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'ACC NR-AP7005584 than along the Y-axis. ThIA suggests that viewing of an image is more con- venient if the line of eight forms a small angle with the Y-axis. This can be accomplished readily if the virtual instead of the real image is considered. OrIge art, liast 4 figures and 20 formulas. IYKI SUB CODE: 20/ SM3M DATE: 28Sep66/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 L . ..... cc R: AP6014233 SOURCE CODE: UR/01091br)/011/005/~7791'3',S.I AUTHOR: Pisto-kors, A. A. ORG: nore TITI-E. Method for determining the spectrum of an extraterrestrial source of radio emission A 0 V. i D , TO P.' cr)s.-.--ic radio source, cosmic radiation composition TLe %ew method uses the relation between spectral signa: azi,. :zrequency at the output (if a re,-eiving cophased array': tro, in,~ is ;rnal; as compared to the wavelength - t~,- tne c:- maxima of the lowest orders. Nuis(-. signals are r- 1;- ';IC -bes; it is shown that, with a proper selection of the rek UDC: 523. 164.4 A, R ,, iluo 1 .11 , j : - :., 1, !,arx,, the reccive~.i powers In the ina),ir aiid si(iv 10-es rv T c radio suvi rc e s houlc! be t r ac,,.eu Uy a ~ 0I-,1L V,_ r t requency logel he r \vit h the sl(!,- -lobe (,, I rek t ~on III 1 0 1 re ijition wit h rvhpe, I tu t Ike a I r,iy axi i, It) wippri in I v~ z-, c!', rectionh , it , 6 rec ommenced that t1w copiasal a - rav -), 2 1 a parabolic -L ylinder reilector; also, a modif,ed rauia*_ cu;,:,c,t-:. cherne can be used for undeiiirable -signal rejection. Thv '~ tracking ;. :-thod ensures analysis of the radio spectrum wiLhin a mort, zir-~i- '"r e C 1- r1k , uand and can also be used for studying brilliance distributi,)r' I weak _~-;rce6. Orig. art. has. 7 figures and 14 formulas. SUB CODE, 03-Ag / SUBM DATE: 27Jul65 / ORIG REF; 00 UTii REF: Ca - j y L ukademi or, in L 19432-65 EW(1)/EEG(t)/EM(b)-2 ASD(&)- ACCESSION NR:, AP4048879 S/0109/64/009101J/1948/1957 Ao; Pintol'kors,. A. A. --:~-AUTHOR: -!Laplun, TITLE:. Diffraction of a plane electrormg,netic'wave b a tylindrical wire y embedded in a flat dielectric layer. SOURCE;. Radlotekbnika I elektronika, v-, 9, .no. 11, 1964,11948-1957- TOPIC TAGS: diffraction, electromagnetic wave difizattion ABSTRACT: An equation (17) Is developed which connects the propagation Constant of the electr.ormgnetic -waves moving along a thin wire embedded In a flat dielectric layer parallel to the faces. of tht latter with the parameters 'of a wire- dielectric system. - The propagation constanta- can becalculate'd from the equation by referring to the curves (Fis 4) representing a numerical Bolution of the Integral R (0~') winch is a 'part of 'the equation. A formulafor the current induced by a plane electromagnetic wave falling upon the- above Wire is developed. Card 1/2 In i i i p GCLOVASHCHUK, S.I. tHolovashchuk, S.1.1; SOKOLOVSKIT, 1.L. LSokolovG'kjri, I.L.J; BONDA.RCHIM, V.G. [Bondarcbnk, V.H.J. Arr-demik. Otv.ret.; DTATKOVSXATA, N.P. (Dzistirivelka, N.P.J, red.-lekalkograf; BABINICTS. A.S. [Babyneta', A.11.1. kand.gool.-mineral.nauk. rod.; DTADCHINK0. M.G. [Diadchanko, K.H.J. kand.geol.-mineral.nauk, red.; LAPTARZNKO-CHIMOUSOVA, O.K., doktor geol.-mineral.nauk. red.; NOVEL, K.O.. red.; PISKORSI)LA, O.K., red.; SOROCHAN, O.A.. red.; USMO. I.S., kand.gool.-minaral.nauk. red.; SHULIGA. P.L. [Shultha. P.L.J. doktor tool.-mineral.neuk, red.: SHTULIKAN, I.F., red.izd-va; BUNIT, R.O., tekhn.rod. [Russian-Ukrainian geological dictionary; 19000 words] Russko- ukrainskii geologichaskii slovar'. 19000 terminov. Sost.S.H. Golovashchuk I I.L.Sokolovskii. Kyiv. Izd-vo Aknd.nBuk USSR, 1959. 280 P. (MIRA 1):6) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR. Kiyev. 2. AN USSR (for Bondi,rchuk). Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Novik). (Geology--Dictionariss) (Ukrainian language-Dictionaries-RusBion lankninge) (Russian 1 animage-DI ct I onaria a- --Ukra In inn Inngunge) RUTNIE.Marian; PISKORZ.Adam Comparative clinical and histopathological studies in cases of arteriosclerosis obliterans and arteritia obliterans of the extremIties. Poznan.tow.przyjaciol rA&uk.wydz.lek. 18 no.4: 55-91 -60. (ARTSHITIS ) (LRTIRIOSCLEROSIS) TMMIN, I-V.. kand.tokhn.nauk; PITIN, R.N.. VmriA.tokhn.wuI-.. CHERKDKOVA, K. 1. P"rMFMbllity to gun and the fracturing Of BOMO Kuznntnt Bazin coals. Podz"m.gaz.ugl. no.4:13-17 '59. ( MRA 13:4) 1. Institut goryuchikh lekopayeWkh AN SSSR. (coal gasification. UadorLground) 0 S/079/60/030/06/'07/ 009 B002/Bol 6 AUTHORSi Levchenko, Ye. S., Fiven', Yu. V., Kirsanov, A. V~ - MORMIUMMUMM- TITLEt Alkylektionlof Phosphorus Dilodide PERIODICALt Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 1976-198' TEM In the present paper the alkylation of PI 3 and especially of P 214 by means of alkyl halides is Invostigated. The phosphorus iodides are strongly nucleophilic compounds (the addition of an electronophilic group such as alkyl halides takes place readily in this case according to A. Te. Arbuzov (Ref. 5) and other scientists). The reaction mechanism is explained. The reactions were carried out with benzyl iodide and benzyl chloride, further with CH,-, C 2B5-9 n---C3H7-L n.-C 4H9", and iso-C 5H11- iodide. The cLixture of P 214 + benzyl iodide was heated up to 110-1150, the reaction at this temperature was exothermal. kn intermediate complex was formed first, which was converted to tribenzyl phoophine, Iyield 95%, under the action of alkali and reducers, but not on moderate heating in Card 1/3 Alkylation of Phosphorus Diiodide S/079/60/030/06 07/00q B002/BO16 vacuo. The reaction also proceeds in solvents with chlorobenzene bein'E most suitable. The reaction was further shown to be possible also with red phosphorus + iodine + benzyl iodide and red phosphorus + benzyl iodide. P 214 + I must be added in this connection in catalytic quantity only. It was concluded therefrom that the reaction presumably takes Flace via P 214 being formed. PI 3 + benzyl iodide gave only a small yield of tribenzyl phoophinic oxide and dibenzyl phosphinic acid. The alkylation proceeds via the formation of P 2 14which was confirmed by the fact that the yield was considerably increased in the latter reaction by further phosphorus addition. p-benzyl chloro--iodide reacted like benzyl iodide. p-nitrobenzyl iodide rapidly formed resinous products. It was not possible to isolate mono and d1benzyl phosphinic acids from the reaction P 2 14 + + benzyl iodide, since the partly alkylated products are further alkylat- ed much more easily than P 214 itself. The reaction P 2 14 + alkyl iodidea took place only in a sealed tube at 200-21200 C After hydrolysis the oxides of the corresponding trialkyl phosphines were formed. The properties of the compounds thus obtained -orrespond with data from publicationg Card 2/3 Alkylation of Phosphorus Dliodide S/079/60/030,06/0.1 B002/'BO16 (Table). This reaction, tco may be performed in the autocliye -nd vigorous mixing of the reaction prcduc~s with 11 + I -# a2kyl iclide )r also with P * alkyl iodide alcne and catalytic quantitlea of I An8 P,,I, But the iatter 1hust ~- pyesent, from which It Mal be concludpd thA+ in this case the alkylatlon of phosphnrus does not take ylac- dire(f1y bA only via F214* There are I table and 16 non-Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONi Inatitut organiche8kay khimii Akademii neuk Ukrainetkoy SSR (Institute of Ort-,anif: C11emis-try of the Academy of Scier-ez of the Ukr.-,SRI Card 51 Trans!at~on frOT11 R A UT HOR P, s a r e T'T LF: 1,TJ t r ek I Ul * tr 3 z% PERIOD:CAL. I r ABSTRACT P:-,~ fort,- a%d W~ - a di rect'\t t.t A- exileri n,-, T--. AI T SOV, 1, t o f. P, 1-n. S's R N r :-jp 84-89 nard materials are set LMZ (Leningrad Metal STr tILIn vibrator Kaving 1,,near or exponential v-9 tools were soldered --%Las 02-0 03-r= ~ - , C, t. v 0 f CA - o(q) AM I IORS Pistol'kors, A.A., 11arshak. U.I. SOV 112-"~- TITLEs On Reflexion anl Rpfr.%ction of Elortromagni-tic V~v-s ~1 SoundnrN of Air-Fevrite in 1% RectanLruliir PERIODICALs Irv,stivr% %Nsshikh ucht%bnv'kh i~%%oiteniv - r,%,iiotPkhniki%. pp 594-108 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The article discusses the reflexion and refraction of hich tv;~ waves (waves lil,) on the boundary of air. It also discusses slightly magnetized ferrite by a transverse field. It is shown, that these phenomena can be neglected. The authors Ftate, th~,t th. article of Sharpe and Heim does not overlap the rosults f thin article (Ref.1). The article is reconmended bv the Institut tekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR (Institute Of Radio Eagineerin, and Electronics AS USSR). There are I figure, I tsble 11 equations and I references, I of which in Soviet ~nd 2 Fnglif_ SIMMITTEDs July 4, 19-58 Card 1/1 PIJAWM-W. A.A... mwism. M.:,. Phsaft.gpi of mloctrormtnotir wnvnf% Virn,igh it -,)Itttf3 wIt cf ,Crrotrupic propcirtlen In a wivo g-ilde. I ZY . VYR. IC'111~1 . ZIA7. riiAliotelch. no.t):711-?)8 M-D ",R. (MIRA 1;1: 4) 1. Rekowndovana Inatitutom radiotokhniki i elektroniki All iSa. (RM10 wi,ves) (WRVO g,:Ides) SOV/10(- 9- 3 -- 1/ 12 AUTHOR: Pistol kors, A. A., TITLE k-lekni-n-di- t pan ovich Popov and Prekent-D&y Ralic Engineering (Aleksandr Stopenev".zh. Yap47--~ i sc,-;remennaya radiotokhnika) PERIODICALiElektrosvyazl, 1959, Nr 3, pr "~-- ~USSR) ABSTRACTi The l6th March 1959, will bs zelebrated in the 6oviet Union as the centenary of the birth of h" is celebrated for him disco%ery cf radic. Althc,~gh 'he discovery was made in Russia in 1899. the sta-e ci industry at that time did not permit i's iminediatt d*v&1opment and it was left t. M~-- rt.-, _r 19'--)' 1 demonstrate radio- te I egr apt-, -&-er an _-.ean ?&tf r, those days wavelengths ef 900C - 1,1900 m wex ~ used and as aerials the curtain arrayb %-t ta!p;c.,Ld w_t., ar-f,~, -f 1-2 km2; the receivers r.~S,a2 dote- , , i , ~ ~ i t in and the armed services b.?gan ', ..i6# t.( *!, spe!k oild ti;,f frequency machine transmi,sat -,e r-n mtdium wa-~es -rhl~ radio art was revoluticnined i i -tie secciid Va!l _f 'he First World War by the 1hiention of the -alvt by Loe de Forest. It was fir.,,t 'ised as a ID- trequ,~nc_v Card 1/3 amplifier but was lat*r ty M~A ~bon-11, brl~v~ i--h comas Alsksandr Stepanovich Popov and Present Day P*,11( Eng'.-Pering as a water-cooled power amplifier U t- -)&.1 as, i rig bt a it ed in Moscow in 1922 on a wavvlen4th -f 1()(-)0 m an-A aiL t~#r a I power of 12 kW, at that t Ime the, mc!5t jw%~~kk 1~11 it. '.he world. Fur thor developrw~-Ti' - . fix rc; A. I. NI-nr s tt4N s led to the preamtnt positik.r, *I , +1 e long waves is 1200 kW. 1, h P - ~_ I J., E - broadcasting becatue lower tile "'?,ame occupied and by the earl-,, t~i.- -Wele --c--ldcasting had been initiated at wa-eleng'~--i J~,w i t 1 _` x L3V 'tie outbreak of' the Second W,..r-li W- tl,~ Irr V short waves, coupled witK tllie -e .t a ri t r P powerful valves and w3re Feoa-~ . , - i introduction of a pr-&_-Tica, Aj The war years saw the dev!!1opment of radar an,l it s accompanying technology of whveguides, resonators and centimetric valves. The post wa- vaazs hak- tet!n ~he introduction ot vht bio&(14-asting tnd cl ~l ir ' e I e, t 1 s ion. The mos t r ec en t -, dvatic e i s r ad ~ :- as'~r, n c.m i , Itie ntxt advances appear to dej,pnd (-.n tf,.e n-wly d,?%,e ~-d Jev,-,-es, Card 2/3 such as semiconductor unit-- It-i-ites Pr-; masers. T h ~ SOV/106-59-3-1/12 Aleksandr Stepanovich Popov and Proseni-Day Radio Engineering future applications of radio engineering would ajq~ear to include the following: further extensiO118 of broadcasting and television systems. more intensive d*velopment of radio and radar devices for war purposes, the application of information theory to communication, the use of electronic contral and communication devices in space technology, a considerable improvement in reliability of the very comllex devices whicn will be used in the future. A gr eat Job~ im owed to A.S.Popov for his pioneer work in this f ie I J. Card 3/3 FI-37nLYAKA, I.F., ag-r,-nom We are moch&nizing the placement of fertilizers. Zemledelie 2~ no.12M-79 D '63. rKRA :-.4~ PISTORA, Z.; pro!n(vany, gerlog; STAVA, M., promovany got J op, Filter galleries In wells with horizontal collectors. Vodni hosp 14 no.7t251-253 164 GRFY linV, N. T. , in zn. ; P 1,ST:;c '~' Y.,,.N. , I nzn. . 2ERNITSKlY, V.G. , In zh. ; KAR-CKHIN, I -- Paising heat I )rvict lu:-,.ng the combustion of low-grafle "ueln. (JbcO:,. i brtk.ugl. nr 2R-5R-68 I nZ . (VIRA 1,:4) r,5~FFTWV, : ' ~ . kPinei.t.-i0in,na4 : Ya.N. , Inah, F! )I.- no rodynxiit I , on nd I I r)n.,) on the combis, ion of ~ow-grpidn fuel.- In lay#~rpl-bod furnaces dith an storatzer. Obog.i brik.ugl. n .) . 10 . 140 - I --jO 't) I . (MIRA 1"-~) 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 u enq al 11 u u m a b v Is 0 or Sw ....... .. 90 00 Id, 00 .I, Alal.tplu-, ,j %4A III "lidds IF -11WI tAIIII4 00 ~A J.. A1111I ~41 Ill .1 ~ r1i M111W.Ij Ilium's 00 00- AJIM -I.. '.,IF pII,, ItIIIIII, 41.1,91f I. .[III 1-11-9~6411 IF 00 is 00 -111110", 1 000 IF." pop OwIl"Jew v so 00 '000 Ow Ol I.. Iz 0 0 0 It 0 i OIL 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - lk a w w 9-0-Ap--k- It a a 0 6 6 a a 6 ir 0 6 : PISTRU, M. Ya. , inzh Maxim,= contro' angles )f a reversible electronic converter. Elektri- Chestvo no.6327-32 Je 965. (MIRA 1817) 1. Vaesoyuznyy na,ichno-isaledcvatellski.y i. proyektno-konstruktorskly institut po avtonatizirovannor silaktroprivodu v pronyahlennosti, sel'skam khozy&y,3tve t trnnsparte, BYKCV, G.A., inzh.; FIRFELID, A.G., Inzh.; GENDELIMAN, B.h., Inzh.; YEGGRYCHEV, G.M., inzh.; KRIMIEVSKIY, G.M., inzh.; PISTRAK M Yn., Inzh.j TAYTS, A.A., kand. te4hn. nauk; Mi~~. Inzh.; G(,PDIN, Ya.A., g~av. red. IVANOV,A.N. red.; LA14OVSiAYA*,M.R., red. izd-va; DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.V., ,Electric power engineering)Elektroenergettka. (BylG.A.Bykov i dr. Moskvn, Metnll,:rgIzd&t, 1962. 190 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Electric motors " (Automntic control) (MetallurRical plants-Electric equipment) PISTRAI,, H.U., Insh. (Moskvu); SILAGAS, L.Ya., insh. (moska) Zlectric drive of the flying shears in cantinu= billet Mi-IIB. Elaktriebeetvo no.5:31-38 My 161. (MIRA 14:~) (Shears (Machine tools)) (Electric driving) GENDELIMANI B.R.,, inzh.; ;I.Ya., inzh.; FIijMIyjj, V.G., inzh. Electric equipment of the 250 high-speed C~ntinuouB MiI1 f,,r aluminum wires. Vest.alektroprom. 32 no.8:1"-24 Ag 161. (:/d,.LA _. ~.~ (Wire drawing) PISTBAA, m.Ys., inzh.; BAIABUYEV, L.M. Tube excitation of machines in the main drive of reversing rolling aills. Elektricbestvo no.4:13-20 Ap '60. (M:IU 14.4) 1. TSentrallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro "Elektroprivod" Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledavatel'skop inBtituta elektromekhaniki. (Rol-ling mills-Mectric driving) (Electric machinery) zo~. -tt. X t P-,. (91"Lru Drill &,~ZMLA zod~t ".2 ST.t.-, Gl-r~l 1, 14t0. &~, P. 11,0W p.,_. S., 31,U, " N.G. &F. 11"yow, T-b. LU., IL-P. T.-U. -4 G.I.. Ll,1- PUNPCMe ?be ~U~Ljm of mp~ 1. Ut-jld -d of lcimt1fl, ~k Us%jLlLl,. p L,4 COWIMAM. TI.. b-b U, -p-Lo -1-vilu LlNtl~ .d _~I. f blo-I ld :Ll- .1.1: -1 CIAO--- M -l ,:. I~~ I_- . " XL1 W.Ll&%ft -4 "Ll-Ud Dt- LA L.~ Ii by t- ".4~y f k I--- L _r7 (3tate Scumd-la= 9&2 tM alf-I &~M, ttw U ".ii, stl~ ftsLds. LN& -1-t P. W7 b I." (tam Ratic"I a-1ti'll m Aw&-,U cllt"IA) -3 ~P_ld .7 And T..WLU.% O-Wtt- - :! 'It" n_tft. On ... I, ~ lZ Ift-- mo-vu-), Lb. "r-12ml, Lb. Ic (Ilattiate or Aa~tl~ "d rvlll-~-i of %" A..d.1w r C=, Wd QA LML&.Ly% PLUk2=*j4V_I dalf. L"'O-U, As &= 7-h-I.Cr I--- W tb. Lmstitm~ f 3.%-. lf -".V ~f Is LSIA PurPNNN of Lbe EdIcarW am ~ arr-V mp~ in NwoN,N '. -Uu-4 P--Lts- -f pr"Immoo ftle LU4 to 4rj,lN lld -tmIs ~f AU100 NO" U, -U,lm ".-b- f 1.ft.U7. B-1. pr-1- r dft" ~4 Lb.Lr ~IUtlll a,Il Nl,%11AAd. rbe bmb &1~ ~%*Lml "d - f ~LUN. W-li- 1. "-u. -tla Y~_, "-- it. .4 -4pu. mllfilrl. -4 u _.p.U,_ b~~ r- ~ .7aLb-1. f Lialma -S _11.- .'ulultU _rLtL.. -4 ~_L_j P. L-.4y Pbllbd 1. 1---." - rfUW L.- - db4 abboww1a'adl tb~ "" U,,g &Tpllrod IN l,j~ I f $11 17 -It.4 .1-Lb - atl.. 00-r.L" P-r Y1 '!;_I' --.3. R I L4D PNAC-= a LUIC121C Min Lra tr-il L_1U,1_ =p-LL1j lad (at Nkallarsklj [Alaba,,ak CbWVP-L&. wbd ~Iad~] 226 M T.1-, D*Ollt- M11INNUM Of r-TubO C~lr%lrl f= &Nl*mU4 on. D__%. C..VA." f -1.4 Kin am- A. of !,-L-1 kl- dl~tfl A" Sy.,_ I= MLAC N111 ijoD. A&) Lb T-MU.1 W I--- 91-triI Drill. r C-ada" of Telfti-i f o..,,pa~. sb- _AI~A~. INNO- Slactril Dri- a . C.IA-"llift will R_j li~ as ApLatts T~im socu"Ll,, Cl,mdUsLo f T_%wU&2 3,1- sLlbi_jjajmg D_U.. f It-LIU Ors- Mad-LU A.L b-ou., ab, 30 C~L-l r S.L11." .9 bN%%INU,, o11" 274 &9i- M."'N"LL" -f WU 9w k-blast C'Nob"01) MJZHANOVMT, 01'gerd Tladislavovich. PrinimBl uchastiye PlSTRAII. K.Ts. UA=ININ, R.N., kand.tekhn.nBuk, retsenseiat; APAWASIT3T. V.D.. kand.takhn.nauk, red.; KISHLKTA, T.I., red.izd-va; KIMTWYA, T.Y., [Ilectric driven on reversing rolliag mills] Ilektroprivod reverairnykh etanov gorlachei prokatki. Moeirva, Goo.nouchno- tekhn.itd-vo lit-ry po chornoi I tevetnoi metallurgil, 1961. 444 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Rolling mills--Electric driving) S/137/62/000/001/OBO/23' A060/Al0l AUMORSt Gendel'man, B. R.. Platrak, M. Ya., Fishbey-n, V. 0. TITLEi The electrical equipment of the high-speed continuous mill 250 for rolling aluminum wire PERIODICAL, Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1962, 9, abstract ID55 ("Vestnik elektroprom-sti", 1961, no. 8, 17 - 24) TEM The mlil is designed for rolling Al wire 7, 9, and 11 mm dia. from billets with cross-section 100 x 100 mn, length 2 - 2.6 m, and weight 55 - '2 kg. The wire is rolled at Ek speed of -x, m/sec . The mill has 20 stands, arranged in roughing, intermediate, and finishing groups, 7he tecnnical characteristics of the principal equipment are cited. In the finishing group the pinion stands are absent, and each roll of the stand Is driven by Its own motor. The system for controlling the mill is analyzed. N. Yudina [Abstracter's note: Complete trarellatl~,-,] Card 1/1 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL Pistrak. M. Ya., Engineer. S11 O5/6O/OC0/04/0C3'/024 Balabuyev, L I., Engineer B007/B006 Electronic Excitation for Machines of the Main Drive of Reversing Rolling MillsH Elektrichestvo, 1960, Nr 4, pp 13 - 20 (USSR) TEXT: It is the purpose of this paper to show the advantages of electric ex- citation of d.c. machines in comparison with the use of electric machine ampli- fiers. The use of electronic exciters with three-phase circuits for rectifying the current Is to be considered most suitable Linder consideration of the high inductivity of the load. The exciter current of the generators feeding the rolling-mill motors to usually not more than 150-200 a, and the exciter current of the motors 500 a. Sealed valves with 3 anodes are used in the first sealed multianode and single-anode valves In the second case. Circuits with 2 valve sets, or with 1 valve set and a pole reverser In the rectified circuit, can be used for the excitation of generators. The former circuit is usually preferred in practice. The valves can be connected with each other either ac cording to a arose circuit or a counterparallel circuit. The cross circuit is more suitable for the excitation of d.c. machines with reversing ';ontrol. The existence of a joint grid-control system for 2 valve groups (feeding the Card 1/3 Electronic Excitation for Machines of the Main Drive S/105/60/000/04/003/^124 of Reversing Rolling Mills B007/BOO6 exciting coils of the first and second generator, and the first and second motor, respectively) is the characteristic of the circuit shown in figure 1. The joint exciting-voltage level is controlled with the aid of a phaeo-shifting capacitor. The unbalance of voltages in the 2 valve groups, necessary according to the working conditions of the system, is achieved by a polarization of peak chokes. The control of electronic exciters is described here. It is shown that a cir- cuit with 2 simultaneously working anode groups is to be preferred. The control system of the main drive of a blooming mill with electronic exciters is shown in figure 1. The simplified curves of the &node voltages of the electroni- ex- citer, as well as the compensation voltages and compensation currents of the 4 characteristic ranges of the angle a, are given in figure 2. a - P was as-, sumee for the total range of angular variation. The problem of extrem-e values of the angle of lead 0 min in the ignition of the inverter in electronic ex- citere 1.9 investigated. The control with electronic exciters, and the control process, respectively, used in systems with individual drive for the rolls, is investigated. The circuit of such a drive is shown in figure 4. Systems c'f elec- tronic excitation for main drives of reversing rolling mills were worked out during recent years at the TsKB "Elektroprivod" VNIIEN (Central Design Bureau Card 2/3 Electronic Excitation for Machines of the Main Drive S/10 60/000/04/00/1024 of Reversing Rolling Kills B007YB008 "Elektroprivod" of the VNIIEN), and takin into operation in trol system of the blooming mill 1150 with individual drive in figure I is described here, and the oscillograme for its operation art given. The results of industrial operation of electronic excitation have proved their advantages an oomp&red with electric machine amplifiers. There are 9 figures and 3 industry. The con- of the rolls shown various modes of the systems with with the SyBteM~_ Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: TsK3 "Elektroprivod" VNIIEX (Central Design Bureau "Elektre- Drivod" nf tba VNIIEZ) SUBMITTED: August 10, 1959 Card 3/3 FISTRAI, R.N.: MIIHATOVA, S.V., PISMVICH, Te.l.; VMTSUTA, I.N. SMONAMOM"m Stratigmphy mid litholoar of the lower Carboniferous of White Russia. 1xv.AX SM.Ser.gsol. 21 no.4:59-76 Ap '56. (NLRA 9:8) 1. Soyusnaya goologo-poiskovakys kontora Ministerstva neftyanoy pro- myshlennosti S MR , Hooky&. (White Russis,--Geology. Stratigraphic) 3ALAYEV, Vasiliy Alekseyevich- FIST:~M I- retsenzent; SAREISYAJ~, H -h,-jK, , " S.G., retsenzent; T101. - Tsenzent; KOROBOVA, I.E., red.; ZE2,'13;, V.V., tekhr,. red. [Devonian sedirents in the ,entral and southern regions of the Volgn-Ural Province in connection vith oil potential. 28 diagrams ana maps) Devonskie otlozheniia tsentr&llnykh i luzh- nykh raionov Volgo-Urallskoi provintsil v sviazi a perspektiva- mi Ikh neftenosnosti. -")Iqratov, Izd-vo Saratavakogo univ., 1''I. 294 28 skhem i kart. (MIRA 15:6) (Valra-Ur-al region-retroleum Feology) PISTUX, R.N. , ..Irr .- Carboniferoue deposits of the Pripet depreWon. Biul.HDIP.Otd. geol. 30 no.6:92 N-D 655. ( MLRA 9: 4 ) (Pripet 1krahea-Geology, Stirstigrephic) )F , .~ : I I t : I -. . - . , r d c;v TIKHOMIROT, S.V.; PI5T_k6jO,,#j,14j, O-jw!" . _., Developmeat of the Pripet Depression at the sad of the Frasulan "d Famenuian stages. Dokl.AN SSSR 105 se.6:1315-1317 D 155.(KLRA 9:4) I.Predstaylese akademikem N.S.ShiLte)dm. (Pripet Marshes-Gaelogy, Stratigraphic) MMIACH. A.B.; PISTRAK. R.H.; STSFAM10, A.Ta.; TlKWMIRCV, S.V. Stratigraphy of Devonian subealt deposits of the Pripet depression plain. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 20 no.3:122-124 Xy~Je '55. (MIRA 8:9) (Pripet marshes Geology, Stratigraphic) Ai6ully, Yu.A.; BLANK, M.I.; i3"'iZIMK, V.F.; G115I.KC, V~V.; KLITQcirZ,II'?,cI I.i.; LI-AV:11OV, V.A.; PALIY) A.M.; ~.,' .; 14~IJTHAKP R.M.; C"Zid'AK, S. Ye. ; CE.-WINSKAYA, !,:.V. ; 1"." , - .. . Plan fc;- the ar,)al study of the Dnieper-Donetc, Lowland. V','T.I&IZ ric-la,--3-Y7 '62. (Drdepor-Donets Lawland-Petroleum goology,' "DIiieper-Ijunets Lmland-Gas, Na'-ural-Geolog-,y) I.., itole ~A ma-mment-9 ir. the UBtcry of ti.e dffvll-~7-1 tne :.- ;-A)wland. Trudy V?;IIGA-Z no. Ll. 13-Q ~'. (MhA 15:,; bnicope;- Donets LowIrmd.. Petrolown g,,clogy~ . :,lop- U. t a ,( wlani. - -Go i, , I;Rtura 'A Ajo (i I) PAS HM, I C ff. Yo. I.: FISTUK, R. V. : SA I 'CRSK I Y. F. A. Devoniar a trati~-rapny cl' t ho, so . tnern marri nal zone 0' ' - r- Dnieper-3or,etB I.,owland. 2r-iLd- VNI 1,~IZ `~. ( yj I. , I . (Nieper low land- 'ipr:cjr,?, Stratipraphi c ) (Done tB B!kaj I opv, Stratigraphic ) DIKINSHTET11, G.Fh., doktor gool-nin.nauk; LIVINA, L.M.; LITIWINISH. P.P., MKSTAKOVA, k.M.-, PISTRAE, R.M.; SHKBUTNVk, I.N.; (MIMADIMA, I.M., tfvlrhn.rnd. FGsology. and oil and Can pntentiale of White lbjRnia and the Baltic r#Wion] Geologichaskon Fttroenio i psrnpoktIvy noftegazonoenoott Pribaltilct I Beloruasil. LenlN;rad. Gn%. nauchn.-tpkhn.izd-vo neft.i Corno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Lnningr.oti-mie, 1059. 179 p. (knecow. Vse9oiuznVi nauchno- iesledovatal'skcii geolngoraxwedochnyl neftianoi inatitut. Tnidy, no.18) (ICRj, 13:2) (White Russia--P"troleuD gooloff ) (Whitov Phisele-Gas, Natural -Geology) (Baltic Son regioro-Petroleum geology) (Baltic Sea region-Gam, Natural-Goology) IUL",-r, A;1-- , - ":, t -~ AL , - - - . . ~ I. I . . n.-, . . Q. Manth, List c f P-ss iir, Accessi n.,. . ~ f , ~ -4"Im- ~~ 7. - JT =I APSM720 8/03WM/1405/1407 .Y. S< Y AUMORS Amovshly P To OW&OVskil 1 1. 1.1 vf~ ~&Iqv We M11 Pi tElek, V.-Me TIM$ &A the motion of v1sams bursts in a uniform axially nyismetrie magnetic field SOUWXt Morsel tekbrAcheskoy finiki, we 35, no. 8 0 1905, 1405-1407 TOPIC TMss plassold, magnetic field plume effect# plume tesipersturef plums deswityo homogameous magnetic field ANTRMTo The wthors have continued their previous Investigation of the notion of plans bursts In axially symmetric fields (ZhTF0 34, Nosla, 1964)o The work repor ad,here concerns mainly the motIon of the pluma In the uniform portion of the field, The apparstue In described In the previow papere The plus" hod charged particle densities of about 2 x 1013 Qn-3 and velocities near 6 x 100 oWsed# and contained 10% of heavy Ions# The goo pressure within the plasmas was measured with a compensated mWetic probe of the type described by 1sweelbroeck at @I. (Malear fusloa, supple 1, STS, 1962) and the dismetern of different seotions of the plasmas were measured with a pulsed plessescope compisting of a light- shielded T an diameter scintillstor with control grids* The variations of the CWd 1/2 L 2494-66 AMUNION XNt AP BOSOM 0 'duration of the magnetic probe signal, the charged particle density, and the plaw- me temperature a the plasma drifts In the uniform field we shown graWcally for different values of the magnetic field strength* he the plasma mow down the field its length Increased, Its radius remained practically umhuww# and its temperature sad charged particle density decreased* The possibility of a do- er**~* of temperature during longitudinal expansion of a plasma In a magnetic field bas been pointed out by FeWsalbroook at als (lace cite) and by Folkeloott and O.C. Eldride (Phys. Fluldmo-4# 1550# 19606 Orlgo orto hast 3 formula and 3 f1gures. ABSOCIArIONt mons, Isawlin I ND"64 1WLs 00 BUB COON I ME PR Or BW 1 004 Of as 002 ACC NR, k A k k A", " _1 i C iAzovskiy, Y1,- Guzho K~J Yu. T. , 1,,strya/., V. M. CiG : none Ta : :r~*,e-riction of i__arm(Ad8 witi. ni. LLx~a."~-11~,7;-It-l"r~r1k. ',~GURCE: LN UkrSSE. :ssledovaniye p_azmcTuVkh sgustkov ( Study of -,lasma C !.,~Stbrs Kiev, Naukova duzika, 1505, 68-76 TOPIC 'TAGS: plasmoid, plasma interaction, plasma magnetic field, plasma injection, plasma density ABSTRACT: The first part of this paper was published in ZhTF v. 33, lo, 1963. Un- like in the eaxlier investigation, pure hydrogen plasmoids were used produced by a chemical source with pulsed inlet of gas (described by the authors in ZhTF v. 34, &41, 1964)'. The min purpose was to determine the interaction of the plasmoid and the character of its motion in an inhomogeneous magnetic field, in the case of dense niasmoids for which the adiabatic conditions are not satisfied. The apparatus and the 'lest procedure are described. Me tests yielded plots of the dependence of the density and radius of the plasmoid on the position of the plasmoid in the magnetic field, the dependence of the position of the plasmoid on the time, and the radial distribution of the particles In the plasmold, the dependence of the vacuum magnetic field, the induced-current field, and their ratio on the vacuum magnetic field at the center of the solenoid, and the dependence of the radius and density on the magnetic Card 11/2 L 439i4-oc) ACC NR- Aa602C)403 field. While most of the results can be reconciled with the qualitative theoretical descriptions of this phenomenon published by others, the plasmoid exhibited an unex- pected acceleration in the region beyond the point corresponding to the Ma imum cur- rent. It is noted in conclusion that the results differ greatly from the earlier investigation, primarily because the plasma used there consisted essentially of heavy carbon and oxygen ions. The maximum compression rate in the magnetic field was pro- duced where the magnetic field had a maximum gradient. The induced current first in- creased with the field, and then more rapidly than the field. However, once the plasmold has been radially compressed, the induced current began to decrease rapidly. A noticeable crowding out of the magnetic field was observed, causing the axial field in the plasma to drop to about 15% of -~he vacuum field. The induction of the current was accompanied by a certain slowing down of the plasmoid motion, thus indicating that the translational energy was converted partially into radial and rotational energy. Orig. art. has: 9 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ Sum DATE: Li.Nov65/ ORIG REF: oo6 2/2 pb ACC hR: AI Azr,vski_.~, t r. Rt ryai,,-Y.-M. n(jrt- :,I*, (' T ~Lct I or, of plal;moi CIS W i t). ~c. ax, 1'k ;,,x. SOURCE: All UkrSSR. Issledcrvaniye plazmennykh st-,ustkov Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 70-84 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma interaction, plasma magnetic field, plusmi acns~',y, plasma shock wave, placma injeftion, plasma radiation ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of the preceding article in the same suurce kAcc. Nr. A760204(,3), which in turn is a cantinuAtion of an article publ-I'Shed 3), 10, 1965- In this rkirt of the irvestigation, a denser was 1;nct~ cr-3 '1 and -'hv ag'-wi (-"~'nc st'~c 6 Wa s s a I -y ~"y f-- --er: t. ~IF Flf,d S~~eef-! C(LM# ' El r. C Cord A(.C 14R '%,' ~- j". . ),w '11f, thr- t;,,- vo, .:it I : .;k t,f the Ar. i --~arc ho ri,~rxt field increared all the comi-xaient.,; o' Lhv ation (approximateLy by 3 timer, an the fio,d Fig. Dia~,,ram of reti.p. increased from 0 to 0.2 - 0.3 Tesla'), after - - i nduct i on sourc e, which the increase slowed down. Measurementr, 4 - magnetic coUs. were also made of the dependence of the radius, density, and electron temperature of the plasmoid as functions of the ana~y-,.`c fie!J and the dependence of the position of the injected plasmold and the reflected shGck wave in the plasma as functions of the time. Attention is called to the fact that at fields up to 0.20 - 0.25 Tesla aLl the plasmoids are compressed to an equal degree, but at larger magnetic fields only the first plasmoid is compressed, and the others are not. This is related to the occurTence of a shock wave at stronger magnetic fields. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: IINov651 ORIG REF: OG3/ OTH REI'~'. Card 2/2 A" Vyrl- cc,DL 33/0212 A -,ovskiy Yu. S. Plazas ov , Yu. P. , Pia L~Ejar V GR-- 110nc Plasmo i d mot ior. .. 3 f , e Ad t ree rep, ion S&J?CL : AN L:.r'>SR. I ss le ~uvan i ye p - ?meia,yo h )v k '~!udiy of isma clust ers Y, ic v , Nauk (-.vo dunka , 19t, 5 , 2C 3- 212 7OP:C TAG". plasmaid , p, asina gencrat ( i- , plasma i t,I ABS-K1%,:T :P lasma expansions in a I : e. - ire,~ r v,- wore ii,vest iFalod !)y oLss-rvii.,~, t',e density and energy profile of the plasma. A thporetical review of a simple plasma con- figuration is given and ompared with the expvrlmvr,la~ res,lts. The plasma wa7, g-nf.- rated 'Ly a conical electro6cless and in;e-te,~ irilr) a 250 cm tube. The -nea- - 3 to 101 2 Cm- 3 ). 1-1,e surements were limited to the thim. -..~ onsest ...a-,moid ~10 11 Cm density LListribution at any time wa~,, m,asired wit', d micr-wave interferometer. The mea- surezier-,ts of ion and electroi, veloc~t,, S 'ID(i in all thr,- dLmensions arf, tabulated and the weak dependence or. ,'!e initial and type of expansion of tht-sa quantities is pointed out. A rather effec-I -,f neutral gas density became appa- rent from studying the expansion par,;u-i*-te-s as d ",rctirn of the delay between the neu- tral gas injection into the plasma geiierator and t1w dincharpe of the capacitors to pro- Card 1/2 L 41C69-66 I- ACC NR. AT6020419- 0 duce the plas;ma. However, the theoretical predictions indicate that the experiMentdl results can serve as an estimate of plasma expansion. Orig. art. has: 6 formulas, 6 figures, I table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: IlNov65/ ORIG REr: 005/ OTH Rcr: 003 Card 2/2 44--.1 1 - --- ---- ----- 8 6' (1), W/EPAO'p),~-2/2PAM- Z~W-P,/SMA(:%) P Pz_6/P*-4/Psb.-1O/Pi-4 NP(c) AT ACCUSICKIM. ~AP!5000835 SA057/64/034/012/2129/2134 Guzhovski3r Azqvs1dj.Tu*S 1 .1. Mazalo vtyu,'P!~ Pistryakg.m. M=i 'Interaction of plasma bunts with an axially symmetric.magnetic field. 2. it:-; SOURCRI,. thurnal tekhnicheakoy :Eizikl,. v.34, no.120 29649 2129-2134 TOPIC tAGSs- plums Intoractionj plasmold, magnetia field plasma effect, plasma difr A13STRA07s The present study was &,continuation of earlier work (K.D.Sin9l'n1k0V' Vu.S *Azovskiy, I.T.GuzbovBkiy* V*Te.Panchenko and B.G.Safronov,ZbV 33,10 1963) der voted to Investigation of the interaction of plasma bursts with an axially ay=e- tric U&VaW--- field. :As oompaved to the sarlier:vork, in:tha:present study there vor* used purer hydrogen plasma bursts, a conical source with pulsed gas Injection* Primary attention was given to the interaction of the bursts witb an inhamogoneous field (only preliminari reasuremenis were made. in a unilorm lield). The theoretical aspects of the phenomenon are zovievol"brielly. The appa.~atus was basically the same as in-the earlier vor1c. Typical ozoill*grams of the signals Irca the nagnetlo probe are "produced. Those indicate the distribution of the lield aTd 1WLWA'1qJ41k, WVWW 64M AWUS&&A %#A &UW MUA70fj WAV A".AUAMA UV"DA~Gy V1 TDO OUZZWO WaS eVajUZ- 4.ted by,the microwave cutoff tecibuique. 7be results sre~ presented i th' n 9 for= of curves zharaotorixing the induced current versus the positim of th a burst in the xagnetic Sield., the va2ue of -the induction coefficient versus the position of the burst,, the density and'radius of the burst Yarsus Its position, the position of the I burst versus time, ~ the radial density distribution of the partlelesAn the burst the variation of the llvaouumlp magnetic lield, the induced current. field and their rctio in function of -the. :f ield at the tenter of the --sa-lenoid, and the variation in the densiq and radius og tho buret in funollon of 'the magnetlo fleld. It Is tAn- i zavlweI7 v~oucluded -n-low -Me Z~Iven experlimnZaM oondi'tIons. the idItluslon 9;r the D1HU U ]&at AMMI&wl-v Y*PU twe"'urements in a. much larger :UiDld region are nacessar:k to confirm this). "In conclusion, th .e'authors express their 49ep grati- tude to K.D.Sinellnikov, N.A.Mishuysk and D.O.Safroncy fordiscussion of the ex- perluental rosulta." Orig4arth"j 7 figures.: A"OOTATIONt -now SU=]37Zbj Mec$3 ZNM1 00 BUD CCDS1 NX IM MW SOV3 007 Omit: OW 2,* 61_G_(m)/EEC-4APA(w)_2 Pt-6/Po_A/Pab-10/ IJ~(c) WWIAT AP5010802 upfts JACM810K Mgt % 7/65/035/004/0643/0049 "Y 'AUMM Asovskly,Yuss'; Gurshovskly,I.T. I. Jkx&loYTui.P#; PistryakV.M. 'TITIRt On the'notion of, plasma,-bursts In field free MURCRt 2hurnal tekhaicheskoy :Elxiki* ve 35, no, 4' 39651 643-649, TOPIC TAOSt plassas plasmold,, veloolty meavurement -effecto oxpanding 945, L iABSTRkCT: The authors have measured the-veiocities ot plasma bursts 2rom a conical plasma guzz by means of the Doppler -effects,_Two diffeient frequencies wore employed (3.2 and 9.0 Gc/sec)f-tho measured velocitl6a therelove correspond to the motions ~of two different density regions with~in the burst. The:plaoma - were pro- duced by, the .28 kV dischai of 27-pfd capacitor thi,ough. a -conical plasma Sun con-~, tainIng .7.02 b~rogen, and traveled 4n a 9 an diameter 00 cm long! glass tube.and subsequently In a 18 CM diA%&ter 200 cm long plastic tube. The measured motiow *9 -the two partial* density regions (14 x 201-1 anil 1.1 x 1012 ee(~ are Presented grephically. A theory of a ;fteely expazz ji-M plasma- -do- - v ft -,the -tue- -j Ahree~d4 160al ory VAS imil QYw to 7~ ~~n "Oft SURJLAY an ZZ IV 0 Paraneze" ~ 171cluenz z0 ZA01 MAzeraczxon.. ~AL P1 VrWOmuA7gOLpI1er. %U U- ) Z d*toct the integral - xidiations, and ISP-52 spectres-ispla with a short-focus camera .,".'.for pbotograpbIng tbe plasma radiation s~pvctxvm, au ISP-51 Spectrograph with a ~.1ong-locus - camera for 1 o2lowing the b*b w1or oqj irAividual spectrum lizies and the continuous radiation, a bigh-speod phottigraphic device for recording the radial compression of the burst, and a magnotio probe for recording the current Induced In 'the burst. The photomultiplier amd p!s-bbe. output signals vem displayed on an t~Oiblljo & -3 1 -typical oscillcgrams Sara reproduced. The exparizental results an Pftsentod A'Kinl in'the fam of. curves - gIV14 ~he variation of, the burst radi- U-911 4:".LA1* 441hSitj and islectrou'Umpersturi AS: 2 tuna a nagnotic field and the is "n, tw, shook wave with t in& Var litift of the posAtion vt thelnjeattd~burs as 60 ~.Vith arrival oi successive plasma bursts in the n'onuniformIlieldregion there .builds up a "cushion", resulting in'A stook wave. p)mpagating in the opposite direc- tion to'th* Pla'"a, stream. "ln zonclusion, the authors wtpress their gratitude to ~-Xj). ainikalt, N.A.XhixbyazlwW B~.08xfronov for, discussion of:Ue results, to _~y ndaU for =@Sul A4VJce, ~ find kF.OaydWtS&-; p, partiolpsto& in $me of the ' 02. StM CODS: NE F*Mpl Rl 002- q, d f 'ACM lcn )Mt APSOODS38 Xmmiosmt 01 , ~ _ 1 2 . Bias- is uts' '=ter) utguet 0: 0013S.- 4/4 ACC NRI AP6028606 SOURCE CODE. IIR/0057/66/036/00ii/1357/1363 AUT11OR: Azovskiy, Yu,S,; Guzhovf;kiy,I,T.; Pistryak,V,M, ORG: none TITLE: Interaction of plasma bursts with an axially-sy-mmetric mn_&neti_c field. 4. SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikt, v. 36, no. 8, 1966, 1357-1363 TOPIC TAGS: moving plasma, plasma density, magnetic field plasma effect, plasma temperature, plasma structure, plasmoid ~Yloq 6 ALI OC'~e A. /a, /)L5 / A-) 7 le IP F) (" 7-10 AJ ABSTRACT: The present paper presents ri~sults of a continuation of earlier work of the authors and Yu.P.Mazalov (ZhTF, 34p 21299 1964; ZhTFp 35p 1405p 1965) on the interaction of the plasmas from a conical-electrode plasma gun with an axially symmetric magnetic field. The appnratu.,; has been described in the earlier papers. The plasmas from the conical gun entered the 20 cm diameter plastic drift tube with a velocity of about 6 x 106cm/sec and a charged particle density of about 2 x 10 13 cm-3. A longitudinal magnetic field of up to 1.2 kOe was maintained in the drift tube by a solenoid. In the work reported here the plasmas were investigated with a double electric probe consisting of two parallel 0.13 mm diameter 5 mm long molybdenum wires mounted 2 mm apart. The probe could be moved both radially and axially and was used to investigate the structure of thm3 p1bawas and their radial and longitudinal expansion in different parts of the drift tube. Three regions of extipene values of Card 1/2 ACC NR ~ AP6028606 different olasma parameters were noted; a region of maximum induced current (recorcbd with a magnetic probe), a region of maximum particle density, and a region of minimum radius and maximum tomporature. The maximum Indticee current and particle density regions occurred in the inhomageneoua portion of the magnetic field, the minimum radius region was farther from the plasma gun in the homogeneous port of the NOW. In strong magnetic fields a portion of the Plasma wait "')flectod by the tiold and formed a pecultar plasma cuithion which extirtod n definite influence on the inter- action botwoon tho plasma and the field. The longitudinal expansion of the plasma In the uniform field region was much more rapid than the radial expansion. Plasma temperatures derived from longitudinal expansion velocities were In good agreement with the temperatures given by the probe measurements. The authors thank K.D. Sinel'nikov and B.G.Safronov for disciussing the retsults. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and 8 figures. SUB ODDE: 20 SUM DATE, 07AugG5 ORIG. REF: 005 OTH REF: 002 Cord 2/2 7 1 , , ~. . r, . ~ I , 1'. : . -,, I.. I . ~ i r , -. 1, ~ ~.") - , 'I p , . , 7'' , " . . . T I . . : I II : -t r-,- -: :~ - !,. p , , , - , - , , - ., , . . . r , , I I - . . . - . . -1 . I . , . , .1 1) . , I I ~ , L I , :J~ , ) I I ~"): -. , I I- I I : : t I I ~ . I . I . . ..C - . ~. ) Al I , IL. I 1 0 - . I . 1) Fv 1' 1 ~ . I PTISTSITTYNSKT, T. The Polish Scientific Institute of the Sugar Industry Lidinj- tj~e Prodiict~on. IAka Promishlenost (Lij-ht Industry), #7-12:43:July-Dec 1955 ev r 4 v c c 7 1 7 .7 Z ACC 1k.1% AF 006341 SOURCE _C046E _s_U97bW1'Y'r66ff6_0 10`621-007 0-10 0TF__1 INVENTORs Kisel&3L, JJ__ T ; Loovingy, 1. A.; VAMAUT& L Peretyaglea To No; Pistsov.* &t_l,; TsarevgXLu_YA_;t, ORGs none TlTLZs A splrometabolozxm~~_, Class 30, No. 178027 SOURCE: lsobretenlyas pronyahlennyys obrattay, tovarnyye snaki, no. 2. 19669 70-71 TOPIC TAGSs spirometabolographs human physiology. human respiration, hunan metabolism ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a spirometabolo- graph consisting of a dry cavity sensors absorber. valve housinR, mouthpiece, and a system of tubes, To reduce dead space and to maintain the physiological conditions for respiration of the subject, a stopcock has been situated between the inhale and exhale valves and between the absorber and dry cavity sensore A variation of the above can purify the breathing system by virtue of a bellows connected to the dry cavity sensor which In mounted by seen@ of screws on a stationary lid, The bellows has a movable cover which can be dis- connected from the recording mechanism. A third variation is designed Card I / 2 UDCt 6 16. 2 4 -0 7 3 o 17 3 - 7 ACC NRs Fig. 1. Spironstabolograph I - Stopcock; 2 - inhale valve; 3 - exhale valve; 4 - absorberl 5 - bellows con- nected to the dry cavity sensor; 6 - sta- tionary lid; 7 - movable lid; 8 - spool; 9 cable of the balancing mechanism; 10 weight; 11 - cam with adjustable are to Increase the accuracy of the Investigation: A @pool is attached to the movable bellows cover. A cable Is attached to the spool which leads to a balancing nechanins consisting of a welgbt connected to a can with an adjustable arm (see Fig. 1). Orige arbe hass I figure. JCDJ 3103 CODRs OG/ SUBM DATE: 08Sep641 ATD PRESS:4407 CaNd 2/2 AP6006347 FISTSOV, D.V.. kand.tekhn.nauk ' graphic nethode to ieter"91ne ilesel fiel c-.8 -i ' - cn. :,:' -P,. I tepl. tiaga no.6:26-2P Je '5P. I . I (Diesel locomotives--Filel cons~imptien) PISTSOV. D.V.. kand.tokho.nauk (g.Tashkent) TS-1 fuel gauge for diesel locomotives. Elek. t tepl. tiaga 4 no. 12:14 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Diesel locomotives--Testing) PISTSOV, Dmitriz Vile ii 'yovich: SIVAI, Vlitdimir Yofimovich; IlKLMOKlY, Xlelclanar va"YoMnvich: RA)GIMAWLIN, M.D.. Inshaner. redaktor: KHTTROV, P.A., tekhnichaskiy redairtor. [Fuml aronnny on 1ccomotiveal l9konomita topliva na toplovozakh. MoakvR. Gns.tritnsp.zhal-dor lzd-vo, 1955. 71 p. (KLRA 8:11) (Locomotives-ftel mnawiption) RODDI, I.M.; SERGEYEV, N.N.; PISTSOV, N.G.; SHOSHIYEV, L.N. Expe rimer tal serotherapy in Omsk hemerrhag!c fever. Vcp. v.rus P nn.2t193-109 ~h-4163 (MIRA It:-:12) 1. Inst-Illut 1,olllomiyellta i virusny~h entsefalitav A111; SSSR, !,loskva. 'AT , ~ ~U;EV, f : - - K ', C I to ~, t, r i . ria u ~ . -~ , C . ; P ' ~ - - . , . I f - ~ I` ( .' 0 Yu, N. , I n ;~ h . Opq ra tl )n c' a f -,,me a ,;-i- !'~ -ra e 1-1 r, "a ~ (3 ~-fl ~ !, I nj7 W h - '. P - r, - : . '- . Prom. emerg. , n( . I ! , .4 - . .. a I t, " . V,. :-~ " - - - .~ I PISTSOV, YU.P. I-- - ~ - Xfficient geological prospecting. Etarved. i okh. nedr 23 ao.7: 35-37 JI '57. (MLRA 10:11) 1. Chitinskoye geolupraylentys. (Prospecting) AUTHORs kistsov, Yu.i,. 14 TITLEi The Age of Poly-metallic Ore-Formation of the Nerchirisk-Lavod Group of Deposits in the East Trans-Baykal hegion (C vozraste Polimetallicheskogo orudeneniya Nerchinsku-:,avodskoy gruppy mestorozhdoniy v Vostochnom Zabaykallye) PER10DICALi Izvestiya Akad*mil Nauk 653h, Serlya Geologicheskayn, ft 5, pp 110 - 112 ~U35R) ABsrRACTi The author states that the questiGn of the age of the Nor- chinsk-Zavod group of deposits has not as yet been determined. The largest part of these deposits is found in the cartonate rock3 Of the Faleozoic Period to a lesser degree in the depo- sits of the Jurassic Period, and none in the deposits cf the Lower Cretaceous Period. On this basis, the epoch of their formation is placed between the Post-Jurassic and i're-Creta- ceous periods. ASSOCIATIONs bertzov8kaya goologorazvedochnays partiya Chitinskogo geolo- gicheskogo upravleniya BerezovskayaJeologic ProsTocting leam of the Chita Geologic kdministration) SUBRIrTEDi January 25, 1957 AVAIL&BLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 V :it F. e P rr. r' -'e C. AdministraticM). BUNIN, K.V-, prof.; B'JIASIUIIKOVA, N.M.1 VEiUSOVA, M.A.; GUTOP, O.G.; KRUGLOVA, Ye.V.; LAGOVSKAYA, N.A.; FISTSOVA, FI.N. Som, compiications after smallpox vaccination. Sav. med. 25 no.5: 73-80 My 161. (MLI 14:6) 1. Iz InfektBionRoy gorodskoy klinicheakey bollnitsy No.1 (glav'nyy vrach - ewluzhenny-j v-racri itSFSR N.G.Zalesk-ver, nauchnyy rukcrvoditell profs-K.V.Bunin). (SMALLPOX) PISTSOVA. M. N. D78entery &nd its thcrup7. Med. sestra. Moskva nr,.' :1--" Jul.v 1951. (CIKL .-. :11) 1. Author is a physictiLn. fD;,.WV, A.Ye.; SI'MONCV, A2! ~7-n,, rig s * r4 .- s *-e.- L. St-ar-.;hiy otzYijajls:;--:~'k tsv-~nfi boloy zl~P.,'l !Aro-,r~*'-o i-, -f---C)Kc metallurgicheskogo kombinata (for Yegor(,v' Na,,~-A I ,I otdo',eniya neprer7bnogo o*-z-.Jga be~cy V 13 kogo me -_9 I lurg i cht'- o KOR Cl, 01111 ~ r..-c.n 'or 3 1 mon ov 3. ma.- tpr-e 1 e k tr' x Uie ~ ~-n Ib, .,- , "! - - .., ,I-Og (.,T. t~ s k olyn ~- -,t- L;: r, a ta ~ fo r F~ Fr ) - i :L ,~-. - w -3.- : , -~ : - . ~ 1. . . - . " I ~l 5 . 1* 11 t . -. ", r . .. , , , f . PISTUNOV, Nikolay Ivanovich(Pistunov, M.I.J; LIVENSKAYA, O.I.[Livens'ka, O.J.], red.; GLUSIMO, G.I.(Rlushko, H.I.1, tekhn. md. (Expert com growers IMalstry - kukurudzovody. Dnipropetrovslk, Dnipropetrovs1ke imyzhkove vyd-vo, 1961. 44 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Ukraine-Com (Maize)) PISTUNOV, S. We have a continuous proAuction linel Poxh.delo 7 no.5:4 11~y 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nachallnik otdela Novotorshakogo savoda protivoposharnoy oborony. (Fire extinction-Chemical systems) ( dep&rtsents-Equipmnt and supplies) I'IST'114~ VIC'H, ;,.,. . Bil.,ot -I'l K,,j !~ r, I n , s tr , , I to- 1 , j ". , t -- (MIRA 1 ~ 1 -4 ) (Cu' ting machines) -L, 20- r- , AUTHOR TELIKOVSXIY V.G., PISTU~?1OjC11_Y, c~7-`^,7 TITLE The Transition ot-fon's of Different Gases Through a ,,in roil. (Prokhmhdenlys onov razlichnykh gazov cherez tonlkuyu serebryanuyu iol,gu.- Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akademli Nauk SSSR 1957, Vol 113, Nr 5, PP 1035-1058 (USSR) ABSTRACT The authors of the paper under review developed a method with the aid of which it is possible to obtain a thin silver foil (tilinness UP to 40 millimicrons), and investigated the transition of ions of Be+, K+, C+, N+ and 0+ through the foils of a thickness of 40 to 60 21111olorons. The dimensions of the crystals must be oonsiderab- ly smaller than the thickness of the foil. The m&nufaoturinC and production of the foils are discussed in great detail. The investi- gations were carried out with the aid of a device of the type of a large magnetio mass spectrometer of a length of approximately 5 M and with a rotation of the bundle by 25 degrees. An are discharge in a longitudinal magnetic field served as Ion source, The density of the ion current in the nsigh','-:~-.:rhood of the slot of the gas dis- charge chamber amounted up to 100 milliampires/=2, and it was possible to continuously regulate it during the operation of the device. The receiver is surrounded with a copper cover at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The energy loss of the ions at the transition through the foil was determined by me%nB of the method CARD 112 of the retaining potential. The measurement errors remained belov zjU1%M1TT1KD 5.11. 1956 AVAILLBLE: Library of Congress. AMZw65 SdT(l )/EPF (n)-2/5'1G(T,),/EPA (w) -2: PZ-6/Po-4/Pab-10#1-4 mp-(C) AZCMION AR i AT3020k" MV3136/64/OO0j4qTjQ0O1/W8T AUTHOM Pietunavicbp V. 1. TnU t Cyclotron Instability of an anisotropic lama SOURCE1, Moscow. Institut 81011MOY Is il Doklady, Tsiklotron- no _8T i MOT& pUzzy., I TOPIC TAGSt plaamap pla-A stabilit-yj, cyclatron instability,, anisotr4ople plasma, bat plasma, plama, trap, uagnetic trap/ Ogra oral x! AWTRACTs This Is a Doct Dissertation devoted to a study of the e- Stence of an Instability mechanism which Yould afford an e2cplanation of the experimental be-,:.. havior of an aniaotropic plamme Principal attention Is paid to cyclotron Insta- b1lity, A comparison Is made between the ~ obtained ~ wTerimental resultz and tbeory for an unbounded plasma. The devel6pment.of a cy*clotrow Instabl2ity Is analyzed by using a Sodel in.vbich the plasma in replaced by an aaaamblage of Ions rotatiMB a-, bout a ocomon & the different radii the electrons being assumed ,tt rest. Thil stability of such a p3AWM Is analyzed against 'build-up of longitudimal oacilla- tiong dusto'charge separation.. The conditions undor vb1ch. cyclotron Anntability card I 'i. a-. f PLaFms M. A. AVF1 :3 S'ICH A TIT H ~-R Pis-jnov:-t. T ITLE. Se-- ~n -j C ~r, f Magri&t hydr-dynair-. !3 PERIODICAL. Atomnaya energ'.ya. J60 7 N,, j 4 TEXT, Th " V tn r ) y s --, 9 L4 h -, L an'. y -? p~, '-ert-t,~_hesk~)y i rrikladr.~~) Mao~r noy gidrodinamik,~ Se,-,nd Confer,~n-.e or. Tt~e'~reti-al and Apj~l ied Mag netohydrodynamics~ was held in Riga frr-T lune 27 t~, July 2 1160. 11 was organized ")y thu Inst'.tut fitik, Akademii nauk Latviyakoy SSR (Inat.itutg of Physics of tht Academy ~,f S_,en_,es, Latviyakaya SSR) The work of the conferen-?o was d, v~dqd )nto four se~ I ~. ons. Seven F,-r. oral lec ureB were held inrlud;ng these by D. A Frank Kamenetaki (Flasma '~~ the Fourth State of Matte!-) ani V. D Shafrarnv (Stahl F- Plaam7aread by B. B Kadomta- 5' 1 e Lures w-re he) d on -,- : '. plasma physi -a ther6~__were fo: 1 -)wing lertures by w--,-kpra .,f' tno 1AE AN SSSR (Institute -1 Atomi, Ene:gy of the AS USSR) V I Kjpar (Fluctuation Effects.1 A M Mor-zov and L S S y -7777 a ' c ~i 1, E, r t! o f T rans i t i o n Lay e r s Be t w ee n P ~ as ma an,J -Vi e7rT Card Second Cjnfe-,Pn,:P )r. MaKne t I,j -1 - lynax 9 -~Ot. XG 0 D. A. Frank-Kamen~tsi(.y Chara, '7 9 ,I ~q t a . n a 'n ~), r. % ' N- :~ P I a a ma ) ; L - I . Ru d a k ~ ' 1 : 9 , ~r Dam,, ing W, -s n Un b - Plasmas ; B B. Kad:,m.s-v ard A V Nedc s _pa v t!ve Column in a Magrat: F. o ! dI An -,mal ,uci D1 f I .a i S. -f Matemati,~heskiy insti~,it ~m V A. Stek, - -.-i LN 98SR jr.&t. tut. Mathematics Imeni V A. St"kl -% AS USSR~~ 3~ -k - ~t~ ~' 1-h. ex tat,,,-,, ::near Plectron vibrati)ns -. n a plasma. M V K,n,ukc~v if Tul 8Ki-,, gosudaretvennyy pedag..-~g,.-nes k.:y ~nstt;t te P~dav~g~-,a, tute) spoke about r---n I : n c a r Lanbrwu 1 'tra'. . as of i,)rs ir, piasma L, 3 Bogdankevicn B M Bc a,i d A A R,.i k h ad z e - ' F I A N (Institute of Physi'cs ~f thto 5 at -,,~t trans: t~ ~r rari. ;i*. AS USSR, j on el-o-cT-wavq fronts Th~-:-e _ w~ r e tu r e s Dr P x p- r i ry, en a, t s m -t ~V physi -a - I . Podt-',) rn-yy and V N Suma rok , v f t ~-,q I r a t 1 T -i A * ~7 kinergy nf t1i USSR sp ab-~,,4. exppri ~ uf clusteraj D V Orlinek,y - L .ha aame lnstlt~"e aT~Ik- ab ut sh(- i,. wtv-., in conical -&T-s-rT-argq tubes L V Dubovij 0 M Sf- v 9 t s bind A ; Ponnmaranko spoke about th-, -7-;---T-,:asma -,-,ndu-' ty ~- 4 t r r. tric fi(-',ds; I F Kh a r - n - n)~ jr I Y a B Faynberg S: K~ It 6 ra: t 1 0 n 0 f 13L Mr) du: a ~ ed ~ 1 W v : i a ma ~ n wA m Card ~/5 Second Conference on Magna'-ot.,(JIro1,ram,.-s S I -8-41v -, , /- , ~. I - - I - i , . - ~ Bcot)/BC-7 C and B ~; Saf ronov and R. V. -Xi ti-p s;, 4.,, at, ut. t, ~ph f requen. y j ', w3 a, ~, osci Ilat ona; all these sj%eakers bel,t-.~-vd t,- FTI 0 USSR ', Insti tut.~ ! Physics and Technology of the AS UkrSSR Card 3/3 PWS I DDOK EXPLOUATION BOY/5425 Tedorov, 11,D, Candidate of Tecbnlc&l Bcl~Dces, Compiler Kratkiy apravvehnik intbotem-fiLikAu Tadernays fiLikA. Atomnays Mika (Concise Dandbook for the Engineering Physicist: Nuclear Mysics. Atomic physics) Moscow, Atomizda t p 1961, 507 P, 28;000 copies printed, td.: A.F. Alyablyev; Tech. Ed.[ To. I. Mazall. K"05E: This rfr,,,,c,, book I, Intended for engineers wd physicists vorking in the field of at4omlc " nmcla&r physics, C07MAGE: The fIrst seven parts of the book contain the most necessary reference mat~ri&l an atc=ic and nuclear physics. The remaLning parts present Information and data f. ther related fields. The last part gives the information on systez= of Mots compiled from the nerv OOST speelfications, physical constants, and some mathematical data. So personalities am mentioned. Reference@ scoonpany each part of the book. 4 Card Ili-Y-