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--Acassiw NR: AP4033704 B/0148/64/oc)0/004/0124/0128 AUMOR: Grdina, Yu. V.; Sofroshenkov,, A. F.; Koval', L. A. TITLE: Resistance of Combined Coatings During Hydrodbrasive Wear SOURCE: IIAM. Chernixya metallurgiya, no. 4, 1964, 124-128 T01`IC TAGS; diffusion layer, beat treatment, hydrodbrasive wear, calorization, titanization, chrome plating, 6iliconizing .ABSTRACT: in an earlier paper the authors investigated the properties of diffusion layers produced by corrbk~rg chemical treatment with heat treatment, arA -they continue their research by reporting additional test results. Sleeves., checkers and segments were exposed to hydrodbrasive wear. The treatment consisted of ce-lorizing (950-10000 C) for 12 hra, titanizing (1080 C) for ld hrs., siliconizin,:r (1080-1100 C) for 11 hrs. and chromizing (1150 C) for 8 hra. A21 parts wer-a degreased and nitrided at 500-550-520 C for 70 hrs. The authors found that wear resistance depended not only on microbardness but also on microstructures brittleness of the layer and.test conditions in which pulp- and coal lines aa well as hot steel runners were.aimulated. Although the method Card 1/2 ------ iACCE SSIODT M; AP4033704 1appears somevhat complicated, it Is recommended for many parts hydrodbrasive wear. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCTATION: Sibirskly metallurgicheskiy institut (Siberian Metallurgical Institute) SUIRAMED.- o8jun63 DA=. Acq.. oTmv64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NO RW SCM. 001 Omim 000 C -ard L 2/2 I GRDINA, Yu.V.; KMPMEVA, L. B. -L~ Top boundary- temperature of flake occurrence in steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.6:125-129 164. 041RA 1?:?) 1. Sirbirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. GFLD-UIA,, Yu.'I.; GLIK14-41, Ye.E. Mechanism of Lhe effect of aluminum and phospInorous on the ten- dency to brittle failure in high phosphorous steel. izv. vr.3. ucheb. zav.; chern. me-t. 7 no.12:;O~.-111 164 (k.1111A 18tl) f 1. Sibirskiy netallurg-1cheqkiy institut. AUTHOR: GKOWAS, va L. T. ~2!deZe' TITLE: DifLus on ~.oatinjd of reel from a gaseous medium dukin induction, 9 n heating with high- frequency Vil nts Z SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut problem materialovedeniy i"Diffuzionnyye pokrytiy& na metallakh (Diffusion.coatings'on metals). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965,' 82-88 LOPIC TAGS: induction furnace, steel, metal coating, chloride, compound, diffusion.-coating ABSTRACT: The diffusion coating of armco iron, carbon steel (0.64% C) and 38KhMA,steel during their induction heating was investigated. Cr, Al, Si, W, Mo, B, as well as Ti with subsequent boronizing were used as the Impr%rAing materials$ The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The specimens were heated in an airtight tube through which chlorides of the coating metals were sed. Gaseous chlorine was produced by interacting conc. H so with KMnO pas 2 4 49 purified and dried, and admitted to the furnace containing a boat with the metal powder. The chlorides forming as a result of the high-frequency current heating of the metals in astream of chlorine then were passed around the specimen and L 307-66- ACCESSION NR: AT5024874- thereupon eliminated from the setup via a NaOR flask where the chlorine was ab- This setup We employed to,?perform thi~-siliconizing, jalorizing, chromiz- ing, tungs teni zing 'v (moly denizinebRFE~in ~1 and titanizing'6f the specimens, I with subsequent detlermination of the .microhardnass of the case layer and base me- tal in each case. The gaseous chlorides formed at 600-650*C for Al and at 940- 960*C for the other metals. Heating of the specimen was by the intermittent method with an overall exposure of 8-30 see at 1000-1100% (and inisolated casesp higher). The temperature of foFmation of the chlorides in the furnace was measured with a chromel-alumel thermocouple and the heating temperature of the specimens, ,with an OPPIR-09 optical pyrometer. The specimens were cooled in the atmosphere of chlorine and chlorides. It was thus possible to definitely establish the feasi- bility of the diffusion c oa tin g, of iron and steels with Al, Si, Mo, Cr, W, Ti, and B from a gaseous medium -- chlorides of these metals -- on induction heating with high frequency currents. A comparison of case depths showed that the rate of c oatin g of steel with metals from gaseous media on heating with high-fre- quency currents is several hundred times as high as on heating in a conventional furnace with the microbardness of the diffusion layer remaining within the normal limits. Orig. art.-has: 6 figures 2/4 D- 1656 6 m)1nT(y)AVA(d)1TLV9(t)/W(z AW(b) IJP(c) MNIJDlrjS ACC NRs AT502h875. SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0109/0115 AUTHOR: Grdina, Yu. V., Gordeyeva L T - Timonina, L. YV, ORG: Institute of alnrking Problems, AN UkrS .69- S~, nstitut problem materialovedeniya AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Case hardening of titanium by carburizing and nitriding with high-frequency heating SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut problem materialovedeniya. Diffuzionnyye pokry-tiya na metallakh (Diffusion coatings on metals). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 109-115 TOPIC TAGS: hardeningi case hardening, titanium,case haydening, titanium carburizing .titanium nitriding, titanium carbonitriding ABSTRACT: Case hardening of titanium and vT-4 and VT-6 titanium alloy by carburizing or nitriding has been investigated. Cylfn-Ei-cal specimens 3 mm in diameter and - 200 mm long, and disks 40 mm in ameter and 10 mrn thick were carburized by painting a silvery graphite pastq f he ing up to 650-1100C, and holding for 10-30 min i ~, hf 0. in a helium atmosphere. A cas 0.25 mm deep was obtained in 15 min on specimens 3 Mm in diameter;. its microhardness ne 1780 HV50, dropping to 400 HV50 at a depth of as as 0.4 mm. The disk specimens were tested for wear resistance in dry friction at 2?0 rpm and a load of 750 n. Disks carburized for 15 min showed no wear after 4-hr ftests. Disk'' carburized oi er me much lower s ti had results. The specimens were.,, ,wear resistance. Nitriding produced similar .nitrided for. . 6,_2:~5L- or -7 20-min, at-8~9~=IZQQ_Q_jR nitrogen- Card 112 L 7656-46 ACC NRs AT5024875 filled ababber under pirshoure of a 40-50 mm of water column. The thickest case (up to 30 V) was obtained olding for 20 min. The case had a microhardness of up to 2000 dan/mm2. No weaA as observed after a 4-hr wear-resistance test. The nitrided case was found to be much more oxidation resistant than titanium alloys. The weJght loss of nitrided alloy specimens at 1000C in air was 75% lover than that of the initial alloy.-" Orig. art. has: 7 figures. [AZ] SUB CODE: MM/ SUBM DATE: 06Aug65/ ORIG REF- 007/ MR REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: L--!i2?o4~ P(W) /EWA k d)/.!/1W.P(0 zipte M.) W 'ACCESSION NR: -05013161~ UR/0129/65/000/605/0050/005?~ 669.295:669,3 va I., T.; Timoni ~AUTHOR: Grdina, Yu. V.; Gordeye na, L. G.; Romashova, T . A. 7777~= Diff~ision, impregnation of titanium alloys 'With copper. 4 iSOURCE: Metallovedeniye 'i:termi e t ch skaya obrabo ka-metallov, no. 5, 105, 50-52- iTOPIC TAGS:, impregnation, R!~ ~elmpregnate_d a 4:: titanium alloy, alloy, nay, ;impregnated layer property/VT3 tit' anium alloy VT5 tit lum alloy ABSTRACT: A method of impregnation with copper.of VT3 [U.S. Rs 14o 1. and VT5 tita .nium (4.0-5.0% Al,- 1.0- alloys by. Ip 2. 0% 14h I ack cement&EI-on is described. Rolls 10 mm 'fin diameter and-rods with,3-mm di amet er, or cross sectirp were descaled, packed in ia mixture of 30-40% copper chips-~ 6% copperkqvyrP5o_6o% crushed refractory clay, and 1% nmmonium chloride, and held for 11-3. hr at 75P(-950C. LA copper-impreg ~nated 14er 0.1-0.4 mm thick with a maximum microhardnessitf 1500 was obtained by,:..4 ~this:method. By, a mo4fied method,:holding paste-coated specimens at 950C for a hr,-. fin an argon.atmosphereN ye.r 0 3* = thick with a microbardnesq. !of 1500:was.obtained. The, layer co nsisted of TiCU3, Ti2Cu, T13Cu and a-Ti phase - . I-Card, 1/2 GRDINA., Yu.V.; TOV, G.M.; GODICHARM, S.G. Electron microscopy of the G13 sb~el- chern.met. 8 no.6:131-136 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Sibirakiy metallurgicheskly institut. I., R.,) , r I, y- ir - P. 1r 1: -1 ~, ~~z~ ~. '. A--tifi-,iaa repr.~dw.ulon )t- the ~efa-;t of fat.".gle In specl- memri5 ---.u-~ out. cf rail tihern.inet, 8 n.~.6-.14F-150 t 65o (mipuk :L3:8) .L. --' ibh,,qk~-y meltallurgi i rl~e t I ! u F ~ GRNANA, Yu,,V.; CLITIMAN, Y~!.F.; TOV, G.M. Bn~ ttlen.-aL3 ~~f higl-Allcon fa--ri.tic, s4,fjt-j dari!:g t-sm:~Grlng. izv.vys. u3heb.zav.: churn.met. 6 no,80.OF-3.13 165. (I-ITF,A 3.8.-S) I. Sibirskly motalltirgIcImskiy iristitut. _QBDIM,jv,2_~.; CORDIN, O.V. Dependence of irapact toughness in rail steel on the finishing temperature. Izv.vjs.ucheb.zav,; chern.met. 8 no.8:ll.,,-ll7 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskly institut. UR/0148/65/000/012/0101/0107 AUTHOR: Grdins, Yu. V.; Glikoan, Ye. N.; Piguzovp Yu# V. 52 ORG: Siberian Ketallurgical institute (Sibirskiy met&llurgicheakiy institut);--i/l., Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Mookovski institut stali L splavov) TITLE: Study of reversible temper brittleness of steel SOURCE* IVUZ. Chernays. owtallurgiya, no. 12, 1965, 101-107 TOPIC TAGS* brittleness, steel, internal friction, phosphorus, metal grain structure ABSTRACT: The discovery (M. G. Lozinski y, A. Ye. Fedorov,skiy, Izv,~s~r~,tN SSSR, OTH, 6, 1958, and others) of the relationshij,~etween internal fricti A An th processes A, - 0 of the embrittlement of technically_pure,.steele d ing tempering (450-550'c) still leaves unclarified the mechanism of the phenomenon of reversible temper brittleness (TB). In this connection, the authors investigated internal friction in five steels with distinct proneness to temper brittleness, by mounting wire specimens (diameter 0.8 mm, length 100 mm) in a relaxation oscillator. Internal friction was measured over a temperature range froti room temperature to 600*C at a frequency of 1.1 cps, where- upon isothermal embrittlement was carried out in the oscillator's furnacefor 8-12 hr; after cooling to room temperature the internal friction of the embrittled specimens 1/3 UDC: 669.011.7 L 12999-66 ACC NR: AP6001~84 was determined'over the 20-600*C range. A definite correlatio"as established between proneness to TB and the variation in internal friction. In the phosphorus-free steel for which tempering at 530*C leads to a rise in the threshold of cold brittleness and intensification of the etchability of boundaries in picric acid, the internal friction. background increases, whereas in the phosphorus-containing steels (0.032-0.05% P) the internal friction background decreases: this change may be attributed to the, enrich- 1. ment of grain boundaries with P, an enrichment that is of adsorptional nature. The other alloy,elements in the steels (Mn, Ni, Si) do not affect TB# brittleness deve- lops even i~t pure carbon steel if it contains a sufficient amount of P. On high- temperature~~~i~ll,~ring_(650-C), the grain boundaries are mainly enriched with C, while P then gets distributed uniformly throughout the grain volume. Low-temperature tempe- ring, on the other hand, causes the grain boundaries to be enriched with P, which leads to some decrease in the internal friction background level: this may be associa- ted with the di I ment of part of C atoms from the boundary zones into the grain irk 'g t :ce terior ovin h in tensified adsorption of P..The attendant increase in the number of dislocation~otints leads to a decrease in the internal friction background 1 vel After-s-u-ch tempering the steel assumes a brittle state with enhancedproneness in~er6 granular fracture, which is associated with the decrease in the surface energ4of grain boundarLes owing to the adsorption of P and the concomitadi-f-ac-ifFt-ation of the formation and development of intercrystalline cracks. Reheating to 6500C again re- stricts the intercrystallins adsorption of P and increases the concentration of C in 2/3 the solid solution at the grain boundaries. As a result, folloving rapid cooling, brittleness is eliminated: this, in the authors' opinion, accounts for the well-known fact of the reversibility of TD, Orig. art. has: I table and 4 figures. SUB CODE: 119 20/ SuM DATE: 07Jul65/ *ORIG REF: 012/ OTH REF: 005 11686 SOURCE CODE: UR/0148/65/000/012/0112/0113 AUTHOR: Grdina, Yu. V.; Tarasko, D. I.; Druzhinin, V. V. ORG: Siberian Metallurgical Instltuu- (Sibirskly metallurgicheakiy Institut) TITLE: High-temperature thermomechanical treatment of rail steel SOURCE:_JVUZ. Chernays setallurgiyo, no. 12, 1965, 112-113 TOPIC TAGS: rail steel, austenitic steel, heat treatment, cold working, tensile strength, plasticity) AtAA& I- 411,~ - i ABSTRACT: Thermomechanical treatmenAl - markedly improves the strength o; metal while preserving or even improviAg its plastic properties. It is most effective for alloy steels with an 0.4-0.5% d1tontent. But industry employs a broad variety of steels con- taining more than 0.57. C. fience the authors investigated the possi, lity of applying high-temperature thermomechanical treatment (HTTHO) to rail at Rontaining 0.62- 0.67% C. Billets measuring 20x3Ox2OO mm were heated in an olectrEc- compartment-type furnace and deformed in a two-high rolling mill (on dge) at the rate of 5.7 m/sec, t:epas a and spray-tooled. After tempering at 200 or 400*C Y e processed into specimens for tensile and impact tests. Findings: maximum hardnes's( 470-480) and tensile strength (or 180-190) are obtained in the case of HTTHO w t; subsequent tempering at 2000C. In certain regimes of HTTKO the area of fracture of the specimenefractured Card 1/2 UDC: 669.14:621.78 ACC NR% AP6001686 t. 6 1 1 in the impact testing machine is extremely fine-grained; this is also revealed by mt- crostructural examination. Apparently, the h-N&W -tensile strength and hardness, com- bined with satisfactory plasticity and impact strength, are attributable to the fin -grained structure of the steel following THO. Thus, HTTMO can be used to toughen rail steel. It markedly enhances its strength while preserving its plasticity at th:- level characteristic of oil-quenched steel and nearly doubling its impact atr5gth. These initial findings point to the need of expanding research in this field.~ ig. art. has: 1 table, 2 figures.,., SUR CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM OATZ: 2lSep64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002 jrn 2/2 212h8 ACC NRt 6007928 SOURCE CODE: UR/0148/66/000/002/0119-Y60121 AUTHOR: Ordinat Yu. V.; Tarasko, D. I.; Dadochkin, N. V.; Gordin, O.:V ORG., Siberian Metallurgicpl Institute institut) (Sibirskiy TITLE: Rapid oxidation-free-heating of metals for metallurgLehe!kLy rolling 119-121 SOURCE: IVUZ. Chernaya met allurgiya, no* 2, 1966, TOPIC TAGS: steel, refractory metal, molybdenum# tungsten, nLobium, steel heating, refractory metal heating, oxidation free heating, metal oxidation, oxidation prevention / 60S2 steel, 45G steel, steel 5. ABSTRACT: In a search for an effective and inexpensive method of k h ating steels and refractory metals for forging, rolling, and extru- sion molten,(gla been tested as heating edium. Spe mens of 8 hash Ttun stenliand niobium ere _0OS2-1'%45G.14St5 and molybdenuml- heated up to 1100-13~OC Ln-m`6Tt_en__g1as 8% SiOZ, 1.11% A1203 '.hr .1.5% Fe203, 7.32% Ca 2.27Z HgO, 14.15% K20 + Ha20) for 5 min to 3 No sign of oxidatLonkas observed an any specimen. On the other hand#* 60S2 steel conventionally heated to 1150C was extensively oxidized .after holding 20 min,;~This type of steel, badly affected by decarbonL_ zation in conventionil' beating, showed no sign of decarbouization when Card 12 UDC: 669.046-947 L 21268-66 ACC NR: AP6007928 heated in molten glass. The molten glass forms a compact, gas-tight film on the metal surface which also protects the metal agaLnst oxidation outside the bath, such as in hot rolling with 5-20% reduc- tion, in forging, or in extrusion. In rapidly cooled carbon steels, the prote tive film cracks and a slight oxidation (temper lors) Is co observed, Refractory metals, however$ are not oxidized at the tam peratures at which the temper colors are formed# Origo art* has; 1 figure. (NO) SUB CODEt 13// SUBM DATEs 02Feb65/ ATD PRESS:L/ *2Z I Card 22 L 907RA-AL EVrr(m)ALEKP(t) 1JP(c) 41JG ACC NN AP6005560 iOURCR CODE: UR/0148/65/000/010/0101/0105 AUTHOR: Grdina, Yu. V!; Lykhinp Is D. ORG: Siberian Metallurgical Institute (Sibirskiy metallurgicheakiy inatitut) _0 11 46 TITLE: Structure of vanadivia-carbon alloys SOURCE: 1VUZ. Cherneya metallurgiya, no. 10, 1965, 101-105 TOPIC TAGS: vanadium containing allay, carbide, ternary alloy, phase composition, chemical composition ABSTRA CT: To fill the gap in the existing knowledge of the phase compositio~~Of Fe-V-C ternary alloys, it in primarily necessary to investigate the composition and structure of the carbide phase of the V-C system. So far there has not been much agreement on the chemical composition of the carbides in the V-C system but at any rate it is now generally admitted that two types of carbides form in this system: with hexagonal (V2C) and cubic face-centered lattice (VC). But the boundaries of homogeneity of the carbide phases have not previously been conclusively determined. In this connection, the -authors Investigated alloys made of pure V (99.82n) and spectrally pure graphite. One part of thl alloy was Investigated In "natural" state while the other was vacuum-anneal*d (10- mm Hg) In quartz tubep at 1000, 750 and 550'C for 100 hr, with subsequent metallographic and radiographic examination of the 1/2 UDC., 69.292:669.7 .6 .183 L 20788-66 ACC NR, AP6005560 specimens end electrolytic precipitation of the carbide residue. It was thus estab- lished that the homogeneous region for the carbide V2C with hexagonal lattice extends from 9.6 to 10.45% C (wt.), while for the carbide VC with cubic lattice it extends from 12.5 to 17.8% C (wt.). A comparison of the findings with the conflicting data available in the published literature shows that the lower boundary of stability of the vanadim carbide VC with cubic lattice cannot as yet be conclusively established. owing to the diversity of investigating techniques employed by various researchers. On the other hand, the findings on the upper level of concentration of C in the car- bides VC, s1ii.-ifying it at from 16.6 to 17.8%, are generally in close agreement* Orig. art* has: 2 figures, 2 tables. MM CON: 11 13, 20/ MM, 09Apr65/ OR1'Q RZFS 004/ OM IM 006 'Card AP6007927 SOURCE CODEt UR/0148/66/000/002/0115/9118 AUTHOR3:,,QxdinA,.-,Yus V.; Glikmant Ye. E. ORG:- Siberian Metallurgical Institute (Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut) TITLE- The relation between -dislocatioAlocking by impurities within and on the boundaries of crystal grains and the critical temperature of brittleness SOURCE: IVUZ. Chernaya metallurgiyap no. 2, 1966p 115-118 TOPIC TAGS: metal test, crystal dislocation phenomena, carbon steel, aluminump carbon, phosphorus , brittleness$ crystal impurity ABSTRACT; This investigation was conducted to study the relationship between impurities dislocations and the critical ten1perature of brittleness in several low carbon steels.~JA11 alloys were deoxidized with 0.1% Ajq%knum?~6nce the principal block - ty was carbon. The specimens were quenched at 650-530C and were subsequently cooled in water. The experimental results are presented in terms of the constant K 1 y OD which is assumed to be a measure of the tenuion required to unblock a dislocation on the grain boundaries. Here) T-D is the tension necessaxy for the removal of a dia- location from the impurity atmosphere, and F is the distance between the grain Card 1/2 UDC: 669.oll.7 L 2-L7,j4-."--66 ACC NRt AP6007927 boundary and the nearest dislocation source. The values of K y were derived from tension curve diagrams by an extrapolation procedure described by S. N. Polyakov and A. S. Kudlay (Izvestiya AN MR, Metallurgiya, i gornoye delo, 1964, No. 6). The experimental results are presented in graphs and tables. It is concluded that the reversible quenching brittleness is due to enrichment of the grain boundaries by phosphorus an explanation proposed by Yu. V. Grdinal Ye. E. Glikman, and Yu. V. A Piguzov I eatiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya. metallurgiyal 1965, No- 12). Orig. art. has: 1 table, 2 graphaj and 3 equations. SUB CODS: I I/ SUM DATE: 25jul65/ ORIG M.- 005/ OM REP.- 006 Card 2Z2 Z YUGOSLAVIA / Chomical Tochnology. Chcmic--i.l ProLlucts H and Thoir Application. Industrial OrGanic Synthosis. Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No go 1959, 32333. Author Grdinio, M., Brihta, I. - Inst 07-gtv8m-. V Titlo Tho Invostigation of tho Procoss of iwotono Dorivation from Ethyl Alcohol and jicotylono. Orig Pub: Kemija u industriji, 1957, 6, No 6, 157-163. Abstract: It is indiscatod that tho highost dc;gruo of Convorsion (DC) of 09HROH (I), mixod with wator vapor (II), into acutono (III) takos placo in tho prosonco of tho catalyzer (C) ZnO / Fo 203 (100:6 mols), in comparison with proviously studiod C (CeC03 ~ F0203 in Fo shavings; Fo2O3; Card 1/2 GRDINIC, M. i-I ........ ~ 1--- - - - A contribution to the knowledge of the reaction products of acidic amideo with phosphorus pentachlorides. Dul sc- Youg 8 noJA&81~-85 -Te-Ag'63. 1. Institut wR.Boskovic*p Zagreb. CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Microbiology - General Microbiology. F-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 7, 1957, 26266 Author : Kotskova-Kratokhvalova, A., Gebauerova, A., Grdinova, M. Inst Title The Production of Volatile Arsenic Compounds by Fungi. Orig Pub Ceska mykol., 1956, 10. No 2, 77-87 Abst It was found that certain fungi (Cladosporium and Tricho- derma) will grow in a medium with a high arsenic concen- tration, without producing volatile compounds, whereas others, for whom arsenic is a poison, produce trimethy- larsine (I; the more active fungi are those of the spe- cies Scopu-lariopsis brevicaulis and one strain of Asper- gillus; fumigatus). I accumulates in mycelium in the form of oxides that !~e soluble in water with difficulty. Glucose stimulates the production of I. Card 1/1 GEYNAL, Ya. LHeinalp J.'j;,GFj)LICHKAp Z. [Hrdlicka, Z.J; VRUBEL" I. protectivo offeot of oblortatracycline on tho vitality of oxnanguinated tissuee tuid org&n"'. Antiblotiki 5 no.6s25-30 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Institutilr1inicheskoy i eksperimentallnoT khirargii. Praga-Krch. (AURBOMICIN) (HEMORRHAGE '1~11vpl D U T. LANDA', V.-, GRDY, L; de-~Rllitu Of [with summnry NOVAK. K.; SKUGRAVY. V. research on cockchnfer control in Czechoslovni-in In llnglishl. Zool. zhur. 37 no.3:394-402 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Entomologicheakayn 1nboratoriyn Chekhoslovntskoy AN, Prnga. OzechoslovAkia-Cockchnf ers) 1. 19RDULUZ.4% A.. M., 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Methane ANANYASHVILI, G. D. 7. Obtaining methane gas for production needs from manure and other organic waste. Dost sellkhoz No 1 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. ACCESSION NR% AT4030796 8/0000/63/000/000/0110/0116 AUTHORs Tavadses F.H.; Dayrdwashvill, I.A.; Xhantadze. Z.V.; Ordselishvillp V.A. TITLE: The Influence of boron an the outface tension of nickel SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut metallokeramikiJ spetsiallnv*kh oplevow. Poverkhnost- ny*ya yavleniya v ranpl&vakh I protsess&kh poroshkovoy metallurgii (surface phenomena in liquid metals and processes In powder metallurgy). Kiev, Ind-vo AN Ukr$SRpl963, 110-118 TOPIC TAGSt surface tension, boron, nickel, beryllium oxide. aluminum oxide.' nickel based alloy, boron containing alloy, hydrogenIhelium ABSTRACT: The authors Investigation was conducted by the lying-drop method an an instrument designed and constructed especially for this purpose. The fundamental diagram of the instrument is presented in a figure. The drop was magnified foux .times. The surface tension of the metal was determined on a flat /support of alumis- um oxide and beryllium oxide. Special experiments were performed to study the effect of the materials of the beater and the supportU. as well,&* the Medium (hy- drogen, helium), on the surface tension of nickel and Its alloys with boron. Tbe Card 112 ACCESSION NR: AT4030796 results of the investigation were presented in micro-photooraphs, tables, and figur"o The values of the surface-tension of nickel in a hydrogen and helium atmosphere were pratically identicak. Boron, an inactive element in relation to nickel, did not effect the value of its surface tension and the grain size. :The calculation of the generalized moment and the static generalized'moment of nickel and boron atom can- firmed the inactivity of boron in nickel-borolk alloy systems-. Orig. art. has: 10 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut -metallurgii AN GrurWR# TifU~ "(1notLtute of Metallurgy or -SSRj AN Go .814xL SUBMITTED: 23Nov63 VATS ACQ: 16Apr64 ow -'00 SUB CODE: ML 80 Riff SOWS 006 fl am 003 carld..2/2 GRDZELOV, L.I. Prospects for finding oil and gas in the Adriatic geosyncline. Sov.geol. 5 no.1:160-161+ is. 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. (Adriatic Sea region-Petroleum geology) (Adriatic Sea region--Gas$ Natural-Geology) POGOSYAN. S.A.; GRDZILYAN GAP. otvatetvennyy redaktor; TATZVOBYAN, S.A. ". 0 redaktor PIANYAN, N.A., tekhnicheskiy reciaktor [The nature of seed bearers of old varieties of ungrafted grape- vines and their hybrids] 0 prirode semennykh rastenil starodav- nikh sortoy kornesobstvannogo vinograda i ikh gibridov. Irevan, lzd-vo Akademil naWc Armianskoi $SR. 1955- 197 P. (MIRA 9:9) (Grapes) /J Z_ L IY ~ /v 0. 1 YUNISHYAN, A.N,i kand.aeVekokhoz.nauk; DILANTANi G.Kh.; SANAGYAN, NeD.; NAZARYAN, Te.5a, kand, eel I skokhos.nauk,; ARAB , A.G., saalush.doyatell nauki. red.;..GRDZILYAN, G.P., dotsent. red.; POGOSYAN, S.A., doktor G., red.ixd-va; ATOYAN, S., red.izd-va; KUZANYAN, M., red.izd-va; KHACHATRYAN, S.,, [Fruits of Armenia] Plody Armenii. Erevan, Armianskoe goe.izd-vo. Vel.l. [Stone fruit: local varieties] Kostochkovye porody: watw aorta. 1958. 243 p. (MIRA 12t7) (Armenia--Fruit) GRD23LYAN. P.A.-- URAPBTYAN, M.14.; STIPARAN. N.P.: TOROSUN, A.S. Features in calculating yoarl7 loose@ of electric energ7 to the corons of mountain transmission lines. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Ser.tekh.nw, 12 no.6:3-14 159. (KINA 13:6) is Inatitut elektrotakhuiki AN Arzyanskoy SSR, (Electric lines) (Corona (Electricity)) GFJMLYAN, R.A.; DZRANDZHUGAZOV, N.G.; KARAPETYAN, M.M.; TOROSTAN, A.S. 1. , ",.- Measuring circuits for investigating pover losses in corons, discharges. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Ser.tekh.nauk 10 no.1:19-29 '57. (MIRA 10;10) 1. Laboratortya slektrotekhniki AN Armyanskoy SSR. 09lectronte measurements) (Corona (glectricity)) 4~- GRD2SLYAN, R.; SOKHAKYAN, R. Transfer of 110 kv. electric power transmission lines to 154 ky. Prom.Arm. 5 no.8:49-54 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Armyanskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta elektromekhaniki. (Armenia-Electric networks) T, oo881-66 ACCESSION NR: AP4W#7857 A/PO17/64/000/009/0381/0386 qor 4q, AUTHOR: Frantids-1. (Engineer); Laitis No' (Engifieer); creovu$ N# (Engineer) TITLE: Experiments on the cladding.of carbon steel plates with stainless steel SOURCE: Metalurgiag no. 9, 1964, 381-386 i TOPIC TAGS: stainless steel, carbon steel, steel plate, steel cladding, compound Angot, electroslag melting ABSTRACT: This article describes some aspects and variations of the K.M.K. claddin used primarily in-the Soviet Union and based on the hot rolling a process 0of compound ingots. The purpose of the investigation was to establish optimum conditions for this procedure, using the existing Rumanian installations which up to the time of publication - did not correspond to modern requirements. The results obtained during the year 1963 are reported in this paper. In the compound ,ingot procedure, the basic carbon steel is first forged. A package formed by two stainless steel plates, necessary for the cladding, are then introduced into*. ,its center. The two plates are kept together by welding their edges and are separated by an inert layer deposited between them. A schematic diagram of the ingot mold is given. The compound ingot thus obtained is passed through'the. roiling mills under normal conditiones, until twice the thickness of the intended Cor( 1 3 L 00881-66 ACCESSION NR: AP4047857 final product is achieved. This results in a package formed by two strips or plates, with their edges welded all around. The welded edges are cut, and the ,two sheets are detached at the level of the separation layer. In this manner, each ingot results in 2 sheets or plates of carbon steel, clad on one side with stainless steel. However, these trials, carried out according to the specifica- tions of the K.M.K. method, did not give the expected results. Two modified trials carried out with two series of seven ingots weighing approximately 80C1 kg each, and 4 ingots of over 2000 kg each, respectively, are described in detail .and 3 schematic diagrams are given. These methods brought about the establishment! .of a good separation layer. A formula for calculating the cladding coefficient (KL) is given. A Ki of over 100 is needed for a perfectly successful result. The Ki in the various methods used for the processing of the 800-kg ingots varied from.,-130 to 60-100. The results obtained with the 2000-kg ingots were less satisfactory. In both cases$ the specific quantp lml*) to be deposited on the i (g surfaces was a function of the ty of the inert(pterials and the size of the cladded surfaces besides depend onthe_!Tj~i~nlbbtained during rolling. The procedure of electroslast meltin 19involves the deposition, on a carbon steel brick 3t obr of a stainless steel layer o affined by tb automatic melting of steel electrodes in a slag bath. The bath of molten metalit's then used for the formation of an alloy, through the addition of alloying elemenEb in granulated forms The steps of this procedure are described in detail and several diagrams are givetts;_ Card 2 13 L 008,f -66 ACCESSION NR: AP4047857 This procedure makes possible the rolling of a 20 om thick compound brick, and its cladding up to a proportion of 157., without any special difficulties. How- ever, it also necessitates important modifications. Finally, the authors comment I'The folloyin& persons on the advantages and disadvantages of each T~,Zd. collaborated in these experi ..Eng. I. mi of the ment A. let a and gng 6k SteeLWorks), T. Pw~qscu-of I.t.T.C.M.J, Combinatul siderurgic Resita_(R Eng. G. Av2a-!q of the Uzina "Republica" ("Republiel Plalftys In Bucharest, and Eng,1 14 1. t ..~C. Savici and.S.,I~rga-of the Uzina de tabla (Sheet M tal WorksY*,I'n Galati." Orig. art. has: 12 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIAT'ioN: ~rantiu, Laiul institutul de cercetari metalurgice (institute of ~4Metallurgical.Research); Cbreavu) Institutut de cercetari tehnologice pentru :1. constructiL de masin-I (institute for Technological Research on Machine Building) H SUBMITTED: 00 ENCLI 00 SUB CODE: MM I GBELVU, V.. ing.; PMA, Gh.., ing. Possibilities of using radioactive isotopes in the textile industry. Ind text Rum 12 no.6:225-226 Je 161. IXRYIJGIN, P.S., mostovoy motor (mt. Ulan-Yde); RUKSHA, G.P.; PHATIND, O.S., brigadir puti (at. Chad Lazanskoy dorogi); GO CH , Mok., dorozhnyy master (at. Korostan'); ROSBOVSKIT. G.F. (at. Krasne Llvovskoy dorogi); ROSNOVSKIT, G.F. (at. Krasno L'yovskoy dorogi); KONDWHOV, A.I., brigadir puti (at. Gryazi-Voronez.hokly Tugo-Vostochnoy dorogi). Letters to the editor. Pat' i put. khoz. no.2:38-39 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) l.Nachallnik otdola puti i sooruzhomiy g. Leningrad (for Rukaha). 2.Zamestitell nauchallniks distanteii puti (9t. Krasne Vvovskoy dorogi (for Roonovskly). (Railroads--Track) KURE, GjKlare, 11.j;._GREBE AAGrobe, A.]; I-MRON, R.- MAIM, G.; YAOST, Kh.[JOB J-WPERSON, G.[Caspersono G.] Formation of fiber from modified and nonmodified viscose in precipitation baths containing zinc sulfate. 16th Report on the--formation mechanism of viscose monofilaments. Ehim. volok. no.6:14-21 162. (MIRA 16-.1) 1. Nauchno-Issledovatellsk1y institut Ichimicheskikh volokon AN., Berlin, Teltov-Zeyekhev, Germanskaya. Demokraticheskaya. Respublika. (Viscose) (Textile fibers, Synthetic) GREBE, A... doktor nauk; REYNISH, C.,, doktor nauk; TSIMERI-IAN, G., doktor nauk; MREBE, F., doktor nauk; ULIBRIKHT, I., doktor nauk; SHIFFNER, R., doktor nauk; FILIPPY B.,, doktor nauk; RUSHER, Kh., doktor nauk; GASPERSON, G.,, doktor nauk; KIARE, G., doktor nauk; YAKOPYAN, V. Search and solutions; important research of the German Democratic Republic chemists. Priroda 54 no.6:83-88 Je 165. (MIPA IS: 6) 1. Institut izilcheniya volokna Germanskoy Akademii nauk v Berline, g. Tel'tov, Germanskaya Demokraticheskaya Respublika. GREBE) A., doktor nauk; REYNISH, G., doktor nauk; TSIrIERI,UXN, G., doktor nauk; GREBE F. doktor nauk; ULIBRIKIIT, I., doktor nauk; SHIFFNER, R., --~ J. doktor nauk; FILIPP, B., doktor nauk; RUSHER, Kh., doktor nauk; GASPERSON, G., doktor nauk; K1ARE,, G., doktor nauk; YAKOPYAN, V. I Search and solutions; important research of the German Democratic Republic chemists. Priroda 54 no.6:83-88 Je 165. (Miwt 18:6) 1. Institut izilcheniya volokna Germanskoy Akademii nauk v Berline, g. Tel'tov, Germanskaya Demokraticheskaya Respublika. MEBECKI, A.; KINASTU,-!SKI, W.; KUZUICKI, L. Some observations on the ecology of larvae of Molanna, angustata (Curtis) and their distribiAlon in an environment. P. 191 Vol. 2, no. 1, 1954 POISKIE ARCHIWUM HYDROBIOLOGII Warszawa SO: Monthly.List of East European Accessions (EFAL)p LC, Vol. 5, no. 12 December 1956 GREEECKI, A. Response of larve of Molanna angustata Curt. to light. p. 95. Vol* 3. no* 2.9 1955 Warszawa FOLIA BIOLOGICA SOMCE: FAA European Aosasion List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 8. August 1956 GRABICKI, A.; KINASTOWSKI.W.; KUZNICKI, L. So-called peripheral reaction of Paramecium caudatum. Fol.biol. Wares. 3 no.2:117-125 1955. 1. Zakl&d Biologil 0goluej Instytutu Im. M. Nencki*go PAN. Kisrowulk: Prof. Dr. J. Dombowski. (CILIATA, Paramecium caudatum, affinity to peripheral spaces In closed'arsas) (13MAVIOR, affinity of animals including Paramecium caudatun to peripheral spaces In closed &r*&s) GRF,BECKIq A.; KUZNICKI.. L. Relation between Paramecium candatum and the chemism of the enviorment and a protective reaction of a group against inorganic substances. p. 127,, Vol. 3. no. 2, 1955 Warszawa FOLIA BIOLOGIGA SOURCE: East Europ6an-Acession List (EM) Library of Congress Vol. 59 no- 6x August 1956 GREEECKI, A.; KUZNICKI A. FOLIA BIOLOGICA Investigations on protecive reaction of individual and aggreate In fusoria in solutions of organic substance. P. 159. vol. 3, no* 2, 1955 Warszawa SOURCE: East European Acession List (EM) Library of Congress Vol. 5., no- 8., August 1956 GREBWKI, A. Experimental studies on the selection and adaptability in Farm 4nm Caui*tun, Icta b1ol exper 21:35--52 161~ 1. Department of Biology,, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology., Warsaw. (CILIATA) GREBECKI, A.; KUZNICKI, L. Immobilization of Paramecium caudatum in the oh,loralhydrate solutions. Bul Ac Pol Biol 9 no.11:459-462 161. 1. Department of Gdneral Biology, M.Nencki Institute of Experi- mental Biology, Poli6h Academy of Science. Presented by J.Dem- bowski. GREBECKI, A. Adsorption of fluorochromes by the Cillata cytostome. Bul Ac Pol biol 10 no.11483-485 162. 1. Zaklad Biologii Ogolnej, InstAut Biologii Doewiadczalnej im. N.Nenckiego, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. Presented by J.Dambowski. GREBECKI,. lmdrzej - -,- Seleoted protlems of the electrophysiology of motion and-ab- sorption in i tozoans; electric properties of the protozan cell. Kosmos"Viol 13 no.28105-123 164 S/135/60/000/005/0()1/009 A115/AO29 AUTHORS: Kushnerev, D.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Grebel!n1k._A,P_, Engineer I'X1899AM18N9T) TIMLE Ceramic Flux for Automatic Welding of Steel Sta:Lnless PMODICAL. Svarochnoye proizvodsfvo, 1960, No. 5, PP, 1 - 4 MT.- The purpose of this study was to find o,_t a ceramic flux which ould secure resistance of weldments to intercrystallit-e af rter-welding corrosion; 1~high quality of weldments was sought wlt.~ d-o or a-c applied, and finally, the pos- sibility of application of standardized C&-1'Al8H9T (Sv-lKhl8N9T) wire. The in- dispensable requirement for the composition of a ceramic flux for welding high- alloyed austenite steel is a minimum of oxidizing elements in -Ehe melting pool; this is the only way to obtain high concentrations of chromium and titanium In the seam. In this respect, the most suitable fluxes are composed on fluorine basis. The disadvantage of these fluxes is their low stabilizing capacity suit- able for welding with d-c only. The fused metal is sligh-11y oxidized by welding with flux made of CaO, MgO, A1203~ TiO2. CaO and MgO qhould be preferred since cara IA a/135/60/000/005/001/009 A115/AO29 Ceramic Flux for Automatic Welding of 1Xl8H9T (1Kh18N91) Stainless Steel. lime slags reduce the content of sulfur. In the case of marble ', during welding calcium oxide is generated, affecting the health of the welder- attempts to avoid this obstacle failed. Calcination of marble with 5102 dnd A1203 does not eliminate hydration. Nevertheless, the ',ase of marble electrodes secures high quality seams In weldments of chrome-nickel s-leels; therefore, many compositio of ceramic f lux have been tried out, and the f ollowing f ound most. sut table f or welding steel M18N91-'s marble 57 - 60%. magnesite briok 9 - 10%, alumina 4 - :,zS fluorspar 5 - 6%, Ti02 14 - 16%. Good results have been achieved by bringing in- to the flux ferro-silJcon. R-8 (K-8) flux is composed as followsg 54 58% OaC03, 8.5 - 11% K90, 14 - 15% TO 4.5 - 5% A120jr 5.0 - 6% CIF2y 4.0 5.0% .9% 2.~ Si02.- 1.5 - 2.0% Na20, 3.6 - 3 si~ 1.1 - 1.4% F~, 0.1% S and P. 'This ceramic flui secures good seams, easy removal of slag crust (Fig. 1) and high resistance against pores and blisters. When welding sl~eel M18P~T under K-8 flux with Sv-MlSN9r and 3W606 (E1606) wires (Table 3). -~he mef~ai of the seam has two- phase austenite-ferri",:e stn-;ct-are with onlY 3 - 5% of ferrite (Fig. 2). The mechanical characteristics of the seam are not. Inferior to +hobqE- of the basic metal (Fig. 4). Exposure for a prolonged time to 7500C did not affect the tough- ness of the welded seam (TaKe 5). Ceramiz flux K-8 has fol)rd widespread appli- - - - I,- a/135/60/000/005/001/009 A115/AO,-9 Ceramic Flux for Automatic Welding of IX18119T (1Kh18N9T) Stainless Steel cation in machinery and chemical industries. There are 3 ftgures, 6 tables and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut Electrotekhniki Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Electrotech- nical Institute of the AS Ukr SSR) Card 3/3 ACC NRt APM4:L95, alloy Sv-06KhlqNq~ filler wire under ceramic flux No. 5 (60% marble, 20% fluorspar, 15% rutile concentrate, 3% ferrosilicon, 2% ferrotitanium TiO), the desired chemical composition of the weld metal can be obtained over a wide range of welding conditions. The second method of alloying the weld metal was also 50% cheaper than the first. In automatic welding bf high-alloy stainless steels under ceramic flux, it is advisable to use a standard high-alloy filler wire, and the alloying with flux only for addi,- tional alloying ar4d deoxidation of the molten metal bath. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. I I.: . SUB CODE:Y3/ SUBM DATE: 24sep65/ ORIG PIEF: 003 Card 212 GREBELINIK, F. 0. Avtomaticheskeis svarks pod sloem fliuBa; opyt Gorikovskogo avtozavoda im. Molotva. Gor'kii, Oblizdat, 1947. 136 p. Automatic flux welding method; practice of the Gorky Yolotov automobile plant. SO: Manufacturing and Yeehanical Engineering Ih the joviA Union, Library of Congress, 1953. U,U!jZL'l'TIK, P. G. Ca,ebellnik, P. G. "On the course of intro,Mcint: a,,,to~~--atic wol,an~ Lnto in- dus-U-y in the li[,Iit of the decision of tille Coimcil of :,dsisters, Ul'jSR, Of 9 Jimic Ig,,,7", 'h-udy 'Ireooyuz. 1-.orLC-tsii po avt.onat. svarke i.,ocl flyusoia, 3-6 October 1947, Kiev, 1948, p. 11-17. q I SO: 10 s'j.xil 53, (Letopis I ZI,,,Lrr,,a:-! liv'Ni Statey, ';,D. !13, 19VA. BORT, M.N., kandidALt tokhnichsskikh nauk; BUIOTSHY, 1-A-- assist"t; VASIL'YEV, G.T., assistant; G&KHUKO. M.N.. kandidat tekhaicheakikh nauk; G kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, otvetstvewW redAk kandidat takhnioheakikh nauk; SIRDM, V.K., vedushchiy redaktor; iuzhoner; RIJDZNSKIY, Ya.V., takhnicheskiy re- daktor. Ellectric welderlo reference book) Spravochnik alaktroevarshchika. Isd. 2-o, parer. Kiev, Goo. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 515-p. [Microfilm] (MLFA 8,.l) (Blectric welding) THR NOV. Konstantin Konstantinovich;-GRZM!IUX..,-P.G., kand.takhn.nauk, rateenzent; FURBR, P.Ya., red.; RUDENSKIY, , to khn, red. [Welding. cutting, and soldering of metals] Svarka, reska i paika motallov. Izd.2., parer. i dop. Kiev, Goo.nauchno-tekhn. lzd-vo sashinostroit.lit-ry, 1955* 411 p. (MIRA 12:8) (Welding) (Metal cutting) ,.q -I -- -1 . -I (- / ~ ,:- I -) Q- L /,~IJ,~, RYABOKONI, Nikolay Gavrilovich; GALICHINSKIY, Leonid Viktorovich; GREMINIX ~-- - -1-0 P.G. kand *tekhn.nauk, reteenzent; LYSKM , F.K.. red.; S b.9 `:r~e.izdntellstva. [Are welder's manual] Uchabnik elektrosvarshchika. Kiev, Goo. nAuchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostrott.lit-ry, 1957. 154 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Electric welding) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3947 Elektroshlakovaya avarks, (Electroslag Welding ) 2d ed., rev. and enl. Moscow,, Mashgiz, 1959. 496 p. Errata slip inbertea. 6,500 copies printed. Reviewer: I.I. Zaruba, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. (title page): B.Ye. Paton, Laureate of t1he Lenin Prize, Academician, Academy of Sciences USSR; FAs. (inside book): P.G. ~',rebellnlk, CandIdAte of Technical Sciences, and G.D. ; Chief 'TS' TY Ed. outhern Division., Mashgiz): V.K. Serdyuk, Englueer. PUWM: This book is intended kor technical personnel studying the *leetr6slm- welding process. COVERUZ: The book contains information on the exsentials,, characteristic features,, and advantages or electroslag welding. Thermal and metallurgical characteristics of the processes of electroslag welding and surfacing of steels and other metals are described. Also described are constructionectVa3fiLrg equipment and automatic- control systems for electroslag welding. The following persons participated in writing the book: Candidates or Technical Sciences G.Z. Voloshkovich, S.A. Ostrow kaya,, D.A. Dudko, I.K. Pokhodnya, Yu. A. Sterenbogen,, G.V. Zheschushnikow, P.I. S**o, B.I. Kedovar, &ad D.K. Rabk1n; Inomerg IoNe 101mklys Electroslag Welding SOV/3947 and I.V. Novikov, 0.0. Rozenberg, V.P.',Dldkonkiy, G.S. TYagm-Selous; 01A B-TO- Paton, Academician, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Laureate of the Lenin Prize. There am 92 references: 86 Soviet, 5 Germwn,, and 1 English. TABLE OF CMTERTS- Preface to the Second Edition 3 Preface to the First Edition 4 Ch. I. Electroslag Welding of Metals 7 1. Essentials of electrosift welding 7 2. Classification of the types of electroslag velding 13 3- Characteristic features of the electroslag process 18 4. Fields of application of the electroslag pr*csss 20 Ch. II. Formation of the Weld in Electroslag Welding 24 1. Generation and distribution of heat In electroelag velding 24 2. Propagation of heat in the parent metal 29 3. Regimes of electroslag veld-ing and their effect on the shape and dimen-gions of the weld 32 Card 2/7 PATON, B.Te., skademik, doktor tokhn.neuk. laureat Leninakoy premii; VOLOSH13VICH. G.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk, laureat Leninskoy premii; OSTROVSKATA, S.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk; DUDKO, D.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; POUOMA. I.I.. kand.takhn.nauk; STMENBOGIN, Tu.A., kand.tekhn. nauk; RUEMSKIT, I.N., insh.; ZMGHUZHNIKOV, G.V., kand.tekhn. nauk; ROZM3RG. 0.0.. inzh.; SMO, P.I.. kand.tekhn.nauk; MOVIKOV. I.V.. inzh.; MIDOVAR, B.I.. kand.tekhn.nauk; DIDKOVSKIY, V.P.. insh.; EAKIN, D.M., kand.tekhn.nouk; TTAGUN-BILOUS, G.S.. inzh.; ZARUBA. I.I.. imnd.tokhn.nauk, reteenzent;_,GRIBEL'NIK, P.G.. kand.tekhn.nauk, r6d.*m--TYNYANTT- G7.1).,' red. Ezlm:tric slag'welding] Alaktroahlakovala evarka. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 409 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. AN USSR (for Paton). (Blectric welding) BORTp M.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; BYALOTSKIY, L.A.9 inzh.; VASILIYEV, G.V., inzb.; VOSHCHANOV, K.P.9 inzb.; GAPCHENK09 M.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; GORP Eff UK, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; qAEIEL!AIX,.P.G., kand.tekhn.nauk.; DYAT10ovy V.1.9 kand.tekhn.nauk; TROCHUNv I.P., kand.tokhn.nauk; KHRENOV, K.K., akademik; SCROKA, M.S., red. (Electric welderl.s-bandbook] Spravochnik elektroavarshchika. Iad.3., perer. Moskvap Gos.nauchno-tekbvizd-vo mat3hinostroit.lit-ry, 1961. 748 p. (MIRA 14s6) 1e AN IUSSR (for Xbrenov). (Electric welding) GREBBLISKAYA, kandidat medit8inakik-h nauk Psychological preventive functions of a physician in the schools Pediatriis no.4:61-66 Jl-Ag 154. (XLRA 7:10) 1. Is detakoy paikhtatrichookoy kliniki Institute, poikhtatrit Ministerstva zdravookhranonlya RSFSR (rukovoditell kliniki prof. G.I.Sukhareva) (SCHOOLS, made derv. In Russia, psychol. & prove funct.) USSR/Chenistry - Acetylene Jan- 52 "Solubility of Copper, Silver, and Mercury Acety- lenides,". A. K. Babko, M. M. Grebel I skaya "Zhur Obshcb Xhim" Vol XXII, No 1, pp 66-76 Methods for detn of C2H2 in control of duction processes involving use Of C2H2 usuftlly " utilize formation of difficultly sol C2CUP-, C2H92, C2Ag2- Studied equil in satd solns of these acety- lenides and derived expressions for soly relation- ships. Studied their soly in acids, order of their solubilities, effect of excess of pptg agent, and their interaction vith different reagents. Results USSR/Chemistry Acetylene (Contd) Jad 52 prove feasible use of general theory of ppts for calcn and-prediction of practical pptn and soln conditions -under consideration of certain sp proper- ties of a series of ppts. 2P=4 GTIM-ELISKAYA, Ye. 3. Grebel'skaya, Ye. S. - "The experience of psychotherapy in schizophrenia of children and adolescents," Trudy Tsentr. in-ta psikhiatrii, Vol. IV. 1949, p. 405-1) SO: U-4934, 29 Oct 53, (Imtopis 'Zhurnal InyVh Statey, No. 16, 1949). etr-Khaimo vich; FSZNII, Meer Khaimovich; DORKIDONTOV. F.K.. GRKBIAL~' 00 ':a-- an --r- or; KOKOLOVA, T.M., tekhnichaskly radaktor [Mechanic's manual on the technology of fitting ahip installations and equipment) Spravochnik alesaria-doetroishchika po tokhnologil montaxha sudovykh ustroisty. dellnykh veshchei i oborudovantin poseshchanit. looningrad, Go*. soiuznoe tzd-vo sudostrait. promyshl., 1956. 171 p. (NW 10: 1) (Shipbuilding) ~rMg I AW 4e*rREZNIK, Meyer Khnimovich, DORHIDONTOV, F.K.0 ~-F*sr4Ihjqjsw; TSAL, R.K.. [installation of metal appointments in ships] Montnzh metallicheekogo oborudovniiA sudovykh pomeshchenii. Leningrad, Goo. soiuznoe izd-vo sudoutrolt, nromyshl., 1958. 126 D. (MIRA 11:9) (ShilDfitting) GREBELISKIY- Petr U-4 vich; REMIK, Mayer Khairovich; KRUPNIKOV, B-.V., inzb.., retsenzent; RIMER, A.I.p inzh., retsenzent; LISICHEV~ B.V., nauchzWy red.; LISOK, B.I., red.; FRUMIN, P.S., tekhn. red. (Fitting out operations in shipbuilding)Sudovye dostroech- nye raboty. Leningrado Sudpromgiz, 1962. 213 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Shipbuilding) I GREBELIbKiy, S.G. Vjidge control at the construction site of the Bratsk hydroelect- tic power station. Repor1w No.I: Basic problems in blackfly control procedure. Med. parax. i paraz. bol- 32 no.5:534-539 S-0 163 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Phtomologicheskiy uchastok Upravle~iya stroitel'stva Brat- skoy gidroelektrostantsii, Bratsk. USO/Nedlaine - F11*4 Medicine - Nutrition Jun 1948 "The Physiology of the Nutrition of the Gad Fly larva- (08danagemTarandi L.) of Northern Dear," S. G. Grobellskiy, Kola Sci Res Base Iment. S. M. Kirov, Aced Sol USSR, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk &qSR" Vol LX, No Briefly describes physiological characteristics of the subject larva. Data collected intended for use in study of the nature of the so-'ealled "gad fly disease.' Submitted by Aced L. A. Orbell 20 Apr 1948. 7&41 PA 78T4.1 ff Ir T-7-y- -ar-A-Ir 7 U- T_ L-A'm Cx IV. U,4. L W W lit 0." j.4 ~~Pjb) 4m, 111"yfle glassymes of bmWympb of Luvise and pupae -4 Of OedemoSma torandl. S. 0. GrOwl'A0. nokhjdv ,1kad-VaukS.S.S.R.62. WO-111104m).- -The hentelymph collef,tef) fly puncture of 1mvue anif pulme of 0. larando jgs I file 111"filtl dor'd line And amylAw'' lilhl*e, and prolA~ .M i%%ohlasituth, Roy. istut WONAdier ruirthiuls, retjs~l wt-rc drid. Protratir was a6weit its all rjlm~. (he other fill, vusytov* %err pre-tit in the larvae and the Inilkic, $Mith 114Vr 111.1%, UCt%VitY At JAI' And Are Still Active 41 it ()ptintunt gill fifir ainytase wit. 41.10. Addo. if( a fracc of all,inoin and CaCls ahmm dotible.* Ilse anovLa,ravtivily if llt~vvlvl,n, 'Flu, 11mylaw arlivilv vaiii, %t v-dim, tov 1 fit- ~Nk4l Ashl 30 growill Ajaggr% fit flir 1.11 v.6c. " 1111, 411.110Y ;after moultiall Illeaelivily it it 1111th IN)IIII. .3 %mllillij silay Ise cou'Orri'l 11~ cAllei,61it with Ol, hisill-t Atltvl.t~r ;tctivitv. [it pujkt~ the Activity dropi In ill, rjr1v f;jjre,. theft Impot to rise At the 1wriml of caterevile~ 00111 appt,hkvh,,. with vrixtiun living uppum. 41' , . The 8 I.LrV;tv c0titAill ~Xlle litXtW ill thVir %.tliVAFY IC1.410S. Allilr ljrutm%e and mr-oklY active glyc(nCemlse were ilctectO ill the mid imemit c. C'. M. K~ulx)1Y Z 7 Z -Ad 7j 0 1. L, t '46 roe coo Fee 400 fee see 11104041 2100 b u 9 isir in a" A L 9 4 FA 0 a 1 It If S do 4 3 v :110 is, 9; 0 *of 0 0~* 0 0-2 *00 000000 9*9 GFMELISKIY, S.G. ~ ~:I.", - - Hat and fowl tick an endemic parasito. Gig. sanit., Moakwa no.8: 54-55 Aug 1951. (CLML 21:2) GREBEL-SKIY, S.G. Bor'ba s kozhnym ovodom sever- nogo olonia (Combatting the skin gadfly of the north- 0 ern reindeer). il-loskva, Sellkhozgiz, 1952. 88 p. SO: Monthly List of 'Aussian Accessions, Vol. 6, 1,o. 1, April 1953 r The iffect of the do"Aa at h"Rebloriyclabotgne and length of onosure upm the intoxivition of the housefly. DMAction Sta').. 'AN, Be on ' 19S4, 68-60,-Plies were eiposed to filto r Wit, with acetone soln. of 1311C of 20 sm., 1, 3, 0, and 27 win. Results ' ihow Fk close connection boween length of cxpoiure and ~moitailty The insects rrActed more - ickl t l . o onxtr qu y '~~i exposu r" than to larger dosages. Thus It 13 possible to rennomixe-no the imsec-tWe by prolon * 9 the elposure. o, l The Lattzr can be bm Abo ht t b r f - u arger Sur am y W g treated 'with BHC:or making thern more ottractme to flies r4h Aid of lJxht, cclw warmth, etc. -A. Mirkbi GRIBELISKIT, S.G. - Parasitism of rat tick 3dellonyssus bacott on man. Nedparaz. I p&razo bol. 24 no,1:66-70 J&-Kr 155. (KM 815) 1. Is LeningridskoV desinfekteionnoy stantaii. (Tr=. -- Bdellonyssus-Ucoti, parasitism on man) -ILI I f.; '- ; 4- GRRMLISKIY. S.G, Jiffect ot the nature of the treated suface on the insecticidal pro- perties of benzene hexachlorlde. Med.paras. i paraz.bol.supplement to ao.1:6-7 '57. (KIRt 11:1) 1. 1z laboratorii Imningradskoy gorodskoy dezinfektsionnoy stantaii, (BENZWO E&UCHLCRM) GREBELTS-mv S. G. Reaction of bloodsucking black flies (Simuliidae) to ultraviolet radiation. Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no.1:215-218 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Predstavleno akademikom Ye. N. Pavlovskim. (Black flies) (Ultraviolet rays-Physiological effect) GREBELISKIY, S.G.; BYCHWOVA, V.N. A short historical outline of the study of bloodsucking dipterams in lbstem Siberia. Trv4y Vost.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR no.30291-98td. (MRA 16:6) (SIEMA, FASTMW-DIKERA-RFZEACH) GaUIFLISMY, Z., kapitan 2-go.ranga, kand.istoricheskikh nauk How to guide a group-studying the theme "Struggle for the organization of the Marxist party in Russia; establishment of the Russian SDcial Democratic Party; the origin of Bolshevism, from 1894 to 1904." Komm.Vooruzh.Sil I no-3:80-82 F '61. (MIRA 14:6) (Russian Social Democratic Party) I /f-- 11 A-, L-7 e ft-- . ~, akademik. GaEN I ~;, On the road to abundance. IUn.nat. no.11:28 N '57. (MMA 10:10) (Stock and stockbreeding) GWMI. G.L.. ruwchuyy sotrtdnik; VTAZOVSILIT. S.V.. aspirant. in machine milking. N&uk& I persdoop.v sollkhos, 7 no.l-.41-43'Ja 157. (MM lo: 2) I* Sauchno-tooledovatel'okly inatitut shivotnavodetva losoatept i Poles I ya Ukraluskoy SM. (Millang machines) -GREBEN, G. L., Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) "Research into processes of the mechanization of fodder preparation in animal husbandry." KharIkov, 1960. 27-PP; with charts; (Ministry of Agriculture Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Scientific Research Inst of Animal Husbandry in the Forest Steppes and Forest Areas of the Uk- rainian SSR); 150 copies; free; (KL, 1?-60, 162) ldr-~ V; 0 raschetnoy skorosti vosstanovleniya nap ~Maz e 35285. nia *klyuchateley geneifatornogo nr-~ryazheniya. v.SB. 'politekhi In-Ta Kiev, 1948, S."~9-66 na kontaktakh 50 Let Kievsk. 30; Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 34, 1949 hoskva GMENO, I.I., profesa#r, d*ktor tekhaichoskikh nauk. Investigation of the rate of rise of recovery voltage in two- frequency circuits. Sber.trud.Izst.euerg.AN URM 20-3:9-18 148. Ollectric circuit break-era) .q~ GRKMI, I.I., professor, doktor tekhaicheakikh usLuk. Greatest rate of rise of recovery voltage in contacts of circuit breakers In feeders having reactors. Sber.trud.last.eaerg.Al UM to.3:10-23 148. OWU 9: 1) (Blectric circuit breakers) U&M/Electronice NOT/Doe 48 Regulators, Electronic Bibliography "Scientific Session of the Institute of Electrical Ragineering, Academy of Sciences USSR and the KieT Oblast Department of NITO and Power Engineers at Which Were Discussed Questions on Automatic Regula- tion of Electric Machines," 1. Groben,, 1 p "Aftonst i Telemekh" Vol 11, No 6- Briefly reports session held at Kiev, 21-22 Jun 48, attended by members of the Institute, engineers of Kiev industrial 'enterprises, and scientific vorkers 18/49T13 U M /Electronics (Contd) NOVIDec M of Moscow and Khar1kov connected with work of the T.nstitute. Idsta titles of seven papers presented. 18/49T13 PA 22/49T22 =a/zlectriolty Oct 48 Electrical squipment Plegulatorm "Scientific Session on Problem of Autaimatlo Plegulation, for Electrical Equipment," Prof 1. 1. Grebent, Pr Tech Sol, 34 pp "Ilaktrichestyo" No 10 Smmarlzee nine japers read at session. as, I.I.; LARIN, V.T.; PRUILOV, M.A.; LIBOV, Ye.A.; VORDNITsuyA, L.V.. 'tit Icheakiy redaktor. [The PAS-50 mobIls diesel electric power generator] Peredvishnais dizellnala elektrostantsita PAS-50. Moskva, Goolesbumizdat, 1951. 150 p. [Microfilm] (MLRL 7;11) (Dynamos) (Diesel engines) USSR/Electricity - Personalities~,,,,,, V 51 _(His 50th Birthday !~Z~~_V..._Orkpvskjy and 25 Years of Pedagogical and Public Activity," Frof A. D. Nesterenko, Corr Mem, Acad Sci Ukiainian SSR, Prof I. I. Greben', Dr Tech Sci, Docent V. G. Kholnskiy, Cand Tech Sci, K. V. Zubanov, Chief Engr, Kievenergo, Yu. V. Kart- ashevskiy, Chief Engr, Glavenergo MKKH, Ukrain- ian SSR, A. S. Tarasov, Dir, Kiev Heat and Power Sta, A. A. Zayko, Engr "Ilektriches'llvo" No 11, p 91 Orlovskiy-has been head of the_CIi&iz_2L Central Elec Power stati2n!~j _ELeK_TSjr~~ch_InsjI, since 201T68 USSR/Electricity - Personalities Nov 51 (Contd) 1937, and Dean of the.~l ~n ~ineer~LnS_EgjquIj;y,; A of the latter institute since 1944. At present, be is directing work in the Kiev Polytech Inst on the problem of generating reactive pover in mercury-converter units. Orlovskiy has trained more than 1,500 elec engineers. 201T68 - .,,I I. ( C I I; ~i~) -- "I I IV VlT I C'. A I I (M C I ,Er C I,: ill~'..EF, '-TAT If) I; ');'f. !A f I ffC- CONDI T f4:CVALrrjT III F(~,PF'~T CYr". `,' Tf.- I t~:!. Apr, Frl,!E: IiiY [:rjc!It;EEQIlP. INCT (DI-".CPTATlrt4 Fl*,;~ -Ihr