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Pr=KUUURI, O.Z. Control of ellicosis at enterprises of the mining Industry in Oeorglan S.S.R. Gig.1 man. no.12:4" D 153. (MLEA 6:12) 1. Is Institute giglyony truds. I prefessions,11nykh zabolevaniy Ministeretva. sdravookhranonlya Grusinskoy BW (Georgia-Mine sanitation) (Min* esnitation-Georgia) (Innge-Dast diseases) PITSEHIL&M. Ga.' VEuididut medit6ins'kilzh nuuk (7bilisi). Medicine durine t!-.e -:,oc!2 -f the r-mitural renalseance :: ;.-- t.-.e Middle ^ges (Ilth-13th centnries). Vest.oft. I, no.3:4o-48 k;-ja 'j). (MLA& - (Goorgim--Hedicine) (Medic ine-Georgia ) GASANOT, Sh.N. [author]; PITSIMUAURI, GA., kandidat meditainskikh nauk [reviewer). MEMNSW Health resorts of Aserb&IJ&n Mealth resort resources of Azerbaijan., Sh.M.Gasanov. Reviewed by G.R.Pitskhelaurt). Priroda 42 no.11:124-125 N 151. (KIAA 6:11) (Azerbaijan--Htalth resorts. watering places. etc.) (Health resorts. wistering places, etc.-Aserboijan) Wasanov, Sh.N.) Ij In-Undarts-kin of Minlrg industries of Gecr,--Ia t Siltoo Battlla~-Aga-ina a GA. - mg. -&--t4at. lbecow). Dec. -43j:A9 Z~ S, 7~, i-- x- J-XI -", 1104 '17 7 71;- - ... ~ I . .. '.. I . . . I I 1~ I I . - . . . . - . . PITSIBILAURI,.G.Z.; ZHUKOV. G.I.. rodaktor; SACHEVA. A.I., tekhnichosifty redaktor. [Organizing and rendering first aid In petroleum plants and in petroleum prospecting) Organizatelia, I okazonle pervol dov- rachobnoi pomoshchl no neftepromyslakh I nefterstvadkakh. Koskva, Goo. lad-vo med. lit-ry. 1954. 54 p. (MLELA 7:1Z) (first aid In illness and Injury)(Petroleum industry- Hygienic aspects) FD - I USSP Me card It I i-iv 1.4 Au t hor I i, 5Khe laur I . 6 Z. , Prof-ss')r (rev. ever T I t1e Works of Dztirolam,,~ Frakast:)rc. "On ~rjntaglcn, :on,-ag;o-s Diseases, and Trpa!~ment " In iclumes Fer,odi--ai Ve ~, -AM SSSR, 4, Oct -D-c 1954 Abs t rac Thv works of Dzhirclamc, Frakhstoro, "On Contagion. ~7ontagious Diseases, ~Lnd Treatment - in -1~ vola-ze-9 , was trqns lated intc, Russ Ian and recen' i;ut,llshed by the Academy :)f Sclene7es, USSR Besides being the mos* promlnen~ physician of t~e Renaissance period, Frakastoro was also oon- ziderel ar. autnorlty -)n geology, phys'-cs, and astronomv He also wr,-)Ie 1-oc-try Frakastoro devoted 40 years of his life to scientific medica. .i,-rk and 'he praclice of medicine; lie was re5ponsible for laying thl(: .~.---undvork ",.)r epidemic 7-)ntro" !-,rganizatlon The Russian physl,,ian, Danil Samoy.'Lcvich (1744-1301), is credited with further improving -pideml.c -onllrcl he was a frilower of M V LomonoBov who was the f,)under of ma*~e-rlalism in PLigsia Works of other prominent scientists cf Renaissance periDd hav-~ also been translated intc Russian duriniz llkew,,se published by 'he A:adem~- hr- pas, few je ars llost~- vorks were -f Sr iences ~ESF Inst itut'L --n PITSKULAIMI. G-Z-: KIPIANI, S.P. ,~-- - ~ ".":. 'ftamination for capacity to work in occupational dissaBes.0 B.I. Ifirtsinkovski.l. Reviewed by G.Z~Pitmlchelauri. s.pmpiani. Gig. i san. no.11:57-58 2 '54. MRA 7:12) (MMTSINFOVSKII, B.I.) (OCCUPATIONAL DISIASIS) PITSIMMAURIt G.Z.. professor,- ALPATOV. V.V.. professor Republic conference of rural ptroicians in Tbilisi. Sov. zirav. 13 no.5:61-62 8-0 154. (KLRA 7:12) (GIMOIA-KNDICM, RLMAL--CONGRISSIS) PITOMMAURI. Grigorly Zakharavich; PAICHCHOV,V. I., rodaktor; ROMMOVA, - - . Z.i.,' i**ilcheskly re-daktor (organization of medical services for workers in the petroleum Industry of the U.S.S.R.) Organisatalla mediko-sanitarnogo Ob- slushivrAds, rabochikb neftedobywalushchol promyshlonnosti SSSR. Moskva. Goo.isd-vo mod. lit-ry, 1955. 179 p. (KLEA 9:2) (PWROLNUM INDUSTRY- -MZD1 CAL AND SANTTARY A"AIRS) PrrZX8ELMMTL_2.., U=IYLFV, I., and GAMMI HIME, G. nSon1tery and Hygienic Condttions for Working with AadloactIve Isotopes" a paper presented at the Transesucasion Radiological Conference, Ibillsi, Bov. 55- TI 166004 L LI(IC f-, a I FL, AID P - 1426 Subject USSR/Nedicine Card 1/1 Pub. 37 - 23/23 Author Pitakhelauri, 0. Z., M.D., Member of the Presidium of the Gruzinskaya Republic. Scientific Society of Hygienists Title Letter to the editor Periodical Gig.1 san., 1, 63, Ja 1955 Abpt7~ttet Points out an error found In the account of the First Conference of Hygienists of Transcaucasia, published In this journal, 1954, NO-7. Institution: None Submitted : No date PITSKIIFJAURI. 0.E.. professor -amwo-w2wr".. Tramiscaucasian conference dedicated to reconstructive therapy for disabled veteran of the Great Patriotic Var and the prevention of accidents. Urtop.travu. I protes no.1:93 Ja-F. 155. (NLRA 8:10) (SUBMW. PIASTI 0 PITSK"14,11RI. O.Z., professor. *?he easom f modicine.eAbu Ali ibn Sinn (Avicenna) ed. T.Z. Zakhtdoy. i6viwwod by G.Z. Pitakholauri. Vent. AMY SSSR no.3: F11 I'AATICICNNA. Q80-1017) (KIDICINN. ARABIC) (MLRA 8:11) r, AID P - ~914 Subject USSR,'Medicine z~ rd I /I Pub. ~-j u t Y C r Pltlckhelaurl, G. Z., Prof. Visiting Sclent1fle Session of the Society of Hyglentstn -f the Georgian SSR In Batumi Periodical G1g. 1. sari., 1,2, p. 49-50, D 1955 Abstract Describes U,e work of the session which took place recently In the of the Adzhar Autonomus SSR. 220 S-Ientlflc workers in the field of medicine and hygilE-ne participated. Institution None Submitted No date 7- Ot H, Pub JA Z,.i Prof. 1 PAr I" QLrQjinn numstme tint Annie": wl ot a am low the" -Pd" -0 spa F. Ukm vausis owtudubw 326 rall 4otbei'bo* .. Twillwad end pps Pao "nold to raftuld MA -work other wlsnt~qts ~:La 'the "m 00000 tptw URI,G.Z., professor (Tbiligi) 11 , Sukhumi. city and health resort (Ofiukhumll &nd Its environs.' Reviewed by GA.Pitekhelauri). Prtord* 44 no.9:123-124 S '55. (Sukhumi--Description) (MLRA 8:11) 9 V- , . " , . I . & I d * d SHAFIRO, Iosif Borlsovich; PITSKHBIAURI, Grigori Zakhar'yeiich; GAGUA. Otarl 11vasnevich - AW ....... %A~ [LoAg-lived people of ?bilisl (in Georgian)]Dolgoletnie liudi I Tbilial. ?bllisi. Gnsizdat Gruiinskoi SSR, 1956. 142 p. (KLRA 10: 5 ) k f If lie--Longevity) NATADZI. O.M.,professor; PITSKHRIAURI,-G.Z..professor The firet Azarbaiianian scientific conference of hygienists, opidmologists, bacteriologists and specialists in infectious diseases. Gig. I san. 21 no-1:55-56 Ja. 156 (KLJU 9:5) (AZMMEDZHAII S.S.R.-MINITS. MLIC) (PATHOLOGT-CONGRISSIS) PITSIKOIAIRI, G.Z.. professor _ - -,- - Conference on allicosis control in Ordzhonikidze. Gig. i @an. 21 no-11:51-52 9 156. (KLRA 10:2) (LUNGS--DUST DISIPASIS) FIT5XHWAIJRI,_L.Z.. prof ossor 'Public health in the Chinese People's Republic' by Ching Rmin-Chuan . Reviewed by G.Z. Pitskhelauri. Test. AM SSSR 12 no.1:67-90 157 (NIIRA 10: 5) (CRIU-PUBLIC HILM) PrPenrut.Alml a 7 prof . 'Great medical enc7clopedial. Reviewed by G.Z.Pitekhelsurl. Vest. ANN SSSR 12 no.5:91-94 157. (MINA 11:1) (19WIG LUB-DICTIONAR I") PITSKHXIAURI. G-Z., professor; DZHANGAVADZPb. O.Sh. Measures for decreasing morbidity and temporary disability of vorkars of the Zeksykatsky I.Y.Stalin motallurgic plant. Sov.sed. 21 no.5: 136-142 Vq '57. (KLVA 10:7) 1. Is Institute gtgiyeny truds I profossionollaykh sabol*vaniy Ministerstva sdravookhraneniya, Grusinskoy SSR. (IIMTRUL HYGISS pr*v, of morbidity and temporary disability of workers in metallurgic indust.) tITSKHBIAUR1__CL2__ professor; D7.HANGAVADZE. O.Sh.. nauchnyy sotrutinik JkhLbit of achievements In preventive medicine at the 13th All-Union Congress of Pygientsts. 1pidemiologists. Microbiologists and Specialists in infectious Diseases. Gig. I san. 22 no.1:85-89 Js 157. NLRA 10:2) 1. Is Institute gigiyouy truda I professionallaykh zabolevaniy Niai- sterstya adravookhronentys Gruginskoy SSE. (MEDICI=. PRIVENTIVI--MIBITIONS) . I ..", 1, . . I 4 v 1 11 1 T I j . p . 1 ~7 . , ' , -- . * ~-' .27 , ALOA I - -1) PITSKHUAURI, O.Z., prof.; ROSTOMBWOVA. N.V. 15P. Georgian Society of Hygienists. Sav.sdray. 17 no.2t6O-63 F (MIRA 13-1) (GWRGIA-PUBLIC MLTH SOCIMIS) PITST-MALMI., G.Z,. Drof.; STRAYCHINSKIT, L.R., kand.ved.nauk Morbidity with t9woorary disability Rmoung young workers mt tho lutaini Automobile. Bov.sdritv. 17 no.1.14-17 Nr 158. (NIRA 11:4) 1. Is Institute gigiyeny truda Ninisterstva sdravookhrenentys Pitakhelaurt) (T ITAL STA? IS? ICS I vrofeentonnlInykh saboleymnly Gruninskoy 382 (d1r.-nrof. GA. morbidity of automobile factory workers (Rus) PITSIBBIAURI, G.Z., prof. Republit conference of leading workers in the Georgian public health servIco. Sov.sdrav. 18 no.12t50-51 059. (MM 1314) (GBMGIA--PMLIC HULTH) I G.Z.; KVANcI . PITS410~1~U~I -- - HAKRADZE, G.Sh. (Tbilisi) Providing additional training for general practitioners. Gig. truda i prof. sab. 4 no.303-54 Mr '60. (MI-U 15:4) 1. Nauchno-iBaledovatellskiy institut gigiyeny i profession&llnykh sabolevaniy imeni N.I.Makhviladze. (MEDICINI~-CONGRSSSES) PITSKMIAUR1, G.Z.-Miliai) Problems of occupational hniene in tze tea industry. 3ig. t--,LA~a i prof. zab. 4 no.11:44-45 N '60. k.11 Pa . " 5 : 3 , 1. Respublikanskiy inBtitut gigiyeny truda i proftabolevan"y Miasterstva zdravookhraneniya Gxuzi-nskoy SSR. (TEA TRADE-HYGIENIC ASIIECT`;) PITSKREIAURI, G.Z., Prof. Karabadini, a medical book of the 15th century. VeBt. AMN SSSF 15 no.704-95 '60. (HaIRA 13, 1-1) (GEORGIA--MEDICINE) PITSKHRIAURII Gj., prof. (Tbilisi) Chek)-ov and medicine. Sov. med. 2-4 no.41115-120 Ap '60. (KIRI 13: 9) (CHEKHOV, AMON PAVLOVI~I!, 1860-1904) IPZTSKHEUURI, G.Z.; PRIOZHKOV, V.V. 8 . i likolAi lv-anoy~nh Pirogav ir Ti!!-ti. Kh~rir7~ia nr.11111 -- 161. (PIROGOVV r'IKOLU IVAI"OVTCII, ISI(--LRSj) (YI -,.A --,. - - -' ) FITSMIAMU, G.Z. , prof. Vbdical attendance at hydraAic engineering projects" L-,- P.P. Radkin. Reviewed by G.Z. Pitalshelauri. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.2%84-85 162. (MIRA 15: 3. (IrLDRAULIC alGINEMlINr,--HYGIF.NIC ASPECTS) (ILUKIV, Pj " F~TSJHFIAW , G.Z., prof, (TbUisi) FAIsing the qualifications of subprofesi;imal mdic&l personnel. Med. oestra 21 no.5s6l-62 My '62. (MIRA 15'-5) (PMDICLL PMMNNEL) PITSKHEIAUKI p G. Z. , prof. -- ODoctor's calendar." Reviewed by G.Z. Pitskhelauri. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.5t87-88 '62. (KRA 15: 5) (MEDICINE) PITSKHKLAURI, %Z.~ prnfl Reviev of' M.S. Shtaige-'. i a', b, -k OS-ab f'Lzdamenta:L , T- bt ro -f the de7elopmemil .-if' modl, !LP ix, G-3orgla.l SOY. Zdrair. . I n,-..qt9O-92 162 (MTFtA , 't~) I- PITSKMAURI, (J.,*. "Some factors of Longevity In Georgia" Gerontalogy, 6th International Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark 11-16 Aug '63 PlISHELAUA, Grigofty Zakharlyevich; KIFIANI, Salome Petrovria; - - MAOHAEELI, Mariya ElizbaroynB [occupational pathology] Professional Inaia patologiia. Tbilisi, Gos.izd-vo 013odna"j 1963. 246 p. [In Georgian] (MIRA 17:4) -FITSKHEUURI. 9,Z.., pr-f.; PIROZEKOV, 'I.V., kand. med. nauk, zas.luzhennvy 7rach lmz3SR (7billal) founder of the Caucasian Med'vil Soc;,,tv. Snvc, 1. :".' 7 , i t152-153 Jeli,3 O."mA PITSKHELAL;Kljl G.Z., prt.f. Transcaucasian Group of ve All-Unlon ProbLier. Gowillss'cr. *Geront,clogy and Gertatrico.* Azerb. med. =liur. 4.~ nr.0:F6 5 '65. IF:!', 1. Precisedatell mkavka7SkOy grLpf-y V.9esryuznoy i;rub'.8rTr.(,y kor.1sr,*j "Gerontologiya I geriatriya.* PITSKHEIAURI, S. 1. Composition methods of planning different types of health resorts. Trudy GPI [Gruz.) no. 4:123-128 163. New problems in the planning of health resorts in connection with standard planning and centralization of service. Ibid.: 129-135. MIR.A 17:5) PITSMIAURI. S.I. Planning and building health resorts in Abastumani and Mendshi. Trudy GPI no.6:125-131 '56. (MIRA 11:2) 1.Kafedra arkhitektury Gruzinakogo politekhmicheskogo instituta im. S.M. Kirov&. Tbilisi. (Abastumni (Gooroa)--Health resorts. vatering places, etc.) (Mandshi (Georgia)--Health resorts, vatering places, etc.) (;cuntry : USSR Cate, ry: Iumi-, ~:nd - -11 7 Ys i I L;Y Ys 1 1 1 f l,ab...r 3, rt Ats J-ur: PZ.~:~ I, I L,, 1)58, ~Y)316 _Iltsk) rwbarhidzc, ~-Jj ;.u r : a Druz'k-,, G.F. Ins t : - Ti,lc. Sanitary ...I ''y. .,%,.Lc Cci-litl tie f W rV. wit' Rridi 'ICLiv, Is t C13 -)r'L PUL 1; 9b.; Tr I- ' .1---vk:,.zsk 1. nf,r-vusii radi I. Gruz:.L1.1Z, 1-~56, a14-22,~ .str-ct: N, --L~str : 1/1 IT -- --- -1, ~ -- - -_ =7- . . I t I PITSKTMAURI, I.A. Chenical nnd mineralogical changes in refractories used in the regenerators of basir open-hearth furnaces. Ogneupory 21 no.5: ?ni-211 156. (RLRA 9:10) 1. Institut motalla t gornogo dels, AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (Firebrick--Testing) (Open-hearth furnaces) PITSKHF.LAIJRI, I.K. DoTaodedovo airport is built. Transp. stroi. 1~ no.'1:11-12 Mr 165. (MMA Pill) 1. Upravlyayushchly Moskovskim stroitellno-mon'..azhny-a trest~m tr&nsportnogo strnPol'sIva. FTrjT7T_'%l_'-7 Ar Fr wi n - PITSKULAM. N.V. State of vitanda C metabolism and its therapeutic efficacy in othylated gasoline poisoning. kg.i em. no.5:51-52 PI '54. (MA 7:5) 1. Is Institute gigiyeny t mda I profeesional'aykh saboloveniy Grusinakoy Sla. (Titanins) (Gasoline-Toxicology) VOL' i OVA, Ye.G. ; SPA L I K0VSFlY, N.Go ; -lV*KOV , I. S. ; i I TSBE LAU R I, V. A; PINCHFVSKAYA, 3.1. Studying the operation of a unit for the sulfur?C Iacid alkylation of isobutane with butylenes with consecutive feriing of the contactors in the Norogroznyy Petroleum Refinery. Trudy GrozN11 no. 1~:127-136 '63. (MIRA 1?:5,, S/065/62/000/007/00'/oo4 S7,7,706 E075/E135 AUTHORS- vollpova Ye G. , Sha I'kovskly, N G, , Zli-Ar, I and Pinchovskaya S 1. TTTLE Sulphuri, acid alkylation of Isobutanf- wift- butylenes u%ing different methods (--f ~on'a feeding PERIODICAL- Kh1miya i tekhnalogiva topl1v 1 masel nr 1 13- 17 TEXT: The authors give data characterizing the work of *h- alkylation plant of the Novogrotnenskiy neftepereraba'y--ayush hill' zavod (Novogroznensk Petroleum Refinery) with consecutive feeding of contactors. Data for the work with parallel feeding are given for comparison. The feed used was a mixture of butane-butylene fractions from thermal and catalytic cracking The alkylation conditions in the conta(tors were temperature 10 OC, pressure 6 atm, turbine speed 2000 r p.m. ratio nf a id to hydrocarbons I I contact time 18 minutes time of emillsion breaking 5 minutes. During the parallel feoding method 111pli Card 1/2 VOLOPOVA, Ye.G.; SHkLIhOVSKly, n.G.; ZHUKOV, 1.3.; PITSKIMAURI, V.A.,- FINCIE'43KAYA, lulfuric acid alkylation of isobutane by butylenos us:Lng contactors with various feed system. Khim. ! takh.topl. masdl 7 no.3:13-17 Mr 162. WlUt 15:2' 1. Groznenskiy nauchno-issledovaLeltskl~ noftyanoy institut. (Propanu) kButene (Alkylation) AU T~.,ORS 3 em 1 ') Kr A i TLE Re q ~- t : !.. , - ~4 , r. A 'c dischfirw., v K 1 I.-t tit r 9 PzR: C 11j; N T-;- XT r. s t. s r jua tonq for corisec,~t. v -c r. In a si ler. t eectr,.~ i,. s - r~,, re ow cu rre ri ttens, -~r, re., t t. n t, mixture was kept at )t e,.r r, It, X Fqr, s -.a H21 - czinst Previcus -rs f N : K o e v~, K~ 77!. e s Card Heft C en C I r- j-, bimolecu.~ir react i i,s, i. a! a, t I v at ,- r,,; s r e i r. f ..X~ K f or ' ne *-.m- c,f max mitn _-i & Fin., Card Z I 1 ,2e) Be ac t . or. c f n~ dro o~,er, wt. -, xy, 1 0 - A -,m 7 v K X max 2 X r e f rc m f r u - Px~erimenta. lata I -r. ns a re f e r eric P s ~ 5 v t it r, 1. A SSOC I AT : ON -Meg-OVSK1" P', P Firs t v rs V Moscow St,~t- 7r. V-rS . 7, rr. D q c 9v S'17 BM: -TED A -~rl I ' 5(4 ) SOV/76-53-4-6/32 AUTHORS: Pitakhelauri, Y,.. 11., Yastrabov, TITLE: Physical 7hemi9try of Con:entrated Ozone (Fiziko-khimiya kon- tsentrirovannogo ozona).V.Dete.-mination of the Dielectric Constant of Liquid Ozone and Its Solutions in Oxygen ! 'V. Opre- deleniye dielektric~eskoy pronitsayemoati zhidkogozzona i yei,o rastvorov v kielorode), IERTODI'AL: Zhurnal fizl(-henkoy khimil, 19';j, Vol 55. Nr 4, Pp 790-7~2 1 rSSR) ABSTRACT: The preceding paper dealing with this subject was published in Zhurnal fizicheakor khimii, 195?9 '101 33, Nr 3. '"be ii- eloctric constant E wac determined by the measurements of ca;,acity of a condenser fillel with th~.. s,,;bPtan,:& to be in- vestigated. An ap,~aratus was ~c,~!qtr!.ctpd fo: cont'n,inus mea.,?ure- ,-~entn, featuring a protecting The cur-en' was suiilied by means of a current rectifer of the type EPA-I,. a coaxial cable ARK-1 with an nJr-1,la!it ic- , nq,: lotion was used for the line circuit. The work,.nc principle of the apparatus 4s that a circ,xit betweer. t1,3 generator and the amplif'er of the hi,~h frequency oscillat4on ~han~cs ir. dr.-penieri,:e on change of the capacity of the 4C s~jurce. The a,~Lljsis of Card 1,'2 the liquid ozone-oxygen solutions was car,-iod out according to 3017,'71-33-4- , 32 Physical C-eM4 try of Coricentratel Ozone. V. Determination of t'.e DieItcri- .,)natant of Liqi;id Ozont and Ito So1u*ions in Oxygen tv,~ methols. Mixtures containing up to 6% 0 were eva.crated lirectly in a KJ sclution ani iodometricall~ analyzel, w.,,ere- as -Ure 03 was determined according to the ex;lc,,qion A com.-arigon of the E for Fure ozone and the 0 3- 0, mxtures 4 Shows ~Table,~ that the coefficient 4E,'AC for corcmtra'ion3 of 1-64 ozone remains approximately constant (C.02' w!~ereas in hiE;hly concentrated o7one mixtures it is AL''6 C in the entire concentration range of the ozone oxygen mixtures no additivity of the E could be observe!. ror a Mixture With 6%0 0 -1 n~ 6,1 3 E was f~unJ to be 1.595 ~',Ap t --v I- i c!i i n C,-ool agreement with data f.rom rg erence 1. r1ure ~7 :.. ! a value 5.45 + 0.1 (at -1116 There arP '-,L referen~,es, I 07f w~ilch is Soviet. AS'CICIATTL'q~ R,,osudaratvenny:, universitet 1z.. V. V. :,omon j s C, " a 'M-, scow 3%ato "n, veral %y imeni M. V. Lomonoaov STIRV ITT ET) August 2, 1?')' Card 2/2 A UT H of? S TEXT SS? za* I r Est-c' v 1"'. F, re; he I Refs 1, 4~~4 S x 7 r ~ I " f U -um 9 t I I Tt,~ 5 r. 0 r S i c n I --n~qt on r !i-, r A TI r C Ft rd r z -n e r a er. I a i q pe Fr m 'r za t L JS a Ar i mrtx fl, -I M I 7EL 1" S R q p mj r. r, ri -iul ru o,,:. ~A Wh I h 1 7 It S 6 '.r. a ltl-~ T -5 1 :, .. arid mKV. --s i t r 3 r." w w, r 3 '1 r: r5 ro s _q may e x 581, redu-- a., I S... )r da -harwes w ~r w~, 3 8 1, 1 KLi C q J D. s a' -a T Y, ASS,,')C: AT M sK Ca r-' I 24786 S/ 15 2 '61'/000,'006,'DC', OG! B105/B206 AUTHORS: Pitskhelauri, Ye. N., Flospelova. T. A., KrugiiKova, V S. TITLE: Desulfurization of straight-run kerosene distillate by ozonizatior, and adsorption PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Neft' i gaz, no 6, 1961, 81-87 TEXT: Starting from the results of previous investigations ~'Ye. IN Pitakhelauri and T. A. Pospelova, Ref. 1: "Neft' i gaz", no. 4, !960J and publication data (I. L. Gurevich et al., Ref. 2- Pererabotka nefti (Petroleum processing), t.2. Gostoptekhizdat, 1958, str. 1581 L. G. ~;urvich, Ref. 3: Nauchnyye osnovy pererabotki nefti (Scientific basis of petroleum processing), 1925, P. 515; Ye. N. Kar,Aulova, Ref. 4: "Itogi nauki" 'Results from Science), Chapter "Khimicheskiye nauki" (Chemical Sciencesi. !zd. LN SSSR, 1958, P. 130), the authors assumed that the method of the oxidation of sulfur containing fuel compounds by ozone with subsequent adsorption of the oxidation products, will considerably increase the effectiveness of desulfurization. The methods of ozonization and analyses were taken from a Card 1/8 24786 S 15 2/6 1, occ, . (D I C 00 Desuifurization cf straight-run ... BiW/B206 previous paper ~Ref. 1). Characteristics of the investigated kerosene distillate of Devonian petroleum from Romashki: boiling temperature 155-2550C, density 0.802, total sulfur content 0.3~%, iodine number 6.6. Alumosilicate catalyst, Cherenkov aluminum oxide, silica gel from the Voskresenskiy zavod (Voskresensk Plant), bentonite and activated charcoal were used as adsorbents. The distillate was oxidized with ozonized oxyeer. (ozone concentration about at room temperatui:e in the presence of water (5:1). The adsorption of acid products and resins vias made in a t;l1asq-- and metal column, respectively. The rate of introduction of the distillate was 0.5-1.0 mlj/min. In the case of bentonite, the distillate was previously rinsed with 10% NaOH solution at low temperature (O.~~ of the weight of the distillate). Before the process, the adsorbents were roasted at t - 400-~OOOC. The adsorption effectiveness was judged by the relative con- sumption of the adsorbent A as ratio between the amount of adsorbent in g and the amount by weight of the refined distillate: A = g adsorbent,~ ,g dis- tillate. The distillate was considered to be refined when its acid content amounted to 1-2 mg/100 ml. and the resin content did not exceed 3-', mgi'1OCml- The consumption of ozone and adsorbent was decisive in obtainJng a suitable degree of desulfurization. Therefore, the authors investigated tne effect Card 2/8 214786 S/ 152/61'/000j'006,"001 ~0~- Desulfurization of straight-run B103,/B206 of the ozonization intensity a 'a , ozone adsorption,,'g Bulfur) and relatve consumption of the adsorbent A on the deeree of deBulfurizatior. Sinitial - Srest"Sinitial 6hen tt.e ozonization intensity is varied between 1.7 and 4.0, tt-,e optimum result (p - 96~ and A - 0.24~ was reached at a - 3. As shown in Table 2, silica gel and alumosilicate cata- lyst are the most effective adsorbents. Tables ~ and 6 show the chanfes of the distillate In the ozone-adsorption refining process. The authors summarize their results as follows: 1; The ozonization-adsorption proct3S safeguards and ozonization intensity of 97* when using kerosene distillate. The ozone consumption amounts to about 10 k~- per 1 t distillate, and the yield of the refined 'product to ~47-989~. 2) 'rhe high effectiveness of the ozone-adaorption process is achieved by the interaction betwetn the oxida- tion of sulfur containing compounds and the subse'quent selective adsorp- tion of tr.e oxidation products, which resuits in considerable desulfuriza- tion and reduction of heat consumption curing steaming of tne adsorbent to between one fourth and one fifth (as compared with the method of' direct adsorption, UN1 imeni Gubkina -Moscow Petroleum Infititute Imeni 1. M. Gubkin) -Ref. 2). The ozone-adsorption process yields a product puri- Card 3/8 2h7R6 '61 S 1 '~2 Desulfurizatior, of straight-run ... h103/B206 fied to a higher degree ;'from acid compounds and resins) than the ozoniza- tion method, %ith a sim"Itaneous reduction of the heat consumption to one tenth during the second processing of the distillate. 4) The oxidation products formed thr-ugh the effect of ozone from sulfur containing com- pounds are selectively adsorbed to an almost equal degree by the two synthetic adsorbents (silica ovel and alumosilicate catalyst); but the alumosilicate catalyst reduces the concentration of the peroxide compe,nds in the refined distillate four times more actively than silica gel. The special tesl.s of the refined distillate for stability 3howed that the distillate can be stored in daylight for two years without deterioratior. --f its quality. Tests for thermal stability under dynamic conditions proved that the purification process described increases the stability of the distillate, specially at 1~00C. 5tudies by la,'pern and Novozhil'ova (Ref. 4) are tLentioned. 'he specfic surface of the adsorbent was deter- mined by the senior staff member A. Ye. A.ronomoy. I'hermal stability was studied at the Nauchno-issledovatel'sici~ ,nstitut eoryucnikh i smazov~kr. materialov k5cientific Research Institute of' Fue~s and Lubricants/' under the direction of senior staff member .7. A. Sablina. There are 1 figure, 7 tables, and 6 Soviet-bloc references. Card 4/8 24786 31152/61/OC)0/006/001/003 Desulfurization of straight-run ... B103/B206 ASSOCIATION: Moakovokly gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonocova (Moscow State University imeni. M. V. Lromonosov) SUB,:I TTED: February 11, 1961 Legend to Table 2: (1) Adsorbent; (2) refined distillate, ml~ (3) yield of distillate *ithout steaming of the adsorbent, %;(4) degree of desulfuri- zation, 0 - Sinitial _ Srest/S initial; (5) relative consumption of adsor- bent A - g adsorb/f: distillate; (6) silica gell (7) alumosilicate catalyst; (8) aluminum oxidej (9) activated charcoall (10) bentonite. Card 5/8 'A'95 S, 0761 6 1, 0 L 14 Xr- /J O.P) 8 1 Ob/B i 1G AUTHORSt Pitakhelauri, Ye N., Semiokhin, 1. A., arid Kubozev, N. 1. TITLEt Reaction of hyaroo-en with oxyger, in a silent electric discharge. II. ~,Ifect ef s~t~cific energy and time u! OxPo.-riment N~HIOLICAI,i Zhurnal f, .icht-.Oy Khlmii, v. ~-, no. 1(), 11461, P.8~ - .50t. TLXT. The authors st -,,va the -ffect of tne qptcific energy an,l tne rehc tion time on the reaction of- hyarog~n with oxygen in a silent -1,-,tr1C discharge. The expt~rimental arrangement consisted of' a reaction tAbe, a device for mixing the gases, a purification system, a current suurce :or the reaction tube. anc a measuring system. The reaction tube is Gescribed in detail anq explained in the thesis by I A. Semlokhln (Ref 1: Ka nG d i a . MG U . 1 91~2 . st r . -j 1 ) .It ha a Et cy 1 1 nir i,: a, a hape , a nu tne , I - ct -,- -:es lk-,rt, arral'at C coaxial 1j. The innt r el ect rode wjs made ~)f a 1 aminum (,)I 7~o A! ), had an outside diameter of 54 mm, and %as coL;1,.-a * itt. Wal --r The reaction zone was 900 mm :ong and had a volume of' 614 cm5 with an active -ilectroce surface of 446t-, cm Llpctrol.. tic hYdrogen qnu uxyw, r. Card 1/ 5 29 5 React ion of hyurogen w itri 8 1 Ot, b 1 were used for the experiments. The oxygen c,ncentrFtion ir. n, I x t u rt~ a a s Y,3, r i ed from 2 to -~ t)y voium~, wnicn t Ih#4 explosivi- concentrat ir, a hj,:r,,04vi,- xjgt~r, ix A Ar"ItlyzVT 1! th. 610 M I i ,.,a I vm wFis Afs- o it, ch--~ th-, ~?Fis If sa or (~,irrvnt sourco was a Ir'-,)A , -.'; 4'A,: audio! fre,u~,ri~,y g~-nt-ri!or 1% t h ~ T U' - 1 ) am; it' i --r un it - T n ev e 1 ) - i t t n w a t , r s t r ! Fi m c o i r.g re 9 c t I , r, t -ub w9 a meas ur -d w i t r. an P"' K - r ., t a me t ~- r T h - ; ow- r t ro, t u b e was calculated ny t n e c , nt i nuo is " ca i ur i m" t r i c " me ' ri(, k; f-z; r C by 5 S Vasil'yev an(; YP NY - rem i n ~ R t f I : '2cn ~ zap W;'-'. e~ M 14t) The values h e9 E, o n , rgy u v , i olb v r aischarg~ t- I~ ow a t e r,,- ; i s T. i x r, - was v a r i e d i r. t n, , -- x i - r i m , r. t sI r,-)m C '2 t,-, , w per 1 1 t r w4:- x r - arlu per h,)Ur The 'u, v rat io is very us -I u1 r -, o m f ~ r . nAz t -! ' - r - s .-~ f v Fi r 1 o a a t e a o (I i s c,% a r g e w h i c n i i I ! --r i r p-w r A r. , '. St., A '. r s ~! ts of * .~ t rmi na t ~ns Th- u~- e, 1'~ i , .., 4 - t - o ns a it, i r. s - reFis f: rrm 2 T 01 1' t h e s p c i f i er.,rgy u , v ;i r r r i t C, 0 . w, I I t r t' r Ttt~tt a x.. r i s t i c n r 13 1, 5 1 M 1-1 A 1 4 111 e') 'A S y f r c) m C J.' t i C Tn, -rt r. f )xy,,~r, rr-ns-m-' the Iorm;4t,,f-,r. of H ? 0e passes thr,LWn a maximum witr, q t.. C#j r d , , 5 295S, 0 7 b,'b 1, 0 5) ~ 0 10 'C 14, G I Re-a--tion of' hydrogen with B I OO/B 1 10 specif ic ~riergy . and reaches C 40 at u, v - 5.,)6 w,,'liter, hr. F 104 a .~s r~ G 4 .9how the cnanges of L I a , and I in the glass -aluminum tube appl iLa In a glass tube , the corresponaing values cf ~, and t, are somewhat higher, as tt-.e aluminum electrode exerts a less favorab,e irifluence upon the value of X, it may be seen from the Table that the values of a andr decrease if the experlm,~nt is shortened. This aecrease is explained by the decomposi- tion of H 202 at the aluminum electrode with additional passivation of the latter If the experiment takes a long time, the portion of H 202 consumed for the passivation of the electrode is negligible. When the exp-:riment taxes one hoar or more, the values of i andj are hardly affected any longer by the time of experiment. & contin us process is therefore asefal in a Klass-metal tube. as the useful oxyven consumption is thereby in- creased. There are 4 figures, 1 table, hria ~ Soviet references. ASSO--IATION: MQSKQVSKly gosudarstvonnyy univt-rsit,t im M. V Lom,r.~~,s--,vu IMoscow State ~Jniv~rsity imeni M V LnmonnBov) SPMITTEDt February 21, 1~bl Card ~`5 29988 S, 07 6/61 /0 B101/'BI 10 AUTHORS: Semiokhin, I. A., Pitsklielauri, Ye. N., Kotozev, N. I.. and Sindyukov. V. G. TITLEt Interaction of hydroger. with oxygen during silent electric discharge. III. Effect of gas mixture composition and electrode material PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizicheskoy kt~imii, v. no. 11, 19t1, TEM The authors checked the differing publication data giving 9t- ~~7% H2 + 4 - 3% 02 and " H2+ 2.,)% 02as optimum for the yield of B2ID2duri ng the reaction of H2with 02in silent discharge. Initial experiments ovith a change of the 02content from 60 - BO% to 2 - ~~, showed that t,,.f- --iseful consumption r of 02strongly drops in explosive 02+ H2mixtures. Determination of optimum composition at u,v - const was made (a) 'Aith 3.5% 02 ; (b) with 4.2 - 5.2-~ 02* Experiments were conductea ir 9-71uminum reaction tubes as described by the author-q ir. Zh. fiz. glard" 1 A 2998F. 3, 0 7 0 Interaction of hydrogen with oxygen... khimiiq no. 10, 1961. The effect of admixtures (Ar, N,, F,.') and of all-glase reaction tubes, as well as nickel-plated or truss-plhted electrodes, was investigated. DatH are j;iven in a tatle. It *vis f~jur._, thatt (1) at low concentrutions Ar plays tt.e part of' ar, energetic catalyst; (2) N greatly lowers thp useful consumption of tt,p F.,: 2 solution is strongly acid th 6ougr. nitroger. ~;xides developing; of the electrodes to 7C, - 72 C ~~PH20 "DO mmHg ~ i ncre as ed t he oxyger. consumption d. for the format, or, of H 0Fis compared w10. the K. !"-r dr-, Wh!r mixtures at equal temperaturej ~4) -t and are highest in all-,71ass rehrtlor, tubes, higher than in irlaso-aluminum reaction tubes. A strong de're8se nf & :nd (roccurred in the case of nickel-plated or brass-plated elect-o'~~s. Th re e I table and 9 reference8t ~' Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. T~,p two references to English-language publications read as followst ~.. h. 0. Nitzschke. US Patent 1890795; L. DhwBey, US Patent 21t9096 of May 1936. Card 214 29989 S/076/61/035/011/C12/'Cl3 Interaction of hydrogen with oxygen ... Bl()I,/BIIO ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy Gosudar~-~tverr.yy univer.;1tet im. M. V. i.o:.-,-, -),qova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: February 21, 1961 Legend to the Tablet (1) Number of experiment; (2) composition of initial gas mixture, % by volumei (5) admixtures; (4) velocity of gas flow, m3/hrj (5) specific energy, w/liter/hri (6) part of oxygen, consumed for the formation of B2029 'L; (7) total consumption of initial oxygen,~' ; (8) useful consumption of oxygen, 1,-, . (a) mm Hg; (b) without water; s6reduced to standard conditions;,..- carried out in all-glass reaction tube; o- - ;gperiments Ill, 112, 144, 143 conducted with Al inner electrode cooled to C and Pyrex outer electrode heated to 50 C1 concentration of H20, given in mm Hg. Card 3/4 11V 5/'676 61/035/012/01116,'~--08 BIOI/Bl 58 A LIT HORS Semiokhin, I A , Kobozt--v, N I , and l'itskhelauri, it. N TITU! Int erh,;tion of hyarogerj ~ j th oxyger, in si lent t- lect ric 1i8ch irge IV rf fuct (if' increasud prenfiure Pr,HIL)LICAL: Zhurnal f izichetikoy kniwii , v - 5 ), no 12. 1961, 2'18U - 2782 Tt.XT i The study wau c, naucted it pressures uf I - 5 atm The reaction tube was supplied %ith audio frvt~uency carrent by a T~-5-1 (TU--)-l) knit Voltage was nmill if led by two (NOM-10) transformers connVeted Ir. series. and measirtd o~ an electrvstat Ic kilvvo1t:iit-ttr Tht voltap~e wftzi adjusted by means of a FHH-4: '; (TNN-.5) sutotrinsformer Disch.-irtzt, powt u was meas.Ared calorimetrically The initial gas mixtures consisted of electrolytic H and 0 The l1jU1G reaction products (fi 0 and H 0,) were 2 2 2 2 1Y collectea in a glass test tube at -60r. hesults art givt-r. in tht"rable It follows from these data triats ( I ) Overal I amount of 02 usec ir. H 2G 2 formation a, varies with vprying pressure as also coes the :aaximum, (2) 02 consumption and H2 0 yield decrease with increasing pressure There Card 1/,q t 5, G 7 ~ 6 1" 0 5 5, ~~ I, ~.;Cc 'X8 Interaction of hyGrogen BICI/Bl~a are 4 fitaurps, I table. and 2 5e-iet refF-rvr.,:t-s ASSOCIATION! Uosk.-~,i(ij ~u3 uriivtrAiLqLt im 9 V - Lomonosova ',Masco% State Univers 1 t y 1 mt ri 1U V Lomonosov) SUBMITTLL! Fp b r u -i rj " I1 11 1 7 F1 r, I Z , r-: A tx,,(-r im, rit -'LIM, - i L ion t' init 11, 1 ~%s I it re j C rutp c ,ss lom . m hr; ~L) specific energy U,v, w litcr- hr; L Percentage jit-IC Ir,-m U2 passe,,~ tnrough, (F,) efficiency 31' oxj.~er j a atm gaze preszure Ma c ~ kv; (d ~ current fru ..U"r"-j t~ 13 f L'ard Z/1 i;~; a I u i I uo-iino ' s I I ut tj~, pL o4 C L ad.1 let I Ua!~' 31 aM JUT' SUOTI I j J(-)Z 'la I aj j 1 7, da ~Z J U 0.1 c. 0 A Aa.1- 1 01 0 ~69(1 11694 K V c rr.,-~ t fre !,jpncy t r;i ~ c- v m x t i ro 14 '110 A i t f, r.?,'Ii rd erre e off t o t a xv,-e I': 'e 71, - t Io, 0, c-)ni:vn r~, L o ~ t I ve lix.- C u :. n 1.01 2 i n t n p oms p o i i -,.,.%ve eic-,revse J ;n .-artp of t,~e m i t ia o xy i-e r, c,)ncen t r-, t , on T h t, r f? 1 0 n fol.ows t,e scheme -)f an irreversible arallel-consecut ive refictior, o! first orier. T!,e as ~)f tne .9-,ecific enerr:~, arv inle;.ende:~t f ext e m e n t I c o n I i t ur,F . F,) r t t. e 'i ~j t i ri t i t ;i t i v e cr j ro,i,- t ,ns t ;e eTe * ro- 'K I ne t i c e ; ;I IIn"I.9, S r-.' rr- s s I t' t p I I t v for t t I -ne T e .r )Cegs t a t' I 7 ca ~ j s e f y 1 rre-;:mn J:: I t:~f~ Ie'. t e rm)t i r- v I r- pe -t r-, J ,, x yee r. i s i nd p F. r, t t e I I v "i r4? 'j a f fe f- 1, o ft n p p I r rpe ~i I rr I': I %!i O~p jge of z.~,np r:as-,i e - r -, Iv -.S.!Itl-lo. o~ 10"), A 'Farther, ;si,w ic t h ,,I re-iction is i r r', e!l r i e an 3 v i e tre f e re %c es , 7-1 r J 2 3 36?L iT' HORS '.n*, ra t r r. na i U- D L r o~ m v 'XT i On th,: b,-i s -~ 3 r,- v i oi; n c Vj K the is i t vt2 ta t c+ -r of water vapor and ~rt,~n tht: f r) r7:, i t i n I Usinp, Ar as a catil,st offers tnt: folloi~i!~i- ir. t --9 r r r ( I ) no hi gh tompe ra tii re A -i ro i,i i rt. I I th i I i t:, *, .. n ~' c ~ n renc ti on ves,~el, (") the !.a--IrI rf,' an i~ n )~ tl.c ni xt.irc, Ii ,minimized, ~'3) the same uantity of ki r-c- -~rcull it,~ c nt,"nu(,u:!..,- tc~- .9 .; t " -- i c t n k con!0-3l'ion does not ccc"r. To exIain th4 citAl -IU -hOrS 31 3CUSB the c'~angp of tho reFicti rr. onstart3 4 n i HO -L>H()by a value r- f(C msuming r r - r , r r an,' r. r.- 2 2 2 1 2 Card AA Interac *ion of 7ublicni Ion rei's tiz, f t . :;h ~nr- c. v f7, t I rr, M, V . Ln ty -o:, nnsov) 3UBMITTED: Aujnst 61 ru,, 'alc-scow --n r Card 3/3 KOBOZEV? N I.; SEMIOKHIN, I.A.; PITSKIIELAURI, YegN, Interaction of hydrogen with oxygen in a silent electrical discharge. Part 7. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no.3t443-448 Mr '62. (MIRA 17:8) 1. MoskovBkiy universitet imeni Inmonosova. ACCESSION XR: AT4020328 S/0000/63/000/000/0023/0029 AL77HOR: Fohozov. W. I.; SentoWn. 1. A.; fttskhelaurl, YO. N. T17LE: 11*ctrosyntbests of pure concentrated hydrogen peroxide SOURCE: Saveshchanlys po khWl perskianyfth soyedinenLy. Second. Moscow, 1%1. Xhimiya perekisnyfth soyedinenly (chemistry of peroxide compounds); Doklady* soveshchaniya. Moscow, Xsd-" AN SSSR, 1963, 23-29 TOPIC TAGS: electrosynthesis, hydrogen peroxide, ozoniser, ozone, argon, glass, quartz, aluminum ABSTRACT: In this paper the authors conduct a study of the effect of phydical- chemical parameters on the process of alectrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide from elements, for the purpose of explaining the optimal conditions for obtaining pure concentrated hydrogen peroxide. The investigation was conducted with ozonizars of different types and sit" . The effect of the temperature, flow velocity, composition and pressure of gas mixture, magnitude of discharge and the electrode material on the material and energy yields of hydrogen peroxide were studied. A schematic of the installation is given. Graphs of the results are presented. It was found that a temperature drop In the osaftiser affect@ an increase In yield and concentration Card 1/2 ACMSION Nk: AT402028 of hydrogen peroxide. Additives of argon in small concentrations (about 1%), or water vapor load to an increase in material and energy yields of hydrogen peroxide. Glass, quartz, and aluminus with a purity of more than 99.7% are-recommended as suitable materials for ozonizer electrodes. An increase of pressure up to 2 atmospheres shows no affect on the energy and material yield of hydrogen peroxide. An increase up to 3 atmospheres causes a decrees* in the yield and concentration of hydrogen peroxide. It appears that as a result of changing the power and productivity of the ozonizer, the most characteristic parameter for comparing the effectiveness of the discharge action is the magnitude of the specific energy V/v (kilowatt/mated/hr) vith the decrease of which the energy yield and concentration of hydrogen peroxide increases. Orig. art. bas: 5 fiLgures. ASSOCLATION: Moskovskly 9O*udWtsV6MY*Y =11wersitet is. MX. Lamome"Va (KOSCOW State University). SUBMEM& MwAS DM AOQ: 06Agg" 9MM4 00 Now Owl M dam M Cdod 4 ACCESSION NR: AT4028329 2/0000/63/000/000/0030/0037 AUTHOR: Semiokhin, 1. A.; Koboaev. N. I.; Pitakholauri, Ye. N. TITLEt The kinetics and mechanism of slectrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po khinii perekisny*kh soyedineniy. Second, Moscow, 1961. Xhimiya perekianytkh soyodineniy (chemistry of peroxide compounds); Dokl&dy* soveshchaniy. Moscov. Ixd-vo AN SSSR. 1963, 30-37 TOPIC TAGS: kinetics, el*ctrosynthests, hydrogen peroxide, water vapor, argon, oxygen, ozone ABSTRACT: The authors claim that the kinetics of electrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide in an all-glass reactor are satisfactorily described by equations of sequential irreversible reactions of the first order. Electrosynth is of H 202 in glass-metal reactors is in accordance with the scheme of parallel *:q6uential irreversible reactions of the first order. The actual electro-gas processes, de- pendent on the existing regime in the discharge, are in fact formation and dissocia- tion reactions of hydrogen peroxide. It is found that water vapor and particularly argon are actually energy catalysts of the slectrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide which under predetermined conditions accelerate one formation reaction of hydrogen Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AX4028329 permcide. The authors discuss the mechanism of hjpdtogon peroxide formation in which a substantial role is ascribed to the dissociation of hydrogen molecules and the formation of an "electron bedding" on the wells of the reactor which Increa,se sharply the absorption potentipl of oxygen. Such a '%adding" say replace the cold wall necessary for the formation of hydrogen peroxide. The possibility of inter- action of the hydrogen atom with ozone on the "electron bedding" as well as in the gaseous phase is also conaLdwed. Orig. art. has: 19 formulas. I table and 3 figures. ASSOZIATION: MoskovskLy gosudartevenny*y uaLversitat La. X. V. Lomonasove, (Moscow" State University) SUBMITTED: l3Dsc63 DATZ ACQ: 06Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH ND RU SOY: 007 DMIER: 003 Card2/2 SFYIOMUM.I.A.; KOBOZEV, N.I.; ~JTSyjjE~uRj, Ye.N. Interaction hydrogell.-oxygen in a silent electric discharge. Part 5. Zhur. fiz khim. 36 no.1:72-80 Ja 162. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Wmonosova. (Electric ~~Jscharges through gases) SD(IOKHIN, I.A.; KOBOZEV, N.I.; PITSKOLAURI, U.N. liectrosynthesis oil aeow from oxygen at elevated pressures. Vast. Monk. un. Ser. 2: Maim. 18 no.3:37-40 My-Jo 163. (MIRA 16t 6) 1. Rafedra fizlcheakey khimil Moskovskogo univermiteta. ((*ne) (Ox7gen) SD!IOKHIN,, I.A.; PITSKRIAURI, Ye.N.; KOBDZEV, N.I.; SINDYUKOV, V.G. Reaction of h7drogen with oxygen in a silent electrical discharge. Part 3: Effect of the composition of a gas mixture and of electrode materials. Zhur.fiz.khlm. 35 no.llt2633-2635 N 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova. (plydrogen) (ftygen) (Electric discharges through gaaes) PITSWELAURI, U.N.; PWPF.LOVA, T.A. Desulfurization with ozone of ligroin aM kerosene d,stillates of Devonian oil from the homashkino field. Izv. M. uc.leb. sav.; rwttf i gaz 3 no.3s9l-98 160. 15:6) 1. Hoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i-meni M.V. Lorionos,,va. (Romahkino region.-Patrolmam-Refining) F , - ~ - , ~ 7(11 , " p ~ N - " I'f ! )V'k, !, . ~ . . F.IL 11.1? % A, V . , . - Z '), 1, -a,15jr-pt - ~).- ; e 5 J : f ; r 11 7 a ' I - , . ~ '- :- ~t - ': * t - r- -, - ~, :- -, r ,i - - c '- - . , ~, T ~ z - vYs . uchet, . z a v - ; )ef t' I Fa7 4 , t-I . ~ M: rt" 1 . Koskov.-;kiv Fo!-udar:~tvp,mv.,,, univergitet imeni I.,)m)n )-,-)v:~ , ( Su I N r- ) ( Keroserit- ) SEKIOKHIR, I.A.; KOWZt:V, N.I.; PITSK~TLAURI, Ye.N. Reaction of hydrogen and oxygen In a silent electrical disctarge Part 4: Effect of elevated pressure. Zhur.fiz.kh1m. 35 nc.11.': 2780-2782 D 1 4. (M I IV% 14; L, 1. Moskovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet Im-ni LomomsoqL! (Mectric discharges through gases) (Hydrogen) (oxygen) EXC!:WTA ICEDICA Sec-5 Vol-10/3 Gen.Patholof-_y Nar 57 917. mTSKIY V.I. Stape Sled. Ins t. Stalin, 16luaruw. The pu I m on a r y s yn - droin-e-Tn-experimental injection of dysentery toxin into rabbits (The pathogenesis of the phenomenon of pulmon- ary emphysema) (Russian text) ARKILPATOL. 1956. l8i4(65-75) Graphs 3 Illus. 2 In 104 adult and 52 young rabbit@ experiments were (-arricd out with intravenous inje. tion of 0.2 - 0.3 mg. per kg. of a Ilia-Flexner endotoxin, to explain the patho- genesis of the pulmonary emphysema thus brought about. The following phenomena developed simultaneously: Increase of the respiratory frequency with prolongation of the expiratory period. damage of the reflex atimulability of the respiration Cen- tre and disturbance of the pulmonary cirvulation by arterioiar contraction (partit- ularly in the initial stage of the intoxication). All these phenomena were enhanced by syrnpathectomy of the upper cervical ganglia. A reverse action was observed after unilateral dissection of the vagus nerve - the emphysema regressed. Immun. ization of the rabbits protects them against lethal doses of the toxin: pulmonary em- physema does not develop and the arterioles of the lung dilate. Sympathectomy a- bolished the result of immunization. Further experiments concerned the introduc- tion of the endotoxin directly into the cervical ganglia: the animals died showing the pulmonary syndrome. which was more marked at the site of injection. Inter- ruption of the postganglionic connections reduced the emphysema. This effect was not present In dissection of the preganglionic fibres. In immune rabbits, no pul. monary syndrome developed after introduction of endotosin into one of the super- ior sympathetic cervical ganglia. Brandt - Berlin(V. 40) Ei-,7.`,UTA FiLICA Sec 4 Vol. 10/9 Yicrobiolor,,r SoPt 57 2201. PITSIClY V.I. State Med.Infit. SWin, Moscow.* The pu I mon a ry s In V-r_o-ffi-eF-FW--~xperi mental injection of dysentery toxin , to rabbits (The pathogenesis of the phenomenon of pu ary emphysema) (Russian text) ARKH. PATOL. 1956, 18A (65-751' Graphs 3 Illus. 2 In 104 adult and 52 young rabbits experiments were carried out with intravenous injection of 0.2-0.3 mg. per kg. of a His-Flexner endotoxin, to explain the patho- genesis of the pulmonary emphysema thus brought about. The following phenomena' developed simultaneously: increase of the respiratory frequency with prolongation of the expiratory period, damage of the reflex skimulability of the respiration cen- tre and disturbance of the pulmonary circulation by arteriolar contraction (partic- ularly in the initial stage of the intoxication). All these phenomena were enhanced by sympathectomy of the upper cervical ganglia. A reverse action was observed after unilateral dissection of the vagus nerve - the emphysema regressed. Immune. ization of the rabbits protects them against lethal doses of thetoxin: pulmonaryem-1 hysema does not develop and the arterioles of the lung dilate. Sympathectomy a- r olished the result of immunization. Further experiments concerned the Introduc- tion of the endotuxin directly Into the cervical ganglia: the animals died showing the pulmonary syndrome, which was more marked at the site of injection. Inter- ruption of the postganglionic connections reduced the emphysema. This effect ~as not present in dissection of the preganglionic fibres. In immune rabbits no pul- monary syndrome developed after introduction of endotoxin into one ofihe super- lor sympathetic cervical ganglia. Brand - Berlin (V,4) PITSURA, S.. gvardii podpolkovnik. Problems In attacking the main line of resistance. Voen.vest. 16 nn.8:4P,~2 Ag 156. NLRA 9: 10 ) (Attack and defense (Military science)) VOUYANITSKIT, V.A., otv. red.; DOLGOPOLISKAYA, M.A., kand. biol. nauk. r-.,4.: GREZE, V.N., doktor biol. nauk, red.; IVLEV, V.S., doktor biol. nauk, red.[deceaj3ed'; LIT.")YK, G.K. kand. biol. nauk, red.; SHARPILC, L.D., red, (Studies of plankton in the Black and Azcv ScL~' ),~.;--e- dovaniia planktons Chernogo i Azovskogo -rorpi. Kiev I'xiukova dumka, 1965. 115 p. (MIRA 18'.e~ . kkademiya nauk URSH, Kiev, 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Vodyanitskly). PITSYIE. G. X. Mw form of Aphanisomenon ftim the Sea of Azov. Bot.mst.Otd.spor. met. llt27-29 J& 156. MR& 9-11) (Azov, Be& of--Algae) PITSTK. I.M., 4ote.; ASIN. G.B. Constructirke a blast furnace at the PetrovRI-11 Plent. Prom.stmi. 37 no.1:17-21 r 'S9. (KIRk 12-1) 1. Dnopropstrnvskiy InzhenArno-Btmit~l'Wy inatitut (for Pitsyk). - 1. Glavywy lmhener stroyupravleniya trpsta Dnepropetrovsk-promstrny (for As I n). (Dneprnpotrovsk--Blant furnaces) Ov PITSTK, I.N., insh. Assembling blast furnacos In thn Dnieper region. Nor. tokh.sont.i spets.rab.v stroi. 21 no.12:11-14 D 159. (NIRk 1313) (Dnieper Vallay-Blast furnaces) 1. PIT.3YK, I. M., Enj,. 2. USSR (600) 4_ 11.11xing 'lachinery 7. Auger-type mixer for 15-me and lime-gy-osum ilasters. 3bor. mat. o ncv. tekb. v strci. 15 No. 5, 1953. 1 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April .lljr~' '_'nc-