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radioprotective action of tryptamine derivatives, but does not affect,.
their capacity to constrict vessels and to develop hypoxia. The
radipprotective action mechanisms of eystamine and the investigated
indolylalkylamines differ, Orig, art,,has: 4 fialwass 2 tablego
suwaTTED:- o6Apr63 'DATE ACQ: -28Apr64 ENCL: 00
'NO REF BOV:' 013'
Gard 3/3
L 3452-66 EWT(~M).
ACCESSION N,R- APS024008 UR/0020/651164/002/0441/0444
AUTHOR- Grayevskiv. E. Ya.; Konstantinova, M. M.; Sokolova, 0. M.;
Ta s n to A.
TITLE: On the co.mmon mechanism underlying the radiat~oUFotective yroperties!
of aminothiols and anoxia
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 164, no, 2, 1965, 441-444
TOPIC TAGS- radloprotective agent, reaction mechanism, tissue physiology,
anoxia, organic sulfur compound
ABSTRACT: The work attempts experimental verification of the hypothesis
that the basic mechanism of these radioprotective effects is related to an increas-'
ed level of free sulfhydryl groups in the tissues. White mice aged 8- 12 weeks
I i
were irradiated with 900 r (LD
100/30) and were kept in glass containers to facili-i
tate change of air. The following aminothiols were injected subcutaneously 15-
30 minutes before irradiation or before sulfhydryl. group determination: c 9~arfi-
ine,,cystamine., P -me rcaptopropyla mine, and serotonin. Radioprotection was
determined according to survival beyond 30 days. A spleen homogenate was
r sulfhydryl determination with mercuric chloride under argon or air, It
CU.619 la
L 3452-66
found that all the agents which have a radioprotective effect caused considera;
ble (10-351o) increase (compared to control levels) of the groups in spleen homo-
genate under argon. Some Increase of sulfhydryl groups in air was seen only for
cystamine. If the mice breathed oxygen immediately before and during irradia-
tion, the aminothiol radioprotective effect decreased somewhat, as did the content
in the sulfhydryl groups. This was shown to be unrelated to inactivation through
oxidation of the protectant. It is concluded that the predominant mechanism of
radioprotection is related to an increase of highly reactive endogenous sulfhydryl!
groups, due probably to lesser oxidation and spontaneous reduction of the S-S
bonds. These appear to be highly mobile groups in low molecular compounds
which are inactive products of radiolysis of the biomac ro molecules. Orig. art.
has: 3 tables
ASSOCIATION: Institut morfologii zhivotnykh im. A. N, Severtsova Akddemii
k SSSR (Institute of Animal MorRhology, Academ of Sciences SR)
NR REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 009
/,I V
L 1813-66
ACCESSION NR: AP5024221" UR/002O/65/i64/OO3/o684/o0_5_
AUTHOR: Gr Nekrasova, 1. V.; Terasenko, A. G.
ayevski E.
ness of endogenic sulfhydryl compounder-
TITLE: The antiradiatlon effective
,SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 16h, no. 3, 1965, 684-685
TOPIC TAGS: sulfhydryl group, radioprotective agent, cystamine, mercamine, xray
ABSTRACT: It has been recently established that when various.LE~d!Mr~tective agents
moderate the radiation Injury to biological objects, there is an increase n
conLent of highly reactive, endogenic, aulfhydryl compounds. The purpose of.this r
study was to demonstrate that radioprotective agents do not in themselves axe rt a 1
radioprotective effect, but rather induce the production of active sulfbydryl com-,
pounds which in turn have a radioprotective effect. The source of these compounds'
was spleens taken from mice l.min after killing. The spleen of a live animal was
used as a control. Due to the high lability of sulfhydryls, spleens were placed in
argon immediately after splenectomy and homogenized (oxygen content < 0.003%,
0.3 mi of solution to 200 mg of tissue). After this, the homogenate was drawn into!
a 5-mi syringe containing 2 mt of Erlich ascites taken from the abdomen of animals-._,
15 min after killingi A hyperdiploid Erlich carcinoma strain (4% polyploidal celli).,
L 1813-66
was used, The.original ascites was taken from mice on the 7th day of incubation
diluted with.Ringer's solution 3:1, and injected (4 mi) into the abdomens of,normal
mice. These animals wqre then killed and 2 mt of the ascites was drawn off with an'
argon blown syringe without exposing the abdomen to outside air. The ascites was
mixed for 1 min with the aforementioned homogenate and injected into normal animals.
After 15 min, these animals were irradiated by x-rays (700 r, 50 r/min). The radial--
protective activity of endogenic groups was compared with cystamine and mercamine
mixed with ascites, which were intraperitoneally injected into mice irradiated in
the same manner. Table 1 of the Enclosure presents the results of the experiments
The table shows that spleen homogenate from dead animals noticeably reduced cell,
injuries but that this protective effect was less significant than that of eystamine
and mercamine. Thus, the material indicates that free sulftdryl groups possessin
significantradioprotective activity (capable of reducing injury to ascites-cellsi
are found in the sp'leens of animals under oxygen-free conditionsi It is possible
that the radiosensitivity of various cells and tissues at various stages of their
development m~y be associated with differences in the levels of these particular
types of highly reactive, endogenic,sulfhydryl compounds. Orig. art. has: Itablda-
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut M'orfologii zhivotnykh imeni A. 9. Severteova Akademii nauk, 77
SSSR (Institute of Animal Morphologyj Academy of Sciences' 6SSR)_
L 1813-66
SUBMITrED: 19Mar65 ENCL: 01
NO REF SOVi 002 OTHER: 001
Card -3/4
L ift-3-66
Table 1. Percent of cancer as cites cells with chromosomal aberrations
(late anaphase-early'tblp~hase) after irradiation (700 r) in the ab-
domens of mice
No. Varianto Cell vith renrrangements
04 * M) n
1 Unirradlated 114.0 a 0.94 6
2. Irra diated 77.o 2.6h 10
3. 1 control (air) 7T.6 & 0. 8 6
11 control (argon)
79.2 j 1.36
Homoaenate ot
,,,,een (arton
5. Honogenate of dead
mouse 921gen,
27 P415 R 0.001
n 6. CYstwl
e (5 mg/souse) 66io 1 1.92 20 P3/5 0.01
T.. Hircanine (3 mg/mouse) jjh.5'j 2.hg 1
ard 5
5/7 0.001
L128883-66 EWT (MI
AUTHOR: __1"evskiy,, E. Ya.
ORG: Institute of A nimal Morpbplogj in, Ag N. SeVIerlgoyl. (Institut
itorf ologli z4votnykb)
TITLE: Some results and problems of studying radioprotective
SOURCE: -AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologiabeskayg, no. 3, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS% mouse antiradiation drug, radiation injury,
sulfbydryl groups hypoxia, radiation protection
ABSTRACT: The autbor attempts to sbow that basically the action
meobanism of various radioprotectors is the same; the radioprotectors do
not act directly on an-organism, but exert their radioprotective action
by inerea.sing.the SH group levels. In a series of in vivo and in vitro
experiments tbe effects of radioprotiectors (anoxia# cystamine, maroanine,
serotonin and AET) on SH group levels were investigated in spleen
tissues of mice and*Ebrlich ascitic carcinomacells irradiated witb a
600 or 100 r.dosei SH group levels and cbromosome aberrations' served as
1 /2 unct e,7,7 -1m
L 278i9-66 (M)
XCC _NR, fi600805S
SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/166/004/0974/0977
AU'rHOR! grayevski E. Ta.; Nekrasova, 1. V.; Tarasenko A. G.
ORG: Institute of Morphology of Animals im. A. N. Severtsov, Academy of Sciences
SSSR (Institut morfologii zhivotnykh A ademli nauk -SSSR)_
TITLE*. Effect of radiation Rrotection agent!P(anoxia, cysteamine and cystamine) an
the level of sulfhydryl groups in ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma cells
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dolclady, v. 166, no. 4, 1966, 9711-977
TOPIC TAGS: carcinoma, cancer drug, radiation protection, sul fbydryl group
ABSTRACT: Having previously discovered that the level of endogenous sulfhydryl groups
increases In live organisms under the influence of anoxia and aminothiols, the auth-
ors checked the hypothesis that radiation protection occurs nrt. so. Mudl as a resalt of the
presence of these agents in the body, as of the general increase in the level of SH-
groups. To prove this point,'they show such an increase not only in the
total, living organism but in isolated cells as well. The experiments were performed
on ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma cells after 7-8 dayalcultivation. The sulfhydryl groups
were determined in malignant cells and in the ascitic fluid of normal animals, in.
animals destroyed 10-15 mirr,~ following T1.4noxia",, and in animals which were injected in-
traperitoneally with 5 g of cystamine 15 min prior to taking the mcites sample. In
UDC: 577.3-539.1.047
L 27819-66
ACC NRt AP6008058
addition, sulfhydryl groups were determined in cells to which 0.6 mg/ml of eystamine
and 0.4 mg/ml of cysteamine were added in vitro and incubated for 15 min at 37C. It
was found - that under anoxia the thiol group content increases by 8% in air and
by 18% In argon, while the content of the nonprotein sulfhydryl groups does not change .*
Cystamine causes a 12% increase of the SH groups in the malignant cells in vivo, and
is completely ineffective in vitro. Cysteamine, added to the carcinoma cells in vitro
causes a 36% increase -in SK .
groups, while the nonprotein SH group level in- ,
creases sixfold. It is concluded that the protective effect obtains only.,..' in the
case of an increase in the level of the protein sulfhydryl groups. This is explained
by the itiactivation,of organic radicals formed during irradiation through interaction
with the thiol groups. However, the possibility that the protection depends on the
absolute content of :-SH groups and not on their reactivity is not excluded. Okig; art.
has':- 2t--~iguteg.~ia~ado'3'ltal)IeB*4---in on iil-- "-Tdig, art. has: 2..
04Sep65/ ORIG REr: 003/ -...,ATD. PIMS S,003
L 35889-66
,ACC NR: AP6010870 SOURCE CODE: UR/Olis/66/000/002/0034/0036
~AUTHOR: Grayevskiy. M. M.
ORG: none
TITLE: Dynamic calibration of semiconductor thermiotors
SOURCE: lame ritelnaya takhaika, no. 2. 1966, 34-36
TOPiC TAGS: thermistor, semiconductor thermistor
ABSTRACT: A time-saving method for calibrating semiconductor thermistor is
suggested. A thermocouple or resistance thermometer is used an a referenc:
instrument in a bridge circuit. the calibrating curves are recorded by a two-
coordinate recorder. An both reference and test thermal sensors differ in theirL
thermal inertia, an error of measurement arises; this error can be excluded by
drawing a mid-curve between two heating and cooling curves. An experimental
UDC: 6Zl.3l6.8Z5._03Z.08q.6_____.,__
L 35889-66
ACC NR: AP6010870
verification showed a difference of I-ZC between the calibration curve obtained bi
the above method and the "control points, " which is within the error range of a
O-ZSOC mercury thermometer used in the tests an a reference instrument. Orig.1
art. has: 3 figures and I formula.
SUB CODE, 09 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF; 010
L ~9458-66
ACC NRo AP5025068 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/016/0122/0122
AVTHORSs Zhuchenkof A. W.; Zinin, A. I.; LrW
ORGt none
TITLE: High speed pneuxatio ha=er. Class-49, No- IT4056
SOURCEt Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 16j 1965, 122
TOPIC TAGS: forging hammer, -pneumatic hammerg forging preeaq metalworking., #6A,,-wow#r1c
ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents a high speed pneumatic hammer which
operates at high pressures witha cylinder open at the bottom and with the hammer
acting as the pie-ton (see Fig. 1). To provide reliable holding of the hammer at the
cylinder top and to provide fast automatic release when high pressure air is intro-
duced, the upper part of the pieton-hammer and the lid of the cylinder form matlig
circular surfaces, the lid part of which deforms elastically in the radial direction
when pressurized air is introduced. To simplify ha=er construction and to elimin te
loss of compressed air during the return stroke, a second feature is provided by the
use of a vacuum pump which reduces the pressure above the piston during the return
M)Cs- 621.733.5"-18%.~L ,
L 9458-66
FACC NR, AP5025068
Figo 1. 1 Pistm-hwwer; 2 cylinder;
3 - lid; 4 to 7 - circular mating surfaces.
Orig. art. haso I figure.
SUB CODEt 13/ SM MMs o4jul62
6RAY I- i P_- , F,
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 267 (USSR)
A UT14ORS: Gray(er, Ye. F. , Inishenctskiy, V. 1. - Nikitenko, V. D.
TITLE: Improving the Chemical Properties of Kh25 and Kh28 High-
chromium Steels (Povysheniye khimicheskikh svoystv vy5oko-
khromistykh staley Kh25, Kh28)
PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr. n. -i. in-t met.allov.
1957, Nr 3, pp 85-91
ABSTRACT: Kh25 (EI 181) and Kh28 (El 349, EZh 27 steels are dist-
ingui5hed by an undesirable tendency toward grain growth when
heated >9000C, such coarse granular structure not being sus-
ceptible to correction by subsequent heat treatment. The only
method of correcting the structure of such steels is by a high
degree of deformation ending at low temperature azid not accoin-
panied by any significant degree of recrystallization. Experi-
mental work under various conditions was undertaken at. t.he
Dne pros pets stall plant with the object of finding optimal condi-
tions for heating and forging that would guarantee the mechan-
ical properties of these steels in accordance with GOST (All-
Ca rd 1/2 Union State Standard) 5949-51. The optimum technology
Improving the Chemical (cont. )
proved to be one in which forging terminated at not over 8000, and the work
hardening thus produced was removed by high -temperature tempering at
7000 for 8 to 10 hours.
L G.
1. Steel--Chemical properties 2. Chromium--Chemical effects
Ca rd 2/2
AP6=506 SOURCE CODEi UR/0133 23 0
AUTHORS: Moshkovich. Ye. Io (Candidate of,technical aciencen)i Ggb!7ev Kh
Smolyakov, ov, V. P,; GrW Sp~rp Ia. I.;
V. F.; Frants a Ye I Zj
M. I. (Engineero); Yelinson, Go Le kEngineer)
ORG: none
TITLE: Manufacture of high-alloy steels vith normalized phase composition
SOURCE: Stalls no. 4j, 1966p 323-326
TOPIC TAGS: alloy steels chromium steel alloy, high alloy.steel 016N9Walloy
steel, OKhl8NlO alloy steel, Khl8N9 11 steel, 04Khl7NIOIV- alloy steel /I
ABSTRACT: The possibility or obtaZing stainless steelsiand intermediate type
steels having a normalized phase composition (1 - 5% ferrite) under industrial con-
ditions was studied. The experiments were carried out in electrical furnaces of
5-50 tons capacity, on charges consisting of fresh steel and scrap metal respec-
tively.- The o99.999%);
Card 1/3 manganese contained 3, C and P impurities (some tenth of a 1/000),
Radiographic Investigation of the Thermal Expansion SOV/56-35-4-11/52
of the Antiferromagnetic Compound MnTe
tellurium had impurities of Cu, Ag, Bi, Sb and As (~0.0001%).
The samples had the shape of disks of 1 mm thickness with a dia-
meter of 9 mm. The thermal expansion coefficient was determined by
the radiographic method developed by Kosolapov and Trapeznikov
(Ref 9) (initial values: Lattice congtant a=4.0401 (200C), linear
expansion coef f icient - =25.5 - 10- /degree; calculation of the
lattice parameters according to the lines 0 35),,(l, (306)-,, and
(135)'c2, (306).x2; photographic camera type:KW-1 ; tube with
Cu anticathode, AKtj =1.537, WKa2 =1.541 I)- Investigations
were carried out in the tenperature interval of 250 - 3700K
at TN = 3100K. The results obtained are shown by a table
(9 temperature values). Figure 2 shows the temperature
dependence of the lattice parameter u.. The exponential rise up
to the peak (TO is clearly marked; the following dip of the
curve (at T >3100K) results in A-c of 12.10-5, which deviates
considerably from the Neel value (6.10-5)(Greenwald, T N=329 0K).
Card 2/3
Radiographic Investigation of the Thermal Expansion SOV/56-35-4-11/52
of the Antiferromagnetic Compound MnTe
Finally, the dependence of TN on a homogeneous pressure from
all sides is investigated. Result:
dTN/dp = 2.6 * 10-3dogree/kg-om-2
The authors finally thank A. K. Barskaya for her help and
valuable advice. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 13
references, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute.for Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 10,1958
Card V3
9 (2), 28 (2) SOV/115-59-10-8/29
AUTHORS: Grazhdankina N.P Domanskaya, L.I. and Kikoin, A.K.
TITLE: Measuring the High Pressure Chamber Temperature With
a Thermal Resistor
PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 10, pp 18-21 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author studied the possibility of replacing the
thermo-couples by thermal resistors to measure the tem-
perature in high pressure chambers. As the use of ther-
mocouples requires very extensive research to calcula-
te the effect of very high pressures on their precision,
t~e author tentatively investigated the possibility of
using Soviet produced thermal resistors of the MMT-4
type (copper-manganese) (Fig 1). The investigation of
the influence of high pressure on the precision of
thermal resistors at 5,000 kg/sq cm and 8,000 kg/aq cm
pressure was made in two high pressure chambers. In
the first chamber the temperature was 15.6, 17-39 18.5,
24.4, 33.2 and 35.20C at a pressure up to 59000 kg/sq
Card 1/2 cm; in the second chamber the temperature was 17.40C
Measurin,cr the High Pressure Chamber Temperature With a Thermal
at a pressure of tip to 8,000 kg/sq cm. The resistance
of the resistors was measured with a bridge having an
error possibility of up to 0.5 ohm. Graphs 2,3 and 4
show the results of these tests. A table showing the
corrections which must be introduced in the tempera-
ture indicated by a thermal resistor is given in the
article. The table shows that a resistor is no more
precise than a thermocouple. The high pressure cham-
bers were constructed according to the plans prepared
by M.I. Oleynik and V.A. Stepanov. There are 3 graphs,
1 diagram, 1 table and 5 references 1 of which is
Soviet, 2 French, 1 American and 1 Canadian.
Card 2/2
NO 0 (0 Z'/./" ", 116 B004/BO7O
AUTHORS: Gaydukov, L. G., Grazhdankina, N. P., Fakidov,
TITLE- Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of
Magnetization of Chromium Telluride A
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol. 39, No. 4(10), PP. 917-922
TEXT: The aim oAthe authors was to find out whether chromium telluride
is ferromagneticlor ferrimagnetic. For this purpose, the temperature
dependence of the spontaneous magnetization 6. was investigated in the
neighborhood of the Curie point. The chromium telluride was prepared by
melting together powders of chromium and tellurium. Fig. 1 shows the
magnetocaloric effect AT as a function of 62. 02 was obtained by
(628. 62 = _
extrapolating to T - 0. Fig. 2 ahows Hi/d - f s a/0 was obta*ined.
from aa + P13 . H (1), and was found to be in good agreement with the
experimental data. In the temperature range IT - OfI 04-50C, a is a
I. G.
Card 1/3
Investigation of the Temperature Dependence S/056/60/039/'004/003/048
of Spontaneous Magnetization of Chromium B004/BO70
linear function of temperature: da/dT = 40, while P remains almost
constant and lies between 1 and 0.6. The Curie temperature determined
from the condition a = 0 is 60OC; this is somewhat higher than that
determined from the magnetocaloric effect (550C), from the temperature
dependence of the electrical resistance (57.50C), and from the maximum
of the galvanomagnetic effect (58.00C). C1B obtained by the three methods
are compared in Fig. 3. The results agree well with each other in the
range T < Of. The rate of change of the spontaneous polarization of CrTe
brought about by temperature was determined from equation (2).
(as/a 0) = j(1 - T/ Of) was found to be 2.40 - 2.46 (Fig. 4)- In the
paramagnetic region, the magnetic susceptibility obeys the Curie - Weiss
law )c = CM(T - 0), where CM 1.97, and 19 = 3470K. The authors interpret
the results by means of the s d exchange model of ferromagnetism.
Pending a final decision by means of a neutronographic investigation,
the authors come to the conclusion that CrTe is not ferrimagnetic but
ferromagnetic which is characterized by weak n - d exchange interaction.
---a ~ /7
Investigation of the Tewperatui'o 3/056/60/03 91111,104/00 3 /048
of Spontaneous magnetization of Chromium B0000"I 0
Among others, the authors mention V. P. Krasovski , K. P. Belov, A. Z.
Menishikov, S. A. Nemnono , S. V. Vonsovakiy, A. K. Kikoin, and K. B.
Vlasov. There are 4 figures and 17 references: 8 Soviet, 2 US, I Canadian,
4 French, 1 German, and 1 Japanese.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallGv Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
the Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences. USSRF-
Sverdlovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut
(Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute)
SUBMITTED: April 27, 1960
Card 3/3
I C S/056/61/040/002/006/047
BI 13/~214
AUTHORSt Q~razhdankina, N. P., Gaydukov, L. G., Rodiono.v, K.. P 0,1
010-y-alyt-M.--T-.,--sh-chipanovi, V. L.
TITLE: Effect of pressure on the electrical resistance and the
galvanomagnotic effect in chromium telluride
PERIODICAL#. Zhurnal eksperimental'AOY i te--eticheakoy fizikil To 409
no. 2, 1961t 433-440
TEXTj The temperature dependence-of the electrical resistance and the
isothermal lines of the galvanoma#netic effect r .,AR/R were measured in--
thZ,temper~ture range of magnetic transformation at a pressure of
46 kg/cm . A high-pressure chamber of suatenitic steel was used for
the measurement. The object to be observed was placed in the lower
part of the chamber which was situated between the poles of an electro-
magnet. There wort five electric leads in the upper par
t of the chamber.. .
One of these was used for measuring the electrical resistance of a -
Manganin manometer. The other four leads were used for the measurement
of the electrical resistance of the preparation and the measurement of
Card 1/5
Lffect of pressure on the...
temperature. The hydrostatic pressure in the chamber was produced by
ma&n5 of a high-pressure compressor according,to the system of
L. F. Vereshchagin. Measurements shoved that the electrical resistance
-of chromium telluride increased with the pressurel no hysteresis effect
wan observed. In the pressure range used R-1
T dR/dp was equal to
4 1 2
(14-1-5)10- kg- cm . On the basis of this, it was assumed that a Com.
preauio'n on all sides must lead to a shift of the Curie point of
chromium telluride toward lower temperatures. However, this effect must
be sufficiontly large. Direct measurements of the temperature dependence
of the elitrical resistince at atmospheric pressuge :nd a resaure of
4600 kg/cm gave for the Curie point the values 58 a
nd 31 C,
:respectively. Them following formula holds for the change of the Curie
:.;_-.point def/dp of chronjua telluride caused by a change in the pressure
-1 2
on all 'aides i d9 /dp cm '--This .. was
checked by'& measurement of the galvanomagnatic effect r - 4R/R at high
r In this case, 40 dp was determined for a pressure a
p essure
C r
a d 2/5
Effect of pressure on the... B113 B214
600 kg/cm2 and a field of 8000 oe fron the shift of the maximum of the
galvanomagnetio effect. It was found that
dof/dp . -6.2-10-3 deg-kg- 1. on 2. By means of the compressibility
-10 .7cm2kg, dO 25
f/dV was deterained to be 3.2-10 deg-ca-3. The
change of Curie temperature is related to the reduction in the inter-
atomic distance on account of the substitution of tellurium atoms by
). in order to obtain exact results on the
selenium (CrTe
temperature of magnetic transformaM.on cl* Ae alloy CrTe
,and on
the dependence of its change an the volume of the unit cell, three
different methods were used for the determination of ef. First, it was
determined from the bend of the R(T) curves; secondly, from the maximum
of the galvanomagnotic effOctl and thirdly, -rom the vanishing of
spontaneous magnetization# determined by the asthod of "thermodynamic
coeffi6ientall (T a 9 for a - 0). Al-ays the same value was obtained for
def/dY, which showed that the integral of volume interaction in the
Card 3/5
Effect of pressure on the.** B113/B214
system Cr-Te is proportional -.,o the decrease of the volume of the unit
cell. The dimensions of tht qnit call were determined by X-ray analysis.
It was possibleto obtain the law of the dependence of the galvano-
magnetic effect on the magnetic field strength at the Curie point by.
. It was found that for chromium
using the theory of thermodynamics
telluride and CrTe Sol r,%L, H for T 6, the authors obtained
0-93 0. 070 >
r The dependence of the galvanomagnetic effect on the temperature
in CrTe and in CrTe 0 at atmospheric preosure as well an at a
0 0-07
pressure of 4 0 kg/0Y
60 a was studied. It was found that for T