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BOKAT, Janos, dr.; GOS"'WIT, Tibor, dr.; OWNLY, N1, dr.; Anesthesia with nardogen trichloroothylene) In ohatetrics. Magy.noorr.lap. 18 no.1-30-43 Jan 55 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Xg7etem 1. sz. Noi Ir-linikajanair kozlemenye (Igazeato: Horn Bela dr. egyat. tanar) (TRIGHLORORTHTIZIIE, an&4,esir. & anesthesia in pregn. & labor (Hun) (LABOR, anesthesia & an&".' esia trichloroet)Wls - 5 GOSZLVM- dr.1 BOKAY, Janos, dr. jmw;- Supplementary medication in psychoprorphylactic painless labor. fta.noorw.Up. 23 no.6040-346 N 160. iw (LABM) GOSZLETH Tibor, dr.; DWOTORIO Jeno, dr. - 11 -1 The role of forceps delivery in modern obstetrics, 14agy.noorv, lap. 26 no.5:272-280 6 163. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetc-n 1. oz. 01 Klinikajanak Azlemenye (Igazgatot Horn Bela dr. egyet. tanar.). GO.';'U'TGI-IY, Geza Basic principles of congestion cale:Iation in link sys--.ems. Pt. 1. Hir -techn 16 no.3:/G-78 Mr 165. 1. TieloiwmIs7 Telecommunication Shaineering Factor-7, Budapest. 0 GO-SZTONYP Gaza Basic princIplas of congestion calculation in link systems. Pt.2. Hir techn 16 no.4:105-111 Ap 165. 1. Beloiannisz Telecomaunication Rngineering Factory, Budapest. GOSZTONYI, Gyorgy Real inflammtion of the acoustic nerve. Ful orr gagegyogy 4 n0-3: 115-120 Sept 58. 1. A Peosi Orvostudouanyi liffetom Ideg. es Elmeklinikajanak (1gasgato: Kornyey Istvan, dr. egyatemi tanur) kozlemenye. (ORVM. ACOMTIC, die. neur it is (Hun) (NEURITIS aooustic nerve (Him)) P, GOSZTOM, Gyorgy.. dr. Data on the aMtomtology and-filrous anatomy of the masencephalou with special reference to the mechanism of horizontal movements of both eyes. Ideggy%7. examile 14 no.71193-204 J1 161. 1. A Pecsi-OrvostudonsiWi Egyatem Ideg- as 91neklinikajanak kozlemenye. (OCULOMOMR NERVE pbysiol) (MEMCEPRALON pbVejol) (BRAIN die) ST cm AT U TS a c 0 Irt At.. Oran% Iuv 0. 0-A ON "01ITNativi) Irnivesill IvWunlIvIls v I I - a % v ~0000000001: SO , ~0~04 0 a 00 ^00 0 *1 0o-_ 00 04r* 0 oor- roe ow so-- 1 00 00 p 00 Do-' I-III'MIJ, %A fill oil 00 00- 0 0- %)Ilk' WMAA ILXU "won J! 00 1100 00- r 09 00-1 00- a., 11"05-J44 a 00 1. Idea Q~i a.. il I r. 00 -1--r-I-P7 'Al -11. Im it 'o -1 09 it 91 it m it A It - - I I 0 0000 0 0 0 f, 16 A t 0 PU 4 1 1 LN I U 011, IF 11 1) IT id 0 0 2), a Op 41 a 46 a IT 06 At IS Ts 00, I 04 00 04i 1OLTNIA11 "34010111VIDO v I I &OP eel sel. V O*t Jul -Ampw 041 -j WIVWI 0611.41AWS o0s; -D lifts, V -N 00 00 1561 A 'Ift 00 XMIT210910 ITISMOM 00 1,7 00 ot.. ago 00- -I-Idlido4o SUM-W Vf-r A 11, ..T-.T --1 0 -T 9 1r 00 a w a it 9( a V( ft a 1( 0' K IN a 91 9 le "1191111111111HO4 It life 1 1:2 0 o 0 660609960066 0000 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 o 0 * 0 * *' domayf I i.- *Before our 4th National Congress" p. 225 (Nmr= TextUtechrika, No. 8, August, 1953, Budapest) East Zuropean Vol. 3. No. 3 1954 SO: Month List or- Accessions/ Library of Congress, March _)W, Uncl. - - WAW 'I G03ZTONYI, S. "Results and tasks in the innovators' "Report from the textile factories in development of continuous bleaching. tasks at the Kispest Textile Works." Hivata) Budapest. Vol. 6, no. 6, Mar. movement of the textile industry." (P-3) Szeged." (p.4) "Kossuth Prize for the (p-4) "Interesting innovations in planning (P-5) UJITOK LAPJA (Orszagos Talalmanyi 1954. SO: EAST Europ*an Accessi~ns List, Vol 3, No 8, Aug 1954. ax 1*4- ~,rends in the development of the toy.tle indiastry. P. 2/43 'Ir P- 3YAR TEXTIMCIRTICK-A BUDAFEST Vol, 1l) Mu. 7, Stme 1955 SC-M-LCr,-. EAST 'E'MOPRVZ ACOMRSIONS rITST (EUL) T-Abrary of* rong-ress Vol. 5, No 0' Tune 19515 GOSZTONYIs S. "Developing trends in textile machinery." p. MAGYAR TEXTILTECHNIKA. (Textilipari Muszaki eB Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 11, No. 2, Feb. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8. No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. U-0 Pv GOSZTONYIq Sudor Experiences vith the use of technical development fund in the light industr7. MuSz elet 15 no.3i:6 Yq o6o. (EW 9:9) (Hungaz7--Industry, Light) --.,,,Sandor; LEHR, Ferene, a mussiaki tudomanyok kandidatuaal FIMTNER,~ Kurt; MARECKI, Jacek, prof., dipl. ing. (Lengyelorszag); WRESNIOWSKI, Romuald; BURSZTYNSKI, Janusz; HUBNER, Ewald; KIEFER, Erich; BOIE, Werner, prof., dr. ing, (Nemet Demokrati- kus Koztarsasag); BDSNIC, Cedomir (Jugoazlavia); ZILBER, Aleksander (Lengyelorazag); GRUME, S.M. (Anglia); STANCESZKU, Ian, prof. (Romania); BONKALO, Tamas, dr.; ENDRENYI, Sandor; KATONA, Kalman; KOHARY, Lajos Rationalization in power utilization in the field of the light industry. Ipari energia 3 no.1/2.32-38 Ja-F 162. 1. Konnyuipari Miniazterium helyettes foosztalyvezetoje (for Goaztonyi). 2. Konnyuipari Tervozo Iroda (for Lehr). 3. Textili- pari Kutato Intezet (for Bonkalol. 4. Papiripari Kutato Intezet (for Endrenyi). GOSZTONYI., Sandor, okl.-gepeazmernok Rationalization possibilities in energy utilization in the field of the light industry. Magy textil 14 no.1:16-21 Ja 162. (Hungary~lndustx7, Light) (Power resources) CSUROSJ Z., prvr, (Budapest XI., Muegyetem rakpart 3); DFAKP Gre (BudaPefit XI-, I. (Budapest XI.,Muegyeten rakpart 3); Muegyetem rakpart 3)tAMZTONr T KELIM, 0. (Budapest-V-.,Muogyetem rakpart 3) Kinetics of alluali decomposition ~of pherql- f3 -D-glucesidetetraaestate and itu-phenyl substituting derivatives. Periodica po2yUcbn chom 5 no.39197-207 161. 1. Lehratuhl fur Organisch-Chemische Tecbnologie der Technischon. Uni- versitat. H/006/61/000/002/001/001 D228/D301 AUTHORS: Goaztonyi, TamAs, an'd T6th, Istvhn TITLE: Rocket fuels PERIODICAL: Magyar k6mikusok lapjap no. 2, 1961t 59-63 TZXTs The maximum speed. of a rocket at the moment of the *burn-up" of the fuel is deduced from the impulse formula of classical me- chanics ZIbstractor's note: The deduction is omitted in the arti- c1e7: V = const a c ln Mi MV where c - discharge speed of the gases; mi - initial mass of the. rocket (including fuel); mv final mass of the rocket (after th6 "burn-upm of the fuel); mi is termed the "mass ratio". The con- mv Card 1/8 Rocket fuels H/006/61/000/002/001/001 D228/D301 stant takes air resistance into consideration. The speed of the rocket may be increased either by increasing the "mass ratio" (the quantity of propellant) or by increasing the discharge speed of the gases. Increase of the "mass ratio" is limited by economic and design factors. The discharge speed of the gases depends on the shape of the orifice as well as on the specific energy of the pro- pellant, and particularly on the chemical composition. Given a certain nozzle, the nozzle velocity of the gases is expressed by the following equation c = const T (2) V IT where T - absolute temperature in the burner (in OK) and M - mean molecular weight of the gases at the moment of discharge. Rocket propellants generally consist of two main components: 1) the fuel itself; 2) an oxidizing agent. The propellant may be either in a solid or liquid state. Generally liquid fuels are more efficient Card 2/8 H/006/61/000/002/001/001 Rocket,fuele D228/D301 but their burner mechanism is more complicated. Although the spe- cific energy of solid rocket propellants is smaller, their burner mechanism is considerably simpler. The main requirements of modern rocket propellants are then given by the authors, as cited by E.A. Weilmuenster (Ref. 5t Ind.Eng.Chem. 49, 1337-1338, 1957). The spe- cific ener of propellants is usually expressed by the amount of heat (in kg/cal) freed when 1 kilogram or 1 liter of fuel is burnt. Quoting American sourcesp the authois point out that this is ex- pressed by the so-called "specific impulse" (Isp). The connection between the "specific impulse" and the "specific energy" is then expressed by an equation taken from J.P. Tormey (Ref. 6: Ind.Eng. Chem. 49, 1339-13439 1957). The specific impulse of a molecular system may equal 150 - 400 secs. provided that the pressure of the burner chamber is 34 atm. (500 lb8/sq. in) while the outside pres- sure is 1 atm. The specific impulse and the specific energy of some fuel mixtures are then given in tabulated form, the data be- ing taken from J.F. Tormey (Ref. 6: Op.cit.) and A. Stettbacher Card 3/8 H/006/61/000/002/001/001 Rocket fuels D228/ ,301 (Ref. 3: Explosivatoffe (Explosives), 4, 25-33, 1956). In order to obtain greater nozzle velocity, it is advantageous to keep the molecular weight of the burnt bases to a minimum. Compounds consis- ting of elements with light molecular weight such as H, C, N, B, Be, Al and Li are primarily used as fuels. Nitrates, perchlorates, H202, liquid 02 and P may be considered as oxidizing agents, The composition of some gas mixtures after burning and their average molecular weights are also tabulated according to data from J.P. Tormey (Ref. 6: Op.cit.). Solid propellants may be either: 1) Com- posite or heterogenous, eg. "black" gun powder; or 2) Colloidal or homogenous, eg. "smokeless" gun powders. The most versatile types of colloidal propellants are the two-base gun powders. The chemi- cal composition of a typical two-base rocket fuel is a) Nitro- cellulose (N. content = 13.25 %) 54 %, nitroglycerine 43 %, centra- lite I (diethyl-diphenyl-carbamide) 3 %; b) Nitrocellulose (N. con- tent 13.22 %) 59.92 _/111, nitroglycerine 38.96 %, centralite I 0.94 diphenylamine 0.18 %. Bitumen as cited by A. Stettbacher Card 4/8 Rocket fuels H/006/61/000/002/001/001 D228/D301 (Ref. 3: Op-cit.) and mixtures containing various synthetic materi- als as cited by H. Seidel (Ref. 4: Chemische Industrie (Chemical Industry), 11, 445-4479 1959)9 are also solid propellants, but no information is available on their exact chemical compositions The specific energy of a two-base gun powder is approximately 1,100 kg calAg or approximately 1,700 kg cal/liter. The specific energy of a bitumen-potassium perchlorate mixture of stoichiometric composi- tion (130 9 + 870 g = 1 kg) is nearly the same as that given above, while that of black gun powder is approximately 640 kg calAg. - Ethyl-alcohol, hydrocarbons, hydrazine and hydrazine based compounds are mainly used as fuels. Hydrogen-peroxide, liquid oxygen and fluorine compounds are the oxidizing agents. The propellant of the V2 rocket is then given by the authors as well as its chemical re- action and data on its specific energy. Hydrogen peroxide, the authors state, is often used both alone and as an oxidizing-agent.- with fuels in rocket and submarine propulsion: Fe or Cu are used as a catalyst for starting decomposition of the peroxide. The spe- cific energy of a 100 % hydrogen peroxide i8 369 kg cal/kg or 540 Card 5/8 H/006/61/000/002/001/001 Rocket fuels D228/D301 kg cal/liter; corresponding figures for the 85 ~ peroxide are 226 and 314. Liquid oxygen is gaining importance as an oxidizing agent, note the authors, who then point out that the propellant of the US IRBM-s and ICBM-s is the assymmetrical dimethyl-hydrozine, a ty- pical example for such propellants being 5N2H4 + 4HN03 ---I 12H20 (vapour) + 7N2 H = - 541 kg cal. The specific energy is 1,312 kg calAg or 1,557 kg cal/liter. This mixture belongs to the so-called "hypergol" mi:Ftures, where sponta.neous combustion occurs as the fuel and the oxidizing agent are brought into contact. In the Oerlikon rockets, kerosene is mixed with triethylamine or xylydine and BNOI; in this case, too, spontaneous combustion occurs. The hy- drogen- luorine system is known as the mixture that has the high- eat specific energy (approx. 3,000 kg cal/kg) the specific impulse being 373 sees. The two main difficulties encountered with this fuel are the low boiling point of the H2 and the very strong corro- sive nature of the fluorine. In the most recent experiments P0104 Card 6/8 Rocket fuels H/006/61/000/002/001/001 D228/D301 is proposed as a substitute for the fluorine. Although ozone-ben- zole mixtures have good properties, the use of ozone is not practi- cable because it decomposes rapidly. The benzine-beryllium system also appears to have-'good properties, but the price of the beryl- lium makes it uneconomical. The mixture consists of: 175 gm benzine + 78 gm beryllium + 747 gm. oxygen = 1 kg mixture. The simplicity of the solid rocket engines has impelled researchem to find such so- lid propellants that have comparable specific energies to those of the liquid fuels. It appears that some organic boron compounds haveagreat future. The 1HEF21 (alkali-pentaborane) and IHEF31 (al- kali-decaborane) are two such propellants now in use in the United States, the authors claim. The foregoing boranes with sodium or ammonia perchlorate as an oxidizing agent exceed the specific ener gy of most of the widely used liquid fuels. If lithium perchlorate is employed, the speoific energy is higher than that of hydrogen- fluorine system. This is explained by the density of the lithium- perchlorate and by its high relative oxygen content. Moreover, the, boron compounds are very-expenaive. 'Efforts are being made to ex- Card 7/8 Rocket fuels H/006/61/000/002/001/001 D228/D301 plore other sources of energy, such as energy freed by nuclear fission (U235 or Pu239). These efforts are greatly hampered at pre- sent by the high radioactivity of the propellant and even more by that of the products. There are 2 tables and 6 references: I Sov- iet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-lan- guage publications read as follows; B.L. Crawford., C. Hugett, F.C. Daniels, R.E. Wilfong, Anal.Chem. 19, 630-633, 1947; E.A. Weil- muenster, Ind.Eng.Chem. 49, 1337-1338, 1957; and J.F. Tormey: Ind, Eng.Chem. 49, 1339-1343, 1957. ASSOCIATION: (Goaztonyi) Bpesti mUezaki egyetem szerves kbmiai technol6giai tansz6k (Institute of Technology.of Or- anic Chemistry, Technical University" Budapest); th) Gybgyszeripari kutato' int6zet Nesearch Insti- 0 M tute for the Pharmaceutical Industry) Card 8/8 Tamas 7 IHMARr ED=, Amend (Mrq)j VUSU. Pall FAA1k%._j? P i WSZT=. - Teasel Research TAboratory of the State IraUtu-te Balno-ow-- logy (Orazagos Reums es Furdougyl Inteset Katato laboratorima) and 'Department of Organic Chwdstry of the Isotope Institute of the State Atomic Energy Committee (Orstagos Atamenergia Bitottsag Izeop Inta. setenak Szerves Kemlai Oastalys.) nDsta on the Reaction Between the Ensymes of the Adrenal Cortex and Totrazollum Salts.' Budapest. Niserlates 0Ug*tUdWAM Vol XXV, No 6, 1962, pp 60-614. Abstracti [Authors' mummaryl.The Increase In sensitivity affected by use o apoisr solvent systems on the reduction of tetrazollust salts by steroids was Investigated. Various reduction products were Isolated and their -Interconversions were classifiewl. Apolar chrcmatographic systems inormse the swisitivity of various other reactions as well. [I Hungarian. 7 Wtstem references] VECSEI %'UMZ)jP. ; UUMA, D.; IMLER, Maria; KMNY, Vera; MARTON, J,; q%Z-TONY1,-.T.._ Determination of succinic dehydrogenase by means of 14c-labelled triphenyl tetrazolium chloride. Acta physiol. acad. sci. hung. 22 no.2sl25-129 162. 1. National Institute of RheumatDlogy and Department of Organic Chemistry of the Isotope Institute of the National Atomic Energy Comission, Budapest. (TETRAZOLIM SALTS) (SUCCINATE DE M ROGENASE) KEZ,M-IY, AYmandne, dr.; VECSEI, Palp dr.; MARTON, JozBef, dr.; GosWtonyi, Tamas, dr. The use of B3-labeled steroids in adrenal cortex Amction, tests. Orv. hetil. 106 no.23tl(Y77-1081 6 Je 165 L. Orazagos Reuma es Furdougyi Intezet (igazgatot Farkas, Karoly, dr.) es az Orszagos Atomcnergia Bizottsag Izotop Intezete (igazga:to: Teterqi, Pal. dr.). C-07TOWTTY L W-N Gosztowtt, Leon. Usprawnienie obslugi i moderni%acja pras hydraulicznych. Wars2awaj Panstwowe Wydaim. Techniczne, 1952. 88 p. (Improvement of service and modernization of the hydraulic press. Illus., bibl.) SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 19511, Uncl. I - ~-:- --'- ., , I ~ - :; r~ i-~~ GOSZTOI#TT, L. tooq-t,r" tightening rings grid their repair." p. 150- (mZV,HANjK Vol. 27, No. 4,, &pr. 1954. Warazawa. Ppland) SO: Monthly List of Mast Xuropean Accessions. (ZEAL). LC. Vol. 4, '90. 4. &prIl 1955- Uncl. ('~; :~',-Ti'!."TTI L. IIFLcinla end I'ainfeinitif, Fackin,1,FP1, -.,). 31,-,~ Tlrol. 27, !4o, 8, Aug. 195A'+p Wft~rsmwa, Polvnd) -op r- ': LC, Vol. 40 "*- Qc): roathly Li-t of E.;.F:t Eut .,cim Ace S, lolls, 5, I~ry Uncl. GOSZTOWTT, LEON. Prosy hydrauliesne. (Wyd. 1.) Warazawat Panstwowe Wydavn. Techniesmp 1955. 348 0. (Hydraulic press. lot ad. illus., bibl., diagre., tables) SOURCEt East European Accessions List (EUL)v LCj Volt 5, noo 3. March 1956 GOSZTOWTT, L. nPrasy hydrauliczne" (Hydraulic presses), by L. Gosztowtt. Reported in New Books (Nowe Miazki), No. 14, July 15, 1955 -, -- - --- - ~~ --n. -4. cl~~Ml~i'P I -- -' . `~ '~Ii ';~-J"- (jOSZTG',-:TT, L. Operating of hydraulic presses) p*16* (OCIM0111k FRACY: DEMEMENSWO I FIEGIETIA PIC-CY. Vol. 10, No. 9, se~-,t- 1956) ~,,Tprszawa, Poland SO: Yonthly List of Zast European Accessions (M,'J,) LC. Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1957. Uncl. r-OSZI~I',fr, L. "Pijrod~pi i armaturall (Pipings and armature), by L. Cosztowt. Reported in New Books (Nowe Ksiazki), No. 1~, June 15, 1956. c GOSZT1OIinTJ L. Methods of obtaining very high hydraulic pressures. P. 488. (M~-;CHANIK) (Warszawa, Poland) Vol. 30, no. 11, Nov. 1957 501. Monthly Index of Hast European Accession (F.U-I) LC Vol. 7, 5, 1*~ GOSZTOWTT, Leon, doe. mgr inz. nHydraulic presseo and c4g.-essed-liquid irwtallatiorwu by Famat Willer. Vol.l: WFor" pressea.11 Reviewed by Leon Goaziawtt. Prvgl mech 21 no.18:578-579 25 S 162- GOSZTOM , Leon, doc. inz. Standardization in the field of hydraulic drive and cofttrol. Przegl mechan 21 no.23:717-721 10 D 162. 1. Politeahnika, Warszawa. I I GOSZTOWTTV L,,O doe, nselection procedure for hydraulic accumulators" by L, Dodge. Reviewed 1:5r L. Goaztowtt. Przegl mech 21 no.24:768-769 25 D t62. GOSZTOWTT, Leon. doc-mgr inz.; PELCZYNSKI, Tadeusz Jr., mgr. ins. Moving ring teating of automatically tightening hydraulic installa- tions.- Przegl mech 22 no.10:296-298 25 MY 163. 1. Katedra Przerobki Plastycznej, Politechnika Warszawa (for Gosztpvtt). 2. Starazy technolog Oddzialu Produkcji Tasm, i Folii, Walcovnia Metali "Warszawa," Warszawa. k OOSZTOWTj W91 URBAN=Zo He Reactive power of rectifier units and its compensations P. 405. PRZEGIM EMTROTECHNICZNY. (Stowarsyssenie Elektrykow Polskich) Waresawas Poland, Vol* 35, no, 10# Octe 1959o Monthly list of East Smyean Accessions (EMI) Wj, Vol. 9,, moo 10 Jan* 19609 Uncle G054TOWT, Waclaw, dr Inzo Capaqitoro or filters for reactive power compensation In medi* voltage'networks? Prsftl-elektrotech 40 no.3sl29-132 MrI64., 1. Katedra Elektroenergetyki, Politecbnika, Lodz. KAIM, Franciszek, mgr inz.; MOTAWA, Tadeusz, mgr inz.~-.GOSZYN, Oskar, qp inz.; SZNUK, Witold, mgr inz. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Koksoprojekt (1953-1963). Problemy prej hut maszyn 11 no. 6; 163-167 Ja 163. 1. Wiceminister Przemyslu Ciezkiego, Warszawa (for Kaim). 2. Dyrektor Departamentu Inwestycji, Ministerstwo Przemyslu Ciezki6go, Warszawa (for Motawa) I. Dyrektor Techniczny Zjednoczenia, Hutnictwa Zelaza i Stali, Katowice (for Goszyk) Dyrektor do spraw Inwestycji, Zjednoczenia Hutnictwa.i Stall, Katowice (for Sznuk). GOTt-A. (Goth, E.] Action of amino acids on the activity of the adreno-pituitary system. Probl.etdok.i gorm. no.1:33-39 162. (MIRA 15:8) (AMINO ACIDS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EMCT) (ADRENAL GLANDS) (PITUITARY BODY) COTI, 0.1. Chemical Technology, Protective Coatings (15585) Poligraf. Proiz-vo, No 2, 1953, pp 10-12 Gottp 0.1. Increasing the Acid Resistance of the Chromate-Glue Copying Layer The acid resistance of the chromate-glue copying layer can be increased by introducing a small amount of rosin to the copying solution. Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 3, 1954 (W-30976) PAVLOV, M.R.. prof., GM-LOPAKOZA, A.I. Chologenetic function of the liver following gnstric recection and the addition of phytoncides to the diet. Trudy IMI 2-.67-76 155 (MIRA 11;8) 1. Kafedra untologicheakwy f1siologil (zavv-prof. R.M. Pavlov) Piervego laningradekogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni skademilm I.P. PATIOTS, (SILIC) (STOVIAGH--SURGMT) USSR/ /a Engineering Welding, riuxes. 4un., 51" "Cobesion of the Slag Crust With the Metal Sur- face of a Joint During Welding Under Flux," D. Mi Rabkin, Cand Tech Sci, Yu. N. Gotallskiy, Ye. S.~ Kudelya, V. V, Podgayetskiy, Engineers, Inst Of Elec Welding imeni Acad Ye. 0. Paton, Acad Sai Ukrainian'SSR "Avtogen Delo" No 6, pp 10-14 Studied the nature of chem. adhesion of sltg to the surface of the weld and methods of improving the slag separability. Oxidized layer of metal, formed on surface of weld, creates strong bcnd 200T34' 73SSR/Engineering Welding, Fluxes Jun 51, (Contd) between slag crust and metal. Measures which hamper formation and growth of oxidation film facilitate Sepu of slag crust. AID P - 990 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/i Pub. 11 - 4/13 Author Gotallskiy,, Yu. N.. M Title Problem of the interaction between slag and metal in electric-slag welding Periodical Avtom. svar.., #5, 38-43, S-0 1954 Abstract The significance of the basic composition of the flux on transmission of silicon and manganese into the metal of ~the weld is discussed. The higher rate of transmission of the above components under slag welding than with the open are welding is explained by electrolysis. The chemical composition of the welded metal is controlled by a process occuring on the end of the electrode and in the metal drops passing into the weld bath. Two tables, 2 charts and 12 Russian references (1936-53). Institution : Institution of Electric Welding im. E. 0. Paton Submitted : Je 21., 1954 MATIRA, A.M.; GOTALISM. Tu.N.; MWIN. T.7. "ORWXNW- Investigation of the effect of the electric fusion welding process an the bead fuSion and tha width of the xone surrounding the bead In connection with the problem of steel alloy welding. Avtom. over. 8 no.2:11-25 Mr-Ap 155. (KM 8: 7) 1. Orden Trudavogo Krasnogo Zusment Institut alaktronvarki imeni T6,10. Patons, Akedonlya nank USSR. (Steel alloys-Welding) (Alectric welding) WMA.A.N.; GOTALISKIY,Yu.N.; NOVHOV,I.Y. Hot cracking of welds In automatic seam welding with flux and their relation to initial crystallisation. Avtom.evar.8 no.4:3-11 Jl-Ag'55 1. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znmeni Institut elektronvarki imeni Ye.O.Patona Akadexii nunk USSR (Blectrie welding) KAXARA, A.A.; GOT!~'~l Investigating thermal processes in the heat-affected some of the weld joint during electric welding under flux of tempered steel@, Ayton. ever. 8 uo,5:25-32 S-0 155. (XIMA 9:1) I.Ordena Trudovego kraanogo znaaeui institut alektroevarki imeni YO.O.Patesa AN UOR, (Steel-Welding) C GWALISKIr, Yu.1, Effect of the type of current on the interaction of slotg and metal in electric welding under flux. Aytom.evar. 8 no-5:47-49 S-0 0 0 (MIaA 9:1 1.0rdens, Trudovogo krasnogo snameni institut elektroevarki imeni Yo.O.Patona AN USU. (Blectric welding) C4~ 0 T 1~ L-5 K SUBJECT: USSR/Welding. 135-3-1/lT AUTHOR: Gotal'skly Yu6 N., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Flux Proportion which Determine the Stability of Electric Slag-Welding Processes. (Svoystva flyusap opredelyayushchiye ustoychivost' proteessa elektroshlakovoy evarki). PERIODICALi "Svarochnoye Prolsvodatwo", 1957, # 3, PP 1-3 (USSR) ABSTRACT: General principles of slag-welding technology and the neceseaq properties of welding slag are reviewed. Further, the article describes the experimental work which has been carried out to find the correct slag-cosposition and the proper welding tech- nology to obtain stability of welding processes (without flar- ing-up of electric are&)., The results obtained with various flux compositions (the compositions are specified) have shown that: 1. The stability of a process is determined by the conductivity, viscosity, and the boiling temperature of the flux. The higher the conductivity and the boiling temperature of the flux, and the lower Its viscosity, the more stable in the welding Card 1/2 process. .......... 135-3-1/17 TITLEt Flux Properties which Dotermin* the Stability of Electric Slag-Welding Processes. (Svoyetva flyusa, oprodelyayushchlye ustoyahivost' protmosea oloktivoshlakovoy evarki). 2. The flux properties which affect th* stability of welding processes depppd,oa Chemical compositi6itando in the first -2 cob place* qp 310 Went.. Low-all.19on fluxes,provide more stable welding Process$,$ than high-silicon fluxes. The article contains 2 tables, abd 8 references (all Russian) ASSOCIATIONs Electric Weldint institute In.20, Paton,'Acadony of Sclenoss Ukrainian S'If. ,Xnstitu't elektroevarki imini E.O. PAtonA ("AH YCCP PRESUTED N i SUNITTEDs AT#IL&BLZt At the U ,irary of Congress. Card-, 2/2 .-,6,Ar'29 tro ZOO--- of St b.-IIA (Zell -e the on vjeI&ed SA)n- Oae of ____ 65 Of 69 jeotr 9p, 0se with 0 iste.?' ess BrA the 5 The 1,960, 0' de*ermi:ae 'ProceB jusion +.0 vie I dLjt6 cull. 06ble Slag v4e VITIS r-~ro Pe t 8648~~ 1e thl-I 00 ,re Ire tyle e ,Use Svessi t17 tdota ~t 4r, t the rl-w pro I.S collst ,,Iomc Le'lau ,arreu (I tb a a e-49 +1 jans ssume ed an Slag; 5P0 Leross 0.4 er 140 f we , 'De: 8, bl"A-7' de (2,,,014311 area, ons C nly the Sta - boil'~'6 -,,,t'ro t .,T,6oe Soj% 1.06 CAA t'jle t siza ,.Irreilt ,VjE~a% 0 10 S.1jel-I t no ,,tt endL et.rode'3, trodes' Vten ctIj a P'18.ce ~-Jdjils ode Imot strOnS 0 elec 't'ylat an d6jre taXeS sad. tyle ty-Lat -0( jectr jed -,,te ele CIL Ively ad, ,.t. e P Of 5a s(terk 0, neaxl cor be , ,,f ,ee LSIOn t V(065 of P-rocess It 0so Po . tyle ft onsec'j WO tyke 1) W. cess ,'tYL OrL ttie tha 0 This I Baj."di'us fl pro d tot MeBrL bl4t widtb 0 Peelo' 'biue- 8A O"non lm" 'oss eOtlo" II&v611" the 8,6all Ifte Cal ~Walw ce5s B.'ad Ibleim bac)~ U de 0-1 atill P-ro tIlli P-ro ,.e Of 'le ASS,, The 'Pe jectrO ~,s ,.,,,,te Instjt%)~, "rode I ~ -rd P'atl'ce te of the ellee fluctua -To I TLe ' s *111 t if ect 01entif alW961 aree ~qm~s ,,,,qe (SC ..j oat at Tsyao-Suz ' entl- ---I sham h I-Tin -L 5r al Al r aena Tr,,dovo.0 achIne Build- a c~ ~ne Pat Krasnogo Zn s. ao j~ Z, ~i car4 -Ue- -R-ed Bann Ona An Ukr3S .R_ (E,,,t,, lame- encea of the Uk er, 0 bor" Imeni Y,- Weld- Card P412 rains Y. R.Qn P,_ 3/125/60/000/010/013/015 A161/A133 AUTHORs Gotal'skiy, Yu.N. TITLE: The Present State of Welding Science and Welding Engineering in the Chinese Peoples Republic PERIODICALt Avtomaticheskaya evarka, 1960, No. 10, pp. 62-93 TEXT: The author was in China for two-years and emphasizes that the develop. ment is rapid, and changea may have taken place during the time he was pre- paring the review. Fourteen organizations were doing welding research in China by the end of 1959, and one of them, the Kharbinskiy filial nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta mashinostroyeniya pri 1-m Minlaterstve mashino- stroyeniya (The Kharbin Branch of the Scientific Research Institute of Me- chanical Engineering at +hp Ist Ministry of Machinery) w.111 aoon be special- ized on welding only. inL- other organizations are branch institutes where separate groups of specialists are working on welding. Besides, nine higher technical education institutions have welding departments and are also occu- pied with welding research. Research Is carried out on a modern level, but Card 1/6 S/125/60/000'/010/013/015 A161/A-13z The Present State of Welding Science and Welding,Engineering in the Chinese PeoplA Republic some organizations have only small welding groups (of 8 to !5 staff) and very little experimental facilities. The Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut ma- shinostroyeniya, or NIIMASh (scientific Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering) 'o In Ppktng, It A one of the largest research organizations in China ana nas one experlmental plant and four brane,,hes - the materials branch at Shanghai, a foundry branch at Shenlyan, a heal~-treatment branch at Ukhan', and a welding branch at Kharbin. The N11MASh hae also a mechanical engineering institute that is training workers for the NIMASh itself. The NIMASh departments include all specialties regardless of the branch insti- tutes working on the same problems. The Welding Depantnerit, will soon begin to develop welding technology on orders from the industry, The Welding Branch Institute of the NI1MASh was organized in 1956, obtained a building at Kharbin in 1960, and is going to have four main blocks and a number of auxil- iary buildings in future; it had a staff of 192 in January !960, 22 of whom were engineers, 16 technicians, and the rest workers, Many of the workers have graduated from high school. The Institut metallov AU KNR(Institute of Card 2/6 S/125/60/000/010/013/015 A161/A133 The Present State of "Velding Science and Welding Engineering in the Chinese People's Republic Metals of the China Academy of Sciences) has a welding bureau with a staff of 30 people (i.e.,there were 30 by the beginning of 1960). The Institute of Metal has now a good building and sufficient facilities. The Materials Branch is a modern institute with yet a small staff and modest experimental facilities. The review includes 15 photographs illustrating practical weld- ing applications in the country. Manual welding is on modern level, elec- trodes are of normal quality. Local plants are mostly producing electrodes according to Soviet specifications. Only special electrode grades as for heat resistant and stainless steels are being imported. The electrode plants have obsolete equipment and their output is not high. Some of the large ma- chine plants have well-equipped electrode shops and produce electrodes for own needs, as well as for other plants, e.g., the Kharbinskiy kotel Inyy (Kharbin Boiler Plant) and Dallninskiy parovozostr. z&vod (Dal~nyy Locomotive Plant). Automatic submerged-are welding is the Most used machine welding method. The shipbuilders were the first to use it, and boiler drums for medium pressure are also being welded by this method, collectors for high-pressure boilers, Card 3/6 S/125/60/000/010/013/015 A161/A!3~ The Present State of Welding Science and Welding Engineering In the Chinese People's Republic bottoms to high-pressure boiler drums, etc. The Chanchun' Automobile Plant uses automatic submerged-are welding for joining wheel rime to the hubs. This is done on a production line. The An'shanakiy (Anleban) Metallurgical Combine hard-faces worn rolls of rolling mills by an automatic built-up process under ceramic flux. Semiautomatic welding is coming into use slower than automatic and mainly in shipbuilding. Recently it had been used for joining reaction columns for the chemical industry. The total of automatic and semiautomatic welding work is yet low in the country and reaches 40-50% only at single ship- building and boiler plants. The main reason is the lack of equipment and ma- terials. Electro-slag welding came into use in 1958, and by the beginning of 1960t 25 plants were already using this process. The electro-slag process with plate electrodes is preferred for joining heavy castings, and this in- cludes annular joints. Examples are rolling mill stand frames, blast furnace bells, turbine shafts, presses. Some plants are using electro-slag process with several 3 mm electrode wires, and many are employing it for repairs. Re- sistance welding and friction welding processes are also being used, the lat,-, Card 4/6 S/125/60/000/010/013/015 A16'/A133 The Present State of Welding Soience and Welding Engineering in the Chinese PeoplA Republic ter only at some tool plants. The production of welding equipment began in 1953 in Shanghai where three existing workshops were fused into one plant. It has been producing welding equipment only since 1956 and is the sole spe- cial plant of this kind in China. Drawings for the greater part of the equip- ment produced at this plant are being supplied by the USSR. Some of the other machine plants are systematically producing a certain quantity of welding equipment, mostly transformers for manual welding. A training of welding en- gineers did not exist before 1953, and now welding is included in the program of nine institutes. The first welding engineers graduated in 1956 from the Kharbin Polytechnic Institute, the other institutes will have their first graduates in 1960 and later. The training of lower grade welding technicians has begun at several technical schools. Practical training is included in the program, and every teaching institution produces some industrial items. Thus, e.g., the Welding Department of the Kharbin Polytechnic Institute pro- duced small transformers in 1959; students of the Peking Polytechnic Insti- tute constructed boilers for agricult=al requirements. The production is Card 5/6 S/125/60/000/010/013/015 A16i/A133 The Present State of Welding Soienci) and Welding Engineering in the Chinese People's Republic organized by students. Apart from higher special education there are many courses. Special literature Is being published in increasing quantities, and many tranBlations are being made from Soviet and other foreign book8, One monthly welding journal is published. Card 6/6 3/1,37/6 !AOOYO06/059/092 A006/A 10 _z.- I In AUTHORS~ Gotal'skiy., Tu.N., M'ao Sun, TITLE~ Some Infermat'lon from electric-slag welding pra^-ti-ce with plate FERTODICALs Referat,viTy-y zhurnal. Metalllurgiya, nc. 1961, J.7, abstract 6E116 ("Hanjie", 19,550, no. 2, 6 - 9, Chinese .j! TEEXTt ~-he de's Sr ibe basis, diff_!!~ulties in slag wel-J-4ng with plate ele~ntrnies and mz_ans of ellmma:t~ng them; I,e. arz excitation and statili- zation of current intensi-ty durIng we.ding. V~ Tariscya [Abs-,ricter' a nc:re~- Gsm,pleta Card 1" KAKH07SKIT,, Nikolaq Ivanoviah, k&zLd.tskhn.n&uk; QMWSXlr,-Ihmef Zkol 'rand. takhn, rauk; TRUSMHMO, Anton Autonovicb, ush,,~ ROMANY, B.V,, red,; SORWINA, S,'L,, red.; KOZL07grATA, K.D,, tekhn*rsd*-; PIRSONO' KA, takhuored. [Amtomatic and usiclautomatle weldincl Artomatichaskaia I polu- avtomatlcheskala avarka. Moskva, Vese.uchebuo-pedagog izd-wo, 1961-0 422 p. (GI 14t12) (Blectric velding) GOTAL'SKIY, YU.N. Peculiarities of the welding of dissirdlar steels review of literature. Avtom. svar. 14 na.8:49-57~ Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Patona Ali USSR. (Steei-Welding) GOTALISKIY,, Yu.N. Control of the alag bath depth izi electric slag welding. 1vtom. avar. 14 no*9:65~-67 S 161. OMIRA 14:8) 1. Ordem Trudovogo Krasnogo Zma ni L3Btitut alektroavarki imeni Ye.O.Patona AN USSR. (Electric welding-Equipment, and supplies) KAKHOVSKIY., Mkolay Ivanovich, knnd, tek}m. nauk; GOT.AL-ISKIY, Xuzef llikoL `~wk*j PAT0119 V - qwlak, kab&, 40MM6 ind-r liig-W*j~irich "iana. Wdm. nauk; TRUSHCHENKO, Anton Antonovichp inzh.; ZVEGRITSEVA, K.V.) nauchn. red.; GORYUBOVA, L.K., red.; IIEWYSLOVA, L.M.,, [Technology of mechanized are and electric slag welding] Tekhnologiia mekhanizirovannoi dugovoi i elektroshlakovoi svarki. LBY1 N.I.Kakhovskii i dr. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 383 P. (MIRA 17:1) (Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) GOTALISKI.Y,ju.lf.; TSYKUIENKO, A.K.; KUSHNIRENKO, B.N. Welding pearlituic vith austenitic steels in structures operating at high temperatures. Avtom. ovar. 16 no.9rl3-18 3 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Institut elektroevarki im. Ye.O.Patona AN UkrSSR. ACCESSION NR: AP4013082 S/0125/64/000/002/0049/0053 AUTHOR: Gotallsidy, Yu.. N.; Tsy*kulenko, A. K. TITLE: Investigation of open-are welding of medium-alloy stools with powd core wire SOURCE: Avtomaticheskays, evarka, no. 2, 1964, 49 -53 TOPIC TAGS: welding, open arc welding, powder core wire, open arc powder wire welding, medium alloy steel welding, austenitic metal weld ABSTRACT: The reasons for this powder-core wire composition - 3096 1~1n, 107a Cr, 0. 2% Ti or V - are set forth. V. M. Kir Iyakov and D. M. Kushnerev obtained good-quality welds with a ceramic flux and the above wire. Rutile and fluorite concentrate were used as slag-forn-dng agents and marble as a gas forming agent. The wire was prepared by drawing from a soft low-carbon steel strip. The exact composition "can be learned from the Institute of Electric Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4013082 Welding, AN UkrSSR.11 Medium-alloy 30KbGSA and 30KhZNM steels were welded!, by an A-765 semiautomatic machine with a current of 300-350 amp, a voltage o 26-28 v, and a wire diameter of 3 mm. Austenitic weld metal and no cracks in the weld-affected zone were observed even with rigid 15-20-mm-thick pie( welded together. The toxicity of Mn vaporm is noted. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektroovarki Im. Ye. 0. Patona. AN UkrSSR (Institute of Electric Welding, AN UkrSSR) DATE ACQ- ENCL: 00 SUBMITTED: 19Feb63 26Feb64 SUB CODE: IAL NO REF SOIrf 0o8 OTHER: OOS Card 2/2 : ", ---,=1.,:-I 1 7: " .., GOTALISKIY, Yu.H.; ZILIBAR, M.B. - ~-- ", .. - Branch conferences on the technology of boiler makin Avtom. svar. 17 no.9t94-95 S 064. &IRA ViIO) -L. 07-431-.47- )/F.TT uptr.) Tn/pu ACC NR: 6030271 N ) - 4/oo47 '541 Al? SOURCE CODE: UR/0125/66/ooo/oo8/W !AUTHOR: Gotallskiy, Yu. N.; Tsykulenko, A. K.; Peysin, M. 1. ;ORG: [Gotallskiy, Tsykulenkol Institute of Electric Welding im. Ye. 0. Pat6n,AN '(Institut elektrosvarki AN UkrSSR); (Peysin-T -Kharkov Electrotechnical Plant .(Kharlkovskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy zavod) )TITLE: Automatic welding of electric motor shafts from dissimilar steels SOURCE: Av-tomaticheskaya svarka, no. 8, 1966, 44-47 TOPIC TAGS: inert gas welding, low carbon steel, austenite steel, argon, carbon dioxide .7 Nuroen.41)roe WPADIIJG~- .rHO9 0c7- ABSTRACT: The aut4oYg discuss a process developed by the Institute of Electric Weld- ing in cooperationlIVYth the N4 v 2k$q, 'qqj.Pjjpj fordfianufacturing shafts C which lo -c 80m- 0) 's ,e ed t~*MIBN9T)Iaustenite steel (GOST i n arbon 5 steel CiC 0 mm in 5632-61). ular components 36-6 by this method. While diameter are welded componentl Of this type are most easily joined by resistance welding, this method cannot be used at the Kharkov Blectrotechnical Plant at the present time and therefore gas-arc welding is used4 Tests show that the best joints are produced by using argon gas and SV704Khl9NllM31e'iectrode wire. The stability of the structure in the heat--* affected zone of the weld was tested by holding a welded specimen at 2000C for 200 UDC: 621-791-756:669.15-194:669.26:669. L 07431-67 -1 "OU.5ue ( I c;7, Lours.. 'The results show no appreciable changes in the structure of the weld zone. rhe welding is done on a lathe Which is slowed ~10 0-5-10 rpm by an additional speed reducer. A'semiautomatic A-9297itelding machine~with a modified electric circuit is nounted on the lathe. The following conditions are recommended for welding in argon: welding current - 200 a, arc voltage -- 24-26 v, electrode gap - 15-20 mm and rate Df gas flow -- 12-1T I/min. Carbon dioxide may be used at the same rate of flow if the arc voltage is reduced to 20-22 v and the electrode gap is narrowed to 10-15 Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 220ct65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH RU: 002 FACMMITA. Samson Parnsozovich; WURID231,-a.D.-, red.; GZLIASHVILI. L., red.izd-va; KINNAD21, I., Crandamentals of interchangeability and technical measurements] Oenovy vsalmosameninamosti I takhnichaskikh izmarenil. Tbilisi, Gosoizd-vo uchabno-podagog.,Iit-ry~-~wPodna". 1960. 290 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Interchangeable mechanisms) Neasuring instruments) 00V111MY Rmiania IF: r; 13PT For-3try. Fort,st Ctiltures W-) JOUR NO. 2 1,959, No. RZhBi-01.? . 9 . . - ,AUTKGR 3indju, C.; St s~jrchez, Z.; J Rubtov, TNST -1, vasiley Strimb ndrelen, Gh., Paui , . ~TIIZLE ,)e Cuj~ivf-,,tion of lus in Nur- -,r~thods for t, - prjB C j Rev. padurilor, 1957, 71, N70,111, 772-776 . .. o Id la Oil d-ucteu-3 t'qe libtlel-af el,.i and t1--, lish el.,i to demonntrate in nur Ser4es pnoduc- the densenes- cf -.I.- deper-ding on seedlinC stand in the steV.-,e :,uue. t was k, --' r lish est,- n.,, iblished t1-at seedlinrs of 'be elm could exist perfectly on a permanent; cult-iral tract after a period of a year. The optimal denseness of 1 - ~-.~.7ear old CARD - 49 I-CATEWRY ABS. JoUR. MhBiol.; No. 2, 1959, Nt). 6182 AUTHOR PIST. TITLE ORIG. PUB. ABSTRACT seedlings was conducted on nursery su.-faccs. 'Phere Was no preference as to the productivi ty Of S~-riPs Of two - and three-lin(--~ soaings. Seedl -ings of the littleleaf elpi in a year with normal Preci-Pitation in the steproe en- viro=ent did not-acquire standard dim-en- sions for 1 Year; fertilization Ivith peat. arid P. had no effect. -- A. Yana CARD - 21a GOM2 W. The wap of development of geology in Poland,, p. 237,, Vol* 1. n0,.3. 1955 Warassma SMIA B* PRZYROD A NEOZY-dIONA SOURM.- Fast Europ6an,Aoeaaion Idat (EEAL) Library of Congress vole 5, no* 8. August 1956 ZASIAVSKIY, B. (KharIkov); LYUSHNIN, N. (Khartkov); GOTENOV,-S. (Kharlkov); FILINIK., A. (Khaekov),- WSAN, L. (Rhartkov); GAYDACHUX, V., (Kharlkov); SBOYCHAKOV, V. (IbarIkov) Attention and support to volunteer design offices. Kryl.rod. 14 no-3s2-3 Mr 163. (KRA 16:4) (Aeronautics-Technological innovations) SELEZNEV. V2ni-11v Petrovich: 01. IRAN - Ye.V.. inzh., retsenzent: BODNER., V.A.R doh-tor tekhn.nauk, red.;, GUITS~,AT-j ~ Yc- y.; h-' nauk., red.; BoGa,,IOLOV, M.F.j red* iz--d--ia; ROMIN, V.P.9 tekbn. red. (Navigational instruments] Navigatsionrqe ustroistva. Pod redo V.A.Bodnera. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo bborongiz, 1961. 615 P- (MIRA 14:12) (Navigation'(Aaronautics)) (Electronics in aeronautics) (Aeroaatktical instruments) . 62 a 7-tz-S /y - ~~ GOTESKAN, Z.; MORSKI, S. Methods of planning and realizine the material completion of construction assembling. p. 10 (Budowrdctwo Przexw3lowe) Vol. 4. no. 1, Jan. 1955. Warszawa. Poland SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EMOP&AN ACCESSIONS (VAI) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 3., JAN. 1958 GOTEV, I. GOTEV, I. The LZlKPZ- in the competition of September 8, 1956. P. 4. Vol. 5, no. 11, 1956 ELEKTRoENERGuA. Sofiiap r"ulgaria SOURCL: -Past European Accessious List (BEAL) Vol 6, No. L-April 1957 GOTU,_j4; SUMNALIEV., M.; ZHECHETA2 M. A case of the pulmonary form of tularemia. Suvr. med. 14 no.12t 42-45 163. 0 KUPENOV, N.; _GOTEV, N.1 SYMNALIYEV, M. [Symnaliev M.); TCMOV, A.; KHMSTOV, Iv.; BAYEV, V. [Baev,, V. 1; DOBREVA, Yev. tDobreva, Ev. 1; MICEUEV, T.; CHEMWOV, V. Natural tularemia focus in Bulgaria. Zhur. mikrobiol., epido i immm. 41 no.41124-131 Ap 164. (MIRA 1824) 1, Kafedra voyennoy epidemLologii i gigiyeny Sofiyskogo vysshego voyenno-meditsinskogo instituta, Bolgariya. GOTE7., R. (Bblgariya) Effect of the central nervous system on metabolic processes in fowls., Trudy V=Y' 26t198-204 162, (KMA 1612) 1. laboi~atoriya fiziologii %emoyunnogo instituta eksperimentall- noy veterinarile (Ner7aus systm) (Ibtabolism) GOTFIYRM, P. ", ~~;i - * -,, '. ~ . I- On drifting observa"riesi. Vokrug aveta no.10:24 0 155. (MIRA 9:1) (Artie regioam). GOTMD. A.I. I. Loading of B-138 concrete mixers by skip hoists. Rats.i izobr. predl.v stroi. no-55:3-4-133. Off-RA 70) (Hoisting machinery) (Mixing machinery) R~IIMlo Inotrumnt for holdlqg pige, Klas. Ind. SSSR 28 no.5t58 1570 (MINA lltl) 1. laninogorokly Wawkoubtant. (ToterinAry Instrumnts and apparatus) 'A, T.Dr.As IIJP-11999-ft~h% Surgical treatment of chronip paralysis of the u1nar nerve, Neur* psychiats cesk. 17 no-5-.291-295 Oct 54- 1. Nourochirs odd. pri 1. k1la. v Drne: predn. prof. Dr. J.Podlaba Neural. klin. v Brno; predn. prof. Dr, 1,Popok. OHMS, ULIVIv paralyuls surg.) (PARALYSIS uln&r nerve. surg.) GOTYRYD, 0., KUDr Giant call tumors of the vertebrae compressing the spinal cord. Roshl.chir. 34 no.4:261-267 Apr 155. 1% Z neurachirurgicksho addeloni I chirurgicke kliniky v Brno Preduosta prof. Dr J.Padlaha (SPINS, neoplasms giant call tumor compressing spinal cord~disg.3 (SPINAL CORD, diseases compression, caused by giant call tumor of spins) Vol.3-1/3 Surgery Auc Ir.-C, 17 6-OTFAYV 4 4020.( 776) GOTFRYD 0. and NOSOVA T. 1. Chir. Klin., Brno; Neurol.Kl;n., Brno. .fVYAR-My chirurg'Ick6ho WdenC vyhflezu meziobratlovd plotdnky. The re - sults of surgical treatment of herniation of the inter- vertebral disc ROZIll-ICHIR. 1956, 35.ill (665-672) The experiences with 202 operationt; for liemiation of Lntervertebral disc are pre- c .tented: 163 patients were followed tip. The nuirth..r of negative findings was 5. 142 operated patients returned to work (871"o), the majority of these having started work within U months after operation. Some comments on the diagnosis of inter- vertebral disc hemiation are appended, the Operative technique used is briefly described, and a personal concept of vertebral fusion and relapse of herniation is suggested. Attention is directed to postoperative treatment and rehabilitation. In- dividual factors which determine the period before return to work after operation are detailed. GOTFRYD, 0., As., Dr.; HOLUB, V., prim.. Dr. Disappearance of a large cozy,,enital tumor of the spinal cord after x-ray treatment. Cook. neur. 20 no.1:18-20 Feb 57. 1. Nourochirurgicke oddeleni I. chirurgicke kliniky v Brno. prodnosts, prof. Dr. J. Podlaba, neurologicko-psychiatricke oddeloni Krajske detske namocnice v Brno. (NEURITAMNA, case reports congen. of spinal cord.. disappearance after radiother. in Inf. (0s)) (SPINAL CORD, neoplasms neurtle%ona, congen., disappearance after radiother. in inf. (Cz)) (RADIOTHMAPT, in various die, nourtlemona, congen., of spinal cord in inf., disappearance (Cs)) GOTFRYD, Otto -Problem of surgical treatment of chronic cerebrospinal fluid dis- charge through the nose. Rozhl,. chir. 38 no.6:393-398 June 59 1. Ifourochirurgicke oddeleni I. chirurg. kliniky v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. J. Podlaha. . (NOSI, die. ) (C'M RCGPINAL FWID) ANDROVIC, A.; SKODACEK, P.; GOTFRYI)1_0,.,-_LEZAR, Z.; ZEMAH, J.; HEMANEK, S.; JANCEKOVA, G. Discussion on the interlaminal solution of laminal syndromes and the course of re-edueation. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.46:1444-1448 17 N 161. 1. Neurolog. a rehabilitac. odd. Cs. st. kupelov Piestany ako aj , chirurg. klinika v Bme, prednosta prof. dr. Podlaba a VKU Piestany. (SPINE (IJB) GOTFRID, 0.; NOSOVA, T. Post-traumtic epidural hemtoma in the posterior cranial fossa. Cesk. neurol. 25 no.2:125-128 Mr 162. 1. Nourochirurgicke oddeleni, Ijoh4rurgicke kliniky lek. fak. UJU v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. J. Podlaha, DrSe Neurologicks, klinika lek. fak. U-TEP v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. K. Popek. (CERURAL HEMORRHAGE etiol) (BRAIN wds & inj) MORAVEK, V.;,~OTFRYD, 0. Loose fragments of Intervertebral disk on the posterior aurface of the dural sao. Rozhl. chir. 4~ no.lOt7l.1-715 0 164, 1. Neurochirurgicke oddeleni I, ch-IT-argicke kliniky lekarske fakulty University J.E. Purkyno v Brno, (prednosta doe. dr. J. Uhlir, DrSc.). GOTFRYD, 00 of recurrences and other palrful conditions after surgery for interrertebral lumbi, disk prolapse. Rczbl. chir. 44 no.2t98.92 F 165. 1. Neurochirurgicke oddelpni I. chlrurgicke kliniky lekarske University J.Ev. Purk-yne v Brne.(prednostas doc. dr. J.Uhlir) RIZAYZ7, N.U.; RIYAZOV, M.I.; GOTFRID. V.Ya. Study of the process of mass transfer in the absorption of dissolved substances in fluidized bad. Izv.vye.ucheb.zaYi;khim.,i khim,tekh. 3 no.4:737-739 060. (MIRA 13:9) 1 1. Sredneaziatakiy politekhnicheakiy instiiut, kafedra protsessov i apparatov. (Mass transfer) (Pluidization) RIZAYLY.. N.U.; NIYAZOV, X.I.; GO?PL4k-jAY9L.~.--. Study of mass transfer in the extmetion of oils from oil- bearing seeds. Isv* vys. ucheb. zav; khim. i khiza. tekh. 3 ,nos 5:933-936 160. (KMA 13:12) 1. Sredneaziatakly politekhmicbeekiy Institut. Kafedra protsessov i apparatow. Oktraction (Chemistry)) (Mass transfer) GOMLIF, I.M.p. kandidat tekhnicheeklkh nauk; IVYANSKIY, S.I., . I o e khnicheskikh nauk. Now series of forced-dradt blowing machines for use in power engineering. Blek. sta. 24 no.12:21-24 D '53. Wai 6:iz) (Blowing engines)