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Si-Al fast switching diodes. Przppl elektroniki 3 nc. 5:256-21&-l.
It, 162
Trichlormth7lome anesthesia. Foolki )rzegl. chir. 32 no.11:
iO67-1071 160,,
1. Z Mi*Jokiego Szpitalm. Chirurgii. Urazowej w Warmawis Dyrektor:
dr Z, Doke.
(TRICHUMOETHYLENE anesth & analg)
MM, Zenon; POITORAX, Lech-
The treatment of -pathological fractures resnitiug from tumors.
GhIr. narz. ruchu 13 no.2.-121-127 1958.
1. Z Miejskiego '.;zpitala Chirurgii Urazowej w Wars2awis D.Yrektor:
dr Z. Deka. Warsisawa, u1. Palawalm 48 in. 11.
(BONN AND 13ONS, neoplasms
causing fract., surg. ther (Pol))
(DACTUMN, etiology & pathogenesis
bone twors causing fract., surg. ther. (Pol))
IM, Zenon; POLTORAK, Lech; RIZEWSKA, Alicja
Studies on prevention of tetanus with the aid of si=ltaneoun
applimtion of anti-tetanun nerum and totamin nnatoxin. Polski
przegl. chir. 31 no-1:3-14 Jan 59.
1. Z Hiejskiego Szpitala Chirurgii Urazowej w Warszawie Dvrektor:
dr Z. Delm i z Zakladu Bndania Surowic i Sactepionek PZH w Warszawie
Merownik: prof, dr H. Melsel. Adren autora; Warszawa 12, u1. Pulawska
(MAIMS, prev. & control.
anjitoxin & immune serum, simultaneous application (Pol))
Anesthesia in t:mumatic surgery with special reference to
anesthesia In transtrochanteric and neck fractures of the
femar. Chir.nar:.r.ruchu ortop.polska 25 no.6:561- 567 160.
1. Z Hiejskiego Szpitala Chirargii Urazovej w Warszavie,
Dyrektor: dr Z. Deka.
(FEMUR NECK fract & disloc)
(FEMUR fract & disloc)
(BARBITURATES anesth & analg)
(MEPERIDINE anesth & analg)
[Advanced Practices of the Moscow Automated Bakel-y NO-151
Peredovoi opyt Moskovskogo khlebozavoda. - av-tomata No.15.
Moskva, TSentr. :Ln-t nauchno-tekhn, informatsii pishche-
voi promyshl., 1963. 62 p. OURA 17:10)
POLTOMK. G. [P.oltorak,
Ide are using slag ~,Incks naae by ourselves. Sillbud. 9 nr.?:15
JI '59- Nilu- 12-9)
1. Tel-ffinichniy kerivnik Novo-Kirgorodslkoi mlzbkolgnspnoi budivel-
noi orpinizataii Kirovogrado'kol oblasti.
(Novyy Mirgnrnd--~Building blockR)
1. KOBO=E Y, N. I. : -0 LTO-,~AK, Ci.
2. ussu (6co)
1~. Entropy
7. Thermodynamics of 11 ensembles" and theoretical ba-sis for entropy re,--ulavi[JeS. I~art 1.
Application to chendcal proceS3eS. Zhur. fiz. khim. 216 no. 10. 1~52.
9. Vorithly List of ..ussian .Lccessions, Library of -ongr-ss, --arch 1-.:53. Unclassifiz!d.
rm active roras of the cathodic hydrogen and the stationary state of the
polarized cathode. Zhur. Yls. IMS-17, 599-606 153, (YLRA 6:5)
(dA 4~ no.21:iIO49 153)
1. N.V. Loisonosov State Univ., Moscow.
7w 1
ta - ~ , , W, - -1 .".
tidliam .i6i ar.~ ftltd.
bf iiiiiato'M disalar, d6
- I I -- po(;T-b PI rl KI c, - ("VI ~
Category USSR/Optics - Physical Optics K-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957,No 2388
Author Poltorak, O.M., Lavrov, A.V.
BERTe-Traiversity, USSR
Inst IEiscow
Title On the Structure of the Glow Center of Crystal Phosphors
Orig Pub Zh, fiz. kbimii, 1955, 29, No 7, 1254-1264
Abstract The fluctuation-analysis method, developed by N.I. Kobozev (Zh. fiz. khimii,
1939, 13, 1; Uch. zap. mGu, 1946, no 86, Dk 1, L3, No 1) for the determination
of the structure of active centers, is applicable to the investigation of the
glow centers of crystELI phosphors. The authors propose that the crystal con-
sists of blocks, each containing p atoms or molecules of the base Lind a atoms
or ions of the activator. The combination of p + n is the glow center. The
following equations:
A/c mconst. exp, (-PC) (1)
and A/Amx - ~ exp (1 - 10 ) P-)
are obtained, where A.iB the activity of phsophor, gauged by the glow brightness
in the maximumIradiation band, Amax Is them-cimum of A at the optimum value
of the' activator concentration 2., Pw cp'-is the-average number of atoms (ions)
of the activator in one block. Using experimental values of A and c in equation
A A..
Activation energy of the hydrogen-ion discharge and tho absolute
potential in electrochemical kinetics. Zhur.fiz.khim. 29 no.12:
2249-2255 D 155. (MLRA 9:5)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstwennyy universitet Imeni N.V. Lomonosova.
(Hydrogen) (Zlectrochomistry)
Ca-rd 1/2 -8-
USZO/Mysical Chemistry - Ele--tmchene-stry. B-151
Abs Jia--*. Referat. Zhurnal Mimiya, N^- 2, 1958, 396r.
Theae cuxves of the majority of cathodes (W, Mo, Ta, Pd, Cu,
for a short time polarized Pd) are situated above the theoreti-
cal curve (i.e., the carve of discharge process of a cmdenser,
the capacity of which equals the capacity of the double layer),
the curves of some cithodes (Pb, an) are near the theoreticall,
and sometimes they wre belaw the latter (Pd polarized for a
long time, Pd poisoned with corrosive sublimate, Pt. Fe). Basing
on the analysis of Paperimental dependences of log it)
and their comparison with theoretical, the authors arrive at the
conclusion that the presence of atomic hyd-rogen on polarized
cathodes in concentrations above the equilibrium concentiations
is the most usual case.
Card 2/2 -9-
ACC=XON NR; Ap4o4o438 S/0189/64/000/003/0009/0013
AUTHORS: Adamankova,, M. A,; Foltoraks 0. M.
TIT'LLi The catalytic properties of platinized silica gels in ~he reaction of
hydrogen peroxide decomposition;
SOURCE.- Moscaw. Universitat. Vestnik. Sariya 2. Xhimiya, no. 3, 1964, 9-13
TOPIC TAGS: catalyst,, silica gal catalyst, hydrogen peroxide decoirgosition,,
platinized silica gel., chloroplatinic acid, platinum ammonium chloride, specific
catal7tic activity, crystalline plevinum coating, platiniqed catalyst aging, plat-
inum particle dispersion
ABSTRACT: Standardizing the catalytic process measurements and t lie off act of
platinized praparation on its cevalytic action are discussed." The
techrdques used are reported in the 13 cited Soviet publicet-ions. The authors
e)Tlain the difficulty of comparing, data of various investigators on the kinetics
of the decomposition of hy&pogen paroxida,by platinized silica gel. Those
dif.ficulties are: 1) the laek of infornation on the grain size of the catalyst;
2) the failure of other invostigators to take into*consideration the aging of the
Card 1/2
tha 0 law, Jdjaa~ mi.ablished) durisig, tho tinio of 0115erviltion.
i1wIA ts QiAs! tM . ha4 b' 11 -, 6: I,rrpinot of 416 vaIIIII-ty q the 06 ry of ca-
wiltlidtimfluctun n.;analpis devolopoll,
Symmetry o? lecules. Part 1: On a general stereochemical regularity
(with summary in Rnglishl. Zhur.fiz.khim. 31 no.9:1949-1958 S '57.
OCIDA 11: 1)
I.Mookovokly goswIarotvenW univereltet im. N.V. Lomonosova.
jr) . i , */-~ "
AUTMR: Poltorak, O.M. 76-11-15/35
TITLE: The Thermodynamics of Crystals (Termodirawdke. kristalloy)
I. Generalization of the Gibbs-Curie Principle (I. Obobshcheniye
printsipa Gibbsa-Kyuri)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizioheskoy Xhimii, 1957, Vol. 31, Nr 11, pp. 2477-2484
A33STMCT: It is shown here that ifs instead of the Gibbs-Curie principle, the
general condition for the extremum ( here - for the maximum ) of
the thermodynamical potential of a system in equilibrium is used,
it is possible to -investigate not only the stable facetting shapes
at which the free surface energy of the crystals is at a minimum,
but also the metastable shapes and crystals the outer appearance of
which can be repreisented in form of regular geometric polygons with
flat surfaces. The contribution made in the thermodynamical functions
at the expense of the properties of the substance located along the
crystal edge is taken into account. The following was found in this
connection: 1.) It follows from considerations concerning dimensions
that an increase oil' the chemical potential of small crystals is ex-
Card 1/4 pressed in comparison with the infinitely great increases of the
The Thermodynaadon of Crystals. I. Generalization of the Gibbs-Curie Principle
chemical orystal j>atentiaLltilaby the free energy of the surfaces (m)
and that of the ed es Zjm) according to the equation
3A (m) + I 7M)
It = 2Z~ e . The multip3ioands 3, 2 and I are the numbers
of volume-, surface-, and length measurements. 2.) The woric of
crystal formation from the alloy or vapor Z is determinea by the
following equation: A z = -1 Z~t + -Z Z- 3-) Crystal formation
3 3 _t
must, in general, oatisfy the following conditions:
Bi 2di - ti oonst, 1 4, ...' N
A r r3
N denotes the numbeir of orystal surfao9s, Av Bi are coefficients
found on the strength of geometrical considerations, ri - the
Cara 2/4
The Thermodynamics of Crystals. 1. Generalization of the Gibbs Curie Principle
distance from the center of mass of the crystaLl up to the i surface
along the vertical, (51 specific free surface energy of the
i surfaces. For orystaLls with limited surfaces the following con-
ditions apply:
2d F_ i
ri 3Ai
The const-valup is the same for all N-surfaces. is the energy
of the edges of the i-surfhoe.
The generalized Gibbs-Thommon equation has the following appeaLrancei
2diV(m)' Bi
RT in _L_ - 4-
PCO ri 3Ai 3kjr3i
Card 3/4
76-11 -1 V35
The Thermodynamics of Crystals. 1. Generalization of the Gibbs-Curie Principle
(For crystals with flat surfaces Bj/3Ai is always equal to 1.)
The equations mentioned here are intended to be used in practice
only if it is of any purpose to take the free surface of the
crystals into acocunt.
V(m) - the molar volume, Pr -volatility of the crystals, the
order of which is determined by ri, pOD -the same order for in-
finitely large crystals. There are 5 references, 2 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University imeni X.V.Tjomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarst-
venW universitet im. X.V. Lamonosova)
SUMIrl"M: August 2, 1956
AMIABLE: Library of Congress
Card IA
_6 1) ~
"14 K, 6 , M,
AUTHORS: Foltorak, O.M., Panasyuk, G.P. 76-12-6/27
TITLE: Mass Spectrcmetric Determination of the Heat of Sublimation of Real
Crystals (Mass-spektrometricheskoye opredeleniye teplot sublimataii
real'nykh kriateLlIov) - I. Zino (I. Tsink).
PMODICALI Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1957, VOL 31, Nr 12, pp.2644-2648 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Reference is made to the paper [Ref.1] of one of the authora
(Poltorak) of the present work. There, a value of orientation for the
decrease of the heat of sublimation with real crystals A21 real =
= 10 000 - 15 OCO caVmol was obtained for the most active samples.
This evaluation, however, was indirect there. Here it is tried to re-
examine this assumption by means of a test. This is carried out by
determining the heat of sublimation of the metals which was obtained
under conditions analogous to that of the synthesis of metallio oata-
lysts. The mass-speotroscopic method for the determination of vapor
pressure was aNilied for the determination of the heat of sublimation.
This method allcqvs, in contrast with other methods, to investigate
the properties cof the orystalline surface layer at extraction of &
minimm amount cf material. This peculiarity is of decisive import-
Card 1/4 ance with the investigation of faceted samples which are not in equi-
Xus Spectrcmetria Determination of the Heat of Sublimation 76-12-6/27
of Real Cz7stals- 1. Zino.
librium. The present work was perfomed in connection with the in-
vestigation of the properties of metallic catalysts. The relatively
easily volatile metal zinc, the heat of sublimation of which can be
examined at sufficiently low temperatures and. moreover, according
to various methoda, was selected as object. The data for the cataly-
tio properties of zinc, however, cannot be compared with the test
data on physical properties of the crystals, since the catalytic ac-
tivity in the case of zinc is usually correlated with the properties
of the zinc oxide film which always covers the surface of the crystal.
It is shown that the heat of sublimation with coarse-orystalline zinc
which was obtained by distillation in vaoun, amounts to 30 000
c&3/g-atom. This number agrees with the data from reference 2. This
value was assumed here as A w , whereas the value A ~ real Ifts
determined, st&V-,irxg fromA A real = Ao, - A test. It is shown
that with the motit active zinc dust crystals, the decrease in the
heat of sublimation attains the value of 10 000 15 000 cavg-atom,
in which awe thei obtaining of crystals with t~ = 10 000 makes no
special difficulties. It is shown that the processes taking place at
an increase of teemperature lead to a reduction of L A , since the
Card 2/4 conversion takes place in first line in that part of the system
Mass Spectrametr1m Detemination of the Heat of Sublimation 76-12-6127
of Real Crystals. I. Zino.
containing the least stable structures. It is shown that the
annealing of the samples below 2500 0 does not change the heat of
sublimation. whez*as already at 2800 C the reorystallization. taken
place quickly and the ~ values approximate to the Aco . The cause
for this phenomenon might be in the rea7stallization of the zinc
oxide covering the zinc crystals at approximateV 2500 0 (according
to the data of eleotronogmphio investigations-LRef. 4] ). With
deeper temperatures, the ZnD-layer is compact and shoVM the lattice
structure of metallic zinc. At 2500 0 the zinc oxide obtains its
speoMoal characteristic structure. It is assumed that the stabi-
lizing action of the ompaot and thin layer of zinc oxide reduces
arter its recry3tallization.
The author was advised by L.N. Gorokhov with respect to the method
applied with mass spectroscopic tests. There are 4 figures, 2 tables,
and 4 references, 2 of which are Slavic.
Card V4
Mass Spectrometric- Determination of the Heat of Sublimation 76-12-W27
of Real Orystala. I. Zinc.
ASSWIATION: Moscow State University Imeni M.V.Lomonosov (Moakov3kiY
gosuaarstvanqyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova).
SwMrzM: Ju3,v 11, 1956
AVAMLMLE; Library of Congress
Card IV)+
POLTORAK, OX.,Dac Chom Sci of rcal
n~-id ~-,Ctivo Ocilt-cm- of C:'A'J.y-ler" 00-1 in'), 14 nl~! of
Lenin 7-.lad Craer of L:7..I)or Rod Br%nl-i,)r St7Lto U im V.Lo-mono:7,ov. Chom F--,-
culty. Chair of Phy-ic-.l Ch,,-.i~dctry)' 100 COAC.'17 (I- 1,2c,
AUTHORt sov/55-58-5-25/34
TITLEs Thermodynamics of Dispersion Systems (Termodinamika dispers-
nykh sistem)
PERIODICA.Lz Vestnik Moskovskago universiteta, Seriya matAmatiki, Mekhanikip
astronamii, fizild., klilmli ' #1958PF-r 5,pp 165 - 170 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: By the restriction to crystals, the free surface energy of
which is minimal, the theory of Gibbs-Curie-Wulf cannot
describe many real structnres. The author proposes a new way
basing on considerations of dimension and similarity, and he
gives explicit expressions for the complete potential of the
'material in the dispersive phase for an arbitrary crystal form
(also for boundaries to which there corresponds no minimum of
the surface energy). Also crystals, the single areas of con-
tact of which vanish during the growth, are comprehended by
introduction of corresponding corrections. The author thanks
Professor Ya-I. Gerasimov, Academician, for several advices.
Card 1/2
Thermodynamics of Dispersion Systems SOV/55-58-5-25/34
There are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet, and 1 English.
ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii (Chair of Physical Chemistry)
SUBMITTED: November 28, 1957
Card 2/2
AUTHM: Foltorak, 0. It., Panaayuk, G. P. 7 6-32 -2-36-13 8
TITLE: on the Sintering of Catalysts
(K voprosu o spekaniji katalizatorov)
PERIODICAL'. Zhurnal Fizichesicoy Kbimij, 1958, Val. 32, t-.Ir 2, pp. 47c-4471
ABSTRACT: The results given here were obtained in 1955. The properties of
sikver cateLys.-s were investigated which bad been obtained by a
thermal decomposition of (COOAg) . The decomposition lasted for
5 hours, the temperature graduM~ rising from 150 to 2oo0C.
The earthy argentite samples obtained were sintered a. from 350
to 7000C for 3 hours in a furnace previously heated to the de=
manded temperature at a residual gas pressure (air) of z),! torr.
After sinterina, the catalysts were crushed and sieved in an
agate mortar. As control process the decomposition of hydrogen
peroxide (at 2oto,050c) was used. The "sintering curve" is
given. From it can be seen that the sintering activity decreases
-almost linearly with the rise of temperature but a relative ac=
Card 1/2 tivity Hiaximam can be found within the range of 57oOC. The data
On the Sintering of Catalysts
7 6-32 -2-36/3 6
obtained clearly show just as well as those of Maxted and Uoon
(reference 5) another picture than that obtained in references
1, - 3. It is assumed that this difference is dependent upon the
characteristic features of experimental methods. it is pointed
out that the samples obtained at high temperatures do not repro=
duce the process of samples sintered at low temperatures. it is
demanded to standardize the initial earthy metallite by means of
previous crystallization at an arbitrarily fixed temperature.
There are 1 fi-saire, and 6 references, h of w1rich are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moscaw State Urd.versityimeni M. V. Lomonosov
(]Aoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Y. V. Lomonosora)
SUBMITTED: June 25, 1957.
1 r , ".' J'. .* 1. Silver catalysts-,-Sintering
2. Sintered catalysts--Effectiveness
Card 2/2
'76 52 3--*17/43
AUTHORs Poltorak, 0. Lt.
TITLEx The Activity of Heterc.-eneous Catalysts -e-erci.
gennykh katalizatoiov) II. Semiconduotor Catalysts (II~ Polu.
provodnikovyye katalimtory)
PERIODICAM Zhurnal'Fizicheakoy Kbimji,..1950,W 32, Nr 3a.PP 534 542(USSR)
ABSTRAM In the considerations conne~ated w-ith the gereral ooncepti.-..~n
of the nature Gf active cen'eis in semicondaiz~tor e:-atalyst.'~,Mhe
theory of the active groapa (Uroumof metal atoms) accordinj
to N, I. Kobozev (Ref 1) be applied, Hez~e. the assumptin-r
,~, 1) ators r;f the catalyst., wMer.
of a -artain group of n (n,
are nQt a part of th-- idea'ly-periodic ipar;r- 1atti.(-.o of the
carrier,, is Cenerally to hold. A table is n-?r!t)t.--ned fr-cip. .-,h-L,,h
zhe similarity between 4:be seraicondix-CAor catalysts, and the
metalli,:-. catalysts is t,:-. T-e sep-T~. In tbiq
-Ity and the naW the
pro *blem, cf the rau4e of the similaz
actr-Ne centers the crystalline jcns Is ra 1 s ead F;~-:;m tb e
chemical r)cint of viewithe semicondt-lo'oriq repr-senl- poly-ua
riant bodies. w---'inuat 1-c-ing stcich-Arjm0tri1r;
Card 1/3 ~.n tho lattin-,F, an iF!x~-er-i~ of at..)mit: dispers?
76 - 32- 3 -7/43
The Activity of Heterogeneous Catalysts,. H. Semiconductor Catalysts
metal or metal'.O.-.?~j . whir-h Jks preserit as latti,:~e !~defecV. The
latter differs xrom the adsorptipn groups by a "penetrating
struoture". Here, it can be assumed that this atomic group
is active not only on the surface, but shops its anixity
also after penetratlLon into the lattica of the semicon-
ductor. By this meanaNhe -inilnrlty between the --+Pll.ic - and
the e-M-1, ux, be explkL~xiA,b-_-~au.~e an -.*%:Ls1-_!g:r betv-~ir.
the active oenteru '''metal, groups".) exist_ In determining the
resistance of ';bj.s exe:.ess metal in the ioni,~ latti has
to be considered that the metallic lattiae is not ideal. The
latter is menTioned in a mathematit:tal derivation cf the de-
termination of tne defect concentraticn in the rryatal 3tru-.t-
ure. The oal.,.--.zlat1cn data show that the amcunt :if metal groups
is very small anL~ that %e:Lr resistance Is close-
ly connected with the formatir;n me-3hanism cf the nc,n-stoichio-
metric ionic; crystal and therewith with the theories of de--
fects according to S~ottky (Ref 8N) for anicnsond a,~c~:-rdixig
to Frenke]2 (Ref 10) for cations. The latter are employed in
calculatingthe surfar;e a(.,.tivity_. iander of a cal-
oulation aocording to . (Ref 9). Fo 'rmul-ae for the deter.-
Card 2/3 mination of the concentration P-jullil-riam at different form&-
The Activity of Heterogeneous Catalysts. II. Semiconductor Catalysts
tion mechanisms of the metal groups on the catalyst surfaoe
~ E,
are mentioned From the calculations -!t -'I, -,j,, b, P~F-r. that the
value of abou; to-3 for the number o"F~a'tal groups is suf--
-he catalytin reactions. The formation of poly.-
ficient for 44.
atomic active canters is oonsidered the consequence of the
presence of surplus metal quantities. In this connection, ac-
cording to F. F., Vollkenshteyn (Ref 11) ?a second'assumpti-n
of another mechanism must not be followed. There are 2 fj,ures
and 11 references, 7 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONa Moskovskiy gosu6ars1Vvennyy- uni~eraitet im. M. V. Lomonos(.--,a
(Moscow State University Imeni M. V. Lomr-nosov)
SUBMITTEDo August 30, 19r-6
Card 3/3
AUTHOR& P0ltorak9,,-.0o_M* 76-,32--3-39/43
TITLE:. The Thermodynamics of Crystals. II.
(Termodinamika kristallov. II-)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimiig 1958, Vol 32, Nr 3t,
PP 722-724 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In connection with a preceding paper equatiorsfor the
thermodynamics of crystal equilibria) are given, a gra=
phic representation being given for explanation. The case
of an undercooled liquid is assumed,and the changes pro-
duced thereby are analyzed. In the final formula a poten-
tial of the +,-fpe of - form is introduced, due to the equi=
librium of the change of shape of the branching during the
growth of the crystal. The occurrence of these quantities
has not been provided,for in the theory according to Gibbs.
It is also stated that the boundary energy plays the part
of the activation energy in the change of shape of the
branching of crystals and thus causes its special part
played in the theory of real crystals. Its numerical cor-
Card 1/2 rection is in this connection not as important as the
The Thermodynamics of Crystals. 11. 76-32-3-39/43
effect caused by it of the stabilization of the tUpta cf
forms which are not in equilibrium.
There are 2 referenceag both Soviet.
ASSOCILTIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomono.
sova (Moscow Stat.e University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
BUBMITTEDs October 29. 1957
Card 2/2
4(4+ 6686?
AUTHOR: Poltorak, O.M. SOV/76-33-11-27/47
.. .................,
TITLE: Thermodynamics of Crystalline Catalyst
PERIODICAL: Zhu,7~nal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 11, pp 2524-2538
ABSTRACT: The explanation of many "structure sensitive" properties of
crystals by the theory of the thermal dissociation of an ideal
lattice (simple theory of the defects) is often entirijrly
inadequate, because the defects calculated in this manner
are smaller by several orders of magnitude than the values
obtained by experiments. This drawback may be eliminated if
the formation of the defects on lattices of real crystalsp
which are not in equilibrium, is taken into consideration.
The equilibrium : the lattice not in equilibrium ?_-~ the active
centers (1) is analyzed; this makes possible to operate with
experimental valuee. To be able to rekard the equilibrium (1)
thermodynamLeally, the macroscopic properties of the "lattice
not in equilibrium" must not change during the formation and
the disappearance of the defects in the system, which is the
case at not too-high temperatures. Thus the only variable
Card 1/3 parameter is the molar portion of the defeats (equation W)
Thermodynamics of Crystalline Catalysts
Card 2/3
and the equilibrium shift (1) at the transition from the ideal
to the real crystal can be described by equation (6). In the
theory of Gibbs-Wolf (Refs 6-8) only cryatals, which are in
equilibrium, are taken into account. The author proved
(Refs 4,9910) that the thermodynamic theory of crystals (with
practically any desired shape) can only be determined with
simultaneous consideration of the properties of the crystal
edges and -faces, and that for crystals, which are not in
equilibrium, equation (7b) holdst which is distinguished by
the size of the "edge energy" from the one (7a) holding for
the theory (Refs 6-8). The article contains data from the
paper of Oriani (Ref 11) concerning the dependence of the
surface energy on the sublimation temperature in metals (Fig 2),
and the experimental results of the author and G.F.Panasyuk
(Ref 12) of mass spectrometric determinations of the sublima-
tion temperature from the vapor pressure of zinc black at
various temperatures. In the explanations concerning the
nature of the active centers the statements of A.A.Balbzdin
(Refs 14,15) and B.I.Kobozov (Refs 16,17) are discussed. It
is mentioned that the "ensembles" of Kobozov may be regarded
the most efficient representation of a model of the active .1,
Thermodynamics of Crystalline Catalysts SOV/76-33-11-27/47
centers. In the present case, however, they are considered
to be in equilibrium with the crystal lattice on metallic
lattices. One paragraph deals with the sintering of catalysts
and# based on the results of investigations carried out by the
author and V.~S.Nikulin on silver catalyetag it is established
that the values obta d by experiments and those obtained by
calculation ba-sed on the equilibrium of the surface-defects
of real crystals (metallic catalysts) correspond with the
theory. Explanations on semiconductor catalysts -' in this con-
aection the theory of defects according to Shottki and Frenkel
are mentioned - lead to the conclusion that a distribution of
the metal between the surface and the interior is very favorable
for the catalysis. The lattice-defects must be considered
surface-active, There are 4 figures and 21 references, 18 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATI.ON: Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitetKhimichaskiy fakulftet
(Moscow State university, Chemistry Department)
Card 3/3
-5 (4) S/076/60/034/01/001/044
AUTHOR: Poltorakq 0. 11. BOIO/BO14
TITLE: aiclifof Disperse S stems (Goneral12atiOn of the
Gibbs Curie - Wulf Theory~
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fisich*skoy khimii, 1960p Vol 34, Nr 1, PP 3 - 22 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with general problems of the thermodynamics of
disperse systems on the basis of the so-called dimension method
which was devised by the author. Particles of the disperse phase
are schematically represented in figure 1. The dimension method
allows to express the mutual relations of the coordinates from
equation (1) in a general form without the necessity of study-
ing details of the structural model. Furthermore, it is pos-
sible to,express all usual transformations of thermodynamic re-
lations in it general form. Examples of the application of this
method are given. Furthermorep this method permits a generaliza-
tion of the basic results of the Gibbs-Curie-Wulf theory. Con-
trary to Curiets and Wulf's conception, the crystal theory con-
siders the whole variety of types and not only those to which
the absolute minimum of free crystal energy corresponds. This
Card 1/3 is achieved. by simultaneous consideration of the face- and ed
Thermodynamics of Disperse ;Systems (Generalization 5/076/60/034/01/001/044
of the Gibbs Curie - Wulf Theory). B010/BO14
energy (Figs 4 and 5), as it is the edge energy which allows
to determine the thermodynamically possible face types. General
equations are derived for the total chemical potential of the
substance in the disperse phase (Fig 2). This paper further
deals with traditional problems of the energy of formation of
crystals from supercooled liquids (Fig 3). It is shown that
Gibbs's well-known equations for the increase in the chemical
potential and formation energy are very inexact even for drops,
since the variation in molar volume with the dispersion degree
of particles is not taken into account. The conception of the
minimum of free surface energy is discussed. It is shown that
in this case et certain multitude of the relative ZR minima is
present and not an absolute Z Ll minimum as usually assumed. Thus,
it is possible! to study even crystals with dislocations within
the framework of thermodynamics. Furthermore, this paper deals
with the variation in adsorption of components at the surface
layer, which results from a change in the dispersion degree of
particles. An equation (43) is derived which is a generaliza-
Card 2/3 tion of Gibbs's adsorption equation. Figure 6 illustrates th
Thermodynamics of Disperse Systems (Generalization S/OT6/60/034/01/001/044
of the Gibbs - Curie - Wulf Theory) BOIOIB014
equilibrium of crystals of different face structure. There are
6 figures and 26 references, 11 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: loskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. X. V. Lomonosova
(Nospow state university imeni 1. V. Lomonosoy
SUBRITTED: June 26, 1959 ov
Card 3/3
Thermodynamics of disperse systems. Zhur.fiz.kbiu, 34 no.l-.
3-u Ja 160. (MIFU 13:4)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenzW universitat im. H.V.Lomonosova.
(Thermodynamics) (crystals)
'a r 7,
ZHMD I , Ye.- S. I BORONTN, V. S. ; _TVTORAK,_ 0. M.
Dispersity of platinum on sillica gel from T-ray study and hydrogen
chemisorption data. 7hur. fiz. khim. 39 no.3-8Q9-811. Mx 165.
(WRA 18-7)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeriAtet imeni Lomonosova.
Adsorption of hydr(mm on platinized silica gels. 'Vest. Moak.
im. Ser. 2% Khim. 18 no.?121,-29 1~~Ze 163. (MIRA 16- 6)
1. Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta.
(Hydrogen) (Adsorption) (Silica)
,, Catalytic-properties-of ..platinized silica.gels as dependent
on the conditions-of4%heir, preparation. Vest. Monk. un. Ser.
2:,,SX 163. (MIRA 1611l)
1. Kafedra fizicheskoy khiraii Mookovekogo univeroiteta.
YEREMIN, Ye.N., prof.; KISEIEV, A.V., prof.; Yi.OBOZFV, N.1., prof.;
PANCHENKOVP G M., prof.- P04TORAK O.M., prof.; SOULTIOV, S.M.,prof.;
lvrtt M". , . P
TATEIVSKIY, V.~..,Prof.; ' prof.; FIGUROVSKIY, N.A.,
prof.; FILIPPOV, Yu.V., prof.5 SHAMPARONOV, M.I., prof.
YA,kov Ivanovich Gerasimov-, on his sixtieth birthday. Zhur. fiz.
khim. 37 no.12:2803-2804 D 163. 04IPLA 17:1)
1. Kafedra fizichoskoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo
ACCESS1014 NRs AP3001603
AUTHORSt Boronin, V. S.;.Nikmlinas V.. S.; Poltorak, 0, M.
TITLEt Hydrogen adsorption on platinum coated silica gels
SOURCEs Moscow* UrLiversitst. Vestnik. Seriya 2. Khimiya,, no, 3., 1963t 24-28
TOPIC TAGS: silica gel, platinum coated silica gel, IWdrogen, I-ordrogen adsorption
on silica gel, adsorption., desorption, platinum coating, platinum dispersion on
silica gel
was studied, and the data obtained was
ABSTRAM The adsorption of H2 on Pt/S'02
used to evaluate the degree of the platinum layer dispersion in samples obtained
under various conditions. The catalyzers were prepared by adsorption of Pt ammine
-,,.on silica gele The material was prepared by adding. 25% of ammonia to the H2FtCl6
solution heated to 80-90G, A32 the catalyzers contained 2% (by wt) of Pt., but
were differently eyahesized, This caused the variation in Ft dispersion on S102-
The H adsorption was studied. at -196 to +200C and at bydrogen pressure 10-1 .7 mm
Hg. It was established that at -76 to +200C the hydrogen adsorption was small
Card 1
and almost independent of tetaperatures At -1960 the adsorption increased substan-
tially and proceeded rapidly at 20C (P a 1.0 = Hg). Under the latter conditions
90' 6f total H. was absorbed in the first-minateand the adsorption equilibrium
was reached within an hour, The isotherms of the adsorption were measured under
two conditions. The first involved the adsorption on the catalyzers which were
-Vacuum cooled to -19~6G; in the second case the samples were reheated to 20C and
then recooled to -196C before the adsorption isotherm was measured. The reverse
adsorption isotherms on the catalyzers at -196C differed slightly from the adsorp-
tion isotherm on S102, and the structure of the adsorption layer on A at -196C
was different.on the variousl;Ir treated samples. However,, the saturation of the Pt
surface by hydrogen was complete in all cases. The authors conclude that platinum
dispersion in the platinum-covered silica gels depends strongly on the method of
sample synthesis., but,, for swiples obrained under optimal conditions, practically
the whole Pt is available for chemical sorption of hydrogen, Orig, art, hass 1
table and 4 figurese
A&SOCIATIONt Hookovskly universitsto Kafedra fisicheakoy khimli (Moscow Universi-
ty# Department of Physical Chemistry)
Card 2/)
Conditions of the preparation and the dispersity of platinum
in platinized silica gels. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.5:1174-
1177 My f63. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Moskovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet imeni, M.V. Lomonosovas
Dependence of the catalytic properties of platinized silica
gels on the conditiDns of their preparation. Zhur* fiz. khim,
37 no.6:1388-1390 Jq ~63. (MM 16:7)
1. Moskovskiy gosWarstvennyy i;niversitet imeni Lomonosova.
(Sili,-a) (Platinum catalysts)
.I- ---
Astization of the ntumber of active centers by processing the
experimntal data by the method ... ofthe theory of ensembles.
Vent. Moak. un. Ser. 21 Khim. 16 (Le.171P no.6;r,-40
N-D 162. (MMA 16: 11)
1. Kafedra fizichaskoy Irbi-ii Moskovskogo universiteta.
Negative Burface i;ension aig a factor in the otabi2ization of
biological structtres. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no.12:2777-2780
D 162, (MIRA 16:1)
(Cells) (Biochemietry)
Poltorak, 0. M.
Regative aurOace tension as a factor in the stabilization
of biological structures
Zhurnal fizicheskoy -khimii, v. 36, no. 12, 1962, 2777 - 2780
NEXT: Membrane biocrystals and the organellts of cells are assumed to be
metastable equilibrium syntems differing from low-molecular systems in
that there is negative interfacial tension between biocrystal and plasma.
A thermodynamic definition of the occurrence of negative surface tensions
is given by TA51>611'Q, where 09 is the energy* change andA 5 is the
entropy change on formation of the crystal surface. Negative surface
tension may occur in macromolecules consisting of a rigid prificipal chain
and flexible lateral subotituents. An "anticrystalline state" forms in
which neither crystal nor solution is stable, but only'the supermoldcularr
structure composed ofa, amall number of macromolecular layers which form
membranes or threads, and in which lateral chains are turned toward the
Card 1/2
Rglub IN I =d Ift dow 16841im a tWaimiall.
a, by a" MINN. V.A. Pdl*Mb
and It. V. vonsilim(Univ. omm).
H. :NW-814)(190) - ef CA 41, Isw~rmo iowd"
ternp, To( a wist. im*-~O,Oill mytesswommal waslied with
IINO~ and tbm HOO wmapproot. Wat 730, Aft'st W
MIA W at 517 ~. me. A4ft. 413 ad. % at HIO
itron"i r by ablest 31. In. glaus amil goafts vessels
higher. luirdtiammov-
cv"od allow a low pvvk*i v wbkb wat showtor The b1ohm
low 1"Www" OW the tomp, SM4 VMS 14 Ow
was astormudy*. whereas in the 90-outed gfess
Lc* skm combomtka wo - . he dome. Tile
activatim was 3JAW Md JOBADD in closo and
glass. nap. The orate comses. d the rowksit
11(h + Ho - "A% + If mod RN + 1100 - ligh + Off
"to mim. In tva 1.7 X 10-14 esp, (-11400/ftr) anti
2,';( 10-*ex -a=jRncc.jwr. Tbassomayalar-
titatiod cd eac im Ho + 30H arms aboat 490X)
cal./orma. no dwatim so r is domol I I "a in&-
pendent d wtmbw the So Ad w AM rm evotaim istar.
1*141011P MKtb= P~UdMC UM tbWO&I Me-
Z 20 5 S/18 61/000/0',4/001/002
AUTHORS: Poltorak, O.M., Boronin, V.S.
TITLE: The theory of prei)aring model adsorptive catalysts
PERIODICAL: Moskva. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya II Khimiya, no. 4,
1961t 3-15
TEXT: Continuing the studies of N.I. Kobozev ~Ref. 1: Zhurn. fiz. khimiW3,
1, 1939; Ref. 2: Uspekhi khimii, 25, 545, 1956 , who in his theory of active
ensembles proposed a method of determining the structure of active centers
by examining the pFoperties of' a series of adsorptive catalysts obtained by
application of an active substance to an inert carrier, the authors investi-
gated the conditions for the cynthesis of model catalysts, i.e. catalysts
allowing serial analysis of their properties. They confined themselves to
the study of the state of the active substance prior to its reduction to
metal, the discussion of the reduction process having been reserved for a
second publication. The investigation is based on the assumption of irre-
versible adsorption of the active substance on a carrier consisting of equal
spherical gran-ales with the radius R, the gran-ales containing chaotically
arranged pores of 2r in diameter. The character of carrier ow-face satura-
tion by active matter was basically determined by means of the quantity L,
Card 1/ 6
The theory of preparing model adsorptive catalysts
which is defined as the effective,"depth of penetration" and as the distance
from the opening of a model pore over which the initial concentration 00 of
the active substanoc diminishes by P times. The final expression found for
this quantity is 3DT`
L ft .1/2 (10)
IR 0,69
wh ere D is the diffusion coefficient of the active substance; ('_ the ratio
of the total volume of the solution to the volume of the carrier; f6-112 -
ln2 "Kef - effective constant of the rate of change in concentration of the
a.ctive substance taking place within a volume of solution absorbed by 1 gra-
nule. For the adsorption of ammonia complexes of nickel and platinum the
authors found that T'1/2 does not exceed 10 seconds for specimens with
Re,_o 10-1 cm, and for finer specimens the rate of sorptionwo commensurable
with the rate of external diffusion to the granule surface. Assuming that
'~'-:Lg-110 see, D-Ilo-5 cMz /Sec r- 102 for granules with R- 10-1 the au-
tho s obtained L 5 YR
-5910- cm and f - 2000. This proves irregular carrier
saturation and justifies the use of equations based on a law of distribution
Card 2/ 6
The theory of preparing model adsorption catalysts D051/Dll2
given type. Briefly summarizing their system of investigation at the end of
the article, they underline that the present analysis represents a necessary
complement to the methods of the theory of active ensembles, which are in-
effective when in the case of only weak saturation a catalyst reveals extreme
properties. For this reason they examined 'LiTst such properties at low 0