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7(6), 1701), 5(3) AUTHMS: Ana sh-kint, , 11 . T. , Fav I :~V~: , 3. A. TITLE: flews in Brief (Korotkiye"~i-ro'FEli6honi~,,.) PERIODICAL: Zavodst-11ya Laborp-toriya, Vol 21, ir PP 13,66 - 1366, (USSIR) ABSTRACT: The ruithors cui;-ect a :-othod for determinin- un- satur,ted hydrocarbons- in the air Thich thc- reaction of mercnry with compoun~'.s co,-.t-in--,-a double bond and upor the colori-ictric reaction oi 11--- ions with diphenyl carbazide or diphei..,,,l A nethod for deter.-Anin, at'- lene and proj~jie!,? U - -Y was developed. In preparing the rtardard c'ir-;e, stan&-rd solutions of unsaturated hydrocExbons in alcohol wore pro ared in concentrations of 0,025-C,Oe~- mc/ml. and were then -jnalyzed by the iodido numl,cr method of HUbl(Gyub". The intensity of the color was measured on a IM -M apparatus usinE a light filter and euvette., with a 10 mm layer thickness. Card 1/2 3-60y of ethylene and 2-257 of propylene in '-~,3 ml. News in Brief of solution can be determined. SOV/32-24- I ASSOCIATION: Ufimskiy institut gigiyeny i orofzabolevaniy (Lfa Institute for Hygiene and Occupational Diseasee) Card 2/2 s/1 61 /62/004/005A53/055 Bi 6 3/B1 36 AUTHCRS: Petrusevich, 1. 1., Sollertinskaya, Ye. S., and 0. TITLE: Etching oI dislocat'-ons in the (111~ plane of ga-liim arsenide ?_7!1,IODIC.'_T: Fizika tverdojo tela, v. 4, no. 5, 1962, 1376-1563 T -'-'.(T :Various etching aCents and corditions were studied for the pre ;Jara- tion of metallo graphic specimens of --allium arsenide in the (11 1 ) Plane Those givin.- po sitive results are entered in the following table. C omposi t i On Etching Results of etchini; E m a r'~: S in vol. Darts conditions H Cl-3, HNO -1, -he (T TT) 21 anc and a' I o-~Yer - lion- 3 H 0-2 2-3 sec., -lanes are poL, shed. Disloca- selective 2 v- _-ible in the plane as e t c han coni cal nits - EMN 0 3 -5 min Freshly prepared and cold ' . -I- No- 3 , ld s bluish film. medium give selec-,Ive 2 co After boiling, some specimens etchant i are well polished in cold state Card 1/3 Etching of dislocations in the S/16 62/004/005/053/055 B163Y313a ComDosition ' Etching Results of etching Remarks Vol. Darts in conditions -on all planes. H so - 3, 2 4 3-5 min All Dlanes including (TTT) are Non- 0 . hot, '-n poli;hed. In the (111) disloca- selective 2 2 freshly pre- tions appear as conical pits. etchant H20-1 pared etchant HF-1, H 202 2-4 min Dislocations appear in the (111) Selective ( 3 C~4,) cold plane as conical pits. atchant, H20-2 NaOH (50)-5, 2 min, 1 Dislocations appear in the (111) Selective H 0 2 2 (30/0"')_1 boiling plane as triangular pyramids etchant - Card 2/3 '-iching of dislocatiors in the C.Omjc3ition 1-7tching-7 Results of etching in vol. Darts c o n ditions S/18 62/GG4/~C,5/0'5.1'~/C 5 .51 31 6rXi 76 Remarks Yo,i-6 .5-1 Mir, Dislocations appear in tne (111) e I U C '~ L'a Ir 0 K F. (ON )6 1 boiling surface in form of triangular etchant, 3 pyramids use d H C-50ml 2 HN 0 1 , I.T 0-3 1-2 min Dislocations appear in the seiecti,;e 2 boi-'i.%C surface in form of triangular etchant HI) 4 - 1.64 61cm), The dens4ty of the ac:.ds a s ILNO 1.4 c1cm so 3 'here are 2 figrures and 1 taole. !!CI - 1.19 g1cm H. /Cm ASSCCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy i proyck-..ryy instl.,uT obrabotki tz;vet:-.y~h metallov, 'Sta-e Scientific Research and ?roject -.nst.4tute for Non-ferrous Mletals, Yoscow) SUB11~1'2T_`D: January 15t 1962 (initially), February 10, 1962 (after Card 3/3 revision) FAVLOVA, 0.1.; FSETRUSEVICY, R.L. Effect of the crystallographic orientation on the geometry of a fused p-n junction in galliurn arsenide. Trudy Gipro- tsvetinetobrabotka no.24:54-56 f65. (mifif, 18:11) PAVLOVA, o.-(. TechDiaa,3 problems in the ldistox-i of T~h;~~ elt:~!trodep:)ziric.-, z metals. lzv.vye.uclieb.-,,,av..~ tavet.met. 3 no.2~.161-li,-5 I tj% ( tUl-iA I I'-, - , ~ 1. Ta5titAtt istoril. yestestvomnariiya i tc-10-qtki AIN (FdoctroforiO.Y.4i) PSTRUSEVICH., R.L.; SOLLERTINSKAYA, Ye.S.; PAVLOVA, 0.1. Detection of dislocations on a (1-U) plane of gallitm arsenide by etching. Fiz. tvor. tels, 4 no.5:1378-1380 My 062. (MIRA 15:5') 1. Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut obrabotki tsvetnykh metal-lov, Moskva. (Gallium arsenide) (Dislocations in crystals) (Etching) PAVLOVAO, 0.1. fiew material on the history of galvanoplasty. Vop. ist. set. i tekh. no*13:129-131 162* (MIRA 16:5) (Electroplating) PAVLOVA, -Ol'Ra-IQwA=; POGODIN, S.A.9 zasl. deyatell nauki i prof., otv. red.; CHEMOV, A.N., redJzd- va; SIMINA, G.S., tekhn. red. [History of the technique of electric deposition of metals] Istorlia tekhniki elektroosazhdeniia metallov. Moskya, Izd- vo AN SSSR, 1963. 126 p. (PC RA 16:7) (Electroplating) PAVLOVA, --0. 1. - Hictory of elect roplant ing. Trudy takh- 33:266-298 o6o. (MM 13:8) (Zlectroplating) t !I . . I W,r ; T:1. ;, - 0 ; 0 ; , -, . I I ~. . o '. ! - f , -- c 1,`V,~l ,, -;: . -, ".. , . 4'. . - - '. t-,- ~- "W 1A.9 ~ _. . - - : , - - '- , i t" :. ~ 1. !~, . . I-- -I .,- . NI ~ '~ I I . 1. 1 C, A"~ -,.; -'/ 1,~ , ,C, ". x a /- 1, ///, I PAVLOVA, --o"Colitnical aspects and treatment of thromboambolic complicatimu In variouB diseases. Sbor.trud.Teshk.XBNP no.l: &25 156 (MIRA 11:1) (BIWD--CIRCULATION, DISOMMS OF) PAVLOVA, O.N., zaal. deyatell nauki Uzbekskoy SSR, doktor mad. nauk, prof.) red.; MEDVEDEVA, T.S., red.; AGZAMDV, K.A., tekhn. red. (Urgent diagnosis and therapy) Voprosy nebtlozbnoi diagno- stiki, i terapli. Tashkent, Medgis, UzSSR, 1962. 190 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Tashkent. Gosudarstvannyy meditainskly institut. Ka~idra gospitallnoy terapii pediatriohesklkh i professionalinykh bolezney sanitarmo-gigiyenicheskikh fakulltetov na baze klinicheskoy bollnitsy neotlozhnoy pomoshchi. (MEDICAL EMERGENCIES) -A: i - - ,"/ I I"I --l , /~ I - If / 1 , i/ " ".,,-,,1. PAVIDVA, O.N., prof.; MIROCHNIK, A.M., assistent; CHATSKIS. M.F., ordinator - C11.nical features of hemolytic anemiAs. Sbor.trud.Tashk.KW no.1:26-35 156 (MIRA 11:3) (ANEMIA) PAVLDVA, oji., prof., zasl. doyatell nauki, red.; CHAYKA, G.V., red.; --- - I TSAY, A.A., tek)2n. red. (Peptic ulcer under the climatic conditions in Uzbekistan] IAzvemaia bolezn' v usloviiakh klimata. Uzbekistana; sbornik nauchxzrkh rabot. Pod red. O.N.Pavlovoi. Tashkent, Medgiz UzSSR, 1961. 173 p. (MIRA .15:6) 1. TaBhkent. Meditsinskiy institut. Sanitarno-gigiyenicheakiy fakul'tet. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapli. (UZBEKISTAI,I-PEPTIC UIZER) Lot P ' -- - "-' , , " r '-r- PAVIDVA, O.W., prof.; BAYRASHEVA, A.G., assistant EtIO100 And pathogenesis of certain endocrine disorders from the point of view of "nervism." Sbor.trud.Tashk.KBNP no.l:!6-4? 056 (MIRA 11:1) (EIDOCRM GIANDS-DISBASES) (CMBRAL CORTRX) Yea.; ya . i: . L C HE RN I KO V V. S. Y," T.A. ZEZ P11 1.. B. A I L 121 A.N'. V.N . A . K 1.2 Sil -'K!Y, Su ~ i, e me r, t I-) n -.S=t=l TwUrimys ftuikiL, v0- 3. no. 3j 1966, 499-3W TAGS 3 mWwtIc field, photon, electron positron electron pair spin -ABSTRAM.,.7be Influence of the electron and positron 'spin orientation on the proba- bMty. of thOr in a mgnotic field is Immutiptedo', It is shmn the 2 WobabM* decreases if the electron rpin Is opposite to the pDsitron ~.s anitwthe direction or the a& tic fieldi Orig* art* hast 18 formUs, an mithoriv. Eng4abs*ff jFM SM WIG MFs:: P05~.~ i I't k , I t ., 0'\i ~ ~.01 PANMVt Viktor Dmitriyevich, prof.1 VASILIYKVA, O.S., rod.j PAVLOVA, , O.S..,tePm. red. .-. - - ---- [Fundamentals of geology) Ospovy geologii. Flosk-va, Gos. izdwwo "Vysshaia shkola," 1961. 286 p. (MIRA 34:9 (Geology) ISAKOV. I.5.. prof.. admiral flota v otstavke,; PBTRDVSKIT, V.A., doteent, kand.voyenno-mrskikh nauk, kontr-admiral, 28MOStitOll [deceased]; DEMID, L.A., doteent, kand.gpograf.w- k, Insh.4mpitan 1 range, glavM7 red.; BERG. S.L., 14zh.-mlror, red.; F&~ red.; PANIX, I.S., red.; KRDNIDOVA. V.A.. red.; .MOM, A. S., red.; SHIROKOVA, V.S., red.; BOODLYWYA, Ye.D.. inzh..-kartQgraf; BRkIIDVSKAYA, Ye.D., inzb.-kartograf; Z:1NIH&. Ye.M., tnzh.-kartograf: ORWVA, H.S., inzh.-kartograf; SkVINDVA, G.H.. inzh.- kartograf; ALEKSWEVA. A.V., tokhnik-kartograf; BALAKSHINA, M.N.. tekhnik-Itartograf; GRIGORITNV, A.P., takhnik-kartograf; bUWVA, T.P. takhnik-kartograf: MILXTINA. H.S., takhbik-kartograf; SIKLVOIIDVA, O.B., tekhnik-kartngraf; TROPOVA, Z.V., tekhnik-kartograf;;-SHUMkH. E.g.. takhnik-kartograf-, FURkYXVA, Ye.M..; SVU)XRSKAYA. G.V.,; CHYM;OGOROVA. L.P.,; SOWD111. L.Z.. [Yarine atlas] Pbrakni atlas. Otv. red. I.S. leaknv. Glav. red. L.A. Demin. 12d. ?Jbrokogo genevalInngo shtaba. [ --- Index of geographical names] --- Ukazate7l geograficbeakikb nazvanii. 1952. 543 P. (MIRk 12:1) 1. Russia (1921- U.S.S.R.) Voy,)nno-morokoye mintaterstvo. (Ocean--Maps) kqarbors--Mapa) 33988 37~ 0? 9,P0 S10621621000100210131013 167 2 ill 40 B110138 AUTHORBj Shchukovskaya, L. L., Voronkov, M. G., and Pavlova, 0. V. TITLEs New method of N-dimethyl-B-difluoro borazene synthesis PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 2, 1962, 366 TEXT: The new method consists in the separation of hydrogen fluoride from N-dimethyl-B-trifluoro borazane heated with aluminum dust in vaseline oil medium. C 2 H7NBF3(boiling point 149 1500C (5 mm, Hg), dry aluminum dust, and vaseline oil (boiling point 210 2300C (2 mm Hg)) were slowly heated in a distilling flask on Wood's alloy. At 2780 hydrogen started separating energetically and the collecting vessel connected with the gasometer by way of a cooling trap rapidly filled with white brilliant N-dimethyl-B-difluoro borazane crystals. Owing to the vaseline oil the course of the reaction 6(CH 3)2NH.BF3+2AI-6(CH 3)2NBF2+2AIF3+3H2 was very smooth and easy to control. Yield of N-dimethyl-B-difluoro borazenei 85 - 88%. Some compounds of the type R2N BF2? which are still being examined, were obtained in a similar Card 1/2 LEVINA, TS.A.; PAVLOVA, O.V. Rcle of neu-cge!,,,-- i fac,~orF i-n !he develoment cf d-i-sea-ses of !,h~- blc~od. Trudy Etev. nau-',.---.q1. inBt. pperell. kro-A *A. neo*,'Iczh. khir. 3:133-1S7 161. ( Nf--' RA 17. 10 ) 1. Propedevtichoskays tarapavUlchoskaya klAnika Odes5kogc meditqinsi~~go inslituta Irieni N.!.',,~--gova. SHORUKOVSKAYA,, L. L.; VORONKOV, M. G.; PAVLOVA, 0. V. Now method of preparing of N-dimethyl-B-difluorobarazine. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khira.nauk no.2:366 F 162. 1. Institut khimil silikatov AN SSSR. (Bora2ine) SHCHUXOMKAYA, L.L.; VORONNOV, M.G.; PAVLOVA, O.V. Now nethods of synthesizing Vi-mon&mlo-substituted X-dialkil- borazines and N-trialkylborazanes. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.4: 887-889 Ap 162, (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut khWI allikatov AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.V.Topchiyevyn. (Borazane) (Borazine) =Vnj, TS.A.. prof., GRUZINA, Yoj.,doto., VASIL'YEVA, N.A., ROXABOVSXATA, A.I., YAGMXINA, N.I., PAVLOVA OOT Treating stenocardia with nitranole Bov,ved. 22 no.ftnq-3.26 Ag 158 (mnA n z lo) L Is propedevtichookoy terapevticheskoy klinOd (savo r prof & T4;A. Uvina) Odevskogo maditainskogo Institute Imeni 31;1* Pirogova (dlr--*- prof ' 'I-Ta. Dvnolm). ZA;;INA, PACTORIS, tber' aminotrate Ma)) (BITRITES, ther. uie aminotrate in angtha pectoris Out)) PAVLOVA, O.V. I......... Effect rof nitranol on thr~, cutanecus carpillaries In disorders of coronary (irculation. Khtm. i mod. no.16:64-67 lel. (MIRA 17:9) BELYAYEV, Awitoli.y lvano-,dch; RVUTOVA, 011ga Igorevna . '. Pavel Favlovich Fedottev. Moskva, Irletanllurgg.iia, 1965. 92 p. (MIRA 18:8) FAVLOVAS, P. Learn it,, it vill come in handy. Znan. ta pratsia no. 11:4-5 N 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Automobile driverB) **go* $0 $000466 *6 0 0 W4 #, 0 awt-A * 0*006000900000 0 0*0 0-000 "i 00 -F _Q it AM*W allotativa of the tv"flem of wet* of for 69 Control of 60 twat of the murlk 00 ci 1'. a. Maj. P&OW-40tv & rardos 1. pav *4 - PtA. HO&W i (ST(AnA W509M); U. S. ) firdal Is. W, Ild(Nov. 2, The 1 lee Slaartm. lar"w of W! mooqWta. Ax#pk.*: xa l werp drstroyrd %bm the txV usta-m were n ' ol pm vithm of 1 9 by the addn. III llv"A. to aci 0 P And in phs lbitif wiih c6y twds, tbr on of A 111411M (0171Y C1M%t. for WV"Al MAIIIIA. bUt I Z:V t~-rv tht akidity was &-n $,m. C. I 411 4 *As o rebetvaka eam"Wto Alvem Ext. A6- 11am mw alipsomij. urrd to a pmt bop water ve. MA. JWSI From _ r ' 0 0 Me Me -1 ww 00 '90 IL. OfTALLIOrKat C41181#10( CLdSIWK&?JC& too u Is A* go 4% 1 &0 0 a i a an* 900 0 0 0 411 0 0 000 6 0 0 00 0060 0999,0 90006 0000 00 0 00 0 000, wwww . 1 0 N MP &M ot. -owl 000 has 0.02- lie v so via elm" -be d L 1 OON" m R 000 11426 L W M Mo 1 200 404rord lowas of m0*192 Do M411 4-, Ina old Peak hop or So pliks 11MA with slay the a" ;a at %o romainod pnotieway. cont. tar wnna mmus. Iwo .000. fto Inv Rem; j j j~d i IN& $9"t 0 0 oo 10.0 0 q 0 40 0 O-OL 0 99,046699600900600 kv 9,8-0, 0-0 V 0. 0 0 -'D 4 `~W-UMIMMgmew 6 S v is it u N 11 to Ir a XyMblobvivila c #1 At W a L t 6 It- 1-1- A- 2.0 0.04,100 The 100111mckly-b"I w6butum am 1. A. Stoorod t- sev MW F. camps. rad. Omd. mi. V. R. -00 it S. S. 3. saw Woran do" couidarally in from the votirr -00 wars", eggs c"" limm WMr *v moo mi 6 4 tbw "M N Nithshom that 11ye Wait* uk I - afty "MISID I lim" mott Wkwo sub. Stamm tbol fd;z;tkY%f4W esp. ejtphave2timutbadry M , 6 times theMpolds and N gaboatoen asd a; sawl *A w the rMim adtit. Tw- amwkyxckxs esp W* molver. am contain kn dry residue. =00 06 turketheaA. ll/otimtstbelhKhb&Ddthtss=qmotitY of N substaw" as eggs. C. R.. 00 '00 00 go 00 IA* 'so* 609 A* Do 8; Ito ii~~ Q~A it;;. 4%, boo T 10 D to a of a a 0 a n it 4 KW A rW.F__' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 0 90 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 It Is It 1, 61-1111-4-1-1 so 8, go ill 00 13 3 AV 00 as 0 Too 00 IF* A-" f Ald 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 U It ON is m Ip to If a P. p 4 Ik I I v The ell- (mito S R 14. b. 1~11'10 &IT fvi%vtnl 04111 hT Ird(vt III etils" Of be fr"l, rkU11JQ1k'% and of rou,14,MS It the lnl-tcd parasitts ut, C&ts' 11(gh Tw"Pril- showed the _-e tc)x'c effect, although the Protein traction showd Cr T-ter t'%'C'ty than the fir"d fraction. Jil. G. %1. 9 9 -00 -00 -00 800 =00 coo '00 ZOO see zoo wee t:oo too 0 DIVALLUKKAL LITIO&I'M CLASUPKAMN f? two DZ, DOI .1"11101t Go a 11 V AA A S 6 OW 0 0 9 1 W 01 0 3 9 V 111,0011,210 ;11;w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" , , " " , , till o 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 foogoo 000000000000000000100060 4*000009604110 god **a 30 In As*& SIL VJLJML cd *be no. 7-7-19. . 5-31% 1 pod" d ow 40m omaly bm of As W. stv. logo $1woss" .4 SODOW "It OPT Z is A is 0 0 190696666969060060 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OJLA o"Int a* i '000000 tip 0 ~011 1:0000 .00 - 06 00 *00 =00 coo .)Coo lw*o *00 U00 Via 0 ease 00:1,A /1~4 V~- v v-6 XA2AWSKIY, B.A.; STIRLIGOV, O.D.; BRISNIKAYA, A.P.; KONDRATIYEVA. G.Ya. PAVWVA, -r. S. - Deteridnation of the uneaturation of Isopentane-isoprene-igoanylens mixtures by bormomtric methods. 1xv. AN SSSR Otd. Wm. nauk no.11:1399-1400 N '57. (MIRA 11:3) 1,InBtitut organicheakoy Waii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Dromovetry) (Isopentane) (Isorens) (Isoaqviene) VL o VA AUTHORS: Kazanskiy, B. A., Sterligov. 0. D., 75-1-23/26 Belen'kaya, A. P., Kondratlyeva, G. Ya., Pavlova, F. S. TITLE: Bronometric Methods of Determining Unsaturated Hydrc- carbuns in Isopentane-Isoprene-laoamylene Mixtures (Opredeleniye nepredellnosti izopentan - izopren - izoamilenovykh smesey bromometricheskimi metodami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol 13, 1Tr 1, pp 134-141, (USSO ABSTRACTz In the catalytic dehydrogenation of isopentane a mixture of 5 components forms - the initial product, 3 isopenzenes and isoprene. The quantitative relation of the components depends on the reaction conditions. In the present paper the relia- bility of the three bromimetric methods - according to Rosenmund (Reference 3), Gallpern (Reference 5) and Vyrabiants (Reference 6) is examined. This control was investigated in pure C -hydrocarbons and also in various artificial mixtures of iso~entane with isopentenes and isoprene shich differed in the number of components and also in their concentration. It Card 1/5 became evident that the method according to Vyrabiants is not 75-1-23/26 Bromftetric Methods of Determining Unsaturated Hydrocarbons in isopentane- Isoprene-IsoamyAlene Mixtures suitable for an analysis of such mixtures, because the error assumes different values and attains up to 7 - 8 % (absolute). The results obtained according to Rosenmund and Gallpern conv firm the fact that the accuracy of the determination of double bonds depends on the structure of the hydrocarbons and on the composition of the mixturet 2-methyl-butene(2) and 3-methyl- butene(l) without difficulty absorb I bromine molecule on bromination. 2-mothyl-butene(l) and isoprene consume more than 1 bromine molecul --id therefore yield too high results, relative to a double ~_A, in the determination according to Rosenmund and Gallpern. The analysis of mixtures with 3 or 4 components, but without isoprene, showed an average absolute error of the determination of the olefines of + 1 %. On addi- tion Of iSODrene to the mixtures with 3 components the ab- solute error increases to + 3 %. The analysis of mixtures with 5 components showed that the absolute error in the case of an isoprene content up to 20 % in the method accordinp to Rosen- mund on the average amounts to + 3 % and according to the Card 2/5 method by Gallpern -2 /'~. As the average error in the 75-1-23/26 Bromometric Methods of Determining Unsaturated Hydrocarbonn in Iso- pentane-Isoprene-Isoamylene Mixtures letermination of the total number of double bonds in mixtures of 5 components according to both methods has a systematic nature, it can be taken into account by the intro- duction of a corresponding coefficient (in the case of an i8oprene content up to 20 %). It was shown that the valuea for the total number of double bonds which were once de- termined according to nosenmund and once according to GalApern practically coincide after the introduction of a correction coefficient. As the method of bromination only makes possible a sum determination for alkenes and dienes, the content of monoolefines can only be determined from the difference between the total nimber of double bonds and the content of dienes. In the present case an appropriate cor- rection which takes into account the content of isoprene must therefore be applied to the bromimetric results for determin- ing the content of isopentenes. For the determination of iso- prene the photometric method according to Robey and Wiese (Reference 17) was employed which is well applicable in the Card 3/5 presence of monoolefinea, but also of some dienes. The averaCe 75-1-23/26 Brorometric Method of Determining Unsaturated Hydrocarbons in Isopentane-Isoprene-Isoamylene Mixtures Card 4/5 error of this determination is less than 1 ~. (absolute). Determination takes 1 1/2 hours, which time can be shortened in series determinations to 20 minutes for one deter-mination. When the concentration of isoprene in isopentane-isoprene- isopentene mixtures has been determined in this manner, the content of isopentenes (P) can be calculated according to the formula P - a.Pl-b. P is the found total number of double bonds in the mixture, b is the concentration of isoprene in the mixture and a is the correction coefficient. In the method according to Rosenmund a w 0,96 and in the method according to Gallpern a = 1,04. All performed tcsts are exactly de- scribed. During the elaboration of this method a short article by Timofeyeva and collaborators (Reference 18) on the same problem was published. In this article a correction co- efficient is introduced in the final formula of the calcul- ation which only takes into account the error produced by the inexact bromination of i9oprene. 75-1-23/26 Bromometric Methods of Determining Unsaturated Hydrocarbona in Isopentane-looprene-Iooanylene Mixtures There are 1 figure, 5 tables, and 21 references, 15 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Organic Chemistry in. N.D. Zelinskly, AS USSR, ~bscov ~Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR, Moskva) SUBMITTED: April 8, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Hydrocarbons - Determination Card 5/5 UP B.A.; SMMLIGOT, O.D.; B"IXAYA9 A.P.; MMTITEVA,,,~.Ya.; PATWFAV PSo Applioatloa of brosometric method In the deterelzation degree of unsaturation of Isopestans - isoprene - isoanWlens mixtures (with owmary In Inglishl. Zhur. amal. W=. 13 no.1:134-141 J&~F 158. (MIR& lit4) 1. Bastitut organicheskoy khWi Im. N.D. Zellnekopo AN SS3% Mbskra. (Butane) (lopprene) (EutcnO AUTHORSt Kazanskiy, B. A., Sterligov, 0. D., 62-11-20129 FRIWkaya, A. F., Kondratlyeva, G. Ya., Pavlova, :11. S. TITLEs Determinution of the Unsaturation of Isopentans-Isoprene. Isoamylene Mixtures According to Bromosetric Methods. (Opredeleniye nepredellnosti izopentan-izopren- izoamilenovykh amesey bromometricheskimi metodam-i). PERIODICALs Izvestiya AN SSSR, Otdelenie Xhimicheekikh Bauk, 1957, Nr 11. pp. 1399-400 (USSR) ABSTRACTi Here a relRtive evaluation of the exactness of the methods of bromometrical determination of the unsaturation and the selection oi the most useful method for the analysis of the isopentane-dehydration catalyeates is brought. ExamininI, the bromometric, methods of K. W. Rosenmund (reference 1 G. D. Gallpern (reference 2) and Virebvants with artificial mixtures showed that in dependence of the composition of the isopentane-isoprene-isoamylene mixtures the exactness of the determination of the total unsaturation according to the methods of Rosenmund and Gallpern can vary absolutely from Card 1/2 1 to 3 %. When introducing correcting coefficients the Determination of the Unesturation of Isopentane-Isoprene- 62-11-20/29 Isoamylene Mixtures According to Bromometric Methods. exactness of the determination can be raised to Virabyants' method is useless for these mixtures. It is shown that under the conditions for the bromination, which were investigated, the 2-methylbutene-i binds more than one bromine molecule. There are 4 tables, and 3 referunces, 1 of which is Slavic. ASSOCT ATIONt Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni N. D.Zolinskiy of the AN USSR (Institut organioheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii neuk SSSR). SUBMITTEDt July 5, 1957- AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 STANIMIROV, D. (Pleven); PAVICVA . R. (Pleven) Activation of pupils in physics by the cp-,estion-ans Mat i fiz Bulg 7 no. 2-19-22 My-je IE4. -W, ;I BUSHE,, N.A.0 kand.tekhn.riauk,- PLENTSCVp G.J.,, kandteklin.nauk.; RODZAYEVSKAYA, yu.A.,, kandtekhn.nauk; PAVIQY4-aG,,-inzb, Increase in the wear resistance of the contact wire. Trudy TSNII MPS no,233:5-28 162. (MM 15:9) (Electric railroads-listires and wiring) PAVLOVA, R.G.; ZAKIIAROV, M.V., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, rukovoditell rah~pty High strength electroconductive copper alloys. Met. wt. 36 no.10;64-69 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) PAVLOVA, R.I. Exrerience in the -work of the Simferopol disFen2ay-i for control in the early diagnosis of tuberculosis. Prob-L. tub. 42 no.1123-5 164. (1-T.- RA " 8: 9,' 1. Glavny-j vrach Simferup(-Alskogo protivtuberkuleznog~ , Evaluation of the boron content based on the mineral composition of vater. Irv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; neft' I g3z 2 no.8:126 159. (MIRA 12:11) (Boron) 'A' TIN I&VtYLLIV, !..A.; PAVILV.-... 1I.i . A a,-ccItIc fcature of the dintribut''nn of water in the Kimmki ,,.nd sub-Limaki series of the Kala oil field. Dokl. Al' A:-,orb. SSR 17 no.8:711-715 161. ("um 31,110) 1. Institut geologii IC AzerlZM. Predutvaleno All Axerbaydzhanskoy SO H.V. Abramavichem. (Ka.U recion(AzerbaiJan)-.012 field brines) PAVLOVAO R.P. Change in the mineralization of waters of the Sub-Kirmaki series in the Apsheron Peninsula In relation to the hypaometric dept.. of bedding. Azerb. neft. khoz. 40 no.10:8-9 0 161. (MIRA 15:)) (Apsheron Peninsula_-Oil field brines) PAVLOVA, R.P. content of the Sub-Kirmaki series waters of the Apsheron .v"Ov. oil fields. Dokl.AN Aserb.552 13 no.10:1091-1094 157. (MIRA IOtI2) 1. Institut geologit Al AzerSSR. AzerSSR H.V.Abramoviches. (Apsheron Peninsula-Water. Predstavleno akadealkon AN Underground) (Boron) KOUSUP V.I., PrO.C.; VOU)VA, rreatment of myocardlal Infarction byj ligatim of the it-temal thoracic artery associated with blocc of 'ne preaortic nerve plexus. Vest, khir. 94 no.2:13--10, F 165, (Mila 18:5) 1. Iz fskulltetlsko7 kh1rurgict,eskoy kliniki (2av. - pror. V.I. Kolescv) 1-go Leningradakogo m~ditsinskogo Instituta iment Paylova. PAVLOVA, S. John Reed, the birtl of rovrAnt.1-m. r),:Jv. prot'nollizy 1 0 nr'.1i, : 40L-41 Ag 163. (MIRA 1D.-ICI invoLINt compounds XILVIII. Actim of by is Stm can solity V % bo~,HSIIAL MINI 'q~i A-I. S 4 V S..% R . N110-.0 1 it. Ajw.`~ R'. (hold. Khow. S4164i k930, A-7, Cf. C.A. a. -.219J. -l"Hus 10 4. (4011.01119 with ms not. M Ito. IV. 7 ") O.Svr 0.3 1, IF&*. mloornfifili-I 0% Coll. 6-finatism 44 C4 the fr4lual Isquiol Saliv but,lion" b~ list, C.". imoilk Is vwkkl & 14ILlu amt. 44 possitly .lAhk (4011.1 Is. sit St". I.. Ft INA. lort"forof (Cf. (4lim siski bloismikiwit, V-4. A. 170). llvouv, she tract" liflosir"ll, by fl,mistim of W11.1 is 46 hicit tkcxmu,. into, a and cjI.. awl Ow ?Aird shrin. lAsis With glyrill. Altenspird ujc tit The ttoorellial #,if ibr clortis. tit Fill iMmi,io lo-flosinAtiftil IIWP~Iirfl oil Illyrtif U"b -i"Ill,orly lails"I isivid go" IlAta- firiliallso. Vilislort-fiv. lhor Ift-11yor-forls, "Ter hydnarp.1 110.1. filisminji jV11,11, -hwh Own illi"nixt. as abow. x Ptilyhyllmamrs. V. V. Kor*h&k and H. A. lbsod. 412-17. -Collknution of NNHWW, (11 With dk,ifflostIVI C%MHS%ll. IrAVV twr- A d-wit blatily Ili lbor rVili'lliM With Act, aboard that emmu ,of thr Wive II-mil Ilk im-1 at - of ltw firsullitto lkilirliff-F Ili j)"Jitim, (IN 0 S ) so) ;M fill. Aw"j, SICI and list oil, Ik" 11,40. Inis,%U4 Ili ;61 -W, tivairol with W a. iiv. f,4kmrd by ~1;1 Isil. 4"ted. JIVI .161til %Ilb :,-I still 11,0. cl.-Ird It, -10". Anol IsAt,.jjx4,I lap~jly hv -I) mi. !Nll*~ N4NX11, (the loroup. a... a -'j, .4', -4 I'. Nis 1. .,-.f fit I 1.1 it" "..h"s I Sit, , . I. I.- I, I...... .4, lov .1111, -, 6,0l. .111" kill It... hormling. and irmoblig X4tor I /Ill j411. solowls lot,ij. . fm %vrv i-vidir Alt,citAtiom 1`11111olltil thr 4"wq." ~ohqs, I,t 04.1"1 Ill a .-A,I .414 Ail -1. of I.,-, I .111". iotilk mwb 11,41. t.mmig. 11-11tw"t Willi /I. billo,loo".. ".4mit. mod 4,14's .4 111. 1, 4.%, 4V, 1 11% 1 .0, v.11im-l"I -hol %hoth -ld ...4 loor 0-gy.f.l. Alih-mit, I I-liskil" with al,kity'kil to "rims 9.4VTOIS, the -as thor twoot p",omftim I it. CII.Aqatist 214 a I I-, C% AIAM mkoml ~! losiv --I S St. As" I~th A1111 ISM 4." -1 01 )-o" f4a. 4.1 :Q%I 4W.Ilk-I at in I, If.' 0.:A, 0-1 ovs-440 'Wk.!!1 A" .1"91611V S*Vt The jwrlovj-.~ "ll-Itill -1 (9-1 Isool-l 14#11pli II- UAV to 1215 %born ilk- wnt oil Ars was witiotorol fnwn Wj t a tv" t"NO"; roicTsa"we Ill"-fir. the t-milut .11.1 V.A 11wlf C.110:1104. tn. 120-V 49'~ fl-ma I-v Cling With IM in syknor in 4 lIfT4111 Ot 11 At 1.191', OW ohloriolor. m 77. W. to LIM Ali. .,* mam"-l I,, PO"; sw bir beat!"# The of it# with IVIO-11tP.14 a his . #.I1hoNj lot Id jhm wisisklij,". Will- I A1.1 %Wll oil jQyji.1,_ BRESM, S.Ts.; PAVLOVA, S.A.; FINOGOOV, P.A. wabw~uvl Diffusion of polymers In solutions. Zhur.Tekh. Fis. 21.1o61-3 151. (CA 47 no.17: W 7 153) (KLRA 4:9) 1. Leningrad Phys.-Tech.Inst. PAIOVAP S. A. PAVLOVA, i. A. -- "Investif7ation of the Polydi --per siblity of Polva-lileve t~, Means of Sedimentation in an Ultracentrifure." Sub 29 Jan ~2, In:-t *of Orpahic Chenistry, Acad Sci USSR. (risEertation for the DeFree of Candi- date in Chemical Sciences). I SO: Vechernaya "!oskva January-December 1952 b , -- .. -1. .~ - - -A.. . ... 13111-= 2-~ S. Y ~- - ~- -.. . C .1~ .. I ..~ ! I L1.1 1 .1 1 .. . Polymers and i1olMerization Remarks on the paper "DiffasIon of pol-,mers in solut:cns" Znur. f'z. 21 ". ~. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Seotenbar 1 -' 2 ..-. . - I 'I*A), Unc 1. BEISLIR. 5.2,; XORSHAN, VA.; PAVWVA, S.A.; FINDUBOT. ?.A, 1xperimp.tal study of the moleaular-weight distribution function of poly&uides. Dokl&dy Akad.Nauk S.S.S.R. 87, 961-4 152. (KLRA 5:12) (CA 47 no.14:6738 153) 1. lust. High-Hol. Coupds., Aead. Set. U.S.S.R., koscow. A, Z-6 IRLSM. S.Ye.; KORMa, T.T.; PATWTA, S.A.-, FUDGINOT. P.A. "rlmntal study of distribution functions for polymmides to relation to molecular v&Ights, by tko nothod of ultracentrifuge sedixontation. Report no.2. Molecular-weigbt distribution of polyamides and the mchanion of polycondensation. Isv.AN SSSR. Otd.khIx.nmuk no.2:354-361 Mr-Ap 154. (N62A 7:6) 1. Inntit-4v V7bokoWo1ekuIrArUyKh moyedinenly. 2. Institut organicheakoy khImII Im. N.D.Zolinskogo Akademit nank SSSR. (AmId*9) (Molecular weights) KDRSHAK. V.V.; FAVIOU, S.A. 111 1, 1 High molecular weight corpounde.Part 86. Determination of the mole- cular weights of polyamldes by the viscosity of their solutions in cresol and methanol. Izv.AN SSSE.Otd.khim.nauk 86 to.6:1107-1111 my.155. (HLRA 9:4) l.Institut alementoorganichookikh soyedineniy Akadenti nauk SSSR. (Molecular weights) (Amides) AUTHORS: Korshak, V.V.; Pavlova, S.A. TITLE: From the Field of ifeterochain Polymers (1z oblasti nykh poliamidov) 10. The Effect of Some Organic Substnr.cog on the Stability of Alcoholic Polyamide Solutions (IC niye nekotorykh organicheskikh veshchestv na stahil nos-~ spirtovykh rastvorov poliamidov) PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, vol XX, Nr 3. pp 54-')r,2 ABSTRACT: The stabilization of concentrated polymer solutions i s? !1., retardation or prevention of the gel formation, is coni,ected with the solubility of the polymers. In the article, the effect of various substances on the stability of concentrate- solutions of the mixed polyamide Anid G-669 in ethyl alconcl has been considered. Anid G-669 has a molecular wei~7ht of 21,000. Several atabilizers like eresol, phenol. acid, water, benzene, etc. were used. The Graphs 1 - 4 show the effect of the different stabilizers in connection with thp timc- )f gel formation, the stabilizers concentration, the concontration of the water, etc. The stabilizin(; action of the stabilizers is characterized by an optimum in the r-latir):-- ship between the solution stability and the stabilizer Card 112 centration and by a very great stabilizing action in tho casn 69-20- ~ -I c~/2 From the Field of Heterochain Polymers. 10 . The E ff ec t of 3- :=c- -- r,7'ar~ Substances on the Stability of Alcohclic Polyamide Sol,,itionq of water. There are 6 graphs, 3 tables, and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheakikh ooyedinonly AN 3SSR (In- stitute ofElowntal-organic Compounds of the USSh Acadomy Sciences) SUBMITTED: JulY 11, 1957 Card 212 3. Polymers-Stabilization 2. Polymers-Solubility AUTHORS: Favlova, S. A., Tverdokhlebova, I. I. SOY/76-32-6-101/46 TITLE: The Isopiestic Method of Deternining Uean Molecular Weights (Ob izopiyeBticheskom wetode opredelenlya srednechislennogo molokulyarnogo voDa) FERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1956, Vol. 32, Ur 6, PP. 1313 - 1310 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At present micro and macro-methods exist In this technique, the principle of which was for the first time proposed by Bereer (Ref 1). The method by Signer (Ref 6) must be mentioned in particular. In the present study n-dibromobenzene, azobenzene and 1,29-eicosandiol benzoate are ueed as standards. Some modi- fications of the methods applied hitherto for the purpose of precising the measuring technique wereperformed. Containers, a figure of which is given, and the weighine method according to MacBen were employed. The somewhat modified micro-method of determination according to Barger-Haat (Refs 2,5) was found to be the most accurate and most convenient one. The experimental technique employed is described. It appears that a mixing of Gard 1/3 the two solutions is almost impossible, thus an increase in the The Isopiestic Method of Determining Mean Molecular SOV/76-32-6-19/46 Weights accuracy of determination being achieved. The temperature of the thermostat must not exceed the bailinir temperature of the iolvent employed. The size of the drops is measured an a W )A-2 compar3to with an accuracy of 1p. Experiments were conducted -ro establish the degree of accuracy of the method. The results are j;iven in a table. From it satisfactory results for substances with a molecular weight of up to 17000 may be seen. The method is applicable to molecular weights of up to 50000. Finally thanks are expressed to G.L.Slonimskiy. There are 6 fibrures, 6 tables, and 18 references, 0 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR,,Institut elementoorganicheski)-h soyedineniv Moskva (moccow.Institute of Elemental-orirmde Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February 8, 1957 Card 2/3 5W AUTHORS: Pavlova, _2afikov, S. Rep SOY/20-123-1-34/5' TITLE: On the Regularities of the Radiation Vulcanization of Polyamides (0 zakonomermostyakh radiatsionnoy vvilkanizataii poliamidov) By Means of the Samples of Anid G-669 (Na primera anida 0-669) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademli nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 1, pp 127-130 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with the procuring of experimental proof of the reactions of the destruction and structural formation by the action of an ionizing radiation upon polyamides. The soluble mixed polyamide "Anid G --669", which is produced by polycondensation of hexamethylene diamine with adipic acid and mitazelaic acid as well as with caprolactate, was used as experimental object. The samples of 1 mm thickness of "Anid G -669" were irradiated for I - 20 hours in air and also in a vacuum. An X-ray tube of the type TRB -3 was used as radiation source. A diagram shows the thermomechanical curves of the compression of the samples of "Anid G -6691, as a function of the dose. Already after three hours of irradiation a fraction, Card 1/3 which is insoluble in acetic (7 percents of weight), occurs, On the Regularities of the Radiation Vulcanization BOV/20-123-l.-34/56 of Polyamides. By ]leans of the Samples of Anid G-669 the portion of which increases to 76~ after being irradiated for 10 hours. The second diagram shows the dependence of the viscosity of the solutions on their concentration for "Anid G -6691, in creosol and in acetic acid. As a result of irradiation, the viscosity for creosol solutions decreases and it increases for solutions in acetic acid. Two further diagrams show the results ibtained by the turbidimetric titration of non-irradiated and irradiated "Anid G -669" in form of integral and differential distribution curves (with respect to solubility)oThe maximum of the original differential distribution eux:ve divides into a double maximum as a result of irradiation. The distance b.etween the two maxima increases with an increase of the doeeo If the dose is 'larger than that corresponding to the forming of a YeAlow color, the differential distribution curves correspond to the distribution over solubility within the brine fraction. The experimental data obtain 'ed by the present paper show the following: Under the influene'e of irradiation processes of production of transversal bonds and of the destruction of the main chains of the Card 2/3 macromolecules take place in the polyamide. On the Regularities of the Radiation Vulcanization SOV/20-123-1-34/56 of Polyamides - By Means of the Samples of Anid G-669 A complex investigation of the change of the mechanical properties and of the properties of the solutions, as well as of the distribution function with respect to molecular weighte makes it possible to give a sufficiently complete estimate of the change of the molecular structure of polyamides during their radiation-chemioal transformation. Apparentlyl the application of similar investigation methods makes it possible to separate the parallel reactions of structural formation and of the destruction of polymers of different structures. There are 4 figures and 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet. PRESENTED: June 25, 1958, by V. A. Kargin, Academician SUBMITTED: June 23, 1958 Card 3/3 C FAVIDVA, S.A.; UPIEDV, S.R. Xffect of the structure of polymers on the properties of solutions. Part 1: ViscositY of solutions and molecular veight of mirsd P017amides. Vysolcoa. soed. I no.3:387-394 Mr '59. (MRA 12-10) 1.1netitut elementoorgunichookikh so3redineniy AV SSSR. (Amides) HATIXOV. S.R.; PAVLOVA, S.A.; TVERWKHLEBOVA. 1.I. Iffect of the structure of pol7mers. Part 2: Use of precision ebullioscop7 in the determination of the molecular weight of polyaluminum organic siloxanes. Vysokon. soed. I no.3:400-403 Hr 159. (MIRA 12:10) l.Institut elementoorganicheakikh so7edineniy AN SSSR. (Molecular weights) (Siloxanes) FAVLOVA, S.A.; TVERMEHUBOVA; I. I. ~ ~ , Selection of a membrane forthe osmotic determination of the molecular weight of low molecular weight polyamIdes. T7sokom. soed. 1 no.3:418-442 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:10) l.Institut alementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AS SSSR. (Molecular veights) (Amides) PAVLOVA. S.A,: RAFIK(W, S.R. Correlation between the viscosity of solutions and the 11ol9cular weight of polyners. Vysokon.soed, I no.4:623-626 Ap '59. OaFA 12:9) 1. Institlit elementoorgan1cheakikh noyedinonly AN SSSR. (Polyners) (Mnlecular welghto) S/190J60/002/012/005/049 B017/B055 AUTHORSt Rafikov, S. R.,javlova, S. A., Tverdokhlebova, 1. 1. TITLEs Dependence of Solution Properties on Polymer Structure. 111. Investigation of Solutions of Polydimethyl Siloxanee PERIODICAM Vysokomoleki-,Iyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2. Ho. 12, pp. 1786-1793 X TEXTt The authors studied the solutions of polydimethyl siloxane in chloro benzene and benzene at 20, 30, and 40OCs and in isooetane at 20 and 300C applying the method of viscous flow, light scattering, sedimentation by ultracentrifugation, and diffusion. Fractional precipitation of poly- dimeuhyl siloxane with methanol from its 3~o solution in benzene at 200C yielded six fractions, the molecular weight of which was determined by light scattering. The results are given in Table 1. The viscosity of the polydimethyl siloxane solutions in chloro benzene at 20, 30, and 400C is represented graphically in Fig. 1. The molecuJar weight of polydimethyl Biloxane was calculated from the relation Card 1/4 85321 Dependence of Solution Properties on Polymer S/190/60/002/012/005/019 Structure. III. Investigation of Solutions of B017/BO55 Polydimethyl Siloxanes S R . T D -779 where S - sedimentation constant, D = diffusion coefficient, R - gas con- stant, T - temperature in OK, v - specific partial volume of the polydi- methyl siloxane and ~ = its density. The viscosity of polydimethyl siloxane solutions in chloro benzene, benzene and isooctane at 20, 30, and 400C are shown graphically in Figs. 2 and 3. The viscosity of polydimethyl siloxane solutions in chloro benzene at 20 and 400C and benzene at 200C is a linear function of the concentration. By detormining the viscosity and molecular weight, the authors obtained the constants X and a of the j which gives the relatInn between the intrinsic viscosity equation Eqj . pla, and the molecular weight. In Fig- 4, loglnl is plotted against log M for polydimethyl siloxane in chloro benzene and benzene. The dependence of log K on a, as calculated from the general formula K _211 ( 1 (Ref- 7) is illus trated in Fig- 5- m. is the mean mo 2'500m0) molecular weight of the polymer. The valuescf K and a for solutions of polydimethyl siloxane in chloro benzene and benzene at 20 - 400C are Card 2/ 4 Dependence of Solution Properties on Polymer S/190)60/002/012/005/019 Structure. III. Investigation of Solutions of B017/BO55 Polydimethyl Siloxanes listed in Table 3. The mean distance between the chain ends is described by the relation (,R2)112 . 0((,~2)1/2 . Fig. 6 represents the function -i2)1/2 . f(M)1/2 0 for chloro benzene solutions of polydimethyl siloxane at 20, 30, and 400C. From this it follows that the root mean square distances between the chain ends of polydimethyl siloxane in chloro benzene and benzene increase with an increase in temperature. The constant A, which des ignates the ratio of the hydrodynamic diffusion and viscosity radii of macromolecules, was calculated from the relation A ./QOT-TD(MEPQ))1/3, where n2o is the viscosity of the solvent in' poise, T the temperature in OK, D the diffusion coe "fficient, M the molecular weight of the polymer and [V the intrinsic viscosity. In the case of the chloro benzene solutions of polydimethyl Biloxane, A changes little with tempera- ture variation, i.e. by 2.27-10- 10 to P.8.1o~ 10 erg/degree. The relation between the diffusion coefficient,'D, and the molecular weight of the poly- mer, M, was calculated and expressed as D - 1-05-10- 4M-0-547 Card 3/4 86321 Dependence of Solution Properties on Polymer S/190/60/002/012/005/019 Structure.-III..Invest-.;gation of Solutions of B017/B055 Polydimethyl Siloxanes There are 6 figures, 4 tables',, and 12 referencess 4 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut eaementoorganicheski-kh soyedineniy Ali SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: . May 12, 1960 Card 414 KMSHAK, V.V.;. PAVLOVA, S*A.; TIMOFEYEVA, G.I.; VINOGRADOVA, S.V.; PAIIYJIAfbVp , Ve AO Effect of the method of preparation and of the size of the side chain radical on the viscosometric properties of polyarylates. Vysokom.soed. 7 no.10:2679-1683 0 065. (FJRA 1.8:11) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh sovedineniy AN SSSR. '2600 6A, SMMC:E CO])E: 2/,D7% :.ACC AM3.2723 UR/0190/66/OW/004/075 3Xbrovin ]Korabek 7-10 V. 11 Pavlo" S. A..,, A-WV Acaderv i;A~ncea SSSR Institut ele 1~stitute~ anoelemental C MInds me~toprganleb,~skM soyedinerdy'M -TIM-. SWAy, of branched.polyary a e. I ts 6 kuly' .4 V. 8, _4, -758 411 mole arhyyq'soyeidin no, 1966, M " arylate molecular weight viscosity, fractionation vedimentatJ on TOPIC VAO.o :poly the re lat i on,-,h i r, 0 A%-fIVM: 49amples of branched Volyarylatee were syntherA cd and ~Viaeotjj iffid MoleCkIlar velgbt wera tstabliahed -A comparison var, made of .,betveeii: _tY I a on an(I of molecular veight distribution (141,M) cuvvtu 6btained by,f~aetion ti n all ultrac1P~ntrMxFe,,'. rolyditiperaity ifj aomcwhat. bi obtained- b~ sedii*0_6 tation 4 V.Cco ding to the sedimentation data thazi faCCor ng' to Lthe fractionation -Irt',A, _C11 r r dis C, be explained by the bigher resolving power of the ultrazentrMge. Poly per ity calcu bated by the Flory, method considerably exceeded the e perimental (Is Ahe influence of interchain and rearrangementv of-links on molecular veight tt,' , ThL e number OfLbr~nehej3Lper molecule~:accqrdlng to the Zi=-Stoc1=syer lieory cor. --nds to: the- numbere shown in the t~xpe ntal. data. The possibility rim or'. formatik -%tramolecular ringa in branched. lyarylate mmples wee proposed on po the 'basis of ex tnial data, Oril _figUr6s -tables, [A141. eat, has It 6nd 7 jjo~ jTjVj D=;: 1'24ayj~5/ bko 1W: L~ 01 OM RWI . 0091 SUB C0194 J _ I ~ V _3+ 4,)V .4LLI? aup ej g "';-- _ - .'L -~ to TrM3FEYEVA, G.I.; FAVLOVA, S.A.F XORSHAK, V-V-; Prinimala uchastiye: BRAGINA, T,F 0. , lab.YV*."'~ Effect of the method of synthesis on the structare of polyary2ste molecules based on 2,2-bis-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propans and isophthalic acids Vyaokom.soed. 7 no.'1:1208-1213 JI 165. (KRA 18:8) 1. institut ale~mentoorganlcheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR* TDIOFEYEVA, S.A.; KCRSHAKY V.V. 4--- Effect of the method of preparation and the size of the side chain radical on the molecular weight diatributirn of poly- arylates. Vysokom. soed. 7 no.8:1436-1441 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1, Institut elementoorganielieskikh soyedinenly AN SSSR. PAVLOVA, S.A.1 PAUMOV, V.I.; TVERDOXHLEBOVA, I.I. Cyclolirear polyphenylailoxane. Vysokcm. soed. 6 no.7tlZ75- 1 m ji I U, (~fIRA 18:2) Properties of solutions and the atructure of polyphenylailoxana. Ibid.t1281-1285 1. Inatitut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. TIMOF-EUVA, G.I.; DUBROVINA, L.V,,; KOFOHAK, V.V.; PAVLOVA, S.A. 71scosimetrt-, properties of polyaryateo. Vyaakom. 506d. 6 no.11&2008-203.0 N 164 (MTRA 18a2) Molecular weight distribution of prilyarylates. Ibid. &ZOLIL-2014 1. Institut elementoorganicheakikh ,ioy--dJneniy AN SSSR. KORSAAK, V.7. ; P;71.f',VA, S,A. ; TI MKjFFYL1i,~, G.1. VING(;,PA~7't V., V.A. Influence of' the ateric 'actor on th-I ~m polydispersity of polyar lates. F)ck.,. A?i J,,-) i~c Ja 165. 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. '---'en- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Korshak). M. -P ITITPid" L "MR1 :~:AP,4047215:- 0/60006/010/184811851.7- ACCEOS'loff 4 MUM, VaMovskil, D. G SOS-in-, so Lo korshaki V, VO; ~.Pav *V-*j Si - At" r, t .'~-TITLZ: Polydin- arsity and chain -strui:tuto'of~p~;olyphinylmathyI v Inani I _v. 6. no, 10, 1964 TOP ity, - cha -if 7a I Methy dnc': -TAGS -po ydi I a :rutturiif PO yp eny "'tskinic ionic ductsp VVf h intrinsic------,. oft IDIN roetionattou# solecular'--vaig tf $coo t smi-Coad ucting polyme r o f 'them I rac t i-ou a I composition of ABSTRACTu A a tudy has beaq made, 0 a -01% cne (PPH) an I r hip betw6en the mole- polyphanyloathyl d of thi tI 4 L cut ar-Ye L-gh t'~(H):-. and the intrinsic vLocosit In) 6f fractionated 0 _011n, -ta- IRI PH ?ravi*- Ounly prepared -PPM, was U t nat d~by means of pTecipi- h__I unic--viscosity and tation by addition of a n'ouaolvenro --T a - ht Li M dAtALIar weight vere determined for each fraction-by light achtter- yhen;.ft Hw/lIn ratio F(,u "We: low SOBOLEVA, T.A.; SUPRUN, A.P-; PAVLOVAP S.A. Polydispersity of polymers of 1,1,2-trichloro-1,3-but-p-diene. Vysokom. soed. 6 no.1:89-91 Ja'64. (MIRA 170) 1. Institut alementoorganicheskikh soyedinenly AN SSSR. PAVLOVA, S,,A.; SOBOLEVA, T.A.; SUFRUTI, AoP. Viscosity and molecular weight of polytrichlorobutadiene. Vyskom. soed. 6 no.1:122-124 JaI64. (MURA 17;-1) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. ACCESSION NrR: AP4042189 S/0190/64/006/007/1275/1280 AUTHOR: --P-a,v-lova, .S,.,-A. , Mthomov, V. I. , Tverdokhlebova, 1. 1. TITLE- Cyclolinear polyphenylsiloxanes SOURM Vy*sokomolckulyarny*ye soyedineniya, v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 1275-1280 -TOPIC TAGS: siloxane, pz;lyphenylsiloxane, benzene, toluene, xylene, dinil, eye,olinear polymer, phenyltrichlorosilane, infrared spectrum, polymer structure ABSTRACT: Polyphenylsiloxanes obtained by condensation of the hydrolysi-- products of phenyltrichloro si lane in four solvents (benzene, toluene, xyleno and dinil) were investigated by infra-red spectroscopy. All four polyphenylsiloxanes were found to have the same cyclo- linear structure predicted by Brown, et al. (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 82, 6194, 1960). The molecular weight of the polymer was 4. 1 x 106. The effect of the reaction mediltni on the m,;,-!hanical properties, the degree of polymolecularity and the structural homogeneity of polyphenylsiloxanes was studied in detail. The fou.- test samples were fractionated from 0. 5% benzene solution with methanol at 20C. Infrared spectra were then taken for all four polymers, their thermal properties were studied and the molecular weight was determined by light diffusion. The molecular weight distribution curves are plotted. The polymers I .were found to be rather stable during fractionation. The infrared spectra show that the .1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4042189 four polymors have almost the same structural elements, with bands at 1000-1100 cm-1, corresponding to Sl-O-Sl-and at 1400-1500 em-1 corrosivnding to Si-C61ir,, 11io mechanical properties of the polymers were not affected by the solvent. All four polypiwayl, siloxanes had a very high glass temperature (TO=300C). The close T. values for the Poiy- phenylsiloxanes show that the conditions of preparation do not significantly affect Vic struc-- ture. The reaction conditions also do not significantly affect the pDlydispersity of polyphonyl- siloxanes. - The degree of pDlymolecularity and the average molecular weight of the Poly- ,'phanylsiloxanes increased, depending on t1io solvent used, in the order benzene-tolucrio- ;',xylene-dinil. A mechanism for the formation of these polyphenylsiloxanes is proposed. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, I table and 3 structural formulas 'ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Organo- :metallic Compounds, SSSR) 08Aug63 ENCL: 00 CODE: OC NO REF SOV% 001 OTHER: 001 2/2 Card ACCESSION NR: AP4042190 8/0190/64/M/007/1281/1285 AUTHOR- Pavlova, S.. A., Pakhomov, V. I., Tverdokhlebma, 1. 1. TITLE: The structure of polypberaylsiloxan6 and the properties of its solutions SOURCE: Vy*sokomolekulyarny*ye soyedineniya, v. 6, no. 7. 1964, 1281-1285 TOPIC XAGS: polyphenylsilaxane, benzene, toluene, xylene. dinil, Mark-Houwink equation, Polymer fractionation, light scattering, refractive index, polydimethylailoxans, polyisobutylens, polymer structure. pollymer viscosity, cyclolinear polymer, polymer rigidity ABSTRACT: Viscosimetric andoptical studies on polyphenylefloxanes in dilute and very dilute solutions of benzene, toluene. xylene and dinil showed that the solvent affects only the molecular weight of the polymer. At a molecular weight ranging from 10, 000 to 50, TWO 305 x 10 the viscesity of the polymer In solution is described by the equation X = 1 -7 M - indicating thatthis polymer consists of short, rod-shaped molecules. From 60, 000 to 2,700, 000 the Mark-Houwink equation assumes the form j0j = 1. 93 x 10-4MO. 634, 1. G., The moleculon of theolymer are so long that they assume the form of a coll. For all fractions of polyphenyl- silcmane, the molecular weight was measuredin benzene by light dIffusion at an ar4le of 90 KCRSHAK, V.V.; FRUNW,, T.M.; PAVLOVA, S.A.; KURASHEV, V.V. Heterochain polyamides. Part 35: Change in the rate of interfacial condensation and of fractional composition of polyboxamthyleneadipamide. Vysokou.soed. 5 n6.8sll30-ll34 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Adipamide) (Polywri2ation) RAFIKOVS, Sagid Raufovich; PATLOVAJ, Sillviya Aleksandrovnaj TVERWXHLEBOVA, 1~aida Ivaji6vna; KORSHAK, '.V., otv. red.; LOSKUTOVAP I.P., red.; LOROUTNA, I.N., tekhi. red. [Methods for determining the molecular weights and poly- dispersity of macromolecular compounds] Metody opredele- niia molekuliarnykh vesov i polidispersnosti vysokomole- kuliarnykh soedinenii. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 334 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Macramolecular compounds) (Colloids) (Molecular weights) TVERWKHIEBDVAY I.I.; PAVLOVA, S.A.; RAFIKOV, S.R. Properties of solutions as dependent on the structure of polymers. Report No. 4: Solutions of polyphenylaluminosilcolanes. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.kbim.nauk no.3t48&493 Mr 163. (MM 16W 1. Institut elementoorganicbeskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Siloxanes) (Polymers) HAFIKOVI S.R.; AWRIMOV., K.A.; FAVLOVA,, S.A.; TVERDOKHLIWVA,, I.I. Polyorganotitanoviloxan s in solutions. Izv. AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.9:1581--1584 3 162. (MIBA 15 :10) I* Institut slowntoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN MR. (Titanium organic compounds) (Siloxanes) b0729 S/062/62/000/009/005/009 5 B1191~186 AUTHORS: Rafikov, S. R., Andrianovq K A Pavl2y�,*S. A., Tverdokhlebova, 1. 1., and Pich~haa-zi~-, TITLE: Study of polyorganqtitanosiloxanes-in solutions PER10DICAL: A*A-ademiya nauk SSSR. *Izvestiya. Ot'deleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 9, 1962, 1581 - 1584. TEXTt Poly-bis-(acetyl acetonate)titanophenyl methyl siloxane was produced by cohydrolyzing methyl phenyl dichlorosilane with bis-(acetyl aceton--te) dichlorotitanium according to the reaction schemd CH CH 1 3 1 3 N C 6 H5\Sicl G6H5 ..V _0_ -C~xk I I + 3 CH'1-11 2+C1 2Ti CH + 4N H20 )3 0-Tiko CH 3 ~2 Wrjdim 6H3 T"0=9 t H3 F CH3 ~n BN H01. The reaction product was obtained by fractional precipitation from a 20 ~ solution in benzene n-heptane (1:1). The ind.ividual fractions Card 112 AcassioN NR AY4Ol6n7 BOOK EXPLOITATION Rafikov., SBgid Raufovicb; Pavlova, Siliviya Aleksandrovna; Tverdokhlebova Iraida Ivanovna Fathods of determin#g molecular weights and the polydisperBion of high molecular weight compounds (Hatody* opredeleniya mo3.eku*lyarny*kh vesov i polidispersnosti vy*sokomolekulyarnyokh soyedineniy), M~pcow., Tzd--6vo AN SSSRs 1963,, 334 P. illus., biblio. Errata slip inserted. 5.000'oopies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ela'entoorg4nic~eskikb soyedineniy. TOPIC TAGS: high molecular compound, molecular w6ight,,.-,diffusion, light diffusion, sedimentation., osmometry,, ebullioseopy, crioscopy, iild-gioup, viscosimetry TABIZ OF CONTENTS (abridged]: Foreword - - 3 Ch, 1. Concept of the molecule and the melecular weight of high-molecular compounds - - 5 Ch~. II. Dividing the high-molecular conpounds into fractions 23. Ch .III. The light diffusion method - - 81 RAFIKGVj S.R.; PAVLOVAv S.A.; TVERDCKIU130VA, I.I. Dependence of solution proportion on polymer Aructure. Part 3: Solutions of polydinethylsi.loxans. Vytokam. soed. 2 no. 12:1786- 1793 D 160. (HIU 14:1) I* Inetitut el.ementoorganichaskikh soyedineniy AP SSSR. (iiloxanes) (Polymers) L ~7614-66 ::,~T (i ) /1-L-A'ar Z~~o7 " W '-Y J ~ R. ~ 601 SOURCE CbD VR/d!25/66~ AUTHORS: Malinochka, Ya. N.; Pavlova, S. D.; Slin1ko, L. A. ORG: Dnepropetrovsk Institutoof Iron Motallur (Dnepropotrovukiy institUt ChOrAlOy MetallurgI17- TITLE: Structure and properties of welded seams in low alloy steel pipes SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 4, 1966, 13-17 TOPIC TAGS: metal welding, seam welding, metal property, alloy steel / liXhGS alloy steel, 17GS alloy steel, 14GN alloy steel ABSTRACT: Tha structure and properties of welded joint we*6 investigated before and after heat treatment to determine the Oason~ or crack:'~ngldf welded joints in 1020- N "170S mm diameter steel pipes made of 1~- 145YR601 ?hotographs of the weld nucrostructuros are presented for various conditions of heat treatment, and the strength properties of the base metal under various temper tur c idition3 were determined. A considerable amount of martensite is formed ' the seam., increasing its strength and hardness but decreasing its plasticity. racks are for-med during expansion of the pipe under low temperature conditions, and these grow along interaxial dendrite portions of the weld. These cracks can be prevented by tempering of the welded seam at 450-500C. N. M. Yan and E. E. Novikov helped with the experimental work. Orig. art. has: 6--f-ifiEres, CODE: 13 SUBM DATE: 18Dec65/ ORIG REF: 003 -CS51,12 UDC; 62!J9LOO4J2,-k 1~