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?~dci~.QIAX A , HFIDENT l Approved For Releasekw1999/0,919 9 .,CIA7-RDpa2-004578005800 ', z.:,. . yf ?. , # .fit ka s?} .j i i ~t1:iC ty ., ,E7'11k1C~. g1 .Yi.Y};i t7s?r :he 1 25X1X qO. OF ENC S.. (USTE.D BELOW; Si.1 P''LEM Fi'1??i,. ,F fat REPORT NO. The. S arttC1o 5 o ? t.L:ista Popular ?'C%!.iban C:~nviin_" W ; Par`ty ha,s made plan-, t,o. retiarn to the ce'.,~.._! sy to .:f' the Party :!. C.C clared J1.5 o ra.t~ lto .*C:Jer t:r?~'.T"3 +~t1_l1 2 a few f'??1*':iI1?es A".t `t, the 35.0 : ., The forme ""A ve-'}} fir: t e +..'t i:-d j .". be Y'aolaced by d .}73't'4??'t} X73 A:~E ?.3 ; tt e i Lf%^?i!: [. F: !.~.75 %) v~7 ._'L_t C ~1.^,:Lv' _, I',o x +~:la y of a g. wi. zat:t.en #_Y,d Propnggavda , are,, y who 171-..s3_1 a ~.`:>o functJ,-ii a E- He'c'ord??". eer'etary,. The l cL .ktl.ve {4tit.'lt? .s;i t:3 of the wfl.i dea.t. m -.1y 4'7:11th the higher ech.`Ao',`ls o" 1'.?:l co Past`'y,1 "lheu?: the C?:1: .":'?.a^..`i, ~iG~"1'1.'5 ~;,r>~.. The ljrev.CS1:S.'tY C!~}I ,..r.-~ ..C.C~,_!r ry rr ~,c iJ r _i,4.:..i :C-'rfT?;'_L'`L'~?E:tr ~ .fice So 'e, of f~.i. ~}t .c"', 2a ~.~.,t"r?~r'z:,: t:: Pot x fJr:j :i i1,). `-opu.'a:ed to ~7_^2 ?'aP3's a~ t :it?" C'. to p+ Aaoe OP't.t t th (,'.e!l 7,.E:iYY{'."?>i't.?t3 .~i .;'.t..`.i. 7'?CJ oIb 'o.~: h1:,k,E:L o ur. xi and s .L].. ho YiCti'7~'rt after i3. ? Y C el, t?t1C Y't? the ;7 c?Z_' ()T'' 'r 1P C) L; (;s _t i" `.:tit?wi'S 1 :vvo or :exec ti.vi^ C;''f' t: i cell_ I.e enee ',Y" 7.'f `c v ti . n.:>de L .: at ort is not h:t y 'e. t.he: oY:tti 'J.E)^ i"i.t.I (C?"r r:?.S'.- ;i. t e . _. iC t..! L " ;a :1 , the tore he" wily A? ford ilil- to the ::' ? an, c : ;'..,i. will b,3 1 Y 7! :i:1S',! ou a street ardC" fau'te'' "S Ca.3: lti'_ir? for ft-+_sa co.- 'l:, E.1 C?.},i~}r!. in a .~-fl,C?L? v i s n C? P; - havE; T,- to .I.:a.. ~,t}' %. i..' t Eft?.!",,j t 'ii(,3,.?..fir, C.` y~.Ir.'?, ,.r ?C"C."e t'Z:.5 :nc., e 'filli-.~.'l. .t. .il~:?!'~? ?a' j ast't Te k ra P~ `1 ~ t ? 'e ,. '. C. S?p CY~`aT" :?C,toe..":` t'_ ~.a. E?71:C~ ; r; .. t. ' E' 'rt h cell.,., ca,kY '~`l ilemu,. who has }'t, ? b1 ''i ?yF rt> or ath ..,:.` n ]'ti, a ....'s...6,(r?o l'T'.. _3. c'rlti.I.':lIe 'tc l"I_._} .xa..."i C,t:.'i.t",CS. ,.. t, ,: .~i. i.3'i l,'hc .1.'r`s 'i ior(?e Pr C"is1`..i");''.'1`~., !x { a { A. z: xu #" C .: t Y . t: ^.in s i'ii1r t r-)-: C ) i e e 4 ' C: v't li. ' ]. ~ s o a s, of t ' ? ry e ~ of .,Lul-~",;, a.z4k;fat: t'"-. ds. :? 1' ,.* .s t', r^ ,;!.# ,' .a n ?Z'ckt CJ 1. his .I ;:l t to v C[. Y,^:'t' It't e. Tho ..t, {, 7..i. ti i e {~ E '.Yx a rl f: t c, tJf,Ae '7'p e ia``:r r ~~ '' ?i ',:~ it f i not b e l a.4_ ] ?E" Xl recto ^r OF the rs ?"4;C'i-C11 eoi,i11"ttees Ili. i ]--w- of" -hol"'i t3.?'"O fO T _t.;", (; [7 :3 The t:'...: et E l '-tclildk L'.l t {:i;" ,c a ,eicl.' 1C)T2 v!J, I!:; Lhe haT),6:? of the '0i17 %Y? to br both camcella all[' 7'an3;}T of he ace er,s L7_i.~l.u en f `o'; t1-,-,, Y'~?n3': s. of t'he J4 v'en',i,ud i t,C ?cl t i st t3 CONFIDENTIAL C L I SS f`ikl,'ATION At , __Vv. This document is hereby regraded to CONFID ENTIAL in accordanbe'with"the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the A hi rc vist of the United States. Next RevieApp Qy For Relea e 1999I d 9? 'A -A0459R0.0MM4b0006-2 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 19991 OILIA-RDP82-00457R005800400006-2 C%,NTIW, ]aT~ .:I,1C?NCE AG-,,FCY 6 The PSP expects a series of mass desertions with-In the Party if government Persecution of the PSF be?ri.nsa in a~acicipaticn of this, the Party has started a careful s creertinj- of its- r e'mbf::rs a] r 'i y r?ricired upon P 11 " be .,elrct,0 o The '.P hierarch ay has agrc d i n lc on which e .tiers gill leave Cuba, w hac'.h will remain to fight for the Comsrurdst cause under- 'routd, and which will be sacrificed to the local authoritle;. Those loaders who are old militants and are so well known that they will be of more value outside Cuba if the Party is outlawed include Bias Roca, Fabio Grobart, Joaquin Grdoquui,, Anibal Esealante, Vicente i'artinez, and Cesar Ma.r. The following have been selected, to direct the activities of the clandestine organization: a, Dr., i1rnaldo -1:scalona Alm.ejda, who was re- orted to be head of the "secret police" of the PSP and a marnber of the teaching staff of the Carlos Balino academy, the Communist training school. b. Dr? Jose P:"iguel Perez Larry, who was listed as a deputy of the Coleglo de Abogados of the Habana ?.Tunicipal Committee of the F SP. In. November 191,9, he was listed as a delegate to the 1-:11F r'uni.cia al. Assembly from the San Lazard District, Habana. He was also Secretary of Correspondence for the Ccasnsunista-front or,ganizat^ion, La Defensa do los Derechos Democraticos and also figured e,rominently =.n the defense of the Ducoudray brothers and Pericles Franco, Dominican Communists who recently wont to Cuba. C. Dr., Julio Girona Ferriandezr father-in-31.aw of Jose Luis Perez and one of the founders of the artido Cosurista de Cuba, along wit., Carlos Balino, Joaquin ~'rdoqui, and Cesar Vilar, Fe was most active during the clan- destine period of the Party and stated that he profers the clandestine struggle to the open and more "political" legal battles of the Party, which bore him. Although :nighly respected in FSSP circles, he has not occupied any ,-ositions of importance. He believes that the 1 IMP is con 'rerting tsei f? into a caricature of ,ghat a Cer rnuni st Farty should be., ,le has never departed from the Conrcurnist line desn:ito the many changes the ;1 i' has experienced du.-ing the past twenty-five years. d Carlos Font Pupo, a doctor, who rrrr, on the PSI ticket for representative An the 194 elections, He was listed in iLugust 1948 as Director of the Juventud Sce allsta, and in ovcniber 191+9 w,as a delegate from the F`edena District, aba.na, to the "`yuricipa] Committee of the , He was also head of the} `section of LWIcine and Connected ^trunie ipa:_ elections. Perez, a young, active, Intel- ligent, and courageous Communist, is a graduate of the Carlos Balino Academy- and a former leader of the old Juventud Corru., vista (now the Juventud Eocciai i sta) . Approved For Aw-RIDP82-00457ROO5800400006-2 'I P. Tr) r.-.4