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Effect of the Bending of Mp~iq%ir irK R.,d- "0 m te uf Le-ji, I irij-
ref eren-v 9
ASSOCIATION~ "loskov a kiy in a ti tt~ t i r z I, onf. I,
?,'OS (: VII L I t t e j r , it 1 .,u rey a r t r a,
Card 2/2
piqlmov, A. 1.
Effect of silage on tbm organism of young cattle. Ehivotnovodetvo
20 no.4:50-51 Ap 158. (KIRA 11:3)
1. Nnuahnyy sotrudnik Kalininskoy posudArstvannoy eel ' skokhozyFLvetven-
noy opytnoy etantsit.
(Mao I We ) (Cattle-Phystalogy)
n 'u emp
~Lq lTv, t
Ka-~ .qhpvi 7h, A.,
Ra shovsv.
LSSR/Geophysice - Petroleum Deposits 11 Jun 5~
"Movement of the Oil-Bearing Contour and Pressure
Drop In the Strata During Operations on Large-Scale
Petroleum Deposits," W. S. Piskunov
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXIV, No 5, PP 907j 908
Proposes a method for detg the pressure in unbounded
stratum and the movement of the oil-bearing contour
In the case of plans for working large-scale oil de-
posits with a large number of exploitational and
forcing wells. Sets up math expressions for slib-
ject quantities. Submitted by Acad A. 1. Nekrasov
19 Apr 52.
USSR/Geopbysice - Petroleum, Surfaces of 1 Jul 52
'The Form of the Surface of Separation Between Water
and Petroleum During Separating of Petroleum From
the Stratum and During the Injecting of Water Into
th* Stratum. The Process Governing the Formiattun of
Aqueous Cones," N, S. Piskunov
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" VA LXXXV, Bo 1, pp 49-52
Considers an unbounded horizontal oll-bearing i3tratum
under which Is located an aquiferous strstgm, with
known thickness of the water and petroleum strata;
the upper boundary of the oil stratum and the lower
boundary of the water are regarded as Impermeable.
22 4Tt~t
Proceeds from the eqs of nonstationary (unsteady)
notion of a fluid as obtained by S. A. Khristiano-
vich and V. V. Devison (1938). Uses also the re-
sults of P. Ya. Polubarinova-Kochina, Submitted by
Acad A. 1. Nekrasov 3 May 52
/V S,
AID P - 1095
Subject USSR/Mining
Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 6/21
Authors Trebin, F. A. and Piskunov, N.-S.
Title Problem of utilization of large oil deposits of platform
type. (Continued from Neft. khoz., v. 32, #9, p25, S 1954,
AID P - 822)
Periodical Neft. khoz., v. 32, #10, 20-30, 0 1954
Abstract A general review of the hydrodynamic stud7 of the contour
of large oil deposits is presented. Drillings of operating
and pressurized wells by various systems are discussed.
The significance of double and triple systems of explora-
tory drillings or one and two side action systems is
analysed from the view oint of Increasing oil well pro-
duction. 11 maps and 9 tables.
Institution None
Submitted No date
Approximation method for determining the moveam t of the water-oil
boundary. Trudy VIII no.6:3-12 154. (KLRA q-.1)
(Petroleum engineering) (Oil field flooding)
Determining the movement of the water-oil boundary and pressure
decline in large oil field exploitation. Trudy VNII no.6:1)-26
054, (KLRA 9:1)
(Petroleum engineering) (Hydrodynamics)
GA R lato ja,;X
rfat F"VIAP caftleur)
1954, Rev. DO- P60 Rel.
no. 6.
..j- -MOU. 1936
T th
a1mc, SwAtion acd
j;'O 411411pluellf a 1
can he dividtd Into etlenentnry sections f
ad by tquiralaat .112pettagable, wall,, at
which Itl" de
of the Im. The"
t1litesewed by tectansi", ace Aons can b,
Icctofs conts;AJAN 01,41 or More bora-
ftori- fjorce of the (to%,
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Of M-1ted "ki bm"-
condi. I,
411KI the getpib,j., 09 111 the Pressure Chasj),a the cove
I the DCC11dedp... our water
A4 eqtmcjca
for the rmjtjl&j qWjj
Ucb *104lk-otax, Are4* '-Z*he b btl"13 c- be ad t up lot
Bid wilt I.- ef _s~.
-77-11FG4 to a HAW vmlAtj~oo -S! v- wd uq!
s 0 chte
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04 tbg Co,,,W at t6
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419tsired by
kh 177h;'
23. lqj7j T."
ell "a for sort,
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zbwul equl
-L- %, ipRy
A LJ IV c~~ V IV.
Subject USSR/Mining
Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 7/26
AID F - 822
Authors Trebin, F. A. and Piskunov, N. 10).
TItle Problem of utilization of large oil deposits of the
platform type
Period1col Neft. khoz., v. 12, #9, 25-33, S 1954
9tract The author presents a hydrodynamic substantiation for suit-
able location of the operating and pressurized wells In
order to Increase the oil output. Various cases of the
relative location of these wells are discussed and the
effect of pressure on the oil output Incree3e Is analytical-
ly formulated with an Integral equation. 14planB and 3
tables. (The article will be completed In the next Issue).
Institution: Laboratory of Underground Hydrodynamics of the All-Union
Scientific Research Institute (VNII)
Submitted No date
Cal I Nr: AF 1 1'_)682~
Transactions of the Third Al-L-uniun MatriematIcal Congress - (Cont.
J-.n .'u! '5, . Trid V- Rp*~i- , lz_,~a*e! -tv AN W
Nuzhl n, M. I. fKa)z( an and G. G. T~imashev (Kaza in" inverse
Boundary Problems and Their ApplIcatlon In MechanIcs. e06- 20~~
Petrashen', 0. 1. (Leningrad). On the Investigation of
Non-stationary Interference Phenomena In Media With
Thin Layers.
Piskunov, N. S. (Moscow). On Some Problems of Underground
Rydromeellanlas Leading to Boundary Problems of Partial
Dtfferential With Varlable Domains. 209-210
Rvachev, V. L. (Osipenko). Design of Infinite Beams
on Elastic Half-space.
Mention Is made of Proktor, G. E. and Gorbunov-Posadov, M. I.
Rogozhin, V. S. (Rostov-na-Donu). Sufficient Conditions
for UnivalentnesB of Solution of Hydromechanics Inverse
Boundary Problems. 210-211
Card 70/80
Translation from: Referati%nvy zh~irrm- Mexhan ka, iQ;,, Nr 4, p m- (U55R)
AUTHOR: Piskunuv. N. S.
TITLE: Oil Surne Pr,)hIctii, ~ri UridvrXr,)uri(i H\d: ~)mvt hanit ~-, Whi, h Can Be
Reduced tc) Bimndarv Prt)blenis Rt-lai ~v to Part!al D:fferential Equa-
tions With a Va riable Range (0 ne~oi,)rvkh z-ada(hakh pudzemnov
gidromekhaniki, prig (,d~,j sh( hikh P k ravt- .ni zadat ham diva
ura,.-ncniv , o. hi-rivkt, pt-mz-~ ~,dnv~h , pt- rvmenv)-,- ()b1a"t,vu)
PERIODICAL: Tr i-gt, Mt,s-%k, AN SSSR 9~b,
pp -'0(4 - -,
ABS,rRACT: BJ)hc)gr;ip1,. , 4 ,ir~,
Ca rd I I
Piskunov, Nikolay Semenovich
Differentsial'noye I integrad'noye ischisleniya dlya vtuzov (Differential and
Integral Calculus for VtuzeB) Moscow, Gostekhizdat, 1957. 844 p.
15,000 copies printed.
Ed.: Smolyanakiy, M. L.; Tech. Ed.: KiraBhova, .. Ya.
PURPOSE: TbLis book is intended as a textbook for a 5W-40(i hour course in
mathematics at vtuzes.
COVKRAGE: The monograph is a systematic presentation of calculus for engineering
students. The author thanks Tu. S. Ochan and V. A. Solodkov for vriting parts
of the book, and A. N. CheriLasov, V. Ya. Kozolov, N. K. Brushlinskiy,
1. Ya. Verchenko, and K. F. Malyavko for their assistance in vriting the book.
Card 1/1,?
Differential and Integral Calculus (Cont.) 5
Pref ace
Ch. I. Numbe r. Variable. F'unction
1. Real numbers
2. Representation of real numbers by points on a number scale
Absolute value of a real number
4. Mathematical quantities. Variables and constants
5. Character of variation and interval of variable quantities
6. The or-der of variation. Monotonical-ly variable and bounded
vaAable quantities
7. Functions 24
8. The methods of definition of functions 27
9. Explicit and Implicit functions '~ -11
'I C
10. Increasing, decreasing, and monotonic functions
11. Functions bounded in an Interval
12. Even and odd functioLi. Periodic funation
Card 2/19
Differential and Integra.1 Calculus (Cont.
13. Functions vith integred and continuous &rgument 38
14. Algebraic functions 59
15. Fundamental elementary functions 43
16. Elementary functions 48
17. Polar coordinate system 49
Exercises 51
Ch. U. Theory of Limits. Continuity of Functions
1. Limit of a variable 53
2. Limit of a function vith natural numbers as arguments
(lim1t of sequence) 59
3. Limit of a function vith continuous argument 62
4. GeneraLizing the concept of the limit of a function 68
5. Bounded function when x ---v--a or vhen x ---Owco 75
6. Infinitesimals and infinitely large quantities 76
7. Fund ntal properties of Infinitesimals BO
8. Fundamenta.1 theorew on limits (rules of approaching limit) 83
1) BmUcras vritten in part by Yu. S. Ochan am Indicated by an asterisk;
thore vritten entirely by him are indicated by tvo asterisks.
Card 3/ 19
Differential and Integral Calculus (Cont.)
9. Criteria of the existence of a limit. Additional information
on 1AmitB 86
sin X
10. Limit of the function -
_X vhen
x 0 58
1-1. The number e. Natural logar1thmB 91
12. Comparison of infinitesimals 97
13. Continuous functioas. Points of discontinuity 101
14. Properties of functions, continuous at a point. Continuity of
ele ntary functions log
15. Inverse functions 112
16. Composite functions ii6
17. Properties of functions, continuous In a closed Intervnd 1-19
Exercises 123
Ch. III. Derivatives and Differentials
1. Velocity of motion i
2. Definition of a derivative 128
Geometrical interpretation of a derivative ),)0
Differentia bility of functions 151
5: Derivatives of elementary functions. Derivative of the
functicn y - xn for n integer and positive 153
6. Deri --tives of functions sin x, y - coo x 155
C&M 4/ 19
Differential and Inte6ral Ca-lr-ulus (Cont. )
7. Derivatives of constants, of produrt of a constant and a Ifunction,
of a sum, of a product, and of a quotient of runctIonn
8. Derivatives of logarithmic functions
9. Derivatives of composite functions 142
10. Derivatives of the functions y a tan x, y - cot x, y 0 1 X1 144
1.1 . Derivatives of implIcIt functions
12. Derivatives of power functions for any real exponent, derivatives
of exponential functions, and of composite exponential ftmetions
13. Derivatives of inverse functions 149
14. Derivatives of inwrse trigonometric functions i I'l
15. Table of fundamenta.1 differentiation formulas 1 13
16. Paxametric definition of a function i ~4
17. Equations of certain curves in parametric form 156
18. Derivatives of functions in parametric form 1'R
19. Hyperbolic functions lo'o
20. Differential i65
21. Geometric inter-pretation of a clifferentla.1
Card 5/19
Differential and Integral Calculus (Cont.
22. Derivatives of various orders
23. Differentiais of various orders
24. Derivatives of various orders of J.mplicit functions and of
functions In parametric form
25. Mechanical interpretation of Lhe accond derivativx! 14
26. Equations of a tangent and of a normal. Lengths (f a subtangent.
and a subnormal
27. Geometric interpretatior of the radius-vector derivu*tive witli
rospect to the polar angle
Exercises (9
Ch. 17V. Some Theorems on Differentiable Functions
1. Theorem on the roots of a derivative (Rolle's theorem)
2. Theorem of finite increments (theorem of Langrange)
3. Theorem on the ratio of increments of tvo functions (theorem of
Cauchy) I ~.;i
4. Umit of the ratio of two infinitesimals ("Evaluation of the
indeterminate form 4-1)
card 6/19
Differential and Integral Calculus (Cont.
5. Limit of the ratio of tvo infinltely large quantities ("Rvaluation of
the indeterminate f orm co
6. Taylor's formula
7- Expansion of the functions ex sin x, cos x using Taylor's formula "05
Ch. V. Investigation of the Behavior of Functions
1. Statement of the problem
2. Increasing and decreasing of a functlon
3. Maxim= and minimuir of functions
4. The scheme of investigation of maxirmun and minimum of functions
vith the ald of first derivatives 2.7
5. Investigation of max1mum and minimum of functions vith the aid
of second derivatives :-11 Ij
6. Largest and smallest values of a function in an interval L23
7. Application of the theory of maximum and minlymnn of functions
to the solution of problems
8. Investigation of maximum and minimum of a function vith the
aid of Taylor's formula 17
Card 7/ 19
Differential and Integral Calculus (Cont.)
9. Convexity and concavity of a curve. Points of Inflacticun
10. Asymptotes
11. General plan of Investigation of functions and of QonjMcdM of greTts
12. Investigation of curves in parametric form
Ch. V1. Curvature of a Curve
1. length of an are and Its derivative
2. Curvature
3. Calculation of curvature
4. Calculation of the curvature of a line In parametric form
5. Calculation of the curvature of a line in polar coordinates
6. Radius and circle of curvature. Center of curratur-.
Rmlute and involute
7. Properties of the evolute
Card 8/ 19
Differential and Integra.1 CELICILIUB (COnt.
Ch. M. Complex Numbers. Polynomials
1. Couplex numbers. Preliminary definitions Z72
2. Fundamental operations vith complex numbers ?4
3. Paver and root of complex numbers 116
4. General form of a complex number. Limit of a complex variable -0
5. Concept of a func-.on of a cLuplex variable. Exponential function
and its properties. Ruler's formula
6. Factoring of a polynomial A
7. On multiple roatB of a polynomial -
8. Factoring of a polynomial in the case of complex roots
9. Approximate cadculation of the real roots of an equation
10. Interpolation. Lagrange interpolation formmla
1.1. On the best approximation of functions by polynomials. Chebyshev
Ch. VM. Functions With Several Variables
1. Defiaition of a function vith several variables
2. Peometric representation of function vith tvo variaLles
3. Partial and tortal increment of a function
Card 9/ 19
Differential and Integral Cr-iculuB (Cont. ) 3
4. Continuity of a function of aever&l variables
5. Partial derivatives of a ftwction of several variables
6. Geometric interpretation of the partial derivatives of a
fulletion of two variables
7. Total increment and total differential
6. Use of a total differentia.1 in approximte calculations
9. AVplication of a differrntia.L to the estimate of error -,oundj3
in calculations *-*
10. Derivative of a composite I'Lwctton. Total derivative
11. Derivative of a function la implicit form
12. Partial derivatives of varicrus orders
13. Contour lines
14. Directional derivative
15. Gradient
16. Taylor's formula for a function of tvo variables
17. Maximum and mininno of a function of several variables
38. Maximum and minimum of a function of several variab-',,~-;.
eonnected by given equations (conditional maximum and minimum
19. Singular points of a curve
Card 10/ 19
Differentiad and Integra-~ Calci~lu6 (~7ont. )
Ch. D(. Application of Differentia.1 Calculus ~o Solid Geometry
1. Equations of a space curve
2. 1.1-it and derivative of a vector function vith scalar argument.
Equation of a tangent of a cur-m. Equation of a normal plane
3. Rules of diffen-ntiation of vectors (of vector functions)
4. First and second derivatives of a vector vith respect to the
arc length. Curvature of the curve . Principal normal
5. Osculating plane. Binormal . Torsion
6. Tangential plane and normal of a surface
Ch. X. Indefinite Integral
1. Primitive function and indefinite integral
2. Table of integrals
Some properties of indefinite integrals
4. Integration by the method of changing the variable or ,-y the
substitution wthod * .1)
5. Integrals of certain functions containing a quadratle trinmdal
6. Integration by parts *-* '(- 1
7. Rational fractions. Simplest rational fractions and their
Inte ation
Card IM1,9
Differential and Integral C~Llculus (Cont. ) I
6. Decomposition of a rationa.1 fraction into partial fractlons
9. Integration of rationa.1 frartions
10. Method of Ostrogradskly *
1-1 . Integrals of Irrationa.1 functions
12. Integrals of the form j R , q -~t '- , A-,- C
13. Integration of differential binomials *-*
14. Integration of certain Irrational functions vith the ELid -)f
trigonometric substitutions 0
1~. Integration of certain classes of triSoncmetric functJons
16. Integration of certain nonaigetiraic functions *-*
17. On functions tne lnt,~grals of which are not expressed !Y
elementary functions
Ch. XI. Definite Integral
1. Statement of the problem. 1,ower and upper integrFU sums
2. Definite integral *
3. Fund ntal prorper-tios of the definite integrad
4. Calculation of tne definite integral. The Nevton-1,eibnitz formula
Card 12/19
Differential and Intc-gral (-'rL!c,iJus (c,nt. )
5- Change of the variaLle in thft df,finit., integrk"
6. Integration by parts
7. Improper Integrals
Approximate calculation of definit,t integrals
9. Chebyshev's formula J4
10. Integrals dependent on a parameter
Ch. XII. Geometric and Wchanical Applications of Determinate tegrn.1r,
1. Calculation of areas in rectangular coordinates
2. Area of a curvilinear sector In polar coordinates
5. I-ength of arc of ft plane curve *
4. Calculatik-i of the voluim- of a solid using areas with paratel
cross sections
5. Volume of a solid of revolution
6. Area of a solid of revolution
7. Calculation of work using a definite integral
Coordinates of' the r-enter of gravity
Card 13/ iq
Dif ferentia.1 and Integral Calculus (Cont
Ch. XIII. Differvntia.1 Equations
1. Statement of the problem
2. Definitions
3. Differential equations of the first order (general concepts)
4. Equations vith separated and separable variables
5- Hcmogenous equations of first order
6. Equations reducible to homogenous equations
7. Linear equations of first or-der
8. Bermoulli's equation
9. Equation in total d-ifferentials
10. Integrating factor
U. Envelope of a family of curves
12. Pw-ticular solutions of a clifferenti&l equation of first order
13. Clairau-It's equation
14. IAWange's equation
15. Orthogonal and isogonal trajectories
16. Differential equations of
Y~gher orders * (general concepts)
17. Equation of the form n~ . f (X)
18. Certain types of differential equations of second order reducible
to equations of first order
Card 14/ 19
Differential and Integral Calculun (Cont.)
19. Graphical method of integration of a d-ifferentlal equation of
second order
20. Linear homogenous equations. Definition and general properties
2.1. Linear homogeneous equations of second order with constant
coefficients ~2
22. Linear homogeneous equationn of nth orftr vith conatant coefficiento V)6
23. Nonhomogeneous linear equations of second order 48
24. Sonhomogeneous linear equations of second order vith constant
25. Noahomogeneous linear equations of higher orders UU
26. Differential equation of mechani cal oscil-lations
27. Free oscillations 6-6
28. Forced oscillations
29. System of ordinary differential equations
30. C3ncept of Lyapunov's stability theory
Card 15/ 19
Differential and Integral CtLlculus (Cont.
Ch. XIV. Multipke Integrals
1. Double integral *
2. Calculation of a double integral
3. Calculation of a double integral (continuation)
4. Calculation of areas and volumes with the aid of dcrublr integrals
5. Double integral in a polar coordinate system
6. Change of variables in a double integral (general care)
7. Calculation of surface area
8. Density of distribution of a substance and double integral
9. Moment of inertia of plane area
10. Coordinates of the center of gravity of plane area
Ll. Triple integral
12. Calculation of a triple integral
13. Change of variables in a triple integral
14. Moment of Inertia and coordinatea of the center of gravity of a solid
15. Calculation of integrals dependent on a parameter
Exercises 4
card 16/ 19
Differential and Integrad Calculus (Cont. )
Ch. XV. Line Integrals and Surface Integrais
1. Line integral
2. Calculation of a line integral
3. Green's formula
4. Conclitions of independence of a line integral fram the path
of integration 2
5. Surface integral
6. Calculation of a surface integral
7. Stokes' equation
8. 0strogradskly's equation 0
9. Surface integrals of scalar functions (integrals over the surface
10. Line integrals of scalar functions (integrals over the length
Of an arc) ** ,,4
Ch. XVI. Series
1. Series. Sun of a series
2. 3ecessary test for convergence of a series
Card 17/19
Differential and Integrad Calculus (Coat. ) 5
Comparison of series with positive terms
4. D'Alembert's test
5. Cauchy's te8t
6. Integral test for convergence of series
7. Alkezmating series. Leibnitz theorem
8. Series with variable signs. Absolute and conditional convergence
9. Functional series
10. Majorant series
11. Continuity of the sum of a series
12. Integration and differentiation of series
15. Paver series. Interval of convergence
1-4. Differentiation of power series
15. Paver series of x - a
16. Taylor's and Maclaurin's series
17. Exanples of expansi:)n of functions into series
18. Biller's equation
19. Binomial series
20. Expansion of the f~-a) c t i on 1 n + x) into a power serits.
Calculation of the lojarittum
21. Calculation of definite integrals with the aid of series
22. Integration of differential. equations with the aid of series
25. Bessel's equation 4
C&rd 18/19
Diffferential and Integral Calculus (Cont.
Ch. Xy . Fourier Series
1. Definition. Statement of the problem 4
2. ExaWles of expansion of functions Into Fourier Series 8
3. A note on the expansion of a periodic function into a Fourier Series ts~)3
4. Fourier series for even and odd functions 126
5. Fourier series for a function with the period 21 m~~
6. On the expansion of a nonperioclic function into a Fcwurier Series +* -~~q
7. Mean approximation of a given function vith the ald of a trigonometric
polynomial "0
8. Dirichlet integral 6
9. Convergence of a Fourier Series at a given point
10. Fourier series for a differentiable function
1.1. Practical harmonic analysis 61,3
Exercises -414
AVAILAMZ: Library of Congress
LK 'I Innd
1,)- L.- 58
Card 19/19
Translation from: Referativrivy Zhurnal. Mekhanika. 14~7 . N r I i p 14Z (USSR)
AUTHOR: Piskunov, N. S.
TITLE: To the Question of the Seepage of a Liquid in a Layer of Heterogeneous
Capacity and Permeability (K voprosu o fil'tratsit zhidkosti % neodno-
rodnom po mushchnosti i pronitsayemosti plaste)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. neftegaz, n.-i in-t, 1956, Nr 8, pp 4"32-Z49
ABSTRACT: A fairly simple, approximate method is developed for the calculation
of the utilization of petroliferous deposits in,i heterogeneous layer, which
makes possible a quantitative appraisal of the phenomenon tinder studv
and a suffic ientlv m ( urate asqessment of its quantitative vield. An
equation is derived for the seepage of a liquid in a heterogeneous la%er,
and the following questions are examined:
o rhe ,ppi, f niv ,ikit,n ()f the p.,irabol., C(111,1111M (equatior,
of an elasti( re8inicri) f,)r in irifin0c laver to thc In%(-01mation of oper-
ational pro(esses in a f:-iitc laver,
Z T'he possLbwlit~' of repla( ing a group of produ( ing wel', with i
single, large well.
Card 1 3) An evaluation of the prc~siirc ditterCTItlAk intro(ki,ed Ahen ~i
SO 1 4
r at 1 a r r ( )?I)
At: I HOP Pi-k,,ii~w,
I L F A Mc1h,Id 1,,i i Ow Pr,,, f-,s oI
t'i d,- i F. a I
dc r
pKR!()Dit Al. pp
A I S R A( 1 1 h v ill; ht- d probl (-m df-a L! "k
ot r v ~ c r i f i d a r It t h t pc r a t 111 j4 'k c I i q V'd
( '. ~ II d %% I I . 1) ~ r 7 ! ~ I ! I ) , r , - " r % I 1 1 v I I r ~ ) I I h ;
pla, ctrivw 0 1 tit k v a , -im t-d to bt, a rbit -11 T*
i ~ , a r (it. r T~ I vff (.( t a s ( ) I k i, I , 11 f t h v c 1)
introd-1k ed 11
th- :t,, r,-mvrits in dis, harge flock di'd Ih, :)r",
;1, it I-hf- author diws not advtr, (I a!--
~Y-~ ta,,(-r ot thu svs1cm oI
As O)c "ki-Ils S 1"y
A Nli-Thk)d for Pr-
rf,,; t, r% t,; r a rv i.,,l ~ii. 1,) rtni cli r ~h,it vd. t h,
s 1 141', 11) k ar. v f f f., w~ t 1) ~ v r Pl L! v
f I c, d r,
SoV 1 -'4 - - -
,f 0-
(-()ryi v ( r % , it I h.. ; ~ 1, 1 v 11. :. . - I ~ ,
a s t , , in s i r I I
j" ra p~l
V p P.
SOV i-14
F ra it -, ia -ri f r om R - Ira i i. , r, t .%I I r !"t:. . r AI
At' MOR Pi ,, k ki tit) N. S
I I I I.E' 0 n E x I ra t i t iPtr4 - k i i i i V r,, i n () it -,i r i r i k~ .ii
i~ mg Wa I cr (01) lit -nii it,- I ii i/ ti.-ft va I 1';a"'~% p''d'.sh
%critio% vodo.,I
PERIODICAL 1"r nt-fteu,tz. T) -i. :n-ta 10. pphh-j(w
A BS TR AC I Examindiim. -d Thc lit-v. ,I pcirolcum I -%,irds a ';halk,"k
Situated 11) a idyt r hmilcd h% a . Omdrit 10 tf-cd ( )iAour ;,; madr,
The top part of tht, lever , k)i~tain,, petrolcam, tht bottoill p'Ar"
the linderIvinit4 ,vater B01h !hc petrolvilw and the kater art-
( Ot'.Sldered m( miprossible. Fhe seepage i s t onsidt rod
ary (the nonstatIOT d rv problern for the case of titilm itc(; a\ 1, r
v,as investigateci l)\ the duthor previousk - D(,)kl. A~' SSSR.
P)~2. Vol H~ Nr I . Or. thi- petroleuT-n-,-aTvr
fa( e tok dted bvlo~,% the ontinkiitt,' :,, ds,.-,n-d f('r !"'.f.
stir, and f,)r the n,~rmal cornponents of the sef-pa'2v .'eit). ~t\*'
With thvsv pr,,blvin spv( ifit ations. the tkriter ht-c ~jrnc~ mmm -
dblv tht- boundtir\ intertat v vvill be( umv that surld, v t)t tht.
Ca rd 12 flu%k on whi( h I 1w pres su re i s a linva r funt. T ion t,f thc z
SC) 124 7 781,
OT, Extra( rp
g pf t
. r- f. t
t f 1 ed f 0 t
il I) ri,
p U
d x1 s r Ij
M a t 1- (11 r
tha t t
1) vr ill t, S r t
( - d
n v ; s,
r f
o1 L4 j
:'7 !
a r d
Method for calculating the elaBtic drive proceso at given pressureB
im production and Injection wel-la. Trudy V111I no.10:3-24 157.
04IRA 1416)
(Oil field flooding)
petroleum recovery from layers containing bottom waters. Trudy VNII
no.10:88-100 157. OMU 14: 6)
(oil reservoir engineering)
Anal7zin,g the performnce of purtirg and boundar7 r-~--s of Intake wells.
Trudy VNII 12:103-119 '5P. DCRA 12:3)
(Oil field floo4ing)
Fortmition fractlirlnr and its effect an oil well exploitation.
Trudy TNII no.16:1-24 '5R. ()'IRA ii:i;>.)
(Oil wells-Hy-dra-ilic fracturIng)
Problom of ~.he lengtj-, r.f ~.jme -;f water-free exploitatl n of a
woter-oil layer by different tapping methodai hydrauli- fractur'ng,
imperfect well, imperfect well vith an exclusion screen, Nauch.-
tekh. abor. po doL. neft.i no.l-~--10 '58. (~GRA 1'~:q'
1. Vsesoy-uznyy neftegazovyj nRuchno-issledowitel'Aiy InstAtut.
(Oil fields-Producti,n methods)
M ain
P LIjKIjII-*-V, N. -'I. ( M~'111 * 1. )
";,r, Aj;T - me*- , :- -, . .. *.:,, -'l- Z.-~I:Z.
Rrob-cm LT. 1-: ~ a Dx:vi.' af . ., , :, 11 "1 -. ~i. , - '- i -L ~ -
t ! - 1 -1
. I i,- :' ~3 ; L * c r MrIC Et,, ~Jy ~ :-' )-,t :iar 1 -t
, "t . #*M!~
rep, !-, it- - "'L Ftn~' A , I -'J: ,,m , . ll~ ',-: IL , 1- * 1 'fj , 'ill.: Af 't I ~ - .
Me,-,i,anl',~s, Wis,,ov, "' 7al. - Fel, . P,~ .
. _ - 2 " ' ' 1, .4 - . I
-r- -- .. - . . I
. I I . I I . I . . . .
r . . -
t6thnichesicijr redsictor
Differential and integral calculus for higher technical schoolej
Differentsiallmoe i integral'noo ischiBleniia; dlis vtuzov. Mosirva,
Goe.izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1957. 844 p. (MIRA 10:0
(Calculus. Differential) (Calculus. Integral)
PIUIJNOV. Nikolnv Semomovich; UPPM, I.V., red.: "TRILOV, S.S.,
to khn. red.
[Differential and Integral calculus for technical institutions
of Ugher learning) Differental8l'noe I Integral'noe ischinlenila
dlim vtutov. Izd.2., perer. Korkva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-motem.
llt-ry. 19o0. 714.8 p. (KIRA 0:9)
(Colc,;Iua. Difforentinl) (Coloulus. Intogrfil)
[I SKU I; ()~ p Ili ko I ny Serwn, v I ch; KIAT~l , IJ., red. ; ~iAV: 114N,,
tokhx.. :-,!d.
[Differential and integral calculi for schools of highe.-
education] DifferprAsiallnoe i intogrnl1noe ischi:31oniiFi ,liti
vtuzov. Izd.3., sterflotiimoe- Moskva, "i7xmt1-iz, 1961, 7/X r,
(tAIHA 15:7'
(Calculusp Differontial) (Calculus, Integral)
PMUNOT, Nikolay Semenovich; KEPPEN, I.V., red.; PIARSISO L.Yu.,
(Differential and integral calculi for
technical education) Differentsiallnoo
isohisloniia dlia vtux7vo Isd*4*p dope
fitiko-matem.lit-r7, 1962. 855
(Calculus, Differential) (Calculus, Integral)
institutes of higher
i integral'nce
Mookvap Goa.izd-vo
(PMU 15:5)
F I Sr'~"'NCV, !~lko'ay S-ren~ v4 -!.; r,_EHE':~N, I K_%,
a: a rvi I r. i. tu ~i rl:~
I'll I cal c(luo 1: L i 'm :,I' ft. !a.' 1, e - r I! no e
~.A vt,iz-%-. I "Nauka,"
M, ,A
F IS KU?.OV), Nikclay Semenovi ~h; KUrFl, GC);,, ~u,A.
rea.; red.
[Liffr~---ntla-l ann integra-: cal~!uli for technica.~ school, of
~ilrher eoixatirr. iffprpr.t.,ia:'nc,,- intepri-11noc? Isc~.'s-
-n" ilt v t " z 0!-,.k-va "';aukL,
Information. Tekst. prom. 23 no.9:95-cjW, 5 163. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Glavny-y lnzh. Kostromakogo znv0da Tekstillmash Verkhne-Volzhskogo
soveta, narodnogo khozynystvii (for Borisov). 2. Rexiaktor radloveshcha-
niya Kostromakogo zavoea Takstillmash Verkhne-Volzhskogo soveta
narodnogo khozyaystva (for Piskunov).
(Textile machinery)
PISUMV. P.I., doktor taktin.nauk.
Rx-perimpt.ta' testing olr lmif-ow miltiple-stage clpril'iers.
Trud7 ",IS' no.?~:141-144 I 1,t . (miu ii.;)
(Wator-Purif I cAtion)
(198A /themical Technology. Product.E3 H -1~
and Their Applicaticn
Water treatment. Sewag--~ wq*--er.
Abs Jour: Referat Z!%ur Kllmi-ya, N~- I,
Authcr Piskuno,, F .-'
Tnst Gor'kly Tin z t ltut,~ of
Title Expertmf-nta I S *,,-Iy Ur
, a nk
Orig rub: Tr . Gc r ' kr vk
Abstract: A .5 t ud y wa m:3 J ef tne 7.;-rat1-n cf them
hnrlzc,rtgl -f 'h~ kly waf-~r
E, upp I y " y:,, " 1~ -I- M-1 I t I , f- vi.
settling tarkz with, par.-II.-I f '-)w ir Ill al,,rq,
tot tom arKj t ?-Ic- I --,p-- r i t id er, 1 1,
Card 1/11P
Yul,iy r1l; 1 , : -
lAiHSKIY, VaeMy Alekseyovich. dots. kand.takhn.ribuk; PAVLOV. Vasilty Ivano-
vich. dots kand Aekhn.nauk Cdineasedl : PlSKUbi0V, P. 1. , nrof . dok' or
tekhn.nauk, retsenzent ; :~AAVA IT, H o. us uk ,
neiuchW red.; POPKOVICH. .S. . kp-,d taicrin.riauk, dote., !-,6t.-7hnyy r;~a .
HORStiCHMILAYA, N.M., red. izd-va ; bM I RNUit, A F. , red. izd-va
(Wfito,r i;uiply end eewer-r,,] VodosuohynerAe 'i 17.
~-oe, Derer. KOSkV0, GOB. 17i-VO !it-ry uc) Rtruit. i %,-kh., I-"-
(Sewerfige) (Vat(ir miD~~4 HnelwAring)
" ~'. . I . A I. I I
.l.. - . I . ... 1 0 , . . . . I r. 1. . . . . .
. . r I I . I
. . I I , , I I . ~ , ! .
I I I . I - I . ---, - -- . . - -
prof doktor tekhn.nauk; HAGORNOV, Fikalay
lvnnovich; PZRLbir*-l.X.. red.; SHVEDOV, Tu.F., red.lzd-va:
[Operfttion of clRrifters with suanended filteral PrRktika
akaDluRtntsii osTotlitelei so vivaghennym filltrom. MoakvR,
lzd-vo N-va kommun.khos.RSYSR, 1957. 48 t). (MIRA 11:1)
1. Glnv-nyy inzhpner Gor'kovskogo vodo-orovoda.
PISKUNOVP P. 1.) Professor
Doe Tech br-i
Dissertation: "Experimental anr, Tneoreticad Investigation of norIzontal
Settling Tan~s in a Rater Supply )y6tem." 2-7/6/50
Moscow urder of the Labor Red Banner 4,ngineering Lonstruction inet ilmeni
V. V. huybytihev
0 Vecheryaya Moskva
sum 71
PISMOV. 11. 1.
The wa'.ar suT.1y of factories and plants) Moskva, ;oe. izd-vo etr-,It. lit-ry,
1951 - 106 p - ( ~2-19nQf )
P : '? . A . 9 1 -, Z11 .
P-.n 5 , -. -ill 0~ :, , 0' 9 q, 0 -1 1 " m#, ~ , , . . . . .: . .
"o I ~ r . q qd~ r p . " . . " . . r . , I - - ~;
". -- A . -) I -
FISKUNCV, S.I., irah.
Device for studying the wear of the collectors of electric&l
machines. Vest. alektroprom. 34 no.2:62 F 163. (MIRA 16:2)
(Electric machinery~Measurements)
DZVTATKOV. Aleksnndr Fedorovich; VULUralT, N.P.; PISMOV. S.A.; SHATS.
Te.L.: KHTUKOV, V.L., md.-. BAL1,01). A.1..; GOII'KCVi,
LRepnir of electric machines and tranaformereJ Ramont elektri-
cheakikh mashin I transformtorov. )4oFtkva. Gos.izd-vo Bel'khoz.
lit-ry. 1960. 270 P. (MIRA 13:11)
(Ilectric wchlnery--~bt Into nn nee and ropnir)
Problems concerning the we of the collectors of electrical
machines. From.energ. 17 no.5:6-9 162. (KDA 15:5)
(Electric macklinery
A tr,'HOR3 e 0. T. and M. R.
1ITLEs fauchnsys, konforontoiya Mookovskogo inshonerno-fisichookogo
institute (Scientific Conference of the Moscow Engineering
Physics Institato) 1962
PERIODICALs Atommays, onergiya, v. 13, no. 6. 1962. 603 - 606
TEXT9 The annual conference took place in May 196 2 with nors, than 400
delegate* participating. A revive to giv*n of these loctures, that art
assumed to be of Interest for the reader* of Atownsys onerglya. They are
followingi A. 1. Loypunakiy, future of feet reactoral A. A. Vasillyew,
design of aao*lerstore for suporhigh onorgioal 1. to. Poseranchuk,
onalyticity, unitarity, and asymptotic behavior of strong Interactions at
high energleal A. A. HICdolt phenomenological theory for the asny-body
probl 1 Tu. D. Fiveyokly. deceleration of sodium-energy satiprotone in
matte:81 A. looller-okiy, theory of the Menabsuar offecti
M. I. hZeisanov, theory of loalsation losses Is monbossogemeoum sedlual
re. B. Ivemov, A. A. AukMdoo, h-f Oenductivity of o"OrItleal ploomal
Card 1/4
ftnaya konforentsiyo...
08Y62/01 3/006/019/02 7
:1102 Bie6
of 50-Mov eloo%ron linear aooelGratorl To. 0. Pyatnov, A. A. Gleskov,
V. G. Lopsto, A. 1. Finogenov, G. V. Skepokly, V. D. Selesnev, experinvotol
characteristic* of low-onersy electron linear soooleratoral 0. A. Zeytlonkl
T. K. Lavin, S. I. Piskunovv V. L. Smirnovj V. K. Khokhlov, rediooircuit
parameters of Jf41(LUB)-typ* soo*lcrstoral 0. A. Ty&gunov, 0. A. Valldner,
B. K. Gokhborg, 5. 1. Korehunov, V. 1. Kotav. Ye. M. Maros, accelerator
classification end terminologyj 0. B. Milovenev. V. D. Vorskoln, F. B.
Zoakovich. theoretical snalvole of sagnstroo oporationj A. 0. Tragov,
P. R. Zonkovich, calculation of attenuation in a disphragasted veveguidel
Yu. P. Lazarecko, A. V. Ryabtoov. optimum attenuation length for linear
accoleratorl A. A. Zhigarev, R. To. Y*lieeyov, revive on trejectographas
1. 0. Morosove, 0. A. Tysgunov. review ur. more them 500 Ion souroeal
M. &- Abroyant V. L, Komarov, duoplaosatrga-type **Qrcol V. B. Xuanotsoirl
A. 1. 59lr4shkov, calculation and production of Intense Ion bessal
1. it. Rybin (To. T. Armonakly)o Inductive current transmitters of high
oonaltivityl V, I. Korosal 0. A. TyelvAnovv kinetic 40*GTIP%iCM Of lin*63'
acceleration of relativistic slootronal A. D. Vlasov, phase Osci 'Ilations
In linear &cceleratorej K. L. barkhtsym, 0. V. ToakresonskLy, loess field
offeete In the wavegulde of an electron linear accelerator; A. S. Dobovikov,
Car& 3/4
I'll lift,
jj~l -1
Aa M
: 4~twv of
Un the
of a necond.PORO-circlat and an
Vnit ~ Q399 ?is. 1, on
'closure). -,Thar* are also a third NORN circuit forming the swo mdulo ton
-.t and's transfer pdo,e shaper4wition'. To utilize higb stability cbrimotronst a
sho ping cfir,~uit- Is- commocted,betveem, AN, second ~thtrd *OR* circiAte,
supply inputs of 'the natIstable -bime-pAlse units are connected to 6ourcen of
br"Wa and addUowl reference "Itagesit Orig, art, bavi I diaimme.,
ASSWWIONj InstOut mtemtikij~ SO AM SM uts of whemwacap so AN
77_,~~ ~.77.
ON 41
-CCESSION IM2 AP50109519
aff 4zo
~b"646~186 Z~&er oonverter wA's deeado, aounter. To insure, ai0braic tnu=a-
tion and to simplify -the circuitp the first Input of the trigger of the fiTat torm
to time-pales "pTesentation converter is comeoted to a source of pulses of the
first Urms -The second input is connected -to sources of null pedestal pulses of
the-=iji-and scoandary cycles, and the trigger outpAt is C=ected to, the first
Input 4r'tbe,"AAD" vireat 'of
-the :first term -to diredt vnitax7 code converter. Its
sooond'input in comectea to the main qrols pulse souroel andits conneot.
*a. to the first input of an "OR" oircuito . 'The. girst input of the triaer of the
soIpook, tam- to #xl~-Vulse rawomentation Oonvwtw Is 00=00ted, to - a Source Of
The' ooi2nevtoa; to: th*,ac~itoe or p3loas - aj
7: Pases -of the vooond tm. sepond input is
the main and seconaarv eVvIes. Mis aireot output of. the trigM is lomeotea too tb
first t of the three-iWwt "AIM" olxmit of the second ters to dJxeot unitax7.
1_11~11 ljq;
M '77
--------- -
~. I . . . . . . I I I -
What i8 published In economics by the State Publiahing Ho-upe
of Political Literature in 1964. Vop. ekon. no.1:144-147
J& 164. (MIRA 17:3)
PISKUNOV, V., mnater sporta
'Ibrakadabra' is a now figurg in advanced flying. Kryl. rod.
14 no.2:21 F 161. (MIRA 1614)
(Iorlal sportB)
llterqtaro fDr- studfing econ-alco. Vop. -k, r,. r. . * - . 1. '- . ..,
1!." :4 -
Mr I ~ 'A
( Bit) I I ograpt,., --E(- on om, r s ,
kBitWOV, V.A.; RU~TAN'Tcl'V, A.F,; CHAYKD,', P.I.; ABATLHUN, L.V.;
F.V.; VASIL"YEN', V.N.; Of,,OLE2:,IZKIY, K.F.; fA'.EL'YEV, Ye.A.;
MOTCV, 5 1.; -l,SArCV, G.K.; IVAI:OV, F.G.; FISKUNOV, V.,
red.; POLYr ',. ' , :-"d.; ~UHIDI, Yu., tekhn. red.
[Econoz--i. u. aj,ricultural enterprises; textbook ]E' ili.
sel'skokl.ozi,,istvenr,yl,h predprliatii; uchebnoe pooobie. Mo-
skva., Gospolitizdet, 1962. 510 P. (MIRA "":q)
1. horruristic?-eskaya ;artiya SovetskoFo go)-uza. Vyssf.L3a
partiymya shkola.
(Farm managev.ent)
LStudy the economics of your enterprise; vieutil aid for
students of economics schools] Ituchai ekonomiku ffvoego
prodpriiatiia; nagliadnoe poaobie dlia alunhatelei nachall-
nykh ekonomicheskikh shkol.. Leningrad, Goopolitizdat, 1961.
46 p. (MIRA 14:4)
(Industrial mnagoment-Audio-visual aids)
BXRR1. Lev Takovlevich; TGIJLACHXV, Aleksandr Sergeyevich; PISKUNOV, V.,
red.: DANILINA, A..
LEconomic and technical famndation of commnisnJ Katerial'no-
tekbnicheskais baza komminizw. MoBkva. Gos.1ad-vo polit.lit-ry,
1960. 97 P. (MINA 1):7)
(Raer,ia-Industries) (Commnism)
LCKMIN. IC.Tu., prof., doktor ekon.nauk; AliDRKTKVA. 0.1.. kand.okon.nnuk
VOROSHIWVA, T.S., dotuent, icand.ekon.nBuk; TARASITARTS, dotsent,
icti nd.~ icon. no uk; FASCLTAK, N.D.. dotnent. khnd.ekon.aauk; ITD9L'Wh'
M.R.. kand.okon.nauk; TAKOBI, A.A., dotsent. kand.ekon.nsuk-.
PISMOV, V., red.; MUKHIIM, Tu..
LIconomice of t" supply of owiteriala and equipmarit-, a toxthookj
Ekonomikzj material'no-tekhnicheskogo snjibzheniia; uchebtine posobie.
MoBk-ve, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 510 p.
(MIRA 1):11)
(Industrial procurement)
KOVAISY, P.P.: GIADKOV. 1.A., redaL-tor; HITROFANOVA, S.. redaktor;
FISJ:YXQY,,Y,. redaktor; DANILIXA, A.. tekhnicheakiy redaktor
[Development of electrification in Soviet lands from 1921 to 1925;
a collection of documents and papers) Basyttie alaktrifilratsii
sovetskot etrany 1921-1925 gg.; abornik dokumentov i materialov.
Nook-ya. Goo. izd-vo polit. lit-ry. 1956. 703 P. (MIRA 10:1)
Ollectrif teat ion)
POLYANOVSK I Y, Vale nt in Itqumcv ich: PISKUNOV. V . , roi . : 7ROYA11OVSKAYA, 11. ,
[In the interesto of trie people] V Interesakh naro-,;4. Mocrva, 1oa .
izd-vo polit.lit--y. 191~?. Al p. (AlTiA 11:1)
ALBXSXYBV, A.M., red.; PISKUNOV. V., rgd., "HIN, Yu., tekhn. red.
(Lconomic corlpetition between the two world systems-, a colle-tion
of articles] Sironomichaskne eorevnovenia dvukh alrovylch staten-,
sbornik statet. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1957. 381 o.
(MIRA 11:2)
1. Moscow. Hauchno-issledovatollqViy RkononichesViy Institut
09conomics )
Y A - . T- ~ -. F !'" ~CV' "I. V . ; P I:, '!CT!' IN, i . . P I
-~ i~, W VV.. rmd.
-11, VPi -1-FAVA. N.. tv~,n.rwi. ~1-- - -
.I~r- n- -i CS mrpnnlzati~n n-Id plannino- ~f industrial mntorprlspe;
A toxt))-,ki Xknnniqlka. nrf-anIzAtaiia I planirovanle prnifrysh-
loqnn-.-- orp(tT)riintjja; uchmbnnm posohiR. Monkvit, Jns.izd-vo
n,lil. it-ry. lqc~fl. ~01 P. (MIRA 11:12)
(Inlijitrifil miinnj-~mont)
SIPOLITAK, I.. gornyy master; OTT, V., mashinist ekskavatora; FISMOV, V.
Letle give more iron ore to our !nlustry. Sov. profecl-i27 ~ nr.12:
29-11 S 158. (MIU- 11:9)
l.Chleny tsekhovopo komiteta Sokolovskogo rudnika, F.Rudnay.
Kustanayskaya oblast'. 2.1lachallnik planovogo bruro Sokolovsk-ogo
rudulks, p. Rudnay. Kustanayekaya oblast' (for Pi8kiinov)
(Rudnyy--Iron mines and mining)
ITIN. Lay Iosifovich; PISKUNOV,V.. redaktor; KHOLOD.S., redaktor; MUKHIH.
Tu.. tekhni tY'Y6ft&tor
[Vays of improving the use of the productive capacity of in-
dustrial anterprisenj Puti uluchshenlin ispol'sovaniis proiz-
Yodstvozmykh moshchnoste) promyshlennyirh prodpr1latil. Moskra,
Gos.jzd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1956. 71 p. (KI&A 9:4)
(Zfficionoy, Industrial)
Tow-,.rd now bcqmckirlea. Za rul. ;~r, no.7:5 Ll If;,. O'llk 1~ :7)
1. Predsedatell mototsiUetnoy sektail pervichnoy organizataii
Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodaystviya armil, avintaii i flotu
Cherepovetskogo metallurgichookogo zavoda.
(Education, Milita~)
Economic literature in 19~.l. Vop.ekon. no.4:120-126 AT 161.
(MIRA 14:-,)
BYCHXK, Nikolay Romanovich; PISMOV. Y,, red.; KUKHIN, Tu..
(Planning industrial production] Planirovanie proayat:Lennogo
proizvodstva. Moskva, GoB.Izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1959. 101 P.
(MIRA 12:10)
(Rua9in-Rconomic policy)
KURkJOV. Ivan Grigor'yevich; PISKUNOV, V.. redaktor: KUKHIN. Yu.,
takhnicheekly re" ktor
[Technical progress and t-~e dev,91opment of labor productivity]
Tekhnicheskii progress i rost proizvodtt8l'noati truda. Moskva,
Go&. 1zd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1956. 29 p. (MLRA 10:2)
MANKVIGH, Yofi-n Llvovich; PISMOV, V.. red.; DAVILIVA, A.,
[Living standnrds of the Sovint peoplej Zhiznannyl uryven'
sovatakogo naroda. Hoakva, ~oB.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 19~9.
93 P. (MIRA 12:12)
(lm,lbor ,nd 'Inboring Classes)
IGNATOV. Stepan Andreyevich; PISEMOV, V U- redaktor; KWHIA. Tu.. tekhn1rhe -
skiy redaktor
(Innovaticmg in the economic@ of collective fame; the prodtiction and
finance plan and monthly wages on oollective fares] Novoe v eiconomik-o
kolkhosov; prolsvodetvenno-finansovyl plan t eshemesiachnsta oplate
trudm v kolkhosakh. Mosicys, Go@. isd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1956. 30 P.
(NW 10:1)
1. Nrvyy 99kreter' Awwvkogo obkou lommunisticheekoy partli
Soystakogo Sqyuss (for IgrAtov)
(collective fame) (Voges)
PISKUNDV. V.. inshener.
Planning of working processes in elevator construction. Muk.-slay.
prom. 20 no.4:5-7 Ap '54. (KLRA 7:7)
1. lluybyaheyokoye otdoleniye 01 Promsernoproyekt.
(Grain elevators)
Literature for those studflng econruics. Vop. ekon, no. ~t 14C~-141
F '63. (AURA 1~,t ~,
SERZBRYAKOV. S.V.. prof., doktor ekonom.nnuk; GOGOLI, B.I., dotsent-,
LIFITS, M.N.. prof.; FEFFILOV, A.I., dotsent: KISTAHOV. Ya.A.,
dotsent: 1110KINA. L.S., dotsent: VASIL'YEV, S.S., doteent;
DNKVROVSKIY, S.P., prof.; PIROGOV. P.V., dotsent; SPOTRINA, N.A.,
dotsent: KITLIKOV, A.G., dotsent: KITZIII, N.I.. doteent: PISMiOV.V.
red. I MAIIIH. Yn..
(Economics of Soviet cornercel Skonomika sovetakoi torirovii;
uchebnoe posobie. Moskva, Go6.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1959. 4T~ p.
(MIRA 12:12)
(RnEi a im--Coima rce
I i .. A I I . " . ; . I . .
I .
. 12. -
Pr-4yPa-4 lJP(c)
L 5M1145 EWG( J)/MiT (2)/EPY (c)/zPR/j/-wP(t I EWP (b
AP%11692 JD/WE
AVMRBs Piskunov) V. A.1 Zralov, V. N.
=Mation produc ~n let
i TITLE t Abrasive properties of sloroimpuritiss and
n tuolm
'SWMIt thimiya i takhnologiya t~v i masel.0 no* $P 1965j 49-$2!
TAGSs jet motorp jet engine fuelp fue1j, abranionj Abrasivej,inpurity content
j T I jet propaUantj T 5 jet propellant
mova~ent/ TS I jet propelUnt
thO JaMAL-0
lliaoW 49tail stra. ion
sJoh by isicroinpuritles and precipitates: in jet propas
fuels, Iftm, 60 to 70% of such admixtures consisted P; highly abraive =cide4i
:Lfl!~jililico4lalcium; Giua,,"&lWdnxa~plsvdi:um;l AM 22pper. ""/In. vVeraonic
the formation of bard thermo
a Far EFO-hv
hrl"+11on pr tates ~ At lrOO their content U Us TB.Sl propenant via 84.7 zftj,::
in T-1 it was WA*9 ;48'and in T-5 fusl 469"VT) with ywtiales ranging in vise
from, 1 to M niaronse The eVerimants of the time periods
required for a pW to transit from minimum to* acdam of its capacity (determined