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ACCESSION FIR: AP4017401 S/0183/64/0091OD2/023.4/OM AUDIORs Krugly*kh, A. A,; Pavlov, V. S.; Ty*khins'IW*y, 0, P, TITIS: Vapor pressure of solid yttrium SOUROEs Ukrayinalky*y fiz3r*chrW*y zhurnal, v. 9o no. 2, 1964, 214-215 TOPIC TAGS: yttrium. yttrium vapor pressure, yttrium vapor, clausing coefficient, evaporation rate. yttrium sublimation, high temperature evaporation AMTRACT: Values for the vapor pressure of yttrium, obtained by Nesmayanov et. al. on two different ocoasions (Vestnik MGIJ, No. 2, 40, 1962; Izv. A. N. USSR, Metallurg-iya i Toplivo, 5. 117, 1962) differed by an order of magnitude. Ackerman and Rauch obtained yet another sot of values maBs-spootromatrically Chem. Phys. 36 (2). L". 196_27 The authors measured the vapor pressure of yttrium over the solid phase between 1100 w-A 1480C by observing vaporization rates at each value of temperat;are in a vacuum. A cylindrical tantalum Card 1/2 ACCESSMN NR: AP4017401 crucible held the material, and temperatures were wasural with an optical pyromater. The results coincided with those of Ackerman w-A Rauch, and am expressed by the relation: 185W 10gPMM,-- T "The authors thank H.S. Rudenko and M. M. Matyushonko for their discussion of the results." Orig. art. has one table. one graph and one formula. ASSOCIATION: Fizy*ko-Tokhnichny*y Insty*tut AN URSR, Khar~ov (Physico-Tachnical Institute, AN UaS;Z) SUEM17= t Z5Jul63 DATE ACQ % 1%w,64 ENCLs 00 SUB CODE: CH, EL NO REF SOVs 00) OTHERt 001 Cord 2/2 A 1. 345010-65 EVIP 0AW., E*-(b)A'A'A(c) Pro4/Pa-4/pu-4 lip(c) ~JD/JW/JG/At/W AUTHOIU,~ Kr~glykh, A. A.; Alat TikhInskiy, ~shenk~oN.~N. , Pavlov F. TITLED- Certain properties of gadolinium-beryllide ~SOURCS, Zhur'.' ln na khImit. v. 16, no. 1. 1965, 285-28' ,.:TOPIC TAGS- r-operty, lattice structure gadolinium beryllide, physical p density, ~Jnicrofia'rdness', dissociatiorv, sublimt ion -heat, -iapor Dress Su" -v-h6-: fo&- *'ini -pro rties of GdBe lattice struc-- -paratnete-r a 10.27- density re-- 10. 005y, 3,363 gm /cm3; -rni~r,,c,ph-sk~nLiss.--.-140okg/myn2. This- intermetallic compound dissoci&4ed ap- n-- 4 0 0 preciably aboive.-IOSOC:--'the-rate-of-Be-e -apo waa-ha6aiiura- 11 ratio t6~V-.. or,, the gressu dB A- a~lq e-ove& Le ef Tkifh t of"" -in this teiii b ea s bli on perature C 7 ~-eifigq -was 816~ m6i._ Orig. art. has:4,equation, I figure and 2 tables.: card L 44305-66 ACC NR- AP6019841 SOURCE CODE: UR/0370/66/000/001/0190/0192 AUTHOR: Amononko, V. (Kharlkav); 14u '~~ V. S. All A~.A. (Kharlkov); a ko (Khar'kov); Ti (Khar'kov) ORG: none TITLE. Evaporation rate of berylliu during dissociation of cerium beryllide 411 /It V SOURCE: AAN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no. 1, 1966, 190-192 TOPIC TAGS: beryllium, vacuum sublimation, ceriw-n compound, vapor pressure ABSTRACT: 'flie article presents the results of an investigation of die evaporation rate of Be during the thermal dissociation of die internietallic compowid CeBe as well as of die effect of the addition of a small amount (0. .1 wt. %) of Ce on die evaporabill?y of/Be. CuBe 13 wa s o b- tained by the vacuum heating of a stoichiomeLric nii-xture of thepo-Wdcrs of C,~ an(] Ile at 1150'C for 3 hr, while the Be-0.4% Ce alloy was obtained by direct vacuum melting,6f die inetalEi. 'ne i subliniation rates of die Be-0.417r, Cc alloy and of the products of dissociation of Cclie,3 were determined by the niethod of evaporation from a cylinch-ical L~Lntaluni crucible with 'i rcsiaual gas pressure of -!~ 2-10-6 111m jlg in the vacuu-ni chamber. The temperature was measured with Card 1/3 UDC: 669.725.4 ACC NR: AP6019841 the aid of an optical pyrometer correct W 5,,~. Weighing of the crucibles was carried (jut correct to �0. 0001 gby the continuous method on scales Mthout violating die vacuu-m. The sublimation rate of Be with 0. 4% Cc was nicasured in Lhe temperature range ()20-1160'(',- for this temperature range the saturated vapor pressure of Be over die Be-O. 4k Ce alkly is described by the equation: log P = 9. 35-17, OOO/T. As for the sublimation rates of the compo- nents of the intermetallic compound CeBe III during its thermal dissociation in the tempera- ture range 1050-1250*C, the roentgenograms of the condensates gathered following evaporation of the compound at 1100 and 12500C lack the lines of Cc and CeBe 13; therefore, appreciable dissociation occurs above 1050T and flic entire sublimated i-natter may be referred to Be. 'ne saturated vapor pressure of Be over the CeBc 13 compound during the latter's thermai disso- ciation may be described by the equation: log P . 10. 475-18s 990/T. I'lie findingS were utilized to plot curves of the saturated vapor pressure of the compoundE; and their components (Fig. 1). Orig. art. has; I figures, 2 tables, 2 formulas. 3/3 ACC NRs AP60198,11 Fig. 1. Vapor pressure (11, nini 11g) of Be as a function of temperature for: I - pure Be; 2 - over the compound CeBe 13 during its thermal dissociation 3 - over the alloy Be-0. 4% Cc 1 4 - pure Ce is 67 4 SUB CODEW SUBM DATE: 25JuI&I/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 001 3/3 Cord BwT(M)1ZWA(d)/EW?(t) XJPW JD Ar-(; MRSA SOURCE CODE: ttfi/0120/66/000/001/0211/02.12 0., I)AV AUMOM Kovtun.-G. P-se KruRlykh, A. A. khartkov (Fizlko- ti 7t, TX=&.,. Appij~atue for zone refining of refractor-y metals -.iBWRCZ: l.tekbnlka skeper1lenta, no; 10. 1966m, 211-212 4TOPIC-VAOS: refractory metal.. electron beam meltingo metal zone re- finlng,,~molybdenum, metal ceramic material The authors describe an electron-beam Instrument with elec- beam focusing., Intended for zone refining.of refractory metals. Thi device engpioys three plane-parallel beams of electrons with radial cathodes-and focusing electrodes (Fig. 1). The use of plane cathodes instead of annular cathodes eliminates contamination of the cathodes,, vents electric. pre discharges..and prevents contamination of the refined _11ample., The.febusing system for each'electron beam consists of plane anode-and:.cathode electrodes*bent at.1350,. Tests with metal-cexwdc ..W Molybdenuim:-rods up to 10mm i,n diameter have shown that*the rods could 1/2 UM 58-553-ra :,Card 2/2 PAVLOV, Von, kapitan 2-go range - . M~~Ivxtion security to the control of naval forcen. Mor. abor. 47 not 1, 19-2 5 36 1164. (MIRA 180) nar OV t~or of, r, - - r. g(,7 V n-W/Epr(a L: 16367 0/910(bY Pr,4 MD ga)/ASD/AFW AF G( ~ACCESSION NR: A?4048866*- J3V/J_G_ T_j0Qj---- AUTHM Xovtun, ~G. __P Krugly%lkh, A-.-.A;; Pavlov, V. S.- 3u TITLE- Vapor press_ jrelf gadolinium and dysprosium SOURCE: Ukrayinslky*y tizy*cliny*y zhurnal,v9,. -no. 10, 1964, 1OD-109J TOPIC TAGS.: dadolinium, dysprosiumvapor pressure, heat of sublimation, entropy of sublimation ABSTRACT. The pressure of gadolinium and dysprosium vapor was determined -over the-temperature intervals of 1120-1310C and 850-1075C respectively, using Knudsen.' s. e ffusion method, by the. difference of the, weight of the tanta'.1,urn effusion cell before'and after the experiment. The followirg equations describe the results obtained for Gd and Dy , respectively: log P12. 03 - 23705/7', and mm Hg log Pmm Hg ~ 0. 79- 158'25/T. The heats-of sublimation were calculatpd: 108. 5 and 72. 4kcAl/mole for Gd and Dy, respectively. The respective _entropi~-_sof zublimation-eq al 42-- -0 und e 0 u e. has: 2 tables, 1 1/2 Card PAVLOV, V.S. Smil boring tools. VAshinostrottell w.6:21 Je 160. OaU 13: 8) (metal cutting tools) TSITSIASHVILI, Mikhail Yur'yevich;__EA.VL_QL Vladimir Senenovich; SOKOIDVP . , red. Ju __v-a,---UVjt6MVA, L. G. , red.; LAPI NA, Z. D N.B., tekhn. red. (Modern methods for the loading and unloading of unrefined sugar in harbors]Sovremennye sposoby peregruzki eakhern-syrtsa v portakh. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1962. 89 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Sugar-Transportation) (Cargo handling) ACC HR& AP6025592 SOURCE-CODEt /0433/66/000/013/0024/00241 MEN'TOR: Pavlov, V. V.; Levin, 1. A.; Birnbaum, 0. E. None iTITLE: A unit for testing aircraft parts under conditions of artificial icing and !rain. Clas's 17, No.. 183222 jSOURCE: Izobreteniya, prcoyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 24 j--C TAGS: flight simulation, simulation test, test chamber, ice, rain ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a unit for testing aircraft parts under conditions of artificial icing and rain. The unit contains a closed chamber with a refrigeration assembly, a vater distributing unit, heaters and a control panel with measuring and recording instruments. The chamber of this unit is equipped with a horizontal frame for mounting test parts. This frame is rotated by an electric :motor mounted in the center of the chamber to simplify design and set up flight aimu- ,lation by rotary motion, L j Card 1/2 uDc; 62.1,58 , ACC NR: AP602599~ 1, I I 31926 S/102/61/000/006/003/004 a, 3 1/ a 3 -0 X) D299/D305 AUTHOR: _PavlQY_. Y. (Kyyiv) TITLE: Pinding approximate solutions to nonlinear differen- tial equations of transient processes PERIODICAL: Avtomatyka, no. 6, 1961, 52-59 TEXT: The solution is considered of a second-order differential equation having a nonlinear term which is not proportional to a small parameter. A fomula is obtained which is a generalization of the results obtained (by other authors) for the linearized expres- sions f X'~Lx q(a)x + t q a Tdxj dt 60 (2) and f ~Lx) ~Lx + q(a) + kql(a) x (4) (.x I dt dt Card 1/,i~, Finding approximate solutions The nonlinear second-order equation d 2X dx 2 x + 2,k - + k x X, 1- dt2 dt dt) 31926 3/102/61/000/006/00--,;/004 D299/D305 (5) is considered, where P is a nonlinear function. The coefficients in the left-hand side of Eq. (5) satisfy the inequality k 2 _ k2< 0 (6) the linear part of the control system has filter property; hence the solution of the nonlinear equation can be approximated by the solution to the linear equation. The solution of the nonlinear equ- ation is expressed in the form of trigonometric series. By setting in Eq. (5) F z 0, one obtains the linear equation whose solution is Card 21A(~ 31926 3/102/61/000/006/003/004 Finding approximate solutions D299/D305 x = a Cos (7) dx a cosr - 6ja sin (8) where a = a0e-At, Ot + T, CJ= 1/7- 72, a,= const, const After transformations, one obtains the solution of Eq. (5) in the form n X xi (12) Card 3/7' 31926 S/10 61/000/006/003/004 Finding approximate solutions ... D299YD305 and the approximate solution n X v )COST for Y(a i ot + T ii(-a 1) (13) where v and 7 are determined from Eqs. (7) and (8) and expressions for the Fourier coefficients. After introducing the amplitude func- tions, one obtains n )t x ao(i_,)e ti cos(W(ai)t +Ti) (16) Card 4 S/ 1 OY9,170,00/006/003/004 Finding approximate solutions D299 305 (where A andco are given by expressions). The obtained formula (16) permits constructing the transient process determined by Eq. (5). The difference is noted between expression (16) and analogous expressions for differential equations with a nonlinear term, pro- portional to a small parameter. Formula (16) yields an expre3sion for equivalent linearization of the nonlinear term, viz. (x' q I (a) jx L q (a) + Ag I (a) a + dt dt CA.) 0 )2 + ql(a)~ I X~ (2i) (. 2 toi Formula (21 is a generalization of the equivalent-linearization formulas (2~ and (4), obtained for a nonlinear term proportional to a small parameter. Hence formulas (16) and (21) are general formulas which permit an approximate analysis of nonlinear control Card 5/--;rjz- 31 2 S/10 6 1 /J 0 0/ 0 0 O'S /0 () _3,/ 0 0 4 Finding approximate solutions ... D2997D!3.05 systems with both "large" and "small" nonlinearities. As an ex- ample, the determination of the transient process in the system shown in Fig. 2, is considered. A comparison of the accurac of results obtained by using formula(21) instead of formula (4~, shows a considerablelrin in accuracy, hence the conclusion that formulas (16) and (2 yield greater accuracy in the study of non- linear systems. There are 5 figures, 1 table and 4 Soviet-bloc re- ferences. SUBMITTED: July 8, 1960 Card 6/?/' Y S/o24/61/ooo/oo6/oo9/oi;) E140/E335 AUTHM Pavlov, V.V, (Kiyev) TITLE: Improved form of equivalent linearization of essentially nonlinear circuits PERIODICAL1 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya~ OtdeleniYe tekhnicheskikh nauk~ Energetika i avtomatika no. 6, ig6i, 67 - 73 TEXT-. The asymptotic method of N.M..Krylov and N,,N. Dogolyubov previously applied to the approximate solution of nonlinear differential equations has been applied under the assumption of slowly varying amplitude and phase. This has permitted the examination of systems with weak nonlinearitie~; In order to consider systems with strong nonlinearities, the present author proposes to apply the method where the decreuient and frequency, and not the amplitude and phase, are slowly varying functions, while the amplitude can vary at a finitc rate in dependence on the numerical value of the decrement. This method is applied to obtain expressions for the equivaleni linearization of an essentially nonlinear element in a total Card 1/2 ov-c~ S/02Ij/G2/GGG/OG1/OO,.;/GI~' 00 (w ,, 1 '4 E140/Z435 I A UTHOR P"llov, V.V. (:i)-ev) TITLE: Sym!-etricai singl.~!-frecuency forced osciliat,()n..~' :.n nonlinear automatic control syste!-,is PI~RIVDiC.~L: Alcade::iiya nai_11~ SSSR. IZ,%reStiyl. Otcleleniye tel~hnichcs',~ikh nztu!~. Energetika i avtoriatika. no.1, 1962, 133-137 TI:IX7,. The article concerns an application of the author's previous work (Ref.5: Izv. AN 5SSR. OTN, Energetii-La i avio:,ialilia, no.6, 1961). The essence of the method is to give a second-Order i.~:,.,nroN-in~~ on the Krylov-Bogolyubov formul.-t, i'~'en t!ie .I online 'irity cannot be giver by a function proportional To tile small pzIra!:;eter E . An assumption of the method, both in 1!,,e classical Krylov-BoL;olyubov wor% and the present, is that Cie linear portion of the systei-.i has filter properties. Then ti-,e method given in Ref.5 can be applied to the type of proble.i, described by the title, The defects of the Krylov-3ogolyul-ov fl, method in essentially nonlinear systems appear most strongly at the low-frequency end of the frequency characteristics of the Card 1/2 S/02 1! /62/cc)c /cci I-- Syr-=.,zetrical sin.-le-frec-,,,:enc,, . . . El~-O/E'135 investi,;ated system. An exa.-.-,j-,.Ie is calculated showing iii this region the ii:,,T-)roved method .-ives results inuchcloser to I)e exact solution (independently obtained) than the ciassical aprroximation. There are 6 figures. SUBMITTZD: ,:ay 5, 1961 Ca r d 2 /21 S/102/62/00C/002/004/004 D201 /D302 AUTHOR: lavlov, ~r._4yev) TITL'--'t Jynietrical f-,in(-.le-frequency forced oscillations in non-linear a-utomatic control syptems Anomati?a, no. 2, 1962, 75 - 75 TEXT: The author considers the problem of using (1) (a) (q(a) 2 ~q` (a)~ 2 -1 F(x,px) q(a) + q'(a) + ~,_ TO + 2 j as given by him earlier for analysin of forced sinrle-frequency os- cillations in a system having a really non-linear element. Lot the system be described by q(p)x + F(x, px) - S(p) f (t), P 5 d (2) dt Card 112 S/1 02/6?/000/002/C)C)4/0(;I, Symmetrical single-frequency ... D201ID502 where .,(p) and S(p) - rulynominlo of at-~y deFroe with refil coraltarit coefficients, the dei;ree of ,,k'p) beine, hirher than that of S(p); f(t). ell. B sinSIt. Since the linear part of such automatic control systems has the properties of a filter, then in the first approximation t'ne solu- tion for the steadj state forced oscillations may be Bought in the form of X=A sin (~tt+y). By considerine the complementary function of Eq.(2) ana by several subsequent transformations of Eq. (2) it is shown that the difference between the exact expression for equivalent lineariza- tion of the reaulting equation and the approximate expression aq (-iven by Krylov and Bogolyubov for the linearization of the non- linear element, consists of a single correcting term .6 q, which is a function of R and A. An example of linearization shows that this cor- rectine factor lies in the region of low frequencies and its magnitude depends on the magnitude of linearization factors. There are 1 figure and 5 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTEDt March 3, 1961 Card 2/2 PAVLOV, V.V. (Kiyev) Refined form of equivalent lineari2ation of essentially nonlinear appmetrical links, AvtonAtyka 7 no.602-54 162. (MIRA 16il) (Automatic control) PAVLOV, V.V. Nonlinear differential equations and dynamic Avtomatyka 8 no -77 163. 7) .3t76 jK[RA 1,. (Differential equations) (Programming (Electronic computers)) (Auto.matia control) PAVLOV, V.V. (Kiyev) Sufficient conditions for the invariancy of nonlinear systems. Avtomatyka 8 no.4:65-67 163. (MIRA l6alO) PAVLOV. V.V. (Kiyev) Realization of invariance cond-itiorls ir, rlcal-i,--tar al.' ~ - syste,%i3. 8 no.5:75-77 '63. i *'.';~ (.~'.iyev) . rj,,,I.- and fi- - - - .,,, ~ *, - . " 2, - , t! -. ~ '. I .- I - 1 1 -,,- t,ux.' q v '. om" Lv I- F, - r- , ~ - PAVLOV. V.V. (n yell) ; RA Ki TK, conditions In nor.1 ~,, f,a7 9 no.5.,70-72 104' ~CC-17WFA-M28937 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0000/85/000/000/0113/0124 a lov V. AUTHOR. P V -ORG.-: Nope., em nvarianoe conditions in multi-dimenslowd nonlinear ITLE. Some j*obl -a in realization of I autoinatio'control systems ~~.SOURCE-. AN UkrSSR. Slozhnyye sistemy upravleniya (Complex control systems). Kiev, Naukova,dumlm, 1965, 113-rA4 TOPIC TAGS.- nonlinear automatic control system, automatic control the0j, circuit design ABSTRACT- The author considers the following ploblem which frequently arises In connecUon :wilh the design of autDmatic control systems. The system shown in Fig. I has an unalterable sectioii based on a multi-dimehstonal controlled element. A controller must be synthesized for maintaining Invariance In some set of coordinates of the controlled element either with respect to some class of disturbances or with respect to all other variables in the system. It Is further required that the invarlance resulting from synthesis of this control system must belong to the class of pbysically realizable Invariance. The author shows that this problem may be solved by Increasing the number of degrees-of-freedom of the entire system made up of ob)ect and -controller. A class of automatic control Systems Is considered which operate on the divergence prInciple with behavior which can be described by a sXstem of ordered equations. Formulas are derived proving the -requirement for a controner which assures QW, ~Ltl- .:, 1 1. 1 .I . I .I. I. . : ; , . : I . . . .- - , I . . . , , I . I . : . 1 3 ~ Ar,. '. i . " . ( !* ) I I - ' n :.: i ;ii --- or, I "T'_9 of 1 riv a r ~ a: and tii 'or! c-my I --I- ),-, nc,.2:,?9-k!!~ I ~, r Ix:Itk 1~:6) AL16 J4K1.. -A SOURCE CODE: UR/ODDO/65/000/000/0125/01.1-1 AV.7WOR; -BW 3L 3L TITLE: Conditions fbr-~Asdl lute Invarlaneb and autonomy In multidimensional automatic control .systems, which are deser'Ibed by differential equations with discontinuity In the second member SOIMCE.-. AN LJkrSSR., S1ozhnyyjD sistem upravlenlya (Complex control systems). Kiev, y TOPIC VAGS: nonlinear automatic control system, automatic control theEX, differendal. ABSTRACT: 7he author conside s problems associatedwith derivation and proof of necessary and sufficient conditions. for -Invariance and autonoray In automatic control systems with a -con siderable degree of nonlineirity. Considerably nonDnear automatic control ByBtema are deft'nod as #on with differential etpmtions of the form F).Qj X1 X, MQ) 0 n- OF OF OW s4 OIF f CtwJ:' 112, L 20974-M W(d)/ZfP(.V)/E7t.TP(k)/LW(h)/W(I) ACCESSION NR-. APSM886. UR/0280/65/000/002/0153/0156 AUTHOR: Pavlov, IV. V. (Xiev) -no inear automatic TITLE:, Invarlancy1and autonomy I multivariable essentially nl systems SOURCE: AN-555RO Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya: kibernetika, no. 2, 1965, 153-156 TOPIC TAGS. multivariable control system. automatic control, automatic control designLVsutomitic control. system, automatic control theory ....'ABSTRACT: Tiw.n'e essary and sufficient conditions of absolute invariance are C Ovail by: ~F' L NJ) V\jj#) for all C We, rM for allf-a-M. They are valid for automatic -control systems deicribable by the canonic sets of equations: t rArd 1/2 7-1 1-024 5_-61 EW I d ) INE ( V I I AW-F-WIP&A 6018017 SOURCE CODE: UR/0102/66/000/003/0015/0023 I AVMR: Pavlov, V. V. (Kiev); Melyeshev, A. M. -- Heleshey, A. M. (Kiev) ORG: fio~e TITLE: Compensation of perturbations and autonomy of infinite-dimensional systems SOURCE: Avtomatyka, no. 3, 1966, 15-23 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control theory, computer simulation, analog computer, auto- matic control system Iq ABSTRACT: The authors study the problem of synthesizing control systems which would insure autonomy and invariance of a finite number of degress of freedom for infinite-dimensional objects. An ordered system of equations is given for an in- finite-dimension%l object treated as a finite-dimensional controller. Expressions are given for the control organs of an invariant system. The system was simulated on an analog computer. It is shown that invariance may be produced with the aid of a finite-dimensional object If certain conditions are maintained. An example is given of the control system of an elastic object consisting of a uniform beam with a tracking force at its end. It is further shown that the coordinates characteriz-A, Ing the notion of the center of mass of the object do not depend on the coordinates Subject USSR/Electronics AID p - 715 Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 8/26 Authors PavlOv, V. V., Foreman and Golovin, A. K-, Technician Title Ele ctronic time relay PeTiodical Energetik, 9, 15-16, S 1954 Abstract The authors describe briEfly the relay of their own design. The editors in a note warn against Using this type of relay in protective circuits. 2 drawings. Institution None Submitted No date p,Lvwv, V.V., inzhener. C41- Semicondue tor parts for telephone systems. Vest-sviazi 16 no.9:34 S '56. (Mak 9:11) (United States--Semiconductors) meitianfet, mad OqMn AV 7-1 K77 -4nd, 6 -A ota multi3take *,S.-arnplifi I'alor -Thcrhamc 12 Tmd i x4tivilwator, r" ni xkl~ala jut, -wn are talmlatet. A7- REGULATION & REMOTE CONTROL "Use of Germanium Transistors in HIgh Frequency Apparatus for Telemechanies Communication, and Protection" b,. Engineer V.V. Pavlov, Flektritcheskiye Stantsli, No. 5, May 1957, Pages P brl.ef survey article, describing the operation of tranststor and LndicatLng possible appi4cation for use 1.1-i power system protection and telemetering, to replace ordinary vacuum tubes. Card 1/1 41 L~ C, V pAVWV, V.y., mgt9r; 00LOTINg AoXv, tekhnik. -Wopmr"" conneatIVS ZU gwitchboards. 1hurgetik 5 no.12:19-20 Now method of (MIRA 10t12) 1) 157, (xiectric power pl&nts-Squipment and suppliem) PAVWV. V.V.. ft2henar. . . ., ! - - ; t, ~ , ,--- -C tysm- - "I, - kdIeiixj-j*ht --beam. -Test. eviazi 17 no.7: - 33 "5, , 01,5,5 F. y a., ~*",* (MIRA 100) (Telephone) PATWV, V.T., Insbener. Using germanium triodes In higb-frequancy tolovochanics, cov,- wmIcation and "lay apparatus. Blek. a&&. 29 no.5:59-61 W 157. (MLRA 10-6) (Tmnsistors) PAVLOV, 1Jt..,rea. (translator]; KODKIED, I.I., red.; IARIONOV. Me.. tekhn. red. (Use of transistors in relay-type proteative equipment, measuring spjarstus, and telemechanice eqdpmnt for power systems] [Trans- lations from the Anglishl PoluprowodmAkovys triody v apparature releizol sashchity, 12nerenli i telemekhaniki A14A eizergosistex. KDakra, Goo. emarg, izd-To, 1958. 63 p. (KIRA 11:10) 1. Goguftrstvennn trest po organizatell I ratelonalizateii rayonnykh elektrichecidkh stantsiy I setey, Moscow. (Transistors) (31lectric power distribution) , YA v-'V.Y. Practical calculation of Internal noise In radio receivers equpped with junction triodes. Poluprov.prib. I ta prim. nn-3: 162-174 158. OURA 12:4) (Radio amplifiers--NDise) (Transistors) Senicondactor Triode Radio Receiver Sets (0 raschete VAUtrennik?4.-zbuqOV XwUqPrWewVk-h ustrWstv na polapmodnikoVkh triodAkh) vol. li, Nr. q. IT. !3:'; 'in fT; al et hOQ 0 fCQMPLA tI fig Et 1. -i M ifl J Ar :n#i aC radio equipment with semiconductor :ri-2den fact.or F specifies the ratio of' the actaai t triode output and that nc:se lev~?l occijrr-,nA n i, tolle which give2 tiip same amp~-,i-eRtl ) n r~ ~ I i to j,:~ This -&ay of designating thf se-. no-s., as it is arplicable to all rhdi.. representea by fourpoles. hlurecver it perm, t rt. tube noiLE, ditf, the nv,jt p-ducea ri i),Au.,- r -1 Under oth er, i!. I on p r i i the cir:.i-' J:a,7r,7km r .1 T t -a al-derably, hC?.*ev-:,r. -,v itn n 7. tlial is t:) pith lh~ ('.a rd current a n d t. n & c. 1) ~- re tr-nal f'r e I u cn r~- Y Sexicandactor Triode Radio Receiver Bete ~xh. L, its Cha r~~ - ! -21*., ) t '. c"n I ai , a nd :)I' high f req-,aenc i ee 1 n .3 1;- 2rn e:-.. - J, 21 1~~ our tasic -:~3mpcnents of set n,).,se can be ga isned Rk? i The semiconduct or noise i s _,a-is tdit 'Y -i 0 hypothese.i by I processes. The tw 13 ni r. i a, 4p~ulncd. Variouq types of noise itz- in,ez- , e7, ty current divivion in the tr4od~?s, the e-'ICT, ~alzsed by the discrete microstructure of -t,e cii,-ent In '.h;-, semiconductor, the thermal noise caused b.y tr~- ~f the crystal lattice anrl by the :!arr.-:,~ P c?.-irges. T~.fse three types of noise together D- duct th~, r-ise. ~,.T-mulae 14) and (1'1,1, SPE-Cifying F 4 clrcai,~ X ;1, -matter or with a commrn bas_-,~z. r-~srtc_ ,eiy derived. -,,:raing to these formulae it is po~isil- compu*~- fur ~ cancain w~*.h an accuracy sufficlent fur C i;ut,,,I.ion. -_~n at, leve,. The noise factor of ewDii- ers st-miconductor triode's can also te meas;ired :nim, Hert -i,,, usual tube melhid c.-.n be u,.?(:fd. Tnere ar,f ~R J;~j referun:~e_~, 5 of whl-'211 ar- 11 10V/108-13-9-~/26 On the Computation of the Set Noise in SIMICCO& 21=ode Radlo Pwinelver BffLD , SUBMITTEDt December 18, 1956 (initially) and August 14, 1957 (after re- vision) Card 3/3 8(2) AUTHOR; Pavlov, V. V.v Engineer SO V/1 19-r9- 1-1 ",'2C TITLE: Modern Foreign Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes (SovremE?nnyye zarubezhnyye poluprovodnikov-yye diody i triody) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 1, pp 3C-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper deals with a report on two papers publia))ed in English and one paper published in German, i.e., Proceedings of the IRE, Nr 6, 1958~ pp 12A-13A, 955-96s; Electronic Industries, lir 6, 1958, Pp 73-101, 111-1391, 365; Electronik Nr 7, pp 221-227. There are 2 tables. Card 1/1 9(6) AUTHOR: Payloy. V.-V.,--Engineer SOV/119-60-1-7/14 TITLE: The Calculation of the Set Noise in Amplifier- and Meaeuxing Apparatus With 3emiconduQtor Sarface Triodesc:~ to PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1960, Ur 1, pp 113 - 20 (USSR) ABSTRAM As semiconductor triodes produced in series have a relatively high noise-level, methods for the reduction of this noi3e and of calculating the set noise must be developed. Problem3 of practical calculatioh methods for set noise-in the construction of measurement apparatus are here dealt with, it being assumed that set noise is produced only by internal effects in the semiconductor triodes, the author confining himself to problems of calculation, four components of set noise are givent ty gemiconductor noise in the collector circult. 2) Noise of the Schottky effect in electron-hole transitions in the emitter and collector.~)The noise of the division of the emitter currentlinto collector and basic current. 4) The thermal noise of the basis. In practical calculations only the semiconductor Card 1/3 noise in the collector is taken into accounts and the author The Calculation of the Set Noise in Amplifier- and SOV1119-60-1-7/14P Measuring Apparatus With Semiconductor Surface Triodes gives formula (1) for the average voltage of this noise. The decrease of semiconductor noise depends on the progress madd in semiconductor production methods,. For the mean voltage of noise produced by the Schottky-effect formulas (2) and (3) are given. A decrease of this noise may be attained by re- duction of the emitter- and collector current as well as of the working temperature, Further, the equations (4) and 5) are given for the mean voltages of emitter-current division noise and thermal noise,. A formula for the probability of the occurrence of white noise pulses with a certain minimum magnitude is then given. The author next investigates the internal noise on the basis of figure 1, Five noise-sourties are given, which are arranged in two groups for practical calculation, corresponding to the in- and output of the triode. By means of formulas (6) and (7) the coefficients of internal noise for emitter- and collector basic circuits (skhemy s obahchim emitterom) are calculated, Formula(g) is given for Card 2/3 the purpose of calculating this coefficient of a cascade / The Calculation of the Set Noise in Amplifier- and SOV/119-60-1-7/14 Measuring Apparatus With Semiconductor Surface Triodes circuit. In the case of the practical calculations, the correlation between the mean voltages of emitter, and oolleotor-noise need not be taken Into account. The internal noise depends on the triode parameter, the mode of Pperation of the scheme, and on the internal resistance of the signal source. Selecting the mode of operation with the least internal noise is discussed on the basis of the diagram In figure 5, i'n which the inner noise coefficient has a minimum in the frequency range Il. For the reduction of set noise, the triodes must be used in a circuit, in which a low eivittea current, low collector voltage, and small temperature fluctuations occur. There are 3 figures and 4 referenceo, I of which is Soviet. Card 3/3 201445 S/11 61/000/003/009/013 C>-O (2 9a 2 ) /1.3 S' 4~' 1/6 B124YB204 AUTHORt Pavlov, V. V. TITLEt d.c. measurement amplifier with semiconductor triodes PERIODICALs IzmeritelInaya tekhnika, no. 3, 1961, 35-40 TEXTs Examination of the operation of d.c.-to-a.c. transformers with Ge and Si semiconductor triodes of various types (A2 (D-2), A7 (D7),A20 (D20)) showed that the sensitivity threshold is at 5-5 mv. The trans- formation coefficient, i.e. the ratio of the d.c. voltage drop over the output to the d.c. voltage, has a value of 0.5 to 0.7. A sinusoidal voltage as well as rectangular pulses may be used in transforming. Trans- formers with germanium diodes have unsatisfactory temperature characteristics; their voltage drift amounts to an average of 0.8 mv in the case of eight-hour operation, also on fluctuations at room tempera- ture. Transformers with silicon diodes operate, even on temperature fluctuations by up to 450C, with a voltage drift of around 0.1 mv and a current drift of 10- 10 a (after 8 hr). Low d.c. voltages may be trans- formed on the basis of the Hall effect with the sensitivity threshold at Card 1/8 2D U5 S/115/61/000/003/003/012, d.c. measurement amplifier... B1241B204 5()kv. However, the transformation coefficient of such transformers is small and the latter are not stable on temperature variation. An interesting type are transformers of small d.o. signals to a.c. signals by means of semiconductor triodes. A sinuscidal or rectangular trans- formation voltage is applied across base and emitter or collector of the triode, while the measured d.c. signal is led over a resistor to the electrodes of the emitter. The triode base current varies according to the effect of the transformation voltage between 0 and ib max' Vhen the input d.c. voltage is zero, then the output voltage is zero, too. On the action of a d.c. voltage, the triode soon closes the circuit and becomes saturated, which leads to the result that at the output of the triode an alternating voltage appears, with a rectangle-like shape and an amplitude proportional to the measured direct voltage. The lower limit of direct voltage that can be transformed by such transformers is deter- mined by the residual voltage u res and the residual current i res of the triode. In the case of inverse connection of the triode, the residual parameters are smaller than in the case of the usual connection with common emitter; for this reason, in measurement transformation of weak Card 2/8 d.c. measurement amplifier ... 20445 S/11 61/000/003/009/013 B124YB204 d.c. signals Just the inverse triode connection has to be employed. The schematic diagram of a parallel and of a successive-type transformer with inversely connected semiconductor triodes is shown in Fig.1 (a,b), and the equivalent scheme is analyzed in Fig.1 (v). The voltage across the out- put of the transformer during the half period of contact breaking is Ucbz Ec + 'res (Rc+R) (4), where R res