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GMCHIKHINg L.I.; SHIVANOVICHV V.D. Study of the jet of a plasma generator. Opt.1 spektre 13 no.5*626-629 N 062. (MIRA 15M) (Plasma (IoniW gasea)) GRECHIKHINP L.I.; KINIKO, L.Ya. St.ructure of a plasma jet produced by a pulse discharge. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 32 no.qt1O72-lOr73 S 162, (MIRA 15:9) 1e Institut fiziki AN BSSR, Minsk. (Plasma (Ionized gases)) GRECHIMINI, L.I.- Broadenijig of the 4982.8 A line of sodium in a brush type d-o arc* Opt, i spektr, 13 no*44578-579 0 162. (MIRA 16%3) (Electric are) (Sodium-Spectra) S 12-5016310()7100VO03VO06 A059/A126 AUTHORSs Grechi Yellyashevich, M.A. ::-TITLEt The broadening of spectral lines showing the linear Stark effect In' plasma PERIODICAL% Doklady Akademii.nauk BSSR, v. 7, no. 3, 1963, 157 159 TEU: The contour of spectral lines In plasma originating by broadening .-due to the linear Stark effect,which was previously calculated by J. Holtsmark .1 162,-1919), is defined more 'accurately in this paper.- In the (Phys. Zz., v. 20, plasma, quasi-state electric fields from O-to oo with the distribution prob bil ity W (F) dF (P) dp. can arise, where P/FO and Fb -2.61 eN FO -.the normal intensity of the f1eld.'j The general half-width of the line was found to be 2 A v ex 2 ap% F0 - 2.80 a FO - 7.31 aeN P (10) where which determines the frequency'shift YU 'a 1.40, a is the corr Card 1/2 S/075/63/0t-81001/001/010 E202/E492 AUTHOR: Grechikhin, L.I. TITLE: EffDct of polarity on the physical properties of the plasma stress of an arc generator PERIODICAL! Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, v.18, no.1, 1963,' 20-23 TEAT: The same type of plasma arc generator was used as that described by M.Margoshes and B.F.Scribner (Soectrochim Acta, 14, no.2, 1959, 138) and Yu.K.Kravatakheli (Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 25, 1.960, 557). The d.c. source dissipating 2 kW in the arc was employed. A spectrum was registered simultaneously on the VICIFI-28 (ISP-28) and wcn-51 (ISP-51) spectrographs, using the camera *34)-85 (UF-85). The diameter of the ccnatructing nozzle was 1.8 mm. Industrial nitrogen was used for arc stabilizatiow. The results of experimental investigations showed that the polarity considerably influenced the performance of the arc and the nature of the emission spectrum. With the nozzle working as an anode, the jet was more stable and there was absence of side- tracking channels. The current fluctuations of the discharge were also quite negligible. However, with the nozzle acting as a Card 1/3 S/075/63/018/001/001/OiO Effect of polarity E202/E492 cathode, considerable jet instability and intensive side-trackings were observed - also the brirlitness of the jet was increased. The discharge current in the latter case dropped very rapidly, while the arc voltage increased in such a way that the power in the arc remained substantially constant. It was also found that the intensity of the spectral lines derived from the nozzle material was considerably stronger when the nozzle worked as a 'cathode. The authors used brass and spectroscopically pure carbon as the electrode materials. When the nozzle was made of brass and the ro,' electrode of pure carbon, the intensity of the spectral lines due to brass increased very markedly when the nozzle worked an a ca t h o d e .On reversing the electrode inaterials, the emission spectrum contained a number of lines due to single-ionized copper, and also emission bands of the molecular ion of N2 . The temperature was also measured along the axis from the relative intensities of tile Cu5106 and Ck,5153. The authors concluded their work by studying the effect'of polarity on the broadening of spectral lines. A triplet of zinc 43p,-53s, -.4810.5 X, 7,.4686.L A0 was selected. -53-, 431' 2 it and 431, -53s ~ 4722 , . l 0 1 , Card 2/3 S/075/63/018/001./OOI/010 Effect of polarity E202/E492 A considerable broadening of the above lines was observed when the nozzle worked as a cathode. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN BSSR, Minak (Instituteof Physics AS BSSR, Minsk) C-1 rd 313 ACCESSION N11: AP4004140 S/0294/63/001/002/0198/0202 AUTHOR: Grechikhin, L. I. TITLE: Determination of charged particle and neutral atom concen- trations from self-reversal of spectral line contours in plasma SOURCE: Teplofizika vy*sokikh temperatur, v. 1, no. 2, 1963, 198- 202 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, spectroscopy, spectral line reversal, lithium, lithium chloride, neutral atom, charged particle, electron, dc arc, arc jet, plasma arc, spectral line ABSTRACT: In view of the interest attaching to a simultaneous mea- surement of both neutral-atom and charged-particle concentrations in a plasma, the author investigates and demonstrates the feasi- bility of an experimental determination of the inhomogeneity para- meter of a source using any self-inverted pair of spectral lines, on the basis of the theory of self inversion of spectral lines developed by R. D. Cowan and G. H. Dieke (Rev. Mod. Phys. v. 20, 418, 1948). Card 1/2 ACCESSION Nk: AP4004140 The lithium line 6103.64 i was used to determine simultaneously the concentrations of absorbing atoms (neutral) and charged particles (electrons). The concentrations of neutral lithium atoms and the electron concentrations in the plasma of a dc arc were measured by filling an arc electrode (either cathode or anode) with LiCl. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 10 formulas, and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN BSSR (Physics Institute, AN BSSR) SUBMITTED: 23May63 DATE ACQ: 26Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS, PR NO REF SOV: 004 OTHERx 002 Card 2/2 GRECIIIKIIIN,_~.I.,- TYUNINAp U.S. ...I Forbidden lines of natrium and lit.hitun atoms in the flame of a d-e are. TepLofiz. vys. tomp. I r1o.31399-1,03 N-D '63. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Inatitut fizi-ki AN BSSR. JLCUSSION NO: AP3003040 8/0250/63/007/()05/0313/0316 AUTHOR: Grechikhin, L. I. TITLE: Resonance broa&;~ing of spectral lines and ita utilization in determining neutral atom concentration in are discharge pXasmas (Presented by Academician of the AN BSSR M. A. Yollyashevich) SOURCE: AN BSSR. Dokladyp v. 7Y no. 5, 1963, 313-316 TOPIC TAGS: collision theory, line broadening, half width, absorption parameter, arp discharge, plasma, resonance line-broader,4ng ABSTRACT: Two expressions are derived: one from collision theory of line broaden- ing and one from the statistical theary defining line half-width respectively, by Card 112 ACCESSION NO :: AP3003040 where pp, I is the absorption parameter and x is related to p through 0 e-jr) X P The cri terion for the application of collision theory is given by - Aw. A~wg: . An example is given for an arc discharge plasma a' . a temperature of 5000K and resonance line broadening of A 6103X for lithium atom and ;~ 5890X for sodium. It is found that for atom concentrations less than 109 ver cm3 the collision theory can be used, whereas for higher values the ctatisticai theory is applicable. Orig. art. has: 19 formulas and 2 figures. ASSOCIATIO'N': Institut fiziki AN BSSR (Institute of Pbysics M; BSSR) SUBMITTED: 18Oct62 DATE ACQ: 22jul63 M, CL; 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REP SOV: 004 TTHER. 008 Card 2/2 V-Y=. Ine, mcrphIrv and -r, varicus k:i 2 5:57E' ty-pes uf f-!.0 '63. j 7;- oh- i S P7" S.V. ~ni -h.frv) lrist~-~u 'a ek-roe r niedt tE-- r*r IIINN ISS"T. GRECHIKHIN. L.I.; MINIM, L.Ya. Use of high-speed spectral motion pictures for studying rapid self-luminous processes. Zhur.nauch. I prikl.fot. i kin. 9 no.2:11/+-116 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut fiziki AN Belorusskoy SSR. ACM51011 NR: Ap4oMM 3/0077/64/009/002/olih/0116 AUTHOIS: Grechikhinp L. I.1 MinIko, L. Ya. TIT1,131 speed, motion photography for inventigaLing rapid Self- lunLinous processes SIOURJE: Miurnal nauchnoy i prlkladnoy fotografii'i kinomatografii, v. 9) no.2 1264, 114-116 aryl insert between p. 116-117 TAOPI,31 TAGSj high speed photography, spectral photography, sol-f lw,-iinescenco, radiation spectrum, copper omission, radiation temperature, plasima emission, camera SM L, monochromator UM 2, photoregistor ZhFR 10 microphoLoninLor MF 11, Parddirom 10 film ABSTUCT.- The authors 'iiave experimented with the use of high-Opeed sp3ctral pho4yo-' grapay to investigate pectral fluctuations of a radiating body in all zono~, Ob- oervations were made wiUi the motion picture camera SFR-L wlUi ulonochromkitor trel-2 and supplementary spectrum-producing apparatus (see ~ig. 1 on tho Diclosure). A batt3ry of condensers (.60 microfarads capacitance and a potential of 2.5 kv) was used to obtain plaama emissiono Also employed were the photorogistor ZhFR--l~ . C-1 ,,ACCESSION NR: AP4026818 iPankhrom-10 type 600 film,, and the microphotometer MF-4, The test photographs !revealed acomplex emission structure from the test material (copper). Temperature: I . . ,measurements were made by the method prbposed by L. 16 Mandel'shtam and No K. Sukhodrev (Mi, eksperim. i teor, Mop 1953P 24P70l)- Orig. arts hast 1 figures 2 pF1090graphs, and I equation. JASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki. Akademii nauk,, Beloriusekoy SSR (Institute of Fhysicssl~ jAcademy of Sciencesp Belorusaian SSR) ISUBMITTEDs 12Apr63 EXCLt 01 SUB OODEs E89 dF No Rv sov, oo6 OTHERt 001 ACCESSION Nits AP4026818' ENCLOSURES 01 Supplementary Fig* lo Optical scheme of the combination Spectral Lens of the spectral apparatus and speed Apparatus SFR-L camera SFR-L ol - Objective of collimator of the ctral apparatus ape Dispersion system 0 Objective of camera 2 03 Supplementary Lens Objective of camera 04 3 L 5442-66 E'tFr MIEWT W /ETC/EPF(n) -219WG (m)/EPA M -2/EVIP (t)/EWP (b) IJP(c) JD tJG/AT ACC NR: AP5025065 q SOURCE CUDE;..Uh/0366/65/003/003/0201/0208 .AUTHORS: Grechildiin, L. I.; Yellyashevich., M. A. 74 :ORG: none ~:71 . q qj TITLE: Application of the quadratic Stark effect i6 the determination of concen- tration of charged particles in plasma y the spfictral line broadening of lithium and '7- 'y sodium SOURCEs Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 3, no. 3, 1965, 201-208 TOPIC TAGS: Stark effect, line broadening, charged particle concentration, lithium, sodium ABSTRACT: Stark constants f tl quadratic Stark effect for the sharp, principal,! and diffuse lines of lithium lium were calculated. The calculation was based on the well known second ord'i perturbation theory Wression for energy level displacement of one-electron:systems subject to an electric field Card UDC%-54342-'--;; rJ -7 o'), -,- - A .1. L 5447-66 ACC NR: -AF~02-5085. (n, L I r In', L+1 )2 (L- -A12) (ii L cl.k 4 (L + ly- I W-1 h + ~The results of calculation are given in tabular form. The effect of electron and ,3.on impacts on the spectral line shape was determined by the use of the nonstation-I ,ary-electron impact theory and the Holtsmark theory respectively. It was found that :the overall half-line width was almost equal to the sum of the half-line width due ,to electronic and ionic effects respectively. It is concluded that the quadratic Stark effect becomes noticeablefor different lines at different charged particle ,concentrations) that a particular line may disappear completely at sufficiently 'high charged particle concentration, and that the diffuse series lines and the higher members of the sharp series are particularly sensitive to charged particles concentrations (see Fig. 1)o The concentration of charged particles in a dc are was- calculated and compared with data reported by L. 1. Grechikhin (opt i spektr,.,; 13., 578., 1962). The calculated values are in good agreement with experimental data, Card ii. L 5447-66 ACC. NR: AP5025085 INV Ar I e l '0 Ax 0 1~ #A?" i4 W 41 0 Fig. 1. The change in the half-line width of the lithium atom (a) and sodium ato m (b) lines as a function of charged particle concentration 4 I oil , TZ A Card 3/4 L 5447-66 ACC NR: AP5025085 Orig. art. hasi 4 tables, 3 graphs,, and 6 equations. Sim CODE: OF/ SUBM DATE: 16Apr65/ ORIG Rff2 007/ Card h/4 L- 1687-66 StIT,(l)IE~T(m)IEPF.(n)-21EWG(m)IEPA W.,.;9/mp(t )/W(b) IJP(c) JDAT ACCESSION NR: AP5020552 UR/ 0294/65/003/ 004/0520/0523 Bakatiovichi G. J.; GreF AUTHOR tikhin, L. 1. TITLE: Use -of,,e"mission spectra of the coppe atom for diagnostics of a plasma ~SOURCE: Teplpf4i~ka vysokikh temperatur, v. 3, no. 4, 1965, 520-523 TOPIC TAGS-01visma ~iignostlcs, emission spectrum, copper, Stark effect, Van de'r WaiLls bquiati6n, electrodes, plasma charged particle ABSTRACT: Since copper pairs formed by erosion of electrodes exist in all types. of plasma apparatus (plasmatrons, magnetohydrodynamic generators, arcs, etc.) the work described in the article is aimed at selection of the corresponding spec- tral. lines, at fixing their basic.constants (transition probability and the Stark and van der Waals constants) at evaluating the effect of various factors on- the width of the selected lines, and at, explaining errors in the measurement of temperature and concentration of the charged particles. The experiments were carried out with a direct current are (1 8 arnp) between copper or brass electrodest under Card 1/2 L 1687-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5020552 water. The emission spectra were measured with a DFS-13 spectrograph. The temperature of UP arc was determinedirom two pairs of copper lines: 5105. 5 : 5*153.', 2 A and 5105. 5 . 4530. 8 A. Using the theoretical value of the Stark constant and thi.bbtained experimental values, the article cites a value of (1. 3 0 0_ c 3) 1. m-3 for the concentration of charged particles in a plasma- In a direct current arc between copper electrodes; under water. ThLi-concentration.of, charged part1clos'Ancreases compared to the same arc In the atmosowre, for which a value of 1015 cm-3 Is quoted. The temperature rises to- approximately I wo K. "In -conclusion, the authors wish to thank M. A. Ellyashevich hi constant interes't in the work and for his discussion of the results. 0 has: 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut f1dkii Akademli nauk BSSR (]Wititute of Phyxicdj~ AiMnW of Sciencess, BM) ENCL- 00 SUBAGTTED: 21AUgW SUB COM GC EM NR REF SOV: 006,_ 1. 666~*i CWd -L-12902=9 (1)'1ETC(F)JEPF(n1-_21M(M IJP(a) ACC-NU: AP6002357 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/65/000/006/0047/0052 2Y AUTHOR: Grechikhin, L. (MInsk); MIn'ko1_ L. Ya. (Minsk); T~ag 1. (Minsk) ORG: none TITLE- Spectroscopic study of the properties of a S rsonic plasma Jet SOURCE: Zhurnal prildadnoy mekhaniki i teknicheskoy. fiziki, no. 6, 1965, 47-52 TOPIC TAGS: plasma jet, plasma temperature, shock wave propagation, plasma charged particle, spectroscopic analysis ABSTRACT: The authors spectroqcopicany investigate the emission spectrum of a plasma jet at wavelengths from 3800 to 5500 A. The variation of the temperature and concentration of the charged particles along the jet was measured in relation to the polarity for a shock-wave jet and a periodic structure jet. In the spectrum of the shock-wave jet the authors observed a continuous spectrum at the base of the jet the intensity of which In the direction of flow notice- ably diminishes and again increases jumplike in the shock wave and then abruptly falls off. In the spectrum of the periodic-structure jet there Is an alternation of maxima and minima of intensities of the continuous spectrum and of the intensity of the spectral lines corresponding to compression and rarefaction points with a gradual weakening toward the end of the jet. The temperature in the plasma jet was determined by the method of relative intensities with the, use of two pairs of copper lines. The temperature was measured along the jet both for the Card 1/2 ~CC NR, AP6002357 jet with a shock wave and for the jet with a periodic structure, at the base and in the rarefac- tion and compression zones. The results of the measurements lay along a straight line, which proves the feasibility of a Boltzmann distribution of the atoms with respect to the excited levels. The concentration of charged particles in the periodic-structure jet was higher than in the shock-wave jet. This was due to the higher temperatures and pressures in the jet. Authors take this opportunity to express sincere gratitude to M. A. Yellyashevich for ais- cussing the results of the work. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. 2/2 Card t~16576-66 Ew(i) ALA; NR: 6oo696o SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/66/oo4/002/0112/oll6 AUTHOR:. Grechikhin, L. I.; Tyunina, Ye. S. ORG: none TITLE: Determination of comparative and absolute intensities of self-reversal and self-absorption spectral lines under arc discharge conditions SOURCE.: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii,.v. 4, no. 2, 1966, 112-116 TOPIC TAGS: spectral energy distribution, spectral line, luminescence spectrum, light absorption, optic measurement, are diseharge, line intensity n ABSTRACT: The !~Jfect of self-reversal and self-absorption in spectral Ans" 6 .Ljhq the measurementA%f relative and absolute intensities under are disc ariLe condi- tions is investigated on the basis of Cowan and Duke theori.-It is shown that them calculation of the self-absorption suggested by the Cowan and Duke theory leads to reasonable values of source temperatures measured according to relative inten- sities. A measurement method of the absolute intensity of self-reversed lines is proposed. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, T formulas, and 1 table. [Based on author's abstract] Card 1/2 UDQ; 535..33 L 311,35-6,6 EPF(n)-2/E&C(k)-2/Ei'iA(ti),/=',ill(k )1&-l(I )/Ff3D/ETC(f)/;E;iG(m)/T MP(c ACC NRz AP 6012849 SOU RC E CODE: UR/0368/66/004/004/029YO297 AUTHOR: Grechikhin, L. I.; Min1ko, L. Ya. ORG: none TITLE: Unipolar pulsed plasma generator combined with a laser as a source for ob- Laining plasma jets SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 4, no. 4, 1966, 293-297 TOPIC TAGS: discharge plasma, plasma beam, plasma jet, pulsed plasma generator, laser generated plasma, neodymium laser, spectral analysis ABSTRACT: A pulsed plasma generator, fired by a laser-generated vlasma is described (see Fig. 1.) A 50-j laser pulse (,%,I msec, X = 1.06 ti) was focused by means of an f:270 mm lens on a material embedded in brass-rod electrode 1, producing a plasma. The plasma filled quartz-gla~s discharge chamber 3, causing discharge of artificial line 5 (consisting of a 6-cell IM 3-100 condenser bank which generated a unipolar Iv,300 psec current pulse) between ring 2 androd 1 brass electrodes located inside the chamber. The resulting plasma jet consisted of plasmas of the eroded electrode and chamber-wall materials. Under these conditions, the attendant pulsed discharge furthe heated the laser-generated plasma, causing a sharp increase in the plasma generator pressure (relative to the atmospheric pressure), and a quasistationary supersonic plasma jet of a given chemical composition was emitted from the ring electrode. Card A L 31135-66 ACC NR: a ttl 5 F _L C_ T TwwT-- R R 7 Fig. 1. Schematic of the generator (b) and laser.(a) Card 2/4 The generation of the plasma jet was observed by means of high-speed photo- graphy and spectroscopically. The de- pendence of tile plasma jet velocity on the discharge voltage (at C = 600 )if)- is shown in Table 1. Unlike in thecon- ventionally-fired plasma generators described by the authors elsewhere (ZhPMTF, no. 3, 1965), where a gas is fired to produce a plasma, the plasma jet velocity in a laser-generated plasma 0-10 km/sec) is independent of the electrode polarity. The plasma jet spectra were studied by means of an ISP-51 spectrograph with an f = 270 mm camera in the 3800-6500 X range, with a longitudinal focusing of the Jet on the spectrograph slit. Qualitative spectral analysis showed that the plasma. jet consisted of vaporized electrode and discharge-chamber (glass) materials. The emission spectrum consisted basically of copper lines, with well-defined hydro- L 311 6 ACC NR: AP6012849 Table 1. . Dependence of plasma jet velocity on discharge voltage Voltage-, Velocity, --Kv-- I 1,0 2,0 7,7 1,5 6,7 1.0 5.6 0.5 Table 2. Charged particle concentration along a plasma jet (:harpPd particle concentration, cm-3 Distance rin5~ electrode polarity fror jet positive negat ve base, mm -U5T- Ifil- 0 6 'r I'll 19.6 ?1 -5.3 7.6-10, 2,101, fi.G. 10 2,0.10" 4. R. 0 5,5. o 11 1. 1Wo 4,8.1014 3:,8. 1011 3,2-1014 U = 0.5 kv; C - 600 lif; v = 2.5 mm. Lose output energy 0 V '- 10J. gen (Balmer) lines. The lat'ter are due to the discharge-chamber wall materials and were not observed previously even at a 3-kv conventional excitation. The copper emission spectrum was used for plasma di--ipriostics to determine the rharged particle concentration and plasma temperature. The latter was determined by means of the relative intensity method using two pairs of cc-ner lines 5153.2 and 5105.5 A, and 4530.8 and 5105.5 A0. Only the temperature at the jet base could be measured ('-10,000K). The charged particle concentration was measured as a function of line broadening of the CuI line (4530.8 A), on the 11 line at the jet base, and the results are shown 6 Card 3/4 T ACC NR: AP6012849 in Table 2. The divergence of results fo- the Cut and-Halines is attributed to the cross section nonuniformities of the jet. The charged particle concentration in a laser-generated plasma (%5-1016 cm-3) is independent of the polarity of the ring electrode. This indicates that a laser-fired pulsed plasma generator can be used in spectral analysis as a high-temperature excitation source. This requires low- voltage discharges at which the least pressure gradient occurs In tile discharge chamber and the surrounding medium, reducing tht! jet broadening and increasing Its uniformity. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 3 figures. [YKI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 20Aug65/ ORIG REF: 006/ ATD PRESS:~(~?/-// Card 4/4 b 2618-66 ENT (I )/ETC ( f IJP(c) AT ACC Nk- Ap6ol5588 AVIWOR: Grechi44p Skutav, D. K. ~ _,_L ORG: none SOURCE CODE: Up,/0368/66/004/oo5/0381/ '-188 6 TITLE: Use of broadening and shift of spectral lines of cesium to determine the con- centration of charged particles and neutral atoms under conditions of a dc arc plasma SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektraskopii, v. 4, no. 5, 1966, 381-388 TOPIC TAGS: plasma arc, cesium plasma, plasma charged particle, plasma density, plasma diagnostics, spectral line, line shift, line broadening, Stark effect, Van der Waals force, Doppler effect 1-e~ ABSTMCT: The purpose of the investigation was to ascertain and compare the useful- ness of various cesium spectral lines for plasma d ostics oses. To this end, a method described earlier (ZhPs, v. 3, 201, -190) was useT-tpurpiculate the con- stants of the quadratic Stark effect for more than 40 spectral lines of cesium. The limiting charged-particle density that can be measured with the aid of each line was determined. The dc arc (4 - 8 amp) was produced between carbon electrodes, with a mixture of cesium salts with carbon pressed in one of the electrodes in different pro- portions. The emission spectra of the cesium plasma were photographed with a DES-13 spectrograph. Eight spectral lines were chosen for the diagnostics, and their broaden ing under different types of interactions was calculated and tabulated. The experi- mental contours of these lines are derived and the concentrations of the charged 1/2 UDC: 535-338 ACC NR: AiW155W particles and neutral atoms are calculated for a dc arc plasma. Methods of improving the accuracy of the results are discussed. The influence of various interactions on the broadening of the spectral lines of cesium is evaluated (Van der Waals interactio: Stark effect in inhomogeneous fields, resonant interaction, and Doppler broadening). The accuracy with which the line width can be used to determine the concentration is -30% for charged particles and -50% for neutral-atom concentrations. The results ob- tained by different methods and with different lines were for most part in agreement. Deviations are briefly discussed. The authors thank M. As Ellyashevic"or a dis- cussion of the work and valuable advice. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 2 formulas, and 4 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 04May65/ ORIG REF: 010/ OTH REF: 010 Card 2/2 -DO L 02280-67 A_rC_ NRI AP6025244 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/007/1202/1206 'AUTHOR: ~n'ko, L.Ya. Grechikhin, L.I.; 11 ;1ORG: none Investigation of wave processes in a con4cal-clectrode shock tube !SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 7, 1202-1206 TOPIC TAGS: plasma shock wave, shock tube, shock wave reflection, shock wave inter- action, supersonic flow ABSTFV,CT: The authors (ZhTF, 35, 81 1965) have previously found that under certain conditions supersonic plasma streams con be formed in a shock tube, that these streams, have a complex structure due to wave processes, and that they can affect (and in parti-~ cular, can accelerate) the motioit of the luminous front. In the present paper they report further experiments on plasma stronms in a shock tube,, The plasmas were pro- duced by discharge of a capacitor between a conical electrode and an internal cylin- drical electrode. The supersonic streams arose from expansion of the plasmas issuing from the 4 cm diameter conical electrode into tho 6 cm diametor-glass drift tube. The plasmas were observed by high speed cinematography and by streak photography, with particular attention to behavior of the plasmas on reflection at the far end of the tube. The velocity of the luminous front produced by a 2 kV dischargo increased from about 6 km/sec, when it issued from the electrode, to 14 Irm/sec, after It had traveled Card 1/2 UDC: 533.9 L 022,12 L _JjP~., Wei ACC NRs AP6025245 SOURCE CODE: ult/0057/66/036/007/1207/1210 AUT11OR: Gre~~ ~, 1,_*, Minlk.ot__~.Ya.; Xqgqy~nayL, N.I,_ _, !ORG: nono I '), t ~TITLE: 3pectroscopic investigation of tho__plasma in a conical-clectrodo shock tube i ISOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 7, 1207-1210 I. TOPIC TAGS: plasma shock wave, shock tube, optic spectrum, electron density, Stark effect, Balmer series ABSTRACT: The plasmas discussed in the accompanying paper by L.I.Grechikhin and L.Ya.Min'ko (ZhTF, 36, 1202, 1966 /-see Abstract AP60252457) were investigated spectrod scopically in the range from 3800 'Eo 7000 A. Time integ-rated spectra were recorded of the light from the discharge chamber, the central region of the drift tube, and thel reflection zone. These spectra showed that the plasmas had the same composition in all.' three regions and arose mainly from erosion of electrode and insulation materials in the discharge chamber. Electron densities were derived from the spectra in three different ways: from the depression at the Balmer series limit* from the linear Stark broadening of HP, and from the quadratic Stark broadening of CII 4267 1~; Wlien two of the techniques were simultaneously applicable they gave concordant results. The charged particle densities were slightly higher in the reflection zone than in the Card 1/2 UDC: 533.9.0 i, N087-67 i';"-JT(l) IJP(c) AT ACC NR: AP60240,25 AUTHOR: Grochikhin, L. 1. ORG: Institute of PhXsic3 91 BS5R C:[nstitut fiziki All BSSR) TITLE: Forbidden transitions induced in atomic systems by homogenso" and inhomo- gonoous electric intermolecular fields in a plasma SOURCE: AN BSSR. Doklady, v. 10, no. 4; 1966, 323-235 TOPIC TAGS: plasma electromagnetics, forbidden transition, selection rule, transition probability,-plasma diagnostics I,/ ABSTRAW: The author deals with transitions which are forbidden by the .9-Aection'-- rules for electric dipole, electric quadrupole,maGnotic dipole and similar transi- tions, which are produced in the plasma by the electric intermolecular field. The formulas for the transition probabilities and for the transition intensities are presented from various literature sources and the results of concrete calculations are presented for the intensity of the forbidden transitions in lithium, sodium, copper, and cesium. In the case of inhomogenoous electric fields, the results of the calculations are given for cesium only. Possible application of tho'rosults'for, Card 1/2 SOURCE CODE: UR/0250/66/010/004/0232/0235 5' GRECHIMIN, N.S. (.NDv-i)gorod, Vokzallnaya ul., .11~ kv~20) '-~ ...... ; .. Closed tstJated rupttoe (if the pancreas, Vast, kh-ir. 92 nnl.-,88 Ja 164. (MIM 17,,I1) 1. 1% travmatologicheakog-a otdalf)nlya I-y Novoprod3koy gorodskoy bollnitay (glav-nyy vra.-,h - M.M. Fivilizholov, nauchnyy- nakovcdl-ltol'- prof. A.L. Fisanovich). KARAKINJ, F.F.; RODICHEV, A.F.; PUTIY, G.P.-J. BASOV, A.P.; l'YATAYOV, L.V.; ILAWSEPy A.P. [Rautsepp, A.]; BLAGOOAVOV, S.I.; GRECHIKHO, A.M.; DltUZHlNIN, N.N.; SHUKIZIAN, D.I.; BAUSIN, t.F.; B.A.; SHORRIKOV, F.M.; SOPIN, P.F. Remarks of the members of the Conference. Torf. prom. 37 no.5: 22-28 160. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Ivanovskiy gosudarstvemyy torfotrest (for Karakin). 2. Sverdlovskiy torfotrest (for Rodichev). 3- Gosplan USSR (for PutiY). 4. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy trest torfyanoy propy- shlennosti (for Basor)-;- 5. Mosltovskiy oblastnoy sovnarkhoz (for Pyatakov). 6. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy komitet Estonskoy SSR (for Rautsep). 7. Gwlkovskiy sov- narkhoz (for Blagonravov). 8. Belorusskiy sovnarkhoz (for Grechikho, Shukhman). 9. Yaroslavskiy sovnarkhoz (for Druzhinin). 10. Bobruyskaya, mashirmo-meliorativnaya stantslya (for Loyko). 11. Giprcmestprom Gosplana RSFSR (for Chernakov). 12. Mezhkolkhoznoye torfopredpriyatiye "Volosovskoyell Lenin- gradakoy oblasti (for Shornikov). 13. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovateliskiy institut torfyanoy promyshlennosti (for Sopin). (tat industry) -HO ( I (~ /NIFC- /ilk ) ~ - \", G11WERSHCHIKOV. D.; VORORCHIIKIN, DA.. gwardil pollrovnik. redaktor; GILIVRIKM, G.T., radaktor; MTA3NIKOVA, T.Y., tekbnlcbeskiy redairtor. rCunnInn and r"mourcefulvass i.a warfarel Toennala kbitrost' I smatka. 1-e lxd-.Ifnskvn. Toon.lzd-vo Mininterstya dhnrony SSSR 1955. 66 p. [Microfilm] Oust 8: 10) (Tactics) GRNCHIKOV._.P_.~,,, ip;hen r: OMGFMIN. A.M., inzhener; POKRASS, L.M., inzhener. Deokidizin*g rimmd steel by forromarganess in the ladle. Notallurg 2 (MLRA 10:6) 1. Stalinakiy metallurgichookiy savod. (Steel--metallurgy) (Ferromanganese) GRECHIN, Boris Vasillyevich; STEPANGVA, Anna Sergeyevna; BON'DA-',EITKO, M., -,--ABBASOV-,T. , tekhn. red. [Uzbek Karakul sheep]Uzbekistanskaia.karakullskaia ovtsa. , Tashkent,, Gosizdat UzSSR 1961 29 p. (HIRA 15:11) , (Uzbekis~~-Lr'~Q sheep) GRECHIN2 B.V.; BASHIROVA, N.G. A vonderful example of service to agriculture. Zhivotnovodetvo 23 no.6M-84 Je 161. (KRA 16s2) 1. Glavnoye upravlenlye aovkhozov pri Savete Minintrov Uzbekskoy SSR. (Uzbekistan-Karakul sheep) GRICHIM, I.G.; S=ANOVSKIT, 7.S.; SE3TNVAL'D. K-L- BorIng and casing of water wells In Odessa Province. Gidr. I mel. 12 no.6:32-36 Je 160. (KMA 13: ?) 1. Odenskaya stroltellno-wntashnays kontora. (Odessa Ptovince-Arteslan wells) (Pipe, Asbostoo-cement) GRECHM, I.P., kRndidat ael'skokhozyaystvennjvkh nauk, dotsent. S)ils of the Forestry Zxperiment Stntion of the Timiriazev Academy. -127 157. (MLRA 10:7) Izv.TS]raA no.1:118 (Forest soils) NVMILUYN. V.I.. lmnd. biol. nsuk; GRWHIN, I.P., kand. sell skokhotyayst- vauuykh nauk. ,7`1 Affect of different tillage methods of dynamics of microbiological processes In turf-hdsollc soils [with summry in Inglieb]. lzv. ISMA noW37-144 158' (MMA 11: 6) (3o;1 micro-organisms) (Tillage) GRAGHIN, I.P., dotsent, kand. sel'skokhoz. nauk;KOGOTKOV, A-Ya., ai3pirant Investigating the oxygen balance of soils of the turf-Podzolic zone. Izv. TSKU no.5:187-196 '59 (MIRA 13:3) (Gases in soils) ---GRECHIN,,-2-Rkand. eel I skokhozyayi3tvennykh nauk, dotsent Effect of aerobin jLnd anaerobic conditions on changes In turf- Podzolic soils. Izv. TSMA no.3:85-97 t60. (MIRA 14:4) (Gases in soils) (Podzol) NF.MaLUYEV, V.F.; GRECHIN, I.P. . ---- -- - ----------------, Characteristic features of microbiological processes in turf- Podzolie soils depending on cultivation practices, Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. no;7:87-95 160, (MIRA 144) 1. Moskovskaya sel'skokhozyaystvennaya akademiya imeni K.A. Timiryazeva. (SOIL NIGRO-ORGANISMS) (TILLAGE) GRICHIN, I.F.; CBRJ YUNI-SIMI [Oblong Yun-shen] Ilffect of different concentrations of gaseous oxygen in the soil air on oxidation-reduction conditions. Fochvovedenie W-7:W-iio '6o. (MIR& 13:7) 1. Hoskovskays ordena Lenina sallskokhozyaystveanaya akademiya im. IL.A.Timiryazeva. (oxygen) (oases in soils) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) I GEUCCM I P kand. eel I skokhozyaystvemqkh nuak, OEM TUN'-SHM [Chleng Dynandca of ozygen and carbonic acid in the soil air of turf-IWzolic soils. Izv. TSKhA no.6:68-79 16o. (KIRA 13:12) (Plodsol) (GaBes in soils) YARKOV. Sergey Petrovich, prof. [deceased]:" prinimali uchostiye: WN, I.P.. kand. sellkhoz. nauk, doteent; KAURIC-0y, 1-3-. kand. sellkhoz. neuk. dotsent; KULAKOV, Ye-V.. at. nauchnyy sotrudnik; TAHKOTA, N.A., pochvoved; TYURIN. I.V.. skademik. otv. red.; PATLOV, A.N.. red. izd-va; YNGOROTA. X.F.. tekhn. red. (Soils of the forest-meadow' zone of the U.S.S.R.] Pochvy leso--- liagovoi zony SSSR. Koskva, Izd-vo Aknd. neuk SSSR, 1961. 317 P. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Kafedre pochvovedeniya Moskovskoy Ordena Leninn Sellsko- khozyaystvennoy Akademil i~. K.A.Timiryozove (for Grechin, Kau- r1chev) 2. Fochvenno-agronomleheskiy muzey im. V-R.Villyamna (for Irulakov) (Soils) GHCHINY I.P., kand. seltokokhoz. nauk, dotsont Effect of aerobic and anaerobic conditions on the change of properties in turf-Podzolic soils; based on Inventivations. undim natural conditions. Izv. TSKhA no.6t86-96 061. (MIRA 16:8) (Podzol) (Gases in soils) 1% -- -MWHIN, I.P., kan&.sellskokhowlauk, dotsent; KURLYKOVA, N.V., aspiromt Changes in the properties of turf-Pbdzolic soils as related to their oxygen and carbon dioxide content. Izv.TSKRA no-OM-1-16 162. (MM 15212) (Podzol) (Gases in soils) MERSHRI, A.P., dots.1 dots.) red. [Methods manual on the use of aerial photographic materials in soil mapping] Metodichaskoe rukovc,'stvo po ispollzovaniiu materialov aerofotoslemki pri pochirennom kartirovanii. Pod red. I.P.Grechina. Moskva, Mosk. sell- khoz. akad. im. K.A.Timiriazeva, 1964. 622 p. (MIRA 18.12) GRECHIM, P. Yu, Device for logging magnetic ousceptibility. Avt. i prib. no.4c 62-64 O-D 164 (MIRA 18s2) GRECHINSKAYA-,-I.T-.., inzh.; DOUSKOY, D.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; RYTCHRIKO, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; ROZENBERG, L.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOLYASDISKIY, Z.S.., inzh.; GURMAN, V.S., inzh.; LOBUSHEV, V.D.,, -Jnzh.; YalELOYANOV, A.Ya., inzh.; LESIMAKOV, F.I., red.; BODR40VA, A.P., tekhn. red. [Technical specifications for the overhaul of the M-21 "Volga" automobile]Tekhnicheskie usloviia na kapitallryi remont avto- mobilia M-21 "Volga." Moskva, Avtotransizdat. Pt.2.[Technical specifications for checking and sorting parts of the 1-1-21 "Volga" automobile]Tekhnicheskie usloviia na I-controll-sortirovku detalei avtorobilia 14-21 "Volga." 1962. 400 p. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Moscow. Nauclino-issledovatellskii institut avtor.,obillnogo transporta. 2. Gosudarstvemyy nauclino-issledovateltskiy insti- tut avtomobillnogo transporta (for all except Lesnyakov, Bodanova). (Automobiles-44aintenance and repair) SOV/ 124-58-5-5412 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 64 (USSR) AUTHOR: Grechin, M.A. TITLE: An Experimental Investigation of the Hydromechanic Character- istics of Propeller Profiles (Eksperimental'noye issledovaniye gidromekhanicheskikh kharakteristik vintovykh profiley) PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta morsk. flota, 1956, Nr 7, pp 82-95 ABSTRACT: Analytical results are given of wind-tunnel tests carried out at the Leningrad University wind tunnel by the Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut morskogo flota (Central Scientific Research Institute of the Maritime Fleet) of a series of propeller profiles, the purpose of the tests being to refine the logarithmic diagram which V.M. Lavrent'yev had compiled in 1945-46 by analyzing and averaging various experimental propeller data available at that time. Selected for these special tests was a base series consisting of five systematic propeller profiles with thickness ratios ranging from 2076 to 516. To clarify the influence of the profile camber, tests were made of four propeller profiles with various amounts of cam- Card 1/2 ber of the base propeller -profile types No. 3 and 4 (with SOV/ IZ4-58-5-5412 An Experimental Investigation (cont.) thickness ratios of 10 and 7.5 percent respectively). The investigation in- cluded a determination of the chordwise and normal-force coefficients and the section pitching-moment coefficient of the profiles in a curved-flow test and a determination of the pressure distribution which was done by means of pressure orifices at 23-25 points on each of the nine models over an angle-of-attack range up to the stall. Ultimately the Lavrent'yev dia- gram is derived, establishing the connection between the elements of a propeller blade and hydrodynamic characteristics of the propeller. IN. Girs 1. Propellers (~hrine)--Hydrodynamic characteristics 2. Propellero 'ktlurlne) --Test results 3. Wind tunnels--Applications Card 2/2 GRECHIN, M.A. Calculating characteristics of speeding up and slowing down ships. Trudy TSNIIR? no.15:97-109 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Propellers) (Ship propulsion) GRECHIN, M. A., Cand Tech Sci (diss) -- "Investic~atior. of the operation of a collar screw when maneuverixVr, and a computation of the driving and braking character is tics of a ship". Leningrad, 19t'~O. 1.3 PP (MIn -River Fleet RSFSR Leningrad Inst of Water Transport), 250 copies (KL, No 15, 134) GRECIIIN, M.A., kand.tokhn.nailk I Combined work of the propeller and the engine when a ship pitches in a hoavy sea (evaluation of the ship's loss of'speed), Trudy TS14IDIF 7 no.35s63~43 161. (MIRA 1-4:22) (Ships-Hydrodynamic impact) (Ship propulsion) ' I ,_9P5qJiIN,.. M. A. .-kand. tekhn. nauk Propulsive and maneuverable qualities of the motorship nUgleural'sk" Inform.sbor.TSNIIMF no-52. Tokh.ekspl.mor.flota no.5:79-92 16o. (MIRA 15-2) (Ship trials) APANASOYEV, Konstantin Arkad'yevich, inzh.;.GRN_QHI4, - Modes-t-Alekseyevich. inzh.; KORCHAGIN, Mikhail Ivanovich, kand.takhn.nquk; LOGWOT-~--- Sergey Petrovich, kand.ekon.nauk; MIROSBICHSHKO, Illya Petrovich, kand.tekhn.nouk; RAPOPORT, Leonid Illich, kand.tekhn.nouk; SYROKYATHIKOV. Viktor Fedorovich, kand.takhn.nauk. Prinimeli uchantiye: RAYFIVSKAYA, Ys.A.. inzh.; GRIGORIYET. Ya.I.. inzh. STRUKPE, P.I., red.; IAARCHUKOVA, K.G., redoiad-ve; LATMOVA, N.Bo, [Kodernization of seagoing cargo vessels] Flodernizat5iia morakikh transportnykh sudov. Pod obahchei red. P.I.Strumpe. Koskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 196o. 3o6 p. (KIRA 14:1) (Freightere-Equipment and gapplies) IREP4 No .A. kand.tekhn.nauk ~ L Seaworthiness of the motorship "Meteor" with underwater wings, Inform. sbor. TSNIIMF no.59. Tekh. ekspl.mor.flota noOOO-" 161. (KMA 16:6) (Motorships) (Hydrd.l'-~il boats) 1. 11 GRECHIN Modest Alekseyevich- GULIYEV, Yu.M., red.; ALEKSMIDROV, ' '- Q . , reC.--Zi;-i-,---KHLOPOVA, L. K.., tekhn. red. [Changes made in screw propeller elements according to results of actual testsj Izmenenie elementov grebLykh vintov po rezul'tatam naturnykh ispytanii. Moskva.. Izd-vo "Morskoi transport.," 1962. 45 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Propellers) BLAGOVESHCHENKIY, S., doktor tekhn.nauk,,prof.; VOZNESENSKIY, A., kand.tekhn. nauk; VOYTKUNSKIY, Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk,, dotsent; GERASIMOV, A., kand.tekha.nauk, dotsent; GRECHIN M., kand.tekhri.nauk; DORIN, V., kand.tekhn.nauk; DORMOSTA I , doktor tekhn.n&ak; KOSOUROV, K., dokfor tekhn.n'auk, prof.; KRIVTSOV, Yu., kand.tekhn'nauk; MURU, N., kand.tekhn.-nauk, dotsent; SEWNOV-TYAN-SHANSKIY, V.: doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; SOLOVIYEV, V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; TOPORKOV, I., inzh.; FIRSOV, G., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; FISHER, A., inzh.; KHRUSTIN, V., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsentj'EYDELIMAN, D., inzh. Concerning P.Khokhlovfs article *Determining the center of gravity of a vessel during-an inclining experiment with trim difference.,, Mor. flot 23 no.5:33-34 163. (MIRA 16%9) (Stability of ships) A.G., doktor. takfin.nauk; GRECIIIN, A., kand.tekhn.nauk; or MFZHERITSKIY, A.D., kand.-tekhn.nauk Power plant capacity on air-cushion ships. SMostroenie 29 no.lOil8-22 0 163, (MIRA 16:12) L-UAI L)- _67 W TW /EWT(1)/EWP(h)/FKP(l) A C C - N R't-' -_ AT- 6 b 14 3- 1 4-Cj~) SOURCE CODE: UR/2752/63/ooo/o4g/0082/0101 AUTHOR:' Grechin, M. A. (Candidate of technical sciences) rl ORG: None TITLE: Calculating the lift and-power of boats operating on air cushions SOURCE: Leningrad. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut morskogo flota. Trudy, no. 49, 1963. Gidromekhanika sudna (Hydraneenanics of ships 2 2-101 TOPIC TAGS: air cushion vehicle, aerodynamic lift, air flow, Euler equation, motion stability ABSTRACT: A method is presented for calculating the lift and power required for raising -rhicles with air chambers and continuous annular nozzles. Both types of vehiclesl-~xe studied. Vehicles with air chambers are structurally very simple since they do not require air ducts. Air is forced under the dome of the vehicle and escapes a-long its periphery. Lift is produced by the pressure increase in the lower part of the dome. Expressions are given for calculating the rate of airflow, lift, power required for sustaining the vehicle on the air cushion and specific power. All these parameters are determined for circular vehicles. The basic prin- ciples for operation of vehicles with curtain type air cushions are also discussed. The use of this type of vehicle seems more feasible for marine operations-than Ij 4 ACC NRi n6o14314 vehicles with air chambers. The region of increased pressure is much more limited in vehicles with annular air curtains -than for those using air chambers. The air curtain is formed by the air stream from the nozzle unit. A figure is given show- in.- the principle of operation for this type of device. An air stream leaving the nozzle at a given angle with respect to the vertical is deflected and disperses along the horizontal surface. The equation of Euler is used for determining air stream variation for every possible cross section in the case of an ideal incom- pressible liquid. F_xpressions are given for calculating the lift of this type of vehicle and the power required for holding it at a gived distance from the surface. EApressions are also given for calculating the resistance encountered by vehicles operarting on air cushions during motion. The results of the study show that the specific power for boats operating on air cushions increases shaxply with increased height above the operating surface. This is caused by increased air consumption and results in additional pressure requirement on the fan. The nozzle type air cushion is much more efficient than the air chamber type since it does not lose as much power on lift. The results also show that an optimum angle of nozzle declina- tion exists for each nozzle diameter and lift height with respect to given vehicle dimensions. A graph iz given for determining this angle. Though theoretically a circular air cushion is most efficient, experience shows that this causes power losses expended on motion of the boat or vehicle. In designing boats operating on air cushions it is necessary to consider these conditions and to adopt oval de- signs. Optimum air cushion pressures increase with vehicle velocity. The proposed Card 2 L 0241r-67 C) method for calculating the power of boats operating on air cushions is recommended for determining their economic and operational indices. Orig. art. has: 11 figures, 2 tables, 58 formulas. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001 .056~4-67 hlNT(k)/E7t]T(m)/T-2/E7,TP(w)/EWP(V) Iu'-r%'C) M- Act R-AT6.025573 UN) SOURCE CODE: UR/2753/66/000/072/0053/0059. AUTHOR: Grechin, M. A. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: None7 A~ -TITLE: Effect of nonstationary conditions on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a iiW prop6llef-Iff trie ihitM _j;A_od of reversal SOURCE: Leningrad. rT , iintral*nyy nauchno-issledo-Matellskiy institut m6rskogo flot _Nr'44y, no. 72, 1966. Gidromekhnika sudna (Hydromechanics of ships), 53-59 'IC TAGS: propeller blade, hydrodynamics, fluid mechanics, marine engineering ABSTRACT: The author considers a lightly loaded isolated screw propeller operating in an infinite flow of ideal incompressible liquid assuming that the angles of attack for the elements of the blade are vanishingly small so that the associated circulation at each element of the blade is variable. The vortex system of an m-bladed propeller is considered where the circulation is constant with respect to radius and varies in time. The expressions derived are used for determining the effect which the free vor- tex system has on the magnitude of the induced velocities during the reversal period from the moment when the load is removed from the main engine until maximum-negative torque is reached in the hydraulic turbine. It is found that the vortex system shortens this period as compared with steady~-state motion. However, since practical Card UDC: 629.12:532.502.5-001. USSR / Pharmacologyi ~oxlcolo&y. Various Preparations. V A70S jour : Ref. 2"Iltir - Bioloz:,IYe, No. 3, 1959, 14,000 Author : ~Irechin, N. Inst : - Title ; Experiments ;,,,ith Tpeatment of Chronic and SuIb- acute Diseases of the Locomotorknparatus and Peripheral Nervous Systom 7jith Products of Essential Oil Derivatives. Orig Pub : Zdravookhraneniye (Kishinev), 1958, No. 31 20-24 Abstract No abstract Card &-~~CIFIN, "'It. K. "'n(-,*- Excavating 'Hachinery New tyi.e of excavator at tlh-~ Kharkov p3ant. Triekh. stroi. 10 Yc. 3, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, june .1953. Unclassified. USSR/ Engineering -Building equipment Card 1/1 Puba.128 1125 Authors I Grechin, N. K. Title Problems in development of construction and road building mchinery Periodical t Vest, mash, 1 3-43P Jan 1955 Abstract The post-warand present development of construction and road building machinery are summerized. Some 600 types of construction and road buidling equipment were produced in post-war years and the production of heavy road-building equipment in 1954, increased 10.5 times over 1946. The follmiing equipment is described: single and multi-bucket excavators,, scrappers., graders, rollers., derrick cranes,,. loading cranes, tar and cement spreaders, cement mixerso and the tile and brick presses. Illustrations. Institution : Submitted : GRICHIN.N.K.. inshener, laureat Stalinskoy preall " ])sale task* for the further development of building !Lnd road con- struction machinery production. Mehh.strai.12 no.9:3-8 S 155- (MM 8: 11) 1. Zaneatitell ministra stroltellnogo I doroshnogo washinostroye- My&. (Building machinery) (Road aschinem) m - I r i , 7- ~~ 4-1, GRECHIN, N. K. "Tasks for the Development of Construction and Road Machine Building," Vest 1wh., Vol 35, No 1, pp 3-13, 1955 Trahslation M-405, 29 Apr 55 GRICHIN, U.K. Standardization, simplification and normalization of building and road- building machinery. Standartizatsils, a*.3:11-18 MY-Je 056. (MLRA 9:9) lAamestitell sinistra, streitellnege i doreshnege mashinestroyealya. (Read machinery-Standards)(Building machimery--Standards)(Simplification in industry) GRECHIN. N. Standardization and unification of building and road machinery. P. 153 (Mechanisace. vol. 4, No. 5, may 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EF-AI) W. Vol. 7, no. 2, FebrwRtY 1958 SOKOLOV. K.R.; I-EVSTAlrjiYXV. 3.T.; ROSTOTSKIY. V.K.: GEWdHIF-.- U.K.: STANKOVSKIY, A.P.; BAUMAN, V.A.; BIOUCMAN, I.L.; BORODACHEV, I.P.; BOYM, A.G.; VAIUTSKIY, I.I.; VATSSLAVSrAYA, L.Ta.; VOL'FSON, A.T.; DOMBROVSKIY, N,G.-. YMNUS. H.Ta.; YEFBMNKO, V.P.; ZlMlN, P.A.;. 1TANOT, V.A.; KOZLOVSKIY, A.A.; KOSTIN, M.I.; KRIMERWI, M.N.; LINEVA, H.S.; HEMOV, A.S.; HIROPOLISKAYA, N.K.; nTROV, G.D.; RXBROV. A.S.; ROGOVSKIY, L.T.; SHMNOV. G.Ya.; SILUPWISKIY. V.N.; SHIMAIJOVICH, S.T.; SHNBIM, V.A. ftenii Richardovich Peters; obituary; Hakh. stroi. 15 no.1:3 of cover .Tp. 19. (mm 11:1) (Peters, lvgenii Richardovich, 1892-1957) GRIKCHI 4- Kochasised leadlog barge. Kakeeleveprom~22 se.5:28-29 KY 156. Npu 9-: 9) l.GlavW Inshener Chistopollskey realizatelonnoy nazy Zagetserse. (Grain-haulling machinery) (Yorges) GRECHINt P. Yu. Improved logging coupling. Sbor.luch.ratm.predl. n'... 9-11 '- ,63. Feeding and recording ir- -sti r ORIIMIRW '"' I j +,r I- I , -.~rj t 4 V, " ny, a 50 cycle frequency. Simplified connecting attachment to the hydroscopic IG-2 in- clinometer. Ibid-:55-56 (MIRA 17:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya. GRECHIN"). P..Yu.;. IAVRENKOJI I.V. Capillary ball pan attached to the PASK-8 potentiometer of the AEKS-900 logging station. Sbor.luch.rats.predl. pt. 2:32 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya. (7 r C C 6 1 // ~ V F) 86-58-3-24/37 AUTHOR: Grechin, V.A., Sen Eng Lt TITLE: Working Day of an Engineer (Rabochly den, inzhenera-) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 3, pp 62-65 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes the working day of an engineer in an air force unit. At the beginning of his article the author states that one of the very difficult tasks of technical personnel is to prepare the aircraft for flights in cases where the same aircraft is flown by several pilots in succession on a flying day. The aircraft equipment can be checked only during the refueling time between the flights. With the establishment of a seven-hour working day, the personnel alsohave some difficulties In coping with the amount of work that has to be performed. Among other things, the author mentions that at the present time aircraft equipment is checked with the aid of special mea- suring instruments. Of interest is the fact that the repre- sentatives of factories frequently visit the unit engineer and discuss various problems connected with aircraft equipment AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 Sov/86-58-11-19/37 AUTHOR: Grechin., V. A., Senio--- Engi-wer, Lt Technical Exploitation of Aircraft, Equipment, (TLkhnichesImya ekspluatat- siya aviatsionnogo oborudovaniya) MRIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, No. 11, pp 62-66 (ussR) ABSTRACT: In general., defects in the equipment of supersonic fighters in the author's unit were usually caused by cable breaks in electric circuits, break- downs or short circuiting, changed parameters in condensers or resistances, deranged adjustment or reguIation in various systems, incorrect operation of feed sources, and leaky piping in air or oxygen systems. The following ni "most interestingn defIects which occurred in that unit are discimsed in detail in the article. (1) The dynamic-pressure piping in an airspeed inUcator leaked. (2) a tube supplying fuel to the engine broke. (3) screws securing cables to a unit (the latter was attached to the engine) were turning off under vibration; impaired operation of the engine resulted. This defect was remedied by "put- ting the screws on the paint", and by periodic checking. (4) a moisture-exclud- ing lid, used when the aircraft was on the ground, failed to protect satisfact- orily and as a result, a push button, controllng flaps [shchitki-zakrylkil, became stuck by icing. This was remedied by drilling drain holes for mDisture. (5) 7he filter In tJm cabin air-temperature regulator became dust clogged after Card 1/2 Tlechnical Exploitation of Aircrafb (cont.) sov/86-58-11-19/37 operating for 80-90 hre.; it resulted in a defectivie supply of air to the cabin (in winter), with a possibility of mechanical. ela ge. Cleaning the filter screen, by blowing compressed air through it was recommended. (6) The installatim of the "barospeedograph" in the aircraft was a pi-iblem for aom time; finally, a satisfaetory place for this instrwoent was found inside the 8urface, beside the gun- (7) An improved cc%qzss is now being installed in fighters. 7he trans- ition from the old to the new model caused certain difficulties which "rational- izers" removed by combining the new model with some parts of the old one; some changes an the instrawat I were alao m~. This was done only in a single pair of aircraft. A similar alteration was carried out in -the TL-1 ground trainer. The use of the ec"ss presents sow difficulties due to dissinilar installation of some units making up the complete compass system in differeirb modifications of the same aircraft. (8) The booster trunsforzvr is the most vulnerable part of that compass. The compass gets out of senrice- when a b:reakdowr- occurrs in the transformer. (9) The readings of the exhamst Sas thermometer drop after the engine has run for 70 to 80 hours because the insulation covering the thermo- couple then becomes abiarred and turns into Powder under action of beat. With a cold engine, it is sometimes impossible to determine by means of a tester which thermocouple went out of service. There are 3 photographs and 1 diagram. Card 2/2 GRECHIN, V.A.. inzhoner-kapit&A It is the duty of all personnel to prepare the air- plane for flight. Test.Vosd.71. no.7#.65-67 J1 160- (KM 13:7) (Airplanes-)kintenance and repair) 1. GRECHIN, V.P. 2. USSR (600) 4. Technology 7. Casting alloy cast iron. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March,1953. Unclassified. ... ...... . b lk I MAT~k am -Ubd6r,~. the-' Condit ions --of h . _,_ - - h ..-I- -t ;, i4ilx - lud 't no es -A if tion -an tip t d ,fra4 d roscop a sma of- the., suface- mirs in asso-ai-itiol ~i6a Cal 4013, uA.4,cr"trl;4_4xlal_,.A_.Q] t etwt on the al-- a --p a PJ1, Xi t I A 'the P* e LOW. tores of d6ttsi-il M. ae-Ke 'Wettrap __R0 id by, an OL -reiult glut Do 1. F --#- az, of -t-ne -On '40bou at Thi of recTo, VQ ~l IRM W, ILI nw~ Ts It,-- - R-. 11 -1--l-!i"P-~---