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PAVLOVSKJY, D.P. Changes Ir the coagulating and anticUEgu,atIng systems of thp blood In acute cholecystitis and mechanical jaundIce. Sov. med. 27 no.12:15-20 0 164. (~Uf,A 1 R: I I 'j 1. Kaf--dra khirurgli (zav.- prof. D.F. Skripnichenko) stowtc1ogi- cheskogo fakul'teta Kiyevskogo ordena Trudovogo KrasnoFo ZnRingnA me.ditsinskogo instituta imeni Bogomolltsa. the b--- ood 35 165. "Q rlv~ c .-Z ~.afvjry gi~.heskr.gc; fai2.*, ~e u-- rreditsinskc-,gc ~ n-~', prof. V.D.Rn,!,i,- FAVLOVSKIY2 D.P. (Kiyer) Venuum t~rmbosis and fatal pulmonary arter7 thrombqftWI19m.q,,- Arkh. Pat. 25 no.WO-77 163 Ome'"41 1. 7$ kafedry khirurgii ( =7. -- prof. D.F. Skripnichanko) stomatologicheekogo fakuItteta i kafedry patologicheskoy ana- tomii ( zav. - zasluzhennyy deyat,311 nauki prof. Ye.i. Chayka) Kiyevskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zhameni meditsinskogo insti- tuta imeni akademika A.A. Bogomolltsa. Ka f f d --I 7fw t-c .,.Lz iie l), ki 1 .-,,7 c~ i- de, a T r E r cti n 11_k, 'L&,- ~ -- PAVLOVSKIY, D.P.; KCRVATSKIY, B,G. Functional state of the coagulating, anti cGstgulatlng a-nd fibrinolytic system of the blood in thyrotoxicosis. delo, no.12:46-50 D 163. (MIRA 17-2) 1. Kafedra 1,-hirurgii (zav. - prof. D.F. Skripnichenko) stomatologichoskogo fakullteta Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. PAVLOVSKIY, D.S. (g.Kuylysbev) -------- New wage system in action. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no.6:50-60 Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Railroads--Salaries, pensions) etc.) BJIM. Yu.L.. inzh.;. PAVLOVSKIY, D.Ya.. inzh.; SOROKIN, Ye.M., inzh.; KAR OVA, N.L. inzh.; S=j-i=OV, S.I., inzh.; BARSUKOV, A.F., red.; P53CHaKIN. I.V., [Now tractors and agricultural machinery; results of tents conducted in 19571 Novye traktory i sellskokhozisistvennye mashiny, rezul'taty ispytanii 1957 goda. Moskva, H-vo sellskogo kh02.SSSR. io.l. 1959. 277 P. (MBA 13:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.5.S.R.) Glavnoye upravlonlye mekhanizatBU I slektrifWtaii sellakogo khozyaystva. (Tractors) (Agricultural machinery) FAVILOVSXTY, TIX. Windbreaks., Shelterbelts, Etc. New cultivator for inter-row tilla:,,e. in T-urserles, shelteritelts, ~-tc. Les i steps no.3, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Acce,38i(n.9, Librai7 of 'ongrcsal, JulY 10~52 Unclassified. PATWVSFM 00,090 Youngor brother of coal, IUn.takhe 3 no*9;36-37 6 '58. (MM 11;10) Op"t) - d e_ - PAI.ILOVSKIY, --;,. I% "Br.sic rethods Of gtudyin~,- the n-ritu-ml foci of jiseases. "p- Desyntoye Soveshchnniye po pnxazitolo~-,icheskim problenam i prirodnooehcijovyn, bo3.nznynm. 22-29 Okty~biyi 1959 C. (Tenth Go-Iferm--o on Paarasitolo~~ical Problems and i4spases with Natum-1 Foci 22-29 October 1959). Moscow-Leningrad, 1959, Acaderqv of Medical Sciences USSR and AcadeW of Sciences USSii, no. 1 254pp. Xm,DpiwtN,~Az_S,; zad Tht Rif.. 73-'Z~- A 9:57) , ~ rst'used bir Dirac f ing a, methad fi fPrec. Cam- ' v Plifloi 26 11930), 3761-~&,~ an effertive Ha- brid&Y m0iowan is derivC."I trom t~&e Hartr,.4~-Fock tept field equrihons, wbich commutt~s with the density rworix A suitable Fourier represi,.riva-don of tbis vanishing liA Aiia5~L- *hbiiias-Feriil:lcqiiatioiLTdth* extA e n proximal".1 on the first cormction (of onderz -2~3~ is found w5atisfy a finear inhoruogeveous st-zonid ord!~.r differenilat equation and Conktins tile WeD.-knowri exchwige Co'lection firit found hy Dwic (V~ cit.) as w-U as an addition il ~,m3ll "Cluamum C,---,rk:Ctj0n", On the basis of th6- resalt otber methods of C appruldmation are cri. h4ink (Iowa ~Clty lowa). R 7 ACCESSION IRI : ATNOMS1 S/0056/64/046/003/3.142/3-146 AUMOR: Lyubimov,, V. A,; Pavlovskiy F, At TH : Measurement of icn='x*ng ability of particles in a spark chamber SOURCE: . Zhunial eksperimentallnoy i teomtiches)wy fiziki, v. 46, no. 3, 1964, 1142-n46 70PIC TAGS: spax-k dhambwq particle ionizing ability, inert gas chmpber, effect of additive, sensitive chamber' tire,, spark trw-k inclinaticn, track. brightness ABSTRAM The sensitive time of a spark.chmIer with a large (30 cm) interelec- tr~ spacg was investigated and was foLmd to be large (tens of microseconds) when the chamber was filled with a pum inert gass whexvas a small additive of air$ propane, or alcohol strongly redLv-3es the sensitive tbm. The spark discharge was observed to have a shvett" c=iating of charwteristic hmcl"q witli a stauvase fom for =Lumd tmcks. The appearmoe of the discharge depwaft on the delay of the higb voltage pulse, with the nwavr of butwim de=asing with in- cmase in delay or with inwease -of the awunt of additive fer oanstmt delay time. Owtain hypotheses to' eV2ain this sawturv wom &Wmoed and tested ACMSSICH NR: AP4025951 directly by imeasuring the ionizing ability of particles in a spark chamber. It -is shown that tracks of particle's with diffamnt ionizing abilities continue to differ in brightness even when the track stnwture becomes WD fine to d$zcer-n the details. "The authors are grateful to Awdemician A. 1. Alikhawv ~ft sugps- ted the work, to Yu. V. Galaktionov for a diewasim of the results and for assistance in the v;ew~ents, and to F. A. Yedh for assistanoe In the measum- wifts. Orig. art. has: 4 figUMS. MOC=CN: institut tem-eticheskay i Omperimottallnoy fiziki (Institute of Theoretical and =Ttal Physics) SUSC=: IlDecS3 DAM ACQ: W;064 ENCL: 02 SUB ODIE: PHs SD NR MY SOV: 000 OMM: 001 Cord 2/4 LEVINTOV, I.I.; PAVLOVSKIY, F.A. Attempt to detect the polarization of recoil nuclei in atripping reactione, Zhur,ekap,l teor.fi7,,, 44 no.5il/442-1444 Yj 163. (MM 16:6) 1. Institut teoreticheakoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki. (Nuclear reactiona) (Polarization (Nuclear phyeics)) LYUBIMV, V.A.; PAVLOV-SKIY, F.A. Increase of the effeci I;WVolune of a spark chamber with a large interelectrode gap. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.6:51-52 PD 164. (luTP;l 18:1) 1. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Gosudarst- vennogo komiteta po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR. ZHUK, YA., PAVLOVSKY, G., ZIUYVX)V, I. Grain. Machanization of the grain clem ing work., 'ATS, 12, no. 1, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - -ay -1953; Unclassified. 2 PAVLOV03KIY, G. Industrial i~Lecre:.-tion - ~;'Llin7rLli ~:y 1roei-ectric Po,.-,~er 3trit-' :r~ - I Leisure of tLe builders of tl.e 1`6alin-~,md hyiroelec~,ric U11--rit. 2, No. 3, 1953. Monthly List of 1(ussian :,cccssiono, Ldbriry of Com-m-s!i, June 1(-)r3. UEcl' . P"LOVSKIY, G.I.J.-kand.tekhn.nauk Study of the uneven heating-up of the VR-25-1 steam turbinfj during starting operations. Blek. sta. 32 no.2:18-22 F '61. (HIRA lo: 7) (Steam timbines) PAVLOVSKIY, G.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; TOLHACHEV, V.D., inzh. Start of a turbine with additional steam heating of the bull. Izv. vys, uchebo zav.; energ. 7 no.3:61-66 Fir 164. OIIRA 17:4) 1. KharIkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Predstavlena kafedroy obshchey teplotekhniki. -T 3/143J60/000/007/005/010 A189/AO29 AUTHORt- Paylovskiyj G.I., Candidate TITLE: H04ting of'Bodies With Regard of Technical Sciences, Sheveley, to Thermal StresBes PERIODICAL: Energetika, 1960, Vol, 3, Nr 7, PP 81-87 TEXTs The heating and cooling~process of bodies having a regular geometric shape is analy--z-eT -and the ariaing thermal stresses are calculated. General relations between the thermal stresses and the difference of temperatures are derived. The derived relations are applicable to calculations of thermal stresses in bodies of any shape with a sufficient accuracy for practical use. A method is given for determining the optimum cooling conditions of bodies whose permissible thermal stresses are known. There are 4 graphs and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina (Kharlkov Polytechnical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin); Card 1/2 PAVLOVSKIY U '-,, 1-111.~ kand.toldwn.nauk, dotsont; BILATUTA, E.G., inzh. Detoermimtion, of expend'Aurc coefficients during the ou-,"low of wet steam from a nozzle cascade. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; enurg. 6 no.8:64-71 Ag 163. (111BA 16:9) 1. Kharlkovokly pliteWinicheskiy institut imeni Lanina. 1'rod- stavlena kfedroy ob3Ic4iay teplotuak,niki. (Steam turbines) FAUMSM, G.I., kand.teklul.naU', dotuent Additional steam beating of the cylinder of a stdan turbine. Energo- mashinostroanie 9 no.6:/+O Je 163, (K[RA 16;9) '--FAVb3VSKIYj G.1.1 BRATUTA, 9,,G.; NAKHW, Yu.V. Rate of a subsonic moist-at&= flov tbrough easeadeB of nozzles. zhur. 7 no.12e79-82 D 164 (MIRA 18 c2) 1. Polit&.hni cheeky Instit-ut iment Lenin&, Xharlkov. TIAVLOVSKIY, G. I. (Kharkov polytechnical institute) --- "Non-stationary heat exchange turbines exhausts." Report presented at the Section on Thermal -physical Proper-ties and Non-statl_~nary Thermal Capacity, Scientific Session, Council of Acad. Scl. Ukr SSR on Pigh Temperature Physics, Kiev, 2-4 Apr 1.963. Reported in T~eplofizika Vysokikh temperatur, No. 21 Sep-Oct p. _42~' , JPRS 24,L,51. 19 may 1964. ACC Nki A77003560 W SOURCE COM UR/3240/66/000/ooi/c AUMORt Paylovskiyg Go L MG3 Xhdk0V Polytechnic Institute (Kharlkovokiy politekhnicheakiy ingtitut) TITLEt. Best transfer in a double-layered plate SOMM Kharkov. Folitekhmicheekly instituto Energetichookoye mehinoetroyeniye, no. 1p 19669 Teploobwen i gazodinamiks. (Host transfer and Ps dynamics)s 39-44 TOPIC TAM conductive heat transfer, heat equation, heat canduotion ASSMCTs The problem of best transfer in a double-layerW plate with layer thick- nesses RIwA 12 is considered. The platet initially at a ta"raturt t,# is heated cc one side at a temperature t2 and cooled an the other side at t*"to 1h9 heat conduction eqr.&time to be solved are 01!M ft.- J, R. x md with fte bom8mW 000ditle" aI% R ACC Nit, AT7()D35W and & 3 Its - to (Rt. -01 - 0. jaml omtsot between the LWers at the interface is described by (-0. -0 A -0 mid &I ds ox Em 01. a k" The yrdblum Is solved us2mg the operatiomma mUmde and OXWONSIMS for the tmpera_ two field in the plate as a fmation of tim are tomd for t2 - O=Wt Or vw7ing Huserly with tiow -is - to + bt. Orige art* bass 23 "Slawe Oams 20/ DMI mms/ Ono Rao 00i cwd 212 PAVYXWI~j G.I., kand.tekhnonauk Deteradnation of temperature difference aloDg the dimAer of the cylinder of a cooling ateam turbine. Teploonergetika 10 no.4:18-v2l Ap 163. OURA 16:3) 1. Ehar Ikovskiy politekhnich6skiy institut. (steam turbinev) - FAVLOYS3[rY, G.I.. dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk Calculation of beating stresses in connection with the heating of bodies. 1zv. Tye. ucheb. zav.; energ. 3 no. 7S81-87 J1 16P. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Kharkovskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut timeni V.I. Leni na. Predstavlena kafedroy obahchey toplotekhnikt. (Thermodynamics) PAYLOYS11T, G.I., kand.telchn.nauk, doteent; 6HURIM, A-A-, inth- Additional heating used as a mothod for eliminating thermal stresses In turbine cylinderes, Isvp vyso ucheb, say.; energ. 3 sic. W6-73 6 16o, (KIM 130) 1. lbartkovskty politelchatchaskiy institut imoni V.I. Leniua. Predstavlens kafedrov teplotekhniki, (Bt*am turbines) PATWVSKIY, G.I., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. Therwa stress in flanee coupling bolts subjected to heat. Slek.vfA. 28 no.1:26-29 J& 157. (KI2A 100) (Turbines-Testing) PAVIOVSKIT G I kand. tekhn. nauk.; SHMELEV, A.A., inzh. - . Temperature fields In flange couplings of tmrbines during Initial heat- Ing, Bnergomashinostroonle 4 no,qi14-17 5 158, (NEU 11:11) (Steam turbines) PATIOTS11Y G.1.0 kamd. tekhn, mauk. Phster heating of flaWd turbine joints, Xek, eta, 29 no,4ilq-22 AP 158. (Tarblues) (NM 11: 8) 20 FAVLWSKIT$ G.11 Beat conduction in a two-layered plate under 1*undary conditiow of the third kIM. Inzh.-.fiz.phur. 5 no.4MM AP f62. OWA 15~4) (Boundary value problems) (Feat,--Conduction) PAVWVSKrf, G. I. "RegularizDtion of heat procesnas in steam turbines." Report presented at the 1st All-Union Conference on Beat- and Mass- Exchange, Minsk, BSSR, 5-9 June 1961 j/ C % P6,032 1 ""0 A '(7VT S11.11ilov, S. P. ORG: Khar,kov llol-ltcchnic~il Institute imeni V. 1. Lenin (Kharlkovskiy politeldinici,jeskiy -InstiLut,11 /* t TITLE: Study of the discnarg-e capacity of guide vane cascades in the last stage of the K-500-240 KhTGZ ',u,-1,)iic SOURCE: 'Ceplocnergetika, no, 110, 106G, 35-39 TOPICTAGS: -Uide%rane, 1-irbinc, Coefficiel-,L, Subsonic flow, supel-6011ic LOW, wv~ stc~~u;/,~-JuG-240 ABSTRACT- An experimental determination was made of the discharge Li coeflicient of the flow of superheated and wet steam at the pazie casca6ci of a rruide vane at the last stage of a K-500-240 KhTGZ turbine at actual X1 and Re numbers. it was found that at subsonic 1-low rates the discharge coefficient decreases with an increase in the pitch/chord ratio, apparently as tile rcLiult 01~, the increasing difference between the actual and effective flow exit angles. At '--CQCd 1/ 2 UDC: 621. 165. 533. 6. 001. 5 I - L 09692-67 ACC NR. AP6032180 supersonic flow rates, the dependence of discharge capacity on the magnitude of the piich/chord ratio was found to be rather weak, probably owing to the close agreement between the actual and effective flow exit angles. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. [Based on authors' abstract) SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 008/ PAVL4DVSXIYO G.H.j inch.; KRUFNIK, I.A.,, insh. Wicient sizing of sconcmical wondcrw freme veotims and the I9-tth"itation of labDr-coumming operations an mmiLU-shays mille. Vill 22 no.12tM9-nO2 D 162. (4M 15:12) le Dnepropetrov-akiy metallurgicheakiy zavod im. Namintems. (Roming mins-Equipment and ouppliee) KOZHMOVSKIT, I.Ye.;. PAT;PVS)aYj O.T. ... -The Vl*-VBWZO grain cleaning machine, MuLtekh,-okonoinforM6 Z~ - Inf0.6~-:55:34 -'58. (MIRA 11:7) (Grain-handling mohinery) S/143/60/000/009/005/006 A189/A026 AUTHORS: Pavlovskiy, G.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Shevelev, _A.-A7. TITLE: Additional Heating-Up as a Method of Eliminating Thermal StresseS In a Turbine Cylinder PERIODICAL: 'Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Energetika, 1960, No. 9, pp. 68 - 73 TEXT; This is a report on tests carried out with a full-size model of a ~;u'_ bine cylinder, in order to check the effectiveness of an additional heating-up In the elimination of thermal stresses. The cylinder model was heated as higb as 3000C, with overheated steam flowing Into the cylinder at 3 - 4 atmosphere presmzq and temperature and stress distribution of the cylinder and the fl&nge surfaces was measured. Thp results indicate the possibility of a total elimination of thleT~ mal stresses in the turbine cylinder by increasing the temperature of the flaange con-reation to that of the cylinder wall. This can be achieved by regulatlng the amount of steam flowing for the additional heating-up of the flanges. There ar- 7 figures and I Soviet reference. Card 1/2 3/143/60/000/009/005/0()1 A189/AO26 Addnional Hea,~ing-Up as a Method of Eliminating Thermal Stresses in a 7~.irbirle Vylinder ASSOCT ATT ON; Kharkovskly poll' eklinicheskiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina Polytechnical Iznstitute imeni V.I. Lenin) -ment of Heat Engineering) PRESENTED: Kafedra teplotekhniki (Depart SITIMMITWED: February 26, 1960 Card 2/2 , FAVIDVSKIY9 G.T. kand.tekhn.nauk TechnoloMr of the continous processing of graln after harvest--ng. Mekb. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 19 no.2:13-15 161. (MIRA 14-3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut mekhanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Grain-Cleaning) (Grain-Drying) PAVLOVSKIT, Georgiy TriforiWab; TOCHILINA, L.V., red.; DORODNOVA, L.A., tekhn. red, [Grain cleaning] Ochiatka zerna. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 86 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Grain--Cleaning) 7 I . P A'. L 0 VSK 1 Y , G . T, . 2. TJSSF (60-') 7. "A Hathol of Bitcteriolo,jcal Seodin,,s on it Single Petri -i,ishli, 3hurnal. No ?, 1951. p 75. 9. I.1ikrobioIoii,-;a, Vol XXI, Isrue 1. loscou,, Jin-Feb 195--, rF 'L;.-,cl~-,ssifit~a. PUMMEL G.T. - Kethod of preparing bacteriological specimens for electron microscopy. NW61010911A 32 no,6:704-706 N-P 153- (XLRi 6:12) 1. Maktroniopticheakaya laboratoriya Voyanno-moditallas y aimdsmii in. S.N.Xlrova. (Ileatron microscope) ell S'ff/ TASSH/virology -. Hu=n and Animl Viruses. .Abs Jour : Ref Zhur -.Biol.., No 4, 1958, A545 Author : Pavlovskiy, G.T. Inst Title MDrj*;IDgy 0 -Grippe Virus Frox Electron Microscopy Data Orig Pub : 12hegDdnik In-t ekeperia. ned, Akad. sed. nauk SERj, 1955., L.) 1956, ~61_404 Abstract : Details are described and defined (determination of lowest working dose of erythrocytes, reawwal of salts and other admixtures froin the preparations., preparation of research item) for utilizing henolysed erythrocytes as allorbents in the electron microscopic study of grippe virus. It was sh6im that the virue.content of erythrocytes my range from a =ad== number of particles down to their total ab- sence. In sow preparations shadows of a web were fourA coniecting virus particles to one another. Virus particle were found in preparations frce pbarynx vasbings Card 1/2 PAVLOVSKIY, G.T.; SOIDDLOVA.,N.M.. Studying the morphological characteristics of tuberculosis bacteria with an electron microscope. Probl.tub. no-3:61-63 Yq-Jy 155 (HLRL 8:8) 1. 1z otdole, virusologii (sav.-chlen-korrespondent ANN GSSR A.A. Snorodintsev) Inetituta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny ANN SSSR I Go- suclaretvenn o nauchno-Issladovatellsk-ogo instituta khirurgichaskogo tubork-ulezaofdir.-doyetvitel'rWy chlen ANN SSSR prof.P.G.Kornev). (WCOBACTE=UM TUMCUDWIS, (,,morphol., lectron microscopy exam.) CROSCOPAO MaMmIt of M. tubere. morpholj PAVIDVSKIYO G. T. "Fhaso-contrasting microscopy in the diagnosis of grippe." report subedtted at the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infectionista,, 1959, FAVL40VMY 9 G 'T . Rhinocystos6bpic diagnosis of influenza, Vop. virus. 5 no. 2:151- 155 XY~ 160. (NDU 14.- '/ ) 1. Otdel virusologii Instituts eksperimentalluoy meditsiny AMN SM, Leningrad. (INFLUENZA) I- PAVLOVSF ~-,Ilt-G.T . Vacu= apparatus for tinting with metals preparations stadi ,1by means of the electron microsoopo. Lab. delo 6 no*400-52 JI-Ag 19. (MIRA 13il2) 1. Otdol virusologii Instituta, eksperimentallnoy meditainy ANN SSSR, Leningrad. (VACUUM APPARATUS) (STAINS AND STAINING (MICROSCOPY)) PARCOVSKIYY CU-I('II;bIwvZM3yA) A.E. -- ...... ~- . ~;, -,. ~ i --'LcAclor, for rh*nc,~ytuaiagro3im Xt I - ID of influenza. Sov. meci. 28 nc.9:6~',63 S '65, NI-Fji 18:9) .-,. fjWel virvoologil ImstAtuta me(jit Iny AiMN Len-lingrand. 3 KOZMUOVSYJY, Ivan Yevdokirovich; PAYW= or Trtfimovich; _S G& -R PESTRYAKOV, A.I., red.; BA=D, A.I., te%d~.-r~M. [Nechnnization of grain cleaning and drying) NekhimizatBiia ochiatki I ffushki zerna. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 342 P. (MIR& 17:1) (Grain-Cleaning) (Grain--Drying) PAUDWS.% IY, I.G. Operation of diesel locomotives on lengthened overlapping haul distances. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no.8:53-5-1 4 161. (MI10. 14:8) 1. Nachallnik Rtishchevokogo otdeleniya Privo1zhokoy dorogf. (Railroads-Management) 1, PAVLIDVSKIY, I.N. MakiDg meaner roll arm. Kons. I ov. prom. 13 to.ltl2-13 A 058. (MM Utz) 1, XonsernW koub Lnat v stanitse Krymmkoy. (Canning Industry-Iquipment and supplies) PAVLOVSKIY. 1.21. I Russian UD-can maki maohinery 'or the food Industry. Kona. I ov. pron. 14 no.9:5-6 S nf59. ( MRA 12:12) 1.3imferopollskly 2avod prodovolletvennogo mashinostroyanlya Imeni Kuybysheva. (Simferopol'--Canning industry-Squipment and supplies) (Tin 7 -1i to - - - . ; 17 pal0owmr 'u oc h clyu- t B; , role of nucler, a,31 culd Elf ft 4~ c-um "I . p bo two prepu5. ,_!Jo12,e ann, rvv,!rs4bjf. jj1wbjtj(,(] ,1mr unic.-D -ad d - oes "Qt 6wi.'Pt4crfics, MOM In IM-tain corwag. Is i_,jprt;~nt, * S~cc a ?d tiow. al it maA%~d- Y Libi4its 11~e cozymic act ity IV of flzr; prGittih"t, cud thus it it In _-=petltj*q w(th lat t~ , 1 r' t! h 4c r-& 4-t nx _-caraplm fonmOon.- V3 t -pro . h i w t wvlty. -prp- ~lr~ mzy !, limit: (ho ginumptlan tliru ttity are Uat 4.11C atilno acidt. Ths;ra chqn w of pmteLri pard~ GO 0-1 la"Obitl= of ed La Ow bith,.mal va. I aud priii4mlly vo,iiihIbItlims rich ribod"Ie. X., %%xi 0 Awntals or (if of !rdttl Pm-pim tices Im thange. quantitallvely tht: Of c Tu(sc-anben' 4j--- ~ Ions W ~ tim. protX cither as 4 pania) Ompre of wt. Acro~ X suci. " as shiltio it) file (wrCtion rt the 101144thm 61.410 silauln. 111~m ig pome ptlyslol. ~,Tlporwkcanjo UIL phc~-, 11owcuon c forulAtiou nuvicic'; w the ith ond Ilm PAVIDVSKIY p I.S. (Odessa) " Panel indicating physiciuot r-coption hours j-n the polyrl--'nic. Sovet. zdravookhr. 5832-33 163 (~aW, --, 7 12 ) PAVLOVSKIT, i. v. Favlovskiy,, I. V. lllnvest;~atlion of Lir -lurrents in Durters 11 ED. ~-j L L, -1 1952, pp. 11-12. 58-,~ 3el,12 So: SL'2~ - 90-53, 15 Dec 1?5" FAVLO=ff,I.V., kandidat takhnicheelfth nauk - - . The CKP-15 combined spriWing machine. S811kholomhIM n0-5:13-14 w 155. (SPMYtog and dusting equipment) (KM F46) IPAVWVBXIY, I.V., kaadidat tekhnicheBkikh nauk. n=TY*Iiz~t~n~719 load capacity of mnure spreaders. Gellkhozmshina no.10:13-15 0 136. (KM 9:12) (Yertillsor spreaders) FAVIAWSKIY, I.V., kand. takhn. nauk. I --.- Elements In the theory of beaters on tractor-dravn fertilizer spreaders. Sallkhozmashina no.9:7-8 S $57. (MIRA IGO) (lertiliter spreaders) PAVIOVSKIY, I.V. I " --u"81"ing armnia water as fertilizer. Biul.tekh.-ekom.inforn. 150. (MA (Fortilizero and manmres) PAVIOVSKIY. 1.V. Universal tractor-semitrailer marure spreaders. _u"=_1.tekh._ekC_M. inform. no.5:59-60 158. MR.4, il:?) '%?mrtIliser spreaders) PAVIDVSKIT. I.V. The SPU-40 mixer and loader. Biul.tekh.-ekvn.izdo-.v. nD.6:62--64' 158. (MIRA 1-1:8) (Agricultural machinery) 3)AVIOVSKIY. I.V., kand,tekhn.nauk . ---- Performance analysis of nachimes for the applicatiom of Liquid fertilizers. Trakt. i sellkho2mah. 8:34-36 Ag '58. (MM 11:8) (Fertilizer spreaders) PAVWVSKIY, I.V., kand.tekbn.nauk Theoretical principles of the diak-type fertilizer spreader. Tmkt, I mallkhowmeh. no.12:22-24 D 158. (MTRA 11;12) (Fertilizer spreaders) FAVLOVSKIY, I.V. Ifechanized storage of liquid nitrate fertilizers. Biza.teL-si, ekon.inform. no.1:62-64 '59. (MIRA 12:2) (Fertilizers and manures--Preservation and storage) FAVL.OV$M~- -IiVi, kand.tekhn.nauk System of machinery for applying liquid wmnia to the s:~il. 7-rak-, i selikhozmash. 32 no.404-36 Ap *162. (,MRA 15-4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchn(>---4ssIedovateI2skiy instit4t udobreniy i agropochvovedeniyu. (AmmDnia as fertilizer) PAVI-OVSKIY, IN. The GAN-8 herbicide and a,--nonium spraying machine. Biul.tekh,ekon- inform. no.11:74-76 '61. (WiTIA 14-12) (Spraying and dusting equipment) GUHRENKO, Ivan Fefodyevlch; KUCIIUMOV, Yevgeniy Vladimirovich; PAXILOVSklY. I.Ye.. red. (Automatic loudspeaker telell)IOTIO using transistors] Gromko- govoriashchii telefon-avtomat na poluprovodnikakh. Lenin- grad, 1965. 48 p. NIRA 18:7) KUCHMAVyy, ye.j.; pAVLO IPOLYAX, P.Yu.; FARAFUIIOV, L.S., otv. red.; FMOVA, V.Ye.p red.; DIKOV, V.N., tekhn. red. [Group connection of telephone Idnes) Kollektivnoe vkliuchenie tale- fonrWkb 31nii. InformatsioniVi sbornik. Moskva) Goso iod-vo lit- po Yoprosam svia2i i radio, 1961. 135 p. WRA .14:97 1. 11suchno-issledovatel'ski-y institut gorodskoy i sel'skoy telefon- noy avyazi Ministerstva svyazi SM (for Kupheryavyy, Pavlovskiy, Folyak). (Telephone lines) 0 OS k I P IANTS, Terov Germanovich;tAIPQ GOLUBTSOV, . . I.Te., otvetstvenryy ni .; ANDREMWO, Z.Do, red.; NAZZLI, Te.I., tekhn. red. [Noncontact switching and electronic dial office] Baskontaktuaia kommtatslia i elektromxye ate; informatsionnyi abomik, Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam vviazi i radio, 1958. 163 D. (Telephone# Automatic) (HIM 11-t-7) PAVLOVSKIY, L.G., lnzh.~, KHOREV, V.A., inzh. Concemirg the article by S.A. Petrov. and V.G. Zil'LersYmidt-. Shakht. stroi. 8 no.8t29 Ag 164. (?GRA 1. Mentrallm nauchno-issledGvatellskiy gornorazvedo,~hny-y inatitut tsvetnykh, redkikh i blagorodnykh metallov. ZDORCV , V.M.; TARASOV, L.Ya., otv. red.; DONTSOW, S.A., red.; POLTAKOV, M.G., tekhn. red. (Electric cap and fuse blasting]Elektroognevol sposob vzr-fva- niia. Moskva, Otdel tokhn.irXormatsiij, 1959. 60 Pe WIRA 15:7) (Blasting) IPAVIA)VSKIY, L.G., Imnd.tekhn.nauk; JPOZDIIYAKOV, Z.G., kand.tekhn.nauk Resuita o" industrial testing of the lov-hygroscopicity explosive, "noritol.8 Vzryv.delo no.44/1:58-64 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Irplosives-Testing) PATIOTSKIT, LG.; ZDOROT. VwX,, Standardizing the consumption of explosives in metal nines. Biul, TSIDI towet, met. no.123-6 158. (MM Ilt4) (Mining engineering) Okplosives) ior. "XiCrOi und a duosi-lul Adhesive tubc.- TO hasten -the past. into the wqocL'4Wusi6u promottrif or (NI14)980i mb as (N art &4&d. w JA. 11 TMOHIRDV, A.r. Industrial testing of explosives. Shakht. stroi. no.7:?2-24 '59. (HIRA 12:10) I.TSentralln" nauchw-lecledovatel'skly gorno-razvedochn" institut. (Mining engineering) (Uplosives) PAVLOVSKIY, L.L. Calculation of the conditions for drying coatings by infrared rayB. lekokms. mat. i ikh prim# no#3:43-45 161. (MIRA 14-6) (Protective coatings--Drying) PAVLOVSKIY. L.L.; LIBERMO, A.B. Effect of the zethod of the surface preparation of the product on the value of the coefficient of metal absorption in radiant heat drying of coatings. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim, no*2;46-47 162. (IDURA 15:5) 1. Hauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii lakokrasochnykh pokrytiy. (Protective coatings-Drying) VERBA, X.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; LEONCHIK, B.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; jAVLOVSKIY, L.L., inzh. Determination of optirm2 conditions for the drying of paint coatings. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 5 no.3:76-80 Mr 162. (KRA 15:4) 1. Moskovskiy ordena LeninU energaticheakiy institut. Fredstavlena kefedroy sushillnyhh i teploobmennykh ustroyetv. (Protective coatings) LIKONCHIKP B.I.; PAVLOVSKIY, L.L. Infrared radiation generators with electric heating for radiant beat dryer systems. Lakckras.mat.i ikh prim. no.6:61-66 162. (KRA 16: 1) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheakiy institut i Neuchno-isoledovatellskiy institut tekllmologli lakokraeochnykh pckrytiy. (Infrared drying ap W atus) PAVLOVSKIY, L.L,j Prinimall uchastiyet MATYUK, F.M.; GOGOLINA, L.I.; V.A.; SIDORINA, N.I.; LIBERMAN, A.B.; ROMANOVA, L.V.; FROTSEINYO, T.V.; YAKUININA, L.-S. Selecting the optimum sy5tem for drying paint coatings in thermooetting dryers. Lakokras.mat. i ikh prim. no.2%45-48 164. (MIRA '1":4) FAVLOVSKIYv L.L. ------------ Empiric fornula for calculating the paranetere of the conditions of thermal radiation drying of lacquer coatings. Lako)rras.matj ikh prim. no.5:46-49 162. 1 (MIRA 16:1) (Paint-Drying) S/08%61~000/022/073/076 B AUTHOR: Pavlovskiy, L. L. TITLEs Permeability of varnish and paint films to infrared rays and their absorption coefficient on drying by heat radiation PERIODICALs Referativ-nyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1961, 478, abstract 22P240 (Lakokrasochn, materialy i ikh primeneniye, no, 1, 1961, 57 - 60) TEXTs 6chemes are given and experimental arrangements described, for use in the study of the permeability of varnish and paint films to IR rays and for determining their absorption coefficients Urea-formaldehyde, melamine alkyd, and alkyd enamel films, which were studied under IR irradiation from sources with temperatures of 350 - 600 0C, were found to be practically transparent. At 20 - 801A film thickness, the greater part of the incident radiant energy G70%) Dasses through them, Varia- tions in germeability are negligible (-10%~at radiation temperatures of 350 - 600 C. Radiation sources should be chosen with temperatures of 450 - 6000C, if a coating of fast color is required. The absorption Card 1/2 s/o8i/61/000/022/073/076 Permeability of varnish and paint - B144/BI38 coefficients are more or less the same for films of different varnishes and paints. EAbstracter's notet Complete translation,,J Card 2/2 PAVL SXlyt L-L-; MATYU9 F.M.; SIDORINA, N.I. CPtimum conditims for dr7inR enmels by heat radiation. Trakt. i sellkhozmash- 31 no.7140-41 ji 161. (MIRA 1416) (Enamel and onameling) FAVLOVSKIY Pezzaabilitv of paint film to infrared rays and their absorption coefficient In the cowse of-drying by thervial radiation. Inkokras. mat.i ikh pi . no-IS57-60 161. (WRA 14-4) 1. TSentrallnava nauahno-issledovatellskaya lal)6ratoriya Vaesoyuznoy proizvodstvennoy kontory "Lakokraa okrytiyea, (Paint_Drying~ FAVLOVSKIT, L.L. NOW of determining the optiwam regimes for fbarval radiation drying of vomish and paint coatings. T&kokras.mat. i ikh prim. to.4:83-87 160. (HIRL 13:10) (Protective coativgs-Drying) PAVLOVSKIYO L. L. "SOme Peculiarities of Lake and Colour Coating by .T31frared Ra~m. It Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer., Minsk, BSSR, june 1961. V,L MOB T. I AM F1 'study of t'rmsfer YMVMSW.a In two-PbOM Oil'of Ousposum type with seem pro;-ties Or P-A- late-'1106 " MISS WIM&TWI XUAko report VAMItW for 2,a AUJJaM CW on Sm% Au.Ufte eel tog L-t Im PAITLf-VSKIY, L. I . "Several characteris~tcs -r *Ie dr-Inc, of lac-iier-pint conti-,E-s by infrR-re(i ravs." Rn-ort nrc,,,,-~nterl rA the Ist t%ll Un'c-n C.-infon-mr-e nn Tlent- -!n,l M,tqr~-7v~linnpe, Yinqk, 5-9 June 1961 KATSNELISCO, M.U.; PAVLOVSKIY, M.A.. - Some remilte of the study of the pressing proceiso of refined sugew eubes. Sakh. prom. 37 no.4:22-27 Ap 163. (MM 16:7) 1, Voevoyuznyy nauchno-imaledovatellakiy i eksperimenta-11no- konstrukt.orskiy institut prodovolletvennogo mushinostroyeniya. (Sugar manufacture) CHIKLEYEVt S.; FAVLOL&AU, M. (Kemerovskaya obl.); HOCHKOV, A.~ FdiARITONOV, I.; ZOIDTENKOV, V. (Yakut-skaya AUR); KONOBEYEV, P. (Bazarnc- Karabulanskiy rayon, Saratovskaya obl.); YCIM!, Al.; a=:N, -S. (Omsk); NOVIKOV, P.; GRINEV, V.; SOLOPFINKOV, P.; ALEKSEY'--A*, K.; IOLKOVI I. (Rostcvskaya obl.); KOST-ENKO, P.; NOVIKOV, A., instruktor profilaktiki (Shumerlya, Chuvashskaya ASSR) Reader's letters. Pozh. delo 9 no.11:30-31 N 163. (ICRA 17., 1) 1. Nachallnik pozharnoy okhrany Klinskogo kombinata, Klin, Moskovskaya obl. (for Chikleyev). 2. Vneshtatnyy pozhar-nyy inspektor, predsedatell Simferopollskogo rayonnogo kondteta Dobrovollnogo obstichestva sodeystviya armii, aviatsil i flotu (for Alekseyev). 3. Nachallnik otdela Gosudarstvennago pozharnogo nadzora, Sverdlovsk (for Kostenko). Mm~rb-Klyj M. A. D'v',WSv,D lfr~ ar~ see ILC A~ L 14j07-66 Ft'i'T(d)/FSS-2/1 LC(k)-2 -6 7-6-6 q / o o ACC NR, AP6022058 SOURCE CODE: uR/ol46/6 316079/n" AUVIOR: Pavlovakiy, M. A. ORGi none TITLE: Feasibility of using a vertical gyro,during its erection SOURCE: IVUZ. Priboroatroyeniye. v. 9, No.'s, 1966, 79-8h TOPIC TAGS: gyro, vertical flight gyroscope$ gyroscope ABSTRACT: In the usual design of three-degree-of-freedom vertical gyroscopes, if the gyromotor is started with the gimbals uncaged, the gimbal axes will undergo nutational oscillatione as the motor is coming up to speed. These oscillations can take up to several dozen seconds to damp out, which delays the ready time of the gyro. The author shows that if the uncaging of the gimbals is delayed for a short time after startup, the oscillations will be negligible and settling time will be greatly shortened. Experimental data on a type DK-6M vertical gyro shoved that In the best case, when uncaging was delayed by 0.8 second, settling of the gimbals was obtained In about 3 seconds, or 1/8 the normal time. In general the optimum delay time Card 1/2 VDCs 528.526.2 L 14,_,07-6~-~ ACC NRt AP6022056 will not exceed 1 second. For his analysis the author derived a simplified system of equations vhich proved to be adequate for the task at hand. Orig. art. hasi figures, 14 formulas, and 3 tablee. [SHI SUB CODEt 17/ SUBM DATEa Oijun65/ ORIG RM 003/ ATD PRESS:,5'030 L(~qrd 2/2 (P-AV-LO-V-SWp--"; K&KMV, D,V. Refizdzg of hi&ly unsaturated distillates over aluminovillente catalysts. Trudy Inst.nefti 13j241-249 159. (MIRk 13:12) (Gasoline)