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L 43002-()'~ R(I - - - - ZC-N-117 AP6031808 '~~VHCF CODE: BU/0011/65/oWoog/0849/0851i AUTHORi Mol~ov N.; Dutachews a i.; Kirjakov, H.; Pjuakj~ ~e B.; Geargiev, V.; Jordanov_j_k.; Panovk P. ORGi Inst-itute of Organic Chemistry, BAN; Lnstitute of Botany, RAN TITIZ: Alkaloids of a form of thalictrum minus L. commonly found in 13ulgaria SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Doklady, v. 18, no. 9, 1965, 849-851 TOPIC TAGS: plant chemistry, alkaloid, IR spectrum, chromatography ABSTRACT: This article describes the first alkaloid-content investigation of the Thalictrus minus L. plant commonly found In Bulgaria. I" leaves resemble these of Thelictrus altoplex. 7he article describes In d ~ Ile the experimental procedures, In particular the Isolation of thylthalmethin ( 2), Thalmethin 056"3606MAH20), and Berberin. Feracteristic feetuoWIffhe various, Infrared spectra are also 1rivene i Alkaloids were proven by thi-n-layer chromatographic procedures. [Orig. art. in German) IJPRS, 34p,9031 SUB ODDE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 08Jun65 MIP . I I . . AXIMOV, V.I.; AULjArANKO' I.P.; "CIIT'YEVA. K*Ao; AMOSOV, N-14-. k-DrIYUNOV, A.Z.: IMTUSI, V.D.; VAS11CIEVIKU, I.D.; GULFJ04". D.S.; GRISHIN, K.A.: rWYUYlfV&, T.N.; DRUISOVA, A.G.; DOWMA. M.P.; rVANOV, N.A.; ISHCHINKO. I.H.; FATS, V.A.; KOLONIYCHMO. N.I.: IAYRIK. S.S.; LIPAJUIV. A.A.; W,WlOWA, NOVACIUCHO, N.P.; PWMUNYA9 S.P.: -Ake L4 JIUDA11110, ?.A.,, bUGITNVSKIY, V.F.: TArrSLIN. I.S.; TAIMEA'SUT.- CHIZHONUK. ?.i.; SH&WAlmli,, M.P.; SHUMADk, I.V.; SHUPIK, P.L. lonatantin lEonntantinovich Sk-vortsov; obituary. Nov.khir.arkh. no.):142-1143 ltr-Je 159- (MIRA 12:10) (SIVUJITSUV, KONSTA11TIN XONSURINOVICH9 1871-195q) PIEMV. - They build houses at the factory. Hauka i zhyttia 9 no.6*18-20 is 159. (AIJU 12: 8) 1. Chlon-korresponAent kkadmit mtroltal'stva I arkhitaktury USSR, direktor Nauchno-isslodovatel'skogn Institute stroltal'rqkh konstruktaty. (Building blocks) 4 ts is 1, 0 "1"," 0111, 00*11 11 L. u 0 POefto d NMVAN BBWW Umim K 1 1% (Ahl" MdAf-, Iok -00 40ftwobw. WW Ill V). 24 301, In It,mman A V-; 00 00 00 04111, 00 so j w9-4 4 :410 pe I Ae 00 - 1 1 , , a a it 4 a .1 n n w 0 a 0 f 0 i0 0 0 00 00000 000 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 . V LIN USSR(GEORGLA) C-Itivatf!', Plant-, 'Irw-n!-,. L Abs T -Ir Relf Zhur N,. t:, 21,) ku, lq~'-, 69253 Auth r P'Fli a k a,,~ -z e T4 tl:f voati 'r 141 (--hmizy ) n Gecr~-.Ia. Tr k L Nise i )n .' riveqti t7iti,ins munerous 9i ent . sts ali.i alla- I lyz! ii,.- hl. stor t-al , ar -bae(j,w,.i -al an 1 1e, ary sour e, ,.he iuth(,r ~ki,73-ests *-hq# th~ t : vat on of m i ler I:humiz.~-) n(,,t t,rans~.~ortel fr-3m the We-t Ex-a-.,a*,.' )i,r, Karmir-ill-r itidi,-ate Lha', =4 et wa- ~f,- : i r, Trans-a.i -as~is as far ua,,-k w: ')*-h 'ent-iry -E-C. 1j, t.,,e -)f these iata the a -nur -rip"Seq Lt,a!l t.~ name ,)f mi.let L-e -hai, c~ f r -)rn Pan zm ri-, u- It,pr( -Ca~;rasi-an 3-7 e.-~ r :I 7ar MHAKADZE A L - DDIIDY'LTK,, P. F.; TAIIASIYVIYO, I. D. Combined aarco-ra of the r' ght lmnj7 rvid 7:!t-al rte-noe' ji . 'r- IcMr. 4 nn.3:04-q6 My-J, 162. (KI RA 1 1j: - ~ 1. 12 otdela ~Iinlcheskoy khirurrii (za-.. - dotsent A. L. FIchakadze `~T-alnskogo nauchnn-laslodovntellskogo InFtit,,ita klinicheskoy maditainy imeni N. D. Strazheako (dir. - zasly- .rj doyatel' nauki prof. A. L. Mikhnev). Adres avtorov: zhenrr Kiyev, ul. Saksaganskogo, d. 65, Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo inFtltuta klinicheskoy red!tsiny imoni N. D. Strazhesko. (LU'IGS--X;L:ICER) (VITRAL ALVE-D !.-I- EA-: EL) PKIUWZt;, A.L., dotsent (Kiyev, u1. Nikolla.ko-Botanichaskaya, d3, kv.; VCVCHF.NKO, Te.M., kand. sod. nauk; Dr%MYU1, P.F. Metabolic reactions of the organim to ffurgical trauma. Klin. Mir. no.10:3-13 0 102. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Otdel Irlinicheakoy khirurgii (zav.-doteent A.L. Pkhakadze) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatollskogo izwtituta kl-inicheskoy wditsiny izwni akademika N.D. Strazliesko. (PATHOLOGY, SURGICAL) (METABOLISM, DISORDERS 07) ki~hAKAOZzi A.L. , dotsent; VUVGILI~K(~, .error in t.-,, diagnos a of a hepa,,obrojichia-I "iBtala. Nav. k.-,'.-. . -Z . 101r-106 Ja-:' 160. -; 1 Otdol klin~ :i-tgkc, ,-, khimi-ij (7.,,lv. - ~iotiwnf. A.L.1,'J. ~ TIL a insko I i 't-ut" rz~~Ii . ~g . S . LA) -L' ~ k-,V. - .'L %, ~~, L U..l. .-~, - I PMYj.D,-7. A.L.. dote.; VOYCHINKO. Ya.?I., (Ki.1-ev, 11. u1. Ar9pnellria)'ll. d.16,kv.14) Cliniral asrects of r)rimr7 RArmma of the Iline-Nov . khir. arei. 5 . t36-64 S-0 158. (Mnk 12: 1 ) 1. Ot4al Irlininhenkny V~hinixgll (znlr. - AotR. A.L. Okhakndze) Urrain- a)-o,-o nnuchno-ipRle4nvntpl'9kopo inntltutR k:ini,?hep)My melitalay. (LUN(m-"ORS) - BDIKO, V-K-, dots,; MIUM, F.F., nauabnyy votr"dnik &Wgical treatawmt of &me diseases of the blood system low. khir.arkh. no.110-14 161, ?MIRA W12) 1. Otdol kliniabookoy kbirurgii (say. - dota. A.L. Pkhakadm) Ukmimmkogo mauebao-inaledowatel'skogo Imatituta klinicheeko7 anditniny. (BLOOD--IDISRUU) (CARMOVAMUR STSTD4--DISWES) PKHAI.Al ZF, --M., . f "f. j MACHAVAF I A NI, 6 N. , dot sent; TSINTSADZ~ A. N. ; M.AGRAI ZI , K. S. , do'.sent; POCHK)i-UA, F. F . ; --HOCHUA, I . V. k&n,4. med. naux; KOTAF 'YA, , kan-4. med. naux, K. : . . kand. med . nauk; GnARANIIJZF, T.A. , kand. med . nauk; YKHAKA! 'F , A.S. , kand. med. nauk; AMIF ILZF , M.V. , icand. med. nauk; KAV'rAFArj'.1- , II.A., kand. m--d. nauki KUTALADZE L.A., kand. med. nauk; '117SAGA~FLJ, 'j.G., kand. med. nhuk, deceased KFNCHAI,,'F, 1 . , kand . mod. naiii ; ABASHII ZF, N. , kiind . med. nauk; KHMLALADZE, T. I ka-)d. med. nauk; DZHAI ZHANII - ~. U. V. , ka-nd. med. nauk Effectiven-as -)f the tmatment nf Info-ctiqus sy-phlll,- (sl,ar- and 11) wIlth ticill'n-I and blcillln-3. Vest. derm. I ven. no. I -. 1,6-t) II i-, 5. (MIRA 1. Tbilisskly nauchno-Issledovatel'skly kozhno-vener-lowle~.-skly institut (d!r.- dotsent S.N. Machavariani) I Wedra kozhno- venericheskikt. bolezney (zav.- prof. G.M. Pkhaladze Thilis5kigo Instituta usovemhenstvovaniya vrachey. F . t. ~ix ~tti zo , A . 7Sjt,eD ' akrv , A . A"N' -1-n, d ~, j w- 7 -F Or. the C.'assification of Singular Point.9 F;rst C)r.;-- Di',*~'qrential Equaticz, Where the Deriva'ive is No, Ex: !ER-LCD!-ALs Matematicheskiy Bbornik, 1959, Vol 49, Ni 1, pp 5-2 73SR nKTTa~T: G~ven the Differential equation F(.x,y,y') 0. To the solutions y f(x) there correspond tnose c--rves i u r t'~i ~~ e IS'. F(X,V.P,, - 0 wh ch dx + (1-, = 0. 71.e .hese curves are -F, It p F At x F~ ,j t p T1, s-ng-~~Iar pc i z-. ' ax of a-e ,ef.,~ed ty F otyolpol 0. Fx+PF~~ - 0. Definitiont If (x0 IJ S I S EL S po-~nt of ther- (x o,yo ) is called R BlngUlar point cf ftssii ac a*. jon of Sing-u I ar PoirtB of a Sol, ~f 01 Ic r Differential Equatt,)n Where the d N(~ t 31 von Expli-~ttly n on ---v. tes from the -fi.- Pe lie Vey *t4e W) tr. 01 V t he " d 1 f f ? r Ja t F 4 7- F x x x Y r-~ x t -d e I n ~! e , , p n t e rr ri I JR r. e - Fi ii. - r n FLY. t p a v -i e - 7 e r-:7 !.KU I I *n. ar F~ " 5 0v Pk KA DZE, I ~;an a A., r ic I .-a 91 c- pro e a z n : e r c) !, n -i n i e r c o n,l t I o i i s a Zn n n y a e c Tt I I I sl 1961 R . it- it n . %9 t c E c o n o: K SWUM. V.I., prof.; MULADZE, G., prof.. doktor ned. nank. red.; VANIME, TS., red. i~-d-vii~,SISHVILI. I., takhn. red. [Academician D.E.Znbolotnyi nnd his teaching on experimental syphilis] Akademik D.K.Znbolotnyi i ego uchenle ob ekaperi- wntollnom sifilise. Tbilisi. Gon. izd-vo "Ssbchota Sgk.-irt- velo." 1960. 47 P. (NIFLA 14:5) (UBOLOTNYI, DAMIL KIRILLOVICH, 1866-1929) (SMILIS) L IRISTAVI. K.D., akudemik; TOPMUTit, Sh.R.; 0DISffVILI. G.Ta.; IOSSLI.011, G.D.; PKIL"ZI, G.A. Troatint: ondartaritis oblitorann by hyboruatinn and artifi- cial hypnthnrmia. Snolh.AN Gr112.SSR 23 no.3:131-338 S '59. (MIROL 13:)) 1. AN GnisSSR. Institut okoporimental'noy i klinichealmy khiriirgll i genatolngii. Tbilisi. 2. LN GruzSSR (for Bristavi). (ARTIRIES--DISUSMS) (Iln"OTHERMIA) (HIMIMON, ivaTUICIAL) 1. PKHkKADZH, G.A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Kidneys - Tumors 7. Combined occurrence of tuberculosis and of hypirnaphroma In the kidneys. Vest. khir. 72 no.6, 1952 9. konthly list of fht6sian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclasai-fied Te: Kl:b AS H%' I I, , Me. ; V KIIAKAP,"f , G.M. ; LTfY.N(-J I :A, F.7. Some cy to I op! cR I dati or. As cari a '.LLmb:-1, roldea ar,d - Sr&:,' p a. :7. Genetika no.1:1'10-1'1~ N 105. f ~! ! ! ,, '. ~' : . 2. JnstItLL ZOOl0gii AN Gruzinskoy IISR, TbIlInskiy gon.dnrvtvf-ra,.,ry un!versitet i Gnizirskly ordena Tnidovogo Krasnogo 7namer.1 sel'skc- khozyaLystvennyy inBtitut, Tbilisi. Submitted .'uly 6, 100",. GURGENISHVILI, G.Ys.; IYIIAKAI);T, M.G.; SARALIPT., Z.r,. Magneto-optical absorp*ion in thp vRI-nee band of gF-rmn-.-~m. F!z. tv9r. tela 6 nc.20~4-5';R 1 '61.. (MRA 1-:2) 1. Institut fiziki, AN Gruzinskoy SSR, -bilist. SOV 24- 57- 3- 3060 Translation from Referativnyy zhurnal Me~hanika, 1957, Nr 3, P 58 IUSSR) AUTHOR. Pkhakadze, P S TITLE To the Problem of the Stability of the Channel Cross-sections of the Kolkhida Drainage Network (K voprosu ustoychivosti popere(h- nykh secheniy kanaiov vodosborno-osushitel'noy seli Kolkhidy) PERIODICAL Tr. Gruz. ri~i in-ta gidrotekhn i melior , 1956, Vol 4 (17). pp 133- 142 ABSTRACT. Bibliographic entry Card I/ I FKHAKkDZE0 P. S. PKHAKADZE, P. S. "The Operation of Kolkhida Dr7ing Systems and Measures to Set Them up Rationally.* Min Water IkorxW Georgian SSR. Getorgian Sci Res Inst of Hydraulic Knglneer~ing and Soil Improvement Ojeorgian U11iJIM). Tbilisi, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate In Teehnical Science) So: Knishnaya LetopiBl, No. 19, 1956. TSAGAPELI , G.A.; P 0AKAD,'F I S.M.; DANTI IYA, G.S. Some characteristics of the cllnlca! co-..-se and hista:ogica- picture of atypical proliferation of the chorial ecithelli=.. Trudy Inat. ekBp. morf. AN Gruz. SiR 11:2~1-256 If ~. 'M-~Pjt :-::1 1. Institut akusherstva " ginekologli M nisteretva zdrRvookhra- neniya. GruzSSr. FZRAKAIU. Sh.S.; MUSEULIS VIM, N. I., ukudemik. Iterated integrals. Soub.AB Gniz.SSH 14 lio.1:3-lu '51. (kla. -,:14) 1. kkademtru miuk Ginizinako:, SSH (for *i9khelithvili). , rwlk Gr-xizlnftk-o:r SSR. Thilisskiy matocu-tticneukiy inatitut iM.,Zlwaze (,or p'-%alkatizo ). ( L-Ferj, I s, kil '. il le ) jn r.. p - 2, 1 Ti.e u t. h,~ r xb za I I tt 2, h no Fit- -C n s c - I.e j-iv"B ti.e 1,01 ow~r,c '.1nitijil L ).as 0,.-,!Ut nul" j~,J- if f,,r s~nj #41 itive a, f,r is r t, ij t, wo .+ve mll r,- X I i s t, r,.~ c- witi - I t- , ,t, rur t i n tl~, A. . t I i 1. ;-- the ruL~,-r r -U', f, t e o i, r r w f i Z)a t PMAKADZE, S11. S. Gn Vnriou3 Definitions o' 'ho on(!ept of 0 ioluteljv 'lull "ea-ur-ft ~-t5 In an earlipr work the author hid Intro,iiieed the term "al,solutely null mnasure set." liere he gives threp :iddittonal broader definitions of t~iq fem ;%nd -stal-lisfies that e4ch of' t),Pqe now definitions is that thp sum of a finite numhor of n1 solute",,v null measure sets Is not necessarily of absolutely null mt-amiro. (RZhYat, No. A, lo,)-)) Saohmhch. AN Oniz- SSR, Vol. 15, No. P., 1054, )-QO-41?6. SOI Sum. No. -:,4, 8 Der -%iM'empnt-iry $irvoy of 3ovlot 9-innllrl, M-OrarAs (I') On It-rat-fl Integrals Tln~' uVIOr -;turii- Ih- of the posiibility of c'anrIng tv,p, oMer of Lnte~7ration in a doul-lp itorated integral of the charar~terlgllc I'mclions of plane q-ts. lie consiiers two spperate clac;sos of I p nns -3ets, b-th of w~ilch -ontaln lmjvw-aqura)-lF- sets. 'RZVIat, No. 8, Tr- Mat-f-m- Inmta, Vol. :'0, 10511, 167-20-9 SO: Sum. No. ^)44, 9 D" c~5 - Suppl-qw-ntary Survey of 3oviat 3('i-n+M(7 Al rfracts (17) FMAX&M, Sbi. S. Immiesurablo absolutely sero-dimensional "to, their muss. and &Lsost invariant sets. Soob-AN Gruz.SSR 16 20-5:343-350 155. (NLU 9t 2) I.Akodenlya sank Grmstaskoy Sn. Thilleskly matematicheekly tastitut iment A.NA&swdso. Predstawleme akademikon I.I.Naskhs- lishvill. (AWogat*~) I ~Itf, A, - SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS /Topology CARD 1/1 PG - 1.1~ PCHAKADZE -4 AUTHOR .I.S. TITLE On the possibility of extension of the resoluble classes. PERIODICAII SoobHenija Akad- Nauk Gruzinsko.1 16, 761-768 (1955) reviewed 5/1956 This is a generalization and completion of some previous results (Soobg6enija Akad. Nauk Gruzinskoj L1. 201-205 (1954)1 ibidA 16-2 343-350 (1955). In particular, every rosoluble class of setar.R is contained in a still greater resoluble class of sets in Rn (Theorem 1). The author remarks that the same statement holds when, in the previous wording, instead of "sets" we read "B-sots" (respectively "A-asts"). 0 PKHAK&M. bh. S. I I Continuousness of meas,ire. Soob.AN Gruz.SQ 17 no.9:769-7?6 '56, (KI-RA 10:2) 1. Akadenlys nauk Grusinakoy MR. Tbiltsmkiy matematichaskiy in- atitut Iment A.M.Rasmadse. Predstawleno akademikom I.I.Mumkhelist-k bili. (Continuity) (Aggregates) FXUKADZ3, Sh.S. Some stpitements tantamount to the continuum hypothstalp. aokl. All SSSR 111 no.2:299-300 1 #56. (MVIA 10: 1) 1. ThIliaskiy matenaticheakly institut imeni A.M. Rptsmad2e Umdemii nFLuk GruiUnskoy SSR.Frodatavleno akademikom A.W. Kolmogorovyw. (Alp,o*b)rn, Abstrftct) (AgMeates) FKUKA=l Shs. 16obsegue wasure. TrxAy Hat.instAN Gruz.= 25:3-271 '58. (MIRA 12:4) (Functional analyals) rf V 61 UM I T MIKEU.DZE, C,.Sh.; IVDII~1,1)71, Ye.M.L_~:rUJA"ZZ, Sh.S.; G(C(,EIISHV:: P.i P.S.; SHI'-YAYF'.', T-S.; :(:Si'~-LV, YL." Y.-A F. 1 5 P C 7; 7 i'rinimali ur~hastiye: :.S.; L,70D-,TASHV 1:.: , It YN !A".'A , A.(-,. tARSUY, F. ; G -7 Nr'K, v-- ZHELTCV, D.D.; 11',"ANCV, I.I.; V.P.; PO~141_j:: IrIFfy) _P VORN'AY.1,V, 1.P.; RF-:FJVtt, V` Bl_`,'SFlY, KiT. Y"I't 5AYCHF.P-P M.Y"I.; lCC:N'C'JF SH:i.:N, V.K.; !'('T'C'V, A.I.; Indi.strial exprr4ments 4r. thr ameltinp of o/o ferros~ ~roi. i!. a heavy-duty closed electric fLrnace. 3LaA -`5 no.5:4~ 6-4, ', I-ly ', ~. _C (ml " ". lF: t' 1. Gr-uzinskiy Institut metallurgii (for Lordkipanidze, 'Skhvediani, Dzodzuashvi-',", Guniava). 2. Nauchno-iSSledovatellskiy ~ proyektnyy institut mptallurricheskoy promyshlennosti (for Brikova, 'vrublevskiy, KlyLyevl. 3. VBesoy-~znyy na-.-hno-issledovatellskiy institt.t el-ktro- termichesko~7o oborudovanlya (for Baycher, Loginov, ShIlln, 1-opo-.,, Zaslonko~. RRZNICHENKO, V.A.; TKACHENKO, V.A.; MIKELADZE, G.Sh.; KARYAZIN, I.A.; KGZLOVv V.M.; NADIRADZE, Ye.M.; SOLOVIYEV, V.I.; GOGORISHVILI, B.P.; Prinizali. uchastiyet PKHMADZE, Sb.S.i METREVELI, A.I.; CHIKASHUA, D.S.; KHROMOVA, N.V.; KAVETSKIY, G.D.; TSKHVEDIANt, R.N.; ARABIDZE, T.V. -1 Paking titanitum slag In an electric closed reduction furnace. Titan i ego splavy no.8:28-4o 62. (MIRA 10:1) (Titanium--Elect.rometnllurgy) PKHAKADZE, Sh.% Deroispos.' t ' cn , f , m,-,i --jrt,. SrK.t All ~Ir.2. '-P I , 1), . ~ . ',., .Ti 16). " M. ll~ ~ . , - - I . Th! '. I el skl y mn - p -A - -- p i t. . !,.* mpn A.M. Pflarw,i7v AN Cr-u2lrsk,-y '-'?. *-- -111 ". " F 4 I-m'. ~ ~ m 'i. , . M-ig K~ - I ~ , . . FKHAKADZE, Sh.S. Decomposition of various types of wasures. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 31 no. 3021-527 3 '63. (W PLk 17: 7) 1. Tbillaskiy mRtematicheskil institut Imeni Razmadze AN GruzSSR. Predstavleno akadamikom N.I.Miskhelishvill. 3/044/607PION10/002/021 C) C) C111/C333 AUTHORt Pkhakadze, Sh.S. Tints On the theory of the Lebeegue measure PIRIODICALs Referativny-y shurnal, Matematika, no. 10, 1960, 49-50, abstract 11456. ( AN GruzSSR, 1958, !.~' 3-271) TZXTs The paper is a fundamental investigation of the in- variant continuations of the Lebesgue measure. It is kncwn that such continuations exIstj however, our knowledgeB on these continuations have been very scanty till now and essentially consisted of examples. The author succeeded in proving a number of general structure theorems on these continuations. A class of subsets of the Ituclidean space R n is called admissible, if it is closed relative to the subtraction and relative to denumerable additions of sets, if it is Jnvariant relative to isometric trans- formations of the space, and if It contains the unit cube. A non- negative function which is defined on an admissible class is called invariant measure, if it is denumerably additive, invariant under isometric transformatione of the space, and if it is equal to 1 on the unit cube. An admissible class on which there exists an invariant Card 1/5 22580 On the theory of the Lebougue measure S/044/60/000/010/002,,'021 C"'/C333 measure is called soluble. The set I(_Rn is called absolutely zero- dimensional, if an arbitrary denumerable sum of sets congruent to X is contained in a certain soluble class and has the measure zero relative to each invariant measure defined on this A set XC I is called properly almost invariant, if every set X' congruent to X deviates from X by a set of noncontinuous magnitude,and if every set of noncontinuous magnitude deviates from X as well as from the cQLm- plement of X by a set with positive exterior Lebesgije measure. An essential part of the paper is devoted to the investigation of the properties of absolutely zero-dimensional and properly almost in- variant sets and of their construction. The properly almost invariant sets are constructed in the R n for every n, the absolutely zero- dimensional sets which are not measurable according to Lebesgue are constructed in the R I and R2 (whether they exist in the R n for n';P2 is unknown). It is stated that a denumerable sum of absolutely zero- dimensional sets does not need to be an absolutely zerf3-dimenaional set. The constructions are carried out with the aid of group theory. Baning on these constructions the author develops general methods for extending the soluble classes and for continuing intariant measures Card 2A '12590 On the theory of the Lebeogue measure S/044/60 000/010/002/021 C111/C333 (these methods are a strengthening and generalization of the method proposed by Spielrain (Shpillrayn) for the continuation of the Lebeegue measure). Ispecially it is proved that every soluble class admits a closure in a more extended soluble class. This theorem is closely connected with the problem of Sierpinskit does there exist an invariant measure which admits no continuation? It is proved that from the continuum hypothesis (as well as from the hypothesist every cardinal number which does not exceed the magnitude of the continuum is attainable) there follows a negative solution of the Sierpinaki problem. The invariant measure A& is called measure of type (D), if for every set I with 4L(X)'pO there exists a denumerable sum X' of sets congruent to I such that A. I* (R n- X)wO. It is proved that, if there exists a complete invariant measure of type (B) on a soluble class (the completeness means that the measure is defined for all subsets of the sets of measure zero), there are no other invariant measures on thia classi but if on a soluble class there exists an invariant measure which does not satisfy the condition (R), then a continuum of invariant measures exists on this class. If the not I belongs to a soluble class on which the invariant measure 14, is Card 5/5 22580 On the theory of the Lebeegue measure S/04 60/000/010/002/021 C1 11 ~C333 defined, and if it possesses the property that /4141 EAE' )=O for every set 11 congruent to Z, that, however, 14,(I)>O, then the formula ,,AYX)./-(XR) defines on the same soluble class a function whi-~h differs only by a constant factor from a certain invariant measure. This function is denoted as a part of the measure," . If the measure ,m satisfies the condition (D), then /4, is its only part. For in- variant measures which do not satisfy (D) a canonical decomposition ,A-- ~"o* ~Lk is constructed, where IA-21 are parts of k measure AA, satisfying (B), while AA,, is either zero or a part cf/-. If /AO .0, then the measure /W to called elementary. The existence of elementary measures with arbitrary finite or deriarrable number of sua"nde *k 'a proved. Whether there exist non-elementary measures is not known; it in not asked for a continuous decomposition of the measure. If a measure possesses a part of type (D), then the Sierpinski problem is solved in the negative for this measure, in- dependent of any additional hypothesis. If the group of all isometric transformations of the space Rn is replaced by any one of its Card 4/5 22580 On the theory of the Lebesgue measure S/044/60/000/010/002/021 cill/C333 subgroups F, then a new notion of invariance arises, and all preceding definitions get a new sense depending on the choice of F. An essential part of the paper refers to an arbitrary group F1 in case of need P is then subjected to one or another restriction. The consideration of different groups F allows to obtain many new results. 2.g. it is proved that in the Rn for arbitrary n there are non-measurable sets according to L&beegue which are absolutely zero-dimensional relative to the group of all translations. Many results have been formerly shortly published (IkZhgat, 1955, 2610, 36741 1956, 5790; 1957, 260, 54351 1958P 1946). Not,* of the reviewers It must be contradicted to the terminology of the author in a number of caseel this particularly refers to *absolutely zero-dineneional sets*. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation J Card 5/5 1. PKHAKA.,ZE, T.S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Georgia (Transcaucasia,' - Water, Underground 7. Georgian hydrogeological station; annual report based on regular observations for 1945. (abstract, Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. no.3, 1947 9. Monthly list of Itassian ccessions, Library of Congress, "rch 1953, Unclassified GORIMIN. V.1.; MTUSHKIN, D.M.; HALINIM, S.I-.; PKHAKADZI, To.A.; FURSOVA, X.R. - Independent work of eight grade students In the first topic of their chemistry course. Zhis. v shkole 15 no.5:21-30 5-0 960. (NINA 13: 10) Moulstry-Study and teaching) PKHAKODZE, S. 1. 22765 Pkhakodze, S. I. 'Etiolarij-a, Diagnoz I Lechenie Prezhevremennof7o Dtsloeniya Platsenty. Trud (Thilis. Gos. Med. In-T), V 194F, S. 234-42. Na Gruz. Yaz. - Rezyume Na. Rus. Yaz. SO: Letopis', No. 30, D49 PKRALADZE, G.M., prof.; MGAIDBLISHVILI, P.I., dotsent Dmlopmt and achievementB of dermatevenereoloC7 in Georgia. Vest.derm.i ven. no.5271-79 161. (MIRA 14:12) (GEORGIA.-UNUTOU)GY) (GMRGIA-VMMMkL DISEASES) PKHA LAI ZF , -, P. , 1 rnf. , M-C-HA'iAlf- I AN I, -D N. , dot sent; TS:N-s A I A. N. MAr,FArj"F, K.G. , dote en I.; .-'CCFYYU A, F J , ; 'HOCHUA, 1 .7. K&rr~ med. nauic; KC'A~ :YA, xFi-,cl. med. naLixi KA,,A-,:EZF, K.:- kand. med. nauk ' GU~A3011,ZF, T.A., kand. med. nauk; YKPAYA:, F, A.S., kand. med. nauk; M.V., kand. med. nauk-, KAVTIA~AHJ, V.A., kand. m~~. nauk, KUTALADZE, L.A., kand. med. nauk, ".,AGA~FLJ, 5 1., kand. med. nauii. kand. med. nauk, deceased 'j ; UNCHAI-H, ABASHII ZF, N.- , kfind. med. nauk, KHMALALU, T.I., kand. med. naux, IjZHAIZHANlI 'F, 1).V., kand. mi-d. nauk Effectivenpss ir thor, tr-atmert -)' lnfoctiQus sy-phJ)I:- and I]) wlth bind Mell 1!n-3. Vest. (41--rm. I vpn. 1. Tbillsskly ntiurh!ic)-Iq,,iipd-vFitel',iXly inst!tut ',,1!r.- dctst-nt S.N. MurriavarlarM' I ktifedra k,)z),no- v"nerich,-skikt bolsz-~ey (zav.- prof. 'J.M. Fkhhlalze Tt ~ i ! s -.;K-)go Inntituta asovf, rs hens IvnvRn llym vrachpy. KVrR I KADZE, V.V. ; ?-ff'.NDFLFYYVA, M.A.; PUALAI,Z~ , 0. -1. ; KC)~IAN, ~.l Effect of aminazine in the the concentration of sp-cif!7 fever antibodies in thp bodies of rabhIts. Trudy Gos.nnur~- lgal.Inst.palkh. 271261-266 If,l. (MIRA 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isslpdovatel'skiy lnetl~ut r,FlkhlFt*-4. Minis~erstva zdravookhraneniye PSFSF. L,ir. Mikrobiologicheskaya laboratorlya. Zav. - kan,'.med.nauk Kvirikadze. CHLORPPO MA Z I (Al4TI(-,HC AN1 ANI,'Jlp[,J~) (TYPHOIL) FFVFR--PTiF',q'NTIVT- INUCULAT-CN) PKHALADZE, O.G. Ideas of materialistic nervosism 'n *.he w-)rks of A.A.~OknIOVSKli. Trudy Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.psikh. 2"t',4713-382 '~A. (MIFA 15:1C, 1. Pervyy moskovqkiy Ordena Lenina merlitsinskly institut inieni I.M.Sechenova. Direktor - prof. V.V.Kovanov. Kafedra Istoril meditslny. Zaveduy-ushiy - prof. B.D.Petrov. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-lasledovatellskiy institut psikhiatril Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSF7SR. Dir. - prof. V.M.Banshchikov. (NEUROLOGY) (SOKOLOVSKII, ALFASE1 ANDPFYVICH, 1823-1891) 'r-ra,~ 9 1 si TI TLE ABSTRACT: p ASSOC !AT ION - 01, -,g 3 3 i PC Card lo,-. DUROV. S.A.; PUMAGOTA, Ds.X.; MOBASMA. ?.I.; MIOVA. R.I. Oxidation of silver sulfide as thn cause of the removal of the chloride Ion from mountain river waters in central Uzakhatans Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; geol.1 razv. 2 no.11: 98-100 N 159- (NI" 1316) 1. Movocherkaoskiy politakhnicheekiy Institut. (Kazakbetan-Vater-4nalyeis) PKHAIAGOVA, D. H. PKHAIAGOVA, D. M. -- "The 1~ydrochemical Characteristics of the Urukh and Ardon Basin Rivers." Min Higher Education USSR, Novocherkassk Poly- technical Inst imd Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Novochorkasak, 1956. (Dissertation for the Derme of Candidate in CHEMICAL SCIENCES). SO: KNI229JAYA LETOFISI (Book Register), No. h2, October 1956, Moscow. PKH,~U 30vk. L). '. . PKWAIWA. D. '. -- "The Rydroc~,e-dcal Charact,~riqtlcq of the t7r,jk+ and Ard-,n Basin Rivers.* 'An Higher 3J?jcatlon '13-,R, Navoch-r'~aq-3;, Po."V- technical Institute imeni 3erizo OrJzhon'k-idze, No-ocher-;3qq1c, l)5". (Dissertation for the Degree of -,anlil--4te of Chrr cal 'Jc4-incAs~ AUA4QAXA Le&opts' No 42, Uctob--ir 1)5,~), Ma-,cow FKHALAGOTA, Dziret Katakoyevna; BEIRAK, T.V.. red.; BATKATOT, P.S., (Formation of the chemical composition of water in high- mountain rivers of the central Caucasus) Formirovanie khimi- cheskogo nostaya vyaokogornykh rek teentral'noco Kavkaza. Ordzhonikidze. Severo-Onotinakoe knlzhnoo Izd-vo, 1957. 114 P. (NDU 1):)) (Ossetia-Water-Composition) L 37?26-~4- ;T( I) J'A,,'RO ACC NR, ;,ilA15395 CODi: 'J;t/oi~09/65/000/004/053l/Or36 A='CR: ?rostakov, N. S.; llikheyeva. N. .; Mi&I'grumani, D.; mat'T "I - - - -~, r . :'. C:Lljs FOOPIOS' Friendship University im. Patrice Lamamba, '!oGcow (Univorsitot druzhby narodov) TITLF.s Substituted pyridines. Amidos and hydrazidos of ny ridinecarboxylio acids SOMMI Xhimlya gateroteiklicheakikh 5oyedinenty. no. 4, 1965, 531-536 i TOKC TAGSI organic amide, hydrazine derivative, pyridine, aromatic carboxylic acid ABSTRAM Pyridl-necarboxylic acids obtained from oxidation of dimethyl-substituted pyridine bases were used for synthesiring their amides and hydrazides, which are sub- stances of pharmacologicaL interest. The reactions are Mustrated in the diagrams HOOC cloc (C2 ll&)INGC\'e~ COO" COO [~-~N~\C-O'mc' I( b I, Card 1/3 UDCt 547.826 + 542-95 Sr N It, OC , Kt k'~:t 'kCOMCsllb)l csh(ct IVI CONHI card 2/3 L 3 7 -,t -6~) ACC NRa Ap6oJ5395 IV flooc 1-1\ coolf xill s0$ Ctll6ooc IN COOCIII& x1v vil NIISNROC A N N l(OC )~~XICONH--N=A CONH-NIl, xv CIIS XV] A C# liscil XV I I A110 -p- c1l; XVIII A= CUB O(All I 'F ~V.A:,: 07/ SUM DA-,Y,. 28,-ay64/ ORIC! RE 001 Card - _3/_3 ZOL, Ar a.-. NII-I~v. 2AT ~7 ~-Zlrt!~ WTT 7 ft-, 0 ;RF Q7, 'R G ~ 11 1, - t r -7 - i n - , 4-,4 Itt Jii~ 1 7 fm Vook W I c"Ot - -" .4001 till A j]t, 7- "coneerming tjw RKtractica of a Concentrated Ught Imectleldal Preparation from Pyrethrum," by V. P. Goluadze, T. A. Pkheidze, 1. Ya. Enukidze, and G. 1. Yashvill, Sbornik Trud. Thilisskogo Hauchno-Tss-,--dovatel'skogo Khtmiko-Farmatsevticheskogo Tnstituta 1959, Vol 7, pp 123-132 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal--Khimiya, No 4, Feb 57, Abstract No 12408 by A. Grapov) "Describes extraction of oleoresin (I) from dry flowers of Dalmatian daisies with anhydrous dichloroethane (11) by boiling and at roorr 'emp- erature. Calcium chloride (III), placed in a stream of boiling (1), de- creases the activitv of (1). Copper sulfate (CS) and Tikha-Askan clav (?A) increase the activity of (1). An Insecticidal dust Is also formed w1th (TA). Treatment with iso&nyl alcohol or methanol (IV) in the presence of (CS~ led to a decrease in the activity of (1); and (TV) in the presence of (III) - to se Inervow. Alcoholic solutions we 114bteved with basic land acetato." M - - - -- - - - - - ut r ,A~~ nw tmipwine,-. v Wi pjt~jj si-id i id,, ,I zt~ T : h I u4i It km, -,rv~n WK P. V. 71 !.7 act tf, ~~,tjc IL-bb. 9 V121 W a led ,Iuut Ual-~~ 'Itany M, (n her, ~I-t- p it LUIV-410:ig , v.-f 0'% ;".II, fl~ Is il - . ......... PMIDZI. T.A.; M&DATIVA, O.S. Steroid sapogenins. Part 7: Sapogentas of the roots an! leaves of Yucca recurvifolia of the Black Sea coast of tne Caucasus. Zbur.ob.kbin. )0 no.6:2067-2070 Je IbO. (MIRA 13: 6) 1. VsesojruzzWy mauchno-Iseledovatel'skly khtmiko-farmatsevt1- cheskly institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze i Tbilisskiy nauchno- Issledovatel'skly khimiIco-f&rmRt@evticheskiy inatitut. (Sapogenins) it D 1TWIM"n z I Drawing Calibration Unes. an R*=A Calipar,:~Scmles with Readings ill Microns ,I Stan I Lutz- 'Bd. It 20-13 JWV19% 1 lotrONBAG -for ~d NOUWdi imA Irming caubratifa lime an wed cilipar ma1**`idtb,r*&dinS4 4,O.OWn are Omsentid..tosether with twmias,for', mdomIsting .'tolm' A F"clelon lathe with,is Wllt4n attichmentu6stfor autting calibration lines on callper a is also described.' Drawirg; Illustrations. ode. binter: soils 1"Ututilon USSR/ Chemical Technology. Cher-dcal Products and Their 7-7 Application. Pesticiles Abo Jour Referat Zhur - Khit3tya, No 4, 1957, 12408 Author Goguadza V.P., Pkhledze T.A., Enukldze I.Ya., Yachvill 0. I. Inst Tbilisi Chenico-Pharr-u(-clitical Scientific Research Institute Title Concerning the Isolat"on of n Concentrated Lit~iL Insuc- ticidal Preparation fraii Pyrethrum (Chryeanthermi clae- rartaefoliumN Orig Pub Sb. tr. Thilissk. n.-i. khim.-farmatsevt. in-ta, 1955, Y, 123-132 Abstract Description of the recovery of the oleorenin (1) from dried flowera of DULatian daisy with anhydrous dl-hio- rethane (11) at room teiverature and at the boiltn6 temperature of II. Ca chloride (III), placed in the current of boiling I decrcaaes the activity of 1, while Card 1/2 - 31 - )W16,/KO16 AR t ARW39976- - 0/0.199/64/00/009/ ON: Hof, Blol,.Sv. t. -Abe. 9M9 th, 4C. L~.AUTHORJ .,Pkhri anL.;jjj_.Ao.. MRt ome problems of.- aidavar ~.bona'marrow preservation ~Sbsq 3 V5684 k6wr6r6ntniya po' pereandke tkaney organpv~ '1963 0 Yerevan 9-225-226. 1963 ATOM.._. TAGS:':. human# cadav r b6ne marrowp preperVation..:., 3 rAS _n,arrm as- -Alm said 111 ac ;Alizv ~6om__th_e --.Orr bone,: hours after -~dsathllrom- cadavers of 'humans - vho had:. -4adiums vhosa, 0, i',sudd6fil* .'Bone ompo. do 6d, "isrump And lu sap-4ac kroae$~,blo .-gelatins, Bond dhi OW''WaB refrigerated-at-.+4 ;0-,+80'0- Thb.number ofnucleus-bearing 093.1a:: In, I ~a~- of.b Ione Piarrow. y is: co , unted iwxyelogram a during ~oiins soluti n -:The earlier the bone stainingidth a o starrow-.vas prsparsdq:the~highdr~waz the xumber ~of:viable calls the v, -,weserved b6ne marrow oontain6d#'- ~6rn; A*:3766 12 u W -Iv t! PKHRIKHW , Zh.A.; AMIRKHARYAN, S.S. CwBer7atlori of Bona mar-row for the purpoaas of tranaplanta- tion in radiation lesions. Zbur. eksp, i klin. med. 3 no.41 57-60 063 (MIRA 16112) 1e Institut gematologii i perelivaniya krovi Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Armyanskay SSR. AKOFYAN, S.A.; BAUSANYARr M.; AMNYAN* K.A.1 PAPOYANq S.A.; AVETYAllp S.G.j GASPAFlANv E.A.; F~ANv Zh.A.; ARUTYUNYAN# T.G. Inambiological changea during septicopyemdc processes in Fin'-is afflicted with radiation sicimess. Izv. AN Am. SSR. Biol. nmki 13 DO-8:45-59 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Wedra fisiologii cheloveka I zhivotnykh Yerevanskogo gosudar- stvennogo universiteta, Nauchno-iseledotatellskiy institut perali- vaniya krovi Ministeretva zdravookhraneniya AroVanskoy SSR i Muchno- issledovatellskiy institut rentgenologii i onkologii Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. (Pj,DIAT10N SICKNESS) (SEPTICEKLA) (LEUCOCY7.;S) MAIDMUFl ITup SAO. Org"Iss as "a boat &vA learmA lessom Irm the imstallistion of the -11 oommUmoUam of the mdl= sh"to factory at tho ifiniz )b* eloal Mat# Dudtrovoe Strolts"two 8 no.3ilm-6 IQ. lrv~ , V, I -- L- . -!, . - I , I , . . I . % . . . - . I ~ I. . -1 0 . . . I 1 .1 1 1 1 . rvIDLIMMU. Aleksander; vontrolled rky-wtonalon In otolAryneolop.,tcal ol)qrationp. jt0lar. olaka 11 no.1:7-15 1?57. 1. Z iliniki UtOlAr)'n9OlOgiczusj A. 14. v Lodit. Kierownjkc: prof. dr mod. A Hadzininaki. (Ar?uTjQl.,lud, ;ONTiOLZ,) In otola"Twol. sure. (Fol)) (U'N)HH1AulAAyli,A)W-.,li;AL WiSA ii:;. y-tirr. -ontralled kynatenslan In (P,)l)) Go* *41 Is OL dog 0894 i d is UNG9600606006 goo nos see logo** wee we* I gee I've* it S., jriri t i At r% t -1, r if'y t rl~, t I rinuni t) FLAAN, 0., k&nd. vatArin. nauk 7ermifugal 'Lreataerit of ervine .rlth piperazim and pipsiMSIVA combined wlth phoonoth1Wne. Voiternarllla 4.1 ao.4A"A ip 064. (MIRA l7lP) 1. Estonskiy nauchno-lasledovatellakiy, institut zhivotnovodotra i veterinarii. Uric 1. PLAAN, 0.1a.; FRORIP,, G.V., aauchnyy sotrudnik Steril.ization of thermoses and transportation boxes at the stations for artificial insemination. Veterinariia 40 no.6:75-76 Je 163. (MIRA 171l) 1. Fatonakiy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut zhivotno- vodstva i veterinar1i. I'LAAMP O.yA.F ~ ill i.v"t"T tyl 4 Effoctivorio:izo n!' oill:z in grutil, ,, swine . VeterinxLr 1 11 a " :1 n2. : ~4-'16 S . (V:RA I . Nit ly !)911,- for - '. - , " , ~, '. I -.~ I.v 'n.41 ,, il :t~ Iv ,,, v , ~ , 1. R , veterIntir 1. 1 . M 0 Ya. (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Estonian Scientific Research Instlute =L--- - of --- Ajiim~i Tfu:B;U~ndry and Veterinary Madietne) "Effectiveness of piperazine salts in group dehelminthing of swine" Veterinariya, vol . 39, no. 9, September 62, p. _J4 EXCERPTA YIDICA See 18 Vol* 1/12 Cardlovas. Dis-Doc 57 .1402. PLACA A. CI n. Chir., Bucarest. L'oe&rne de d6clivitLI (Linq Irsart('rIte~ des membr"P~ MiMF`urs ~Yvpostahc oede-Ppia in arterills ol the lower 111O)s Pres~e nlf-d' 65,'20 (4lr,--4/,')) Ovdemaofthe foot and leg, an unusualsyniptomin arteritis,sonietiv- ]A actiology: a permanent and prolonged oblique Position of the 1,-:, gesic position adopted by the patiCrIt with a view to relleving his p.iw, v., 1( "1 Is inn%twverein the horizontal position of the leg (the rla,,~Ical drcubitlis p.ilril. "File ordenia is due to the slanting position. for it develops and increa,,(-, mid dimplwars completely when tile pain ceases inider the infliti-m.e of flip. ti-c-o nwtit, enabling the patient to keel) his leg in the horizontal position. ft is lil!.Atf-ill li tile healthv leg is also held in an oblique position. This oedema is bcheved to Iw a iii.uil- lestation of the intactness of the venous svstcm. a condition whi(Ii is in order to reduce vcnous stasis to a minimum and thus ensuring its effectIV('11tIss. Double arterial and venous thrombosis. on the other hand, provokes a circulatory disturbance which gets only worse in the oblique position. Small infected dISUd V lesions. of ischaemic or trophic origin, arc! constant Y present; they act as trijger mechanism of the decubitus pain which leads to oedema. The prognosis of this clinical form is good in the majority of cases, in spite of its severe appearance, licrice the Sil nificance of not confusing ihe hypostatic oedema with associated phlebitis. The c inical picture and the diagnostic elements are described in detail. (XVI I 1, 9) PIACAK, Bedrich KUDr. A-" Contraindications for use of antibiotics in Hurgery. Rozhl. chir. 36 no.1:16-20 Jan 57. 1. Oddelent pro chirurgii hrudni a brioni. Ustredni voj. nemocnice. (ANTIBIOTICS, ther. use in surg.. contraindic. 02)) (SURGRIff , OPPRATIVI, use of antibiotics, contraindic. (Cz)) PRAZAK,M.,- PLACAK,B.; KALkB,J. (Xr experiences with the Crafoord-Senring apparatus for extra- corporeal circulation. Rozh. chir. 42 n-).11:780-784 11163. 1. Oddeleni pro chirurgii hrudri a brisni UVN v Praze; vedoucii doe.dr.B.Placak. PLACAK.B.; ZZIM A, B. ; KAVRATIL,.-. Cor tr I bru V or tc, th, su rv'.,:a 1, 1, rea tAe~t I r; f anom&l a ra I a , OU ri Yj Fe of the pulmorary vnins. Finzh.rh~.r.42 ro.l-lM4.w799 N163. PRAZAK,)L ; PIAGAK, B, Analysis of operations with the use of extracorporeal circula- tiove Rosh* chir. 42 no.UM9-794 IR163. 1. Oddeleni pro chirurgii hrudni a briani UIM v Prame; vedoucit doc.dr.B.Placak. PIACAK, B.; 1.'AVRATIL,J. Emrly heart surgery in the Central Military Hospital. Rozh. chir. 42 no.11043-746 N163. 1. Oddeleni pro chirargii hrobi a Wint Un v Praze; vedoucl: doc.dr. B.Placak; 1. vritmi oddeleri UVIN v Praze,; vedauciz doc.dr.V.Dufek. PtJCU,,B.; RATHDVA,R. 11 Hamiation of the heart complicating the postoperative course i- a Patiert after aortic valvulotmy. 31ozh. chir. 42 mo.Ul . --, 4. MW IR 063. Gongenital heart defect with cyanosis of unusual orl#ft4 *4". 1. Oddeleni pro chirurgii hrudni a brinni UVR v Prame; vedoucl doc.dr. B.Placak. 46- . . .iI I p ~: , -.. PIACAK, B.; PRAZAK,K.; BURDA,J,,; KAIABvJ.; BARTAK,I* Analysis of our lat 100 patients surgically treated for mitralatenoBiB. Rosh. chir. 42 no.11064-M V163. 1. Oddeleni pro chirurgii hrudri a brioni UVW v Pmze; ve- doucis doc.dr. B.Placak. w PIACAK, B. Contribution to the problen of the reconstruction of the eirtmhopatic bile ducts. Rozhl. chir. 42 no.6-405-4N A '63. 1. Oddeleni pro chirurgit hrudni a brieni UVW v Praze, vedouci doc. dr. B. Placak. (JAUNDICE, OBSTRUCTIVE) (BILE DUCTS) (DUODENAL OBSTRUCTION) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) Surgery jj; :oad rind , ~114&-,40AIVLa t a 1 (7 oji-~c r)1 ro h 0 s t a 9 0 3 v Cldr,xg~li Erudni a .--,ri3:ii "JIMI), ir,-uck ..trr~sovlca. -mar-i Gn:7~cyc!-,, Vol r) I 10 1',ar -7, Prrirue calo- is A bs t rfl c t: "h c -~ v .' r-ii-. 110 11, C o c h:Ihvs.' :1C, d -)n 13tn ol Jan n',;~n,7 of c papers wire 3u~', it!~r.-d: !'~~AZIA:., crat,-` n.,i) an--~ Complicatic,ns B., .-r 'L'l#;rr'-' -ne Stoppaf-,e o:- llcka:4t Irk 3.; SurF,,ical Treatriont of Dfyfl)ct,:, Of t~'(' Cnamber ""cr)tum. 1111-7AH, NAVRATIL, J.; POLAK, J.; Tricuspidal Insu-fficienc7 of Uncertain Etiology. No roforencoq. 1/1 Ilsophageal resection by Boarem's method. Moshl. chir. 36 no.12:793- 101 Doc 57. ! iw- A 1. Oddeleal pro chirurgil hrudal a brieni Ustr*dni voJenske nesocnico, preduosta WMr B94rIch Plaask, nositel Fadu Pmco. B. P.. UVI. Stresovice. (ASOMM, surg. " ,(~ I. , -4ft.~ resoction by Boereals andked (Gs)) ~:.VAK , :i. Smh I . . n te r, *~ : i.e r.4~ r,, . 2' ~! ' ' -3 . ' fi.. fi I, '- 4,E V Mh ' ' . , - - r ~as . 'O'k . cpsi( . .',,3 ri. .,. ' : . :. ~ : .. ' - 0 - ~,,- - I . (Kirl. er~l i r. -K1 r I .r- . r, t.- :sr i ' *.'t, ; i i, I j - . , ; . -., . ~ . 11 . -~ix , ~ ", ( . . SYKORA, Frantiesk; PIACAK, Bedrich Diagnostic difficulties in a rare case of assoclated carcinoom of the right adrenal and intrahepatic hemAtomA. Rozh1.ch1r. 40 n0.2-1: 196-200 Kr 161. 1. Rentgenologicke oddeleni, prednosta MUDr. Frnnt. Sykorn, a oddeleni pro chirurgii hrudni a brieni, prednosta MUDr. Bedrich Placak, Ustredni vojenska nemocnice. (ADRERAL GLAND neopl) (LIVER DISRASES compl) (HIKATOPU compl) FIAGAI, Bedrich. nosital Radu prace Decortication in the treatment of late sequelas after gurAhop wounds of the chest. Roxhl. chIr. 39 no.3:155-163 Mr 160 1. Odd. pro chirargil hrudni a briont Usti. vojenake nemocnice, predn. MUDr. B. Plauak (WOUNM. GUNSHOT, compl. ) THORAX, wds. & iaJ.) SG, surg. ) M PlACAK, B. Contribirlon to tnc, -.reatment of caacer o,* -.:., cen-,:-al LP-d u p~-- of the atomach. Cesic. gastrocrit. VYZ- 15 no.3-170-182 Ry 161. 1. Oddeleni pro chirurgi- hrudni P. brisni LJP,.', predn. doc. dr. B. I 'a,--Ik, nositel Rida prace. (GAST HEM'014 f) (STCUCH ITEOPALSP.3 suri:', 09. ' 7 - n:' 1,ti,-7t ,,n: Ab~i,) Jnn1 ~ijr- :-Y) ,.:11~ary Hosnital a -:-.trpd- ni Vo.;,,n.-;ke Aicmoc,iico), Pra,--uo, li,~a(i -)r P"UjLCAK. ymectony !I, -nt e)l' ica. Part I. F,-; 1 e , ' , a.-i - ~ . ~- L, ., ~.- r,, iVol. "~Y Ab s '~ rac t r I i jjyj,r' t1 :m !iCinti 7 I ev -11"'t -:If-) 1, ri= :c tw -i )rmones o r r o, a t t n - s v h- r , n, I i va %a,-on o -ct on -,ac" r. P i; f (-rent ac of 1, i v-rini-, of ttin n, -v, A*~ sevuring of' n(!,-,v- nuar-lo y-icrd it my-% r I, r all,-. ost a r"oro cr) - ic- to nuc~innism w #-ro III pnr'.~c ..~r - -,, - ,.' c d.'z(,rder3 ire -'nv)Ivnd. liywictoi.iv is ind*(-ntod -. --.1 rlyna*rlonic -p--'ents r f,ar ;lesq of t I- M-1 Of 1~ I- a': 30. r~,, d-~tif7er of rinol innr Ic cri-es is probabl- I y hoinr )v-,rrnu-~ ent. 21 Czech, 1 dussiin, 1 Yur-,or,nv 1 /1 - uscript r"ceived .,'eb t')6). a ry i o s 16, il 0 i n i Vo c c a r -u,3 n r r - v i i rra-ue, .-C) 1,7 :-v" n-p L~ ,73 79 Ah - c -J: i'0;,. .-)ns Of U:-, V,: t3: e S ~ 1- 7 L.; b r,,i Z. o n,,i ~v., r, ev~,~n tt it, w ilet, -), :, In C h e On t -.7 i.n(, b c-ri- a ~c is rocorn. -,de(j. ..e3tcrn, 3 -:-.ficil, I 'u: inn, 1 U j a V I' f, r -~n c n c Me thod a CUC ; I jw- 616.152.264-01 - 074 3 VIKSA, J. ; DAIII-i, S. 13. Resonrch InqL41tute for L'Kporim- ental Tnorapy, arid CrIfl-i-f 7' ~rn Mid Disnqsea , Institute for Postgraduate Nodical Tra-nir,g (Vyzicumny Ustav Experimoiitalni Te- rapie a Intprni KaL-ilra Unl.ivu pro Doslcolovani Lokaru), Prague, Director (Radl tol ) )r -' . -7 IIL-bcan-ination in Prague, Casopis Vol lr)~, No 26, 2L,. Jun 66, pp 699 - 701 Abstract CAUt',.)r3' i-x,difiled-7: Valuns of prirtial pressure of CO 2 in ti,-torlal ~ilnod cR,c Intod on the basis of the manometric metriod w,!vt, r. tn %noaii obtnlnod by calculation on the basis of' tt-.() t1tri!~',,-)n motnnd, lind to those obtained by interpolation usinr tho rrfIrt~`)d -)f A.9trup und Siggaard-Andoraen. The manomntric votriod anl -~l int r~-,olation mothod agree with each other much better t:aa. witti *:-,o t,!;ration method. Advnntagos of using the Astrup arid Andorsen mr~thod arn described. 2 Figures, 12 Wostorn rei Ieronces. (Mrintiscript recivod Doc 65). 11 /,, PLACLY, V. A thin plate sub.'ecte! to shpari-iF stregs. n. 4~'. CZFC,H05LOVkK ITAVY INDUSTRY. (Ce%kcalmPnska obchodri kewra) FarhA, Czechoslavakia. No. 12, 2959. Mont~-Ily list of Fast Furopean Accessi-ns (Fr.Al) LZ, Vol. , nr). : , : it, Uncl. 1 lau&, V. ; ~ 11; . -, . i In r a ~~ ,", . ; %. i i ', ,,. -~, Sf4-1-9 r r t-v ~ ra. '-tp. r, ..I-, . -, . Vol. -.. no. 1, Jan. ir:c.- '11, Jf;,~:;;s7v: . (-'~. A IGN Czechoslovakia SO: c;w t -:, A ccos!,Jons , . t , '.;I - J~C,-