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USSR/ Engineering Machine tools
Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 16/34
Authors Popov$ E. A.
Title Drawing.with die sets
Periodical. Vest. mash. 3.2. 57-60, Dee 1954
Abstract The drawing and capping of cylindrical shens on drawing dies Is described,
and -formulas are given f or oalaulating drawing-forces and t he deformation
of the b:Lank. Inijotrationj drawing.
tekbnicheskikh nauk, dotsent.
Xxtrusion, with pressing. Vest.mash-34 no.12:57-60 D'54.
(Extrusion (Metals)) (KIBA 8:2)
MAUOV, Vladimir N., akad.-, BIURDAROV, Svetoolav St., dots. d-r.; POPOV,
inv aatigation ou'penicilliname ancl on anti-pnnicillinase a p rar-1.
r?v.mtkrobAnjt., Sofi& 5:45-68 1954.
.anti-panicillinase serum)
anti-panicilliname serum)
3 3.3 2 7
AUTHOR: Popovs
TITLE: Estimating the accuracy of gravimeter measurements of acce-,
leration due to gravity at sea
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya geofizicherskaya,
no. 1, 1962, 30-53
TEXT: It is pointed out that highty damped gravimeters of the type. dee-
cribed by K.Ye. Veselov (Ref. 1,. Prikl. geofts., no. 15, 1956) are being
widely used to meaeurs Ig' both in the Soviet-Union and abroad. The aim
of this work Is to analyze the sources of error and their effect on ob-
servations carried out with theme gravimeters. Tht analypis is based on
laboratory studiea and experiments carried out in submarines using the
(GAL) gravimeters developed at. the Aerogravimetricheskaya labora-
toriya inst-ituta fiziki zemli AN SSSR (Aerogravimttric Laboratory of the
Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciencea USSR). The f-lrst
section is concerned with the err-or in the anomaly, A=g-' where gz;g
Card 1/3
Estimating the accuracy of gravimeter... D218/D304
"4n calculations of Faygla anomaly, and g=g H+ &h+ ip calculating
Bouguerle anomaly. In. these cW'ess,ione 6 h is the correction for the
dipth of submergence of I-lie eubmarine, h is tits depth of Frubmergence of
the instrument.* relati-o to seEs level, J4 is the correction for the dspth
of the saa at the point of observation, it is the depth of the sea and
ia th! normal value of the acceleration due to gravity according to
Relm,trtls formula (1901-4908). It is estimatedithat the errors wex-e as
foll.G-vzz. Faye's anomaly. ~ 3.8 mgl, Bouguer's anomaly,~ + 4.6 mg1. Compa-rl-
,-Qon of thee,-? figures witC'the corrasponding results for"pendulum type
grairimeters leads the present auther to conclude that, the GAL gravimeters
are of high accuracy. The second part of tlj-Ls paper is concerned with
instrumental errora. A derailFd review of exper~manllal results a-rid tbeir
analysis indicates thai the effect of instrumental errors is of the order
of + I mg1. Finally, analysis of dynamic errors of measurement, ;&.eo
err:~re due to inertial forces associated with the motion of !,he base
upon which ths gravx-met-ers were mounted, shows that they a-re equ.~,valent.
Card 2/3
3 3327
S/04 9/6 2/000/001/002/003
Estimating the accuracy of D218/D304
to -~- 2aS mg1a The general conclusion is that the accuracy of thess
gra7imeters is limittd not by instrumental errors, but rather errors in
determining the coordinates ( '+ 4-5 mgl), errors associated with the pre-
sence of under-.water currents (+.4 mgl) and errors in determining tile
depth of the sea at the point of observation (up to + 15 mgl for large
deptlis, Bouguer's reduction). It is possible to carry out a survey of
Ig' - variations in the range 1500-2000 mgI from a submarine using five
to wight GAL gravimeters. Subjject to adequate thermostating, the. instru-
mental errors in Ig' should not exceed + 2-3 mgI. There art 7 figures,
12 taBles and 3 Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki zemli (Academy of
Sciences USSR, Institute of Physics of the Earth)
SUDMITTED~ June 20, 1961
Card 3/3
POPOV, Evg. At.
Experiments for increasing the seed production Df the sugar beet by
stimulating with iodine tincture. Izv Inst biol BAN 10:275-28o 6o.
(EEAI 10:4)
Plannin and recording. Prof.-tekh.obr. 19 n0-4:26 Ap 162.
(MMI-A 15-4)
1. Direktor Volgogradakogo tekhnicheakogo uchilishcha I't'0.5.
(School management and organization)
Eliminate shortcomings in the training of construction workers.
Prof.-tekh.obr. 12 no.1:29-30 J 155. (MI2A 8:3)
1. Nachallnik Tsentrallnogo uchebnogo kombinata Glavgidroemrgo-
stroya Hinisterstva elektrostantaiy (g.Stalingrad).
(Stalingrad-Technical education) (Construction workers)
~' f.-tekh. obr. 15 no.6:11-12 -Te '58.
Material interest of students. Pro
(MM 11:6)
1. Direktor teklinlcheskogo uchilishcha No.5, Stalingrad.
(Field work (Aducational method)) (Wages)
22 (1) SOV/27-59-3-27/37
AUTHOR: Popov, F., School Director
TITLE- The Rallying of a Students' Collective Body (Splocheniye
uchenicheakogo kollektiva)
PERIODICAL: Professionallno-tekhnichaskoye obrazovaniye, 1959, 1~r 3,
p 29 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The poor discipline among the studentag lack of work in
consolidating and expanding the training base, and the poor
qualifications of the instructors prevented the staff of the
Stalingrad Technical School No 5 from achieving a proper
training of skilled workers, The students' scornful attitude
towards physical work is mentioned. To overcome this, 1.10' to
2 hours of daily socially-useful work were introduced, The
influence of the students organizations was also underrated.
A Komsomol meeting of the school elected a special working
committee to carry out all socially-useful work, and
approved the introduction of sell-attendance among the
students. The author outlines the results obtained and the
Card 1/2 savings made because of the now organizational set-up,
The Rallying of a Otudents' Collective lady
ASSOCIATIONt Tekhnichaskays uchilishnhe No 5, Stslingrad
(Toohnioal Sahool No 5p Stalingrad)
Card 2/2
POPOV), F inzh.; ZHUKOV.. S.; ZUBAREV, A., prepodavatell;
leaders' letters. Sell. stroi no.9:29 S 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
1. Buyskiy mollskokhozyaystvennyy tekhnikum (ror Zubarav).
2. Glavnyy inzh. masterskoy No. 4 Gosudarstvennogo int3tituta
proyektirovaniya sellskogo stroitellstva (for Shumakher).
(Construction industry)
SHESTAKOV,A... tekhnik-stroitell; DIKIY, V.; TUMASYANI 1.1 XWKOV), N.JT
inzhener-stroitell,-_POPOV F., inzh.
Readeral letters. Sell. stroi, 15 no.4:27 Ap 161. WRA 14:6)
1. Sellkhozinspektsiya Orohanskogo rayona, Mariyokoy ASSR (for
Shestakov). 2,Prodsedatel I kolkhoza imeni Kirov.~ Tegorlyksogo
rayona., Rostovsko7 oblasti (for Dikiy). 3. Sekretar.-I partiynoy
organizataii.kolkhoza Imeni Kirova Yegorlykskogo rayona, Rastcvskoy
oblasti (fo;r-Tumaim). 4. Sellkhozinspektsiya Yhorollskogo rayonap
Primorakogo kraya (for Klokov).
(Farm bUldimp)
AUTH()R: Popov F . School Director 27-56-6-9/315
TITLE: The Msterial Profits of Students (katerialInays zaintereso-
vannost' uchashchikhsya)
PERIODICAL: Professionallno-Tekhnicheskoye Ubrazovaniye, 1958, Nr 6,
p 11-12 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Students of technical schools receive 33 ~~ of the value of
the work they execute during their training in industrial
plants above the amount of the school grant. Practice shows
that the rigid application of this regulation is not always
right. There are students who work more and better than others
and still receive the same remuneration. As the beat student-
workers see that they are paid the same as the lazy ones, they
stop working harder and the whole level of work falls. To
avoid this, the Stalingrad school Nr 5 introduced a new method
of compensation. Before the end of the practice period, a
special commission checked their work and evaluated it accord-
ing to its merits.
ASSOCIATION: Tekhnicheskoye uchilishche Nr 5, Stalingrad (Stalingrad
Technical School Nr 5)
Card 1/1 1. Education-WSH 2. Educational dynamics-USSR,
Moving-picture Projectors
Device for watching of arc. Kinomekhanik no. 1-0, 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953, uncl.
Fo rov
SO: U-01, 1-7 Jiil,,,
1. POPOV. F. A.
2. USSR (600)
4. loeyk-Kull Valley-Soila
7. Soils of the Issyk-Kull Valley. Trudy Sek. pochv. KirFAN SSSR ,~no 149
9. jLonth List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, "'arch 195_3. Unclassillied.
2. ussp (6ooj
11. Of-a6ses
7- When perennial grass sod should be turned up, Trudy unisoz, 6, 1951
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,
1953, Uncl.
2. USS- (6-00)
4. Chernozem Soils - Ukraine
7. Study in,7 the fe rt-I L i ty e !* the cher-nozem I wr I bc I Ow p) oW n., le A'I It, I, i I o
Ukrainian S.S.R. , Trujy T'ID1307, 6, -1951.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, may -1953. Unclassified.
SPIVAK, K.S., golovnyy redaktor; BILOZUB, V.G., redaktor; VASILENKO, P.M.,
re(iaktor; ZORIN, I.G., redaktor; ILICHENKO, I.K., redaktor; KOVAL',
O.G., redaktor; KRILOV, O.F., redaktor; PUKHALISIKIY, A.V., redaktor;
SIDORJ=0. O.P., redaktor. FIDC 0, 0.11., redaktor; ANGUINA, P.K.,
redaktor; BUZANOV, I.F., redaktor; BOYKO, D.V., redaktor; BURNATSIXA,
G.S., redaktor; VASIL=O. A.O.. redaktor; VLASYUK, P.A., redaktor;
Y.I., redaktor; KIRICHENKO. F.G.. redaktor; LITOVCHEbZO, G.P.,
redaktor; OZXWIIY, M.O., redaktor; PJbWHI1T,P.M.. redaktor;_~Ov_
F.A., redaktor; POSMITHIY, K.O., redaktor, PSIMICHNIY, P.D,,
W'Vktor; RADCHMO, B.P., redaktor; POKANIRTKO, S.S.. redaktor;
RUBIN. S.S.. redaktor; SAVC101KO, H.Kh.. redaktor; SOKOLOVSIKIY,
O.N., redaktor; TSIBRUKO, K.O., redaktor.; SHCRARBINA. 0.P., redaktor;
KRAVGHMMO, M.F., tekhaichniy redaktor
[Collective farm encyclopedia] Kolhospna vyrobnycba ensyklopediia.
Vyd. 2-e, perer. i dop. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo sillalkohospodaralkoi
lit-ry URSR. Vol.l. Abrykoe - Liutserna. 1956. 756 p. (MIRA 9-9)
(Agriculture--Encyclopedias and dictionaries)
POPOV,-Fedor Andreyevich, kand.sellskokhoz.muk; VLASYUK, P.A.,
akademlk, glavnyy red.
[Soil cultivition practicea in the Ukraine] Systema
obrabitku brimtu na Ukraini. KYlv, 1959. 49 p. (Tova-
rystvo dlia poshyrennia T)olitychnykh t naukovykh man'
Ukratnalkoi RSR. Ser.6, no.17) (MIRA 13:1)
'USSR / Soil Scienco. Cultivation. Improvement i Erosion J-5
Abe Jour Rof. Zhur - Biologiya, No 17, 1958, No. 77W
Author 3PaD=,X-. A.-,
Inst !Not given
Title : Creation of a Deep Fertile Arable layer on Turf-Podzolic
Orig Pub : V ab.: Vol3r. razvitiya s. kh. Poloslya Kiyev, AN USSSR,
1956 (1957), 5-18
Abstract : As a result of oxporimonts carried out, the following
MOaSUrCe eXo reco nd d to increase the fertility of turf-
podzolic soils of the Ukrainskiy Poles'. Ploughing
of sandy soils of the Kbroston Exporimontal Field at a
dopth of 25-30 cm, with the introduction of 30-41D t/tYL Of
mwuwo (1946), increased the harvest of Potatoes 30-50%
in comparison with Ploughing at a depth of the humas
horizon (13 cm). Deep Ploughing in toots of more connected
Card 1/2
fc, po
POPOV, P.A., prof. (Moskva)
Barofunction of the otorhinolaryngoio~ical organs rind
significance [with summary in Inglishj. Vest.oto-rin.
5-0 157-
(BAR, MIDDLE. physiol.
be ro-funct 9 )
(NASAL CAVITY, physiol.
its clinical
19 no-5:42-47
(MIRA 10:11)
STARG.HMKO, Y.F., golovnyy red.; KANEVSIKIY, O.P., red.; RUDNITSIKIY,P.V.
red.; LUTSENKO, Y.G., red.; BILOZUB, V.G., red.; PA713NKO, R.K., red.;
SVISTSLINIK, A.N., red.; KHOMKO, M.P., red.; ZADONTSEV, A.P., red.;
_E=X,Y.Aj, red.; DANILTUK, O.T., red.; TRITINGROKO, A.P., red.;
[Agricultural manual for administrntive personnel of province and
district organizations, directors of machine-tractor stntions,
chairmen of collective farms and agricultural specialists]
Posibnik pa sel'slkomu hospodarqtvu dlia kerivnykh pratsivnykiv
oblnsnykh i raionnykh organizatsiy, dyrektoriv MTS, holiv
kolhospiv i fakhivtsiv sills1koho hospodaretva. SkIndenyi za red.:
V.F.Starcherika [and others] Holovryi red.V.F.Starchenko. Kyiv,
Derzh.vyd-vo siltalkohospodarsikoi lit-ry URSR. Book 1. 1946.
1269-p. (MIRA 11:1)
1. Chlen-korrespondent akademii nauk URSR (for Starchenko).
SPIVAK, H.S., glavayy red.; BRIMUB, V.G., red.; VASILE11KO, P.M., red.;
ZORIH. I.G., red.; ILICIUNKO, I.K., red.; KOVAL'. A.G., red.;
KRYLOV. A.F., red.; PUkWLISKIY. A.Y., red.; SIDMEIMO, A.?.,
red.; YEDCHENKO, A.H., red.; ANGELINA, P.H., red.; BUZANOV, I.F.,
red.; BOYEO, D.V.. red.; BUHXATSKAYA, G.Ye., red.; VASILINKO, A.A.,
red.; VIASYUK, P.A., red.; GORODIIIY, N.G., red.; DEMIDENK0, T.T.,
red.; DUBKOVETSKIY, F.J.j red.; KIRICKENK0, F.G., red.;,LITOVqnfiKO.
G.P., red.; OZIRNTY, M.Ye., red.; 111331MRIH, P.N., red:; kopov, V.A.$
red.; POSMITNYY, M.A., red.: PSF2-11ICHUYY. P.D., red., RAXTX31U,-
B.P., red.; ROKAIfMO, 1.11., red.; RUBIN, S.S., red.; SAVCHENKO.
M.1h,, red#; SOKOLOVSKIY, A.U., red.; TSYBENKO. K.Ye.. red.;
[Practical collective farm encyclopedia] Xolkhoznaia proisvodstvan-
naia entaiklopedlia, Izd. 2-oe, perer. t dop. Kiav, Goo. izd-vo
sallkhos, lit-r7 USSR. Vol.2. Malina-lAshchur. 1957, 923 P.
(Agriculture--Dictionaries) (MIRA 11t4)
SPIVAK.K.S., glavnyy redaktor; BRIA)ZUB, V.G.. redaktor; VASILENKO, P.M..
redalctor; ZORIN, I.G., redaktor; IL'GHWKO, I.K., redaktor; KOVAL'#
A.G.. redaktor; KRYLOY, A.P., redaktor; PUKHALISKIY, A.V., redaktor;
SIDOUNKO, A.P., redaktor; FXDCHICNKO, A.U.. redaktor; ANGSLINA, P.N.,
redaktor; BUZANOV, I.F., redaktor; BOYKO, D.V.. redaktor; BURIATSKAYA,
G.Ye.. redaktor: VASIMM, A.A., redaktor; VIASTUX. P.A.. redaktor;
GORODNIY. N.G., redaktor: DIKIDINKO. T.T.. redaktor; DUBKOVICTSKIT, F.I.,
redaktor; KIRICHRNKO, F.G., redaktor; LITOVGHICNKO, G.P.. redaktor;
Oz"M', redaktor; FERSHIN. P.N., redektor; POKY P.A.. redaktor;
POSKITNYY, K.A., redaktor; PSHANIGHM. P.D., redaktor; ttCMINKO, B.P.,
redaktor; ROMANUNKO, I.N.. redaktor; RUBIN. S.S., redaktor; SAVCHENKO,
M.Kh., redaktor; SOKOLOVSKIY, A.N., redaktor; TSYBJCNKO. K.Ye.. redektor;
KOVALISKIY, V.F., tokhnicheakiy, redaktor
[Practical collective farm encyclopedia] Kolkhoznsia proizvodstvennaia
antaiklopedlia. Izd.2-oc, ispr. I dop. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.
lit-ry USSR..Vol.l. Abrikos - Uutserna. 1956. 68e p. (MLRA 10:9)
(Agriculture-Di cti one ria a)
A&.-4 j4ossor
V%adimir Igantlevich Voiachek; 80th annivermar7. Yesteoto-rin. 18
no.6:3-7 N-D 156. (KLFA 10: 2)
YUKFD,',ChUK, F.P.[IUkhymcLuk.F.P.j, otv. red ; VISHINSKIl, G.~%
[Vyshyns'k7i, O.M.), red.; GOLGI-~DA: R.A.[Holomba, R.A.1
red.; DYITIR7ETaK0, P.O.[Dmj--trenko, P.O.], doktor seltl-hoz,
nauk., red.; IL'YASMIKO, M.GJII-Iiashenko, M.11.1, red.;
KOL013OV, O.M., red.; KUKSIN, M.V., red.; LAZURSKIY, O.V.
[Lazurslkyi, O.V.1, kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; POPOV,
P.A. red.; SAMBUR, G.M.[SanCour, red.; Sfiff~tVICH,
11~1.fsamtsevyeh, S.A.I. red., ~TT)()ROVA, N.A. kand. sell kho z
nauk. red.; YAQt'OVSKIY, I.V.(IAahovs'kyi, I.V.'J', red.
[Nutrition and fertilizers of farm crops] Zhyvlennia ta
udobrennia sil',s'kohospodarsIkykh kulltur. Kiev, UrozhELi,
1964. 137 p. (MIU 17: 10)
1. Ukrainsllqy naukovo-doslidnyy i-nstytut zerlerobstva.
YUKHIMCHUK' F.P.[IUkhywchuk, F.P.], otv. red.; VISHINSKIY, 0.14.
[Vyshynslkyi, O.M.], red.; GOLO11 A.[Holomba, :~.A.1,
red:~ D14,1TRENKO, P.O.[Dn7trenko, P.O. , red.; ILIYASHRM,
M.G Illiashenko, red.; KOLOBOV, O.M., red.;
KUKS111, M.V., red.; LAZURSKIY, O.V.[Lazurslkyi, O.V.], red.;
P-OFOV,F.A., red.; SAEBUR, G.M.[Sambur, H.M.1, red.;
SAMTSEVICH, S.A.(Samtsevych, S.A.], red.; FEDOROVA, N.A., red.;
[Fertilizers and cultivation practices] Dobryva ta agrotekh-
nika. Kyiv, Urozhai, 1964. 160 p. (MIRA 17:12)
1. Kiev. Ukrainslkyi naukovo-doslidryi instytut zemlerobstva.
Nonequilibrium dissociation of a gaseous mixture behind a shock
wave. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 31 no.6:726-730 Je '61. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut imeni A.F. Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad.
(Molecular dynamics) (Shock waves)
L 8920--6q F4V JWE~A _b)./nS k) /EWA (1 Pd-4 AFP-,TR/A$D(p)-3/S~D/ASD(f)/AriC(a)/
... - -_( V6. ~ - /6iV66/*6/0�04~ -1
ACCESSION 11R: AP4045713 - M 208/64
Mons Lunlkln, Yu. P (Leningrad) I FVpov1 F. D. (Leningrad)
TITLE: Effect of nonequilibrium dissociation on, a flay wer,blunt bodies
SOURCE: Zhurnal vy*chislitellnoy matematiki i matematicheskoy f1alkil V. 4, no. 5j?
1964, 89&904
TOPIG.TAGSs --supersonic flow# nonequilibrium'dissociationg -eqtdUbrium dil4imciatiog,
shock wave# chemical kineticfi~ integral relation method
-brief discussion is presented of two procedurea.used-in the method of
integral relation for the solution of-supersonic flow over blunt bodies when func-
tion. approximation is made 1) -IROM00 the shock wave and 2) along the shock wave.
'Not4ithstanding- -the difficulties of the first procedure in the case of non-
equilibrium flow, this procedure was used by solvin the second equation of- motion
without, approximation. In the-formulation. of the problem, equations of chemical -
-)CLnetieA-were added to -the -Gquatjons of motionp--contlnuityp-and- conservation -of
energYit- -For-simplicityp a diatomic gas with _'nondissociating.-additive ie considered
The' solution Is. sought ~by thensecond approximation for the casa:of vah~.~ trj~
7 -jjp
LITNIKI,11') YU.I.-.; 110?0".F, F
EffecT, cf an on Uie non~--q-,diibr,-i-,,r
twc-atlomd-c gas behind a sirlockwave. Zhu". fiz. 3-'
1526-1530 Ag 164.
1. Fizilco-tekiinicheskiy institut imeni. ic-L-17P AN
~.I`L 58380-65 EWT(j)/FWfP.(m)/EHA (d)/EPR/FCS (k)/MIA 0
......... ............ ......... .
.IACCZSSION MRi AT5015702 N/2516'3J6 0 248/o007/001
,,!AUTHOR. Lunlkin., Yu. P.; Popov, F D.; Timofeyeva, T.Ta.; Llpnit
I Yu. M.
ITLE: Passing the numerical solutions~of problems.
i.:~:~-.on "personic flows past bodies
Leninarad. Politekhnicheski natitut. Trudyi no. 248,
1965e Tekhnicheakaya gidrogazodinamika.(T
echnical gas hydrady-admics),
TOPIC TAGS: supersonic gas flow, dissociating gas flow# equilibrium'
-fl steady*gas flow, noteady gas-flow, shock wave shock layer'
as ow u
blunt body
ABSTRAM.- -The parameters--:of,-.a_ 9-hock.i-w-'ame-are die cuioed` by---,ad&
P tin k
-an ap-ordximate.--me th~ord developed~by.0 M*_::Be_lotserkovskiy f ox the
of flows 0 at b1
a unt bodies.from,the method of integral re a
I.tions,proposed byA. A. -Dorodnitayn
The authors present an approximate
''I.system of differential equations~-.which determines the flow paramater9L_.____.-
-rose the, shock layers and does not zontaia singular Oolntso The pas
Card 1/3
---------- -
-7 58380-65
s-age tIhrough these points is ished by us ing: eit her the extrap-i
~Iolaticn of velocity'-derivatives, or the variation of parameters, or
This~system, which is very can-
-.1the method-of continuous calculatione
`-vvenient for analysis'of nonequilibrium flows can-be integrated with
the d6sired degree of acc'uracy by conventional methods of numeric
integration over the whole shock layer, including the region where the
subsonic flow'turns into supersonic. This system is suppl6mented
A system of algebraic equations analogous to' the equations desctiVineg.
-the transition through the shock wave. The solution of both systems
for a perfect gas with 4 constant heat capacity is outlinedl and the
treatment of flows-in whi chInonequilib Jum dissociation and ionization
e --i& --- indicated-.-Numerous analyses of equilibrium andnonr
-equilibrium -flows pas.t:
-th method-: and the- re-sult
_formed y e proposed
imation)~ for flow parameters-are shown in-diagrams and'are briefly
dis cu seed. These parameters.include the ape 6f,the.shock waves., an,
the..temperature.and pressure:distributions over the surfaces of seg-
....meat-shaped bodies and of a spherical,-elgRant,la a f low'dit, nonequi-,
ra 213
L 158oo-66 ENT (1)/EWP(m)/EWA (d -'/FCS (k)/9-1A (1)
AACC HR: ~APOOTOTO SOURCE CODE: UH/C05T/66/036/002/0239/o2451
AUTHOR: Popov, F. D. 70
ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe,A?1 SSM Leningrad (Fiziko-
~tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR)
TITLE: On i ascheme 1br the integral relations method in the problem of supersonic
flow past blunted bodies
~SOURCE: Zhu:~nal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36,'no. 2, 1966, 239-245
TOPIC TAGS: aerodynamics, supersonic flow, approximation method, shock wave,
detached shock wave
A13STRACT: A new scheme is*developed for using the method of integral relations for!.
!~rsonic flo~6'~ blunted bodies which consists in simultaneous
calculating sj~p past
approximation of functions along two directions. In this case, the inItial
system of partial-differential equations Is reduced to a certain approximating
system of transcendental: algebraic equations which is then solved numerically.
A system of equations is derived according to the suggested scheme for the case
of supersonic flow of an ideal gas uith constant heat papacity past a uphere.
L 15800-66
Acc n: AP6007070
Some results of numerical calculations made for a wide renge of and y values
are given in a graph and show that in-spite of using the simplest approximation,
the agreement with the exact results is good enough, The author expresses his
1. 31132-66 El-i-PLm.)/EEC(k)-2/E",iP(,k)/61T(i) '/EVA())/F'4A((i) T.)P(,-) I hir, ;
ACC NR: AP6013122 SOURCE CODE': UR/0057/66/036/066--4--/ 61 671
AUTHOR: Lun'kin, Yu. P.; Popov, F. D.
ORG: none
TITLE: Effect of vibrational dissociating relaxation on supersonic
flows vast blunted bodies
SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 4, 1966, 661-671
TOPIC TAGSt supersonic aerodynamics, shock wave shape, sonic line,
equilibrium flow, nonequilibrium flow, dissociation, relaxing flow,
vibration relaxation
ABSTRACT: The effect of coupled vibrational relaxation and dissocia-
tion on supersonic gas flows over blunted bodies is investigated. The
relaxation equations discribing the simultaneous occurrence of vLbra-
tional relaxation and dissociation in a pure diatomic gas are derived
in which both the effect o.f vibrational relaxation on the velocity of
dissociation and the effect of dissociation on the variation of the
mean vibrational energy are taken into -ccount,:: An approximate scheme
in the second approximation in presented for calculating flown with
coupled excitation of nonequilibrium vibra tion-dissocia t ion. based on
the Dorodnitsyn method of integral relations and developed Oreviously
Card 1/3
L 31132-66
ACC NRi AP6013122
by the author for flows with nonequtlibrium dissociation. This scheme
was applied to calculations of flows with various free-flow initial
conditions and. for example, of supersonic flows of 02 over a sphere
of Ro a I cm at H. - 10, P& - 0.01 atm and T. - 290K. The shapes of
shock waves and sonic lines are given in graphs for: 1) equilibrium
flow, 2) flow with nonequilibrium dissociation, 3) flow with non-
equilibrium dissociation and vibrations'. and 4) "frozen" flow cor-
responding to y - 1.4. Thty show that In the case of simultaneous
vibrational relaxation and dissociation the shock wave is located some-
what farther from the body but nearer than in the case of "frozen"
flow. The distributions of translational (T) and vibrational (Tv)
temperatures along the zero streamline; the mean vibrational energy a
across the shock layer on rays a - 0, 0.25, 0.50; and concentrations C,
on the same rays are determined and given in graphs. An analysis of
the results shows that the effect of vibrational relaxation and dis-
sociation on the velocity and pressure diattibution Is very week, but
is substantial on temperature profiles. The distributions of non-
dimensional temperature"'TO - T/To, where To is the stagnation point
temperature, given in a graph for various flown show that the drop of
To In the case of coupled vibration-dissociation can be IOZ higher
than the drop In the cast of equilibrium flov and 5% higher than the
drop In the presence of dissociation. It to pointed out that the
intense expansion of gas in the supersonic region and th.e.corresponding
_N 5.
ACC NRt AP6013122
temperature drop along the surface leads to To tending toward To for
frozen flow, which is not the case when only nonequLlibrium dissocia-
tion is taken into account. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 29 for-
Mules. (ABI
SUB CObi: 20/ SUDH DATE: 09Jun65/ ORIC REFS 008/ OTH REFS 005
Asymmetric characteristics of regeneration following unilateral
injuries of the forsbrain in rabbits. Trudy Tses.ob-va fiziol.
biokhim.i farm. 2:137 154. (NLRA 8-7)
1. FAafedra normallnoy fiziologii Tomskogo meditsinskogo instituta
Ime VeHeMclotovae
(BRAIN. physiology.
eff. of prosecephalic unilateral lesions on regen. in
rabbits, asymmetric responses)
(MINNUTION. physiology.
eff. of prosecephalic unilateral lesions in rabbits.
asymmetric responses)
Pathways of the trophic effect of the forebrain on muscles of the
extremities in frogs. Trudy Vaes.ob-va fiziol.blokhtm.i farm. 2:
137-140 154- (MMA 8:7)
1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Tomskogo meditainakogo institut
im. V.M.Molotova.
(BRAIN, physiology,
off. of prosencephalic excis.
(KUSCLIS, physiology,
off. of prosencephalon excin.
on muse. of extremities in
on muse. of extremities in
POPOV) E.G. (Leningrad)
Science ccnferenceB. tekh. no.12:247-249 '62.
(YdRA 15:4)
(Science--Societies, etc.)
Hatchet wheel for frame saws. Rate.i Izobr.predl.v atrol. no.50:
7 '53. (MLRA 7:2)
VM13PAT-1-vt Alsoi Pollovo F.I.
Electric gm for welding ploat1cps Mtshinantraltelf nos Is27
ja 066 (KPA 1911)
C Me 6035746 SOURCE COD i-976 -16 9-To 1-o 9
-UJ 6/000/0
INVaiTORS: Balandin, M. P.; Volosatow, A. K.; Antonerko,, I& Ya.; Bushtstv,, P.
Zhirnov Yu. V.; Kruglyakov, M. L.; Mordukhovich, A. I.j- Popov,, Fe
op tnev, So D.1 Fwfaronip F. I.; Shcherbakovs A# M.1 Krivoshey, M;-W-.--
ORG-t none
TITLE; A device for broadcasting pesticides and meliorating substances. Class 45#
No. 166787 Onnounced by All-Union Scientific Research Institute *for Mechanization of
Agriculture VassoyusrWy ne;-,chno-issledovatel'skiy Institut makhanizataii sellskogo,
SOURCE: Isobretenlya, prorqnhlanrwye abrastay, tovarWo snaki,, no. 19, 1966,, 109
TOPIC TAGS: agricultural machineryp agricultural engineering, broadcasting operatlc~;,
pesticide, f ertilizer-1-
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for broadcasting pesticides and
meliorating substancesi~ The device contains a tank divided into sections, broadcastiq
mechanisms, receiving chadws of the fortiliser duct# ard a driving mechanism. TO
provide for a uniform broadcastift of a, WtOrIALI., the broadcasting mechanisms are
made in the ships of cones mowited on a compon shaft carrylft,a spiral with the
opposite direction of *oil loopee Ivory revolving cow my be spring loaded wd W
UMI 631-333-9
ACC NRs AF6035746
be contaiwAs tOgGtbw with & rOcsiviAg OM'bws, In a comma GwUW*
SUB Cwxl 029
Cwd 2/2
BAN 11
Problem of measuring the specific Inductive capacitance of good
conducting mnterials. (semiconductors). RAdlotekh. 1 electron 1
no..9:1268--1271 S 156* (MIRA 10:1)
Investigation of the dielectric permeability of semiconductors.
Zhur.takh.fiz. 27 no.1:85-89 Ja '57- (MLU 10:2)
1. Saratovskiy Gosuniversitet Im. N.G. Cherhyshevskogo,
(semiconductors) (Dielectric constants)
.. . ... ....
- - - - - - - - -....
OF Fag
k.I.K. Vightfn RM V-1-1
;0-1. Z N. 1, 8 5 - 9 (19 51). 1.
(1) Powder compacts were made with various pre3surez of tha
fckUcwtrq h1gh- resistivity joem iconductors: WO, PbO, CuO,
N402. COA. ZrO, V,C,, Cu,Q, N3,WO,. For -ih its dielectric
constant (,E) as measured Lil the centimaIrv regirm and the va:tAtWn
of i with formatior. preasuro 0 e. with densitv) iLre UtMated. For
comparison, tke table incItides 4c for CuO pripared by direct
oxidation and measured In the saoic nppar2tus. (21 By means of
at method tzvelvirig the me4nuremeia of c for a mixturc- of beini-
IU% a pure dielectric, e was measured for the toilowiriC
conducto. w
high -cc-Auctivity, Eemicwidurtnrs: ZrS. CdS, ZnSe, Z,iTa, CdSe,
CdZo. 149, HgSe, H9're, 8nSb. Hesulta are il.,;o riven in tabk(-s.
POPOV, F. 14.
',On the Question of Measuring the Dielectric Permittivity of
Well Conducting Materials (Semiconductors)," by F. M. Popov,
Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, No 9., Sep 56, pp 1268--12Tt-
This article, which was presented at the All-Union Conference of
Semiconductors held in Leningrad, November 1955o gives the results of
a method for measuring the dielectric permittivity of semiconductors.
The method is based on measuring the dielectric permittivity of a mix-
ture consisting of the semiconductor, whose permittivity is to be deter-
mined, and a dielectric of known permittivity.
POPOV, r1j) -
TITLE The Investigation of the Dielectricity Constant of Semiconductors.
PERIODICAL gurn.techn.fis.27, fasc-1, 85-89 (1957)
Issued: 2 / 1957
In the laboratory of the University of Saratov various methods were employed
for measuring the dielectricity constant of semiconductors. The present work
deals with the results of part of these invastigations.
Measuring the dielectricity constant oe semiconductors in the centimeter range;
By the method of free waves the dielectricity constants of the following semi-
conductors were measured: WO 39 PbO, CuO, SnO 2' N'2039 Co203' ZnO, V2059 CU201
N 2W04. The method of free waves consists in watching the interference image
i: the space between the radiation source (with monochromatic radiation) and
the sample under investigation. As a source of undamped electromagnetic oscil-
lations a magnetron generator was used which furnishes oscillations with the
wavelength 5 am. The conditions for the production of samples exercise 4seen-
tial influence on their density and also upon their dielectricity constant.
With increasing pressure the density of the samples and also that of the
dielootriaity constant increase. Therefore the value of the dieleotricity con-
stant found on the samples which were pressed from semiconductor powder can
hardly be considered as a value that characterizes the properties of the given
material. Following a suggestion made by A.F.IOFFE the notion "specific dielec-
tricity constant" was introduced: E sp a E/Q. Here p and q denote the
In reference to the article "Cord wiring.". Xnergetik 7
no.2:32-33 P 159. (KM 12:1)
(Electric wiring)
POPOV, F.S.,_inzh.
Concerning the classification of valve-type and tubular
dischargers. Vest. elektroprom. 32 no.5:70-71 My 161.
WIRA 15; 5)
(Electric power distribution)
(Electric protection)
AUTHOR: Popov, F.S., Engineer
TITLE: On the Construction of 6 to 10 KV Mast Substations
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1.959, Nr 6, pp 22-23 (USSR)
ABSTWICT: As a rule, the transformer substations of high-volta'-'-e
6 to 10 kw overhead poi '7':er lines are of the open, nast
type, and rest on Gantry supports. The hic-h-volbafre
fuses, three-pole disconnector and the dischargers
are mounted above the transformer, la.-ich -re-atly in-
conveniences the access to the latter. The author
suggests abandoning this practice and mountinC the dis-
connector on an A-shaped end support described in -'.--he
album "T-420" of the Giprosel'olektro.
Card 1/1
Work practices of -~e
the Kuzbassugoll Combine. Ugoll 40 'i41 n A 13: 7
Popov, F.S., ENG-. - .
Electric Machinery - Testing
instrument for disclosing defects in windings of electric machines. Rab. energ. 2 no. 9.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1%12-tpff, Uncl.
ROKHLIN, G.N., kand.tekhn.-.iauk; POPOV, F.S., inzh.; SKOBBLEV, V.M., kand.
tekhn.nauk; PLIS, G.S.
Increasing the economic efficiency of electric lamps. Standartizatsiia
22 no*3:67-69 My-Je '58- (MIRA 11:7)
I.VBeso7=ny7 nauchno-issledovatellskiy ovetotekhnichaskiy institut
(for Rokhlin). '2.Nachalinik otdela alektrotekhniki i sv7azi komi-
teta standartov, mar i izmeritelln7kh priborov (for Plis).
(Electric lamps--Standards)
AUTHOP: Popov, F. S. nv SOV/91-~~9-2_2 !/7 7
TITILE -Ife-gardine the Art ~,~le "Ahout Cord Wiring"
(Po povodu stat'i t'' 0 shnurovoy provodke")
PE-'RIODICAL: Energetik, 1,059, Nr 29 pp 72 - 33 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author supports the suegestion. of Technician V. S.
Zaytsev, published in Energetik, 1918, Nr 8, to replace
open cord wiring in multi-flat residential houses and in
large administra'ion buildings by cord wiring hidden in
the i.,alls. in a footnote, the editor expresses his con-
currence and suggests PR and PPV cords for that prupose,
emphasizing 'the greater convenience and fire security of
hidden .-.iring.
Card 1/1
28-55-3-2 5,159
AUTHORS: Rokhlin, G.N., Candidate of Technical- Sciense-q: Popov, F.S.
Engineer; Skobelev, V.M., Candidate of Teslhnical
Plia, G. S.
TITLE: On the Problem of 'Improving the E(.,on-.wy )f Electric Light
Bulbs (0 povyshenii ekonomichnozti osve itellnykh elektrclamp)
Comments on the Article by Ya .S. Zapolyanskiy (Otakliki na stat'-
yu Ya.S. Zapolyanskogo)
PERIODICAL: Sl-andartizatsiya, 1958, Nr 11, Dp 6- -- 69 (ussR)
ABSTRACT: These are three separate letters contain-ing c--4-ti-cal remarks
on the articlo "Ways of Imp;rovirg thp Ecr-rcTr"y of Light Bulbs"
by Ya.S. Zapolyanskiy~ published in "Staniartizatsiyall, 195S.,
Nr 2. Some of the recommendationo made by Zapelyanskiy are
questioned and refuted. Following the letters, the Chief of the
Department for ElGetrical Enb,treering and COMT.Uri.,~-ttion of the
Committee of Standards, Measures and Ntaasurin,; Devices G.S. I'lia
informs that the "GOST 2239--54" standard for ligh-~ bulbs will be
subject to revisicn in 1958-1956. The suggestions presented
by all four authors (Zapolyanskiy.. Rckhlin, PoFov and Skobelcav)
will be consider,~d. The preparation .f thp nF-.-., `10ST11 statilurd
has riot yet begun. G.S~ Plis says that Gosudai5trennyy Kom."tet
po radioelektro.,-Ike (State Committee for %ust
Card 1/2 organize this work and distribut2 it- amr,,r-g aeparate organiya-
28-5- -
On the Problem of Improving the Economy of Electric Light Co-ment s
on the Article by Ya.S. Zapolyanakiy
tions. There is 1 -,-abla, and 1 graDh,
ASSOCIATIONS: Vsesoyuznyy -.auchrc-issi-edovatellst-,~~.,r svetctek----0heSk-iy
institut (All-Union Scientific Research lnst-,-.-ut,~-, c--" Lighting
Engineering); Otde-l elek't-rotekh-rdiki i Kcmiteta -3'Lan~artcv,
mer i izmeritelInyk.h pribo:rov (Department, frr Electrical FngJL-
neering and Communication of the Committee of 3-~andards. Measu-
res and Measuring Devices)
Card 2/2 1. Inewdescent lawps-Standardo
T -~ - - I --M
POPOV,F.S.. inshener
Electric lighting of agricultural machines. SvetotekhnikR 1 no.5:
25 0'55. (MIRA 8:12)
1. Saratargiprogorsel'stroy
(Electricity in agriculture)
POPOV, F.S., inzhoner.
Joining wires at leads to buildings. Snergetik 4 no.8:30 Ag 156.
(Blectric wiring) (,--MA 9:10)
POPOV, F.S., inzh.-, SAFRAZBEKYAN, G.S., inzh.; KALININA, M.S., inzh.
Concerning T.P. lltisatov's article "Saving of control cables." Fdek-
sta. 32 no.11:93 N 161. (YJRA 14:11)
(Electric cables) (Musatov, T. P.)
-POPOV.--Fedor Vaevolodovioh
[Rout of Denikin's forces near Oral; the notebook of
a brigade comander] Razgrom denikintsev pod Orlom; iz
zapisok kombriga. Orel, Orlovskoe knizhnoe isd-vo, 1939.
57 P. (MIRA 14:4)
(Russia--Revolution, 1917-1921)
Decentralized procedure for payment of deductions from profits.
Fin.S.%U 16 no.1:30-52 Ja 156. (XLRA 9:5)
1. Nachallaik otdola gosudarstvennykh dokhodov Moskovskogo gorod-
skogo finansovogo upravleniya (for Popov)i 2. lischal'nik sektora
gosudarstvennykh dokhodov Sokollutchaskogo rayonnogo fina-sovego
otdela Moskvy (for Konstantinopollskiy).
POPOV, G., dots.
Surgical technic In pnemonectomy. Nwich. tr. 119d. akad. Chervenkov,
Soft& I no.1:179-189 1953.
1. Predstavena ot dots. G.Popov, zave-lhdashch Katedrata po
fakultetsks khirargiia.
(LUNGS, surgery,
pnemonectomy, modified techn;-c)
,POPOV, . G.
Treatment of typhoid fever and dysentery with Soviet antibiotic@
synthomycatin and levozycatin. Sarrem. mod. Sofia 5 n0.3:55-59 1954.
1. Is 11inikata po terapiia n& vutr. bolesti. pri Keditainsksta akade-
mlia V.Chervenkov, Sof1i& (direktor: prof. A.Pakhlov) i Infektatoonoto
otdolenis pri Darzh. bolnitsa. Tirana.
(TTMOID FEVER, therapy,
(DYS31NTERY. BACILL&RY. thorapy.
(GHWRAMERICOL, therapeutic use,
.dysentery, bacillary, & typhoid fever)
POPOT,G., dots.
Obstruction of the bile ducts following duodenal fistula.
Suvrem. med., Sofia 5 no.9:91-97 1954.
1. Is Fakultetakata khirargichna klinika pri Meditainskata
aWemiia Vulko Chervenkov, Sofila. Vr. zav. katedrata: dots.
Ouomzmm. f istula.
causing biliary obstruct.)
0112 DUCTS. diseases,
obstruct. in duodenal fistula)
duodenal, with biliary, obstruct.)
PCF07, G., savezhdashch katedrata, dots.
Section of the blood vessels in pneumonectomy. Xhirarglia, Sofia
7 no-9:521-528 1954.
1. Neditsinska akademita Y.Chervankov, Sofiia. Fakultetaka
khirurgichna klinika. Zavezhdashch katedrata: dots. G.Papov.
(LUNGS. surgery
pneumonectouW, section of blood vessels)
Total gastrectomy in cancer of the lesser curvature. 17hirurgila.
Soft& 7 no-10-0586-596 1954.
1. Z&y. katedrata* dois. Yakultetska khirurgiehna klinika (for
Popov) Kurdzhiev. B., sav. katedrata: prof'. Pstologoanstoutchen
Institut Neditsinska Akademita V.Chervenkov, Sofita.
(STOUCH. neoplems,
surg., total gastrectomy in cancer of lesser curvature)
Blood picture in newborn infants at term and role of residual
blood in formation of physiologic jaundice and modification of
blood picture. Khirurgila, Sofia 8 no-3:n5-231 1955-
1. Vissh.mediteinski Inatitut V. Chervenkov-Sofila katedra po
akushorstvo I ginekologlia
picture In newborn, role of residual blood)
(INFANT. IMMORN. physiolog7.
blood picture & role of residual blood)
POPOV, G., Dots.
Ganglion blocking agents in pulmonary embolism in agonal
conditiona. Suvrem. med., Sofia 7 no.1:61-64 1956.
1. Is fakultet. khtrur. klin. pri vmi V. Chervenkov--Sofita
(Direktor: dots. G. Popov).
ganglion blocking agents In agonal states. (Bul))
(AUTONOMIC DRUGS. therapeutic use,
puls. embolism in agonal cond. (B,;'1))
Our gcobblarlsO suture and our vas~fixator in pulmonar7 surger7.
Vest.khir. 77 no.3:120-123 Kr 156. (HLRL 9:7)
1. Is fakulltatskoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (zav. - kaf. - dots.
G.Fopov) Softyalcogo V~sshego maditainakogo instituta imeni
(LUNGS. surg.
resection. cobbler's suture & vasofixator)
cobblerle suture in pulm. resecton)
(SURGERY, OPERATIVE, appar. and instruments
vasofizator in pulm. resection)
te t Sl, pi kh r r. ri T-11 V
s k n s
POPOVI G., inzh.
TI,e dome of the festival hall in Frankfur', Stroite!Btyo
11 no. 300-31 YT-Je 164.
POPOV,G., prof.
Apropos of intestinal interposition of "stomach substitution"'
following total gastrectomy. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 17 no.l:
29-37 T64-
1. Vissh maditainski :hstitut, Sof iia, k -Ltedra po khirurgichni
zaboliavaniia s urologiia. Rukovoditel: prof. G.Popov.
Frequeik-y dependerice of ignition voltage at the electrodeless dis-
charge in a toroid. Doklady BJIN 16,no.3:245-248 163.
Preparation of MgO from dolomite. Godishnik Inst khiz prou- 2:
21-29 163.
A possibility of increasing concentration of CaC12 waste so-
lutions in the production of soda by the Solvey methoa. /,,t-47
. . -. 1. 1]-- ~ '.. . ,-, ~ ",- ~ Z~:~~,--:!, ~ I -- " -,, - ~ --, ~; , .- '-~: - ., ~
POPCJV, G. (g. Krasnoyqrsk)
For agricu-1ture. HTO no-1:9 Ja '59-
(.Vr--J 12:2)
1. Predsedatell zavkoma profsoyuza Krasnoyarskogo zavoda samo-
khodnykh kombaynov.
(Krasnoyarsk--Combinee (Agricultural machinnry))
FEFILOVY V.V.; CHISTOV, I.F.; BOGOYAVISMKAYA, V.N.; Prinimali uchastiyes
fqEQYx G,.jL , rabotnik; LARINA, Ye.M., rabotnitsa; MLOVA, L.F.,
Utilization of white pigment and sewage vaters of the
Dmitrivm%k Wood Chemical Plant. Sbor.trud.TSNILKHI no.14:
60-73 16 (MIRA 16:4)
1. Dmitriyevokiy lesokhimichesXiy zavod (for Popov,, Larina,
(Makeyevka--Wood using industries-By-products)
New apparatus. Pozh.delo 9 no.lj25 Ja 163o (MM 16:1)
(Fire extinction-Chemical systems)
RathUsiasm and thrift. Za rul. 21 no.3:3 Mr 163.
(MIRA 16:1,)
1. Predsedatell soveta samodeyatellnogo sportivno-tekhni-
che5koggo kluba, Rostov-na-Donu.
(Rostov-on-Don--Motor vehicles-Societies, etc.)
KAFUSTIN., Ye.I.. kand.elcon.nauk; LAVROV,V.V.; RvYIUMIN, S.M.; KONST,21TINOV,
Yu.A.; 11ftAVDEN, DJ., kaxid.ekon.nauk; KIHILLOVA, N.I.; RIYASHEVSKAYA,
R-101YAR, I.M.3 ACIIARYJU4, V.A., kand. 'd.nauk; BRON&R, D.L.;
SHEPTUTT, Ye,V.; IMYAZIOr, V.G.; ALESIMA, F.Yu.., kand. ekon. nauk;
GUGORIYEVA, I., mladshiy red., CHEIIhJZVA, 0., tekhn. red.
(Public consumption funds and improving the welfare of the people in
the TJ.S.S.R.1Obshchestvennye fondy i rost blagosostoianiia naroda v
SSSR. Mosl-vay Sotsekgiz, 1962. 222 p. (IMIA 15:6)
(Cost and standard of living)
PETROV, Yevgeniy Apdreyevich; OVCHARUKO, Nikolay Illiah; KASATKIN, A.S.2
prof.., retsenzent; BORISOV, Ye.V., inzh,, retsenzent;-1Wff-,-GA._,_
inzb.p red.; XUZ1KIffA,'Te.M.,, red. izd-va; DOBRITSrK-A,. tekhrL.
red.; SMIRNOVA. G.V.,, te)dm. red.
[Electronic devices for the protection of workers in the machinery
industry] Elektronnye ustroistva dlia okhrany truda v mashinostroenii.
Moskva Maehgiz, 1961. 119 p. (MIRA 14'.11)
?Industrial safety) (Electronic instruments)
:' _-,,: ~ '. ~'- ~' ~-. `,11- - - ~"; -1.
- - n--fV1
';--F-O WA 12 ~ ~; n
First results. Prom. kooP. 13 no.7:25 JI '59-- ( KRA 12:10)
1,Predsedatel' favleniy-a Vtorsyri3repromsoyuza, Moskva.
(I.,scow Province-Salvage (Waste, etc.)
/Pc/)cv 6~--
KOLiSNIKOV, V.. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; POPOV. G. (Livov)
Utural loss during transportation of fruits and vogetables. Sov.torg.
no.8:47-0 Ag '57. (XLRA 10:8)
(Vegetables-1vaporation) (Fruit-1vaporation)
"The `-ntsk 'iyc!roc1cctr-;c-:-ovr-.r -~tatlion."
P. M (viddroteldradl-a I Eelioratsii, Vrl- 3, no. 1958, Sofia, J~I-J,-aria)
Yonthly Int;ex of Eas. EiirOT~ean Accerugionn (EAFFAL) L-j, Vol. 7, No. 12, DC-C 58
Ll('',( III G.
---' - - I
Inf.cmaticnal Confcrence en Water Inve3tiEatim. D. 31
K~-idrotektnika I 1-:P-1-ioratsii Vol. 3, lie. 1, 19,1~-,- Sef-J.-La Buh,--aria
NG. 10,
Monthly Index of East Blaropean Accessions (MEAJ) LC, Vol. 7,
Oct. 58
New stadium for physical culture in Zagreb.
P. 32 (STROITELSTVO) Vol. h. no. 5. 1957)
Sofiia, Bul.-aria
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EKAI) W, Vol. 7, No.3,
March 1958
Limited measures to which construction engineering can go.
P. 4 (STROITELSTVO) Vol. 4, no. 7, 1957,
Sofiia, Bulgaria
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3,
March 1958
Wa&, G. PonaL. Pr-Upj
KOLFAKOV, I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; POPOV, G.A., inzh.
Sising, cutting, and stamping machines. Mael.-zhir. prom. 25 no.7:
45-46 159. (MIRA 12:12)
(Soap industry-Squipment and supplies)
BLAZHKIN, Arkadly Timofeyevicb, prof., daktor tekhn.nauk. Prinimal
uchastiye: SKURIDIN. V.P., inzh.. POPOV, G.A., dotsent, red.;
KIRSKATA, V.V., red.izd-va; BMX&DA`VSKAYA-7-r.-Sh.,
(Principles of automatic and remote control in mining] Oanovy
rudnichnoi avtomatiki i telemakhaniki. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-
tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1959. 417 P. (MIRA 12:11)
(Mining enginearing) - (Automatic control)
(Romote control)