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Approved For Release 2004/07-/h CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 25X1 NSC REVIEW COMPLETED, 10/31/03 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL, STATUS OF PROJECTS as of February 11, 1952 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01,731 R003700050005-6 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIO- NAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U. S. C., SECTION 793 AND 794, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 February 11, 1952 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL STATUS OF PROJECTS 1. CEO PLETED7 PROJECTS (February 4, 1952 - February 11, 1952) SITUATION IN TI FAR EAST Action No. 60 NSC 78/3 PORT S ECURIT (NSC Action No. 606; Memo for NSC from Acting Executive Secretary, same subject dated February 1f , 1952) NSC 122/1 UNITED STATES EXPORT LICENSING POLICY TOWARD HONG ONG AND MACAO NSC Action No. 607; Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated January 31, 1952) NSC 123 EVACUATION OF SELECTED KEY INDIGENOUS PERSONS OM D NGER ARRA6 (NSC Action No. 608) NSC 17/4 TERNAL SECURITY and (NSC Action No.609; Progress Report, dated NSC 17/6 December 20, 1951, by the NSC Representative on Internal Security on NSC 17/1+ and NSC 17/6) NSC 29 SE~ITY OF STRATEG C LY IMPORTANT INDUSTRIAL 9PERATIONS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES (NSC Action No. 610; Progress Report dated January 21, 1952, by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 29) (See also same subject in Section 3A.) NSC S TQVAeRoV &5Wi004/b7/e8'T CIA-RDP80ROl731 R0M0M Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECT{ET SECURITY INFORMATION 2. PROJECTS DER C CONSIDERATION BY THE NSC A. NSC MEETING At the direction of the President, the regular Council meeting scheduled for February 13 has been canceled. NSC S A~~V eRa W aCSWs2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R0W 0NGR%% Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION PROJECTS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE NSC (Coat 'd) B. ITEMS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY- EMOR TDUM ACTION NTE IGENCE SUPPORT-FOR THE VOICE OF AMERICA WITH REGARD TO OV . T JAMMING Memos for NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated February 28, 1951 and January 2, 1952; NSC Action No. 446; NSC 66/1) Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence on the sub- ject relating to the implementation of NSC 66/1 was submitted by the reference memo of January 2 for consideration by the Council, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of Defense Mobilization and the Chairman, Federal Communications Commis- sion. Approved by DMS, January 3; by FCC (with comments) January 5; by ODM, January 7; by hate, January 17. Awaiting action by others concerned. NSC 5 TAJO?vMFei lV 2004/01'/431:-CIA-RDP80R01731 RMGPO U Dfl$-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION PROJECTS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE NSC_(Cont'd) C- .ITEMS AWAITING SUBSEQUENT NSC_C ONS IDERAT I ON THE POSITION OF THE UNITED STATES WITH RESPECT TO THE COMMUNIST HREAT TO ITALY Progress Reports dated January 25, 1952, by the Under Secre- tary of State on NSC 67/3) The reference Progress Report by the Under Secretary of State on the subject has been circulated for the information of the Council and will be scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. FORMULATION OF A UNITED STATES POSITION WITH -RESPE TO THE R G ATION L MIT TION A D CE REDUCTION OF AR 'D FORCES D ARM MENTS Progress Report dated January 29, 1952, by the Secretary of State on NSC 112) The reference Progress Report by the Secretary of State on the subject has been circulated for the information of the Council and will be scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. THE POSITION OOF THE UNITED STATES WITH RESPECT TO SWITZERLAND Progress Report, dated February 5, 1952t by the Under Secre- tary of State on NSC 119) The reference Progress Report by the Under Secretary of State on the subject has been circulated for the information of the Council and will be scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. THE POSITION OF THE UNITED STATES WITH RESPECT TO THE PHILIPPINES - (Progress Report, dated February 11, 1952.7 by the Under Secre- tary of State on NSC 84/2) The reference Progress Report by the Under Secretary of State on the subject is being circulated for the information of the Council, and will be scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. NSC ST T 'pU vP4YF9FIQJ cc2004/07/ 8 :'CIA-RDP80R01731 R 0 , 6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 3. CURRENT NSC STAFF PROJECTS A. SENIOR NSC STAFF UNI T D TA TES OBJECTIVES AND COURSES OF ACTION WITH RESPECT COMMUNIST AGGRESSION IN 0U HEAST ASIA ecord of Meeting of Senior N SC Staff on September 27 1951, item 1-g; NSC Action No. 597; Memos for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated December 29 1951 and February 1 and 4, 1952; Memos-for Senior NSC Staff from Acting Executive Secretary, same subject, dated February 11 and 12, 1952; NSC 48/5) The Senior Staff at its meeting on September 27 agreed that State and Defense would jointly examine the need for a re- vision of U. S. policy respecting Southeast Asia, with par- ticular reference to Indochina, for consideration by the Senior Staff. The Council on December 19 discussed the situation in Indochina in the light of recurring rumors of impending Chinese Commu- nist intervention, and, at the suggestion of the Secretary of State, directed the Senior NSC Staff to expedite the report on U. S. policy toward Southeast Asia, with particular refer- ence to possible courses of action regarding Indochina. Draft report on the subject, prepared by a State-Defense drafting group after discussion of the subject by the Steering Committee ((consisting of representatives of the Senior State, Defense, JCS and CIA members), was transmitted by the reference memo of December 29 for consideration by the Senior Staff. Preliminary draft statement of policy on the subject prepared by the Steering Committee was transmitted by the reference memorandum of February 1 for consideration by the Senior Staff at a meeting on February 8 in lieu of the draft distributed by the reference memorandum of December 29. Related NSC Staff study, prepared by a drafting group of the Staff Assistants was transmitted to the Senior Staff by the reference memo of February 4. Preliminary draft statement of policy, as revised by the Staff Assistants in accordance with the agreement in the Senior Staff meeting on February 8, is being transmitted by the reference memo of February 11 for consideration by the Senior Staff at its meeting on February 12. Related draft NSC Staff study as revised by the Staff Assistants, is being transmitted by the reference memo of February 12. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 5 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CURRENT NSC STAFF PROJECTS fC ont t d) 0 T O S FOR A PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT ENT (PRIORITY PROJECT? WITH THE USSR Records of Senior NSC Staff Meetings February 23 and May 24, 1951; NSC 79; NSC 112; NSC Action No. 511; Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, subject: "United States and Allied Objectives in the Event of Global War," dated September 6, 1950) On February 23, 1951, the Senior' NSC Staff agreed that the NSC 79 project on United States and allied war objectives should be completed in two sections and that the section on the above subject, including a plan for reduction and regula- tion of armaments and armed forces, should be completed as a matter of priority. On May 24 the Senior Staff agreed that the completion of this project would provide an important back- ground for obtaining popular support for U. S. national secur- ity policies, Report by the Secretaries of State and Defense in connection with the plan referred to above, adopted by the Council (NSC Action No, 511) and approved by the President as NSC 112. On July 10, the Senior NSC Staff noted that NSC 112 was the first step toward completion of this project and that further work would proceed in the light of Council action on NSC 112. At Its meeting on November 20, in connection with a review of the NSC Status of Projects the Senior Staff agreed that the Senior State, Defense and ICS members, together with the Executive Secretary, would meet at an early date to review progress on this project. Awaiting report by the State Defense and JCS members. (See also related projects beiow.) UNITED STATES WAR OBJECTIVES IN-THE ENVE T OF 0 AL WAR NSC 79; Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated September 6, 1950) JCS memo (NSC 79) circulated for Council information and referred to the Staff for use in the preparation of a report. The Senior Staff designated an ad hoc group to draft a report to include both a statement of war objectives in the event of global war, and such related questions as a statement of the conditions that the U.S. would be willing to accept for a peaceful settlement with the USSR and its satellites. At the initial meeting of the ad hoc group under the chairmanship of the State member on October 6, 1950, the form and content of a response to the problems posed by NSC 79 were discussed and agreed upon. NSC SiQvcgFcPA s 1004/07/ 8 :-CIA-RDP80RO1731 RC4F0 6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CUR ENT NSC STAFF PROJECTS (Copt 'd) UNITED STATES AND ALLIED WAR OBJECTIVES IN THE EVENT OF GLOBAL WARTC ont ' d On February 23 1951, the Senior Staff agreed that this project should be divided as follows: (1) a statement of U.S. and allied war objectives in the event of a global war- and (2) a statement of the conditions the U. S. would be willing to accept for a peaceful settlement with the USSR, including a plan for. the reduction and regulation of armaments and armed forces. At its meeting on November 20 in connection with a review of the NSC Status of Projects the Senior Staff agreed that the Senior State, Defense and JG~S members, together with the Executive Secretary would meet at an early date to review progress on this project Awaiting initial draft by the State Policy Planning Staff of the project listed under (1) above. (See also related projects above and below.) UNITED STATES JECTIVES AND PROGRAMS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY (NSC 66 Series- NSC 11 Series; NSC Action No. 575; Memo for Senior NSC Stafff, from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated November 6, 1951) The Council on October 1.7 (NSC Action No. 575-9) directed the Senior NSC Staff to submit for Council consideration at the earliest practicable date a reappraisal of the policies and programs set forth in the NSC 68 and 114 Series, including a revision of Part I of NSC 114/2 and in the light of: (1) Further analysis of Soviet atomic capabilities as indicated by the recent explosion of another atomic bomb in the USSR; and (2) the current evaluation of the net capability of the USSR to injure the continental United States (see Section 4). At its meeting on October 24, the Senior NSC Staff noted the statement by the Executive Secretary that the Senior State member had agreed to prepare a draft of the political and foreign policy considerations to be included in the reappraisal of the NSC 68 and 114 Series; and that the Senior Defense, JCS) and CIA members would prepare a revision of the portions of 1 Part I of NSC 114/2 relating to military capabilities, in the !! ight of the two factors mentioned above. At the request of the Director Psychological Strategy Board, paragraphs on "Psychological Strategy in the Ensuing Years," prepared by the Staff of the PSB, were circulated by the reference memo of November 6 for the information of the Senior Staff, and were referred to the Senior State member for con- sideration in connection with his preparation of the draft of the political and foreign policy considerations to be included NSC $Tl oQ?d P We'e 200407708-: CIA-RDP80RO1731 F 78CM25-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CURRENT NSC STAFF PROJECTS (C ont t d ) MITED-STATES OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAMS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY o d in the reappraisal of the NSC 68 and 1141 Series. Awaiting Pre- paration of draft section th s e ?U,_,by, , te Ac,epx' ns and agencies concerned, pending receipt of the analysis and evaluation referred to as (1) and (2) above. (See also re- lated projects above and below.) UNITED STATES OBJECTIVES AND COURSES OF ACTION IN KOREA (NSC 118/2; Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject dated December 18, 1951; NIE-55. SE-20; NSC Action No. 5951 The Council in adopting NSC 118/1 as amended (subsequently issued as NSC 118/2), referred the alternative versions of subparagraph 2-b-(6) to the Senior NSC Staff for review in the light of an analysis of the traffic in and out of Commu- nist China and of the probable effectiveness of an embargo or blockade (NSC Action No. Awaiting preparation of a draft report by the Steering Committee. S CI'RITY OF STRATEGICALLY IMPORTANT INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS IN ff ~ .!, y~ r igress Report, dated July 21+, 1951 by the Department of State on NSC 29; NSC Action Nos. 531 and 610) By NSC Action No. 531 the Council referred the reference Progress Report to the Senior NSC Staff for recommendations regarding the desirability of a revision of the list of operations contained therein and the frequency of future pro- gress reports by the Department of State. On September 27, in connection with a review of the NSC Status of Projects, the Senior Staff agreed that the State Department, with the assistance of a sub-committee composed of representatives from Defense, NSRB, ODM, and CIA, would assume responsibility for the preparation of a draft report pursuant to NSC Action No. 531. Memorandum from the office of the Secretary of Defense dated October 2, 1951, which advised that recommendations by the Munitions Board for revision of the list of strategically important industrial operations would be submitted by Decem- ber 15, 1951, has been transmitted to the Senior State member of the NSC Staff for his information and use in connection with this project. Awaiting report by State. (See also same subject in Section 1) NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 8 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CI=NT NSC STAFF PROJECTS (font d) 9IQ N FOR S ' NSC 96/1 and C + N C Action No. 409; Memo for Members of Staff group from xecutive Secretary subject: "Provision for State Guard Forces," dated May 7, 151; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated September 19, 1951) At the request of the Secretary of Defense, NSC 96 on the subject was submitted for Council consideration. At its 77th meeting, by the reference action, the Council agreed to re- quest the Chairman, NSRB, to develop, in consultation with other interested agencies, a plan for the provision of essen- tial Federal guidance and assistance to the States in organiz- ing reserves to perform State and local security functions when the National Guard is ordered into active military ser- vice, this plan to include any necessary Federal legislation. Report by the Chairman, NSRB circulated for Council informa- tion as NSC 96/1 and referred to the NSC Staff for use in the preparation of a report for Council consideration. On April 12 the Senior Staff discussed NSC 96/1 and referred it to the Defense, JCS and NSRB Staff members together with officials from the Department of Justice, the Bureau of the Budget, and the Federal Civil Defense Administration, for use in the preparation of a report for Senior Staff considera- tion. Draft outline, prepared by the Executive Secretary, trans- mitted to the above staff group by the reference memo, and discussed at a meeting on May 14. With some modifications the outline was adopted as a working guide and the proposed assignments were accepted. A new draft report, prepared on the basis of material submitted by Defense Justice and Civil Defense in accordance with the agreed outline, was trans- mitted to the Senior Staff by the reference memo of September 19 Awaiting consideration of the draft report by the Senior Staff. UR p _ LITIES-013 O O T NG THE IR-TOSS8 ecord of Meeting of Senior NSC Staff on November 27, 1951) The Senior NSC Staff at its meeting on November 27, agreed that in connection with but not necessarily as a part of the Mediterranean and Middle East project (see Section 3-B) the Department of Defense should prepare a study of the cost of the military effort in terms of feasibility, time and material, and the forces required to ensure the continued availability NSC 84W reO]PoPFiOM@W3004/01,IOl is CIA-RDP80R01731 ROQV009 q6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION =RENT-- NSC STAFF PROTEQ QQont'd) NSURING AVAILABILITY OF CERTAIN MIDDLE EAST of oil from the Behrein-Qatar-Saudi Arabia area, and the Office of Defense Mobilization should prepare a study of the economic cost in terms of feasibility, time and material required to offset the loss of oil from that area. Awaiting report by Defense and ODM. (See also NSC 97 Droiect in SPetinn 4 halmr_) 25X1 NSC ST4 v 'F9Me eS20044O73 ft :-CIA-RDP80R01731 RQ.Q 0 Approved For Release 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP80R01731 RQW01B 2-6 SECURITY INFORMATION Cj BFNNTwNSC STAFF PROJECT; (Cpnt'd) B. NSC STAFF ASSISTANTS TERRANEAN AND MIDDLE EAST LRIORITY PROJECT/ Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated December 12, 1950; NIE-14 and 26; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, subject: "World-Wide Demand and supply of Petroleum in Event of a Major War," dated August 3, 1951? Records of Senior NSC Staff Meetings, December 29, 1956 and July 10 and August 16, 1951; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, subject: "The Position of the United States with Respect to the General Area of the Eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea. and Persian Gulf," dated October 5, 1951; NSC 117; Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, subject: "Security of Certain Middle East Areas," dated December 11, 1951; Memo for the Steering Committee on the Middle East from Executive Secretary, subject: "The Position of the United States with Respect to the Area Comprising the Arab States, Iran and Israel," dated January 30, 1952; NSC 97/2) Memo by the Senior State Member on the subject transmitted by the reference memo of December 12, 1950 and considered by the Senior Staff on December 29, 1950, when it was agreed that an initial draft report should be prepared by State and that CIA should furnish an intelligence estimate of local attitudes and conditions which affect protection of our interests and the realization of our objectives. On February 23, 1950 the Senior NSC Staff agreed that this project should be completed as a matter of priority. CIA estimate circulated as NIE-26. On July 10 the Senior Staff agreed that this report should proceed without awaiting completion of the related project on a national petroleum program (NSC 97, see Section 4 below), but that the report should not be submitted for NSC con- sideration until the information being developed in connection with the petroleum report could be taken into account, On August 16 the Senior Staff discussed the report prepared by the Petroleum Administrator for Defense and transmitted by the reference memo of August 3 and agreed that this report should be studied further by the Senior Staff before finally com- pleting a report on the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. Draft statement of policy and NSC Staff study which takes account of the preliminary material on the world oil situation being assembled in connection with the NSC 97 proj- ect, was prepared by the Department of State and transmitted by the reference memo of October 5 for the consideration of the Senior Staff. State Department admendments to the draft statement of policy were made available to the Senior Staff on October 24. v F 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 NSC STA 1 A G - 11 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R0Q~00~QQQ5T6 SECURITY INFORMATION CURRENT N?ST ~,R?QJECTS (Cant'd) RR~, AND MIDDLE EAST (Coat 'd) Memo from the Joint Chiefs of Staff on "The Anglo-Iranian Problem" was submitted to the Council at the request of the Secretary of Defense as NSC 117. At its meeting on October 24, the Senior Staff discussed the draft report prepared by State together with NSC 117 and agreed that the draft report should be referred to the Senior State Defense, JCS and CIA members for the preparation of a revises draft in the light of the discussion. At its meeting on October 25 the Senior Staff, in connection with a discussion of the project on a national petroleum program, agreed that the revised draft report should take account of the importance of Middle Eastern oil to the free world both in war time and in peace time. Comments and suggestions by the Senior 0DM member and a memorandum by the Senior Representative, PSB, both relating to the draft report, were transmitted to Senior State, Defense, JCS and CIA members for use in the preparation of a revised draft report. At its meeting on November 20 the Senior Staff agreed that MSC 117 should. be listed in the Status of Projects as a reference in connection with the project on the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, rather than as a separate item. On December 11, the Senior Staff Steering Committee referred the draft report, prepared by State, to the Staff Assistants for the preparation of a revised draft. Alternative JCS draft was circulated to a subcommittee of the Staff Assistants .. on December 21. Revised draft report on the subject, prepared by State was transmitted by the reference memorandum of January J0 for the information of the Steering Committee on the Middle East, and was referred to the Staff Assistants' sub- committee on the project. Awaiting preparation of a draft re- port by the subcommittee of the Staff Assistants. (See also re- lated project in Section 3-A.) TITED STATES E0 ICY WITI RESPECT TO BERLIN 1D , TF,, t.N ERn (NSC 89; NSC 73/4, par. 2; Memos for NSC from Executive Secretary subject: "Additional airlift to support the Far East," dated September 27 and November 20, 1950; NSC Action No. 368; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated October 31, 1950; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, subject: "Courses of Action in the event East Germany Imposes a Blockade in Berlin", dated February 16, 1951; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, subject: "United States Policy With Regard to a Possible New Berlin Blockade," dated March 27, 1951; NIE-4) At its 69th Meeting the Council noted the reference memo of September 27, 1950 and the fact that the situation presented NSC STfiWMvAFF9'i 1B 2004/O-HO&2C4A-RDP80R01731 R0037W62o5 ET Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CURRENT NSC STAFF PROJECTS (Comet 1d) S POLICY WITH RESPECT TO BERLIN--a D EASTERN E1MANY (Cont'd7 therein would be taken into consideration in the studies on the Berlin blockade referred to in par. 42 of NSC 73/4. Memoranda on the subject by the Deputy Under Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense were circulated for Council information as NSC 89 and referred to the NSC Staff for use in connection with this Staff project. JCS study on airlift capabilities circulated to Senior Staff by the reference memo of October 31, 1950. Subsequent memo by the Deputy Secretary of Defense (reference memo of November 20, 1950) circulated for Council information and referred to the Staff for con- sideration in connection with this project. Views of the JCS on "Courses of Action in the Event East Germany Imposes a Blockade in Berlin" circulated by the reference memo of February 16, 1951 to the Senior Staff for consideration in connection with this project upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Defense. NIE-4, issued by CIA, relates to the above subject. On February 23, 1951 the Senior Staff noted that the JCS views would be taken into account in the early completion of a draft report on "U. S. Policy With Respect to Berlin and Eastern Germany," now under preparation in the Department of State In collaboration with the Department of Defense. Report by State circulated by reference memo dated March 27, considered by the Senior Staff on April 3 and referred to the Staff Assistants for revision in the light of the discussion. At its meeting on November 20, in connection with a review of the NSC Status of Projects, the Senior Staff agreed that the Staff Assistants should endeavor to complete this project as soon as possible. Awaiting initial draft by ad hoc group of Staff Assistants. OBIL.' ON PROGRAM Memos-for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, subject, "Proposed NSC Study of Use of Foreign Manpower for Production," dated March 29 and April 16, 1951; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated October 17, 1951) Memos by the Acting Senior NSRB Member and by the Senior ODM Member transmitted by the reference memos of March 29 and April 16, respectively, were considered by the Senior Staff on April 17. It was agreed that ODM should undertake the NSC S USecpForl Id 04/07/06 :1(A-RDP80R01731 R00370MM0 RET M Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CC U T NSC STAFF PROJECTS ont' d ) EE ECTIVE UTILIZATION OF THE CIVILIAN_MANPOWER OF NO -SQVIE NATIONS FOR WORK OF VALUE TO THE MOBILIZATION PROD (Cont'd) preparation of a report on the subject for consideration by the NSC Staff along the lines proposed by 0DM in the report attached to the reference memo of April 19. The Staff further agreed to the inclusion of NSRB and Mr. Harriman's Office among the agencies to be consulted by ODM. Draft statement of policy prepared by an inter-agency group under the chairmanship of 0DM and including representatives of the Departments of State, Defense and Labor, EC A, NSRB and Mr. Harriman's Office was transmitted to the Senior Staff for consideration by the reference memo of October 17 together with a memo from the Senior 0DM Member and the comments of the inter-agency group in explanation of the proposed state- ment of policy. The Senior Staff at its meeting on October 30 considered the draft report and referred it to the NSC Staff Assistants, with the advice and assistance of representatives of the other de- partments and agencies concerned, for the preparation of a re- vised report in the light of the discussion. The draft report was discussed by the Staff Assistants, augmented by represen- tatives of the Departments of Justice and Labor and of EC A, at meetings on November 1 and 2 and referred to a drafting group for revision in the light of the discussion. Memorandum from the EC A representative together with its attached redraft of paragraph 5 of the draft report, and an EC A airgram on the EC A Production Assistance Program were circulated on November 16 for the information of the Staff Assistants and were considered in the preparation of a revised draft report by the drafting group. Draft statement of policy on the subject, pre-r pared by the drafting group, was circulated to the Staff A--- sistants on November 29. Proposed redraft of the draft state- ment of policy of November 29, prepared by the Department of Labor, NSRB and EC A, was circulated to the Staff Assistants on December 18. A correction to this redraft was circulated on December 26. Awaiting consideration by the Staff Assistants of the proposed draft statements of policy. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 14 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CURRENT NSC STAFF PROJECTS (Cont'd) t ILIZATION Q F- OF OTHER N. NS FOR MILITARY PURPOSES (NSC 108 and memo for all holders of NSC 108, dated April 24, 1951; Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated May 8, 19519 NSC Action No. 472; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Exscutryve Secretary, subject: "Effective Utiliza- tion of Civilian ifanpcil er of Non-Soviet Nations for Work of Value to the Mobilization Program," dated October 17, 1951) At the suggestion of the Senior State Member, the Senior NSC Staff on December 129 1950 agreed to designate an ad hoc group under the Chairmanship of a JCS official and with officials from State, NSRB, Mr. Harriman's Office, and CIA, to prepare a draft report on the subject. The report by the ad hoc committee was considered and amended by the NSC Staff for submission to the NSC as NSC 108. JCS views circulated by the reference memo of May 8. At its 91st Meeting the NSC referred NSC 108 to the NSC Staff for recon- sideration. On May 17 the Senior Staff referred NSC 108 to the Staff Assistants for revision in the light of the dis- cussion. On June 13 the Staff Assistants agreed that an initial draft on the subject of civilian manpower should be completed with a view to the subsequent preparation of a report combining the civilian and military aspects of the subject for Senior Staff consideration. At a meeting on November 2 in connection with their consideration of the draft report on civilian man- power (see project above) the Staff Assistants agreed that, when a revision of the latter report was transmitted to the Senior Staff, the Staff Assistants should recommend to the Senior Staff the cancellation of the project on military man- power. Awaiting completion of action on the civilian man- power project. NSC ST AWMv6'F4' 1 2004/9'7/d> ': elA-RDP80R01731 R0037 08E BET Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CURRENT NSC STA ?F P ,QJEC TS C on t' d ) C . OTHER CURRENT NSC STAFF PROJECTS RELEASE QF_INFORMATION REGARDING NEW WEAPONS (Memo for NSC Consultants and-ABC Representative, from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated July 5, 1950) At the direction of the President,the Council and the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission undertook a con- sideration of the general problem of weapons information, including atomic weapons, in order to make appropriate recommendations to the President on the subject. A draft report, prepared by the Executive Secretary in accordance with the discussion at a meeting on June 22, 1950, was circulated to the NSC Staff and a representative of the AEC by the reference memo. At a meeting on November 20, 1951, in connection with a review of the NSC Status of Projects, the Senior NSC Staff agreed that this project should be referred to the Psychological Strategy Board for appropriate action. Awaiting report by the Psychological Strategy Board. NSC 6q} n Sd 6Fr It~af 04/07/08 : A.RDP80R01731 R00-y8gp0EPT Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 4. OTHER CURPFNT COUNCIL PROJECTS GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE SECURITY PROGRAM NSC 113; Progress Report, dated December 20 1951, by the NSC Representative on Internal Security on NC 17/4 and 17/6) A letter by the President on the subject was transmitted as NSC 113 for the information of the Council, and referred to the ICIS for preparation of a response for Council considera- tion, as directed by the President in the fourth paragraph thereof. As further directed by the President, the Chairman, Civil Service Commission, has been requested to participate with the Council, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General and the Director of Defense Mobilization in this project. Awaiting report by the ICIS. ELIGIBILITY OF FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES TO RECEIVE CLASSIFIED INFORMATION Memos for NSC from Executive Secretary same subject, dated June 14, and November 19, 1951; NSC Action No. 507; Progress Report, dated December 20 1951, by the NSC Representative on Internal Security on NSC 17/4 and 17/6) Memorandum by the Chairman, Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security (ICIS), and attached draft Presidential directive together with a report and proposed regulations on the subject, were transmitted by the reference memo of June 14 for consideration by the Council the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Director of Defense Mobilization and the Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission. Approved by ODM, June 19; by Justicez June 21; by State, June 28; by Treasury, June 29; by NSRB , July 2; by AEC, July 9. The Acting Secretary of Defense on July 2 recommended that the Council defer action on this memorandum until the Stand- ing Group of the NATO has had an opportunity to examine the proposed regulations. On July 11 the NSC agreed that further consideration should be deferred pending the outcome of the NATO negotiations, as recommended by the Acting Secretary of Defense (NSC Action No. 507). Memorandum from the Office of the Secretary of Defense and its attached report on the present status of negotiations within NATO were circulated by the reference memo of November 19 for the information of the Council, the Secretary of the Treasury the Attorney General, the Director of Defense Mobilization and the Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission. In accordance with NSC STAWIT&vO ' FDR RBGVC) 2004107JQ8 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R9 7092 -6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION OTHER CURRENT COUNCIL PROJECTS (Cont'd) TY OF FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES TO RECEIVE C SS FIED the proposal by the Department of Defense in the first sentence of the memorandum, the draft Presidential directive and related papers on the subject transmitted by the reference memo of June 14 were referred back to the ICIS for reconsideration in the ligit of this memorandum from the Department of Defense. Awaiting report by the ICIS. A PROJECT TO PROVIDE A MORE ADEQUATE BASIS FOR PLANNING FOR THE SECURITY OF THE UNITED STATES (Memos for NSC from Executive Secretary same subject, dated June 5 July 17 and 30 and August 7, 19 1; NSC Action No. 519; NSC Action No. 543) Memorandum by the Chairman, Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security, and its attached report by the ICIS on the subject, were transmitted by the reference memo of June 5 for Council consideration of the "Recommendations" contained in Part VII thereof and of the proposed National Security Council Directive. Prior to Council action, at the direction of the. President, the views of the Director of Central Intelligence were requested and transmitted by the reference memo of July 17 for consideration by the Council concurrently with the ICIS report. JCS views submitted by the reference memo of July 30. At its meeting on August 1 the Council agreed to the four steps proposed by the JCS in paragraph 3 of the reference memo of July 309 subject to the assignment of paragraph 3-12 to the Interdepartmental Intelligence Conference. The Council also agreed that the resulting reports should be integrated into a single report to it under the coordination of the Director of Central Intelligence with the assistance of representatives of the appropriate departments and agencies. The Director of Central Intelligence undertook to prepare a directive along these lines for consideration by the Council. Draft directive on the subject, prepared by the Director of Central Intelligence was approved by the Council, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General and the Director of Defense Mobilization (NSC Action No. 5+3). Awaiting report by the Director of Central Intelligence. NSC STAWDT6bv@U Fb]K E T6 2004X7X$:.CIA-RDP80RO1731 RVMVODB -6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION OTHER CURRENT COUNCIL PROJECTS (Cont!d) A TIONAL PETROLEUM PROGRAM NSC 97 and NSC 97/2; Memos for Senior NSC Staff from Execu- tive Secretary, subject: "World-Wide Demand and Supply of Petroleum in Event of a Major War," dated August 3 and Octo- ber 8, 1951; Record of Meeting of Senior NSC Staff of August 16, 1951; Memos for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary same subject, dated August 20 and October 24, 1951; Memo for NS~'C from Executive Secretary, subject "Security of Certain Middle East Areas," dated December 11, 1951; NSC Action No. 592) At the direction of the President, a letter from the Acting Secretary of Defense on the subject (NSC 97) was referred to the Director of Defense Mobilization to develop a national petroleum program leading to the complete supply of allied requirements, for consideration by the NSC. Interim report on the subject (NSC 97/1), prepared by the NSC Staff based largely on studies by 0DM and PAD, was amended by the Council and submitted to the President on December 12 (NSC Action No. 592). The President on December 13 approved the interim Recommendations contained in NSC 97/1, as amended, and directed their implementation by all executive departments and agencies of the U. S. Government under the coordination of the Director of Defense Mobilization. Report as amended subsequently issued as NSC 97/2. Awaiting further reports on a national petroleum program by the Director of Defense Mobilization. NSC S 7A Sv T S2004E071D :.CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0D 0 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003700050005-6