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L-.XCFRPTk 1,,FD11A Soc 10 701 Ob:3-~trics :`-1r 60 534. SEX CHROMATIN I)VTFUMINATIONS IN WOMFN WITH SI-WE111% MEN- sTRUAL DISTURBANCE'S - Uber Sex-Chrornatin- Jlvstimmung-n bei Fr:5ucn mit schweren Menstruationsatorungen - Rz4bQcn J HartAk V. ard Luksch F. St.-xuol. Inst.. Karls-Uni~_,__Vl --In O__r7,_CH ';t. far Endokrinol., Prag - ENDOKRINOLOGIF 1950, 3712-3 (133-137) Tables 3 In 51 women suffering from severe m 'enstrual disturbances starting immediately at the menarche. 47 of whom also showed pronounced uterine hypoplasiae, and in 3 cases with Stein- Leventhal's syndrome, female nuclear characteristics were established. A minimum of 5'/6 Barr-positive cells is taken as the lower limit for the diagnosis of female nuclear types. RABOCH,Jan; ZAHOR,Zd. Function tests and therapeutic criteria in cryptorchism. Gas. Given i1hr-es Cowitry: Czechoslovakia. Academic Degrees: Affiliation: source: Prague, Vnitrni Lekarstvit Vol VII, No.6. June 61v pp 621-625. Datas.* "Acid Phosphatases in Seminal Fluid of Men With~Impairment of Phys 0 Development.",, AuthorsA.-`RABOCH,,jan, Sexuological~ Institute.KU /Karlova Universita; __--Charles University/ (Sexuologicky ustav KU), Prague; Director; Prof J. Hynie, DID. HOMOLKA, Jiri, Docent, DID, Director of the Central Laboratory of the Faculty Polyclinic (Ustredni laborator fakult---, ni polikliniky), Prague....- PINDAKOVAq L, /presumably/ Institute for the Public Health Organi- zation FVL XU /Fakulta vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy university; Faculty of General Medicine, Charles Un.i- ve-.sity/, Prague; Director: Prof Dr. V. PROsvy., (CRYPTORCHISM) RABOOllp Jan; spoluprace pri zpracovani materialul STPOVA, I; JUB00110VA, M. RABOCII.'-J~=;- MOLKA, Jiri; technicka spoluprace PINDAKOVA, L.; KUBIK, M. ,r C.~, -~ C'; " 0 S -Ij GVI(*"`.'IA -30-C no --,,te of Oc.-.--Uo!OCTI (Se.-cuolorjr.1-y ustav), Faculty .i I.C,6~ --a vseobeoneho lehaxs4-vi ), Charles oi U T -f,-! 7 1 -~ -1 -1 LII a', - G'121GCROVA., 1.1 -'Prar7ae, Dr j. A - "' I --.-.oora'.Ory for --r-doc---iology. and -He-'Cabolism (Laborator pro endo- ~zr-*-olog-4i a metalbolismus), Ilacultuy of General Eedicine, C--larles universit-y, Pra~Tae, 2icade-~,~,ician J. MAJUAT, director; and R2LAM-K, X., -lesearch instt,--t-ate for Pharmacy and Bioclhe~Tistry (Ify--k-IL-any ustav pro -L.-macii a bioch.emii), -----a4nAe-Vj-noIIrady, Dr, Engr 0. director. -Lnvestilgation of AndroFens in Human Ejaculate." Prag-ue, .2gso-JiS Lekal--U- CesIqlch, Vol CII, I~o 59,, 27 Sentembe-, b*,';~,, 'Costract [Authors' Bnr--lish s-,L na-- y I : Exami_n'ed were. extracts o-e and azoos-pormic semina from cl-b-Ilomatuln-pos-ItIve 'pa:tici,.ts and mer. irith a bioptic --f-inding of So,rtoli cells only in the tu1j~ules. Th.e follo~,rring androgens were not presentl: lu-esto- dehydroepiandrosterone, androstendion~, sterone, andosterone, I LI . j 11- P. -hydroxyet-iocholanolor4 mid ll-keto-et-iocholanolon~,. The findinqs a:~e co'-i-Lsistent with biological investigalt-lions in which ex- it was impossible to detect androgenic activity in ether tracts from normal 1,2-rnan ejaculates. Nine references, including Czech and 1 Hungarian. G'7 TIRIASEK. i. E.; UQO~CH~; Institute of Care for Nothor and Child (Ustav prneci o Natku a Dite) in Prague - Podoli, Manager (Reditel) Assist. Prof. Dr. 1-1. Vojta; Sexological Institute of Dhe Faculty of General Medicine, Charles.University (Sexiiologic-. Icy Ustav Fallculty Vsoobccncho Lelcarstvi) inPrague, Head (ered- nosta) Prof. Dr. J. Hynie. "Histochemistry of the Testicles in Some v-.~idocrine Disorders." Prague, Casonis Lekaru Ceslkych, Vol 102, No 45,, 11,163, pp 1246-. 1252 Abstract: Distribution of fats, glycides, acid phosphatases, -iydrogenase and 3 non-specific esterases, lactate of do.L -beua-, 011-steroid dehydrogenase was studied in biotic.material from testicles. Hypogonddotropic eunochoids, "gervaine" Klinefeltors, patient with bilateral cryptorchism, a woman with a syndrome of testicular feminization, subject with normal bioptic fl dings s ference between in obliterating azoosparniia were exmined.~Difi. hypertrophic and degenerated Leydig's cells are interesting. 3-beta-OH steroid dehydror-eenase was found only in interstitial C) cells. It was,found in Klinefelterts and testicular feminization syndromes, not in hypogonadot-ropic eunochoidism. 10 Pico-ures., 4 Tables, 12 'Jestern, 2 Czech, 1 East German reference. 6a R. C 20, 3 3 53,~ at Crf 1.1 1' y 16 5 '-r d ;.,!-,!A. 'ry ZO -11 ------------- oaf a r- 2 "t ~ _-- t A A c A L -A-A- 10-a ZV Uit t -J-A-L 09 '7-77- Rowwod" tbe owl L. of SoUs by 00 1. S, 1421mchev. Pind"loty 00 1(11110~ fill d-16100MI, .101ghtly -ahtwirJ, mml MSMV so :wml -IN Wilk cmlml Sho. (Ilm -I tit I 'Ahm. 1411.1. "( ll.lrj VIIIIAII"~ Cl i. A% the ~4vll. Iml iliollu"41. lowit, milvalux kil their artiAth Ificy til-kilflic Illodc fv'i%lAllt and van fitwid bighcr con%!u. tit C1. Effit iciat walctinS to ktvp IIJWTI the C1 i,.111ttlit il illl;klftjllt. v,4vvially bi life emly tagifs of the XruwIb of cotton. Ti) prrv%4it the amumuLa- ooz lifm of Wts after irrigation the itirface of the uAl 4ticiffid 00 is 1w cWtivated &% -Kxttt a4 ctmiditirm% rwrmit. Large v;iria- tiolt in coticts. 'Aft~ with 211d withwit clikiii-viott ha~ tioll.f. toffe Zoo 1100 000 Moo tied Bid., .0-111V if Iii 'ii H~' A 4 3 0 it As 04 a a it a go to 11 19 a o o 0 0 o f%nooc~lc-v I- E- I (- A 1, 7 :~L:, _ , - BERDYYXY. T.B.. redaktor; DONCHRAO. Y.Y., redaktor,. KOVDA. V.A., redaktor; IJITUNOV, P.A., redaktor; NOVIKOV. G.S.. otvetstvennyy redaktor; PWROV. M.P.. redaktor; BABO-013T, I.S., redaktor; URAMBAYBY, H.T.. redaktor; ZUBOVA, N.I., "~ of Y to redaktor [Transactions of the third session of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences; NhY 3-6, 19521 Trudy tratley sessil Akadealt nauk Turkmenskoy SSR; 3-6 mays, 1952 g. Pod obshche.i red. T.B.Ber+/eva. Ashkhabad. 1953. 232 p. (NW 9:10) 1. l4mdeaiya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR. Ashkhabad.. 2. DaystyltallEwY An mollft 1.0-- 14-57-7-14834 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 101 (USSR) AUTHOR: Rabochev., I...S. TITLE: Effectiveness of Flushing Saline Soils in the Turkmen,SSR,(O povyshenii effektivnosti promyvok zasolennykh pochv Turkmenskoy SSR) PERIODICAL: Tr 8-y ob"yedin. sessii AB TurkmSSR po vopr. str-va 'Karakumske kanala i dallneysh.,razvitiya-khlo ko- vodstva v Turkmenistane, 1955. Ashkhabad, 1959, pp 342-349 ABSTRACT: Flushing becomes more effective if soils are loosened, if they are allowed to dry out after plowin a d the flushing.water is introduced by stages 1500 cu M/hectare). 'The author points out that flU5hings are more commonly autumn than in spring. He recommends that soils of a light or moderate clay Card 1/2 14-57-7-14834 Effectiveness of Flushing Saline Soils (Gont.) content with low or average salinity should be flushedin the period from September through the beginning of October, while other soils should be flushed in November and December.. He has established that it is easier to desalinify soils which are homogeneous in structure and in grain size, and which lie over a deep water table. When water table is high, a good drainage is impbrtant. The author proposes to remove salt not only from the soil but also from the ground waters. .The article presents quantitative norms to be used in flushing soils of various grain sizes and water table elevations. Card 2/2 G. D. Country Category Abs Jour Author Inst Title ub Orig P Abstract Card ; USSR . Cultivation. improwernent. : Soil Science Brosione RZhBiolej No 61 195% No 24677 Rabochey;, and Installation Of.Water irri organization gation, Yhlopkovodstvog 19572 No 99:37-39 i The organization and installation of fall-win- ter irrigation of the cotton-field soils under conditions.of artificial drainage are described* the most favorable.periods for irrigation are: on weakly'and averagely salinated sollsj light and averagely argillaceous soils September I on soils ol recentappro~ beginnim of October; priationg August September, There are als .0:111 1/2 64, I Soil Science* cultivations Improve m Erosion. Abs Jour ent No 6 4T Author t -19597 NO 24677 ~Inst T Itle Orig Pub Abstract submitted tile he Ilght norms and nUmber for t at th" -in-Mechan Waterlng.5 e deep Terel Of gr Ical-compo3 conditions ound Wate sltlon Bolls Of 'hardzhOus TaShaur 9 exParftental t,tl,,,, 9 under the Z and ]Khcv.,.,-. KOMI --1--l NECHAYEVA, N.T., red.; BABAYEV, A.G., red.; RADUCHR, I.S., red.; PETROVI M.P.J. akademik, red.; KUHIN SMIRNOV, L.N., karld, geol.-miner. nauk, red.; TAGANOV, K., kand. tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOVA, L.I., kand. ellkhoz. nauk, red.; ARTYKOVA, T.V., red.izd-va; IVONTIYEVA, G.A.., tekhn. red. (Faterials presented 4t the Interrepublic Scientifie Ses- sion on the ReclaimiAd of the Desert Areas of Central Asia and Kazakhstan] Hatbrialy~dolozhennye na Mezhrespublikanskoi nauchnoi. sessii po osvoeniiu pustynnykh territorii Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana. Ashkhabad, Izd-vo AN TS5R. Book 1. [Natu- ral conditions, animal h73bandry, and feed supply of the desert] Prirodnye uslovi zhivotnovodstva i kormovaia ba- za pustyn'. 1963 . 44~ Book 2. (Land and water re- sources of the desert anc their utilization] Zemellno- vodnye resursy pustyn' i ikh ispollzovanie. 1963. 178 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Continued on nexteard) - . . ~ - . I- - - -1- -1 - -.1 . --, -iml.-I-l-, ~ -.-- ------ - -- U~ 1403KVIN, M. (Eng.) a PukBOCHrY, L.G., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; KOBYLYAKOV, L.M., redak- C 1-1 A. S Doccn 1 u 5 3 3 2 3 7 '2TTLI': Di.-;Scrtzatio.-.~s (Dii-;~:crtatsii) Elc`-tI'ic'lc:,tvo, 1n55, Nr 4, p 91 92 (USSR) A 1; 51" 71 A C T For the Dc:-ree of Candidate of Techni Sciences,1947-1954. At the All Union Institutez3 for '6-,e Ucchanization and Elec- ;rc institut- meir'-ani- trification of Aoriculture ~Vsesoyuzzny, _atoii i elektrifi~:atsii nell.,11:0~70 kho:~yaystva) Yc- yalli'k, or, Ju1Y 1, 1947: ",,Electric Illuminatior of. A~;ricultural Work i-_ tile Fields". Official opponents Were: Doctor of Technical Sciences S. P. vostrok- tov, Candidate of Teehmical Sciences B.. I. Lu-ovsl-.oy and Can,,lidate, of A-ricultural Sciences 11. A. Sazanov. A. A. Kra-_.nov,,on.Au[,ust 5, 1947: " The Structure of the Ener.:;y Co;lsum,)tion and the Ways of its Rat ionalizaction . in the Case of Co%-vAcxe Eloctrificitioq of the Kholchozes by S-all Blectric Povier'Stations". Official opponents verc:,Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor YI. G. Yevreinov and Candidate of A--ricultural Sic.-ces I A. Budz% ~0. T. T',-sbulatov,on May 2,1,9 Rution_~l Electric Ene=y C"'re 1/ /5 Distribution Systems i r. the A_~riculturai Areaf, of- the Kazakh DiSsertationo 1o5-58-41-32/37 --etic Classification". Offic-al oil e I s i r, o e i r E n e r S opponimitz- vir~re: Profecsor V. 11'. Stc~)aanov.and Candidate of Sciences A. G. Zar.harin. L. G. R.~,.bochiy,'on Febmary 13, 1951: II.Inverti-ation of the ~s~r in ',.Taijjiotic I,,;nitors of Tractors When Star- tin'-1- L~.e Br,,;izics Official opponents viere:Doctor of ACri- C ulti,..r~tl Bcim-.cea Prnfestor I. T.Kumnatsov zmd Candidate of Tec',Iniral Scic'nees Docent Y11. T.". Galkin.: Fe,;ru, ary 27, 1951: "Tile Carryin- ont of t*-e Con-~)ound E:rcit.-Atjon of Alternators in Electric Po-wer Stations in t:-.c Cou-try". Official opponents -.-.-ere: Doctor of To,_hnical Sciences P.-ofessor AL. G. Iosiflyan, Professor V. N. Stc,'a"nov and, Ca-mlidatc of Tee`;nical Sci,..-,.ces S. B. Ynditskitr. D. !T. 2Z.-Aritoki-,on June lo, 1952: 11 Problcmss of the Synchro- ni::rAiDn of Genora'unrr, in "'.1i:,J-Driven Rural Electric Power St.ttionm OJeratim- 17-it!d1l, Vic, Ener,"I"S.-rotem". Official op~lonentn Profenoor S. _L. 73i,:~ x'.ev al,d Ductox ~x of Techni cal S.n J_ c: ~.,s r of 0 o or: Ye F_ t -~-ev. _~51: I[i_-,,I-Y0ltvI-o Dis-p-atch D.V. S-Evi ov, on J11-le 1 ~', Vr Co-. .:undc~%tirx~ Tha-mv, 1 17i,r;~Il T~i-1-11*1ta~ e Lines of Card 2/5 t C ial o )7--o PI. of e,., z;,;r Moctric Of- o, soor A. Doctor of Tc,~',mical Scienc rn on ov ~i: d C ~7,, 11. J r' 10(;'i_-14cal Sciences 11. A. A I Yn. 0:, TI, '1 `11 11 I""w2tiL;-tion of V-C J '. 1,, e Praccs~:es of a Stabilizer 71ith Tl~rcc ~'or Self-Controlled Altcriiators of Pural 1",lectric Pover Stations". Official 7mre: Doctor of TocImical Scielices Professor A. 1.1. Larionov and C~--1-:01i(I:.~,te, of Technical Sciences A. :.!. Utevskiy. Irw e s t i a t i o n o f ~ t',,. c Ij'rvac',.,0v,or. Apzil 19,52: Electrical. Charactcr4 -tics of Statioriary A-ricultural chines 'Uith Electric Drive". Of flici-cl op-pon.'ants. were:, Doctor of Tec,micvl Sciences Prolarsor Y. A. Sa-zonov, C-ndi- rl-,tc of Technical Sciences Docent.G.' I. Nan;,rov a .nd Candi_ (late of Technical Sci-mces V. S. Krasnov. D- V. Us,kov, oil June 17, 1952: "Invosti_r-ation' of the Earthening of Blectro-Tractor Official opponents were: P-rofessor S. A. D u r _--u P, I i e vand Doctor of Teohnical Sciences 3/5 L. Ye.Ebiii. C D ir, z ortra t, i Io5-1C-Ij-32/37 L. Z-ull,on I.rove~--.Ijer V!, 1~152: 11 Problems o-J' t1he Auttoma- tic lleconnectio:i i-, Rarral Blectz-ic, P11- ntOll. Official 'op'lo- nciA3 wore: Ductor of Tec-1--nical Scienceo Profe:;Cor P. ,lo-,arl-ov =d Doctor of Tec~..-!�cal Scioncer; Profeusor L. Ye. Ell 2. 11 . Yc. L. LqI..,edcv_- on Junne 9,1953: 11 The Use of 1'xi-Linear in luto,.iation Sc'-,c-cs of Rural Eleutric Ilants and t110 Blzabor~-.tion of a ContactlQos Volta-e Rel~yll. Official v.,cre: Doctor of Tec'-,~dcal Sciences Profe.-Sor 11 !t B n,ljj.!.:ov and Prc-fenrol~ V. Ste-,)anov. S. Y--. ".a "Investi -.'Ition of the g~~el on Z.1arc.l. 30, 19"'Ar Stabilif-,y of Oleration of a I.Vind Driven El.:~ctric Povel: Station With IrIle Accumul,-Aor in a Syotei With Compa- rative Ca:,,acity". Officiad were: Doctor. of. Tech- nical Scicnees Professor Ye. i.:. Fntcyev, Cvndiu'.,_~e of,Tcch- nic%l Sciences D. IT. and Ca~-.didate of Tec.-Inical Sei'C'Iccr, V. 11. se'_torov. Inv,cstJ_,,-;t,.tion' of V~c Drive of C-n Elect ro-Tr~v-to.-- Wilt:~i a L'ultis.-,eed InductionHo'-or". Card, f1t. verc: of t~",c, Acz.~Icny Di~~ t;crta ton lo5-5,1-4-32i 37 M. 1. Yevreinov and Doctor of Tec~inical Sciences 11. V. Gorokhov. K. Ye.-Rontomyan,_on April 27, 1954- II.Problems,of the Parallel Operation of a Rural Hydroelectric Power Station With a Lar-e Scale Enerogy.System on Conditions as Present. in the Armenian.SSR". Official opponents were: Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor D. A. Gorodskiy and Candidate of Technical ISciences Ye. L. Shats. AVAILABLE: Library of Cong-ress Electrical engineering-Reports Card 5/5 .8 (4) SOV/112-59-5-10338 Translation from Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p Z73 (USSR). AUTHOR: Raboc TITLE: Electric Lighting and Signaling in Grain -Harvesting Machinery PERIODICAL: Sb. tekhn. inform. po sel'sk. elektrifik., 1958, Nr 8-9, pp IZ3-127 ABSTRACT: The electric lighting of tractors is intended only for transportation purposes and cannot secur e the necessary conditions for farming work during the dark time of the day. Systems of electric lighting for a DT-54 tractor with a ZhR-4.9 reaper and for an S-6 trailer combine developed by Vsesoyuzrxyy n.-I. institut elektrifikataft s. - kh. (All-Union Scientific -Research Institute of Agricultural Electrification) Jointly with NII Avtopriborov (Scientific -Research Institute for Automobile Devices) for harvesting work during the night hours are described. The new lighting systems were realized and tested at 14 machine-tractor stations in the Akmolinsk oblast during the harvesting period. Illuminations at the work site were higher than required by Card 1/2 RABOCRIT, L.G., kand.tekhn.nauk Installing electric lighting on harvesting machinery in Akmolinsk Province. Mekh. i elek. sots.,elak. sots. selikhoz. 16 no.3:7-10 '58o WRA 11:6) I.Vuesoyuzny-( nauchno-issledovateliskly institut elektrifikatsii sel'skogo khozya7stva. (Harvesting machinery) (Akmolinsk Province-Electricity in agriculture) ik BUDZIKO, I., akademik; LITINSKIT, S., inzh.; R&BOCHIY,I.:-SHESTAXOV, V. Untouched frontier areas. Radio no.2:7-10 F 160. (MM 13:5) 1. Voesoyusmsya aimdemlys eel 'skbkhozy&ystv~iUw" nauk in. Lenina (for Budzlko). 2. Laborator1ra 9191rtrifikatsil reatenlyl- vodstva Vessoyuznogo muchno-issledovatel'skogo instituts alaktrifikatell ael'skqgo khoxyRystva (for Litinskiy). 3. Rukovoditell Laboratorit priborov Teesoyuxnogo nauchno-, tooledavatellskogo Instituta,elektriflimtell sellakago khotyaystva (for Raboebiy). 4..Hachallnik Iaboratoril TSentrullnogo radlokluba Dobravollnogo obahchestva sodayetviya armii, aviatsii (for Shestakov). (Radio in agriculture) ART1141YEV, Yu.1f.., kand. tekhn. nauk; ASTVATSATUROV, G.G.,, in2h.; BARALWTOV, V.Ye.., inzh.; BARYKOV, G.A.,, inzh.; BISITOVATYY, S.I.., inzh.; GALAYEVA, L.V,.,, inzh.; GAL'PER111, A.S.,, kand. tekhn. muk; GALfCM-lKO, I.I.,,inzh.; GONCHAR, I.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; DEGTYAREV, I.L., kand. tekhn. nauk; DYADYUSHKO, V.P., inzh.; YFJWAKOV, I.N., inzh.; ZHOTKEVICH, T.S., inzh.; ZUSMANOVICH, G.G., inzh.; KAZAKOV, V.K., inzh.; KOZLOV, A.M., inzh.; KOROIEV, V.A., inzh.; OlVENKO, P.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; LAPITSKIY, M.A., inzh.; LEBEDEV, K.S., inzh.; LIBE-RMAN, A.R.,, inzh.; LIVSHITS, L.G.., kand. tekhn. nauk; LOSEV, V.N., inzh.; LUKA1,11OV, M.A., inzh.; LYUBC1011KO, A.M., inzh.; IMEDOV, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; MATVEYEV, V.A., I inzh.; ORMISKIY, N.N., inzh.; POLYACHENKO, A.V., kand. tekhn.nauk; POPOV2 V.P., kand. telchn. nauk; PUSTOVAIDV, I.I., inzh.; FYTCMIKO, P.I., inzh.; PYATETSKIY B.G., inzh.,- RABOOIT, kand. tekhn. nauk; ROLIBIN, Ye.M., inzh.,- SELIVANOV, A.I... doktor tekhn. nauk; 5EMIOV, V.M., inzh.; SKOROKHOD, I.I., inzh.; SUJ3ODCBlKGV, V.I., inzh.; STORCHAK, I.M., inzh.; STRADYEOV, F.Ya.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; SUKHRIA, N.V., in2h.; TIMOMEV, N.D.J. inzh.,- FEDOSOV, I.M., kand. teklin. nauk; FILATOV, A.G., inzh.; KHODOV, L.P., inzh.; M-iOl,ETSKlY, P.A., in2h.; TSVETKOV, V.S., inzh.; TSEYTLIN, B.Ye., inzh.; SHARAGrf, A.M., inzh.; CHISTYAKOV, V.D., inzh.; BUDIKO, V.A., red.; PESTRYAKOV, A.I., red.; GUREVICH, M.M., tekhn. red. (Continued on next card) -n ---------- Ut .t' A. -alat. o'!, U Prah Prionevek nroliAematlce SLF_-r!1ALy oC Ln. ~Iar ori.-tin C; cr_~-- (55 If% LEY '2 ~-21 3 Graphs i Illus. I HnT,,ort of the hisllona!.holorical findinF-,s in 54 with nearly comnlete or com- rlete ab!-,~,~nce or Lh(~ c;-Ps of the .7~--rrntnal e itit-lium sel.~I,Aed fron. 240 testicular biors!-~. Tho,,~e 54 cases -,.IIern grouped with reFard to f~hn enitheliiim in the sr~- m1nifnrous ducts, tile thickn~~ss of their walls and fil, rotic c'.an-es in Intertubular tissue. The authors tried to find the averar-e diameter of seminiferous ducts by .measuring at le.-Ist 11~ of the relatively widest tubules of evf-rv biopsy snecinien. With regard to the artificial retraction,of the testicular tissue, the material was always treated with the same technioue (Bouin., chloroform, paraffin). The average diameter of the tubules was found to be a simple and a relatively illustrating criterion of the state of the masculine.grerm-inal tissue, under pathological condi- tions. The anvera-e. diameter of the seminiferous ducts d:=zeasps --ith the reduction of the 1-Ayers of the F,,ernLri-al erit- elium, with progressing. neritubiUar, as well as intersititial fihrosis. From the granh showing the avera,-e diameters in these 54 cases,of absenec- of -ei--n cells it can be seen that.there are marhpological transitive pictures between the. different groups of azoospermia and oligozoosnermia of tF-!~,_cular oriain (absence of aerm cells arrest of maturation, peritubluar and inteltstitial fibrosis scelrosing tubular d~ijgenera..ion). ~30: Excernta Yedica Section V, Vol. 7, No. 11 cont- 1- 1, 1, 1 : t.:~ " . : , I . . . A G 'qA2-,ODZ,1,,"-' and V . G I E If oll SOV/1 37--58-8-17905 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p Z44 (USSR) AUTHOR: Rabodzey, N, V. TITLE: The Effect of Heating on Mechanical Properties of'Metals Em- ployed in the,Vacuum-tube Industry (0 yliyanii nagreva na mekhar.icheskiye svoystva metallov, primenyayemykh v elektro- vakuumnorn. proizvodstve)' PERIODICAL: Tr, n. -i, in-ta. M-vo radiotekhn. prom--sti SSSR,,1957, Nr 8 (44), pp 94-167 ABSTRACT: A manual on properties of materials (M) employed in vacuum-tube devices. Presentation of a survey of data concern- ing the relationship between mechanical properties of metals employed in the vacuum-tube industry and the temperature. The data given are the result of measurements obtained by different authors who, in a number of instances, were working with dif:- ferent specimens of the same M, This fact, and certain differ- ences in methods of measurement, may be responsible for the numerical discrepancies. The data given in the reference tables should, therefore. be regarded as averaged character- Card I/Z istics of the materials. Certain aspects of thermal stability of SOV/1 37-58--8- 17905 The Effect of Heating on Mechanical Properties of Metals (Cont. design geometry are examined in, detail, together with the problem of residual deformations connected with the action of external loads and with vibrational characteristics of the M including variations which occur in these character- istics in the process of heating. It is pointed out that the following factors must be considered in the selection of materials to be employed in manufacture of components operating at elevated temperatures and under stresses produced ,by rigid mounting, shocks, and vibrations: a) Static characteristics of mech- anical properties, comprising the limits of elasticity, creep, and ultimate strength, as well as their dependence on temperature; b) dynamic character- istics, such as the moduli of elasticity and the internal friction, and the dependence of these factors on temperature; c) changes in mechanical prop- erties under strain. It is recommended that alloys be employed instead of pure metals, since the former, if properly selected, are more stable under the conditions being examined. It is pointed out, as a result of an examina- tion of the ability of materials to damp oscillations, that the most important factor in the creation of vibration- resistant designs is the selection of mat- erials on the basis of their damping characteristics. In order to facilitate the use of tables of materials attached to the survey, the general physical characteristics of the mechanical properties of metals are outlined briefly. In order to explain certain failures occurring in the structure of vacuum-tube devices on heating, an effort is made to employ up-to-date concepts of the processes which take place in metals at elevated temperatures. V. N, .Card 2/2 1. Vacuum tubes---Production 2. Yetals-Physical Fropertics 3. Heat_i~letallurgical effects 4. Yetals--Temperature factors Do 2- - 32-8-37/61 AUTHORS Yukhvidin, Ya.A., Rabodzey, N.Y. TITLE Attainment of a Niorohole in a Thin Metal Foil. (Polucheniy*ikronuykh otyeratiy Y tonkoy metallicheskoy, f 0119e. ) PERIODICAL Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol.23, Nr 8, PP- 976-977 (USSR) ABSTRACT For this.purpoa* the paper recommends to spread the. metal foil on a hard,bas* plate. At the desired place one,or more impressions are made by~& pyramidal or. conic body by fixed load. By careful etching of the impressions microholes are obtained-which way be enlarged according to.the time of etching. The accelerated etching of the the holea,may be explained by the fact that.the etching is not'only favored by a thinning of the foil In these places, but also by the plastic deformation to which the material in,thesespots is subject. For the purpose of attaining microholes with stable edges of.clean forms an unforgod burned-off foil is used. Very Important In.,this connection is also,the aboolutt purity,and hardne as of the base plate, as well as.,the kind of etcher and CARD 1/2 the,etching regime. In this manner holes of,30-40 32-8-3V61 Attainment of a Microhole in a Thin Metal Foil. may be obtained in aluminum,,molybdenum, zirconium and ohromiumnickel foils of a thickness of,7,5-20 ^ It is stated here that even holes of low may be made, but that their accurate observation through the microscope is rendered difficult due to the occurrence of Interference phenomena. In this manner are, e.g, attained the mioronete (of 3-4 eu,) for gas analizers eta. (2 il lustrations) ASSOCIATION: None given. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2/2 I-, - - , '-r. -~, 3/125/60/0,C0/012/010/014 A.1 I /A0 3 0 AUTHORS: Khnmus'k~-. F.A.: Rnb-ontrnv. B, A. rfac, TITLE- Automatic Su ing of Rad:!_al -Ax!,al Flow T,,irblne Blades w1rh Tape El.ecT.rode Unde- Flux PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya sivarka, 1r,;F_O, No- 12, pp-:71 74 TEKT: The T-4--i M~+_Al P1 Art pr"-,d u,-; 9_,~ tiirtl_ne.,~, for the Bratskaya GES (Bratsk H-vdroeleenrin Power Plant) (Fig, 1) hAving 14 vladEc,~ The material. is low-a-L.Loy 201 CJJ ~20GK) stleal; welght cf the lurbIne wheel is 110 tons, each blade welghs 1:,8 -r, on s ~Whesis bave i;o ee read=_ !.n 01wo parte for trans- portation. The blade portions in conl.a.-Jt with -,he tc?~ez wheel r1qi wIll be,.Tore subject to cavia-i~lon in ope-ration than the fzrles qurfare, &rd t-he,protective coat- ing was applied not. or. the pn-,.~re blades P-;rf!~m-e bu*. or epcts'- , 115 blades were surferned (one -for exper.1-trent,, knd 14 for 1,te f,rp~ whe-1). A Tranipul.aror &nd a motor welder (tt',.rac~or") w,~--re made fcr lhc-. E,;rf~ff( -Ing job; the welderlwas described previrusly (RiF.~IP. 1~', "'Av-,.omat-1.che:,:k&ya evar- _Yt., ka" No. 12, 1958). tic d--1-:r1c,1ton of 'rhe Ani we-Ider is -Ir.-clud-ei. The surfacing mater-'al. was '>J84c11_ 'AK_ql8Na 0.-.1 2C, x 70 rrm tape., Card 1/6 4/125/6-O./C*0/0 1210 10/014 Ai6l/A0,30 W4 Automatic Surfasing of Rad-lal -Axial. Flow Turbine' B.'ales th Tape E! ectrode Under Flux two superimposed tapes wer6 uEed in o il t. h e 'Lhe AH -26 (AN-26) flux (the composition is not, given') gavei au_~,,erAte mrtal s~',riuoture and cracks by creating unfavorable nfokel and chromium :ontenr, relation, bu t. this trouble was eliminated by addition of crushed alumin'tim-r1ron a' loy (Ftg. 2 photomicrographs). -The ferrite component quantil~y growE In th.:- with Incressins aluminum-iron alloy addition, bu~- It Is not. advisable .o ad.-A mior~-7. thin becwuse the removal of the slag crust is too diffIcult. 7 ne :Oal_4ylg Was applied In beads.parallel .to the blade edge; plates were lack-welded tdade edge to retain the flux layer and prev.-~ant slag arA. f_rcm spill-tng. Gt~orj U~~adr werp nbtaired with 650 - 700 amp. 28 - ~2 v*lt ar(l, 9.4 m/hr rir-ldlng speed, .30 - 35 mm tape electrode throat, overlapping each previous bead over 10 - 14 Mr. with each fol- lotting (i.e., with the 70 mm wide tape), The rrean -,,oalllng depth was 5 mm The coated surface on each blade was 1 m2. and thr, Coat.,mir of, one blade took 8 10 hours. It was decided tc rerlar-e the mc-toT welier by a different and spe~-_'al piece of apparatus, for It Look too irich time tc- sell it a~ol.~ratelv for every following pass. With ~he =pecial apparatus and 1mprr_,4,-c'!d mwnlplulallor the coating Card 2/6 S/125/60/000/012/01o/W4 A161/Ao-;o Automatic Surfacing of Radial-Axial Flow Turbine Blades with Tape Elect trode Under Flux of one blade takes an average of 2.5 h. (The special apparatus is not described).., Ready coated and ground blades are shown in photograph (Fig- 3). W.S. Shirin V.D. Averin and V.M. Vasyu-kov took part in the surfacing. The coating method will be used for other large parts of water turbines. There are 3 figures and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Ordena:Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Electric Welding Institute "Order of the Red Banner of Labor" imeni Ye.O. Patoni.of the AS UkrSSR), F.A. Khomus'ko; Dvazhdy ordena Lenina Leningradskiy.metallicheskiy zavod imeni Stal- ina (Leningrad Metal Plant "Twice Lenin Order" imeni Stalin), B.A . Rabotnov SUBMITTED: March 25, 1960 Card 3/6 -AWM-S S/125/6o/000/ol2/010/014 A16iAo3o Automatic Surfacing of Radial-Axial Flow'Turbine Blades with Tape Electrode Under Flux Figure 2: Microstructure of coating made with',lKhl8N9T tape (x3OO) (top photo- graphsT and the coating surface on specimens (bottom): 0( c6ated under AN-26 flux. (dracks..~. 7:'74' WW are present); 6-coated under P14-26 flux with 2.5% aluminum alloy (no ";rN kz~l ~y X~ cracks);G -coated under . V-1 AN- 26 flux with 9,5 alu minum. alloy (no cracks). W-1 V. 6.5 M Card 5/6 j:. a, - N-IM 3/125/60/OCO/012/010/014 A161/AO30 Automatic Surfacing of RadIal-Axial. Flow Turbine Blades.*Ith Tape Electrode Unde- Flux Figure 3: The surfaced blade portion (1 2--- 3) pfle. 1. [fan'-ia9Ae.%twjI yqaCTOK hbDepXjOCT1t noflacill~. Card 6/6 USSR/Cultivatod :'l,-ints. Technical plants. Oil P-il. Sw,-ar ]Btsarbag Plmts. ILbs J,.)ur Itef Zhv..r-Biol I,Ju 157 1053, 68272 ~mtho:o Raboshov7 I. S.7 McIts imenko , I. K. Inst u Titio 71josults of Scientific Research I'lork on Cottun Grov,.!inr,- in the Turlmon SS11. OriC -2ub V sb.: Khlopkovodstvo v SSSAq Moskva7 Sel'Idioz- giz, 199.8, 505-525 -bstracl; Wo abstract. 140) AUTHORS: fredobachiy, G. G., Engineer, sov/67--59-44-1 u,,-.- Rabota, A. G., Engineer ,TITLE: ~--1rrCre_a_se_i_n iih~e Efficiency of the Air Compressor 2R-3/220 (Uvelicheniye proizvoditellnosti vozdushnogo kompressora 2R-3/220) PERIODICAL: Kislorod, 1959t Nr 2, PP 44-45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The efficiency of an oxygenplant is chiefly determined by the amount of air which is passed by the Compressor to the separa- tor..The.four cylinders of the compressor are interlinked by an air chamber. The air escaping at the piston rings is not collectedt thus causing a loss of 2-4 % in each stage of the compressor. The pressure in the air chamber was then increased to 3.6 atmospheres excess pressuret and the air chamber was -connected with the pressure pipe.of the first stage. The latter produced a counter-pressure against the air escaping through the ringt thus preventing the air from flowing out. The first stage was connected with the air chamber by means of a pipe 1/211 thick. The pressure exercised upon the piston in the com- pressor is thus distributed in a different manner. Howevert Card 1/2 the resulting loads of the individual compressor parts do -increase in the Efficiency of the Air Compresnor SOV/67-59-2-10/18 2R-3/1220 not exceed the admissible limits indicated in publications. This. novelty has been introduced in four oxygen plants and three oxygen stations at Dnepropetrovsk, which resulted in an improvement of the efficiency of the plant by 6-8 %. Within two years no stronger wearing out of the bearings due to ad- ditional load could be noticed. The editors stated, however, that according to calculations made by the Kazanskiy kompress- ornyyzavod (Kazan' Compressor Factory) this measure can hardly be recommended because the bearings of the compressor are too rapidly worn out. There is I figure. Card-2/2