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Publication Date: 
September 25, 1950
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INTELUOM LX-)b' fF C r OX J': L ~HFIDENTIAL 25X1 A Sanitized - Ao t d TLM6Re &( N RDP82- 6 RI 9 F ATIO REPORT CD NO. ("OUN 9 RAE 'C ri o i SUBJECT National Conress of Partisans of Peace 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF 25X1 X DATE DISTR. 25 'SE P 50 NO, OF PAGES ? NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 25X SUPPLEMENT T REPORT NO, The following additional information has been provided on the National Congress of the Partisans of Peace hold in Bogota from 2-3 September 1950,* ..;, For several months previous to the Pro-Poace Congrosc, the Colombian Cotimunicts had mentioned a forthcoming National Congress of the Partisans of Pe+3co in their propaianda1. The request for official permission to hold the Congress was iiade by the 39 year old writer :saldonoro Sanin Cane; by Enrique Porec Arbolaoz, a^csociato of leftists and Coz:nunists; by the ono?tirbe Colombian C tural Attache in NNoecow, Cosar tribe Piedrahita; and by Jorge ogueros Poraalta,. Col. un1ct journalist, lawyer, and a loading member of the Partido Comunicta do Colombia (FCC)., Pormiccion to hold the Congress was denied by the i yor of Bogota until :.aidorvro ."anin Cano appealed porconally to Provident Lauraano Gouoz., "anin C,.no reportedly ar^uod that a Congress to promote peace was consictoa:at with the :+ nt trend of public opinion in Colombia, and promised that apart from the uorld tide aspects of the peace ca ~pai ;n, the Congress would stress the internal pacification of Colombia.,** The National Connittee of tho Partisans of Peace was composed of the followings Honorary President italdoraaro Canin Cane Iaeftist writer and philosopher. President Luis Carlos Perez Ex?,Socrotary of the Instituto Colonbo. "?oviotico Vice-Pr r,idont rerardo 'iolina Formr rector of the National rlnivorsity, protontly residing in Paris Vico-Precident Luci]3 nubio do Lsverdo Nambor of the~ ~Corr?unist women's Aiianna 3 omonina "ocrota :mineral Jorge 'o ;tiros Poralta Journalist, writer, and loader of the PCC CONFIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION STATE ARRAY NAVY AIR L This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from. the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Next Hftjz ` ,Ap roved For Sanitized - Approve N#l N1'#ALP82-00457R005800480010-9 "%r""`A. 25X1 A CDi 1'RAL U LLLIGI,NCE .ACEFIGY Secretary of Organization Carlos Canal Irwin. Corr iunist Treasurer I lerc odos Abadia Leader of Alianza "ertenix a Director of Orman of Graciela Mendoza do (unidentified) National Conru.ttoo Vane~;as :sertbors (Vocalos) Dario 'aripor Leftist Liberal and Director of the lofti.nt newspaper 1e11sa ':ujlea Coi, ntinist Dr.. Gustavo Gonez (unidentified) IIe rr ande z Dr, Manuel Joao Gaitan brother of Jorge Uiocer Gasita 1 ^.tildo Espinoza do Perez Leader of A1'ianza P'er. nlna I rarco Ospina Cor unist intellectual Julio Abril PCC representative to the Con press, Cuzndink!mrea Luigi Vidales leftist journalist (Jo~da) Carlos Ariil Gutiorroz Corgi unist sympathizer, residing; in Iexico Juan Francisco ujica Political advisor, FCC Central Coruiittoa 1. Galan President of the Communist influenced independent CTC f-zz ttc'to Duran :,,or_rntnist leader As of the end of August, the National Cornijttee had published the first issue of aew ;raper called P DEnc~c.?rari a flaldorioro flanin Cane financed the newspaper, which cost 1300 pesos to publish. source considered it probable that at least one ;ors issue would apps r, either on the opening & VT of the Co ress, or soon. after the Congre; s ended. Colombian Comunists also took up a collection ar''ton thorn selves s'.nd atone; sympathizers to assist in financing the Conr;re,ss.**4 L~ the a,-cndr of the Congress as announced in _ L1 rioe teas as Analysis of the real danr;er of a new war; rHow war plans affect the econor?ky, development, and independence of Colombia; n. Organization and orientation of the novenent of the Partisans of Peace in Colombia; (I. Rcintionc with the. world r]ovcr'ionts of tI Partisans of Peace; loctjon of the National G =ni..ttee of the Partisans of Peace,, 25X1A AT. I c 1MFIDENTIAL Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R005800480010-9 Sanitized - ApprovcONMMTI"DP82-00457R005800480010-9 25X1A 25X1A otmzen . Source speculated that President Gonez expected the Congress to be tied in with the Liberal Party and some of its leaders, which would ultimately react to the detriment of the Liberals. ~Cr~ru tp Attendance at the Congress was to be by invitation only, issued 25X1 A y the National Committee of the Partisans of Peace, of which at least eleven out of twenty manbers are known Communists. As previously reported, the Con- muniets planned to take advantage of the Pro-Peace Congress to hold a wlandostine neeting of worker and peasant leaders who were to be issued invitationse CONFIOENTIAt Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R005800480010-9