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S/105/63/000/002/003/003 -io circuits:-for E192/i,;382 i T providad P .>> 1/j( This property was employed by the author P to devise. a magnetic amplifier with variable gain (Author's Certificate no. 151990. The amplifier is shown in Fig. 2. -The syste'm is supplied by,the transformer T . The compensating. p circuit cf-the-amplifier includes, a saturated reactor Lor or and a rectifier B. ,a ro t a r. y trans,.c -ni , (reference device) BT Thr. current 0 f the reference*, device and the depth of the negative feedback are controlled by BT t which results in a corresponding.~ ohan,e;a in both reference current and feedback coefficient, A. A system for electronic closing of magnetic amplifters is also given. This, is based on disconnecting the supply voltage by intro-- ducing controlled reactors into the AC branches of the.amplifier, klo-wrever, this smtem is not-saitable for closing the amplifiers which have no common AC paths. In a practical system based on this m ethod the OUItput difference current during the closure did not exceed 35,, of the nominal value. There are 6 figures*- .ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticlieskiy institut. (Moscow-Power-engineeriftg Institute) 'UBMITTED.: Sept m6e 6 e r. 19 2 ..-Card 2/3 I I .:-, .." -1 1. -' ; , ~j~ A~l I I - ': ; - . .. - . . I . -1 - : , i~;- - . , , . , .. ~~ :,*~:, . 1 ~ I . - .. -1. . - - , : . - " -, ~', "1 1 7 . - -:. 1, . LABUBTSOVs V.A. p kand, tekhn, nauk, dotsent! aspirant Transistorized control networks of multipbass autonomous inverters. Trudy M&I 55:65-72 165. (MIFLA 18slO) IABUNTSOV, V.A.,, kead. tekhn. nauko dotsent; GMBA~~, G.~N.,, aspirant; SAVELVIEVA, A.A., inzb. Tra.nnistoriseO frequency converter for the power supply of fluorescent' lamps. Trudy HSI 5517340 t65. (MIRA18110) :I I .. - . - . , 1 1. - - ~,wi -7 1 :. , I . , 11 .: - I -- ; ..-, , "; --:' - -- -- ~:. I . '. ~ 1, ~.: ~ - . . q ~; -. -. - I I, ~ . , , , ~, ~ . , v ,~~, - ."i r .. - : . - --::. . ,~- :,. 7 ~- - ~ ~~Jp ,, ;~:~ ~! .. , - - :: T:_ I I - -. ~ . 1-11 ~ ;~ -3 . , , I - , : ~ ir, 2 - :. ~ - ~ .:- "., ., . - ... I.. I:-. . - . . I,.7., I i :~ I - " - -, I -.;.- ; - ,~ 4" 1 . - I . I . ,- ;. , i- ,.-l ,~ -, VITUNDY, V.; SHIMMVA, Z.;,WMLkCHBV, I. Leather substitem mado of nitrocellulose. Pozb.dolo 5 no.4: 11:12 Ap 59. (Nitrocellulose) (MM 12:5) (Leather substitutes) GORBACHEV, I. After the report. NTO 6 no.2:25-26 F 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Altayskogo krayevogo soveta nauchno- .tekhnicheskikh obshchosty. -- 77777~~ GOIMACHSV 7 un-Morovichl MOBYSH&Vj D*V.p; CHIZHOV., AsA*9 EMS veduphchiy ~-IICWRZ KAYA, A.B.p (NOT Vells of. the U.S.P.R.; Hybinskoye key wel.1 (Irasnoyarok Territory)] O,pormye okvashirq SSSR,-, I%rbinskaia opornaia Wmashim (Kramoiarskii krai).Ieningrad, Gooonauebno-teklm.isd-vo neft. i gomo-toplivnoi lit-rys.laningre otd-niee 1961. 217 P, (Ion1mgrade YeasoiumVi neftianoi mauebno-issledovatel'skii. geologorazvedocbnyi irstitut. Trudyt no*175)o (MIRA 3,4112) (Fibimakoye region ( Krasnoyarsk Territory)--Petrolem geology) (kbinskoye region (Kmanoyarsk Territory)--Gans, Watural-Geology) -p, GaRBACHEN, I.F.; PETUKHOV, A.V.; TIMOFEYEV, A.A. Geology of the Zeya-Bureya Plain. Neftegaz. geol. i geof. no-5: --2wQ1 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Trest "Vostsibneftegeofizika". ,I I - . . 11, -.1 - . . ~ : ~ . I I * MIRNFW~ I I ., - m . - . ., , . .. . -, -. . *~4, -~, , ; -. , z -:~ . ~ . . ~ ; "I , . .. . p -i. - -, . 1, - -1-.. 5;:~ -. -1-1, 1'. ti-0 eic,53-65 Wr (m)/WA (d)/NP(t)/~NP(b) KW/JD ,Xcr--.Ssi0rI NR- AR4039998 S/0277/64/000/004/0007/0007 h. Mashinostr. Tnat. konstr, t machet mietal. mazh. 0M. P., CL - Ref. r. r UTI IOR: Yazovaktkh, 1. M. ; Gorbachev, L Bukin, Yu. A. TTTL!~- - Chromium-manvanese heat resistant steel r furnace accessory c-astings (7TTE-') SOURCE- Sb. Novoye v Rteyn. proLz-ve. Gorlkty, 1963, 136-144 -MPTC TAGS: furnace accessory casting, chromium mangmese steel,, heat resistant -in h&~ a aing 15-17% C r wid 15-1 7% N -ATION: Chromium-mangmese Bteel contaL A th~j' of t he Cr-N I EF ~ne K h'A 741 Kj,~ I A i b I-,e r;l 4.!,. a,. 0 -)0 SUB CODE: MIM le ENCL: 00 Card ZOIOTNITSKIY. N.D., kandidat tekhalohookikh mauk, doteent; TAICKOT, X-C, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, doteent; SOLOVIMIT, N.Y., kandidat takh- nicbmakikh nauk. dotenot. rotoonsent; TAWOT-AGAT, OV, NaA., kmadidat -tekhnichdokikh iank, reteensent; DUVAKOV, G..S.. inshener, reteensent; ARDANSKIY. AJ., Inshomer,'rotmonsent; LAVROV, D,P., inshoner, retson- sent,- KUPRITANOV, U.N.', kandidat tokhni~hesklkh usuk, rodaktor; GORBACHRY. I.N.S Inshoner, redaktor. ES&fety tookiiiques and fire-prevention techniques in construction) Tekhnika boso-pasnosti i protivopoxharnalp takhalks. Y stroitellstvo. Moskva*, Goo. ind-vo lit-ry po stroltelletya i arkhitekture, 1952. 350 p# (MI" 7:6) (Adildim-Safety mmmms) (Fire prevention) - A POTX14; AUGM, A.Ap; TAICHKOF, I.M., kmwdSdst,-.tekhniche~kM nauk,rotsonpent; -s-pblkavnjk. rodaktor; M- Inshene'r FSKiliffir'A SHPATIM, Aelpe , 're' or; -it 0 SO 1. 1., tokhnichemkly rodak- tore [Fire prevention In enterprises of the building materials Industry] Protivoposbarnala, tekhalks, na proorliatitakh promyshlonnosti strol- "lop - ialow. lad. 34, depA ispr. Neekwa. Gemaist-ve lit-ry 0& mat or pe strolt,,j~atqr Ism, 1,955.20 p. 0M 9:5) Okilding mitoplalAndutry): (lire prevvatles) GOEUGHBY, ITqnjj a TAMONOT. Y.K., reclaktor; VINOWROVA, Te.B., w . #w4 , "MMUr ISUEG"' tvat KONTASHINA, A.D., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Manual for district fire InspectorO Posobis dlia raionaykh pozhmr- . zWkh inspektorov, Moskva, Isd-vo R-qm kommun.khos. RSM. 1957. 211 p. (Fire prevention--Inspection) (NLVA 10:9) GORB&CHNIF I.~~oekva); SOLDATOV. V (Serpukhov); KiLLYMN. K. (Xemerovo). BTaluALting the work of State 7ire Inspection agencies.losh.delo 3 no.8:9 Ag 157. (KM 10: (71" prevention-Inspection) S11114ANCYVA, Zinaida Yagorovna; BELKDI, R.S., doktor yurid. nauk, red.; GORUCM I&,gjed.; ZLOBINA, Z.P., red.izd-va; MAYOROVY~i.i~., ~e red. (Technical expert exmination of the causes of fires] Po- zharno-iokbnicheska.ia eksportiza, Moskva, Izd-vo ko=mn. khoz.RSFSR, 1963 85 P. (RIRA- 16: U) iFiro investigation) KUTUKOV, A.I.,red.; GARKALINKO. K.I.,red.-GORBAC V.,red.; TERKAKOV, P.I.,red.;OVSYAKUIKOV, Tu.J1.jred.;PIMGINq BvA*,r~d.;RODIOxOV' ,;RODIONOV, A.N.,rnd.;SXMRIV* LTA.,red.; OUSIT, N.B., red. izd-v&,;PJIOZ~iOTSJ(ATA, T.L..teichn. red.; SADITOT, [Uniform safety rules for gsologAcal surveying: compulsory for all ministries, economic councile.depsrtments, organizations, and enterprises conducting geological studios] Idinys pravila boxopmenosti pri geologoratwedochnykh rabotakh; oblazatellpy dlis veekh mlilisterstv. smarkhozov, vedonsty, organizatsil I predpriiatii. vedushchikh goologichaskie raboty. Koakwa, Ugletakhiz4at, 1958. 102 p.(KIRA 11:12) 1. Russia(1923- U.S.S.*R.) Komitat po uadzoru za bezopasnym vedeni3ft rtbot v promyshlonnosti i gornowu nadxorn. ((bological surveys) AUTHOR: Gorbachevp I.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences 128-58-5-14/16 TITLEs A.S. Lavrov's Work on Copper Alloys (Raboty A.S. Lavrova.po mednym splavam) PERIODICALz Liteynoye Proizvodetvo, 1958, Nr 5, pp 28-30 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The article is written on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Lavrov, an outstanding Russian metallur- gist whose work on non-ferrous alloys are less widely known than his work on the structure and properties of steel ingots. There are 15 referenoeat 13 of which are Russian and 2 French. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 1/1 G RBACHEV. I kand,t*khn,z&ukp data*; PODBUSHNrY, A.M.# red. 0 vp -V- (Analysing the graphitimation processI.X analinu protemesoa grafitisatsiie vWivootokp 1959o 8 pe (VIadivootok.' Dallnevostocbnyl politekbnichookii instituts Trudyp vol*52, no*7) (KML 3.414) (Btssl~-Mstanography) (Diffusion hardening) GORBACHEV,.,IV, f kan,.'* fBkhn. nauk., dotsent; DEMOT IYEVA, L,la,,, starshir Butectoid interval of now engineering cast irons. Trudy DVPI' 56 no.ItIO7-3.10- 162. (MIRA 17:~) ~RJ ~6035 41 NOURN i '_UR/04I3f66jOOUj02U7UI9910I99F INVENTOR: Adler, Me V&;-gqd-aqhev_#,Lo Me; Lapavok, Vo S.; Lovchevv So- Vo; Sokolov, Go I.; Frenk. Me Ta.; Churikov, Yeo_#_.-- ORG: none TITLE: Ventilating unit for aircraft, Class 62p No* 187540 SOURCE: Izobrateniyaq promyshlennyye obrattay. tovarnyye znakK*,-no.--20,,.j966, 199 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft cabin environsient, aircraft cabin equipsient, centrifug al blower, air conditioning equipsent ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a ventilating unit for aircraft which contains a fan with a drive. To assure the unit's ef f icient operation in " -.ground-based and airborne applications, the fan in mounted on a separate shaft and Is operated by an electric drive through an axial over-riding clutch; a centrifugal .'clutch is used for operation an turbine drive. (WA-981 SUR CODEt 01, 13/- SUBM DAM ALOWmW L UDCt 629.13.01/06 A/) SOURCE CODE: INVENTOR: Baranov, N. V.; Gorbachev, L. M.; Orlov, 1. Ye.; Sokolov, G. I.; Solovl- yeva, G. Be ORG: None TITLE: A turborefrigerator. Class 17, No. 187050 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlenWe cbraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2o, 1966, 44 TOPIC TAGS- refrigeration equipment, turbine, ventilation fan ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a turborefrigerator for pressurized cabins and instrument sections of aircraft. The instailation contains a housing, turbine and blower all mounted on a shaft set in air-cooled ball bearings. The unit is designed for improved cooling and reduced weight. Longitudinal cooled air supply channels are made in the housing at the level of the turbine blade base. These chan- nels communicate with the cavity between the screen and the cover. The shaft bear- ings are mounted on the ends of a thin walled housing with reinforced flanges which have sloping holes for coolant circulation. Card 1/2 UDC. 621-565.94 ACC NR, AP6035839 1---housing; 2-channels; 3-screen; 4--cover; 5-turbine; 6-blofer; T-shan; 8-. ball bearings; 9-tube with reinforced flanges; 10-holes 01/3/0 SUB CODE: ~O - .0 SMM DMt 211d44 Card 2/2 GORBACHEV, LoN, Methods of reducing sugar production coots used-in-the-Livnzy sugar refinery. Sakh.prom. 37 no.2:51(131)-52(132) F 163*.' (MIRA 160) 1. Livenskiy sakharmyy savod. (3~IM--Sugar industry-Costs) DVORKIN, G.A.; GOLUB,, Is,I.;,G(RBACHEV L.P.; KORENEVAj L.G.; MdSHRNKOV, M.I. Dispersion of the optic rotation of demcyribonualoic acid isolated from T-2 baoteriophagea, Dbkl. AN SSSR 151 no.5:12n-1214 Ag 163. (KMA 16:9) .1. Institut biologichaskoy fi4ki AN SSSR. Predstavleno skademikon I.N.Belozerakim. (Bacteriophage) (Nucleic acids) j 31018. CORBACHO La.g*-G. %-.W.Woooww- GORBACHEV.1 IA. P. G(MAMM. M.P.1 MMIAVTSNA, V.S.,-.71=TA, T.A., Remarks on N.I.Truovtoev's book Vachaniral technology of fiber materials". H.P~Gorbaohav, V.S.Kudriavtseva, T.A.Frolova. Taket. prom. 14 no.5:52-$4 My 154. (NLRA 7:6) (Truevtsoy, N.I.) (Textile industry) GORB!,CHEV, Mikhail Sergeyevich GORBACHEV, Mikhail Sergeyevich (Ukranian Sci Res Psychoneurological. Inst),, Academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences,, based on his defense, 16 June 1955, in the council of the KharIkov State I-led Inst, of his dissertation entitled: "Unjuries of the spinal column and the spinal cord caused by explosiobs, in the late stage." For the Academic Degree of Doctor of Sciences. Byulleten' Ministerstva Vyeshego Obrazovaniya SSSR, List No.7, 31 March 1956 Decision of Higher Certification Commission ConcerningAcademic Degreewand Titles. JPRS 512 GCRB.AGHNV', M.S.. doktor med.nauk. BOBDARI. Y.P. ej.o-4`Olrs'e of neocide in treating brain tvmors. Trach.delo no.30235-237 MrI58 11o) 1. Neyrokhirurgichookays, klinika, Ukrainskogo nauchno-issleaovatell skogo polkhonervologicheakogo instituta i Ehartkovskays psi- k,bonevrologicheakays bollnitsa. (ANTIBIOTICS) (BRAMAVAORB) CEISUMAIW,R, Naum Borisovich, prof.; GORBAUXV, Mikhail v . IT-70 0as prof.; SHAMOV prof,,, redeRiceasedIj LITVAKt L.B.j zaa. deyatell nauki prof., red.; PANCHENKO, D.I., red. (Atlas of surgery on the spinal cord) Atlas operatsii na spinnom mozgu. Kiev, Zdorovlia.. 1965. 147 p. (MIRA 18:4) GORB&CHIT, M.T. .Inspection of the orpai2ation of production. Vashinostroltell no.6:46 Je l6o. (KIRA 13:8) `,J GO I!?/ IGH. I.D., rodaktor; P.. Yo.; N.; GUUT tokhalchook [Antiaircraft machine Senitayi pulemet. Kooky&. Isd-TO Boom. f irl , 1950.15 P. (an ?;U) (Antiaircraft gm) (mahine gum) VN C "awn, N.M., inzhener; YXDUWV, A.S.; STOLYAREVSKIY, N.A., inshener; GOLIDIINBLAT, B.I., inshen'er; GURGUIDZI, D.P., inzhener; X0ZWT, A.P.-I tekhnik; GORBACHEV, I.I., takhnik; GRINBERG, B.V., inzhener. Protection of substation pover transformers in industrial plants. Prom.energ. 12 no-10:29-33 0 157. (KIRA 10:10) 1. Kharlkovskoycot4iolentye Gosudaretvennogo Proyektnogo Institute Tyazhpromelektroproyekt (for Feyermark). 2. Sverdlovskiy podship- nikovyy xavod (for Termakov). 3. ProyektVy institut, Odessa (for Golldenblat). 4. Ust'-Xamenogorekly evinteovo-toinkovyy kombinat (for Stolyarevskiy). 5. Tbilieskly pryadillao-trikotexhan kombinet (for Gurgenidze). 6. Kamvollnyy kombinat, Minsk (for Grinberg). (Electric transformers) 1. OORBACHEVO N. V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Electric Lighting, Fluorescent. 7. Fluorescent lights and materials in units of architectural lighting* Isv. AN SSSR, Ser.fiz. 15 N9. 6p 1951o 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified.: GOMCMY. N.V., kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk; TSLR'KOV, V-M., inzhenar. Principles of lighting athletic installations in the lenin Cen- tral Stadium-Svetotekhniki 2 no.6:1-8 N 156. (PUA 9: 12) 1. Tnes0yusnyy systotekhnicheekly Institut. (~tadlume) (Bleetric lighting) GORBAOMIV, N.V., kand..tekhn. nauk; YIMOV, S-Gs, kand, tekhn..nauk. I T~io 1957 A.F.I. -coigresso ByetotekhnikiL 3 no.12;25-27 D 157. (xiu na) 1. Tsomoyusnyy systotakWahookly Institut, (Zrons, Ymnes-Lightlog-Congre @sea) VV, V, SUBJECTs USSR/Luminescence 48-4-47/48 AUTBORe Gorbachev N.V. TITL& Devices for Ultraviolet Irradiation of Luminescent Dyes and Material@ (Pribory dlya ul'trafloletovogo oblucheniya systyashchikhoya krasok i mat*rialov) MIODICALs Isvestlya Akadonil Nauk SSSR, Soriya Fizichookaya, 19579 Vol 21# #49 pp 632-635 (USSR). ABSTRACTs The VNISIg Ill-Union Solontific-Research Lighting-Engiho*ring Institut*9 has developed now types of devices for ultraviolet irradiation with quarts mercury vapor lamps and luminescent tubes of special types. Ono of these devices named PUP-2 applies a quarts mercury lamp of the M-2 type having a power of 375 w. Its weight is 2.5 kg, At a distance of 1 a this device creates illunination~of 100 to 120 p w/sq on. The VNISI has developed two now types for the USSR Academy of Scieno"I Ono 0 f the dook type and the other of the suspended Card 1/2 type. 48-4-47/48 TITLE: Devices for Ultraviclet Irradiation of Luminescent Dyes and Materials (Pribory fily-a ul'trafloletovogo oblucheniya evetyashchikhoya krasok I aaterialov) The desk-type devicog named PUP-5, contains 3 luminescent tubes with L-33 luainophoreq 15 w each. Its weight is 9.5 kg. The intensity of ultraviolet irradiation at a distance of 300 an from this device amounts to 220M w/eq on. The sispended-type device, named PUF_6, has a body with three 15-w luminescent tubes, a black uviol glass and a reflector. A portable device of the PUP-7 type was designed for some in- vestigations on luminescent substances and luminescent analysis under expedition conditions. It uses luminescent tube of a special UFO-4A type, Its weight is 1.9 kg together with a power supplying battery. The intensity of ultraviolet irra- diation at a distance of 30 on amounts to 8)uw/eq cm. hotas and 1 figure. The bibliography The article contains 3 lists 2*Slavic (Russia references. The report was followed .T by a short discussion. INSTITUTIONs All-Union Lighting-Enjineering Institute PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTEDs No date Indicated. AVAILABLIs At the Llbrary.of Congress. Card 2/2 P#A SUBJECTs USSR/LuBineseenco 48-5-50/56 AUTHORSs Agranyan Vol, and Gorbachev N.V. TITLEi Manufacture of Luminescent Multiplication Paints and Their Application for Luminescent Filming (Izgotovloniyo avetyash- chikhoya mulltiplikatsionnykh krasok i primeneniye ikh pri Iyumiftesteentnykh kinos"yeakakh) PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akddesti Nauk SSSR9 Seriya Fizicheskaya, 195T, Vol ' 21p #5* pp 763-770 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Exporlseptal research for the manufacture of luminescent paints was carried out and methods of their application in multipli- cation of movies were developed. The basic raw material for the manufacture of luminescent paints aret zinc-sulfide and cadmium-sulfide luminophorei produced by the "Irasnyy Xhimik" plantf and lu2ogen produced by the KharIkov Plant of Chemical Reagents. As a result of experimentationj 24 paints were produced, They can well be photographed on the 3-layer color cinema-film. Card 1/3 Ton of then are mixtures of luninophores and piguentat and E 4 7 77 L-M 77, 7 7 48~-5-50/56 TITLEt Manufacture of Luminescent Multiplication Paints and Their Application for Luminescent Filming (Izgotovleniye evetyash- loulitiplikatsionnykh krasok i primenlys ikh pri chikhoya , olyusinesteentnykh kinoslyeakakh) were contain saturated colors for filming in mixed light. Ton others were produced without pigments, and were devised for filming under ultraviolet illumination alone, Tb two-year experience of using them has shown that these paints fully met the requirements of multiple filming. They possess a good adhesion to,celluloid sheets# sufficiently elasticq and dry quickly. The composition and color characteristics of these paints are given in Table 1 of the paper. A comparison-.of conventional and luminescent paints used for cinema films led to a conclusion that luminescent paints gave colors of greater purity than the conventional ones. 5cent paints were used in several movies produced The lu'mine . Film) by the-studio "Soyusnulltfilim" (Union Multiplication I during the time from 1954 to 1956. Luminescent paints are of special importance for representing such light effects an polar light, fireworks, rainbows, thunder- st6rms' etc. Card 2/3 FP TrT ore 48-5-50/56 GORBAQ=O-NJ&-, "Trudy" of the AU-UnloA Scientific Research Institute of Cinamtography and.Photographye Zhur9tauch. i prikl. fot. I kin. .3 J&-F 150. (MIRA IU2) (Cinematography) (Notion-picture projection) GaMCHIT, N.V., kand.tokhn.nant; GORIV, Z.N., kmd.tekhn.nauk; YMMLINSKIT, --; r N .N. nSI2.-, YOWD, R.L., Insh.; XUAMOT, T.O., kand.tokbn.nauk; Te.B., kand,tekhn.nauk; 3HKLOVIR,'D.A., kand.takhu.nauk; =at. SAO', kande'tekhnenank Principal works of professor S.O.Naisell in the field of lighting engineering. Svetotekimlim 6 no-7:1-9 J3. 160. (KI" 13:7) 1. Tsesorusnyy evetotokhnicheekly Institut. (Xectric lighting) (Nalsell. Sercei Ontpovich, d. 1955) BEIDVA~ LeTe. kandotekhn.nauk - RACHUV_XJ-., kand.tekhn.nauk; IVANOVAp-N.Sop kandotokhn.naukl XROLI., TS.I., kand.tekbn.nauk; OSTRIDVSKIY MWA.~ kand.tekhh4nauk; SU2MI, Te.B.V kand.tokbn.nauki TURIKOVf V 'm .0 inzh, Proposed new version of "Norw(s on electric lightin Svetotekhnika 7 uo*SsI442Ig 161. 14M .16 Tooooyaznyy mtotekhnicheskiy institut. I . A GORBACHEY-9-N.Y.I-kand.teklin.nauk; GOREV, Z.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; RHAZANOV, V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHEFTELI, Ye.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHKLOVER, D.A., kand.tchhn.nauk; YUWV, S.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; YERMOLINSKIY, NIA., inzh.; FOLIB, q.L.,.inzh. Letter received by the editor of "Svetotekhnika." Svetotekhnika 8 no -1:30 Ja. .162. (PMU 15:1) (Sight) (Electric lighting) AYZENfERG GORBACHEV. N.Y.; GOREV, Z.H.1 DIMHEVp V.I.1 -ICOKSBAROV# VOX.; MARKIWA# G.Bol WSHKOVP V.V,; OSTIROVSKIr. M.A,j RAMR9 Ye.S.; SHEFTELP' Y**Bo; YUROVO S.G. Nikold Nikola evich Irmlinskii; obituar7a Svetotekbnik& 8 no.12S28 D 162. (KCRA ~6d) (Broolinakil,' Nikolai Nikolaevich, 1894-1962) ZED- 777!~- GORBACHEV. 0. K. .Electrode holder simultaneous recording of electrocardiogrmme from three chest leads. Vrach.delo supplement 157:32 (MIRA 11:3) 1. knfedra detzkoy nevrologii (sev.-dots. I.F.Kononenko) ]Dnnrlkovskogo meditsinskogo institutR. (NUCTROCARDIOGRAPHY) GORBACHW, 0. M. Rectrocardlograph o~leotrodes. Trach.delo no.8:861 Ag 159. OGRA 12:12) 1. rafedra detakoy nevrologli (sav. - dotment I.Fe Irononeuko) 2W'--v kovskogo maditsinakogo Institutas (IffJMOCARDIOGRAPff--ZqUMUMT AIM Su IIS) GORBACM~-21--.. Small dimensional reatifier for.electrophoreaise Lab. delo 8 noolOt57-58 162 (KM& 17 t4) 1. Kafedra nervn7kh bolezney zav. prof* G.D. Leshchenko) Khartkovskogo meditsinskogo institutao GORBACHEV, P 1; PILIFTUK, V., red.; KORNIYENKO,, T., red. [Nurek today] nurek segodnia. Dushanbe., lzd-vo "Irfon," .1964. 34 P. (MIRA 180) 1. Sekretarl Nurekskogo gorodskogo komiteta. kommunisticheekoy paftii (for Gorbachev). A 2, Av, gif i A.I. .1.4 'got .0. V ;9 1633JUJI 000 M 0 fill #IM 5g... 41 1 1.- a I I : j;; 2, .3 gig 1311111j.. .1il I 12 nd 0.114~n .I Ar, : p5p, e A 2 To 11 1 4 1E.4 I . bb Hr JiFlit 46W%. 0 a %,s .6 a a i Him.% jig 1H (Spectrochemistry) QWACHNVp Ppke (Tashkent) solar heating-lastallations. Ifls&v shkols 17 no&2tl7-21 Mr-Ap (Kim 10: 3) (Islar heating) GORB&CHEV, P. S. and BABUSIM, V. S. "How We Fulfilled the'Annual Plan for Absolute Increase of Wired Radio Speakers," Vest. Svyazis No.90 20, 1953 Translation Tr" No-533, 6 Apr 56 rA C V_ Q is AUTHOR; Gorbachev P. Head of the Gomel Radio Club. 107-"0/62 TITLE: Competition Chronicle (Khronika moreynovaniya), Gomel'. PERIODICALs Radiog 1957* #,80 P,139 col 3 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Gomel' radio amateurs challenged the Minsk Provincial Radio competition. The Gomel# Radio Club will.display 15 inventions of its ratio amateur desinnera at the 14th All-Union Exhibition. KOSUTOV, P.;. ZlIMKO, G.; BaMLDYN, A,; MALITSIV. B,; KIRPICHNNOT, Po; DONSKOY, Go; XLRTMfft So; NOISNIAV. Po; SAMOTLOY, P.; SHISHMN, I.; NAUGMINOT, A.; PAPMOF. ~Mff.~S-; SUBLITAVSKIT. Go; GCLUMO S. Ik.T. Realsov. hvfe'-tokho obro 15 U'O*4#*3 of co"r Ap (Realsov, Maw Terentlevich, do 1958) (im nt5) OR, -G 3&CHIV S.S., inzb6; U&NIN, TeeXe, insh.; HOROZOV, N.Y., inzh.; U.N., Wh.; SUDYN, I.Ye., insh.; FILIAN, U.N., inzh.; DOTAGNR, V.I., insh.; ROG&CHST. 8.A.. inzh.; TAKUSOV. A.A. Diswuntable plant for =kIng and assembling house made of large aerated concrete blocks, Rats.1 Isobr.predl.v stroie U0.12:11-28 959. (MM 13:5) lo_G]AvW inshener lonstruktorskogo byuro po shelesobetom Glaymosobletro7mteritlov pri Mosoblispolkome (for Yakushev). 2. Zonstruktorskoye byuro po shelesobetozzu Glavmosoblatroy- mater-ialov, Moskva, D'yokov per., d.4 (for all). (Idghtweight concrete) (Concrete blocks) p - ---l---.:- -- ~-.; - , ,, ---, xt- ~ 1 1 SHONIN.~ 1, -4vf,-'heInbin6k); LIKHOVIDGV, I. ~ frezeravehobik' (g.Gzhatsk); EERCHENKOP Yel;, MaStOll GORMCHEV --S.., tekhno:Log; POMKAM, V.; RYUSHIN, A. kmpresso:,-i~ _9 00, -hchik g.mosk7a); SAZANTSff , A.,q jub. re C~iii .gidrotekbni k (g.Xemerovo); MYJROMTSEVA,, L. , inzb. (gjolgograd) Suggested# aohievedo introduted. Izobr.i rate. no.12:22-2j D 161,, (MM 14M) 1. Moskovskiy zavod po iemonta ekskavatorlov (for Bord*d**, Gorbachev);. 2. Zamestitell nachalInjim proixvodstvanDW otdela .kombinata~-Cherepovetxlqs (for Ponomarev). (Technological innovations) ',~ u I - -i2i- -:,,:.I,-_ -,- ~-, I ~ :- - ~~ r r eL~ni~-, 1. :.~~ - - - ~ ~z~~,,.,.--* -!~az E-7ar 7A. 2 . . ql, ~, t; I . - . t - I ~ V! SIMI 4!2 oloplelto I OPO I lot 099 410 006 .60 .100 Oo so. vi'o'm 00 are* bee woo Woo 14"W mat 4mv s0% u a f4 0 go I I w m 0 a a 3 a v LVO! * ; ;,A ~; :40,0000 0 0-00.4 00,9:04-449 Wo 0* 00 6 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 I -- o ; -044-- 0 ~e ~04 *.so f v to it a if to is is it to if a it zi a It n A if is 10 L. II v 11 M tv 10 v to R, r, it I L 4 A I , V_ As to " W if 0 011110110 111111111 96" V. 0,11BACMXV. J. RXJJ. PAYS. Cho". SOr. A 6 . , -ru I , - S& 354-64(19M)).~Nsw lurmallow do& ~MVOW&"6~awe 4 a alm-cift Inter. '*Wjj= WWM otWh WW Water. It in possitile with any advent prowl" the dkkc. -eftist 6 such that dft-mapa. of the starch don not art lit first The ruising at hwer. oft & . . wsw formation br of additi other olute i in of the tem du to th ff f t j s s e e e cc o p. y ff s i the solute upon the odmwpdvv twipwity of tk stamb l(w the solvent. W, H. _*q go -00 .06 '00 go 00 00 ~60 so 'Zo is so '00 _00 so I I I L tl4LLt.PfiKAL LITIVAT4,411 CLAIII?KATICk 00 .00 - 6 b 4 ' 'I 3_ I v .1 0 1 ol , 0 ' : is 00 : A 0000000000000600 --- oooooo~ 04,04eoo*ooooooeo 00 0 8 oil ml, 03 41 A NO .0 1 A . - 00 A ~Pj as 001 01 ,", 5 v J. PAYS. Chow. t, (U. 1931) -C a Ut-1 . am jam und" * b 1 w , V - aF is a mu. and F a 1W MW Ummil ; . If . Rathaman 0 eez Bee es a zoo 06 Q go 00 'a 010 1 r 9 ~0 * 1 u , , ~ Nee 'Joe ,Z" A%..%LA WALLURCKAL LITIRAITURC CLASUPKA110 to" P . 0 0 o0 0 0;00 00 0 0e 0 000 *go 0066 0 00004 00000 4960 0 0000.19 0 00 * o0 0 000 000 009000 00 0 of & 0 0 0 00900 a 0 0 60 :11 *'o0 & I F a K I u - f LLU.All-mll . 4 Mo Ap 'a, 0 a#. wbobtec" of d1forlso dolf"s of activity snoll of W1400 -00 dwif PWOWO- S-V-Qm&*MW-Amfj 1. A. KAsAismA. A Atfli4,4 chow (U 8 "'Go .4 R.) 4. M-20031); d, C, A. Ilk 4M.-Lict. in me "im at th, w4n. the 1,gaj subotantes Wbwe o"tion P"UO4 hAvr 2 MttntW rqUll or wmalh-1 than RfmOVV iOdi& fmm &TxAhcr Imstion with AlCl and the litra6m Ort. the iodWe by diffeftom. 7TALICIOXV.%xv f fee see too &%4.%L& too .!!TA Rick, lWol..4 0.0. -is A 0 1 39 AT 00 At It m g I it a I a n is x Ko is I in 0000 0000 0:0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 * *'I* 00000M j j j j o ail ud)!4p of 10 ions if if 11 &1 11 u aisw L L a Or0 U L_J_ A '0 ~-. 0~ TV c 10 13"War--moll -4 i1w .4 go A4 '4.1 OW0. of "t ift. 1w of ift ~ or oft* of jhW' ar"I 00 we 4" NMI!. W A 0 A 0 All *IM.S&A M9TAlLU*GX*L LITIVIUMI Ct.-%VPKA?ItN we t1phlo" ~tp d". rllfi4d An- I a Ow a ft -5 AV No Otom 00 a nit 0, 11 XKto 01l Ik4 A 0 a : 4 0 0 4 a * 0 0 0 0 a a & 0 0 a C4* 0 0 a 0 6 0 0 a- k-k * 0 go go 0 a- a- *.-a -4 -0600 O's a 0 0 , a 0 4 of** a a. **I W- 606909641999000 0 G 0 a 0 `3 1'' a I 1 0 0 0 if not mu us too Oveo aamm;C0 %-J. 6-0 0 f-A'A-74*0 #j pj POOMMS AND MWOMS I-N, _ -~7 a ad immilip. V. vow (U- S. & it ) 7 3w-9t GOO s Ck-- .11 N ws. 404"s. Im" 00 4 'em"mod bv 0. t4wowbm 4 sild Ww*Wm 0 ohm ip .06 0 00.2 nova. i, .00 w goo =few" goo A. A, see 00 W11110 Cka"WICAM" ~Ae glow Missive 40.849 9464" Oft aliftc, .19411 ~W.; I, a 0 1 ff 0 ') AV. 10 a it (0 IN w 0 410 0 0 ~84 00100000 0 0 00 of of 0 0 a Goo[ to 109 1100 9 " - - - *;G 0 0 o* 0 0 000004100941004110i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -M 1 w-w- SI 9) 11 Y8,11, ad jp .1 1 6 1 A f If Ig U 0 M Is to 0 1 If 1E ffmF 4 . a1, of -0 0 eta 1 , 00 2= 8 . d. chim. IW6..*43 -.3iiii ~Pxb,h M7.34). N4~11--l 4-9 awk systraft rh4ug" fly and fholfft.f. A M i 1 woo at on ~1%mn %K-b F%'-OwktI.Atv.I Z= j even.. 'Ald. sopur pret4we of drorh. anf lu~ .d zoo Partial Pervaure cd vslklr in [be pt phaw is devvinix-d. Mar pple oi KrIvin'4 tri-isskm hir radius sj. var*w 041 43 ; --- and ckarge an drops k improved. The timp see lit cashwemee saw 6 firnhed by a dtfinhe range of c4li-4v Ischin. GrqW M. Evan% goo goo WOO woe 1110W swell 1111,J64 .&0 &-- ma SAIA11644" 611111 aw 0.1 111 lee A, $A I I ad 0 a 9 1 It of 2 a 0 3 0 am a a a a a Ru a I 1 06 9 0 9 so* #e 09 of 0 0 0 o o P 0 f 1 A 0 : 0 0 00 so 00 o 0,00000 0 0 41- 0 0 0 0 946 9 41 S 0 : 0 0 t 004 60 014 The Uftowe at sawd-Im" ft"Dwy on 11 S V 0 fi d k If d A R i J . . - i v an c . . evrinu 9 , . p. Owes: (U. lrr.. -8. a.) 7, 6&l-0 (I 00 9 vaclow mommd-ave ("quesicies on (am streams of varkmo 00 it Va. Rich sit was studied. Abow"he of mand Is ptalwilosall to the square of alit sawl Is Im. Ow v"Irr the d". of the f-V = The a". OW rIf" to great detail. If. Itathmonn fez fie 06,3 1~j few Z NA OSTALLU06KAt. Lit at- Sol-1414 A#,P ,P t OAS, 651411 Ov lit i ' 11 0-j :: G O ,a Of 0,0,00 000000*000*4 - 40-11110 0411 90 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 **L**eGO*4 -00 .00 -00, *09 see see see See NOW we see 31 st 2 a le a a It a ft 4 a F at fi t vimolmdov and RWA. 67,913 SW 30 IVW' wMa. (o Ruw 4UUl (C. A. SO, h, P). 'iQ MM6d of thoctgWrtic rewvwy AO ut I hm, praWcum waton Is mod&d by the un of 4 . tm"lbk owow C *no&, obtalmed by crumdog of mc. i b ba w d w d O C l l rea vat n w P". l vated vo us. 6 e and w l vc.t. see a us 'e* too 0 nee I A : GETALL(MICAL URINT4019 CLA%W4CAflW _ -it QNV US 131131 (W oily M IS AV u 1 0 0 , I " -I-,- a is a I I a 4w a of 11 1 Yl p lp 41 1 2 0 v It KKWA I ou ' 0 1,0 * w 1 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0-0 a 0 0 el 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 00 W 0 so 0 0 0 a 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 000 -- -------- _A J, a, A p"Pund" at tdorallont sissin _S~. Ckvi, v I'll-C III-A4, Mil(MI), Flunmd -vint lis-ni -4 the M of unit A Girst. LIM. !and R. H. ShpitoWskil L i l and Nin". A stalth: vilual. i,, prmhwed wAtb a a 10, 1961-70M),-The potsfut viefcsiuc. 0 l Mn I I * i M 111 * (forprilds cist the russets. Of If0h. The 141tior A11611 I at 411cralhotif hio vvFT Iltiterfrcrt vin ths, t r fly".4 of the &W1,11ty 1% t-sillsocil fly 16 tie), ist equil. refelkMa" torswi ijis. w.l firm tifellunk I'm Ill.- '1164tt'so (of sold. ' 1 of I - %U 1NIAllf-I'S fly Mli itr fly jmjj%vg4 %inkoll)s) stailittwonadda.4 &u 1 1 110), (ut list %I IWAY.) ASI 1,0) call Iw ki-soo'll If* life pro- * "' -A d i ( M 31! whk-b Is pg"ent Instbeoulp-101. - s- 0 t - - ll -Ails- it' it -An he 111-ldfti in the ftFrn4 at 12-13 N the villn. becoolles w4kI state directly into tht reactia's, vewl 'I'lle "lity bin, - atrolf"Assla- 1itts(IsIX)i find If.- ki tt"11 4rirs such as 11 flows sol fit the tra"iml "~l in Ilk- lasitt still flaw to fir Strill W 3 N) 1"11w hisow orsill-liss .4 Mn", li s m 6 s . 1 giallsatitioll, 4.1 %fit, I I kwailiji at an an(wtr ' . . s f u 1*011Y stable W thi, to-. A-,isillstirobin .I wi in flit , s diftVt *114tti (it d h 1 f VIS V. A, I 1!Tttt flat t4 Ls v. At to) s " l . tit W . 119%b4 1jC( J% (1.01 it( If if tv A er 14 M iot f l . % stru P% fir f (h Isclitut. Ilse irk 1-1 Its4-tca-# filittl I X. u ags fe fri I p ls. allit. 14 1:1 C. arlien asAnis, (4 nw msiji. 4A,,Iwiv. is i6tio-tril volm, At a 9,7 f air usett, 12) ShIrr list 4 %1n is l Its, Illowit wobijily aploovdis. Afirt 11 fraiiiiis hill, a jIA 0 Ills. soshl. is pals, pink *list Colliallol 0.1 g.11. "1 161111 1 1. . Y flow Althlisilto ast,,Ill frk~frfhlif if, flor l Ilse I"41tvR* 1. 4141.1.1viwd tit vinlsi.t III the IfOotwilid. wills A t*1111' I Jfflb~Al, fifil,pal,l. .1 411 A) rhe &4+11 K411 of M N) hi I 0 i I it"O 0 )LIM011) M + 411 . , s I . (it c t is thr watking SK110 ) cilculattrio coulin uO h h u, . , . . . tuo stsulg the reacijoss vt*wi y t loolir. plosev in the ik.1n. -flit the Nln(011). -trri~r. 'rur fabled try any is, posts.,istat (w.vis fit I"dic"S if flit-its pt-lso, w A .4,1, .0 S411111 J.,ight felre jj. it 6uw- Tt--. , 1 Ag L &I'lissiIALLUE"Ilt III 1"'t;.s. I b visit, so ";air*.- NO "is 1'. ow Ov Aw -frii. -I 71 - ;r It " s go 111 1 ,a M its so p Is it a as it a It It to It It 4111, 0066 0 0 00 06 00 .111141111~ 00 00 7v Is 34.0 so v KEW 100ifflirelm the go" of W 'Ilk.' & V. AiL ~'(Wrisdelrov, Chem.-Teth. toot.. Miple.,wi. Avi-of. too. xhim. Mym of Client. kinctim cannot be applifil dittvily to all ptift"W's mciusilig dUliftS rk-.1101jitkil. AS k Jkk*o hy the IMP. de1vtodetwe of lbtw pfmftm. The MO One 6 the 0OWN. 14.0"t6ft moth %*ber vAtw, of the ro"the acl~ bm "Wily F tilt which a FmMtilA i,itirfirM hy Integroing P"'sequAlkin Sitalight linm ill (Ittir 1. 1 '1'1.fiz1SIAIllqlIV Olifliftwil tow fill, Aull littif. tilt inttal4th"I Vostq.." Ce - C - anollic (-*% I'l) mitti1j."i 4 Imittene it, A- Aq lttsln~ (Y - i ( -01,41110/2"sir %4'V1? (11 "heft ('.I'l 11W 1"1161 mica.. 1 21:17111. I-111twid" 111 .1 It VACI Astil it 1 .11 NA011 .-In ' the ellftelit, a OWCHIll"I VdIC114-W. 0 11OW11111C.Allbeffi-140147f. (/-, - - 70111) A Ildid 1-04r 1.. 114, '111h.14 trA11,14-Ri 1.1 , If lbr didu4isto cl suls~ 11 IN.We.. iq 11W IttI6111FAIRKA &W 141 IlletAMOV 1 xvu,, -litutillit the VAIIIC 0( C Into Nrinsi's eq"Iko" 1*4king into AcclKlut thr furmAlion 44 the Twor tAgwor, one 11-CUMIA01. [IV UWAIM1609 CASAIUVW6101101 V flit YluituM p-to.;t diffelvill rVIAtilin twtwmt his I And I f r; tilt mt4jight S. .410.1 x A. a (111w4iiin of I fur valitmas C. (1) alut (21 air hur i* lollfilill"O. $Hit a rnivr lorwntisix a all&%. 41 F m ?.~ velirs"i its &it Ars-littly9#41 hivAl. m4si- fillroolloring litto WHO 1 - 1.- 10,413 1-1041l9.1 fly 11COMIYOMIt it 0 1 Al J~~ the Iftilapilollost 1"Arnlidl AR - Kew - K,,t , Will Its.: It Ak, - o it-., 1, it mm. AIM it KLIA v. %r a T I - Vmirc.% '011 - (f)(affilp/RF)IJI - al)%"S .11). . , clifte hich h fit tnt Ill, log 1 1. 34 114W 11. 1 Setterd"t Our fullvi"I (if 1 3) AtKI 1141111119 P-1 - All, me Neils: its i - is - ARr 4), rn"y f~w-vilIX14 now ,, .11 Na.\Oir "it, brVits"t it and RAP afv" a l4valght Mir In a plot (1 1 1,71. Or effective activath.1 Valfrify )wing Nt., .A oh i"ti ssi fu is bi h u i h T l r c i c pr.sqm s in o r vin, I ca . rhnls kinetil-I 11trilict 4 IrLstio"I 41101ar fit (4) hut with GORBACHEV, S. V. PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 740 1 BOOK Call No.: AF51006 Authors: _IZGARYSHEV, N. A., _GQ&PCHEV S. V. Full -Title: COURSE OF THEORETICAL ELECTMMMISTRY Tranaliterated,Title: Kurs teoreticheskoy elektrokhimii PUBLISHINGDATA .Originating Agdnqy:, Nofir6 Publishing-Housi-e: State Scientific and TechnicIal Publishing House of Chemical titerature ("Goskhimizdat") Date: 1951 No. pp.:,_503 No. of copies: 15,000 Editorial Staff: Thanks are expre ssed to V. V. Mikhaylov for advice used in the final editing.of the text., PURPOSE: This monograph is intended as a textbook for students of chemical technology. It ,may 46o'be helpful for engineers and technicians in the field of electrochemistry and electrochemical processes. TEXT DATA Coverage: The fundamentals of theoretical electrochemistry are discussed here; Mendeleyey's hydrate theory of solutions, the flow of the current through electrolyte,solutiohs, the theory of strong electrolytes and its adaptationy the phenomena of hydration and.solvation of lonB, the theory of the origin of electromotive forces, the theories of electrocapillary effects, and the NOTE: See card for IZGARYSHEV, N. A. for page of the abstract /chemistry - chlorine 7.2ffect of Temperature on the Rate of the Process Qf Electrolytic Evolution of Chlorine," S.' V. Gor-, b4chev, N. P. Zhuk, Cheu-Technol lust imeni Men- deleyev, Moscow .nZhur Piz Kbie Vol XXV, No 7, pp 841-853 Obtained data from investigation of anodic evolu- tion of C12 at Pt-Rh electrode f or wide range of electrolyte conens and cd which cannot be fully reconciled with any existing theory. Established .linear dependence between log of cd and reciprocil.' of temp over wide polarization range. Caled activa-, tion energy of process under different conditions,;: 206M6 USSR/Chemistry Chlorine (Contd) Jia 51 making possible detn of nature of polarization (chem or concn). Discusses effect of polarization' on activation energy. Proposes anodic reaction mechanism to correspond with obtained data. It26 I .:M6