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t (Z~ eO~W- c 0 ) 4," ~~y 114 - -r. OU Ing MD tj -Uttt "tit ITAW Im of. td. ck%,o Ni3ittfol - of lin HATO a --r n- 0 ydr6caybons -be i , 4romibmi* vmnc e of ra fj),110"lly dad. bY~ , . fuutcrial 'nia M. :, fi-im, the JrxysvA-I1w Ov*1 Ani"r-c'. . AM. Irlib wr. rojer-Iti pri -tier asxl. ;hc Me. 'Ti~o b e - i thwa.. iisi r. 44 iu~~ Sample divsolsvd in 10 cc!" ". ether UTNI pm" t u cvhl~=k Of ~--FOUD an 6-~e W SD a a 14D. the h;~~ - i~e at. %vai mWived al 40* to 66ast. wt. The I 41rocubou w" 0.3% an the iaimplej and 2 sm Iles mrrv;~: spDnded w vdthla 0.5%.' Ilt'revIts a#ctd ViLb Ilw o It P c b by the Mearopte" m~elhcwl.* BELLVSUYA,, A.P.;,PAV-LOVA2 T.A. Vegetation and soils of the bed of Gorkiy Reservoir. Tz-zdy last. bio3.vodo!du-an. no-4:34-48 161. (MEA 14!10) (Gorkly Reaervoir regim-Mytogeography) (Go,.-kiy Reservoir region-Solls) GALLAK, V.M.; BELINSKAYA, N.I.; PAVLWA, T.A. Chlorination of methane b7 ril%lorlrja oxide. Zhir.prI.K.khix. 38 no.llt2599-2602 N 965. (MIRA 18:12) 2, Submitted October 14, 1963. GAILAKI V.M.; BELINSKAYA, N.L? PAIT~Vt. TJ. Ymthod of pmparing chlorino axida. Zhur.prikl.kMm. 38 rio.6,1225- 1229 Ja 165. (K!W, ~8~ 10) TOMiSHKOVA, Tana (Tonaskova, Jana], doktor; jh3j2VA,-j,[translatorj; . ROLIGUNENKO, I.I., red.; ZAMSUYAYL?VA, I.M., red. izd-va; KMOKHp F.M., tekhn. red. (Beauty aW health]Krasota i zdorovle. MLskva, lzd-vo M-va kormun. khoz. R!;FSR, 1962. 86 p. (IGRA 15-- 12) (BEAUTY, PERSOINAL) POPOV, V.V.; i-o: nv-,~ i - . A . Effect ~--f !-,I - iji~,/ , , 11, n Fji~j p t into ziit~ P-rnc,i. V,~.-; * . k ., 1 fiklri t-, 1.ransform N-D , (,.- . 1-:-" U-" 1" -.-17.6) 2 - K -; ' UT tr 10 1 ':Njd- ; " - , ir - r: ' . 1, :1-% -,. r,-:, , ~ Fl t fj . AUTHOR: TITLE., Pavlova, T. D. Noctilucent clouds 34151 S/16 62/000/001/080/083 D228YD302 PERIODICAL., Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, nc. 1, 1962, 2-A, -il- Btract 1G165 (Ai3tron. Tsirkulyar, no. 217, Dec. 30, 1960, 16-17) TEXT: Using the material of observations for noctilucent 21ouds; collected by stations of the Gidrometsluzhba (Hydrometeorologic. Service) in the period from June 1957 to October 1959, the au-Lhc,.r ~-.ompares the number of appearances of noctilucent clouds in the morning and evening hours. Since during the light summer night,; a .;ertain group of clouds may appear before midnight and then diaap- pear in the hours after midnight, it was found to be convenient *~~. compare the total duration of the visibility of noctilucent cloudi~ for a particular interval of time and not the number of their ap- pearances. 338 appearances with a total duration of 373 lirs 30 ir,~,- were used. The coefficient, equalling the ratio of the summary Card 112 PAVLOVA, T.D., aspirant Vectorcr.rdiographic changes in women In early stages of pregmncy. Trudy Khar. med. inst. no.50:120-130 162. (M--RA 19:1) 1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. V.F. Matveyeva~ i kafedra terapii (zav. - prof. L.T. '.%Iaya) Kharlkovskoro medi- tsinskogo instituta. PAVWU, T.D. Usible frequency of the aecording to obBervations Service in 1957 and 1958* (Ciouds) occurrence of noctilucent clouds at atatJons of the Eydrometeorological Isalo Per. obl. no.1:3-58 160. (MM 14:8) L 19335-63 EWr(i)/BDS/ES(v) AFFTC/A5PjESP_=3/AMC JPT-2/GW ACCESSION-M AR)DO2041 S/0269/63/000/005/0027/0027 SOUIRM: . M. A3tron=1yz*. 'Otdellnyy vypusk. Abs. 3.31.265 AUTHOR: TITYX: A study of the longitudir.-Ll distribution of noctilucent.-ClQu4s CITED SOURCE: Trudy Soveshchaniya po serebristym oblakam, 1961, Tallin, Vol. 3. Z 196Z, 119-123 TOPIC MG S: TRIMSLATION: In his'P the longitudinal distribution of noctilucent clouds the author made use of data collected r1uring t2he\International Geophysical Year by Gidroxctslu~hba (H co). H ydm.-apte logical L e computed the total number of qrA,"- - _-Sery-3 ,appearances of the clouds for longitude intervals of 300v so chosen that each zone included two 'dme zones. Zie boundaries chosen were 220301, 52030', 82P30:, 1120301, 1420301, 172?301. A maeked longitude relationship was observed -- the phenomera dropped off from west to east. Following the introduction of corrections for nonuniform distribution of observing stations, and taking into account cloudi- ness, the suSgested relationship remains, but is of less prominent character. 11. Rudometkina. DATE ACQ.- 30 may 63 SUB CODE:. AI ENCL: 00 C ard 1/1 PAVLOVA, T.D. Vectorcardiographic changes in healthy women during the coursc, of pregnancy &nd puerperium. Akush. i gin. 38 no-5:28-34 S-0 162. (AURA 17:11) 1. Iz kafedry akushe2stva i ginekologil (zav. - prof. V.F. Matveyeva) i kafedry terapii (zav. - prof. L.T. Malaya) pediatricheskogo fakull- teta, Kharlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. S/169/62/OOG/007)/089/09b D22BY/D301 AUTHOR: Pavlova, T. D. TITLE: Vpparent distribution of noctilucent clouds accord'in.- to observational data for 1957-1958 .--".aIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 3, 1962, stract 3GU136 (Tr. VI Soveshchaniya. po serebristy2 ct- lakam, 1,)59, Riga, AN LatvSSR, 1961, 93-10511 T'--'XT. Some results of the statistical pi3cessing of noctiluce.- '1- cloud ob6ervations, cari~ed out in 1957 and 1958, are given. Thc following two accounting units were applied in the work: 1) 2.1.0 nlght during which noctilucent clouds were seen at a given such a unit is called an "appearance", and their sum is desi,,na-,ed U 4-C by n. 2) The observational period during which noctilucenL loud-s were noticed at a given station; this unit is termed an "instance of visibili-Vyll, and the number of units for a certain interval 4-s designated by N. Given a total number of nights n B (in a certain Card 1/ 5 S/169/62/0-0/003/089/0)8 0 Apparent distribution o1" D228/D301 interval of time), during which noctilucent clouds would have beun observed had th-y ex--'sted, and the corresponding number of purioc;3 of possible visibility N1., it is possible to obtain the frequency of nocti4lucent-cloud appearances h. Then, the frequency of cio,.'d a~;- pearances and instances of their visibility can be expres3ed 'Ly the following congruences: n N h = and h N - N All the periods and ni,,Lts that %,,,ere used may be divided C~ gro,,ps. '21,ese pertain to the "ifst perio'd and night, when. no,~-u~- :._'cC1nt clouds were recorded b,7 observers; to the second, e,,- could have been seen, but were not detected; and to the third, when noctilucent clouds could not be seen according to the li-ty conditions. If the corresponding numbers for a certain n \Iard 2,/5 Appar(.-A distribution of ... S/169/62/000/003/089/096 D228/D302 of time are denoted by ni, n 29 n3 and N, N 2, and IN 3v then ihe fre- quencies of noctilucent-cloud appearancou may be exproBood by the congruencea: h ni and h - N1 n ni + r,2 N Ni +N2 if P0 is the probability of detecting tha clowds in velation to underlying layers' P- is -.'-.e analogous quantity in relation j the hori--on, then the expression corresponding noctilLccnt state of cloudiness, anJ to the sun's sinking hN = - 1 ~POPD 11 lard 3/5 3/169/62/000/003/0,- dls-~ributior, of D228/D301 .nolds for freouenc,~ h in the second approximation. A clolll'~ C: i- tulo:- ;jreoarod from the data of no,~tilucent-c'-')ud ie '~Y :)(.-riod. It contains the following information: o* -.,,c ou,;L:.rvutiun8; tLe number of the station, which defi-nes i-~umc and coordinates; the mom,-.nt of the observational p'2riod acc-D~-0- to local so!"r t4me" the depth of the sun's subn,~rgunce; v aa 1 'bril-1,.tness of noctilucent clouds; and the cloudiness in -.7 S e,~ t (j rof The :-.iaGnitudes of P and P were determined 0 D c :--~Iteriai of all stations was, regardless of the -~.-.itude, divided into 10-1-~iay intervals in orde, to exp.-,,-- variation of noctilucent-cloud appearances, an'~ *,,c ~o-.LL-z3 f-,r t,-.e of a-,)Dearances and the instances o-~ vislol- li-~y '.-.,crc cL;.:culLLted. The 0 '~tainad results showed that frequcnt a:)j~eurances fall approximately in-~o the period frD:: 10 y h c -da-z of June to the first 10-days of August. To St~dy t.lx diotribution of nootilucant-cloud appearances all '1 0 1 61-L reGardless of their dates, divided into 5 ~'a t i zj:-,~s 4-r. such a way that the middles of the intervals fell on r'ard ',.'5 ') , I t 1, S/16 62/000/003/089/",-- Apparent distribution uf ... D22ayii'O I 11 0. -d that lati ades 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, and 70 It was fou, mum of noctilucent-cloud appearances fell on latitude 60' in 11-,57 and oi~ lutitude 550 in 1958. The maximum for the n,,,mber ot, -no' of visibility fell on the same latitudes. As regards the diur,,,. Ll riation in the frequency of appearances, this is abso'Lut-.21Y since nootilucent clouds are observed oniy in a limited p-,-,-- of day' when the depths of the sun's submergence are7approximazel.., same. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation._ Card 5/3 PAVLOVA, T.D.; POSTNIKOVA, Ye.K. Inflarmtory complications in patients with cancer of --he cez-tilz utriri following preoperative irradiation. Med.rad. 9 no.9:30-33 S 164. (MI M 18 t 4) 1. Ginskologichaskoye otdeleniye Kharlkovskogo instituta medi- tsinakoy radiologii i kafedra onkologii (zav. - prof. S.1. Favi.enko) Ukrainskogo instituta ui3overighenstvovaniya vrachey. f ~,FAVLOVAq T.D. Noctilucent clouds, katrontair. no,217-.16-17 ID 160. (min 14:3) 1. Astronomicheskaya observatoriya Len-ngradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Clouds) 29880 S/169J61/000/009/039/056 3,61)-o D228/D304 AUTMR: Pavlova, T. D. TI TLIE Visible frequency of the appearance of moctilucent clouds according to the observational data of the stations of the hydrometeorologic service for 1957 and 1958 FERIOPICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Geofizika, so. 9,, 1961, 16, abstract 96141 (V ob. Issled. serebrintykb oblakov, no. 1, L.1, Leningrad. un-t9 19609 3-58) TEXT: Daring the regular scanning of the sky at the network of obser- vational stations during the part of -%',he day when noctilucent clouds may appearg observers recorded the dates of the appearance of clouds rind the interval of time in which these are present in the sky. Having sufficient- ly extensive material from regular observations, it is possible to divide it according to months, 10-day periods, hours of the day, zones of geo- graphical latitudep intervals of geographic longitude, and other para- meters, and thus to study the distribution of voctilucent-cloud appetr- ances in time and space. At the sane time, one should beer in mind the Card 1/4 1/1,110 S 6y6l/OOO/OO9/O39/056 Visible frequency of... D228 D304 conditionality of such observational material, which consists of the fact that each station just records the visibility of clouds in its part of Qe sky wherein these clouds are, as a rule, situated extremely far from the station in question. Owing to this, the spatial distribution of their appearances may strongly differ from the distribution of the projections of the actual clouds onto the ground surface. In additionp the illumina- tion conditions, expr--.~ssed by the depth of the sun's sinking below the horizon and by tbe position of a given cloud in *,be sky at the point of observation, and also the partial or complete closing of the sky in the segment of glow by clouds of the underlying formations, influence the visible distribution of noctilutemt clouds. The observations of nocti- lucent clouds were included in the "meteorology" group of -the IGY program and were entrusted to 220 stations of the network of the Glevneye upravleniye gidrometeorologicheakay sluzbby (Central Directorate of the HydroaFtteerologic Service). In accordance with the accepted plan, the systematic scanning of the crepuseLlair sky was to be undertaken from March I to October 31, the beginning and end of the observations occurring at the moment of the sun's sinking to Ube angle D - 6 0 and D - 180 Card 2/4 29880 S/169/61/000/009/039/056 Yisible frequency of... D928/D304 respectively. Similgrly in the morning tLe observations were started when 1) equalled 18 and finished when D equalled 6 0. The examination of the sky was completed in 15 minutes; the brightness oi the clouds was evaluated from the 5-mark scale. In 1957 - 1958, the number of cloud appearances at different stations comprised 196, the number of cases of visibility (during observations for 15-minute intervals) van 1279p and the average duration of a single appearance was I hr. 38 min. The aborteat duration of the appearance of moctilutent clouds van 15 min., and the longest van 5 hr** 30 min. The final result of all the work on thin material was a catalog of the incidental visibility of witbentically re- corized clouds. The catalog containst (1) The date of observation; 2 the station number; (3) the moment of the timi of the observations; 4 the depth of the sun's sinking; (5) the brightness of the clouds; 16 the character of the cloudiness in the segment of glow. The pro- cemsing of the observations permitted the appraisal of the depth of the sun's simMag below the horizon at which the visibility conditions become optimal. According to the data of 1957, tbisodepth comprises 100 , while according to those for 1958, it amounts to 11 , The yearly course of the Card 3/4 29880 S/160J61/000/009/039/056 Visible frequency of... D228/D304 appearance of clouds shown that the time of their abundant appearance in 1958 leated from the second 10-day peritd of June to the first 10-day period of August inclusively$ the maxiwum number of cloud appearances in 1957 occurred in the first 10-day period of July. The earliest appearance of noct)Iuceat, clouds was recorded on March 13 (1958)v their latest ap- pearance being noted on Octoober 11 (1957). The latitudinal distribution of moctiluesat clouds indicates that their maximum appearances occurred at ~ - 60 in 1957 and at t a 5e in 1958. The most northerly obser- vation of noctilucent clouds was on September 119 19570 at latitude 710351, the most southerly observation being on September 25, 1958, at latitude 4e259. The comparison of tha amount of cloud appearances at dusk with those at dawn shows the clear predominance of the latter over the former. Z-Abstracter-a notea Complete tranaZation-3 Card 4/4 --..,PAVU)Vk,, T.G. (Koakva); IAZURKINA, V.D. (Moskva) Method for ecoputing the absorbed doses in intracavitary pmma-thorapy of cancer of the cervix uteri. Trudy TSentr. mauch.-isel. inst. rentg. i rad. U no.1:98-.97 164. (MIRA 18.11) PAVIDVA , T.G. New type of granite FormatIon &a revealel * -, a c,f Q10 western part of central Kazakilstan. Dok-'. 4N SSR 156 no. 4: 827-829 Je 164. (14M 17:6) 1. Geologicheskly inqtitut All SS,")R. Predstavleno akadomikoni A.L.Yanshinym. . ~4 IF] , J VA I T . 11 , ilt-Iationsi4p tt:, Ailfi 4gnooai , ' .,. I;y and f -ild",rig t,~, 1-ev:?dled ty zi ~,,~ujy --a-, th- ii:,,t-au (central Karamtstan). Tm-ly UIN nc.) ( IP- Rl i - . ;,,, ) PA710VA.0 T. G. ~., -., Tenter carriage brake. Obm. tekh. opyt. CMILPI no.9:2?-28 '56. (VIRA 11:10) (Textile machinery) PAVLOVA, Tatlyana georgiyevna; SHTREY'-, N.A., [ Relationship between foldi-ng and granitoll ignemis activity in the southern UlutauJ. Sootnosbenie mezhdu sklacU-.oobrazovaniem i granitoidnym magmatimom v lUzhnom Ulutau. MoskvFi, Tzd--m "Nanka", 1964. 193 P. (Akatirmlin natik SSS,71. Goo-logichemkil in- stitut, 'Arrudy, no.101). (KII-4 17:7) VFJ,Tt,O,,C,Frf, A.1%, ?jj%TTr7.A.. Nefti SSST, (TISSSR oils) Yoscovr, 1945 (.-c~aiitliors) tbstracted in USAF 11T reasu re Island" on file d- Librar7~- of Cn-irress,Air Information .4 ivision, Rerort No. 88536 uhcLAs,-,iFiim A. V. FROLFl 1, A IrAVU '3.4 M,'! ~Y A?!. ~iosFwpe c a ICU int'lon i.1 --J f r ~,il th a solution ,-.f radioi:ctive ;er 14,~ 'Aii~ Jp '64 I .Iladiologicheskiy -)tde 1 1,zf,v, z ime ot-lel (7av. - dotsqnt A N.Kr~-rf,aLz) 1'~ldiologicheskogo in3titutn .~,,-va ~-irftv.-,)l,+r,i:ioniyR '~SFS.~ k Ilost to 01611vu 000 00, 1 see :1 oes.i I* at! j V" a LOVA T G- 1 -1k A- ""am NUNN NIP 11111PS110 #2 WHO .00 .00 GXOLA)UV AND UMSMAW)T' 70% DITIRUDIAT1090 OF T"I GEOLOGICAL AGE 01 TWO METEORITES OV T" 0)4 1. X. Wiling age and T-r-wyml~n, Ak:.1tTT"0D3,8,3.R. 77, No 1, 85-611951). an Russian) C 00 It* &po 21 two IM1460rues were 6"Orminec by nie&"ur - tnx She ammrit c4 A formed thromo tht di%integratim of K~', la be 3 aWend 3.03 Wit. 'Ice* ire belb 94 '10" le 6~ a.. Oki 40ftool -4 u 0 AV 10 0 Aa Is D 0 0 411 a 0,0 0 41 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 000 411:0 * 000 00 0 ano 00 09 5w. -j I, 4 ad 0 1 x 05 A) a a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS, 0 0 ~100 0 0 00 0 0 0 0. 0 KRCFGAUZp A.W.; PAVLOVA, T.G.; FROIDVA, A.V. Dosimetric c!iaracteriatice of gam:natrin-2. 12-17163. (MMA 16:10) 1, Iz Gouudarstrennogo naucYnio-issledovate:Llskogo rentgeno- radiologicheakogo instituta Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (GAMA RAYS-EQUIPIOMT AND SUPPLIM) (RADIATIOli-DOSAGE) PAVIDVA, T.G. Dosimetric characterietics of the GUT-Co-400 apparatus. Med.rad. no.IVA-24163. (MIRA 16tlO) 1. 1z otdela klinicheakoy dozirmetrii (zav. - dotsent A.W. Krongauz) Pauchno-issledovatellskogo rentgeno-radiologi- cheskogo instituts. (dir. - prof. I.G.lagunova) Minister- stva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (RADIATIO?4-DOSAIZ) (GAMMA RAYS-EQUIPMENT AN'D SUPPLIES) 3(5) SOV/11-59-10-7/16 AUTHOR: Pavlo vaw T. G. TITLE: The Kareakpay Massif of Alkaline and Ne3)heline Syenites and its Position in the Tectonic Structure PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRO Seriya geologicheskaya# 1959, Vo- 10* PP 78-91 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Kareakpay massif of alkaline and nepheline syenitee is sit- uated in the axial part cftb*'-VLYLyub1%Wk1y antielinorium in the western part of Central Kazakhstan. It was discovered and de- scribed by Ye. L. Bixtskova and V.S. Sobolev, napped by K.A. Rachkovakaya and studied by B.S. Dubrova in the petrographic laboratory of the Karagandinakoye.,,geologicheakoye upravleniye (Karaganda Geological A&dnUtr&tii#--- The author, who studied the massif under the supervision of N.A. Shtreye, sums up the findings of the mentioned goologists.ft6' * anticli- norium is composed of,granite-gneisses and granites of Pre- Cambrian age, of graoiorites and diorites. The syenite massif is enclosed in the rooks composed of Lower Proterozoic micro- Card 1/5 gneisies and crystalline schists. The wide diversity of these -s.ff, a I I, e SOV/11-59-10-7/16 The Karsakpay Massif of Alkaline and Nepheline Syenites and its Position in the Tectonic Structure v agglomerations. The author further describes different vari- eties of these syenites, a result of a very active metasoma- tosis process. The albitization process is widely spread in both groups. In general, gradual albitization processes can be observed in alL rocks of the massif. The results of chem- ical analyses of these rocks are given in (table 1). These analyses were made by Ye.A. Shilova and A.N. Zarubitskaya in the laboratory of the Institute of Geology of the AS USSR and by M.N. Veprintseva - in the laboratory of the Inatitut geo- logii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, minoralogii i geo- khimii AN SSSR (Institute of Geology of Mineral Deposits Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the AS USSR) (IGEP AS USSR). The IV and Vr. results were taken from the Ye.L. Butakova's work. Numerical values, obtained by the A.11. Zavaritskiy method, given in table 2 are taken from the var- iation diagram (figure 7). Comparing the analyses of granites and syenites in the series: granites - alkaline -Yenites - Card 3/5 nepheli-ne syenites a gradual increase of the "a" DL~rameter and SOV/11-59-10-7/16 The Karoakpay Massif of Alkaline and Nepheline Syenites and its Position in the Tectonic Structure gradual decrease of the 'Is" parameters are observed. The pre- sence of granosyenites in the massif, a clause relation between the leucocrite syenitea and the granites as well as a certain albitization of granites suggest a genetic correlation of syen- itee and granites. The specific development of albitization in alkaline rocks is presumably connected with their struc- tural situation. Granites form a 100 km long belt along the Maytyubino anticlinoriwa and are associated with the ruptured zone of the anticlinorium. A subsequent reoccurence of tec- tonic movements caused now post-intrusive ruptures and the formation of a Middle - Faleozoic eyncline. Syenites are sit- uated in the folded zone of the anticlinorium which was formed before the rocks of the Upper-Proterozoic era were formed. The formation of the Karsakpay massif in the anticlinal struc- ture favored the process of an intensive albitization. Later structural ruptures caused the formation of a block which in- cluded the folded zone with syenite mausif.. The occurrence Card 4/5 of alkaline and nepheline syenites can be explained by the LYAPIDEVSKIY, V.K.; PAVLOVA, T.G. Visual method for the determimtion of low acAlvitiecs, Hed.rad. no.llt66-71 961. (mu li,:l:L) lo Iz dozimstricheskoy laboratorii Gosudarqtve:mogo nauchno-- iseledavatel'skogo rentgeno-radiologicheolrogo instituta Hini- BterBtva zdravookbraneniya. IRSFSR. (RADIATIO'B-MMUREMT) PAV10VAs TeGe Position of gpelsmose granites and IF anites southern Mutau (dentral Xuakhetan - lsv. no*4:16-23 Ap !60, In the structure of the AN SSM Ser. geol. 25 (MINA 13: 11) 1. Geologichesidy institut AN SSSR, Moskva. (Mut~au Hountaimm-Granits) GROMUO L.Y.: ObserwimS the visibility of lunar surface features during the lumar eclipse of Way 13-14, 1957, in leningrad. Astron. tair. no.189:20-21 P 158. (MIRA 11:8) 1,Astronomichaskaya observatorlya Leningrad'skogo universiteta. (3clipses, Lunar-1957) (Hoon-Surface) PAVLOVA, T.G. Method for the determination of the dosage fie1d in a phantom emitted from large focus distance gamma-units with Co60 soarce. Med. rad. 9 no.3:24-32 Mr 164. (MIRA 17-12) 1. Otdel klinicheskoy dozimetril tzav. - dotsent A.N.Krongauz) Nauchno- issledovateliskogo rentgono-i-adiologicheBkogo instituta Ministerf3tva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR, Moskva. POTEKHIN, I.I., glav. red.; BARANOV, A.N., red.; EELYAYEV, Ye.A., md.; GELLER, S.Yu., red.; GRAVE, L.I., at. nauchnyy red.; GRIGORIYEV, A. A. , red. ; GUEER, 1. A. , red. ; KULAGIN, G.D. , red. ; MALIK, TJ. A. red. MANCHKHA, P.I., red.; MILOVANOV, I.V., red.; NERSESOV, G.A., red.; OLIDEROGGE, D.A., red.; ORLDVA, A.S., red.; POPOV, K.M., red. ROZIN, M.S., kand. ekon. nauk, r--,d.; SMIRNOV, S.R., red.; UFIMOV, I.S., red.; SHVEDOV, A.A., red.; YAS':HEBDVA, I.P., red.; PAVLOVA, T.I., tekhn. red. (Africa; encyclopedia) Afrika; entsiklopedichookli apravoohnik. Glav. red. I.I.Potekhin. Chleny red. kollegiit A.N.Baranov i dr. Moskva, Vol.l. A - L. 1963. 474 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, Gosudarstvennoye nauchnoye izdatell- stvo, Moscow. Wrica-Dictionaries and encyclopedias) PAVLOTA, T.M., redaktor . ............................. ~~111 I [Western Avops (central and southerm)l school so for upor grades of the secondary school.] Zapadanals, Drrops, (tsentr I b4g): 'nabobusis, karts.-Plia starshikh klassaw srednet sbkoly. OtwetstyenW redektor P&v2ov&,?.X. Mookwa. 2949. 7:6) 1. Aiissim, (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glawneys viprawlenlys podesil I kartografil, (sarope-ftps) P.AVLOVA. T.H. On table-type ge=crel geogrnphic mans of foreign countries; in the order of dlecuss'Lon. kart. no.6:49-51 '51J. (P'U 10:9) (MaDS) FAV Uov A i-T. t4. C-f-Q- ( L Q- -N~~ PAVLOVA T.N., studentka IV kursa Rectilinear correlation and Itf, application in geodas7. Tm-d7 J' MIIGAIK no-45:139-144 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Moskovskiy institut inahenerov ge-odemil, aerofotosllyemki i kartografii, geodoaAaWskiy fakul'tat. (Correlation (Statistics)) (Geodesy) PAVLOVA, T.F. ROView of 'Problem in the development, of ambulatory polyclinic attendance for the population 4n the Czechoslovak S. S. R. up to 19M". Sov. zdrav. 21 no.3:92-93 `62. (NIM 15:3) (CZECHOSLO-VAKIA-4EDICAL CARE) BURDYSEIr, M.L., 2NOTSYMY, V.A.;-w--k#!!~V~T-T- XxPe7IWnW Investigation of dynanic system with electric drives. ft~ 1n9t*wwhSeu.po toor.mash. 20 noo78s33-42 060. (MIRA 13:8) (ftchinery, Kinegatics of) (Blectric driving) wv r,i 41~ pug. Ft rug, E IF t7 't F -7 1 8/247,/62/012/005/001/004 1)296/D307 AUTHORt PaVlOyaj_J.A~~ TITLE: The restoration of impaired functions in the higher parts of the central nervous system in dogep after repeated resuscitation under clonditione of hypothermia PERIODICAL: Zhurnal vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti imeni I.P. Pav- lova, v. 12, no. 5P 1962p 896 - 902 TEXT: Two dogs in hypothermia (240C) were brought into a state of clinical death by bleeding. One belonged to the strong mobile balan- cedp and the other to the strong mobile unrestrained type of ner- vous system* After 30 minutes resuscitpti6n was carried out by the method of VzA. Negovskiy (Ozhivleniye organizma i iskusBtvennaya gipotermlya (Resuscitation and-Artificial Hypothermia) Moscow, 196o) 10 months laterg after complete recovery, the process was repeated with the clinical death lasting 60 minutes, Serious disorders in the conditi-oned reflex activity and neurological# mainly cerebellar, symptons were recorded, which subsided after 9 - 12 monthap reveal- ing the exceptional capacity of the cerebral cortex .1kgr the rest-ora- Card 1/2 ZOLOTO]MLINA, Ye. S.; KOLGANOVA, N. S.; RYABOVA, N. M.1 FAVLOTAT. Ya. Tr*ataent of hemodynamic disorders In traumatic shock and terminal stateso Qrtop., trava. I protes. no.i2:9-16 161. (MIRA 15:2) 2. Is TSentra po Ischenlyu, shoka I terminallrqkh awtoyanly pri bollnitse In. S. P. Botkina. (g3avnyy vraeb- Pr->f. A. N. Shabanov, naucbnyy konsul'tant - prof. D. X, Tasykcri) i ~Aboratorli oloperimntalInvy fiziologii po, ozhivlenlyu organisms, (zav. prof. V. A. Negovakiy) AWN SSSR. (SHOCK) 11~ VEFB, I.M.; PAVUYVA, T.A.t PISARKV., B.P., red.; ZAK, A.L., tekhn. reC -- - 'VQ' [ClothiW and linejp--~;or therapeutic and prophilactic lnstitutions]Odezhda i belle dlia lechebno-profilaktichei3km ucbrezhdenii. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 382 p. (MIRA 16:1) (HOSPITAIS-EQUIPMW AND SUPLMS) - FAVLWA, T.Ya. Change in the conditioned reflex activity of dogs resuscitatod after clinical death from~blood loss in hypothermia Zhur.vys. nerv. delat. U no.2~312-317 Mr-Ap 161. iMIRA 14:6) 1. Laboratory of Experimental Physiology of Yivifying Organisms, and Laboratory of Higher Nervous Activity,, Institute of MedUUnal Diet, U.S.S.R. Acaaemy of Me4ical Sciences., Moscow. (HYPOTHFM41L) 110011DITIONED RESPONSE) (HFMRRHAGE) '(RESUSCITATION) SHAGIDULLIN, R.R.; PAVLOVA, T.Ye. Vibrational spectra of organoarBenic compounds. Report No.2; Raman spectra of ethers and acid chlorides of trivalent arsenic. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.6t995-998 165. (14MA 18:6) Io KhImicheakiy institut imeni Arbuzova AN SSSR. SHAGIDULLIN, R.R.; PAVLCrVA, T.Ye. Vibrational absorption spectra of organoarsenic comr-pounds. Part 1t Infrared absorption spectra of Boma others and chlorides of trivalont arsenic acids. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khin. no.12:2117-2124 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Khimicheskiy institut im. A.Ye. Arbuzova AN SSSR. BOLOTIVAp F.Teej GAMBANYAN, M.P.; D&JISOVAj G.A.; DUDHOVINA, L.I.1 KOUNA, I.S.; MOXCHAN, V.N.; 14AXAROVA, T.I.j EQLDY~j REZVETSWp O.A.; S41RNGVA~ V.V.)- SURZFII*, S.14.p kand. tekhn. nauk; TAMAMSHYAN, S.G.; TRUSGVA, S.A.; FILOGRIYEVSKAYAp Z.D.; CHIN'"ENOVAl B.G.; SHISHKINAp N.N.; WIN.. M.M.# zasl. deyatell nauki RSFSR, doktor biol, nauk prof., red.; PRITYKINA, L.A.I. red.; ZAPSHCHIKOVA, L.W.v tekhn. red. (Spice and aromatic lants of the U.S.S.R. and their use in the food industry~ Priano-aromaticheskie rasteniia SSSR i ikh ispollzovanie v pishchevoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Pishchopromizdat, 1963. 430 P. (KRA 17:2) YAKAROVA, T.I.; SURZHIR. S.11.; PAVLOVA, U.G.; SERGYMA, T.V. Use of Russian spices in the fish Industry. Trudy Bot.inat.Ser. 5 no.6:260-278 160. (141U 13:6) (Fishery products--Preservation) (spices) PATLOT, A.H., otv. is vypusk; VOLODICHEVA, V.N.; IVANOVA. A.I.; XULAKOV, I.t.; LTAWINA, T.N.; 141TOKINA. L.J.; PC CWTAKOVA, N.P.; RODIONOTA. L. t.; ROKANOYA, U.N.; SW17XV. B.6.; CHIOPKINA. A.A.; TRSSOMMOVA. Z.G.; BOGATrM, P.P.;-, BROVEINA. A.I.; IVANOVA, L.D.; IVASMIN, G.A.; KAMM, N.I.; L7.MAWVA. L.A.; OZHEMIYXVA, 2.1.; 3!AVLQV lj,; TTUMMOVA, N.1,,; tWITSYNA, A.P.; ZRIVILIN, N.N.; AIZSHICHNV, M.P.; VINOGRADDY, V.I,; TEMIN, F.S.; IMAYCHWO. Ye.P.; LOVACEMVA, N.V.; NIKCLISKATA, V.s.; MMOV, G.I.; SKEGINA, A.V.; TAREM, A.V.; INA, A.V.; BRYANWIT. A.M.; BURNISTROVA, V.D.; (MIG(MIYFIA, A.K.; LUTMMO, A.I.; ORMCiVA, Z.V.; TEFLINSKAYA, N.V.; FBCKTISTOVA, V.I.; BUTORIN, X.M.; BOCHMNVA, L.D.; BUMINA, V.A.; VETUMMO, A.M.; VIMYAYBV, A.A.; SORCKIN, B.S.; TMENKO. L.T.; XHUMNIKOV, V.N.; DMOV, D.I.; SMANONA, V.A.; KAKIAKIN, V.I., red.; VAKHATOY, A.M.; KAMOVAv O.K., red,izd-va; FTATAKOVA, N.D., (Soviet agriciilture; a statistical manual] Sel'skoe khosiniotvo SM; statisticheskii abornik. Moskva. 1960. 665 p. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.3.R.) ?Sentrallnove otatisticheskoye -uprav- laulys. 2. Upravlenl3mt statistiki ael'skogo khozynystva TSentral'- nogo statiatichookogo ixpravlenlya SM (for all except Knkarova. Pyatakove). (Agrioulturs-Statistics) BOZADZHIEVA, E.; BAKALOV, D.1 PAVLOVA, V. On a modified method tor the simultaneous determination of ri-ketosteroids and 17-ketogenic steroids in the urine. Suvr. med. 14 no.3:45-51 t,53. (ADRENAL GORTEX HOWOMES) 17-KETOSTEROIDS) (URINE) DRENAL CORTEX FUNCTION TESTS) R AUTHORS: M a 1 i n o v s; k i , Y- ~Vi 0 TITLE: The Influence of the Activity of the Gelatin on the Kinetics of dhemical Ripening (Vliyaniye aktivnosti zhelatiny no kine- tiku khimicheskogo sozrevaniya) PERIODICALt ?~hurnal nauchnoy i priklpdnoy fotografii i kinematoLzrafii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 6, pp 410-415 (OSSR) ABSTRACT% Emulsions preTared by identical formulae, but with different kinds of grlatin, yield emulsions of different senFitivity. This is connected with the so-called photographic activity of the gelatin which may be ~,ighly sensitive or inert. Re- search on the influence of the Activity Of the L!elntin on the final sensitivity of the emulsion has led to -*-iffer(int con- clusi(ns and opinions among researchers. The authors investi- gated a forme:-ly-described formula for their exnerl-entpl emulsion,with Soviet FZhZ pelatinmedium type being used. To avoid conglomi?rntion of the grairt. during physical ripening, the excess potassium trowide was increased to 100 mole "I and 2 mole Percent of potassium iodide were added. Thus the grains of the emulsion grew eoually. Upon physical ri ening, for 40 minutestheir average mass wns about 1.2 x 10T grams. Then Card 113 the silver bromide grains of this first gelptin were set by .3r-T~7 /7-7. 'z r The Influence of the Activity of the Golotin on the Finetics of Chemical Ripening addition of solium sulfate, to distinguish the effect of this physically ripened first gelstin from that of the chemically ripened seconO. gelptin. Pefore the sulfate had been Added, the an,monin of the emulsion was neutralized with sulphuric acid to pH 8, ind then with acetic acid to pli 6.5. The emulsion was c~)oled to '~50 C, and C.75 per cent by volume of a 4C ',"' solution of crystalline sodium sulfnte was added. The silver bromide settled fast in the form of a fine powder al- most free from gelatin. it was washed 3 times and t-en centri- fuged; hereby -,he sodium sulfate wns entirely sepqrnted. is- persion of the washed precipitate in A 2 '/1 gelntin solution at 350 C under intensive stirring for 30 minutes and ensuing dilution to the desired volume yielded 6 after 3 filtrations, the final emulsion. It wns kept at 45 C. the p.11 was led to 8 and pBr to 4. Every 30 minutes samples were taken And cast on supports exposed under a sensitometricweige-shaped tr.,ns- parent glass plate with a constant 0.1 and developed. The 9ptical densities of the processed pieces were messured with the MF-2 microphotometer. The light sensitivity in arbitrary units Card 213 was determined by the number of the field which had the optical The Influence of thE Activity of the lielptin on the Kinetics of Chemical Ripening ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: density 1 above fog. The experi-ental results yielded t-.e following con3lusion: if the first gelatin is -,no--L active than the second, the speed of the chemical ripening process may be lessened under the influence of the low Pctivity of the second gelatin. If the second gelatin is antirely inert, the speed of the chemical ripening may become insipnificantly low. If the second gelatin is more active than the first, the low activity of the first gelatin does not influence the kinet'.cs of the chemical ripening nor the final sensitometric paramoters of the emulsion. There are 5 sets of graphs and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet-. 1 French and 1 English Insti-,.ut fizicheskoy kl-imii Rolgnrskoy AN Sofiya, Polp-ariya (The '.'nstitute of F'hysicpl Chemistry of t~e BulgaTian AS, SofiA, Bulgaria) Deceml~er 17, 1957 Card 3/3 J BULGkR 1A BOZADZIMNA, E., D. hAi"V~ and Xk_,~A~LOVA, Del;artments of Internal 11'edicine (Ratedra ro VutFe-gi-Ini bolestij and of Fedical Chemistry (hatedra po Neditsinska tJiimiya;j Higher Yed1cal Institute (Visshi Peditsinski InBtit"tj, Sof la, "A Yodification for the SiTnUltancous Determination of 17- Retosteroids and 17.-Ketogenic Steroid in Urine." Sofla, 2cuvremenna Yeditsi-na. Vol 14, No 3) 1963) Py 45-51. Abstract: Z'Authors I Russian rwim,jary modif ic!~/ The modif i- cition involves several methodolOGical improvements per- mitting fast and accurate work, especially for tl-.Le needs of clinical diaZnosis. The basic Frinciples oi' elimina- tion have been established %,,ith new material on both ill and healtlly rersons, viz., the level of 17-ketoj~enic stercid in men on the averaGe is twice that in women. The functional state of the Eulrarenals can be assessed on the basis of such studies, 1)*,it rcpeated examination is Ll/i/essential. Recent Soviet and Western sour,~~es- - PAVLOVA Vv--- Singing iceberg. IUn. net. no.606 -Te 161. (?-rIRA 14:7) (la,.:~borgs) PETROV, P.-. 7--NMIEVA. E.. 10TOV, ..; V. -w a Lora It n t I; it rjr, c, f',~ 1~7e T,~a I c~je7 lla'i ',ey. Trud:-ve ( .'. - I vurkilu lnzh gool kbldrol uhm".ted Doccznber " , 961- VALINOVSIUY,. T.; FAVLOVA. V. Influence of the activity of the gelatin on the kinetics of chemical r1pening. Zhur.,nsuch, I priklefoto i kin. 3 no.6: 410-413 N-D 138. (NIRA 11: 12) Is. Institut f tzicheskoy Ithlul I Belgarskoy AN Sofiya, Bolpariya. (Photographic emulsions) PAV1,0VA, V. "Objectives of the History of Medicine", P. 1.5. "SOCL~IiSL on ;-.ard P, . ~ for the People's Interests. Tr, from, Russian", p. 57. ( : " T.'C, D.,;--.C , V o 1 . ~ , no.3, June 195-), SofiYa, Gulgaria). SO: Monthl~,, List of East European Acce:i,ions, LC, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 195L.. yri 42 a r.,p yf,, n C) f c ra r'.1 c-, 9 an .. j t. nutJ: on o t-1,- 1-1 "ery, LW, nizolyi- 5,,-disillf Ido, /Ij-,;r. N~ i ~rikl. lr~L. i kin. 10 1 6z PAVIOVAO,:7 fl-,-~,.- - -.: '. TA Research on benzimidazole aad Its n1tro- and meth7l derivatives. Zhur. rmuch. I prikl. fot. I kin. 3 no.2:101-111 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1.Leningradskiy institut kinolmhenerov. (Bon2imidazole) I/.,/) ,, /- , - /)/ il ",#, FzMV, I.S... Boom. N.V.. TSIMM12m, N.R.; PAYLOTA, V.A. Boiling steple fabrics with perorlds In 1v1rZT1 klerm. Takst. p:rom. 17 no,3:40-41 Nr '57. (KM 10:4) (Cotton finishing) (Bleaching) (Hydrogen peroxide) PATNIA, V.A.; FAMIMS, G.F. Mum*--Mnnmw Reaction of pb*xql asrcapUm totrazole with silver tons. Trudy IJII ae.3:175-1?8 155. (MaA 9: 8) 1. Kafedra takhaologli proinvod.etya k1sofotomaterlislov. (Photographic exulsion.i) (Tatratole) I FAVLOVA# V.A.; SAWKWMAt N.A. Using data on fluorepeence analysis and coefficients of thermal expansion of petroleum for correlating petroWerous strata.% Truda AaM DN no-428&295' 156, -(MIRA 14:4) (Geology.. Stratigr~phio) (Oil sands-Analyals) (Fluorescence) %.-.. MATVEYEVA, T.V.; TMINA, M.N.; PAVLOVA, V.A.; TOMASHOV, N.D. Investigating the anodic oxidation of titanium in sulfuric acid solutions. Titan i. ego splavy no.6:211-220 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Titanium-Electrometallurgy) (Oxidation, Electrolytic) ON , ~r~ . -_ ~ w1i M;j ID~/6 vow, nun rb V.~ I MOOS t ~4 icii IR a& to Ita nit at MAn ~Coat 711 _,ro, M-T-T *rm v o an See fig') _01, smorau T, h4i lvot oul. of 6~ 1180A; Al . . . . . . . . . . JQ' S/ I 3V62-/OoO/006/:44/163 A057/A1OI 07HOFLS Matxfeyeva, T. V., Tyukina, 11. ~J_ Pavlova, V. A., TomnshDV, N. D. 'FITLE Investigation of the anodic oxidation of titanium In sulfuric ac"d solutions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallur-giya, no. 6, 1962, 97, abstract 61612 (V sb. "Titan i yego splavy", no. 6, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1961, 211 - 2X) I-iD(T: Annealed Ti sheets with & !4.Q4 and the followin,& chemical composi- tion were investigated (in %): Fe 0.13, N-. 0-15.- 31 0.17, C 0.050, N 0.098~ Ca 0.34. The anodizing was ClLrried out in H2904 solutions. Properties of the 2catings were investigated in dependence on the conditions of anodizing: the r=ceritration and temperature of the acid, the duration of anodizing, and Da- Die anodic oxidal;ion of Ti proceeds in H2S')4 solutions at room temperature at lAgh voltage at :he terminals, therefore c~,atings of low quality are obtained. An increase of the temperature of the acid, especially to 800C and more, decreases the voltage on the terminals yielding thus ~,.oatings with better protectice proper- tJe-~,. The following optirrum conditions of are presented: 1) 18% H2S04 Card 112 Investigation of the ... S/ I 37/6P-/OOO/O0c7/: 44/.i A057AIC! .3-)iut,lon, temperatlire 80o", Da 0.5 a/dM2, duration of anodic oxidation 2 hr5, 2) IB% H,-c*4 solution, temperature 100oC, Da 2 a/drn2, duration of anodic oxifla- 2 hr;~-;. There are 14 refer-)nces. (Atatra:ter's rotE: Complete translation] Ye. Layner 1,j 2" 2 3/001/62/000/013/024/0!14 B170101 AUTHORS: Matveyeva, To V., Tyukina, M. P., Pavlova, V. Ast Tomashov, No Do TITLE: Research on the anodizing of titanium in sulfuric acid solutions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiys. no. 13, 1962, 410, abfitract 13KI66 (Sb. "Titan i yego splavy", no, 6. M., AN MR, iq6i~ 211-220) TEXT: Research into a process of anodizing Ti is described. The compoeltion (in ~) tested was Fe 0.131 vi 0.15; Si 0-17; C 0.05; N2 0-098P CUO-34; with Ti forming the remainder in solutions of h 250 4' The outhors studied the growth and properties of the films in rqlation to the time of anodizing (up to 8 hours); Da (1-10 a/dm 2); temperaj;ure (20-IOOqC) and concentration of H so (0-80 19). Anodizing of Ti in H so 2 4 2 4 at about 200C occurs at a high terminal voltage (up to 100 v) and results Card 1/2 3/598/61/000/006/028,/054 D217/DA103 AUTHORS: Matveyeva, T,V., Tyukina, M.N.p Favloval V.A., arid Tomashov, N.D. TITLE: Investigating the anodic oxidation of titanium in sulpnuric ac1j.d solutions SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR~ Institut metallargii. Titan i yego splavy. no. 6, 1961. Metallotermiya i elektro- khimiya titana, 211 - 220 TEXT: The results of investigating the anodic oxidation of Ti in aqueous H2SOt solutions and the properties of the oxide films in relation to he conditions of anodizing ~concentration and tempe- rature of electrolyte,, time of anodizing and anodic current densi- ty) are reported. The material etudied was anneal#d Ti sheet from an experimental batch, having an ellongation of 14.8,:~%, produced powdermetallurgically and having the following chemical compos:.tion 0.13 % Fe, 0.15 % Ni~ 0.17 % Sit 0-050 % C, 0-098 % N2 and 0.31. % Cao Ti iodide and Ti of specification VT1 were used as reference specimens in individual experiments. '?he specimens were cleaned. Card 1/3 S/59 61/M~006/028/034 Investigating the anodic oxidation ... D217YD303 with emery paper, degreased with acetoneq etched for 15 seconds at room temperature in a solution consisting of 15 % HF and 5 % EN03 and rinsed with water. Anodizing was carried out in the same way as for Al. The solution was agitated and the current was supplied ac- rose anodized T1 terminals, In the course of anodizing, the voltage was changed, the anidic current density being kept constant. The properties of the films obtained were determined by means of a drop method developed by the authors, using a solution consisting of 1.22 % HF9 0-91 % HN03, remainder - water. The time taken for in- tense evolution of gas bubbles to begin after application of a drop of the above solution to a restriCtE!d film surface, was noted. Films possessing the beat protective properties (according to their drop test performance)o were a, so tested for their corrosion rosis- tance by semi-immersing the specimezs Jn 40 and 75 % solutions of H2SO4 at 300. The weight of the films was determined from the loss in weight sustained by the anodized specimens on removing the film. The films were removed by cathodic polarization without noticeable dissolution of MetaJ14 Ac T1- uoing i ourrent of 1,5 mA/om2 in a 20 % it3P04 solution with addition of 0.1 % CrO 3 at 800. The film thick- Card 2/3 elujo S/598/61/000/006/028/034 Investigating the anodic oxidai.Jon D217/D303 ness was calculated form the weight, It is shown that anodic oxi- dation 4f Ti in H2SO4 solutions at room temperature requires a high terminal voltages as a result of which films of low quality form. Raising the temperature of the electrolyte to 801- and above, results in a decrease in terminal voltage and enables films of' bet- ter protective qualities tc be obtained. The following methods of anodizing Ti in H2S%q solu!ions were found to give satisfactory results: 1) 18 % H2SO4 SOILItionj temperature: 800, anodic current 5 A/dm2, anodizing timed e! -- 8 hourej 2) 18 % H250i~ so- density: 0 lution, temperature: 10009 anodic current densityj 2 A/dm2, time of anodizingt 2 hours. There are 9 figures -, 3 tables and 14 refe- renceag 3 Soviet-b'oc and :.1 non-Scvllet-bloc- The 4 most recent re- L ferences to the English-language pLiblicatlonB read as follows: P.D. Miller, R.A. Jefferys, and H,A. Prayp Metal Progress, 1956, 69, 61; H.A. Johansen, G.B. Adams and P. van Rysselberghej J. Blectrochem. SOC., 1957; 104iv 339; H. Richard, Metal Finishing Journalp 1957, 39 10,0 F. Nagasaki, H, Ish.1dap Keikindzoky Light Metals, 1958, 89 60. Card 3/3 K v G.V*p instruktor; !?AVWVA# V.A,v iwtrukttm. Import&nm of exercise tberapy for ebildren with rbvwistic fever. Med. sestra 19 mo. 109)"7 0 160. (MIRA 13M) 1. Kabimet lechebmy fis&ulltury InotX"ta pediatrii AMN SS&R, (EXERCISE THRU") (RHEUMATIC VWER) FAVLOVA. V.A.; PAYERW. IntersOlom of totroxole vIth 1(Tqtrazole) G..'P. di-l[phenyltetramole) disulfide and pheny1mercaptc- sibrer lono. Usp. nauch. fot, ool,3.,95-106 15'('o (Hercapto oongounds) (Silver) (mm~ 10:6) AMMM-EDOVO G.A.; EUTSMICH, A.I.; USTENGARTEN, R.M.; PAVLOVA, V.A.; SARUMANOVA, N.A. Possible cil-forming veries in Cretaceous sediments of the Caspian-Kuba area. Trudy AzHII DH no.10-.19-30 160. (KERA 3-4:4) (Azerbaijan-retroleum geology) FAVLOVA, V.,A Multiple schinacoccosis. Arkh.pat. 22 no.9s66-M 160. (InDkTIDS) (MIRA 13:12) 24012 .--1,1,111011 a. IL IN. and Fav i,) v A 71 T L E: e of anodf2e-4 a-o,,,5 ::on,:en1 ro. 6. 1~61, q ra-e of :-Drros-Lon Df XT., Die roie of ,.~per o-certra,acn It'. ].lm I vilovs and the propert,es of arodic ox,,ae filrus, ur---,a-,,ed their surfjjOeH, iiUS The rate oil rias -~e- ,-.-i-mined by th- -!ci-me of u.Ly~:.vr. ci:,5ortu I an,,j h Aiot~en -,r16; an ;OS-r-jo~~,j 'Cy -..'.D. Tomashov and T.7, ~11(~f. 'it T!% Ins-- x1ii.m. AIN SSSR, 19-`t). Bi,.&,y i4inym- base alioy,, an-, '-.u5 % --oz- per viere tust,~,J, .he the preparat,~un cf a-, be. - ng ABC~,'-,~', VCu 4 -t:-. u n a c j a p P)-; r e r F,, r , A a'. y s vi r h o,,:~ t2 n I i.,,:a m p ci u r e C ar d Dependen-~e of the rat(~ of S/084f~LO34/006/01'5/020 D247/D305 for 240 hours, follovied oy quianching in water at room temperature. Y, etallographic analysls showeJ tha,~ alloYs containing up to 3.96 5~ copper were homogenecits solid solutions. Alloys containing 5.48 L and 7.63 ~6' Cu consisted of a of .-:)1:d so.11)tion and eutect.1c. Anodic oxidation was -.,arried oV In a 4N -sulohuri_~ E%-~id solution at a current density of 1 Alldml- and a temperature cf 250 for 20 minutes. The thickness of the films produ~:ed was 5 - ?AL. Corrosion ~-ests were carried out by fi~:ly Immerring the specimens in a 0.5 N sodium chlo.-ide solution at a 4emperature of 250 and a pressure of 760 mm Hg. Rlg~ I shows the _relationShip bet',-ween volume of hy- drogen evolved (and oxygen aht3orbed) and time In tne corrosion of anodized aluminum alloys of rarioiis copper conten-.s, and Fig. '17, shows the same relationship "-for non-anodized alloys. From these two graphs it can be seen 1hat co:~rosion of the alloys tested in a Sol I, t4 takes place with mixed oxygen-hydro- 0.5 N sodium. chloride aon . gen depolarization. In stlil, thermostatically controlled soluticns of the above compobition, the rate of -:,,orrosior of Al-Cu alloys, anodized by the normal sulphuric acid met.hod, is approximately Carci 2/5 2403-2 S/08C/6 2 Dependence of the rate of -)247/D305 half that of non-anodized alloys. As the copper conte~ntv 4--c--eases, so the rate of corrosion increases, at firct _7-~f,, to em increase in the rate of ~epclz.rizat-ion b,- oxy,-en, ar.-7 0 gen. T~ierc are 2 f4g-_ires and only due to depolarizaticri by 'qydrog 3 Soviet-bloc reference2. SUMUTTED: July 19, 106C, Card 3/5 OID 4066OWWWW;N4, I I toot V. A vtklishif 014 V,4 A al. .4. A IM1,11 and IWIl fvm &Q.- ItAns. by min we" prepil. curves of Molt find PrOll shows that In these systems .-so, i C scip vwbs water atut ak. ititsultantrausly, the amptim of each compmml tlrtKndittA, -m its activity in the onins, Tht -vdillrow Chn"irtef W Cor "khmit pcirtion CJ am"IA, fWW" and the equally OF tamodc p"=a" of FOR NAI in W &W G7.6"4 14M. ti Etoll we Cft%sd,,,d prow 00 00 400 that the hydratwo and A-1vation With oh., art Ctirut. in %h6 region. "t CMIb$M4 type of wj%vi6)" (the "N" OW*Utt of Wavv"t sw its vv~rus vkrm;4r%" boh-sew Various "1P4 (4 the dioWvird stubstances) wa, -ed in the systems and grin-wat". MML The 6Xplil" Cuttv Of the system stm-arster- Wolf is of revertitif S furm. This is explitin,,d by the S"ITIPIke that MtOH and water during swratiou o1 re 0 trin compete taith c6ch utihey; With an IMICSIC CA Sh'. cullen- it 4UNPlac" "Ot" tz"m The uttlyalf-w, layri and W, WPM. A A Vill 1;00 too It a IdISLLURSICAL 1.111MAIVIIII CthiWKOKS 10va- SWO119. 91 0 0 0 0 4111 * 0 0 0 -45441 00 mew 9 SO 0 0 0 0 0 6 IS 1* 4 M a C3 45-k0 A-1 S40 41. 1.9p4#1 740 00 Idaft 'Mum" lft~vs, mob m ekaa 0 a blbM Ob 1111ANIOR dMINO CO"M 1-$l :rZd in* 00 a" vm C391C. taro= v7m,:.r.-f 00 w*nmw r is pw*" twT -00 00 to am 00 br"Mes 40 &W 70w -00 of PIKIR ftel Aambral wftb thow 11 -00 III tbm now" mw so =,="Wbmk A"Od is ="mod that AD 0 ada "Solms 00 a,:. r-ostv%ca awn Oda Msce% 631, X. of am *77 of All Goo Of PrNOK at ww;b abo coo *0 (& moo 0: no Oft'VA2. -1000 90 a the r emvc *nw rat tv smO md paukhv as k*k (moo), all 0 0". cmp" for VIP ME ~- c"u" in awn. moo Itto too too 0 JL Y.:7. i-4 2 - AAA 510609 %gig ft IA ion RaUll loan us o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 6 6, 0 age 00000 00 0000 0000 4606600900 00 0 so MUKHINAO, T.N.; -PAMPIA, V. B. Plefined low--octane gaspolirups an raw zaterial for the -pro- duction of lower oleflne. IfeftekhWa I no.3:382-3" W-Je 161. (PIn 16: 11) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatal'sMy institut mintstichookikh spirtoy i organicheeMb produktov. TIURTAYBV. I.Ta.; MIWAA, T.N.; PAVILIVA; V.B.; KOIYASKINA, G.M. Reaction rate of propanv det7drogenation on a etationary catalyst. Xhim. I tekh. topl. i trasel .3 no.12:9-15 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) I.Wauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut sukhikh subtropikov. (Fropane) ( %hydrogenation) SOV/65-58-12-3/16 AUTHORS: Tyuryayev, 1. Ya;, T. N; Pavlova, V. B. and Kolyaskina, G. M. TITLE: The Reaction Rate During Dehydyogenation of Propane on a Stationary Catalyst (Skorost reaktsiy pri der.,id-ri-ro- vanii propana na nepodvizhnom katalizatore) PERIODICAL: Khimiya i Telchnologlya Topliv I Masel, 1958, Nr 12, pp 9 - 15 (USSR) ABSTRAOT: During the catalytic dehydrogenation of propane, a num- ber of side reactions take pla6e which lead to the formation of methane, ethylenep ethane and a small quan- tity of 04 hydrocaT':)ons, as well as to the formation and deposition of colce on Vae catalyst. This teduoigs the yield of propylene and decreases the activity of the cata- lyst. it is necessary to know the roimtW rato*z.-of the basic and side ,reaotions ac the rate of the basic reaction determinwthe 'Irield of propylene durinj; one throughput,, and the rata of the side reactions the yield of propylene on the decomposed propane. The catalytic dehydrogenation of j?ropa,ne can be described by three reactions: (19hydrogerAtIoMp. crack ing and coke formation. The kinetics ot dehydrol,'enation of the lower paraffins has been described by many authors (Refs. 3 - 7), and Card 1/3 the kinetics -of 'th 6.V to a.1 axU catalytic. cracking of SOV/65-58-1" -3/lel 2 The Reaction Rate During Dehydrogewtion of Propam or a Stationlry, Catalyst hydrocarbons was also investigated (Ref-l and 9). The rate of colce formation on an aluminium-chrome catalyst was investigated durirk.; the dehydrogenation.of n-butane. 11ropane wa3 cAtalytical 'ly dehydrogenated In a quartz reactor Idiarheter equals 22MM). The temperatures were registered on the potentiometer P.P. 3 The catalyst gran- ules had a diameter-of 3. mm. 10 am of catalyst was used. The ratesof dehydrogenation and cracking were defined at 550, 570 and 5900C when using practically pure propane~ & the rate-of coke deposition In 'a necond series of exper.;_ ments at 51700 5800 590, 600 and 81000 when using 94-9;t propane. The dehydrogenation and cracking experiments were carried out for thirty minutes* The gas was analysed on a GIAP Instrument arid. on a TsIATIM-51V device. During these experiments at decreased partial pressure, purified nitro,Cen wits used as d1luent. Results on the dehydrogena- tion of propane at atmospheric pressure are given in Table 10 and all furtherdata necessary for calculating the coefficients of the, kinetic equations in Ftas.l, 2 and 3. Table 2: data I ''or the graphical determ, nation of Card 2/3 the coefficionts and values of these coefficients. P1. SOITAU-58-12-3/16 The Reaction Rate DurirL Dei-v,lroSenat ion of Pmpane on a Catalyst Equations for calculating. the vLtes of dobLydragenation, cracking.: and carbon deposition durinE the dehydro.,enal. ion of propane are given, as well as the dependence of coefficients of these equations on the temperature. These equations fonn the basis for oalculatiAr, thi- yields of propylene with regard te propane (i c r one cycle), w It; h regard to the decomposed propane, and also the poisoni.n~: of the catalyst during various process conditions. There are 4 Pigures, 2 Tables and 10 References: 4 English and 6 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: MISS Card 3/3 z/oii/62/019/001/013/017 E073/EI36 AUTHORSi Mukhina, T.N., and Pavlo B V. TITLEi Low-octane benzines from platforming and hydro:forming as raw material for producing lower olefins PERIODICALt Chemie a chemicka' technologie. Pr4ehled techniclc4 a hospodAr4skg literatury, v.19, no.1, 1962, 34, abstract Ch 62-474. (Neftekhimiya, v.1, no.3, 1961, 382-385) TEXTt Optimum canditions of pyrolysis of benzines to ethyl, propyl, butylene, divinyl and aromatic hydrocarbons are dealt with. The possibility of industrial. utilization of the process is considered. 2 figures, 2 tables. fAbstractor,a note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 T! S ~4 t jj p om Tf P',_ WP_ .9, -.1--- - ___ -, A r, WOR -t Mkc _mw Li 1V 1706 A 'it Tt en rope va -h a 0 i~_ AM.- tho -surf roA imtm ,,rvvers acif lt~~ ~1110 i 'h gat Liiit 67 -~67 TO oy:p 4 -Af-VSo_&d%0`_ ai't Qv--6f:,V4rothy1p7m k "AMA, 3A 41-ild MAI ned to ox Wdrdphobiq T.Olq)w Iky. 4 hir I. d r0 W;~--'- "' 4-0 ogs.-- h. 1 11. o WIMP07~~-.. Rr-q t= -opper- a hig W. -,- In, meaq Ubl ke 00 77, ~i7