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el A Pholillaphic to"m Ill 10,10dr4phyloisterials. vlt'ij.,ut kokbulf. All, D. X. 114141millita. Aod T. M. L - vuldy .lba. V..k R. 70, m it( Jim), -Illy Artoal surface CnOrm, of the ilyes in tile 3 elvinctilarv Ulvet% of a color. rillitl6ilto IMOVII19- all fliliC"ite efignitUl bar file evidusitilto of like 1,11, KoCIA1,164- ofect in vuhm 'this cdletioll vocir.1"Hidt in 111,41 44 kilt,we vou"j. 4-f As in !)IACL will while P11040041111Y. bill. Ilk C111111411 to tile LOW. h, can tile n'$ i'leaur jr.4olon I.-Iw- Ili,. ,Itf.t,v -m.1%, 44 tho3dye-oul n mmAll ottlicAl .1 , Le. Owtv is ewt-Imio. p1mvinvirivir r,liny Amunting lltvr*,i Lot 114 - kill ("b"t 1) - ItilliCAI -1 , I - (Itorn. of tile 41Vr. I A thickur,,,i 1-1 the I&Ytf) 140 LIC VAIIII (Air CACh C01111JIMICIll. INIC Call Write, ~Illcr I culso.. the sy"evil of linear eqn.ktimw PP, P" f. k"'-,-% wletr ill, And in tilt :1 14%,ers Ate Alld file 4., 16. k me 11 ... .... lowal. , q Ilk, :1 JIAI CorVC4 14 fill' 010th-41 til 44 the CiCtUMMAIT 14VTIV At ;:olt ionvis., will ov dt-id ome And bw All *the watt .11gilis x victr chottil at-lk"ding I'l tilt! Ilmitilitills 44 the Ab. sorillixtu tuaillina of tile Inalcliall under study; fut the tied. loalefigill, X - fill. MO, An.1 Mill Rip, AnlI flW tile r.., okA- t.gi4ls. X - 410. MO. And 670 oil.. Tile Immult Ili thl, VU4Ct. JUCTIS. And M4 JAllse, 11 ~M. 44). And 'ill 11110. 11~11 applivAlmlity .4 It-I', L.. .- t-tesl And J~Ilvtlo stimeki witit onc44vvc votulmotm 'Flit ANt. values kilf the it cannot be dettl., I- tile Am. mirfam eoncn-. of tile lives can- Il'.1 be 111".Urr,l .11", liv ill I liclAtill l"Y.I. BY .1trfillitioll. tile .111f4tc ""Ito of V.401 dilv At W11101 tile III-MoNfIrk"ll-ilie ill Ow KeLilin I.iy,-r voills, OW live. At the ous. -4 the uliviclillon 1,I Ollitv. it taken a, the Idalivr Unit %UI(4&V Fill, V0111,V1111011 tWFtojl% .1 UtinlefiCAI t!Ctfl of the k. 'rise %vitein of linear equations then beconies, Pir net. inatcrials Olp -11,011 '. 4- 0,32 C. 1P. 0.13 r.: Ow - it 17 f. 1- 1.01; 1 . i- I Im.) C.. 1I_ - 4) IM 4 11-414% '. 4 I IN? I,. AM for 1.1; 111 liclial Dw IAX I + 0 34 11 lll;rlei 1,141 CA t it I i C.' f .1 IS I . + I " 1. .; Su"-lipt., Y. 0", 41141 C, refer to tile vilow, InIzentA, ;Lilt[ evall lavem Thm systerns of equA- uts are CaLilywilv"I for I " CA. and C.. N. Thork Set+. cdar- low*= AM 71D Tm IK-Ofts u1 (mig jis 0. 1=09 I%. bv 1w Im do Mm GOWS 49 W-ooWmobk ~i- 'JIMer doW d wmwbb Ohl do LAOCIP44" RUN GOROXHOVSKIY, TuX; BALABUKU. D.K.; PONOKARMO, O.M. Sansitometric Investigation of multilayer color films. Part 2, Spectral photographic properties of color films. Usp.nauch.fot. 2:105-118 054j (KLRA 7:3) (Photographic sonsitometry) (Color photography--films) BALABUXHA, D.X.; GOROXHOVSXIY, Yu.N. Sensitongtric investigatlon,of waltilayer-color films. Part 3. Mutual effect of elementary layers in 6olor film development. Usp.nauch.fot...2:119-130 154. (NLRA 715) (Photographic sensitometry) (Color photography--Developing and developers) GOROXHOVSKIT, Yu.N.; 1AVEMBARG, T.M. Sensitoustric investigation of =101layer color films. Part.4. Resolving power of color photographic materials. Usp.nauch.fot. 2;131-133 054. (NIHA 7:5) (Photographic soneltometry) (Color photography-Films) 11 1. - I : GOROKHOVSKIY, Yu.S.; OWMMIYWA, Yo.I.- Investigation of the optical sensitization of photographic swileleas. Part 5.RelatIon between the spectral distribution of photosensitivity and the light absorption of sensitized photographic emulsion layers. Unp. DAUChafet- 3:119-128 '55* (w" 9:1) (Photogrq&ic evulsions) GOROKKOVSKIT, YU.N.; INCRINSKLYA, V.P. . Spectrophotometrie wthod of identifying pigmento In a hydrotyps color loop. Trudy LIKI no-3:213-219 135. (mm 9:8) 1. lafedra abahchoy fotografil I tekhaologli obrabotki kinafoto- matertalow. (Spectrophotometry) (Color photography) BAKRVALOV, V.M.; GOROKHOTSKIY, Yu.N. ~M.bftwc Sensitometry of multi-layered photographic color materials. Part 5. Criteria for photosensitivity of color materials. Usp.nauch.fot. noA.29-43 1550 (KM 9:4) (Color photography) (Photographic sensitometry) AGOg&q~&&R; IMIN, B.N. Projector-granalozater for the deternination of gram--arity of phOWaphle blackmaUg. Uspsuwchqfot~ no.4:117-124 155. (Photographle seneltometry) (NlaA 9: 4) -GORD!MOVSXIY,- Yu,H, Sensitometric control of the photochemical processing of multilayer color fibm. '55. WRA q.- 4) (Color photograpby) (Photographic sensitometry) USSR/physics Pho ~grs~hy, color FD-3038 Mfr?d Pub- 153 - 7/23 Author Gorokhovskiy,, Yu. N.J, Prusso P. Kh. Title Investigating the resolving capacity of multi-layer color photo- graphic materials Periodical Zhur. tekh. fiz., 25, February 1955.. 221-235 Abstract The authors investigate the dependence of the resolving capacity of elementary layers of multi-layer colored films, multi-layer films in the whole (for white light), and one-layer colored films upon a number of factors (focussingiexposure, developm6t time, contrast, brightness, thickness of positive layer, aperture, etc They estrblish that the resolving capacity of multi-layer films in the whole is determined by the purple component of the colored image,~~ consequently by the resolving capacity of the middle layer.- They show that the brilliance and silver components of the Photographic image in multi-layer film give identical resolving capacity, indicating that the microelements of these images possess practically identical dimensions. They further establish that the dependence of the resolving capacity of multi-layer film upon "mira" contrast differs essentially for various emulsion layers; only for Card 2/2 PD-3038 the upper'elementary layer does this dependence follow the theo- retical formula, observed well in the case of black-white mate- rials. The authors also studied the influence of aperture of aberrationleas objective on the resolving capacity of multi-layer films and found that this influence holds true only for the upper elementary layer, being completely absent for the middle and lower layers. They found that change in the thickness of emulsion layers is reflected in the resolving capacity of the middle and lower layers of multi-layer film. They finally observed that change in of development over a sufficiently wide range practically does not exert any influence upon the resolving capacity of the two lower layers, but influences somewhat the resolving capacity of the upper layer. In addition to resolving capacity, photographic reproduc- tion of fine details depends upon the graininess of the developed multi-layer films, investigations showing that the macro-granular- ity of the latter is very small. Sixteen references. Institution : - Submitted : April 3, 1954 t< 4 t 11~ V t;e? K 1 USSR/Ch ~11 Technology. Abet Chemical Produ~ts and Their Application -- Photographic materials$ 1-19 Journall Referat Zhur .; KWAU&; No 2j 19571 5975 Authors Gorokhovskiy., Yu. N.., Kayuchina-Likeno.. A. R. Institutions None Titles Dependence of Kinetics of Golor.Development of a Multilayer Color Film on Temperature Ori gi rutl Publication; Zh. nauch. i prikl. fotografii I kinamatogr., 1956, 1, No 1, 23-28 Abstract; Investigation of the question ooncernlng temperature dependence of the kinetics of color development of each of the lAyers of a color filmj, in the temperature interval from +7 to +260., and of the pbe- nomenon of mutual effect (M) of theselagrirs. It is shown that within the same interval of development duration (tdev) the relative values of"r vary to a greater extent on combined development of three layers$ than on development of one layer. This FM of the layers., in color development., Is observed to a least extent in the case of Card 1/2 USSR/Chem-4cal Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Photographic materials, 1-19 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Kftlmiya, No 2, 1957) 5975 Abstract: the bottcm layer. Temperature dependence of PNE is moot strongly manifested in the case of the top layer and is practically absent in the case of the bottom layer. With increase in temperature and in tdev the PMR of the layers becomes weaker, and with a tdev of 24 minutes it practically vanishes altogether. The conclusion is reached that with rising temperature the role of diffusion,, during the development,, is decreased, and the role of diffusion exchange in the different layers of the film, is not the same. Temperature co- efficients (aT) of the development of image and fog, in each layer, are given. It is shown that the aT of different layers of the film differs, and is also dependent upon the properties of photographic emulsions, the same as in the case of black-and-white photographic materials. Values Of aT depend on depletion of developer vithin the layer being developed; they are higher for fog than for image, and are higher for Images produced with green and red light filters than for images recorded in a white light. Card 2/2 GOROKHOVSKIY, Yu* N. "On the Influence of.Temperature on the Kinetics of the Color Development of Multilayer Color Films," a paper given at the International Conference on Scientific Photography, Cologne, 24-27 Sep 1956 E-3072367 GOROKHOVSXIY, Yu.N. Conference on the chemistry of photographic emulsions. Zhur.nauch.1 prlkl.fot.i kin. I no-5:387-390 3-0 1%. (MU 9:11) (Photogmphic chemistry) F, to y pm P ? AK AK halide b~-mqq studi~,l "A D-.xrpze dyer, ard Ulacik-wiall~ GOROKHOVSKIY, Yu. N. "On the Influence.of Temperature on the Kinetics of the Color Development of Multilayer Color Films.," paper given at the International Conference on Scientific Photography, Cologne, 24-27 Sep 1957 E-31068,138 and - "Some Problems of the Sensitometry of Multilayer Color Materials,," Som WOW= In dw selw Caluw gy", Ific julftul dflu III- rAmw**Pft% 'The theory of the photographic process* [in Inglis'h].-C,31. Zmweth Nees. Reviewed by W.M.Gorokhovskii. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot' .1 kin. 2 no.1:77 JA-F 157. (MaA 1;:3) ,(photography) (Noes. ranneth C.B.) A GOROKHOTSKIT, Tu.N.; GRATSIASSMA, Z.I. Research on the optical sensitizing of photographic emulsions. Part 7: Influence of.the color-forming components of color development on the process of optical sensitizing. Zhur.nauchn.1 prikl.fot.i kin. 2 no.6:421-431 N-D 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Leningradakiy institut kinoinzhonerov. (Color photography)- (Photographic sensitometry) An.! GOROKHOVSKIY, TU,3j. -I-- T.P. Kravets; on his 80th birthday. Usp. nauch. fot. vol.5:200-203 157- (=A io:6) (Kravets, Torichan Pavlovich, 1876-) &0'1z AUTHORS: Gorokhovskiy, Yu. N., and Davydkin, I. M. 48-11-8/13 ---------------------------- TITLE: Light.Dispersion-Indicatrix Which Becomes Apparent With Photo- graphic Layers on a Transparent Base. (Indikatrisy rasseyaniya sveta proyavlennymi fotograficheskimi. sloyami na prozrachnoy podlozhke). PMIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Nr U.. pp- 1505-1516 (USSR). ABSTRACT: This is a thorough imestigation of the physical picture of light- dispersion by photographic blackening under various conditiona and a calsulation of both the integral and effective optic densi- ties, of the blackening is carried out on the basis of the measured dispersion-indicatrix. A visualLgoniophotometer was constructed for measuring the dispersion-indicatrix. The spatial geometric distribution of the light dispersed by the blackened samples on the transparent base was measured by means of this appliance. The obtained indicatrix of light-di5per8ion by blackening made it pos- sible to clear up the mode of dependence of the dispersion capacity of the blackening from its parameters. 1) Various photographic materials showa similar behavior with respect to the general Card 1/2 character of light-dispersion, but two blackenings of the same Light-DisperBion-Indicatrix Which Becomes Apparent With 4&~/U Photographic Layers on a Transparent Base* optic density show a remarkably different dispersion-indicatrix of their micro-graininess of various materials. 2) The light- dispersion by blatkening which was obtained to a certain degree as a result of the occurrence of an effect of contrast increases with the optic density. 3) The light-41spersion by blackening with a given optic density is the greater the higher is the coef- ficient of the effect of contrast. - With the help of the disper- sion-indicatrix the values of the integral optic densities of blackening were calculated and compared with the direct test. The dependence of the optic density of blackening on the solid angle of the receiver was determined. From that also the data on the practically admissible minimum dimensions of the solid angles of the receiver by measuring the integral optic density were obtained. There are lo figures, I table and 9 references, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Chair of General Photography and Technology of Fil-a-1rV~ocessirZ at the Leningrad Institute for Cinematographic Engineers (Kafedra obshchey fotografii i tekhnologii obrabotki plenki Leningraddskogo instituta kinoinzhenerov). AVAILABLE! Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTEORS: Gorokbovskiy,-Yu. N., ba"vjdkin, 1. Y. 46-11-9/13 TITLE: Numerical Evaluation of the Dispersion of the Light With Photo- --graphic Blackenings on a Transparent Carrier (Chislennaya otsen- ka avatorausejanija v fotograficheakikh pochernenijakh na proz- rachnoy podlozhke) PERIODICALt Izvestiya AN SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Vr 11, pp- 1517-1527 (USSR) ABSTRACTt This is the continuation of a work of the author in the same per- iodical, page 1505. After the indicatrix of the dispersion of the light by photographic blackening, the analysia of the phenomenon of Maksimovich-Callier(Kall1je) was carried out and it was clari- fied that the Callier coefficient cannot serve as exact characte- ristic of the dispersing properties of the blackening and that this coefficient gives no possibility of evaluating the distribi- tion of the light which penetrated the blackening. For characte- rizing the dispersing properties of the blackenings, a new para- meter q,- the diaperuion-fautor, - is proposed, which characteri- zes the part of the dispersed j.ight of the whole beam which passed through the blackening. A second posibility for this characteri- zation in mentioned, viz.; The difference between the regular and Card 1/2 integral (or diffuse) optical densitj which determines only the Numerical Evaluation of the Dispersion of the Light With Phot- 48-11-9/13 graphic Bldekenings on a Transparent.Carrier. dispersing properties of the blackenizigu. It is showt- that the ex- tent of the regular optic density requires a correction which takes account-of the dispersed light of the directioned bundle passing through. It is pointed out that it is useful for thiu reason to differ the real from the apparentli regular desity of the blackening. The conception of an angle of dispersion was sug- gested for the relative evaluation of the dispersing blackening properties nad for the indicatr ix-form of the dio,,er*iun of 1*1ack- ening. There are ~ figures, 2 tables, and 13 references, 7 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Chair of General Photographv and Technology of Film Processing at Leningrade Institute for Cinematographic Engineers (Ka-fedra ob- shchey fotografii i tekhnologii obrabotki plenki Leningradskogo instituta kinoinzhenerov) AVAILA.BLE; Library of Congress Card 2/2 GOROKHOVSKIT. T:u 9, -, *, - F -, . . I ~-- - -- _4~ Photographic education in the higher institutions of learning; education in the chemistry of photography in the Leningrad Institute of Notion-Picture Engineers. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. L kin. 3 no.1:65-68 J&-F 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Photography--Stud.v and teaching) (Cinematography-Study and teaching) AUTHOR: Gorokhovskiy, Yu.N., Davydkin, I.M. SOV/77-3-6-7/15 TITLE: Investigations of the Densitometry of Elwkening (Issledovaniya pu densitometrii pochern,e,niy) I. The Light Scattering by Developed P1~6tographic Films (Rasseyaniye sveta proyavlennymi fotograficheskimi plenkami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nsuchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinemptografii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 6, Dp 430-439 (USS17) ABSTRACT: This first part of the article considers the physicrl aspect of the dispersion of light by photographic densities on black- and-white photographic layers on a transparent support and the calculation of the integral and effective ontical densities of the photographic densities based on the measured indicatrices of the dispersion. Forty-three samples Of Dhotographic den- SiU68 *ere produced on two SZG Agfa products, the highly sensitive Aerorapid film and the phototechnical Printon X film of low sensitivity. The samples had different optical scattering densities and different contrast coefficients due to developing in different developers. The optical scattering densities were measured with a carefully calibrated IFT-11 wedge densitometer, the integral optical densities with a Card 1/3 photometric integrator. For measuring of the scattering in- SOV/77-3-6-7/15 Investigations of the Densitometry o Blackening 1. The Light*.Scettering by Developed Photographic Films. dicatricea, a visual wedge-type goniophotometer (Fig. 1) was Aevised and used in connection with a low-voltage STs-62 point lamp. The measuring results are presented in the polar system of coordinates in logarithmic scale. The obtained accuracy in determination of the trightness by means of the goniophotometer was about � 5 ~i',or i 0.02 by logarithmic scale. Subsequent evaluation comprised scattering indicatrices with respect te-brightness of certain blackening samples on Aero'- rapid film in developer Nr 1 according to GOST 2817-50, gamma 1.5 (Fig. 2 and 3), in developer Nr 2 according to GOST and in developer Size III A. Comparative figures and calculating results for the experimentally determined scatter- ing and-, ingral densities of the blackenings are presented (Table 1) and the curves of the dependence of the effective optical densities of the blackenings on the solid angle of Card 2/3 the receiver shown(Fig. 5)-,!.~Purther graphic evaluations are SOV/77-3-6-7/15 Investigations of the Densitometry ofBlackening* : - I. The Light Scattering by Developed Photographic Films. devoted to conditions of different values of gamma (Fig. 7). There are 2 diagrams, 6 graphs, 3 tables, and 11 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 1 American, 1 French, and 2 German. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut kinoinzhenerov (The Leningrad Insti- tute of Motion,Picture Iteneers) Card 3/3 UNrUWV, M.P.; GORDEOVSKIT, Yu-.N. Conference on high-speed photography and cinematography, usp. fiz. nauk 64 no.4:790-795 AP 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Photography, High-speed) (Cinematography--Scientific &PPIICAti Ono) I KRAVETS, Torichan Pavlovich [deceased); SKIRBOV, V.I., ak9dealk, red.; TAMIN, A.N.. akadamik, red.; GOROKHOVSKIY, Yu.N., red.; XMRUT, B.S., red.; 9AYOSTliANffAr*.-r.-%,l#me?.', TOPOM, A.S.. red.; FATIRMAN. G.P., red.; SAZONOV, L.S., red.izd-va-. UNMI. K.U., -[Works in physical Trudy po fisike. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR' 1959. 339 P. (KIRA 12:8) 1. Chlan-korrespondent AN SGSR (for Kravets). (Kravets, Torichan Pavlovich, 1876-1955) (Physics) GOROKHOVSU T, -, -: ~.., Onthe occasion of S.Gellogdanoyls 60th birthday. Zhw.nauah. I prW*foto i kin. 4 no.1:77 Ja-7 '59. (Him 12:2) (Bogdanov, Sergei Gavrilovich. 1898-) 23(395) SOV/77-4-4-5/19 AUTHOR: Vif anskiy, Yu. K. , and Gorokhovskiy, 'Y'u. N. TITLE: Investigation on the Ability of Photographic Mater- ials to Reproduce Small Optic Image Elements PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinemato- grdfii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 276-284 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors present methods and results of determin- ing the distinguishing.power of photographic material. For numerical evaluation of treshold dimensions of double measured details of different forms the authors use a quantity which is called "distinguishing power of photographic material". (Not to be mistaken for the quantity of F.L. Burmistrov, ref 6, which character- izes the photographic reproduction of isolated thin lines). The dimensionality of this quantity coijcides _ with the dimensionality of the eolvinal ower (L ). The measuring units also coincide (m. 5. The I'distin- guishing power" is marked by the R,oman letter C (in Latin "cognoscoll). For the numerical evaluation of the Card 1/4 "distinguishing power of photographic materials" a 3011/77-4-A-5/19 Investigation on the Ability of Photographic Vlaterials to Reproduce Small Optic Image Elements special test was elaborated (Figure 1). It consists of 24 lines of figures of different shapes. Every line contains 20 figures. The dimensions of the fig- ures change from line to line by geometric progres- sion by 11%. The size of the figures in the first line of the test is 1.50 mm, in the 24.1ine only 0.13 mm. Tests were made for the following five contrasts (under "cont rast" K = Bmax - Bmin) : 1 (absolute con- t Bmax trast), 0.71 - 0.66, 0.36 - 0.34, 0.13, 0.07. Eight black and white photographic materials were tested Cdomestic and imported). The dependency of the solv- ing power of photographic material from the object contrast at any contrast factors follows the formula of H. Frieser ZR-ef g. The results of three tested materials are given by the graphs in figure 7. These results testifyithe existence of a relation between Card 2/4 the "distinguishing power" (C) and the solving power SOV/77-4-4-5/19 Investigation on the Ability of Photographic Naterials to Reproduce Small Optic Image Elements (R). For statistic exploitation of this problem more than 32,000 tests of photographic images of the fig- ures have been made. The results are -iven in fig- ure 8. The recognition factor 11 (in ~-~ is given for every kind of figure and the absolute number of tests (N) for the figure. The relative area o1L the figure is also given by number (&). The area of the square, in which the figures are located, gets the number 100. The optimal density and exposition for the "distinguish- ing power" is a little higher t1lan for the solving power. For this study the works of Mauge_ "" e f99 Istomin fRef 37, Perrin and Altman J_ef 4/ and barrows jef..27 were used. V.V. Levina and A.N. Tikhonov participated in this stud . There are 2 diagrams, 6 y C) graphs, I table Euid 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet 2 English, 1 German and 1 French. Card 3/4 SOV/77-4-4-5/19 Investigation on the Ability of Photographic Materials to Reproduce Small Optic Imago Elements ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy opticheakiy institut imeni S.I. Vavi- lova (State Institute for Optics irieni S.I. Vavilov) SUBMITTED: October 9, 1957 Card 4/4 SO'0 7-4-4-17/19 AUTHOR: Gorokhovskiy, Yu.N. TITLE: Scientific Discussion on Sensitometry of Black and White and Colored Photographic Materials PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinemato- grafii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 317-319 (USSR) ABSTRACT: From April 21-23, 1959, the extended plenum of the Komissii po nauchnoy fotografii i kinematografii AN SSSR (Commission:,, for Scientific Photography and Cinematography AS USSR) convened in Leningrad. A discuesion on sensitometry of black and white and colored photographic materials took place. About 120 people, representing 46 scientific and industrial organizations in Leningrad, Moscow, Kazan', Kiyev, Viliiius and other placest participated. The discus- sion concentrated on three problems: 1) Numerical expressions of photographical photosensitivity; 2) New 3ensitometric installations; 3) Standardization of sensitometric methods. The plenum of the Commis- Card 1/2 sion was opened with an introductory speech by their SOV/77-4-4-17/19 Scientific Discussion on Sensitometry of Black and White and Color- ed Photographic Materials Chairman K.V. Chibisov, Corresponding Member of AS USSR. More than 20 reports were heard at the con- ference. Card 2/2 I GOROKHOVSKIT.-T-ILdv Nikolayevich; GffoaA, I.I., red.; PCMISKATI, R.G.., [Spectral Investigations of the photographic process] Soaktralonys iseledovanila fotognfichookogo protsessa. Moskva, Gos.Isd-vo fisiko-matem,lit-ry, 1960. 391 P. (MIRA 14:1) (Photographic sensitometry) (Spectrum analysis) (Color photography) VIFAIISKIY, Yu.K.; GOROKHOVSKIY, YU.N.; KHRULIKOVA, II.D. Investigating the capacity of photograpUc materials for reproducing small details of the optical image. Part 3: Affect of the positive printing conditions on the reproduction of two-dimensional objects. Zhur.nauch.i prikl. fot.i ki-n. 5 no.1:15-19 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13*.;5) 1. Goeudaretvennyy opticheskly inatitut iment S.I.Vavilova. (Photographic sensitometry) ( GOROKHOV�11Yg-luA~ ------ .Slactieth birthday of I.A.IChernyi. Zhur. nauah. i prikl. fot. i kin. 6 no. 1: 78 -Ta-Y .161. - . (MMA 3-4:3) /(,Qhernyi# Igor'-Andreevicht 1900 - ) GOP.OIGIO'IrSKIY Yu I*.- MVI'A ICTOIIA, 'A%B. Ur,itg tho I'dintont" -Othod for tentirg color printipz Paperve Zhur.nauch.1 rrikl.fot. i kin. 6 no.4326c,'-293 "g 161. (MIRA 14ill) L Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut imeni S.I. Vavilova. (Color photography-Printing papers) VIFANSKIY, Yu.K.,- GOROIGIOVSKIY.. Yu.N. Numerical evaluation of the sharpneso of the photographic image. Zhur.nauch,i prikl.fot. i kin. 6 no-5:382,385 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:9) 11 1. Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut imeni S.I. Vavilova. (Photography--Testing) .(Photographic senaitametry) Effect of color developing conditions on the light sensitivity of =ultilayer films. Usp. nauch. fot. 8-.72-78 162. (MIRA 17:7) B/058/63/000/002/033/070 A062IA101 AUTHOR: Adashev, N. P., Gorokhovskiy, Yu. N. TITLE: Statistical analysis of densitometrio properties of color motion- -picture images PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 2, 1963, 100 101, abstract 2D649 ("Uspekhi nauchn. fotogr.", 1962, v. 8, 134 - 145) T EXT Spectrodensimetric measurements were carried out on image elements of negative and positive motion-picture frames, and the surface concentrations of the dyes, forming the images, were determined. Distribution curves of the frames were plotted for the minimum and maximum surface concentrations and their Intervals; on the characteristic curves of the negative and positive films the portions were found that are utilized for forming the fields - the brightest and the darkest for a given dye. An analysis was carried out in the entire mass of the investigated negatives and positives as well as differentially on the films and on ihe subject groups of the photograph objects. It is established that for color motion-picture flegatives and positives it is typical to utilize not only the rectilinear but also: the curvilinear portions of the characteristic curves of the elementary layers of Card 1/2 S/058/63/000/002/033/070 Ao62/Aiol Statistical analysis of... a film. It is made alear that the exposure conditions for all aspects of motion- -picture photographs are still insufficiently strictly observed, in particular in outdoor photographs; the exposures are chosen with sufficient precision only for images of the human face and for snow. It is admitted that the photographic width of the present day negative films is still insufficient. Practically this width is often reduced as a result of the fact that the spectral composition of the photo- graph illumination does not correspond to the composition of the light for which the film balancing was carried out. The photographic width of the present day positive color films is sufficient for reproduction of all the important subject..,' elements of an image. However, the often observed utilization of the upper por- tions of the characteristic curves of positive films results in obtaining the dark elements of the screen image either with a distortion of the color tone or as black. It may be admitted that the gradation distortions practically play a minor role in comparison with the color separation distortions, Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/(-)58/63/000/002/032/070 Ao62/Aloi AUTHORS: Gorokhovskiy, Yu. N., Popova, K. B. ~TITLE: Dependence of color .-reproduction on the spectral distribution of the light sensitivity of the layers of negative multilayer films PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 2, 1963, 100, abstract 2D648 ("Uspekhi nauchn. fotogr.", 1962, v. 8, 146 - 154) TEXP: A study was made of the influence of the width of the spectral re- gions of light sensitivity of the elementary layers of a negative multilayer film on the quality of color reproduction when photographing multicolor objects typical as to the character of their spectral reflection capability. It is shown that un6r conditions of the usual negative-positive color photography process, using dyes with appreciable parasitic absorption, the change within wide limits of the width of the sensitivity regions of the layers does not practically affect the quality of reproduction for the whole set of colors of the objects, although for separate elements of the objects some fluctuations of the chromaticity take place. Only for very wide sensitivity zones, when the degree of their mutual overlapping attains 20% and more, a substantial deterioration of the photographic reproduction of the Card 1/2 S/058/63/000/002/032/070 Dependence of color reproduction an... A062/Alol majority of colors is observed. Thus, under conditions of the normal color photo- graphy process on multilayer materials, the fact'is confirmed, az previously pre- dicted for other processes of color reproduction, that the quality of color re- production is determined by the spectrophotometric qualities of the formed dyes in a considerably larger measure than by the spectral distribution of the light sensitivity of the triad of negative materials utilized for color separation. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] S/058X3/0O0/0O2/b68/i',. A160A101 AUTHORS: (Inrokhovakly,17-ft. N., Levine, V. V. TITLE: The rational light-senaltlylty criterion of black-and-white and color photographic n W t1ve materials PERIODICAL: ReferativrW dumal, Mika, no. 1, 1963, 86 - 87, abstraat iD623 ("Uspekhl n~uchn. fotogr.", '1962, 8, 179 r 194) TEM Investigated we the various light-sensitivity criteria of black- and-white and color photographic materials, and-also the arguments which are In favor of acoei)ting orrejecting.these or those photographic materials. In view of the differences of.opinionto be found in the literature regarding this pvb- lem, 6xperimental investigations were conducted of the practical light-senal- tivity of vari6us materials. The practioal light-sensitivity was compared with the data of the sensitometric ligh~-seneitlvity. The. latter was, determined wheim developing up. to a. given gaIMM 6y three criteria (D 'm 0. 1, 0. 2, qnd 0.85 above the fog) for black-and-white materials, and by four,criteria On' - 0.1, 0.2, 0.85 above the fog for the single -colors, and Deff a 0.85 above the fog for the Card 1/2 5/0%/63/000/001/068/120 The rational-light-sonsitivity-orliarlon of... A160/A101 field as a whole) for muIti-layer color materials. The practical,light-sen- sitivity was determined from the positive pictures obtained by filming =)d photographing a large number of various-character subject matters accordIngto the standard. The data obtained for 10 black-and-white and 11 color negative films 'of various sensitivity reveal that.all investigated criteria are expono- metrically equivalent, and that, an a result, the selection of any of them-must be determined by'oonsiderations' differing from those Investigated in the 11t4wo- ture, and natnly by metrological,expediency.. A. Kartuzhanskiy S/058/63/000/002/028/070 Ao62/AIOI AUTHORS: Gorokhovskiy, Yu. N., Pekarskaya, 0. L. TITLE. Universal densitometer of the differential type for black-and-white and color fields PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 2, 1963, 98, abstract 2D637 ("Uspekhi nauchn. fotogr.", 1962, v. 8, 248 - 255) TEXT: on the basis of the series produced wedge type photoelectric densi- tometer AN -10 (DFF,10) a universal densitometer is designed for black-and-white and color photomaterials. With this purpose in view, the selenium photoelements have been replaced by a photoelectric. amplifier MY-32 (FEU-32) and grey filters have been introduced for optical shunting of the main color beam and widening the range of measured densities; also zonal filters have been introduced for measuring zonal optical densities of colored materials. The general aspect of the device and its optical schematic diagram are presented. Results are given of tests of the device both as a color and a black-and-white densitometer. The device allows to measure integrated optical densities of photographic blackenings up to 0.6 and Card 1/2 S/058/63/000/002/028/070 Universal densitometer of the differential type for... A062/A101 I - .1 Teaching of photography in the institutions of higher learning. Part 4: Organizing the tr 4-4-- of specialists in engineering photography in the Leningr titute of Motion-Picture Engineeringe Zhur.nauchA prikl.fotei kin. 7 no.1:76-77 Jar-F 162. (MMA 15%3) (Photograpby--Study and teaching) VIFAII"SKIY, Yu.K.;, GOROMOVSKIY.. Yu.N. High speed recording michrophotometer ard its application, Zhur.nauch. i priklefto. i kin. 7 no.3:195-201 My6-Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Goaudarstvennyy opticheakiy institut imeni S,.I.Vuvilovao (Mchrophotometer) VIFANSKIY, Yu.K.j GOROYJICV3KIY,,jqtff. Studying the physical sharpness of the photographic layer. Part 1: Wthods of plotting the boundary curves and their evaluation, Zhur.nauch.i priklfot,,i kin. 7 no-4:290-296 J:L-Ag 162. (MIM 15:8) 1. Gosudarstvennr.~ opticheskiy institut imeni S.I.Vavilova. I (Photometry) VIFAN.SKIYj Yu.K,; qC~OKHOVSKIY, Yu#N. .Investigating the physical sharpness of the photographJc image. Part 2s Effect of the conditions of the carryirig out of the black-and-white photographic process on the physical sharpness. Zhur.nauch.i prikl.fot.i kin. 7 no.5069-379 S-0 162. (MIRA 15: U) 1. Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut imeni S.I.Vavilova. (Photography-Testing) GoRoKHovsKiy, Yu.N.; OVECMS, N.S. Diacussion on the sensitivitY criterion of all-purpose photographic materiala, Zhur-nauchei prikl.fot.i kin. 7 no.6:472-474 N-D 162s (MIRA 15:12) (Photographic sensitometry) GCRONROVSEM, U.N.; FMVA.' K.B. -W~ I Effect of the -spectra distribution of the sensitivity of the .layers of negatAys, multilayer films on color reproduction. Usp. nauch. fot. U246-134 162. (MIRA 17:7) GOROKHOVSKIY,_YuriY Niko e ; LEVENBERG, Tatlyana Mikhaylovna; 'XRAUSH, L.Ta., spets. red.; TELESHEV, A.N., red.; BACHEK, R.P., tekha. red. (General sensitometry; theory and practice] Obahchaia sensito- metriia; teoriia i praktika. Moskva, Izd-vo "Iskusetvo,li 1963. 3oi p. (MIRA 16:10) (Photographic sensitometry) GOROKHOVSFM, Yu.N. Defense of dissertations in Leningrad on the theory of the photographic process and photochemical technology. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kino 8 no.31244-245 my-is 163. (MIRA 16s6) (Diesertationso Academio-Abstracts) (Photograpb,y) GOROKHOVSKII, Yu,Np;,'TIKHONOV, A.N. F.L. Burmistrov; on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Zhur. nauch. i prikl..fot. i kin. 8 no.6:475 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) ACCESSION NR: AP3013644 S/0077/63/008/006/0437/0446 'AUTTHORS: Baranova, V. P. Gorokhovskiy, Yu. H. TIT,LE: Glass light filters for benaitometrio light sources SOURCE: Zhur-ral nauchnoy i'priklad. fotografii i kinemat., ve 8, no. 6, 1963, :437-446 TOP IC TAGS; light meterp sensitometrio light source, sensitometric liGht source filter, glass light filter, glass sensitometric light source filter, glass sensi- .tometric light filter, iight filter, spectral enerBy distribution, light source te I erature, artificial sunlight, artificial sky light, colored glass spectral MP .,abiorption, PS5 filter plate, PS14 filter plate, SZS7 filter plate, SZS8 filter Plate ABSTRACT: The results of experiments on fiVe sensitometer glass light filters have been reported. The tests were carried oat in front of incandescent lamps with T 2650K reproducing radiation t emperaturee corresponding to T = 3200K, T - NOOK, mean liurnal light, intensity, cosmic solar radiation a-ad mean sky light intensity (T - 15000K) - The general visual transmission coefficient of light filter is calculated, and the results are plotted and tabulated as nominal absorption curves, Card ACM-SSION NR: AP3013644 :maximum possible departures from this nominal distribution, and curves of relative Ispectral distribution of energy. It is found that all five light filters tested .show an.inereased absorption rate in the ultraviolet compared to standard-specifi- cation. Orig.'art. has.i 7 figures, 5 tables, and 3 formulas. ~ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvenz*r*y opticheskiy institut im. S. 1. Vavilova (State -'Optical Institute) -ACQ:. o2Dec63' SUBMUTTED.- 270ot6Z' DATE ENCL: 00 ~SUB CODE: PH NO. REF SOV: 008 OTHER:- 004-; .Co rd 212 GOROKHOVSKIY, Xq.N..;.SHCHERBAKOVSKIY, Z.S. Effect of color d 'relopment on the microsensitometric properties of spectrozonal. two-layer films. Zhur.nauch. i prikl.fot. i kin. 9 no.6:466-469 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Gosudaratvennyy opticheskly institut imeni S.I.Vavilovap Leningrad, VIFANSKIY, Yu.K.; GOROXHOVSKIY., Yu.N. Marginal curves and sharpness of black-and-white photographic images..C"., Usp.nauch.fot. 10:58-67 164. (MI RA 17: 10) GOROKHOVSKIY, Yu.N.;,I,OZNEVOY, G.I. Marginal curveB and Bharpness of color photographic imges. Usp.nauch. fot. 10:68-74 164. (MIRA 17:10) BARANOVA, V.P.; GOROKHOVSKIY, Yuji. Analyzing the photometric equivalent of the blackening. Usp.nauch.fot. 10:181-194 164. (MIRA 17:10) GOROKHOVSKrY Yu.N - PRUSS, P.M. .. - - ;;j- 0) Analyzing the relation between the resolving power an' the macrograini- ness of black-and-white photographic materials. Usp.rauch fot. 10:24& 252 164o iMIRA 17t.10) ,G,OROKHOVSKIY, YU.N. Exhibition of the flistory of Photography. Zhur.nauch,i prikl.fot. i kin. 10 no.3:234-238 Yq-je 165. (KRA 18:11) WT(l) /T ijp(o)- ACC NRs A 28148 SOURCE CODE: UR/0077T65/olo/006/0469/0471 "o YU. N. AUTHOR. -C ORG: none TITLE: XVII Conference an Scientific Photography SOURCE: Zhurnal nauchnoy I Vikladnoy f6tografti i Idnematografti, Y. 10, no. 6. 1965, 469-471 TOPIC TAGS: motion picftwejphotogr~phy, photography, film processing, aerial photography$ scientific conference ABSTRACT: The XVII conference on scientific photography, held in Moscow from ane ito 4 1965, was devoted to the chemical-I obographic processing of light-sensitive materials. The conference -was organized by the Commission for the Chemistry of Photographic Processes,--- AN SSSR..(Komissiya po khimil fbt6EVAcfieS1dkh protsessov AN MR) togeffier with the All- -, -thitonSclenti lc f -Research Cinematography Institate,(Ysp,soyuznyy_nauchno,--issledovatell.skiy,- -tdn_ofotDinS'tJtuj'-aiid the Se--ction' for Scienedi and _E,_ n- gih o'eiing -of the Cinematographic Workers Trade Union ofthe SSSR (Sektstya nauld i tekhnild Soyuza rabotnikov kinematografti SSSR). Topics presented covered: 1) the kinetics and mechanism of photographic development; 2) developers and their properties; 3) developer composition and the results of development; 4) color and tamilng development; 5) fast film processing; 6) aerial film processing technologyl_ and 7) motion picture film processing technology. Representatives of- 13 organizations Ca d 1/2 UDC 77.01:006.3 _j - - -------------- ... 4. -,_, ~,;. j,~ I -77a'33 13 t 9542-66 ACC NN AP5028148 presented more.than 40 papers by 66 authors to an audience of 400, representing 70 institutes and enterprises of the Soviet Union. The article gives brief nummaries of, most of the articles. All papers will be published in.volume 13 of Usmkhi nauchnoy fotografii., Uj SUB CODE: ES, GO/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS: Card 2L2 E,-,-,L 11) / EDE,v-15/ -2 Pe Pae jw ACCESSION NR: AR3004147 S/027Z/63/000/006/010-4/0109 SOURCE: RZh. Metrotogiva. i izmer, tekhn- Otd. vy*n-.. Abs. 6. 3Z. 394 AUTHOR: G-orokhs_kav_a. N Podol'sLmva. E TT7",',7-- An i(ieal black boev modet for calibrating actinornetric instruments C'-'-D C;OT'IRCE: Nauchn. soobshch. ln-t geol. i _geogr. A~N L;tSSR, v. 13, Z d blac, )dv actinornetric instrument cal braton, . ea! K b( !0U/ `)',ac' body, De Vos successive a lem;-Ierature TRANSIATTON- A low-temperature lideat btack body' ir, ca!culated by aging the c,!- -v-qsive arprox~rnations techni,:-e ~ ~:- rad~ati,~n, with iZ-.vcn to ''aperture' emisslop Tlli- '.)0dV mode[ Cord AR3004147 -1--!e of i, e r h -i i c ac o v ne r a nd e nc i r r-e In v a Q A -i n e d i ro n ia I k4L t e t P r -1 1, n :1 9 C ~l r e same leve" as "I'le leadm2 wall )f a Me a sa r e rne ntq -n 'C t-e ca- a Thi!; a ernr.e 7- alonR r.1 ns SUB CODE- OP, IE ENCL- 00 Co d 2/2 ~0,-Dp -ts K 18.2000 65689 SOV/136-59-lo-6/18 AUTHORS: Getskin. L.S., Batyuk, A.G., Taybi P.P.j Gorokhvodatskayat R.I., Savrayev, V.P., Zinov'yev, V.P., WTI- ik, A.V. and Polulyakh, V.P. TITLE: Mastering the Process of Sulphatizing Lead Dusts PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, 1959, Nr 10, Pp 35-112 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The method of sulphatizing poly-metallic ores and concentrates was first developed in the Soviet Union by Professor A.Ye.Makovetakiy in 1923. Since then, a great deal of investigational work fins been done in this connection. One vpriant of this method, so-called Makovetsldy-Gintavetmet process, consisting of mixing the material with diluted (6o%) sulphuric acid and treating the pulp in a cylindrical sulphatizator at 26-OOC, was put to test at a pilot plant (designed to treat 3 t of sulphide concentrate per day) at Ordzhonikidze. However, even after three years, operation, no means have been found to overcome serious difficulties associated with the formation of crust in the sulphatizator and with rapid corrosion of the equipment and of the gas system, due to the action of hot gases containing water and acid vapours. Card 1/7 Work on this problem was resumed at VNIITsvetmet in 1955 65680 SOV/136_59_lo_6/i8 Mastering the Process of Sulphatizing Lead Dusts and, as a result, a modified method was developed which, by now, has also been tested on a semi-industrial scale, The main difference between the new and the original method is the application of concentrated sulphuric acid which could not be used previously, owing to the fact that cementation of the dense pulp took place in the equipment used in the old process, ie in the mixer, re-pulper and sulphatizator. This difficulty was overcome by nodulizing the powder materials mixed with concentraied sulphuric acid in a pan granulator. (hiing to the exothermic nature of the reactions taking place during the0nodulizing process, the nodule temperature rises to 200 C or even higher and this ensuves r-ap�d d�st!IIat�on of chlorine and fluorine and accelerates sulphatization of the pulp comvonents. The subsequent beating of the granules to 350 C (necessary to distill off arsenic and to complete the sulphatizing reactions) is carried out in a reactor, using the fluidized bed principle (Ref 1). Vie preliminary investigation was carried out in a large laboratory plant in which dusts from various lead and Card 2/7 copper smelting plants were treated. in the basis of the 65689 SOV/136-59-10-6/18 Mastering the Process of Sulphatizing Lead Dusts results of this works the staff of the usti-Kamenogorskiy Lead-Tin Combine in cooperation with VNIlTsvetmet, designed and constructed a large pilot plant capable of treating 10 t of lead-bearing dusts per day. Its main components, ie the granulator shown diagranunatically in Fig l'and the fluidized bed reactor illustrated in Fig 2, were constructed in the Combine workshops. The granulator, driven by a 14 kW electric motor, is equipped with a pan 1500 mm diameter and 250 mm deep, the axis of which is inclined to the horizontal at an angle of 30 to 60* and which rotates at the rate of 8 to 14 rev/min. Gases evolved during the process are removed throujh an exhaust hood. The application of concentrated sulphuric acid made it possible to use mild steel as the constructional material of the granulator, the inlet and outlet pipes and the ventilating system. The reactor shell (Fig 2) is also made of steel, lined inside with a single layer of a refractory brick; the active area of the hearth is 0-75 M2, the height of the fluidized bed, 105 cmi the total height of the reactor being 3.5 m. The final product Card 3/7 obtained in the fluidized bed reactor is discharged into a 65689 SOV/136-59-io-6/18 Mastering the Process of Sulphatizing Lead Dusts stainless steel tank, from which it is pumped into mechanical agitators, where the sulphate product is leached out. The following are the main operations carried'out in the hydro-metallurgical section: leaching out of the sulphate product, settling and washing the lead cake, precipitation of raw metals, removal of arsenic and iron from the solutions and extraction of cadmium. The lead dusts treated in the experimental pilot plant contained (%): 49.3 Pb, 16-3 Zn, 2-5 Cds 0.5 Cut 1.0 Fes 5.3 As, 1.0 C1 and 0.2 F. The consumption of concentrated sulphuric acid in nodulizing this product varied between 55 and 62% of the weight of the dust which corresponded to 110% of the theoretically required quantity. (The authors point out here that if sulphuric acid of the concentration less than 920,,o' is used, the nodulizing process is adversely affected, granules of low mechanical strengths are obtained, the quantity of distilled off chlorine, fluorine and arsenic is reduced and the output of the granulator is reduced.) With the granulator inclined at 55 0 and operating at 8.3 rev/min, Card 4/7 10 to 15 t of the dust was treated per day, the obtained 65689 SOV/136-59-io-6/18 Mastering the Process of Sulphatizing Lead Dusts product containing 80% of the -5 mm fraction. The proportion of dust carried away by the exhaust gases was comparatively small and amounted to 1014 only; the quantity of gases evolved during the process was also small, owing to the low chlorine, fluorine and arsenic contents in the dust; the H2S content in the gases varied between zero and 9 mg/m3. The optimum temperature for sulphatizing the granules in the fluidized bed reactor was 350*C. The capacity of the reactor was 12 to 14 t/m2/24 hr, the air consumption being 3000 m3/hr. The granules remained in the reactor for more than two hours; however, it was found that the time necessary for the completion of the sulphatizing reaction and for the removal of 90% of arsenic, is approximately 45 min; consequently, it can be assumed that the productivity of the reactor could be increased, whereby its specific air consumption would be reduced. The solutions (including those obtained during washing and filtering the lead cake) resultant from the water leach of the sulphate product, contained (9/1): 37.9 Zn, 6.5 Cd; the washed Card 5/7 lead cake contained (%): 0.52 Zn, o.16 Cd, 64.3 Pb; 65689 SOV/136-59-lo-6/18 Mastering the Process of Sulphatizing Lead Dusts 97Y* Zn and 95% Cd present in the dust was recovered in the solution; the recovery of Zn, Cd and Pb in the lead cake was 2.4, 4.8 and 98% respectively; the recovery of raw metals amounted to 74 to 93%; 80 to 900% arsenic was distilled off during the sulphatizing treatment; 80 to 85% chlorine and fluorine and 60 to 75% selenium was distilled off during both nodulizing and sulphatizing processes. After describing the dust-collecting process and various controlling equipment, the authors state their conclusions. (1) Difficulties experienced in the application of the sulphatizing process on an industrial scale have been overcome by using concentrated sulphuric acid and by nodulizing the pulp in a rotary pan granulator. (2) No signs of corrosion of the granulator, made of wild steel, have been observed during the test period; both the granulator and the fluidized bed reactor have been working continuously without any stoppages and the working conditions have been satisfactory. (3) The process, as outlined in the present paper, has been found to be very efficient regarding the degree of both the recovery of Card 6/7 rare and non-ferrous metals present in the dust an~ the 65689 SOV/136-59-lo-6/18 Mastering the.Process of Sulphatizing Lead Dusts removal of the volatile components. (4) A necessary condition for ensuring efficient purification of the gases leaving the fluidized bed reactor is lowering the temperature of the gases to 25 to 300C and the application of a wet system of dust collection. To comply with the sanitary regulations regarding the arsenic content in the exhaust gases, a supplementary cleaning operation in a wet electro-filter is ne cessary. (5) The application of the sulphatizing process for treating lead dust provides a convenient means of utilizing this complex material and can be recommended for adoption in all the lead plants in the Soviet Union. There are 2 figures, 1 table and I Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONS: VNIITsvetmet Ust'-Kamenogorskiy (Ust'-Kamenogor-skly evintsovo-tainkovyy konibinat Lead-Zinc Combine) Card 7/7 S/137/63/000/002/034/034 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Plotnikov, V. I., Gorokhvodatskaya, R. I., Tsyb, P. P. TITLE: Co-preeipitation of indium with sulfides-of some metals in sulfide- alkaline media PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1963, 15, abstract 2K84 C'Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. gornometallurg. in-t tsvetn. met.", 1962, no- 7, 289 - 295) '-TEXT: To a solution containing In chlorides and the solution of another test metal, an excess of the Na2S solution was added and-filled up with water up to 100 ml. The mixture was stirred at a speed of 250 rpm, the precipitate was separated by-centrifuging. The amount of In remaining in the solid phase was 114 0. cal e aliquot portion of the solution. An culated from the radioaotiv In radi isotope was used. It was established that in the Na2S solution at a concentra-. tion as high as I n. and more, In is fully transferred into the solution. In the presence of Cu,,Cd and Zn, considerable oo,preoipitation of In with sulfides of -these metals takes place. If the Zn content exceeds the In content, the latter Card 1/2 S/137/63/000/002/034/034 Co-preoipitation of indium with... Aoo6/Alol is fully precipitated. A compound of composition In23 3' 4znS is formed. With higher In concentration in the solution, the solubility of Cu and Cd sulfides in the Na2S solution increases. In the joint presence of Fe and In in the solu-- tion, full Fe precipitation takes place If Na2S solution is added, and In remains in the solution.. This can be used for the separation of Fe and In. Sn as well as In do not co-precipitate with Fe2S3. Experiments were made on the precipita- tion of Sn with ZnS. It is shown that in the presence of ZnS, Sn and In can not be separated with the aid of Na2S. N. Ger-tseva [Abstracter's note: C6mplete translation] Caa~d 2/2 SAPARGAILTYEV9 G&S91 kando yurid. nauk; PALI GOVp N. N. t akad.; BOGATYREVv A.S.; AFANASIYEV, A.V., prof.; BYKOV, B.A.; SHAKHKATOV, V.F., kand. istor. nauk; POKROVSKIY9 S.N.9 akad.; SAVOSIXO, V.K.v kand. iotor. nauk; NUSUPBEKOV, A.K., kand. Istor. nauk; BAISIIEVI S.B.,,akad.; qQROKH- VODATSKIYP I.Sv 1rAmA. istor. nauk; AKHKETOVj A., kapd. istor, nauk; RAKHIMOVq A., kand. istor. nauk,- PIVENI, W.F.; CHULANOT, G.Ch., doktor ekonom. nauk; BOROVSM, V*A,q kande ekonome nauk; SYDYKOVq AoS., kand. pedagog. nauk; ZHANGELIDIiNg T.j kand, filos. nauk; KARASAYEV, L.K.; KANAPINq A.K.9 kand. iotor. nauk; BE W OV9 M.D., kand. ekonom. nauk; KARYNBAYEV, S.R i, kand. mod. nauk; AKRWOVp K.A.1; SMIRNOVAq N.S., doktor filolog.nauk; SILICBM09 M.S., doktor filolog. nauk; YERZA- KOVICHt B.G.0 kand. iskusetvovedchookikh nauk; RYWROVA9 N.; MUKHTA- ROV, A.I.; DOGATESKOVA, L.I.; KJNDARBAYEV, B.; SIRANOV, X.S.; SHVYD- K09 Z.A., red.; MANTSOVAj LeBeg red.; ZLOBIVI M9V-v tekhn. red, [The Soviet Kazakh Socialist Republic] Kazakhskaia Sovetskaia So- tsialistiche6kaia Respublika. Alma-Ata, Kazakhakoe gos i -vo 1960. 477 p& (M!e14:6j L, Akademiya nauk Kaz.SSR (for Pallgovp Pokrovskiy, Baishev) 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk KazSSR (for Bykov, Smirnova, Sillcherko) (Kazakhstan) GAIIT;~Jp:, igor I tialkhaylov-1ch; I'tjF((j.U , A' IeRvey V.-~sl 31 t,,-vj!-h; t', 11 ~ - I *NCIP 1.111F -, . v . , LIJ, . (Cnrbon lining of rAnst furnaces-i Uglerodisl~aia futerovka d,)mcun7fkh pechei. Mosi-va, Izd-vo Metalhargila, 19tV~. 99 p. (mn.~, L?/:-/), Wpust, agr ins. (Tamovgkis Gory) RxWles of symetrical calmlations of p4rtially-4grated two-girder fralieO. Ins i W 20 go.7tSupploYAUT poradnik konstruktara 4 no.5s29-31 Jl 163i