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On the thermodynamics ... E039/E435
concentration is calculated for some binary solid solutions
(1) 3a(Ti,Sn)03; (2) Bn(Ti,Zr)03; (3) (Ba,Sr)Ti03;
(4) (Pb,Sr)Ti03; (5) (Ba,Pb)Ti03- For small concentrations the
temperature of the phase transition E) for solid solutions is
given by
where xj is the molecular concentration of the added component;
al is the derivative-of with respect to xi, and.
0 = C--) xl=x2:-- Xn -- 0 In the simpler case,of phase
transitions of the second kind an expression is obtained for the
dependence of the coefficient, (x on concentration for constant
temperature and pressure. r
a = a I (T + ax) (7)
0 0
After a detailed analysis for transitions of the first kind an
Card 2/3
On the thermodynamics ...
an expression is obtained relating electrostriction with the
composition of solid solutions. There are 2 figures.
NSSOCIATION: Rostovskiy,;--na-Donu gosuniversitet
(Rostov-on-Don State University)
SUBMITTED: October 26, 1960 (initially)
September 4, 1961 (after revision)
Card 3/3
S/070., '@2"
TITLE- The Aaracter of the chemical-bonds in ferroellectric
crystals of the AB03 perovskite-type
PERIODICAL: Kristal-lografiya, v-7,-no.4 ': ig 6 6,4- 6 69
TEXT: The magnitudes of the effective charges on the'--i:6ns,,in
ferroelectric perovskite type crystals are-estimated-and-from-these
the covalent radii'af the ions are calculated-andithe-dependence on
composition of the 'iemperature of the phage Itrans-it�ons -i-'s
qualitatively discus sed. The distributiok -of lihes of - for-cc
between the ions is calculated according to Paul ing I -s' vul-es'. As
the 0 ions screen the two types of cations,from@each other, the
A-B interactions are.neglected but- 0-0 interactions are included.
The effective charges are thus calculated'a'nd by,*R. Sanderson's
formula-0. Chem. Phys. v.24, 1956,'166) the ionic radii are
calculated by Zr-3 = 4.19 pE where P is the electron density of
the isoelectronic gas (interpolated between the actual rare gases if
necessary) and E is the 'electronegativity of the ion. The data.
(tabulated) confirm the hypothepis of a considerable covalent
Card 1/2
The chara cter of the chemical 21.-32/E:435
character in the bonding. With increasing covalent character
the transition temperature from the ferroelectric state to the
paraelectric would be expected to increase. There are 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet
(Rostov-on-Don State.University)
SUBMITTED: October 26, 1961
Card 2/2
- - ----------
L 13082-K (0/EMIL'b -0 /P'-:, 1Jr
ASD(f)-2/ASD(a)-5/Ai;~4L/7-3D(gs)/FSD~t) 0@
ACCESSION NR: AP404736D S/0139,,"64/000/005/0131/0134
AU-1-HOR: Granovskiy, V. G.
TITLE: Effect of elastic stresses an the parameters of golid solu-
tions having forroelectric properties
SOURCE: IVM21. Fizika, no. 5. 1964, 131-134--
TAGS.: piezoelectric, modulus, phase transition, solid solution,'
elastic stress, ferroelectric material, polarization
ABSTRACT: The dependence of the piezoelectric moduli and the phase
.transition temperature on the composition in the presence of elastic
stresses is investigated for solid solutions ha-iinc ferroelectric
properties. These investigations are of _C_ ;r,,
practical use of the piezoelectri- pr-)p-er,.-"es 0@: 17er-
erials. Special attent@or s pai.
avmmetry admits of -a connection between
C 6
CCESS 014 NR: AP4047360
the strains and polarizations along the ferroelectric axis. By ex-
panding the thermodynamic potential in powers of the polarization and
considering only normal stresses, the author shows that the car-n-acyi.
h@,tween the strain and the-elactric fleid -intensity exhibits hystere-_
'-allatvior. The ahiftln-@the temperature of the phase transition
occurring upon application of a stress is taken Into account, and
the coefficient for the temperature variation of -@he stress is evalu-
ated for the case of first and second order phase trans4_tions. It is
concluded that the shift in the temperature of the phase transition,
can be determined from the calculations presente-44. must be ta-
in-_c. -account in the investigation -.)f th-@ p-:-Oper-
solutions. Orig. irt.
.__N: Rostovskiy gasuniversitet (Rostov S+.
-N@-L: 90
n REF SOV- 1302 OTHER: 001
0006*006*0060000049 Joel
0. .
it 1) 11 m it 6, it at 14 a
11118 jillimart:X11 U13 un I'm MUM 'ILI
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A Dail"isation of gets In the maftor-diKkap penod. V.
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by the coincra
The trend of the
romwa being dctd
and by
the Velocities of the reiduAl ion-4 and electron4 fornsol .041
during the %sattioutry d6charge slagar, and (2) dclamitation .9
0 0 in the presence of voltage on the electrodes im general CAW dimemitm% of the alculatuiny sp4m it waN fgair"I that thr '00
oftionstationstrydiwharlici. The change of the disttibu- initial concu. L4 p.11% with A gi%i-11 '"(1,11t ill'I'A-4 Wkillt
tion of electron velctaitics with time is dimuswd. The the rise in farcssum. The cibmt of the fall Of the elrctr,,n
0 0 dectrou temp. falls off cipowntially, the velocity Of tht tenip. was oliwrvtd in all tulx@ and at all pit-mirr,. At
h 400
j e
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alvert-aw cd The temp. 7.
eing the greater t
e ,high pressur,,, With A jalm.
@ it was nitarc itrouttly mailird.
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er p. d. an the pralbot, of anure than 12 v. @xm(IATY SU4%. III =
fluir total. wt. The diffusion coeff. D. decrease* ac- the dejonizagion a,tale 2ppcAr in the 'd PftAw
* zo 0
cording to the sante law as the
r.. At very low prelistares current. They are expLuited by cullisil"I
0 0 dinten-
the diffusion process cannot be regarded as diffusion. At Arising froin the growth of the shcAth thickatt-4
ation c
% into
pressure rec
. SIOUS VIC'n-1111111 111C VhVillill-fitt Palt
I'he "katitan ptoerm wai Investigated by taking eatlataila, trit1v 1'.-
ray olicillographsta( the protaccurrent. ThevAluesolth.:
obttained km current i, and of the coerected ion current
a' (corrected to allow for the variable ruagnitude of the 1,
ratbus of the pas. sheath around the probe) In Wim-3 tf, le
0.16. U.M. 0.50. U.W in tatillisec. are given. mp., tit
milliamp. imig, Q.45" 0.144, UAM; Utml' 0.101, IMMI,
U.01IM; AMP-M, ImM. Jai the expil. investigation of 11a;
v"Por drionization at varinuai pfriasures and (tic varions
Igo 3@
it, '.4li 4-w' 'S'
It -t AT to Ll 011 of it
0" is
0 0 0 o a
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14 a ad 0 0 . I Is Im !r a a
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a v 'A
I S 4 1 Is I I V it U 11 W tS J$ U it a is a n jo is )0
L 4 q i - 1. 00
es, utiumstion 'and cittoticatiat: of cmPOIX-furaAce, Cities
M. Rufal orich Anil V. 1- Q-ppiqvlkil I-11ri, 11
No. 1. 13-04 19-1141 19ji. it,
410, ('111.1wilts Stfartl(enle"It were te't"I IN'th tirrorrileally ill'i
002 i IrgeorlOllott of tile XAW, 11Y the 411,111 'if
ht-At hotts withoist or try their own Item in the KA,t6,-.&lmo
09 tit coke. (2) mixing of tile gawt witIt gawmi. flTO nt In",
healing inshle. !3) borninx of the gi, with the IlAt if,. 1-00
vvIoj,ir,I 1,ei'lig 1-4 (,it l',tip"IMI"It tit vvKen,t4ti,,tI .( -00
'I'mu. (4) oI Isle R's- nh-ll ol,lume 0,,
heat Inothaml and t J- Im, It, M I It, K t,, dw at,o -001
of thc-ic Achrrnc@. only (3) k uu-Int under i1wiamig vo,& MOO
ditions. The advxntm'jrv% and di@advavnagr. of wing tire
heat for reel"Walion are lHictivied. M. G. Mozire
900 =00
I Is
I sea-" 1voiliv.
*I/ SWOOV lapaw gap Gv alit
U S AV 09 A, ;--I - - - - a n --Zvi ie
a 111111111111.1t Nunn of" A I a fm 0 5 4 a 3 9 ; ,
14 9 0 * 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 & * 0 0 44ftts!@
00 see
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A@ A. I x A It A & -
fit -.0 14 0 olot&)
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:60 it
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41 is ill 4; r 0
0 A.-
Diffaeles of loss In 0 4indiaMe Suid the Initial fate Of 941 <
delssizatin. 1-Y,L.Granovskil. rrml.actid.
sci. V. R. S. S. 25. 991-MIMMIMliglitill); cf. C. A.
33. 074911,-The diffu4ims thri,ty il ii-Ail to vale. the alubi-
I%.let tfiflu@iovf "WIT. 1). Alul 0. Ille 1-1 .,1 file rquAllon
ov;fts J140, wheiv Nu,"l. 1i Ow loll.-I the hut.-ou'll
ef the Wall It, that ill .1. 1. lunction.-I
tern toilet. 1). il, cAt'll. fill 2 11111111111t 11) 1111" 1
'lonipathm unit (2) cunuil.itivr itantAtkin. Theilutmem.41
al"I clipti. values of A oludinvil (luns plOW
its It Ile val"ir th.-charrov 1111W ulr 1.1 11gler.
thod. KNIS fill. --Thr Olvioulsioli'll iiiine 4-1141,1 -;Ill be
Coh-to. lit"ll Ifir 14-141foll , -
11. all love 0011 A J.-Imlitali"ll ba, it,.
value. the initial value (r.) call lk- vulcd. I ht,w CA, it,.
err rouipared with thow dt-til. by InOw-
with a cathevir alcithigraph. The ir,ull. aic i I I f.
jOR less Ihan0,2 film. fig the ralcti. valui@;uv in attlevinvill
with frifill., (2) wills lulw% of later ditun. lite lw,l pKirv-
tucrit torture whm 1). Is calcil. cou the lm%iq of ift-runlulativ,,
itinisation. (3) for smallcr ouhc% list value (if r, 14 inirf.
mediate between thow calcol. firrou the 2 as,luniptioni on
0. awl (4) in cavitif pRininr thanO.25cin. fig. the initi.11
di%ifurgratiOll role k STMICI 111311 file CAM. V@11110 Will,
rithrl .4 file a-lituption.. Fall A, Gulf.,vum-u
16, 1 t A -CIA4.1.060CAL CILAIJOPKAY100
@l ul.', I 1, 4 It 1.
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it 1) to Is 11 It mpirv
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A-.)--& - ar a I - j J-- Imt. 0111 1-TY.Alk 0 M i A. J-A J-i-h -j k.
00 c do .00
00 .00
of modmimery Ow. at an *mk
*me WA .00
3- nj,,m
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00 oo INM of U. 00
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a I.P. 4b
chworip; ii is a
wwArd Possik"Milln of Sdwxtky's diff
00 us
on ghmV
00 lAss ssoso-osliooosoo@ ".I.,
S.M041-A -A .&-Blow Lit
0 10 Is
0 40 0 go J`O 0 gee .0 1 atw 0 0 9 1 N m 0 a 4 :o I V
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0699 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : :
*A so" d *A lusts - aftbo"
Is SUM-V. I- Gramollbily. (C. AV. 3.aif. Sic
U.R.S.S.. pp, 6-,t, ?iN-. In
Varying diuclsarp PlIN1101111COA 111,1)' tW
(a) timia ASMICBA" with the Aft-
trimi itirrua of the discharp. (b) Mae amuciAted
with the theraul jilerlia al O)w if" anil Ow A I -
(it sylicni. The pApt !I . %at I (A), with tho
JIM., 184[ --l, 1`1011 IIIA.M4 10 She 111,1111
J'Art .11 OW dlKbAldf. 2. Dil,111,41111I.-Ilt 'kilirl.1
1 C.4"J"T .6th calls'lutti,04% cull"d.
3. '.- --It too Ia.. 111@4 IUAII .1-111A'o t ry Sisni,11-4tAr diflu,illt%).
M4XWlrlliAJ1 91CCIFUNI YchwitV di,,ttibuil-al.
by ctill".u wilh 04% kwlmullib. ". Thr
44911SAI ISJOIS13 Am dimfly u*ssed. S. 1ulw -it-
MoLd to a A-urce 4,11 thmugh a
Furniulae are given for thc I-Alance ill wii,. the
CqUAI141#1 ill UJI11141illn, the bAIAMC ill VnVIgV M Site
Olect!"I" C.". Ow "JuAk.11 of "w1l.111tv And tilt
tossr"t. 14V lilt %J 11.1y I'll A
w4wwl to this I-AIWF.
*:A - - -
am "I III
ti Fw a a I If ld 5 a a
10 A:9 of (f ft low* lilt OCR Ruff lifirwis 1114
6 0 0 0000 f see e 00 61@
so JJA
0010 0 so
r u A LAA of
" '9
Vbl@(Illjt A@ 161,1111111 -01-
A a A 4:f,
ApW@ Sri' b"vi b W pwitive cohimi ii
Q@ We dIM WW the I-- "All"Ink In 1116 wow .00
jImlischarps the ziniumity laws hold only for low p"Immms.
1. C. 141.cimn% =00
(C.R. Ariod. ',I V.P.Ss.
iepFTeJ. 11.4. Net. 1, y"', I- Il. In
F-juati-41, ""V@ dryfl-.1w. a InveklOn.
R fered, S, 1 1'. . V'd :(, No ..
i;Y.n-Ay) dr..-iihnir the dynmow late, .,I the-
ria-ma initirr olaffm%lim ven4liti-ma In the* 1141%,
to-mini,ioms are droluercj fmin thrin tier t,mthti-ins
of IMAII pRiFfUlleAtillnel JA) The. mblim,iiI.A."m
ther variable c-nnlwment@ J ther di,,harur 1mr.j.
movis old not :Ir7rul -in the e,%trrnal 11,111t
(Iq I he leim-eigr .11 tra"mrolt I, I,-1 L3.
PIV,mil" PrAt"T than a minal %Aur. %net Wnw"l
.-IllAt.'ry feet W-F Isteme'ur- (,I I 'er. I -i I@
tium (MO411114114"I (11-4@hiltgrl atr And
137113,13% SC11114JUAIIJIlAtiVe COITKIIM111IN 14'.111%tel *in
Ihir relilum%hip lm-t%rm the mdulatiog r tit I anil
IIW CUIFfint, lUttictV C.MCentFAtwn, ete.
VW= d So fkiimiii d a Wer-1homm
Almh -1,`t
U.S.S.R.. ItJ4
,ZW, 8, @ 4,
de6mio.otkm, 0
="c'-fibrewric New is removed. hsprrw@ns
itts, tkrlvw 11iftm"kally for the rates of tk%* of
1160 is"Valkirs amid cuffia"IMUDII of tboolft-tv is.
"Iski. 101, The dot tVAW W
The Vokwill. 1!84102: T. 111010 tapki t I
I I It,
that of t1w wimtruiss, mind thus ambi f diffu
cusIfficircit D.. dwivaima relatively slowly.
effect of fmob lonlastim dwime the Process is
"' Oil=
prit ;= i;@Igflklillllk 111 119 VAPI'Uf 10
Cylindrical tub" of 61 and 103 nit" JI&Itwlvr at
Varkasa Permissive Imm 2.3 to 65 0 HI was lhvrd I-
gated ex=tally. A yj@ch mcuirrmt tirckinique,
with UK logrm=*@y wea used. And the "A.
mclosm a low is the Prow cimmit @@
to the C.W.M amough a d.c. Agaijibsis.
m".11411cirk dKreammed in the pwdicted is"not.
aw the time condmt I III the Initial yhxcl@
W" Computed Mid @W to be 1. 1--
nwnt with the value "Ved hum D... ,:f
sly rnw"mos. 37 f9formes am given.
,w sli - sp
ftwulkwidito Modris OadMicitti; of a LO '
INsimommas Mmm7 Am 'k-j- (;IAIW-,L- A
V. 3 J-1 J 4
A ... dout "t in %- ILL.
of.plemy range in ji klittlit
.,Iklv .4 A oh".1,
diAl'.11ge gall-. In thr@ the
LJI@J$C 6JI0 IAA. A 111CMUly Arl 41141 Ill" "XI't""T
jj"'I.Itt f%j- 0 l-IIIA"'If "o,
-alt l1b. %Olagr Iwm it,
firviv It%,-% Ilwl all-Ir
I ..... I I.111W It, I Ir lCA
111.4tion. at Illizil'.1 It- 1-
I Atht%ll 'I%-1. if I I":011-11
In file how ff. IA"go 41", w, I
the rallve JIV_
,A Ot" 111 J'I".1
.pprhl'. (III10 Itmvf) 'we
J@pj' L
L'W rr"Wo S' .V rov".'
po I's 4 ,.,1 ,if
3-4 (it, Af . IIII.- 1@1%11.r
4 .11V1.11119
1 09 6 nAt a lilt- .4",
P I th@ it
"t 0 lie b"m fit
toic- IIAMC to"Aff
h@rtir V.I t*Wl@ nn I, rAtisir, pf@'Hfr.
'A Imtknm drs
I" " fe IIAIV.
lidw, nA
up'n 1111F Ul. 11,
MINI lot .1113toV
ommn I. "
to 0 0 * 01* IN 0*0 0 00 0***
0 0
-A Ok r 1 0 19 111) Is 14ISII UO IOXIII U
D )1 5
x 11 1) 13 14 a x V 10 or V it 4: a
a A I.
V r
so 4 ;_
.- _t - I.-J.
lo 'k.rlf.
g j
amtrW obtUbdeve. In Low-Premure
so Am D11w%WgC B, Grano I and L Dykhavskays.
), V. 10. no. 4. 1948, P.
Joler""I of physies
331-359. (In English.)
Spontaneous oscillations of current and voltage in
a low-pressure mercury arc discharge arising In a
circuit, Jacking both capacitance and inductance.
have been Investigated. Four different model of
oscillations are observed, depending upon dischar
so a e VA
conditions and especially upon whether t
ode spot is free or ityiehored. These oscillations May
be random or regular, of acoustic or of
of a frequ7 The dependence of the frequency and
ese os
one upon pressurt,
peak v uts of t
o an
are-gap spac
e mec
or genera
3 types of oscillations Is discussed.
or the
13 ref.
bU. B Ali Q W;
if a 19
:is 0 0 0 L 0 0 46 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 00 0 0
A V'11F;iFL to Iwo It all902014 @l IF
0 0 0 0 o 0 * & 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0
0 1P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0.0 0
0_*_q _101-
A, A U 11 w if 4 If! .10 831111JOVX)v
GTRSPL, Vol. 28 No. V
sit 1111 11fimi lip 15*041 6480 41
.r!s' Gjjngr=!S4J,.L. and Swtin,, T. A., Generation of power electrical
oscillations in the low pressure discharge, 1021-30,
Jouffial of Technical Physics (U.S.S.R.),, Vol. 16, MM (1946)
Translation Available at Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Aj..jL. -t?ALt1,9rKA1 IITMT@Rt CL41111KATION
Ou ISAV Oisl,
K KO A mm).
U tt
a 0 6 a 0
0 9 0 0 * 4 a a a 0 0 0
114. OWIAT
%Dodo $6.1woga
is 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 4
.* 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 * a 0 0
TU sentooft d MINIMUM me" onio"im
a will-p"Mm obdow: Pwt 2 - Tu Va
ife cwwmi bdwnwbm in a law4ftiiiiiiiiiii An 1w
o"wamov god"O" me" onwausw--_Y-l-"
4.1m.-AIA l"A.'suctill. (ZA. 100. F14. lilt?.
'. ill, jilt .4jA. In Hwalan) An
nv,v,i1kgat%,n %as moic ill the Appear-
Mike .I Ilk A L)", Irma rr dvwharge
. , t2
1.11- illb all "I'lupt cl, 't ic I,, obtained fly the
H,V .11 .1 1111.411 aI.-Iture in a thaphlagul 1"Ide of a
ill,ji-tiliq In,bitil,al lictitah ill exivitment, anil ill
file fillm, nivil mv gi%ell ill jk4Ft I ($bid.. 1-1#11.
ll..l. ill, 1'. P"Ilk-rillictits have bh4swil that
.lih .,$I .1rcull. m,f 1,151Y llsoillall"ni #J
Ill, 111.- (.lilt &kerokolic intetrupli,,11i ,I thie
i ,rr,,tlt , .... li'l o,ic 111"glam al Fig. 1) bill alw
-111.111'al, 4 lite blit t%'IPC ('" first .,will.'XIA111
M UM. 11 -M be -1111oll(1411- T1W ittill-11111-ir', 447-
.Own, %. .110 1.-11.1 0 Ow - M-1114ttom ot the vtuld
,, I.- ... I the , it. (,it 11-1 still (m Ih,
ti.ot, d if,., h.lNotR,. A thOliV 411 thel-111AN'"
Ohwh I* rrifiroriml mati.M.1"Fily by
l"1141,11fl. It 1.4 UggIllell thAt Petilikht. Intefrilp-
loat #4 tile curmit in the julic with mil abrupt
-11%trictwit (%tritiltrion) call he U041 for generating
J-0,1fill u1mimistm-41 uscillations at ultra*,Uk
fje,IUe1WX-%- ElianIllift ill OWillAtiOn With 0011111t1i
ul:.t,o t kW artif imsfAllic (tic low-vtAtage olwgatm)n
ar tewlific,l.
19 V,
4pi w
u u 1, 14 it tf a V a
A I-
f#"Itit I Aw O&OP181411 1.0 a -so
1911L of do wob" dt 00 bkoft -00
90'A of do -0 ENNO b a dIM, GALUft4k. S. ii@
AN:O-&%W MAW L A Fba rkw. VssR. Itt.
So (Wv, too) 14 RaviOL-AAW Pnopwo NMI
00 NO "PM WC *M&AW dal kwmw
of lo, my vokw risk "it
m ilmootmas 0( dw
No is 111141 III-P polls. ocommifteml Is SR 1111-
C61111ift NBOAM If #2 ftrnft ft&tio,
00,1 is Pm*md ft a mm ". < 10-t no chop o(dw
Is III tU N I v dwolk ow do kmponwy
(OF 611) of I PPMOM 4 dwo Pak with
0*0 somp fto aw wal mit! dommaL irt. d"v Pw too
004 ft- UO P-h "d- -fd* ININIP U. 00 QM Whae
4940. a PAM equibbrimm - 10 MC. MW too
&Pna - *0 so "Wity. A awmides OAK* wm -1-oo
#00*0 " *a avm p"Oft"
4041 0. " plalwoolp 'm I L@L@ by **
O%iftdom At Wave ion ot assists "oft lb,
W@m md smocato) *A RbW Pak age
Am in an see
s~ modwomi. " its aw oihw
VVWM its OW WINIC111110 Wit it the Vigo
PkMY mm Or 00 cwwm vulistion dwo it. ties
It a 0-ITAttuatiocat L;TtIIAIO# c -10100.1100
- Ji It f w '14. 4*tf
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GIA*NIOVsKjyj @. L. (Prof.)
"Physical Phenomena in a Low-Voltage Mercury-Are Rectifier." reported in the article
"First All-Union Scientific and Technical Session on Mercury-Are Rectifiersil" Elelctrich
No. 11, 1949.
Abstract W-9395, 10 Apr 1950,
am.. alft d owwmdn d a OW d do"
fmpw@m d, eveplow, ad omdmw. V. L
..Aww"EmahmITAL Wil-13 (W 9.
1"0 A$ AWOL -
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Who do AM 4wwWK a WA a *a opod of
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mm/i"ics Plasma Jan 52
"Theory of Plasma in Rarefied Gas in the Case @of
Varying Current Strength," V. L. Granovskiy) All-
Union Elec-Tech Inst
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXII, No 1, PP,3-10
Applies the general eqs of comparatively slow,non-
stationary processes in plasma (during which
processes the regime of ambipolar diffusion is
preserved) to the computation of the concn of
electrons and ions in the case where the strength
of the independent current in the gas varies - Con-
siders the problem concerning the partial deioni-
zation of gas for decreasing current strength, and
Usn/i,hysics - Plasma (Contd) Jan 52
calculates the residual concn of electrons and
ions after complete cessation of the independent
v.= ent. Submitted 10 Mar 51.
77 -7-: 7
USSRAbysi6s Ionic Converters Mir f5g:
"The Theory of Voltage Distribution in a Sectional-
ized Ionic Converter," V. L. Granovskiy, All-Union
Elec Eng Inst imeni V. I. Lenin
"Zhur Tekh Fi,z" Vol 22, No 3, pp 4o8-414,
States that the actual voltage distribution in the
discharge space of a sectionalized. ionic converter
in the non-conducting part of the cycle begins after
the positive space charge layers surrounding each
electrode drift together. Considers the first stage,
of the process before the layers drift together,
"uhieth, determJnes the potential distribution on.the
electrodes themselves. Submitted 8 Oct 51.
USSR/Physics - Electric arc FD-1862
Card 1/1 Pub. 146-22/25
Author : Granovskiy, V. L., and Timofeyeva, G. G.
Title : Compression and bending of an are in rarefied gas during great current'
Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 28, 378, March 1955
Abstract : The authors experimented on arcs in rarefied vapors of mercury and inert
gases in straight cylindrical tubes without constrictions at constant
current direction. Measurements with a mobile probe in a tube with diam-
eter 70 mm and Hg vapors at pressure 1 micron/Hg confirmed that at increase
of current from 1 to 80 amperes the width of the column decreases by about
A detailed description of these experiments is planned. Five refer-
Institution: All-Union Electrotechnical Institute (All-Union Electrical Engineering Inst]
Submitted : November 30, 1954
Category : U ectronics Gas Discharge and Gas-discharge Izwtruments H-7
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur.- Fizika, No 2, 1957, No 4358
Author : Rozanova., N.B.) Granowskiy) V.L.
Title : On the Occurrence of Electric BroWdown in a High Vacuum Gap.
Orig Pub : Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1956, 26., No 3, 489-496
Abstract : A study was made of tacuum S4* UP to 5 mm long both under static
as well as under pulse voltages. On the basis of experimen al data,
the authors conclude that in the case of a high-vacuum gao: 1) the
breakdown voltage increases with the mechanical strength of the anode
material; 2) the x-rays are a factor accompanying the breakdown rather
than causUng it; 3)'the breakdown voltage of the gap depends on the
anode material and increases in the following order: C'(graphite), Al,
Cuj,.(Fe, Ni), 96)*W. It is established that the connection between
the breakdown volla .law in
,Re,_aAd the length of the gap obeys a @owejr
the form U,,,--kcl *, whereo@ -is cl6se to 1/2. Mie experimental data
can be exj)MInid by means -of 'the Krenberg -hy-bothesis, if one assumes
in addition that"thi'pdtceia of the material of the electrodes break
away under the-infliieixce of the electric field in the higher-voltage
regions. Bibliography, 19 titles.
Card 1/1
I Oli.CQ A A/o 05 K' I / K, / ,
Category.: UMR/Ilectronico - Gas Discharge and Gas-discharge Instruments H-7
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika,, No 2. 1957, No 4335
Author :TiwfeYeVS, G.G., Gran6vskly., V.L.
Inst :All-Union Zlectr@t-RFAIEM: Institute
Title :Deformation of the Column of the Are in a Rarefied Ga .s at Large current
Orig PUb :Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki., 1956,, 30, No 3, 475-487
Abstract Arcs were investigated in mercV7j hydrogen, argon. and krypton at
pressures of approximately 10- ---10-3 mm mercury and at currents
ia UP to 200 amp- It was found that the dhIf-width Of the arc Column
in a tube with a radius I --:-= 30 -- 35 mm at p. --I micron mercury
(mercury vapor) dininisb s by 30% az the current grows to 170 amp.
It was impossible to detect a further compression of the arc by in@
creasing the @,000 amp. owing to the occurrence of strong
oscillations of the probe current) arc voltage, and arc'curTent.
The amplitude of the oscillations increases-with increasing i and
diminishes with p. The frequency of these'6scillatio'ns is 164 __lo5
cycles, increasing with i and diminishing with increasing R and with
increasing molecular weiAt of the gas. The oscillations result from
Card 1/2
Categor*.f :UMR/Blectronics - Gas Discharge and Gas-discharge Instruments H-7
Abs Jow, : Ref Zhur - Fizika) No 2, 1957, No 4335
the disordered displacement of the string of the are over the section
of the tube . A emIressed are colum was observed visu&Uy and -
photographed at short current pulses i c'-500 -- 2,000 amp (during Vhich
the are did not have time to shiftirt@@a -1-10:6 see). The wolumn of
the arc compresses into a narrOW string bent approximately in a helix
that adheres to the wal-Is of the tube. The compression of the column
into a n6rrow string and its flexure into a helix are attributed to
the electrodynamic action of the area. own magnetic field,. and its
displacement is attributed to gas-dynamic action (local Akrefiction.of
the gas in the chpknn 1 bf the are). Bibliography, 23 titles.
Card 2/2
"Breakdown of High Vacuum Gaps.
paper presented at Second All-Union Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Mosccw,
2-6 oct. '58,
70TIN, V.P.; ARVU110 A.A.,rad.; AMIANOV, X.A.,red.-, BIRTUKOV, V.G.,glavnyy
red.; BUTXBVICH, Tu.V.,zamestitell glavnogo red.; GWOY-P T L.,
red., ZLLITTUNSKIT, V-1-,red.; KLTARMID, B.N.,red.; 151TV4.6-L-VO.K.,
red.; WOMYEV, A.M.,red.; MHKOV, Ye.D.,red.; FRIDM, A.M.,tekhn.
[Voltage Increase on long a.c. lines during nonsymmetric short
cirenito to ground] Povysheniia napriazhenii v dlinnykh linilakh
peremennogo toka pri nesimetrichnvkh korotkikh zamvkaniialzh na
zemliu. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1958. 223 p. (Moscow. Vsesoiuznyi
elektrotakhaicheakii institut. Trudy, no.64) (HIRA 12:2)
(Electric lines) (Short circuits)
.AUTHORS: Granovskiy, V. L., Rozanoval N. B., 57-28-5-33/36
ri Tors-e Y_ev_a_j - T 7. 5 -.
TITLEs Flashover Along the Surface of a Dielectric During the
Passage of Current on Its Opposite Side
(Perekrytiye vdoll poverklinosti dielektrika pri pro-
khozhdenii toka a dr-agoy storony yego)
PERIODICALs Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 5,
PP- 1108-1117 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The authors determined and measured a considerable re-
duction of the flashover voltage along the surface of a
solid dielectric bordering on the gas. It can be assumed,
that the reduction of the voltage (Figures 4 and 5) is
caused by a distortion of the field because of the con-
ductivity near the dielectric. Another cause for the re-
duction of Ufl. could be represented by a short-term in-
crease of the resulting voltage, which acts on the inve-
stigated domain because of the formation of a turbulence
field at the passage of a strong current with a short
Card 1/3 rise time. Corresponding experiments are described in an
Flashover Along the Surface of a Dielectric During 57-28-5-33/36
the Passage of Current on Its Opposite Side
other article. If even a weak spontaneous current is
generated in the non-conducting medium adjacent to the
dielectric actually a plasma is produced - a medium with
a considerable conductivity. In the pressure range
(1 - lo-3 2- 102 mm of mercury column), where low U fl
were observed, an electrodeless current is generated on
the opposite aide, if an alternating high voltage is
applied to the dielectric. It becomes manifest in a more
or less intensive luminosity of the gas. The conductivity
produced in this process in the medium adjacent to the
dielectric apparently effects the reduction of U fl, At a
pressure below 1 . 10-4 and above 2 , 102 mm. of mercury
column an electrodeless current also exists. It is, how-
ever, very small, as an impact ionization is little pro-
bable. As can be seen from figures lo and 11, a conductor
(metal) brought in the vicinity of the dielectric, also
modifies the flashover voltage on its opposite side. In
this instance, the magnitude of the variation of U fl is
Card 2/3 imnediately connected with the potential of this conductor.
Flashover Along 'the Surface of a Dielectric During 57-28-5-33/36
the Passage of Current on Its Opposite Side
It reaches its maximum, when the distortion of the field
caused by the conductor at the external electrodes is
greatest. The distortion of the field at a variation of
the boundary conditions at the inner face of the isolator,
because of the generation of conductivity, can be estima-
ted numerically. is, unfortunately, no more or less com-
plete quantum theory of dielectric flashover exists, it is
impossible at present to combine a redistribution of the
field naar the cathodes with a reduction of U fl in a quan-
titative way. The authors-thank M. K. Bologa, V. 1. Sa-
voskin and N. A. Sivozdrav for their collaboration, and
V. 1. Zhevoruyeva for the computations for(Figure 13)-
There are 13 figures, 1 table and 2 Soviet references.
ISSOCIATIONs Blektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. I. Lenina, Moskva
(moscow,Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. I. Lenin)
SUBAITTEDt July 29, 1957
Card 3/3 1. Dielectrics--Conductivity
AUTHORS: Ryumina, Y.. P., -SOV/56-3 5-1- 51519
Savoskinj V. I.p Tinofeyevap G. G.
TITLE: Observations of the Pinch Effect DuriAg a Decrease of
Amperage (Nablyudeniya pinch-effekta pri nmen1shayushcheysya
sile toka)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperinentallnoy i teoreticheskov fiziki, 1958,
Vol- 35t Ur 1, PP. 45 - 49 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The influence of the plasma's own magnetic field upon
the plasma column has already been investi-ated by various
authors (Refs 1-5); in some cases this was Udone in the
case of increasing amperaGe (e..-.Ref 4). In the Present
paper the authors describe investig-ations of plasma deformations
in the case of decreasing amperage In discharu-c tubes
of 10 and 32 mm dia@eter in hydro,-
,en- or mercury vapor
at from jo-3 to 10- torr, at current pulses of,-,@ 300
microseconds and amplitudes of 'from. 1,3 to 5,5 kA ('004F,
1-3 kV). For Dhotorecording an electron-optical trans-
former (type PI?4-3, developed by 1.1--.Butlerov) was used.
Card 1/2 Photographs are given of a number of contr1acted, beni, or
Observations of the Finch Effect During a Decrease of S07/56-35-1-5/59
kinked plasma filanents. It was found that. for di/dt-'_0
such electrodynamic deformutionc occur, which vanish
aCain at points of hi-1, gas densltv (I.e.a0cordirg to
experimental conditions near the c,,thcde (,,r icar th'i
anode). Exposure in each c:ase lastad 1,5 -microseconds.
There are 3 fit-,ures, I table, and 6 i-eferences, 2 of
which are So-.,iet.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnichezkiy inztitut (All-Union
Institute of Electrical Engineer@--)
SUBMITTED: February 12, 1958
Card 2/2
-10W SOV/56-35-6-9/44
AUTLORS: Glotove, G. I., Granovskiy, V. ;,., Savoskin, V. I.
'TITLEs A Comparison of the Decay Rates of the Plasma in Hydrogen and
Deuterium (Sravneniye akoroatey raspada plazmy v vodorode i
PERIODICAL% Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35t
Wr 6, PP 1380-1385 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Decay rates and deionization depend on the properties of the gas
molecules (as e.g. on the effective cross section, on mass,
ionization potential, and excitation). The following are the aims
of the present paper% 1) Comparison between the deionization rates
of the hydrogen isotopes H and D, and 2) a comparison of these
ratios with those of the atomic weights of these gases. The methods
employed as well as the apparatus used (for wiring circuit see
figure 1) are described in abort (see also references 1-5).
Measurements were carried out at pressures of 0-015 - 0.6 torr and
with tube diameters of d-3.2 6-5 cm, and at values of the preceding
a 60 1500 mA, by the method of the oscil-
current amounting to 1
lography of the ion ou rent recorded with a negative probe. Under
these experimental conditions, the relative dsionization rate in
Card 1/3 H and D decreased with time. The pressure dependence of the velocity
A Comparison of the Decay Rates of the Plasma in Hydrogen and Deuterium
of the process does not develop monotonously but passes through
a Maximum at pd -,.Io- 1 -1 torr cm. For the so-called deionization
fitime constants" T' and r it holds that; Z'_ /7-- 1-41,
D H IY if
VrH - (A V/A wr2@ (A - atomic weight). This holds
D E H (01D/Y
for all pressures both tinder diffusion conditions (P4 Pmji0e.
pd 4 10-1torr) and under re,@ombination @zonditions (p >pm, i.e.
pd Al torr). Under recombination conditions the following elementary
recombination processes are possible;
1) e + e -A + ho (emissiln)
2) M+ + 2e 4M + e (double colliSion)
3) 11+ + a + M .0 2M (treble collision)
4) e + 9 4 M_; IC+ M+-4 2M (electron capture by neutral molecule
followed by ion recombination) and
Card 213 5) M2 + a -09*+ M (diasociative recombination).
A comparison of the Decay Rates of the Plasma in Hydrogen and Deuterium
A discussion of these possibilities shows that mainly ca7r 3) is
of importance for recombination.-There are 4 figures and 12 refer-
enoes, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheakiy institutg.Moskva
(All-Union Electrotechnical Institute, City of Moscow)
SUBMITTED: June 24j 1958
Card 3/3
'" , I- i I I i 1413,
'ilia J@
Ali alln IL
"d v! I
Granovskiy, Veniamin L'YovIch
Veshehestvo Y sostoyanii pl&W (11atter in the Plasm State) Moscow,
Izd-vo "Manlyan, 1959- Ed P- (Series: Vaesoyamoye obshchestvo po
rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i naudmykh zwmiy. Seriya IX, 1959,,
Nr 3) 36,500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Ajpncy: Vsesoyunoye obshchestvo po, rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh
i nauchnykh zvmly.
Id.t I.B. Yhynboym* Tech, Zd.t Ye.V. Savebenko.
PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for the general reader interested in recent
developments in nuclear physics.
COVERMIN: The booklet gives a brief review of developments in plasm physics in
the USSR. The principles involved are described in a popular style so that
readers without a background in science may understand them. The behavior of
matter at high temperatures and the changes that occur in it are briefly
Card 113
Matter in the Planma State
described. The author then explains the concept of plasm, its properties,
and possible fields of application. One property of plasma that is of great
interest to scientists is its behavior in a magnetic field. Theoretically a
magnetic field could be used to contain and compress plasm, heating it to
very high temperatures and initiating a self-sustaining thermonuclear fusion
reaction. Some of the large Soviet experimental setups such as "Alft" and
"Ogm" are briefly described. Soviet scientists mentioned who have worked
on the plasma. project are IoV. Kurchatoy, L.A. Artsimovich, A.D. Sakharov,
I.Ye. Tam, M.A. Leontovich and G.G. 111imofeyeva. There are no references.
Special State of Matter at High Tamperature 3
Concept of P3As= and Kind of Plasm 7
How Plasna Origimtes and Where It Is Found 9
Some Properties of P3,&=& and Study Methods 13
Card 2/3
Matter in the Plasma State
Cbaracteristic Mmments of Plasma
Compression of Plasma by Its Own Magaetic Field 23
Possibility of Obtaining UltrahIgh Temperatures in Plasma 25
AVAnABIX: Library of Congress
Card 3/3 8-6-59
SOKOLOV, Ilikolay Nikolayevich; AlMFLWOVp NeAtoredo; AKaPW,,-
BIRTftOV, Y.G..glaynyy red.; BUTMICH, G.V.,red.; GRANOVSKIT, V,;
GIRTS)MM, G.R.,red.; ZABMINA.; XLLITvnMWx-,"r.-I-.-pvd.;
[Methods for the synthesis of or@%nopolysiluaneal Metody
sintese poliorganosilokeanove Xoekva, Gosoenergo izd-vo, 1959*
198 P. (Mosoow. Vassolusnyl. slaktrotakhnichaskii Institut.
Trudy, no.66) (KM 12:5)
(Siloxanes), -
2 #/.:a 12 0
50N??@4 _8-2,2@3
AUTHORS: Granovskiy V.L. Lulc'yanov, 22, G.V. and
TITL9t Report on the Second All-Union Conference on Gas
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 8,
pp 1339 - 1358 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The conferences was organised by the Ac.Sc.USSR, the
Ministry of Higher 19ducation and Moscow State University.
It was opened by the chairman of the organizing committee,
M.A. Leontovich, Academician. During the plenary sessions
of the conference, a number of survey papers were delivered.
L.A. Artsimovich read a paper on "Production of Ultra-high
Temperatures in Plasma".
A survey of the optical method of medsurements was given
in the papers by V.A. Fabrikant and S.E. Frish.
S* Brown of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
gave a survey of the high-frequency methods of the investi-
gation of stationary and non-stationary plasma (see p 1244
in this issue of the journal).
N*V. Fedorenko read a paper entitled "Ionization and
Cardl/15 0 i
Inelastic Scattering During Atomic Collisions
Report on the Secdnd All-Union Conference on Gas Electronics
L.A. Sena and Yu.M. Kagan deal with "Elementary Processes
of Determining the Motion of Ions in Gas".
A paper by Ye. Bedereu (Rumania) dealt with "The Role of
Resonance--!-recharging in the Kinetics of Ions".
I.S. Stekollnikov considered the initial stages of the
development of sparks (corona-leader, main channel and the
final channel)*
B.N. Klyarfelld gave a survey of the ignition processes
of the discharges in highly rarified gases.
The mechanism of the breakdown of a high-vacuum gap was
elucidated in a paper by V.L. Granovskiy.
L. Tonks (USA) expounded a theory of the motion of
electrons In a magnetic trap (see p 1316 of this journal).
Academician R. Rompe (Eastern Germany) described a number
of experiments on non-stationary plasma conducted by
M. Stenbeek (Zastern Germany) gave a generalised theory of
plasma. The conference was divided into six sections.
The first section was presided over by L.A. Sena and was
Card 2/15'
Report on the Second All-Union Conference on Gas Electronics
concerned with the elementary processes in gas discharges.
The following papers were read in this section:
YaoM. Fogel'- "Transformation of Positive Ions Into
Negative Ones in Rarified Gases".
Ta. M. Fogel' with V.A. Ankudinov and D-V. Pilipenko -
"Capture and Loss of Zlectrons During the Collision of
Fast Atoms of Carbon and Hydrogen with the Molecules of
Nov# redorenko et &I. - "Dissociation of Molecular Ions
of Hydrogen D%ring Collisions in Gas".
X.P, Flake and Ye.S. Solov1yev - "Capture Cross-sections
of Blectrons in Multicharge Ions in Inert Gases".
RoM. Kushnir et al. - "Experimental Investigation of the
Resonance Recharging in Certain Single-atom Gases and
Metal Vapours".
O,B. Firsov - "Qualitative Investigation of Inelastic
Coillsl6ns ot Atoms*.
L,Mo@, Volkova - "Zffective Excitation Cross-sections of the
Spectral Lines of Potassium and Argon".
Card3/1$ I.p. Zaposochnyy and S.M. Kishko "Some Results of the
Report on the Second All-Union Conference on Gas nics
Investigation of the Optical Functions of the Zxcitation
Bands of a Negative System
A.A. Voroblyev and A.G. Vlasov - "Investigation of the
Scattering of the Xlectrons in a Betatron Chamber".
The second section was presided over by B.N. Klyarfelld
and was devoted to the problems of the electrical break-
down in rarified gazes and in high vacuum. The following
papers were read in this section:
G.Ye. Makar-Limanov and Yu.A. Metlitskiy - "Blectrostatic
Control of the Ignition of Glow-discharge Tubes"(see
p 1274 of the journal).
S,V. Ptitsyn at al. were concerned with the breakdown
in a high-voltage mercury rectifier (see p 1278 of the
L.G, Guseva, "Ignition of the Discharge in Non-uniform
Fields at low Gas Pressures" (see p 1260 of the journal).
AoSo Soboleva, and B.N. 11yarfelld - "The Discharge Phenomena
Between a Point and a Plane at Gas Pressures of
Card 4/1$ 10-3 - 1 mm Hg".
Report on the Second All-Union Conference on Gas Electronics
T*B. Foxellson - "Methods of Reducing the gnergy Lost in the
Formation of A Breakdown".
L*X* Pivovar and V.I. Gordiyanko - "Microdischargen and
pr*-breakdown Currents Between Metal Electrodes in High
V.A. Simonov and G.P. Katukov - "Investigation of the
Processes of Initiation and Development of a High-voltage
Discharge in Vacuum*.
Z*M, Reykhrudel and G.V. Smirnitskaya - "The Character-
istics of Ignition in High-vacuum in Magnet@c Fields".
L#V# Tarasou ot al. dealt with the transfer of the electrode
material during the pro-breakdown stage in vacuum.
N.D. Rozanov ot al. - "The Motion of Micro-particles of
Substances During Zlectric Breakdown in Vacuum",
The third section dealt with the problems of el*ctric
sparks, corona and the;rpractical applications. It was
presided over by I.S. Stekollnikov. The following papers
were read:
V,X. Levitov ot al, - "Probe Investigation of the a.c.
Card5/15 Corona Fields**
Report on the Second All-Unlon Conference on Gas Electronics
G.N. Aleksandrov - "Elementary Processes in the Ion1sation
Zone of Corona-type Conductors at Atmospheric Pressures*.
V.A. Burmakin - "Appearance of a Corona Discharge in
Hydrogen and Nitrogen"
P.N. Chistyakov at al. - "Some Properties of the Corona
Discharge in Hydrogen iR/Coaxial, Cylindrical System*.
A.S. Soboleva and B.N. Klyarfelld - '6Appearance of Discharge
Phenomena Between a Point and a Plane at Gas Pressures,of
10-3 _ loO mm Hg".
Ya,Yu. Reynet at al. r "Methods of Unipolar Ionisation of
Air By Means of Aero-lonisers (see p 1335 of the journal)*
M.P. Vanyukov at al. - "Time Spectra of the Radiation of
a Spark Discharge in Inert Gases" (see p 1284 of the
M.P. Vanyukov and A.A. Mak - "Production of High
Temperatures by Means of Spark Discharges"o
V.A. Feretyagin - "Influence of the Magnetic Field cf.
Card 6/15 the Electric Discharge on the Dividing Surface of Two Media".
Report on the Second All-Union Conference on Gas Electronics
I.S. Stekollnikoy - "New Data From the Study of Long
M.I. Sysoyev - "Properties of the Breakdown of Compressed
Air in a ComparativelyUniform Field in the Presence of
Localized Non-uniformities".
A9A* Voroblyev et al. - "Pu3so and Oscillographic
Techniques for the Measurement of the Discharge Lags
in Dielectrics" (see P 1257 of the journal).
A paper by B.N. Zoloty1ch dealt with the problem of the
basic theory of the electric erosion (see p 1330 of the
The fourth section was presided over by S.Yu. Luklyanov
and was concerned with the non-stationary and low-
frequency discharges. The following papers were read:
I*G. Nekrashevich and A.A. Labud - "The Nature of the
Current Interruption During the Electric Explosion of
a Metal Wire*.
V.A. Simonov - "Propagation of Plasma From Local Pulse
Card 711$ G,Go Timofeyev et al. - "Observation of an Zlectro-
lynamically Compressed Are By Means of an Electron-optical
Report on the Second All-Union Conference on Gas Electronics
MoSe loffe and Ye.Ye. Yushmanov - "Investigation of
the Radial Slectric Field in an Ion Magnetron".
V.A. Belyayev and N.K. Romanovskiy - "Experiments with an
Electron Model of a System with Magnetic Samples*.
A.M. Andrianov et al. "Distribution of Magnetic and Blectric
Fields in Powerful Pulse Discharges".
G.N. Harding (Nngland) - "Spectroscopic Determination
of the Plasma Temperature in the I'Zeta" Equipment*
(see p 1326 of the Journal). I'
The papr by Harding aroused a lot of interest and
Academician L#A. Artsimovich expressed the opinion that
the electrons and ion temperatures in the "Zeta* should
be of the same order; instead, according to Harding,
the electron temperature is lower by an order than that
of the ions.
A paper by S.Yu. Luklyanova and V.I. Sinitsyn was devoted
to the problem of spectroscopic investigation of heated
Card8/1. plasma.
,Second All-Union Conference on Gas lectron-Ics
Report on the ry and N.G. KovallskiY - "Nei; Data on X-ray
I.M. Podgorn: rinS Pulse Dischargesit with the iavesti-
Radiation Dul and M.M. Sulkovslcaya dealt ul gas discharges
V.A. Khrabrov adiation in powerf
gation of the neutron r 11s.
in chambers with conducting wa ation Of the Gas Discharge
N.A. Borzunov et al. - 03:nvestig
in a Conical Chamber"- Turn of plasma in Transverse
S.M. 0sovets et al. - "A t
Magnetic Field".
"Data on the Division of a Cathode SPO
I.G. KesaYev Are" (see p 1289 of the
on Mercury in a Low-pressure
journal)- (Zngland) - oiA New Theory of the Cathode Spot"
A.9- Robson of the journal).
(see p 1295 a - "positive column in a Hydrogen Discharge
L-N- BreUsOV ise Loads"-
mary and Pu t Distribution On
With Statio, ud - "Curren
I.G. Nekra9hevich and A.A. Lab ulse Discharges
of Zlectrodes in Electric P es in Low-VOltage
the Surface "Some Properties Of Gas Discharg
L.S. ZY9 - Counters"- K
card9/15 in Halogen
S014110 -
on Gas of the
Conference 11comparison W
I-Union novsj@Liy - of Hydrogen a3adovu
Secona Al . Gra -isotopes the Pre-brO
Report OIL the Glotovok and 4_,, tile sults On
G*19 ion:LsUtiou tea .01,10 re
1tL:Ltj,&1 communica ures. 11charge-deus'"
,d D)" - I 1 11 atioO
Oki AxO1 .Lila t low press V a njorta
a h h. zaltse sm
Loh* ulgj GIs jcal pla some
.Urrent p and dr :Lcated Soso
LI.YeVaL CY13.n r Pla tion
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tion echool in a.-di-se r the d
frelc Of Cz enomena roblem 01 r S
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on BrellUlle A- f ast 3.0 OU 'ITIS - IITIeorY
B.G. Onle'rgy 016 "Couvecti. fra'nOv - -ILaptso V and
of the Ot a OV - V Do 51-LOL N X. fo3.lowiu
B.S. ILS601 :Lusicil and 0 v er VY * The
string led 0 gaseso
Brag nts V.Is e
ture P1 ..
tempere, urre j
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'att, his
dealt readz atioll
ers were 01orra sesit.
pal, 6olaut --Lnert Ga
-4.1 6 ges in
Report on the Second All-Union Conference on Gas Electronics
N-A, Neratins, and B.N. Klyarftblld - "Formation of Light
Spot# on the Anode of a Gas Discharge (see p 1301 of
the journal).
N*A. Matvayeva -"Distribution of Binary Mixtures of Inert
Gazes in a d.c, Discharge".
V.G, Stepanov.and V.F. Zakharchenko - "Some Phenomena
in Rarified Plasma".
VIG. Stepanov and V.S. Bezel' - "The Possibility of
Obtaining Highly Concentrated Plasmas".
G,V. Smirnitskaya, and E.M. Reykhrudelt - "Some Character-
istics of thaPincharge in an Ion Pump and in a.Magnetic
Ionisation Vacuum Gauge".
Ye*T* Kucherenko and O.K. Nazarenko, - "Properties of
a Discharge with Electron Oscillations in a Magnetic
field" (see P 1253 of the journal).
The paper by L.M. Biberman and B.A. Veklenko considered
the approximate methods for determining the concentration
of atoms at the radiation levels.
Card 14/15
1?13150 S/109/60/005/07/012/02)+
AUTHORS: Syrgiy, A.S., and Granovskiy, V.L.
TITLE: On the Theory of De7-qR-S-aT16-n-'?-a" Raref ied Gas in a
Magnetic Field pt 'k I
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronikat Vol 51 No 7, 1960,
PP 1129-1134 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The theory of deionisation of a rarefied gas in a
cylindrical container in an homogeneous magnetic field
parallel to the axis is developed. It is assumed that the gas is
a plasma, the gas density and temperature are everywhere the same,
the gas density corresponds to the diffusion regime, the mean free
paths of electrons and ions are substantially less than the
nylinder dimensions, the charger carriers are electrons and
positive ions of a single type, no external electric field is
applied, fresh ionisation does not occur, charge recombination
ocours both at the walls of the container and in the gas volume,
the diffusion and recombination coefficients are constant during
the process (this is strictly applicable only at later stages of
the process when the plasma becomes isothermal or at the very
lowest pressures), the magnetic field has no appreciable influence
Card 1/2
I : .'
On the Theory of Deionisation of a Rarefied Gas in a Magnetic
on the recombination coefficient (probably valid for not too
intense magnetic fields and,at all pressures at which each
recombination act is elementary; it ceases to be valid for very
high B and in compressed gases where the Langevin theory Is
applicable), but the diffusion factor perpendicular to the
magnetic field decreases with increase of magnetic induction B.
The problem is solved by a method similar to that given in Ref 3.
Good agreement is obtained between the calculated values and
those experimentally obtained in the authork' previous work
(Ref 6).
There are 3 figures, I table and 6 references, of which 3 are
English and 3 Soviet.
ASSOCIATION$ Fizicheskiy fakulltet, Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosovaj Kafedra elektronik-i
(Chair of Electronics Physics Dtpartmmentj Moscow
Card 2/2
SUBMITTED: December 23, 1959
6140/055 and
Ici)r. V.L. the
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i Card 1/3
New Data on the Influence of Magnetic Fields on the Ion Loss from
Helium and Argon Plasmas
perpendicular to the magnetic flux lines (Ref.8). The present
work is a continuation of Ref.10, and a special experiment was
carried out to check Simon's hypothesis (Ref.8). It was found
that if the magnetic field did not act on the cathode region, the
decrease of ion current from the centre to the wall of the tube and
the ion loss coefficient with increase of magnetic field are
monotonic. If the magnetic field acts on the cathode region,
this relationship is valid only at currents less than 0.1 A.
There is a close relationship between increase of noise and the
formation of "anomalies" in the loss of ions at the tube walls.
Variations of magnetic field change not only the amplitude but the
spectrum of the noise. Not all oscillation arising in plasma can
facilitate loss of ions to the side walls in the magnetic field.
Moving atria, for example, have no influence. The types of
oscillations leading to anomalies, the field distribution in them
and their mechanism of affecting ion loss are open questions. The
present results differ from Lehnert's in that maxima in the curves
of longitudinal electric field vs. magnetic field have been obtained.
Card 2/3
AUTHORS% -sXrfiy, A*S. and Granovski-yr, V.L,,- Aium in a
TITLE: Rate of 'Deionizatio4fin @arefi@e"3
Magnetic Field. pt.11
PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol-5, NO-9,
TEXT3 By measuring the total ion current at the wall and the
initial number of charged particles in a volume of plasma, the
relative roles of two processes; diffusion and volume
recombination, on the delonization of a rarefied helium in magnetic
field were investigated. At magnetic fields 0 to 1500 Gauss,
gas pressure of 10-2 to 10-1 mm Hg and carrier concentrations
greater than 1011 cm3 in a strong magnetic field, volume
recombination predominates. There are 9 figures, 1 table and
6 referencess 4 Soviet and 2 English.
ASSOCIATIONs Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo
universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova, Kafedra elektroniki
(Physics Facultyu Moscow State University
im. M.V.Lomonosov, Chair of ElectroBACE)
SUBMITTED& January 18, ig6o
Card 1/1
il 0
AUTHORS: Aleslcovskiy, Yu.M., Granovskiy, V.L. and
Mikhalets, Ye.
TITLE: Recombinational Emission of a Caesium Plasma in
a Magnetic Field
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronilca, 1961, voi. 6,
No. 4, pp. 674 - 675
TEXT: When a longitudinal magnetic field is applied to the
positive column of a low-pressure discharge, it reduces the
diffusion of electrons and ions towards the walls in the
direction perpendicular to the field. As a result, the mean
lifetime of current carriers in the plasma is increased.
The ion balance is maintained at a lower ionisation frequency
and hence in a stationary plasma the longitudinal electric
field and the electron temperature are reduced. This can be
confirmed experimentally (Ref. 2). In this connection, it
may be supposed that the fraction of charged particles
disappearing from the plasma as a result of volume
recombination should increase in the magnetic field
Card 1/4
Recombinational Emission ....
(I.A. Vasillyeva - Ref. 3). The absolute number of
recombinations should also increase somewhat. However,
spectroscopic observations of the recombinational emission
reported by Davies (Ref- 5) are not in agreement with the
above ideas. The present authors have investigated the
effect of a magnetic field on the electron recombination
in a stationary discharge in low-pressure caesium vapour.
The intensity f the recombinational continuum with the
limit at 4943 k, corresponding to the capture of electrons
to the level Cs6P 1/2 (Ref. 6),was measured. The discharge
tube was 25 mm in diameter and was located in a uniform
magnetic field produced by two solenoids. The radiation was
examined through a gap between the solenoids. The discharge
current was varied between 1 and 2-5 A and the caesium
vapour pressure between 2 and 130 ji. It was found that the
emission of the positive column was very dependent on the
magnetic field. The intensities of all the-emission lines
Card 2/4
Recombinatignal.Emission .... E032/E3i4
of caesium decreas@d with increasing magnetic field. On
the other hand, the recombinitional emission increased erith
-the magnetic field and this was particularly ifell defined
-is the intensity of
at low pressures. The figure shoi
recombinational emission as a function of the m
at diffe3@ent caesium vapour pressures. The num)3ers 1, 2
3, and 4 refAr--to pressures of 8.2, 18, 36 dnd 74 ji, respectivqo- "y
There are.1- 93 -2 Sovie#.'.and
Xgure and 6' ref erenc es:
4 non
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy falculltet Mosicovsi&-o
gosudarstvennogo'univertiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova
.(Physics' Department'of Moscow State University
inr. N.V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED': JanuarY 5,, 196i
Card 3/4
AUTHORS: Aleakovskiy# Yu,M.t and Granovskiyt V.L.
TITLE: Spectroscopic determination of delonization speed
of cesium vapor in a magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 6, noo 99 1961#
100 - 1592
TEXT: In this short communication the authors present theresults
of their experimental evaluation of the influence of a magqetic
field on the recombination losses of charged partidles in a volume
of decaying plasma. The experiment consisted of measuring the re-
combination radiation from cesium plasma in the region of boundary
continuum with a limit of 4940 A01 which corresponds to the captu-
re of electrons by the cesium ions to the level C,6P Y2* The cesium
plasma was formed by an are discharge in a tube 2.5 cm diameter and
40 am long, energized by a pulsating untAirectional @-urrent at the
mains frequency. In phase with the peak currentv a thyratron, in
Card 1/3
3/109 6L' 06/009./018/01.8
Spectroscopic determination of ... D201 D302
shunt with the tubet was fixed cutting off the current. The tube
was placed in a solenoid producing a homogeneous magnetic field up
to 1300 oerstpd. The plasma radiation was focussed onto the input
slot of a monochromatic illuminator. Its outputp after pbotomulti-
plication was applied to a CROO the time base of which was trigge-
red in synchronism with the start of the de-ionization process. In
order that the plasma decay a-tart at an equal concentra-Lion of
charged particles# the Initial radiation intensity at. H -- 0 and
H / 0 was equalized by adjustments of the discharge current. The
changes are shown of the intensiiy of re-combination radiation I
during the process of de-ionization of cesium va-porg as wel! as
the ratios of the number of particles N R(H)/N R(0), aisappear:ing as
a result of radiation recombination at H = i300 oersted and H = 0.
it shows that at low pressures the magnetic field markedly increa-
ses the quantity of changed particles recombining due to radiation
in a given volume of gas. It is stated in conclusion that direct
spectroscope observations have shown the magnetic field increases
the mean life time of charged particles and by slowing down the
Card 2/3
Spectroscopic determination of D201 D302
rate of diffusion decay of plasmaq increases the recombination
losses of changes in the gas volume. There are 2 figures, 2 tables,
and 8 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The referen-
ces to the English-language publications read as follows: W. Bostik
M;,Levinep Phys. Rev., 1959, 979 "-3; F. Moehler, C. Boecknert J&
Res. Nat. Bur. Standardso i*9290 2, 489.
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo
univerBiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State Univer-
sity im. M. V. Lomonosovq Faculty of Physics)
SUBMIVED: April 189 1961
Card 3/3
9, d// @-o (16 0 3 11/0 r@ PY0 j /0 qq) B125/B209
AUTHORS: Fedoseyeva, L. A., Granovskiy, V. L.
TITLE: Cooling of an electron gas in a decaying mercury plasma
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 3, 1961, 357-366
TEXT: The present paper deals with the decrease of the electron tempera-
ture Te in the initial stages of cooling (in a period 0 - 400/t-sea after
disconnection of the electric discharge field). In addition, a second
problem has been solved: The authors determined the decrease in concen-
tration n e of the free electrons and compared it with the decrease in
concentration of the positive ions. Thus, both methods of studying
the de-ionization of a gas were intercompared. The investigations
were carried out in the plasma of a low-pressure are in mercur5 vapor
under the following conditions: Vapor pressure lo-3 - 5.a,lo mm Hg,
amplitude of the discharge current 1.3 a, tube diameter 65 mm. De-ioniza-
tion was studied by oscillographic observation of the current through
a probe inserted into the plasma. When the instant t 1 is properly chosen,
Card 1
Cooling of an electron gas in ... S/057/61/031/003/0.15/019
B125/ .0 209
the values of the probe current at t = t1 may be determined from all
oscillograms taken at different Uprobe' The same characteristics were
plotted also for other t values. rrom these characteristics, the authors
determined T e and ne at various times t, and thus T e(t) and ne(t). The
simplified circuit diagram of the arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2
shows four probe oscillograms taken at the same po and the same current
in the tube, but at different Uprobe (probe potential),
a) For Uprobe @ - 25 v (with respect to the other probe) an ion current
which is constant until the current in the tube breaks, flows to the
probe, after which it decreases on account of de-ionization.
b) For Uprobe - - 8.2 v the same holds, but the current flowing to the
probe is weaker than in case a). a) For Uprobe - - 5-9 vi the current
flowing to the probe is predominant in the are stage. After breaking
of the arc, the ion current flowing to the probe vanishes gradually, and
a decreasing ion current is left. d) For U-1.3 v) an ion current
Card 2/8
@ooling of an electron gas in S/057/61/031/003/015/019
is continuously flowing to the probe. At the vapor pressures
Po = 1.10 -3 (200C), -5-10-3 ( 400C), 17-10-3 (600C), ' 58.10-3 (800C),
15 to 18 oscillograms each were taken at least, and from these the probe
characteristics with 9, spacing of 20 " Bee were drawn (Fig. 4). T. de-
creases quickly and then slowly, and from the curvature of the probe
characteristics one may ascertain the absolute electron concentration n
at different times t. Tables 1 and 2 show the initial constants of tims
t of the concentration drop as determined by both methods. The agreement
of these results proves the measurements during de-ionization to be
correct. An investigation of the time dependence of T. and ne during
de-ionization of the discharge plasma in the pressure range of from 1
to 58.1o-3 mm Hg at a discharge current of 1.3 a in a 65 mm thick tube
showed the following; 1) The simple method of determining To from an
oscillogram of the ion current impinging upon the probe at constant probe
potential is reliable. 2) In the initial stage of ionization, Te decreases
the faster, the higher the pressure. 3) The difference Te - T9 in the
Card 3/ 8
Cooling of an electron gas in...
process of de-ionization decreases gradually, but even after 400 AA- see of
thermal equilibrium a mercury discharge does not occur in the plasma. The
final temperature of the electrons attained during this time is the
lower, the higher the pressure. In the initial stage of the process, in-
elastic collisions of first kind play the-3rincipal part in gas cooling
at all pressures examined and at I - 5.10 mm Hg during the whole time
(0 - 400,& sec). Elastic collisions are predominant at p > 10.10_3@mm Eg
in all later stages of the process. 5) The metastabld atoms as the only
energy reservoir of the electrons in the decaying plasma play an important
part in the initial and final stages of the process. There are 5 figures,
4 tables,@and 12 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. The
two most recent references to English-language publications read as
follows: F. Mohler$ Journ. Res. Bur. Stand. 191 ,447, 1937;' J. H_ Simons,
R. F. Sewardq Journ. Chem. Phya., 6, 7901 1936-
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. I. Lenina
Moskva (All-Union Institute of Electrical Engineering
imeni V. I. Lenin, Moscow)
SUBMITTED: June 6, 1960
Card 4/8
AUTHORS: Aleskovskiy, Yu. X., Granovskiy, V.,L.
TITLEt Recombination radiation of cesium plasma in a homogenpous
dign4tic -field-
PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoraticheskoy fiziki, v. 41,
no@'2 (8), 1961-9-363'- 367
TEXTz From a theoretical point of view, the presenoe of the positive
column of a gas dischgrgi in a longitudinal magnetic-field (H-H ) probably
has the following effeetst decrease of the diffusion of carriers toward the
wallp increas e of the'lifetime and.concentration, n ep of carrierap drop of
the electron temperature T 9 and increase of the volume recombination proba-
bility and of the intensity, 1. of recombination radiation. Some of these
assumptions were confirmed by probe measurements in helium. Studies of
L. Davies on the behavior of cesium plasma with respect to recombination in
a longitudinal field, however, showed that I and @ 6 did hardly change when
Card 1/5
Recombination radiation of B,02/B205
the field was applied, whereas Te increased. In order to clarify this
phenomenon, the authors have now studied,the recombination incandesegace in
cesium-vapor plasma with the use of'a spectrophotometer. Probe measure.-
ments.were made simultaneously. The cylindrical probe was placed on the
axis of the discharge tube (2-5 cm in diameter and 40 am in length ')v in
.which a Cs pressure of,2.10-3_ 0.13 mm Hg prevailed. PhctometrJo measu're-
men,ts were done at.certain points of the recombination continuum with---;.n the
range 4940 - 4400 A. In-the absence of a field, I was approximately
proportional to n e' Application of the magnetic field resulted in a sharp
rise of.I, especially at low pressures (of. Table). With a rise in I there
occurred a contradtion of the column, which was intensified with decreasing
Cs pressure. The diagrams ln[4I(Vg - f(V) (straight lines) indica-.e that
Maxwellian electron distribution prevailed in the plasma. The electron
temperatures T obtained therefrom are also given in the Table, and are
compared with vdlues obiained by probe measurements at H 0. With growing
Card 2/5
V/05 61/041/002/006/028
Recombination radiat-Lon of*.. B102YB205
9z and Prith a constant current.n e was found to Increaoe the more, the lower
the gas pressure. The electron temperature dropped more sharply, the lower
the prossuroo At higher pressure (0-13 mm Hg) and in the presence of fields
of up to 1300 oe, the latter Ifkaotically had no effeat any longer. The
results Otained here are fulIV @o-neistsnt with those following from the
theory of diffusion. The rise in I pausod by the application of a field is
attributed 1) to'the contraoti6n of the aotumn and to t14'inorease in
electron' concentrationq and 2) to the drqp of T e. The effect of the drop
of T accounts for about 10%. The effect of different o.Vrent densities
may ]be seen from the following data:
1,2 10-2)m PT. CM, H 13M Oe):
AI@A; 0,2 0,3 0*1 )0,1 0,1 0,7 0,8 1,0
I (H)II (0): 20 18,5 t4.2 tt@5 8,8 5,7 3.8 2,9
no (H)Ino(O) 4,4 4,0 3,6 Bj2 2,8 2,25 1,74 1,64
These data explain the result c@btained by Davies, who appIjqd low surpent
Card 3/5
J. 5
S/05 61/041/002/006/028
Recombination radiation of... B102Y3205
densitiles. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 11 references: 4 Soviet and
7 non-Soviet. The most important r6ference to English-language publi-
oations reads as followst L. Davies. Proc. Phys. goo. IB66, 331 1953-
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy uni versitet (Moscow State Uni-
SUBMITTEDa March 20, 1961
Legend to the Tables (1) Pressure in 10-3mm Hg; (2) T e according to the
spectrum; (3) Te according to@ the probe current at H-0. The data were
obtained at j - 0-5 a/cm2
Card 4/5
COP,- 3C B109'/B102
AUTHORSs Urazakov, E. I., Granovakiy, V. L.
TITLEs Determination of the (Jq17 values and the effective collision
frequencies of pla--ma electrons and ions in a magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 41,
no. 501), 1961, 1375 - 1377
TEXT% Measurements of ta@H'V for ions and electrons of an argon plasma
column were carried out at various gas pressures, The'arrangement provided
a 37 mm wide argon-filled tube, a magnetic field of 400 oersted, and a
discharge current of 500 ma. In order to determine the effect of the
longitudinal magnetIc field upon the plasma electrons and ions as well as
to ascertain the mean collision frequencies V and 'r (subscripts e and
e P
p for electrons and ions, respectively ) it is sufficient to measure the
current densities in the direction of the wall Uer@ ipr ) &-Ain the azimuthal
direction Uey jp? ) at one and the same spot JLn the plasma. The re-
sulting data may be evaluated with the aid of the formulas
Card 1/4
Determination of theca _R Tvalues and ... B!09/B!02
Ij = -1 /Vr 04P and
Pf/jpr = VP
C_ el e y /Vr 4e Ve
The current density measurements were carried out by means of the plane
prcbes shown in Fig. 1. Probe no. 1 measures j r (plane perpendicular to
the radius), probe no. 2 measures the f- component (plane of the probe
parallel to the z-r.-plane). T e and T p could be determined from these
data (Table). The results lead to the conclusions: (a) The effect of a
magnetic field of 400 oersted upon the electrons (Z41C is considerable up
to p /, 1 mm Hg, for ions it is small also at P Fd 5 - 10- 3 mm Hg. (b) IrP
grows linearly with p, so that the mean ion velocity is practically
constant. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 5 references: 3 Soviet and
11 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as
follows; S. C. Brown. Basic Data of Plasma Physics. N, Y.. Wiley, 1959.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow St;aLe
Card 2/4
GfWIOVSKIY. Veniamin LIvovich doktor fiziko-matem, nauk, prof.;
L'@* -r-ea7.-,---;6EWVSKIY, Ye.V.j, red.; ATROSHCUMMKO.,
L.Ye., tekhn. red.
[Vew ways for obtaining electric power] Novye put@ polucheniia.
elektricheskoi energii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1962. 47 p.
(Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politicheskikh I
nauchrjykh znanii. Ser.41 Tekhnika., no.22) (MIM 15:2)
(Electric generators)
-AUTHOR: Vasil'
yevas I@A.j Grano
TITLE: Nev data On thQ influence or a wgnetlc f ield an ion drift from a
@plasma of inert Mae
CITED SOURC3: Sb. Vopr. maVdtn. 91drodinamiki I dinamiki plszmy. V* 2.. Rigap
AN Ia.tvSM j 19621 4037409
TOPIC TAGS: liondrift, plasmas Ion drift'.. Inert gas magnetic field trl t o
diffusion coefficient, wall probe
a plasma, to the v311 in
TRANSLATION: A study was made of the drift or ions from
e]A. The drift of the Ions'from the plasma Is
the presence of a tz@petic f I
characterized by jin ion current density at the wall of the tube j . The di-
ffusion coefficient is determined from the relationp S a - Dd e/dr, vhere e is
the density of charge of positive ions near the wall. The tube Is made of glaselp
and contained an oxidecathode and a.comical anode. The ion current at the wall
TOPIC TAGS: plasmao viscosity# electric fieldp-m3gaetle fleld., satUrStIOU0.9"
TRANSLATION: A study is made of the motion of small viscosity (much less than
the magnatie,viscosity) plasma.. with,small conductivity,, in crossed electrical
and magnetic fields under a condition of constant total pressure along the 3 d
axis. By solving the za t6hydrodynamic equationsp the drift velocityp vhich Is..
proportional to the electrical field and.which has the rom of a curve vith its.-
saturation depending on the magnetic field was found. -The saturation is owmed
Card 1/2
S/1 0 9/'62/007/UO4/0,09/018
AUTHORS: Golubev, V.6., and Granovskiy? V.-L.
TITLD: on the theory of diffusion waves "n plasma placed in a
longitudinal magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no* 4, 1962,
663 - 669
TEXT: The diffusion of charge carriers in a quiescent -as is dis-
cussed in terms of the diffused waves in the two casest with and
without the magnetic field. Wave diffusion takes place in a long
gas-filled cylindrical tube having at its input a plasma source the
concentration of which varies periodically. The diffusion-velocity
of the charged particles and its coefficient can be calculat6a by
measuring the amplitude and phase of the variable concentration
comDonent at various points of the tube axis. The waves described
here differ from other wave modes of plasma concentration by the
mechanism of its origin and prop'agation. These waves originate by
the periodically-varying entry of charge carriers into the gas,
they cannot originate in the plaema spontaneously; the viave distri-
Card 112 .
On the theory of diffusion waves ... D230/D302
bUtion is determined entirely by the ambipolar diffusion of charge
carriers a.,.d it is not related to electron temperature variations
and the appearance of new regions of collision ionization. In the
case of very small gas pressures when an ion, moving in an ambipo-
lay electric field along the length of a free path, gains ener,-y
compared with its temperature energy the carrier equilibritu-, compa-
rison cannot be written down in the form of the di@fusion differc_@n-
tial equation. Further discussion about the limiting conditions in
application of the theory gives conclusions about the operating pa-
rameters for low gas pressures, for large pressures and far consi-
derable concentrations of charged particles. There are 5 figureS
and 8 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and lnon-Soviet-bloc. The i-eferen-
ce to English-language publication reads as follows: L. Tonks, Phys.
Rev., 1941, 59, 522.
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy 'akulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni-
v;rsiteta im'.' M.V. Lomonosova, kafedra elelctroniki
(Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University im. 1'.'.V.
Lomonosov, Department of Electronics)
SUBMITTED: October 25, 1961
Card 2/2
.AUTHORS: Golubev, V.S.v
and Granovskiyj, V.L.
TITLE: An experimental study of diffusion waves of charged
particles in a quiescent gas inside a magnetic field
PEMODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 5, 1962v
880 - 889
TEXT: The authors describe an dxperimental verification of the
theory of diffusion waves in a magnetic field, as iven by them
earlier (Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1962, 7, 4, 963)-and attempt
to confirm in this way the dependence of the coefficient of ambipo-
lar diffusion on the magnetic field, which dependence results from
the theory of binary collisions. The ambipolar diffusion of elec-
trons and ions in rarified He and A, occurring along a cylindrical
tube was investigated in variOUB conditions: at a constant concen-
tration at the beginning of the tube (a stationary diffusion stream)
at a periodically changing concentration (concentration waves), in
.the a@sence and in the presence of an axial magnetic field, In the
absence of magnetic field the plasma parameters were measured both
'Card 1/3
An experimental study of diffusion D201/D308
by the twin- and the Langmuir-probe methods. In the presence of mag-
netic field the current of a twin-probe only-was measured. The mea-
surements viere carried out in He and A, at pressures 0.03 - 1 mm H
discharge currents 0.3 - 1 A, plasma concentrations n =9 107 - 1016' t'l
CM73j magnetic fields up to 1400 oersted and modulating frequencies
40 - 10-000 cls. The decrease in the concentration and temperature
of electrons in a stationary diffusion stream and the attenuation
of concentration waves were measured as functions of the magnitude
of the magnetic field, frequency of the wave and of other experimen-
tal conditions. The results prove the validity of the theory of dif-
fusion waves in plasma as given by the authors and by O.Rs Konenko
in 1960. The method of diffusion waves makes it also possible to de-
termine by a novel method the dependence of the coefficient of trans-
verse diffusion on the magnetic field, which dependencet for fields
uD to 1500 oersteds, remains in good agreement with,the theory of
binary collisions. A detailed description of the experimental T-sha-
ped tube, the experiment procedure and comparison of results obtai-
ned with those cited in both Soviet-bloc and non-Soviet-bloc litera-
ture are given. There are 9 figures and 2 tables,
Card 2/3-
An experimental study of diffusion ... D201/D308
ASSOCIATION: Pizicheskiy' fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni-
versiteta im. M.V. Lomonosva. Kafedra elektroniki
(Moscow State University im. M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty
of Physics, Department of Electronics)
SUBMITTED: November 13, 1961
.Card 3/3
Concentration waves of charge carriers in a maving ionized gasb
Iladiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.10:1795-1798 0 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. (Gases, Ionizied)
Volume recombination $p a helium plasma in a magentic field.
Zhur. eksp. i teor,. fiz. 43 no-4:1253-1261 0 162. (MIM 15:11)
l. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitete
(Plasm (Ionized gases))
(Magmetic fields)
Transverse (Hall) diffusion in a plasma of inert gases. Zhur.
eksp,. i teor. fiz. 45 no.5:1285-1293 N 163. (MM 171l)
L Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
@.M -@M
- I b.n
Practice of controlling dust in the air of an a.sbezf4 'aM. Sbor.
rab. po siIA4 no*3:173rl?@ 161. (MM 15:10)
1. "bestoobogatiteltnava fabrik-,NO.5 tresta Soyuzaabeet.
I (As ben t;z) (Dust-Removal)
Contributions to the seveD-year plan fund. Nest.prom.i ",--Promp,
1 no.2/3:11 N-D 160. - (KM 3,44)
(Mordovia-Mamfacture-Technological innovations)
(MIRA 13:10)
Gold fund. MaBtougl. 9 no-9:12 6160-
(Coal mines and mining-Technological innovations)
GANDZYUG, S. (Khabarovsk); TKACXW, -I-; SHASHUNOV, j.;_.q@y4_k:qjy&.
Technological':LnformaUft,-,--okhr,-,truda i nots.9trakh. 6
no.104,47 JA 163, (KM-A 16d)
l..'" S,,tarshly ingpe@ftr--otde2w-okhrany-truda Vaosoyun'ogo
tMentrallnogo moveta,proremdonal-lzwkh-soyasov (for Iglin).
2. ZaTeduyushobty atidelm-okhrany truda t*ntrallnogo kowiteta
profemsionallnogo aoynza-rabochikh ugollnoypronyshlennostU
(for Ber7ohey). a
(Technological innovations)
(Safety appItances)
21(l) SOV/56-36-2-46/63
AUTHOR: Granovskiy, Ya. I.
TITLE: 0 0
Concerning the Problem of the -Meson (K voprosu o - mezone)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 2, pp 623-624 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the compound model of the elementary particles which is
based on the idea of Fermi-Yang (Ref 1), the pion is represented
as a system consisting of a nucleon strongly interacting with an
antinucleon. Besides the pion triplet, the isotopic singlet
V2 may, however, be formed from the same
p7p> + (nn
"bare" particles. The fact that such a particle is not observed
experimentally requires an explanation. Okun' (Ref 3) suggests
that the mass of the ? -meson is sufficiently high. Perellman
(Ref 5), however, assumes that h@a - M Because of the dif-
ferent values of the isotopic spins, the forces connecting the
nucleon and the antinucleon in the 7r 0- and @0-mesons will be
different as well. In the symmetrical variant, for example, the
--I, -'*
equals a for T = 1 and -3a for
interaction potential V = ac
Card 1/2 I
Concerning the Problem of the @O-fheson SOV/56-36-2-46/63
T = 0. In this 8ase, the existence of a pion would exclude the
existence ofa fo-meson-The introduction of a component which
does not depend on T cannot alter this conclusion because of the
smallness of these forces. Perellman calculated the mass dif-
ferenc6 for particles of equal value of the isotopic spin.
AM = 12-7 me ,tin particular, is the difference between the mas-
ses of the 'IT - and 'FLO-mesons. By taking account @f the magnetic
interaction,the calculated mass difference is approximated. to
the experimental value AM = gm e . There are 6 references, 2 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki AN Kazakhskoy SSR (Institute of Nuclear
Physics AS Kazakhskaya SSR)
SUBMITTED: October 22, 1958
Card 2/2
21 (1 21 (7)
AUTHORS: Granovskiy2 Ya. I., Chaenikov, I. Ya, SOY/56-36-4-24/70
TITLE: On the Analysis of Showers of High Energy
(Y, analizu livney bol'shoy energii)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 4, pp 1119-1122 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper was inspired by two Italian papers
(Refs 1, 2) in which the energy dependence of shower
particles upon the angle of departure of these particles
had been investigated in the laboratory system. The
authors found a bivalent dependence, which was explained
by assuming double- or multiple collisions between the
primary particle with the nucleons of the target nucleus
.in an interaction. The authors of the present paper
point out that, if the existence of multi-charged shower
particles is assumed, a bi- or multivalence of this
dependence may also occur (the case of a shower formed
from multi-charged particles was discovered and dealt
with in the laboratory of the authors). pv - f(1/sin 6)
dard 1/ describes for the case of multi-charged particles two
. 3 curves (Fig 1). Such a bivalence was found to exist also
-On the Analysis of Showers of High Energy SOV/56-36-4-24/70
by Boos, Vinnitskiy et al. (Ref 3) for showers in
(N,N)-collisions. In the present paper the authors
show that this kind of energy dependence on the angle
of departure can be kinematically explained for certain
showers without any assumptions as to the interaction
mechanism of primary particles with one or several
nucleons of the target nucleus@ For Vc> '*(Vc = velocity
of the center of mass system, V* = particle velocity
in the c.m.s., p = particle momentum, e - spatial angle
of departure of particles in the laboratory system)
an expression is derived for E/m y by means of the
Lorentz transformation E* - To C;
(L., PV Cos 0), 1
and in several diagrams for various I the dependence
c 12
of y-values on the x-values x . 1 V2cos e) is
represented. With a - elmy c and E c(E* + P*v CCos 0@
V 0 2
it holds for e 90 that y y ca. By using these
Card 2/3 equations the authors show the possibility of obtaining
On the Analysis of Showers of High Energy SOV/56-36-4--@24/70
a more precise determination of y. which takes the
energy of angular distribution of the flying-off
particles into account. The authorsfinally thank Zh. S.
Takibayev for his interest and valuable comments.
There are 3 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are
ASSOCIATION. Institut yadernoy fiziki Akademii nauk Kazakhakoy SSR
(Institute for.Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences)
SUBMITTED: September 69@1958_`
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Granovskiy, Ya. 1. SOV/56-36-4-29/70
TITLE: The Mass Spectrum of Mesons in the Heisenberg Theory (Spektr
mass mezonov v teorii Gayzenberga)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 4, PP 1154-1158 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper the author investigates agreement between
Heisenberg's theory and experimental results concerning the
meson spectrum. The question is investigated in this con-
nection as to the form of the nonlinear term tt,2(.@O njj)
in the Heisenberg Lagrangian, i.e. what sign and what form of
the matrix 0n leads to results that are the nearest approach
to experimental results. All calculations are carried out in
an approximation that corresponds to the first approximation
in the Tamm-Dancoff method. Calculation results are given by
tables I and 2 for S,V@T,k and P variants., It was found that,
whereas, e.g., the mass of the pseudoscalar meson theoretically
assumes a value that exceeds the experimentally determined
value by 2 to 3 times its amount, the scalar variant still
Card 1/2 leads to the beat agreement, i.e. the deviation is only--25@,
The Mass Spectrum of Mesons in the Heisenberg SOV/56-36-4-29/70
Though taking isotopic properties into account improves the
results obtained with respect to masses, it at the same time
leads to difficulties in the case of charged mesons. Within
the framework of the Lagrangian L 1@1 7P @ + '44112Vonl) (Y On+)
("realistic model") elimination of these difficulties is
possible only by variation of the isotopic structure of the
commutation function St(q/). The author finally thanks Professor
W. Heisenberg and Doctor H. Mitter for placing data at his
disposal, and I. G. Golyak for assisting in carrying out
calculation6 in the first part of this paper. There are 2
tables and 5 references, I of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Akademii nauk Kazakhskoj S3-R (Irstl
for Nuclear Physics of the Academy of bciences, Kazakhskaya SSR)
SUBMITTED: October 4, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Granovskiy, Ya. I. SOV/56-36-4-50/70
TITLE: Simplification of the Calculated Formulas for the Estimation
of Statistical Weight (Uproshcheniye raschetnykh formul dlya
vychisleniya statisticheakogo vesa)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 4t PP 1303-1304 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A calculation of the statistical weight has already been
carried out by several papers; the complete results were
obtained by Belen'kiy, Maksimenko, Nikishov., and Rozentall
(Ref 2). The author gives a considerably simplified version
of the formula derived in reference 2:
W - fd-p d-pv( Z pk - po)l (2: E
k - Eo)
(2r) e x p [- "rXj XTk?pk exp i (.rpk Ic OE 0@ where
TILPO Ir 10 - 'roEo
Card 113
Simplification of the Calculated Formulas for the SOV/56-36-4-50/70
Estimation of Statistical Weight
The simplification has the form
00 1 2N
W11 = (2n)".4 .12 (_Sn N f a1da1...a N daN exp i P 20 - E,2,,i 'k I
i R_O)@ (a, +...a,,) 41+-,aN TQJ
k -
or 2 jV12
'(E2 2 @dpl...'Hd'N ex4 1 1))1 1
WN 2 -2 V.0 0 0 01+....PN P@
in ( P,
with V 2 = m2/(E2 _ 12) which for V2 - 0 assumes the form
k k 3N-4 k
W(O) . w N-1 (4N-4)1 E0
N M (311@4)1 (211-2)1(2N-1)1 with PO - 0, and for
v2 / 0 if exp (_,I:V2 is expanded in series and is broken
k VP0
off after the second term, it-holds that
Card 2/3