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POLYA'K , A.L.y luin,!,, nauk; Lhe rerfor::ance of L-:ts for d r I r, ma ch hir! ry d es 4 ~'ne ~ Iny t h:~~ A 1. -'-I'n i or, .'-jc- I.Pn t 1 f 1 c Rese z ren .1r. s --A -.,e, for the (irvm Izatlon and Mric.-Imnivfil ion of lilno (:onstruCL-lon, T-Ildy l?. POLY92-~ kwid. tekhn. nauk; NIKOLAYENKO, A. T.,, inzh.; GRIGHENKO, R. N., inzli.; BAM,', V. 11., Yand. tekhn. nau),; ISAKOV, F,. I., Insh.; STARKOV, V. I., inzh. Efficient gemetry and makes of hard alloya for the bladea of sutter loacers with a planstary-cutting actuating member. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.10:20-22 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Ukrains'dy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy inestitut organizatsii i mekbanizataii shakhtnbgo stroitellstva (for Polyak, Nikolayenko, Grichenko). 2. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut sinteticheakikh everkhtvardykh materialov i instrumentov (for Bakull, Imikaw, Starkov), (Coal mining machinery) 'GAR] ljl~u Y F -Pr;_ Uzsoki Street Hospital, II. Surgical Ward (Uzsoki Utcai Korhaz, II. sz. Sebeszeti Osztaly). "Modification of the Swenson-Type Rectum Resection." Budapest, Magyar Sbeszet, Vol XVI, No 2, May 63, pages 114-118. Abstract: [Auuhor's German summary] The author discusses 'he more com- mon complications of the Swenson-type rectum resection which induced him to work out a m.-)dification of it. Based on the relatively small number of 8 operations, it is not his intention to again evaluate the value of the Swenson technique since this was done by several authors already. The good rasults of the author show that the modification of 'he surgical technique retains the good functional results of the Swenson operation. The possibilities for error and complications in the original technique, however, are eliminated by the new method and the procedure is siriplified. 1 Hungarian, 11 Western references. POLYAK, A. L. Cand Tech Sci - (d.iss) "Study of the performance of planettary- cutting operating /ispolnitellnyy/ member for boring of mine- shafts." Khar'kov7, 1961. 21 pp with diagrams; (Ministry of Higher and Secondal-y Specialis~ Education Ukraipian SSR, Dne- propetrovsk Order of Labor Red Banner Mining Inst imeni Artem); 150 copies; free; (n , 6-61 sup, 223) NIKOLAYENY,-), A.T.; YUDITSKIY, G.I.; FOLYAK, A.L. Drilling Equipment for the of sha s and large diameter bjre- holes. UF,:)l' Ukr- 5 no.7:14-16 ii 'T. WRA 15:1) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsi-IL i mekhanizatsii shakhtnoro stroitel'stva. (Rock drills) PO.LYAK, Aleksandr Alekseyevich; kKOPYA14, G.S., otv. red.; POLTAVSKAYA, S.V., red. [The economic system of Afghanistan; essays] E-konomi- cheskii stroi kfganistana; ocherki. Hoskva, Nauka, 1964. 161 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1 4- q 0 0 0 4 0-4a 'a 4 -e A q a Silk'S'safluu; U16 )?Is "pill )2 a 28 D 14 21 a 20 V V u A- I- K CC W tl~A-A- 0 *0 Production d Mouslus "gab k6ft VP~ A- _;. 11SW fad N. S. SbcovtSilchetudwylL Nswr M. Polvah - 'rWWjFty4 losektafainjisidid 1. No. to. 7-20(11KJM~ view id the follkywing procedures is presented: (a) A re ,k-mkvm. cipts. on the c~aversion of gypsum by gaswus Nit, and COa. (h) semicom. converskm of *'PbmVbo- j gyptuill" (CJL'X)# MAN). Hoo of Crystu. 14-Sa. hysr()- I "tic HIO 2M.10. insol. nL%jjer 0,48, f4PO, O.fW isad =0 R,(h ilt(h 1.18%) obtabled In the eltn. of 1I.P0. Ift"O apatite sW)*Ied to dotution, (c) conwrtrAim ti gypsum no by a v4n. 4 (SILWO., and (d) conen. of MA115. of Nne rVicrence%. (scatkXMI. sCAIC). N A. A. NwhilinSk 04 to 10 zoo too Now. 11#1684'. 43.0"W 0.9 -till C.1 a- 444 -r-T-T--4 --V ;~ W i 4 W a 1W go div a a P If to at it X Pt tt cc it It Ko :1 1 1 a i a F-i- ins: 0 0 -10 0 00 0 00 0 0 41 0 0 & IN 40 0 IN *~W 0 * * 0 0 9 9 1* 0 0 0 JO 0 90 0 is 0 00 0 0 00000 0 0 $ ia 000 0 a 0 a 0 0 41 0 0, o 0 _e f 6 6~ se--i's 0 a 00000000000604 '09. 12 11 " n _I will **A Got 004 **a 004 041 so Mal !11 S.1c." .3, 4P.. Q.t 0."', cpg a Ow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 rio* 0e **or-0066690602 00000000000 0 00069066066:010 33 w a 41 4w 4) IA G;e 0 9 m v - a--t-7L A K lid. ?AM.. W. jjWWF COWANW WA of deft"DO&I spaulto am HN% at W. in =00 'llFr ....... &~Ms_ my . + + won -a IN" is ppid. oo at& sx~ of xaO6 see Gmbh* 41% of dm 0 as WNW&. or mOmW by wdimmt- &U=(6hr.),wdimwmWwA2%NsNC6 CaHM is ppid.. he= As exfto by addb4 CACV~ 4 W% Q t f d t M " me y o is &bid 84 W; do " w r7 rCp ' T zoo lw". a m D W~ with ift jK too@ .21kil -Offs.. -iti 0 9 26 5 a is IS 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 A POLYAK, A. M. "Semiplant Experizents with the Carbonation of (NF4)?SO4 Soliktiods in Honigmann Jkpparatue,n A. P. Belopollskiy. 1. M. Polyak, N. A. 1-lubinahteyn, F. P. Alehsand-rcv, V. V. -!~usov, Ye, F. Yablonsk-ty,.~~orks of the Sci Inst of Fert and Insectofung im Ya. V. Sampylov, 1940,130-52 pp, W.m Referat Zhur IV. No 6. pp 83 (1941) (SEE: Inst. Ingt/Fungi. in Ira. V. sqvoylov) SO: U-237/49, 8 April 1949 POLYAK, A. ~i. n-The Carbonation of NH3aNa2S!)4 "OlutiODB In tho Sodit Colurn," A.P. Belopol'skiy, AL M. Poly , Works of Sci Inst of Fart *nd Insectofung im Ta. V. Spnoylov, 19~0 No 144, pp 184-210, Khim Deferat Zhur V, No 6, Ixf) P4 (1941) (&-Z: InBt. lnxect/Pungl. in Ta. V. Samoylov) SO: U-237/49, 8 April 1949 W-L' -- ?. , - . - -.-, -:, ~KCVT~*I, -. !.-. . ~i . . 11 ~ -1. .- 1 4f , k ~,. , ". ; . ,I -. ~A:, .1. -.. POT--iAK,j A. I'1. -- --- ---- r . "Solution of Phosphates by Nitric kcid," 19:52. U-1882, 20 April 52 F~'LYAK, Arat2lly T-larkovich [Eypanding the sa-lection of fe.-. ous zetal -s in -,. .% "' T~--, ' Razvitie sortamenta chernykh metallov v r. '-'o s kv a , Metallurgiia, 1965. 215 p. S~ * (mu-~k 19:1) POLYAK, A.M... kand.tekhn.nauk 'i Present sta-w- and proapects for the vrcduct-c~n o--f Zhur,VKHO ? no.l.-5&-60' 162. 3-1 5, 3) (Chromium compounds) POLYAK, A.M., referent Italian rese-Exch organizations in ferrouO metallur [from "Iron i-nd Coal Trades Review," no. 4795, 9 I M Biul. TSIICIDI no.2:62 161. (1-URA 14:9) (Italy-44etallurgical research) PDIM A Conference on prospects for the development and tachnologiail progress in the production of chromium compounds. Zhur.VM6 6 no&3&345 161, (YMU 14:6) (Chromium compounds-Congresses) 00624 ,57 2 1/ 0,0 (A^) SOV/81-59-5-15978 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimlya, 1959, Nr 5, p 327 (USSR) AUTHORS. Polyak, A.M., Sheveleva, S.S., Uspenskaya, Z.P. TITLE, The Replacement of Hydrochloric Acid by Sulf'uric Acid in the Production of Elemental Boron%% PERIODICAL- Tr, Ural'skogo n.-i. khim. in-ta, 1957 (1958), Nr 5, pp 222-227 ABSTRACT% The results of laboratory and semi-industrial experiments are submitted which showed that in the production of elemental B by reduction of boracic acid with Mg metal. (RZhKhim, 1959, 824) for the lixidation of MgO from the sinter commercial contact H2S04 can be used (instead of HC1 acid). The cost of B is here- by reduced by 10% and working conditions are improved as a result of less gas liberated. The balance of materials in the production of B is submitted, when using H 2S04 for lixiviation. G. Rabinovich Card 1/1 5(2) ISASS 1 609 UPLOITATION 3OV/%9Id TOOsaynno" moveahchanlys 00 kMaii bore, 1955 Bari tndy Ronforestall po kh1all bore I yago so7edimenly (Boron, TrOuttactlons :f thosConf re a* on the cheadstry or boron and Its COWW*WWW ) no cow'02onakhImIsdat, 1958. )A9 V. 2mata &UP Inserted. 2,400 soples printed. IM.o S.F.' &mahimskiyj Tooh. Md.j X.S. Lar-yo. I %do book Is Intended for chealats, as well as Par ..trial poreorawl wark1mg with baron and its 80"Unds. M AGSt ftle collection contains 24 Studios an the ohoftletryj orystalline structure, physicochoalcal properties, and tashnoio" or boron am its cospounds. Twenty-two or the studies warz ;rc3anled at th. All-C.Ion 'Comforence on pon?" Chemistry, bold at the gauchno-istledowatel-okly Sitiko- b&l.toMmayatastitut In. L. Yfi. Karpovaa!3clentifla Re- marah ftral Oahe&LCAI Institute In. L. T Karpov) In % %now 900922PON' 1955- Two of these articles deal with the there,,- shealstr7 or boron. The two studies an *borunduse pro- duation are being published for the first tim. The stu-ijes are well Illustrated and accompanied by bibliographies. TANS 0 COWfMSa Borems Transactions or the Conference (Cant.) SOVA916 MM f;__70. O.9. 110mov, AVM. and L-r- DeTyat9vokaya. Boric Acid by the D*CO:pOsLtLOn of Indersklyo Berates With Mitures r 'LtrIO and 3ulruria Mids 135 L VA%*Rt"v, V-P- Processing of Borst@$ at the Airtyubinak ChAR1481 Rombinat 141 fttobYllskaya, L.D. Denmilclatlon at Certain borts are a 165 Nikolayev, A.T.. and A.G. Kurnakova. Ixtractlon Of Soria Acid 15T Jkv&i", lis- N- State Or baratem in An Aqueous Solution 162 KmpLvmr.-S.L. A Technical And toonoILL0 Comparison Of the Now Methods for boric Acid Production from DW*r$klYo barates ITO card 5/6 SOV'161 -5 9 -16 -5759-4 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 16, pp 278-279 (USSR) AUTHORS: Amirova, S.A., P21L44_'A.M~._.. TITLE: The Study of Chlorination Roasting of the Cinders of the Sulfuric Acid Industry With -the Utilization of Its Heat PERIODICAL: Tr. Uraltskogo n.-i. khim. in-ta, 1958, Nr 7, pp 217-224 ABSTRACT: Chlorination roasting is combined with the process of cooling of cinders dumped from sulfuric acid roasting kilns. For this purpose the hot cin- ders are mixed with the corresponding quantity of finely-ground NaCl. Thanks to this method the heat of the cinders coming out of the kilns is used in their chlorination treatment and chlorinated cinders are obtained directly in the sulfuric acid plants relatively simple, without consider- able capital expenditures. From the chlorinated cinders Cu, Zn and pre- cious metals are extracted by the hydrometallurgical method. The obtained product is used as raw material in the ferrous metallurgy. Chlorination roasting was carried out in the course of 0.5 - 2 hours at 350, 450 and 5500C and also under the conditions of decreasing temperature from 700 to Card 3/2 4500C. NaCl was introduced in the quantity of 10 - 20% of -the cinder - -,i,, - The Study of Chlorination Roasting of the Cinders of the Sulfuric Acid Industry With the Utilization of Its Heat weight. 'The highest degree of Cu extraction (94%) and Zn extraction (52%) was obtained in 2-hour chlorination at 5500C and an addition of 10% NaCl of the cinder weight. There are 10 references. 1 94444 4 4 f a i 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 * 0 : 10 1 04: to Al Is 14 Is 4 it W is a '1 4 14 11 it ft h I- P 9 A 1, 1 M_11 p -A 1 j #A sit w a A - , - _ "Pfs~ A The Wwk Wd "Simmem of aptift I* OWSIA &-kit- A-NAVY". J.Ciwm, litt, Fuilid -00 00 f e " Ind. (U. S. S. a.) 14, W17-170grl' f UN(h . w twit dtootupd. wills the tbtwttkzl amt. o 0 hrid cowns. betymm 2f)-W% and t-lk*, kartween 40 W efimt on an dtcou*a. Tbr 1: in the ove is 05%, o n late, the CAW l h e so . n., but it it musair4 In t Th'scl"ir. ohtxi4t~ will Isave P-W PbYs- P-4-liel- 250 300% CACCOO Na'%O~ is added to Ilk, uAll. dulins -,mupu. to ppt. the F its N"N. The Join. is th 91 dtx i ml decanted from the m4lue mA treated Will) a U4,elm m CRIM). O1 1) i C CO f C nce .11 &-8% cxcc%V o , pp 4 .. s m( with Ixww phy.. rmtwrlk.. 11w caillt). ix M'tainmt . I I t I as tba aphy- - misit, hul it l-mI- i~%Iy hydialni'l.mis %'~; 6 d I - 3 IM) i I S Coe - - t , t he filta. WAAW an fle at 90'andcontalusIC fj%6ttmtc-m,l- 1'0)b. COO ll.M. roe AS&-SLA *tlr4kt%FftMC-L 1.17fOATLAE CLAWFICAT400 j IR110"i -It 0%. Ott st a AV -0 LS a 0 0 0 IS 4 N Of a is * 0 0 0 "o e Igoe !:.*0 .~Zoq t:O 0 00 COO woo A SIR two 0 wiff vs,milit 20--r- d" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .,,P.OLYAKA.Ya... inzh.; SHCHUPAK, A.D. Study of 411-he dynamic indices of a wheel-tt-j-pe t-raact,-Yrz :;f --le 1.4 ton clai3s operating at increased speeds in excess of 9 !on./ hour. 1-bkh.i elek.sots.sellkhoz. 20 no-4:18-21 162. (1103A 15.8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Tractors) POLYAj, &.Ya-.,_, inzh.; SOLOVEYCHIK. A.G., inzh.; SHCHUPAK, A.D. First results. Yekh. i elek. sots sellkhoz. 16 no.3:18-20 '58. (YiRA 11:6) l.Vaesoyuzny7 nauchnojissledovatellakiy inetitut mekhnaizateii sellskogo lchozyaystva. (Tractors) POLYAYL, A.Ya., k-gnd.tokhn.nauk At Increased speeds. Hauka I zhizn' 27 no.12:6-11 D 16o. OCIRA 13:12) (Agricultural machinery) SOV/124- 58-2-1605 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 24 p 17 (USSR) AUTHOR: Polyak, A, Ya. TITLE: Instruments for Measurement of the Shaft Torque of Tractor and Agricultural Machines (Pribory d1ya izmereniya krut.yashchego momenta na valakh traktorov i sel' skokhozyaystvennykh mashin) PERIODICAL: V kn. - Sb. trudov po zemledell cheskoy meklianike. I~Aoscow, Sellkhozg:.z, 1954, Vol 2, pp 242-259 ABSTRACT: Requirements are defined for a torque- measuring instrument, Schematic arrangements of the instruments are compiled, and a table illustrating methods for torque measurement is given. The article describes the author's mechanical instrument wherein the torque or the peripheral force is transmitted mechanically to a connecting rod acting along the shaft axis. Three types of the c' instrument have been developed, namely, 1) for the determination of the moment transmitted through pulleys, sprocket wheels, etc, mounted, at the end of a shaft, 2) for measurements applicable to any location of pulleys and axes located butt-to-butt, and 3) for Card 1/2 the measurement of torque transmitted between coaxial. shafts, Card 2/2 POLTAK, A.Ya., lnzh.; SHCHUFAK# A.D., inzh. Increasing performance ffpee" of wheeled trnetorfs. gekb. I alek. sots. eel 'idior. no.4:4-11 '57- (MIRA 12:4) 1. VmesoyuzzV~7- nauchno-lealedovatellakiy institut makhanizateii sellskogo khomyayetva. (Tractors) NLYAK, A. YA. "Investiaation of the Poler Capacity of the C-4 Self-wFropelled Coynbire." Thesis for derree of Cand. Technical Sci. Sul, 8 Dec 50, 1-.osco-~.~ Inst for the Mechanization anti Electrification of Agriculture imeni V. 1.'.. Yclotov Summary 71, 4 Sep 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees in Scien~e ai, Engineering in Moscow in 1950. From VechernyaLE. 1,',oskva, Jan-Dec 1950. POIYAK...Aaqksandr YakD,vlevich; SIIGUPAK, Ayzik, Dav-ydovich; KOSOROTOV, B.V., red.; SOKOLOVA, H.N., tekhn. red.; OKOLELOVA, Z.F., tekhn. red. [Operation of tractor-drawn machinery units at increased speeds] Ekspluatatsiia mashinno-traktornykh agregatov na povyshennykIL skorostiakh. Moskva, Selikhozizdat, 1963. 286 p. (MIRA 17:4) POLTAKOW.A.Ye.; SMIORTSOV.S.O. Use of methanol and wther-aldehyde fractions. Gidroliz. i IeBo- khim. prom. 8 no-3:21-24 155. MRA 8:9) (Wood alcohol) (Kldehydes) ADRASHEV,G.R.9 kand.tekhn.nauk,- BARAM,Kh.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; VASIKOVSKIY,S.Ye., inzh.; VOSTaIKOV,V.A., inzh.; IVANOV,11.A., inzh.; NANYMI,G.A., inzh.; POIZAK,A.Ya., kand.tekhn.nmk; DOLTIPSKIY,V.N.,;-VO9LGV-,G.I., inzh.,red.; LEWKIN, N.N., kand. teldia.nauk, red.; PORTNOV, M.N., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; BUDIKO, V.A., rad.; THTMIA, O.N., tekhn. red. [Tractor performanco at increased speeds] Traktornyo raboty na povyshemykh shorostiakh. Moskva, Sellkhozgiz, 1961. 174 p. (MIR& 15:7) 1. Moscow. VseiioyuzrWy nauchno-inaledovatel'skiy institut me- khanizatsii aellakogo khozyaystva. (Tractors) TIV T 0 4 t 9 I 0 At It IS 014 i' I A s 1 0 46 u It 4 11 21 p J# Y) JS J9 w 31 u u 1% 1. 11 re 4. 1, it 11 11 to w - C ti L-J I Q A I - I -AA u cc Op a A 4#" , L 7L. -00 Af -00 HypoKepis: prorpertios of w4m, amd lawrt Irmithet Wmard with vegetable embeftaces. 14, IN4A h.,s 11now. Is IMArm -10 .00 Ik1 MOF(S thr I%-,AjjVV- hjj,jji.kjjV 4_111,1 I., 1-tht-ir At 000 A. zoo so roe so* 300 use )roe 0 1 a (A As 0 It Is, I* . at 0 It it 6 K ft C4 I, of , 0 0 1 00 o e 0;0 0 0 0 0 00 41 0 0 00 : : F 0 so 0 0 00 0 0 a 0 00 0 * 0 so 00 000 6e 0 Ws 00000 0 0 99 of * 0 0. dr. NISAK, Be-la, '-*:~' ~~. . I Of. C,';L Data on the "- - 105 no-42-198E-- L9B, o 18 1". , " + () " z -,q " Y - 1. ijzsoki utcO . 1 11 - sl'Lles,~a A a POLYAKt Bela, dr. . Treatment of oevere edema by peritoneal dialysis. Orv. hatil. 105 no.32%1517-1518 9 Ag 064. 1. Uzooki utcLi korhas, II. Sebesseti Osztaly. HUNGAIHY a~j- DaLpaz-t of Su~-:-e:7y (Selcaszat- 0-9ztaly) No 2, Uzsok-' Street Z.;~ 5 al i a B uc- a-,) a s -U ( Fov a x, c, 1;:,, ~; ok i uo x1h a z 115trzz,la at the Izot- Of Ulna Tonn-uall Vo 9. :.,'o 5. Oct 606; pp 29. abstract: cas--= of' Zt----a at the =ct of the tonEue is dozcribbed, which had L.he sympton-s o--:' thyraotoxic adenoma. 7ho alimination of the 5trwma was followed, after sono tir'o, by mild hypothyroosis. After describin." the case, author discvz--"z~ litorature daza relating to the embryonological and synptomatolol-ica-'. asF2,cts of the disease. in considering surgical intervention. ' h L. L L.he advantages o:' submandibular penotrat-on &re stressed. 1Z R-aferences. maLmly 1-1estern. 65 FOLYAK, Bo-ris Grigorlyevich; VAKIY,, Yevgeniy Aleksand-rovich; OVCHIMIKOVA, Yekaterine 1. i3kolayevna; AVERIYEEV, V.V.. k-and. geol.-niner. nauk, otv. red. [Hydrogeothermal conditions in the volcanic area of Kamchatka (the city of Petropavlovsk)] GidrogeoteiTnicheskie usloviia vulkanichesl,ogo raiona Kainchatki (g. Petropavlovsk). Mosk~ra, Nauka, 1965. 93 p. (EL'A -.,Q,-.9) _.~IPLYJV, B.G. ilertt c:-lpacitj ilr'~erprircxyfmal 5-az- ~-,f ~h- nr!tj-lf~- --:.. )-';,,itnr,vsk'Ly Volnaro. Dnkl. AN -,Sgii 162 r~l -646- )~'j '~,55. 1. Geologichenikiy inqtlhit AN SS9R~ Submitted November 1.,-)64. ACCESSION NRs AP4012086 8/0020/64/154/002/0329/0332 AUTKORI .TITLE: Characteristics of earth temperature field In the area of Av&cha V010=0- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dokludy*t Y. 154, no. 2, 1964, 329-332 TOPIC TAGS: volcano , esrth temperature field, earth tomper4ture, geophysics-, earth temperature measurement, magma center,, spherical center ABSTRACT: Earth temperature field T around a spherical magma'center has been studied, using the formula T = U(x,y,z) +-B. + 0; z being :the depth, U(x,y,z) the funotlo'u expressing the dirtarbance of the Iearth temperature field b the magma center, B the regional goo -thermal gradient (35 0/XmTr and 0 the temperature of the lower limit, of-the yearly temperature cycle zone. The heating effeat of the magma center Is found-to be practically perceptible at distances not .exceeding 12-15 ka, for.Its depths of-5 and 8 ka-and4or Its surf&** cc" 1/2 POLYAK, B.G. Geothermal gradient of the Russian Platform. Trudy Lab.gidrogeoi.- Probl. 42:25-35 162. (KRA 15:8) (Russian Platform-Earth temperature) (Russian Platform-Water, Underground) NAUDENOVA., V.I.;_RQVTAK, B_,G Geothermal conditions in the Volga-Ural region. Trudy Lab.- gidrogeol.probl. 42:36-42 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Volga-Ural region--Earth temperature) (Volga-Ural region--Water underground) S/169/61/000/009/007/056 D228/D304 AUTHOR: WxW4jL-_G- TITLIC: The variability of the geothermal gradient FERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. - -Geofiziks, no. 9, 1961, 11, abstract 9A81 (V ab. Materialy k V Konferentaii mladsh. gotrodn. i aspirantov. Labor. gidrogeol. problem AN SSSB~ M., 1960t 38-42) TEXT: The magnitude of the geothermal gradient in, on the whole, de- termined by three factors: structural-tectonic, lithologleg and hydro- dynamic. The first fuctor reflects differences in the distribution of heat sonrces~ and the other two determine the conditions of beat propagam- tion. The character of a platform's geothermal field chiefly reflects V/ the influence of the hydrodynamic factor. On the formation of a field in the alpine foredeep zone, apart from dynamics, a considerable role in played by the increase in the electroconductivity of rocks in consequence of their gravitational compaction. This is possibly the result of exo- thermic processes in rocks. fAbstracter's note: Complete translation-3 Card 1/1 POLYAKJ, B.G. Character of the geothermal field in the region of the Avacha Volca-io. Dokl. AN SSSR 1-54 no.2:329-332 Ja'64. (MIRA 17~-~2) 1. Predstav1pno akadev-i~kom Ij,!. Shc-herbakovym. L 09102-67 EWT (1 OW ACC NR, A11,7002372 SOURCE -60DF,.-~ii/(:~)iO/66/i6d/001/017b/C)172~~ AUTHOR: Polyak. B. G.; Smir-nov. Ya. B. ORG: Institute of Geology,. AN SSSR (Geologichookiy institut AN SSSR) TITIE,: UO-11turlux on the continents SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, ir. 168, no. 1, 1966, 170-172 TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamics, physical geology ABSTRACT: The most recent Literature on the heat flux on the continents is roviowed and tho rosulto of statistical proooesing of empirical di-atri- butions are su=uLrized in Table I* Table 1 P Dentiminta Tonnovoro no-fo;jn D 06MOTOX C PnW111'1111411 Volpl=008 TCHTOMM vnnnnnro MICA, q) 4" Min Mal a PIMPGAMCIMPI CISTOrefic N I 34 1 1 1) A01tem6plifirot"A 73 510 0 60 1 M (1:05 0.05 0 to 11OPM.'nuilldi I* 14) 11nneo3oficiffirl 70 62 0:60 2:24 1 28 t,25 0:33 0 M03030ficitiIii 24 24 1,00 2,12 1148 1,48 0,34 4) 14411080iox"fi t04 81 0,37 3,60 1,78 0,74 11* y(matiounou ':'I) y4ues heat flux in regions with different age of toctiM~~nDOia. .2 UDC: 550.36+551. L 09102-67 FACC'-NR:--AP7002-3-72----- .2) Age of tectogenosi.9; 3) Precambrian; 4) Palcozoic; 5) Mesozoic; 6) Cenozoic;,-7) Number of observations~ 6) Value of heat flux in ~tcal/cm,2-sec--9)-Distribition law; 10 Normal; 11) Not eutablishode'' 11 " total; n - analyzedo. .1 These data indicate that the heat flux 41 in regions with differ-'. ent age of tectogenesis is differento It was pasisible to determdne the area si of each of the considered regions. The region of Precambrian folding on the continents constitutes 64.2% of the total area S of the ,continentst Paleozoic - 14.7%o Mesozoic -~- 7,,5% and Genozoic - 13.6%0 T~ese data make it possible to compute the mean weighted value of the cheat flux on the continents j from the relation q Cal/cm2*eec* The total heat loss through the continents (S - I.4.8-lWcm2) is equal Q - 1.70*1012 eel/see - 7911*1019 ergs/see*'; This paper was presented by Academician A. L. Yanshin on 4 February 1966. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. EJFRS: 37,7101 SUB CODE: 08 / SUBM DATE: 05Kov65 / ORIG PZ~: 007 / OTH REF: 013 0 not 28(l) AUTHORt Polyak, 3. 1. SOV/131-59-6-11/15 TITLE: Mechanization of Brick Feeding for Repairing Rotary Furnaces (Mekhanizatsiya podachi kirpicha pri remonte vrashchayushchikhsya pechey) PERIODICALt Ogneupory, 1959, Nr 6, pp 282-284 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A simple and reliable solution of this problem was found by the working Collective of the new department for magnesite powder of' the works "Magnezit". In the furnaces 90 m long and 35 m in diameter, several.hatches were built through which bricks are conveyed by means of a console link-belt conveyor. The conveyor was designed by )h. A. Kuzneteov, and is shown in figures 1 and 2,followed by a detailed description. Inside the furnace the bricks are transported by means of a roller conveyor from the hatch to the working place, that is over a distance of from 3 - 5 meters. The weight of the conveyor amounts to 220 kg and its performance is 14 t/h. In the works "Magnezit" such conveyors are also used for repairing stack furnaces and also in building. There are Card 1/1 2 figures. ACC NRi AT6030'939 SOURCE CODE: -UR/0OOO/66/OOO/WtO/'O178/0202 AUT MORS: Polyak, B. I,; Poliib~arinovp D. N.; Balkevich,, V. Lo ORG: none TITLE: Conditions for direct thermoelectric firing of silicon carbide heating elements SOURCE: liauchno-tekhnichoskoye ob~hchostvo chornoy metallurgii. Moskovskoye pravlaniye. Vysokoogneuporn;77e materialy (Highly refraotory materials). Moscow, !zd-vo Motallurgiya, 1966, 178-202 TOPIC TAGS: silicon carbide, electric device, electric equipment ABSTRACT: The conditions for direct thermoelectric firing of moist ~Lnd plastic silicon carbide heating elements were studied. The study supplements the results of A. D. Svonchanskiy (Elektxichoskiye pronyshlonnyye pechi. Ch. I, Gosenergoizdat, 1958). Properties of specimens made from five different initial mixtures were investigated. Four of the mdxtures were prepared by a plastic compression technique, and the remaining one by a vibration technique. The optimum composition of specimens and the voltage and current during thermoelectric firing were determined. The re- sults are tabulated. An x-ray and microstructural analysis of the specimens was carried out. The experimental results are shown graphically,, and a schematic of the Card 1/3 ACC NRt AT6036939 -50 - TI CO 40' -JD -20- UZ 0'. V' 91 I Fy Adw *W ZWO ZO Tempdra i Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Schematic of cross section of Free energy change for the firing zone. 1 silicon car-, system Si-O-C; dashed line: bide element; 2 firing our- overall reaction Plus;. 3 filler ia, 2/3 ,k C C__N_ R-a- AT6036939 specimen firing cross section is presented (soo Fig. 1). The behavior of different fillers during firing was studied. The study was carried out after the method of V. P. Yelyutin, Yu. A. Pavlov, and B. Yo. Levin (Forrosplavy, 14etallurgizdat, 1951). The results are shown graphically (see Fig. 2). It was f-;~nej that thermoelectric firing of silicon carbide elements yields a strong monoliWic material. The com- position of the complete2y fired material consists mainly of hexagonal silicon car- bide, some cubio silicon carbide, and unreacted components. It is concluded that, to insure a high quality of product, the firing of each element must be individually controlled. Orig. art. hass 9 tables, 10 graphs, and 4 equations. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE : OZNov65/ ORIG RXF; 016/ OTH W: 001 CQrd ODE ---76-6-o-576-6[6-5-o7m--O/o-- ACC NR, v6036940 SOURCE C i uR 2oiTw AUTHORS: Polyak) B. 1.; Kudryavtsov, P. N, ORG: none TITLE:- Simple tubular silicon carbide electric heater and its properties SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo chernoy metallorgii. Moskovskove pravlaniye. 'iy&okowgneupurnyye materialy (Highly refractory mat---.ia-L:,,) .M--17. Izd-vo Metallurgiyal 1966, 203-212 TOPIC TAGS: silicon carbide, electric device, electric equipment ABSTRACT: The construction and properties of uniform-diameter, simple, tubular silicon carbide electric heaters are described. The description supplements that (Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1963, No. 22, 29). Porosity, specific electrical resistivity, surface temperature, voltage drop, and chemical composition of the heaters are presented in graphs and tables (sea Fig. 1). It is concluded that the developed si4le tubular heaters have all the desired properties to render them suitable fc?r industrial applications. ACC NR, AXbuJOY4u Fig. 1. Dependence of surface temperature on the surface of 25/14-mm electric heater on the current flow (for two experimental series). 1 3k maximam, deviation, 2 minimum . 4 0 3 .. 1st series; :4 2nd lop 0 aeries -0 0.-4 so so W U0, zw LID 140M G uF Orig. art. has: 6 tablos afid75 graphg. SUB CODSs SUB14 DATE: 02Nov65/ ORIG REF3 002/ OTH REF: 001 ACC NRi AUTHORS: Balkevich, V. L.; -.Folyak, B. Al. ORG: none SOURCE CODE; UR/OOOo/66/OOO/0OO/O2l3/O22O TITLE: High-density carborundum electrical heaters SOUFLE: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo chernoy metallurgii. Moskovskoye pravleniye. Vysokoogneupornyye materialy (Highly refractory materials). Moscow, Izd-vo Metallurgiyu, 1966, 213-220 TOPIC TAGS: carborunduml electric device, electric energy, electric equipment ABSTRACT: The electrical and mechanical properties of carborundum electrical heaters were studied as a function of the grain size composition of the initial materials. Mixtures consisting of three sizes were investigated. The chemical composition, density, porosity, moisture content, and electrical resistance of the carborundum, heaters were determined. The experimental results are sunLnarized in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). It was found that carborundum heaters made of tri-fractional mixtures exhibit higher densities., greater mechanical strength, and more stable electrical characteristics than those of two-fractional mixtures. it 43 44. N C, Z, Vs-.-t-, ~43 . 're 1 t p.Lnce,- ojjjjf' 03 43 . 07 (dj- - LSO ojj~r 'b Fig. 1. Elec trical resistanc; of heaters after thermoelectri c firing (a) and after metallization (b), (length - 540 mm, diameter 25 rmn,). I - contrd. Voltage 80 V; 11 - 85 v; III - 90 v; 1 - mass- produced specimens; 2 - laboratory specimens (250 pieces) ACC NR, AT6036941 Orig. art. has: 5 tables and I graph. SUB CODE: IS 0q, /I/STJBM DATE: 02Nov65/ Card ORIG REF: 002 Prof, Col Med Serv. IOLY~K "Surgical Treatment and Healing of E~q)erimental Penetrating Wounds of the Corneal' Vestnik Oftalmologii, Yo 2, 1111ar-A-pr 15 1948. Chair of Ophtalmalogy; Mil Med Acad iml Kirov. POLYAK, B. L. 42739. POLYAK, B. L. 0 Klassifikatsii Pervichnoy GlaukovV. Oftalmol. Zhurnal, 1948, No 3. s. 104-10 SO: Letopi3l Zhurnallrjykli Statey, Vol. 7. 1949 F t^,, D ~ J!, , -~ . L. -, .~Z, 74C . Ff P"If, Yc 3. C FITT-Zirbta J-."';ruLiona "yy 1 ta- 7!,,- s I '/hurnal Invir" 7 POLYAK, '-R. L. PULYk-v, 3. L. "Pin,-.,--rs for inserting corneal stitches", zh,.rrA!, 1948, No. 4, -D. 280. SO: U-3042, 11 Mprch 53, (Letopis Inykh Statay, Yio. 10, 19419). POLYAK, B.L.; CHUTIO, K.B. (Gontoscopy In glaacoma and in foreign bodies in the anterior chamber] 0 gonioskopii pri glaukome i pri inorodnykh telakh v uglu peredaei kamery. Vest.oft. 29 no.2:26-3i xr-Ap '50. (cm 19:1) 1. Of the Derjartment of Ophthalmalogy (Head -- Prof. VA.Fo- lyak, Colonel., Medical Corps) of the Military Medical AcadeuW imeni S.H.Kirov. V. GjaucOMa c .ricence in glaucoma. its therep ut ~~c u "Benzam on w c!ovie' niotic prepaml- Vest. oft. 21, 110. 1) 1952. 9. jj~ List af RusE;ian Accessions, Library of Congressy -Aor-*.! 1:52- J~~, Uncl. MSR/Medicine - Nev Drugs Jan 52 Glaucoma "New Soviet Miotic Preparation.Benzamon and its Medical Significance in Glaucoma," Prof B.L. Pol- yak, V.V. Valkov, Mil Med Acad imeni S.M. Kirov "Vestnik Oftalmol" Vol =, No 1, pp 18-21 The new Soviet miotic banzamon is similar to fura- mon in its effect upon glaucoma. It is not in- ferior to -bilocarpine (which has to be imported) and even occasionally surpasses its effectiveness. Benzamon is preferable to furamon because its syn- thesis does not require the use of iodine and USSR/Medicine - New Drugs (Contd) Jan 52 because the cost of its manuf is half that of fura- mon. Benzamon is not hygroscopic and is therefore easy and handle. It is advisable to shift from the produc'tion of furamon (which now replaces pilocarpine in the MSE to a large extent) to that of benzamon. 207T71 VA - 7~ ~i~ I I Eve - Sur~~--rv 3xclusion of the iris In "he hea-1--ic of exp-l-rimental panetrat-ng corneal --~Lnds var'oi'.~s surgical methods. Vast. oft. 31 No. 2, 1~1,52. 9. Monthl List of Russitm Accessions, Library of Congress, -dune -L,~52. Uncl. POLYAK. B.L.;RELI, L.M. Trepanocyclodittlysia In glaucoma. Vest. oft., goskva 31 no.6:11-17 Nov-Dec 1952. (CIXL 23:4) 1. Professor for Polyak. 2. Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov. POLUK, B.L., polkovnik maditsinskoy sluzhby, professor Issions of tht eyes Induced by penetrating radiation. Voen.-med. shure no*9:13--16 3 155. (MLRA 9:9) (AYR-11OUNDS AND INJURIBS) (RADIATION-PlITSIOLOGICAL W7BOT) POLYAK. B.L., By@ injuries f-rom atomic explosion In Hiroshima and Nagasaki; review of foreign literature. Vest.oft. 34 no.6:38-45 N-D '55. (MLRA 9:1) (ATOMIC WARFARE, eye, Inj. in Hiroshima & (MR. wounds and injuries. atomic explosion inj. in POLYAK, B T. "Burns of the Organs of Vision and Theix Stage Therapy," p. 42 Military Medicine 195~-~ lecture delivered at a conference of Soviet military physicians at the Military Academy !%Iedicine im. S.M. Kirov, I-eningrad, 2C-October - 2 !:&v 11 f,.C) "Burns of tile Organs 01, vision and Their Stage Therapy) Theses Of tile jeports of thl.: ScJelt,fir- Session Of th,--. jji1Jtory z , I K -rov, v lz)u.:Ilnoy Medical A.,adcmy im. 3. M. _j .r~--Zi5y JUKUK.L-U- 1956, Leningrad . GAIANIX, N.Y., polkovnik meditainskoy aluzhby, professor L-kkLYAK, B.L. polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, professor; VOLKOV, -V-.V-.-. MT10't me(litainakikh nauk; ZRICHAGIN. V.I., kandidat maditsinakikh aauk- NEDVIM. V.1., kandidat meditsinskikh neuk -~e Voiking conditiona of radar operators and possiblo means of preventing general and visual fatigue. Voon.-med.zhur. no.9:28-32 S 156. (KIRA 100) 1. Chlen-korrespondnet ANN SSSR (for Galanin) (SIECTRICITY--PHYSIOLOGICAL XMCT) (RADAR-HYGDO110 ASPECTS) (IM-CARE AND HYGIENS) POLYAK, BORIS LIVOVI,~if 340.312 - P7 1957 Voyenno-polevaya. oftilmologiya; boyevvye povrezhdaniya organa zreniya; dlya vrarhey oftalmologov Field--station ophthalmology: comb;.t injuries to the eye; for ophthalmologists lzd. 2, dop. Leningrad, Medgiz, Leningrad-skoys Otdoloniye, 1957. 387 P. illus., Diagr.,;., t-ibles. "Literaturall: P- 32C)-338 017~10) SOV/1-/7-58-4-2/72 AUTHOR: Polyak, B.L., Colonel of the Medical Corps, Professor TITLE: Special Features o1' the Course in Injuries and Burns of the Elye, Complicated by Radiation Disease (Oso- bennosti techeniya raneniy i ozhogov organa zreniya, oslozhnonnykh luchevoy bolezn"yu) PERIODICAL: Voyenno--meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958,- Nr 4, pp 8-11 (USSSR) ABSTRACT: Many pkitsicians, including A.S. Rovnov (1955), A.N.Ber- kutov (1956), G.T. Golikov (1957) and P.I. Atavin (1957), have experimentally proved that the healing of wounds -2.n radiated animals is complicated by the develop- ment of a wound infection, especially during the climax period, i.e. 2-3 weeks after affection. This fact raised the question whether radiation disease influences also the healing process of wounds and burns of the eye. The author reports on many animal experiments concerning this problem, performed during the past years at the Card 1/4 SOV/177-58-11-2/~-2 Features of the Course in Injuri's and 3urns of the Eye, Complicated by Radiation Disease Voyenno-meditsinsk.Va ordena Lenina akademiya imeni S. 1M. Kirova (Llilitar3, Medical Order of Lenin Academy imeni Kirov). Based on experiments on ra'jbits and dogs, A.I. Gorban!concludes that: a) the h~~;aling of ragged-penetrating injuries of the cornea wi thout U U surgical treatment takes the same course in radiated rabbits as in the control rabbits; b) a transparent suture on. injuries of the cornea of radiated rabbits, stitched after 24 hours (i.e. in the latent period of the radiation disease) helps to dev6lop the same tight and. stable sear as in control experiments. P.V. Preo-orazhenskiy, A.P. Belousov, N.S. Dzhavadyan,,.,-. V.N. Li-osubov, L.F. Orkodashvili and A.N.Pokrovskly/.'' concluded that suturation on the cornea may also be successful in patients who were exposed to lbnizing radiation. V.A. Zakharov examined the healinC of Card 2/4 SPOCIL11 VOAWL'WI OV 010 00in-fio In I.-nJuriop, and 31urno of tllo-, 1-~yo' Complicated by Radiation Disease. the wound after enucleation of an eye of a radilaLed `.ch did not much differ from the healinC of animal wh wounds in the control rabbits. V.S. Krasnovidov and O..'t. Dzhalianbvili experimon tally invostigated.the prophylax:1-s and treatment of purulent complicarions in infectod vounds oIL the eye in radiated animals. The data obtained have proved that the effectiveness of antibiotics is insufficient, so that the problem of fighting against infections in. injuries of the eye, complicated by radiation disease, is to be considered unsolved. 11'xDeriments performed by P.I. Lebekhov concernIntE UI-e feat~,~res of the course of thermal burns 'i a 11 of the eye in rra tion d_,L~ease have proved that second-degree t'_-Iermal burns of the cornea in radiated rabbits have t1h.e same course as those in control ani- mals. ln more seriou.9 burns, the healing is often Card 3/4 Special Features of the Course in injuries and Burns of t"he Eye, U Complicated by Radiation Disease. accompanied by secondary infect,-ions in the burnt cornea, thus sha-i-ply aggravating the healing. I. S.. Shimkhovich studied the effect of blood transfusion as.a stimulator of resoluting intraocular hemorrhage in contusions or injuries of the eye. His vxperiments on an experimental hyphema. gave evidence of the good healing effect of blood transfusions in radiation disease. Based on experiments, V.V. VQlkov demonstrated that wounds of the palpebra, the conjunctiva and the cornea, infected by radioactive phosphorus have a more serious course than those of non-infected wounds. It has been proved clinically and pathologically chat a slqrply pronounced and dural.-Ile inflammation reaction and hamorrhage in tissues adjacent to the wound with foilowing destruction and atro-hy of these tissues is characteristic for in- .P fected wounds. In this case surgical treatment prevents further .-omplications. There is I diagram and 1 Soviet Card 4/4 reference, 17(8) SOV/177-58-11-22/50 AUTHORS: Pcly4k,_B_._L., Professor, Colonel of the Medical Corps, --Za_v__1y~iov, I.A., Lieutenant-Colonel of the Medical Corps TITLE: A 'New Powerful Electromagnet for Field Use PERIODICAL: Voyenno-med.*tsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 11, Pp 65 - 68 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut meditsinskogo instrumentariya i oborudovaniya (All- Union Scientific-Research Institute for Medical In- struments and Equipment) and the Tsentrallnoye kon- struktorskoye byuro Minzdrava SSSR (Central Design Office of the USSR Ministry of Public Health), in cooperation with Professor B.L. Polyak, designed a new powerful electromagnet which is able to extract ffiagnotic foreign bodies from the eye even when they are already fixed in the eye's tissues. In such cases it will be used instead of the "Magniko" type magnet. Card 1/3 The new magnet was tested in the eye clinic of the SOV/177-58-11-22/50 A New Powerful Electromagnet for Field Use Card 2/3 Voyenno-meditsinskaya ordena Lenina akademiya imeni S.M. Kirova (Military-Medical Academy of the Lenin Order imeni S.M. Kirov) Z_Ref 1 7. The new magnet can bo dis-assembled and put in7to 2 special cases. This makes it suitable for use in the field. The elect%,omagnet (Figure 1) consists of the following fundamental parts: the base of the support with a column (1), the suspension system of the magnet (2), counterweight (3), electromagnet (4), pedal (5) with a power sivitch and a switch, and a box with feeding block (6). The support of the electromagnet can be fastened to the head - of an operation table. The authors carried ouo a relative evaluation of the capacity of three magnets: the powerful field electromagnet, the powerful interpolar electromagnet and the constant I'Magnikoll type magnet. The results (Table 1) show that the new electromagnet in its capacity considerably surpasses the Magniko and does not lag behind the interpolar electromagnet. POLYAK, B.L., prof. A Bet of apto*.,7pes for the determination of vinal acuity below.0.1. Oft zhur 14 no.1:3-4 '59. (IM& 12:6) 1. Kafedra oftallmologil Voyenno-meditainakoy ordena Lenina akademli tmeml S.T. T-1 (ITI, A-v?tK?An7X U':k POLYAK, B.L. Hundredth annIversary of the 72 no.2:50-51 Xr-A-p '59. (B I~)GRAPH IBS Belliarminov, birth of L.G. Belliaminov. Vect.oft. (M IRA 12:4) Leonid G. (Rus)) FOLYAK, B. L. (Prof . , Col . or tlic. mod. svi-v. ) "Injuries to the Organ Of Sight Affected by Penetrating Radiation" Voyerino- meditsinskiy zhurnal, No. 0/, 1955, PP-i- 13-16 Sunumry--550053 POTLYAK, B. L. an'd 1'. IV' . "The h-eatiwnt of' Eye Burns ". Voyeenno Yieditsinskiy Zhurnal, No. 4, 1962 _~ ~LA~ B. L., prof.; GORBAN', A. I. Method of biomicroscopie examination of the eye. Vest. O~t. no.2:18-24 '62. (MIRA 15:4J (OPHTHAIMOSCOPY) POLYAK, B.L., prof. Passov's operation and its modification (sector conjunctivoto--y) in chefflical and thermal burns of the eye. '7est.oft. no.6:32- 37 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Kafedra oftallmologii Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina alcademii imend S.M. Kirova. (EY3-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (OONJUIqGTIVA--SURGERY) (BURNS AND SCALDS) POLY&Kp B.L., professor; KRASNOVIDOV, V.S., kand.meditsinskikh nauk , 5 f- ~W-,; -:: ~.t, - - ~- - - Virus diseamis of the conjunctiva and cornea. Oft. zhur. 15 no.5: 299-308 160. (MIRA 13:9) I. Iz kafedry oftallmologii (nachallnik - prof. B.L. Folyak) Voyenno- meditsinskoy ordena, Lenina akademii im. S.M. Kirova. (CONUNCTIVA-DISEASES) (CORNEA-DISEASES) ,_POLYAK9 B.L.9 prof. wDiseases of -the lacrimal organs and their treatmentm by N.IA. Pokhisov, Reviewed by B.L. Poliak. Oft. zhur. 15 no. 6:378?w3SO 160. (LAMDLAL ORGANS-DISEASES) (POKRISOV9 N.I*A.) (KERA 13s!0) r )40-7. Konveyerizats-55- nrassov -rh tse!.hov t51f. CA (1z praAilki olouvinoy fn-ri'd iio. 9, S. SO: Knizhuaya, Lcto,)is', Vo"-,. by sonvww d r 11140, 9, 6 Tra~~,&Mkm see A R t a -A. I A L a. it r !.1 -11 It'. 1_1 -A. j AA 0 U 10 Up k so so '00 &rMS is 9 vow prommomm of .%~r qm%W by the 00 eat". ziftASUP4 IAII. 4, 11* OtHi4m; J: *0 0 I't so jr Hi I -To "feet l(IF rittars 4-ml-d It dm* swA muflkv SnerrlY to 1W)iMell I Vmr 110 so A ard as cam"itlig ilq*M. It Ito a ps mlolL, %sort-.4. 00 Kh Sov twelwall, it i. mostitments gwb do Nits, M or h 00 Iw(ttr to voudw use of 2 eve bumts, in Otte at which cirr -00 -00 Oil alld. I" 111or 04her. water is ISKA as %N-61fillifix liquid. 00 W. T. flail .00i J*a =OG coo 00 re 0 00 so 0 atr to It A SITAMOSKAt &IT11161,02 CLOWK&SWO I P. I Use __7 !woo Cow 0.1 11,10410 gp~v 'I, Aov 'I I _11MA U Up mu v OF 9 AD 0 2 Q_T_ of a a 6 x a n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 000 0 : : : : 00 0 0- 0 0 4b 000 Goes POLYAK, B.T. (Hook-va) Some techn~qu-ss for improving the convergence of iterative methods. Zhu:,,. vych. mat. i mat. fiz, 4 no.5,791-803 3-0 164. (MIRA 1?~,12) POLYAK, B.T. (14oskva.) Gradient methods of solving equations and -Jneq-ualI.tie5, Zlhur. vych. mat. i mat. fiz. 4 no.6:991 !.'-T-') 164. 118:2) L .18333-63 W(41)/'FCC(W)/*BDS A"TC/IJP(C) F9-4' ACCESSICK MR: AP3004955 8/0208/6/003/004/0"3/0653 ANNOR: Polyak. S. T.-.' iiscow) q _3 6 TITLE: Gradient methoisfhr mininizAng functional@ -SOURCE: Zhurnal vy*chiml. matematiki L matemstich. fiziki, v. 3, no. 4. 1963 643-653 TOPIC TAGS: Hilbert sp'aco, minimum of functional, steepest descent, gradient method ABSTRACT: Iet f(x) be a functional given on the (real) Hilbert space H. The author In interested in finding its minimal value f* - inf f(x) and some mini- mizing point x* (if it ex7*sts), f(x*) - f*. He assumes that the functional is, continuously differentiable, i. e., for any x,y (z+y) =/(z) +(h(4,. 9) + 0 where h(x)f H the gradient of the function f(x) at the point x in assumed Card 1/8 L 18533-63 I ACM88109 M: AP3004955 -7 .to depand continuously-on x. Gradient methods of minim- zation consist of con~- structing a minimizing sequence O*xl, ... 1,xftp.*. by the formula iewl (2) The size of the stop of, _%.0 can be chosen by various methods. Thus, for the n - method of staple iteratim const. For the method of steepest descent, CC is chosen so as to minim nze the functional at each step, i.e., Ocn realizes.' U the minimum ty (CX f (,xn -cy-h(xn)). In the case where f (x) is a quadratic functional, problem of minimization is equivalent to solution of the linear equation h(x) 0. ln*tlte majority of research In this area, the problem for the -extremum is considered sa auxiliary with respect to the solving of the equation h(x) - 0. Therefore the conditions of convergence are expressed in the form of conditions on h(x). The: author uses another approach; the problem of the extremum to considered tasic. while the equation h(x) 0 is simply a necessary ,.conditionfDr the extremun. The theorems of this paper are as follows: .'Theorem 1. - Let Z be a**topological space, f(z) be a continuous functional on it, IP be an operator mappiall 4.into Z, f(Pz) f(z), and f(Pz) be a semicontinuous Card 2/8 sa C 111 f y I (j W f /.,,0 1, a r f f.. F L.185334ltt AOCUSIM M AP3004955 0 jikj~ pso'~'1