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Effect of high-tempez-atu-e the.-momechanicall treatment of steel
45 on its fatigue strength in certain working media. Fiz.-khim.
mekh. mat. 1 no.1:49-53 165. (141FJi 19: 1)
1. Fiziko-mekhanicheskiy InEtitut ALI UkrSSR, L'vov. Submitted
August 3, 1964.
Effect of beat. trea+uvf--n'j on the struGturel engl:ieering
Characteristics and corrosion propert-Jes of the VTZ-1
alloy. Fiz.-I-him. mekh. mat. 1 no.2:2003-213 '65. (MIRA 18-6)
1. Fiziko-mekhanichesluy institut AN Ukr,SR, L'Vov.
Effect of machining on the fatigue strergth of Y~17N2 P-ne-
Khl?N5Y,3 (S11-3) steels. Fiz.-khin. mekh. mat. 1 no.2:244-
246 165. (MIRA 18:6)
1. Fiziko-mekhanicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR, Lvov.
,.!. n
E f f a r, t o f the r-,- cm- s r. ia r. i -- & 1 - ~- ,-. E sz,~ -,. ---.
_, - - -I-- .. -
cf, 'L , 60(;2, and SbIQ15'st~-16. rah. i!rta na nat no .
.5 -- L - .3! 63 -
69 :64. (MIRI 17,10)
62531-65 MFF(c)/9vT(z)/D7A(c)/F_r1 (M)/E--I-P(t)/T/E-,IA(d)/D7P(w)/F-fP(t) MA1/jD/L-TB
MCESSION NR: AP5012854 UR/0369/65/001/002/0209/0213
AUTHOR: Boltarovich~ A. V.; Pokhmurskiy, V. I.; Tabinskiy, K. P.; Shportko, V. P.
jTITLE: The effect of heat treatment on the structure, mechanical properties and
corrosion properties of VTZ-1 loy
SOURCE: Flziko-khimicheskaya mekhan.1ka materialov, V. 1, no. 2, 1965, 209-213
7 ~77:- -_77
-metal mechanical propdrty,corrosion resistan t um oy
TOPM-TAGS ce, itani all heat
treatment -
ABSTRACT: The effects of heat treatmen~lon the structur mechanical properties,
and corrosion properties of VTZ-1 alloy are studied. Alloy composition: Cu--0.06,
Si--0.22, Cr--1 7 Fe--0.32 A
\ .. 'A, 0
tBu 0;
L 29343-66
and the reactivity of these radicals (II) were studied by EPE spectroscopy. It is
noted that the study of the reactivity of radicals formed by oxidation of hindered
phenols is of both theoretical an)t practical interest in view of the use of these
phenols as oxidation inhibitors.X'~The thermal decomposition of I was carried out in
xylene solution at 80 ~IOOC7 It''was found that the thermal decomposition was a
first-order reaction. It was also found that radicals (H) react with diphenylaminel
and 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylpheno1 (Ionol), abstracting the hydrogen o-f-TH-e-ir
hydroxy groups, e.g.,.
ABu ft tBu tBa
ph Ph
+ HN
U Ai
Card 2
ACC NR, Ap6ol8594
The reverse reaction, viz., the abstraction of hydrogen by the diphenylnitrogen
radical from the hydroxy groups of hindered phenols to form the corresponding phenoxy
radicals 4as also found to occur. In this case, the dipheny1nitrogein:'iAical was
prepared by the thermal-dissociation of tetraphenylhydrazine in organic solvents
at 100C. Orig. art. has! 3 figures. A .. . [SM)
SUB CODE: 07, 20 SUBM DATE: 2omay65/ ORIG REF: OOB/ OTH REF: - 013/ ATD PRESS:
V, L 29342m66 F,JR(j)4TrWI(m)1I T-12(r I-- RM
i. ACC NN AP6016595. SOURCE CODFI: UR/0379/66/002/002/0240/0246
AUTHOR: Pokhodenko, V. D.; Khizhnyy, V. A.; Yershov, V. V.; Hikoforov, G. A.
ORG: Insti e' Kiev
tut'-of Physical Chemistry im. L. V. Pisa r*zhevskiy, AN UkrSSR
(Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR)
TITLE: EPR spectra and behavior of substituted.indophenoky radicals
SOURCE: Teoreticheskaya i eksperimentaltnaya khimiya, v.. 2, no. 2,-1966, 24o-246
TOPIC TAGS: hindered phenol, oxidation inhibitor, electron, paramagnetic resonance
ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the EPH spectra and the structure of substituted
(VM CHV is0-C3H71 tert-C4H9, tert-C5HII, cyclohexyl) indophenoxy radicals
R, Ri,
formed on oxidation of the indophenol It is noted that hindered phenols are widely
used as oxidation inhibitors for polymers. It was found that the impaired electron
Card 112
T e)0'2A')--AA
ACC NRt AP6018595
reacts with the nitrogen and with the ortho and meta hydrogens of both benzene rings.
The reaction of indophenols with benzoyl peroxide to form indophenoxy radicals was
of the first order with respect to indophenol. The annihilation of indophenoxy radi-
cals in benzene was a second-order reaction with respect to the radical. From the
values of rate constants of the annihilation of radicals having different substituents
data were obtained on their stability. This stability dropped sharply on going from
radicals with o-tert-alkyl substituents to radicals with less-bran&hed groups. Orig.
art.* has,1 7 figures and 2 tables. ESMI
SUB CODE: 07, 20 SUBM DATE., lqjun65/ ORIG REFI.--oo6t -6TH REF: 013/, ATD PRESS:
Ca d 2/2 (-1 C/
*D:L9 UmIagerung von PhenWIradikiklen in Benzylradikale bei der O!Xydation sterisch
gehinderter Phenolem'
Third Working Gonference on Stable Isotopes, 28 October to 2 November 1963, Leipzig.
Formation and docomposition of cumene sh,7droperoxide in H20M.
Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3t758-760 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3)
1. Inatitut fizicheakoy khimii imeni L.V.Pisarzhevskogo AN USSR.
(Hydroperoxide) (Oxygen-Isotopes)
Transf orma tions of 11ric rajicai.-~ form-wi' by oxidizirg .-
hindered phanols. Rocz cheirdi. 38 no. Ii!05-1)3 164.
1. institute of Physical Chemistry, AcadeBLv of Sciences,
Uvrainian Kiev.
18(7) SOV/125-59-8-6/18
AUTHORS: Rabkinq D.M.9 Langer, N.A.9 Yagupollskaya, L.N., and
Pokhodenko, V.D.
TITLE: On Methods of Corrosion Testing of Welded Joints of
Aluminum in Nitric Acid
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1959, Nr 8, pp 49-56 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article deals with methods of testing corrosion
resistance of welded joints of aluminum. The authors
wish to ascertain the character of the action of nitric
acid in relation'to its concentration and temperature,
and more precisely define the necessary preparation of
surface of samples and other experimental conditions
in order to work out the most acceptable accelerated
method of testing welded joints of aluminum in nitric
acid. The authors open with a review and critique of
other work in this field, including that of V.P. Ba-
trakov ZR-ef ~7, V.A. Savchenko ZR-ef 77, and F.B. Slo-
myanskaya and A.N. Krutikov Ref lg-, but they find a
comparison difficult because the methods used varied.
Card 1/4 A method of testing welded joints of aluminum, worked
On Methods of Corrosion Testing of Welded Joints of Aluminum in
Nitric Acid
out by NIIKhR4RSh - boiling test samples in concentrat-
ed nitric acid for a long period of time (100-200 hrs)-
is criticized as having poor reproducibility of re-
sults. The experiments described in this article were
performed on type Al aluminum of the following compo-
sition: 0.20% Fe, 0.20% Si,.4,;0.01% Cu, the rest -
aluminum. Sample dimensions were 70x3Ox4 mm; seam
width was 12-14 mm. Nitric acid in concentrations of
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80% by wt. were used. Fur-
ther particulars are contained in the text. The fol-
lowing conclusions were reached on the basis of the
experiments: 1) the highest rate of corrosion was
attained using 30% HNO - for accelerated corrosion
testing it is recommenh9d that boiling 50% HNO be
used; 2) corrosion speed in 50% HNO was dete?Mined
as a function of time (Fig 1); the hrve of this func-
tion levels out 2 hours after the start of the test;
3) tests in 50% HNO guarantee a higher reproducibility
Card 2/4 of results in compa?ison with tests in concentrated
On Methods of Corrosion Testing of Welded Joints of Aluminum in
Nitric Acid
acid; in addition the character of the corrosion da-
mage is preserved. The condition of the surface of
the samples was found to have a comparatively small
effect on the rate of corrosion (Fig 3). Further
tests were carried out for comparative evaluation of
the corrosion resistance of welded joints- a) boiling
samples in 98% HNO , for 100 hours, and b~ by the ac-
celerated method, i.e. two-hour boiling in 50% HNO .
Samples with three types of welds were used. SampKs
were compared by weight in arriving at a criterion for
corrosion resistance. Results are tabulated (Table
3). Results of the 100-hour test in 98.3% HNO support
known data to the effect that identical sample; in the
same acid and under similar testing conditions give
poorly corresponding results. However, good reproduc-
ibility of results was obtained in the 2-hour tests with
50% HNO In addition, structure and defects in the
seam sh8w* up better after the two-hour test. Weight
Card 3/4 criterion of the corrosion resistance should be supple-
On Methods of Corrosion Testing of Welded Joints of Aluminum in
Nitric Acid
mented by visual inspection of the seam. There are
2 photographs, 3 graphs, 5 tables, and 13 references,
9 of which are Soviet, 2 English, 1 German, and 1
ASSOCIATION: Ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni - Institut elektro-
svarki imeni Ye. 0. Patona AN USSR (Order of the Red
Banner of Labor - Institute of Electric Welding imeni
Ye.O. Paton, As UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: April 10, 1959
Card 4/4
18M SOV/125-60-1-10/18
AUTHOR: Rabkin, D.M. Yagupollskayal LoN., Pokhodenko, V.D.,
Langer, N.A.
TITLE: On the Problems of Accelerated Corrosion Tests of Welded
Aluminum Joints in Nitric Acid
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheakaya svarka, 1960, Nr 1, pp ?4-?8 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In their previous work ZR-e� g the authors showed that
50016 nitric acid can be used for the accelerated testing
of aluminum welds for corrosion resistance. Boiling for
two hours in such an acid concentration ensures better
results thap:tests with concentrated nitric acid. The
optimum sizes of test samples are determined and the
accelerated test method is explained. The size of the
samples can considerably influence the results of the
tests. Table 1 and graphs 1 and 2 show test results de-
pending on the size of samples. The latter were tested
for two hours in boiling 50% nitric acid. Figure 3
shows samples of different length after the tests.
Card 1/3 As the ratio of the area of the basic metal in the
On the Problems of Accelerated Corrosion Tests of Welded Alumin-
um Joints in Nitric Acid
sample increases in relation to that of the weld, the
mean rate of corrosive destruction gradually drops. To
determine the influence of the size of the butt end sur-
faces on corrosion of the welded joint, different thick-
nesses of the latter were tested. The results o'L these
tests are given in table 2. Experiments were made by
putting samples straight into boiling acid, and by putt-
ing them into cold acid and then bringing it up to the
boiling point. The average rate of corrosive destruction
depending on these two conditions is shown in table 3.
On the basis of investigations, the results of which are
described in the previous work Z7Ref .17 and in this ar-
ticle, and after consideration of the results of tests
conducted at plants.,an industrial test method was de-
veloped. It includes instructions for the preparation of
samples, the tests themselves and the methods of evalua-
Card 2/3 ting results. The method has been tried at a number of
On the Problems of Accelerated Corrosign Tests of Welded Alumin-
um Joints in Ntric Acid
plants where it received approval. It can be used for
testing the welded parts'of chemical equipment for
corrosion by nitric acid. The authors thank eng~heer Ivleva
(Penzkhimmash), S.V. Shimanskaya, V.G. bauiuskiy (zavod
"Krasnyy Oktyabr") ("Krasnyy Oktyabr"' Plant) and
Kuram hin (Uralkhimmash) for their aid in developing
the method. There are 1 diagram, 2 graphs, 1 photograph,
3 tables, and 2 Soviet references.
ASSOgIATION Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki
im Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Order of the Red Banner of
Le-bor Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.0. Paton
SUBMITTED: 1 July 1959
Card 3/3
Rearrangement of the free radical of oxidized ionol. Dokl." 3&9R
145 no.4:825-817 Ag 162. MU 15:7)
1. Institut fizichaskoy kh4m44 i=. L.V.Plaarzhevskogo AN USSR.
2. Chlon-korrespondent AN WSR (for Brodjqkiv)_
(Gresol) (Radicals (Chemiai;yj)
L 4571
tcg-CODE-i-UR160-2016611691wilO-3-3- 4/0 3-4-2~
AUTHOM Brodskly, A. -2s, .(Corresponding member AN SSSR)j Pokhodenko, V. D.; Aj%_h-rQ7,,
V- A,; Kalibabehuk., N, 0-, 'Y41
ORGI Institute of Phvsical ChemiBtr-vAn. L. V. PiBarzhevskiy. Aoadew of Sciences
TITLE1 Mechanism of conversions of para-aliql-di-ortho-te n r~dLqala
SOURCEs AN MR0 Doldadyp v. 1699 no.'29 1966, 339-342
TOPIC TAGS$ free radicalp phenol
ABSTRACTS The kinetic@ or disappearance of radicals (I) and (n)
Hocrfort tert-CiHe
Rj=Rj--H; 11a=CHI
in benzene solutions were studied. The initial phenol solutions were oxidized In a
vacuum by means of PbO~,, the oxidizing agent was driven off under vacuum, and the
change In the concentration or these radicals with time was determined from ESR "a-
UDCI---5-4:L 1-5
L 45712-66
ACC Nits AP602439.4
tra. 7he kinetic curves obtained showed that the rate of disappearance of radical I,
at 250 and radical 17 at 21 and 266 follows a first-order kinetic equation correspo6d!
ing to the conversion
01 oil ,TV
H#Cg-tert t4rt-CgH9 Hmed-tiot ECA-C4119.
The disappearance of radical 32 at 470 obeys a second-order equation In accordance
vith the reaction
0 off
JJA-tqrt"~9 tart-C4% HIPA-tert tert-CH, H4;-ttrt*
It C -Be
I Lt712-56
ACC N~R, AP6024394
At the intermediate temperature of 3509 a mixed mechanism is observed. The data indi-~
cate that radical II is more stable than radical I. The results of kinetic measure-
ments show that thq disappearance of 2v6-di-tert butyl-4-alkylphenwWl radicals con-
taining a kydroge4latoms in the para-vubstituents takes place quite rapidly via either!
mechanism (1) or 12)9 depending upon the structure of these substituents and the tem-
perature. Orig. art. hast 2 figuresp I table# and 5 formilas.
Card 3 /11 ) (- I'(' '-
Unit for adding additiyoo to lubdoantsi. Neitianik 9 nos%22,
6 064 (Mllu 1812)
. - ~', -. re - 1. ~; ~, .11
Scraper for cleaning paraffin in pipes of free-flowing wells.
leftianik 1 no.11:12 N 156. (WA 9: 12)
1. Nachallnik proizvodstvanno-takhnicheakogo otdalaniya nefte-
promyslovogo upravlaniya Sakhalinneft'.
(Oil wells--Equipment and supplies--Repairing)
AUTHOR: Pokhodilo., D. N.,, Chief of the PTO MV Sakhalinneft'
TIYIX: Experience inUsing Spiral Scrapers in Sakhalin Oilfields (Opyt
primeneniya spiralinykh s1krelkov na Sakhal-imsIdkh promyslakh)
IODICAL: Ileftyanik, 1958,, Nr 1,, PP, 8-9 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author states that paraffin deposits vhich coat deep-well
pipes can be removed by different methods. One of tbB most
efficient methods applied for this purpose is the mchvzdcal
cleanIn of pipes vith scrapers attached to a rotating roa.
Most oilfields employ scrapers vith rotating blades. Hm-m-em:0.,
scrapers of this type have numerous defects and for t7his reuson
the Sakhalinneft' Petroleum Production Mminis-tratuion doas not
use them. In 1954 the author of the article,, with the help of
engineer M. N. Sabolev, developed a new type of a spiral scraper
vbich is made as described by the authar and as shown in the
schematic draving of the bench used for twisting spiral scrapers.
This scraper can be employed without rotating the rod to vhich
it is attached. The introduction of these spirall scrapers parnitted
the Sakhalinneftf Admini ation to discontinue operations connected
Card 1/2
Experiezkce- in UsIM Spiral- Scrapers In Sa"allm Oilfields
vith the deParaffinizatiOD Of PmP tubing. These operations were carried out
in each vell a.1most every nonth. As a result,, a considerable ammyn saving
vas achieved in the Verkhneye Ekhabi oilfield. There is 1 drawing.
1. Pipea--Cleanlng 2. Industrialequipment-Performanee
Card 2/2
Using dippers designed by the Central Cowmanications Research
Institute. Avt.dor. 22 [i.e.231 a0-931-32 S '60. (MIRA 13:9)
Okcavating machinery--Equipmen~ and supplies)