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R02"V kand.tekhn.nauk Measurement and corversion of current, Vol age, and pover uaing low-inertia indirectly heated reoietares M chestro no.12:17-22 D 162. *4 -1 (MIM 15.-12) 1. Tmstitut elektromekhaniki Gosudarst7emogo komiteta. po avto- matizatsii i mashinostroyaniyu. (Electric measurements) KICHIGNp,A.V.p kand.tekhn.nauk; KOYFW~p A.N., insh.; PT-Ov, -V.S- U" of lqdmulic strikers for driUing verical boveholes. Shakht. s#ol. 6 no.U:21-23 N 162. (MIRA 15132) o .. I 1e Mbskovskiy institut neftelffiimicheskoy i gazo7oy promyshle=oati (for K:Lcbigin). 2. I"orodskoye SShPU Tsesoyuznogo tresta po prokhodke 04*t al"entroohakhtostroya Ministerstva stroitellstva prodpriyatil osti SSSR (for Fory). .Vol Aar promamblem ila*'drina-Hydraulit eclqipment -POPOV, V. S.. kand. tekhn. nauk C - --------- Wear-resistant hard facing of molds vith horizontal lamellar electrodes. Svar. proizv. no.10*:17-20 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Zaporoxhakiy mashinoetroitellnyy institut. (Hard facing) h q7 U, C-C tx""A tn:4! .-I tq-A.t; . -fid phvw :1 4 nV, Where '4: "llon o .1 6 represented b7 C Hl- s'p Al t%.e rarr~ drit..v-d eq"a tiun Ao'! (nr --px GRIGOR1.74V, M.Ya.-, dotsent; POPOV, V.S., dotsent Characteristics and mechaiLtea of coal and gas outbursts in coal mines. Izv. vys. ucheb. wv.; gor. zbur. no.3:44-52 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Kemerovskiy gornyy institut. (Coal mined and mining) MYULLER, R. L.; POPOV, V.S. - - - f-- Methane formation-in coal in relation to outbursts of coall and gas in mines. T~rudy Inst. gor. dela Sib. otd. AN SESR no.3:204- 224 160. (MIRA 14:4 ) (Mine gases) (Methane) POPOVt T.S ------- -1 Permanent semina on manufacture and uce of meeauring and computing equipment. lzm.tekh. no.l.:64 AD 161. OMILRA 14:3 -)- (Measuring instruments) 161culating machines) POPOV, V. S. (Aspirant) *An Investigation of Flash Butt Welding of Austenite Steel Pipe to a Pearlite Steel Pipe." Cand Tech Sci, Central Sci-Res Inst of Technolog7 and YAchine billdiag, 27 Doe 54. (VM. 17 Doe 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Mucational Institutions (12) SO: ON No. 556, 24 Jun 55 u s s R T-4b" Of stews w" 9M A- 11, "a"- 91, L7.,,,g butt joint b6twe" tbm of a pe&rhuc aDd an austenia'O steel, " Inediod of cadewting ~du&l t-oale4 tb's type of ww)IdM 10int id delvel,,pod lot The :netho.l -"trlvf~i GILIMAN. A.3., daktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor: POFOV, V.S., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. investigating the flash butt welding 9f austenite steel pipe and parlite steel pipes. Trudy TSNIiTHASH 76-43-78 '55. (MLRA 9:7) (Pipe, Steel-Welding) GELIW, A.S., dokt*r takhnicheakikh nauk, professor;-= So ,,.,..,."nd ida t , UUMT takhnicheakikh nauk. Effect of the initial structure of 12]VM steel on its fusion welding. Stall 16 n0-3:241-243 Mr 156. (KLRA 9:7) 1.?Sentral'W nauchno-imaledevatellskly institut mashin9stre7eniva i me- tallo9brabotki. (Steel--getallography) (Pipes, Steel-WeIiiing) --v IN G v 49, _,VAA of 1W.MMEISM VenrljlWO64ruvlure,. Y. !ten~y n- p f I-ro I V, aYfj -;b,,r.- 22. no 3. P~:-%. p 317 1 ll~nry bmt, h, n- A new etching technique which perimis a simultancot" de- vdapmeat af austenitic and pearlitic strictures fn composite 133-12-9/26 AUTHORS: Pgpov V.S. (;,9nd-*d;?1-.-e of Technicol Sciencep, ond -fy 't~i ~oi F i-f i i T'H y , B ..Env, I or TITLE: Cruding of Ferro-manCanese by Leans of an Electric Current (Drobleniye ferroinargantsa elektricheskim tokom) PERIODICAL: Stall, 195?, No.12, pp. 109? - 1098 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A method for primary crushinG of ferromanganese produced in electric furnaces is proposed. It consists of simultaneously applying an electric current (AC or DC, hiC-,h or low frequency) and weak mechanical forces (Fig.2) to ferromanganese lumps. The nature of the phenomenon of cracking of ferromanganese lum-o-s on the passage of current is not quite clear, but it is thought to be related to localised heatinE of a small volune of -he processed material to high temperatures. There are ? figures and 2 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Zaporozhlye Machine-building Institute (Zaporozhskiy masiiiiiu::,U*roitel'nyy institut) AVAILABIE: Library of (;onCresj Card 1/1 POPOVP V.S.; FONOMARENKO, Ye.P. Technology of mamdacturing himetal inserts. Lit.proizv. no.3:37-38 Mr 162 e . - (MMA 15:3) (Laminated wtals) (Bronze) JPOFC~., Y.S.# kand.tekhn.nauk; PONOPURENKO, Ye.P., inzh.; LYASHCHINSKIY, B.I., inzh.; ITEEMER, V.I.., iztzh.; VOYZHIK, I.I., -'nzh. Pleplacing bronze by bimetal inserts in rolling mill spindles. Stall 22 no*3:255-256 Pt 162. (1AM 15;3) 1. ZaporozhBkiy mashinostroitellnyy institut i zavod "Dneprospetsstal6". . (Rolling miUs-Equipment and supplies) POPOV, V.S.; DMITRICHENKO, N.S. -------- Durability of press mold plates during the press molding of magnesite and grog refractories. Ogneupory 27 no.3:127-130 ,62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Zaporozhakiy mashinostroitel*nyy institut imeni V.Ya.Chubarya (for Popov). 2. Zaporozhskiy ogneupornyy zavod (for Dmitrichenko). (Plates, Iron and steel--Testing) (Firebrick) FQPOVP V.S. New data on m1neral deposits In the a=~rdjng to geological prospecting materials in 1963. Geol. zhur. 24 no.20-9 16' (MITRA 18.2 1 1. Glavnoye upravleniye geologil. I okhrijry nedr prL Slovete Ministrov UkrSSR. BELENIKIY, B.Z.; POPOV, V.S. - .1 I)evice for convisrting registalic8 changam tG pmporticnal freCtierl-'Y challe'ect. Avtolu. I 101cill. my 16'11~ (mm-~ LigLI46-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047580 S/0103/64/OZS/01011511/1518 AUTHOR: Popov, V. S. (Odessa, Leningrad); Nuzhdina, L. A. (Odessa, P Laningradl; Skomorovskiy, L. V. (Odessa, Leningrad) TITLE: Device for proportional conversion of resistance into period of electric oscillations SOURCE: Avtomatika I telemekhanika, v. Z5, no. _t0r 1964, 1511-1518 TOPIC. TAGS: - resi.stance frequency converter ABSTRACT: A theoretical and.expprimental investigation is presented of a modified Wien-bridge RC-oscillator, one of whose arms includes a thermistor (TP-ZIO.5 type). Design formulas,Xor such an oscillator are developed. Experimental curves of the transient time vs. control -resistance jump (up to 15 times) are supplied. as well as the dependence of the oscillation period on the control resistance (tabulated). Errors are evaluated. The same oscillator, with Card. L 19L.L.6-65 ACCESSION N L: AP4047580 n-dnor changes, can be used for the conversion of arnall variatiors of resistance into relatively large variations of frequency (tensometer case). Orig. art. has: 3 figures, Z6 formulas, and I table. A66MATION: notte ~S.UBMITTED: 04Apr63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IE NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Card Z/z L 2~8o?_65 ZWT(J)/EWA(h) Pm-4/Peb ACCESSION HR: APS002322 9/0141/6-4/007/005/0903/0913 Roshal A-S-4 Popov, V. 1:1 S AUTHORS: TITLE: Distributed coupler for a fast cyclotron wave SOURCE; XVUZ. Radiofizka, v. 7, no. 5, 1964, 9031- 13 TOPIC TAGS: cyclotron wave, arametric amplifiert slow wave struc- ture, distributed line, distributed coupler ABSTRACT: Inasmuch as earlier papers on the subject do not contain any estimates of the signal bandwidth in which noise can be elim- inated, the authors investigate the frequency characteristics and estimate the matching (noise elimination) bandwidth of a distributed unit for coupling with a fast cyclotron wave. The matching band- width is defined as the frequency region in which not less than half of the input signal power is transferred to the electron beam, and the noise elimination band is defined as the frequency region in ;-Card 1/3 L 23807-65 ACCtSSIOU UR.- A-05002322 which the beam input noise is attenuated to a specified level. Such a coupling unit is used for electron-beam parametric amplifiers. Assuming sinusoidal variation for all the components, it is shown that such a device is broadband only if its equivalent distributed line has a suitable dispersion. The matching band of such a device is 0.8 2-3 (y -- necessary line length in cyclotron wavelengths) 0 0 and is therefore close to the bandwidth of input devices of the resonator type. The noise elimination band, for a fast cyclotron wave, is several times smaller than the matching band, and depends on the required level to which the noise is to be attenuated. if the line possesses favorable dispersion and if in some frequency band the phase velocities of the fast cyclotron wave and of the wave in the line coincide, the band can be broadened. The transfer of noise from the slow cyclotron wave to the fast wave is proportional to (4T0)-2. The energy exchange between the fast cyclotron synchro- nous waves is proportional to (47.) and is approximately equal to Card 2/3 L 23807-65 .ACCESSION NR:` AP5002322 -2 (470) in the middle of the band. The presence of noise in the line reduces the signal/noise ratio at the output by an amount equivalent to half the total cold loss in the line. The ualcula- tions were performed with an electronic computer. "The authors pukhin for valuable advice." Orig. art. has: 4-figures thank V. M I~o and 51 formulas. ASSOCIATION: University) Moakovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State SUBMITTED: OBJU163 NR REV- SOVt 000 EXCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC OTHER:, 009 Card 3/3 ACCESSION 1r, Ap5bal.846 -AUTHOR: popwr. V. S ~erL~ -TITLE:- Analytical-properties.-of the amplitude ~eLth respect-, to momentum transf and t, he asymptotid behavlor of the scattering phase:,shifts, SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i 11-eoreticheskoy fizikis v. 47s no. 6, 1964, 2229-2246 TOPIC TAGS: scattering ampUtudes momentum transfer, pbase shift, ARgg2_pole., potential scattering ABSTRACT: The author considers the asymptotic behavior of the phase shifts 12 or the corresponding partial amplitudes f (E) in the limiting ease when the or- bitall angular mormentum L approaches infItly", by analyzing in geaeral form the connection bet-deeft the nearest. singularity z0 of the scattering amplitude f(E,z) and the partial amplitudes. It is shown first how the problem of dt:~-r7dning the asymptotic behavior for the partial amplitudes for large L can be reduced from an expansion in Legendre polynomials to a simpler power series. This is done without assumptions concerning dispersion relations with respect to momentum transfer, Card 1/2 S_ for two differeet. cases: 1) z-0 outside the physical region - -1 _e- z e 1, an(i 2) zo on the edge of the physical region, zo = � 1. The results are then applied to the investigattion of the analytic properties of the amplitude for potential sce.- tering. The singularity nearest to the physical region is found for the amplitude for scattering by a potential the. behwres like (pr)-expPer)0-J as r--. co (Es - pion mass, r - interaction radius). The Froissart inequality (Phys. Rev. v. 123, 1053, 1961) is derived on the basis of the result in a much simpler method th I 4. an given in the literature, and possibilities for further strengthening 'he ineque-Lity are discussed. "I thank 1. Ya. -F- omeran-chuk. 1. S. S.haDiro, and L'T-. N. _-Meyman for an interesting discussion and several interesting remarks. I also thank E. I. DolinAkiy for reading the manuscriDt and suggesting several improve- ments," Orig. art. bas: 42 110mulas and I figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheskoy . i eksperimental I noy f iziki Tw_(_IqI~t_i_tUte of Theoretical and Experimental Pb7sics GKAY.) sumawp: 18jun64 SUB CODE: NF$ Gr Card 2/2 NR REF SOV; 009 ENCL: 00 -OTHER: 015 POPOVP V.S. Measurement of a.c. voltage and curi-int using nonstablo inorUal nonlinear elements. Elektrichestvo no.7;76-78 Jl 63. (I-MU 16:9) 1. OdoaDldy ~oliteklmicheskiy institut. (Electric moasurements) POPOV,, V.S.. Results of prospecting operations carried oUt b7 the Y,&4n Geoj_ogj,~-.31, Prospecting Administration of the Ukrainian S.S.R. in 1962. Geolzhur, 23 no.1:10-15 163. (MU 16:4) I* Glavuoye upravleniye geologii okhrany'zadr pri Sovete Ministrov UkrSSR. (Ukraine-Prospecting) Fopovt V.S.t CHERNYSHEVA, V.V. Recording ratiometer. Izm.tekh. no.2:33-34 F 163. (MM 16s2) (Electric Instruments) SEMENENKO, N.P., akademik, otv. red.; SUBBOTIN, S.I., ak-da-�V. red.; TKACHUK, L.G., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, zam. otv.-red.; LAZAREHO, ye.K., red.; BELEVTGEV, U.N., red. POPOV, V.S.2 red.; SOLLOGUB, V.B., kand. geol.-miner. sauk, red.; ZAVIRYUKRINA, V.N., red.; MELINIK, A.F., red.; DAKW, YU.B., tekhn. red. (Materials of the Fifth.Conforence of the Carpat~o-`Balkax Geological ABsociation]MaterialyV a"ezda Karpato-ftlkanskoi geologicheskoi assotsiataii. Kiev,'Izd-vo Akad. a&uk UPSR, 1962. 309 P. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Karpato-Balkanakaya geol?gicheakaya assotsiatsiya. 5. s"yezd. 2. Akademiya mauk Ukr.SSR (for Semenenko Subbotim). (Carpathian Mountai-Aa-Geologyi (Balkan Mountains-Geology) --- POPOV, V.S. A frequency doubler using-thermal energy converters. Sbor.rab_~ po vop.elektromekh.-no.703t.434 162. (MM 161l) (Electric current rectifiers) (Frequency changers) Popov. V.S. Ratiometer circuit with a heater resistance. lzm.tekh. no.g: 46-49 Ag 162. (Electric instrL*ents) (MIM 16--4) BLOXHINTSEV, L.D.; DOLINSKIY, E.I.;-~-OF-OYI _V.S. Complex characteristics of direct nuclear reaction awlitwes, Zhur.eksp.i teor-fiz. 43 no.622290-2298 D #62. (KrM *:l) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitets. i Institut teorsticheakoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki. (Nuclear reactions) BLOKHIY=V, L.D.; DOLINSKIY, E.I.; POLOV, -V-S- Feyrz= amplitudes for nonrelativistic processes. Zhur. ekBp. i teor. fiz. 43 no.5:1914-1926 N 162.(MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut yadornoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta i Institut teoreticheakoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki AN SSSR, (Graphic methods) (Ruclear reactions) POPOV Viktor S ~!~o~t . . MANSUROV Nikolay Nikolayevich 6eeAaied ~;ISI~KtLAYSV, Sergey Aleksandrovich; Zf=HOVITSKIY, B.Ta., dots., kand. tekhn.nauk, red. VORONIN, K.P., tekhn. "d. (Electric engineering] Elaktrotekhuika. Izd.7., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gosenergoizdatv 1962. 543 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Electric engineering) S/115/63/000/002/003/008 E194/E153 AUTHORS: popovj V.S., and Chernysheva, V.V. ITITLE: A recording ratiometer PERIODICAL: jzmeriteltnaya tekhnika, no.2, 1963, 33-34 TEXT: The authors, in the Institut elektromekhaniki (Institute of Electromechanics), have developed a recording ratio- :meter for measuring and,recording the ratios of d.c. and a.c. currents and voltages. The indicator which reacts to the ratio of the measured magnitudes is based on metallic indirectly-heated .resistors. This arrangement overcomes the common design difficulty,' .of low operating torque in accurate recording variometers (self- .balancing rheostats). The ratiometer is a bridge, two arms of ,which are ohmic resistors while the other two are the indirectly- heated resistors. The currents to be compared are passed through the heaters associated with the latter resistors. one heater is ,shunted by the variometer slider arm, and the other by a fixed ,resistance. An a.c. motor which drives the slider is supplied tthrough a phase-sensitive amplifier across the bridge diagonal. ]The whole circuit is shown in Fig.l. The balance conditions are Card l/ 3 A recording ratiometer given by: R3 RH 2 11 R4 0 - RHI + R3(" 2 S/115/63/000/002/003/008 E194/E153 (1) (see diagram for notation). If R >> R3 (1 - 1,/I.) the HI variometer scale is nearly uniform. When comparing two voltages the heaters are connected in series with the corresponding resistances R3 and R4 and then the balance condition is; U2 R4 = R (2) H2 RHI U1 The scale is uniforar if U2/U,(R + R R The resistances 3 HI Hi Rl and R2 are preferably of metal and in a prototype were made Of platinum strip each heated by a nichrome spiral in a sealed but not evacuated glass tube. Initial balance is secured by adjusting the resistance R3. It was found that if both the measured currents varied by t 5005 from the nominal value of 5O.mA the initial'error did not exceed 0.5%. The readings were independent i Card A rneording ritiometer n9li/Lu55 of frequency in the heater circuits e. Of the compared maZititudes) within the range 20 c/b to, IGO kc/s, Supply voltage variations affect all four bridge arms equally and so cancel. Ambient temperature variatioms of � 10 OC cause an eiror not exceeding 0 35U. There are 2 figures. Fig-l it k~EZ r ro r 4 Card 3/3 POPOV, V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; LYASHCHI14SKIY, B.I., inzh. Investigating resistance of abrasive wear. Metalloved- i term. obr. met. no.l: 9-53 Ja '63. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Zaporozhakiy mashinostroitelinyy institut. (Steel-Testing) (Mechanical wear) POPOVY--V..S. Some causes for a chan- in the coal reacurces -in ~he Done-_ff Basin. Razved. i okh. nedr 28 no.~,z27-35 S 162. (MMA 15:9) 1. Glavnoye geologo-razvedochnoye upravleniye UkrSSR. (Donets Basin-Coal geolo.-gy) &ORNVORF, ,,,v i c j-,-MpOV. Vsevolod AloRrnin(iroviobq BEREZINA Io.!%, rvd. ; A~: . T~ -; - - --4-,i - [industrial elecUlonlov) 1'roltly.,iblonnaift oluktrofiik-s. Mo- skvaj Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 225 p. (MMA 11/11-2) ZAROCF-"TSEV., Yc. V', I: FOI'C'," V.-L. Energy spectra and resonance of a lbiax,-a- antiferromarnetie. Piz. tvpr. ',--,la 6 no.8:24E9-2494 A g '64' . I. nizhild-i. te~pera-.~.,r llkrSSF11! i"I~!J, I lW'j. BLOKIMUSEV, L.D.; DOLINSKIY, E.I.; POPOVI V.S. Analytic properties of nonrelativistic diagrams. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 42 no.6:1636-161+6 Ole 162. (14IRA 15-.9) 1. Institut yadernoy Miki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uldversiteta i Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki All SSSR. (Nucloar reactiorw) (Graphic methods) S/129/63/000/001/015/017 E073/E492 . ..AUT11ORS: of Technical Sciences, _Qp_gv. V ~i Lyashchinakiy, B.I., Engineer TITLE: Investigation of the resistance-tb-abrasive-wear PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheakaya obrabotka metallov, no.1, 1963, 51-53 TEXT, Three steels, 12XH3A OLMN3A), 2X13 (2Khl3) and A2(~l M12FI), were investigated to facilitate selection of the best material for die plates. The hardness of these steels was substantially unaffected by the heat treatment. Under normal shop conditions, the steel Khl2PI (after oil-quenching from 1050 to'1075*C and tempering at 1800C) showed the highest resistance-to- we~'r. Steel 2Khl3 (after car-burizing-and hardening) showed the lowest abrasive wear-resistance although its chromium content was the same as steel Khl2Fl. Different types of wear were observed when the steels 2Khl3 and Khl2F1 were subjected to the action of a moving refractory. In additlon to ordInary wear caused by chip-% removal, steel 2Khl3 developed local pitting corresponding to the places where loose carbide particles accumulated. Steel 12KhN3A, Card 1/2 POPOV2 V.S. Angular movement pickup. PriDorostroenie m.5:16-17 L-*, 162. 15:5) (Transducers) VC5 6/62/04 3/CC 5/0 4 51/05 8 B I 25/31C4 AUTHORS: Blok~,,intsev, L. D., Dolinskiy, Z. I., Popov, V. S. TITLE: On the Faynman amplitudes for nonrelativistic processes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperiment,-.11noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41' no. 5(11), !"J52, lc~l.;-1926 T -:;'X T :The nonrelati-,.'stic limit FW) of the. ~-elativistic amplitu,~e F r of an arbitrtiry Feynrjan i-raph is ascertained for the case when the ~in;_-tic enerEy transferred in the outer vertexes and the energy liberated at each vertex of the , r_~,ph is -_w, wi th respect to t*.,ie -virtual parti cles. All inner lines of the Fe,,,,nman t-r-ph are to represent scalar particles. 1 is the r number of 1ndepvnd._,nt clo-sed contours. Results: For 1 , Fr'.1 can be (o) r written as the num of the principal term, F r1 of the expannion of F n1 ' i t n ect; (1) respect to the small parameter 0, and of the relativistic corr ion F n] For n -' 51/2, F(G) coincides with the nonrelativistic amplitude having n1 Card 1/3 3/0 5 6 /6 2 /04 1, /V'- cj /c 4 ~/Cj c) F- On the Fe~nman amplitud'~.-2 for. 3125 /1;1 C, I - singularities ---kith rec-~-ct to tnz: nonrelativistic Invariants. For n < 1 2, F(0) epends only on the mass of the virtual jarticl~--s, but not on tht-- n1 nonre-'at i v--' s tic leinematic inv;-~riants. Th,? entire depandence an nonrelativistic invariants and all,'ivisttc)z-Lngularities are contained in the small relativi~-)t-lc corr(--ction F 1 . I%t n = 51/2, the ni amplitude F( deoends logarithm-4--ally on the ncnrelativistic invariants. nI - The order of :--agnitude o' the relativistic correcticns to the principal terms in the expansion of the amplitude pr with respect to ~ is 7iven by ni FIrIj = F,,"I' (I + (24) npi, 2n - 510 P2 Ino npm 2r; 512 32 npH 51 3, � 4,.. Card 2/3 3/056/62/043/C05/045/058 On thc- F(.,,,inr.,,.-!n ami-11, tudes for... B125,/BI04 The t. raphs v.,i th n