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I I. --'l - - -I -;", -- -- --- --- - - -- --- -- - - ;,, 1.7, ',1 z a Immmum 0~01r- GORYAGHU. H.P.. inzh. Conveyer-type bath for cyanide-zinc plating. Mash.Bel. no.5t 190-192 158. (MIRh 12:11) (Zinc plating) I I r %L m-q_ ~ /--A. I'Ll putidtaw gift ZA-- GORYAGA, A. N., BELOV, K. P. ~ and FAVES, Y. (Moscow) "Thermodynamic Investigation of Ferromagnetics Substances in the 'Region of the Curie Tempercture," paper presented at the International Conference on Physics of Magntic Phenomena, Sverdlovsk, USSR, 23-31 may 1956. fim~q; - Pv~ler -- ---- ---- t vam" 13 LN vlmta~ct'l Oil - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Xtra--- 6 ob ]~- at at tie iltm,, ampaq. at. unAv-nrai -Tnz~e rtiotive values am alsI) dciph-, the derived from tf~~ fiinction of ' 111V :ill tilt fatt ml~ tUs fur.61,011 bl o d a* (4v. at bv ii flo nOt agrce vdth tilt erpti. valti,-- at wsw tunin', J~I~' 11 q3 V1. Ifla N-te-sum Oc a, ath, - 0), givrz c3 ~wd thus the -,f -cm-abtainta from e4z1'xtk'q laq w obtalmd Wow M61t, of l d b ~ - 111L - irl e at W 0 . I bt t~ ---ur --iy at lth-~ Ow-r4i t 4.1ac-aiLd; t1ke. ata ~ (T - .4f Vtl~ 0 Ivnd to appr-adi th't 1, axis at v'Aitle-.1 I:zt a 1 VALV-S of ~. :nOwt- C,14. "ma'Aual" Mle-tem, !4d fat"S J--~ na incluftil by th, X,-,--h-d The nhvr into fir ioa ~f this deviation is ulwul by lift. th,~ C'Uric Iz. which th., Spin diatzibu- ,mint cr=vSpondSrt~D:th r k$t t(nn b Ica 'umm'ddred arid RI~6vi. wh" h OQ M:,g-letizatiov ilczutr~f-s -~aIlMlIng!Y Swull. if-A for 3,,4ddy4,lg f C)Y 48-8-1/25 AUTHORS: Belov, K*P.0 Goryaga, A.He TITIX.- Effects of Structural Properties of Ferromagnetica on +,be 26spaft%m,-. . Dependence of Spontaneous Magnetization (Vliyaniye strukturnykh o9obennostey ferrimagnetikov na tempera- turnyy khod spontannoy namagnichennooti) PERIODICALt Izvestiya AN SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Ur 8, PP. 1038 - 1046 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is maintained in this paper, that at present no systematic experimental data on the effects produced by atrvDtural proper- ties on the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magneti- zation of alloys in the vicinity of the Curie-point are to be found in publications. This paper furnishes such data with re- spect to some nickel-alloys, which were obtained according to two methods. 1.) the method by Weiss and Forrer, which consists in the extrapolation of the curves H(T) 0-- const of spontaneous magnetization for different intensities of magnetization to the value H - 0, and 2.) the method of thermodynamic coefficients, 6-3 . H ( C-de- according to the thermodynamic equation d.(Y+ Card 1/3 t~ noting the specific magnetization, Cilck ermodynamic co- 4e-8-1/29 Effects of Structural Properties of Ferromagnetica ox: t',_s tempera- ture Dependence of Spontaneous Magnetization efficienta.). Three examples of alloys are considered in the papert Ni-Cu, Ni Un and Ni-Fe (invar alloy). In the first case (Ni-Cu) the auth9r arrives at the conclusion, that the tempera- ture dependence of spontaneous magnetization, as well as the thermodynamic coefficients W , 8 are very sensitive to varia- tions of the concentration of the components in the vicinity of the Curie point. A quantitative comparivon of the values cf the coefficients of such alloys with a varying copper content is only possible after a prolonged annealing (50 hrs). A comparison of the coefficients (Y ) for nickel and nickel-copper alloys allowed, that the value of f decreases with an increasing cop- per content in the alloy. According to the theory by Vonsovskiy and Vlasov in the case of Ni-Cu alloys the.,gradient of the straight line ( 0- / 01 )4 (T/G) decreases with the decrease of 8 0 the exchange-interaction (s-d). In the second case of the Ri Hn compound the author is lead to the conclusion, that the "taiisil of the curves of apontaneous magnetization d.0 not shrink during annealing, but grow in length. Ferromagnetic transformation is weakened here. Therefore a regular arrangement is difficult to Card 2/3 obtain. In the third case of the Ni-Fe invar alloy magnetic ano- 48-8-1/25 Effects of Structural Properties of Ferromagnetica on the Tempera- ture Dependence of Spontaneous Magnetization malies are mentioned. The temperature deperdence of spontaneous magnetization near Curie point is here dependent on thermic hi- story. Experiments have shown in this case that the ferromagnetic transformation of this alloy is extraordinarily weakened with respect to the temperaturB interval. As a possible source of this phenomenon it is considered, that the ferromagnetism in such alloys is caused by an unstable atomic interaction in the first sphere of coordination, as well as in the subsequent spheres, which gives rise to the weakening of the ferromagnetic transformation. Tlaere are 13 figures, 2 tables and 12 references, 8 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIONs Dept. of Physics, of the Moscow State Universtty imeni M.V. Lomo- nosov (Fizicheskiy fakuftet Moskovsko.-o gos. universiteta im. M.V. Lonionosova) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 3/3 ) . "Magnetization of Ferromagnetics Near the Curie Point," Moscow., 1958. (Dissertation -I presented and approved for the degree of Cand. Chem. Sci.) Moscow State Univ. im M. V. Lomonosov. /J 0 " ~.1110 " kv ) ~32V AUTHORS: Goryaga, A. N.v Koroleva, L. I. SOV/55-59 3/32 TITLE: The Electric and Galvanomagnetic Propertieg of Nickel - Zinc Ferrite PERIODICAL: Vestnik JJqpkovs~_pW unjv2Wtgta. Seriya matematiki~ mekhaniki, astronomii, fizikiq khimiij 1959, Nr 39 PP 97 - 104 (USSR). ABSTRACT: It was the aim of the present paper to investigate the electric and galvanomagnetic properties of nickel-zinc ferrite, which,. according to data published in recent literature, has the high- est magnetic permeability and the highest dielectric constant. The ferrite sample of the composition 14.5% NiO, 36% zno, (in mol percents) was produced according to the 0 49.5% Fe 2 1 3 0 usual ceramic process at the sintering temperature of 1320 (5 hours). The contactswere groduced by burning-in a silver pasto into the sample at 500 , as-well as by dusting on to the cathode and by rubbing on of graphite. Burning-in of the silver past'e'does not essentially distort the results obtained by mea-- a.uring the electric resistivity of the ferrite. The resistivity Card 1/4 could immediately be determined on the oube-shaped sample. The~~ The Electric and Galvanogagnedc Properties of Nickel Zinc Ferrite 68045 SOV/55-T59-3-13/32 electria.resistivity ofthe ferrite depends essentially on the amperage of the current passing through the sample. The r-agne- 'tiza.tion of the nickel-zinc ferrite was measured at various temperatures by the ponderomotoric method. The sample under in- vestigation has a negative sign of the thermoelectromotive force, i.e., an n-type conductivity. The specific resistivity was in- 0 vestigated in the intervalranging from room temperature to 500 The curve lgQ - f(I/T) has four straight-lined regions and three breaks. The first break point corresponds to the Curie tempera- ture of 00-50o which agrees with the experimental work by V. V. Komar and V. V. Klyushin (Ref 2). Next, the theoretical calculations by P. P. Irkhin and Ye. A. Turov (Ref 4) are men- tioned. The result of the present paper corresponds to the quan- tum-mechanical theory of the last-named authors. The nature of the two other break points is, as yet, not clear. According to the results given, the electric resistivity of a nickei-zino ferrite probably has a more complicated character than the usual semiconductors. The transversal and the longitudinal galvano- magnetic effect have the same (negative) sign and also approxi- Card 2/4 mately tho game values. Both at room temperature and at higher 68o45 The Electric and Galvanomagnetic Properties of Nickel - SOV/55-59-3-13/32 Zinc Ferrite temperature .a AQ/Q is caused nearly exclusively by the par&- process (by true magnetization). For all field strengthey the galvanomagnetic effect has a highly blurred maximum in the tem- perature interval of from 60 to 650. The result obt 'ained by the present paper agrees with that obtained by K. P. Belov and Ye. V. Talalayeva. (Ref 5) as concerning th6 temperature do- pendenoe of the galvanomagnetic effect in polyorystalline and monoorystalline samples of manganese ferrites. In the case of the ferrite under investigation (as well as-in the case of ferro- magnetic metals and alloys) the galvanomagnetic effect is 2 _ 2 linear function of magnetization: C(d dS. ),.. wh4re-..d a denotes.spontaneous magnetization. Spontaneous magnetization de- creases sharply with increasing temperature. In the case of.the ferrite under investigation, the influence 'exerted by the in- homogeneous composition of the sample upon magnetic transforma- tion is probably considerable, In metallic and also in a ferrite in the immediate vicinity Of t Curie point, The authors the galvauomagnetic affect is proportional to Card 3/4 68045 The Electric and Galvanomagnotic Properties of Nickel - BOV/55-59-3-13/3? Zinc Ferrite thazik:Profeiaor K. P. Belov for his-useful advice6 There are .8 figut'ep.and 7 references~ 6 of which ere Soviet.- ASSOCI&ION; Kafedri"oVshchey.fiziki dlya biologo-pochvennigo fakullteta (Ghai~ ~bf-'Gsneral Physics for.the Biologg and Soil Department) 'SUBMITTED: ~~J&''nu'rY .1959 Card 4A f-w*'t im 0-1 ~i:i 85703 5/056/60/038/006/046/049/XX 014A00 002-rd"31119111) B006/BO70 AUTHORS: Belov, K. P.,,Goryagaq A. N... Lin' Chzhan-da TITLE: EleotricalTaZnd Galvanom.'agnetic Pro2ertiesyof Lithium Ferrite flRromita=n the Vicinity of the Compensation Point _Y1 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 38, No. 6j pp. 1914 - 1915 TEXT: Some ferrites showing a compensation point (9 k) (in whieh the mag- netic moments of the.sub-lattices are in equilibrium) exhibit strongly anomalous temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization, and the magnetostrictive properties above and below 0 k are largely different. In gadolynium ferrite garnetv for example, they are determined below Ok essentially by the gadolynium sub,-lattice, and above Ok by the iron sub.- lattice. Further studies of the role of sub-lattices in ferrimagnetism are communicated in this "Letter to the Editor". Electrical and galvano- magnetic,effects in lithium ferrite ch-romite with a compensation point Card 1/3 857031 Electrical and Galvanomagnetic Properties S/056/60/038/006/046/049/XX of Lithium Ferrite Chromite in the B006/BO70 Vicinity of the Compensation Point were measured. Fig.1 shows the temperature dependence of the longitudinal galvanomagnetic effect for dLfferent magnstio. field at-rengthe for Li 20*2.5Fe 203-2-5Cr2o 3' The -temperature dependence of the re- sistance was measured for tho same ferrite. Fig.2 shows logR.f(I/T) for d.c. (curve 1) and a.c. (200 ko/sec) curve 2). The temperature dependence of magnetization at H-25000-is also plotted. The behavior of the indivl-. dual curves is discussed. The bend of the curves at Ok is to be attr'ibut- ed, according to Ye. A. Turoy. and Yu. P. Irk4.1.n, to the compensation of the volume fields of the magnetic sub-lattices at Ok. There ate 2 fig-, ures and 5 references: 2 Soviet, 2 Frenchv and 1 Belgian. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy goeudarstyennyy universitet (Mos.~Ow state University) SV13MITTED: March 29~ ig6o Card 2/3 S/126/61/012/003/019/021 E073/E335 AUTHORS: Goryaga, A.N. , 'Levitin,,,,.R.Z- and Lin Cbang-ta TITLE- Anomaly of the Young modulus and internal friction in ferrites with a compensation point PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye. v. 12, - no. 3, 1961, 458 - 46o TEXT: The authors studied the dependence of the Young modulus and of the internal friction of two ferrites of the following compositions: Li20.2-7Fe2o~-2.3Cr2o 3 (with the compensation point Sk = 371.5 OK) and Li20-2-5Fe2o~ 2-5Cr 203 (/"h = 326 OK). The Yound modulus E and the internal fricticn Q71 were measured by a method described by I.R. Zacharias (Ref. 9 - Phys. Rev., 1933, 44, 1j.6), using a freqto-,ncy of 130 kc/s. Fig. la show the temperature dependence of the Young modulus E, dyne/cm 2 x 10-11 in the-demagnetized state, :L.e, for H = 0 and at saturation, i.e. H = 2 690 Oe. It can be seen that,at the compensation point,the Young modulus Card 1/ ~j S/126/61/012/003/019/021 Anomaly of the .... E073/E335 decreases and this phenomenon is particularly pronounced if an electric field (H = 2 690 Oe) is applied. The maximun. o f internal kriction occurs at the same,temperature buL its magnitude is almost independent of the field (Fig. Is , shcws the i-iternaX friction Q_ I versus temperature, OK). The temperature dependence of the & E effect in a saturation field of the same ferrite is shown in Fig. 2. This effect decreases at the compensation point, which is obviously associated with a reductIon in the role of the processes of technical magnetization on approaching the compensation tempera- ture. The fact that the AE effect differs from 0 at /~' \:Yk is attributed to the incomplete compensation of the spontaneous magnetization of the sub-lattices. Similar temperature dependences of E, Q-1 and of the j8E effect Avere also obtained for the ferrite of the composition LiH 20'2.5Fe2 0&-2.';Cr 2~- The authors attribute the anomalies of the elastic properties to the fact that,at the compensation temperature,the ferrite Card 2/~3 S/126/61/012/003/019/021 'Anomaly of the E073/E335 becomes a compensated antiferromagnetic due to the magnetic moments of the sub-latticea being compensated. It is pointed out that at about 250 OK a maximum of internal Ifri ction is observed. which ceases on applying *a field, indicating that this maximum is associated with domain phenomena. Mcasurement of the magnetization at various temperatures has shown that the maximum occurs in a range of the steepest decrease of spontaneous magnetization on approachingthe (Ljk point Acknowledgmento are expressed to K.P. Belov for directing the work. h re are 2 figures and 10 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and T F, 5 non-Sovi et -bloc The four latest English-languaoge references itientioned are: Ref. 1 W. Gorter, Philips Res. Report 1954, 91 295; Ref. 6- I.S. Van Wieringen'- Phys. Rev., 1953: go, 488; Ref- 7 - M.E. Fine Physt Rev., 1952, 87, 1143 and R.of. 8 - R. Street, B. Levris Phil. Mag. , 1956, 1, 663. ASSOCIATION: Mosk.ovskiy gosuniversitet im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow, State University im. M.V. Lorionosov) ~SUBMITTFW*' March .13, 1961 Card 221-7 8/056J61/040/003/007/031 91 //A~ 114 -1) B102/B202 AUTHORSt Belovj X.P.) Goryagal L.N.t Ling Chang-ta TITLEs Galvanomagnetic properties of lithium ferrite chromite PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikip v. 40, no. 3, 19619 752 - 756 TEXTt The study o-L ferrites having a compensation point 9 0 (temperature at which the magnetic moments of the sublattices compensate each other) i:Pof eat importance to the theory of ferromagnetism. In a previous p er rzhETFj L8f 1914v 1960)v the authors already pointed out that L~ J*2.5Fe 20 2' 2.5Cr203shows an extraordinary longitudinal galranocaagnetic effect (near 9 0 the sign of this effect changes from - to +). The au- thors describe the studies of the even galvanomagnetic, effectB (ion itu- dinal and transverse) in ceramio Li 20*2-7 P6202. 2.3 Cr203 (A). (L1 V&S first heated on air for 4 hours at 1000 0C, subsequently it was sintered at 1200'C for three hours (on air), and then slow1v cocied down. The gal- Card '116- ~; 22127 S/056/61/040/003/007/031 Galvanomagnetic properties of ... B102/B202 vanomagnetic effect was measured in a solenoid (up to 2000 oe) and bet- ween th oles of an electromagnet (up to 12pOOO oe)l the effect (r =ZAR~R~ was determined by comparison with the standard resistors. Magnetization I was determined in a solenoid by a ballistic method. r and I were measured in the range of from room temperature to 300 0C. The temperature was measured by means of a copper-constantan thermocouple which was connected to a highly resistive potentiometer of the type WnTS-1 (PPTV-1 ). The 'results are graphically illustrated. Pig. 1 showe the galvanomagnetic effects r, and r,, as well as I as temperature func- tions at H - 1550 oe and H . 1660 oet respectively. The compensation point (incomplete compensation occurs) was at 980C. Figs. 2 and 3 illu- strate r1l(t) and r.L(t) at high field strengths. The anomalies which be- come manifest in these curves can be explained by assuming that tote sub- lattices of the ferrite concerned have "own" galvanomagnetic properticz. with different character. According to E.W. Gorter (Philips Res. Re- ports, 9f 295p 1954) (A) has two sublattices, the first one being formed mainly from Pe, Cr, and Li ions which occur in octahedral sites, the se- cond one by Fe and Li ions in octahedral sites. Below 0 the octahedral 0 Card 2/16- 22127 S/056/61/040/003/007/031 Galvanomagnetic properties of B102/B202 ; responsible of anomalies. The simple ferrite Li 0-5Pe 0 2 2 31 shows'normal galvanomagnetic properties. A comparison of the effects W and r, showed. thIe followingt With T ~ 9 rj>) r,,j and both are nega- ...tive. In the.range T >Q, r becomes positivep the point r,, - 0 need not o coincide with 0'.0 In the range of the Curie point, the negative maxi- mum of the galvanomagnetic paraprocess is somewhat greater for r.L. than for rv. This is due to the fact that the difference between rj. and r,, does not completely-disappear at the Curie point. The experimental re- sults prove tha e de t in (A) sublattices exist with different temperatur of spontaneous magnetisation. There are 5.figures and 3 re- ferences: 2 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-SoViet-bloo. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy Rosudarstvennyy universitat 28750 S/05 61/041/003/003/020 B125YB102 AUTHORS: Goryagag A. N.p Lin Chang-ta TITLE: Low-temperature magnetic anomalies in lithium chromite ferrites PERIODICAL3 Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41, no- 3(9), ig6it 696 - 699 TEXT: The authors determined the temperature dependences of spontaneous magnetizationg of the coercive force, of the magnetic susceptibility, and of the electric resistivity in li-thium chromite ferrites possessing compensation points of the magnetic moments of the sublattices. The low- temperature anomalies, detected in these fbrrites, confirm the suppositlion of K. P. Belov (ZhETF, ~Ut 3, 692).. The measurements were made at Td_Q k with the fullowing ceramically produced ferrites: Li O-3Fe 0 2 Cr 0 (Q - 523.5 OK), Li Oe2-5Fe 0 .2-5Cr 0 (Q - 3260K), and 2 2 3* ~ 2 3 k 2 2 3 2 3 k Li 2005Fe203(without a compensation point). The magnetization 6, , the Card 1/4 2P50 B/056/61/04-1/003/003/020 Low-temperature magnetic*#* B125/B102 magnetic susceptibility X in a magnetic field of R - 10 oersteds and the coercive force R0 were measured in a solenoid by means of the ballistio methodtwheressa Wheatstone bridge was used to measure the electric resistaws, In ferritest possessing a compensation point, the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization 0' a exhibits a clear break at liquid-nitrogen temperature. At the same temperature, the temperature dependences of R 0 and /1_ exhibit minima and maxima, respectively. Up to the temperature range of liquid nitrogen, the magnetization S'c of tho first two ferrites mentioned above depends only slightly on temperature. However, it hat a break when temperature rises further and decreases until the compensation temperature is reached. At this breakf the susceptibility has a maximum and the coerci:Ve force a minimur. An increase in temperature after this minimum causes a sharp increase of the coercive force. The temperature dependenceB of any composition of the lithium ohromite ferrites behave in an analogous way. If there is no compensation point, the curves6' s(T), H0(T) and k(T.) have no low-temperature anomalies. The following holds for lithium chromite Card 2/4 28750 9/05 61/041/003/003/020 Y B102 Lovi-temperature magnetic*oo B125 f(1/T) curve has ferrites possessing a compensation point Oks the ljog R re functions G-~q 'r; a break at temperatures at which the temperatu singularities. These-anomalies as well, as the anomaly of the temperature dependence of R is similar to the anomaly of ferromagnetics near th* Curie point. The low-tempbrature anomalies in the temperature depender-:,,a of the in the magneti, magnetic and electric properties-are due to a sharp change c . _7 5 long-range order of the ferrites. According to K. P. Belov a change of - this kind in ferrites, possessing compensation points, must 6ccur in the sublattice with the "weak" exchange interaction. The "weak" sublattice of the lithium chromite ferrites ie octahedral. The exchange interaction in the tetrahedral sublattice is stronger. The temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization of the sublattice with weak interaction may be blurred. The long-range magnetic order does not vanish completely from the weak sublattice, owing to the effect of the negative exchange interaction. between the eublattices. The temperature dependences of the spontaneous magnetization of each sublattice and of the ferrite as a whole are schematically rendered in Fig- 5- The dashed curve (T) for the octahedral Card 3/4 28750 B/056-/61/041/003/003/020 Low-temperature magneticsoo B125/B102 sublattice is blurred because of'the effect of the antiferromagnetic interactions Professor K. P. Belov is thanked for his advice. There are. 5 figures'and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State Universi- ty) SUBMITTED: April. 69 1961 Legend to Figs 5: 0 compensation pointp 9 k - H - temperature inducing a considerable change of the long-range magnetic*o:rder. - (1) Octahedral, (2) total, (3) tetrahedral. Card 4/4 -~-f 71irr Pad -7v'c) JW/JD/Ftr T ~:~N S'p: AP5005285 !~./oi8l/65/007/002/047h/o476 an A 17. Vol-kova N, V, Bel-ov, K, ?,: rorynga im --r-, Anomaly of e-lectric resistivity in the region of the compensation temper- in 'inc ferrite NiFe 1.26vo.7404 4&1 -