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MOROZOV, V.A., prof.; POPOV, V.G.,, aspirant Lamp for gynecological examinatdons. Vetqrinariia 42 no.8.,92 Ag 165. (MIRA J.8i 3.1) 1. Dagestanskly nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut sellako,alo khozyaystva. SOKOIM, Yu.V.; POPOV,,.V.,q,,,,, red. (Ways of developing the manufacture of cellular aggregates in the 14orthern Caucasus] Puti razvitiia proizvodstva po- ristykh zapolnitelei na Severnom Kavkaze. Rostov-na-Donu, Rostovskii Promstroiniiproekt, 1964. 24 p. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Rostovskiy institut po proyektirovaniyu promyshlennogo stroitellstva (for Sokolov). TOPCIIIYE'Vp D.A.; POPOV, V.G.; KABANOV, V.A.; KARGIN, V.A. Polymerization of quinaline and autocatalys'ks phenomena during the formation of macromolecules with a system of conjugation. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.khim. no.2:391-392 F 164e (1,9-RA 17: 3) 1. Institut neftakhimicheskago sinteza im. A.V.Topchiyeva AN SSSR. ANTIIPOV, A.A., inzh.; pOpOV, V.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; TERESHCHENKO, LF., kand.tokhn.nauk Methods of calibrating propeller shafts. Sudostroenie 29 no.10: 64-66 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) ARKRAMORCWKIY., A.G. [Arkhanhorods2kyl., O.H.] (Nikolayev); POPOV, V.G. Ubparj, V.H.J (Nikolayev) Effect of the rigidity of torsion of the framework on the stability of the sheathing of a cylindrical shell. Prykl.mekh. 8 no.2:178-185 762. WIRA 15.3) 1. Nikolayevskiy korablestroitel2nyy institut. (Elastic plates and shells) i i I o 3/198/62/008/002/008/U11 ~1114 0 D299/D301 AUTHORS: 1_rkha=orods1k-y, O.H., and Popov,. 0 J _ZJC. (14ykolayiv) TITLE: Influence of torsional rigidity of the wall on the stability of a cylindrical shell PERIODICAM Prykladna mekhanikap v. 8. no. 2, 1962, 178 - 184 TEXT: The influence is considered of the elastic clamping of the edges on tile stability of a closed cylindrical shell under uniform pressuree The-obtained results are used for determining Buler's load (pressure) for a shell, stiffened by equally-spaced ribs. The problem is solved by the energy method. The normal-bending function is taken in the form W=f [(I -x)sinm"x +% sin' T'Ex] sin LY, (1) R where R is the shell radius, h the wall thickness, 1 - the length of the shell (or distance between ribs), x the coefficient of the resistance pairv n - the number of waves, m the number of half- waves. The nonlinear terms in the compatibility equa"jion are ne- It Card 1/4 S/198/62/008/002/008/011 Influence of torsional rigidity ... D299/D301 glected. After calculations, one obtains the equation for the total energy of the system. The pre-critical stressed state is considered to be a membrane sta-11-e. The equation for Euler's load (pressure) is: Elt I at (C,Q I + C2U2 n2 + Cnl) q, '5C~'O~ + Cn2 + 11T. (12) It 1 112 (C,a I + C,a'%' + Cott I) + 2-- C., (12) - F2 T1 --j' 2) 1~1 ]I where the coefficients 0 involve expressions in X. By setting, in 'Ll "q. (12), U, one obtains von-1,11ises well-known formula. The Eu- ler load (pressure) o-L an elastically clamped shell, is qt. = KqO'V (14) where Eh I h2 (all + nl)2 q,.=T? 0.5u,_, 11,- 12 (1 - IL2) R' n~ IT is Euler's pressure of a freely supported shell, and Y, in a factor which takes into account the influence of the elastic clwping of the edges, on stability. The values of K, as a function of the Card 2/4 S/19 62/008/002/008/011 M-Iuence of' torsional rJ--idity D299YD301 Lt, shell parimet-erg (f, Rp Ii, and are listed in ? fil-uren, The darl-p- inG of the edi-es has a much greater effect in comparatively sl-ort, shel Is. T'-,.o uar,-xieters 7t and n ,ire in il-orrelated, ~,- depending on 11he elastic --nd Geometric properties of the sheil and of the reinforc- ing ribs, and n - on the de-ree of clamping of the edGes on t;ie V he de- ribs. ~,,IurTner, the dif-fereniial equation is considered o ti lormation of a sheilt clampea along the iine, joining tile ribs and vi-all. The clamping is considered as rigid with respect -to bendinz, and as elastic with respecT io rotation. One obtains: (22) ( " Y n 3 (1 - 1t2)1 -R [1 +2(1 Id where I and Id are monents of inertia of the rib cross-sections. The above solution is valid within the limits of accuracy of the adopted assumptions. 11ore accurate results would require a nonline- ar treatment of the problem. Finally, a numerical example is consi-, dered; thereby the critical pressure q e was found to have increased!' Card 3/4 S/198/62/008/002/008/011 Influence of torsional rigidity ... D299/D301 by 45 % as a result of the torsional rigidity of the ribs. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet-bloc references. ASSCCI.'-,T101T; T,,~ykolayivs lkyy k-orablebudivnyy instytut (Yykolayi,'r Ship aUlding Institute) SUBIJ,NTED: October 19, 1960 Card 4/4 POPOV, V.G. Special aspects of teachinF Peography in Geav~ v shkole 24 na.5:49-~--O S-0 '61. (Geography--Study national min)rity schools. (YJRA 14-8-) and teaching) POPOVt V. G.9 CAND TECH SIC.1 ,"BEND AND STABILITY OF L4_Ul%_44_ THREE-PLY CYLINDRICAL LENINGRAD,, 1961. (LENINGRAD SHIPBUILDING INST). (KL-OV9 11-61, 222). -176- S/145/60/000/003/001/010 D221/D301 AUTHORS: Arkhangorodskiyo A.G.9 Candidate of Technical Sciences and Popov, Y.Get Engineer TITIE: Strength of cylindrical shells reinforced by trans- versal and longitudinal ribs PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashino- stroyeniyep no. 39 196OP 3 - 13 TEXT: The article refers to the work of Kafedra stroitellnoy mekh- aniki korablya, Nikolayevskiy korablestroitelInyy institut (Depart- ment of Structural Marine Mechanics at the Nikolayevskiy Marine In- stitute) during 1952-1953. Its purpose was to determine the possi- bilities of strength increase of cylindrical shells by longitudinal ribs. On the assumption that bending is small when compared to thicicness, then the linear solution is given by ny W = sin M.#X 7"an sin 1 / , Card 1/-5,' n=1 j/ S/145/6&/000/'003/001/010 8trength of cylindrical shells ... D221/D301 where designations are indicated in Fig. 1. With the use of Ritz's method the author finds expressions for the polpntial energy of de- formation and bending of the shellt as well as the work of external. forces. After defining forces in the meridional sections due to transversal load, g, the function of stressps, C~ as the integral of combined deformations is found Tks lea-ds to the equation of the system's energy. In the case ~f a 1-round 1, form pressure, it is possible to write with good approximation, It Px = 9_R; and py = &-R (10) 2h h where pX and py are the compressive stressesp This resuits in simp- lified expressions. The minimum critical pressure is obtained when m = 1. Special instances of reinforced ribs are then considered. A set of equations is evolved for six-equidgistant ribs. The limit of s,nj%e 20y0 will be between 0 and 300. When the shell is rein- R 0 forced by seven ribs, then this angle varies between 0 and 26 , and Card 2/5,1' S/145/6i/'000/003/001/010 S.trengih of cylindrical shells D221/D50i maximum El is taken for each ~-f these values. Yinallyp the author discussed nine ribs. Experimei,tal investigation was carried out to supplement the theoretical work. Although the ribbing different from above recommendations, results were used to determine the effect of ribs on critical pressure. The dimensions of models are tabulated, and illustrations given of them. During tests knocks were observed which corresponded to formation of dents in the shell, and when pressure did not fall, contrary to shells without ribs The character of waviness in the shell is markedly changed at t~e instant of dent formation. A detailed description is given of these deformations. For comparisong results on shells without reinforce- ments we.-e also tabulated. The model in these cases was subject to deformations in an axial direction after the appearance of dents and without pressure increase. On the basis of theoretical and ex- perimental investigations, the following deductions were made. The longi-i-udinal ribs ensure a general increase of strength. Deviations from the correct shape of the shell affect its stability to a les- Ber extent than in the case of non-reinforced.4"-ts. It is expedient to mount ribs with higher strength on bending and torsion for the Card 31-!1r 3/145/60/000/003/(001/010 Strength of cylindrical shells ... D221/D301 rational Use of the material of the shell. The carrying capacity of shells reinforced by cross ribs oAly is determined by the shell when subject to all-round external pressurep whereas In instances of longitudinal and cross ribs it depends on these reinforcements . There are 5 figuresp 2 tablesp and 5 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Nikolayevskiy korablestroitellnyy institut (Nikolay- evskiy Marine Construction Institute) SUBMITTED: May 16, 1959 Card 4/,5,' ~f FOPOV, V.G. Primary pulmonary bypertension- Klin. mod. 38 no. 2:94~1CO 7 160. WIRA 14: 1) (h-IP M-TERS ION) 28170 KID AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 27 Ty~ Popov, V.G., Aspirant S/145/61/000/005/004/009 D221/D306 Bending of three-layer cylindrical shells Izvestiya vysshykh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashino- stroyeniye, no. 6, 1961, 39 - 50 TEXT: Main equations for three-layer cylindrical shells subject to a load symmetrically distributed in respect to their axis (Fig. J.) are quoted by E.I. Grigolyuk (Ref. 1: Konechnyye progiby trekhsloy- nykh obolochek s zhestkim zapolnitelem, "Izvestiya AN SSSR, OTN", no. 1, 1958) and L.M. Kurshin (Ref. 2: Uravneniya trekhsloynykh tsilindricheskikh obolochek, "Izvestiya AN SSSR, OTN", no. 8, 1958) Assumine a symmetrical structure of the shell, isotropic carrying and filler layers, linear displacements in the filler along the height, identical Poiseon coefficient for layers, andthe filler being undeformed in the cross-section, the former are given i, i aw a, ccI a, CL I k J-) a+ =D, -W~~ + - (I D., - + (I + ~) Da 2+ Card 1/11 ax 2 oy2 2 dxdv 18170 S/145/61/000/005/004/009 Berdng of three-layer cylindrical ... D221/D306 De t d"70 a1w G, C(C+t)( W+ ay2ox + D., D~ + I (I + IL) D, 07 a + dy OY2 2 dx~' 2 ax ay D, t a3 a3w '__.( W + _); G, C (C + t) ay, () y a',C2 Here, uut vUP Ul and vi are displacements of point of the central surface in the upper and lower carrying layer along their respec- tive axes; w is the sag which is equal for all points located on the same normal; R is the radius of curvature of ahell; t is the thickness of outside layer; c is the thickness of filler; E is the modulus of elasticity of outer layers; Ec and Gc are the moduli of elasticity and shear of filler; 1~ is the Poisson coefficient; gxy Card 2/11 S/14 61/000/005/004/009 Bending of three-layer cylindrical D221YD306 is the intensity of transversal loading. Remaining factors are gi- ven by u - u v v 3 a 1 U. U; u a + _rqA Et C + t C + t ax ay Do = 12(l - ~t2 D Ecc3 B Et(c t)2 D 1 [D 1 + B C C 12(l _ ~2) 2(l _~2) 3 - Gc C c (C + t)2 Intersecting forces, TxY, in each of the meridional sections tend to zero, and axial forces, N Y, remain constant due to symmetry. To determine N Y, use is made of Hook's law for a plane stressed con- dition. 'he linear deformations of the central surface of the shell in the d .rection of the tangent circle to its cross section is Ey W, and after substitution NY (2tE + CE + pNx (2) C Card 3/11 ,1, 8: go S/145 61/000/005/004/009 Bending of three-layer cylindrical ... D221YD306 is obtained for N y. The axial stress N x, is constant along the length due to symmetry Nx = N y. After mathematical treatment an equation is deduced with respect to w and which is of a,higher or- der, and its solution is to be found in the form w ce)"r. After som--~ manipulation 2 tE + cE, 2 IE + c (6) D, Z (D, + AT, D,) Z- + ~ + i%, z 0. JQ2 R2 is deduced. When all roots of the latter are real, then the -,eneral solution is W 0 sh yi x + 0 ch Tix) + W, (7) 2i-1 2 1 4 p The constants are determined from conditions for supporting the shell at its ends. As a results w and a can be calculated, and this Card 4/11 Bending of three-layer cylindrical ... D221/D306 allows the bending moments Mx, and Intersecting forces Qx, -to be computed, and also the resulting stresses in outside as well as "Lii- side points of carrying layers. In many instances it is possible to disregard the sag due to the bending. The author then deduces Mx = B da B d w1 (16) dx dx2 for the bending moment. The negative sign is due to the fact that for a positive there is a negative angle of twist in the cross sec- tion. After transformations d1w, dx' dx2 (21) g., + It ~V, + 2 t E(Kjx-K,)1 B+A11 a Card 55/11 5/145/61/000/005/004/009 Bending of three-layer cylindrical ... D221/D306 where D 2tE + N~ .3 /?'_~ _9 tE 2 (B + N, D3) R'~ (13 -1- NID, The roots of Ea. (21) may be either real or imaginary, depending upon the value of m and n. The form of the integral is related to the dimensions of shell, load N 1 and gX, modulus of normal elasti- city of carrying layers, E, and fillers, E c and G c. Complex roots are possible when the filler is very rigid. The author then consi- ders three-layer shells that are rigidly clamped along the perime- ter and subject. to outside all-round and uniform pressure. The sym- metry of design and loading permit the central sections to be re- garded as an isolated cylindrical shell which is rigidly clamped along its perimeter, and whose length is equal to the distance bet- ween diaDhragms. When Eq. (21) has real roots, then sag and stres- se3 in the carrying layers at the characteristic points are given by ,'I ,,lard 6/11 28170 S/145/61/000/005/004/009 Bending of three-layer cylindrical D221/D306 g _L' ) R' [I + U:., - U1, + 2 2tE 11,2 + U I U'.FO + 11,2 - U3 2 - U, F, (28) 113 2 + n1112FO (28) 12R 2 11,2. U - it, + t (U2F1 U1 F2) - 4 (1 tL2) I ) U,2 +U,lu,.F,, t :t ( 1112 21132 u, F. + U'2 2 U:!2112 F, gR 2 U, 4 t + In the case of a long shell, stresses in supports are determined by Card 7/11 1! 8.1,170 S/145/61/000/005/C',04/000, Bending of three-layer cylindrical D221/D306 ~:Fg 2R 2 U32. UI - U2 C t - (31) 2 2) -U.U. t + Ul' + [11'U2 + U12 gR 11,2 4 t The approximate relationships for bending are quite accurate for shells, where the thickness of carrying layers is determined by strength calculation, and the parameters of the filler are chosen so as to ensure the required resistance. On the other hand, as the three-layer shells are relatively long between supports, then the resulting stresses in supporting sections can be assessed by I "1' 112 C11 "1 -112 S11 III CII 112 UI S11 U1 CII U1. - U9 S" U2 Ch U1 (30) Card 8/11 28170 S/14 61/000/005/004/009 Bending of three-layer cylindrical D221YD306 sh ("I IIIS1111'Chu'-11,S1111'.6111 ' F, S11 U2 III sh it, ch it, - u, sh it,-ch it, sh u, ch it, u, sh it, ch u, - u2 A 112ch u, F4 sh it, Ch U2 --- - (30) III sh it, ch U. - u, sh u. ch u -1 it if 1 53 (30) D, 2 tE + N, 4 (B N,D,) 2 tE R2 R2 2(B+N,D,) D3 +N~ 2 Card 9/11 R 2 S/145/61/000/005/004/009 Bending of three-layer cylindrical D221/D306 A formula is also given for determining the sag and stress in the center of the span. Taking into account the symmetry of design, the calculation of stresses in the isolated shell rigidly clamped along the perimeter of transversal diaphragms will suffice. Stres- ses computed in the numerical example differ little from those, that are determined by Eq. (31). The ekpounded solution may also be used in assessing the strength of vertical three-layer cylindri- cal reservoirs for storing oil and its products, as indicated by Ye.I. Lessing, A.F. Lileyev, A.G. Sokoleva (Ref. 6: Stallnyye li- stovyye konstruktsii (Steel Plate Structures), Gostroyizdat, 1956). There are 2 figures and 6 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Nikolayevskiy korablestroitellnyy institut (Nikolayev Ship-Building Institute) SUBMITTED: December 20, 1960 Card 10/11 AILKHOMRODSKIY, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; DROV, V.G.0 inzh. Stability of cylindrical shells reinforced wIth lateral and longitudinal sets of ribs. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no-3:3-13 160. (MIRA. 14:3) 1. Mola7evskiy korablestoriteltnyy institut. (Elastic 'Plates and shells) POPOV, V.G., kand.sel'slcokhozyaystvonnvkh nauk Izhma-Pechora Veterinary Research Station. Trujiy VIILv 23:373 159. (MIRA 13:10) (Ishma-Voterinary research) ~7 - , - 77.,J., f-ecl. VA.Sli"ICHUK, 11 . ;' ~~l ~ .~Lzl-; F(j,' " . (colido bo(;k oll Li;,.~ ~-C,;i o.'* "fliflo."I 1"I krepl,miiu vyrt~,otck krepli-ii. i',.u:.tcjv-nFi-Donu , 1.963. 33 p. (.xlal, 18;-1) 1. aostov-on-Don. Institut, po stroitell'stvil. B. T. R. '%[. 3 110- 3 Mar. .954 ,gelding and Joining ":1255* New Electric 7'ell1i"X Melho&. (Russian.)I-V. 1. Popov. Napiko i Zhizo, v. 20, no. 7. jith p. 5-7. Disullsst's :111toolatic Nvelding opetations with r(As up to 60 Mill. in sim Special hydraolic ("hive se-cures hydraolic compression of 25 to :10 tolls. Application of methoIl increased efficiency SeVeo to t-igl't times, Phototrapbs, dia;janm GWIEV, N.G.; KOVALEV,; OSANOV, D.P.~- ~~q -V.,.I.,; MARGULIS, U.Ya., naucImyy red.; KOKOSOV, L.V.,, red.; VLASOVA, N.A., tekbn. red. [Shielding against radiation I'xon P-xtended sources] Zashchita ot izlucheniia protiazhennykh istochnikov. Yoskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atonnoi nauki i-tekhnikl, 1961. 287 P. (14IRA 15-2) (Shielding (Radiation)) oewp(ty,_ AW WCCE MR: AP5005804 S/0089/65/0181002'10136/0140 AUTHOR: Belov, S. P. Dulin, V. A. Kazanskiy, Yu. A.; Popov, V. I.; Tsypin, S. G. 'TITLE: Experimental investigation of shielding on the RIZ stand ,W7 .-~SOURCE: Atamnaya energiya, v. 18, no. 2, 1965, 136-140 1~:TOPIEC_ TAGS:-. capturi! ga=a radiation, neutron spectrum, uranium water reactor, zero p,ower. reac-bor.- radiation--shielding ZZ stand- R ABSTRACT,.- -A zero-power reactor stand for studying processes taking place in the __-_4.hia-Ain_ directly-adjac nt to the core is de~scribed. The uranium-water reactor, 9- h directi- of - V- - A- Kuznetsov, has a cylin- whose prototype was'developed under t e on core 335 mm in diameter and 275 mm highb By varying the boron thickness in~ ~~the reflector the neutron spectrum in the reactor stand can be varied in the energy region belov 10 kev, thus simulating the neutron spectra of various thermal and intermediate reactors. The results of the measurements of neutron spectra and of 'the study of shielding materials (iron, nickel and borated nickel) are given. art. has: 6 figures and I table. [BPI ASSO CTATION.1i none TAMMUZ,, IJ.; KAVIELITSVAYGp Yu.B.; GMM, I.M.; BEIMSH, V.A.; Y.I.; AKATOV, Yu.A. Diacamtic scintillation delvice of the DSU-60 type. Ned.rad. noo9t64-67 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz otdola radiologicheskikh i rentgenovskikh priborov i apparatoy Tbesoyuznogo nauebbo-iseledovateliskogo instituta zeditsiwkogo instr=entariya i-.-oborudavaniya Kinisterstva sdravookhranoniya SSM4 (RADIOLOGY, MEDICAL-SQUIPMOT AND SUPPLIES) POPOVY V.L, starshiy inzhener This crew lowered the work required to lay track. Transp. stroi. 12- no.5.11 My 162. (~UR-A 15 - 6) 1. Chelyabinskaya normativno-iseledovatellskaya stantsiya. (Mine railroads) SORIN., R.A., inzh.; POPOV, V.I., irizh. D.C. locomotives. Vest, elektroprom. '32 no,5:17.-20 Yy ;61 L. 01-11RA 15'5) (Electric locomotives) POPOV,-V.I... inth. Results of the work of the oils and fate industry of the Ukrainian S.S.R. during 1962. Masl.-zhir. prom. 29 no.5:32-34 My 163- (MIRA 16:7) 1. Gooplan UkrSSR. (Ukraine-Oil industries) BEGI DZILUOVA., A, P. , kand. I.- ekhn. nauk-. POPOV -- V ~ I. P inzh. Plaetic fuel pipes for tractors. Trakt. i mellkhozmash. 31 no.10:16- 18 0 161. (MIRA 14:1.2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy avtotraktornyy institut. (Tractors--Fuel, systems) (Plastics) POPOVY V.I.; GALIPEiUN, A.V., red. [Catalog of light filters for motion-picture photography] Ka- talog svetofil'trov dlia kinos"emok. Sost. operator V.I.Po V. Moskva, 1960. 95 P. (MIRA 15: r 1. Moscow. Moskovskaya kinostudiya "Mosfillm." 41~ (Motion-picture photograpby-Light filters) SIDOROKO, N.V., glavnyy red.; ZARAGO. K.S.,- red.: KRM, Ye.A., red.; RAABIN, T.N., red.; RYABTSEY, N.I. . red.; BRMS. A.D.. red.; ITSIKSON, B.S., red.; KOKISSAROV, P.G.. red.;-I'=T, V.I.# red.; TBSOR, P.A., red.; FALIKKVICH, A.S.. red.; STZPANCHISKO. N.I.. vedushchiy red.; HOVIKOVA, M.M., vedushchiy red.; MUKHINA, B.A., (Ways of d:eveloping the gas industry of the U.S.S.R.; transactions of the All-Union Conierence on Further Development of the Soviet Gas Industry] Materialy Vaesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po dallneyshe= ras- vitiya gazovoi promyshlennoati SSSR: Pati razvitiia gazovoi pro- myshlennouti SSSR. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekha.izd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry, 1958. 432 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Tsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po dallneyehemu razvitiyu gazovoy prmqehlennosti SSSR, Moscow. 1957. (Gas industry) . I I r u r t_.! -j, v - 1 , TFREMENIKO, V.; POPOV. V.; KHkLIF, A. Production and utilization of natural gazoline in the United States (from nOil and Gas J.." no.47 1956, no-57 1957. no.27 1958). Gaz, prom. no.9:52-53 5 158. (MIRA 11:10) (United States--Gasoline) I YnMITKO, V.S.; FOPOV. V.I.; KFALIF, A.L. ~ Natural-gas gasolines and their use. Gaz. --p-rom. r.,,-.P:43-47 Ag 15P. (141W. 11: 8) (Gasoline) FCPOV, V. 1, New main controller MO-60/20 for 2160 electric locomotives. Blek. i tepl. tiaga 4 no. 9:34-38 5 160. (MIRA 13:12) l.Rukovoditell gruppy Spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byaro elektroyozostroitellnogo zavoda. (Electric locomotives) (Voltage regulators) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1172 Popov, Viktor Ivanovich Elektricheskiy privod I avtomatika (Electric Drive and Automatic Control) Moscow, Sellkhozgiz, 1957. 442 p. (Series: Uchebniki I uchebnyye posobiya dlya vysshikh sellskokhozyaystvennykh uchebnykh zavedeniy) 15,000 copies printed. Ed.-Specialist: Glebovich, A.A.; Ed.- Zuyeva, K.N.; Tech. Ed.: Sokolova, N.N. PURPOSE: This book is approved as a textbook by the USSR Ministry of Agriculture for students of agricultural vuzes studying rural electrification. COVERAGE: According to the author the book is a methodical treat- ment of the theory of electric drives and their control, electric motor protection, fundamentals of automation, and other questions as they relate to applications In agriculture. He states that the study of electric drives as a special branch of technical sciences developed mainly through the efforts of the following Soviet scientists: Card 1/10 Electric Drive and Automatic Control SOV/1172 Professors S.A. Rinkevich, V.K. Popov, D.P. Morozov, A.T. Golovan, R.L. Aronov, and Academician V.S. Kulebakin. He thankB the fol- lowing persons for their help: Professor P.N. Listov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Docent G.I. Nazarov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Professor V.N. Kiyanitsa, Doctor of TechnJnal Sciences; Professor A.T. Golovan, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Docent P.F. Shkarbanov, Candidate of Technical Scienceb; Docent N.M. Sokolov, Candidate of Technical Sciences-Docent A.A. Klimov, Candidate of Technical ScienceSj Docent V.A. Shustov; A. A. Glebovich., Candi- date of Technical Sciences; and A.I. Rutskiy. There are 67 references, all Soviet. Card 2A0 Electric Drive and Automatic Control SOV/1172 TABIE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction 5 L Ch. 1. General Information on the Electric Drive 11 1. Definition of the electric drive 11 2. Electric drive systems 11 3. Advantages of the electric drive 13 4. Applications of the electric drive in agriculture 14 5. Single and group electric drives in agriculture 16 6. Classification of operating conditions 18 Ch. 2. Mechanical Characteristics of Electric Motors 23 General inf ormation 23 Mechanical characteristics of d-c shunt motors 26 9. Mechanical characteristics of d-c series motors 35 10. Mechanical characteristics of d-c compound motors 43 11. Mechanical characteristics of three-phase induction motors 46 Card 3/10 Electric Drive and Automatic Control SOV/1172 12. Mechanical characteristics of single-phase induction motors 55 13. Mechanical and phase characteristics of synchronous motors 58 14., Design of resistor-type starters 61 15. Reactors and autotransformers for starting syn- chronous and induction squirrel-cage motors 69 !6. Examples 71 Ch. 3. Special Methods of Regulating Motor Speed 81 17. General information 81 18. Cascade regulation arrangement 82 19. Speed regulation of electric motors by electro- magnetic clutches' 89 20. Speed regulation of d-c motors by motor-generator system * 91 21. Speed regulation of d-a motors by gas-filled tubes and amplidynes 94 Card 4/jo Elr:.ctrlc Drive and AutomatIc Control SOV/1172 22. Speed regulation of." elel-tric motors by amplidynes 97 '-3. Speed regulation o'L d-a motors by saturable reactors 100 24. Impulse method of electric motor speed regulation 102 Ch. 4. Dynamics of an Electric Drive 105 25. Analysis of forces, resistances and accelerations of an electric drive 105 26. Reduced value of the static moment for the resist- ance of a-machinO.-- , log 27. Reduced value of the flywheel moment in a machine 110 28. Starting and braking times 112 29. Determining flywheel moment of an electric drive from-st,arting*algd-bi~aking'curves 116 30. Selection of rated motor speed 117 31. Examples 119 Ch. 5. Transient Operating Conditions 124 32. General information 124 33. Translient operating conditions of an electric drive with a-linear chardeteristic at Mst = const 125 Card 5/10 Electric Drive and Automatic Control SOV/1172 45. Determination of motor capacity for short-time operating conditions 174 46. Determination of motor capacity for brief inter- mittent periodically Variable load 177 47. Determination of motor capacity for brief inter- mitteht aperiodically variable load 185 48. Losses and efficiency of electric motors 189 49. Selection of motor capacity from average losses 193 50. Operation of a flywheel electric motor under an impact load 195 51. Operation of an electric drive with slip regulation 199 52. Transmission ratio between electric motor and the'machine' 200 53. Determination of motor capacity for group drive 203 54. Selection of limit capacity for squirrel-cage indilction*and synchronous motors 205 55. Plotting load characteristics 217 56. Examples 219 Card TAO ::Iectric Drive and Automatic Control 67. General notions 68. Principle 69. Principle 70. Principle 71. Principle 72, Frequency on the principles of of counter-emf of current limitation of Independent time lag of our*nt-dependertt time prinoiple SOV/1172 automatic control 306 310 313 319 lag 324 326 Ch.11. Automatic dontact-Relay Control for Electric Motors 330 73. Automatic- control of squirrel-cage induction motors 3-30 74. Aut, control of wound-rotor induction motors ~) 38 7g. Automatic control of synchronous motors 355 7 . Automatic control of d-c shunt motors 6 3 77. Automatic control of d-c series motors A 3 4 78. Automatic control of motor-generator set 391 Ch.12. Control of Electric Motors by Means of Vacuum- and Gasafilled Tubes and Rotating Regulators 396 79, General Information 396 8-0. Constant speed control 398 81, Vacuum and gaB-tube control of an electric drive 40! Card 9/j.0 Eler,tr1r, Dr.Lvr-- and Automatic Control SOV/1172 82, Automation of electric drive with amplidyne 405 83. Motor-generator system with a rotating regulator conr,ecttd'td a UM type balanced bT-;idge 406 C)1,13. Control of Stationary and Mobile Electric Instal- lations Used In Agriculture 408 84. General information 408 85. Automation of headwork and pressure-head hydro- electric installations 409 86. Automatic control of rural waterpump stations 414 87. Automatic control of fodder-production processes 416 88. Control of electric tractor units 421 89. Control of the SE4 electric combine 428 List of Symbols 431 Bibliography 434 Alphabetical Index 437 AVAILABLE-. Library of Congress (TK4058.P6) JP/atr Card 10/10 2-21-59 OS IPOV. G. P. Textbook on rural electrification ("31ectric drive,ase of electricity in agriculture and technical utilization of ru- ral eloctric installation. Reviewed by V.I.Popov, G.P.Calpov). MakhA elok.sotg.eallkhos. 17 no.5:62 '59. 014HU 1:!:I-') (Electricity in agriculture) POFKOV, V.I.; GRIC-OR'YEV, V.V.; BUT, A.I. Introduce the indust6rial application of electric ar--; fields in the national econonW.. Prom.entire. 17 ~ (MI-RA 1j'.3) (Electric fields) (Technological innovations) FEDOROVP P.V.; LILRENEEM, D.A.; POFOV~-V-i-i- New data on the terraces of Mack Sea shore of 3alg4-:- i a. D4ckl. All SSSR 1" no.2.431-434 W 162. (I'MIA 15: 5) 1. Geologicbeskiy inatitut All SSSR, Institut geografii ALT SSM Institut geografii Bolgarskoy Akademii nauk. 'i~:dstavleno akademikom I.P.Gerasimovym. (Bulgaria-Geology, Structural) [6ound or, zvak me kinolemle. Kosirva, 1950. 71 p. (MaA (~>olxi I ---Recording srA reproducing) ZR-,Izi, Ye.A.. redak.tor-PCIPOY V.I.-redaktor; KOH16SAROV, F.G., red!.0':tor; Tu'snch"y :.;:E4.,Ator; MM jovion. m M., v'~ 1U. -A., lekhnicheskiy redaktor LExtraction, aeparatto-a of light bonsine fractioas act, trazoportatios of oil gas; papers at a scieatific *nginearing conference] Dob7chm, otboazinivanis i tranoport neftionogo gata; netarialy nauchno-takhat- cheekol konforenteii. 'Mosi:va. Gos. notichno-taktinAt"d-vo neftA gora:- toplivnoi lit-ry, 195?. 1?',) p. (HLHA 10:10) 1. Nau--hao-tekhnicneskoye obGhchestvo neftyanoy iroulyuialanosti. 2. Predoedatell gazovoy t;oktoli T'jantrallnogo provient-va ~~achno- teklinicheskogo obunchp~;tv3 luftiomy promyshlennosti (:'or Kroms) (Gas, Natural) WSR/ Miscellaneous - Glass manufacture Card 1/1 S Pu1b. 104 - 9/9 Authors I Bruk,_ K.. N.; Gendlin,, 1. K.; and Fopov, V. 1. Title Machine for removal and grinding of glass edges Periodical t Stek. I ker. 8, paae.32, Aug 1954 .Abstract t A new machine for removing and grinding'glass edgeaq first Intro- duced at the Ulan-Udensk Glass Factory, is described. Drawings. Institution Submitted GUU 1, V.S.; ISAKOV. P4.; MLIKIN; PORN. V.I. Coordination of posture and movements in man under conditions of increased and lowered gravitation. Biul.ekep.biol.i mod. 48 to.11: 12-18 1 159. (KTLRA 13:5) 1. Is Inatituta eksperimentalluoy biologii t zeditainy sibirskogo otdolenlya Akademil nauk SSSR (dir. - prof. U.N. Neshalikin). Novosibirsk. Predstavlona deyetvitelinym chlenom ANN SSSR T.T. Parin I (GRATITMON) (POSTMLI pbysIol. (NOTEMMS Physiol.) POPOV, V.1.,_14zh. Using mobile plastering units in constructing buildirigu of few stories. Transp.stroi. 9 no.7:33-34 J1 '59. (141RA 12:12) (Plastering-Squipment and supplies) YDOWTSOWA. Ye.A,.,kandidat Ithimichaskikh asuk; TOURVANIK. I.P., professor. otvetstvewWy redaktor-, SARYNSAKOV, T.A.. glavnyy redaktor; RYZHOV. S.M., prof essor-doktor, xamestitell glevnogo redaktore; ROKANOVS11Y. V.I., redektor; KOELOVIN, Te.P., radaktor; MASSON, K-Ye., redaktor; KORZE[AMEVSKlY. N.L., redektor;, !OPOY, profegsor-doktor. redak- tor; HIROSHKINA, U.N.. professor. redaktor; STOLYAROY, D.D.. dotsent, redaktor; BONDARXVSXff. G.L.. dotsent, redektor; KRASNOVAYBV, I.K., dotsent, redaktor; GENTSM, L.V.. dotsent. redaktor [Radical and ionic alkylation of aromatic compounds] Radikallnyi i ionnyi makhanissy reaktait alkiliroyaniia aromatichaskikh soedene- nii. Brevan. Izd-ve Brevenskogo universitets. 1953. 92 p. (Tashkent. Universitet. Trudy Sredneasiatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. no.43. Xhimicheskie nauki. no.6) 1. Deystvitelln" chlen Akademli nauk UzSSR (for Sarymsakov, Romanov- skiy, 1orovin). 2. Doystvitellnyy chlen Akedenii nauk Turks. SSR (for Masson). 3. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii naak UzSSR (for TSukervanik. Korzhenevskiy). (Arotmatic compounds) (Alkylation) :i/081/62/000/013/052/054 B160/B101 AUTHORS: Baramboym, N. K., Popov, V. I. TITLE: Physical and chemical modification of CR6 (SKB) with maleic anhydride .1EHIODICAL: Referativny-j zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 13, 1962, 643, abstract 13P290 (Nauchn. tr. 74osk. tekhnol. in-t legkoy prom-sti, no. 19, 1961, 54 - 50) TEXT: The introduction of maleic anhydride into CKr2-40 (SKB-40) in cold rolls or in an extruder scarcely affects the plasticity of the mixture as compared with a control, but its solubility in aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons is reduced, the moisture absorption of SKB-40 rolled for 20 min-w-ith 6~- maleic anhydride goea up to 135~~, and it becomes possible to vulcanize the material with metal oxides. Vulcanizates of modified S13-40 are not inferior to others as regards resistance and ageing, and their strength-is slightly hieher. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 00 V, V') - YEFIMOV, V.I.; KHUDYAKOV, N.V.; SBITN3V. L.P.; ROMANOVSKIY, V.E.; KHOLIN, I.R.; Pclpi)lr--T-I-. OSIPOV, G.P.; PISKAB-EV, V.S.; AGAYONOT, Te.F.; DCROINCT. P.G.; MULLCM. V.1.; ZLYT.W, TU.A. A.A.Zlimov's book "Blectricity in aaiml husbandry." Reviewed by V.1.3fimov an& others. Zlektrichestyo no-9:87-88 3 '56. (XLRA 9:11) 1. lafedra primeneniya elektricheskoy energii v sellskom kho- zyaystve Stalingradskogo sellskokhozyaystvannog instituta (for Tefimov, Zhudyakov, Sbitnev, Romnovskiy, Kholin). 2. XELfedra primemeniya, elektroenergii v sellskom khozyayatva Saratovskogo instituta makhanizataii sellskogo khoz'yaystva imieni Kalinina' (for Popov, Oaipov. Piskarev. Agafonov. Dorodnov, Strukachev, Zaytsev). (Blectricity In agriculture)_(Stock and stockbreading) XOSTIKUN, G.K., dots.; POPOV, V.I., kand. sel'skbkhozMv-stvormykh nauk; KAZARIAN, V.A.. assistent. Malpine pastures. Nauka i pored. op. v sellkhoz. 7 no.10:45-" o 157. (MLRA 10:11) 1. Terevanskiy zooveterinarnyy institut. (Armenia-Pastures and meadows) SIRGEYEVA, T.Ya.; POPOV, V.L. SIMONYAN, G.A., vet. vrach. I - Specific prophylaxis of ovine plague. Veterinariia 35 no-10:38-43 0 158. (MA 11:10) l.Nauchno-proisvodstvewinya laboratoriya Hinisterstva sel'skogo khozynystva RSM (for Sergey-eva, Popov). 2.Sovkhoz "Ramenskoye." (for simonyan). (s. wine plague) t Sci (, iss) ll~~Pizootfj,of;,y ~Hld C 1 i I c I cn.;-~-CCL 1-,GFOv, V. I., Cend Ve A TT, 2 4 of listerellisis for hOF-S." I ' 0 - -nczt of 7xueria-en-ca` Vezernar-, f7-,'ven; 24-610, 1~4) SERGMEVA, T.Ya.; TSAREGRADSKAYA, ANTONOVA, M.Ye.; PAVWVICH, L.A.; SAIKIMPOTA, R.M. Infectious nature of atrophic rhinitis in youn pigs. Vete- rinariia 37 no.408-44 ApI60. WA 16:6) 1. Nauchno-proizvodstvermaya laboratorlya po borlbe a bo- leznymi molodn7aka sellskokhosyaystvemykh zhivotnykh Ministerst7a sellskogo khozyayotva RSFSR. (SWNE-DISWES AND PESTS) POPOV .-V.I.; KOMUDZHIYEV, Kh.A, Importanr,-e of contrast lymphrigraph7 in, the detactirn of lymphogenic meLastaaes. Vop. onk. 11 no.8:42-417 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Iz Rostovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta rentgenologii. radiologii i onkologii (diraktor - nauk A.K.P~nk;v). 89 ilia F1 m 0 d P Zlu As 101 A C 7 1 R 34 .-a- EE -4 Q IR 6.3 ji Ap -AA IV POPOV Vladimir Ivanovich; GSANOV, Dmitriy Pavlovich; LYUSTIBERG, V.F., ~- red.; SHTr-.YMK, G.Yu., inzh., red.; SOROKINA, T.M.0 tekhn. red. (Diffusion chamber for measuring the o(,-contamination of water] Diffuzionnaia kamera dlia i2mereniii GK,-zagrJ.aznennosti vody. Mookva,-Filial Veas. W-4A-naude. I tekhn. informatsii, 1958. 12 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheskit t proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 41. No-P-58-89/4) (MIRA 16:2) (Cloud chamber) (Alpha rays) 3OV/12 '-5-*-5-?/~72 '.AUTFfOR3:Osanov, D. P. and Po-jov, V. I. TITLE: Correction for Scl~'- srp lion of a-Particles in the 'Iea3urc- ment of Activity of Plane S-ecimens (Popravka na samoi;o- 0 1-3 loshcheni e u-chastits pri igraerenii akbivnosti ploskikh obraztsov~ PERIODI'JAL: 11'ribory i telf-Ihnik-a eksperimenta, 19581 Nr 5, pp 32-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In thecalculation and measurement of the number of cc-particles e-mitted by a plane specimen, one often deals -lith so-called tuliick specimens in which the absorption of a-particles emitGed by tb-e lower layers takes place. Thus, when water is evaporated 7 in order to determine the concen- tration of a-active subst,~mces contained in it, measurements are ~aade on the dry sediment which is always left behind. In order to obtain sufficiently larSe sediments of this it is desirable to evarorate a lar-e amount of sater. How- OvOr if the amount of water evaporated is too larse then Lhe thicknesq of the sediment may be lar,-a enouf~)h to nbsorb the a-particles. The connection between the activity of the water Q in curies Der litre and the nLriber of a-particles N emitted per minute from the surface of an I 6nfinitely,thin non-absorbinig, layer is -ivcn by 0, = 9 x 10- iqv ahere Uard 1/5 Q_ SOV/120-503-5-7/52 Correcti-in for Self -Absorption of a-Particles in ~h- as=~-- Activity of Plane Srecimens V is the voluLoe- of the eva-porated water in cc. Consider the case where V co of water have been evanorated and a sediment is left behind with a thicr.-ness given by d = Kdo K,,2.2 Cm, I mb P = 1 + 2.3 d (the enerGy of the u-particles is not given). There are 2 fi,,,-,ures and 3 referenoes, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 En.-lish. This is an abbreviated translation. ASSOCIATIOR: lAoskovskiy inzhenerno-fizichoskiy institut (Moscow Engine erin-- Physics . Institute) 0 SUBMITTED: November 16, 195?. Oard 5/5 SOV~O3411 120-59-3-13/46 AUTHORS: Kovalev, Ye. Ye. and Popov, V. I. TITLE: Geometrical Correctior-Fa-Ft-or 1-or a Cylindrical Ionization Chamber (Popravochnyy geometricheskiy faktor dlya tsilindricheskoy ionizatsionnoy kamery) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta., 1959, Nr 3, pp 63-66 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the dosimetry of point sources of y-radiation it is necessary to determine the true ionization density from the readings of the ionization chamber, This is due to the fact that,frequently.-Jonization chambers are used whose linear dimensions are not sufficiently small in comparison with the distance between the point source and the geometrical centre of the chamber, An expression is obtained for the correction factor for the case where the source is at an arbitrary distance from the centre of the chamber in the radial direction (Eq 8). Graphs are given (Figs 2 and 3) of the -values of the geometrical correction factor for a cylindrical ionization chamber. These graphs may be Card 1/2 used to determine the true ionization density from the -7 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5717 Moscow. Inzhenerno-ifizicheskiy institute Pribory i metody analizd izlueheniy; sbornik nauchnykh rabot, vyp. 2. (Appa- ratus and Methods for the Analysis of Radiation; Collection of Scientific Papers, no. 2) Moscow, Atomizdat, 1960. 166 p. 4000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya RSFSR. Moskovskiy lnzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Ed. (Title-page): Ye. L. Stolyarova, Candidate of Physics and flithematics; Tech. Ed,.: S. M. Popovae PURPOSE: Thiv collection of articles is intended for specialists in nuclear physics, dosimotry of nuclear radiationsand shielding. COVERAGE: The articles were prepared by scientists of MIFI (Moscow Ph.*aics and Engineering Institute) and presented at the 1957 conference of the Institute. Brief annotations to the articles have been included in the Table of Contents. No personalities are mentioned. References follow each article. Card 11A Apparatus and Methods for the Analysis (Cont.) SOV/5717 Frolov, V. V. Thick-Wall Ionization Chamber for Measuring the Dose of High- Energy (35-300 Mev) Bremsstrahlung 91 It is shown that the electron balance required for measuring bremsstrahliLig dosage in roentgens can be secured by choosing the thickness and material of the wall of the ionization chamber. Ivanov, V. I. Calculation of Ionic Mobility in Dielectric Liquids 106 A method is described for calculating the mobility of solvated ions on the assumption that the mobility obeys Stokes law. The calculation results were in good agreement with experimental data. The results can be used in studying the possible application of liquid ionization chambers to dosimetric measurements. Kovalev,, Ye. Ye., apd V. 1. Popov. Determination of the Geometric Correction Factor for a Cylindrical Ionization Chamber 110 It is stated that the geometry in the experiment must be taken into account when measuring the dose rate of gamma radiation with a cylindrical chamber. A general equation for the correction of the geometric factor in Card 4/8 32999 S/641/61/000/000/026/033 oQ .2 B1021/B178 AUTHOR: Popov, V. I. TITLE: Angular dif;.tribution of 3.1-Mev neutrons elastically scattered from Al, 8i, K, Ca, and Th nuclei SOURCE: Krupchitskiv, P. A., ed. Neytronnaya fizika; sbornik statey. Moscow, 1961, 306-309 TEXT: Only the angular neutron distribution measurements are given; method, apparatus and evaluation of the experimental data were described earlier (V. 1. Popov, "Atomnaya energiya", 111, 498, 1957). The neutron source was a heavy-ice target bombarded by 250-kev deuterons. The differential cross sections of elastic scattering were measured in the range from 20 to 1500- Comparing the thorium results with similar published data (insert Refs. 1 and 4) it iB seen that at large scattering angles the figures were much greater for Pb and Bi than for Hg and Th. The Eg and Th curves agree with those obtained from calculations with the optical model where elastic scattering from the compound nucleus was neglected. This confirms the suggestion made by Popov, that the2e Card 1/2 32999 S/0'41/61/000/000/026/033 Angular distribution of... B102/B138 scattering effects are important in Pb, but not Hg and Th.- Similarly, they are of importance in Ca.40 but not K. A. 1. Leypunskiy, Member of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, is thanked for interest. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to th~~ English-language publication reads as follows: D. J. Hughes, I. A. Harvey, Neutron Cross Sections. McGraw-Hill Co., N.Y. 1955. Table. Integral cross sections BAeMeNT (yet Oin - air I given in barn. Al 2,1�0,1 2,5�0,1.4 0,4�0,1 _t 1,4�0.1 Si 2,0�0,1 2,5�0,1 0,5�0,1 1,3�0.1 K 3,0�0,1 3,4�0,2 0,,1�0,2 2' 4�0,2 Ca 3,6�0,1 3,6�0,1 0,0 213�0,1 Th 3,7�0,1 7,4�0,1 3,7�0,1 4,9�0,1 2/2 33003 S/641/61/000/000/03.0/03, B 102/B 138 AUTHORS: Nef edov, V, V. t~~O_Povlv- I, , Yazvitskiy, Yu. S. TITLE: Gamma radiation in inelastic interaction of neutrons with nuclei SOURCE: Krupchitskiy, P. A., ed. Neytronnaya fizika; sbornik statey. Moscow, 1961, 324-334 TEXT: Radiative transitions with energies above 3 Mev were studied in nuclei excited with 14-Mev neutrons. An arrangement consisting of a scintillation spectrometer, 14-Mev neutron source and the specimens was used for the f-spectra measurements. The spectrometer was used to find the gamma energy from the energy of the electron-positron. It consisted of three 133-C (FEU-S) photomultipliers with CsI(Tl) crystals and an electronic recording circuit. A tritium-zirconium target bombarded by 300-kev deuterons supplied the neutrons. The followine elements were investigated: C12(graphite), 016(water) and Be9, Mg24, Al, Fe and Cu (all as metals). The gamma spectrometer was calibrated with 2.0"7-Mev RaTh radiation and 4.43-Mev Po-Be radiation. The resolution was between 7 and 14 %, depending on the duration of the measurements, the efficiency was Card 1/3 33003 S/64 61/000/000/0170/0~717 Gamma radiation in inelastic. B102YB138 -10-4 per quantum at 4,43 Mev. The spectrometer crystals were shielded against background radiation with a leud cone, the external background was eliminated by subtracting the spectrum without, from that with, the specimen. The cross section calculations were made with an accuracy of 20-30 %. The following results were obtained: Li. No gamma radiation with energy higher that 2 Mev was recorded, Be, Its spectrum was studied up to - 4 Mev. It has two flat peaks at 2.5 and 3..6 Mev, C12. The spectrum has a high peak at" 4.4 Mev which is due to a transition from the first excited state to the ground state. A line at about 3,2 Mev was also found with 0< 0.07 b (transition from the 7.06-Mev level to the 4..45-Mev level). At higher /r energies peaks were detected at 6 and 7 Mev (0,023 and 0.013 b), which both occur in C12(n,n1)C12,, reacrions., They are due to transitions from 'he -7-Mev levels to the 4,4~;-Mev level. o16 10,,8- and 11 The spectrum is a descending curve with peaks at 3.8 0, 6.1 and 7,1 Mev. The corresponding cross sections were 0,006, O~25, 0,10, 0,07 and 0,45 b. 24 This is Probably the first time the 4~6-Ylev line has been observed. Mg . The sDectrum has its sharpest peak at 4.1 Mev (0-28 b), minor peaks at 06.1 and 66.9' blev caused by Na24(n,p)Mg24 reactions and indistinct peaks at A..8 and 5,3' blev. Al, Fe, Cu. The A! spectrum has peaks at 3.8, 4,9, 5~6, 6.3 and 6.9 Mev Card 2/3 33003 S/64 61/000/000/030/033 Gamma radiation in inelastic... B102XB138 (0.29, 0.16, 0.09, 0.04 and 0.01 b), the Fe spectrum has indistinct peaks at 7,5, 6.1 and 5.0 Mev (Oz2O, 0434 and 0-55 b) and Cu has peaks at 06.1, 5.0 and 4.0 Mev (0.14, 0.25 and 0.4'1 b), The mean energies carried off by f-quanta when the excitation energies exceed 4 Mev are 7, 2.3, 3.3, 4.5 16 24 27 and 5.2 Mev for 0 , Mg , Al , Fe and Cu. I. M. Frank is thanked for interest, I. V. Shtranikh, A. Ye. Voronkov and V. N. Bochkarev for assistance. There are 9 figures, 3 tables, and 10 non-Soviet references. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: Ajzenberg F., Lauritsen T. Rev. Mod. Phys., 21, no. 1, 77 (1955); Battat M. E., Graves E. R. Phys. Rev., 21, 1266 (1955); Rasmussen 9. K., Miller D. W., Sampson M. B. Phys. Rev,, 100, 181 (1955); Wakatsuki T., Hirao Y., Okada E., Miura J. J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 12, 1778 (1957). Card 3/3 6 11t00100710 10/086 OCO 1 AS /0 /A 0 1 AUTHOR: Popov, V.I. TI = Gamma-emission from extended sources of cylindrical and spherical shape PERIODICAL: Referativnyy.zhurmal. nzika, no. 7, 1961,.48, abstr&ct 7B122 (V sb. "Pribory i metody analiza izlucheniy", no. 2, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1960, 7 - 21) TECT: The author considers the problem of the yield of gamma-emission from extended sources of cylindrical and spherical shapes taking simultaneously into account the geometry and self-absorption at an arbitrary distance from the source. Calculations are performed under the following assumptions: the active substance is distributed uniformly over the-entire volume of the source, and the emission of the source is monoenirgetic. For the cylindrical source of finite dimensions the distribution of the dose power is determined along three main directions: in radial direction, at points lying on the extension-of the cylin- der axis, and at points lying on the extension of the cylinder generatrix. A.M. [abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 3907 62/043/Qr2/0~)r/r~= 7 3/056/o B1 02/-'5104 UT 1 i OR 3: Otstavnov, P. S. Popov, V. I. T-ITLE: Polarization of 3.5-,.:ev neutrons on scattering PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekonerimentallnoy i tcore LicniuZe0y fiziki, V. 4)', no. 2(8), 1962, 385-387 T ~--'.K' T :As usual, the neutron polarization was calculated from. asymmetry, i.e. Erom the count ratio a - i 1 -? I - 1 (-,1,) ij 2i- 1 ~ -1 where P is the degree of polarization of the primary neutr,~n bz;--m, ana 1 1 P2(G) is that after scattering throue;h the an-le 9. The primary bQa" 7--L-- obtaineO. from a d-d reaction at Ed = 1 1,'~ev (cascade -enerator). ~2hc: deuterium target was in the center of a tub filled with water 130 cm), ip was 490, 3.5 ev, and P(tp) = -0-140 *+ 0-010. The zectnd targets vere Li. 3e, C, liquid :1, liquid 0, F L'ar 2)1 k I a j (NIa0l), Ca, Ti, Fe, Cu, Nb, Sb, Pb, Bi, and U. The scattered neu-~rons Card 1/2 ACCEMM URI AP1036W AUMI PGPVp I- TITLIge The problums of low and no"= margr VhWWWo SWWZs AN SSSL Voetrdko no. 48 1040 X%,.L% TOPIC TAGSe nuclear p4vlcs# nuclear reacti(np low snara OpIcas 8021ttincs lithim six# VMS r1w ABSrRAC?t Me article was written by V. I* Popov who was a participant of the First Session of the Convention an Nuclear P'Wsics, hold in Leningrad on December 3 and 4,9 1963. The session was opened with a4pesch by Academician V. I. Vekdw who described the JVortance of some of the :zuclear physics projects worked out by the various Leningrad research oreanizations, I, Mo Frank presided over three meetings at which ^W reporU were read by j.-cientlets from the entire countz7o As a rule,0 these reports presented the resul-;~s of unique projects finished and published during recent yearsp otplaining tlx: now trends in nun-lear pbroics -rassarcho G* No Flww,, an anociato of the lebwatorlys, yaderMokh reektaly Wyedinannogo Institute yederrWokh Imaedwidy (Nuclear Reaction Laboratory of AcassioN mRs AAWW the United Institute for Nuclear Research) delivered the first paper concerning tba study of the reactions between complex nuclei@ This work resulted in the imiportant discovery of the radioactivity with the emission of protons. V. A. Karnaukhov (from Dubno) headed a group of physicists responsible for this discovOI7~ I* Kh. Lemberg(Fiaiko-tokhnichaskiy institut im. A. F. loffs Akadsmii Nauk SSSR)(A. F, loffe Physico-techmical Institute of the AcadaV of Sciences SSM) presented the results obtained by his group in the study of heavy ions, A. P. Komar (from the same institute) reported the results obtained in the study of nuclear fission* Oe S. Sumbayev spoke on the investigation of the excitation states of the odd-odd nuclei. The results of a photonuclear splitting of Lj6 nuclei by gamma rap (energy to 60 Hev) were described by To. P. Bashavoy (also the maber of the Lemberg group). 1. S. Shapiro of the Institute of Theoretical and ZXPerjM41A83 Physics reported on the study of the nuclear reaction mobanism. The topic of the S,, T. Belyayev paper from the Institut yaderno7 f isiki Sibirskogo otdalenlya (Siberian Branch of the Institute of Nuclear Physics) dealt with the prese4 Ideas on the structure of complex atomic nuclel@ In closing the session I* He Frank -emVhwised the importance of conventions and the valuable results achieved in the, discussions of the papers presonLede card 2/3 ACOMION Us AP400a ASSWIA2108 00 00621 V cmd 3/3 WE ACQs 20W& no Ray gov, 000 mat 00 orm 000 45226-66 EIN Tim ACC NR: AR6028129 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/005/VO21/VO21 AUTHOR: Popov, V. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Elastic neutron scattering SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 5V170 REF SOURCE: Byul. Inform. tsentra po yadern. dannym, vyp, 2, 1965, 112-160 TOPIC TAGS: neutron scattering, elastic scattering ABSTRACT: The paper contains experimental data on elastic neutron scattering in the form of tables and graphs. Information on experimental procedures is given briefly. [DW] SUB CODE: 20/ Card 111 POPOV., V. I. Probabilities of B2 and El-tran itions ftcm certain excited states of Tb3.5',' HoI65." and T.M. Irt. AA SSSR. Ser. fiz. 25 no.9:115~,i~90 161. (14IRA 14:8) 1. Fizicheskiy inatitut im. P.,N. Iebedeva AN SSSR. (Nuclear redetions) i0co AUTHOR: Poi)-QK,--V-.- I Akademiya nauk SSSR- izvestiya no. 1, 1962~ 153 - 16o .33435 3/048/62/026/0,01 Seriya TEXT: Experimental data on the collective excitation of t,ie levels of' a nucleus with Z = 58 - 60 and 11 = 82 - 90 -sere systematically compiled and compared with the models of Bohr-Mottelson, the vibration model, and with results of Davydov et al. (eg., A., S. Davydov, G. F. Filir)DOV, Zh, eksperim. i teor. fiz., 559 440 (1956)), allowing for data on the isotopic shifts and quadrupole moments. Using alpha particles of 14 - 20 Mev, 0. Nathan, and V.. I, Popov (Nuel. Phys.j 21, 631 (1960)) observed very weak gamma lines due to the excItation of high levels (up to 1600 kev), Table 1 summarizes the data available on the excitaticr. znergies and reduced probabilities of an electric quadrupole transition Lrom~ Tie ground state to an excited state for the first or the first two level3 Card 1j( 3)435 S/OAB/62/026/001/018//018 Collective levels and def'ormationj B I ~ FI/ 131011 of even-even nuclei with it = 82 - 90, ilathan~s and Popov~s datul listed in the fifth column of this table, are more reliable than the prevcus values. The following reneral orouerLie2 of even-even nuclei %ith N = 82 - 90 can be seen from Table The excited states of a!' these nuclei have a spin and a parity 2' and a very high value of B(E2') is indicative of the collective nature of thesE states Thp effs:ltiv- charge of a proton above the filled sheil is estimated a-. !.5 - '.7 elementary charges, A greater value of B"E2) ccrresDonds to lower energies of the collective I-evel also in the range considered here.. The neutron excess exceedin I- N = 82 (complc?tely lfillcd 91hell) plays a significant role. if the neutron shell is completely filled, th-? effecti-ure surface tension C 2 is several ti-mes larger- thin t',ie tralue to be axpec-c from the hydrodynamic mooel, but. dep~-nas on the neutron exceSzi W: tn -I:. approach to the range of strongly aefermed nuc-1-i- C ,s redili,,-d ~,%r nne order of magnitude. The mass coeffi,_%ient wr-cn Uil-a it"r5?A in t 1 range, is 10 to 12 times on an averal-p- greater thar, ~he estimate, The descrintior of =xci,ed nucLear STj-.qS -fItll rnn harmonic r Mi T,n 0 __I> r1lu oscillator model io -hr- Card OV 33435 S10401621026100110MI01o Collective level.9 and dol'ormationo.... B125/B104 ,greater than the mean deformation