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:Director of Central Intelligence Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 TOP SECRET COPY NO. 11 iloPaD NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL STATUS OF PROJECTS as Of April 30, 1951 TOP SECRET NSC review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 WARNING THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NA- TIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, 50 U.S.C., 31 AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANS- MISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 April 30, 1951 TDP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL STATUS OF PROJECTS 1. COMPLETED PROJECTS (April 23,--Ig51:May-17-1951) (NONE) NSC STATUS OF PROJEUTS Approvea ror Keiease 2005/04/f8 : alA:RDP80R01731R00370002002 SECRET TOP Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R0037000200 SECRET05-9 2. PROJECTS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE NSC A. ITEMS SCHEDULED ON AGENDA FOR THE 90TH NSC MEETING ON WEDNESDAY MA1-27I-9517-- THE SITUATION IN THE FAR EAST Scheduled for discussion as Item 1 in the light of an oral briefing by General Bradley on the military situation in Korea. UNITED STATES OBJECTIVES, POLICIES AND COURSES /FRIORITY PROJECT7 OF ACTION IR TS-IA TNSC 48/3 revThe-a by memo for all holders of NSC 48/3, dated April 27, 1951; Annex to NSC 48/3; NSC 101; NSC 101/1; NSC Action No. 420; NSC 48/2; Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, subject: "The Position of the United States with Respect to Asia", dated November 20, 1950; Memos for NSC from Executive Secretary, subject: "United States Action to Counter Chinese Communist Aggression", dated March 21 and April 10, 1951; NIE-10) Memo by the Deputy Secretary of Defense circulated for Council in- formation by the reference memo of November 20, and referred to the Secretary of State for consideration of the action proposed in the second paragraph thereof, that a progress report on NSC 48/2 be prepared as a basis for consideration of the desirability of revising NSC 48/2 in the light of the current situation in Asia. A checklist of possible U. S. actions to counter Chinese Communist aggression, prepared by the Senior Staff, for the use of the re- spective departments and agencies, was reconsidered by the Senior Staff on January 15 in the light of a memorandum by the JCS (NSC 101 and a report on courses of action was prepared for Council con- sideration (NSC 101/1). At its 80th meeting the Council discussed NSC 101/1 in the light of NSC 101, referred NSC 101/1 to the NSC Staff for revision in the light of the discussion, and agreed that the revised study should concern itself with U. S. objectives as well as U. S. courses of action on the reference problem. (NSC Action No. 420-b.) The Council requested the JCS to prepare a detailed study of the military effectiveness of the possible use of Chinese forces on Formosa against the mainland of China, including consideration of the effect of such use upon the defense of Formosa. (NSC Action No. 420-c.) The JCS study on this subject was circulated for Council Information by the reference memo of March 21 and re- ferred to the Senior Staff for use in connection with this project. Saw' NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS approve a ror Kelease 2005/04/19 :1A-RDP8OR01731R003700020W-9SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00370002001M SECRET PROJECTS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE NSC (Contid) OITULII2412 OBJECTIVES PoIll.Q1AUILLOOMLLE422MLIE_AaLA_ (contid The Department of State was requested by the Council to prepare a study of the effect upon China and other Eastern countries of Qontinued U. p. support of Chiang.Kai-shek. (NSC Action No. 420-A. (See Section 4.) At the request of the Secretary of Defense, a memo by the JCS on "Military Action in Korea", was circulated by the reference memo of April 10 for the information of the Council and referred to the NSC Staff for consideration as soon as practicable in connection with this project. A draft report on "United States National Objectives and Policy in Asia" by the Department of State was transmitted by the Deputy Under Secretary of State who indicated that the report should be considered as superseding NSC 48/2 and completing action called for by the NSC 101 series, and that in the near future the Depart- ment of State would transmit a complete report on current NSC policy papers which it considers to be replaced, supplemented or otherwise affected in the event the reference report is approved. As a matter of priority, the NSC Staff revised the State Department draft and submitted it for Council consideration as NSC 48/3 and Noe Annex to NSC 48/3. The report is intended to supersede NSC 48/2 and to constitute a response to the Council's referral of NSC 101/1 on "U. S. Action to Counter Chinese Communist Aggression" for re- vision, pursuant to NSC Action No. 420. Scheduled as Item 2 for preliminary discussion of the draft statement of policy, but without final action. (See related Indochina project in Section 3A. Egg?gL1 (Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated May 1, 1951) Draft statement of policy and staff study on the subject, prepared by the Department of State with the advice and assistance of the Department of Defense and the CIA, was revised by the Staff Assistants and approved by the Senior Staff on April 12 for sub- mission to the Council as NSC 26/5. The concurring views of the JCS were circulated for Council information by the reference memo. of May 1. Scheduled for consideration as Item 3. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 3 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R0037000200M SECRET PROJECTS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE NSC (Cont,d) NSC 26/2 and NSC 26_/4 TProgresb Report, TTaTed April 3, 1951, by the Under Secretary of State, on the subject) The reference Progress Report, circulated for Council information, scheduled also as item 3 for noting in connection with Council consideration of NSC 26/5 above. B. ITEMS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY MEMORANDUM ACTION PROGRAM OF PHYSICAL SECURITY FOR INDUSTRIAL PLANTS AND ALLIED WE5-1175-1711sc from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated April 10, 1951) Memo by the Chairman, Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Secur- ity, and its attached report by the ICIS on the subject, were sub- mitted by the reference memo for consideration of the "Recommenda- tions" therein by the Council, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Secretaries of the Interior, Commerce, and Labor, the Director of Defense Mobilization, and the Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission. Approved by Labor, April 12; by Commerce, April 16; by Defense, NSRB, Justice, and ODM, April 17; by Treasury, April 20; by State, April 24. Awaiting action by others concerned. NSC STATA1301:WeElMbilielfase 2005/04/18 : tIA-RDP80R01731R003700020QOP9 SECRET TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 PROJECTS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE NSC (Cont d) C. ITEMS AWAITING SUBSEQUENT NSC CONSIDERATION UTILIZATION OF MANPOWER OF OTHER NATIONS FOR MILITARY PURPOSES TNSC 108 and memo for all holders of trn 108, dated April 24, 1951) At the suggestion of the Senior State Member, the Senior NSC Staff on December 12 agreed to designate an ad hoc group under the chairmanship of a JCS official and with officials from State, NSRB, Mr. Harriman's Office, and CIA, to prepare a draft report on the subject. The report by the ad hoc committee was considered and amended by the NSC Staff for submission to the NSC as NSC 108. To be scheduled on the agenda of a later Council meeting. (See related civilian manpower project in Section 3-A.) UNITED STATES OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAMS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY (Memo for NSC from EXTC-UTIVe-TecreTay, same subject, dated April 26, 1951) Recommendation by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in which the Secretary of Defense has concurred, submitted for Council consideration by ? the reference memo of April 26, 1951. To be scheduled on the agenda ,Ime of .an early Council meeting. UNITED STATES POLICY TOWARD INTER-AMERICAN MILITARY COLLABORATION (Progress-leport,'dated April 20, 1951 Toy the Department or State on NSC 56/2) The reference progress report by the Department of State on the subject has been circulated for Council information and will be scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. THE POSITION OF THE UNITED STATES WITH RESPECT TO COMMUNISM IN ITALY rogress epor ate April 30:775-1,-USr the Secretary of State on NSC 67/3) The reference progress report by the Secretary of State on the subject has been circulated for Council information and will be scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 5 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R0037000200111SB SECRET PROJECTS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE NSC (Cont'd) SECURITY OF STRATEGICALLY IMPORTANT INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS IN OU (Progress Report) dated April 26, 1951, by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 29) The reference progress report by the Under Secretary of State on the subject was circulated for Council information and will be scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. U. S. POSITION ON THE DISPOSITION OF THE FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES ITF5117FFEE?RUbrt, a e pr nder Secretary of State on NSC 19/5) The reference progress report by the Under Secretary of State on the subject is being circulated for Council information and will be scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 6 - _SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP8OR01731R003700020005-9 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 3. CURRENT NSC STAFF PROJECTS A. aufaJ141_atal I E STE N MEDITE RANE AN MI DLE EAST LPRIORITY PROJEC17 Memo for enior NSC taf from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated December 12, 1950) Memorandum by the Senior State Members onthe subject transmitted by the reference memo and considered by the Senior Staff on December 29, when it was agreed: that an initial draft report should be prepared by State; and that CIA should furnish an intelligence estimate of local attitudes and conditions which affect protection of our interests and the realization of our objectives. On February 23 the Senior NSC Staff agreed that this project should be completed as a matter of priority. Awaiting intelligence esti- mate from CIA and initial draft report from State. (See also related area projects in this section and in Section 3-B.) CO DI IONS FOR ACE UL SET 'L M NT LITRIORITY PROJECT7 WITH THE U SR (Record of Senior NSC Staff Meeting, February 23; NSC 79; Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, subject: "United States and Allied Objectives in the Event of ?loyal War", dated September 6, 1950) On February 23 the Senior NSC Staff agreed that the NSC 79 project on United States and allied war objectives should be completed in two sections and that the section on the above subject, including a plan for the reduction and regulation of armaments and armed forces, should be completed as a matter of priority. Awaiting report by the State, Defense and JCS members.. (See also NSC 79 project below and related "Joint Review" in Section 4.) REVIEW OF TI CURRENT WO LD SITUATION AND ABIJITY OF THE FORCE BEING MAINTAINED TO MEET UNIT D STATES COMMITMENTS Memo for NSC frOm Executive Secretary, same subject, dated April 26, 1951) At the request of the Secretary of Defense, two memoranda by the JCS with enclosures on the subject were circulated by the reference memo to the Council for information, and pending scheduling of this item on the agenda of an early Council meeting, were referred to the Senior NSC Staff for the preparation of appropriate recommenda- tions for Council action with respect thereto. To be scheduled on the agenda of an early Senior Staff meeting. (See also related project on politico-military strategy in Section 4) NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 7 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00370002000PY SECRET C URR4N,L1?1 g_ZIA.ILLILgag/S_ (C ont Id ) AND L WAR OB CT S I HE EVENT OF GLO WAR NSC 79; Memo or NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated September 6, 1950) JCS memo (NSC 79) circulated for Council information and referred t the Staff for use in the preparation of a report. The Senior Staff designated an ad hoc group to draft a report to include both a statement of war objectives In the event of global war, and such related questions as a statement of the conditions that the U. S. would be willing to accept for a peaceful settlement with the USSR and its satellites. At the initial meeting of the ad hoc group under the chairmanship of the State member on October 6, the form and content of a response to the problems posed by NSC 79 were discussed and agreed upon. On February 23 the Senior Staff agreed that this project should be divided as follows: (1) a statement of U. S. and allied war objectives in the event of a global war; and (2) a statement of the conditions the U. S. would be willing-to accept for a peaceful settlement with the USSR including a plan for the reduction and regulation of armaments and armed forces. Awaiting initial draft by the State Policy Planning Staff of the project listed under (1) above, (See also related project above and "Joint Review" in Section )+,) POSIT ON OF THE ED STATES WITH RESPECT TO INDOCHINA NSC /1; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated January 4, 1951) At the request of the Secretary of Defense the views of the JCS on the subject (NSC 64/1) were circulated for Council information and referred to the NSC Staff for use in the preparation of a report for Council consideration. On December 27, the Senior Staff directed the Staff Assistants to prepare, as a matter of urgency, a draft report on the immediate steps the United States should take to meet the critical situation in Indochina. Draft report by Staff Assistants submitted to Senior Staff by the reference memo. On January 8, the Senior Staff discussed the subject in the light of the importance of Indochina to the security of Southeast Asia and the security of the United States. To be considered further at a later Senior Staff meeting, (See also related area projects in this section and in Section 2.) NSC STATUS OF _PROJECTS Approvea ror melease 2005/04/18 : elk-RDP80R01731R0037000200M SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R0037000200a4 SECRET gonENT NSC STAFF PROJECTS (Contld) I D TA E POLI 91.1TH RESPECT TO TURKEY NSC Action No. 3 In accordance with the reference Council action, the Senior NSC Staff discussed the subject on November 8 and agreed that State, in consultation with Defense, would prepare a draft report. A, waiting State report. (See also related area projects in this section.) COLUBORATION WITH utimpla_azumpTs mug_ NSC 9o; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from subject, dated March 12, 1951) NSC 90 was circulated for Council information and referred to the Senior NSC Staff for use in the preparation of a report. On Octobe 30 the Senior State and JCS Members undertook to collaborate in the preparation of a draft paper covering both the political and military aspects of the problem; and the Senior CIA Member agreed to prepare an intelligence estimate on current and prob- able areas and characteristics of guerrilla warfare. Joint re- port by State JCS and CIA, upon the recommendation of the Staff Assistants, was submitted by the reference memo of March 12 for Senior Staff consideration, On March 15 the Senior Staff referred the report to representatives of the Senior State, JCS and CIA Members to revise in the light of the discussion. Awaiting re- port by State, JCS and CIA Members. ON OPERATIONS AGAINST Executive Secretary, same 1.1019.02_111Lall_DY0F.ALS2LCIVILIAN MANPOWEB.ff NON-SOVIET N....AjacZOODS AND SERVICES (MemoforSeniorNSCStaff from Executive Secretary, subject, "Proposed NSC Study of Use of Foreign Manpower for Production", dated March 29, 1951; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated April 16, 1951) Memos by the Acting Senior NSRB Member and by the Senior ODM Member, transmitted by the reference memos of March 29 and April 16, respectively, were considered by the Senior Staff on April 17. It was agreed that ODM should undertake the preparation of a report on the subject for consideration by the NSC Staff, along the lines proposed by ODM in the report attached to the reference memo of April 19. The Staff further agreed to the inclusion of NSRB and Mr. Harriman's Office among the agencies to be con- sulted by ODM. Awaiting report from ODM. (See related project in Section 2-C.) NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 9 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R0037000200W-g SECRET gmumml_dau PROJECTS (Contld). JJ.[NITEp S ATES OBJECTIVES AND PROqRAMS fa_NATIONAL SECURITY (NSC 6 Series; Annex No. 8, Long-term PoliTica1 and Economic Framework) Awaiting revision of Annex No. 8 by State. (See also related projects above and in Section 4.) On September-15 the Senior Staff agreed that this subject should be a continuing project and that accordingly the Senior State Member should keep the Senior Staff Informed on any security policy issues which may arise, with a view to further consideration of the subject. (See also related area project above and in Section 2. 0 I I OF THE unap S A 'TM S TO IRAN NSC 107; NSC ction No. 4 F Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject dated March 26, 1951) In adopting the reference report at its 87th meeting, the Council directed the NSC Staff to review the statement of policy in NSC 107, if the President approved it, whenever the situation in Iran has clarified sufficiently to warrant such review, and in any event not later than July 1, 1951. Accordingly, in the light of the President's approval of the statement of policy in NSC 107, this project is awaiting review by the Senior NSC Staff. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 10 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00370002000VR SECRET CURRENT NSC STAFF fac,ZUg (Conttd) B. NSC sIAEE_aaIaIAUTA PO ION OF THE TED STA E WITH RESPECT TO SCANDINAVIA Progress Report, dated ?ovember 1 77930, on NSC 28/1 and NSC 32/1 NSC 88; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, subject "U. S. Courses of Action in the Event the Soviets Attempt to Close the Baltic", dated March 26 1951; Record of Senior Staff Meeting on April 3, par. 3) On December 13 the Senior NSC Staff directed the Staff Assistants to prepare a draft revision of NSC 28/1 for consideration by the Senior Staff. On October 17, 1950, NSC 88, "U. S. Courses of Action in the Event the Soviets Attempt to Close the Baltic" was circulated for Council information and referred to the NSC Staff for preparation of a re- port for Council consideration. In view of recommendations made by the Staff Assistants in the reference memo of March 26, the Senior Staff agreed on April 3 that a statement of policy and a staff study on the subject of NSC 88 should be incorporated in the draft report on "The Position of the United States with Respect to Scandinavia?" and that completion of this project should be expe- dited. Awaiting initial draft report by State. pNITEp STATES POLICY WITHJ4E.2p2ALTELTaLLNI.EhaTERN GERMANY (NSC 89; NSC 73/4, Par. 42i Memos for NSC from Executive Secretary, subject: "Additional Airlift to Support the Far East," dated September 27 and November 202 1950; NSC Action No. 368; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated October 31, 1950; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secre- tary, subject: "Courses of Action in the Event East Germany Im- poses a Blockade in Berlin", dated February 16, 1951; Memo for Senior NSC Staff from Executive Secretary, subject:. "United States Policy with Regard to a Possible New Berlin Blockade," dated March 27, 1951) At its 69th Meeting, the Council noted the reference memo of Sep- tember 27, and the fact that the situation presented therein would be taken into consideration in the studies on the Berlin blockade referred to in par. 42 of NSC 73/4. Memoranda on the subject by thi Deputy Under Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense were circulated for Council information as NSC 89, and referred to the NSC Staff for use in connection with this staff project. JCS study on airlift capabilities circulated to Senior Staff by the reference memo of October 31. Subsequent memo by the Deputy Secretary of Defense (reference memo of November 20) circulated for Council information and referred to the Staff for consideration in NSC STAMPIVIPcPWROVVe 2005/04/18 aq1A:RDP8OR01731R0037000200Eittl SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R0037000200da SECRET OIREEEILAOC STAFF PROJECTS (Cont'd) TED STATES OLICY WITH RESPECT TO BERLIN AND EASTERN GERMANY Cont'd connection with this project. Views of the JCS on "Courses of Action in the Event East Germany Imposes a Blockade in Berlin" circulated by the reference memo of February 16 to the Senior Staff for consideration in connection with this project upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Defense. On February 23 the Senior Staff noted that the JCS views would be taken into account in the early completion of a draft report on "U. S. Policy with Respect to Berlin and Eastern Germany" now under preparation in the Department of State in collaboration with the Department of Defense. Report by State circulated by reference memo dated March 27, considered by the Senior Staff on April 3 and referred to the Staff Assistants for revision in the light of the discussion. Awaiting initial draft by ad hoc group of Staff Assistants, OP T.. 0 N GE AN AND Letter by the Secretary of Defense to the President on the subject, and the President's reply, referred by the President to the Council circulated as NSC 106 for Council information, and referred to the Senior Staff for preparation of recommendations on the subject for consideration by the Council, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of Defense Mobilization, and the Economic Cooperation Administrator at an early Council meeting. On March 15 the Senior Staff discussed the reference report and re- ferred it to the Staff Assistants for use in the preparation of a draft report for consideration by the Senior Staff. Initial draft in preparation by ad hoc group of Staff Assistants with the advice and assistance of a special group from the Defense Department. Awaiting initial draft from ad hoc group of Staff Assistants. NSCSTATTASppruvI12-e2uWaceTase 2005/04/181ZIA-RDP80R01731R003700020=P9 SEC RET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020009P SECRET umus_m_glAuLavEcTs (Conttd) C. gaigLaURBEEI_Npl_agi_EROJECTS NSC DETERMIUTIONS ON EAM:JOILMADL (Memos for Special Committee on East-West Trade from Assistant Executive Secretary, same subject, dated January 15 and 21, February 8, 9, 12, and 13, and April 18, 20, and two memos dated April 30, 1951; Memo for Special Committee from Assistant Exec-. utive Secretary, subject: "Agenda for Next Special Committee Meeting", dated January 22, 1951; memos for NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated February 8 and 23, 1951) On December 6 the Special Committee on East-West Trade agreed that the Department of Commerce, with the assistance of representatives from State, Defense, NSRB, Treasury ECA and CIA would coordinate the preparation of statistical studies on the subject and submit those studies to the Special Committee for evaluation. On February 7 a drafting group of representatives of the Departments of State, Defense and Commerce was designated to prepare draft reports for the Special Compaittee. List of countries receiving U. S. aid, prepared by the Department of State, circulated for information by the reference memo of January 22. Initial country studies on Latin America, the Near East, and Africa were approved by the Council (reference memos of February 8 and 23) and the Special Committee was directed to continue its examination of trade between the Soviet bloc and the countries of Latin America the Near East and Africa, and to scrutinize particularly certain aspects thereof. Preliminary studies of trade between the Soviet Bloc and other countries of the world have been circulated as follows: L. Hong Kong: reference memo of April 20. Japan and Indochina: reference memo of April 20. Formosa, the Philippines,. Burma and Thailand: ref- erence memo of January 25. Korea, Malaya, Pakistan, India, Ceylon and Afghanista Reference memos of February 8, 9 and 13. Indonesia: to be circulated. Ireland: reference memo of April 20. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 13 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 ? Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00370002000NP SECRET gLEIMULIMALNULJailima (Contld) ELC_OILEUILTAII2ELSLEAST-WEST TRADE (Contld) Austria, Belgium-Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland: reference memo of February 12, h. Trieste and Yugoslavia: to be circulated. Studies of'the trade of IRD:Dnd and Czechoslovakia were circulated by the reference memo of April 20. On April 17 the Special Committee reviewed its work in progress, and reached the following agreements: 1. Hong Kong-Maoo. The State, Defense and Commerce members should continue their preparation of a draft report, to be completed as soon as possible, on U. S. export controls with respect to Hong Kong and Macao. In this connection considera- tion should be given in accordance with NSC 94/1, to the gen- eral question of trade between the Soviet Bloc and Hong Kong and Macao. 2. gaugLana_gplitheaqt_Aala. The drafting group should prepare a report, for consideration by the Special Committee by May 1, on trade between the Soviet Bloc and the countries of South and Southeast Asia. It was understood that this assignment in- cludes: Indonesia, Formosa, the Philippines, Burma and Thai- land, South Korea, Malaya (with special attention to Singa- pore), Pakistan, India, Ceylon and Afghanistan. With respect to Japan, a separate report is to be made. 3. Elarope. The drafting group should prepare as soon as practi- cable reports grouped in order of priority as follows: Sweden and Switzerland Austria and Western Germany France, Belgium-Luxembourg and the Netherlands United Kingdom, Trieste and Italy Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland and Norway Finland and Yugoslavia NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 14 - TR SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R0037000200uo-u Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00370002000W SWRET OIEEDELAQ_STAFF PROJECTS (Conttd) NSC DETEAMINATIONS ON EAST-WEST TRADE (Contld) 4. gjaczal,a1Llaw. The drafting group should undertake the nec- essary staff work for the Council's continuing responsibility to scrutinize East-West trade, in accordance with NSC 94/1, by means of the following procedures: (a) on the basis of in- formation from the various departments and agencies concerned, appropriate reports should be prepared reviewing specific questionable trade matters, such as those concerning Buenos Aires, Angola, Mexico, Turkey and Egypt (paragraph 2-9. of the report attached to the reference Council memo of February 8); (b) Progress reports should be prepared on the basis of peri- odic reviews of East-West trade; and (c) specific reports on particular trade problems and shipments should be made as cir-- cumstances require. 5. It was also agreed that, in connection with the above assign- ments to the drafting group, composed of representatives de- signated by the State, Defense and Commerce metbers, the par- ticipation and assistance of the representative of any other member of the Special Committee would be welcome. 011C_ Jur V By the reference memo of April 30 a draft report on the trade of SaithAsian and Far Eastern Countries is being transmitted for con- sideration by the Special Committee. By a second memo of April 30 a draft report reviewing the 1st NSC determination with respect to the trade of Latin American and African and Near Eastern countries is being transmitted also for Special Committee consideration. -Awaiting consideration by the Special Committee of the two draft reports referred to immediately above, and awaiting the other reports by the drafting group as described in points 1-5 above. PROVISION FOA STATE INTERNAL SECURITY FORCES (NSC 96/1 and NSC 96; NSC Action No. 40'97--- At the request of the Secretary of Defense NM 96 was submitted for Council consideration. At its 77th Meeting, by the reference ac- tion, the Council request the Chairman, NSRB, to develop, in consultation with other interested agencies, a plan for the pro- vision of essential Federal guidance and assistance to the States in organizing reserves to perform State and local security function. when the National Guard is ordered Into active military service, this plan to include any necessary Federal legislation. NSC sTAitysnordrfrtumwe 2005/04/18 :19A-RDP80R01731R003700020005.79, VA" SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R0037000200M SECRET C_LJEMT,LIgc_a_LlaRAF ont d ) ImIgIoN FOR STATE I TERNAL URITY FORCES (Contld) Report by the Chairman, NSRB, circulated for Council information as NBC 96/1 and referred to the NSC Staff for use in the preparation of a report for Council consideration. On April 12 the Senior Staf discussed NSC 96/1 and referred it to the Defense, JCS, and NSRB staff members together with officials from the Department of Justice, the Bureau of the Budget, and the Federal Civil Defense Administration, for use in the preparation of a report for Senior Staff consideration. Awaiting report from above group. Ba_LE_ILS_ S ION, R_ZaL_RD EW WEAPONS (MemoforNSC-C-6nSiatants and AEC Representative, from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated July 5, 1950) At the direction of the President, the Council and the Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, undertook a consideration of the general problem of weapons information, including atomic weapons, in order to make appropriate recommendations to the President on the subject. A draft report, prepared by the Executive Secretary in accordance with the discussion at a meeting on June 22, 1950 has been cir- culated to the NBC Staff and a representative of the AEC by the reference memo. Awaiting redraft of this report by Defense. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 16 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00370002045-49 Uf SECRET 4. OTHER CURRENT COUNCIL PROJECTS JOINT REVIEW OF POLITICO-MILITARY STRATEGY ions os. 3 ; NSC 100; Memo for NSC from Executive SecretalY, subject: "Recommended Policies and Ac- tions in Light of the Grave World Situation", dated January 16, 1951) The President directed (NSC Action No. 393-b) the Secretaries of State and Defense to undertake a joint review of the politico- military strategy of this Government with a view to increasing and speeding up the programs outlined in NSC 68/4 in the light of the present critical situation, and to submit to the President as soon as possible appropriate recommendations through the NSC. At its 81st Meeting the Council discussed a report by the Chairman, NSRB, on "Recommended Policies and Actions in Light of the Grave World Situation" (NSC 100) and noted the reference by the President of NSC 100 to the Secretaries of State and Defense for considera- tion in connection with the joint review of the politico-military strategy of this Government. Awaiting joint report by the Secretaries of State and Defense. (See also related projects in Section 3-A and C.) APPRAISAL OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENTS1 FACILITIES AND ARRANGEMENTS RE D TO HE T N (geTuTraFT77?Yrom Execute Secretary, same February 7, 1950; NSC Action No. 282) In approving the proposal by the Acting Chairman, NSRB, in the ref- erence memo, the NSC directed (NSC Action No. 282) the CIA, in col- laboration with the Government agencies concerned, to organize and conduct a study of foreign economic intelligence requirements, fa- cilities and arrangements related to the national security, and based on the finding of this study, to prepare for Council consid- eration and action a comprehensive plan for satisfying the foreign economic intelligence requirements of the national security and for a coordinated interagency effort to this end based on a definite allocation of responsibilities among the agencies concerned. Interim reports by the CIA on September 8, October 4, and November 7, 1950, and January 9, February 1, March 7, and April 2, 1951, concerning the status of this project, indicate that a coordinated draft statement of requirements for foreign economic intelligence is scheduled for completion by April 30. Awaiting report by CIA. ? subject, dated NS C STATTIn?x, ppT-00Vvev.-P-BrAur?;TFgagase 2005/04/18 ;-E1A--RDP80R01731R00370002066W-9SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00370002000W) SECRET OTHER CURRENT COUNCIL PROJECTS (Contld) A NA 0 4L TROLEUM PROGRAM NSC 97 At the direction of the President, a letter from the Acting Secre- tary of Defense on the subject (NSC 97) was referred to the Director of Defense Mobilization to develop a national petroleum program leading to the complete supply of allied requirements, for consideration by the NSC. Awaiting report by Director of Defense Mobilization, UN EDSATES OBJEC IVES PL ISAND COURSES OF ACTION IN ASIA NSC Action No, 2O- Upon consideration of NSC 101/1 on "U. S. Action to Counter Chinese Communist Aggression", the Council requested the Depart- ment of State to prepare a study of the effect upon China and other Eastern countries of continued U, S. support of Chiang Kai-shek. (NSC Action No, 420-1). Awaiting State report. (See Asia project in Section 2.) NSC STAlgareibclifigMlirae 2005/04/W :icjAr,RDP80R01731R0037000200?15:1 SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003700020005-9