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I.S.. kand. ekon. nauk.; SHIMKO.N.I.. agronom-ekonomist,; _PQLOVBNKO,, ARTTKOV-,A.. BORISOV, V.A.. GONCHAROY, A.I.. KIDTS.Ye.A., SP-EaXISKIY, V.Z., SHAPIRO, L.L.; KALASHNIKOVA, V.S.,red.; BALLOD, A.I.. tekhn. red. [Awarience in introducing a now procaftre in planning] Opyt, vaedrenita novogo poriadka plamitovaniia. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry. 1958. 308 o. (MIRA 11:11) (Agriculture) .1!01D~VBM, I.S.,, kandidat sell skokhozyaYstvennykh nauk; SHDMO, N. I., agronom-ekonovist; KAJASHNIKOVA, V.S.. redaktor; VESKOVA, Ye-I., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [The now planning system in action] Novyi poriadok plantrovaniia v deiBtVii. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 331 P. (MIRA 9:11) (Agricultural administration) MWVEITKO, N.R. Efficient slide valve distribution for steam hammers. Prom.energ. 12 no.8:9-12 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Hammers) POIDVINM. N.R., ingh. Adjusting Jungetrem turbine ejectors. Inergetik 6 no.12:17-18 1) 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Steam turbines) POLOVENK09 N.R., tekhnik A4justment of the power BuPP.17 Of a three-pbane teating systemm. Energetik 11 no.8*.24-25 Ag 163. (KM 16:10) AWHOR: Polovenko, N.R. , -';.'nF..ineer SOV/01 I - 58-1 P-91:'C T'-- T L The Adjusting of the Operation of the Yuripstrem. TurhInce Ejectors (Naladk a raboty ezhektorov turbiny Yunp trem) S PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 12, PD 17-18 (USsR) ABSTRACT: A thermoelec-tric po-.ver p1tint httd 2 Yungstrem-type cnnden-~itjon- turbines nroduced by the 3wedish firm "St,41". The two DDK-'~f-' turbines ha,' van lcities 1,500 dN ench. Their steal-- pnr,-t--.eter~ were: I,'-, N m and 455 C: rated vacuums were at it temr)erature of c 0 ooling water 27 C. The vacuum was brou,~rhil about by a steam ejector, divided into 2 steps. It iq~s 'been stated that the thermal head of the c-)ndenser attached t~, turbine 2 was normal (5 or 0`0 C) -whereas at turbine 1 it wns 10 or 12 0 C. It was found that the reason for ejectorlo uns,r!tisfactory w ork wns the insufficient heiEht of the d r 3~; lic look of step 1. As soon as th e hydrolock was Iengt~!enea 90C mm (the ori--r i~ in--,! length being , 1.65 m) the ejector' oneration became normaI. There is 1 diagram. CE:.rd 1/1 1. POLOVIE111:0, N. -R., Eng. 2. USSR (6oo) 4- Steam Turbines 7. TighteninE the dinphragm of a steam turblne, Rab. energ., 3, No. 4. 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, -1953, Uncl. POLOVENIKO, N.H., tekhnik Concerning the use of a liquid rheostat in the rotor circuit of an asynchronous motor used to control the performance of draft and blowing machines. Energetik 10 no.4:9-13 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Fans, Electric) Kok-soiskin calUvaism m peally md AVA an wo U" b flowing. S. 1101,11voilob. .(V . ........ Ile A.Wdlivor, 11011", 0, No. '44' b W ; 11, mi. low, 1301, 241 ; Kfv. Gin. IW4), 27, iti. I'tvly mlif wilros ts-im-1 yid.l. Go 1.- 711 64 J..-b IwF it IMIA"'ill"I Irjliflwl~ All, addl.Al. BUDAVICY, V.; POLOVENKO, S. Imrportant conditions for replacing and Improving the utilization of machinery on collective farms. Vop.ekon. no.11:3.38-141 N 158. (Collective farms--Finance) (MIRA 11:11) AjVLF'YEV, T.I.y kand. ekon. nauk; BRASLAVETS, M.Ye., prof,, doktor ekon. nauk; BP-IZGULI, M.M.; VLASOV, N.S., prof., doktor ekon. nauk; DUBROVA, P.F., doktor skon. nauk; YESALrLOV, P.A., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZALTSMAN, L.M., prof., doktor sell- khoz. nauk; KALIM, P.A., dotsent, kandidat sellskc- khoz. nauk; KOSTSELETSKIY, N.A., kand. ekon. nauk.; KRYLOV, V.S. kand. Sellkhoi. muk- LIBKIND A.S., I y dots.,, kand. ekon. nauk; MAKAROV, N.P., prof., doktor ekon. nauk; OGLOBLIN, Ya.S., kand. sellkhoz* nauk- POLOVENK2 S i kand. ekon. nauk; POPOV, S.A.9 dots.Y kand. eKon.naux5 SAFMPNIKOV, N.G., doktor ekon. nauk; TISHCHENKO, G.A., prof., kand. ekon. nauk; TYUTIN, V.A., prof., doktor ekon. nauk~YANYUSHKIN, M.F., kand.~ ekon. nauk; PYLAYEVA, A.P., red,,~ FREYDMAN, S.M., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Organization of socialist agricultural enterprises] Organiza- tsiia sotsialisticheskikh sellskokhoziaistvenn2ikh predpriiatii; kurs lektsii. Voskva, Sel~khozizdat,, 1963. &32 p~ (MIRA 16:8) 1. Zaveduyusbehiy otdelom ekonomiki Vsesoyuznogo nauehno- issledovatel'skogo Instituta sakharnoy svekly (for Areflyev). 2. Odesskiy sel'skokbozyaystvennyy institut (for Braslavets). (Continued on next card) AREFIYEV, T.l.-- 3. Moskovskaja adem'ja J m.. K. A. TI- miryazeva o'Ldelom ekonoraiki. i organizatsii Nauci)rick-~-sa.Ledo-vaTe-L"'skogu instituta sadovod- stva im. I.V.Michurina (for, D-jbrova).. 5. Moskovskiy Gosudar- stvrennyy universitet. iju. M.V.Lomonosova (for Z&PtSMan, Polovenko), 6. Zavedilyu~&hal-dy kafadroy organizatsii sel'sko- khozyaystvrennogo proizvoe-.5Lva L,-.r~ingradskogo sellskokhozyay- stvennogo Irstitut-a (foz~ Ka'-,'-,),. 7. Za',7eduyushchly otdelom ekonomiki Nauchno-lssladovatell5kogo instituta ovoshchnogo khozyaystva (for Koatseletskiy), 8. VSeSoyUZpy3r nauchno- issledovatellskiy institu-' ptitsevodstva (for Krylov). 9. MoskovsIdy ekonomiko.-6-,;ttis'v-'A.c-,hcsk:Ly institut (for Libkind). 10. Vsesoyaznyy sel~skokh~:,zyaystvenaiy Institat zaochnogo ob- razo-.aniya (for Makarov), 11. Zavedwyurhchiy otdelom ekonomiki Krasnodarskogo nauchrio-issledovatel'Bkogo instituta sel'&6go khozyayst,7a (for Oglobl_iri). 12. Kafedra organizatsii sel~sko- khozyaystvennogo proizvodstva Leningradskogo sel3skokhozyay- stvennogo instituta (for Popov-), 13. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy Sovetskoy ekonomiki Vysshey partiynoy shkoly (for Sapillnikov). 14. Voronezhskly sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Tishchenko). 15. Leningradskiy sel'skakhozyaystvennyy institut. (for Tyutin). 16. Direktor 5--vero-Kavkazskogo filiala Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva (for Yanyushkin). (Agriculture--Economic aspectB) BUWCMIIKOVA, 1.A., kandidat ekonowicheekikh nauk: KOROCHKIN, V-V-. prepodava- tell; prepodavatell. Iogitimate doubts ("Organization of socliallot agriculture" by T.L. Basiuk. Reviewed by L.L. Bulochnikova, T.T, Korochkin, S.I. Polo- venko). Nauka i pared. op. v sellkhoz. 7 no-5:69-71 MY 157. (MLRk- 10:6) 1. Kafedra ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva ekonomicheskogo fakullteta, Mookovskogo goaudarstvennogo univeraltota (for Korochkin and Polo- venko). (Farm management) (Basiuk, T.L.) The cWtivation of ktd!mj~~oo peat and memby asila VU. S. Polovenko. S x. 6. No. 6, 43-M1948); CA,-. 7,-1,. 100.662.-Frrtiliting with R wid P as well a% with pyritr cinders increased the yield (if kok-saxhyz in field tc-~% an such "Is. M. C.. mome KULIKOVAI, I. K.I. inzh.; POLOVETS.. A. L... inzh. Coordination conference on the design of drainage and irriga- tion pumping stations. Gidr. i mel. 15 no.3:58-60 Mr 163. (MIRA :16:4) Vaesoyuznyy gosudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatel'skiy i nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR. (Pumping stations) (rkrainage-Congresses) (Irrigation--Gongresses) KULIKOTA, ~. K., inzh.; POLOVETS, A. L., inzh. Coordination conference on the design of drainage and irriga- tion pumping stations. Gidr. I mel. 15 no.3:5&-60 Mr '63. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Vaesoyuznyy gosudarstvennyy proyektno--izyskatellskiy i nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Ministerstva, sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR. (Pumping stations) (Drainage-Congresses) (Irrigation-Congresses) l'OL(:V',TSKAYA, A.A.; LYUBGHEITKO, S.D.; GRUDZIVO, S.F. O'bservation s on the development and vitality of th-, egLa and lai-vae of Necator under the conditions in th6 various regions of the Georgian S.S.R. Ibd.paraz.i paraz.bal. no.1:91-95 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz Nauchno-issledovatollskogo instituta meditsinskoy parazito- logii i tropicheskoy meditsiny :L-aeni S.S. Virsaladze llinisterstuva zdravooldiraneniya Gruzinsl-my SSR (dir. instituta 1.'I. Topuriya) rukovoditell gellmintologic-heskogo otdeleniya - prof. G.R. Gordadze). (GEORGIA-HOOKWORMS) POLOVETSKAYA, A. A., Cand oi Med Scl :-I- (diss) "Means of eliminating aricylostoiniasis in sovkhozes of subtropical crops of Georw1an 55R." Tbilisi, 1957, 29 pp (Tbilisi State Pledical Institute), 200 copies (KL, 32-57, 90) POLOVETSKAYA, A. A. Polovetskaya, A. A. - "Calcium In the blood in ancylostoniatic diseases", Byulleten' (Nauch.-issled. in-t malyarii i med. parazitologii in. Virsaladze), No. 2, 1948, p. 51-55, (In Georgian, resume in Russian), - Bibliog: 7 items. 301 U-4329, 19 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 21, 1949). MARUASHVILI. G.M.; GORDADZE, G.11.; GVINIASEIVILI, Sh.P.; POLOVETSKAYA, A.A.; ZENAISHVILI, U.P.; GABMIIYA, L.V. - Jkporience with. eradicating ascariasis in Telavi District [with summary in Inglish]. Med.paraz. i paraz.bol. 27 no-5: 555-561 S-0 158- (MIRA 12:1) 1. Iz Instituta malyarii i meditsinskoy parazitologii imeni S.S. Virsaladze Ministeratva zdravookhraneniva Grazinskoy SSR (dir. instituta. - prof. G.M. Maruashvili) i iz Telavskoy rayonrq sani- tarno-epidemiologicheako,y stantsii (glavrqy vrach L.A. Sakvarelidze). (ASCARIASIS, prev. & control, (Rus)) D e vi, c e -for I n i t c r c o 5 no.9:/j-I-lp2 '33 161. 1. Kon ttr r i I nc-i epylt~- c 19 1: it yun.,:t signali~~a--S-Li i ~VvaLi k; FOWVIK, G.; LTSENKO, P. I'-- ~ ~ How to select the most advantageous firing sites. Voen. znan. 25 no.4:6-7 Ap 149. (MIRA 12:12) (Shooting, Military) .POLOVIKV G.S.; ZAGORUYKO, A.V. Improvement of public seim'.1ces and amenities in residential arees. Gor.khoz.MoBk. 36 no.7t23-24 Jl 1620'- (MIRA 16s.1) 1. Nachallnik zhilishchno-okspluatatsionnoy kontory No.15 Krasnopresnenskogo rayonnogo zhilishchnogo upravleniya, Moskva (for Polovik). 2. Zaveduyushchiy tekhnicheskim kabinetom kontoz7 No.15 Krannoprennenskogo rayonnogo zhilishchnogo upravleniya, Moskva (for Zagoruyko). (Moscow-Street-cleaning machiner7) L 63786-65 EdT(m)/EWP(J)/T RM ACCESSION MRt AP5019620 UR/0183/65/000/004/0002/0606 677.4914.742.2.004,12 Oit AUTHOR: Zyerev.L M. P. j Kostina, T. F. - Polw-,ikhitA_L._A.,! TITLE: Strengthening of fibers inade from crystalline polypropylene SOURCE: Kh1micheskiye volokna, no. 4, 1965, 2-6 TOPIC TAGS: polypropylene plastic, material deformation, synthetic fiber, crystal- line polymer ABSTRACT- The article presents experimental data on the effect which temperature and drawing rate have on the process of drawing fibers from crystalline polypropy- lene andon the properties of the strengthened fiber. The drawing process was stud- ied with the use of a special device which made it possible to determine with great accuracy the relationships between stress in the fiber, temperature, elongation fac- tor, and drawing rate. The data showed that In order to obtain a fiber with a high degree of orientation, the drawing should be done near the malting point of the poly- mer when the drawing ra-tea are high. The pkrsical and mechanical properties of Mere oriented at various temperatures and deformation rates were measured. Card 1/2 63786-65 ACCESSICO MR: AP5019628 concluded that the process of drawing of fiber from polypropylene Involves not only a reorientation of the molecular structure In the direction of the applied stresses, but also a change in this structure. The striteses arising In an infinite polypro- pylene thread during drawing decrease with rining temperature and falling drawing rate, while the elongation factor increases. This decrease In,stresses makes it I pospible to obtain a polymer having's high density and cross-nectional etrenA hbe- cause of Improvement of the Intermolecular orientation In the direction of the-'Ap- plied stresses. Orig. art, beef, 6 figures and.3 tables. ASSOCIATICHt VM11V SUBKIMDI 03SOPS4 ENCE, t00 SUB COCCI We Is NO REr GOVt 005 07FERI 002 -Cwd .2/2-.--- ZVEREV, M.P.; KOSTINA, T.F.; PDLOVIFJiINA, L.A. Strengthening of fibers made from crystalline pol.,f-propylene. Khim. volok. no.4:2-6 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut iskusatvennogo volkona. ZHELONKINA, L., ZHEYENRAYEV, Zh.; Y,,kRIKH, F.G., POIDVIKOV, A,I.j EfIGH'SHT, V.S. Simultaneous quantitative determination of silicon.carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, manganesep and chromium in grey cast iron using an ST-7 stylometer. Izv. All Kir. SSR, Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 5 no.6.")9-104 163. (MIRA 17:5) POLOVIKOV, F.I. --lectret of ~'he rho~,olu=ir;r-Zce-ics rj-f' anLaracerls, F . L I -- Opt. i sj;ektr. :8 n-D.2%321-322 F 165. (MI RA 18.4 POLOVIKOV, F.I. Constant polari2ation of abonite. liz.tver.tela 1 no.11: 1720-1726 N 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Kirgizskiy zhenskiy pndagogichaskiy institut im. V.V.Mayakovskoga. (Rubber--gloctric properties) POI,OVIKOV, F. I. Oand. Physicomath Sci. DiEsertation: "Intensity of Fluoreseenee of the Soliitions of Anthraxene and its Derivatives." 19/6/50 Momow State Pedagogical Inst. imeni. V. 1. Lenin so Vecheryaya Mo3,ijv, Sum 71 USSN/Physics - Fluorescence 21 Mar 50 Anthracene CO E-4 "Absolute Yield of Fluorescence in Anthracene and Some of Its Derivatives," F. I. Polovikov, Moscow State Pedagogical Inst imeni Lenin "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR11 Vol LXXI, No 3, pp 453-456 Supplements earlier (1948) optical investigations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Carries out measurements by method of photoelectric compaii- son of energy of radiation with energy of excit- ing radiation', using mercury-quartz SVDSh-250 - lamp and dark, "E" Zeiss filter. Studies 18 coa- pounds to obtain their k-ratio (the ratio k =Ef/Ea 165T86 USSR/Physics - Fluorescence (Contd) 21 Mar 50 where Ef is energy of fluorescence light and E. is absorption energy). For ethanol and benzol so- lutions, k varies from 0.100 (9-bromo-anthracene 10 - carboxylic acid in ethanol) to 0.843 (9, 10- diisobutylanthracene., also in ethanol; its value in benzol being 0.815). These correspond to wave lengths around 420 millimicrons. Submitted 20 Jan 50 by Acad S. I. Vavilov. 10M r4 C) 0 CL4 POLOVIKOV., F.I.; VOLCHANSKAYA, V.V. Susceptibility of electrets. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.11:3195-3198 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Kachinskoye vyssheys aviatsionnoye uchilishche letchikov imeni A.F.Myasnikova, Volgograd. POLOVIKOV, F.I. N- - Some observations of the solar eclipse on February 25, 1952. Trudy Fiz-mat.fak.Kir.un. no.2:129-135 153. (WAA 10:5) (Iclipses, Solar--1952) POWVIKCV, F.I. Effect of an alternating electric field on the formation of electrets. Fis.tvar.tela I no-5.-783-788 My '59. (MMA 12:4) (Electrets) (Electric fielda) POLOVIKOV F.T .9 -1 .. ~... Effect of infrared radiation on the electret state in naphthalene. Piz. tver. tela 5 no.7:1830-1832 Jl 163. 1f,):9) (Naphthalene crystals) (Electrets) k i E .4-fn A I-, I A -682" w AM Atj)e W-W.C. -1 fe, 49P P~Iqe UP67r./Allo LYNCIAM(O-5f /.",D (% AS(apj_~)APX(b) I (is7 AP4044965 AT//M S/0181/64/006/009 28 2856 54 28 AUTHOR. PoloVikOV, F-; I- triTLEX On photodepolarization ofmphthalene thermoelectiets -2856 09o. tela v.: 6, no. 9, 1964, 2854 :SOUnCos Pizika tverd on, photo.- 'TOPIC TAGS t naphthalene, photopolarization, depolarizati m -;,electreto absorption _spectru 4WSTRACT:, Results-are reported-on experiments on photodikoolariza- ~:tion of naphthalene thermoelectrets in connection witlithe introduc- tion of some:changes-in their production andillumination conditions*' ~!The preparations of the photoelectrets is briefly described. The celectrets were illuminated with a PRK-4 mercury-quartz lamp either diiectly,i -.or with, filters separating,, spectral regions..with maxima 'hear ~- 313- andMnM* e illumination was started 15:minut Th es after .:the- first.- measurements of~.the charge and.usually continued for one E ME 66278 .~*(6) 2,~4, 1? 70 0 SOV/181-1-111-13/27 AUTHOR: ---Polovikov, F. I. TITLE: Permanent Polarization of Ebonite PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol 1, Nr 11, PP 1720 - 1726 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The polarization current was measured in a dismountable conden- ser, in which a 1 mm thick ebonite disk (type GOST-2786-44) was clamped between the brass electrodes (principal circuit diagram see Fig 1). The heating of the ebonite was carried out as follows: a) the condenser with the sample was kept in a thermostat at the desired temperature during 30 minutes. Subsequently the thermostat over was switched off and the pola- rization field was applied. b) The sample was heated by high frequency (300 w generator, 6 megacycles). The polarization occurred at a field strength of 0.2 - 15.0 kv/cm. The following was measured: dependence sinitial homo - charge - polarization field strength (Fig 2); dependence:maximum charge - polariza- tion temperature (Pig 3); dependence:polarization current - time at 56, 70, 80, and 850C (Fig 4); dependence:depolariza- tion current - time at 70, 77 and 800C (Fig 5). Course of Card 1/2 polarization and depolarization current in samples which were Permanent Polarization of Ebonite 66278 SOV/181-1-11-13/27 heated by an alternating field to 56, 70, 72 and 73 0C (Fig 6). The measuring results permit the following conclu- sions; 1) the charge in a polarized ebonite at even polariza- tion temperature depends only on the polarization field strength and on the polarization period. 2) At even polariza- tion field strengthsthe size and the sign of the polarization charge is determined only by the temperature conditions pre- vailing during polarization. Below 700C a hetero-charge was observed in ebonite, and a homo-charge at higher teMDeratures. 3) If a high frequency field is used for the heating, this will shorten the polarization period and cause larger charge quant.ities. There are 7 figures, 1 table, and 9 references, 4 of Which are S6viet. ASSOCIATION: Kirgizskiy zhenskiy pedagogicheskiy institut im. V. V. Maya- 0 kovskogo (Kirgizian Pedago-io Institute ForWomen, imeni V. V. Mayakovskiy) SUBMITTED: February 5, 1958 Card 2/2 S/058/6 I /DG 0/0 12/0 39/0 A058/AIOI AUTHOR. Polovikov, F.,.I. TITLE- Concerning the heterocharge of naphthalene electrets PERIODICAL, Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. !2, 1960, 326, abstract .-12E1Q,4,; ("Uch. zap. Kirg. zhensk. ped. in-t", 1959, no. 11, TEXT- There is examined the external-field dependence of heterocharge 1-n polarized naphthalene. It is shown that heterocharge arises in naphthalene only at certain values of the applied-field strength. The obtained results can be explained on the assumption that in addition to electron polarization, some mole- cular processes take part in forming heterocharge so that at certain field strengths an additional dipole moment arises parallel to the induced dipoles. The curve of the external-field dependence of heterocharge evinces a whole series of maxima. A connection between the formation of heterocharge maxima and molecular vibration spectra is suggested, and a possible mechanism is sketched. There is a good agreement between the relative values of field strength that pertain to heterocharge maxima and the relative values of the sqan~ roots of the vibration frequencies of the naphthalene infrared spectrum. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] S. Dovorin Card 1/1 105-9-15/32 AUTHOR Polovikov F.I.,Dotsent TITLE T e a-t--67-Ti e -ct r e t s . (Opyty nad elektretami - Russian) PERIODICAL Elektrichestvo, 1957, fir 9,pp 58 - 59 (U-S.S.R.) A3STRACT Llectrets are nonconductors which maintain the polarized state for a longer period of time. They are characterized by their po- larization-direction, their steadiness and with respect to time their magnitude of polarization. There is proof that these para- meters depend on the chemical composition of the basic material as well as on the formation- process of the conditions accompan- ying the electrets. In this case the production method was chang- ed by substituting it with the treatment of the nonconductor in the electric alternating field. Every sample prepared was first exposed to the influence of the alternating field and only then sub- jected to the direct-current field of polarization. In most cases an alternating field with a frequency of 6 x IoB c and a direct- current field with a voltage of 3,5; 6,6; 13 kV/cm was used. The samples produced this way were steadier and in a number of cases contained a higher polarization charge. The effectiveness of the alternating field showed already with samples which were produced at from 2o to 350C. The influence of the alternating field in- creases with the rise of temperature during the polarization pe- riod. This becomes especially evident with samples of plexiglass. Card 1/2 A characteristic property of the influence of the alternating field Test of vlectrets. 105-9-15/32 on the process of the formation of the polarized state is the characteristic that it can cause a reversal of polarization char- ge Th;re is 1 table and 2 Slavic references. A550CIATION Osh ftste Pedagogical Institute . (Oshskiy gosudarstyennyy pedagogicheskiy institut). SU3MITTED April 6, 1957 AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Ca:rd 2/2 EPF(o)/EWT(1)/EWT(m)/BDS AFFTC/ASD Pr_4 L 18027 3 ACCESSION NR:- AP3003877 S1018116310051007118301-1832 AUTHOR: Polovikov TITLE: Effect of infrared radiation on the electretic state in naphthalene SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 7, 1963, 3.830-1832 ~TOPIC TAGS: electret, infrared, radiation, naphthalene) charge, electrical f ield, ~polarization t !ABSTRACT: Experiments were made on samples of purified naphthalene in the form J:of disks (50 mm in diameter and 3 mm thick) made by congealing naphthalene in a t ; ; portable plane-parallel capacitor free of electrical field. The samples were then i polarized, and the value and stability of the charge was investigated at 14 different values of . field potential in the interval 2.0-12.5 kv/cm and with radiation by infrared light in continuous spectrum with maximum in the neighborhood of 3 )A. The experiments showed that all the electrats obtained with variable ,radidtion, regardless of the voltage across the polarizing field, exhibited hetero- !'geneity of charges. If it is taken into account, that electrats obtained in fields of 4.2, 9.8, 11.7,, and 12..4 kv/cm without accompanying radiation exhibit :Ord I ~-ACCESSION NR: !only homgeneous charges, it may, then be assumed that the presence of charge iheterogeneity is associated with the radiation. It is concluded that the radiationi' causes an, insignificant increase in initial charge in the electrets exhibiting Acharge heterogeneity immediately after polarization without radiation. When radiation accompanies polarization, a vary small increase in the value of charge' heterogeneity is observed over the value when the radiation and polarization are ..affected in sequence. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. :1 ASSOCIATION- one n SUBI DATE AGQt 15,kug63 ENCL; 00 MITTED. 3lJan63 ISUB CODE:. PH NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 001 2/2 -ZOLOVIKOV, F.I. Haterocharge in electrets from naphthalene. Uch. zap. Kir. zhen. pod. inst. no. 4:51-58 159- (MIRA 14:1) (Blectrets) FOL071KOV, F.I. KORUNKO, T.Ye. Conducting vocational practice for Btudents In an industrial estab- lishment. Uch. zap. Kir. zhen. pod. Inst. no. 4:87-98 '59. (Kin 14: 1) (Technical education) -72/EWT(m)/Epf~(c)/S#(j)/T/M(b)-2 P044/Pr-4/rt-10 '-,L 25M-65 ECCIVEPAW NA:71AP5005ohT -,:S/0O5l/65/018/0O2jG32l/0322 VAUTHOR. P0 ov! n anthracene lectrets ITLE.,. btefisified photoluminesco T 'SOMCE: Ovtika,-i"sviektroskopiya, ir.. 18, no. .2, 19'65, 321-322 41~ ilw-, TOPIC TAGS -'electret electret.luminescence, electret photolumineacence, electret ..stimulated luminescence,,anthracene naphthalene electret cABSTRACT: Photoluminescence intensity in antbracene-napbthalene thermoelectrets xii ely 4 to $ kv/cm was measured. Disk-shaped WiW an:internal field,of appro mat specim6ns..15 ~Tnm in diameter and 5mm thick melted in pairs from an anthracene naphthalene mixture of a: given concentration were used. One specimen of each pair ~:,was polarized in a flat condenser between aluminum electrodes for two hours at 42A_ kV. The effect of the polarizing field began when the temperature of the -spec men.ieached 75C and ended when it reached room temperature. Heating and __A of nonpolarized (control) specimens was carried out at the same rate. The :,:,.~~!comparison of electret specimens.with nonelectrets.showed that all electrets pos- a higher intensity of luminescence# The electret phenomenon has the following :Jeatures.,, 1) Peculiar quenching due to concentration of stimulated luminescence 1/2 L 02255-67 IJP(c) W/TCH/RM. AtrI77MG15481 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/0 5/1562ii568 AUTHOR: Novikov, Yu. N.; Polovikov, F. 1. ORG. Kachinsk Higher Military Aviation school Im. A. F. Myasnikov (Kachlnskoye vyssheye voyennoye aviatsionnoye uchilishche) TITLE: Electrical charges originating in polymethylmethacTylate ubjected to compression deformation SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 5, 1966, 1562-1568 TOPIC TAGS: compression deformation, methylmethacrylate, electron charge, electric polarization ABSTRACT: The authors assume that polarization during deformation depends on the magnitude and the means of application on a polymer of a mechanical field in conjunction with various temperature conditions. In order to verify tlAs assumption, the authors investigate the polariz.-i tion in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) under different modes of deforimation. Square and I round cross section specimens (averaging 10 mm thick), prepared from commercial sheet of "grade All PMMA, were studied. Relaxation of internal stresses, arising in the material as a result of shaping the specimens, was achieved by prolonged annealing at 130C. Conclusions arei, L 02255-67 ACC NR% AP6015481 reached on the basis of the experimental data obtained. The polarized state In PMMA is re- lated to the process of orientation of the molecules and of individual links, containing polar groups. The orientation of the molecules as a whole determines the polarization at deforma- tions up to 75%; the electrical charge originating in this case has low stability. The primary mechanism in the formation of a long-term polarized state is the process in which, during the flow of the material in the radial direction, not only the I'straightening" of the globule -molecul e~ occurs, but also the rotation of the polar groups. In this case, polarization increases with an increase in the degree of polarization up to the state of mechanical destruction of the polymer.I The magnitude of the polarized charge depends on the rate of deformation and is only slightly sensitive to temperature variations, if the temperature during deformation differ little from the vitrification temperature. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 11,20/ SUBM DATE: 09Aug65/ ORIGREF: 004 2/2 ACCESSION NRt AT4036055 8/2781/63/000/003/0169/0179 AUTHOR: Polovin, R. V., TITLE: Evolutionality conditions in ordinary hydrodynamics and in mag-netohydrodynamics SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemcKjo t:ermoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Rharkov, 1962. rizika plazmy* i problemy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma-physics and problems of controlled tbermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferentsii,'no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN.UkrSSR, 1963, 169-179 TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, plasma stability, plasma physics, shock wave propagation, thermodynamic characteristic ABSTRACT: The relation between the stability of various plasma con- figurations and the conditions for the existence of golutions of the corresponding equations are reviewed, and cases when stability Cc i Cc" 1/3 .. . ...... ACCESSION NRo AT4036055 ,SUBMITTEDI 00 SUB CODEs ME Cwd -3/3. DATE ACQx 2lMay64 ENCL% 00 MR REP SOVs 014 OTHERs 002 ACCESSION NRs AT4036056 6/2781/63/000/003~0179/0183 'AUTHORSs Polovin, R. V.1 Cherkasova, K. P. TITLE: Thermodynamic chpiracteristics in a plasma A SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Kharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- 11emy* upraylyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and iproblems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferent- sii, no. 3, Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR. 1963, 179-183 ~TOPIC TAGSs thermodynamic characteristic', entropy, plasma heating,0 thermal conductivity, Maxwell equati equation of state, charged r article, plasma physics p ABSTRACT: The behavior of a plasma consisting of several species of ~charged and neutral particles is described by means of the hydrody- namic equations of motion of each of the components to wbich.are add- 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4036OS2 S/2i8l/63/000/003/0151/0161 AUTHORS: Akhiyezer, A. I-i Lyubarskiy, G. Ya.1 Polovin# R. V., TITLE: On the kinetic-instability of a plasma SOURCE: Konferentaiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Kharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i problemy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferentaii, no. 3, .Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 151-161- .TOPIC TAGS; plasma research, plasma instability, kinetic gas theory, distribution statistics, plasma stability, plasma magnetic field interaction, Laplace transformation ABSTRACT: The article deals with the stability of the distribution function of particles in a plasma with respect to plasma oscillations. ,The general conditions for-the stability of the electron distribution Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4036052 ,function are derived by investigating the behavior of individual spatial Fourier components of the potential and the deviations of the electron distribution function from the initial distribution function. The first part of the analysis is devoted to a free plas- .ma without external fields. The singular points of the Laplace - transformations of the potential and of the distribution function (which determine the behavior of these functions in the steady state) ;are then determined. Stability criteria based on the locations of these roots in the complex plane are then established. It is shown .that a distribution function which has only one maximum is stable; this confirms deductions made by others. Furthermore, an arbitrary ~spherically symmetrical distribution function which does not vanish anywhere is also stable, regardless of the number of maxima. The ;second part of the analysis is devoted to a plasma in a constant and ~homogeneous magnetic field, the stability being investigated only with respect to plasma waves for which the electric field in poten- tial. The necessary and sufficient stability criteria are estab- Card 2/3 ACCESSION IVR: AT4036052 lished and it is shown that an even distribution function with a single maximum is stable and that any anisotropic distribution func- tion is stable. he stabi*ty conditions for a fixed value of the plasma frequency are also established. The stability condition of the distribution function in a plasma in a constant and homogeneous weak electric field is then determined and it is shown that a weak electric field does not change the stability conditions. "The authors are grateful to K. N. Stepanov and A. B. Kitsenko for valua- ble advice, and to L. D~ Landau and M. A. Leontovich for a useful discussion." Orig. art. has:. 29 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 21May64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 14E NR REF SOVs 013 OTHER: 014 'Card, 3/3, 41 I ME! POUNIN, R,V. Kinetic instabi I 4L ty In a mvnetic field. aiur~ z. -1 no. 2v259-261 F 764. r IC Ril 2 1 - r- ; RI 2 T I, USSR/Physics Plasm Oscillations Nov 52 "Oscillation of Plasma in Crossed Electrical and Magnetic Fields," A. I. Akhiyezer and R. V. Polovin "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol 22, No 11, PP 1794-1802 Authors consider the interaction of a coupen- sated beam of electrons with slow waves in crossed-over electrical and magnetic fields. Clarify the conditions that govern the insta- bility of the beam. Cite related works of V. M. Lopukhin and S. D. Gvozdover. 236Tiol- 110LOVIN. R., UIN 43 1 O'N -rik , -4 E PW -. :RW M al N 0 \D 0 M V V ;4 10 :~'b 4> a) 10 H 431 0 0 -H to 0 1 (D M 14 ca $4 00 14 1 ~i +3 43 9 0 rA to 0 VH09 1 $1 44 4) 0U V W 0 14 %_4 F3 > r-4 1 4) 14 43 -4 %A W 0)0 " 0 0 U 4) 0 +3 0$q rq ~- :9 0 C5 b" %I cc00) 14P 0+~ W bo 0 00 a) 0 +~ _P A 0 ;4 cr P4 M &4 0)q ra U .0 0 r. A r > 0 P4 r. o _P ;W ~K 14 ro a 4-4 , - Mf ft 0 0;4 rd W 0 (D W 0 a ri H -H0 ra W FA ca a) 0C d (D 4.1 4)0 43 4) 0 bO or 0 4)k 0 P > ccW 00 Q W PW 00 Ww ;4 ; k V 4-1W 1 4) 10 0 (,D,0 ;1 +1 bo 41 > H N0 00)H 0 -r4 H> 0 ri . ~4 t~ , +'~ 44 0 0 rd 0 "d) - A0 0 a) 0 r 4) 0A 04-4 P40M Al cc 0 d) U 10 >1WH H Ea -H 4) 'a to 10 05 ro rH rA +2 Z 43 _P k ~t 0) 0 a ca to W M0 0 +3 ci 4-2 U-P 13 0 1 0 -H 0 1-4 t)1 0) ;4 0 4-:' -,j -H P ~i 44 0 , w 4) 4 l 1 P - r Z4 R. USS'R/Ruclear Physics Electron "Radiative Corrections Scattering 1 MaY 53 Electron by an Electron to the Scattering of an - lovin " A- AkhiYezer and"'R. Po- DAN SSSR , Vol go, IWO PP 55-57 Interaction of electron with zero electromagnetic field and oscillation of Positron vacuum ing in a sPecifi lead Polarization Of electron- ed exteo additional- electron scatter- rnal electromagnetic field. This should be considered in electron-electron PA 2.: 7 ~f'a 25,qr(7 scattering. Corrections ,ented graphically. are computed and repre- 10 Jkr 53. Presented by Acad L. D. Landau 259T77 CU ilil q. ";'. Dis--ertation: "Ra,liation Correction for Elnctron Scatterirgg- on an Electron." I and PlWs-llath Sci, lbar"Irov 3tatue U, Kharlkov, 1r,54. (Referativnyy Zhurmil--Fizika, ll,rr-Scow, c J. 54) SO: SIZI 318, 23 Dec 1954 A USS'Obysios cam 2/1 Pub. 22 - -17/54 Authors I Akhiyezenp A.$ and Polovin$ R, 'Title About "'-Ile relativistic oscillations of plasma Periodj~aj Dok. All SSSR 102/5p 919-920; J~une Ilp 1935 Questions connect-A with the relativistic 060illationo of plasma are analysed. The analysis is accomplished in view of the Ha=911 eleotro- magnetic equations for the electric (E) and magnetio (H) fields. Only the longitudinal oscillations of the plasm are considered. One USSR refer- ence (1951). Institution ~h,-esented by Academician L. D. Landau, February 26p 1955 4r4m M Ar. Ieze~ A. and neory of wave I.F\W motion of an electron p1basmwp- et Physics. JETP _696-7~3~ 3 (Ira 6~ ~ . , Abe properties ~of wave inotion in an infinitely ex- tended plasma are studied w ith a Model in Which the positive. charges form a homogeneous background, the ons ansing from the elections alone. 117he de hsity fluctuati electron gas is described in a fiydrodpwnic sense, all as a n ino- electTornagneticyariables, as Welt th clectro inentum, being functions of a single set of spaceand time variables, The field equations are ti5ed in complate forin, so that the treatment is not the limitati(his ~imposed in magnetohydrodyniumic theory, but is a kind of extension of the usual theorv of the optical properties i of Ynatter. Solutions are.assumed in,the fonn of plane 1 WalVes and their velocity and polarization properties are 1 stodied under. various conditions, for both longitudinal transverse wave! a d (The reader should be on his guard for mthernaticaferrors. Equations (10) and (12) should sbotild have i-H ifisteadof i-Ho on the right hand side, 00-0- ME I i V USSR / 1,ftectronics Abs Jour %-Hof Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 9816 Author i Akhiyezer, A.I., Polovin, R Inst iIV4axlkov State UniN9ersWYy,._Kh_-aa-~rIk6v Title ;Contribution to the Theory of Wave Motions of Electron Plasma. Orig Pub : Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 5, 915-928 ,Abstract :A theoretical investigation is made of the nonlinear wave mitions in an infinite electron plasma for all electron ve- licities. With this, the temperature effects are not taken into account and the state of the plasma is characterized not by the distribution function, but by the electron den- sity. The fundamental equations determine the fields E and H, the density, the velocity, and the momentum of the elec- trons in the plasma. General non-linear solutions are ob- tained forlongitudinal and transverse wave motions of the Card 3 1/2 PC,/ ct-" /V., "- ~~l / Z . USSR/Electronics - Gas Discharge and Gaf: ischarge Instruments H-7 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizilia., No 5., 1957., 12352 Author : Folovin, R.V. Inst : Physical Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Ukrai- nian SSR, Khar'kov. Title : Contribution to the Nonlirtear Theory of Longitudinal Plasma Oscillations. Orig Pub : Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 31, No 2, 354-355 Abstract : Using the Lagrangian form of the equations of motion and Maxwell's equations, the author obtains results concerning the plasma oscillations in the nonrelativistic and relati- vistic cases, previously examined by other methods. Card 1/1 .9 UEMR/Ineoretical. Physics B-5 Abs Jour Rer Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, No 10874 of small momenta of virtual particles are eliminated by introducing the photon mass >~ , which enters into the elastic-scattering cross section. When adding the cross sections of the purely-elastic and the inelastic scatte- ring (with emission of a long-wave photon, whose energy does not exceed 6 E), the quantity A cancels out; the final result does not contain X . The author considers the limiting case of ultra-relativistic electron energies, in which the formulas for the radiation corrections beco- me substantially simplified. A rule is proposed that facilitates the calculation of the traces of the matrixes, and also the multiplication of two matrix traces. Card 2/2 z PK, aTO THE ISIAT14MV QE Y MXCTII 010 7R-V- pass .41 pratlam lit given to th~ genera "as and. ljoly?a of 57-yl- TJTjj OF, S IT US qojved V, _0 rn i3 -if ,0u, 'in e t 1'10 3'- a on _e"325 V11C. de .2 ol SU." ., h trobic -a Cj -BSTPU~CT: t . the tor. It st~ D - , '10 accOrd'n~. on a tte ar2 t i dif f erontif 3 L. T-i z try ar, -or t. d'o 1,10 S Y e J e- S tj.~ j is SOIV a P -dc an 13 S,A;.,e t-roll. '. '-' -.%, .- I_Q SO ~:. 'l "~ vjith is al PC 1- .2olients .,I-tiono- I - I C., IA~ e C. 7 OSCI -~~ - Cl-l';l t' 'z "In e -re t on cone- Of ti-le a eclul- '~- C of t ar, ,a e an 3 'e density C a by I t-~ .' , t i or t - fieldsl i ' ty e "__ -, -1 of t-le 11 ~~T!!3 I- is-I, e' z;-- - in a b,- f non cci 0 Ul c-, d 0 tiulls 0 U~. , 'C n 4' T Ul - r. r3 5). Iv 'A 11, 1 L ine rl e Tt' v 3t f irst t bt . n tire Be -Ine u be b -,Y I 1'e Cla Ca.rd 1/2 tion S raectron Operators (Mathematics)- A", .AUTHORS: Pplovin, R.V., Tsintsadze, N.L. 57-11-25/33 TITLE: -L o ng ft_u~d_i -na-1 --- 73brations of Electron-Ion Beam.(Prodolluye koleban- iya elektronno-ionnykh puchkov) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Tekhn.Fiz., 1957,Vol. 27, Nr 11, pp. 2615-2623 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The problem of the stability of the electron-ion beam is here sol- ved according to the qualitative method which is based on selfi-con- jugate differential operators, without the necessity to solve the differential equations. By the aid of the "quality method" also the intervals in which the phase velocity of the electromangetic waves is situated are found and final conclusions on the topogra- phy of the electro-nagnetic field are made. It is assumed that the beam is confined in a cylindrical wave-gaide with perfectly con- ducting walls. In order to be able to pay attention to the interac- tion between the beam and the slow electromaEnetic waves the prob- lem is idealized and the concrete structure serving for the deceler- ation is replaced by a certain medium with an.effective dielectri- city constant C that is higher than one. The figh frequency ener- gy can be transferred from the electrons to the ions and this can lead to the instability of the beam. liere only the longitudinal oscillations are investigated. that means it is assumed that the electrons and ions can only be displaced along the axis of the beam, which can be obtained by applying a sufficiently strong mag- netic longitudinal field. There are 11 figures and 1 Slavic referen-cc. W.,-,kov /1~ 7 s-,, c-p - -7'e-- cl- AMMER, A.I. [Akhiiezer. 0.1.]; LYUBARSKIY, G.Ya.[Liubarellwi, H.IAJ; ,POLDVIN, R.V. Simple waves In magnetobydrodynamics [with sunnary in English]. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 3 no.4:433-438 Jl-Ag ' 58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Fisiko-tekbnichookiy institut AN USSR I Kharlkovskiy gosu- darstvenW institut. (Magnatobydrodynamice) iv, LYUBjLRSKIY, G.Ya. [LiilbarEi'kvi, H.IA.]; POLOVIN, R.V. Simple magnetoucoustic waves. Ukr.fis.zhur. 3 no.,4,:567-570 5-0 '58. (MIRk 12:2) 1. Fiziko-tel-JmicheBkiy institut AN USSR i Kharlkovskiy gosu- darstvennyy universitet. (Mag Aetohydrodynamics) POLOVIN, R.Y.; LYLUWtSKIY, G.Ya. ELinburs'kyi, H-IA.] lp+ssibility of rarefaction shock waves in magnetohydrod,,maz-iiF. Mcl.fiz.zhur. 3 no.5:571-574 S-0 '58. (MIRA 12.:2) 1.'Par'kovskiy gosudarstvennyy imiversitet i Fiziko-tekhn.icheekiy inutitilt Ali USSR. 0(agnetohydrodynamics) (4-hock waves) AUTHORS: Polov in., R. V Tsintsadze, No L, SOVI 56- 34 -3-L5/55 TITLEo' Circular Waves; in an Electron-Ion -Beam (Ta-1_rku11yarnyye- voLny v elaktronno-ionnom puehke) FERIODICAI'. Zhurnal Eksperimental-Inoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 3, pp. 637-642 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This work examines the oscillations in a non-4,ompensated elec= tron-iom beam which is enclosed in a cylindrical wave guide , of -radius R. The authors, here. investigate circular oscillations i. e. they assume that the electromagnetic field and the densities and vel-ocities-of the electrons and of the ions do not depend on ze, The dependences-of these quantities-on the coordimates r., a d ., n, _S t.) = f (r)e'(Uft 6 - . The on the time t have the form F (r, V) here obtained conclusions can a2so be taan3fer::-ed on perta--ba= tiong, of the more general f orm F (r, y,, z, t) = f(r)ei(6-t-py- K"Z) if only the condition gR 'l"2('2 hold for a weak relativistic shock wave if the inequation (1). ~2(./n) )0 is satisfied (w= thermal function, s - entro- \ ~ ~p 2 -)S - py, n - particle density, p - pressure). This holds also for relativistic shock waves of arbitrary intensity. In the present paper ("Letter to the Editor") the author showc, that, if the shock- adiabatic is in the (p,w/n)-planc, it is possible t4roceed in accordance with 584 of the book by Landau and Lifshits (Ref 2), and how certain formulae of this book Card 1/2 may be made to go over into such as possess validity alsD for The Tsemplen Theorem in Relativistic Hydrodynaoics SOV/56-z,."-3-C"_!i171 relativistic shock waves of any intensity. It follovis here- from that in shock waves not only pressure and density but also the quantity n/w increase. Por the nonrelativistic case (~'(1/n)/~p') 0 and for a re lat iviZtic perfect gas (1) is (w/n) _ 2(2-1) 1 -'elati- P2 S Y(Y-1) 2