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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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mantilismy, V.N.
=ry~ou-tput and 3agar losses vith reference to the regularity of
operations. Sak~.prom-30 no.2:10-17 7 156. (MLRA 9:7)
3-.Krasno-YarcLzhi3kiv sakharn" zavod.
(sugar induatry)
Modernizing standait settlivg,taukv ofthe drain piping for
wash waters. Sakb.,prom. 34 no.2,.11-13 7 160.
(14MA 13:5)
1. Kranno-Tarushakty saldiarnyy savode
(Sugar InduBti.7--Equipment and supplies)
0 000040 4
2fitsu""161 a m 0 11 0 it
00 A 0
0 f-cli 4AND Oppr
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00: e
4r.-& Amp-
so. a
so!1`430") MISS, cow ALncpg 449161 CIK ftV ASS
at 91 9 K a a It a A* 5 a 00 a IS I v INS 2 a a 3
1 1111 0
S a 0 0090 0009 40 0 0 0_4 0:0
- a ; : :. : 0 0 Ss 0 Ss a 0
SO0 Of 00
0 o101010 0 'of 0 --- 40 0 SO 0 0 IN f 0 0 0 6 0 las 0
F-;e ia~, ~F-1~~l.-,7.-~.,~~l,~~;~:.-~-~,~-,',
out t cf crylgailine
fic"nogmin lov wad Molaw". A-4 ~,'T
and of Sw
.. 0 35
1950. N, 1"'Clit (liell of
of the "qj, It. A~
for tilt Mplit lad rAlfity.
'Od of
ACC'NRt AP7003170 ~V sloURCE CODE: UR/029h/66/oo4/oo6/o874/08j
AUTHOR: Timrotq D,*Lo; Peletskiy, V.H.; Voskresenskiyo V.Yu
ORGz Sti entific ResearCh institute of High Temperatures (Hanchno-
iasledovatellskiy institut wysokikh temperatur)
TITLE: Thermal conductivity and emissivity of iodide hafnium
SOURCE: :Te lofizika vysokilxh temperatur, v.,4, no. 6, 1966, BT4'
p -875
TOPIC TAGS: iodide.hafnium 11--ft.-in-, #AF- impilu i i i2a"
thermal conduction, black body radiation,, 1 41,
temperature,dependence, emissivity
ABSTRACT et '.The total hemispherical emissivity of a high.-purity c de
12 mm in diameter and 65 mm long, was found to increase
Unearly.mith increasing temperature. (solid line in. Fij;,F. 1).
-The coefficlent of thermal conductivity of' bafnium Vas found
to increase, linearly from 23.2 vem Ile, degree" at 1300K to
28.8 w-m-l-degr Iae-1 at,2000K. Oiige- art, has., 2 figures,
.7-UDC.. :~36. -536-3:535-34
:~me- no
;;T- MR- "Mgi
ACC I ,Q4 6296
A116014682 SOURCE CODE! UR/0294/6610041002/0296/
AIMOR:: Veletskiy. V. E.',,: Voski.esensk~iy, V. Yu.'
ova "T,
OAG ~i -Scientific. Research InLtil~q!Le of HtLh -Tgmpqr4M teg-~Nauchno-isoledovatel'ai-.iy.
in~titut~.I;VsPkikh temperat r)
TICTIS: prooerti,~s of heat-resistant.VR-27 tunzoten-rhenium alloy
SOURCE: ;~Te lofizika vysokik h t4imperatur,:v. 4, no. 2, 1966, 296
TOPIC TAGS: irefractory alloy, 'tungsten alloy rfienium_containing~alloy, alloy
p4ysiical-~; properties refractory~alloy resistivity, refractory alloy emissivity,
Allah I conductivit /VR-2 -VP
y theima y
ABSTRACT-: lbe Scientific Research-Institute of High emperatures has determined the
thermophirsical properties of-tungsten-rhenium VR-27-VF alloy (279, Re) developed by
tile Institute of Metallurgy imeni Baykov. The vacuum-arc melted alloy (melting
temperature 3300K; recrystallization range 1800-2200K) had a teWdile strength of'
at 2100K. Forged and polished
30-35 k:~jMM2 at 1.1300K and approximately 15 kg/W2
specimen?l vacuum annealed for 2 hr at 2200K and investigated in vacuum
(1-5)*jq-5 mm Hg at 1,200-3000K had a thermal conductivity of 54.4-67.7 Wff-'-.&!g-l,-
a--resietivity of-60.4-107.2-,OG ohm-cm- an integral hemispherical emissivity of-
0,211-61.347, and a'monochromati6 emissiow (at -wavelength 0.65 v) of 0.434-0.402.
SUB CODE:, 1l/ SUBM DATE: 151fil65/ ORIG REF: 006/ ATD PRESS: -//,2
L 32839-66 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/EWP(t)/ET1., IJP(c). ~JD/WW
ACC NR: AP6008827 SOURCE CODE: UR/0294/66/004/001/0046/0
AUTHOR: Voskresenskly, V. Yu.; Peletskly, V. E.; Timrot, D. L.
ORG: Scientific Research Institute of High Temperatures (Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy
Institut vysokikh temperatur)
TITLE: Thermal conductivity and degree of blackness of ntoblum at temperatures
above 1000C 7'3
SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v. 4, no. 1, 1966, 46-49
TOPIC TAGS: AMM I niobium, optic black body, thdmal conductivity
A13STRACT: An experimental study of the temperature dependence of the thermal con-
ductivity coefficient and integral degree of blackness of niobium. was carried out. The
specimens were first fired for 4 hr at 2000-2200K. The temperatures were measured
in the 1400-2500K range with an OMP-043M optical pyrometer. The integral degree of
blackness was calculated from the formula
Card 1/3
/a T 4,
rad av
UDC: 536. 2. 2 12+536. 3. 006. 5
L 32839-,66
ACC NR: AP6008827
where qrad =VI/F; V, I are respectively the potential difference between the anode and
cathode and the anode current; F is the total surface area of speclmen; Tav Is the average
temperature to which the specific radiation qrad and degree of blackness pertain.
thermal conductivity coefficient was calculated from the formula
[4 J qxad(X) D IdT/dx
where f qrad (x) dx corresponds to the flux scattered by the radiation on the x-L eff
x .4
i portion of the specimen, and hence, to the heat transfer brought to this portion via section
X; (dT/dx) Is the gradient in section x; LIs the effective length of the specimen,,
x eff
allowing for the contribution of losses from end surfaces,LL -2 , and D 18 the
Card 2/3
L 32839-~66'
ACC NR.- AP6008827
diameter of the specimen. The data obtained are extensively compared with those of other
authoris. The discrepancies found show the need for further studies of the thermal con-
ductivity of niobium'and Its alloys. Members of the laboratory staff 1. M. Mindova.
G. D. Klselev, and L. A. Olitnpiyeva participated in this work. Orig. art. has: I figure,I
2 tables, sind 2 formtifas.
Card 3/3
V. r,. VwKcws' nw,!-lay. V. Yu. nTid TT 0' 1). 1.,.
"The application of electron beam heating in the investigation of integral-
blackness of heat-rzsistant alloys and compounds"
Seminar on production methods, phy-iii cal properties, and electron structure of
refractory inetals, com- ounds, and alloys, grganized by the Ln-stitute of Powder
Metallurgy and Special Alloys AS Ukr SSR, Kiev., 215-29 April 15~3-
(11--pl.ofizika vysokikh temperatur, No. 1., 1963, P- 156)
SY02941631001 02/0168/0172
ACCES,15TON NR! AP4004135 0
Timrot, D. L.; Peletskiy, V.. E-~,
TITLE: Use~of electron 'beam heatingin de~.erMination.ofthermal
:.'conductivity. of refractery,alloys and COMpOU.IdS
SOUACX: Teplofizi%avy*sokikh temperat r~.,,v- 1, no 2, 1963, 168-
17 2,:~
tory allpy, thermal oA4Uctivit5',,'iafractory
TOPIC TAGS: refrac c
a4~)Y thermal conductivit. nduft~7ity, electron
Y,.tungsten thermial co
be'ar'a beating, . iefit,actory p I
aterial, refraqory compOufiq', thermal
c6nductivity Measurernerit,'. thermal conducti'
Yity- detexqL~nation,
.~~%-tron beam
X A metb
14TRACT: od is:clescribed for electronic heatlqg of refrac-
tory metal alloys and compounds to extremely high tepperatures so as
to.permit measurements of thq coefficient,.pf thermaljqqnductivity.
it '4
''Thisquantity cannot be qalculated theoretically for most materials
employed in technology, and even most modern experimental methods
am frequently inapplicaible. The theory of electronic beam heating
is.first developed and it is shown that the calculation of the ther-
mal conductivity coefficient calls for the experimental determination
of the specific.radiation and for a plotting of temperature fields
in a cylindrical specimen heated on one end under different heat con-
ditions. it is then shcwn that such an experiment is made feasible
by electronic heating, uhich yields high temperature limited only by
the properties of the tested material itself.. The experimental set-
upif3.described and~thevarious experimental errors discussed. The
method was te ed with ;iUre tungsten conta.~_
S.t ring; not more than 0.1%
_.~impurities. In the: temZie -1.2500*K the data aS
rature range 15C(i-Ft.
'W:Lth:.-those..of Forsythit gnd'Worthyng, (Ast-tc4)hysics journal, v. 61,
152, 1925).-. It is,'concluded that the method is quite effective and
the simple geometry of the working samples makes ijl.- particularly
suitable for materials Obtained by power metallurgy. The smoothed
Card 2/3
values.of the thermal conductivity coefficients are:
M 22M, 2400 26M, 2800 3000#
1200 100 MOA800
o'l 12- 1 ii) J~ 08 1 f-,00 1,03, 1 101a 0,99 0jV7. 0.00 0,03&--
Orig. art. has: 3 f igiares -and 8 formulas.
ASISOCIATION: Nauchno,~-issledovatel'skiy instittit vy*sckikh tempera-
tur (Scientific Resea:rch Institut of High Temperatures).
SUBMiTTED: 2SJun63 DATE ACQ: 26De 63 ENCL: 00
Cord:. 3/3
-(T"t) !jP(c)
ACC NR: AP6021210 SOURCE CODE: UR/0294/66/004/003/0336/'0342
AUTHOR: Peletskiy-, V. E. Voskresenskiy, V. Yu.
ORG: ScUentific Research-Institute of High Temperatures (Naucbno-issledovatelfskiy
Institut vysokikh temperatur)
7ITLE: Thermophysical 2r2R~~.es4,of tant lum t temperatures above 10000C
SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, V.-Ill, no. 3, 1966, 336-3112
J'OPIC TAGS: tantalum, high temperature research, black body radiation, heV"-j-
F-o1%duc-+1v;4-y 1/t'
IMSTRACT: Clean tantalum samples (99.615,.puti
:ty) were used for,-determination of elec
.trical ztnd~'thermal conductivities,and degree of grayness in thJ1300-29000K tem era-
ture range by a method described by V. S. Gumenyuk, V. V. Lebedev and V. Ye. Iva:nov
in FTE, No. 1, 1962. The heating and dia6.iostic method is described, showing tbat
resultirig errors were '10% and '12% for the degree of grayness and thermal conductivi
ty, respectively. Much bette 'electrical conductivity measurements were made. Tablel
sr.a.anarizing the results, and comparing the resulting Lorentz ."17,mibers -with those of
other authors are presented. It is noted that thermal conductivity increases wit-h
temperature, although at a slow rate and compares with the results of the work done o
less pure samples. The thermal conductivity together with electrical conductivi-Y
measurements allowed comparison with the rranz-Viedman law in the regime where auth-
UDC: 546.882:536.'24+537.311
I.Xori 1/2
L 45667-66
ora of the above wor), found considerable discrepancy. This discr,--pancy has been as-
'cribed tc the systematic errom, which hnve, been eliminaVM in thin work. Tbe spec-
trally Integrated measurement of the black body emissivity Indientes good A-grenment
of the results with computed values within experimental t-_rrors. The errors in tbe
range o;F 12000K to 20000K must be further reduced. The author thanks D. L. mt-_
for constant interest in the wDrk. L.S# Mindova and G. D. Kiselev took part in the
experiments and in processing the results. Orig. art. has- It figmos, 2 tabloa, 5
SUB COM 20/ SUBKDATE: 23Ju165/ ORIG REr: 004/ OTH REF: 004
Determining tbo location of -the *41sm teVemture and
propagation irelocity of a flame in'turbulent flow of a homo-
geneous mixbwe. Inzh.-fiz,zhur, 5 no*1229-15 D 162.
(MM 1632)
1. Energetic'heskiy institut imeni G.M.Krzhizhanovskogo,, Moskva.
(Flame) (Thermodynamics)
Introducing radio at virgin lands. Radio no.10:18 0 134.(MLELA 7:11)
16 NachalluilE Altayiskoy krayevoy direktaA radiotranslyatsionnoy
(kltmi Territory-Radio) (Radio-Altai Territory)
---To '06.0
o 0
0000 *10 4*4_0*960,411
AA-C-A_L_L to ly 111 121 a 2) u 2S 26 27 71 21 is x 1, 1, w
4T N- )i,% P- 0 a-II A-M 04 CC till
001 of n too of speciAl steel
'he ""ace ' go
F, 101111 go ins
and he role Olt the coating of the mold$ A, Yckvin.
"In. is given of tile degree of influctiCe 44 v2lit'lls
faclDts on tht irtirfakv ptolwitics of ingot% of slOCci2l steel.
0it lot wirlit. to tht ternp. of cu4titig and the rate at which tile
IIIIII(en Invitil '.$6 pf"Itvil, the Coating DI tile ba, a6
Indrked V11'ect 'Itt tit,--K- ptotwtlies. Of all the ty1w, tA
11114d washes, naplitlot pitch 14 rwonluirlultil 64 Iwci.%l
steels. Aof tar in beavy 1wrizene. glatillitc and
irl! .00
J: tietrolcunt. Lcairograd lacquer w a %Wn. of tar in lur1writille
00 caa he uwd arsulmituivs for the naphtha ititch. For0
00 CAMIng arm)% Of the Carbide CbS3 the "101,1% 'hould 1w
(Valrd Willi it
0 0
ge 0
--.0 0
fie 0
t4'0 1 0'. 1'-1- Mo
It :k It '0 A( K '11 If aIT .......
At ri 4) Q 'X,
11- I
00000,0000000&0*0 '000400000940*609000
0 41 0
A it V X Ja 11 J7 13 .4 A U SY is 0 a It a
WiGi_"iWWU_ the WWI of klorlQ-Zim-~ADA -44-
(Stal, 1938, No. 8-0,
R6b ig OW U904 NwUl WaL A. Pelt
h, pp. 28-31). (In Russian), In this iniiiiikation of the surface of 1*9
too ingots the fact6ra considered included the chemical composition and -00
os physical state of the metal, the temperature and the rate of ttvining, 411111
too the tfiect, of deoxidisers much #.a aluminium, titanium, silicon, the -00
method of tooming, tiality and state of the moulds and fintilly
the -effect of the mould wash or eciating. Sonto datit obtained at
the MektrostAl works regarding mould -washes tire presented.
-ore tried, and pitch coke wm
*0 Z V~ A*Vther twenty of costing u
fouiW to be the' best."Y've results are evaluated and arrn%,od In order
of merit uJu'rig a aystem of avrarding marks (marks Awarded for
uslit f ingl)t surface from 0 to 4) and a permntage lisals. Assuming
IT. toytaol effebt, of the factors affecting tha inirface quality of ingots.
of the'indi~idual
alalbs, Atc. to be 100, the relative importantic
factors is shown in the following table:
!t Type of dftlanddeSmottleoriclation 10
Teiqxtatun and raw of tatitning
DooiAdlem rAch " aluniffiluxti, tit.:IIJ., ilicol). &C-. -11'5 41
Madjud of " (s)-plion or top-pouring) 10
L Wact,
Hoalim-pit pmt ce awl quality awl atate of tnottlils 15
Mould wamb . IN X00
Otbor factors 5 10110411
Total WO --06
too 0
We 0
I1A AA 4 5 X 0A 9 1 W 10 0 a a 1 0 V
& W fir Pit, aP#C K~A It 9 K 91 U It ON A
i " 14
Silill Wg 0 9009 0 00 a 0 0 0 0
0 *'0 to
e 0 0 is 0 9"S
0 0
m if is " a it n a a is x jc. )I N D u Is u A, III I, I c, I
A I C -A J-J V J I I
cucki Ist Arbudur4 steel. A.
-al. Sapir. AldaNfe It.
-wits III r(41cil ur (tw 33, (1.41, M3.0,
TM sirtl mitig. C W
fit _
1.2. IJ1% j-411m4l III jJ011111V IIV %IIIA'S 114% .-00
*)Ivc(l in the sterl, 11, W. RAI- no*
011) o a
-- .-
A j
U U AT .0 it II
k, .4 111 a lt 61u 1, 111 .0 It I d'a
00600.06 009
0 0 * 0 0:9 0 0 a 0 000: 400
0 0 G.: 0 0 0000004000000000600600
0 o 0*0 o 0 to o o 0 0 o a 0 0 6 to 0 0 a to 0:
74,47f -*",I
4 0 0
- I.-_ $I* 111 9 0 0 6
4) 0 11111 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 * *be O'b"S W, ...9
is is 1? 0 t9 n 0 " A a n a h 1 0 11
2, a 1 .1 it 'I ly-J-1- I- AA 0 Cc PIP t14 _b I -
Of -?J49 COadid"S an the SmWellbility
01 Chm'sm"i"'ll sttructurAl A- K 1"evin
OW 101- Jb. Slow Awktmw,~,w
t Iwo) i lam. zrqtr. 1937, f, 15.,i; cf. C. A, 31,-,"1.
Tbf IQAQIM# *ITht casting trall-7~11d (he C4,1 ills velwit v
fbab*01ilf,01 1,110d ingots r-111. 1-4) 1, XInP-2
U! m 9~ 4- 8 0-(W, P (ISM. W 0 4 1 Vi 41 NN 1 7, Ni
j .
V".7% durills 1011tins j4 &h.we
jqo 0
fog, wo o
Ai 4 '3 0 v
U a to 90 It 0: VI a a t, Is
0 00 Ob 0 IS 0 6 4, 0 0'.6 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 TO 9 0 0 0 0 0
0 & 0 0 * 41
ITO: 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o to 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
Vliianie metallurgisheskogo faktora no obrazovanie shlifovochnykh treshchin.
Vestri. Mash., 1948, no. 11., P. 4547
Influence of the melAllurgLeal factor upon grinding ckacks.
DLC: TN14-V4
SO: Manufacturing md Mec';,,ianic al Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library
of Congress, 1953.
It"ELE-TI'll, A. 1-fl.
$,'Effect of Metallurgical Factors on the Creation
c)f Cracks Caused by Grinding," Vll.-st. ~ashinostroy.,
No. 11, 1948, Engr.
PILIVIN. G., inzhaner.
Providing-speclal-Imrpose aviation with radio comm-ication* Grazhdav.
14 no.1:22 A 057. (MLRA 10:4)
(Radio In aeronautics)
"Control and Prej'3aration of Raw Materials at Electrometallurgical Works,"
Stall, No.6,l, pp 45-46;, 1946
Ebaluation B-60428
retsenzent; IMEM, N.H., iy--!7b-. red.; TI)MUOV, A.Ta.,
t,ekhn. red.
[Manufacture of cylindrical reductors for genera:L use]
Proizvotistvo tsi2indrichaskAb reduktorov obshcbego naz-
nachenila. Moskva., Mashgizp 1963. 169 p. (MMA 17: 2)
selective decrease in the ribonucleic acid content of t7mor
eel le and.their lose of tr4risplantability following in vitro
action of chain,reaction inhibitors. -Dokl.AN SSSR 125 no.2:
411-413 Hr 1591. (MEU 12:4)
1. Oblen-IcorreErpondexit AN S,SSR (for Imanuelf).
AUTHORS: Emanu,~,,',, N. M. 9 C,~xrespordiag Memberf SOV122C-124-5-5616?
Aa-USS'Rv Lipchina, L. P., PelSvIna. 1. 1., YLpat-,7a,- T. E.
TITLE: The Soleati~,e Inhibitictn af the A~--tivity of Redu-~~tiion-Oxidation
.L lj-:)rs :,f
Enzymes in T?mrral Cells When Acted Upon With Inhibit
ChainReacti.ons p~aavleniye aktivnosti
okisl:itc-!-fno-voestanc-,;'-!'-nykh fermentct, v opukhoA".Gvykh
kletkakh pri T-ozdeyst,;--J'i in&,-'bitcjrov tsepnykh reakts-4y)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademi-.* na7.ik SSSRv 41959w Vol 124, Nr PP 1157-'.'-.'59
ABSTRACT: SinQe manzy years the ider. of a selective inhibition of
farmentatl-re proi~esse,- 1n tumora,7 ce't.1s, as a rational
prirac:!.pl~i~-. 1n, ~,an:~eT cbeml,~tho;rrpy, fo-luses the interest of the
soisnt~nsts (Raf 1). The flyst two aLthors (Ref 2) proved an
inhibition and a r6trogreea~on of leucosis in mi,:-e under the
've c, L,
action of nrra --*.,--hibit,.~rs of the oxidat-, thain xeac~'-ions
Obutyl-oxy-aniso2e, ionons, propy! gallate)(Ref 2). There were
reasone (the rad-jeal. mechantsm c-f the reduction-oxidation
processes) for aaw)ming that the inhibition mentioned in the
title is one of the reaa-ns of the tumor inhibiting effect of
the ment..'o-Med substan-.-,es. Th-12.s distuzrbs the formation yn~vesses
Card 1/3 of some Gnergy-:r-'LrJj. c-impoundu rh1ch are rec-eesary fox theh
The Sele-Aii-e ;.;f th-~ of S01rp-.0-1 24-5-96162
Reducticn-Oridrst!,~-,n F-m;-(zs,3 .-;L. A,~t---d ',Tr,,,j:t With
of Chain Reaotl.~sna
the g:rowth. In the prosent.
pape..:, rsvilt-s' 1-i w~jiah -,c~airiTm the ab:~T-e
Th~, *,.ithors f7r-,,~re2tlc~3-t--d enzy-mes of the
Th- ~ 'I a 14 Ch
-anoex of Ehr-,
~-si,k (2-:2ne C-57, -gtxafn I-A)S!
azr, Lrj,~~! &-a--ma i~f jrA.-I the tl~mor of rabbita
fDr ~)T the ak3 aC3 Well
a a tux~~ -SL of rer relaucel tr, SM911
Pii~-1'66 we-r-s -'-n lll~ate' f--~x- 30 ni-o-Utes 0-75", 1)-'5 and 0-07 1; ~b
11" -- IL , L
Thpse t the
act'. -lty of 'lt~hydzcagsriasc- 1,1 the t-.ell% of all, tmors
2". Thr- q-tIv.1ty of thfls enzyme Is nn'v
s~)pj,---esaeJl he-:i-+by ~-,nd spllppr. c~alls by propyl gallate
Snjijt-~ODEI of 0.15 &.nd 0.07;% (F-Igure 3L Incubaflon In a 0-75"
A - A. 70
salv-H.nn �s, howeve.-:, -*nMA).,+ing. This .;nh:ilA-l.-.on is revers-lble
in afflictecl as wall as Ln a-:)-xn-d The differ?nc-es im the
P-rocs.-;3i~=p in
and --"A ar~, due tD a diffe-r,?-at
Card 213 G I, flia &1-1~i `h-_`.- (t ., g. wl~-l -. -.h,:nd----'a)
The Selective Inhibition of the Activity of SOV/20-124-5-56/62
Reduction-Oxidation Enzymes in Tumoral Cells When Acted Upon With Inhibit3rs
of Chain Reaotions
allate. Thus, pr3pyl gallate has a selective effe-,t
to propyl g
on turrioral cells in certain concentrations. This is expressed
by the! inhibition of the activity of dehydrogenases which.
participate in various reduction-oxidation processes as well as
of cytochron!,~xidase. The thus influenced cells looee their
implairtation power. There are 3 figures and 6 references,
5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheekoy fiziki', Akad.c-mii nauk. SSSR
(Institute of C~emioal Physics of the.Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: November*2!i, 1958
Card 3/3
Operationg mothodis of the Gro=W Acetone-Butyl Plant. Spirt. prom.
21 ne.4:24-26 155.. (K6" 9:3)
Wresuenekiy ateetono-butil-ovyy saved.
ZHDANOVA, Antonina Vasillyevna; XVITNITSKIY, A.V., inzh., red.;
(Mechanimis forthe transmission of rotar7 motion]Mekhanizmy
peredachi vrashchatellnogo dvizheniia. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962.
78 p, (MIRA 16:2)
(dearing) (chains) (Belts and belting)
*,-~~~arat0z' for P-83 twisters. Oim.teidi.opyt. CXWI no.16:
77-~78 '56'a (MIRA 11:11)
(SpimUng-Squipment and supplies)
Enlarging paclows in kpirining. Tekst. prom. 18 no.1:47-49 Ja 158.
(MM 11:2)
1, Zaveduyuohdhiy fabrikoy "Vozhd' proletariata" (for Pblevin).
2. Zaveduynahchaya laboratoriyey fabriki "Vozhd' proletariata"
(for Fbbtoova). (Spinning). I
KAZAK, M.A., inzh.; LUG)VTSOVq N.P., inz~.; PBLIVIN, K.I., inzh.
Hanufactrxing warped blades for steam turbines. 2nergomshinvatroolds
4 no.3:36-39 Mr '58. (Steam turbines-Blades) (MM 11:5)
Optimal operation of flooded wells. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft'.2
gaz 6 no. 12:39-4.3 1630 (MIRA 17:5)
1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimichaskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti
im. akademika I.M.Gabkina.
ROSTE, Z.A.; Fl~~EVTN, NUGAYEV, R.ya.; Fn-DfffC)V., K.V.
Results of preliminary tests of the BC21-F rodleas hydrav-110
piston pwop controlled frcm the surfactO. Neft. khoz. ' '
no.3.lrI3-:L6 N 164 (MTRA 18.-2)
A UISM Pelerin., L, A., Chief of the Technical and Production Department
R~th,FtUyMM-e-f t I NFU
T17M COMentS oil Gathering# Transportirij!4and Storing Petroleum in
Oilfields (0 sborep transporte i khranenii nefti na promysin'kb)
PFMODICAL Neftyanik,, 1958,, Nr 1,, pp, 15-16 (USSR)
AWMACT: The author, states that operations at the Tuyiiiazaneft I oilfields
have provid that it is advisable to use the wall tanks of 450
an. m. capacity for settling marketable petjaoieim. When large
tanks are filled vith preheateil petroleum in vinter.,--serious
difficulties my arise due to the thermal expansion of these
tan1s, Xt appears that this fact has been overlooked by
designers and planning engineers, 14oreover,, devices permdtting
the tank to breath awe wt suitable for handling preheated
petrolemi., and vapors vith volatile fractions are very often
ejected through valves, along vith the air, The resulting
pressure fluctuation creates a danger beemse it nay shatter the
Card 1/3 tank roof 'a Designers and plamAng, engineers should aaso keep in
Comnents on Gathering), Transportim and Storing in Oilfields
mind that the heating of petroleum promotes the corrosion of metal., and that
the present antico:erosion coatings are not entirely satisfactory. In 19531
following the suggi~stiorn of V, 1, Styuf., jet vater y=ps were introduced In
oilfields for removing paraffin deposits and mechanical impurities. Although
tboy facilitated the job of tank cleaning,, the proble* of mechanizing this
operation has not'been solved. The analysis of operations at the Tuynazaneft"
oilfields revealed. that, light fraction losses incurred in the course of
'petroleum treatmert diu.-ing the last six months amounted to 3.,000 tons-
Therefore,, it is recoxmaended that designers and construction engineers study
not only the prob3im of petroleum dehydration and desalting., but also the
problem of petroleum stabil -I zation. The hermetia sealing of tanks 'cou-1d. be
Improved If pressure regulating dzvicbs and packers were manufactured In
quantity. The recovery of slop :)i1 is handled unsatisfactorily and slops
still contain a substantial quantity of petroleum products and paxaffinic
residues (Fig. 1). The trap cleaning is difficult because this operation
Is not yet mechanized. Thereforej, the proposal of Tseydler concerning
the additional- settling of enulsions in usual tanks deserves attention.
Card 2/3
Comments on Getheriz*;., Tramsportingand Storing Petroleum in'Oilfields
This suggestion could be put into effe'ct as shown by the shetch in Fig. 2,
Rm-11 ions from the marketable oil tanks have to be drained to special
reservoirs of 1000-2000 cu. m. capacity, The recovery of slop oil carried
out as shown in F!Lg, 2 has a number of advantages, It prevents petzoleum
losses in traps and co,11ecting pools and does not reqmire excessive invest-
ment in construction. Designing and planning organizations should seriously
study the problem of centralizing petroleum gathering in oilfields,, and
should review methods of petroleum treatment. There.are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: ProizVix1stvenno-tekbnicheskiy otdal HPU Taymzaneft, (Production
and Technical Department of the Tqym=aneft9 Petroleum Prodnetion
1. PetToleum.-Storage 2. Petroleum-Transportation
3. Petrolema-Hazards Storage tanks--Design
5. Storage tanks-Zdrrosioa.
PPLPYTH. L.-NATAMIN. I., inzh.; BATURIIJ, IT.; Mff, Yu., takhnolog (g.Kharllcov);
~71P,HIMN, I.; KARLLr=V, B., aktivist; KALIMMOVICH. J4..
noreirovshchik-, IGNATOV, L. (g.Tashkent)
From readers I letterg. Izobr.' J rats. . no.6,38-40 JO 159.
(MIRA 12:9)
1. Rachal'nik proisvodetvanno-tekbnichaskogo otdola neftepromy-
Rlovogo upravleniya "Tuymazyneft'n, g,Oktyabrlakiy, BafihkSSR (for
Pelevin). ?, Frolzvodntvonno-t9kbnlcbe9kly otdol nefteproffelovogo
upravlaniya "Tuyrjazyneft'"t g.Oktyanrlakly, BasWOR (for Nayarmin).
3. Starabiy inzbener tekbnicbeskogo otdala parovocno-vagonnogo
zavoda, g.Ulan.-Ude (for Baturin). 4. Nachal'nik Byuro ancloystviya
rate ionalizats'll i isobrotatel'stvu Odesalcogo znvoda capasrqkh
cbaRiey, g.Odevsa (for TSiperfin). 5. Nachallnik B.Vuro sodeystviya
ratsionalizatail i izabretatellstvu Penmakogo clizollnogo zavoda,
g.Pen2a (far Karlenl-rov). 6. NlkolayovBki7 ob'lastnoy novat Vseanyuz-
nogo obsbehestva izobretateley i ratsinnali2atoroy, g.Nikolayev (for
Kallynanovicb). ?. K'harlkovskiy traktorWy savod. g.Kharvkov (for
Sargiyenya). (Efficiency, Industrial)
"Maximum overall petroleum yield of a flooded well. Izv.vys.ucheb.
V i gaz 5 no.12:39-44 162. (KIRA 17:4)
zav.; nef
1. Moskovskiy institut nertekhImicheskay i gazovoy promyshlennosti
imeni akademika Gubkina.
Gollecting., transporting, and storing oil in the field. Neftiaulk
3 no.1:15-16 Ja 158. (Hru 11:2)
1.1;%challnik proizvodetvenno-tekhniche6kogo otdela, Neftepromyshlennogo
upravlonlya Tuymazaneft'.
(Tuy,vwy.3wgion-Petroleum industry)
KAMINIKv P.S., inzh,.; PELEV1142 M.A.t inzh.
Stand for ruzmitg in reducing gears. Stroi.i dor.mash. 6
m-4-.34 Ap 161. MRA 14:3)
(Geaxing) (Odessa-Cranesg darricks, etc,)
PELIVIN, M.A., Insh.; SHVAMSBLW, H.P., in3b,
'roque rents.
Univeriml, equipment for hardening parts b7 high-f ncy cur
StroIJ! dor.masbinostr. 4 no.5:33-35 W '59.(HIRA, 32.-7)
`(metal s-Ilardening) -
MIDDVIDOVA.1 L,I.; PELEVIN, N.F., kand. fil. nauk
[Translation of English botanic tems and rames into
Russian; authDrIs abstract of a dissertation for th~~
degree of Canlidate of Philological Sciences) 0 pere-
vode angliiskikh botanicheskikh termirov i nazvanii na
russkii iazyk; avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie
uchenci stepeni. kandi&~a filologicheskikh nauk. Lenin-
grad, IA)ningr,. goso univ., 1964. 22 p. (MIRA 18:9)
!!UITSEV., V.F.~ d.oktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ZZAB1,01'.3KIY, K.I.,
kand. tekhn. nauk,, dots., re tscnzent;_PELLV Ili,
inzh... red.
[Impulse-type *variable speed transmission) Imptfllsivrye
veriatory. Izil.2.$ ispr. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963.
278 p. (MIRA 17:8)
LUK1YkN Vladlen Panteleymonovich; SHAPOVALERKO, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk,
Aekhn, red.
(Automatic control of production processes] Avtomaticheskoe
upravlenie proizvodetvennymi protsessami, Mookwa, Mashgiz,
1963o 99 P. (MIRA 16s6)
TKAbH, Vasiliy Denisovi6h; 911~NROYM, Pq~ls Danilovioh; GUABAN,
Vasiliy Yustinovich; YERMNKO,, Konstaritin Prokoflyevich;
POPOV, Ta.Ya.1, Inzh..,retsenzent; inzh.,red.;
(3-153P F,153A, and E-153ASh hydraulic excavators ; a mauvAl
on their maintenanqq~and operation) Gidravliobeskie
ekskavator7 &-151, R-153Ap E-153APh; rukovodstvo po ukhodu
i ekspluatataii. k6skva, Mashgiz, 1963. 160 p.
(MIU 16 6)
(Excavating machinery)
GRODZIYEIISKIY,'.Veiniamin Isaakovich; BARABASH,,..14.4, kand. tekhn.
nauk, retoenzent; PELEVIN, N. -insh.,, red.;
(Raketion centrifuges for cleaning oil in intern4 combus-
tion.eingines; design and calculations] Reaktivnye toentrifugi
dlia ochistki masla Y dvigateliakh vnutrennego agoraniia;
konst uktaii i raschat. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 86 p.
(MIRA 16:8)
(Internal combustion aligines-Lubrication)
MIALITSEV, V.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, Prof.; ZABLONSKIY, K.J.,
kand. tekhn. nauk, dots. retaenzent; PELEVIN N.N.,,
inzh., red.; KOZLOV, A.P., red.izd-va; UVARDVA, .A-.F.;
tekhn. red.
[Impulsive speod variators] Impullsivnye variatory, Izd.2.
ispr. i dop. floskva,,, Mashgiz, 1963. 278 p.
(MRA 16:11)
PODGAYETSKIY, VladWr Vladimirovich; ROSSOSHINSKIY, A.A., kand.
tekhn. nauk, retsenzentj I:EMIN., N.N. -, inzh., red.;
GOINOSIMPOLI-SY&YA, H.S., teklm. red.
[Nometallic inclusions in welded joints] Nemetallicheskie
vkliuchenila v svarnykh shvakh. Moskva, Mash iz, 1962. 83 p.
(mg!U 15.- 7)
!-ACCESSION NR-.. AT4040554 S/2564/WO04/000/0095/0100
AUTHOR-.- Maslov, V.N Pelevin, O;lV.; Yepifanova, K.I.; Davy*dov, A.A.
TITLE: Crystallization of a ffim between germanium dindrites growing In paraUel
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institat kristallografit. Rost kr1stallov, v. 4, 1964, 95-100
I TOPIC TAGS: germanium, germanium fihn, interdendritic film, film giowth, germanium
dendrite, germanium crystallization
ABSTRACT: The structure of Interdendr'itic germanium films, grown in a symmetrical
temperature field in a laboratory assembly with a melting capacity of 120 g of germanium:
+using argon as the atmosphere, was studied microscopically and'inetallographically. The
assembly was suited foil the preparation of 1. 0-1. 5 min wide and 7-80 ft thick films at a
rate of 60-90 mm/min at melt temperatures of 10-15C below the melting point. The process
of crystalli7ation of an Jitnterdendritic film is believed to consist of three stages: .(1) the
initial formation of the interdendritic film as an outgrowth of the base lamella
dendrite into the interspace, until it merges with the parallel growing dendrite; (2) further
L,7911;-M IJP(c) -JDIJG
.4 ..........
C NR.-- AP5025777;
SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/65/001/00911454/1458
AUTHOR: Mullvidskiy M.!G.; Pelevin, 0. V.
ORG, Giredmet
TITLE! Method for d,6te r-nitniner the'distribution coefficients of the volatile compo-,
nents in growing single crystals of gallium arsenide by directed crystallization
SOURCE: AN SSSR.. lzvestVa. Neorganicheskiye mate rialy, v. 1, no. 9 1965,
TOPIC TAGS: arsenide, galliun~lompound, single cKystal, crystallization, sele-
nium,' tellurium,. 21ne
ABSTRACT: Alloying of gallium arsenide is generally. done with very strongly
volatile-additives: selenium:, tellurium, and zinc. Growing of the single crystals
is--done.- in a hermetici s6aled thermostatted ap 'aratus in the presence of a
Itily - p
stable gas, phase of arsenic band with the
alloying additive over the solution. Under
these - conditions the distribution of the alloying additive along the length of t1he
-ditive betweten the
in ot Id determined not only by the distribution of the alloying ad
Crd UDC: 546. 6811191-. 548. 55
AMNR: AP502577T:
1 crystal and th melt,' b also between the melt, and the gas phase. The
e Ut
tion equati for,. this: case: has been given in the following form:
_:alpha -the volumes of the gas and the
-J.where ]Kit; h(�,,re.V and vare cond ensed
phases, respectivel3i.; KI-js the distribution coefficient of the additive between the:
A liqu4d and gas- pfiaisea~. The h
article- demonstrates by mat ematical development
in the e e n
i:.thato growing of gaRlium amenid 'crystals by dir cted crystallizatio , the
.distribution a (I
f the vcilatil additives along the length of the ingot depends on the
magnitude of -the int("gral distribution coefficient (Kint). The value of the ratio
distribution coefficient K, the partial pressure
tjK depends on t1iie eff,6c.tive
of,the a dditive over the nJielt, the volumes of:the -gas and condensed phases, and
the mean temperatu'Oe of the gas phase. The distribution coefficients between
it I
the crystal and the me br zinc and tellurium in gallium arsenide are equal to
0 .415 and 0. 046,- res The concentration of vacancies in samples of the
i Cord 2/3
L 22931~& iifi Me-6) law JDATa
ACC.. NR: AP6013343 SOURCE CODE:-..UR/0363/66/002/004/0657/0651)
.AUTHOR,, Fig tul V..:I;;; 0-%6.11yanovskiy, E. M.; Pelevin, 0. V.; Uflmtsev, V. 11
ORG: dired et
TITLE: The effect,~of
'the nature of dopant on electron scattering and polytropy of
dopant 1-a n-type gallium arsenide'
OURCE.6 -:AN S58K.I lzvestiya 'Neorganicheskiy'e-ut4terialy,,v. 2, no. 4, 1966, 657-658
-TOPIC TAGS: gallium 1%senide -sin
ak gle crystal,~semiconductor single crystal, activated
crystal, donorimpurity, ele*ctron mobility, carrier scattering, Hall mobility,
-ty po ropy,
imouri lyt
ABSTRACT: -~'The nAture::'D'f ~th6
Ao ant was,found to influence the electrical property of
crystals doped with Te, Se, or widely varied concentra-
tions in a6annei'analDgous~io 'that observed earlier in strongly doped semicondcutor
Ge and',Sii'..S1ngle crystals,were grown by an oriented crystallization technique under
conditions which secured uniform distribution of impurity. Hall mobility at 300K was
found to the seduence.-UTe > use-> us with -increasing electron concentration
In the- sample.~ In agreement! *with theory
ifrii'jattern of change in electron mobilit
reflected the effect of the~nature of the dopant on scattering of electrons. Another
effect,'of thenature of the_ opant was detected in a study of the relation between
electron'concentration~-and 41tomic concentration of,the dopant, as determined by
!".Card 112 IMC: 537.311.33:546.681'191
M. A- 1. 1 V Tf) C~ 9 1 y ; m ~ (11 , -, Irp r. F V I IN p ~-[ V .
Fethods of determining Lhe aoefl'jl~tlf~tnte of of
Volatile impm 5tles In grawi g gall~i;-m jqtreenldl-l 1.fngle t--rystala
by or5eat~ 7zv. AN SSSR. Nc-crg. rml- I no.9,,-.
1/454-1-458 7 165. ls~-11)
1. Gosudarsi.,pamyy 1 prOyektr'.yy
Instd Wt red kimetall') nnhpakoy prt-,myqb3.enno:3tA. Mos~va.
L-0-6-59P-67 mT It)/EPT IWO JD/WW/.TwjA
AP60 SOURCEWDE: UR/0032 V08109~9,
7A Pelevin 00, V ?,L11'v%,Eds)dy M. G. Belvayev, -A. L Xhotin, D. A..,.
Sh, aep ~U'OV2. M. Not nkov, 11. V. 6913
ORG: State.Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Rare Metal Industn,
(Gasudarstvennyy naucbno-1 tellskiy i pmaktniy institut redkometallicheskoy
TITLE: Determination.of the vapor pressurelof volatile substances
SORCE: Zavodukaya laoratoriya. v. 32, no.~B, 1966, 968-970
tOPIC TAGS: vapor~pressure, selenium, radioactive isotope, temperature dependence,
diatomic-inolecule, thermodynamic analysis
ABSTRACTI, A otatio method Was, developed for dotormining the vapor pressure from the
radioactivity of the vapor,, based on a proportional dependence of radioactivity to the
quantity of material in the meanured volune. In the proposed technique only the molec-
ular composition of the vapor need be known. A sc atic diagram of the.mmerimental
apparatuz,.; shows 13 components.' Th--,, saturated vapo-Aressure of seleniumVa~ deteitnined-
attemperatures ranging fron 380 to'5800C. Quartz ampoules with weighed portions of
SOTS were evacuated to a prassuze of 1-3,10-6 mm Hg and placed in the apparatus. Cali-
brai lion curves were obtained by a series of experiments using different weights. Log L
UDC: 541.12.034.6
Card 1/2
WIN, V.N.; IMMOY, 8.8'.; MIULI, LB41 PIMyp,
Scouring woolen JWbrics in water under pressure. Tekst.proz. 17
no.12:46-49 D 1157. (KIRA lltl)
1jamestitell Prodsedatelya Bryanskogo sovnarkhoza (for Illnin)*
2 * Direktor fabriki "P~-oletarir" (f or Nazarov) . 3.Glavu" inshener
;~brikl "Proleta:,riyu (for Frankel') 49'3)irektor luntsevskoy sherstyanoy
fabriki (Pelevin). 5.Glavny7 Inzhener Kuntsevskoy sheretyanoy fabriki
(for Fi*eobrazhenskays.).
(Woolen and worsted manufacture)
IMroving the mechanism. Put' i put.khoz. 7 no.7-.30--31 16324'
(WRA 16~,110)
1. Starshiy inish. Moskovsko-Ryazanskoy distantsii (for S***Lnova.).
2. Nachallnik nasterskikh Moskovsko-Rya7anakoy distantsii (for
PElavil, V.
Retablishing the Komsomolls)mia Station. Mor. flot 18 no.7:25
Jl #58. (MIRA 11: 7)
l.Nachallnik Yuzhno-polyarnor stantaii Komsomolskaya.
(Antarctic regions)
. I
Writer-, traveller, and scientist. Znan.sila 31 no.11:21-23 X 156,&
~MLRA 9:12)
(Arsoulev, Vladimir Klavdievich, 1872-1930)
MPANOV, Y.N., doktor-geogr.aauk,; RRZMXOV, P.L., doktor
geol.-miwral.llauk, red.; LMONOT, V.T.* P kand.geograf-.nauk, red..;
R=~OoTbTATAI N.A., kand.o6ognfnauk, red*;,PAM7WTA, S.G.;
kand.geograf.nauk, red.; KOWANINOT, R.I., kand.geograf.pauk, red.;
P=r=. TUGARINOV, D.N., red.iz.dva; NOVICHKOVA, D.11.0
[Basic geological and hydrological features of the Sea of Japan)
0snovnys cherty geologii 1, g1drologii Up~nskogo mbile. Moskva,
1961. 22.3 p. (mm 14:3)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ok6snologil.
(Jalmm, Sea of--Submarine geology)
Wapan,,, Sea of-Hydrology)'
M.D.9 tel:hn. rod.; KOBRMVA, V.I., tekhn. red.,
(Coiiservation] Ob okhrane prirody; sbornik statei. Moskvao
Uchpedgis, 196:1. 205 p.- (MIRA 16:6)
(Conaervation of natural reBources)
P%Lx7 IN-1 Vol*
-A.V. Peterburgskiy, ,I"Pel
_Y_ - -- N A* Ma ryan, V pomoshch kolkhognowu laborEnt L
..Cgawaal f or Ihe Kolkhoz i"orWi~)~Y ';ork9:r~'9,'~S6l'khozgIz, 20 ohoeto.
. This guide fortha kolkhoz laboratory worker describes the arrangement and
equipment of the kolkhoz laboratory, the methods of chemical, physical and other
analyses of the most important complex substances encountered in the practice of
socialist agriculture: water, Fjoil, milk and dair7 products. A short characteriZiLtiOn
of pest-control poisons and fortilizery ic given, together with methods of ident-
jfying them, etas
:,inteniled for kolkhoz lftboratciry workers with spooial tridning, kolkhoc agronoWste
,and kolkhoz activists.
SO: U-6472 13 116v l954
CHERNOZUBOV, S.A., intit.; FRADKIN, B.P.9 inzh.j__.~ELFVIN, VA, inzh.
Converting a oand-lime brick plant to the produo t4 C-.,l Of
large panals. Stroi. mat. 10 no.6124-27 Je 164.
(KRA 17, 10)
PEUVIN, V.M., uchitell ; IVANOVA, Z.S., uchitell
Organizing a local school society for the protection of nature,
biol.v shkole no,5:75-76 6-0 '59, (MIRA 13:13)
l;,-5reda7aya shkol,-. No.70 g.Yaroslavlya.
(Student activities)
P=VIN, V.H. uchitell
Use this book (NWhen man was not therew by Dimitr Angelov.-Revieved
by V.M. Felevin). 31olo v obkole no.3:89-91 Yq-Je l6o.
(MIRA lj:7)
1. Shkola No. 70, g. Yaroslayll.
Photosynthesis of marine phytoplankton at various depths. Okeano-
logii-a 4 no.3-.516-527 164 (MIRA 18:1)
1. Institut okeanologii AV SSSR.
the tt'uc
vz. Fiz-,
s 0 1, c L AN
~~,ce a T) r r an i: h v
7111PT~' -'GS'
th E: r c Tl
m e n t
Card 1/2
'With adlAitional suppositions on the form of the function 1(0, z) for the ulper
lavers -4 the sea, an arproximate formula is derived which may be used for ca'cu-
observations which have oceen accu-,-w,,.*Lat,:, A-1
r) ci c.
4-:cr thp true incex of refractic-n of the sea is true for ary k
1;aht Varicus S 01~~x tie --cli" t ------
r r7,-. v
n me,-"~Um !no ~,-l e
g2'- mam--
P=, V IN, V. N. POR(MMV, A. A.) NDSM") A. M.
"On Some Equipment for High Temperature Plasma Studlea and Some Expertmental.
Data Concerning Magnetoh~nlrodynamic 1-heaomena."
report presented at the First All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Moscov, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960.
PFJMINj V.S,j, kand,tekhaichoskikh nauk
Blocking Ap of buildings with anow in Antarctica, Inform. biul,
Sov. antark. eksp. no. 24:50-55 160. (MMA 14:5)
I., Ytoraya kontinentaltnayalekspeditalya.-
(Antarctic region"now)
SOV/l 37-- 59-2-?218
Translation from: Referativriyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2. p .1 (USSR--,
AUTHORS: GoIldenberg, S. A, Pelevl~~.
,-- In--'
T IT LE: Effect of Pressure on the Flame Veloc;tv ;n a Laminar Flo%v fVl;
yaniye davleniya na skorosi-I rasprostraneniya plameni v larninarnom
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Issled. protsessov goreniya. Moscow. AN SSSR, 1958,
pp 57-67
ABSTRACT: This effect was studied experimentally on methane-air and gaso
line-air mixtures by combustion in a 16-mm diam burner-, t1he flame
velocity was determined by photographing the lum',nous inner core.
The data obtained show that., 1) in a broad range of concentrations
an increase in pressure lowers the normal flame velocity and, 2)
anlincrease in pressure narrows the NmLts of ih[lammability. Tile
change in the mass rate ml of the flame was studied on ihe basis of
these data. Since the minimal flame velocity cannot be physically
equal to 0 in the proposed formula m.1 z; m10.4 A(p_ Pop. where
M10 is the minimal mass rate at 760 mm, Hg, The exponent n equals
Card 1/2 0.78. The experimental data plotted in logarithmic coordinatei~ sa!isfy
II Effect Of Pressure on the Flame Velocity in a Larnjr-r Flow SOV/137 -59-2-2238
the given relationship.
M. M,
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1960,. No. 1, P. 33, # 2'79
AUTHORS: Golidenberg, S. A , Pelevin, V. S.
TITLE: The Pressure Effect on the Flame Propagation Speed in a Turbulent
PERIODICALt V sb.: Issled. protsessov goreniya. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1958, pp, 68-76
TEXT: The authors present graphically the results of studying the effect of
pressure on the pE2p ITIU the turbulent flaAof a gasol-ine-
_NI2,tion speed of a flame
air mixture. The test burner was 16 mm in diameter, the pressure pried from 360
to 100 mm of mercury, and the Reynolds number R varied from 4 x 10 to 20 x :~O .
The pressure effect is; analogous to the flame propagation in a laminar flow-. The
propagation speed for invariable R is in inverse proportion to the pressure in the
0.25 power, but in case of invariable outflow speed, it increases proportionally to
the square root of pressure, Considerations on theoretical substantiation of the
obtained relationship are added. There are 4 references.~
B. A. Fidman
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Golldenberg, S. and Pelevin, V. S. (Moscow). 24--2-6/28
TITLE: Influence of the pressure on the normal velocity of flame
propagation. (Vliyaniye davleniya na normallnuyu
skorost' rasprostraneniya plameni).
PLMIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhniaheskikh
Nauk, 1958, No.2, pp. 33-41 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: The relation between-the flame velocity and the pressure
can be expressed by the following approximate equation:
U -J /2) -1
p( (2)
V being the order of the reaction. In present da:y
theories on tubulent flame propagation (Refs.5-11) zmd
also on the criteria of flame stabilisation, the noimal
flame velocity is one of the predominant characteristics
of the process. The published results of investigations
of the influence of pressure on the normal flame velocity
are contradictory and in most cases they are limited to
the range of higher pressures and also as regards the
range of investigated concentrations (Refs.15-27,32).
The experimental data of some authors indicate that thera
is a definite relation between the flame speed and the
Card 1/7 pressure, namely, the linear velocity of the flame
Influence of the pressure on the normal velocity of flaMe
decreases with increasipg pressures. However, Voronkov
and Sokolik (Ref.15), Kolodtsev and Khitrin (Refs.1r) and
18). Fiock and Marvin.'(Ref.19) did not observe any I
appreciable changes in the flame velocity with pressures
in the case of mixtures of CO with oxygen; determination
of the flame velocity by various methods (tube, bomb)
for air and.oxygen mixtures lead to the conclusion that
the behavioux of these mixtures differs. A number of
authors obtained contradictory results in investigating
mixtures of various-hydrocarbons with air; the data on
the dependence of the flame velooity U on the pressure P
are 'summarised in a table, P.34. The contradictionE;
do not relate solely to experimental data. For instance,
on the basis of the results obtained for acetylene-air
mixtures and the results published by Pickering and
Linnett (Ref,24), Gaydon and Wolfhard (Ref.26) arrived
at the conclusion that the flame velocity does not depend
on pressure. Analysing published results it can be
concluded that, whilst for oxygen mixtures the
nf *'hn flnm= ^,,, --
Influence of the pressure on the normal velocity of flame
various concentrations is graphed in Fi-.3 foi methiine-
air and in Fig.4 for the gasoline-air mixtures.
Xhitrini L. N. (Ref.18) has shovm that the mass velocity
of the flame m is an important characteristic of the
combustion process. Since in the here described
experiments the changes in the fuel concentration arc
very slight, it can be assumed that the density of the
mixture is constant. The mass flame velocities as a
function of pressure for all the hydrocarbons referred
to in the graph, Fig.?, are graphed in Fig.8 and it; can
be seen that the picture is the same as that obtained
for methane-air and for gasoline-air mixtures, namely,
the mass flame velocity decreases with decreasing pressure.
According to Xhitrin the dependence of the mass flame
velocity on the pressure can be expressed by the following
M, = M0 + A(P - P0)n (3)
where m 0 is the limit mass velocity of the flame, P0 is
Card -5/7 the minimum pressure, A a coefficient and n power index.
.Influence of the pressure on the normal velocity of flame
Evaluation of the obtained exDerimental data by mea-as of
this formula using logarithmical coordinates, graphz
Figs.9 and 10, indicates that the experimentally determined
values are located on straight lines and that the value of
n for methane and for gasoline equals about 0,78. For a
number of hydrocarbon-air mixtures other authors also
found that their experimental values are satisfa-,torily
located on straight lines (Fig.11) and that the valUe of
n changes between 0.7 and 0.75. Thus, it was established
Uhat the law of the changes of the mass velocities on the
pressure remain equal for the entire range of pressure
changes irrespective of taking into consideration the
limit pressures and mass flayne velocities; it can be seen
from the graph, Fig.81 that some curves tend to intersect
the ori-in of the coordinate system and in this particular
case a much simpler relation will apply:
m %z=0 P" or U ~~pn-l.
The data obtained by the authors of this paper are plotted
in logarithmic coordinates in the graphs, Figs.12 and 13.
Card 6/7 Thus, it can be considered an established fact that for a
"V ~M!
Influence of the pressure on the normal velocity of flame
large number of mixtures of hydrocarbons which are not
excessively poor or excessively richl tj)e flame velocity
changes with the pressure in accordance vith the
following relation:
U "%"P-y (-y 0.25 to 0.3) (4)
ctive order
This indicates that for air mixtures the effe
of reactions according to pressure, 1.5 to 1.41
wh:Llst,as can be seen from the data of other authors
(sinumarised in a table), in oxygen mixtlxres the flanie
ve-,.ocity does not depend on the pressure and in this
caoe 4 = 2.
Acl--mowledgments are made to A. S. Predvoditelev and
L. IT. Khitrin for their advice and assistance.
Card 7/7 There are 13 figures, 1 table and 32 references,
9 Russian, 23 English. buu
SURAITTED: October 31, 1956.
ASSOCIATION: poijer Institute)Ac.Sc. USSR. 0~u-
tv .1't-ligi
A SOV/24-59-2-4/3c,
AUMORS:GoIldenberg, S. A., Pelevin, V. S. (moscav)
TITLE: Influence of Piessure on the Exopagation of Flames in Tur-
bulent Flow (Vliyaniye davleniya na skorost' rasprostraneniya
plameni v turbulentnom potoke)
PERIODICAL- Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1959, Nr 2, pp 26-31 (USSR)
ABSTIZACT: The process of flame propagation in well-mixed benzine-
air mixtures at pressures below atmospheric has been invest-
i5ated, using previously described experimental methods (Ref
1 . The propagation velocity was measured photographically;
the air pressure varie(I from 760 to 100 mm and the Reynolds
number from. 4000 to 20 000. Curves are iven (Fig 1) show-
ing the variation of flame velocity (uT~ with fuel concen-
tration (C) at various pressures (p) and Reynolds num-
berB (R) Graphs of log uT against log p indicate
.Card 112
*Influence of Pressure on the Propagation of Flames in Turbulent Flow
that uT vaxies as p-0*25 . Similar analysis of the
data in terms of Reynolds number suggests that uT varies
approximately as RO*715 . There are 4 figures and .12
references, of which 5 are Soviet, 6 English and 1 German.
ASSOCIATION: Energeticheskiy inBtitut AN SSSR (Power Institute Acad-
emy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMIT W : November 16, 1956.
Card 2/2
B1 2 5/B8
AUTHOR, Felevin, V. S.
TITLE: Alternating-current arc device for obtainine a high-tempera-
ture gas jet
PERIODICAL: Inzlienerno-f"Lzicheskiy zhurnal, no. 12, 1961, 32-36
TEXT; The author discusses arc-discharge processes and the main principles
for generating a high-temperature gas jet with an a.-c arc, Fiff. 1 shows
a device which has been constructed for this purpose. Regulation is
operated of the vacuu-In system, the pressure in the ante-chamber, the water
cooling of the arc chamber and the disk electrode. The following un'.ts are
used to control the 220-v current to the carbon electrodes; (1) special
reduction gear (V~; distribution unit (xii);TCA-1000-3 (TSD-1000-3)
transformer (XIII); and remote control panel (XIV). The commutation circuit
of the transformers permits voltage and current regulation in two ways- At
a constant current of 1200 a it is possible to vary the terminal voltage
of the electrodes between 20 ani 160 v, and at a constant voltage of 80 vi,,,-K
the current can be varied between 400 and 2400 a. The arc is fed with a
Card 1
8/170/6 1 /0 00/0 12 Ir, 2 /C 1
Alternating-current arc device B125/B138
50-,.Ps ~;urrent. The automatic control circuit is based on automatic regula-
tion of the feeding rate of the oarbon electrode as dependent on the arc
,tioltage. If the device operates with water stabilization, the discharge
cc=rring between the adjustable carbon electrode XVIII and the fixed disk
electrode IV is connected to the are chamber III, The cooling system A/
protects the arc chamber against burnup, cools both electrodes, and Increases
the temperature of the gas jet leaving through an opening in 'he disk
electrodes~ There are 1 figure and 7 -references: 6 Soviet and I non-Scviet
ASSOCIATION: Energeti.cheskiy institut im, G. 11. Krzhizhanovskogo, g.
Moskva (Power Engineering Institute imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovdt~y,
SUBMITTED: July 29, 1961
Fily. 1. Diagram of an alternating-current arc device with combined
stabilization of the jet: (I) pressure chamber; (II) ante-chamber;
(III ) arc chamber; (IV) disk electrode; (V) automatic electrode feed
mechanism; (VI) coii of the magnetic solenoid; (VII) magnet and shil'ting
mechanism; (VIII) observation Dort; (IX) airtight cover; IX" needle valve;
Card 2/1
'AUTHORS Peleving It. S.
TITLE: Change of the'oombustion zone Jength of a homogeneous mixturel
in turbulent flow as dependent on pressure
PERIODICALS Inzhoner.,ao-fizioheskiy-zhurnal,.no. 6, 1962, 3 - 7
TEXT: The visible, pressure'-dependent change of the combustion zone lengths.
Lez) was studied with a well-blended gasoline-air mixture (gasoline 13 -70~
~B-'70) fed through a tubular burner (diameter 16 mm) with ignition ring at;'
the end. L was determined from the 00 content along the flame axis.
Two test series were, carried out: the 'air supply was constant and
indevendent of falling pressure in the pressure chamberi (2) the airsupply;,
was vared corresponding to pressure. In both casee, the fuel.concentra-
tion was equal (1.72 ~-) and constant, The limits of the thermal-and
chemical combustion,'zones were found to coincides the maximum CO contenti
corresponded to the point of maximum temperature. When the
the pressure chambor was reduced, the fuel mixturle flowed oiit of the bunier
Sh 7-0/62/000/006/00-1-/0
Chrmgo of tho combustion zone B117/B138
constant velocity of flow, which corresponded to the theory (L. Landau,
Ye. Lifshits Meklvanika sploahnykh ared (Meohanics of dense media).
Gostekhizdat, 1J.-L., 1944) that one of the.turbulence characteristics of
flo-a is a scale of measurement for the turbulence, 1 rvp There are
3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Energeticheskiy institut lm. G. M. Krzhizhanovskogo, g.
Moskva (Power Engineering Institute imeni G. M.
Krzhizhar.ovskiy, Moscow)
SUBMITTED: ~September 29, 1961
Card 3/3
Pressure effecit on the maximm-temperature inthe combastion
zone and on the ignition temperatue of a homogeneous mixture
in a turbulent, flow. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. 6 no.304-39 Mr 163.
(KIRA 164j,'
1. Energeticheskiy institut, imeni G.M.Krzhizhanovskogo,
(Combustion) (Inflameable liquids)
Change JLn.the length of the combustion zone of a homogeneous
mixture in a -turbulent flow as dependent on pressure. Inzh.-fiz.
zhur. 5~no.6:,3-7 Ier 162. .(KM 15:12)
1, Bne-Tgatichookiy inatitut imani G.M. Krzhizhanovakogol
(Fluid dynamics)
PELIEVIN, V.S.J, lrand.tekhn~nauk
Mof.bod oil bor4m, holes in the i1ce by -mans of a high- temperature
gas jet. Inform.biul.Sov.antark.eksp. no-48:35-38 164.
(MIRA 18:2)
1. Vtoraya kontinentallnaya antarkticheskaya ekspeditsiya.
Selective inhibition of the activity of oxidizing-reduclng enzyms
In tumor cells by chain reaction inhibitors. Dokl. AN SSSR 124
no-5:1157-1159 F 159. (KIRA 12:3)
l.Institut khimIchesko7 fiziki AN SSSR. Chlon-korreepondent AN
SSSR (for Zmautwl").