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GURIYEV, V.P.; POGORELOV V.I.-,KUNA, V.S., inzh., rot.sonzent; red.izd-va; SPEWSKAYA, O.V., -Lekhn. red. (Bydraulie displacement transmissions] Gidravlicheskie ob"e=We peredachi. Moskva, Leningr. otd-nie Mashgi- za, 1964. 342 p. (MIRA 17:3) AMESSiblq NR:', AR4020479 S/0270/64/000/001/0019/0019 -~ISOURCB: PZh. Goodezija, Abs. 1.52.98 ,`.~AUTHOR: Mogillny*y, S. G.; Pogorelov, V. I. :TITLE-. The*,affect of the magnetic field on the readings of the M-3 gyrocompass SOURCE: Tr. Donetskogo politekhn. in-ta, v. 61, 1962, 73-77 1TOPIC TAGS: mine surveying, gyrocompass, magnetic field effect, Helmholtz ring, ;~VN gyroscopic orientation, ,_1 TIMI, permalloy shielding, magnetic field component, '!underground surveying, M-3 gyrocompass, vertical component 'TRANSLATION: Experiments are described which were conducted for testing the effec-1 tiveness of the shielding developed by the VNDa /All Union Scientific Research 1 Instit -ute of Mine Surveyinj for the M-3 gyrocompass used in mine surveying. A -~Helmholtz ring was used in the investigations. Measurement of the vertical compo- Inent of the magnetic field was made using an instrument made by the author which _,_Jmade it'possible to register a change in the ring's field equal to 0.02 oersted. _iThe results of the investigations confirmed that the screen of permalloy fully .1 ~sLelds the gyrocompass~from the influence of external magnetic fields with an in- !tensity of up to 2-oersteds and that, consequently, even considerable magnetic VI Subject USSR/Engineering AID P 5o87 Card 1/2 Pub. 128 - 16/26 Author "or V Kand. Tech. lei. . Title Hydraulic transformer of pressure Periodical : Vest. mash., 5, 63-64, MY 1956 Abstract : The author suggested in 1949 and then designed with G. A. Medvedev a hydraulic pressure transformer, which can change,-at wide range the high pressure produced by automatic intensifiers at the expense of the reduction valve. The hydraulic intensifiers used at present for increasing the pressure of liquids in presses have many defects, e.g., they are bulky and need additional installations of control boxes. In 1953 the author's hydraulic transformer was put in operation at a Leningrad plant and was found wholly reliable. The author describes in detail the design of this transformer, GLICBOV, P.D., prof.( LEVI, I.I., prof.; YAGN, Y.I., prof.; CHUGAYEV, R.R,, prof.; STAROSTIN. S.M., dots.; KACHANOVSKIY, B.D., dots.; POGORMV, V.I., dots. _*--momm"t Fiftieth anniversary of the hydraulic engineering faculty of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. Gidr.stroi. 27 no.2:62-63 7 '58, (Leningrad--Technical eAucation) (MIRA 11:2) POGORMLOV, V.I. Problens in the calculation of hydraulic processes associated with the filling of the actuating-mechanism cylinder. Trudy LPI no.193.87-93 '58. (MIRA 12:2) (Oil hydraulic machinery) RUBINOV, Leonid Yakovlevich; POGORELOV, V.I., red.; SHILLING, V.A., I red. izd-va; BELOUMMA, I.X.-,-f-ekTin. red. [Hydraulic equipment for metal cutting machines)Gidravliche- skaia apparatura dlia metallorezhushchikh stankov; stenogramma. Leningrad, 1962. 53 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Metal cutting) (Oil hydraulic machinery) P0G0WJDV,--Viktor-I-vano3dcb, kand. tekhn. nauk; MEDVEDEV, Georgiy Alekseyevich, konstruktor; YEVDOKIMOV, V.P., inzh., red.; FREM~ D.P., red. izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn. red. [Now system of regulating pressure in bydraulic drives)Novye sistaW regulirovaniia davleniia v gidroprivodakh Leningrad, 1962. 22 p. (Leningradakii dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagan- dy. Obmen peredovym opyton. Seriia: Nekhanicheskaia obrabotka, no.23) (MIRA 16:2) (Oil hydraulic machinery) VALUYEV, Afanasiy Sergeyevich; GERTqENOVA-1 K.N., kande tekhn. naukp retsenzent;,WBAN(yVj, A.N., retsenzent; B=YUKOV, M#P-.* retsenzent; WDYWV, P-V-p retsenzent; UVSYAMXOVY R-P-p retsenzent; POGOREIA) , V.M., retsenzent! ROGOZDIO S.M.# retsenzent: VKglr-'Y-EVA.9 V.I.p red. !zd-va; SUNGUROV, V.S.1 teklm. red. [Practical work in stereophotogrametrYl Praktikum po stereo- fotogrammetrii. Moskva., Izd-vo geodez.lit-ry, 1961. 319 (MBA 15:150 1. Kafedra fotogrm=etrii Voyommo-inzhenernoy akademii im. V.V.Kuybyshava (for Lavanovy Bmml~yukovp Budylov,, Oveyannikov, Pogorelov, Rogozin). (photegrm=etry) POGORELDV, V.N.; CHERNYSHEVA, L.M. Study of the therapeutic action of mononqcin on white mice infected with Mycobacterium leprae murium. Antibiotiki 7 no.9.*810-813 S 162. (NIRA 15:12) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut po izueheniy lepry. (ANTIBIOTICS) (MYCOBACTERIUM) Effectivanass of kanamycl-a In rat leprosy. Antibiotiki 9 no.12.-1096- 1098 D 164. (MA 18M' 1. Nauchno-issledovatallskiy institut po lzucheniyu lepry Ministeratva zd-ravackhraneniya 3,913R, Aotrakhanl. POGOREWV, V. N. Cand Ned Sci -- "Experineut J\~practieal application of the lepromin test inA011-inlo and prophylaxis of leprosy." Rostov-on-Don, 1960 N (Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Med In6t im Ahademician A. A. Bogomalets). (KL, 1-61, 209) -415- FEVNIKOVA, L.A.; GUBIN, G.V - POGORELOV V P - KARMAZIN, V.I. Calcining limestone in a *boillng" layer multiple-zone reaction vessel* Stroi, mat. 8 no.5:3-5 My 162o (MIRA 15:7) (Limestone) Subject : USSR/Engineering AID P - 526o Card 1/1 Pub. 11 - 11/15 Authors : Sterenbogen, Yu. A. and V. S. Pogorelov (Electrowelding Institute im. Paton) Title : Resistance slag welding of frames for scaler Periodical : Avtom. svar., 4, 108-114, Ap 1956 Abstract : The authors present the results of their experiments in welding of large frame parts (470mm. thick) made of the St.25L type steel. They describe the procedure, the electrodes (SvO8GA), and the oxides (AN-8 and FTs-7) used In welding a framework for a scaler in a rolling mill. Four tables, 5 photos and 2 drawings. Institution : As above Submitted : No date L ZALYTSEV, Yu.N.; STMNBOGEN, Yu.A:.; POGORILOV, V.S. Automtic welding un*der flux r~olllng-~Mm~untivge with use of lamellar electrodes. Avtam. avar. 10 no.5:100-105 S-C '57. (MIRk 10:12) 1. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni'Institut elektroevarki iml.,Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (for Zaytsev. Iterenbo'gen). 2. Ordena Lenina Novo-Kra- matorek-iy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyaniya (for Pogorelov). (Rolling mills--Welding) Ollectrie welding) 25(l) PMM I BOOK EXIWITATION SOV/3421 AkMeMUR nauk URSR, Kiyev,, Institut elektronvarki, iment, skMealks, Ye.o. Pstom Vkiedrenlye novykh.sposoboy mrkl v promyshUnnostlp vjipe' 2 (Iutzodudti6n of- .New-Welding Methods in Industry; Collection of Articles,, No. 2) "*~ Go$. iZd_V* tekhn.. _ lit __ ry M[Minskoy SSR, 1959. 194 p. Rrmts, slip inserted. 3*000 copies printed. Id.: V. ChLrkubA; Tach. U.: S. Jktumvich. ""m ftla book Is Intended for workers In the welding Industry. COURME: The. book contains a discu"lon of welding tecbnlqws and problemm by groups of scientists and welders. Nmch attention Is given to problem in the Application of -now methods' of ftchani"d welding and- electro-slag welding. We Is the'"cond collection of articlem,under the same ti IUs pzepareCaud Viblished by tkW Institut elaktromrki ImAf Te.00 -Patons, (Institate,of Zlectric Wolding Imni 74.0. Paton). 7be priiface in written by Mi. Paton Academician oZ the Ukm#dan Academqr of Sciences and Winner of tkw Lenin FAZO.~ 2here an no referezkoes* Card 2/if /P) cr-,/) o V PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5078 Akademlya nauk URSR, Kiyev. Instytut elektrozvaryuvannya Vnedreniye novykh sposobov ovarki v promyshlennost'; sbornik statey. vype 3. (Introduction of New Welding Methods in Industry; Col- lection of Articles. V. 3) Kiyev, Goa. izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry 1W.rSSR, 1960. 207 P. 5,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektroevarki imeni akademika Ye. 0. Patona Akademli nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Ed.: M. Pisarenko; Tech. Ed.: S. Matusevich. PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is intended for personnel in the welding Industry. COVERAGE: The articles deal with the combined experiences of the Institut elektroavarki imeni Ye. 0. Patona (Electric Welding Institute Imeni Ye. 0. Paton) and several Industrial enterprises In solving scientific and engineering problems in welding NM%V=1^ Introduction (Cont.) SOV/5078 teChnOlOgy. Problems In the application of new methods of me- chanited welding and electroslag welding in industry are discussed. This in the third collection of articles published under the same title. The Foreword was written by B. Ye. Paton, Academician of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR and Lenin prize winner. There-are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Zayteev, Yu. N. tEngineerl, Yu. A. Sterenbogen (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Electric Welding Institute Imeni Ye. 0. Paton), V. S. P1NMrgj&yjChief Engineer, Novo- Kramatorakly mad'Un-ostroltelInyy zavod (New Kramatorsk Machinery Plant)), and V. V. Kuklin [Head of the Automatic- Welding Engineering Department, Urallskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya (Ural Heavy Machinery Plant)]. Introduc- tion of Electroslag Welding Into the Production of Weldments Made of Cast Sections 5 Cany5408- POGORELOVP V.V. Dual double point interpolation in space. Geod. i kart. no.6:40-46 Je 164. (KRA 17:9) NONDILENKO,, I.I.; PMRELOVP V.Te.; STRIZHEVSKno V.L. overtone line intensities in Ramn spectra. Opt.1 spiktr, 13 no.5%649-654 N 162-0 (KITU 15t.12) (Raman effect) KOIMILUKO, I.I.; PPGORELOV, V,Ye, Pohorielov,, V.IE.]; STRIZHMKIY, V.L. -[3tryzhevs'kyi, V.L.] Study of the intesitieB of, vertone linso of Ramn scattering of light. Ukr.4z.zhur. 6 no.6t785-789 11~-D 161, (MIRA 16-5) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy M versitet im. Shevchenko, (Raman effect) ~OINDILENKO, 1. 1, ; _Pq,'QE.~ Use of the r,iethod of' internal starxdrnIs 1r. atudying thie dependence of the intnan3ity cf RwaEui -Inactmm llruo. IP&r. fiz. zhur. 9 no.5-566-568 My 664. O-MU 17:9) 1. ~-Uyevsk-iy gOsv-darSt%,r-,.W-Yy universitet i,.:. 8/051/62/013/005/005/017 E039/E42O AUTHORS; Kondilenko, I.I., Pogorelov, V.Ye., Strizhevskiy, V.L. TITLE: Intensity of harmonies of Raman lines PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v-13, n0-5, 1962, 649-654 TEXT: This subject has received little attention in the past and ithe aim of this work is to make a theoretical and experimental tudy of second order lines corresponding to the first harmonic of the intraifiolecular oscillations. In the first part of the paper ome general questions on the theory of combination scattering are : nswered; in the-second and third parts the theory of the intensity of the harmonic lines and the comparison of theory and experiment are given. Experimental results are obtained showing the dependence of the intensity of the harmonic lines on the frequency of the exciting light. The experimental method, which involves the use of an automatic spectrometer, is as described in -an earlier*paper (I.I. Kondilenko and I.L. Babich. Mater. X Vaesoyuzn. Soveshch. po spektrosk. (Data of' the 10th All-Union Conference on Spectroscopy) v.1, 218. Izd. Llvovsk. un-ta 1957). -The harmonic lines examined are 1550 cm-1 CC14, 1520 cm-f C"C13 Card 1/2 s/051/62/013/005/005/017 Intensity of harmonics EO~9/E420 and 769 cm-l CS2- For c.'otiparison the intensities of the fundamental lines 313 cm-lP CC14, 762-1 CHCf -and 656 cm-' CS2 are given. It is shown Ithat the harmonic'hnes exhibit a much faster increase in intens'iiy with the frequency of the exciting light than the correspond ing fundamental lines. This fact is in agreement with the theory..' In the case of CC14 and CHC1 the agreement is quantitative as well as qualitative. With L2 the agreement is not good be~aul*se the frequency of the exciting light is near the CS2 absorption band. There are 2 tables. SUBMITTED; September 21, 1961 Card 2/2 V 34436 I coo 37/ // 3 r) S/185/61/006/006/014/030 D299/D304 AUTHORS: Kondilenko, I.I.t PohoFYel()V, VoYes, and Stryzhevslkyy, V.'p j,. TITLE: Study of intensity of overtone lines of Raman scatter- ino. 0 PERIODICAL: Ulkrayins1kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 6, no. 6t 1961, 785 - 788 TEXT: Theoretical and experimental studies are described of the in- tensity of Raman lines, corresponding to the first overtones of in- tramolecular vibrations. Particular attention is given to the de- pendence of the intensity of the scattered light on the frequency of the exciting light. First, the problem is considered theoreti- cally. The tensor a for the intensity of the lines which correspond to the first overtones, isexpressed by W12+ 3W2 es 2,o;0 W2 + W2 D 0) Cxn~v (a.Y)VV12 XY J0 0B'0'J" + 2_ w42AG' 2(W;~I - WD2 3 DWWO R Card 1/3 S/185/61/006/006/014/030 Study of intensity of overtone ... D299/D304 (where A, B, Ct g -and d are given by formulas; the notations are adopted from the references). A comparison between formula (1) and the corresponding formula for the fundamental tones, shows that the frequency dependence of the overtone lines is greater than that of the fundamental lines. If the frequency of the exciting light app- roaches the absorption-band frequency, the intensity of the over- tone lines increa5es in a greater measure than that of the funda- L/Y mental lines. This was confirmed experimentally. It is noted that the s-U-ronger frequency-dependence of the intensity of overtone li- nes, is related to the quantity w (as comDared to w~ ) in the 0 3o brackets of formula (1). Experimental results showed that w 0 cannot be neglected. A formula is obtained for the ratio between the inter, sities of the overtone- and fundamental lines. The experimental in- vestigations were conducted by a method, described in the referen- ces. The ap aratus included an automatic spectrometer (designed by the authors5, a photomultiplier and the recording device TT~PA -02 (.PSRI-02). The integrated intensities of the overtone lines 1550cm-1 VC14, 796 cm-1 CS2 and 1520 cm-1 CHC1 3 were determined. The results Card 2/3 S/18 61/006-1/006/014/0-30 Study of intensity of overtone ... D299YD304 are listed in a table? together with the correspondJng values for the fundamental lines. From the table it is evident that the theo- retical predictions were corroborated by experiment. In the case of CCI4 and CH013 , agreement between theory and experiment was both qualitative and quantitativet whereas in the case of CS2P agreemen-t was less satisfactory. There are 2 tables and 6 references: 5 S,)-- viet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet.-bloc. The reference to the English-lan- guage publication reads as follows: E.D. Wilson, Astrophys. Journ. 699 34P 1929. ASSOCIATION: Kyyivslkyy derzhuniversytet im. T.H. Shevchenka (Kyyi--7 State University im. T.H. Shevchenko) Card 3/3 L 094-66, EW M/T IJP(C) 7UMSOMN, NR: AP5017893 UR/0051/65/019/001/0041/0048- 535-375:535.2 j AUTHORS: Kondilenko, 1. 1.; Pogorelov, V. e, VA ~N !TITLE: Frequency dependence-of the intensity of fundamenta 18 I Rapign spectra- SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v, 19, no. 1, 1965, 41-48 70PIC TAGS: Raman spectrum, line intensity, Raman scattering, quantx~ electrodynamics, ligbt.polarization ABSTRACT: This is a-continuation of earlier work (Opt. i spektr. 9, -:-.-z:-'26 1960 and v. 11, 262, 1961), and is devoted to a proof tbat al- though the convergence,of.tbe seftes obtained for the Raman scatter ing.tensor by quahtum-dynamical methods differs from the convergence jof the expression.obtainbd by the,Kramers-Heisenberg formula, the _!sums of the two series are identical. The proof is obtained by going'.-- lover-from the new quantum-electrodynamic formula. The frequency de- lpendence of,tbe,inteDsity of Raman lines in the vicinity of electror6 L 4394-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5017893 labsorption of the molecule Is then described, within the framework of: polarization theory and using the customary approximation, by a new -Iformula, containing the square of the difference between the fre- ?quency of the exciting radiation.and the Vibrational-frequency, wher .,as in the region far away from the absorption region, where resonaned (is unimportant, the frequency dependence is described by the ea !proportionality to the fourth power of this difference. The expv,.L*.L- men-tal results substantiate this conclusion. Orig. art. has: 4. 1.fig, res, 14 formulas., and 2tables. IASSOCIATION: None D SUB CODE: OP ENCL: 00 SUBMITTE 30Apr64 NR REF Sov 014 OTHER; 005 2. Card FOGORELOVP V.I" I - - ~ - ~~, Properties Of COTPUBcular radiation streams in regions of polar lights. Geomag. i aer. 3 no-4:764-765 JI-Ag 163. (MM& 16:12) 1. Institut fiziki atinosfury Ali SSSR. KONDILENKO, I.I.; POGORELOV, V.Ye.; STRIZHEV.13KIY, V.L. Frequency dependence of the intensity of Raman scattering of light In crystalline quartz and calcite. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.2:533-538 F 164o (MIRA 17-2) 1. Kiyevskiy goslidarstvennyy universitet imeni Shevchenko. PISKORSKIY, Georgiy Avgustinovichp kand. tekhn. nauk; SIMUMO, Nina Andreyevna,, inzh.; ~OC!Rlj~L.OVYe.G., inzh., retsenzent [Shoe machinery with hydraulic drive] Obuvnye mash-irjy E gidroprivodom. Kiev, Gostekhizdat USSR, 1963. 169 p. (MliLk 18:6) I.wjuy S i J. , ~ Li-. I z "1160 Ed ) k, . A " laChil-ler" at thc Br'-'Ich Exhibitiun --',n Moscow. ucheb,zav,-, no,5:143-148 .61~ 14-12", (GreiA Brf~tajn ... 1)111,~a machinar,,) (A'.1oscow-Exhibitions) PCGOR---WV, YU. D.: Yfaster Tech Scl (diss) -- "Investigation of the plana stressed state of graduated sheets". Jjiartkov, 1959. 9 pp (Min Hig)Ier Educ Llkr :7,f-R, lOiarlkov Construction EnglmarlrV, inst), 11,0 copies (IM, Ivo 1L, 1959, 120) 1 POGOREIDV, Yu.G. "Fertilizers for field crops in the Kuban" by A.I.Simakin. Reviewed by IU.G.Pogorelov. Zemledelle 24 no.2-96 F 162. (MIRA 15-3) (Kuban--Field crops--Fertilizers and manures) (Simakin, A.I.) inve 9ti 0 -, s e s -;-I n T, r Z:~-tlion Of LI, Yixer GrRtinrs." !-,n 1,:duc;3t!nn USSR. Khrar'l;ov Polytechnic Inst Lpreani V. Y. ,eli-n-. K-h,ar 'kov, 1955 (-t)issertation ('~)r t.,!e deeret-. of Candidate in T-chnlc~d Sclence) SO: Knizhn:4ya letoris' No. ?7 ; , 2 J111Y 1955 88495 s/114/60/000/003/oWoO E19VE355 It,/ 2- -L- AUTHORSt PLoj~orelovq Yu.1.9 Candidate of Technical Sciences ----G.A., Engineer and So nurgVly, TITLE,. Remarks on the Article of Cand. T,7-in. Sciences D.I. Morozov Entitled "Improvement- in Profiles for Long Blades of Steam Turbines" PERIODICALt Energomashinostroyeniyet 1960, No. 3, pp. 44 - 45 TEXT: This is a critical note on an article published in Energomashinostroyeniye, 19599 No, 7. The article described a method of constructing profiles of blades with high stagger with subsonic inlet and supersonic discharge velocities, The article included a number.of errors in describing the Prandtl Mayer theory. In particular, the author mistook the procedure for designing the profile of the blade back. He constructed the line of flow for uniform isoentropic potential sonic flow around the edge of a flat wall; he postulated a flow into space at a lower pressure, with given parameters in the narrow throat section Card 1/3 88495 s/ii4/6o/ooo/oo3/oo8/oo8 E194/E355 Remarks on,the Article of Cand. Tet~,n. Sciences D.I. Morozov Entitled "Improvements in Profiles for Long Blades of Steam Turbines" and at discharge from the blading. In reality, flow over the tail of the blade profile as described in the article may be considered as flow over a flat wall. Then, according to the theory of flat supersonic flow from a region of high presswre to one of low, the flow is deflected from the initial direction by a certain angle. The method of calculating this deflection is briefly described and the corrections that must be made in the formulae~ particularly formula (6) of the original article, are described. Certain other errors in calculating angles in the original article are mentioned. In the light of the criticism that Card 2/3 88495 s/il4/60/000/003/008/008 E194/E355 Remarks on the Article of Cand. Techn. Sciences D.I.Morozov Entitled "Improvements in Profiles for Long Blades of Steam Turbines" is made a plot is given of the flow in blading channels recommended in the original article and a now theoretical profile is offered for the case of isoentropic potential flow which is subsonic at inlet and supersonic zt discharge. The method of construction is briefly explained. There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet references. Card 3/3 S/58 60/029/002/001/008 2 D262YD302 AUTHORS; Fedorov, M. P. and ~ogpXi~CL J. TITLE: Investigating the efficiency of profile gratings used in diaphragms with narrow blades SOURCE: Khar1kov. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy. v.29, no. 2, 1960. Parovyye i gazovyye turbiny, 7-18 TEXT; A number of experiments was carried out with three different profiles of blades considered to be the most economical and known as(--.4,T-H-1 A (S-1, TN-2 and D). The results are recorded in form of graphs and analyzed. The graphs are: Efficiency - L ratio, efficiency - Y2 ratio for various I and 1 ratios, efficiency b b b Reynold's number R e, where (b - chord, 1 - height of blade, t distance between blades, Y2 - distance from the trailing edge plane to the plane where measurements are taken). Efficiency curves for Card 1/2 S/587/60/029/002/001/008 Investigating the efficiency D262/D302 3 different types of diaphragms, 2 of which are of modern design with shorter chords, are also shown. The results indicate that nozzle efficiency can be improved by 1 - 2% by reducing the chord and maintaining the same height of the blade. Profile TN-2 appears to be most suitable for application in diaphragms with reduced chords. There are 8 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: Carter, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Proceedings, 1948, no. 41. Card 2/2 la: ARX~OZ7692- SGUIWE.- RZh. 11'ekhanik&q Abs, 2BZ39 AUTHOR: Sokolovskiy, GO Pogorelov. YU. 1. TITLE: Cozmtation of obliqr.-:, sections Of lattices with a large stop relationship by the not-hod of characteristics CITED 50n.C-7. Tr. Khar1kovsk. politekhn. in-ta, v. 43, 1963, 94-lo3 TOPIC TAGS; lattice, large step, oblique. convex profile, velocity, flow deviation anAe TRANSLATION: The author gives the results of zomputation of the flow in an oblique section of a lattice of slightly convex pronles with a relative steP t = 1.05. 0.873 and 0.748, and compares the obtained velocity values on a convex surface of the profile in an oblique section with the experimental . magnitudes and with the values from a computation of a lattice of thin plates. He also compares the scattoring,angle of the flow in an oblique section for the 1 -sar.8 methods of determination. N. A. Kolokolltsev. lit I Card S/143/60/000/007/008/010 A189/AO29 AUTHORS: Pogorelov, Yu.1., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Sokolovskiy, -7G7. A. , En-g-i-n- -ee-r- TITLE: Pneumometric Pipes -for Measuring the Parameters of a Supersonic Fl ow. I PERIODICAL3 Energetika, 1960t Vol 3t Nr 7, pp 121-128 TEXT: The author discusses different types of pipe adapters for determining the parameters of a supersonic flow and introduces an adapter ensuring a simultaneous determination of the direction vector in the cross-section and the value of the static pressure. The design of this adar'.er is characterized by its sensitivity to the angle of turn. The experimental results show that this adapter is more accurate than any one of the six other adapters discussed. It is especially suitable for determining the flow direction and static pressure in flues with a curvilinear axis, compressor pipes, turbines, and diffusers, where sonic or supersonic velocities may occur. There are 9 graphs, 1 set of drawings, Card 1/2 S/143/60/000/007/008/010 A189/AO29 Pneumometric Pipes for Measuring the Parameters of a Supersonic Flow 1 set of photographs, and 3 Soviet references ASSOCIATION: Kharikovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina (Kharlkov Polyteohnical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin); Kafedra turbinost oyeniya ~Department of Turbine Building) SUBMITTEDs January 6, 1960 Card 2/2 24232 S114 61/000/007/003/004 D053YI)113 AUTHORS: Pog)relovf Yu.Ie, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Sokolovskiy, T.-A., Engineer TITLE: Reflections of rarefaction and shock waves from a solid wall PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyashikh uchobnykh zavedeniy. Energetika, no. 7, 1961, 94-99 TEXTs Interactions of rarefaction and shock waves reflected from curved solid walls are investigated, The study was carried out in order to facili- tate the calculation of supersonic flow patterns in blade systems of tur- bine units. The Hugoniot equation applied for a shock wave at the duct cross-section located at a distance dx from the point a (Fig. 1) is CIA 01 M W - I)! T M M where S, and S2 are the angles at points 0 and a, respectively; they are Card 1/6 2~,232 Reflections of rarefaction ... 3/14 61/000/007/003/004 D053YD113 positive above the x-axis and negative below it; (5~is the cross-sectional area of the duct perpendicular to flow lines at-the point a; and M is the Mach number of the flow. The authors assume that 6t. ~ ~, - ~' ; (2) where K, is the angle of reflection, and analyze the formula (1) for a plane super'sonic flow in a rectangular duct with parallel walls. The flow is as- sumed to have an initial disturbance at a CC I angle at the point 0, which s.trikes the opposite wall at the point a. The following three t es of flow are possible, depending on the value of the inclination angle (Y' ,) at the point ai Type I: (a) dl > 0(2~>O; then j r> 0; in this case, the left side of the formula (1) is negative if dtf 0; Cf2 - 0; then C( r = dl; in this oase, the intensity of the reflected shock wave will be higher than in the case (a); and (c) 0(2~40; then J,>O; in this casej the left Card 2/ 6 Reflections of rarefaction... S/5" 1/000/007/003/004 DO 3/D113 side of the formula (1) is negative and an oblique shock wave is reflectod if 14(2 j< .0(2max, Type IIt 0r1 . Cr 2 > 0; then or., = 0; in this case the initial shock wave is not ref lected (Fig. la). Type III r2 > 0(1> 0; then C' 0. Conse- r quently, a velocity increment takes place behind the point a (Fig. 1b). The analogous formulas for calculating the reflection of initial rarefaction waves from a solid wall are G( X (la) ~v M and 4ri - S1, - S.Zi (2a) where Slip S2 j, and ki are the corresponding angles of reflection. Card 516 2h232 S/143/61/000/007/003/004 Reflections of rarefaction... D053/D113 Similarly, there are 3 types of reflection of the initial wave possible, depending on the C>r21 value. Type I: (a) or 2i4orli '< 0; then- 0 -, (b Wli< 0; c-1'21 = 0; then Jri< 0; and (c)cfl,4 O;cf2i> 0; then 0; this case is illustrated in Fig. lb. Type 11: 0; then C r, C(2 i 1 dri 0; in this case the rarefaction wave is not reflected. Type IM ff li4 Cr21 0. This case is illustrated in Fig. 1d. The theoretical calculations were confirmed by experiments carried out in a Toepler unit, There are 1 figure, I table and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Khartkovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina (Kbarlkov Polytechnic Institute im. V.I. Lenin) PRESENTED: June 11, 1960, by Department of Turbine Building Card 4/1 0 l' ACC NRiAP7005575 SOURCE CODE: UR/0145/66/000/03:2:/0160/-o-io4 Yu. M, (Aspirant) .AUTHOR: Pogorelov ORG: none TITLE: Quality.of parts deep drawn with a liquid die (announced by the Chelyabinsk Tolytechnic Institute (Chelyabinsk politel(hnicheskiy institut)) SOURCE: IVUZ. Diashinostroyeniyej no. 11, 1966, 16o-164 TOPIC TAGS: cQld drawing, aluminum copper d=Xffita& bras J ABSTRAOT: Experiments have been made to determine Lhe smoothness and accuracy of -dimensions of cap-shaped aluminum, copper, or brass articles deep drawn with a liquid die (see'Fig. 1). It was found that such articles have a Card UDC 621.983 A:& NRt AP7005575 -11F~I~Ii'., L E- Fig. 1. Drawing with a liquid die 1 - Rubber diaphragm; 2 drawn part; 3 - rigid die; 4 clip; 5 control Valvei diameter accuracy much higher than specimens drawn with rigid dies. With a die 20.194 mm in diameter, the deviation of inside diameter was 0.07-0.012 mm for aluminum, 0.025 mm for copper, and 0.013~-0.026 mm for brass articles. The depth deviation of parts 18-30 mm in diameter and up to f mm thick, drawn with rigid dies, reached 10.4 mm*compared to 10.05 mm for parts drawn with a liquid die. The decrease in wall thick- ness did 'not exceed 17.9% for aluminum, 10.4% for brass, 16% for copper, and,11.5% for steel parts. All articles had high surface quality. rAZI, SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS: 5117 :Ord KRM14KO A I. I.,:~ LOV, Yu.V. - ~OGORE~~ Pathological changes in the sex glands of dogs with experimental chronic radiation sickness. Zdrav. vazakh. 21 no.8:46-49 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Iz kafedr takulltetskoy khirurgii i gistologii Semipalatinskogo meditainskogo instituta. Nauahnyy rukovoditell temy - professor T.A.Nazarova. (WIATION SICUMS) (GENEUTIVE ORGANS) 1-ROGORRLO.V'1,-.Z*,, inzh. Using the electric power of diesel-powered electric ctations for heating engines. Avt.tranap. 36 no.8:24 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Automobilos--Cold weather operation) MORNIOV, Z.,. inzh. r" - Devices used in hauling reinforced-concrete slabs. ATt. transp. 36 no.12:44 D '58. (MIRA 11:12) l.Krasnoyarokly avtotrest. (Transportation, AUUMOtiTO) POGOULOV, Z. Cooperation in the pledge of success of efficiency promotion. Avt. transp. 37 no.2:55 IP '59. OURA 13:1) (Transportation, Automotive--Technological innovations) ~- PO )RMkV4--Zv-- Practices in the mechanization of tire repair operations. Avt. transp. 38 no. 5:21-23 My 160. (MMA 14:2) 1. Glavnyy inzhener avtotresta upravleniya stroitellstva Krasnoyarskogo sovnarkhoza. (Tireep Rubber-Maintenance and repair) FOGORIMOV, Z. Automotive transporation of refrigerator cars. Avt.transp- 43 no.11:55 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Glavnyy inzh. avtotresta byvshc)iego Ilrasnoyarskogo soveta. narodnogo khozyaystva. L 22-2-5;&66-- _sVA(hVLW(1) ACC NR: Ap6olog8i SOURCE CODE: UR/oo56/66/050/003/o6O5/0612 ,AUTHOR*. Klimontovich, Yue Lo; Pogorelov . E, v ORG: Moscov Stat Unjy_vj~wy _LMoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy unlv~ersitet) TITLE: Polarization of semiconductors w,ith saturation taken into account (two band model) :SOURCE: Zhurnal ektperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 50, -39 1966, 05-612 TOPIC,TAGS: band theory, forbidden band, semiconductor, density matrix, recombination time, relaxation time, absorption coefficient 'ABSTRACT-.Te polarization vC-ttor bf a semiconductor in.a strong -electromagnetic field is calculated using the two-band model. Two .relaxation times are introduced phenomenologically into the density matrix equation. The first of these can be related to the recombina- ..tion time and the second, to polarization relaxation of the system. Polarization associated with interband transitions is calculated (in- traband transitions are not taken Into account), Analytic expressions for the absorption and dispersion coefficients are obtained by taking into account the strong electromagnetic field on the assumption that Card 12 WR 7777M ACC NRtAp6olog8l .1) the electron energies are uniformly.distributed over the bands, and 2) by taking into account the parabolic shape of the bdnd. Non- uniform distribution of electrons with respect to energy within the band results in an asymmetry of the absorption and-dispersion curvesi* The calculations are performed in the first harmonic approximation of 'With respect to,field strength E and In the zero approximation with respect to D (D is the population difference in the bands) and also by taking into account the second'harmonic in D. The latter leads to deformation of the bands which corresponds to an increase in the width of the forbidden band. Only resonance terms are-left in the tormulas presented*, IC&I BUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE,. 16Jun65/ OHIO-REF; 0061 6TH REFt 002/ Card /2 POGORELOVA, E.V.; KHOYJIIDV, R.V. Nonlinear theory of a travelirqp-wave parametric amplifier. Vebt. Mosk. un. Ser.3: Fiz... astr. 1.7 no-5:62-69 S-0 162. (MIM 15:10) 1. Kafedra teorii, kolebaniy Mookovskjago universiteta. (Parametric amplifiers) ACC NR, AP7003214 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/051/006/1722/1733 AUTHOR: KlImon1jovich, Yu. L.; Pogorelova, E-.Y- OtRG: ~bscow Stite University (Wskovskiy gosudarstvennyy' universitet) TITLE: On the eory of optical excitation of semiconductors. Absorption and dispersion -char~teristica of single- and two-photouproces6es SOURCE: Zh eks r I teor fiz, v. 51, no. 6, 1966, 1722-1733 TOPIC TAGS: lair theory, anomalous dispersion, optical pumping, semiconductor laser, single pjDton process, two photon process ABSTRACT: An investigation was made to obtain a theoretical account of 1) optical processes In which the semiconductor exhibits negative absorption (laser effect) and 2)1bleaching phenomena in which the absorption vanishes (trans- Yarency effect).1 The simplified, two-band model was assumed for the semi- .conductor, and o6ly band-to-band transitions were considered, intraband transitions being assumed negligible. A similar theory was developed previously by t authors [ZhETF, v. 50, no. 3, 1966, 605-6121, taking into account two rellution periods TI, T21 for the recombination of the electrons and the polariz4tion of the medium. -In the present work a third relaxation period, T3