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- _a~a '-Vw -'a 1~11 _". %& J'r a- ACCNJ4 AP6009723 SOURCE.CODEi Uk/0114/66/000/003/0008/0011 AUTHOR: PaVI 0v, V. A. (Engineer); Storoxhuka Yao Po (Candidate of t a ch is I c a I OM none TITLZt' Calculation and design of mechanical injectors 7- Inargonashinostroyenlye, no. 3. TOPIC TAGS: fuel Injector, mechanical fuel Injectort fuel atomization ABSTRACTs A method In proposed for calculating the basic geometric parameters of a mechanical fuel injector. Formulas are given for determining the Injector nozzle diameterb swirl chamber diameter, total area of tangential ducts, and the number of ducts. The derived formulas are based on experimentally determined performance charac- teristics of a number of fuel injectors of various designs, The use ~of the method Is Illustrated by a numerical example* Orig. art# hael 14 formulas and 4 f1gures, [AS) SUB CODEt 21f SUBH DATEs none/ ORIC REFt 0031 OTH REF: 001 ATD PRESSipA"Ll Card 111P~1, UDC: 621,43, BUUTSKIT, Conversion of mgmetoolectric Instrwwate into rectifiers. Yls. v shkole 20 to.4:73-76 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. 7-ya mrsdayaya shkola, S.Boolemsk. (Ilectria apparatus and appliances) (Blectric current rectifiers) SERDYUCIIENKO, D.P.: PAVLOV, V.A. Composition and classification of axinites. Zap. Yses. nin. oL-va 91 no.1:81-84 '62. (MIRA 15:3) (Axinite) 2_0 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 20042 S/146/61/004/001 B1 04/B215 La~~ Systematic deviation of a gyroscope with universal suspen- sion caused by factors producing forced vibrations Izvestiya vy8shikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroyeniye, v. 4, no. 1, 1961, 53-57 TEXT: In the present paper it is shown that not only nutationt but also every other kind of vibration of a gyroscope with universal suspension, due to external forces, causes systematic rotations of the gyroscope. The latter rotates about the outer axis of the suspension only if its cardan rings are not at right angles. The angular velocity of the deviation ~. can be determined from the following relation: Card 1/5 20042 S/146J61/004/001/006/016 Systematic deviation of a B104/11215 BeiicTB (2) sin b" o2 .~Jl (J" Ix -2 J Q cost 0 + JC I Q Cos? 8" 4 (is + J) V J09 :Q J, J, V, + J., Cos, 1)" + (A) J (JI coit bo - joid, in - JuS J.C, - i Q B Cos 50 C J1- Q2 - J.(J% +-jaz-jbt) j Q Bq]) (A) q(PQIcos2b,,-J.Icq')I ju Ju r if the relations J. + J., = j .. J. + 1. COs" 0,, + J., Cos' 0, + J,, sin3 11, ic (2) J. + J. J.L. - D (J - Jj F (2) Card 2/5 20042 S/1 4616 1 /X-4/~O 6 Systematic deviation of a ... B104/B215 of the system are substituted for the corresponding quantities. The equation of motion of a gyroscope with universal suspension in which the main axis of inertia does not coincide with the axis of rotation, was used for the derivation of the above formula. The effect of external forces on the system was also taken into account. In these expressions, J and J~ are the axial and equatorial moments of inertia of the I gyroscopic rotor, JBX9 Jty, and is, the moments of inertia of the inner cardan ring with respect to the corresponding axes of the Cartesian coordinate system. JH is the moment of inertia of the outer cardan ring with respect to the outer axis of the gyroscopic suspension, Q the angular velocity of the rotor, CO the angle of the rotation performed by rotor and inner cardan ring about the inner axis of the suspension with respect to the outer ring, T the angle of rotation of the gyroscope about the outer axis of the suspension, 6 the angle of deviation between poli~r axis of inertia of the rotor, and its own axis of rotation, 11B. and 1ACare inoments acting upon the axes of the gyroscopic suspension. The first term in expression (A) characterizes Card 3/5 20D42 S114 61/004/001/oo6/ol6 Systematic deviation of a ... B104~B215 the angular velocity of the gyroscopic deviation if the gyroscope is given an initial velocity of rotation about the outer axis of suspension. The second term characterizes the deviation caused by nutation. The third term and the fourth characterize the angular velocity of the deviation caused by an unbalance of the rotor, and by harmonic disturbances affecting the system. If the chosen moments of inertia of the individual constructive elements of the system are not very suitable, the action of external forces upon gyroscopic deviations may become very 2 26 strong. If the term i Cos 0 - j J44s nearly zero the system in in a state of resonance, and the deviations caused by external forces become very large. The publication of this article was recommended by the Kafedra stabiliziruyushchikh ustroystv (Department of Stabilizing Equipment). There are 2 references: I Soviet-bloo. Card 4/5 cara )/~ PA7, C.I., -"!. 7z .I ~ , Cand. Tec'r. IcI. Dissertation: "Filtratf'or, F'-,rnmcnp in "avirrationnl Sluices -,-,t "I', ard T~:e~r Effect or I , ~f Tu-,ce." Mr.-c-.- --a-r ~~ -I~r- Banner Envinc-er"r.v T~ 7,-, ':.:, r ' 7. 7. F~;1y'-;y~0 1", "iy SC: Vec,.ern-ava ".',)slv,-I, (Tt.-Ject v AFAUAS1Y&U,a.L., kand.biol.muk, BAYJMTUYNV, A.A., kand.sellskokhozyaystven- nykh nauk; BALICHUGOV, A-V., kend.sel'vkokhozyaystvennykh nauk; BRIOCiMU. N-i.. agronom; BBIOZOROV, A.T.. ksnd.sel'skokhozyaystven- nykh nauk; MAKSINSUKO. V.P., isgronom; MNIKOV, 7.7.. doirtor sellsico- khozyayetventWkh nauk; BOWHYAGKOV. S.T.. kand.sell skokhozyayet van- nykh rwuk; VOLYMS, O.S., agronom-, BODROV. H.S., kand.sellskokhozyay- stvennykh nauk; BOGWUVSKIY. V.P., kand.takhn.nouk; KhRUPPA, I.T., icand.teklin.rAuk-, VERNMR, A.R., doktor biol.nouk-, VOOUTSKAYA, A.Ye., 1mnd.se1'skokhozyay9tvennykh nsuk; VOINOV. P.A., kand.sellskokhozyay- stvannykh neuk; VYSOKOS, G.P., kand.biol.nmuk; GALDIII, N.V., inzhener- makhanik; GERAS114OV, S.A., kand.takhn.nauk; GORSHNNIN, K.P., doktor mallskokhozyaystvennykh nauk- YBUNEV, A-V., inzhener-makhanik; GURASUVICH. S.V.. mak-hanik tdeceasedl; ZHARIKOVA. L.D., kand.aellsko- kho7yeystvenrWkh nauk; 7BEGAIA)V, I.S., kand.takhn.nauk; ZIMINA, Ye.A., agronom; BARANDY. V-V-. kand.tekhn.neuk; PAVIAW, V.D.- MiNOV, V.K., kmnd.sellskokhozyay9tvennykh neuk; KAPIAi1-'S---, 9"uselfskokhozyay- stvenrorkb nauk; K&TIN-YARTSEV, L.V.. kand.sellskokhv2yaystvenyaykh asuk; KOFTRIN. V.1., doictor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; KOCMGIN, A-Ye., kBnd.sellskokhozyey9tvannykh nauk; KOZMVNIKOV. A.R., kand. sell skokh02ya.VBtvennykb nauk; MIUMOV, I.-U.. kand.sellskokhovysy- stvannykh nauk; 1,6H13114. A.Z., doktor biol.nauk; MONT'YEV. 8.I., kand.sellskokhozyaystvetinykh nauk; MAYBORODA, U.N., kand.sel'sko- khozyaystvemykh nauk; HAKAROVA. G.J.. kaad.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; FOCLINIKOV, G.A., inzhener, ZHD,6NOV, B.A., kand.sellskokhozyay- stvennykh nauk; MIKHAYLKIKO, M.A., kdnd.sellekokhozysystvennykh neuk; HAGIIXVT,'~BVA. N.A., kand.sel'skokhozy&ystvenrWkh nauk; (Continued on next card) AFAKASBYSVA, A.L.... (continued) Card 2. DIKIFOROV, ?.Ye., katA.9el'skokhozymystvennyIdi nauir; IGNAS"V, N.I., lesovod; MVUSHIRL, A.Ili.. agronom; FLOTNIKOI, N.A., kand.biol.r-a-ak; L.G.; k&nd.oel'skokhozyayntvennykh nauk; kand.tekbn. nmuk; FRUTSKOVA, N.G., kand.Bel'Bkokhozy&ystvennykh nouk; GURCHENEO, V.S., agronom; POPOVA. G.L. kand. sel'9kokhozysystvennykn nmuk; PORTYAUKO. A.F., agronom; RUCHKIII, V.N., prof.; RUSFIKOVSKIY, T.V., agronom; SAVITSKIY, H-3-0 kand.sel'okokhozyayotvennykh nauk; BOLDIN, D.T.. agronom; NESTEROVA, A.V., agronom; SNWIMOVICH, L.B., karxi. tekhn.nauk; SMIRNOV. I.N., knzid. cell Bkokho?.yays tveWVh nauk; SEWRYAUSKAYA, P.I., kand.teVhn.neuk; TOKIITUYXV, A-V., kard. aeloko- khozymystvannykh nauk; YAL'KO, O.S.. irnh.; YNDTUSHIII, A.V., doktor biol.nmuk; SHBUYAGIII, .4.1., k-Hnd.sel'sk-okhozy&ystvennykh nauk; TUMOV, V.A., kand.Bel'sI-okhozy.9ystvennykh nauk; YAKHTEI&ELID, P.A., ksnd.oel'ekokhozy8ystven.nykh nauk; SFJfKNDVSKIY, A.A., red.; GOR'KOVA. Z-D., (Handbook for Siberian agriculturists] Spravochnsis kniga Bgronoma Sibiri. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-Y7. Vol.l. 1957. 964 D. (Siberia-Agriculture) (MIRA 11-2) PAVLOV, V.D. Regulation of the parameters of se-smic apparatus using reactILve resistance and two-channel recording. Trudy Inst.fiz.Zem. no-32: 5-19 164. (MIRA 18:2) Cl C;< - ro 'I" " PETROVP P.A.; PAVIDV V!D.; SIMANOVSKIY, V.L. Development of aniz-al groupings on dried nortbwestern. sh.0TV of the Caspian Sea. Zool. zhur. 42 no.7:1080-lG87 163. (MIRI, 17:2) 1. Yandykov Anti-Plague Department of the Astrakhan Anti- Plague Station, Ministry of Public Health of U.S.S.R. v 2221 PAVLOV, V.D. :-ASB-'(-,V, Yns~iina Mya. KV2cirtitr.0~"~T-jez,lovoY Fosaclki K:-.rt!-.f,~~elya. Baku, I L. Slo2h V W S. s Tll '2-1. Upr. 3. Kh Propa-pnm, I Syell Skoc-o Khoz,r,,,-,stua 3S.SR. R-K,? '-olodo-o Kolkho-nika~ 2.000 'p-Avt. Ukpzanv V Konts-7e T-ksta : S. A. K.ver;~snrnmr ( 1) 1 D ( 1) D. F:;vl-ov-!,.a 'zyerba.,rozh Yaz.- 54054464", 76 PAVLOV, V.D Possibility of reducing the natural frequency of a galvanometer by reactive resistance. Trudy Inst. fiz. Zen. no.25:44-49 162. (MIRA 1511l) (Galvanoneter) PAVLIOV V.D. L Detemining the critical res'stance value for galvanmeterB. Izv. AN SSSR. Fiz, zem, no.3:8041 165. (MM 18:7) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. ,;. J. " ,;I .R915961 V. D'. ?"vLi)v - . I . ~~- -:, ~. Sveklouborochn~'. -- ( :,-cc -,-- i1" i -.~- c - Ili c - p, ,.y, (1) . llosecva, Mash.giz, 19~0 156, (2) p. illus., diagrs., Tablr~s, Biblio.rap'..-j : p. 4--)o) LOAMY$ TI.P.0 Imnd.tekhn.nm&kv doteentl PAVLOV, V,D.m, Icande toldvi. -,auk# dou3ont MachUdng conic ourfhow by the rwtl,.od of two foodee Vestanashinoutre 45 noons63-66 N 165a (11TTIA l8s22) HASLYAKOV. Vasiliy Hikoleyevich; TSVETKOV, N.Y., retsenzent [deceased); SHARAPOV, N.I.. retsenzent; P~ ~V X-Z., red.; DOBIRONRAVOYA, S.H., red.isd-ve; SAIAZXOV. N.P., Eftnual for workers receiving and delivering refte In lumber floating) Posoble priemosdatchiku plotov na rechnom transports. Mook-va, Izd-vo ORachnol. transport,* 1957 165 (MIRA 11:3) (Umber--Trancpor;ation3* VIASOVP A. Ya.; ZVEGINTSEV, A. G.; I'AVlk)V,-V. F. --- ... Self-reversal of the magnetization of artificial precipit-aticn, Izv. AN SSSR.Ser.geofiz. no. 4:556-561 Ap 164. (MIFL-k 17:5) 1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AV SSSR. PAVLOV, V. F., inzh. Some problems in evaluating clays for the produdilion of keramzit. Trudy NIIStroikeramiki no. 19:43-53 162. (MIRA 17:5) PAY~OV, V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; ROKHVARGER, Ye.L., kand.tekhn.nauk Study of the process of the granulation of clayey particles for small keramzit gravel and sand. Trudy NIIStroikeramiki no.21,M- 85 163. (MIRA 1712) PAVLOV, V.F.J* kand.tekhn.nauk Effect of the degree of disintegral,ion of this natural structure of easily fusible clays on their expansion. Trudy NIIStroikeramiki no, 21:69-72 163. (NIRA 17:2) PAVLOVp V.F., kand.takhn.nauk Choosing the optimm conditions for burning clay to form keram2it. Stroi. mat. 9 no.400-32 Ap 163. WRA i6o) (Kera*xit) ,PAVIDV, V,F* v inzho Viscosity of low-melting tn*a of clay at tewraturesbetweer. SWO and 12000. Trudy NIIStroikeramiki no.16:30-47 160. (M!M~ 15:2" (Clay-Testing) PAVLOV, V. F., Cand. Tech. Sol. (disi3) "Investl,,ation of Vis- cosity of Zasily-fusin-~- Clays at Hl~gh Temperaturea for PurPose u of Description of their Mineral Content and Expansion," Moscow, 19C1, 1? pp.(Moscow Civ. Enzy. Inst.) 180 copies (KL Supp 2?1). PAVLOV, V J - Affect of changing viscosity in the temperature range of 8000-12000 on the caking and expanding of low-melting clays. Stek.t ker. 17 no-3:21-25 Mr 160. (HIRA 13-6) (Clay) VILYANSKIY, I.M.,, podpolkovnik meditsinskov aluzhty; PAVLOV, V.F. Portable thermostat. Voen.-med.2hur. no.8:80 Ag 159. (WIT~A 12: 12 ) (LOORATORISS, equipment & supplies) PAVIDV., V. F. nTie-In of PhotQgraphs and Aerial Photograpby." Mozcow, 1941 PAVLOV, V.F. 22620. PAVLOV, V.F. Primeneniye nosopishchevodnogo zonda u duugorbogo verblyuda. Veterinariya, l9h9, No. 7, S. 32 SO: LFTOPISI No. 20, l9h9 PAVLOV, V. F. 21374 RAVLOV, V. F. Opyt kameralbnogo, d#-rhlfrirov"ip, i&orcerilinkov pT," nCb',.vlerjjj kart. Voprosy geografii, L*B. 11, 1949, S. 137-50. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statcy, No. 29, Moskva, 1949. 4X~L UMV V, . Y . ~ i.,~ OtAW4, Some problems in altitude traversing. Good.1 kart. n9.2:32-40 AD '56. (Traverses (surveying)) (KI;RA 9:10) PAVLOT, VF, %Ot~m- - 6-- i~ ~ZR=Izftstlon of Pi general topographic pArty. Good. i 9 Je 156. (Topographicnl surveying) (MM 9:10) Z C', PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 552 Morozkov, Sergey Gecrglyevich; Izvekov, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; - Pavlov, Vitaliy Fedorovich:--and Pchelina, Antonina Alekoandrovna Posobiye po vychislentyu koordinat I vysot opoznakov (Manual for Calculating Coordinates and Altitudes of Fixed Points) 2nd ed., rev. and enl. Moscow, Geodezizdat, 1957. 91 p. 6,000'coples printed. Gen. Ed.: Pavlov, V.F.; Ed. of Publishing House: Vasillyeva, V.I.; Tech. Ed.: Romanova, V.V. PURPOSE: The manual was prepared for the use of surveyors and topo- graphers working in the development of aero-photographic surveys. COVERAGE: The present handbook (second edition) Is based on V.V. Chichiginals "Baste Manual for Computing Working Coordinates for Plainly Visible Markers", Geodezizdat, 1951, but includes more rational formulas and computation tables an provides practical Card 1/4 69927 s/ioq/6o/oo5/o5/Ol5/02l 21/, 1130 E140/E435 AUTHORS: Shullman, A.R., Kirsanovat T.S. and Pavlov, V.K. TITLE: The Work Functionfof Thin Filmoof Barium Oxide"6n a . Tungsten Base 11 4*1 PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol 5, Nr 5, pp 840-848 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The dynamic variation of barium-oxide work function at various temperatures of a tungsten base is determined. The process is more complicated than in the case of metal-atom films, since along with evaporation and migration the film state is effected through chemical reactions with the base material. The film thickness was estimated from optical measurements and deposit--on time. Measurements of work function indicated the following: a) The variation of work function with film thickness has a monotonic character. b) The curve of film work function against thickness at various rates of deposition does not vary appreciably. Although there are certain common features in the behaviour of bariim and barium-oxide films on tungsten base, the barium-exide Card 1/2 films are subject to different laws from the barium films. PArW. V. L. PAVLOV, V. L. - "Investigation of the Deformation Large Castings." Aced Sci Ukrainian SSR. Inst of Dnepropetrovsk, 1955- (Dissertation for the Degree Technical 3clences.) of Metal in Rolling Ferrous Ketalurgy. of Candidate of SO: Knizhnay4 letopla'. No. 4. Moscow, 1956 CHRUUM, A.P.. professor; YAVLOT, V,L., Inzhener; ILIMMO, V.N., kaMidat tekhnicheskl)~-i-na-uE.4~- HYF. G,N. Inshener; BOXVIM, U.N., inshener; VASHCHUO, P.A., Inzhener. Intensifying the reduction operation In the 1150 blooming mill. Stall 15 no.10:916-921 0 155. (PT-VA 9:1) I.Daystyltellmyy chlen AN USSR (for Chekmarev. 2.1natitut chernoy metallurgil AN USSR. zavod imeni Dzerzhinskogo, Tekhnicheskoye uprev- lonlys Mininteretvft chernoy metallurgil USSR. (Rolling mills) 123-1-503 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, MashInostroyeniye, 1957, Nr 1, p.82 (USSIR) AUTHORSs Chekmarev, A.P., Saflyan,, M.M.,, Pavlov, V.L... Grudev, Pible, TITLE: Tentative Heat Balance in Plastic Deformation (orientirovochnyy teplovoy balane pri plasticheskoy deformatsli) PERIODICAL: Trudy In-ta chernoy metallurgli AN UkSSR, 1956, Nr lo, pp. 129-137. ABSTRACT: For a proper selection of the cooling system for rollers in a cold-rolling mill It is necessary to know the q=Atity of heat emanating during the period of metal deformation, and the distribution of this heat. The author's research has Indicated that the generated Card 1/2 heat Is being dissipated in the two FAVWV, V.L.: FULKOV. Yu.Ta. --waggUM-11,Com Technique for the study of iodine exchange reactions In systemB containing Iodine chloride. Zhur.ob.khim. 26 no.6:1531-1534 Je 156. (MIRA 11:1) l.Kiyevskly Gosudarstvenny7 universitet. (Iodine chlorides) /,~, , il/, /-, PAVIOV. V.L.; FIALKOV, Yu.Ya. On hyWtrliodic acid. Zhur.ob.lchtm. 26 rlo.6:1534-1540 Je 056. (MIRA 11:1) l.Kiyovskiy GosudarstvemW universitet. (Hypoiodites) 01was"s Axe "C"611114 Is"m lb ffil"w ist fm" "am lommte in boom. Irl~ A. M. Kks". Parmatmiya 193"oNm 1. 7 kin. r". GOO C RefirdIX 008 11 'vOl-) &Q- 901111. (A caffeine Widium t~tuoate wm dr1d. A lamw relationship -as found between the "mm%. of the 0041 .Ans. Rod ale and 4::. By The um to simpk equatiom tif thew ritimitiorimbiln or of gmphs the miums. of caffeine widium beturoate voins. razi be drtd. firown the voun of sV (,4tb a 0.05% accuracy) and W d.0: (with a 0.57t &eLu- rary). Illowem, mV depends only on tbr total concii. of caffebir and Na bemoatir W the "a. and it changes very 0013 little froni vair"Imms of The caffrine contents bwtwn-n :N) and 4M The d:: of ssAm. conts. a large cown. of Na )'ns"ist 7 (with 2 ~In%t total c,~nj is %lightly high". but this hightv value is nm %uffik-trutly large for ohe drin 14 thr 008 will LITanlit*1 CLASSWICAT" 6:00:1060000000000:104 0 06 0000000 00000 004000000t0060 17 6111411 OK 0- is, feeili a Is-IN1*94109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000:90e60, 00000000 -- -00 .00 -00 -00 -00 a so* 466 goo 00 X00 -Joe moo too Ito* to S Dgwal"tiom W Owbassa sk"" Fit$ It 9". to-oil a .~,; t0.,k~-O,sr. .744n. of Isaqvhnisw nittatt for 2 3 min. to mmove C()*- in wWArd u4m. thr Irm and ~hwld he filst dIMIC4 with o.) N NOO)l ImAn. in thr thyl rtd. Add 1, 4v, of CIICI,. shakr lid .I dt" Ol pur"PIWIhak-in at$, lwwv~d With The tamtiun. The CIPIL mot is blAws W. R. Iff"n Ago 0 '000 woo Soo S L A62MI.~ M im"Ibal cl,"WOKATO" woo mob* .41, Ckv abs ro 0 to I'sI I ; ilA eeo:o.oeooooooooooooloossoooooooooooooooI 0000000000e0000-000,0&04000000000600000 a I Ilk I to oft 9 r DelpradalUtOc7 of toad in gat calds and itlot alai most. V. L. A. hL K"hitya and P Vit. Vent. I a Farmwixiyu INC. No. 7/8. M-21D.-A nrw prumbsic i. 00 Jim-till-I Itm &tS. km thin 0.1"v Pb in ZWO r its ,ito =00 ments, with smA than 2 -nIr 14, 1% J'ptd A'. Prmrw'*itmv c4 Alell"Im"lill thr I'lotit c 1111tuat, goo lW40, in thr I'** 94 111161rd W.Murt16-aliv Infists V .14111111 Goo 0 Coo 00 00 use .10 0 ties It - it @No 'llpf alsill _-" Wx'l 10 0 ti u a xv to is a - -r u V mil ilil A I I Pit 0 0 9 1 IN so- i- W-a-) Is a a 4111 a at q a a a of a 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 a a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 o dh &&iSmone mass ass 00 0000 Goo 06 0000 00 0 0: 0011 1AAJAA 11 1 A I U 11 1 It W - - 00 4 - 640 A m,,,IW tw;: Mdm Is Powboraw.4w M . R. P. S vestisatlas saw. stareb. cocoa, Creams 01 wheat. tte.- I he 9 omparativilly blowy tu b Porikke now be art an b 1 Ab fi W H l d son e tar 0 2,111 part t d. most a a WZ =C Suitable Flavors we C K 1.49 and 1.59, -00 nrap.). Sbake The usample v4mr*"y Willi CHCU or CCL in a Vub6m and mom to settle. Pam the CVBD&f 00 in a , &W Moldy smort CHC16. The overhowiq; CHC6 emplettly sepa. the ficatims Particbm from the 1d. beavy Impurities. CC16 abould be used for march 00 y d 1 60 Dimmolvt laorg powdered substaom in water . . . or in dil. HC1 HN% or AcOH. Trausler the rr"ur to , an object Slim and r2sm. Under A = 001-90 : diamm.) in a drop al water. Glass Shalt, k har, , P tramapartent incomemst Pagite V . land porticks. rawd. SUM coz be detectV4 untler a PAWisation = (patticks of quarts and d other of oplicallyact are cularW uDcler polmixed Usht). Glam cas &be be diffneollated from quwts by the m. p. TmnJer dw sbarp Irangtowl portkiett detected under obt 0 0 a small platiniald plate (cover ol a Pt eye- =to ZOO ,, 'Auder ILI mientace". beat to ndom for 1-2 goo Min. a sex=. 11opmorn"Jals"i3emsbunbed "i r. ubdo Me ink-toleope abows sm" 300 W. X. PIPM moo Boo.. 1'. 911.- 3-1 1 63 a u s AV so is 1, to to a PW a a X L 009000,0000 660000 O 0000004poo0000-0010000606 O PAVLOV, V. L. 34235- Pavlov, V. L.: Bara.,ash, T. I. Vzaimodeystviye alkaloidov s kraS4-te lya mi. Soobshch. i. Kriminalistika i Hauch.-Sudeb. Ekspertiza. 53. Z. Kiyev, 1949, C. 171-79 SO. Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 6, 1955 ---- - ------ and i in Ic at I ange I Con t in a 0.4 JV soln 140 ex rho / ,I/~ y ""(/, I/) ,qRDLar-v, A.P. ; PAVWV. V.L. N - it.--,rmity af meta' and stresses In rolling Inrgt, i nr -. s Triady Inst. chprn.,net . 0 UXSR 11: 67-95 '57. (MIAR.A. 1(: ~ ) (DeformAti,ine (Rolling (MetRIV07ic,) f , -i ~ I L c " ~.,. , Li, I.. E~IIIALHKO, V.M.; ~,, V.1).:,!,PAVLOV, V.[,.: Vol,0rYN,PSV.V. N.V.. NAZARENKO, Kh.N.: STIA711AI. 1-.,,rensirie t'he outm;i. A ",t -., -,i? mille. Trudy . AN URSH il: i75-111 -,,,7, 11 - ~ I-Rc,, ~,,n!~: PAVWV. V1. Case of multiple cerebral abscess. Khtrurglia, Sofia 94DO.4t 362-364 1956. (BRAIN. abscess. multiple, case report (Bul)) ~tj v 4 (,- V norganic Chemistry. Complex Compounds. C USSR,, Abs Jour : Refer-at. Zhurnal Xhimiya, No 6, 1957, 18874 Author : V.L. 11'avlov, Yu-Ya. Fialkov. Inst Title Study of Interchan'-e Roactions of Iodine in Systems Containing Iodine Chloride Using the Method of Marked Atoms. Orig Pub Zh. Obshch. Khimii, 1956, 26, No 6, 1531-1534 Abstract Using 1131 as a radioactive indicator, the inter- change reaction of ICI with 12, IO_ and 10~ in 0 4 of n HC1 it 180 was studied. When I interchange re- action betwoon IC1 and 12 was studied, 12 was marked and the coppon3nts wQr,- svparated by the extraction of 12 with chlorofoyn, nad when the Interchange re- action be twe.~n T(J. and KIO or Nal0j, was studiod, marked ICI was ueod L,.id IC? was extracted by other It was shown thz,l In the system 12 - JC1 the complete interchange took place less than in 5 min. (separa- Card V2 -36- PAVLOV. V.L. , SPIRIDONN. ;,. ~'. - Methods oil ey-Der-f--it,31, investipation on met,-' deformntloi ir rolling large Trudy Inst.,~hern.met.AN UiSR ' )-~. -.-" (MLRA I (Rolline (Deformations Wechnnics)--:f-sting) ") 1, ~ ~ 4-1 ; , z-- , , ~- P cvamwm, . 1"W. v . V . L. Depth of of plastic defvrmatiOn b,,r com-creusiDn In rolli-w, large iarots. Trudy Inst.chern-met.Ah U"-.e 11:53-66 '57. -111j'A L,::'9) ,D,?~' :,r-iatioris (Mecnnnics)) (Rolling 0-o'..n1work) ) '~O ACC NR, AR60232 SOURCE CODE: UR/0044/66/000/003/VO(>O/VO61 AUTHOR: Pavlov, V. L._ TITLE: Majority logic circuit s thesis SOURCE: Ref. A. Hatematika, Abe. 3V239 REP SOURCE: Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta pri Tomskom un-te, vyp. 47, 1965, 35-47 TOPIC TAGS: Boolean function, Boolean algebra, digital computer, circuit design ABSTRACT: Some separability properties of Boolean functions used for synthesis of majority circuits with three inputs are studied. A method of optimal separation, fully realized on a digital computer, Is offered. (Translation of abstract) SUI CDDE:.09,12 UDC: 519.95 -SOV/124-59-8-9208 T'ranslation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 8, p 126 (USSR) AUTHORS- Chekmarev, A.P., Pavlov, V.L 116 TITLE- On the Non-Uniformity of Deformation of the Metal and Stresses When Rolling Large Ingots PERIODICAL.- *.,"7,, In-ta chernoy metallurgii. AS UkrSSR, 1957, Vol 11, pp 67-85 ABSTRACT? The authors describe the results of a series of experiments for determining the deformation of metal over the thickness and width of an ingot, carried out under conditions approximating the pro- duction conditions. The nature of deformations was determined v/ from the behavior of rocs pressed into the ingot. It turned ol.1t - that the deep layers of metal were deformed little or almost not at all, when the reductions were small during the first passagcvs of the ingot through the rollers; this fact can cause the or1g1na- tion of defects in the product being rolled. The authors express a series of recommendations aimed at Infreasing the redurtion du,lng the first passages of the Ingot through the rollers (",.A mi I/ I K,N. -,ht-v(thf-nKo SOV/124-59-8-9207 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Makhanika, 1959, Nr 8, p 126 (USSR) AUTHORSt Chekmarev, A.P., Pavlov.-V.L TITLEt The Depth of Spread of a Plastic rompressio.-i-Deformatio'n?~hen Rolling Large Ingots PERIODICAL- Tr. ~n-ta chernoy metallurgii. AS UkrSSR 1957, Vol 11, PP 53-66 ABSTRACT- The author assumes that not all metal over the thickness of the bar, is in a plastic state at the beginning of rolling thick in- gots, and that the portion of metal subjected to plastic de- formation is compressed, but the rest Is stretched. A series of full-scale tests was ierformed for determining the boundaries of the plastic deformation spread. The behavior of the metal was determined from the deformation of rods and disks pressed into the ingots at various depths and in various cross sections, and moreover from the distortion of a net marked on the upper and lateral flanks of the ingots. The estimation of the plastic de- Card 112 formation degree over the depth was performed on the basis of AUTHORS: Chekmarev, A.P. , Academic_,ai.) Ji-,rainiar, .4cademy of Meleshkc, V.I., Pavlov V Cbekh_-an,-~,v, of Technical Scie ces and Tsukanov, G.E., SLafran, Engineers, Ivanin, M.P., Senior Operator TITLE: Rolling of Twin Ingots on a 1150 Blooming Mill (Prokatka sdvoyenn,ykh slitkov na bluminge 1150) PERIODICAL: Stal', 1959, iir 3, pp 243 - 24/ (USSR) ABSTRACT: A rolling practice of rolling two ingots (in line one the. other) into blooms and slabs introduced at the Dzerzh-inskiy Works at the end of 195? is des-,r-bed. Cf,an6 -.t in the roll passes made in 1958 are shown in Figures Uanna characteristic dimensions and weights cf rolled ,ingots~ - Table 1; roiling conditions during simultaneous roiling of' two ingots into blooms - Table 2 and into slabs - Tabie 3. The operation of the mill under the above rclliniz conditi,_.~ was investigated in co-operation with the Iron and Steel institute of the Ac.Sc.Ukrainian SSR. Rxam,,,les of the osciiiographs obtained,i-ridices of the loads and rollinE velocities on rolling single and twin ingots are silown in Figures 4 and 5 and Tables 4 and 5, respectively. The experience of this type of rolliLig practice indicated Cardl/2 it is advantageous to apply it on all bloomitw m_'Ils a~ Rolling of Twin InEots oL a 1.15C Pi-~O* a L-e i ;I tLe out V!.., t ~ Ilepe nA ip;- C ZZ 3 3 3 --`- a-=- S - E nwso am d s This increise is =a-,nlv d.;-e :1, a dezrea-ze I n t ime. By maLnta-in-iac: cc=ec-. rcll~nE occurren-e 7f shocks in ra_jr r~' 1 -1 e W L -2 --1 7: Il'i 1 til K r I r- t.",e motcr) can ',,e avolde-4. wh-e-., 'he C' OrLS 10 z z z e 6 S AS60CIAT102NS: I ~ i s n a JILN ~, C.- I-, tz Xv .t z a v,: ~-z . Dz e I-z h i S,b: z _7 Z Z Card PAVIDV, V. , kand.tekhn.nau - MEIESHKO, V.I.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; TOPOROVSKIYP M.P., lnzh. Kinematic interaction of horizontal and vertical slabbing mill rolls. Trudy Inst. chern. met. All URSR 17:45-54 162. ()URA lf:10) (Rolling mills) V-11LESTIKOP V.I. I kand.tekhn.nw4-2EW--v-, -V-L- . kand.tekhn.nauk Methods of approximate estimates of slabbing =11.1 oatput. Trudy Inst. chern. met. AN URSR 17:142-346 162. (MIRA 15: 10) (Rolling mills) CREKMMV, A.F., alrademik; ICLESHKC)v V.I., I-M.tekhmm, ; Wind. tekhn.nauk; CHEEMWW, V.D., imnd.tekhn.rauk; W-PUNIR, A.M.p inzb.; CHEFEIEVO P.M.p inzh. Now roughing conditions on 950 blocming ~dlla, Trudy Inst. chern. not. AN URSR 15:189-199 161. (HIRA 15:2) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR (for Chokmarev). (Rolling mins) CHEROJIVY A.P., akademik; H&"311KO, V.I. , kand.tekhn.nauk; AVLOV, V,L .,, kand.tekhn.nauk; V.D, kmM.tekhn.nauk; W,LkTOV, N.S, inzh.; LIMORAICV, A.P., iwh. Bloomine mill operations with individual roll drives. Trudy Inst. chern. naet. All URSR 15:177-188 '61. (14IFU- 15:2) (Rolling mills-Electxic driving) BURKSZR, Yevgeniy Samoylovich; PA V.L.. otv.rad.; TUBOLSVA. K.V., - ~~O-Y-t --'- - - red. (What is geochemistry about?] Chem zanimeetsia geokhimiia. Kiev, 1960. 36 p. (Obahchestvo po rasprostranenilu politi- cheskikh i nauchaykh znanii Ukrainakoi SO. Ser.5, no.8) (HIMA 1):11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Durkser). (Geochomistry) ACC NRi AR6023346 S-OURC-E-CObE:-UR/021f/6610001004/BO03/BO03 AUTHOR: Pavlov, V. L. TI-ILE; Synthesis of logic circuits of majority elements SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomat telemekh I. vychisl tekhn. Abq. 4B21 REF SOURCE: Tr. Sibirsk. fiz-teklin. in-ta pri Tomskom un-te, vyp. 47, 1965, 35-47 Luillk, 1AGS: logic circuit, Boolean function, majority element ABSTRACT: Certain properties of the functional separability of Boolean functions used in the synthesis of majority schemes with three inputs are investigated. A method is proposed for finding the optimal go-separation of the Boolean function, unde which lie the following theorems: 1. The Boolean function f(X) ~-is separable over the triad (A, B, C) If the system of Boolean equttions is compatible: /I (D) = V 11', (D). I,- (D). (D)J; i - 0, 1, .... 21v- I Here N-a(AUBUC).D-,'C\(AUBUC);11,1',,.I',-,f"- is the coefficient of expansion of the functions f, fl, f2, f3 with respect to the variables XkG(A-B C). 2. If the Boolean function f(X) is ~-separable for the triad 1A, B, C), then it is ~-separable for any triad W, B', C'), where A'S A, B'C B, C'S C. 3. To establish the ~-separability of the Boolean function f(X) for at least UDC; 681.142.1 ACC NR. AR6023346 one triad (A, B, C), it suffices to check its separability with respect to C3n+C2n elementary triads. Certain theorems concerning related problems of 4--separability are formulated and proved. The method permits realization of all operations on a digital computer. (Translation of abstract) 2 illustrations and bibliography of 10 titles. Yu. U. SUB CODE, 09, 12 FAVLOV_jyacheslay Alek -sandrovich. prof.; SHASKOLISKAYA, N.D.. red.; SIDOROVA. V.1., red.izd-ve; TITOVA. L.L., [Metabolism and biological rotation] Ubmen veshchesty i bio- logicheakii krugovorot. Moskva, Gos.i2d-vo nVyeahaia shkols,' 1960. 93 P. (KIRA 13:7) (KHTABOLISM) PAUOV, V.-L.; 7IAMV, Tu.Ya. (Fialkov, i-N ,S~aZ4~, ~~:7 ~- Iodine exchange reactions betveen compounds of various oxidation levels. Nsnk.zsp.Xyiv.un. 16 no-l~:71-78 157. (MIRA 11:11) (Zodine compounds) PAUM, V.L., DAMM, T.I. l---------PhvtwolorImetric determination of stropim, verstrine, cocaine. codeine, and ethyloorphine In the form of coupounds with aethjrl orange, tropeolin 00, eoain. and orythrosin. Apt.delo 7 no.5t43-48 3-0 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Iz sudebnokhimlcheBkogo otdela Kiyevskogo nauchno-iseledovntall skogo Institute sudebuoy ekspertisye' (ALXAWrDS) (ODIMDWRY) ?AVWVp V.L.; ROZHWOp O.A. *V=qtvwelm color of same foodstuffs. Bud.-sed.okepart. 6 neelt3ft-20 Ja4fr 963. (MIRA 16S2) 1. Kiyenkoye oblastnoye byuro sudebriameditMinskoy ekspertisY (nachaltnik N.N. Strelets,. (COMTRY, FOMSIC) (FWD CONTMnATION) 137-1958-1-Z769 Translation from Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 80 (USSR) AUTHORS: Chekm&rwv~,. A.P., Pavlov, V.L TITLE The Distribution in Depth of the Plastic Compression Deformation in Large-ingot Rolling (Glubind r~isprostraneniya plastic hesko.,' deformatsii szhatiya pri prokatke krupnykh slitkov) PERIODICAL Tr In-ta chernoy metallurgii AN TY- . 1957, Nrll, pp ;~3-66 ABSTRACT The distribution in depth of a plastic compression deformation (DD) in the rolling of large ingots is determined a) by the rnagni- tude of the reduction, an increase in which increases the DD, b) by the H /D and H /B ratios, an increase in which decreases the diffusion depth; and c) by the plasticity of the steel, wnich depends on the chemical composition and structure of the metal. the rolling temperature, and the extent to which the ingot has been heated through. The DD is likewise affected by the speed of rolling and the magnitude of the external friction coefficient. The DD is not uniform throughout the width of the billet; it is greatest along the center of the billet, diminishing toward the sides As the edges of the focal area of plastic compression deformation draw closer to Card 1 /Z the center of the billet, the deformation of the metal be( ornes more The Distribution in Depth of the Plastic Compression Deformation 'cont difficult. The inequalities H/D