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18 The Semi-Annual and Semi-Monthly Terms of Nutation SOV/33-36-1-22/31 iii the Variations of Poltava Latitude The author mentions a paper of A.Ye.Fedorov and compares the results with data of A.Ya.Orlov and Ye.P.Fedorov. There are 2 tables, 1 figure, and 15 references, 12 of which are Soviet, I American, 1 Japaneseq and 1 German. ASSOCIATION:Poltavskaya gravimetricheskaya observatoriya Akademii nauk USSR (Poltava Gravimetrical Observatory AS Ukr.SSR) SUBMITTED: November 29, 1957 Card 2/2 K-7::3 I T4-1~.X ZU'LOWATICi CC-7/5742 A:r-,l-=�-za nr7A Z-25~1. Goda. Vl= raz~--l Shiroty i dolZ~t.7. ruzzulltnty irnlf,,dov,=ly holebaniy chirot i dv-izheni7a tQ:all; sbolmik atatcy (ProlirAxiary Djta Of Ljtjt~jjln Vj,~rj,,%tjcnr and :'L,;rvtlons of tbz Palen; Coll(~Ctcd Axticlen. Vo. 1) M,.-cow, I-.d-vo AN :;L;:;Il, lq,~O. 97 p. Zrrata olip incerted. 1,000 copies printod, This collretion of articlea in IntprAed. for astronornm, r"30P!IYGiCl3tS, and otLor aeViatiatn concomid with tho prcble2i of latitue4 variatiora ard th, r,.!Grat:lon of tho Earth-a polon. C97Z'.-~AC-,: ?a--t :1 of t'-- Collection ccz-itains preliz-1nary =vult3 of latilmde cbsc-n;:tic=3 frc,= 1957.5 thrr-,Jh 1979.0 Llada at IGY stations in th- T----I lcles nctwor%, inelradirr- ncw ataticns in 311"~zria. Part Il con:Asts of art e-encribizZ vri inatru=nto, olbz~--,aticzal T,--grrrl L,-a and cizduzea of processing the latib.:~'-- obzezrtati=al data. With tl-!! Of fil-%tiors =1 tho uze of na-wr inzl,-mz-,rt9 it 15 anticiWtcd. that t"-.r final razulta vi-U provida a more co--;rcL2nrivo study of ar=Ullea &nl iratr=ntal C V--d--;45 L--,.a of l-,t4,t*--;-,~ Vaz~lr~ticr:~ (Cont.) E 7,4 2 ez-~-,r.,l in J. V., L. D. 1;. in A.;.:--in- .1c., I01-7~;~7i,-,,.,vy of t;-i Acudn.W. rz~~l 0. V. of Talcott Fain--- a-i 1,; -hi A-blt=ta GravLn3trical of t1ta Ulixainian Accf~4.--j of Sclences (Zct--~, A O'brarvationa of 7~cll-!,,t ',~~nlth Stara at t-hn roltava -?1~7~--T'L"F,-Ical-l Cbcervatanj of tl:a V:xalnian Aca(Ln.V or sciancco Zcnich-Tauccoya) Card 2/5 Data of Z -,-;7/57:,2 0.1 t'l-.-I q--iz--tic'n. oz S.~Icctiz~; t'na :*-:)t 17.-1~20-lcnt. L of Sc::x., T-,tra ca cm U'l-rr 82 rn pi A. Ch-, -,~s 'in t' rim- t L-is 0l a 8f t t' :~O- ZdJT,.~; or 'reetir TU-.,jjrz tic-a I OZ ~Jtjon Z,~j thQ D~ I. D,-Acr-iinatllon of tlM Valu-:~ of a Scrxr Tuxa on rn I:Ilcrc~-.~atzr Accordiro to Oboervationa of Tz=Gita of Zenith Stara 92 P.Vi' Libr=j of Congress Card 5/5 3.1-7-61 23926 3/035/61/000/006/0106/044 -3. /;1 AOO11AlO1 AUTHOI: Popov, N.A. TITU On organization of azimuthal observations at Poltava PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronamiya I Oeodeziya, no. 6, 1961, 12-13, abstraot 6A114 (Irr. 14-y Astrometr. konferentsii SSSR, 195811, mos- cow-Leningrad, AN SSSR, ig6o, 301-312, Discus. 312, Engl. summary) TEM It is possible, in principle, to detect changes in direction of a meridian by means of regular azimuthal astronomical observations; consequently, it Is possible to obtain data for studying the motion of the Earth's pole, all the more that the zimuth fluctuation amplitude exceeds the amplitude of latitude fluc- tuations by a factor of see ~P. These observations are usually strongly affected by insufficient stability of mires, side refraction, etc. It is supposed to use an A RM -10 (APM-10) transit instrument (D-100 mm, F=1,000 mm) for azimuthal ob- servations at the Poltava Observatory, The method of observing circumoolar stars at instants of elongations was employed. In this method, in distinction from me- ridian observations, the knowledge of exact time is not needed, but the site lati- tude should be known sufficiently well, instead. The observational program includes Card 1/,3 23926 3/035/61/COO/006/CO6/044 On organization of azimuthal observations at Poltava A001/A101 6 circumpolar stars (6 within the limits 86028' - 86143') which can be observed by the chain method in order to exclude systematic declination errors. If the transit instrument is mounted in azimuth 5015', all program stars pass, at the eastern elongation instant, in the sight field of the tube near the vertical of the mires, which permits the measurement of the angle between the star and the miro by means of an ocular micrometer. A self-levelling suspended mire was installed, in addition to the mire of the conventional type, at a distance of 384._3 m north of the instrument. It Is aselimed that the main reason for horizontal displacementz of the mires is variability of the slope of their foundations; a suspended mire, however, preserves in this case Its vert-ical position. It is constructed as fol- lows. In the center of the foundation-pIllar there is a round well above which a steel frame is mounted and firmly fastened to the pillar. The mire, which repre- sents a peculiar pendulum, consists of a 146-kg block suspended within the well, a 50-kg coupling box connected with the block, and a 4-kg tubular rod protruding up- ward and carrying a luminous point at its top. Steel knives are rotation axis of the mire; its oscillations can take place in the plane perpendicular to the sight- ing line. Horizontal displacement L x of a conventional mire is equal to (h/&) 1 I 6L. and that of a self-levelling one to [(h - h(m))/aj L y. where h is height of the mire over the foundation base, h. is height of the mire suspended part from the Card 2/3 23926 3103--1-16 1/,~~W/006/006/044 On organization of aziarathal observations at Foltava A 00 ! /A 10 1 point of support to the luminous point (4.6 m), a is foundation width, andL y is difference of disolacements of the ground at width a. Thus A x of tile self- levelling mire is less by a factor of h7h-h(m) (three times for Poltava) than that of the conventional one, '!'he distance to the southern mire (conventional) from the instrument is 72.3 m. The author presents the results of investigating the ocular micrometer, suspended level, as well as the results of experimental obser- vations of azimilths of two northers mires from observations of 6 U Min at the in- stant of its eastern elongation. The rcot-mean-square of one azimuth determina- tion amounts to + 0"80; 1-1 is expected to redjce ir, at least by half, There are 18 references. A. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card .3/3 ORLOV, Aleksandr Yakovlevichp zeal. deyatell nauki USSR (1880-19541; AK- SENTIYEVA, Z.N., otv. red.; LAVRENTIYEVA, Ye.V., starshiy nauchmyy sotr., red.; PDPNA"., starshiy nauchnyy sotr... red.; FMOPOV, Ye.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotr., red.; OrM, B.A., starshiy nauchrqy sotr., red.; IABINOVA,N.M.,, red.izd-va; RAKHLINA, N.Pe, tekhn, red* (Selected works in three volumes] Izbranrqe trudy v trekh tomakh. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol.l. 1961. 353 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Daystvitellsrjyy chlen Ali USISR ichlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Orlov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent 21 USSR (for Aksentlyeva). 3. Poltavskaya gravimetricheskaya observatoriya (for Lavrent yeva, Popov Fedorov). 4. Glavnaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya v Pul- kove Ifor Orlov, B.A.). (Astronomy) (Earth) (Latitude) (Orlov, Alaksandr IAkovlevich, 1880-1954) ORMV.Aleksandr Y alcovlevich (1880-19 54) ;AKSENT IYEVA, Z. 11. , otv. red.; LAVRENITIMA, ., starshly nauchny-y sotr.., red.3 FOFUV I; A. starshiy nauchnyy Ye.V. sotr. red.; FEDOROV, Ye.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotr,, red.; OFUV, B.A., starshly nauchnyy sotr., red.; IEPKIY, S.D.., red. izd-va; RAY=IA, N.P., tekhn. red. [Selected works in three volumes] lzbrannye trudy v trekh tomakh. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR. Val.2. 1961. 317 p. (MRA 14:12) 1. Chlen.-korre3pondent AN USSR (for Aknontlyeva). 2. Poltavakaya gra-- vimetricheskaya observatoriya (for Lav-rentlyevap Popov~ Fedorov). 3 Glavnaya astrono--icheskaya observatoriya v Pulkove (for Orlov). 4stronomy) (Geopbysics) (Orlov, A-leksandr lAkovlevich, 1880-1954) POPOV,_ N *-.A..: I -S HUSTOROVIC H, Ye. M. Electronic structure and properties of cumulated sysle-Mr- Part 7: Self-consistent circuit of Tj~-Vfo according to opl0o'- method. Zhur. strukt. khIm. 6 no. 4.,596-599 Jl-Ag t65 (MIFI, 19:1) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni N.S. Murnakova. Submitted April 4, 1965. POPOV, N.A. .-l. - - -6, 1 t1rol of hou!;ehc distance train. !-ed. paraz. i ~araz. bol. 34 no. S-0 165 1. Volgogradskaya sail i tai-iio--cy)id(,~miologicti(,skaya stantsiya Privolzhskoy zhelezroy dorogi. Sulnitted November 13, 1963~ POPCVP N.A. Quercus crispula Bluze on the southern Kuril(i 131anda. Bot.zhur. 50 no.11:1629-1632 H 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy institut Dallnevostochnogo filiala Sibirskogo otdelenJ.ya AN SSSR, Vladivostok. Submitted February 14, 1962. L 11639-66 EPA/EWT(I)/EiiP(tn)/EWT(m)/EPF(n)-2/EWA(d)/T/EWA(h)/EWA(C)/ETCk'M) di-C 6VE U R / 0-4 14 6 5 / 0 0 0 IROYI 0 0-2 C~/Wd_2 6-1 ACC NRs AP6004426 11.7 S6~R AUTHOR: Illkayeva, L, A,'~-(Moscow); Popov, N. A. (Moscow) ORGt none .TITLE: The hydrowynamic solution for one-dimensional perturbation ~of a nonsteady-state detonation wa e ..-'-~SOURCEs F.iz.ika* goreniya I vzryva, no. 3, 1965# 20-26 detonation, combustion, detonation wave, detonation ~ABSTRACT: The stability of detonation waves with respect to one- dimensional perturbations was analyzed in the x-t plane. Possible hydrodynamic solutions are considered for perturbations caused by rarefaction as well as pressure waves. Some conclusions are drawn concerning the decay or amplification of detonation waves due to rarefaction or pressure perturbations. Density profiles in the chemical reaction zone were plotted. Orig. art. has: I formula and 8 figures. 1PVJ SUB CODE: SUBM DATE% 20Har65/ ORIG REP% 002/ ATD PRESSI Cl,-46 Icard 111 N UDC 532.593 10 POPOVY N.A.; SHUSTOROVICH, Ye.M. Electronic atructure and pToperties of system;i. Part 6: Ef- fect of an interelectronic interaction on the energy gal) in tte II- electronic spectrum of long polyacetylenes and pol-yenes. Zhur. strukt. khim. 6 no.2:286-290 Mr-AT) 165. (MIFUk 18:7) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskcy khirii All SSSR imeni Kurnakova. na, -a- Sibir6lkogo otdollenlya PLN SSSR. IM f Opov; N.A., vrach Moist dis,4--'es-Lp-t--fcr: Df Ea~senEer cars with, nauch. rub. Sar. gos. -ed. Jnst.. 44:376-379 f 64. (NIIFA 18:7) 1. Volgogradskaya sa,-i'Lta-,-.r,-epider.~iclogici.eskaya stanf.--iya Privolzhskoy zheleznay dorogi. CZ AKM.IETOV, K.T.; KOHIEYEV, V.F.; POPOV, N.A.; YIP.-IAKAYEV, Sh.I. Accelerating procesaes of leaching zinc cal2ines and an increast ~n labor productivity. Trudy Alt. GMUI AN Ka,2iaMi. SSR 14:178-190 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Zinc-Ileat tra4tmont) (Leachiri-m) -POPOV.% N.A., doktor telrhn. nauk; S.4YONOV, A.M., inzh. Operational properties of new roofing materials. Stroi. mt. 9 no.5'25-27 MT 163. 7t; I 1. DeystviteV hie Akademii Btroitel'stva i arkhitektur7 SSSR (for Popov (Roofing-Testing) POPOV, N.A.; LOSHAK, M.Z.,-'Lc cla-m-ping danic-~-= (Lathe s--kttaolimentg) POPOVY N.A.; RAKHOV,1RIY, V.I. Possibility of using ceramic metal contacts in vacuum avitches. Porosh. met. no.4:103-106- Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Vsesovuzn;ry ordena Lenina elektrotekhnicheskly institut imeni V.I.Lenina. (Ceramic metals) (Electric contactors) STRUTINSKIY, V.M.; LYASIICHEITKO, N,Ya.; POPOV, N.A. Symnetrical equilibrium shapes in a nuclear mDdel -vith a shsxply deformed surface (liquid drop model). Mur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 43 no.2:584-594 Ag 162. (MIRA 16:6) (Nuclear models) -POPPV, _~.A. Tffect of ground fires on the reproduction of Mongolian Oak. Soob. DVFAN SSSR no. 15:65-69 162. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial imeni Komarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. POPOV) N.A. Some floristic finds on the southern, Kurile TS-ands. Scob. D7.7TA'i SSSR no.17:59-61 163. (MML 17:9) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial im. V.L. Komarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya 0 AN SSSR. V. I ., kand. tt'kLn. na,2,-- Clio-,,-e of r;3 -,)perAing in a v;;,;irxn. :0 t n7, 35 n,--.~252-5'3 POPOVVAOID, - Machine for barrel hooping. Kons.i ov.prom. 17 no.7:28 Tl 162. MIRA 15:6) 1. Novozybkovskiy konservujy zavod. (Coopers and cooperage-Equipment and supplies) POPOV) N.D. Mechanization of t-he production of wooden boxes. Kans. i ov. prom. 17 no.8:43 Ag 162. (KMA 17:1) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Novozybkovskogo konservnogo zavoda. FOPOV, N.D. Yechanization of canned food transportation. Eons. i ov. ;:from. 16 no.9:27 S '(I. 1. Novozybkovskiy konservnyy zavod. (Novozybkov--Canning industry--Equipment and supplies) KI Popovp N.D. Our obligations. Kons. i ov. prcm. 16 po.7:10 (Hl?~' 14-: 8) 1. Novozybkov3kiy konservnyy zavod. (Navozybkov-Canning irAusti* POPOV N, D. Rechanized filling of appetizer jars. Kon Be 1 07, prom, 16 no.11.10---U 11 16-1. O-LIPA 1-4: 1. Novozybkovskly konservnyy 2avod. (Canning and preserving-Equipment and supplies) SLICONOVA, A.1T.; POPOV, N.D.; VAYLOVA, N.G. -------------- Production of juice containing plum pulp at the Havoz7bka7 cannery. Konn.i ar.prom. 15 no.1:13-14 Ja 160. (KM 13:5) 1. TSentral'Wy nauchno-looledovatellekiy institut konservnoy I ovoshcheaushillnoy prozVehlennosti (for Samsonova). 2. Novozybkovskly konservr47 zavod (for Popov, Vaylava). (Plum) RIESSNER,, Danko, Dr.. POPOV, Nedeljko, Dr.; STANCIC-ROKOTOV, Fedor, Dr. Current views on the treatment of puerperal thrombosis. Lijec vjes 82 no.7/8.55-5--,r59 960. 1. lz Kirurskog odjela Opce bolnice "Dra M.Stojanovica" u Zagrebu (THROMBOSIS ther) (PUERPERIUM compl) KONSTANTINOV~ M.S.; PISAREV, A.M.; POPOV, N.B. Vibration in the Yierzedes-Benz truck with the Blum-chart t--ailer. Godishnik mash elekt 7 no.1:161-177 160. (publ. 161) Treatment and prevention of certain f mgus and purulent diseases of the skin by the method of oxidation. Vest.derm. i ven. 32 no;4974-76 JJl-1g 158 (MIRA 11:10) (RINGWORM, foot & band, prev. & ther. (Rus)) (FOOT, dise ringworm, prev. & ther; I%Rus)) (H.AITD. d1B. same (Rus)) (Pywrau, prev. & ther. (Rua)) POPOV. 11. D. Treating acilte poisoning and burns caused b7 potassium vermanganate. 37 no.8:97-102 Ag '59. (MIRi 12:11) (ANTISIPTICS, toxicology) (BURNS, etiolop-v) so i Popov, N. F. w it -4 li 44 is v It a I.. f-st-I *I so jemm's w"had (A., 193 1, so 0 (St. Aim. 1 :7 7~ sallaw %I# wig asc -0 ,1; 1 am J7 $c it iii r IF 7 woo oleo tloe lose doe �J L 131 4a G.W iiC w 6 1 w a 2 as a 3 4 v 2 60000000000900 9900 got 0 09**oooooooo,OOOO*oooooooooooooo,'Gooo ::::::oooootoooooo:~000009000000000004beffoogo 0 tv 6 4 OR IL a It 0 Po a I I uw fro 1, A L -4 IA...-T.-. A 1 1, l I -u-" rolopo!, 0 00141 001 oes 00, 00 0 0 00 ^00 002 00 -ttk" 441 tji~ft j,,;is-x"wq *I uIva aqs JI Allopadw *32*Ao)s C, so 0 0= r 00 oov as 00- ~JrpjtWjj lr,)qiA U1 IMPMIUJ4 bi AIJA!J~Tlf 2SrjVjTJ Jqj. 00 11 q1(1z; ;1111 no 1%rtu v suluilliv ISO341% 341 2114011; 4.)jjV WON J~AVWJUS ivivulp iqj-!--(LLjjj)jN (W III -A3a)our;j -1 -1 Pull 00 00-1 ."DIVAals so it)T~ 'aft-W 01 IM-A-q 00.1 jawl posaw wqA to "WrwaV OV so qwp Mos ; I a 00 7 00 00- 00 00- r of 00 00 1"6o0 o., awv Sri 00 4 1 +11-as 30-w--w z 1 5-1 ~-7 x IF A 7 0.70 If ft to it m q K IT I( art tiff ittv w 44 it it 11 11 n 11 it A I I s z I 0 a 0 0 0 0 9,41-0 0 0 0 : : : 0 : 0 * * * 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 o 0 0 o I .. !~ ~ ~ ; --,. - POPOV, N. F. "Le systeme nerveuy- vegetative A les processus tissulaires" XV International Physiological Congress, Sinywries of commmication, 323, M., 1935; Sbornik dokladov VI Vaesoyuznogo slyezda fiziologov, biokhimikov i farmakologov, 133-137, Tbilisi, 1937 m POPOV, M. F..; Krotkova, A. ?. "Secretory function of gastric glands of horse in feeding of animals." SOURCE: V,3ter-inariya 25, No 10, 1948, P. 32 So: r,on tv, --77 -pop.-Ov'r 4719. T-, T" zhivotnykh (Vchebnik dlya ~jet i zootel~hn. ill. 27 sm. 15,000 ekz. 16r. 55k. v Der. 0,19:0612 A (016-3) Ft z :1 o o: ya s e -1 1 a If: o:rh,:, -~ y s t v .3 n. nvkh 1954.554 s.s. 1,Sov. Nauka", Vuzov kontso glav. - (54-58001) P- - v so; Letovis' 7hurnalinylh Statey, 110-1. 7, 19119 POPOV; I. F.,, Prof. Moscow Veterinary AcadevW, "PIWsiological basis of diatetic feeding of horses and other animals." SO: HYGME GF AGRICULTURAL ANI14ALS., Proceedings of the XXIX Plenum of the Veterin- ary Section of the AcadevWj Pe 38, Moscowp 1950, Irans. 191, by L. Lulich. 1111('1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 POPOV, N.F. - Nerve centers and their role in regulation of tissular processes in the organism 12T.Akad.nank SSSR Ser.biol., Moskva No.6:124- 136 SDY-Dec 50. (OLML 20:4) 1. Moscow Veterinary Acadow. Jan. 1952 GTR5PL Vol 5* No. 1 Papaw. M.F.jMoscow Academy of Veterinary Science). Nerve centers and their role in the reg. ufXt%'h-WMs~u'C processes of living organisms, 124-36 Izvotitlys Abidemit flauk, -1-771) ~11. F. I . W L 11 1 1 1 y. Serum 'aide Free of Spec`ic t. G. Feleril- -I- harac'ers." (P. 7C) b ::. F. SO: lournal of General. BioloMC XII (Zhurnal Obshchei Biolo(,;ii) Vol. 12, :io.l) I-i5l- POPOV, N.F., Prof. Moscow Vet. ~cad. "Insulated stomach in horse." SO: Veterinariia 280), 1951, P. 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 ig 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOPOV, N. F. Agriculture /the7 (I. P; Pavlov's teachings an(:~pf~siology of digestion and feeding of agricultural cattke). Moskva (Znanie) 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessio.-.9, Library of Congress, July 1952. UNCLASSIFIED Variant translation: "I. P. Pavlov's ieaching and the Physiology of Digez3tion and feeding of Farm Animals," Lbscow 1951-1952 -1828-52, 28 Aug 1952 IWOV, N. F., Prof; Krotkova, A. P., Prof Moscow Vetarinar y Acade-Mr "Secretion of stomach glands of horse to basic foods" SOURC3: Veterinariya 29, No 6, 1952, p- 51 Variant translation:"Gastric secretion in horses as caused by basic feeds." ibid., p 51 Variant translation: "Secretional response of the gastric glands in horses to principal forage substances." ibid.3 POPOV. M.P., professor, zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki; WRIFG, T.A., redaktor. [Research on the physiology of animal brain cortex] Iosledovaniia po fiziologii kory golovnogo mozga zhivotnykh. Moskva, Sovetskaia nauka., 1953. 99 P. (MIRA 7:3) (Cerebral cortex) Same public., recommended for Stalin Prise 1952-53 as "Investilgations of the Cerebral Cortey- of ;inimals"Jby(Lbscow Vet. Acad., Idn. Agric. USSR),- Sovetskaya Kultura, 15oscow, no. 22-40, 2-0 Feb-3 Arm 1954. 7-1-30604, 7 Jul 1954 Popov. N.Y. Peculiarities of the higher nervous fnaction, in horses [with English summry in inaert]. Zhur. vys. nerv. delat. 6 no.5:718- 725 S-0 156. (PLRA 10:2) 1. Moskovskaya vaterinarnaya akademiy&. (CENTRAL IMVOUS SYSTM. physiol. higher nerv. funat. in horses, exam. of analytic & synthetic activity by conditioned reflexes). USSR/Farm Animals. Rabbits. Q -3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., Vo. 22, 1958, 101228 Author : Popov_,-K.F-.-,,, Kurilov, ~!.V., Novikov, V.K., _Musman, N.S. Inst Title : Effects of Hormones Upon the Productivity of Rabbits. Orig Pub: Vestn. s.-kh. nauki, 1957, No. 2t 115-117 Abstract: Experiments were carried out on 4 groups of rabbits consisting of 8 male and 7 female rabbits in each group. The first group was the control group. The second group received preg,,ene with their fDod, the third group were given pregnene with their food and were subcu- taneously injected with progesterone, and the Card 1/2 63 illumn anu Alumni Digoation. A Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 6o424 Author Popov, N. F. Inst S von Title DiSoutivo ard &%~tabolic Chnractoristico in Ruminanta in Alimentary Disturbances Orig Pub ;Vootn- a.-kh. nauki, 1957, No 6, 56-63 Abstract :In cows and calves receiving a largo quantity of concentrates and silage (or both), thoro wno n gradual dovolopmont of acidosio. The acidity of the rumen content incrowed, and the number of infujoria and their activity was reduced. Toxic products of protein break- dawn appoured in the blood, butyric acid and koto-bodies were accumulated, sugar content and reserve alkalinity van lowered, ancl pH of the urine dropped. The salivary Card 1/2 70 LISSR / HUMOn and Animal Phyojojogy (Norzal and Pathological). T Digootion. Abs Jaur Rof Zhu:e - Biologlya, No 13, 1956p No. 60424 secretion,, the roactivity of the ruzon receptors and the zotility of the rumen were reduced& The introduction of root-vegetabloo, and particularly of sugar boot into the ration, brovght about the rostitution of acid- alkali equilibrium. In the ovahiation of ratiom for farm animaln, it is nocounary to establish a biological control by chocking the reserve alkalinity and ougar in the blood and the A of urino. -- V. A. Shatornikov Card 2/2 pOpOV, N.y.;pjTMOMKIY, A.A.. professor. zoohygienic requirementa for livestock buildings. Veterin 75-77 AP '57. (NLRA I 1, Chlen-korrespondent Yeenoyusnoy Akademil sellskokhozya nank im. Leninas (VeterinarY bYgiene) (?arm buildings) KATSKEVICH, V.V., LOBANOV, P.P., CHEMNEV, Ye.M., SKRYABIN, K.I., LOZA, G.M., POPOV. I.S..PXROV. S.S., SINYAGIS. I.I., YAKUSRKIS. I.T., NIKOLAYXV, A.I., ROSTOVTSEV, M.F., YUDIN, VA., POPOV, N.Y.. RMWKIN. A.P., SMWNRV, S.I. -.- ~ II.F.Liskan. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. 23 no. 5:48 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Liskan, Efimi Yedotovich, 1873-1958) POPOT,. 1.1e,-akadamike ', " t7_ ~I I I,;-I e-, Defective feeding acamts for noncontagims cow diseases. Dokl. AksA, sellkhose 23 no,8:11-14 158. (NnA 11:8) (Cows-Diseases) (Sagar-Physiological effect) 07 a zy P- n-rid fcjf;Oi-t,7- POPOV, N.F.; SOKOLISKATA, N.P. I A Secretory function of the gastric glands free of the affect of the nerve centers. Flziol.zhur. 45 n0-3:326-329 '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. From the Department of Animl Physiology, Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Moscow. (GASTRIC JUICE, secretion, eff. of denervation Pns)) rop-G, N.F.i ;l,')~'.,-,;jD"V,,"4'.. U!54 n.,-- r z , n - - * " -, --, ~ - 1, -.-.4 ' K.":711' -:;z -' ' ! f -2,- I .. 4 A, .14. 1 , 1 (MIRA 18'4, 61C 164. 1 I.S., POPOV, NyF- Improved methodof roof control in the OV7ahesrednii,* 'Bloistyi' and aShestifutovyl* seams. Mauch. trudy KNIUI no.2:28-55 '58- (KIRA 13:8) (Karagadda Basin-Coal mines and mining) ';(Kine timbering) TRUBUROV, N.V., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. dotsent; POM, N.Y., kandidat tokhaicheakikh nauk, dotsent. ~- Number systems and methods of number conversion used in programming mathematical machines. Trudy KVTU no-55:7-23 '55. (MM 9:8) (Natheusitical Instruments) (Numeration) jI - - -Z~- -t ~4 , , - , . . VOSTOKOV7 A.I.; DE.'.'CHINSKIY, F.A.; YEPISHIV, A.S.; KATS, V.Y.; KLEYMNIp B.M.; L"En.'SaIN, I.P.; LIBKIND, L.I.[deceasedi; RELINIK v K.-E' ~; - POPOV,-. N.G.; STUDEllelSKIY, V.A.; FRIDRAN, S.Ye.; SHAPIRO, A.I.; SILIN, P.M., prof., retsenzent; VINOGRADOV, N.V., prof., retsenzent; PRITYKINA, L.A.t red. [Manual for a sugar worker] Slravochnik sakharnika. Mo- skva, Pishchepromizdat. Pt.l. 1963. 699 p. (MIRA 17:5) KRESTOV, R.M.; DROBOTP V.M.; PJLKHMABOV, D.M.; POPOY,-L,!~~.-- Concerning P.I.Sokolo-7's article "Feser-7e f~,--,d pumps with --beam drives for boiler systems." Prom.energ. 19 no.7127-29 11 164. (MIRA 18t1) L 29699-66 ACC NR1 AP6020849 SOURCE CODE: 13U AUTNOR: Ful,&.Iov A., OiIG: Dopartnc-nL of Hospital Thnrapoutics /headed by Professor Sofia (Katodra po bolniciina tnrapiya, Wai) TITL,,: Tr( aU-~ont of chronic renal insiffficioncy vrith Lospedoza capitata oxtract (preparation Le3penopIiryl) SOURCE: Suvromenna noditsina, no. 8, 1965, 471-JP76 TOPIC TAGS: drug treatnont, urolarZr, genitourinary system disease, genitourinary drug ABSTPUNCT: 3tudy of this French preparation in 69 patients with azatemia: treatment for 6 to 61 (averago 23.1) days -..-,ith average dose 195.) 1fdrops" daily; laboratorj and clinical data indicate t~-co(t r,)sv4lt3 in 8, fair in 25, nil in 21, vrorse in 15- Possi- bly relatively poor rosul+,-- as co-Tarod to published data are due to-chronicity; othe-z authors treated mostly acute cases. Orig. art. hast. 1 table. /-Based on author's Eng. abst--7 fj-PR-27 SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATZ; Cio'-'ar65 OTH REF- 008 Card POPOVY N.G.; TIKHOLOV, K.; DOCIIEV, D. Our experience with gastric acidity dletemination Ath the use of diagnex blue. Suvr. med. (Sofia) 15 no".12:27-32 164 POPOVY N. G. A case of echinococcosis of the kidney. Suvrem med., Sofia no.7: 87-89 '61. 1. Katedra po bolnichns. terapiia pri Visshiia meditsinski institut, Sofiia. Rukov. na katedrata prof. Al. Pukhlev. (KIDNEY DISEASES case reports) (ECHINOCOCCOSIS case reports) LEBEDEV, M.P.,, g-,)rnyy 'Inzh.; VALUKHIN,, Yu.K., go.-rrj inzh.-, gornyy inzh. Using diamcrd drill holes Ifor breaking ore. Gor. zhur. no.6:37-4! Je 161. (KIRA 6) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchn o- is sl ed ovatel skiy gornorazvedochn~fy institutq Moskva. (Boring) (Blasting) YFROFEYEV, N.S.; LODZHEVSKIY, I.G.; KUZIMINA, O.A.; POPOV, N.G. Basic results of gz-ological prospectinE operat i ons conducter-1 Ly the Union Geological Prospecting Bureau of the Main Administration o_` Urban Gas Supply of the U.S.S.R. in the western part of Central Asia. Trudy SGPK no.2:3-11 '61. (MIRA 14:11) (Soviet Central Asia--Petroleum geoloE7) (Soviet Central Asia--Gas$ Natural--Geology) CHF.PLEDNIK, V.A.; POPOV, N.G. Accelerate the rate of mechanization in sugar refineries. Salch. prom. 37 no.1-1:10-12 N 163. (IMBIA 16:111) 1. 8ovet narodnogo kdiozyaystva 14,SFSR. POPOV, N. G. Clinical observations on therapeutic propertiea of Senecio nemoreniss (var. bulgaricus). Suvr. med. 12 no.8:69-80 '61. 1. Iz Katedrata po vutreshni bolesti i terapiia pri vissh meditsinski institut, Sofiia (Rukov. na katedrata prof. Al. Pukhlev) (SKIECIO ther) POFOVI N.G., inzh. Rinsing of staam superheaters with sat'Urated steam. Prom. enerm. 0 18 no.11:37 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 7 7- PANTELFYEV, G.F.; POPOV, N.G. Tectonics of the southern Aral Sea region. Trudy SGPK no.Z:12-34 ,61. (YJRA 14:11) (Aral Sea region-Geolou, Structural) POPOV, N.G. Jurassic of the southern Aral Sea region. Trudy SGPX no.2:49-.19 ,61. (MIRA 14:11) (Aral Sea region--Geology, Stratigraphic) POPOV, N.G.; Pk'4TFLEYE/, G.F. Kuma horizon of the southern Aral Sea region. Tmdy SGPK no.2: 73-82 161. (YjRA 14:11) (Aral Sea region--Geolo-c7, Stratigraphic) IVANOVA, V.A.; POPOV, N.G.; PMITELEYEV, G.F. Recent data on the Paleogene stratigraphy of the southern Aral Sea region. Trudy SGPK no.2:99-1"558 '61. 1 MRA 14:11) (Aral Sea region--Geology, Stratigraphic) POPOV9 N.G. Valuation of capital assets and how amortization norms. Sakh.prom. 37 no.2:42(122)-47(127) F 163. (KRA 16-5) 1. Gosplat RSFSR. (Sugar industry--Valuation) (Amortization) 'i POPOV N.G.; DPCHEV, D. Treatment of hypertension vith 2 nev preparations. Suvr. sod. 13 no. 10 s 3-8 162. (RESEMNS) (HYDRLWINIC) (HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE) (HrPERTENSION) 777777= POPOV, REZIIIKOV, Z.O.; BOROVICH,, I.L.; MDRMIS, Ya.L: R3SH, G.S., red.; SCKOLOVA, I.A., tekhn. red. [Technical. Industrial, and financial plan for sugar plants; principles and methods of drawing them up] Tekhpromf inplan sakharaykh zavodov-, prifttelpy I metodika sootavleniia. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1958. 147 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Sugar industry) POPOV, N.G. Brief news; Coordination of the scientific activity of botanical inetitutions in the republic. Ity. Otd. est. nauk All Tadzh.SSR no. 17:141-142 '56. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Uchenyy sekretarl Botsaicheskogo institute .91 Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Tajikii3tan--Botany--Congresses) POPOV) F.G., dotsent Odontogenic mediastinituis. Stomatologiia 42 no.3:54-58 M7~Je'63 OKM 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry khirurgicheskoy stomatologii (zaiv. - dotsent N.G. Popov) Voronezhskogo medl.tsinskogo instittuta. FOIPOV-,IN.G. Insufficient utilization of the sources for the increase of sugar supplies. Sakh.prom- 34 no.6:4-6 Je '60. (MIaA 13:7) (Sugar industry) POPOV, N. G. ; ASTRUG, A. Kh. ; MPIAMOV, E. T. Effect of natural factors on blood pressure and pulse in nor=al subjects. Suvrem. med., Sofia 6 no-3:21-34 1955. 1. Iz Katedrata po bolnichna terapiis, pri Vieshila meditsinski Institut T.Chervenskov - Sofiia (sav.katedrata: prof. Al.Pukhlev) (BLOOD PRESSURE. physiology, eff. of various normal funct. & physiol. states in normal subjects) (PULSE, eff. of various normal funct. & pbysiol. states in normal subjects) POPOV, N.G., Congenital marble disease and its manifestation in the maxillofacial region. Stomatologiia 38 no.6:57-58 N-D '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. 1z kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgii (zaveduyushchiy - prof. V.P. Radushkevich) Voronezhakogo meditsinskogo instituta (direktor - prof. N.I. Oanoralov). (JAWS-4ISMASES) POPOV. N. G. More attention should be given to the work of separation plants. Sakh.pron. 34 no.2:6-8 F 160. (MMA 13:5) 1. Gooplan RSFSR. (Sugar manufacture) FOFOV, N.G. Toward the 21st Gongress of the CPSU. Sakh. prom. 32 no.12:5-6 D '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Su,gar Industry) " - Z~ . ~ -- -_". FOPOV, N. G. Sugar factories of the R.S.F.S.R. operating under the new conditions. Sakh. prom. 33 no.1:3-5 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:1) 1.Gosplan RSFSR. (Sugar industry) Popov. N.G. Distribution and some phytocenological characteristics of the pistachio in TajikiBtan. Izv. Otd. est. nauk AN Tadzh.SSP no. 18:67- 79 '57. (KIRA 11:8) 1. Institut botaniki AP 'radshikokoy SSR. (Tajikistan--Pistachio) Popov. E.G. Clansifying the pistachio stands of southwestarn Tajikiston. Izv. Otd. est. nauk jW Tadzh. SSR no. 24:87-109 '57. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Institut botaniki AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Tajikistan--Pistachio) POPOV, N. G. Cand Med Sai -- (diss) "Bioplastio treatment of postoperative bone cavities in cases of chronic osteamyelitis and cysts of the jaw." Voronezh, 1956. 16 pp 20 am. (Voronezh State Mod Inst. Chair of Hospital Surgery), 100 copies (KLv 7-57, 109) 7~4 POPOV, IT.G.; ASTRUG, A.Kh.; KOLEV, N.D. Renal blood flow in h7pertensian. Suvrm med. , Sofia 8 no. 12:2~-32 1957. l' Iz Tatedrata no bolnichna terapiia pri VMI-Sofila (Zav. katedrata: p;of. Al. Pbkhlev) (HYPERTIMION, blood In renal blood flow in Oal)) (KIDIEYS, blood supply blood flow in hypertension (Bdl)) Popov. N.G. Results of socialist competition in November and December 1958. Sakh. prom. 33 no-2:5 F '59. (MIRA 12:3) (Sugar industry) POPOV, N.G.; ASTRUG, A.Eh.; KOLEV, N.D. POO- Comparative studies on renal circulation in hypertension treated with various drugs. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.2:3-18 Yeb 58. 1. Iz Katedrata Do bolnichna terapiia pri VXI; Sofia. (Za-r. katedrata: prof. Al. Pukhlev). (HYMUNSION, phyriol. kidney circ., eff. of various drugs (Bul)) (KIMYS, blood supply circ. in hypertension, eff. of various drugs (Bul)) USSR/General Division. Scientific Institutions. A-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 2, 1958, 4665 Author N. G. Popov Inst Title On the Coordination of -the Scientific Activity of the Botanical Establishments of the Republic Orig Pub Izv. odt, yestestestv. nauk, AN Tadzh SSR, 1956, Ho 17, 141-142 Abstract The conference was held in Stalinabad on 10-11 May 1956. The proCram included the exchange of mutual information on the botanical establish- ments and of scientific research conducted in 1956; a discussion of a plan for 1956-10 ,,609 and of work done in 1955; a discussion of appp- rent parallelisms and shortcomings in the work. Card 1/1 POPOV, N. G. Some wild species of alfalfa in Tajikistan. rty.Otd.est.nalik AN Todzh.SSR no.14:179-182 156. (xLRA 9#10) 1. Institut botantki AN Tadshikskoy SSR. (Tajikietan--Alf&lfa) n' ii"Z-~J'-M IKONNIKOVO S.S.; ISKAILOT, H.; KNORRING, I.G.: IOROIJU, A.S.; KUDRYABREV, S.N.; MAISYNY, V.P.; MASLBMIIKOVA, T.I.; NSVSKIY. S.A.; NIKITIN,Y.A.; OYCHINNIXOT. P.M.; PLESHKO, S.I.; Pop2L-".,- SIDCRBNKO. G.T.; CHW~7NA. A.?.; SHIBKOVA, I.F.; BCRISOYA. A.G.. redaktor; VASI-~ICHIN- KO, I.T.. redaictor-, NIUSTRUY]CYA, O.A., redaktor; ZINDBLI, R.Te., takhnichaskiy redektor - (11ore of the TaJIk S.S.R.] Flora Tadzhikskoi SSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Vol.l. (Pteridop~qta - Gramineael Paporotnikoobraznye- slaki. P.N.Ovehinnikov. 1957. 547 P. (KIP.& 10-9) (Tajikist,an-Botarq) POPOV, N. G. Bioplastic surgery of bone cavities In chronic osteoryalitis and cysts of the jaws. Stomatologila 35 no.6:41-44 N-D 156 I' (MLHA 10:4) 1. Iz stomatologicheskogo otdolenlya gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki Toronezbskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. instituta I zav. kafedroy-doktor meditsinskikh nauk prof. V.P. Radushkevicb) I Voronozhskoy oblastnoy kliniches~:oy bollnitsy (glavW vrach- zasluzhennyy Yrach RUSR dotsent U.K. Komissarov) (OSTEOMMITIS) (JAWS--TUNGS) (BOXXS-- SIMGZRY) TUSKOV, M.I.; POPOV, N.G. _0m-4w'a-- ~-W_k-'-&~~-' ~' Continuous-action d-nm cleaner. Ja 157. (MLRA 10:3) (Foundr.v machinerv and suppliea) POPOV, N. G. January results of the competition of suCar factories of the U.S.F.S.R. Sakh. prom. 33 no.4:3 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:6) (Sugar industry) POPOV, N. G., Cand Biol Sci -- (disa) "Pistachio trees of south- western Tadzhikistan." Stalinabad, 1958. 14 pp; 1 sheet of tables (Acad Sci Tadzhik SSRp Botanical Inst), l(Y) coples (KL, 16-58, 118) v . --'- - ..' 71~ ~ ~~ -: .. L 105o-66 FSS-2/_FVJT(1)/FS(0-_3/T SGTB DD/RD ACC IM: AT6003852 SOURCE CODE: UR/2,a65A5/O04/C)O0/O18Q/O--,-87 AUTHOR: -Popov, N. G.; Krichagin, V. L! Borshchenkof V. V.; Savinich F. K. ORG: TITLE: Hygienic investigation of cosmonaut clothing designed for wear in a small space cabin under shirtaleeve microclimdte conditions SOURCE: -AN 555R. Otdeleniye biologicheskikh nauk. Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii, v- 4, 1965, 180-187 TOPIC TAGS: cosmonaut hygiene, spacd suit, spacecraft capsule environment, space physiology, skin physiology, hygiene ABSTRACT: ~Cdhtemporary* Worri dont-inuously inflict considerable dis- coirifort aAa iiv e -Iii6o efiftince on the wearer. This has b'en one of the factors prompting development of shirtsleeye cabin atmosiaheres- permitting the -wearing Of light, porous Th'e-ffiost importan=ygienic function of clothing is keeping the ~Idin free of dirt. In space, where the various kindg of diist ordinarily present. -in the environment are absent, the main contaminants of skin and clothing are the products of human vital activity (skin gland secretions, sloughed 'epidermis, falling hair, and particles of urine and feces). Card 1/3 L 1425b-66 ACC NR: AT6003852 Weight penalties make the carrying of changes of underwear or the cleaning of underwear in flight impracticable. Therefore, ways must be found to enhance theskin cleaning capability of underwear. Knitted fabric has a number of advant4es: 1) b' etter fit, 2) economy of space in packing, -3) convenience in placing physiological sensors. For shirtsleeve cabins, knitted sportswear was found best. Charnois slippers were worn as footeear. Samples of the clothing were worn in thermochamber, cabin-mockup, and Vostok flight tests. In order to evaluate the skin-cleaning capability of :the clothing, methods were deviled to measure the degree of soiling by analyzing bath and wash water. The clothing was worn-fn 30-day tests without washing, and the con- dition of the skin under the clothing was determined by clinical and labora Aory methods. Skin condition is stated to have remained wholly satisfactory. Hyperkeratosis, scaling, some folliculitis simplex, isolated boils, derma- titis, and acne vulgaris were observed, but none of these conditions inte with the work capacity of the subjects or prevented completion of the experimental program. Card 2/3