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WeFe TiJii~? '~ A M 9 F" A12 _ ST W 25X1 A . CENTR se%M :-9 AL IN EL CE AGENCYREPORT NO, (03 114FOR A7?ION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY China DATE DISTR. 11 JUL 50 SUBJECT Police, Troops and Currency, NO. OF PAGES I Pauli Area, Sinkiang Province PLACE 25X1 A NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED (LISTED BELOW) DATE OF 25X1 X SUPPLEMENT TO INFO. M REPORT NO. i. P9 uli (Tash Kurghan m 7514, 37-47) has a police force of 50 men, whose commanding officer is vabi Joo Jung. The majority of the policemen are Ismaili Tajiks, with a few Sunni Tajiks. The office at Pauli is responsible for the area from L~intaka to Chihilgumbes*, and is under the direction of LI Pu**, chief of police in Kashgar (75-58, 39..-29) ~ Pay for the Pauli police is sent from Kashgar and amounts to 5 rupees per man per month, and free rations. 2. There are 100 soldiers in Pauli, under the command of LI Ju**. They are responsible for the area from Mintaka to Chihilgumbez, and reoeive orders from F00 Tin Jung**, Yingchieha (Yangi Hissar - 7609, 38=.56), Kashgar. The soldiers are mainly Chinese, with a few Sunni soldiers from the Kashgar area. They are armed with machine guns, Russian and American carbines, pistols of various kinds, and swords. 3. Currency in use in the Pauli area includes Pakistan coin and paper money, old Chinese silver coins, old Russian sovereigns***, and unniinted gold and silver. The coins most in use are the yarnboo, a silver coin weighing 160 tolas, and the aktanga, a silver coin of 3 tolas, the latter being the more esteemed. 25X1A 25X1A * Comment. Liintaka was not located, but is believed to be at or near 1K11ik Pass (approximately 75-00, 37-00). An available map showed Chihil Grumbaa (approximately 75-40, 38-00). ~omment. The area in question is reported to have a population of about eight thousand persons, one percent of whom are Sunni Kirghiz herdsmen and the remainder I ili koslo . ** 21o characters available. Comment. This coin is probably a forerunner of the ohervonets, 25X1A a coin of approximately the same value as the British sovereign. This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. CLASSIFICATION I,S~+. NSRB F81 Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-R Next Review Date: 2008