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L 8646-65 ACCESSION NX: AP4044136 !Iayvir, 0.15-M mn t:Mck, undergoes the g-f-astoot pjastq~r land, correspandinglv, the higheat strengthening tr the ati- dition avd mcre 2conouncea formation of the deformation 'deeper layers, 0.3-0.4 mm from the surface. the strengthenina and itexture formation are less pronounced. Tl~e inhomogeneit7 of the metal 'flow along the cross section causes elaattc atress4v reachIng 35 to i140 kg/mB2 . The conditions of deformation of the 40KhSNA-tvDe ste~,l it ,the austenitic condition in the region of aubcritical temperatures ](550C) cause a loss of carbon in the vastionite of the out-r 1 eye T, loving to precivitation of carbides during -lefornation, ane, rstl a ~1 I v , f o r-n it i ei CCA rbnn-poor martenalt!in subseQU,Rnt f-"U(~"~ a rnqul t-m, atrenpthene 4 in the i-jetlen" 1 3 trie e a5 5 c rer, ;4 Ine n ! a tv quenching,The 5 t ruc t ura ,Lextura L2 !ushomiaAaneity along the croai nection cen ho nAr- cressed bv -in -ddlzicnal heat treatmen:. Orig. art. har,: AS -~^'T 2 8646-65 Aj .ACCESSION NR: AP4046116 SUBKITTF.Di 00 SUB CODE! mm I F ATD PKK:3Si 3 11 1 SO RE? !30Vi 00i C 3/ 3 ~&p,14~ KRUPIN, A.V.; GORELIK, S.S.; LYASOTSKIY, I.N. Effect of warm rolling on the structure and properties of transformer steel. Izv. vya. uchob. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.9:137-142 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. F T ACCESSION NR: AWM94 S/0126/64/o]7/001/0063/0072 AUTHOR: Gorelik, S. S.; Uslkov, M. P. TITLE: Study of the process of formation of recrystallization embryos SOURCE: Fizlka matallov I matalloved., v. 17, no. 1, 1964, 63-72 TOPIC TAGS: recrystallization, recrystallization embryo, metal crystallization, aluminum crystal structure, nichrome crystal structure, fluctuation theory ABSTRACT: By the term "recrystallization embryos", the authors refer-here' to regions of any size with an undistorted lattice formed during heating which are surrounded by a deformed matrix and entirely or partially separated from the matrix by large-angle boundaries. The authors studied the mechanism of the forma.- tion of these recrystallization embryos during heating after small, but super- cri tical , degrees of deformation, in order to determine whether foxmaticn. occurs through fluctuation or whether such embryos are definite lattice regions a]- ready existing in the deformed state, as well as to clarify the atomic mechanism of the process. The results were not in agreement with the fluctuation theory of embryo-formation. The embryos were found to be formed from definite regions of deformed crystallites'through a redistribution of dislocations, leading to the formation of dislocation boundaries and to the partial annihilation of the dis-, Card )/2 ACCESSION NR: APOM94 locations. This'redistribution Is of'a different character than in the case of polygonic formation. The authors also analyzed,.In addition to the sites of origin of the embryos, their forq orientaticn I midboundary structure, as well as the speed and direction of boundary dislocation during the initial stages of primary recrystallization. Tests were conducted on aluminum in polarized light and on nichrome (13%'Cr) under a conventional and electron microscope. The re- suits of the study lend weight to the hypothesis that the cause of accelerated dl fusion in the case of primary recrystallization Is the formation of free mobile vacancies in.the redistribution process and the annihilation of dislocations in the formation of recrystallization embryos. "The authors wish to express thei*r gratitude-to L. M. Utevskiy for his help in carrying out the electron microscope. study of the thin fol).11 Orig. art. has' 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut stall I splavov, n titut metallovedenlya I fiziki metallov TsNIIChM (Institute of Steel and Iloys, Institute of Metallurgy and Physics of.Metals of the TsNIIChM) SUBMITTED: 25Feb63 DATE AqQ: Feb64, ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ML, PH NO REF SOVII ~1009 OTHER: 008 Cc,rd 2/2 ACCESSION XR: ;AP4029004 S/0126/64/017/003/0"5/0452 AUTHOR: Spektor, E. N.; Rakshshtadt, A. G.; Gorelik, S. S.; Sagalova, T. D. TITLE: The effect of annealing before recr3nitallization on the elastic properties and structure of cold rolled metals and alloys with face centered cube lattice SOURCE: Fizika metallov i taetallovedeniye, vol. 17, no. 3, 1964, 445-452 TOPIC TAGS: pre-crystallization annealing, elastic property, structure, cold rolled metal, cold rolled alloy, face centered cube, face centered cube lattice, copper, nickel, A7 bronze, L68 brass, Kh20N8O nichrom ABSTRACT: An increase of the elasticity range, the microhardness, as well as a change in the anisotropy of the elasticity range, takes place during the pre- crystallization annealing process of pure metals and alloys with a face centered cube lattice (copper, nickel, A7 bronze, L68, Kh20N80). The width of the x-ray interference, the character of the grain and the electro-resistance changes thereby insignificantly; only a certain change in the intensity and scattering of grain maximums is observed. The authors assume that the main cause of an increase in the elasticity range is the redistribution of dislocations rather than by polygonization. A stronger effect in the case of alloys is obviously associated with the simulta4ficous ~oral/2 'ACCESSION NR: AP4029004 'occurrence of diffusion processes which lead to the formation of "clouds" around the dislocation. The pLrpose of this paper is to investigate the mentioned anomaly in the change of elastic properties and their anisotropy, on a number of pure metals and alloys with a face centered cube lattice, as well as the study of the physical properties and structural changes in order to expose the nature of this interesting phenomenon. The method and materials used, as well as the experimental instruments, are described in detail. The results are given in figures and tables. In conclu- sion, the authors claim that in the case of pure metals and alloys, hardness and re- sistance toward small plastic deformations Increases in process of pre-recrystalliza- This effect is more apparent in alloys. tion annealing, when its anisotropy drops. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 table. A ASSOCIATION.: Moskovskiy institut stall, i spjavav (Moscow Iwtitute of Steel and Alloys) SUBMITTED: llMar63 DATE ACQ: 27Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: HL NO REP SOV: 007 OMER: 004 Card 2/2 20~ zlgaa~ 'ACCESSION NR: AP4029009 8/0126/64/017/003/0414/0476 AUTHOR: Gorelik, S. S.; Spektar. Ya. I.; Spektor, X. N. TITLE: On the character of the martensite 1;rain texture after thermal mechanical treatment .SOURCE: Fizika metallov L metallovedeniye, vol. 17, no. 3, 1964, 474-476 70PIC TAGS: Martensite, thermal mechanical treatment, 40'XhSNA steel, HI-643 steel, VL-1 steel, lKhl8M9T steel ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to establish the-orientations and crystallo- graphic relations between grains of austenite and the grain of martensite after tem- pering, in the case of the 4OXhSNA, 91-643, and VL-1 steels after a low temparature thermal-mechanical treatment. All steels were deformed under identical conditions. A 70% deformation of a mashined hallow ingot was achieved with a cross sectional ball rolling method. The paper figures were constr *ucted with the aid of a grain attach- ment to an x-ray installation by the "reflection" method. Before x-raying, samples, .of the ingot were submerged up to 0.1-0.2 mm in orthophosphoric acid. The results iof the investigation are shown in polar figures and in x-rays of the two types of :steel, 1MISN9T and 4OXhSNA. The basic grain maximum of martensite, located *,ACCESSION NR: AP4029009 .analogously to austenite, are outlined by the [112] (110] orientation which is one of the ot-irou characteristics. 'In a similar selection of orientations which corres- pond to the grain maximum, a structural conformity of directions in the lattice of .ved resembli losely the correlation des- austenite and martensite was obseX ng very c 'cribed by Kurdyumov and Zaks; [111) parallel to [1101 (Kurdyumov, Go; Zaks, Go ,Vestnik Matallopromy*shlennosti, 1930, vol. 9, no. 165). Orig. art. has: 2 figures :ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali L splavov (Hoscow Steel and Alloy Institute) SUBHITTED: OlJun63 DATE ACQ: :17Apr64 ENCL: 00 ~SUB CODEs ML NO REP SOY: ~004 07HER: 000 Card -2/2- ............. BUBLIK, V.T,; GORELIK, S.S. -a ... Mechanism of the MatiOn Of a recrysta-Uitation nucleus and the effect on it of small additions. Fiz. met. i metallo-red. 18 no,,3t 416-422 S 164. (MIRA 3.7 0-1) 1. Mookovskiy institut stali i oplavov. rvT(n AWVd)/T/EWT W /oipt Z) Aw'p L 5378 6 E ACC NR,--Ap5()27100 Mi/JD/9W UR/0149/65/0001005/0128/0130 669.715 AUTHOR: Vaynblat, Yu. M, j~Go~j 8ii. Glnn~i Ye.-B TITLE: Effect of heat'treatment on certain properties and structure of the hot- pressed -a_1-u-mLmm alloy AMg6 SOURCE: IVUZ- Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, no. 5, 1965, 128-130 TOPIC TAGS: metal heat treatment,,metal pressing, aluminum alloy, crystal orien- tation 1~ ABSTRACT: Heat treatment (hardening + aging) of certain hR!L~ess~ed Al alloys miir- kedly increases the ultimate strength and yield strength of the products fabricated from these alloys, in the direction of pressing as well as to a smaller extent, in the transverse direction. The attendant difference in longitudinal and transverse properties is often termed the*preseing effect. Gorelik et al. (Metallovedeniya i temoobrabotka, no. 12, 48 (1962) in their study of avial show that the pressing effect is attributable to the oriented distribution of the excess phase in the a'-So- lid solution of Mg or Mn in Al, which hardens the alloy and impedes the processea of recrystallization. Accordingly$ the applicability of this theory is tested in the, 'b Card 1/2 L 5376-66 ACC NR, AP5027100 present investigation with respect to the AMg6 aluminum alloy. Rods of AHg6, pressed under industrial conditions, were heat-treateid (heating to 450*C for 0~ hr, cooling in water) and aged (heating to 150*C for 16 hr), Hechanical_pEpptrties(and their anisotropy in the rods were investigated following every individual stage of this treatment, in specimens cut out parallel and counter to the dirention of the pres- sing. It was thus established that the anisotropy of.mechanical properties follcwing pressing and heat treatment is greater than following pressing alone. Radiometallo- graphic phase analysis indicates that the specimens after pressing contain a number of phases in addition to the solid solution. The phase Mg2 A13' which disappears after hardening and reappears on aging, is the most distinctly expressed. Following aging, the textural maxima on the phase lines are disposed at virtually the same anglell as the maxima of the 6olid-solution lines corresponding to closely adjoining planeil. This confirms the dependence of phase orientation on matrix texture, which indicates that the anisotropy of mechanical properties, in the AMg6 alloy is chiefly condi- tioned by the oriented segregations of the disperse phase in the textured matri:K. Orig. art. has: I figure, 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy inetitut.stali isplavov. Katedra materialovedeniya -polu- provodnikov Oigspow Institute of Steel and Jillbys, Dept for Material Science of Semiconductors) SMMITTED: lGOct64_ ENCU 00 SUB CODE: MK, SS 0 REP SOV: 0031 OMER-. 002 2 Mwip(b ;/IUP(t) ~ IJ?(c) JD APS017333 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/65/007/007/2235/M1 AUTHOR: jNanskiy, Ya. S.; Prilepskly, V.- I.; G~relik, S. S. ORG: none TITLE: Roentgen characteristic temperature of Ge-Si solid solutions SOURCE: rizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, rdo. 7, 17465, 2235-2237 TOPIC TAGS: temperature characteristic, Deb3ni temperature, elastic modulus, german- ium compound, silicon compound ABSTRACT: Roentgen characteristic temperaturit of Go-Si solid solutions eM, was de- termined by x-ray methods. This value directly measures D2, the mean square dia- placement of atoms from equilibrium sites. The magnitude of V depends not only on the boundary frequency but also on the form of the thermal oscillation spectrum of the lattice. Calculated and experimental valves of 0 M are compared with those of 0 (Debye characteristic temperature) -for Ge-Si alloys of equiatomic compositions; the calculated values are obtained from the follmting formula: where T is the melting point of the alley, 63; to the atomic volume, K is the average M atomic weight of the alloy, a and b are constants determined from data for pure eco- ACC MR, APS017333 ponents; and -A (39NP V V k -_ rit W ) ' where N is Avagadro's number,-p is density$ M is.molecular weight, q is the numberof atoms in.a molecule, V is the parameter incorporating the speed of the longitudinal and transverse waves. For the experiment, pur4i n-Ge and p-Si were alloyed and pro- cessed into crystals, whereupon OM was calculwted from the thermal dependence of the x-ray intensities of the (71-1), (642) and (553) lines, using MoK. radiation with a. Zr filter and a scintillation counter. Values for 0 were obtained by employing calo- rimetric and elastic modulus methods. The tabulated results for Ge-Si alloys show values ranging from 460 to 47510K for 0 and fron 3710 to 40BOX for 6M* Orig. art. has: 1 table. SUB CODE: SS/ SUBM DATE, isreb6S/ ORIG, REF: 002/ OTH REr: 008 (t)/WP(b)/ t(h Jn~A(jc T. 8852 Wr (1)11ZaLMV21W FTA AP5022703 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/65/007/009/2673/2677 AUTHOR: Umanskiy, Ya. S.; Prile2sk~j, V. L; Go-elik S. S ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Allop (Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov) TITLE: Measuring diffuse scattering of x-rirfs to study order in an equiatomic aolid solution of germanium and silicon SOURCEi Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 7, no, 9j 1955, 2673-2677 r~ TOPIC TAGS: solid solution, semiconductor research, x ray scatte-ring ordered alloy, silicon alloy, germanium alloy JABSTRACT: Diffuse scattering of X-'rayfll was'usWfor studying )rt-range order in 'pn'equiatomic semiconducting r-maniunf-diliconfs6lid solution ~Ic " ge .1 The experimental equipment and procedure are describeG5 TW-;i-asur-ements were made at room tempera- ture at angles from 6 to 210. Coefficients ai associated with the localized order- ing of the atoms, and the dimensional coefficients 0 i determined by the difference in sizes of the component atoms were calculated for three coordination spheres by the method of least squares. The results are tabulated. The values of %. were uset for plotting a curve for the intensity of diffuse scattering,by the equiatomic Ge-Si al- Card ACC NRt APS022703 loy. The formilas used for calculating the ittensities are given. A- curve is a~Lso shmm for radial distribution of atomic density. Orig. art. has: 3 figmes, 8 fomu SUB CODE: 20/ SON DATE: lgMar6S/ oRid PErs 007/ OTH REF.- 005 rd 2 2 5,Not m)ZTZLWP(t)/EWP(k)/ZiP(b~/tWA(c) UPW JD/HW ACC NRt AP5028981 SOURCE CODE: UR/0149/65/000/004/0126/0130 AUTHOR: Gore:Lik, S. S.;,.K6z1ovskaya, Vo P.; Tomilava, L. A. ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Radiography and Physics of Hetals Dept (Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov, Kafedra rentgenografii L fizi i metallov)- TITLE: Effect of manganese on the formation of macrocrystalline rim around pressed aluminum-alloy products SOURCE: IVUZ. Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, no. 4, 1965, 126-130 TOPIC TAGS- macrocrystalline rim, metal prestAng, aluminum alloy, manganese, metal recrystallization, solid solution ABSTRACT: According to V. P. Kozlovskaya et al. (Alyu niyevyye splavy. Dqformi-ru- yemyye splavy. Hashgiz, V. 3, 1/64), increasing the MnT1 ontent of aluminumiii1loys to 0.67. wt. is a means of combatqps the formation of macrocrystalline rim by maintain- ing a recrystallized struc Othroughout the volume of the pressed product. Since, however, the determination of the mechanism oif the effect of Mn on the formation of macrocrystalline rim on products made of induiitrial multicomponent alloys is difficulti the authors investigated this me-chan- ism for- hot--pressed rods- of binary alloys- of -the I Card 1/2 UDC: 669.7715 ACC NRt AP50ZB981 Al-Mn system following heat treatment (quenchiing from vario a temperatures in the 500- 620*C range). Micro- and macrostructural examination conf, ed tha t the formation; of such rim takes place on beat treatment of products pressedFiram aluminum alloys repre- senting supersaturate4,solid solutions. The (o-paq-ue-y -rim forms if the pressing is; performed at temperatfires (420-450*C) lying in the two-phase region and if the heating during heat treatment\1s performed at a temperature at which particles of the disperse phase get intensively redissolved. The peripheral zone in which the rim forms on heat treatment it characterized by a taore intensive decomposition of the solid solution and formation of heterograined structure (in the process of primary recrystallization) associated with nonuniform conditions of the growth of recrystallization nuclei owing to the nonuniform distribution of disperse particles. Like the decomposition, the dissolution proceeds more intensively in the rim zone and pertains primarily to the high-disperse particles of the second phase whose dissolution is evidently associated with the vigorous growth of the grains on secondary recrystallization, resulting in the formation of the macrocrystalline structure. Increasing the Mn content beyond the necessary minimum does not eliminate the possibility of rim-formation but merely dis- places it in the direction of higher temperatures; at the same: time this leads to an increasing anisotropy of grain size in the longitudinal cross section of the rim zone Grain size in the direction at right angles to the pressing axis decreases Whareiks in' the direction parallel to this axis it increaseu. Drig. art. has: 8 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: 11, 13, 20/ SM DATE: 183un64/ ORIG RIF: 004/ OM RIF: 000 Card '/2! A-\ VAYNBIAT, Yu,M,.~ GORFIIK, -',.,9.--GRANOIISXJY; YH,D- Effect of heat trea-ment on certain properties and the structure of the extruded PMgo alloy. Izv. vys. veheb, zav~~ tavet~ be`~*. 8 no.53128-130 '65. !8!'L0) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov, kafedra matev~~nlovedenlya poluprovodnikov. 7T11r. L r A. D. 1 T e CT L% rie - rv, c I -v Saz a tanrealing o%- rie ~i T SOOFc," I metal-lovedezilye, V. 1.9. r'. 03fj I TArr TnPTr r -V r. t1,3TtIC-'P ntructud, anisotrom, elastic anisotirpy. nnnfcirnus Tp.e t a Ia! j ABSTRACT: Variaticns in elastic properties are studied in connection with stT-uc- tural changes during pre-recrystallization of metals with a body- cent e red cut.,;r The materials in the investi ticn were cornercial lv-pure n ii4 j 6' 0*"; All an ea, ie, i" r", *'i eT-. cc ra 1/3 57818-65 ACCESST0.1,1 NP: AP50087S9 bv m in'-%ii7nificart ;misolropv in the Plastic limt and miodulw~ of n,-,~rm;il M i~ D 7 ~-p molv -,ienur, ar,~~ i Cord -2/3 "-77777= L L 57818-65 ACCESSION NR: APS008789 -r-on with the a mn", -,t;ihlp cli~.Incal i-ri n ron i 5:T anct, tsmi i ii as rI T 7 -. IT a ASSr)CIATIM, Moskovski,.- institut stali i !-,plavov (Moscow Institute -~f 't-.1 Alloys) SUBMITTEM l7riE~bftl ENCL- 00 1111~1, q~; NO REr sov! 003 OTHER: 002 Card 37f GORELIKO S.Sh. Grap~ie method for the design ofa system for the cooling of objects with different temperatuxes. Khol.tekh. 42 no.2:19-20 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 1815) SPEKTCH, E.N.t_GO,REqLIK,_,S.8-.;. RAKHSHTADT, A.G. ,"Itructural changes ir Fe and the alloy of Fe with 395% silicon /0 daring suboritical annailing. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav,,; charn. met. 8 no.704le-144 165, (MIRA 180) 1. Moskovskiy ins-titut stali i splavov. UMANPF-TY,, 11IL"IT'SKIY, Vol.; GOFL',I,IK. S-5* 't,uij~iing Lbe cFrder in an eauiaLcala gemanium-sillcon solid solution by measuring the diffuse scattering of X rays. FIz. tvar. tela 7 na.9:2673-2677 S 165. (MIRA 18-10) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i aplavmr* 1 36117-66 ZWT(=)/T/EWP~t)/ETI IJP(c) JH/JD/GD". ACC NR, AT6016423 c0) SOURCE CODE: I AUTHORS: Goroli-ic, S. S.; Kozlovskaya, V. P,.,- Tomilova, L. A. P.0/ CIPG % none TITLE: The mechanism of formation of large crystalline grain rims in pressed objects manufactured from aluminum alloys SOUME: AN SS3R. Institu?letallurgii. Motallovedeniye legkikh splavov (MetaUograpIV of light alloys). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965., 158-165 TOPIC TAGS: metal grain structurew aluminum alloy/ D16 aluminum alloy 14 ABSTILItOT: The mechanism of formation and the properties of the so-called large crys~.alline grain rim (which foms in aluminum alloy objocts as a result of compres- sion) wfire studied. The4study wqs carri W, out on the following binary systems A1--q2jM--14n YJAl (Al--Fe . -41n, A3.--Cu--Fop ___.,)and tornary systems Al--.Cu and Al--S* Fe) as Well as the quaternary system Al--Cu--1,1n--Fe., the iron free alloy D16, d the alloy D16 containing O.3f-J' Fe. The macro- and micro- "ructuro and la=ico parameters of the alloys wore investigated as a function of an:-.aaling temperature and composition. The electrical resistance of the central,, iz~Ler.,:~.ediate., and rim sections of rod specimens was determined. The effect of anne-iling temperature on the alloy grain size was also dateratined. The experimental rest0.ts are presented in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1)9 These results corroborate L 36117-66 ACC NRt Al -to)ohm.~MVM- .4-1 41'" 0 0 F3 -,04 Fig. 1. Dependence of the electrical resistance and lattice parameter of the Liolid solution formed by alloy 6 (JU + 1.38% Mn) o -he annealing temper- n L ature in the central (a) and peripheral section (b) or the rod specimens 4,1$ .41 c a s b ". . P r re 201- stata M! 5 .4 the view that tho large crystalline [;rain rim forms as a result of formation of supersaturated solid solutions *n the alloy* It was found that both iron and -, , manganese aid rn -the formationi f large crystalline grains* The authors give.thanks to V. D ~ tki )r 14-s 'critical assessment of the experimntal resultso . O?rig. arl %006/ 91~~ cut d L 36014-66 EWT(V, F-Acc NR- AP6024513 /T IJP(c) GG SOURCE CODE: AVTHOR: Gorelik, V. S.; ZOMP Ve Ao;_~!!~Bsklyp Me No; Chlrkoyp Ve A. 00? ORG: -Pbysics Institute im. P, No loebeley. Acadtw ct_ft~ en SSSR (Fizicheakiy in- stitui _Akademff_ni_LW_9MA)___1 TITLE: Possibility of observjr scattering of C_jaMr&d inbmktd radiat in.Raman -light SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz. Pialma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, V. 4., no. 2, 1966, 52-54 TOPIC MS: molecular spectrum, Haman scattering, ir radiation, ir quantum generatorj stimulated emission, spectral distribution ABSTRACT: The authors discuss a new mechanism for producing population inversion be- tween vibrational or vibronic levels of molecules. It is shown that if certain con- ditions for the possible transitions between molecular levels are satisfied, ouch that one of the levels does not become populated in the case of Raman scattering of light, so that the thermal distribution of the molecules over the vibrational levels may become disturbed and population inversion m3y occur. The required threshold power is evaluated from the gain per unit length of the transition near the genera.. tion threshold, and it is shown by preliminary estimates that the required minimum power is 107 Y/cm2 for liquids and 3.04 Wleve for gases. The latter is attainable Idtt a xenon lamp (power -105 W/cm:2), and the estimated molecule density at the upper leve3 ACC NRt AP6024513 turns out then to be 103.3 Cm-3. -107 W/CM2). If a ruby laser is used (power , induced Raman scattering can be observed in li Talids, with a quantum yield of several times ten per cent and a molecule density 10 6 car-3 at. the upper level* 7he proposed ex- citation mechanism ia realizable in principle in crystalsp too. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 2 formulas. [021 SUB CaDE: W SUBM DATE: Aft"/ ORM FZF1 0031 OM MW: 0031 ATD PRESS: ISV,37 L 31Q72-66 SINS)/ 'n)jEV1P(w)/ETC,f)A,/EViP(t ) /ETI/BiP ~k) 12PD ACC NRi AP601R646 kA) SOURCE CODE. uR/ol4g/66/ooo/003/0134/013T ,AUTHOR: Gorelik, S. S.; Gellman, A. A. 45 ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Department of X-ray Diffraction Analysis and Physics of-fffi-tillis (Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. Kafedra rentgenografii i fiziki metallov) TITLE: Effect of aluminum oxide content and deformation conditions on the recrystallization of SAP alloys VA SOURCE: IVUZ. Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, no. 3, 1966, 134-137 TOPIC TAGS: SAP, SAP alloy, sintered aluminum powder, SAP recrystal- lization, hot compacted SAP, cold rolled SAP, aluminum powder recrys- tallization ABSTRACT: SAP powders containing 4, 7.1, 8.9, or 13.3% aluminum oxide were hot compacted at 450C with 94% -total reductions cold rolled with 50% reduction, and annealed to 500-700C (hot-compacted specimens) or at 100-650C (cold-rolled specimens). In the hot-compacted speci- mens with 4% aluminum oxide, no recrystallization occprred at tempera- tures up to 600C, at which temperature the aluminum matrix began to melt. The recrystallization in cold-rolled specimens began at 450c; at higher temperatures an intensive grain growth and a marked decrease.1 2 UDC.- 620.186 ACC NR: AP6ol9646 0 7 of eB vas observed. In specimens containing more than 7% ~~1~9_nurz .xideti,l n04;~cry Btallization was observed up to the solidus temper ure; n anneali glut 650C for 24 hr produced no structural changes in col rolled specimens with 8.9% aluminum oxide. However, the hardnessKnd streng 'th of specimens containing more than 7% aluminum oxide dropped after annealing at 550C or over, which was explained by crack forma- tionA With increasing aluminum oxide the susceptibility to crack _f_orr~ation increased. Increases in the content of aluminum oxide also weakened the texture indication in the diffraction patterns of hot compacted specimens. This effect was not observed in cold-rolled specimens. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. (AZ] SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: lOJan65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 001. ATD PREdS-.,5-�-2,~ 2/2 --rC- i ACC NRt AP7005395 A/ sOuRcE 66-5 1/01-33 3 AUTHOR: Gorelik, S. S.; Reznitskiy, E. L. IORG: M0`s'c-0'v- Institute of 'Steel and Alloys (Moskovskiy institut stall I splairov) IITITLE: Effect of the hardening phase on primary, recrYStalliZation of E1437B alloy ISOURCE: IVUZ- Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 1, 1967, 131-133 TOPIC TAGS: metal recrystallization, phase transition, alloy steel, metal grain structure i !ABSTRACT: The authors study the effect which the hardening phase*ha's on structural Iformation'in deformed specimens of E1437B alloy. An investigation' I of the structure of ,specimens subjected to deformation at various temperatures revealed that mechanical itreatment close to the boundary of the two-phase region (890-9000c) causes considerable 1heterogeneity in grain structure with standard heat treatment (10800C. 8 hours). 'Therefore, tests were conducted to determine the stage of recrystallization at which ,,the differences in grain structure appear and the factors which affect the structural iformation. The specimens for the.test were tapered (to produce a range of deforma- tions) and cut from a single bar. These specimens were tempered to a single-phase so- (_h 0 IluMon heating at 11000C for 2 hours and cooling In water). Some f the specimens were subjected to tensile tests at room temperatiLre 'while the remainder were tested OC- MaXiMUM deformation at 9000C was less than 209 Ifith brittle fracture. X-ray IL rco,ord 1/2 uDc: 669.14,018-45,011-T a considerable quantitY of hardening phase showed segregation of The electron microscope was phase analysis Of these specimens* It was found that i3(Ti, Al) in the deformed region 13 phase and its distribution. hout the metal- The the nat "tremely irregular thrOUF ure of thi was then studied on of the hardening phase is dard heating (10'OOC)al particles Of S:egdef0artist'i'g during Stan indicate th U- primary recrystallizat'or'ratures. The results on which prevents redistrib 1cou:se of ns deformed at both tempe ions dur centers. in ecime Ing defOrmt' ation of recrY5ta1l'zat'On` ly'-ph:et precipitate out at d'sloc&t irregularity in grain dimen- ing and thus delays fc)rm tion h subsequent heat at 900oC shows greater to the effect of the second d due alliza IThe structure of specimens deforme e. This is .of nuclei during Primary recrYst Isions and larger average grain Oiz the grOvth nucleation process and Ipbase on the 4 figures. ,. art. ban: tion. Orig 2Tjul66/.- 0111G RE~P: 08 SM suBm. DATE CODE. ACC NR: AP7002864 WIRCE-CUDE, -UR10149166100010061012710129 AUTHORSi Gorelikq S. S.; Spoktort E, N#; DollMat Zho As OiG: Moscow Institute for Steel and Alloys, ]Department of X-ray CryBtallograpby and Metal Pqsics (Moskovskiy institut stali i splayov. Kafedra routgenografii i fiziki metallov) TITLE: Influence of heating up to the recrys-tallization temperature on the change of elastic properties and atruoture of cold-rolled titanium and zirconium SOURCE: IVUZ. Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, no. 6, 1966, 127-129 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, zirconium, metallurgic research, metal rolling ABSTRACT: The effect of heating cold-rolled technical grade titanium and zirconium up~ to the recrystallization temperature on the elastic properties and structure of these I metals was studied. The study supplements tne results of E. H. Spektor, S. S. Gorelil~ A. G. Rakhshtadti and H. B. Novikov (Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, t. 19, v- 3, 424, 1965). The experimental technique followed is described by E N Spektor, S. S. Gorelik, and A. 0. Rakhshtadt (Izv. VUZ, Chernaya metallurgiYe, 7, ;411, 1965). The experinental results are shown graphically (see Fig. 11. It sne determined that the structural changes which result during heating of deformed metals are caused by a thermally activated redistribution oF lattice dislocations. -Card 1/2 UDC% 539-32.669.2 _1,7 5 1 919 ACC NRt AP7002864 b b RI AID vi Fig. 1. Polar figures (002) for zirconium (a) and for titanium (b) after cold rolling with 60% compression deformation. 0 S, ofs 750 for Ca radiation Orig. art. hast 2 graphs. SUB CODEj 11/ SM LATE& 29sep65/ oR,-rG mw, oog/ oTH mws ow '/Y ACC NRt AP7002432 SOURC13, CODE: 166100010121002410028 _rorelik,.S.. S.; Spektor, E. N.; Burdasova, T. A. AUTHOR:, Q ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Mosko'vakiy institut atali i splavov) TITLE: Structural changes during annealing of deformed niobium and its alloys SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskays, obra))6tka metallov, no. 12, 1966, 24-28 J; TOPIC TAGS: niobium, nibbium molybdenum allor, molybdenum zirconium alloy, allay structure, alloy property ABSTRACT: The recrystallization behavior of commercial-grade niobium, niobium alloy with 4% molybdenum, and molybdenum alloy with 0.15% zirconium has been investigated. Extruded, rolled, and annealed alloy sheets were cold rolled with 80-90% reduction and vacuum annealed at 500-1500C for.2 hr. It was found that the tempe~rature of the beginning of recrystallization for niobium was 1050C, whereas that of the other alloys was 1150C. It is noted that in alloys deformed by stretching, the temperature of the beginning of recrystallization was 100-200C higher than that in rolled alloys due to a more uniform deformation in stretching. The entire recrystallization range for niobium and niobium alloy was found to be 100-150C, and that for molybdenum alloy, 200-250C. Annealing of deformed Crd 1/2 UDC, 620.18:669-~/-9-122:669.pgi,PA,241996' NRI. niobium alloyis in vacui~ii 61 1;10-4 mm Ug'br"ings abouf a significant absorption.of oxygen, which increases with increased temperature; at 1400C the amount of absorbed oxygen reaches 0.1%. Annealing of molybdenum alloys. under the same conditions does not cause a'similar effect, apparently due to a different type of oxidation. Stresses of the first order, with a magnitude of up to 10-15 kg/MM2, nonuniformly distributed along the length of specimenaldeveloped in niobium-,nolybdenum alloy under the effect of stretching. Nos4chphenomena were obaerved in moly~denum-zirconium alloY-..,)Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REP: 002/ ATD PRESS: 51-13 LCOrd - -2/2- 4 GOMIK, T.L. (Gorlkly) Scientific and theoretic conferenim on the subject "I.P.Paylov's militant materialistic theories." Felld. i akush, no.9:54-57 8 154. (MLRA 7111) (CINTRAL NMOUS SYSTIM, pl*rsiology Pavlovian theory) -.-GORE,LIK.-V.A.-(Mo--kva); SHTILIMAN, M.S. (Moskva) Method of solving a network transport problem. Zhur. vych. mat. i mat. fiz. 4 no.6:1137-1142 N-D 164. (MIRA 16:2) S/094/61/000/001/003/007 E073/E313 AUTHORS: Pen1kov, N.I., Gramshpul'. E.A., Kislov, B.A. and Zotin, R.Ye. TITLE! Electrolyser for a Ternary Alloy PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya energetika, 1961, No. 1, p. 15 TEXT: In one of the plants producing a ternary alloy, carbon electrodes of 4oo x 400 x 550 mm, were used. For a 0 v loading of 12 00 A the current density at the cathode su face was 0.282 A/cm and at the anode surface it was 1.25 A/cm * During the gradual burning-off of -the carbon anodes fragments of the carbonand the ash dropped off, which formed a sludge and screened a part of the liquid surface of the lead cathode, leading to a sharp decrease in yie Ld. Furthermore, the arrangement of the anodes in the electrolyser was such that the current density at the cathode surface was highly non- uniform, which led to local overheating and a reduction in output. To eliminate these drawbacks, the authors proposed Card 1/4 s/o94/61/000/001/003/007 E073/E,35 Electrolyser for a Ternary Alloy substitution of the carbon electrodes by graphite blocks of 300 x 400 x 80o mm. Fragments did not fall off the graphite and thus sludge formation was prevented. In spite of the fact that the current density remained the same, 12 000 A, as for carbon anodes, the current intensity in the case of graphite anodes is distributed more uniformly and con- sequently the cathode surface of the electrolyser is utilised more efficiently (see sketches). Practical introduction of the proposal of the authors (for which third prize was awarded in the Fifteenth All-Union Competition on Saving Energy) led to the following results. 1) The output of the electrolyser increased from 1200-1300 to 1500-1600 kg/day. 2) The current efficiency increased from 52-55 to 58-62%. 3) The specific electricity consumption decreased from 1650 to 1600 kWh/ton. The resulting annual saving in electricity for the work Card 2/4 . s/o94/61/000/001/003/007 E073/E335 I. Electrolyser for a Ternary Alloy I under consideration was 1 035 000 kWh. . . Note: this is a complete translation. j ~ Card 3/4 s/og.k/61/000/001/003/007 E073/E335 Electrolyser for a Ternary Alloy Fig, Card 4/4 0 C6 Mm BIBIKP A.1.1 GORELIK, V.I.t KOROKHOV, V.G.-, POLISHCHUK, A.V. Efficient procedure for manufacturing rolls of reduction rolling mills. Met. i gornorud. proza. no.3:67 Yq~Ze 164. (MIRA 17.10) POLY&KOVI P.P.; KOROKHOV, V.G.; GOMIK,T.I. Standardization of the rol-I outfl.t. Standartizataiia, 29 no.6:47-48 Je 165. (MIRA.18:12) WOTIN. Aleksandr Nikolayevich; OORELOV, Y.N., inzh., red,; DUGINA, N.A.,, [Counterboring and reaming] Seikerovania i raisvertyvanie. Pod red. T.H.Gorelova. Isd.2. Moskya, Gon.nouchno-takhn.isd-vo mashinostroit,lit-ry, 19590 37 pe (Nauchno-popullarnsia biblio- taka rabochago-stanochnika, no.1.9). (KIRA 13:4) (Drilling and boring) NOVIEDY, S.S.; BURMISTRDVA, V.F* Condensation of nitroalkanes with 2,2-dimethyl-~Lbvdroxypropionic and, 2.2-dimetbyl-/S-bydroxybutVrio aldehyde. Izv. AN SSSR Otd. khita. nauk no.10:1876-1878 *0 160. (MIFA 13:10) 1. Institut organicbeskoy khimli ime IvD. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk (I'ropioneLdehyde) (Burnaldehyde) (Paraffins) NOVIOVO S.S.; BURM18TROVA, M.S., GOR=, V.P.; CHIMMADZE-,, YU.G# Conclemation of nitro jqlleanes with acetaldshydes Izv.AIISSSR Otdo kbirn.nauk no.4.-695--698 Ap 161, (MIRA 14:4) lo Institut organicheskoy khlydi Im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Paraffins) (Acetaldeb,7de) OSTROIJHOV, Valentin Sergeyevich- GORELIKO Vera Semenovns; BELYAKOT, A.,; KONMRAT'YRVA, X---I ..Tn tv I YA, T.. [Organization of work on the revaluation of fixed assets] Orga- nizatsiia raboty po porooteenkei osnovnykh fondov. Moskva, Gos- finizdat, 1959. 101 P. (KIRA 12:12) (Valuation) TSELIXOV, A.I., akademik; MEYEROVICH, I.M,,, kand. tekhri. nauk; CORELIN, V.S., Jnzh.; ROKOTYAK, S.19o, in-vii, Relation betyeen unit power con.-swiption. and the metal Pressure on the rolls. Stall 25 no.1213-101-1102 D 165. (KIRA 18-12) Fes' I L 09461-k7 ACC NR: Ai,6o',14656 SOURCE CODE: UW0070/65/011/004/0604/0609 AUTHOR: Gorolik, V.S.; Zholudey, 1. S.; Sushchinskiy, M. M. ORIG: Physics Instiltute im. P. N. Lebadev AN SSSR (Fizichoskv institut AN SSSR); Institute of Crystallography AN SSSR (Institut kristallografii AN SSSR) TITLE.' Study of the Raman spectrum of,N&N02 sinAIG crystal near the phase transition point. 8OU11CE: KriatalloGraflya, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 6(,4-6og TOPIC TAGS; sodium compound, Raman spectrum, phase transition, 'Lorrooloctricity, temperature dependence, line broadening, crystal lattice vibration ABSTMCT: Th'q is a continuation of an earlier study (Kristallograf Va v. 10, no. 3, 335, 1965)" and deals with the bohavior of most lines of the Raman spoctrum of sinGlo-cr7stal NaNO2 in the temperature interval from 30 to 178C. Principal atton- tion was paid to the small temperature rango Q: 200) near the phase transition point (16oc). The single crystal was a rectangular prism 3 x 7 x 10 mm, cut so that its ,smallest side was oriented along the forrooloctric axis z. The Raman spoctra were photographed with a speotrograph, using the 4358 % mercury line for excitation. card W2. UDC: 348.0-335..36 L 09461-67 ACC NR: Ap6o24666 Seven lines woro registered, whose frequencies agreed essentially with those pub. lished earlier. The Raman spectrum obtainod near the transition point differed noticoab3,y Srom that obtained at 30C. The low-froquency lines shifted in linear fashion, while the higher frequency lines oxhibitod practically no shift. All ob. served lines broadened with incroasing.tomporaturo, but the broadening of the low- frequency lines was larger. Some of the lines vanishod with increasing tomporaturo.' A group-thoorotical analysis of the appotrum for both the high and the low frequancy parts of the spectrum is used to intorproat the results. The vanishing and the in- Unsity variations of tho spectra agree with iho selection rules., and the broadening is duo to ordinary tompDraturo effects connoctod With the increase of the intor- action between the lattice oscillatore'themsolvas and the interaction between the lattice oscillators and other dogroas of froodon of the crystal. The authors thmik Professor P. A. Bazhxz-lin for interest in the work and also V. 1. Murzin for valu- able advice. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. 1 formula, and 2 tablas. SUB CODE: 2D/ SUBM DAM -0!~AWQXOS ORIG REP.- 012/ OTH REF: 005 Card 2/2 Y GORELI - polkovnik zapana, kand. voyennykh nauk A true fighter of the Part.Y. V0811- znan. 41 no.6115 Je 165- (NIRA 18:5) GORWK, Ya., polkovnik, kandidat voyennykh nauk. W04. Development of tank engineering ej"Tanks." V. Mostovenko. Reviewed by IA. Gorelik). Voen.znan. 31 [t.e. 321 no.4:31 Ap '56. (XIOU 9:8) (Tanks (Military scienae)) (Mostovenko,V.) USSR/ Nuclear Physics Literature Card IA Pub. 86 35/52 Authors s Gorelik, Yap 14. (Hoscow) Title Popular literature on atomic:_ energy Phriodical Priroda 45/1, 119-120, Jan 56 Abistraot A running comment in made on popilar books and pawhlets recently publisheA on the peaceful uses of atomic energy. It is stated that there are many more uses than those cited in thebooks and that the books sometimev con- tain erroneous statements. Authors mentioned are Leshkovtsev, Zhmadalkiy, Faydish, Shcherbako-vo Kitaygorodskiy, Mikhaylov and Romadin, Institution Submitted 6-1 iYA AUTHOR: Gore k, Ya., Candidate of Military Sciences 25-10-39/41 TITLE: Inter-Continental Ballistio Rocket (Mezhkontinentalinaya ballistioheakaya raketa) PERIODICALt Nauka i Zhiznl, 1957, 1jur lo.) p 63 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The Russian scientist K. E. Tsiolkovskiy designed a multistage rocket system with successively dropped stages, and on whose principle Soviet scientists based the construct- ion of the USSR inter-continental ballistic rockets. The cylindrical body of the rooket has no wings,is several meters long,,has a stream-lined, painted head, and is made of an especially heat-resistant material. Inside the body are powerful liquid-fuel rocket engines, fuel and oxidizer tanks and control equipment* In contrast to the non-ballistic rocket, the ballistic rocket starts vertically, is raised to a considerable height beyond the atmosphere into cosmic space, and after performing the so-called ballistic curve it falls to the target with a spedd of 20,000 to 25,000 km per hour. The directing of the rocket after its start is automatic. The article then describes the American ballistic rocket, the "Atlas". AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 Y. - fe:. DOBROVOLISKLY# K.B.; RUBIN, S.B.; KAIWSKAYA. M.D., red.; H.S., takhaeredo [Concise dictionary of terms an& definitions in the fields of atomic energy, atomic weapons, and atomic defense] Kratkii slovarl nekotorykh terminov i opredelenii po atomnoi energii, atomnomu oruzhiiu i protivoatonnoi zashchites Moskva, lzd-vo DOSAAR, 1958, 61 p. (MIRA 11M (Atomic energy-Dictionaries) SOV/25-59-9-35/49 AUTHOR: Gorelik Candidate of Military Sciences TITLE: The Voice of Soviet Scientists PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn', 1959, Nr 9, P 73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a review on the book of collected articles "Sovetskiye ucheniiyyeob opasnosti ispytaniy yadernogo oruzhiyall (Soviet Sciontists Talk About the Danger of the Tests of Nuclear Weapons) edited by Correspon- ding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, A.V. Lebedinski3r, and published by the Atomizdat Publishing House, Nos0ow, 1959. Contributions were made by V.M. Klechkovskiy and I.V. Gulyakin,. B.V. Ku-rchatov, P.M. Chulkov, 0.1. Leypunskiy. There is 1 photograph and 1 Soviet reference. Card 1/1 GOFII!L~I~ . polkovnik, kand. voyan. nauk; ZAMROT, V., polkovnik, dots, kand. voyen.nauk; 12SIfITSKIY. G., general-ma7or artillerii; KITO-SUILI, ,Sh., podpolkovnik; VIADIMIROVt V., polkovnik w0oncise dictionary of tactical, operational, and general milit&,.-.r terms." Revieweii by IA. Goreli and others. Voen. vest. 39 no.2: 83-91 7 '59. (MIRA 12:7) (Military art and science-Dictionaries) (Russian language-lictionaries) GORELIK, Ya. "People's avengers." Reviewed by,IA. Gorelik. Sov. voin 43 n.).22: 41 N 161. (Mim 15:;;-,) (Moscow Province--World War, 1939-1945--Underground movements) BOMOT, N.Y., kand.takhn.nauk; GORMLIK re A staroMy propodavatell; BOBROTg X*H6j kandetakhah"M.rMIRRTR_fo~" ["Uses of fuel and lubricants*; vide for laboratory practical Primenenis goriuahago i smasochAVkh raterialoyl uchabnos posobie po laboratornomn praktikamu. Koakva. neftakhim. I gazovoi promyshl. lm. I.K.Gubkina, 1938. 41 p. (MMA 14:4) (Lubrication and lubricants--Testing) (Fuel--Testing) 15.9-500 89060 3/138/60/000/010/002/008 A051/AO29 AUTHORSt Abramovap Ye.N.pChernayat V.V,t Gorelik, TITLE: Thermo-Sensitization of Natural and Synthetic Latexes ~E'R'I*ODICAL: Kauchuk i.Rezinal 1960, No. 10, pp.12-18 TEXTb''' __ *The authors discuss the production of articles from latexes by the,gelatinization of thermo-sensitized mixtures. They proye that by the intro- duotion of an excess of ammonia no retarding of the.complax-formation is accomplished when natural and synthetic latexes are used neither the retarding of the gelatinization at room temperature is attained. Further study was -he possibility of lowering the activity of the complex by using carried out on t stabilizers.. The 'OC-20 (0S-20) product was investigated. It is formed as a result of the processing of ootadecyl alcohol with ethylene oxide and is a typical example of a non-ionic stabilizer, i.e.,a product which does not dis- associate in an aqueous solution and thus holds back the disassociation of other ions. The investigations showed that by introducing an excess of ammonia or by using the non-ionic stabilizer OS-20 no retarding effect of the zinc- ammonium oomplexg i,e. of the gelatinizing agent is reached, (Figs. 1,2). The activity of the zino-ammonium. complex when introducing ammonium salts increases, Card 1/7 ago6o sA38/60/000/010/002/008 A051/AO29 Thermo-.Sensitization of Natural and Synthetlo Latexes -7 depending on the presence of anions, in the following orders Oi-< S04