rate ABSTRACT: The authors determined the rate constants for acid isotopic e=hange of hydrogen in six monosubstituted and four disubstitutod ferrocenes. The relative rate constants Krel wore then calculated assuming unity for unsubstitated ferrocone* The substituonts studied included both electro- donor and olectron-accepter types. An analysis of the resultant data shows that the effect of the substituent on the renctiDn rate in an aromatic compound may be described as a combination of induction and conjugation. The conjugation effect is much less important in this case than it is in oloctro- phi3io substit6tion in the benzene series. It was found that the substituent UDCt 546.11.2+542.9574546.79. L 3`1327-66 ACC NR, AP60268j6-- constants obtained from the dissociation constants for phanylacotic acids may be used as a quantitative index of the effect which the substituont has on the reaction rate. Curves for 1n k/ for all substituents studied show a linear correlation with those constanNs. Heterocyclic disubstituted deriva- tives Uo on this same line if doubled values of substitutnt, constants are used, i.e., the subatituents have an additive effect within the limits of experimental error* The authors thank S.L. Portnova and G.P. Sirrova for taking the nuclear resonance spectra. The authors further thank V.A, Pallm and N.P. Gambaryan for participating in the discussions of the results. Orig. art. hast 1 figure and 1 table ZJPP-�2 36v 40 SUB CODE, 07 SUBM DAM 23S-6p65 ORIG REFI 013 OTH RFY9 010 L 313&Q-A66 B~ P ( A ) /~L, :L,~]Pc- _ RY/Will _76-661-002 3 ACC NRi ANL21106 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062766 AD YG~3 AUTHOR: Nesmeyanov, A. H.; Perevalova, E. G., Reshetoya .- M. D. ORG: Moscow State Uniy~r_sity im. M. V. Lomon;sov ~M-oskovskiy gosudarstv(,,nnyy universitet) TITLE: Salts of N-(alpha-ferroce nylalkyl-Jmmidinium SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheekaya, no~ 2, 1966P 335-337 TOPIC TAGS: pyridine, alcohol, esterification, solubility, chemical synthenia, organic nitrile compound, organic amide, ferrocene ABSTRACT: The reaction of alcohols with p-toluenesulfochloride in pyridine is the method by vhich esters of p-toluencoulfonic acid are obtained. How- ever. in some cases p-toluenesulfonates of pyridinim are formed instead-, for example, with 2.4-dinitroresorcine or 2,4-dinitronaphthol. The authors found that ferrocenylearbinol and substituted farrocanyloarbinols react In this way. In the reaction of oVmethyl-. alpha-oxyethyl-, oVbenzyl, and 1,11- cy&no_(&lpha_owjethyl)ferrocen9 with p-toluenesulfochloride in absolute pyri- dine the authors obtained p-toluenesulfonates of the corresponding pyridiuma. Salts of N-(alpha-forrocenylalkyl)pyridWmne are soluble in water (except '(ferrooenylbenzyl)pyridinium), alcohol. &Cotanitrile, and certain polar solvents. Nitriles of ferroconylacetic, ferrocanylproplanio. and forrocanyl (phenyl)acotlo acids were-obtained. sitrileslof the first two acids were hydrolyzed to mides, 7be &aides are sU_1T*_*ca_stwjd1ft In alro In contrast to the nitriles. Orig. art. has: 1 table. [JPRS3 SIJB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: l9Ma.,r65 / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF: 002 Card 1A a UDG: -542.1 +-547.113 + Ewlw/Ewpu) RM ACC M AP5027691 ~OMICE CODE: uft/0062j65/000/019/1882/1881L. AUTHOR: Nesmeyanovs A* W,; Pf?,revalovax E, G.; Ltontlyeva, L Ustynyukp YU-1 X. ~-bv - I ORG: Moscow State M. V. Lomonosova (Moskovskiy gosudarstvarmyy universitet) TITLE: Sy#hesis of 1#2-disubstituted ferrocenes .1, 4 4~ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya,, no, 10, 1965, I RAP-1 AM TOPIC TAGS: ferroceney chemical reactiong desulfurizationl, chemical reduction. I ABSTRACT: The reduction of 1,92-(21-thia-41-ketotetramethylene)forrocon( (1) was Investigated in order to find suitable methods for the synthesii of homoannular disubstituted forroceneso I was desulfurized with Raney nickel to form ls2-mothylethyl- and 1#2-mothylacetylforracene, Reduction of I with lithium aluminum hydride gave 102-(21-thia-41-hydix>- Wytetramethylene)ferrocefie (11). Reduction or I in the presenco-of iduminum chloride gave Ij,2-(21-thiatetramethylene)-forrocene, a small amount of II., and methylferrocenes and in one Instance$ 1,,2-12"thia- 31*41-dehydrotetramethylene)ferrocone, Orig, art, has: 2 oquations. Cwd i/2 UN: 54201+54705+!1.46,72- L 27456-66 -L 26555,66 EWP(j)/IEW-1 (m)LT lji'k) NV, Acc NR, 1,r6oi73631 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/COO/003,10556 0558 AUTHOR: Nesmpvancv, A. N.., Perevalova. E. G.: leonti-vem, L. I.; Ustynyuk, Yu. As IORG: Moscow State Universit, ov (Moskovakiy gosudire'vvennyy im. M. V. Lmonos -universitet) TITIE:. T,riferrocenylehloromethane hydrochloride SOURCE: AN SSSRv Izvestiyao Seriya khimicheskaya, no* 3P 1966s 556-558 TOPIC TAGS. organic eyinthatic procese, perchloric acid, parchloratep hydrogen chloride,, arganoiron compound ABSTRACT: The ionic triferroceny1methylperchlorate and triferroceny1chloromethane hydrochloride were synthesized by reaction of triferroceny1carbinol with perchloric ~acid in benzene and anhydrous HC1 in ether, respectively. HC:LO4 ODH (003?~V'4)3 (C5H5F'eC5H4)3=04 (C H FOC CM- Ha' Ha~ __5. 3., Iii polar solutions triferrocenylchlorormthane hydrochloride decomposes to'forn rerrocenylftlvenve. [JPRS1 SUB COO: 07 SUBM DATE-. 22j-al65 ORIG Fff: OD3 OTH REN 002 41,49+546.22 UDGI 542.91 -.4 1 2�22j:0 EWP(j)/EWT(m)/T up(c) PJA ACC -NA, AP6017364. SOURCE CODE: UR/OD62/66/OD0/M3/O53Qj0359 AUTHOR:' WeM!MqY* A. Perevalova; le2n~!~a Yu. A. ORG: Moscow State University im,, X. V. Lmonosov Hoskovakiy goaudarstvennyy TITLE i Reactions of triferrocerw hloromethane hZImehlorid Lc SOUM% AN SSSR. Izvestip,, Seriya khimicheakaya, noo. 3. 1966, 558-559 anamagn um ompo md# TOPIC TAGS: organoiron compound., chlorinated organic compound# org esi c I -.cganosodlum compound# organolithium compound, chemical reaction ABSTRACT: TriferTocenylohloromethane hydrochloride reacts with nucleophill- ~-reagentij (organomagnesium and organosodium compounds, lithium aluminohydrides, sodium metbylate andsodium cyanide) to form the corresponding derivatives of trifirrocanyluethane ip [JFRS3 SUEN DATE: 22,Tul65 ORIG UP: OW OTH REF.- 001 I SUB CODE 07 Cord 1/1, P UDCt 542,91+5kl. 72 49+546. L ACC NR, AP6012083 SOURCE, CODIA UR/0062/65/000/')C)3/()5,'Q/O",Eu- AUVOR: Nesmeyanov, A. N.-. Kozlovskiv, A. G.: Gubin. F. P.; Perevalova.-E.- ORG: Moscow State Univ im..M. V. Lomonosov Moskovskiy Cosudarstuvennyy i universive-0; Institute of a oe i i I ji-co-MP-Ounds. AN SSSR (Institut elewntoorgan-4 icheskikh soyedineniy) TITLE: Protolysis of'M:~cury derivatives of ferrocene'l SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 3. 19651 580 TOPIC TAGS: titrivetry, ferrocene, mercury compound, dioxane, chlorine compound ABSTRACT: ?he Rate constants were determined for the protolysis of mercury iderivatives of ferrocene - chloromercuroferrocene and diferrocene-mercury :using hydrochloric acid in 90% (by volume) aqueous dioxane. The quantity of acid not entering into reaction was determined by potentionstric titratim The reaction rate in all cases is described by a second-order kinetic .equation. 7he protolysis rate of diferrocene mercury is six times greater than the cleavage rate of di-p-anisylsercury uDder the same conditions. Orig. art. has: 1 table. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: 18jan65 / GRIG BEF.- OD2 UDCz 531-1+542. Com 1/1 VE& NESI-EYANOV, A,N. -:Er,;7Vtd,,JV,A, N,., ilv. Fm-havi or of of bsnzidinrt re a 7, ra rm,- 21,24 'b~. A~-,ticn of i',lv.All' 1. Mo3kovskly Im. Subm4LLt,r--(j j~jjy - Yj~y".T!EVj-., I M, F.G,, 4.11. 14.D. ) S-mtheals Of F-c"-c- Co3 r* c;SS-R.f 1-~ -C'i. I - - - Cb -, t -~,3 1 ";). (, ~ c p I a F, - "4- ) J ~z,, j 6,' -Y ' - r" 1 -1 t 'm- Lotr'- .' ' " - if Me3kcvpkl-, j, l' - - ~% Subm' t ted A- T ', , ~, ". PEREVALOVA, EI.G.; RPSHFTOVA., M.P.; GRANDURG, K.I.; NFSMEYANOV, A.N. SynthesAls of heter-,tinnular alky1feircceny1carbinols. 1 Z-;, AN "'.'SR. Ser. khim, no.M1901-1903 0 'U.. (K-FA 17t12) 1. Mcskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, IYFIA, syn E., n D-3~2 Y NESMEYANOV, A.N., akademik; KURSANOV, D.N.; N"TFI)OVA, M.N.; SETVNA V.N,,-FEREVALOVA, E.G. Substitution of a proton for a halcgen In ferrocene AN SSSR 161 no.6:1349-11151 AP 165. "M:RA "", 1. Inotttut e'qmentc;orgnnichoskogc- ginb"a ~N SSSR. 2. Ch~ci -K, -, - T-j re3pDri,~ent AN SSSH (for K!irsnnov).