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POKORNY, Joel, RNDr., nositel cestneho odznaku "Nejx4si pracovnik goologicke sq-Uz-b-y-W-- Examination of the geologic structure of ccerered territory according to a pattern followe# by the ore prospecting in the basic intrusion near Stare Ransko. Geolog pru~zkum,5 no.2:35-36 F 163. 1. Geologicky pruzkum, n.p., Brno, zavod Jihlava. POKORNY, Jool,,RNDr.t nositel cestneho odznaku "Nejlepsi pracovnik goologicke oluzby" Iron ore deposit near Huttenberg, Carinthia. Geol pruzkum 5 no.9: 259-261 S 163. 1. Geologicky pruzkum, n.p., Brno, zavod Jihlava. IEESELAY Marta, promovana geolozka; PO,:DRITY,,Joel, RNDr., nosital cestneho odznaku I'lle,flepai pracovnik geologicke sluzby" Metallometric propecting in basic geological mapping. Geol pruzkum 6 no. 3:81-82 Mr 164. 1. Geologicky pruzkum National Enterprise Brno, zavod Jihlava. VD (11ZEMOSLOVAKTA/roannehemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - KhimiYa., No Ilo 1958, 35724 Author : Pokorny Joel Inst, : Title : Geochemical Methods of Prospecting for Deposits. Orig Pub : Rudy,, 1957, 5o No 11., Prace Vyzkurrn. ustavu,, 6-8 Abstract : Various geochemical methods used for the prospecting of deposits are reviewed. Also,, the feasibility of apply- ing spectral analysis to prospecting for Pb, Zn, Ag,. Cu, Mn, Mo, Sb, As. Sn, Vp and Hg is shown. Card 1/1 POKORMI, J. ( ~7-Cl ) IV. klinika-lat, prod. Prusika. Nase zl-usenosti s dihydroergotaminem Experiences with dil&a~~;;i~o~ine daso~i-S-I:~-karu Ceskych 1948, 87/40 (1053-1057) Graphs 5 Dihydrogenated ergotamine (DHE 45) is less toxic than ergotamine. DHE abolishes and even reverses the oxytocic action of ergotamine. The doses must be inq5lvidually chosen for each case. DHE45 raises the skin temperature considerably. Promising results have been obtained in the therapy of Raynaud's and Buerger's diseases. Good results have been obtained in the treatment of constipation and cardiospasm. DH& 45 decreases the pulse and respiraton, rates. The blood pressure is almost alwdys lowered. Great caution is necessary in patients with myocardial infarction or angima pectoris. Combination with discoumarol, therapy should be absolutely avoided. Raskova - Prague So: Excerpta Medica, Vol. II, No 7, See. II, july 1949 its action. 1. Poknru~. Case and Dihyto%, m1ne ;o - `7 - l pis LA - '~~,h 88 12 4 z , -drbergocornine (DEC) wastested in 110 cases. Uptoacer- tain extent It has cffeassimilar to those ofergaturnine. DEC can= vusoditatation apd betterment of periplievitl blood circulation, thus Increasing the temp. of the 1)(M), :,tuface. When app)ied in Injectious it especially produccd (in about --the greatur- 8011/ nf.cages) lowering of the Mooil pfcssure thti diastolic lurcssure. the greater is dic decrease of the prus- sure. The decrease of pressum is greater in labile unfix-2d. 1 hypertension, while iii cases with damaged renal function it is only slightly or not tit all influenced. - When adjuinistered per ris the efffect is not too pronouaL,--d Ix-cause of more diffi-, cult ubsorption from the gustrointe.,tinal tract.- ' Electrocar- 'C diographic e3alm". slujivs that after administration of DF th,re tire no tignu; of c;rom4y spasin even in citt~csofobvious. u cot ortary r~jeral ic 1rusis, while tit (lie satme tinte the geijrt:d iot.rvut;c of the T %v:Lve is to bv judged favorably. I'laii effecl, e3pccially the influence mi t lie blaW pr,-ssum, is not of 1wriplicral but of central origin (Rothlia). -d ooly by the peripheral vasodilatation but by It is not can.& the dt-pressiou of the vatirutiolor ceuter~vr by the stimulation of the a.%minied viqudilvidoit cLiAer. fit conil,mi mi with been ad the action of dihydreergotamine, when DRC It.,.. miniAercit tl.c Wcomhuy ;Ymptoms tire Oight, Qltt? H. JAMIcin polORNY, J. 11ndarteritis obliterans In women. Can.lek.cesk. 89 no.21:609-612 26 Ny 150. (CLUL 19:3) 1. Of the'Fourth Internal Clinic of Charles University (Read -- Prof.`ik, M.D.). RZINIS, Z.; HRABANN. J.; NMJMAN, J.; POKCRNT. J.; KARASEK, F.; TRAVITICEK, T.; VANICEK. R. Attempt to produce experimental atheroma. by intravenous administration of colloidal cholesterol. Cas.lek.cesk. 90 no.23:694-698 8 June 1951. (CLML 20:9) 1. Of the Fourth Internal Clinic of Charles University (Z. Reinis, J. Hrabane, J. Neuman, J. Pokorny). 2. Of the Institute of Physiology of Charles University(F. Karasek, T. Travnicok). 3. Of the Second Institute of Pathology of Charles University (R. Vanecek). REIITIS, Z.; POKORNY, J.; I[OSTAN, J.P. Clinical development of Buerger's disease. Cas. lek. cesh. 90 no.23:709-713 9 June 1951. (Clia ?0:9) 1. Of the Fourth Internal Clinic (Head-Prof. B. Frusik, M.D.). 2. Report on 15 years of continuous observation of 1195 patients (statistics). JILINEK. Vaclav; POKORVY, Josef: ZIPRED. Emil Vasomotor activity of nicotinic acid combined with tetraethvlan- monium bromide. Cas.lek.ceek. 91 no.20097-599 16 Kay 52. 1. Z vyzxkunnsho ustavu. pro farmacii a biochemil v Praze XII a ze IV. int. kliniky Karlovy university (predn. prof. MUDr B.Prusik) v Praze. (NICOTINIC ACID, effects. on vasomotor activity, with tatraetkylammonium bromide) (TILTRAETHYLAMONIUM, eff act a. on vasomotor activity, with nicotinic acid) "D HYNIX. Prof. Dr; CERMAK, L., Dr; GREGOR, 0., Dr; POKORNY, J.. Dr Anticoagulant therapy of priapism with pelentan in chronic myeloid leukemia. Cas.lek.cesk. 91 no.44:1259-1260 31 Oct 52. 1. Ze IV. interni kliniky (prednosta: prof. dr. Prusik) a Sexuolo- gickeho ustavu (prednostat. prof. dr Hynie). (00UHARI11, derivatives. ethyl biedoumacetate. ther. of priapism In zVeloid leukemia) (PRUPISM, therapy, ethyl ilacounacetaie, In myeloid ieukemia) (LNUUMIA, kYELOCYtIC. complications. priapism, ther., ethyl biscoamacetate) RXINIS, kenek, Doe. dr.; POKOM, Josef, As.dr. Pain of the upper extremity due to disorders of peripheral circula- tion. Prakt. lek. '34 no.13:294-295 Jr 154. 1. IV. Interni klinika Karlovy university v Prate. (VASCULAR DISMSAS, FMIPHOAL, wanifestations, *pain of upper extremities) (PAIN, ' *ai=, in peripheral vase, dies.) (ARM, diseases, *pain in peripheral vase. die.) POKORNY, Jog MUDr; NAUMN, Jog XVDr INNIMAMW441~ Affect of certain vaso-active drugs on the peripheral vascular mystem. Can. Ink. conk. 93 no,25:674-677 J0 154, 1. Ze IT, into kliniky prof-. Prustim (VASOMOTOR I)RUGS, *on peripheral V::::C1!3' POEORNT. Josef, MUDr; ZOUIRK. Dimitrij, HUDr Significance of pain in differeneial liagnomis of vaamUr disord6ra of the lover extremities. Prakto Isk., Praha 35 no.4t86-88 20 Feb 55 1. IV lat. klin., predn. prof. dr. P.Prkisik (PAIN. in various diseases vase. disordo, of legg.eWficance in differ. diag.) (ING, blood supply T&sa. disord.. differ. diag., significance of pain) 1~rl-ff-~-VR~~t. T. r t -' -I, - CD ~_ 11 .-- 'D Czecilosl.ovatci:i/j.'Il,ir:;i-~icology. Toxico3ogy. Dru.-,s If ec, n; Blood Coa-ulation. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Riol. , NO 7, 1958, 320,36 Author : Reinis Z., Pokorny J., Hrahane i. Inst Not given Title Si_,,,nificance of Heparin in the Therapy of Artor- ior,clerosis. Ori- Pub Vinitrni lekarsvi, 1956, 2, NO 51 423-430 Abstract Sixty-four patients, 12 of them with acute in- farct myocardia, 24 with prolonE_,-ed infarct nyo- cardi.a. 19 suffering from stenocardia, and 9 re- cuperating from lameness of the lower extremities were treated with heparin. In the cases of the acu- te infarct, heparin laas ad!r:inistered intravenously 200 mg daily for a period of about 10 days. The remaindcr of the patients received heparin in doses Card 112 Abstract of 100 mg twice a week for a Deriod of one month. Improvement was noted in 70,`6 o_'L the patients, usu- ally after the first heDarin injections. At the same time a return to the nor-mal of the content of li- po-proteins in the blood, a decrease in cholestere- nenia with a drop in the bata-globulin fraction when the method of electrophoresis was used in the inves- ti~Catlion was observed. An interruption in the the- rapy again caused an accunulation-of lipoproteins in the blood Q the patients reslimed their co-m- plaints. In the presen-ce Of fresh thromboembolic Complications prolonZred therapy with laroge doses of heparin is indicated. Bibliorrr,phy- 18 titles. Card 2/2 CMMAX, L.; PUQ= - .;:A.; MBZA, A. Protbrombin time and beparin time during pelentan therapy. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.37:1577-1578 10 Sept 56. 1. (Z IV Kliniki Cborob Wownetrznycb Uniweraytetu Karola w Pradze: kierownik: prof. dr. B. Prusik). (PROTHROMBIN TIME, determination during ethyl biscoumacetate ;her. (Poi)) (H]CPARIN, tolerance test during ethyl biscoumacetate tber. (Fol)) (ETHYL BISCOUMAGETATE. therapeutic use, protbrombin time & beparin tolerance tests in (Fol)) POKORNT, J.; T.UL*SK, D.; BAJMOVA, M. Generalized thromboangiitis obliterans & arteriosclerosis obliterans & their manifestations in the arms. Sborn. lek. 59 no.4:129-133 Apr 58. 1. IV. interni klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lakarstvi Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr B. Prusik. J. P., Mecislavova 18. Praha- Nusle. (THROIOOANGIITIS OBLIMANS. manifest. arm (Gz)) (ARTBRIOSCIJCROSIS 013LITIMANS, manifest. arm (Gz)) .ZOULEK, D-~~01-~-,_ BARMOVA. M. Thromboangiitis obliterans & arteriosclerosis obliterans in women. Sborn. lek. 59 no.4:134-138 Apr 58. 1. IV. interni klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. B. Prusik. J. P., Mecislavova 18, Praha 14. (TIbIOMBOAIIGIITIS OBLITEWS in women (Gz)) (ARTIMIOSCLAROSIS OBLITMUM in women (Gz)) STEPANEK, Miroslav; 'POKORNY, Josef Practical knovledge of the bacteriomass and pbytoplanktan development in the SedliceReservoir during 1957-1958. Sbor pal(vod VSChT 4 no.1:333-378 '60. EM 10:9) 1. Katedra tecbnologie vody, Vy9oka skola chemicko-technologicka, Praha a oddeleni hygieny vody Ustavy bygieny, Praha. (Czechoslovakia-Water) (Czechoslovakia-Phytoplankton) (Czechoslovakia-Reservoirs) ~0119M TODOROVICOVA, Hana ._,. Josef Effect of the cold test and foods of different temperatureo an peri- pheral vasomotor reactions in patients with peptic ulcer. Cas.lek. cesk 100 no.16:497-502 21 Ap 161. 1. IV interni klinika fakulty vseob. lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta, prof. dr. Mojmir Fucik. (PEPTIC ULCER diag) (COLDS (BLOOD VESSELS physio.1) POKORNYY Josef; STUCHLIKOVA, Eva; TENOROVA, Martay SINDELAROVA, Irena Determination of the serum LDH activity in peripheral circulatory disorders. Cas.lek.cask 100 no.29/30:913-916 14 JI 161. 1. IV. interni klinika KU Y Praze', prednosta prof. MUDr. 14ojmir Fueik Centralni laborators KUNZ-OV Praha, prednosta MUDr. Jan Hrabane. (VASCULAR Dlsrmss PERIPHERAL blood) (DEMROGENASES blood) KLAT, Frantisek- POSPISIL, Ja:roslave POKORNY Jw-i-f I y Production of exact'rify steel castings in bcn~-'Aing bc-n4,oni+A mixtures with wate- ,las3. Slavarenatvi-12 no.11'.1,48-452 z, N 164. 1. ZdarL.Ke strojirny a slevarny, Zdar. ijpcc) M AY6%" 9OURCS CUUMN6510MION10=1 Ye (Snemerl Prague) 1ONt Depert4ant, of Inorgiudo Chemistry, Ch9ULqgtff& "I UAversitr. 14aine (Katedre.: anorpniolce ahaide Vysolce almly ob9jdcuDuahno2oOoJo)~, TMAs Contributiou to the abomistry of rare elements (rin). Fj a Of scandium. 7.ttrixu4 and lantluum SM=s Chmdckb snatil. no* 8, 1965. 628-634 TOM. TRGSt rare earth metal, phosphate, Unthamn omrqpowd, worAdim YttrION 0001mund. *080wric acM, dismical comosition. t1trimetry. chemical ABSTRACT: )sphatoi were prepared by dissolving and X droxIS16", sphorio 'go and X 6. and La oarbonate In hypopho by The-ooMos tion of the malts 6orresponds,to the formula X I (Hgg0g~ . The oonposition was determined by conductometric I by osoIllonstrio.titration, The Investigated salts -ZO o;;V"ta&n3.l'Ine substanoiss Insoluble In water and organio sol-, Vents, The So byMbospbate doooMoses under vaouumat 350*00 IT bqpophosphito at LISODO, and La -salt at 300-3500ce Infrared. -1speotra oorrespnd -b Ically to the anion speotme 'Origo art* hut .3 fl&rif- im, I UM 07 3.&pr63*,, OUG MF: M on F"t 00~ -cwd -2 h';11---~ f i - vQ4r2W 12 -02 JEZKOVA, Zdenka; POKORNY, Josef Immunological reactions and biochemical provlems of ',,he 7ascU:z-- wall in atherosclerosis. Vnitrni lek. 11 no.8:761-767 Ag 165. 1. Ustav hematologie a krevni transfuze (reditel prof. MJDr. Jaroslav Horejsi, Dr.Sc.) a IV. vnitrni klinika Karlovy university (prednosta prof. WDr. M. Fucik), Praha. POKORNY,,Josef,, inz. -,-- -I - -- "Modern technique of documentation" by B.C. Vickery. Reviewed by Josef Pokorny. Vodni hosp 14 no.4-.130 164. "Theoretical principles of organic chemistry" by T.I. Temnikova. Reviewed by Josef Pokorny. Ibid.:160 POKORNY, Vladimir, MVL)r. First International Congress of the Agri cultural and Food Industry of Tropica! and Subtropical Countries. Frum potravin 15 no.4tl9O Ap 164. MACEK, 4rel, inz.; POKORITY, Josefq inza, CoSe. Use of ailtmation in the ,Iain building industries. Inz st,-;.-7br !;-0 no, C-3uppl.s MechanIzv.-,e no.8:85-87 162. L Vy7.)n=y ustav stavebni vyroby, Praha. ~PPW' Josefp ~Pz." CSC. New system of preventive repair planning for building machines and equipment. Inz stavby 11 no.9sSuppl.tMecha#" nc).9tl34-144 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pozemnich staveb, Praha, 4 3 (!3 0 B/194/62/000/010/068/084' A055/A126 AUTHORS: St6pni8ka, Bo~ivoj, Rezanina, Ivo, Pokorng, Josef TITLE: Cavity resonator with frequency control PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektro~ika, no. 10, 1962, 85, abstract 10-7-169ts P (Czech. pat., cl. 21a , 69, no.,97652, December 15, 1960) TEXT: The patent concerns a cavity resonator for centimeter ~qaves, where the frequency control is effected with the aid of a ferrite placed along the sym- metry axis of the cavity. To reduce dielectric losses, the ferrite is oriented along the magnetic component of the field. With the aid of permanent magnetiza- tion, the working point of the ferrite is shifted into the region of minimum per- manent attenuation, and the steepness, i.e., the dependence of the frequency va- riation on the magnetic field strength, is at its maximum. The magnetization .magnitude depends on the ferrite characteristic and on the required frequency- range variation. The most advantageous conditions with respect to reduction of magnetic and dielectric losses are pointed out for position and shape of the fer- Card 1/2 Cavity resonator with frequency control S/194/62/000/010/063/W4 A055/A126 rite In the resonator cavity. The influence of the material and of the geometri- cal relations of the resonator,walls is examined. The characteristics of the system and the diagrams of the 'fields are reproduced and the structure of the re- sonator (consisting of framework, ferrite, coil and permanent magnet) is de- scribed. The parameters of a real system used for stabilizing the microwave klystron frequency are given. When the volume of the cavity resonator changes, the geometrical relations must be constant. The possibility of using cavity re- sonators for other frequency ranges with different ferrite types is examined. V_N. [Absitracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 ~Ywi rilim, und th- f~ - 7-dimb c3is of 1 L Dl 1 4i M the kw. vvsoihed withaq. Nallcol, , C-,ji, Josef (przguj! : 22.5 g. (4313~; W, ii-, M5-60'- __ , 91`1%i&,ir,~P. KOM- --n to 4 AcOff uvtx 9a luil. 'n 1,7Zzwkyla=~Irt vrxi -rizil r,j,t 'r - I ~~tjjrsi3 t_ a- 12.7g~ W- v Jjy tilt- IoNvying of rmcvom- El Va, nw. ;zC-A vp (2-23 9.) (1) -- Ai 3-ovA)d (jjjcj ~.wl 1~.l nig. polvd. Ba(C)INJ aliA i1ir rv b,r~ wl-- uFbpxW,;i#- f 11) , Ei 3- meth it il .,~l K'C0, Alld utlaill &%l1d - V - I'lityla;f (111) L11 i,,, i i 7 -20 j44Iui-;L-.7A4u, Ifl. t,cwwwbutyrate IV) F-i Grugunrd reagent froto 735 Ing. M i- 4opralawbutypale (V) the fire acid (VA) othur lr~;Itrd With I g. Vi 111 9 lilt I;. it (VI) flitud 5 hrs., dve-ompd. with ice io-d i 1.k 1. th, dIA 1 L 41-ti; -i VI (Vill -1 .5;S-dip7jr4h)lbis-)Frio[5.3.0]dec-bLenc (Vill) ,11 1 (260 nig.) dehydrated by heafi.,K 2:1 'I'm 0 1. 15.3,01drcone (W on hydro- which g-avv 5 8-di?j;t1hy1bifYC1O ing. KH.90j, and the mixt, , I e 9 wilit-ii and 1 7-dimethylitzuIene (X) an dellYdruguintion. Vill, ho 07-100". Vill (3,50 nig.) . . 1 (41 g.) (11.24 mole) was lidded in 3 pqrtions to a stispewsion toll and AcOll gavc: 1611 1119. IX. 1, vilg- Pt0j is' R S bv h-tw;- 87 vith 1 Vill 7 c,l 6.2 g. (0,27 mole) N4 dust in 250 mL Plih4c, the mixt. . g. % g. Dehydrogenation of 3,1 I i 4 hri. at 130", the hot Na salt gel treated %vilh 43.2 - 40 niiii. at 230* gave, after climinaingravlo-, 70 jl,l~ ' 111 Ild 1 d f l g. nitill.) J$rCjlsCIj,C.Il,CN, heilled Lm ity,, ;kt 13()D,: ;' 1 rate i1 J. X [0,11,(NW, unil I", ill. UN K, decolopil. with 11:0, and diod. in virtio, Yielding 43.0 g. are given. XLVIII. Con-,10%it-li ViClIct Spectra fit Mil-ti"X) 11. b~-j 128~W. 11 (41.95 g.) hydrolyzed by re-i Of 1- and &-cadinene. Vlastimil 11trout all() I r-1-1- fluxing %Ath 200 mi. coned. llCl 10 hrs. yielded 17.24 , '. Aid. 70-5.-By ozonization, nt-tv (52%) acid, in. 45-50' . -viang Oil was luelit-ifitA aq N 1~-vniicurbaxont, ill. ~ 151-5* (from Moll)]. which gave 7,iclhYenebicyclof4.4.0]dccap;f (1). 011 1'- -ij 934P. by lesttrificatioli I#, tilt. presclice of 75.5% M, b,,. action ivith MeMgBr and McLi. B-c-iiw-, I Ill by azeotropic esterifiration wthyd. IICI uiitl 947 5-isoP ,. g jsemic~alxtzoue, In. 151.) (from EtOH)). Ill (39.4 g.) and in Ac0Et oxonized 5.i lus. with .3% 0j I: A 24 g. Zn %voul ill W ml. dried PhAfe treated with 10 ml. tography. approx. 451,1o of a dikeLone, C BrCH,C0,13t, heated, treated with an addid. 20 rul. Br- ffrom CiIii-por. ether (1:4)]. bdiv-d i.- C142C0.11t, the mixt. refluxed 15 min., decomIld. with ict! bicytlofi.4.Olilecaiie-2,3-dio);e (111) (froin EtOll-pUr. tLher); discati,ada-mie, I,, H ~Etoml." i~cmimnr i-k-LIct' lom citronefla- oil tmik, with prrom yphthalic acid in whpr. gave nfter evapm of the e er th , A tbronmt6graphy 6-radint"t dioxide,, M. 83.5-- 14.V (Ir6iii-pur. tthef);, fall,? 13.3'. and an ~oxide diot" M. Ifrom Cffj~petr. ether (3: 1)),: -0 brs.; in all 3 in. ether 15 lim, 120 hm.. and in dimcane' crial was recovered.: ir- stauces, unchanged starting inat fluxing-the dioxide of IT 48 brs. with MeLi gave the same M is given - )MIX.' Tesult. Vie infrared spectrutn-.fA ;,Sesquit4enes of the'eadinane typiD in jamese citronella OU Mstimil Hemut Tibor' Kolos and 1690 PlIva, lff~~re ses Kd uihr rcnu aam)w _ . , W q p f-cadinexe,-han been isolated firunt Jam%'TI Citronean oil (1). The formula sugge3ted fot 1--cadintne in the litcmtute No icitroadlem' (C.A. 27, 280) is thL Menged. ac)clic se;qu .Wa~ Wiul,in the c it investigated. Fractiotiation and A cbramauwa ~~Iinene (U)" pby-of I gave fractions contg, ds 0.9V5 1)3.8*. log f (240 niA) 2.55i hy-i f drojenatiott d which gave cadinanc, do 039M, j*Iq 1.4M ' * :ad, WE . U and HCl at --a2f)' gave iment- MY 4.3 mi 117-180 (from MOH), (all; -37.8 , Yraction contg. $$&adixem gave by-4-ydrogenation a empd., dze O.M2, IAM. ' d, 0,0105, "V LW75, md,cadiatnc- 147.9f, log i (M mp) 2M. The cadinant ai 211PA prepd. frorn -y~cadlnene were- identic--d with the ucts prepd. from a-cadimene. M. Hudlick5- rod P C, i'A CZECIfOSLOVAKIA/Inorgoaiic Chemistry Complex Compounds. C. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1-1, 1958, 35651 Author : Petru Frantisek, Pokorny Josef Inst : - --------- Title : The Obtaining of Alkali Metal Nittites on a Laboratory Basis. Orig Pub : Chem. Listy, 1957, 51, No 5, 964-965 Abstract : The derivation of LiNO2 . H 201 NaNo I KNO 1 RbN02 and CsNO through the interaction of e~9;1-nifrite with hy- dro2des of the corresponding alkaline metals, is des- cribed. To an alcoholic solution of hydroxide has been added a freshly distilled ethyl-nitrite. The mixture has been preserved for two days (48 hours). The volati- le elements have been driven off in a vacuum and the re- maining nitrite (yield 91 to 9%) recrystallized from the vater. The purity_of the obtained compounds amounted Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Inorganic Chemistry - Complex Compounds. C. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya., No 11.,1958, 35651 to 99.5 - 99.87%. 50% alcohol has been applied in the case of UN02- Card 2/2 POKORNY, Josef Die neue Tecbnik der by Josef POKORNY, Dr. R. KRIVINKA). Prague, Czechoslovakia Isolierung von Mykolsaure aus dew Tuberkulose-Forschungsinstitut zu Prag (Direktor: Doz. SOURCE: Die Naturwissen schaften, 15 Aug 56, Unclassified. Z/oo8/ft/ooo/oil/001/003 E192/E382 AUTHORS: and Bukovnicky, J.~iroslav TITLE: Electronic methods in chemistry III. Electronic control of large powers PERIODICAL: Chemick'e listy, no. 11, 1961, 1294 - 1296 TEXT: The device described permits control'of comparatively large AC powers over a wide range. A detailed circuit diagram of the equipment is given in Fig. 1. The system can be regarded as an electronic I'variac". The principal elements of the device are two metal thyratrons, type Tk 001 MEZ (tube T1 and T2), which are connected in such a way as to permit c on tr'o 1 of AC over a large poirtion of the sinusoidal wave- form. The thyratrons are triodes and the control voltage to their grids is obtained from the outputs of the transformer Tr 2 . The grids of the thyratrons are provided with 30 k-Q protective resistors, R5 and R6'. The control voltage at the grids varies from 100 mV to 100 V, the grid current being the smallest at the full output poweri on the other hand, the grid current is about 2 mA at the minimum output voltage. The primary of the Card 1/4 z/oo8/61/ooo/oll/001/003 Electronic methods .... E192/E382 transformer is driven by a power-amplifier, based on El which amplifies the voltage obtained from the phase bridge consisting of the capacitor C2 and variable resistor Pl (50 kV-). The second potentiometer P2 = 100 kII is used to set the optimum operating point. The supply voltage for the amplifier is obtained from the half-wave selenium rectifier, which is furnished with a single-condenser filter (Cl) z The anode current of the amplifier is set at 10 mA for the maximum output voltage. The thyratrons are heated by the transformer Trl , which is furnished with three windings. The variac is also provided with a thermal relay TH. D1 and D2 are two neon indicators. The control range of the variac is 1 - 10, L/ i,e. 20 - 200 V, at 10 A; the device can be temporarily over- loaded up to 15 A. There are 1 figure and 3 references! 2 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. Card 2A Z/008/6i/ooo/oll/ool.1-'003 Electronic methods .... E192/E382 ASSOCIATION: Katedra anorganielve' chemie,.Vysoka' 'skola chemicko-technologickA, Praha (Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Chei-ziical- technological University, Prague) SUBMITTED: December 3, 1960 MASTERA, Lubomir, promovany geolog, POKORNY, Joel, RNDr.; VESELY, Jaroslav, promovany,geolog Regional metallometry of the Nasavrky plutonic rock, Geol pruzk= 7 no.2:43-45 F 165. 1. Geologicky pruzkum National Enterprise Brno, Branch Jihlava. POKORM, X. Pokorny, K. Our tractor operators do not fear the tasks which are expected of them. p. 219. vol. 5,, no. 12, June 1955 MECHANISACE ZEMFDILSTVI SO: Monthly List of East European Accesaion, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4p No. 99 SePt. 1955, Uncl. -POKI-TI-47-3 K,,- GALJJSYAl Y1. Perfect maintenance of machinery. P-333. FXCHPXIS,kCE ZKMDELSTIVI. (MInsterstvo zeaedelstvi) Praha Vol. 5, no. 17, Sept. 1955 East taropean -Accessions List Vol. 5 No. 1 Jan. 1956 BARTOKI Istvan; TOSZEGI, Anna; POKORKY, Iajos Diphosphopyridine nualeotide-diaphorase activity in the re- generation of healthy and cirrhotic livers. Kiserl. orvostud. 16 no.103-89 J'a'64. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Korbonctani es Korszovet- tani Intezete. IWNGARY BARA, (BACHRACH), Danes, LASZLO, Aranka, POKOFNY, Lajos; Medical University of Szeged, Pathological Anatomy and PathAns "ol-8-g1d~'Institute (Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem. Korbonctani as Korszovettani Intezet). "The Effect of Chronic Cerebral Lesions on the Neurosecretory Activity of Albino Rats.n Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol XV, No 4, Aug 1963, pages 439-1145. Abstract: [Authors' German summary] The effect of chronic electrolytic cerebral lesions on the neurosecretory activity of albino rats has been investigated by the authors. The observations and results of previous re- search conducted by the authors indicate that: the neurosecretory saliva- producing ability of the nerve lobes is decreased with increasing inten- sity by lesions localized above the paraventricular (P.V.) nuclei, by complete destruction of the P.V. nuclei and, furthermore, by injuries reaching the tractus supraopticohypophyseus. No deviations were observed by the destruction of the middle and dorsal hypothalamic nuclei, unilateral or partial destruction of P.V. nuclei, lesions behind the level of these nuclei on the hypothalmic-thalamic border, and high thalamic lesions. 7 Hungarian. 21 Western references. 9 BARA, (Bachrach.) Deneaj LASZLO, Aranka; POKORNY, Lajos The effect of chronic brain lesions on the neurosecretory activity in whit6 rats. Kiserl. orvostud. 15 no'.4:439-"5 Ag t63, 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetqm Korbanctani es Korszorvettani Intezete. (BRAIN DAMAGE, CHRONIC) (METHYLTHIOURACIL) (THYROIDECT%ff) (HYPOTHALAMUS) (OPTIC NERVE) (PERIPHERAL NERVES) (PATHOLOGY) POKORKY,Iajop,dr.; SZONYI,Ierefte,dr. Studies on old-age pathology. Orv hatil 101 no.23:817-820 5 Js 160, 1. Szogedl Orrestudomnyi Bactem, Korbonctani as Korazovettan i Inteset, (GIRUTRICS statist.) L 13528-66 ACC NR, AP6006(-35, .',OUIIrE' CODE: I ILI olil-;: Radiologi(,al Clil,'e, tf-dical Unlvett;lty of Szeged (37,pr-di t1idonol'..'i Egyetem, Rontgen WiW4~!) TITI.E.: Cancer of i he m-immary glatid wi 0i metastases to the st--rtarli and the other gland SOURCE: Magyar radInlopia, no. 2, ol,-91 TOPTC TAGS: carcinom.-1, histolnry, Hrsestive system, Pla,id, rasl YV surgery, pathology AE0TF,ArT: one year -..f ter the removal of the rlight mammary gland, metastaues appear6d In the left. gland sirid in tile stomach of a 25 year old voman patient. Viese changes wf-'ve also -ei1fied by histologrical examinations. On the basis or these histological )xaminationBll both metastasea were m-lated to the pr1wry tumor in the rIght gland. Ilie possibility of such metastases must be taken into consideration when Castrio complaints a ear in a woman surfei-ilir ft ... m. breast ca!w,~r. Orig. art.. has: 6 figures. ?JIIILjj7 J SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: none 0111 REF: 019 Card 1/1 POXORIU, Lubomir Process of screw segment production. Slevarenstvi 9 no.12: 475-476 D '61. 1. Zavody V. I. Lenina, Plzen. POKORNY, Lubomir Use of profile milling machines for groove milling of r)on-plane surfaces. Slevarenstvi 10 no.2:57-59 F 162 PO NY, Lkbomix Technical, process of mald gear wheel models. Slevarenstvi 11 no.2: 68-70 F 163. 1. Zavody V.I. Lenina, Plzen. POKORNY, Lubomir Technical proceeding in making a single-thread crew with rectangular section of blade. Slevarenstvi 10 no-5:178-179 MY 162.- 1. Zavody V.I. Leninap Plzen. (-C Z-3 G s -b ov,~-, -1 i A HAT.,7R, V. , ancl POK'OR:-.Y, nou givenj. L -ions "Discus c~ --*, on on the In Pahorren4c 1.1ani"'estat in Ulcers and Hypertension" Prar JA ~roj CII, gue, Casopris No 22, 31 May 63, pp 613-614. Abstract: .Iiemarlk-s on ann aa-tilclle by L. CISAR and M. POKORNY, in t ihiF-7periodical, Vol C!, '.T "o 44, 1062, p 1319. Discussed are findings made du2?--Lng e--.-ar-inations of railroad worklers. Emphasized is the .-I~act that', -,here is an interdependence between the two diseases. LI/1 8 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Prague, Camogis Lekaru Ceskirch, Vol 105, No 24-25, 17 Jun 66, pp 683- 6&4 Abstract: Computer evaluation of data obtained in tho study of acute infarct of the inyocardium is described. 280 indicarors were used which allowed the use of 2200 characteristic codes. A 50 page code was prepared. All 280 indicators use numbers 1 to 9, and data on one patient are eontained on 4 cards.~ 'The first problem is the dotermination of the frequency of correlation oom- plexes o-L the most important signs of an acute myocardial infarct. 2 Western references 2/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA POKORNY, M; Docent MD9 CSO; ZACEKI V, 1. Factory Institute of People's Health of V. I. Lenin (Zavodni ustav narodniho zdravi V. I. Lenina), Plzen; 2. Tuberculosis Department SFN (Tuberkulosni odd. SFN), Plzen Prague, Vnitrni Lekarstvi, No 9, 1964o PP 913-916 "Isolated Endobronchial Metastases of Extrapulmonary Tumors." "fly MI IV q,-. 3: ~ ,]:, , P. isc,'Ivad tt:~,R- -n ~ r (::.. Via:,T 'j.St ze,--,~5del "-' no.6:;~27 164. 1 POKORNYP Mikulas, Inz. Cooperation of hop reaearch workers with practice, Vast ust zemedel 10 no.8g299-3OO f63. MUSIL, Frrintifiet-; POF,(.'T?NY, Milos. Techrilaka spolupritca: KUN),.S;f)VA, Marie --perience with heparin Spofa linguets in atharcsc*I-rr:.Fjn. Vnitrri lak. 11 no.12:1198-1202 D 1 65. 1. Ustredni biochemicka laborator ZUfJZ LZ Plzen (predDOSta - MUDr. Frantisek Musil) i Vnitrni oddeleni ZUNZ LZ Plzen (pred- nosta - doe. MUDr. Milos Pokorny, CSc,) . 1 . 5OURCE CODE: CZ/0023/65/0()9/()03/0250/0258, AUTHOR: Poko Milan ORG:_ GeoD174al Institute, csAv. Prague TITIE: Variation of velocity and attenuation of longitudinal waves during the solid-liquid-and liquid-solid transition in Woodts alloy SOURCE: Studia geophysics et goodaetica., v- 9, no. 3, 1965, 250-258 TOPIC TAGSt ultrasonic wave, alloy, melting point 'ABSTRACT: The paper reports the resits of a study of variations of the velocity .and attenuation of longitudinal waves'/during the solid-liquid and liquid-solid transitions in Wood's alloys, which was selected on account of its low melting point and the relative complexity of its system. The measurements were a pulse method in a 1-ft frequency range. The results are compared with those obtained by Shimozuru. The author thanks Professor A. Zatopeck for valuable discussions. He also thanks Doctor J. Vanak and Engineer Z._D:ps for help and discussions. during the experimenti Orig 5 fIF-wes* 0 iWt. has, 1JFRS: 3298591 SUB CODEt 210. SUEK DA791 02NOV64 ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 004 Low Melting Liqu~d,- Metal cmd 1A 0 L'9 47/6 ___P?rrj GISAR, Ludvik; POKORNY, Milos On the problem of the difference in the pathogenetic mechanisms of ulcer and hypertension. Cas. lek. cesk. 101 no.44:1319-1323 2 N 162. 1. Zavodni ustav narodniho zdravi zavoda V.I. Lenins. v Plzni, interni oddeleni luzkove, predhosta MUDr. M. Pokorny. (PEPTIC ULCER) (HYPERTENSION) (HEPATITIS INFECTION) FOIMA, Jindf-ich, ?rim. Dr; POKOIJIf, Milob, Prim. Dr. Czechoslovakia Internal Medicine Ward of the Factory Hospital LIZZ Filson (Vnitlmf oddgleni zdvodnf nomocnice ZUNZ Plzefi); Ilead: 1j. POKOINI, Prim. Dr; X-iay Ward of the Factoi-j Hospital ZUNZ - Pilsen (Ift odd6lenf z&vodni nemocnice ZMFZ -- PlzeA); Head: J 6 FOLDA, Prim. Dr. Prague, Vnitlul ldka%tv-1, No IX-2, 1968, pp 124-130 Acute Pneumonias in Workers in the Heavy Engineering Industry." 1-EQZON)4jUxQA1-ax- Eartomovers used for subsoil stabilization in building modern roads and airports. Ina stavby 10 no.12:Suppl.:MBchanizace no.12:140-142 162. 1 1. Pozemni stavby, Vyzkumy ustay stayebnich a keramickych stroju, Brno. - POKORNYI.-Miloslav; VMISS, Jaroslav; DIJORAK, Jaroslav; DLABAG, Mikulas; PESL, ' %M-aHn,-PELISEX, Josef f .01 I Fourteenth Congress of the Czechoslovak Society of MlinerEloty and GooloFy in Brno, 1963. Cas min geol 9 no.2:251-256 '64. -POKORNYI.-Mix4slav- Notes on the nomenclature of electric connections, conductors and lines. Energetika Cz 13 no.2:106-107 F 163. 1 1. Elektromontazne zavody, n.p., Bratislava. POKORMY, Miroslav Multirotor earth cutters and stabilizers for road construction. Pt-3- Inz stavby li no.1;3uppl.: Mechanizace no.1:11-14 40. 1. Pozemni stavby, Vyzkumny ustav stavebnich a keramickyoh st,-oju, Brno. POKORNY,ttilos; CISAR, WdvIk Cholecystocoronery syndrome. Plzen. lek. sbc--n. 2-4s67-75 164. 1. Interni odd. zavodni nemocnice Zavodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi Leninovych zavodu v P1zni (prednosta: doc. dr. M.Pokorny, CSO.). POKORNY, Miroslav Place for the explanations on drawings. Elektrotechnik 17 no.10:297-289 0 162. 1. Blektromontazni zavody, n.p., Bratislava. .POKa=,XLr**1&v-(Bratislava) Short-circuit data ohould be included in ordero of law-tenvIon auziMnt distributora. Elektrotechnik 17 no.2:41-43 F 162. POKCRNY, M.; KOEMIMMARKOVA, D.; PONCOVA, V. '__ ~__ I - Treatment of infectious hepatitis with horse-radish. Cas.lek.cesk. 90 no.11:338-341 16 liar 1951. (CIMI, 20:7) 1. Of the Internal Department of the State Regional Hospital in Susice. HORACKOVA, M.; PoKauu, M. Rndemie goiter in Susice. Can. lek. cesk. 90 no.26:799-804. 29 June 1951. (CIAM 21: 1) 1. Of the Institute of Social Medicine (Head - Prof. V. Prosek, M.D.) and of the Internal Department of the Regional Hospital in Susice (Head -- M. Pokorny,'M.D.). A HORkCKOVA, M.;HMMOKOVA, M.;JIROVIO, O.;POKORNT, H. Survey of school children In Susice for parasites in 1"0. Pediat..119ty,,Praba 7 no..4:207-211'July-Ang,1952..(CIKL 23:1) 1. Of the Institute of Social Medicine (Read-Prof. T. Prosek. M. D.) and of the Institute of Parisitology and Protozoology (Read Prof. 0. Jirovoc. M.D.), Charles University in Pra&e and of the Internal Department (Read--N. Pokorny, K.D.) of Susie* Hospital. POKORNY$ Miloe, Prim. MUDr Iffect of meteorological factorg on coronary diseasne. Cas.19k. cook. 91 no.34:977-982 22 Aup 52. 1. Z InterrAbo oddeloni statni nemocnice v Susici. Prim. WMr Milos Pokormy. (CORONARY DISUSB, physiology, off. of meteorol. factors) (CLIWI, effects. on coronarv die.) POKOINY, Milos. Primar MLJDr Favorable effect of jaundice on bronchial asthma. Caa.lek.ceek. 91 no-39:1123-1126 26 SePt 52. 1, Z Int. odd. luzkove sloz)W*UM Susice. (ASTHMA, comiplications, jaundice, favorable off. on course of asthma) (JAUNDICRI* complicationag asthma, favomble off. on course of astbma) POKORNY$ YiIoS POKCRNY, Milos, Prim. MUDr; PONCOVA, Venceslava, MUDr Asthma and the climate. Prak-t- lek. 34 no.10:22&230 Ap 154. 1. Z interniho oddel. ok=es. nemocnice OUNZ Susice. (ASTM& *off. of climate) (CLIP-kn. effects *on asthma) PMCRNY Milos MUDr, primar Z-"-- .-A - Clinic of pre-infarct conditions. Prakt. lek.. Praha 35 no.6:127- 130 20 Kar 55. 1. 2 interne odd. okr. nemoon. v Susici. (CWOKARY IDISRA S pre-Infarct condition, clin. aspect) EXCERPTIA UDICA fE POA-C) A See. 7 Vol. 9/10 Oct. 55 j147 POKORNfr M., Y.OENIGSMARKOVA D. and PONCOVA' V. Int. odd. okres. n, ~ ~c ~m c e~, - *Paroxysmy Jacksonovy epilepsie u infekEni hepatitidy. Paroxysms of Jackson's epilepsy in infectious hepatitis tAS. L9K. CES. 1955, '94 /6 (142-144) case is described starting with a sensitive aura. In the post - paroxysmAl atate changes of the psychical state, myalgia and transitory hcmiparests were ob- served. The fits appeared and disappeared in chronological connection with the patitis and were overcome by barbiturates during the treatment of the hepatitis. ~ Wdetailed neurological examination excluded an organic impairment of the brain. It is presumed that the paroxysms were provoked by transitory pathological bhanges of layers in the cortex together with a dLfuse toxic damage of the brain, 'Which increased its tendency towards paroxysms. They presume that there was encephalitis of the layers, but they do not exclude a local disturbance of the ~e,ssels, possibly from a toxicoinfectious damage by a serious insufficiency of el liver. Kluska - Brno (XX, 6, 7, 8), J aCERPTA HEDICA Sec.6 Vol.11/1 Internal Y*d. Jan 57 677. POKORN! M. and KUdEROvA 1. Int. Odd. Okresni Nemocnice OONZ. -Su-Tice. _*0 sdruienf vfedov6 choroby s prfidugkov~m astm atem. T he as - 6ociation of ulcer disease with bronchial asthma VNITA. UK. 1956, 2/8(734-739) , Association of ulcer disease with bronchial asthma is by no means rare. Twenty- two cases of this type were followed up. Themumber of men was considerably greater than that of women (19:3). The investigation revealed the influence of heredity, psychasthenia, hypermotivitX, vegetative dystonia. Synchronization of both conditions was rare, alternations were more frequent. One condition by its appearance frequently suppressed the manifestations of the other. A series of clinical experiences is reported. These obVervations are of importance in under- standing the Oathogenesis of both conditions. A review of the evolution of theories on pathogenesis of both conditions is given. Cortico -visceral conception in the sense of Bykov, and a theory of dominants, explain the pathogenetic mechanism of these associated syndromes, which themselves are their clinical confirmation. Milos, Prim., HUDr.; KUCjMOVA, L., MUDr.; BERKA, MUDr.; 1mr . Chronic bronchitis and emphysema In workers of state farms. Pracovni lek. 8 no.4:276-281 Aug 56. 1. Z Int. odd. Aresni nemocnice OUNZ Susice. (BRONCHITIS, epidemiology. in Czech., in agricultural workers (Cz)) (INMSMIA, PUTAIONART, epidemiology, same) e EirERPTA XMICA See 17 Vol 5/12 Public Health Dec .59 3846. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS AND EMPHYSEMA IN FOREST EMPLOYEES - Chronickd bronchitis it cozedma plic u lesn(ch zam6stnanc& - Pokorn~ M., Ku,' Od,d. Wreard o sera M.,KuEerov& 1. and Paroulek J. Vnitin! - 'W- 11st. Nfirodniho Zdravi. Susifie,- VNIT[tNf LEK 1959,5/2 J118-127)Graphs 2 Tables I Illus.3 Within the scope of investigation of chronic broncrutis ano empnybema 237 em- ployees of forest establishments Kaliperski Hory were examined. Clinical findings and exiiihination of lung funcUon were evaluated. It was ascertained that on the whole the frequency and severity of the above mentioned chroctic diseases of the respiratory tract do not exceed convincingly the national average. Causal noxae in question were discussed and conclusions for prevention quoted. (XV", I 9s) POKORKY.Miloo; KUGNPA,Miloslav Attempted pharmacological influence In spipstralgia in tractor operators. Pravoyni lek. 12 no.6:286-291 J1 160. 1. Interni odd.. OUNZ v Susici.IPrednosta dr. X. Pokorny; Iziterni ambulatorium OUNZ-Forazdovice. okresul internista. dr. M. Kucera. (ABWKIN d19. ) (OCCUPATIORAL DISBASIS thi~r.) 103 DI-irector of T-,~ .."ernal Dejrtment of -7-nctoi-I tal ZU'TZ LE n1 7Iorks (Lcnilnovy Zavody) zen. Pra-ue, Prakziclcy Lcl-az-, -1-.0. 18, I-F)62, IlIschemic Eeart Di-aease of Em-oloyees in I r.dus- Co-autno:rs: CISAIR, Ludvil-, Tntci~nal Dcpartme-t of -actorir Hos-oital ZUI.,,Z Lenin DUROVA, Eozena, -.,.-:D, same . POKOPJUI, Mikulas, inz. Solved research tasks concerning hop cultivation. Vestnik GSAZV 8 no.10:560-562 161. 1. V~rzkumny ustav cbmelarsky Ceskoslovenske akademis zewdelskych ved, Zatec. (HOPS) POKORNY, Miroslav Remarks on the article "Method of protection against a dangerous contact voltage in the Vychodolsovenske zelezarny, and our - regulations." Energetika Cz 13 no.9-497-498 S 163. 1. Elektromontazne zavody, Bratislava. POKORNY, Miros-lay, .. Earth cutter for subsoil stabilization in building roads and airports. (To be contd.). Inz stavby 10 no.ll:Suppl.:- Mechanizace no.11:134-136 162. 1. Foamni stavby, Vyzkumny ustav stavebnich a keramickych stroju, Brno. PONOM, 0. 1 inz. Calculating rectification curves and dynamic conductivity element 'of.tunnel diodes by means of the Bessel funotiorj* A --slatioproud.v obzor'24 no./+:246-21+7 Ap 163. ".-_ I.1. .- .- AUT,MR: 71Kacirej C' -R. -(Engineer) _(Pragu6),-_ Fryc, R.-JPtague); -*Zava2al, Z.- (Prague); 0. ,lint,roduCtion to 'Io:~snvmic3" b,' Vlaqi=ir 1`1 O.Pokorny. P)bcr zom 70 no. 1:87 165. "Geographical names-, coirictly pronounced" by fic-inrich TRilhert, Reviewed by 0,1-okorny. u'.(1.:88 "Applied geography i.n il.-- Igium. Reviewed by C. i ok orny . "lames of German citie3` by RudoLf Fischer, Frr .3t 7 Horst Naumann, llian5 Walt6hcr. Reviewed by C,Pokornly. 96 ~We 127"~ (h) L O(Y277-66 -AM ffWNR: M5023914 Cz/O039/64/025/009/0sss/o5s6 i d ka -AUTHOR: Mikula, Vladimi (Engineer); PaLaMM, Ota r (Engineer) TITLE: -Direct intermediate parametri with a capacitance diode 25 1964, s5s-s56 SOURCE; Slaboproudy obzor, v. 25, no, 9, parametiric amplifierp amplifier design, semiconductor diode TOPIN TAGS ABSTRACT: Formulas are presented for deriving characteristic values of the amplifier by means of the admittance matrix. Included are an equivalent diagram pacitance of the direct intermediate nongenerated-paremetric amplifier with a ca diode and the basic diagram of an experimental parametric amplifier. Orit. art. It has: 2 figures, 6 formulas and 3 graphs. ;"ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC NRI.REF SOV: 000. OTHEM 004 JPRS z_ Card 1/1 CAJKlj Josef, prclf. Jnz. ~,OACRT-.*Y, "'~takar, inz, CSr--.; MIKU1,A, Viil-~'Inl-rl , nz. - --- - Sclution of circuits with non-inert-ifil paraTi-atric n-poles In the stationary state by the matrix method. E) -ech cas 16 no.4:193-200 '65. 1. Antonin Zapotocky Military Academy, Brno. Submitted Septembon-r 5, 1964. CAJKA, Josef, prof. inz. Clc.; POKORNY Otakar, inz. Matrix method of solving circuits with parametric dipoles in the steady state. El tech cas 15 no. 6:321-331 164. 1. Antonin Zapotocky Military Academy, Brno. POKORNI, 0,; RIEDLOVA, M. ThIrd Congress of the Slo,.rak Geograp1hical Srciet7 in Kosice. Sbor zem 70 no.1:83-85 165. I POKORNY, 0,_.-~nz. Paramet-ic Pdmittan-ce a3 a. syEtem of ;u---Biltnear ~:47CUItS wit? n contact sides. Slalboprourly rbzcr 2" Ja 164. - .41 POKORNY, 0.; MIKULA, V. Self-oscillating converter vith. a tunnel d4ode, Slabrp.'.~ obzor 24 no.8t495 Ag 163. "'37 POKORNY.? 0. "The Comenius Map of Moravia" by Ladislav Zapletal. Reviewed by O.Pokoray. Sbor zem 68 no.3:281 163. POKCRNY,.O. A picture of Bohemia in the middle of the 19th century as reflected in the collec- tions of documents of the stable eadaster. p. 222 Ceskoslocenska spolecnost zempisna. SBORNIK. Praha,, Czechoslovakia., Vol. 64, no. 3., 1959. Monthly List of I-ast European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 82 no. 3.1, Nov. 1959 Uncl. L 44605-66 -------------- W-URCE-MIM .AC.C Ms A~6666 OvIA/675-0-607010/001V INVENTORt Squeek, Jiri (Engineer' Benesov u Prahy); Hampl, K, (VIssim); Smjus, (Benesov u XPr Prahy), Skyor J (Engineer; Uvaly); Bezoupka, ague); PokorpZp -I-- - (Pruh0nice)- Hrdlicka, J. Z&vazal, Z (Prig-us); ORG: none V.44- TITLE: (Thermal expansion compensator for semiconductor system 6 1827-6,4 CZ Pat. No. FV SOURCE: VYnal6zY, no. 10, 1965, 11 TOPIC TAGSs electrode# semicondu ator device., thermal expansion ABSTRACTs The electrode of the housing of a semiconductor system which is vacuum (hermetically) tight secured by means of the electrical insulating part to the base housing forming the other electrode which has positioned inside it a channel or duct cealed from the outside to which in introduced Inside the housing a positioned expan- 'sion member constituting an electrical connection between the electrode and the a9mi- conductor system feature in the device described here. The electrodes protrude from the housing in such a way that to the expansion member fixed to It can be secured deformation electrodes from the outside and that a conductor can be attached to them Card 1.1.7 L 448o5_66 ACC NRiAP6006152 from the outside. This arrangement is distinguished by the fact that the electrodes and the conductor connected to Jt are enclosed by the housing fixed to the conductor and the deformation electrode. The deformation of the housing at the point vhere it touches-the electrode proceeds to such a depth that the electrode and expansion member are deforzod simultaneously. SUB CODEs 0900/, SUBM DATRI 3lMar64 212 bl g SUFe.'A.)-:E, Given ',Ia:-.,es Country: IC'.,.echoslova!---*'a Academic Degrees: /not, -ive.-I/ Affiliation: /not given/ Source: Praj~ue, Sbornik Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti '~/enaepisne, Vol '06, --o 4, 61. -op --as-cene rnapy v letec' Data: Czec" *School Idaps ' i646-1918 Ces! le s1 -olni 1848-1918). Prague, 1~60. 14 page S Autho--n: KUMHA, Ludvik Heviewer;,-TOKOITZIa. Ota