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Pressure Treatment of Alloys (Cont.) SOV/1302 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Korneyevj, N.I.; I.O.Skugarev; Ya.Ya..Grannikov; A.S. Aleshin; N.Ya. Talyzin; P.M. Bashin; M.I. ShmeIe_v_,-_E-.W-. Baranova. Technology of Precision Forging of Turbine Blades 5 Murzov, A.I.,and A.A.-DMitrlyev. Die Rolling of Blanks for - Turbine Blades 25 Korneyev, N.I.,and I.G. Skugarev. Study of Deformation of Iron- and Nickel-Bise Heat Resistant Alloys 34 Kalugin, B.F.1 T.S. Kuzina; and A.A. Dmitriyev. Methods of Titanium-base Alloy Sheet Rolling 56 Korneyev, N.I.1 I.G. Skugarev; and S.B. Pevzner. Methods of Extruding and Foring Molybdenum and Molybdenum-base Alloys 69 Card 3/4 L 4,1-313-66 Ba gi) ACC NRs AP6029429 SOURCE CODE: UR/0205 /66/006/-00--4-/0--6-3-0/-,0-6-3-0- AUTHORt Manoylov. S. Ye.t Grannikova, A. V. ORG: Central Scientific Reagarch notitute of Roentgenolo y and lRadiology, MZ SSSR, Leningrad (Tsentral'nyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy rentgano-radiologicheskiy institut MZ SSSR); Leningrad Chemical d Pharmaceutical Institute, MZ RSFSR (Leningradakiy khLmiko-farmat cheakiy institut MZ RSFSR) TITLEt The effect of dicaptol In acute radiation sickness SOURCEs Rediobiologlya, Y. 6, no. 4, 1966, 630 TOPIC TAGS% biologic radiation affect, radioprotector, dicaptol, mousso metal enzyme, tissue respiration, x ray ) )M'O/A)VV-0X--) 194J-r/R19D/,r7;r1d'L) J'Dpua ABSTRAM The effect of aratertim n acute radiation sickness was Investigated using dicaptol, whic@ was chosen for its ability to form complex compounds with metal enzymes and to inhibit their functiqn. Thirty-nine hybrid white mice were injected intramuscularly twice in four hr with 0.2 ml dicaptol, and, immediately following the last injection, were irradiated with 800 r on a RUH-3 device (18 ma, 180 kv 0.5 mm Cu and I mm Al filters, 50 r/min). The effect of the prepara- tion was determined an the basis of viability, body weight, and L C NRt AP6029429 laukocyte count. Results showed that 67,8% of the experimental animals survived compared to 5% for the controls (the majority of deaths occurring from the 5th-12th days after irradiation). The test animals lost less weight. Leukocyte count decreased uniformly on the fifth day for both groups, but then returned to normal in the test group. D i captol apparently forms a complex compound with the metal enzymes which partic- ipate in tissue respiration, inhibiting their active role. Penetrating radiation cannot destroy this compound, so the metal enzymes remain unharmed. Dicaptol later separate& from the metal enzymes, freeing them to participate in tissue respiration. Dicaptol, cyanide, and irradiation, all of which increase the sensitivity of animals to hypoxia, inhibit, and therefore protect, the activity of metal enzymes (cytochromes and others) in tissue respiration. ISWI SUB CODES 06/ SUSH DATEs 235ep65/ ORIG REFS 005/ ATD PRESSI 5073 2/20L-@ GREDUEV A. F. (Donetsk, 55, ul. Shchorea, 10, kv. 7); GRANOV, A. M. (Donetsk, ul. Artema, V/75, kv. 131) Diagnosis and treatment of cancer of Vaterla ampulla. Vnp. onk. 8 no.1:25-30 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltatakoy kHrurgii (zav. - prof. K. T. (@vnatanyan) Donstakogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dots. A. M. Ganichkin na baze oblastnoy klinicheekoy bollnitsy im. M. I. Kalinina (glav. vrach - V. F. Zubko) (DUODENW-CANCER) OVNATANYAII, KeTs. prof, (Donetsk, Pushkinakays. ul., d. 129, kv.63); GRANOV, A.140- 1- Experience with repeated operations on the biliary tract. Vest. khir. 91 no.7alO-22 J1163 (MIRA 16.-12) 1. Isrfakulltetakoy khirurgicheskoy k-liniki (zav. - prof. K.T.Omatanyan) Donetskogo meditainskogo instituts. Imeni A.M.Gortkogo. USSR/@Nedicine - Wounds 11 NOT 49 Skin, Regeneration lt@te of Epithelization in Skin Wounds Under Conditions Occurring in the Lowlands and High Mountain Regions," L. G. Granov, 0. T. Utkina, L. S. Sutulov, Stalinabad Med Inst, 21 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol =, No 2 Similar skin wounds open, without suture, and closed by suture, were made in 30 dogs at 3,560 meters above sea level (Anzob Paso, Tadzhikistan) mid in the lowlands (Stalinabad). They were ex- amined and slides made at Y ious intervals of 157T65 USSR/ - Wounds 11 Nov 49 (Contd) hours said days. Results of examinations, given ir, detail, show that regeneration of epithelium and whole healing process are retarded at high altitudes. Submitted by Acad A. I. Abrikosov 30 Jul 49. 157T65 OWOVI L. G. "Concerning, the Healing of Wounds Under Conditions Encountered in High-Mountain Country". Thesis for degree of Dr. Medical Sci. Sub. 23, Oct. 50, First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst, Su=ary 71, 4 Sep. 52. Dissertations Presented for! Dep-Prees in Science and Engineering in Moscow in 12:.0. From Vechemyaya Moskva, Jan-Dec 1950. USM/Nedicine Healing of Wounds Oct 51 Clinical Conparison Between the Healing of Wounds in Mountainous -Regions and in Valleys," L..G. Granov, Head of the Chair of-Operative C, Burg, Stalinabad Med Itst A. "nirurgiya" No 10, pp 46-51 Investigated healing at 850 and 4460 m elevation of-wounds inflicted on exptl animals (dogs). Found healing was considerably slower at the bigher elevation, and the effect of the altitude In slowing down healing persisted for 12 days 193T71 MSR/KWdicine - Healln=er of WomAnds (Contd) Oct 51 after animals bad been removed from the mountain to a valley where wounds were inflicted. This includes behavior of infected wounds. 193771 GRANOVI L.G. (Lev Grigorlyjvich) "On the Healing of Wounds at High Altitudes," (Dissertation), Academic degree of Doctor in 14edical Sciences, based on his defense, 23 FebruarY 1954, in the Joint Council of the Group of Leningrad Insts. Acad Med Sci USSR, Tzhevsk Medical Inst, W-M-3,054,778, 2 Oct 57 GRANOT, L.G _Rrgf . r-::@ific features of wound healing in inbabitsato of mountainous regions [with summary in English]. Khirurgiia 33 no.9:48-53 S '57. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Is kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgil. I-zhovBkogo meditainskogo institUta. (WOMM AND INJURM healing in inhabitants of mountauous regions) GRAIIOVp R.A.; SIVOVOWVp D.V., red. Izd-va; FOSS, Yu.A., tekhn. red. [V.I.Lenin and the development of construction in the Soviet Union] V.I.Lenin i razvitie stroitel'stva v Sovetskoi strane. Voronezh, Izd-vo Voronezhokogo univ.y 1960. 33 Pe NRA 14:9) (Construction industry) BATAIDV. it (Stalinogorsk); MENTSINGER$ VopkiAker (Moskva); ENDKOVSKIT, M., (g: Yakutsk); ICHITOVKIN Ye. (g. V7borg).. SYMIM, A.- GRANDVV V.; NzIr-l-Ow. AIMSKVCIXIN, V. (Moskva); LIKHANOV. A. (g., Kirov); USTI Letters to the editor. Soy. fato 19 no.2:86-87 P '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1.Mosknigotorg (for Mentsinger). (Pho tography) QRANOV, Vladimir Dmitriyevich; STEPANTAR, N.I., red.; YELAGIN, A.S., - (Tim works for us] Tremla rabotaet no nas. Moskva. Izd-vo OSoveteksla Roselle.* 1939. 44 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Russia-Industries) (Competition, International) @2RKOV) A.M... prof.; OVCIUROV, V.K., nauk; q@gPVA, L.S.) 06-14Abw@t; MERKOV5 A.M.y red.; KUZIYINA, red. [Medical statistics; a bibliography of the Soviet literature, 1918-19601 Sanitarnaia stat1stika; bibliografiia sovetskoi literatury, 1918-1960 gg. 1.',oskva, Medgiz, 1963. 358 p. (MIRA 17:1) ;@g j'U'EIPCITI NA, I . i . , TSHCHIN, A. V. : A , ft. A. - - ---" --- Cli lral and epidemliclogical @iiaractaristics of enterovirus diseases in Tomsk,, Trudy TomNlPi.) 14-.64-70 163. (KIRA. 17:7) 1. Tomskly meditsinskiy institutt. SOV/96-58-8-3/22 AUTHORS: Sobolev, S.P. and Granov,-V.Ye. (Engineers) TITLE; The Modernisation of Turbine VR-25-1 of the Kharikov Turbine Works2 and Analysis of the Results obtained. (Modernizatsiya turbiny VII-25-1 Khar1kovskogo turbinogo zavoda i analiz poluohennykh rezulltatov) V09-6 PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, Nr 8) 19581 PP 13-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recent improvements in blading design have given much better stage efficiencies in turbine test rigs. The main object of the modernisation of turbine type VR-25-1 carried out by the Kharlkov Turbine Works in 1956 was to verify in practice the effectiveness of the neir principles of designing the flow paths of turbines and t6 see whether the improvement corresponded to that obtained Di@-rig tests. The new guide vanes and working blades had profiles C-1 and T-2a. respectively. The new blades were made narrower than the old and the stage reaction was increased from 5 to 12-15% to obviate negative reaction at the blade roots. Other changes that were made in the turbine are described- loss calculations are considered and the old a@A new designs are com. ared in Card 1/3 Table 1. The reconstructed turbine was test% three times by the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute. BOV/96-58-8-3/22 The Modernisation of Turbine VR-25-1 of the KharIkov Turbine Works, and Analysis of the Results obtained. The test results were givenin an article by Rubinshteyng Gribkov and Ibdigarev in Teploenergetika Nr 9, 1957. After modernisation the pressure in the regulating stage chamber was much lower than before at the same discharge rate. Modernisation of the turbine increased the efficiency by only 2+ - 39,, but this article shows that if the effects of a number of secondary factors are excluded the increase in efficiency should be of the expected order of 8*%. The defects are mainly that the outlet angles from the guide vanes are not of the Card 2/3 designed values, which gives ri3e to high losses in st-eam distribution and excessive drop in the regulated stage. m SOV/96-58-8-3/22 The Modernisation of Turbine VR-25-1 of the Kharlkov Turbine Works, and Analysis of the Results obtained. Contrary to the conclusion of the previous article, the full efficiency of the new blading would be realised if the small errors in angle were eliminated. There are: 1 fig, 2 tables and 1 Soviet literature reference, ASSOCIATION: Khar1kovskiy turbinnyy zavod (Kharlkov Turbine Works) 1. Turbines--De sign 2. Turbines--Analysis 3. TuiCbine blades Card 313 --Test methods 50) SOV/80-32-4-27/47 AUTHORS., Gavurina, R.K., Medvedeva, P.A., Yanovskaya, Sh.G. and Granova, Z.A. TITLE- The Polymerization of Styrene in the Presence of 1-Oxy-11- hydroperoxide-dicyclohexyl peroxide and Cobalt Naphthenate (Polimeri- zatsiya stirola v prisutstvii 1-oksi-i~-gidroperekisiditsiklogeksil- parekisi i naftenata kobal@ta) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 4, PP 857-863 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The polymerization of styrene was studi d b number of investigators in particular by Dolgoplosk and Tinyakov -Refs 7, _87. The study of this process in the presence of the agents cited in the title presents a special- inierest because of its wide application in the technology of copolymerization of unsaturated polyester resins. The investigation of the kinetics of styrene polymerization was conducted by the authors by means of the dilatometric method and by polyme- rization in ampoules, in case of high conversion. Nitrogen, puri- fied from oxygen, served as a medium. 0 Three series of experiments at temparatures of 25; 38.4 and 5604 C were carried out while applying thi method of polymerization in dilatometers.- Kinetic curves obtained in these experiments are shown in Figures 1 - 3. Card 1/3 The study of kinetic curves at higher conversions was carried out SOV/80-32-4-27/47 The Polymerization of Styrene in the Presence of l-Oxy-l--hydroperoxide- dicyclohexylperoxide and Cobalt Naphthenate at a temperature of 38,40C. Conclusions drawn from thess experiments are as followat 1. The system consisting of 1--oxy-11-hydroperoxide- diCYC13hexylperoxide and cobalt naphthenate manifests its activity '0 in 3tyrene pclymerizat-Lon at low t-emperatures, 25 To 50' C; 2, The introduction of cobalt naphthenate leads to an increasa in the initial polymerization ratl-e, Ro@ With increa3ing cobalt concentra- tiong _fj@s7j@,flo also Increases. The functional relationship between .@ and LC-OJW @a linear. With polymerization its rate R progressing, 4a noti,:;eably reduced, which is more prenouaced at the higher concent@,ation of cobalt naphthenate@ 3. The characteristic viscosity of solutions of the polymers obtained,@t, decreases in the region of .ow convers*ons bL-t @3harpiy- in the region of high con- Card 2/3 versions, wher cotalt naphthenate is added. With increasing concen- SOT/60-32-4-27/47 The Polymerization of Styrene in the Presence of I-Oxy-11-hydroperoxide- dicyclohexylperoxide and Cobalt Naphthenate tration of cobalt naphthenate,Iq also rises, There are 7 graphs, 3 tables and 14 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 3 German, 8 English and 1 Japanese. SUBMITTEDs JanuarY 31, 1958 Card 3/3 z 7 tw4l"I A4 "CoOllis "lot hM'v v sw .00 to saw da- a facm AMIL -04i CrMLT.mdV.O*me: oxage -JA. wM0.00109, 106 OAXW4 "I 0-09M. 71 OdO 1 QM41 61W.11406; got aw a. w " Mo. Ti. V- -V fee See sea, 0ow 4900 We* ao COO 0 not, we* age ,L~AL age 480" VO-In. WOO I -a;v -&$I I W a 0 4 41 go lb 16 j, Q 0 i 0-0-0. eleAllro 41 4A 0000000*6*00 .Rf 01W W W 111 9 *all 1; 'low OF IF C W4 x m AA **'A ,it-appital FaCC1611% ..0 RICO ju LA-A-A-A- 1-1 A,,j A -Y ii- #--j- L- V'P-' T"'Au'" at Ifilth Te ure of alsmiltIL Ttuviian.) r m A. ajAuvaiLq I A. Lynblinov. lhrnal Fizi- n,l ' V. " l Chemistry) i V 06 , ca I (if Phys jj) I Xhimil I ourna i chir 22, Jan. 1948, P. 103PI04. b 009 ove pparstu% develojwd (fir the a ribes new 50 D 410 - esc and Zr sents d:ta for bimmuth tit the ranscv, 4 rU and tnbles. h f V a c 700, by incans o OO 00 Atit -I L A INITALLUKKAL LITCRATApIll CLAMPKATION 7=- - IF U S Al 710 kjjW' 1 OR K it n T b 01* 0 0 *,,'* *1* 0 0 0 0 -34&11 IN v dRI o 0 o o 0 0 * a o 0 0 0 0 0 ao 0 roe X00 go* See See GW,N,OVS'KAYA, A. 6-17T23 U SOR /Chemistry -Tin Apr 1948 Chemistry - Vapor Pressure "Measurement of Small-Yapor Pressures at High Temperatures: n, Vapor Pressure of Tin," A. Granovskayaj A. ;qubinov, Chair of Gen Chezi,- Chair of Phys, Moscow Inst of Steel, 21pp "Zhur Fiz We Vol IXII, No .4 Previous vork was on studies c.mducted on the pros_ sure of tin vapmupt low temperraturas. Use same method here to measure tin vapw pressure in the range@ of 730 - 950o C. Tabulate rem1to obtained. Sub- mitted 22 Jul 1947. 6M3 YA, A. A. Hydrocarbons -1 Determining va(;Or 2ranaura of normal hydrocarhons. Vest. Moak. uh. no. 6, 1-952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December _19-A9 Uncl. ull 6TWIZ IsOxnesaid T-eT;avd r,6-r jo a,46p aiq,4 xoj sado,4osT aAT,;o'eoTp= jo poti,49m aq@ jo, sa2uque.&pe 9TAq- TnO 4UTOcT. *OT-E 2V OAT40VOTPID-T JO PT12 a14 tMTA DoLggT-LEOT pe xajLT-re jo amssaxd jaduA aqj. paxn9leali @Lij-Uij dd.lij oa 'LZ -10A "mT,qX zTJ =qz -%ODSOK IIUTV,4s -,& -I in T80,4s jo 4suj ll9.RmtsAotmj!) -V -V lAomr;qrLAj,-d *V la-dotpsI OAT'40voTPVH v JO UOT'4.vDTTddV OT4 lq'4TM .10ATTS JO O-MssaJcl Jod*GA alqq. -TIO -4uamaxnslaaK *III *.saxn!pitad -maj, tjBT-H q.-e samssarj zed-oA morl jo uoTi-vuT=aq-;aa,, xdV sadwpol Ajqsjmw1usm. 57 44 GWOVSXLYA. A.A.; LYUBIHOV, A.P. Measuring small vapor preosures at highbomperatures. Part 5. Partial vapor pressures of components in the system iron - phospho- rus. Zhur.fix.khim. 27 no.10::1443-1445 0 '53. (MLHA 6:12) 1. lustitat stalt im. I.Y.Stalina. Moscow. (Vapor pressure) (Iron) (Phosphorus) dotsent; LTUBIMOV, A.P., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, Investigation of thermodymmic properties of binary malts using radioactive isotopes. Sbor.Inst.stali no-32:79-96 '54, (KLRA 10:5) I,Kafedra obahchey khimii I fiziki. (Systems (Chemistry)) (Radiolatopes) GM,,70VSK1%YA., A. A.; LfJBIMOV, A. P. (Prof., Ph.D.) "Investigation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Components -Jri a Liquid Iron- Chromium System," in book The Application of Radioisotopes in Metallurgy, Symposium XXXIV; Moscow; State Publishing House for Literature on Ferrous and Nonferrous Metallurgy 1955. Prof. A. P. LYUBIMOV, Ph. D.,- A. A. GRANOVSKAYA, Assistant, Chair ofGeneral Chemistry, Moscow Inst. of Steel Im I. V. Stalin. GRANOVSKAYAO.A.A.6-doteent, kandidat khimicheskikh nauk; LYUBIHOV, A.P., professor, alf'ser roexanichouldhm sauk. Investigating @the thermodynamic properties of the constituents of Iren- sulfur and iron-sillc*z system@ in the liquid state. Sbor.Inst,stali 34: 66-90 '55. (KIRA 9:7) 1.Xafedra obahchey khinii i kafedra, fisiki. (Irea-silicoa alloys) (Systems (Chemistry)) LTUBINDT, A.P., professor, dektor tekhnichoskikh nauk; GRMV%gAjA.4., doteent, kandidat khimichookikh nauk. Izvestigating the thermodynamic properties of the constituents of iron- chromium systems in the liquid state. Sber.Inst-stali 34:95-101 155. OQU 9:7) 1.1afedra, fisiki i lafedra. obshchey khimii. (Iromv-c@rqplum &11*j@s) (Chromiua-lootopes) SOV/!6'x-58r 1--2/53 AUTHORS: Lyubimovq A. P., Granovskaya, A. A,,, Berenshteyn, L. Ye. TITLE: The Investigation of the Ternary System Fe-Cr-Ni in Liquid State (Iseledovaniye troynoy sistemy Fe-Cr-Ni v zhidkom sostoyanii) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya; 1958, 11r 19 PP- 7-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the Present paper the influence of the composition of the liquid phase on the evaporation rate of the components in the ternary melt Fe-,Cr-Ni was investigated. In this inves- tigation the composition of the vapor phase was determined in relation to the concentratiorBof the components in the melt as well as to the temperature. The investigations in the melt Pe-Cr-Ni were divided into wider concentration ranges, viz. for iron and nickel from 0 to 100 and for chromium from 0 to 35 %- The composition of the vapor phase was determined in an appa- ratuB especially constructed for this purpose. All investigations were carried out at temperatures of Card 1/2 16330, 16810and 17370C. SOV/163--58-1-2/53 The Investigation of the Ternary System Fe.-CY.-Ni in Liquid State The experimental results showed that the ternary system Fe.,Cr-Ni represents an ideal solution between the components. It was found that a decrease of the nickel content in the vapor phase occurs when it is decreased in the melt, The chromium content in the vapor phase ine2eases according to the dec-rease of the nickel content in the melt. The ternary system Fe--Cr-Ni did not show any considerable dQ- viation from the ideal solution up to a temperature of There are 4 figures and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviefi. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut atali (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: October 8, 1957 Card 2/2 SOV/76-32-7-21/45 AUTHORS: Lyubimov, A. P., Granovskaya, A. A., Berenshteyn, L. Ye. TITLE: The Investigation of"TffTTffFFF53y`Ma6!c Propertien of the Binary System Iron-Manganese in Solid State (Issledovaniye termodinamicheakikh avoystv dvoynoy sistemy zhelezo-mar- ganets v tverdom sostoyanii) PERIODICAL- Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 32, Nr 7, PP-1591-15906 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the investigations the authors employed the method of open surface evaporation with the calculations of the partial vapor pressures being carrie+ut according to the Langmuir formula. It was found that the partial pressure may be ob- tained without a determination of the evaporation surface and of the absolute quantity of each component on the basis of the equation by Gibbs-Duhem by means of a graphical inte- gration. The method described may be employed for the determi- natiors of the vapor pressure in all concentration intervals, except the case that the vapor pressures of the components Card 1/3 differ by more than an order of 1,5, as in the case of greater SOV/76-32-7-2 1,14 5 The Investigation of the Thermodynamic Properties of the Binary System Iron- Manganese in Solid State differences of the vapor pressures of the components reliable results may only be obtained with small concentrations of the easily volatile components. 0The determinations were car- ried out at 1213, 1363 and 1447 with the above mentioned syetc_l using acceptors (platelets on which the condensation took place); the latter were investigated by spectralanalytical methods, using standards (the origin of which is described). As according to the method described it is not possible to determine the vapor pressure of the pure iron at the tempera- ture given, this value was taken from publications. The ex- perimental values obtained for the molar content of the com- ponents in the vapor phase, the vapor pressure of the compo- nents as well as the activities and activity coefficients are given in a table. From the results may be seen that the system iron-manganese according to its thermodynamic proper- ties is close to the ideal solution state. The deviations from the ideal state which are to be observed at lower temperatures decrease at higher temperatures so that the system may be called ideal at 14470. Ther@ are 3 figures, 'C' tables, and Card 2/3 4 referencesq 3 of which are 3oviet. SOV/76-32-7-21/45 The Inve3tigation of the Thermodynamic Properties.of the Binary Syste-"! Iron- Wnganese in Solid State ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali im. 1. V. Stalina (Moscow Institute of Stecl imeni 1. V. Stalin) SUBMITTED: March 12, 1957 1. Iron-manganese systems-Thermodynamic properties Card 3/3 VASILIYEVA, Z.G.; GRANOVSKAYA A.A.; MAKARYCHEVA, Ye.P. TAPEROVA, A.A.; FIUDENM'R-K@,fe. ANILMCH9 T.A.9 red. (Laboratory work in general chemistry; semimicro malysis] Laboratornyi praktikum po obshchei khimii; polumArometod. 2. izd. Moskva,, Khimiia, 1965. 346 p. (MIRA 18:7) t 39611@5-@6 28 SOURCE CODE; UR O2Z 0 98 INVMMRiLaskorin, B. N.; Smirnova, N. M.; Granovskaya, A. D. ORG: none TITLE: Method of manufacturing joa_excha InEe6aterials. Class 29, no. 177030 / - W SOURCE- Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 24, 1965, 57 TOPIC TAGS: Ion exchange, synthetic fiber, textile, graft copolymer, polymer, chlorine, vinyl chloride, amine, copoly1mer ABSTRACT: The method of manufacturing ion exchange materials (textiles, fibers) by grafting another polymer to the initial*olymer is charac- terized by the fact that chlorine-containing fibers and tektiles such as chlorine or vinylidene chloride and vinyl chloride copolymers are used as the initial polymer, and pol ethylene polyamine or other amino compounds as the second (added@ polymer in order to improve the quality and increase the assortment of ion exchange materials. SUB CODE: 11,DO/ SUBM DATE: 23Apr62 Card GORDURT, G.S., prof.; YAKUSHKIN, D.I.. Prinimali uchostiye: GORSKATA, N.V.; ,.; YEVSTIGNEYEVA, T QA&QjgAYAA A. Te u.G.; KRYLOV, H.V.; LRYKIN, D.I.; MMOVETSKIT, V.3.: NZYWORP, A.L.: MAZAPMMO, V.I.; NICHIPOMM# O.K.; PAVLOV, L.I.; RUKYANTSEVA, N.V.; SOSENSKIT, I.I.; CHERNNTSKIY. 7h.V.e TULUPNIKOV, A.I., red.; SOLOVIIEV, A.V., j3rof., red.; RAUTINA. Ye.D., red.; ZUBRILINA, Z.P., [Agriculture In capitalist countries; a statistical manual] Sellskoe khoziaistvo kapitalinticheskikh stran; statisitcheskii abornik. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1958. 247 p. (MIR1 12:5) 1. Moscow. Yeesoyusnyy nouchno-iseledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki sel'skogo khozyayastva. 2. Otdel nauchnoy infornotaii po ekonomike i organizataii sellskogo khozyayaStVa 2arabezhnykh stran Ysesoyuznogo nauchno-ionledovatellskogo instituta ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva (for all except Tulupnikov, Soloviyev, Rakitina. Zubrilina). 3. Direktor Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-inaledovateltakogo inatituta ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva (for Tulupnikov). 4. Zameatitell direktora Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo inatituta ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva (for Solov'yev). (Agriculture--Statistics) GALKIN, G.V.;,GRANQV@S MAKIVETSOV, Ye.N.; SPIGLAZOV, Ye.F.; RYAZANKIN, V.N., red.; MIAKAROV, M.S., red. [Punched-card compiting machi----- P80-5, 'PPO-6, PA80-2 perforators, K8041., @:45-6,-KA.804,controll ers, and S80-5. S45-5, S80-5M,, .145-3M sorting units] Schetno-perforatsion- nye mashirW; perforatory P80-5. P80-6@ PA80-2, kontrollniki K80-6, V,5-6, KA80-2 i sortirovki S80-5, S45-5, S80-5Mp S45-5M. Moskva, Statistikay 1965. 207 p. (MIRA 18:9) I I GlIt'.UT3K,@71AI . L. "Arlaptive Variations in the Phosphate Content of the z%uscles.ll Cand -*.ed Sci, Odessa, 1953. (RZIiBiol, No 1, SeP 54) SO: jum 432, 29 Mar 55 US3R / Human and Aninal Physiology. Voooolo. T Abs Jour :Rof Zhur - Biole, No 15., 19580 No- W194 Author : Granoygk"..- inst an Scio iffi'c'lRosoarch 10BtitUtO of Clinical f bbdicino Titlo :Vonous Proacuro In P@tlonte vith Chroz*Ao Hopatitle of Various Etiologloo OriS Pub :Yhtorialv po obmonv nauchn. informs Ukr. no-I., in-t klinich. moditsirq., 1957., No lp 6@_68 Abstract :No abstract givon Card 1/1 DZYAK, Y.N., prof.; DROBACBEVSKAYA, A.A.; GBAYOVSKAYA, E.T. Some types of therapy in chronic coronary insufficiency. Vrach. delo no.7s26-30 J1163. 04IRA 16:10) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii, II (zav. - prof. V.1l.Dzyak) Dnepropetrovskogo meditsinskogo instituta i dorozhnaya, bollnitsa. (CORONARY MRT DISEASE) LUIPTOY, Genekh Davidovich; GRANOVSXATA, I.E., red.; BAMCHWA, V.V., -_- ....... .. - _. [Consumers guide to radio receivers] Pokupateliu o radiopriem- nikakh. Mosk7a, Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960. 81 p. (Radio-Receivers and reception) (MIRA 13:7) PALLADOV, Sergey Semenovich; XECROSHZV, Nikita Ivanovich; GRANOVSKATA, I.I.. redaktor; SIJDAK, D.K., tekhnicheskiy redalctor -- [Commercial guide to textile fabrics] Tovarovedenie tekstil'rWkh tovarov. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo torgavot lit-i7, 1955. 192 P. (Textile fabrics) (K1RA 8:7) G ZAHKOVSKIY. Dmitriy Yakovlevich; VINOGRADSKIY, Boris Nikoloyevich; .LRANOVSWAYA I.E., redaktor; SUDAK, D.K., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [clothing; a hanclbook] Shveinye tovary; spravochnoe posobie. Mo- skva, Goo. I.zd-vo torgovoi lit-ry, 1956. 206 p. (MPA ljD:4) (Glothiug and dress-Varketing) LOPATKIN, Y.G., doteent, kand.okonom.nouk, reds; LYU=OV* B.P., red.; ISHXRA, A.K.. red.; KAUNOVA, A.A.. red.; CHIRVrAKoVA, L.S., reds;:CHWOVSKA@Uq ImBeg reds; HIMSH, D.N., [Colle@cted scientific works] Sbornlk nauchnyidi rabot. Pod red. V.G.Lopatkins. Moskva. Gos.lzd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1956. 24o p. (KIRA 14:2) 1. Momcow. Knuchno-insledoystallskiy Institut torgovli I ob@hcha- stvennogo pitaniya. (Tood Industry) SKIRNOV, Vasiliy Stopenovich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, zasluzhemvy do stall nauki i takhniki [deceased]; GRANOVSKATA, I.B., red.; y SUDAK, D.M., (Standardized specifications of grain products] Tovarovedenie 2ornomuchnykh toyarov. Moskva, Goe,izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1959. 368 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Cereal products) IHOKUTOT, Boris Isotovich; MWOTSKATA, I.E., red.; SINELINIKOTA, TS.B., red.; BABICHNTA' T. - [Science of food comoditleml Toverovedenle prodovolletyennykh tovarov. Moskva, Gos.iad-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960. 230 P, (KIRA 130) (Food) LMIGH, Kikholl Gelileyevioh; aMOVSKATA, IsB., -- red*; KIMSH# DoWe j tekhn.r9de -Dootwear munfeeture and materials] Toyarovedenis obuyis Kookwa, Goe,lod-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960, 344 po (KIRA 13:11) (Boots and @has*) RUKOWW, Andrey ftkolayevich;-_@@NOVSKATA, I.E., red.; MEMISH, D.M.. [Introduction to the science of tood commodities; grain and 'flour products] Vvedenle v-tovarovedenie prodovolletvennykh tovarov; zernomuchnye tovary. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo tord.lit-r 1960. 391 p. (KIRA 14: (Cereal products) USATYUK9 Nakaim Klementlyevich; GUNOVSKAYA, I.E., red.j VASILEVSKAYAV I.Vey, (L --------- (Storing vegetablool Opyt kbranenila ovoshchei. Moskyap Goo. isd-vo torg,lit-ryp 1961. 85 P. (MIRA 14W Vegetables- Sto rage) USATYUK9 Maksim, Klimentlyevich; ELIKINAq E.M.t tekhn, red, [Manual for fruit and@**getable growers; salting,, fermentingr pickling and other methods of processing vegetablest fruitsp and musbrooms] Spravochnik plodoovoshobnika; po voprosam soleniiat kvasheniia, maLtinovaniia. i drugikh vidov pererabotki oboshcbeit plodov i gribov. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo torg. lit-ry, 1961. 214 p. (MMA 14:7) .-(Fruit-Proservation) (Vegetables-Preservation) (Musbrooms- Preservation) INIKHOV., G.S.,, prof.; GABRIELIYANTS, M.A., dots.; MAKAREYEV, M.A.j SUKHANGVA, Ye.Yu... kand. tekbn. nauk; q@!@SKA@YAI.@11.' red.; ELIKINA, E.M.p tekhn. red. (Guide to food products; milk, fat# eggs," meat, and fish goods) Tovarovedenie prodovollstvennykh tovarov; tovary molochnye zhi- rovye, iaichnye miasnye, rybnye. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Gos- torgizdat, 1961 383 P. (MIRA 15:1) @Food industry) VITKOVSKIY, V.G.; CRANOVSKAYA I E., red.; GROMOV, A.S., tekhn, red. (Storage of apples and grapes]Khranenie iablok i vinograda. Moskvaj Gostorgizdat, 1961. 34 p. (MMA' 15;10) (Apple--Storage) kGrapes-storage) J 1@@VUVLJUYA I)MIRMNSKlY, Semea Petrovich; VA:Sll.'YSV, I.I., redaktor; 110SLOY, G.I., takhaiches@---,- -: o3ktor [Pickling and preserving calibagel Xvaii@,enia I khrenente kapunty, Pod red. A.I.VallillAvEl. tfonlz@qfll U(3:3,irfl-vo torg.Itt-ry, 1956, 52 p, (Cabbage-?raservation) (MLRA 10: 10) GRANOVSKAYA, I*R* . inA.; @OGIELT., V.0.1 dotsent. Devices for heating high-temperature liquid heat carriers. Prom, energ. 18 no.11:22-26 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) L jzz EWTW/PPF(c)/T Pr-14 /A PIV7 l,,:7 -@r ACCESSION NR: AP4047529 S/0094164/000/010/0033/0037 -0R. Fogel', V. 0. andidate of tec@..rucal sc:e-c-.0. (7,ranovskaya, I. R. U-QinR aromatized. petroleum oils as a heat SOURCE: Promy*shlennaya energetika, no. 10, 1964, 33-37 TOPTC TAGS: heat carrier, heat transfer, Petroleurn oil / AMT-300 petroleum oil ABSTRACT: The experimentally determined thermophvs-Lcal 1-haracteristics of IfIn Di-trole,.rn oil and Arner@-a-. 10@": (' NI, @Izatcd. the characteristics of both oils are very close exci-pt for the vapor ilower v,,th ANIT-300) and the congelat'-'-)r@ !-!t @- 'I'll i f : AMT-300 andl -.he ata.4-11'.Y Q@Z iYa6 L-@6LC@ by pressure in a flask with heated oil; at temperatures under 320C, the stability of A !@A T - 300 oi I was found to be somewhat hiche r than that (if MoH. Furthe r Lnvolved circulating the oil a cl:-)sed t,.1b'.ng C:ircuit (or 750hr!3 Cad I / Z at 300, 315, and 330C. It was found that during the first 100 hirs, the heat- t7ars,'@_r factors considerably decreased due to formation of a carbon-film depos," e ,nside of the tubinry, The coking vall@jc. -es@.-@ content, and v-.scositv were 4 @tages of -xp@-rir@F-.l '@@e liepcc,;! thickr-,-ss was 0. 04 and f A -,0 IF and A IT - 3 00sequivalent 1,) or has an advantage )ver Mbv'G, (Z) AMT-300 i- )e used as a heat-transfer agent at 200-315C in industrial installations. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 9 formulaC and 3 tables. TION: MC)Ekovskiy aviatsionnv*v institut (Moscow Aviation Institute); :n_@, -it tonkoy khirn@chpskoy of Fine E'ngmeermg). SUB1,41TTED: 00 ENGL: 00 SUB CODE: FP, TD NO REF SOV: 00 1 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 -7 @z 71 HAUMOV, A.L NAZAROV, A.A.,professor, otvetstvennyy redaktor; Aii;VSKAYA, L.K.,rodaktor; J(HOKHANOVSKAYA, T.I.,tekhnicheskly Rheoretical mechanical Teoretichookaia makhanika. Kiev, Izd- vo lievokogo goo. univ.-im. T.G. Shevchenko. Pt. 1. [Nechanics of particles and the free system of particles] Nekhanika chastitay i svAodnoi sistetV chastits. 1957. 305 P. (MI2A 10:5) Nechanics) NAUKOV, Adollf Llvovich*. TA, L@.K- __T@IUOVSK@A red.; KHOKHANOVSKAYA, T.I., tekhred. I Okworetical machanics] Teoreticheakaia mekhanika. Pt.2. ,[Mechanics of systems with restricted motion; Absolutely solid bodies) Makhanika neavobodnoi sistemy; Absoliutno tverdoe telo. Izd-vo Xievskogo T.G.Shevchenko. 1958. 316 P. WRA 12:4) (Mechanics) (Solids) PIOSTOVISKIY, Bron.lslav Aleksandrovi.:-,h; Nikaltq ti:'@VELIYEIJ V V, -- P . , ot-tr, red.; GR@N'511'-KAYA, M.A., rod. (Electric power supply of wire broadcasting enterprises] Elektropitn.nie predpriiatii provodnoi sviazi. Moskva., lzd--- vo "SOviazI.," 1964. 591 P. k'MIR,@ 17t4) G,R-AKOVS-KAYA,-M.L.; GRINEV, V.S.; DUZHENKOVA, N.A.; KRUSHINSKAYA, N.P.; SAVICH., AS. Determination of yields of the radiochemical decomposition of tryptophan and guanine by means of mathematical analysis of the absorption spectra of solutions. Radiobiologiia 5 no.5:633- 637 165. (MMA 18:11) GRANOVSKAYA, M..N. flame furnacesin nonferrous metallurgy. Met. met. 29 no.6:4" 4 .156-o (NMA 9@9) (Nonferrfts Mietals-Ketallufty) (Smelting furnaces.) (Automatic control) VM/Petroleum Industry Boilers Regulators Dec., 48 *Automatic Feed Regulation of Steam Boilers in the Power Economy of the. Petroleum Industry," M. N. Granovskaya, Orgenergoneft', 5 pp "30herget Byul" No 12 Iensures boil er- construction Industry because nev power plants are still designed without automatic boilers. States that in the oil Industry of eastern regions, automatic supply is operating only in Buipmalan, Gurlyev, Orsk, and Kulsarakh, In short, 38/49T162 UM/Petroleum Industry (Contd) Dee 48 .Ccay = a few boilers out of several hundred,,sVeh thcugb it has been shown that'supply regulators lower expenditures on labor, fuel, and maintenance. Aisqsuggests various type regulators. :4 4M 38/49T102 USSR/Petroleum Puel Resources Aug 49 Efficiency.. Industrial "Measures on Fuel Economy Taken by Petroleum Refineries," M. N. Granovskaya., S. Shmovano-r.. 3iW "Energet Byul" ND Subject measures,can be divided into tvo basic groups., (1) for increasing efficiency of equipment, and (2) for using secondary energy resources. Gives figureo.showl ng advantages of each method. USSR/kagineering - Boilers Apr 50 Feed Regulators "Nev Feed Regulator on an A-7 Schubof -Berlin Boiler," M. N. Granovskaya, 2 pp "Energet Byul" No 4 Svbject boiler has rated output of 7-8 tons/hr, total water volume being 8.4 tons. Since it is gas or oil fired, load may be altered very rap- idly. However, under such conditions, even most attentive hand feeding may result in Vater ing carried over into superheater. This de- f6ct can be eliminated by fitting automatic 4@0` 161T54 USSR/Engineering - Boilers (Contd) Apr 50 feed regulator of thermostat type. (Prototypes vere made by Venyukovo Accessories Plant, Glav- kotloturbopro4 161T54 - "Automatic Controls for Feeding of Industrial Steam Boilers." Rab.energ.2 no. 5 (1952) Monthly Listiof Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aug '52, Unclassified. * -,.. - 1 1- @@ @ - -N4U@, @PR-' 1,- 7 1- -- -- . Rr, c.14 Vol.11/7 Radiology Jul 57. 1195. GRANOVSKAYA N.N. Centr.Inst. of Roentgenol. and Radiol., Leningrad. *The 1, e n e tion of-normal and damaged skin by radioactive phosphorus (Russian lext) VESTNi.RENTGENOL.RADIOL. 1956, 3 (7-11) Illus, 3 Radioactive phosphorus (P32) in the form of an aqueous solution of the dibasic sodium phosphate or in a lanoline ointment was applied to the skin of experimental animals (24 rabbits and 3 piglets). The permeability of the skin was assesses in the terms of the concentration of P32 in the blood and bone tissue of the animals. It was found that after the exposure of P 32 to O-radiation the permeability of the skin to it increases. The degree of permeability Increases with the degree of radioactivity of substances used. Application of P32 in the amount of 12.5 me. per sq. cm. of the skin of the rabbit resulted In the appearance of p 32 in the blood of the animal 9-14 days later. When the amount used was 25 me. the substance ap- peared in the blood 2-4 hr. later. The epidermis was found to be the main barrier. Application of P 32 in the amount of 2.5 me. per sq. cm. of the skin deprived of epidermis, gave rise to the appearance of P12 in the blood In 2 hr. and in greater concentration than in the series of experiments with the skin undamaged. Refer- ences 12. Nevskaya - Moscow GRANOVSKAYA, N.N.; SAKRAROVA, V.M. Calcified uni-camerate echinococcosis of the femur, Vest. rente i red. 38 no.5t7O S-0163 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Tz kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii Krymskogo meditsin- skogo instituta. i rentgenovskogo otdeleniya. Krymskoy oblast- noy bollnitsy. AKHKPkDLI, K. K. ; GRAMOVSKAIR A@@; ZMROVA, L. F. .W"-.*44fX-A' Photometric detection of magnesium in alunite rocks. Uch.zap.AGU no-3-27-33 155. Offft 9:12) (Magnsolux) (Alunite) (Photometry) ACC NRz AP6029837 SOURCE CODE: UR/0073 AUTHOR: Babko, A. X.; Alchmedlis M. X.; Granovskay&L P. B. ---------------- ORGS Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistrys, AN UkrSSR (Institut obahchey i neorganicFeskoy khimii AN Uk R);_&qrtsydzhan State University im. S. M. Kirov (Azorbayd zhanskiy gosudarstvannyy iiniversite7t TITLE: Speotrophotometrio study of reagents for deteriydning ytterb SOURCEt Ukrainskiy khimichaskiy zhurnall va-32, no* 8P 19661, 879-885 TOPIC TAOSS ytterbiumt spectrophotometric analygist rare earth element ABSTRACD In order to find the optimum reagent for detenaining ytterium-subgroup rare earth elements, a quantitative comparison of the spectrophotometrie characteristics of 16 different reagents for determining rare earth elements was made by using ytterbium as an example. The following characteristics were considered: (a),dA, the difference between the wavelengths of the absorption peaks of the complex AyeR and reagent X 0 (b) the relative and (c) the absolute difference between the molar extinction coeffi- cients of the complex EMeR and reagent Elip at XMax of the complex. The absorption spectra of the molecular and ionic forms of the reagents and their complexes with ytterbium were recorded; the composition of the complexes was determined. -The best reagents for the spootrophotometric determination of yttrium group ram earths were found to be arsenazo (III)p xylenol orange, stilbazop methyl thymol blue, and pyrocat- 2 L'i rk EZ jJ U/ 'i k.7 .2/2 L 3045_66 Y1JXTJQZ) ACC_NT;-ANR6_5115 SOURCE CODE: UR/0316/65/000/005/0105/0108 AUTHOR: Aldu-n@,Lfl K.; GranovskU@ . IP. D. .. ..... .... rsitet im. S. M. Kirova ORG: A@,@o@j@yq i TITLE: Co J@kni with certain organic reagents .)TPI _@b _ I SOURCE: AzerbaydzhwisIdy khbnichcsldy zhurnal, no. 5, 1965, 105-108 TOPIC TAGS: ytterbiwn compound, complex molecule, spectrbphotometrlc analysis ABSTRACT: The formation of colored complexes of ytterbtum with pyrocatechol violet, arsenazo I and inethylthymol blue were studied spectrophotometrically. The absorption mxxima of the comple.Nctq were respectively 6361 560, and 602 nW. The photometric determination of ytterbium Should be cam iecl out with pyrocatechol violet at pH 7. 0, with arsenazo I at p1l 8. 0, and witla methylthymol blue at p1I G. 0. The composition of the complexes with all the reagen s corresponds to the ral.iu YW ":R = 1. 1. The solutions of the complexes closely obey the Bouger Lambert-Beer law. "he calibration curves were plotted and the errors were determined Thel stady of spect-rophotometric characteristics showed that of the three reagents studied, the beat for determb-iing yi-terbium is methylthymol blue. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I table.L SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 08Jun64 / ORIG REF: Oil / OTH REF: 006 Card 1/1 Country : USSR S Category: Hur= aad Z@i'..z1 14orphology (Norml and P:zt1 ological). Nervous Systu:.-,. 11ouriplaeral Nervous Syi3'%-,L:-.. Abs Jour: RWiol.,, No 2 1959, NO-7528 j%ut*ior : Granovskc Inst : Title : Materials oa a 8tudy cf Re&ctive Proportics of Peri- pheral Nervous Systera 6t the Tongue. Orig Pub: V ib : Neko-6oryyc voprosy morfol., f.Jz'_ol I pantol. organov pis,c,-,i;vareniya. M., Medgizj 1956, 65-72 ,'@bstr,-.ct: In 2B dogs, cnts and rabbits, 1-45 dcays after rourh mas5at3c of Vie stoimch or introduction of 0.5-3 ml of 20@ so.wit-olon of hydrochloric acid -._',rLo the region of its gmat(_r curmcure, the chmn[,us of ti,v nerve Card 1/2 'Country : USSR S Category: Human and Morpholo6y (Nonin-1 and Pathological). Nervous SysLu..i 1%,ripheral Nervous SyStL!I Abs Jour: RZhB-".ol . No 2. 1959, No 7526 elements of tat, tongue vere discovered Tho nonitl structure of :'L-ts opithelial, oonnectivu .,.:,,d ruscular tissues was not disturbed. The most ur,)rL .L -ssed chanGes of nerve (fror, the appear-ancu of irritation to degeneration and disintegration) ap,,carLA 7 days after traume. :.t later dates (15-45 dcYs), rnnY earlier-for..:cd @.,orphologic reactions werc subjected to reversu duvvlopuent. Most labile turnad out to be the tC'r4XLII,%1 MgiOn5 of T.Welinatud n@.;rv,! fibers of the uucous :.;uLibrane of the ton(,ue rzd-@'x. In the tongue of hu;.ruis wbo died of carcinwr. of the ste- rmch, pocul-2.,-.r reactive ebanges of nerv@: clerxnts vere discov;.;r;-d -- Ye@ B. Fqzhkov Card 2/2 S-11 AKHWDLI, M.K.;_P@jk@OIISKA'Lk, F.B. Complex of ytterblim with methylthymol blue. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.61615-618 165. (WRA 18s?) 1. Aserbaydzhanskiy go3udarstsvennyy universitet imeni Kirovd. GRANOVSKAY'y P- V-j Cand of Ned sci - (diss) "ReactivitY Changes in the Peripheral Nervus Syttem of the Skin During a Massages#' Dnepropetrovsk, 1959, 14 pp (Dnepropetrovsk Medical institute) (KL, 2_60P :L6) GRM@GVSKAYA, P. A. GRANI)VSFAYA, R. A, -- "DEVELOPMElf7 CF -TTHOD5 OF THE Trciit!m@L CALCUATJC@; CF th TaICDE CSCILLATC-I? Ant) THcjR Expi:ni;Lf0IT.%t- TEZT;NI-@ Suo 7 JAN E @ ,_; , M@ : C r'@ -@ il @- @F LEtim AvIATION IHST IME111 SERGO OnWHOUSKIOZE (015@,ERIATION FOR TitE Dzr,;IEE CF CANL)iDA,rc in TccmilCAL SCIENCES) I'G: VECUEIZUAYA MOSKVA, JANUAQy-DEccmrR t952 YOSEMUSEff. D.I.; GRMWS]rAYA. R.A.; DXRYUGIN, L.N.; RAUMERM, Te.D.; TRUNOVA, Delay system of a periodic structure with contactless plates. ISV vyBouchebesaw.; radlotekho no.4:480-489 J1-Ag '58- MIRA 'IU -3a) 1. Rekomendovems, kafedroy radlopersdaymkchikh ustroystv Moskm ordens, Lanine, aviatelonnogo instituts, in. Sergo Ordshoulkidse. (microwaves) VOSKRDISENSKIY. D.I.; GRANOVSKAYA, R.A.; DERYUGIN, L.M.; NAUNENKO, Ye.D.; TRUNDVA, N.Y. - I I ---- 1. Measuring the coupling resistance of a retarding system with contact- less plates. Izv.v@ys.ucheb.zav.; raditekh. no-5:565-572 S-0 '58. (MIILA 12: 1) 1. Rekom9ndovano kafedroy radioperedayushchikh ustroystv Moskovskogo orlena. Lenina aviatsionno, Instituta imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. FRadio measurements) 9(2,3,0) AUTHORS: TITLE: 05203 SOV/142-2-3-11/27 Voskresenskiyj DoIcq Granovskaya RoA A Delay System in the Shape of a Grooved Helix PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyt Radioteklmika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, pp 353-360 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author considers a delay system in the shape of a rectangular waveguide of the helical groove type without internal sidewalls. For such a system, he.presents an approximated'electromagnetic wave propagation theory, calculation methods of phase velocity and coupling resistance-An experimental dispersion curve is giv- en together with the measurement results of the "cold" coupling resistance for one model. The theoretical results were compared with the experimental-data obtained from a resonance model of a delay system by the method described by the author in ref.4. The paper was recommended for publication by the Kafedra radiopered- ayushchikh ustroystv Moskovskogo ordena Lenina aviatsionnogo in- stituta imeni Sergo PrdzhonW4zw (Dep It. of Radio Transmitting Equipment of the Moscow-Lenin Order-Aviation Institute imeni Ser- Card 1/2 go Ordzhonikidze). There are 4 graphs, 3 diagrams, I block diagram 05203 SOV/142-2-3-11/27 A Delay System in the Shape of a Grooved Helix and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet mnd 2 American. SUBMITTED- January 24, 1959 Card 2/2 .-JOTI/142-58-4-14/30 AUTHOR: Voskresenskiy, D.I., Granovskaya, R.A., Deryugin, L.N., Naumenko, Ye.D., Trunova., 17-7.- - TITLE: A Delay System of Periodic Structure with Non-Contact Plates (Zamedlyayushchaya sistema periodicheskoy struktury s*beakontaktnymi plastinami) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Radiotekhnika, 1958., Nr 4, pp 480_489 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper-discusses a delay system consisting of two rows of symmetrically placed plates which have no contact with the walls arranged in the form of a right- angled waveguide. This system is intended for a travelling-wave tube with additional acceleration of the electrons by permanent fields in interaction space. The effects of the system's dimensions on its electro- dynamic characteristics are analyzed and a method of "cold" measurement of their dispErsion curves descriLbed. Experimental dispersion curves for z;ome models of the Card 1/3 system are adduced. As theoretical analysis of the SOV/142-58-4-14/30 A Delay System of Periodic Structure with Non-Contact Plates electrodynamic parameters is complicated by their geometrical complexity, si@ecial attention is paid to the experimental investigation of this system. For all the models studied a change in retardation from 4 to 7 corresponds to a relative frequency bano of 10% - 15% and a displacement ot the nodal plane of roughly 10% from the total height of the plate h. The coupling impedance at the axis in this deceleration interval is 10 - 30 ohm. Maximum coupling impedance is relatively small and does not go below 20 ohm. Maximum possible retardation (y max) in the system is determined by the general formula: Ymax = j X T The resonance method was used to measure the retaru- ation. The measuring method is accurately described as well as the results of experimental investigation. The frequency band, corresponding to the variation in retardation from 4 to 7 has the same order of magni- Card 'r_"/3 tude as in corresponding threc channel systems. SOV/142-58-4-14/30 A Delay System of Periodic Structure with Non-Contact PlateS There are 7 graphs, 1 block diagram, 1 schematic diagram, 1 table, 1 photograph and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra radioperedayushchikh ustroystv Moskovskago ordena Lenina aviat5lonnogo instituta imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Chair bf Radio Transmitting Equip- ment, Moscow, Order of Lenin Aviation Institute imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze) SUBMITTED: March 17, 1958 Card 3/3 SOV/142-58-5-7/23 AUTHOM Vozkresenskiy@ D*19, GranovskAya R.A Deryugin, L.N., Naumenko, Ye.D.9 and Trunova, N:V, TITLEt Measuring of Coupling Resistances of a Retardation System with Non-Contacting Plates PERIODICAL: Izvestiya, vysshikh uchebaykh z evedenty, mdiotekhnika, 1958, Nr 5, pp 065-572 (USSR). ABSTRALCTs The authors describe methods to determine coupling resistances of a periodic retardation system with non-contacting plates. For measuring, tfle method of "absorbing switching-in" is used, which measures the change of dura@tlity of the resonance dummy with a .retarding system. It starts'Jith bringing a small absorbing ele- ment into the resonator (rip' t@eqj By experiments, it was found, that the presence of four met& lates, arranged symetrically irith- in the knots of an eleotric.fteld (Fig.5 and 6), did not change the characteristics of the system, Neither did displacing the tie plates from the knots ovir a distance of + 15 mm lead to a 6ou- Card 1/2 - siderable change of chmracteriiptic4. The _;rticle is recommended by (c 10 10 is %gem) P-ft C" (c 18 Aa = IL 310--k OL C JL K 9.-r. If. T.-p- fr- 3 a IL JIBW R -.@ 1 L IL 0 ox t A@ ILA IL r@ go 0. IL M.@ A. JL n:- -P-V- IL A now mq-- L JLL A. r 34 mmums it u s fts" %*Zglia RINSIM" ammelft"m NL A. S. Ovanh INIPM) Ifsl VOSKRISINSKIY, D.I.; GRANOVSKATA, R.A. Delay system In the form of a grooved helix. Isv.vys.uchob. sav.; radlotekhe 2 UO-3:353-360 MY-Je '59- (KIM 13:2) 1. Rokomendovam Imfedroy radlopersdayushchikh ustroyety Mookovskogo orderia Lenina aviatelo4nogo Instituta im.Sergo, Ordshoulkidse. (Wave guides) (Antennas 01tectronics)) 30740 q,413 0 S/535/60/ooo/125/001/008 q,37eO E033/El62 AUTHORS: Voskresenbkiy, D.I*,# Granovskayal,-R.A.-I and Deryugin, L. No TITIE: A method of measurement of the electrical characteristics of slow-wave systems having weak space-harmonics SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy. no.125, 1960. Elektromagnitnyye zamedlyayushchiye sistemy; metodika izmereniya elektricheskikh kharakteristik. 5-13. TEXT: The article examines a method of measuring the electrical characteristics - the coupling impedance and the retardation factor - of slow-wave structures when the space harmonics are negligible in comparison with the fundamental. This case is termed the I'monoharmonic" case and means, physically, that the periodic structures may be replaced by an equivalent retarding continuous medium. The electromagnetic field components in a monoharmonic travelling wave, propagating along the z-axis of the system, can be written: Card I/ I (, A method of measurement of the .... (X,Y) e jkzz 30740 S/535/6o/ooo/l25/00l/oo8 E0331/E162 where im(x,y) is the complex amplitude of the corresponding component, depending on the coordinates in the cross-sectional plane of the system, and kz in the phase constant, which is related to the phase velocity and the wavelength along the system by: vz = W %Z = 27C k k z z By "retardation factor" is meant the ratio of the wave velocity c in free space to the phase velocity v. in the system. c kz (1) ,7 v z z where X and k are the free space wavelength and phase constant respectively for the corresponding working frequency. Experimental determination of the retardation factor by phase Card 2/ 30740 A method of measurement of the ... S/535/6o/ooo/125/001/008 E033/E162 measurements on travelling or standing waves is ruled out by a number of practical difficulties, and therefore a resonance method is used. This consists of obtaining dispersion curves by $$cold" measurements on models formed by short-circuiting both ends of resonant sections of slow-wave systems. The coupling impedance is determined in the same models by the absorption method. To simplify the experimental investigation, the models are scaled up and lower frequencies used. The section is short-circuited at both ends by plane metallic walls, thus forming a cavity resonator in which resonant fields, having the structure of the retarded waves in cross-section, are excited by suitable coupling elements. Resonance will occur when the length between the end walls L is given by L = mXZ/2 where m is an integer. After the model has been tuned to the particular wave, the dimension L is changed by moving one end wall, and the experimental dependence of the slow-wave length on the resonant frequency %Z(fP ) is obtained. From this, the dispersion retardation characteristic: Card 3/ #(, A method of measurement of the ... 30740 S/535/60/000/125/001/008 E133/Ei62 (fp) c Y(fp f X (f (2) z(fp) p p may be obtained. To avoid practical difficulties, a fixed length L may be used and, by changing the excitation frequency, a discrete number of experimental points on the dispersion characteristic, which correspond to resonant values X. = (2/m) L, may be obtained. The block diagram of the set-up is shown in Fig.l. The coupling impedance at a point in the cross-section of a monoharmonic slow-wave structure is; 2 R z (3) 2k2P z where Ez is the amplitude of the longitudinal component of the electric field at the point, and P is the power flow of the wave under consideration. Direct measurement of these quantities is difficult. A suitable method of experimental determination of the coupling impedance is by measuring the change in the Q-factor Card 4/ 1 30740 A method of measurement (or in the bandwidth) of body is introduced into L R i3@y of the the it. d,\z - df .... S/535/60/000/125/001/008 E133/EI62 resonant model when a small absorbing The coupling impedance is found from: @E2 Z (3) W where W is the total electromagnetic energy in the section; dkz/df is found from the dispersion characteristic Xz = Xz(f); and E2 can be measured on the model by: z E2 23t (A f, - Af) (10) Vd = where Af is the half-power bandwidth with no absorption and 6f' is the bandwidth with the absorption body in the model; @& is the absorption coefficient of the body, which can be calculated from its dimensions, orientation, permittivity and permeability, or can be measured experimentally. Measurement accuracies of the order of 10% for the coupling impedance and several percent for the retardation factor are obtainable. Card 5/0 i", 30740 A method of measurement of the S/535/6o/ooo/125/001/008 E133/EI62 The practical advantages of the methods described over other methods are discussed. There are I figure and 3 non-Soviet-bloc references. The English language references read as follows: Ref.l. R.L. Sproull, E.G. Linder. Resonant Cavity Measurements, PJRE, 1946, Vol-34, NO-5, PP-305-312. Ref.3,. E.J. Nalos. Measurement of Circuit Impedance of Periodically Loaded Structures by Frequency Perturbation. PJRE, 1954, Vol.42, No.10, P-150. Card 307112 S/535/6o/ooo/125/003/00 E133/E162 AUTHORS: Voskresenskiyo D#Iog and Granovskaya, R.A. TITLE: Investigation of a rectangular comb in a rectangular waveguide SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy. no. 125, 196o. Elektromagnitnyye zamedlyayushchiye sistemy; metodika izmereniya elektricheskikh kharakteriatik. 35-42 TEXT: In this article the dispersion properties and couplinLr impedance of a uniform rectangular "comb" placed in a rectangular waveguide are investigated by using a resonant model. The block diagram is shown in Fig.1 and the details of the model are shown in Fig.2. The comb consists of metal fins o.oo66 a thick, separated by a period T = 0.05 a, where a is the width of the waveguide. The length of the model can be varied by changing the number of fins and moving the short-circuiting piston. To investigate the dispersion properties, the resonant frequency of the model is determined for each position of the piston. Those frequencies at which one semi-wave of the slow-wave (%Z/2) occurs (corresponding to the distribution of the electric field components E]rl E as Card I/ f Ll 397h2 Investigation of a rectangular comb... S/535/6o/ooo/125/003/008 E133/El62 shown in Fig.2a) are noted. The model is excited by a standard signal generator and the meter 281AM (28IM) is used as an indicator. The field distribution in the model is determined by a capacitive probe. The value of the retardation is determined by: C f z p where c = 3 x 10 8 =/a ec. The measured values of the retardation are plotted against the electrical width, 90 = 3600 a/k = 3600f x a/c. For comparison, the theoretical curve is also plotted. This is obtained from the formula for a uniform comb of infinite length along the y axis : @-l t h 2 r t g h where: h is the depth of the channel; g is the width of the upper gap; X is the working wavelength. The difference between the theoretical and experimental curves (about 10%) is due to the affect of the side walls and the side channela. Thus, this Card 2/ 7 307h2 Investigation of a rectangular comb... S/535/60/000/125/003/008 E133/EI62 formula is applicable, providing the side channels are not too small. The higher mode shown in Fig.26 was also investigated and its dispersion curve is plotted, together with the dispersion curve of the fundamental mode for comparison. The coupling impedance was investigated by the absorption method on the same resonant model. The values of the coupling impedance were determined in the longitudinal plane of symmetry of the system at the surface of the comb, where it has its maximum value. The value at any point in the gap is then determinable from: sh r x R = cos2 jt r- 9 Rmax (2) sh2 r where Rmax is the coupling impedance an measured, and r 27- 9 V y2 9 7" r- @ = X j ( Card 3/ P t/ 30742 Investigation of a rectangular comb... S/535/60/ooo/125/003/008 E133/Ei62 The absorbing element was a plate of phenopolystyrol covered by aduadag. Two elements were used (Fig,6) and the reason for their shapes and dimensions are discussed. The Q-factor of the model was about 1000 and the accuracy of the measured value of the coupling impedance about 15%. The results are presented graphically together with the curve R = f(y). For comparison, the curve of theoretical values of Rmax, calculated from the approximate formula: Rmax 1510 1 sh2 r b 3) y2y 2r + sh 2r a where k z 23r/X in the wave number and b is the waveguide height, is also given. The difference between the theoretical and experimental values does not exceed 20%, and thus formula (3) may be used provided the gaps between the comb and the side walls are not too small There are 9 figures and 4 references; 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 Russian translations from non-Soviet publications. Card 30743 :L S/535/60/000/125/004/008 q1 "4-9- 3 0 @lg E133/Ei62 AUTHORSi Voskresenskiy, D.I., Granovskapi,-R-.K., Deryugin, L.N.9 and Fedorov, S.I. TITLE: Investigation of a slow-wave system with non- contacting fins SOURCE: Momcow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy. no. 125, 196o. Elektromagnitnyye zamedlyayushchiye sistemy; metodika izaereniya elektricheskikh kharakteriatik. 43-66. TEXT: The efficiency of a travelling wave tube incorporating a slow-wave structure can be increased by introducing auxiliary constant accelerating fields in the interaction space and thus preventing over-grouping. A slow-wave system suitable for this purpose is the e-system, an shown in Fig.l. The metallic fins do not make contact with the waveguide walls and are positioned by dielectric supports. The electron beam passes through the middle channel. In this article, the 0-system in investigated experimentally. Initially, general considerations are discussed. The experimental measurement of the retardation and of the coupling impedance of the fundamental synphase wave is described Card I/#