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PAVLOV, S. D. "Prevention of animals against blood-sucking insects." Veterinariya, Vol- 37, No. 6, ig6o, p. 68 CO-11i v 't L - &0 - " ~ ,~ Ot , L't- q j SIkwfF-v, PAVIA)Vp .~t%, kand. veter. nauk -.--W animals from blood-oucking insects. Veterinariia 37 no.6:68-70 Je 160. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut veterinarnoy sanitarii. (Insect baits and repellents) PAVWVO S.D.j, kand. veter. rauk Comparative evaluation of chlorophom and DDT as means against warble fly infestation* Voterinariia 40 no-4: 73-75 Ap 163. (MIRA 17zl) ANMYRV. K.F.; 141TROI.PANOV. A.M.; PAVLOV, S.D. Control of malarial mosquitoes through 011 (G-17) benzer-e bey-astlari'de pots. Ned.paraz. i parez.bol.supplement to no-1:5 '5?. (MIR. 11:1) 1. Iz Institute veterinBrnoy dermBtologii Hinisterstva sell skovo khozyayf,tva SSSR. (BXNZEIIH HEXACHORIDN) (MOSQUINKS-IXTHRMINATION) FAVLOV, S.D.,aspirant Possibility of using DDT and benzene hexachloride In controlling bloodsucking diptera, parasitic on farm animals. Trudy VNIIVSK 12t6l-76 157. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Laboratoriya entomologit I dezinfektail Vaesoyuznogo nauchno- iosledovatellskogo Institutiveterinarnoy sanitarit I ektoparazitologii. . (DDT) (Ben2enb hbxa~hlokde), " (PArasiteB) FAVLOV, S.D. of MT In milk following the application of various formii of the preparation to the skin of cattle. Trudy VMIM 11:29550-270 '57. (MIR&-11:12) (DDT) (MILK--ANLLYSIS A1JD XUNI[NkTION) PAVLOVP S. D., (;and Vet Sci -- (diss) "Application of' Dl),T and ~i-Znfs,~ for conbat In-- -lood-s,,ickIn, ("'Oscou Ac a,. c!.i-! )140 co.,)ins (~J,, 0:6--f~7, ll.JS) GEAMSEEVV V, A.; PAVWVp S. -D. Structmv of tle electron snergy ispoctrm In cryttals vItb a NaC1 -type lattice. lzv. vys. ucb. zav.; fiz 3:35-37 '62. iMM 15:10) 1, SilDirskiy f1miko-tekhnichealdy Inotitut pri Tomokca govu- darit,rennew univorsitete inent V. V. hybyalava. (Electrons-Zpectra) (Crystal lattices) USSR / Disoasos of Farm AnImls. Arachno-Entomosoa. Abs jour : Rof Zhur - Biologiya) No 2, 1959, No- 7489 Author : Pavlav. S. ID. Inst El4:h'~On~ific Posearch Institute of Veterinary Sanitation and Ectoparasitology Tltlo : St ng the Possibilities of Using DDT and HCCH Poxachlorocyclohoxano7 for Combatting Dipterous Blood Sucking Inaocts,, the Parasites of Farm Animls Orig Pub : Mr. Vaos. n.-i. in-ta vot. sanitarti i ektaparazitol., 1957, 61-76 Abstract : The use of a turpontino-croolin emulsion of DDT vith HCCE (tho method of preparation is described) in reco Mod for the mass troatmont of cattle against infostation by dipterous insects. Such an emulsion poBaessos insecticidal as well as repelling Iroporties and surptwsos sprays, oil solutiona and omulsions of Card 1/2 USSR / Diseases of Farm Animals* Araohno-Entomosoa. Ate Jour Rof Zhur - 3iologiya, No 2, 1959, No- 7489 DDT wA HCCH proparod on a cr-;oli-- "basis iL fta str-en.2-t"n and the duration of its residual affect. As calves end cows were repeated1y sprayed with this emulaion, the clinical well-being of the anizals, .1-heir blood indicators and hides were not negatively affected. The milk yields did not diminish, while the amount of DDT secreted with milk was 6 - 10 tims smaller than when the cows worc treated with an oil solution of DDT. The nothod. of spraying grass and bush growing areas with DIYIP and HCCH in order to destroy dipterons was unsuccessful. -- A. F. Kukhto C ard 2 /2 33 VOSR / D4.soasoa of Farm Animals. Arachno-Entomooos. R Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biologlyaj No 2. 1959) No- 7489 Author : Pavlov S. D. Inst i~n on~~ific Rosearch Institute of Veterinary Sanitation and Ectoparasitology Titlo :Studwving the Possibilities of Using DDT and HCCH �oxachlorocyclohoxan,e7 for Combatting Dipterous Blood Sucking Insects, the Parasites of Pam Animals Orig Pub :Tr- Vaos. n.-i. in-ta vet. sanitarii i ektoparazitol., 1957, 61-76 Atstract :The use of a turpontine-croolin emulsion of DDT vith ECCE (the method of preparation is described) is recomwonded for the mass treatment of cattle against infestation by dipteraus insects. Such an emulsion poasesoos insecticidal as well as ropell-ing properties and surpasses sprays, oil solutions and emulsions of Card 1/2 USSR / Disoasos of Farn Animals . Arachno.Entomosos. Ate Jour Pof Zhur - Xologiyn, No 2, 1959, No- 7489 DDT r-rA HCCH prop-irod on n croolin basis In its strength and the diwatIon of ita residual effect. As calvea end cows ware repeatedly sprayed with this emulsion, the clinical well-being of the animals, their blood indicators and hidoo voro not nogntivoly nffoctod. The rAlk y1olda did not diminish, while the amount of DDT socrotoa with milk was 6 - 10 time smaller than when the cows were treated with an oil solution of DDT. The method of spraying grass and bush growing areas with DDT and HCCH in order to destroy dipterons was unsuccessful. -- A. F. Kukhto Card 2/2 33 S/139/62/000/003/004/021 E039/E420 AUTHORS: Chaldyshev, V.A., Pavlov, S.D. TITLL: Structure of the electron energy spectrum in crystals with a NaCl lattice PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika, no.3, 1962, 35-37 TEXT: The possible dispersion laws near to different points in the Brillouin zones are investigated. The dependence of EW in a quadratic approximation is studied by means of the usual method of perturbation theory of the second order, the well-known kp method. Results are given for a number of points neglecting the influence of spin-orbital interactions. One, two and three dimensional cases are considered. The change in structure is also investigated when the influence of spin-orbital interaction is taken into account. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inatitut pri Tomshom gosuniversitete imeni V.V.Kuybyshe-va (Siberian Physico- Technical Institute at Tomsk Sta.te University imeni SUBMITTED: April 18, ig6i V.V.Kuybyshev) Card 1/1 PAVLOV, SD, Apparatus for insect trap I d contact with Insecticides [with .p ng an Nnglish summary In Insertl. Zool.zhuro33 no.5:7?4-776 My 156. (MMA 9:9) I.Otdel entomologil Gosudnretvennogo instituta vaterinarnoy dermatologii Hinisterstva sellskogo khozymystvn SSSR. (Insect traps) L 18116-63 EWT(I)IEWP(q)IEWT(m)IBI)SIFS(w)-2 AFFTC/A.M/ZSD_3/1JP(C)/S31) ACC29SIM-Nn: AP3004501 Pab-h JD S/0048/63/027/008/1000/1064 7 oo- AUrHOR- Lyubimov,A.P.; Pavlov,S.E.; Rakhovskiy,V.1 ; ZRytsevft'N.G' TITLE: Procedure for measuring the ionization cross sections and ionization cooffi- cients of metal atoms Aeport presented at the Second All-Union Conference on the .Physics of Electronic Zd Atomic Collisions -hold in Uzhgorod 2-9 Oct 1962/ SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izvestiya, ser.fiz.,v.27, no.8, 1963, 1060-1064 TOPIC TAGS: ionization cross section , ionization coefficient , electron impact, Ag ABSTRACT: Owing to the lack of reliable techniques for determining the ionization cross sections for metal ions - witness the minor number of experimental studies in the field - the present work was undertaken in order to develop a simple procedure for measuring ionization cross sections and ionization coefficients in electron im- pact. The basic experimental arrangement is diagramed in Fig.1 of the Enclosure. The atomic beam I of the investigated substance is ionized by the monoonergetic el- ectron beam 2, perpendicular to it. The ions 3 famed as a result of impact are gathered by the collector 4. The ion current is amplified and measured by the elec- trometric amplifier 5. At the same ti!ne the non-ionized atoms also arrive at the Card 1/4 L le,1145-63 ACCUSION Nil: AP3004501 collector 4 and are condensed on it; the amount of the condensate is determined by weighing, chemical analysis or from the radioactivity If tagged atoms are used. The total ionization coefficient is equal to the ratio of ionized to non-ionized ntoms. Straightforward equations for calculating ionization coefficients and ionization cross sections for N-fold Ionization nro derived In the paper. The actual experi- mental tube is diagramed and described, an(] n photogrnph of n circular collector with a deposit is reproduced.-j-'? Silver was chosen for tlie trial experiments for the following reasons: Ag has a sufficiently high vapor pressure at the realizable tem- perature (13000K'): it can readily be obtained in 99.9K pure form and is easily out- gassed; it does not ronct with the crucible material; there exists the isotope AgllO with n period of 225 days and conveniontlY detected ~ and 7 radiations. Two experiments Yielded values of 2.08 x 10-16 and 1.73 x 10-16 for the ionization cross section, and 1.05 x 10-8 and 0.94 x 10-8 for the Ionization coefficient (ac- celerating patontinl 19 V, T = 980 and 10300C, respectively); these values agree within 40", with the results of calculations by the formulas of Tompson and H.W.Dra-. win (Z.Physik,164, 513, 1961). The proposed procedure is deemed useful, but some su-Cestions for further improvements are made. 11 In conclusion, the authors express their gratitude to Z.I.Sinitsina for assistance in preparing the apparatus." Orig. art. has- 9 formula97=7Ues and I table. Card 2/4 L 18145-63 ACCESSION Nlt: AP3004501 ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuzni*y clektrotokhnichoslciy instltut im. V.I.Lenina (All-Union Electrical Engineering Institute) 'SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 26Aug63 ENCL: 01 SIM CODE: P21, SD NO REF SOV: 002 0711ER: 006 Card 3/4 PAVLOV, S.F. New data or. Jurassic sudixert3 il. the r~outh (,~* the Basin. Tnidy Inst. zon. koT-y 50 Mll 33SR r,,o.ll~, #43-57 163 (MIY.-.-, 1. Institut zemn07 kory SibIrskogo otdeleriya PJI SSSFL. LOPATINSKIT, V.P.1 SIROTKINA, Ye.Ye.,- ANDSOVA, MAI TIKHONOVA, L.G.; PAVLOV, I S.F, .-- 11-1--_ I- - Chomistr7 of carbazole derivatives. Part 24: Synthesis of scue 9-alkyl- I carbazoles. Izv. TPI 126:58-61 f64. (MIRA 18:7) ---------- ~;AWBSSIM KR: AT-4049521 S/2917/64/000/282/0014/0034 t-ye. (Engineer); Xitrofanov, I. M. (Candidate of technical Meylikhov scienoes)_f kCandidate of technical sciences)l Sem-Zhelen, Yq, A. n :-neer) _TITLE.'~ Re'sulfs 61-flie'14~-testa of the first Soviet GI-01 gas turbine locotvtotRe SOURCE: . Moscow. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut zheleznodoro- zhnogo tra,nsporta. Trudy, no. 282, 1964. RezuPtaty-IssledovalAy gazoturbovoza Joke vnykh.gazoturbinnykh dvigateley (Results of research on the &a PI Mai OL-01 and locomotive gas turbiiIQ-:engineu)-A4;-34 gat tilur4i' bine e,. dtatillate fuel, gas turbine -ne, gas tu!7 V comprosor,locomotive field test ABSTMCT, The gas turbine locomotive discussed in this paper was manufactured by the-Ko'lomenski Y teplovozostroitel'nyy zavod imeni V. V. Kuybysheva (Kolorana Dft~r-21 pu~t'j at &,o end of 1959. Only one 'section of a two-section locomotive was made. The wheel arrangemeDt was 30-3o; working weight 139.4 tOTIG; turbine shaft h.p. 3,500, traction engine h.p. 2,700; calculated gas turbine speed `B,500 rpm,- calculated ga,,3 temperature in front of the engine 727C; ratio of limit- nj~ compression pressures 6;, number of compressor stuages. 12; number of turbine Hate f tic' -'states-4;.h.pi- of ID6N auxiliary engine 220, fuel re6erve~ln kg: disti WR* AT40495 I 91500 and diesel fuel 1,500; calculated speed 100 km/hr. Several test runs were made''with trains weighing up to 2,000 tons. On the basis of adjustment tests n new engine was des igned. with higher casing rigidity which'resulted in lower engine .,Vibration* Engine Tio. 3 was replaced by this newly designed engine No. 4, FUTLheD -tests were made between the stations of Kochetovka and Rybnoye with grades up to 8%, andthen between Xochetovka and Pavelets. Operation showed that the gas tur- ,~Tbine locomotive could undergo routine inspection and repairs in regular railroad repair-shops.. Repairs would be needed at the plant only when there are no special A evi"s spare-parts and assemblies. The time lost for repairs was 60% of the ':total,:.:time.of operation. The total number of runs was 90 with freight trains reighinj to 2,870 tons. The average speed wa4 5 - 3 s p e e d ns- l -h ijel---Use --in -the:: ee ad the 9 -,viscosity at 50C 1.58-1.60; solidiCira- t' on--4--oint -.--7C-: to-,,+ 3C; flasb point 65-82C; content,of-sulfate tars 17-18%; con-, t I -tentof admiifluies,0.03-0.12%; ash content 0.0079-0.0086%; vanadium content 0_.0005-.0027%;-sttlfur content 2.5-3%; calorific value 9p745-9,734 Cal/kg. Water was -found in the fuel tank and was regularly drained, as the presence of water leads to the formation of harmful emulsions. The diesel fuel consumption was Z-10% (5.4% average) of the entire fuel consunptiop. Lubxic_anZ-cons-umpticm was .00-2-g/chp-hri or 10-1 at-4"i"01_1_01~om6tiVX77 IT-the, winter (-20 to -Z 32449-65 4CCESSION 11 AT4049521 4-5C) th6"max'imn horeepower of the gas turbine was 2,700-2,800 h.p. and 2,200- 2-30 while- in- the su*er (up to +30C) the- maximum h.p. was 2,500-2,600 and MAWS -2,00.0 kW.' This is explained by limitation of engine power at temperatures 1) 900 415C. -The performance curve (Fig. I of the Enclosure) depends on the DC drive installed on the GI-01 gas turbine locomotive. The locomotive was not at j~+: constant speed by manual adjustment of main generator excitation. As the gas tur- 1bine was tested the results became better at higher engine power. The power ef- ficiency between Kocheitovka and Rybnoye was 0.68-0.70. Increased experience cf the locomotive engineer anO team leads to improved operation, lower fuel conswnption, etc. Thus, dijring the',first few trips, the gas turbine was never shut off, az L-he auld _s_t-ar-t- it-again-ifreq tred. Calcu ationg u ngineer was not sure 4ether he c a pperatfoml-tie6ta Abv tha--t--the waight:of the freight train may be increased 3,QQQ~-331100_ tons, ---Fuel ca mmption may be lowered by decreasing idling speed a'sharp-drop in gas--tumbina-speed-while thd--huxili ,ar-y &e9el engine is 7-.rU nivm-dt~idllng~ speed. The field test data coincide with laboratory tests of th gas turbine in relation to speed and power, the same being true in relation to t~j 6ompt,easoi. Constants power Pf the gen_qra.tors_.may__be- obtained by adjusting the imsib g~eneratot:.e,xcitatiou__when~ the- temperattife -changes from -20 to 425C. Dis- E i lid ti,.- fu~ t- h, his- b ieen approv~ed a's*a standara petroleum-fuel-for gas turbine loco- d A0443 Several defects were eliminated during the fie" ines-,(06ST .63)4 -a~ _77 .4-t- -324491-- 'ACCESSIONIM' T4049521 ENCLOSURE* 01 . Fig. 1. performance curve of A GI-01 gas turbine locomotive at Bj500 rpm I-spring-fall season; 2-winter season; 3-summer season; INN 4-"Klektro-tyazhmash" design; A-limitation for friction; A B-the same for starting current; C-for long-time current; D-for calculated speed 5/6 FAVWV, S.F*,, kand.tekbn.nauk; OKBDT.NIKOV, S.S., inzh. Special features of bm-ning low-grade liquid fuels in uniflaw embustion chamberse TTudy TMI MPS to.2412133-140 162 iMM 15212) -~ - 17:24G ". - . 'UAYIDW. PAVLOV, S.F.; VOLKOVA, K.P. The Neryunda, iron deposit. Geol.i geofiz. no.5:56-61 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy geologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR Irkutsk. (i~ryunda Valley--Iron ores) 7 -- -- ---------- _'05MI-3-319 7_7 11 /65/600/069/0694/0096 AR HOIB S Boylina., M* Pavlov,, S. 16 (Hoscow), Rakhovskiy, v. i. Sorolcalezov,_O. "TITTLE: Me asuring ionization function of metal atoms by electron impact SGUMEt Zhurnal-prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnielieskoy fiziki, no. 2, 1965., 94-96 ,.,.-TOPIC;TAGq-.----electron~impactI ionizationj, electr6n b atomic-beam, ionizatio eam n 6rbsd _;secti6n/ Ul 2 amplifierj ENO' l(S 1 4). oscillograpli, Mk 20 balance or -ngt. ~-e-i J ABSTRACQI~_2~_- ia__desaribie" -measur4 - h"bsolut - vidWaVibn-bross obc -.o --pre -ma --at ms-:b~r,-el:edtz;6d-i~#bt-,,-~--The-.apparatus..-..----- -ion- f C~, saame tal -9 expeiiMent is shown- in Fig. I on- the Enclos-urcr where -1- neutral atom sourcei atomic beam chopper, ~- electron beam, h- neutral atom collector, 5- ion collector' 6-,themopile, 7- cooled collector for neutral atoms, 8- LTI-2. ~-i.'h'e n. etal used was lead. An electrostatic Selector Was employed to make the electron beam monoonergetic. This was done success faUy to within 0#35 ev electron -energy. -- The ion curr~pnt~wae measured by-an. electrometric amplifier UI-2.with an ertor-of less than 8%, The ionization measurements were carried out from the t1weshold level up to 150 ev with a maximum ionization-cross,section of Card BRYLINA, G.M. (Moskva),, I 1 .1; P-jjAL1LQV I I. (Moskva); RAKHOVSKIY, V.I. (Moskva); SORMAIST011, 0,D ftics-kval Measurement of the flinctions of ionizRtion of metal atoms by electron inpact. PMrF no.2:P4-1?6 Yr-Ap 165. NIRA 18:7) ACC NR, A.-,C,06223 AU-1HOP.. Pavlov, S. I.; Rakhovzkly, ORG: All-Union Electrotechnical 1n--,--*tLtc im. V. 1. L=-'n nichesh"y institut') TITLE: ',-'easurcment of "he cross for the ioni7ation cif va-Dor tension b, electron inpact S OURCE: Zh',rnal cksnerimental'no- i ILIZ.-'ki, v. 12, 1 TOPIC '.ZAGS: ionization cross sectic-n, ionization, vapor T copper; Silver ABSTPACT: Since all earlier st~-,dies r.' by electron elements with hiah vapor tension, metals, and at relativell.- and most elements have remaincd un-,'nvcst`L,-a,,cd, for lack of a and reliable measurement. techniclie, t'ne authors describe a procedLre for this -aur-Dose. The procedvre is a modification of the atomic-beam proposed by H. Funk (Ann. der Phys. v. 4, 11~9, 1930). In the apparatus --~e%'cloped by the authors, the substance is introduced in the ionization space in the form of an atomic beam and is made to cross a beam of monoenergetic electrons. -,-,e total of ions produced in this manner is determned by measuring the ion curre:~t, and the concentration of the neutral atoms is determined from the intensity of the ia-to.--'c beam. To separate the ion current due to the investigated substance fro.-., the ion Cord 1/2 UDC: none ACC NR3 AP7006123 current due to the :residual gas, the ato,-dc beam is modulated and the ac componant of the ion current is :recorded. Measurements were made of the apparent ionization cross sections of lead, copper, and silver at energies from the ionization thres'nold to 150 ev. The maximun ionization cross sections and the corresponding electron ererg-les were 8 x 10-3,8 cm2 at E = 55 ev for lead, 3.1 x 10-16 cm2 at 29 ev for copper, a:.-,d 2.9 x 10-16 =2 at 2" ev for silver. The results agree well with publisn-ed theo- retical estimates. The ionization functions of the three metals showed a linear dependence of the ionization on the energy, with an added structure superimposed on - 7 the curve for lead, which can be ascribed to autoionization. The authors thank Y. A. Mazing and V. A. Fabrikant for a discusslon of the work, B. N. Klyarfeld for valu- able remrks, and V. L. Granovskiy for suggesting the topic and directing the main results. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and I formula. [021 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM, DATE: Z?,Iur.60/ ORIG REF: 002/ OZ-1 REF: 0206/ ATD PRESS: 5117 LYUBIMOV, A.P.; PAVLOV, S.I.; RAKHOVSKIY, V.I.; 7,AYTSEVA, N.G. Method for measuring the effective ibnization cross sections a--id ionization coefficients of metal atoms during an electronic impact. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.OM60-3004 Ag 163. (MIRA l6ilO) 1. Vsesoyuznyy elaktroteklinichoskiy institut Im. M.Lenina. IMSTROYEV, L.S.; PAIrLCJ, S.I.; -C?C!!IvEV, G.M.; SPIARLOT, V,A. Compensatory ireas,,:-emenTs , ' Pi~~s,-~ -. z m . ',-- k -, . - -~ . - : 53-54 Ap 'b4. (MIRA 1".7) YABLOXOVP V.S.; GVOZDEVA, W.P.; KOCHETOVA, V.I.; UNNOVA, N.I.; KRENI, N.L.; SHMIDT, M.I.; VANDERFLIT, U.N.; PAVLOV, S.I., red.; FINOGENOV, V.P., red.; RODIONOV, A.F., teEB. iw-. [Atlas of coals of the Moscow Basin]AtJAm uglet Podmoskavnogo besseina. Pod red. V.S.IAblokova. Tula, TSentr. binro tekbn. informatsii. Vol.l. 1962. 195 p Vol.2.[PhotographB of thin sections and samples of coalsiFotografii shlifov i obraz- tsov uglei. 1961. 56 tables. (MIRA 16:,4) (Moscow Basin-Coal) PAVLOY,-L~IL; GINTSBURG, M.G.; KOVALENKC, V.I., in2h., retsenzent; TIKHONOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red. (Operation and repair of motorcycles] Ekspluatatsils. i remont mototsiklov. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1953. 395 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Motorcycles--IUintenance and repair) BDGUSHEVICH, Te.N., inzh., red.; PAVLOV, S.M.,__inzh., red.; SHIRIN, P.R., kand. tekhn. neuk, red.; STRASHNY]KH, V.P., red.izd- va; SHEVCHENKO, T.N., tekhn. red. (Construction specifications and regulations) Stroitellnye normy I pravila. Wskva, Goastroilzdat. Pt.3. Sec.A. ch.6. [Basic principles for organizational and technical prepara- tion for building (SNIP III-A.6-62)] Organizatsionno- tokhnicheskala podgotovka k stroitallstvu; oanovnye polozhe- niis (SHIP III-A. 6-62). 1963. 11 p. . (MIRA 16:6) 1. Rassia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstyennyy kQmitet po delam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for BDgdehavich). 3. Mezhdu- wedomstvennaya komissiya po peresmotru atroitollnykh norm I pravil (for Pavlov).-Jt Nauchno-issledovatellokiy institut organizatsii, mekhap$%stsii I tekhnichaskoy pomoshchi stro- itel'stvu kkademii otroltalletva i arkhttekttiry SSSR (for Shirin). I (Building, Stone) (Construction Industry) FAI~ifLoo*.,. '. Ill. In,. . 11 .,- -u,(! rnpair.n.., :' ~09 . i 7,C -70 ~ . -, ~,jr, -~ , li t,-rv , i";5l . ." . ( , J:. - ~ -,,, . ~ J, -- " IIL)tLo. " 3 rAv 0v, 3 "i" PAVIOV, S. D. ~ Fundamental problems of monogenic hyperco=ple-- functions. ~ lzv.vys ucheb.zav.;mat-no.5:129-135 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. 1vanovskiy energeticheekly Institut, In. Y.I.Lenine. (Amational analysis) MAW r P= CUWr7AT!M om/". Obs!- v-yuzn" Topfo&7 &~curbvvIecvtm7*nt3- I ~,oo-p.M-Y (Peob3- In Ges-TaxtLms, tacomutl~ NUIlind =d M-t-P- r~~ troIsportation, CoUe-ttaIt of Articles) bi-, TrOy. nP. 187) 1,000 copies pri-U4. #Vcma&orIv4 ACausp roesay~y7 om-ftm-las2odoatel-skly J~Utut tres,epprTA. 94s, (?I%U poss). To. T. biert-b, C.Ald.ts If -t Aj. CwAluto of Uabalcal Scio=*ab L1. b-)t -K. F~ t-; I Chitme. IMUMi This book to lotgbial for sogtacerIM oad COnZ&Ml Th. book -i.t. If 13 article. I. t_hI -",. I( tion of 6" turbirm, ucito With -staca rwI -2 - .- -1 .1 lobs, tOV7 1mvmtlC%tLooa, of 04r took -It. " L~tr --wA.b Iregimi of loomott. &4s turbine OnCims ~4 prohloss of tc~al of cow i~ occepaties ~Id -it. - V. --.Little. dReNreac.. scoosm-7 of the articles. 41 If ~f a.1f G-ot A -V~ of Tachtcal 4ato or LC~Iit- t,.:l X't ..... -4 To. P. 'r_L- of a- nwbfear woo.'r--we _,; rota-1.1.8 T-I-- f- - r Crif,,64 ul S.-I I.- Candidat, If T,t,j . t a 1. tfl--. If th, ch' Coseboatioc Process to - PL-t,I. Choeb., of T.,hn 1cal the tj asai~ tri:"Wrl- 11 n r r,;. P_ to" T-t 5t-.l 11, rrtt- L-_ Ll~_ry If C,_ PAVLOV, S.F., kand.tekhn.nauk Combustion of F-12 marine type fuel oil in the tubular uniflow combustion chamber of gas-turbine plants. Trudy TMII ?_IFS no.214:63-70 161. (MIRA 14.8) (Gas turbines--Combustion) (Petroleum as fluel) I I FAVLOV9 S.7, (solo Torey Buryatskoy ASSFQ Guarding the workers' health for half a contpry. Felld. i akush. 25 no.6:58-n ;e 1-609 (KIPA 13:9) (ORUN, ARKHIP EMIIAN(YVICH9 1888..) JAU"m q- V- , kand - tekhn. nauk Biperimental Investigation of host exchange in boning on the pi;e bimAle surface. Trudy ?all Vp Ao.187:154-1,58 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Beat exchawro) PAVLOV I .;, 1, ; IMIOVSKly. V. 1. Dt-veloping a radic- f're(,uc-.,-lc7!; s-cctrcgra~i- -witn pa,:ah-~Llc potontial distribution. Izm.tokh. no.7~50-51 Xl 162, (M Mk -1 r, -. b ., (Ila-es spectrometry- -Equipment and supplies) GELII-X, A.S.; G.'LLIEVICH, G.T., prof..; al,ILEVICH, G.G.9 ZOTOV, V.P.; S I' - FDL"O!~ A V.- UtUBDI, V.A., glav. KO' G.V.i _~l 1:. _11-111711 c T. red.; SOSEDi, A.v. Larl. 171 ay. rFi- 5~.Lr_M i ) 7 AI.A., rod., MHOM-UN, LA.$ rad.; F.A.~ mi.; KROMOSHCH, LL., In7h., rod.; NAU1,10VA, G.D., toklui. md. [Eandbook on loading, urdoL~dinj, and conveying operaiions in constru:!tion1Sj,,I_avoc.hn_'k poc i-,n~;---uzoehnt--raz,-ruzoclirvm i trans- porlmym rabotzzr. na ostroitcl'-tve. T-od red, G.P.Grinevicha. Pochm, Go!-Arol 19oll. '376 1). (Mlr-~A 15:9) (Eatcria~ hwici- SUDARIKOV, V.Ye., inzh., red.; KLUTS, L.Ya., inzh., red.;_2 US Y inzh., red.; RA-Wil"V, L.A., i-nzh., red.; PKVZNFR, Z"iw A.Z>., red.lzd-7p; 7.M., tek:-~n. red. (Construction norms and regulations] Stroitellnye normy i pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.3- Sec.A. ch.ll.[Safety engineering in construction) Tekhaika bezopasnosti v stroi- tel'stve (SNiP III-A. 11-62). 1963. 102 p. (MIRA l6t8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po de- lam stroitel'stva. 2. Gosudarstvennyy komitet pe delam strbi- tel I stva Soveta Ministrov SSSR (f or Sudarikov) - 3. TSentral I - nyy komitet profsoyuza rabochikh stroitel'stva i promyshlen- nosti stroitellnykh materialov (for Kluts). 4. Mezhvedomstven- naya komisslya po peresmotru Stroitellnykb norm i pravil Aka- demii stroitel'stva i arkhitektux-y SSSR (for Pavlov). 5. Na- uchno-iasledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatsii I takhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu Akedemli stroitell- stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Baranov). (Construction engineering--Safety measures) KALIMK, V.V., inzh., red.; RALASHOV, S.I., in2h., red.; BDGATYKH, Ya.D., inzh., red.GRIBIN, G.P., red.; PAVLOV, S.M., red.; KHUDYAKCV, A.K., red.; PZVCVA, V.V., Ved-.--fiZ~Ta; T-t-=x, G.A., red. izd-vn; KOMARDVSKAYA, L.A., tekhn. red.; RODIONOVA, V.M., tekhn. red. (Construation spepifications and regulatioml Stroitellm" normpr I pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt-3. Sec.A. ch,7t ,Basic principles for qrSwaizing-labor (SNIP III--A.7-62)] Or- ganizateiia truda; osnovnve polozheniia (SNIP III-A.7-62) 1962. 4 p. Pt.3. Sec.V. ch.4.[Regulations for production and inspection of work in stone construction (SNIP III-V.4-62)] Kamennye konstruktsii; pravila proizvodstva I priemki rfibot. (SNIP III-V.4-62) ;963. 11 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delato stroitel'stva. 2. Gostroy SSSR (for Kalinyuk, Gribin). 3. Mezhduvedomstvennaya komissiya po peresmotru stroitellnykh norm I pravil(for Balashov, Pavlov). 4. Nauchno-isaledovatell- skiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatiii I tekhnicheskoy po- moshchi stroitellstvu Akademil stroitel'stva I arkhitektury SSSR (for Bogatykh, Khudyakov). (Building, Stone) (Construction industry) _R~~O ~Maks~imOvich~_STEBUNOV, N.S., red.; TARASOVA, T.K., mladshiy red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A., tekhn. red. [The problem of problems; Increasing capital investments] Vopros voprosov; fektivnosti kapitallnykb zatrat. Moskva, 1%3. 65 p. (Metallurgical plants-Design and (Construction industr7--Economic the effectiveness of za povyshenie ef- Ekonomlzdat, (MIRA 16:7) construction) aspects) 14 BMIISTROV, P.I.; M,'GYLOVIGH, S.D.; DEH1GHEV, G.M.; KONONOV, V.A.; EVENGFIKY S.D.; &,.ODOVSKrY, TAY.I,(~J, _ _5X.; BOEROV, A.A.; BASKIN, A.I.; SHKOLIRIKGV, S.A.; VASILYE7V, B.11,.; DRANNIKOV, A.B.; RIKMAN, M.A.; BURAKOV, V.A.; VLADIMIROV, A.P.; NIKOLAYEVSKIY, G.M.; PETRUSHEV, I.M., red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Mechanization of loading, unloading and storing opera- tions in industrial enterprises] Mekhanizatsiia pogruzoehno- razgruzochnykh i skladskikh rabot na promyshleMkh pred- priiatiiakh. Moskva, Ekonomdzdat, 1963. 276 p. (MIRA 17:2) USPENSKIY, V.V.p kand. ekor, nauk, red.; PAVLOV, S.M., inzh., red. [Conntruction Bpecifict.-tions and regulationBi-~,S-t-",r~"oitelOrWa normy i pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.3. Sec.A. ch.l. [Organization and technology of construction work; reneral part] Organizatsiia i tekhnologiia stroitellnogo proizvod- stva; obshchaia chast' (SNiP III-A. 1-62). 1963. 15 P. (141RA 17:3) 1. Russia (19.23- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvenny) komitot po delar stroitellstva. 2. Gosstray SSSR (for Uspenskiy). GRIBM, G.F., red.; PAVLOV, S,14,p red.; KBULJYAKOV, A.K., red. [C,nntruction 3pecifictAtionn and regulationn] StroitelInye normy i pravila. Moskva, Gogstroiizdat. Pt.3. [Organization of labor; principal regulationB] Organizatsiia truda; osnovnye polozheniia (SNiF Sh-A. 7-62). 1962. 4 p. WIRA 17:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvermyy komitet Do dPIRm stroitel'stva. 2. Gosstroy SS.SR (for Gribin). 3. Mezhvedomstven- nava kondssive po peresmotru Stroitellrykh nom i pravil kfor Pavlav). L. Nauchrio-issledovntellskiy inotitut organizatsii, riekhanizatsii i tekhnichoskoy poroshchi stroitellstvu kkademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SS&," (for Khudyakov). USFENSKYY , V V. , ktind . okon. nauk , I'k-d 1"Wi OV rod. SHIRB, F.K., dcktor teklin. iiauk, ea- [C~onstruc--ion sT,ecifi-cation.9 anc. regulaVons Stru-'te-' nye norL7 i pravila. V,oskva, Stroiizdat.. PL.31 ;S e. -d A [Industrialization of construction; basic regulti In- dustrializatsiin stroite'Llstva; osnavnye polozheniia (SNiP III-A.2-62). 1964. 1,4 j,. (Nd~A 17: 10) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.h.) Gusucarst,vemr., koiritet po de- lair, stroitellstva. 2. Gosstrcy SSSR (for Uspen.-kiy). 3. Mezhduvedomstvennaya komissiva po peresmatru Stroile-11- nykh norm i pravii (for Favlov). 4. Nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut organizalsli, nlekhaniza,~sii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'Avu (for Shirin). GLOVINSKIY, Ya.G., inzh., red.; FA~LOV, S.11,%, inzh., red.; KF.AYKDI, L.Ye., inzh., red. [Construction ~,pccificntionzs and r(i7illations] Stroitell- nye normy i pravila. Pcskva, Stroiizdat. Ft-3. Sec.G. ch.10.5.[C.-ushing, r-illinj:, sorting, er-riching, an6 aw- glomerating equipment; regulations of production and ac- ceptance of work] DrL,.)illnoep raznollnoe, sortirovochnoe, obogatitellr.oe i aFlor~erat3ionno- o,)oi-udovanie; j.ravila proizvodstva i priemki mow.azlinykh raoot (SNiF 1964. 26 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.;,' .) Gosuda-rstvennyy komitet 1.o de- lam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Glovinskiy). 3. Mezhduvedomstvennaya komissiya po peresr;otru Stroitell- nykh norn. i pravil (for Pavlov). 4. Proyektno-Konstruk- torskaya kontora Fiekhanor.ontazhproyekt Gosudarstvennogo proizvodstvennogo kor-iteta po i;.ontazhrWm i spetsiallnym stroitellrorm rabotar., SSSR (for Khaykin). GLOVINSKIY, Ya.G., inzh., red.; PAUOV, S.M., inzh., red.; VOL'BERG, N.Ye., inzh., red.; SHVARTS, Ya.l., i-nzh., red. (Construction specifications and regulations] StroiLellnye normy i pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Ft.3. Sec.G. ch.10.2 [Compressors; regulations for the performance and acceptance of assembled work] Kompressory; pravila proizvodstva i priemki r.ontazhrykh rabot (SNiP ill-G. 10.2-62). 1963. 17 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretvannyy kor,itet po delam stroitellstva. 2. TSentrallnyy proyektno-konstruktorskoye otdelen-1ye Glavkhinmontazha Gosudarstvemogo proizvodstven- nogo komiteta po montazhrjym i npotsialInym stroitelInym rabo- tam SSSR (for Shvarts). PAVL4DV S 14 1 Highly mechanized storage yards for aggregates in large-panel housir-g construction enterprises. Mekh. stroi. 18 no. 3:3-8 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekhanisuitsii i tekhnicheskoy pcgftoshchi stroitel'stvu Akademil stroitelistva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Aggregates (Building materials)--Storage) I I'l il 1117 ': 1.5. 1 . PAVLOV, S Ekepluatat"iya cycles, by) S. 395 P. "Literatura"'i , remont mototeiklov tOperation and repair of motor- M. Pavlov i P- (393) N/5 743.27 .P3 1953 41- SO: PAV10V, S.M.; GINTSBLMG. M.G.; KOVALYMKO. V.I.. inshener, reteenzent. [Operation and repair of motorcycles] Ekspluatateiia i remant no- totsiklov. Izd. 2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. I sudoetroit. lit-ry, 1953. 395 p.(MLRA 7:8) (Motorcycles) F,AVT (7,1, S. 1~. Technc)J.r,Fy Operating Pnd repalriz..g motorcycles. Moslcvn, Gos. izd-Nro nau&rlo-Lcl-ll,~. i rmshinostro~-+ , 1-it-ry, 1,)r1. Mont!7Q -L-Ly-_+, 91 R-ussian Acc.-5,7ions. Libr,~ry of ConCress, June 1~92, Unclzsslfieci. P vwv, S. x. Pavlov, S. A. "Operation and Repair Gintshurg, A. G. of Motorc~cles" State Scientifib' and Technical Publishinf,, House of Machine and St,iubildinF Literature FAVWV. S.M., inzh.-, YMGOFER, Ye.F., inzh.; SAUPIN, Yu.I., inzh.; ZHDANOV, la.G., inzh.; RAMIKA. Ye.Yu.. kand.tekhn.nauk Fally mechanized aggregate yards for year-round large concrete pl"ts. Prom-strol. 37 no.8:26-34 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Hanchno-iseledovatellskiy institut organizatsit, mekhani%atsii i takhnicheekoy pomoshchi strottelletvu (for Pavlov). 2. Gidroproyek:t (for Sayapin, Freygofer. Zhdanov). 3. Wauchno-iseledcwatellskiy insti- tut stroitelinoy promyshlennoott (for Barynina). (Concrete plants-Equipmont and supplies) ?AV LOV, S. R - Operation and repair of motorcycles. Izd.2., perar. i dop. Moak-va, Gos. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinestroit. i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1953- 395 P. (5/5-15443.) 1. Motorcycles. 1. Gintsburg, M.G., jt. au. ,--2AVL4)V Sergey Vaksimovich; sLASTENKOP Yevgeniy Naumovich; CHFaNOVp Ye.p OV tekhn. red. [Specialization in the machinery industry] SpetsializatBlia mashinostroenii. Moskvas Moak, rabochii., 1962. 58 PO (MIRA 15:3) (Machinery industry) GISTSBURG, Matvey Grigorlyevich; FAVLOV., 6eraf in Mikhalovich; BAUHAH. I.M., inzhener, redaktor; )WIL redaktor [operation &nd repair of motorcycles] Bkopluatstalia I remont nototmlklov. Isd. 3-e. perer. I dop. Moskva, Go*. nauchneo-teklan. Izd-vo washinostrolt. lit-ry. 1956. 428 p. (NLFLk 9:7) (motorcycles) SOV/124-58-4-3811 Translation from: Re1crati-vrj,,-j z-hurnal. Mekhanika, 1958, '4'r 4, ri ZO (USSR) AUTHOR: Pavlov, S. M. TITLE: Flame Stabilization in High-speed Gas Flows (Stabilizatsiya plameni . gazo,.,ykh pot.okakh boll shoy skorosti) PERIODICAL: Nauchno-teklin. iniorn-i. byul. Leningr, politekhti. in-ta, 1957, Nr 5, pp 22-29 ABSTRACT: The article treats theoretically the problem of flarne stab- ilization by means of stabilizers having poorly streamlined shapes. It is assumed that the burning mixture moves with the velocitv of the flow of the main body of the burning mix- ture. It is also assumed that the mixing of the gases to be burned with the products of combustion is perfect, and that the combustion reaction is governed by the Arrhenius Law and is of second order. On this basis the author obtains a theoretical relationship which determines the conditions for flame snuffing. On the basis of this relationship, as well as the known experimental data, the author derives semiempirical functions which fairly well describe the limits of flame stab- Card 1/1 ilization. 1. Gas flow--Velocity B. V. Raushenbakh 2. Flames--Stabilization PAVLOV, Serafim Mikhnyloviahe insho; GODYNAl A.K., inzh.. red. [Bffective t7pas of yards for storing aggregates at PrseDft reinforced concrete plants] Effektlvnys tipy skladoy sapolai- telel predprilatli abornogo sholaxobstons. Moskva, Goestroi- izdat, 1960. 91 P. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Akedemiya stroitelletva i arkhitektury SM. Institut organi- xateii. makhBnizateii i tokhnichoskoy pomoshchi stroltelletru. 2. Ispolnyayushchiy obyasannosti rukovoditelya laboratorii pogru- zochuo-razgrU2oohnykh rabot Houchno-losladovatellskogo inctituta organizatell. mekhanizateli i tekhnichaskoy pono8hehi stroltel'- stvu Akademil etroitelletva I arkhitektury S= (for Pavlov). (Aggregates (Building materJ4~10--Storags) AUTIft: Favlov, S.M. (Engineer) SOV/90-58-10-17/25 ft~ TITLE: An investigation on mass exchange between the circulation zone beyond an unstreamlined body and the main flow, and conditions of mixing between then. (Iseledovaniye massoobnana zony toirkulyittaii as plokho obtekayemyn telom s oenevnym potokom i usloviy enesheniya v ney.) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika; 19581~No.10. pp. 72-75 (USSR) AMMM This article describes investigations into the conditions of mixing and mass exchange in the zone of circulation beyond an unstreamlined body, a cylinder. Conditions of flow on the downstream side of the cylinder are turbulent, as sketched in Fig.l. In the method of investigation used, gas is mixed into the zone of circulation beyond the cylinder; samples are then taken from this zone for analynis, to determine the content of the admixture. The equipsent used is shown diagrammatically in Fig.2; a fan drives the gas through the experimental section of tube. In tests without burning, the g&9 added was hydrogen delivered from a slot of 0.5 x 100 mm in the cylinder. The flow of hydrogen was such that its speed was small but could be determined. The gas analysis instrument was sensitive to hydrogen concentrations of 0.1 - 6% with an accuracy of 0.06%. In tests with combustion, the gases added were helium and lighting gas. The gas delivery system is sketched in Fig.3. Measurements were made Card 1/3 in only half the flow, whica was symmetrical. When the slot through An investigation on -n a exchange between the circulation NOV/96-58-10-17/25 zone beyond an unstreamlined body and the =ain flow, and coaditions of mixing between them. which the gas was delivered was in the vertical plane passing through the axis of the cylinder, measurements of the field of concentration of hydrogen in the circulation aone give the results typified in Fig.4. Me concentration field is of the same character both with and without burning. In both cases, mixing is incomplete in the circulation zone immediately beyond the body. Curves of admixture concentration obtained during burning are given in Fig.5. Then follows an analysis of the results represented in Fig.5. and of data on the distribution of admixture in the circulation zone in the absence of combustion. The analysis shows that the profiles of concentration admixture are only very roughly generalised when using the same dimensionless co-ordinates as for free turbulent flow. The scatter of the experimental points is very great. The changes in relative concentration of admixture along the geometrical axis to the rear of the cylinder are plotted in Fig.6- The assumptions made in determining the exchange of mans between the circulation zone and the main flow are explained. The formulae used to determine mass exchange are given, noting that the method is subject to appreciable Card 2/3 errors. Subject to these limitations, an equation for the An investigation on mass exchange between the circulation SOV/96-59-10-17/25 zone beyond an unstreamlined body and the main flow, and conditions of mixing between them. calculation of mass exchange is offered, and compared with the experimental results plotted in Figs. 7 & B. Examination of the figures leads to the conclusion that, given identical hydrodynamic conditions at the inlet to the system, and other conditions equal, then the rate of mass exchange is less with combustion than without it. This means that with combustion, the mean time that an elementary volume of gas remains in the zone of reversed flow is greater than in the absence of combustion. There are 8 figs.and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION- Leningrad Polytechnical Institute (Leningradakiy Politekhnich- eskiy Institut) Card 3/3 PAVLOVI S.M.; TYUTIN, M.S. Wool I -ft%9Nw" Using helium flow-detoctors for stud7ing mass transfer in flames. PribA S-0 156. (MIML 10-2) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheakiy inatitut im. M.I.Kalinina. (Kass spectrometry) (Flame) I KOVAL'CHUK, N.F., inzh., red.[dece;~sed]; z3ALDD., V.A., red.; TL-H1.1, S.N.J. kand. tekhn. naul, red.; LAUT, P.Ya., inzh. red.; A.A., 3ALIKED;, Y-7., re--.; LLUiSHEVICE, Ye.N., inzh., red.;,TA-'bCV, 3.M., inzh., red.; SHIRIN, F.K., kand. tekhr.. nauk, red. [Construction spocifirntions an6 regulations] Stroitell- nye normy I privila. N~ookvn, Soc.v. Ch.3.; Ft.3. Sec. A. Ch.5-6. (MlitA 18:1) I U.S.S.,:,,.) Gosudarstvenny-y komitet po ~. Russia (1923- delam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Kovallchuk, Larionov, bogushevich). 3. Clden-korrespondent Akaderii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Baldin). 4. TSen- t, - all ~-:' -y naucbran-issledovatellakiy -inatitut stroitellrWkh konstrukts* Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitek-tury SSSR (for I'Libin). 5. Go.-udarstvenn-,-y institut pa provektirova- yu stallnykh konstruktsiy i niyu, isslecovaniyu i isp.tani. MOStOV (for Laut). 6. MezhduvedozTstvennaya koznssJya po peresn.otru Stroitellnykh norm i pravil(for nalikhin, Favlov). 7. institut organizatsii, mekhani- zatsii i tekhn~cheskov pomoFhchd siroitellstv-u Akadeviii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSOt (for Shirin). L 1157-66 EwT(m)1uF(e)1wP(j)/T Rx ACMSION NAl AP5022002 0/02W/65/000014/0070/0071 $78.7% 1 ss"o 97 044 AUTHDRt Razuva-yov, G, At; Sheviyakov, A. S.1 Tsoovskly, 0. .; Kchna, L. P. Stupenl* Lb V zav:10Y S. N TITLts A metbod for polymerlsisS vinyl compotmda. Class 39. No. 1729940, SOMCS sIyulletan I IsobreterAy I tavwmykh snakow, no. U, Wb%-N- TOPIC TAGSs emisios polymerization, vinyl plastic polymerization Isitistor, polymer ABSTPACTs Thin. Autbor's Certificate Introdocas a metbod for pokyworlsimg vim& cmpouDdD. PulymerizatAce time Is reduced and polymer y1*1A to Inamwed by wing alkyl. or aryl enters of perautosis acid an 610 Isitister for blm* cr swalsive Polymerization. AMOCIATIONs suwrrml IWM37 JUM i OD 8w coal cot M:. now IDVI am ONUS OW -c4w-d -FAVWV. S. 11. Mechanized preparation of concentrated feeds. Trakt. i sellkhosmash. no.5:19-24 MY 158. (MIRA 11:6) l.Vseso.vu2ny7 nauchno-losledovatellskiv institut sel'skokhozya7stven- nogo mashinostroyenlya. (Feeding and feeding stuffs--Equipment and supplies) PAVLOV, S.N. Food-processing machines for collective and state livestock farms. Sellkh02m&shlna no.8:3-7 Ag '56. (MLRk 9:10) 1. VeesoyuzzWy nauchno-issledovatellakty inotitut sellskokbozyaystven- nogo mashinostroyantya. (Farm equipment) (Feeding and feeding stuffs) ~ - - A-M 0 0 0 0 MW W* ; ow Ogg 0666600 A 40 1 6 1 1 9 0 11 U 1) M 11 16 It 0 It Is N, ji'va'" I Is Is V .1 IWV 912 1036 111 v mom 41 4 4) a isto a L a I a A. a m'j.! I AA N CUE N�R U A--A - 1 6 2 e0 A 002 00 Go a ~99 00 .00 0 [n-.dP"oa of swuuma 9=66 00. A S. Vdskov,~u nW., .90 16 Yom" Ah"Ithie 24. 'ru& ,If from w..If.No -.1r.-Stid 7 '00 Sr. 0A ,IA 0-W2. viwasity F.2XI :.4;1. P. pow point below -LNP'. rivisit irsins 24).4 LS''. 4111hall.-n- 11 411 W43'- =06 S (bomb) 2111) 2..'W"t, Wallin wax of in. Ii. 'W 56" 1 41 io,-lar in nig ' ' as* KOH O.M-41~11M. S00.007-0.014 ~. The coultntsof va" "Is fraction, at, Ita,olul.- ' 1 9 5 40 0 0* j 2. 1 .9, kerosene ICLI-14.4, light gas od 140.41, 105 and fuel oil 51 and naplitha 2 = The furl oil was broken up into 11.5"' hirtivy gas oil, -W, if", lubricating oil ic '00 distillates and -'Q.4% bmtorms. Tllir crude oils frown these wells at, v~vy mintlAt except 00 for threminfolligbt Itaclifts which wealarrit in ovil 7W. Ca.Anwatuthrmsern 090 O Im lions are InSb in S "d require a opectial methfd for its rt-moval Th, lubricating. c too * R - oil cuts have a high pow point and air suitable foc thr produrttim of 1mraffin "at; 0* ww 2 they are &1w a good cracking stock. Tbr liottorm FaMuct g-1 oittl A,phalt :: W- i A A It.. hilinck . '00 9 . -- 0411 1~ "0# 00 :3 ~ I no* . j So Its 00 "VA1LVvGA&t 1,11104101 (tA%uPKAI1Qk tpa~. : 90 j aw 2, IF 01 r wa it a 99 of L %$two 6012110 5 d3 a mw (I 1 :16 2 0 0 o 0 o! 1 l 6 f o of SGOO90 000 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0 0 Gig 0 0000 a 00 00 4 06 00 0 7 . 0 0 k 4 000 o Q;0 e a 0 0 0 0 a 0 000 0 0000 000,00 tll~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 '00 0 1 *:* * Al, VI cn& A. wod 0", INS, 24, JM-Wb~-414ftrtrr- vib-Affid empommks of Two" "-=Z'bn "MAW ANA" aw womm, hwo6sol Ck. Am. see of** we* WHI flow 411"Ifly J Off ""no WAS, O-W am flotillas an All . 4 - a In All #A& Sabo* Isellwougas 3 p II, RIN I re'' 0 o m, o o 0 9 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 & 0 * 0 0 loss. 0 0, 0. 0 * 00 0 0 90 0,04 * , 1,06 464 .......... teo::600906900 * 61; 4 LA 00 1$ 16 7)0)v4W8f L 41 Ids a ff j I Is L1 b I Lt 61 Gi 43 00 go -00 0 c IkUbi emit W. S. N. Nvlov and 11. S. 11(ilamn. -00 00 a Seftyamor Khoo. IOU, Nm St. 42 it. -(h1% frons the MWA field, kAmled in Me umthrmstrm PMIWU (if SSUM1111 -00 Idaml.viiatain to water, op. V. D.W45. F,.viwoodly 1.14 ~06 and Eiovtwooity 114. pout PtAnt -30% A. P, da9b PcAut IV, exciar resim U. C,Pnru,lkm C 3 .01, &!PWIrnvs .00. OOR pwahz 1.141,10. in. p. cif pamSm W. S (bomb) 0 06 o:236~. aviijity tag. KIM atut 41.01?76% 21;0~. It Z " M . o0 It 0 "N krilorne JI imintakinis 04-1 Sawilhir (up II)INW) i. 1 *r Tbr ma. A lv1 ;1u l !.. r. r F.Wiluns M 4 410 Min% 10.5 , I:i zoo 00 chint **I spitiffle W4 have a high gxmr oAnt bud the rriii- dar is suhatilt low roAd asphall. A. 11mbifingit 40 00 -00 so 06 00 zo 00 00 1A1A1%UPfKA% LMROLS I CL.'-UPKAT" to 0 so 00 i to 0 t is At so As goo a b6 0 1 a of IT ff 0 e 0 0 a 0 Of 00 04 9 0 ro- 9" 0 so 009 0 *go s 161 ee o 0 0 00006:0900#600* 00 900090900006000600 90909 0 04114-014 06009066 too so 96,& T I I IOf It It 13 W 01 'A 11 0nail," forphig bit Vol 940 b11 It 0 1, 0.1 It A P 0a 9 u aLX a aIt . 91..& Pnvf ...... VeM &MAIL AD Amx3uwzaL=n mm dbb*b of 1W vabb oonx!t~- -sakag we of tht mme -ar~' ev 3 00 a0 0 90" zoo 00% a** .008 ;70 0 0 =O& 0 WO 1 0 zoo .0,:j 0'':3 t:00 0 164 T -F-U--W 0 N W TA -jA -C -d -W to9 a it alow to a00,91, 0" OU0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 a 4 o o 0 o 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :0:10000000000*000000esiooo*ooooooooooooo*oj PAVIOVP Sergey Pavlovich; GORYACHEV, V-T., red.; ZUDINA, M.P., - - I------ Aekhn. red. [Track-laying waphibioua carrier K-611 Gusenichnyi pLavaiushchdi transporter K-61. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1963. 182 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Vehiclesp Military~ (Motor vehicles, Amphibious) ACCESSION NR ,,.v.4o.)4o369 BOOK EMOITATION S/ Pavlov,.Serg~y Pavlovich The K-61 cater--illar floating transpo:luer (GusenichnY*Y plavayushchiy transporter K-61). Mosc o-,q, Voypaizdat MOva obor. SSSR, 196n, 182 p. illus. 4,500 copies Drinte~. Series nbt'o: Za voyenno-tekhnicheskiye znaniya. TOPIC TAGS: Caterpillar floating transporter, amphibious militar3r vohicle PURPOSE AND COVERAGE": This book describes the construction of a caterpillar float- ing vehicle K-61, its basic components and parts, the technique of making the various regulations, and use of the vehicle on water and on land. The book is intended for ... echa.-nics-drivers and commanders of amphibious military vehicles and can be used as a text by sergeants and soldiers of the engineering forces. TABIE' OF CON'TaITS (abridged]: introduction. -- 3 Ch-. 1. General description and technical characteristics of the transporter- - 5 Ch. H. Body of the transportar 9 A. C1,14 III. Engine -19 Card 1/2 ES S If IN NrR AXL040369 Ch..IV. Transrussion -- 56 Ch. V. Ibmning gear, winch engine, and steering gear 92 Gh.~ VI. Special eq~,ipmant -- 103 Ch. VIL Electrical equipm3nt -- 111 Ch. VIII. Maintenance -- 1" Ch. IX. Use of the-transporter -w 162 SUB CODEs ~Z SUBIKETTEDt 15Ju163 NR REF SOVs 000 07-M-R: 000 DATF. AcQ.- i6Apr64 Cord 2/2 -------------------- PAVIA)V, Sp.; KARAPETROV, Or.; PETROV, Iv.; KREMIKOV, Iv. Somatometric characteristica of the 11-year-old children of ?"Lwdiv. Izv Inst merf BAN 8 89-112 163. fl~ MASSENP V.A.; MILOSLAVSKIY, I.L.; PA3ROY,-3-E.; POGODILOV, M.N.; SHEVELEV, A.Ye.; KUNITSA, S.S.; YAKOVLEV, V.G.; CHESNOKOV, V.K.; KRYLOV, B.F.; SHIKfWIOVICH, B.A.; YAIMOY, S.A. Proposals awarded prizes at the 16th All-Union Contest for Electric Power Economies. Prom.energ. 17 no.10:12-14 0 ,62. (MIRt 15-9) (Technological innovations--Competitions) PAVLOV, S~P- . - - " -0, 1'- uth 3- - ommmism. Yoma.Voonvm.5il 2 no.10-.5 10 MY 62. 1, Femy-y ackretar', TSentrallnogo liamiteta Vsesoyuz',Iogo Leninskogo karminuaisticheskogo soraza molodezlii. (Commmiat Youth LeaguG) (Russia,-4med forces) FAVLOV, SqP,3 inzhe Conditions for the ocutrol of flood flows. Trudy Gidroproakta no.4:143-165 '60. (MIRA 15:2) (Flood control) (Reservoirs) FAVLaVY S.P. Evaporation from and moisture circulation in the soils of fa-Uov fields in the vicinity of Sverdlovsk in dry and wet yeara. Pochvovedenia no-4-.4P, 54 Ap 162. (MMA 15 -14) 1. Urallskiy muchno-Assledovatel2skiy institut sel~skogo khozyaystva. (Sver-Ilavsk region.-Soil moisture) PAVLOV, Sergey Pavlovich, pbdj>olkovnik; ROSSALt N.A., polkovnik, red.; red. (The BAV large amphibious vehicle) Bollshol plavaiushchli avtomo- bill BAY. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo M-va obor. SSSR, 1961. 87 p. (MIRA 14:7) (Vehicles, Amphibious) YUFA, Engel' Pavlovich; PAV~~V &P., inzh., retsenzent, PANTER, B,Ya., inzb., retsenzenf~!_YjfMIN, A.A.. inzh.l red.; SALYAPSKIY, A.A., red. izd-7ai 3-JiZOVA., GV~, teitn. red. [Cutting too! dephrtment of a machinery plant] Instrumentallnoo khozialstvo mashinostroitellnogo zavoda. Moskva; Gos.nauchno- teklLnicbeskoo izd-vo inashinostroit.I.It--ry, 1961. 117 p. (MIRA 15-.1) (Machinery industry) (Metal.-cutting tools) FAVLOVJ S._~.-AVyborg, ul,Stalingradskaya, d-3,,kv.55) Intracavitary administration of antibiotics in goletin capoule,3. Nov. khir. arkh. noa31lOO My-Jo 1W (141lul 15:2) 1. Mezhrayonnaya dEtskajAa,,boljlnitsa)Vyborga, Leningradskoy oblasti. TI B CFf I ~Z GRAMMIN, I.V., inah.; PAVLOV, S.S., inzh. Scientific and technical collaboration of socialist countries. Transp. stroi. 12 no-8:39-40 Ag 162. (KRA 15-9) (Transportation) VELIKORETSKUP D.A.; LORIYE, v K.M.; FINUL1, I.I.; GRIGORC)WK, YU.F.; BMER, L.Kh.; ' UrROBINA, V.V.p- KHAMIEUKOp V.P.; MESHCHERTKOV, A.V., student V kursa; OB:212',14CILEIPAO, Ya.V.,; NIKITIN, A.V.; NJKIIO)C-W;A, S.11,; KUSMARTSINA, L.V.., assistent; KULNETSOV, V.A., dotsent; KUKHTINOVA, !..A., assistent; BODARENKO, Ya.D. (g. Fastov); KURTASOVAJ, L.V. (g. Fastov); Pr-VdHIKH, V.V.; CHURAKOVA, A.Ye.; BABICH, M.M.; OZIMIN, K.P.; ZAnpy,-"; SHEVLYAKOV, L.V. , kand. med.nauk; 1"INATIMA, O.M.; ZEYGE"MHER, G.A.; GUTKIN, A.A.; POLYKOVSKIY, T.S. Resumes. 25 no.11:147-152 N 161. (MIRA 15:15) 1. Iz Institute gradnoy khirurgil AM14 SSSH (for Velikoretskiy, Loriye, Finkel'). 2. Iz bollnitay 140.3 Gorlovlci Stalinskoy oblasti (for Grigorchuk). 3. Iz Tyumenskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (for Bergor, Utrobina). 4. Iz Karatasskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskoy oblasti (for Kharchenko). 5. Iz Gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainakogo instituta imeni Sechenova (for Meshcheryakov). 6. Iz kliniki propedevticheskoy terapii Stalinskogo maditsinskogo institute, na baze oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni Kalinina (for Oberemchenko). 7. Iz kliniki gospita-11noy terapii Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Nikitin, 1,%~Jioyedova). 8. Iz kafedry obshchey khirurgii Kisliinvoskogo ineditsinskogo instituta (for Kusmartseva). (Continued on next card) VI-LIKORETSKIY, D.A.-(continued) Card 2. 9. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheskoy kliniki Stalinskogo meditsinskogo instituta na baze bollnitsy imeni Kalinina (for Kuznetsov, Kukhtinova). 10* Iz g.ospitallnoy torapevticheskoy-kliniki 1zhevskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Pevchikh, Churakova). 11. Iz Nosovskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Chernigovskoy oblasti (for Babich). 12. Iz Vyborgskoy mezhrayonnoy bollnitsy (for Pavlov). 13. Iz 1-y gorodskoy bollrlitsy Tyumeni (for Ignatlyeva). 34. 1z 2-y infektsionnoy bollnitsy g. Zaporozhlya (for Zeygermakher). 15. Iz infektsionnogo i prozektorskogo otdeleniy Petrozavodskoy gorodskoy bollaitsy (for Gutkin, Polykovskiy). (MICINE--ABSTRACTS) PAVIA)V, S.S. Subdiaphragmatic abscess in a 4-year-old child. Rhirurglia 39 no.lOtl35-137 0 163. (~ffRA 17t9) 1. Iz Detskoy mezhrayonnoy bollnitay (glavnyy T.G. Kudryashova) Vyborga.