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Against latvian Menshevik exiles, history falsifiers. Vestis I&tv
ak no. Ils 5~-22 160. (Ew 10:9)
(Iatvia-History) (Latviame in foreign countries)
5~ -
ACC N" AR6022380 (Y) SOURCE CODE: UR/0397A5/ooO/024/0012/0012
UTHOR: Berkes Ae K,;_Gr8udinys, Z. Y%*
ITLE: Effect of psyebopbarmecological agents on the course of manic
epressive psychosis
,OURCE: Ref, zh, Parmakologiya. Toksikologlya, Abs. 24-54-90
.EF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. kliniche nevrol. i psikbistrii. T. 4. Tartu#
.965, 56-59
OPIC TAGS2 pharmacology, psyebopathologyt eblorpromazine, tranquilizer
ABSTRACT: Case histories of 65 patients with a manic-depressive *
psychosis treated with ablorpromazine alone and combined with other
tranquilizers, with antidepressants, and insulin shook therapy are
presented; also, case histories of 44 patients treated by other methods
without the use of payebotropic preparations are presented. It was
established that with the use of psychotropic preparations, particularly
cblorpromaiines the mean duration of the manic and depressive phases
does not chazige and the mean duration of remission (particularly
following depressive phases) is considerably reduced. Thus$ before use
of psychotropic preparations, the remission period following the manic
Archaeological excavations at the Agrariesi Burial Ground in the
village of Auri. Vestis Latv ak no.6113-28. 160.
(IFAI 10: 9)
1. Iatvijas PSR Zinatnu, akademija, Vestures un materialas kulturas
Articles =do of bona found in Iatvia; ist millenium B.C. Veatler Ietv
ak iko.3:13-28 161. (EUI 10: 9)
1. latvijas PSR Zinatan akademdja, Vestures instituts,
Ancient buildings in Latvia, lot millenium B.C. and the beginning
of our era (according to arebaelogical data). Vestis Latv ak no.4!
3-20 161. (EEAI 10:9)
1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija, Vestures instituts.
TYNISSON, E.[Tinisons, F..];-GRAtMOIJIS, Ya.[Graudonis, J.]
Faccavations of Livonian burial mounds in Krimulda. Vestis Iatv ak
no.10:37-54 161.
1. Akademiya nauk.Iatviyakoy SSR, Institut istorii.
(Krimulda region-Excavatione(Archaeology))
(Krimulda region-Antiquitiea)
_ A,.[ Gmudina, ~L. 1; PETROU, X.;. SORMINA, A.
Gum rays from inelastic scattering of 2.95 Mov. neutrons in La'39.
Ventis Latv ak no,5:61-64 161.
Graudynt, N. I. - "The flexibility of the akin of Merino and hybrid sheep as
a measure of their productivity". Sbomik nauch, rabot (Vaesoyuz. nauch.-isaled.
in-t ovtaevodstva, i-kozovodatva), Issue 16,, 1948., P. 53-70,, - Bibliog: 11 items.
So: U-3042, 11 March 53, ( Utopia 'Zhurnal #rWkh Statey, No. 7, 1949).
Graudvnf. N. I., Kuk-harchu~; V. V. -nd. Kremneva, V.. Ye. - "Study of the grades of meat
fro6 sheeT),11 Sbornlk nauch. rebot (Vapsozm7. nauch.-Issled. in-t ovtsevodstva I
kozovodstva), Issue 1?, 1948, D. 151-73
SO: 'U-L-355, 1L' August 53, (L-topis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 15, 19L:9)
YJ , ,,, , I -
USSR / Farm Animals.
Small Horned Stock. Q-3
Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54787.
Author :,Graudyn' N. I., Ovchinnikov, M. A., Karamushko,
A-.- ~., ~maschev, I. Z.
Inst :Not given.
Title :On the Breeds and Methods of Sheepbreeding in
Northern Caucasus.
Orig Pub: -Gvtsbv6dsttQ, 1957, 12, 13-20.
Abstract: No abstract.
Card 1/1
,- ~ J;. - -I.-.--- " -
Some problems of the selection work of breeding sheep with
fine wool in the Forthern Caucasus. Analele agric zooteh 17
no.6:123-128 F-D'63-
3/19 62/000/001/001/002
B1 17YB1 04
A HORS: _2_rAW4nvL_ _L_ .1 Kostochkin, 0., Petrzhak, K_ Sorokina, A.
TITLE- y-rays im inelastic scattering of 2-95-.Mev neutrons from
Al 27
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Latviyak,)y SSR. Izvestiya-, no. 1 (174),
1962, 51-52
TEXT: The authors studied y-transitions of 11 27 with the aid of the
spectra of the y-rays forming in inelastic scattering of 2.95-Mev neutrons.
The studieu wore made with a ocintillation opeotromotor, thei exporimontal
conditions were the same as in Ref. I ~V. M. Adamov, L. Ya. Graudynya,
K. A. Petrzhaky A. V. Sorokinaq Izv. AN Latv. SSR, no, 59 1961). The
Weight of the circular Al-scatterer was 333 g. The neutrons scattered by
the Al-scatterer into the crystal interact with the NaI(Tl) crystal and
bring about a I-background. The background I-ray spectrum was measured
with an organic-glass scatterer. The number of scattering &toms was the
same in aluminum and organic glass. Besides the already known 1-1-4nes
with 0.84, 1.02, and 2.25 Mev an additional line with 2.82 Mev was
Card 1/2
yo-rays in inelastic scattering B117/B104
detected. Two more lines with th I energies of 1~23 and 1.76 Mev were
d'oserved which are assigned to Al 7 by some scientists and which are
associated with the 2-75-Mev level which has hitherto not been observed
in the inelastic scattering of neutrons from aluminum, These two lines
are assumed to have formed as a result of the pair production O&used by
2.25-Mov y-quanta in the NaI(Tl) crystal and by the subsequent emergance
of one (1-76 Mev) or two (1.23 Mev) annihilation quanta from the crystal.
This assumption is confirmed by the dependence of the intensity ratio of
the 1.25-~ 1.76-, and 1.23-Mev lines on the crystal dimensions. A check
experiment with an aluminum scatterer placed at an angle of 900 to the
deuteron beam showed that the two lines (1.23 and 1.76 Mev) were present
although the neutron gnergy was not sufficient to excite levels higher
than 2.25 Mev in A127. Hence the A127 spectrum has the following I-trarqi-
tions: 0-839 1.029 2.25, and 2.82 Mev. There are 1 figure and
10 references: 3 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet.
SUBMITTED: July 149 1961
Card 2/2
Gamn rays produced In ine2astic scattering of 2.95 Mov. neutrow
on j.127, Ls,139., and B209. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 25 no*10:1283-
1285 0 161. (MM 14:10)
(Neutrons-Scattering) (Gskma rays--Spectra)
.'Uk .~ j
j1UTHOR.';: Praudynya, L. Kostochkin, 0. 1., Petrzliak, K. A.,
Sorokina, A. V.
TITLE: Camma rays produced in inelastic scattering of 2-95-Mev
neutrons on Ta181 nuclei
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42,'
no. 2, 1962, 349 - 352
TEXT: With the experimental arrangement shown in Fig. 1 the excitation
spectrum was measured with a scintillation gamma spectrometer in annular
geometry. Its resolution for the 0.66-blev gamma lines of CON was iv/..
The soft spectrum up to 1 Mev was measured using a 286 g metallic Ta ring
scatterer; for the hard spectrum an annular container of organic glass
used, filled with'818 g Ta powder. The measuremento were made in the
0 - 35-3 Mev. The following gamma peaks were observed: 0.35, 0.42,
r'.57, 0.620 0-76~ 0.86, 1.24, 1-479 1.90 and 2.11 tolev. The peaks at
-,nd 1.60 Mev are attributed to pair production in the NaI(Tl) crystal
i n d 2. 11 -M e v- gamma quan t a. There was no 0.958-Mov level, but all
3/05 62/042/002/006/055
Gamma rays produced in inelastic ... B102YB136
the gamma transitions observed can be obtained without introducing thin
level. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 0 referencent 2 Soviet and 6
non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language pubiica-
-tions read as follows: A. 11. Muir, F. Boehm. Phys. Rev. 122, 1564, 1961,
F.' Boehme.P. Marmier. Phys. Rev., 103, 342, 1956; R. Day. Phys. Rev. 102,
767, 1956; B. Guernsay, A. Wattenberg. Phys. Rev. 101, 1516, 1956.
ASSOCIATIOR: Radiyevyy institut kkademii nauk SSSR (Radium -Institute of
the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 17, 1961
Legend to Fig. 1: (1) Deuteron beam;
(2) deuterium target, (3) lead
shielding cone, (4) annular Ta scatterer,
NaI(Tl) crystal, (6) photomultiplier 8
7 screen of black paper.
T 7__
Card 2/2 a4 7-
"Possibilities of magnesia cement production." (p. 320). STAVIVO (Ministerstvo
stavabnich hmot) Praha, Vol 31, No 11, Nov. 1953.
SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8, Aug 195.4
va'dur,"10, 1- A.
Batishcheva, M. G., Grauerman, L. Ass Karantsevich, L. G., Mironova,, A. N. and Papov,
K. S. Application of the methods of molecular spectmal analysis to the
investigation of fats. Pages 458 -465.
Scient. Research Inst. of
Physics of the A. A.
Zhdanov Leningrad State
Uni. and The All Union Scient.
Research Inst. of Fats.
SO: Bulletin of the academy of Sciences, Isvestia, (USSR) Vol. 14., No. 4.
(1950) Series on Physics.
SAPAmm. Itof-, --u,.,I-.; GRAUERMAN, L.A.; KOSYAKOV. I.Ye.
Pilot plant testing of method for obtair'-g carotene from the leaves of
green plants. Trudy Bot.inst.~Ser.4 no.5;282-291 '53. (KLRA 6:6)
1. Botanicheskly institut imeni V.L. Komarova akademii nauk SSSJL
USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Fats and oils.
Waxes. Soap. Detergents. Flotation Reagents, 1-25
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimlya, No 19, 1956, 63463
Author: PalladinaJ, 0. K., Grauerman, L. A.
Institution: All Union Scientific Research Institute of the Fats Industry
Title: Twenty-Five Years of Research on Margarine Production
Feriodicali Maslob.-2hir. prom-st'. 195~, No 71 B-12
Abstract: On researches of the All Union Scientific Research Institute of the
Fats Industry
Card 1/1
in tha gudy
method of arwy-js hm ieretaind (nr lonethain
mr.atd. agids. The mfth