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S/013 62/000/006/015/117' B166XBioi Production of areenio-77.... As77 produced in characterized by a spectrum, a curve of radiation absorption in Ll, and a decay curve 5betracterle notes Complete trans- lation-i Card 2/2 s/186/61/003/005/013/022 E071/E183 AUTHORS,, Levin, V.I., Golutvina,_g.14., and Tikhomirovag Ye*A* TITLEt The preparation of arsenic-74 from neutron- irradiated selenium PERIODICAL2 Radiokhimiya, v.3, no.51 1961, 597-6oo TEXT8 In order to find a simple and cheap method of production of arsenic 74 (used in medicine and other fields) the authors investigated the possibilit of using for this purpose the threshold reaction S074(n,PW74 carried out in a nuclear reactor. one selenium specimen was irradiated in a usual channel placed in the moderator for 65 days in a stream of 4 x 103 neutrons/cm2.sec, and the second for 470 hours inside the fuel element in a stream of 7 x 1o13 neutrons/cm2,see. in order to decrease the formation of se75 the second specimen was surrounded by a cadmium filter. The irradiated selenium (in the form of fine powder) was dissolved in concentrated HN03, stable arsenic added and the salts transformed into a solution in hydrochloric acid from which selenium was pre4:;ipitated with sulphurous acid. Card 1/ 3 The preparation of arsenio-74 s/186/61/003/005/013/022 E071/EI83 After the separation of selenium, MgNH4AsO4 was precipitated and redissolved in hydrochloric acid. Selenium - carrier was added and precipitated with sulphurous acid. The above operation was repeated 2 - 3 times. Finally arsenic was obtained as Mg;,)As207 (yield about 60%), its activity was measured and its radiation investigated. An investigation of the y spectrum indicated the presence of an admixture with an energy of about 0.14 MeV and half life time of 90-100 days. This was found to be due to an admixture of tellurium 123, The data obtained indicated that on irradiation of selenium in a stream of neutrons (7 x 103 neutrons/cmZ.sec) arsenic 74 can be obtained with an activity of up to 200 microcurie per g of selenium. on t irradiation of selenium for 470 hours in a neutron stream of about 7 x 1o13 neutrons/cM2.sec the actual yield was determined as about 0.12 mcurie per g of selenium. The radioattive purity of the product depends on the purity of selenium irradiated and the a-tcuracy of purification from selenium-73. The other arseni,:~ isotopes which tan be simultaneously produced are As76 Card 2/ 3 -----Card--3/3 tA-Tv I ry q) M PME I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6333 Bochkarev, V. V., ad. Tekhnika izmereniye radloaktivnykh preparatov; abornik statey (Tech- niques for the Measurement of Radioactive PreparatiMe; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Gonatomizdat, 1962. 4600 copies printed. Eds.: A. M. Smirnova and M. A. Smirnov; Tech.,' Ed.% S. M. Popova. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for specialists in nuclear instru- mentation. COVERAGE: The book is a collection of articles on recent developments In 1)'measurement of the activity and 2) analysis or the composi- tion-of emissions of radioactive preparations. The methodology and apparatus used In these atudles*are described In detail. References are given at the and of each article. TAW OF CONTENTS:- Card I/V Techniques for the Measurement (Cont.) SOV/6333 Pigoreva, N. 39, Ye. G. Solodovnikova, andV. V. Fokin. Prepara- tion of Samples for Ne4surement of the Activity of,Certain Com-' pounds Labeled With Clt4l and H3 Isotopes 67 Golutvina M, M., and M. A LtVova. Preparation of Specimens S M--= 0 rement of the Activity From P-Emission 72 Levochkin.- F. K. Measurement of th~ Activity of Thick P- Sources 83 Kononenko, A. N., V. A. Petrov, and V. Ye. Yakhontova. Dose .Distribution Along the Axis of a P-Emitting Plane Disk 100 Bazhenov, V~ A., V. V. Bochkorevj and T. N. Sokolova. Measure- ment of the;Activity of Gaseous PreparationB by Means of a GaB-Filled Counter 115 Turkin, A. D. Radiometry of P-Emitting Gases by Means of End-. Window Counters 124 Card 3/5 GOLUTVINA, M.14.; KAZAKOVA, T.A.; VIKOLAYEW, Yu.M.; HARKELOVA, N.V. New rapid method for determining the content of Sr9O in the bones. Med.rad. no,1:62-67 162. (MMA 15:1) (BONES) (STPRITrum-ISOTOPES) S/847/62/000/000/002/003 B144/B166 AUTHORS: Kazin, A. G., Levin, V. I., Gol i---l -U1 vlll"-~ go TITLE: Production of radiochemically pure yttrium without a carrier PERIODICAL: Metody polucheniya radioaktivnykh preparatov; sbornik statey, (11,ethods of producing*radioactive preparations; collection of articles). Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1962. 170 P. illus., biblio 118 - 123 90 90 TEXT: Organic solvents were used to extract Y from Sr . Out of '10 organic solvents, tributyl phosphate (I) was ihe only one which gave satisfactory distribution coefficients when extractions were made from HC1 and HNOi solutions as well as from strontium nitrate and strontium chloride so utions; using 11 - 12 N IMO 31 14 was obtained for Y, and ,0.003 for Sr; using 11 - 12 N 11C1, a coefficient of 6.5 was found for Y and 0.01 for Sr. After this type of extraction the Sr90 impurity still amounts to 0.3~6. Since for medical purposes the Sr90 impurity must not exceed 10-4%, the preparation must be purified by washing it twice with 12 N HNO3 , %hereby the Sr go impurity is reduced to 3-10-6%, but the yield Card 1/2 S/847/62/000/000/002/003 Production of radiochemically pure ... B144/B186 in Ygo is decreased from 93 to 801/"."). A continuous extraction method Involving 3 mixer-settlers proved to be more suitable. Y was extracted in the first vessel and the extract was washed in the following two. Y is transformed into the aqueous phase in a reextractor. The vesBe;g 1-3 were each filled with 250 ml 12 1 HN03, and in addition 2 ml of a Sr solution with 39 mcu were addel to the content of the first vessel. After mixingt 500 Ml of I were introduced into vessel 1 at a rate of 4-5 ml/min; compound I was given a preliminary washing with a 2% soda solution, H20, and then saturated with 12 111 HN03' As soon as I, after having passed vessel 1-3, had reached vessel 4, the extract was treated with 3 portions 0 of 200 ml H20 at 50-60 C successively, and the reextract was washed with CC14 to remove the residues of I. The Y90 content in the three portions was 89.5, 74, and 0.50/tu, respectively; the total yield was_'97~j. The paper-chromatographic investigation gave a Y purity of 99.9990//o. There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 37-,v -'I (.A4 A. SOV/6333* PHASE I BOOK. EXPLOITATION ,Bochkarev, V. V., ed.- Tekhnika izmereniye radioaktivnykh preparatov; abornik statay (Tech- rAquei for the Measurement of Radioactive Preparatic7na; Collection of Articles) Moscow, fteatomlzdat, 1962. 46o0 copies printed. Eds.: A. M. Smirnova and M.A. SmIrnov; Tecii.' Ed.- S. M. Popova. PURPOSE: This book Is Intended for specialists in nuclear Instru- mentation~ COVERAGE: The book is a*collectio~ of ar',~oles on recent developments in 1)'measurement or the activity and 2) oT the compo3i- tion.of emissions of radioactive pre0arations. The methodology and Apparatus usid In theme studies*are described in detail. References are given at the and 01 each articled TAWS OF CONTMMs Card Techniques for the Kedsurement (Coat.) SOV/6-zzz Pigoreva., N. 3.p' Ye. q. Solodovnikovaj, and V. V. Yokin. Prepara- tion of Samples for Negaurement of the Activity of Certain Com- pounda Labeled With C14 and H5 Isotopea 67 1 Gollutvina,, M ._N,, and M. A.' L'4ova. Preparation of Specimens N-r-Fleazure at of the Aotivity From ft-Emission 72 Levochkin. F. K. Keanurement of th6 Aetivity of Thick Bources 83 Kononenkop A. M.p V.'A. Petrov, and V. Ye. Yakhontova. Dose Cion Al Distribut ong the Axis of a A-Mitting Plane Disk 100 Bazhenov, V t A.s V. V. Boahkfrev., and T. N. Sokolova. Measure- ment of thewActivity of aasedus Preparations by Means of a Gas-Filled Counter 115 Turkin, A. D. Radiometry of 0-ImItting Gasee by Means of End- Window Counters 124 Card 3/5 GOLUTTINA, M.M.; KAZAKOVA, T.A.; NIKOLAYVI, Yu.M. (Morilva) Rapid method of detemining the strontium-90 content in milk. Vopopite 22 noolt66-69 -Ta-F'63 (MIRA 16--11) L 319846 f-ACCESSION A'- 2 P5009204 S/0 1~i 65/010/003) 0078/0080,-..- JAUTHOR: Gplutyin I.; 1111,olayev, Yu, N,; A* ,azakova, Kuznetsova G y TITLE! Method of determining 00ilium 137 In bone tissue SOURCE: Meditsinskaja radiologi-ya, v. 100 no, 3, 1965o 78-80 TOPIC TAGS: man* bones Cesium 137, radioactive isotope, chemical method ABSTRACT: An improved, leas time consuming, and simpler method of determining cesium 137 in bone tissues in the form of a ihey.achlortellurite precipitate is described, After removal of marrow and muscles# the bone (300-500 9) is placed into a quartz cup band heated in a dryor until all the fat has malted. The fat Is oul-ed off and the bone is placed into an ovon and caleftited at 00-4500. To speed up the, process during calcination the bone is & ,treated several t:Lmes with concentrated HNO Then the bone ash (60-80 g) Is ground,, placed in a heat resis~Lt tumbler, and a oesium carrier Is addod (100-150 mg), After dilution with concentra-I Card 1/2 Quo--- -Card -ACC-Iql rj-AT6031237. Souncr' CODE: uRlooFol-d~1466f6bd'1666-i-lo'ofd---'~ AUTHOR- Golutvina, M., M.; Yartsev, Ye. 1, ; KazakovpL ORG: none 'All TITLE: On the content of!C Isium-137 in IT e bone tissue of man SOURCE: USSR. Cosudarstvennyy komitet po tspollzovaniyu atomnoy ehergii. Doklady, 1965. K voprosu o soderzhanii tseziya-137 v kostnoy tkani cheloveka, 1-10 TOPIC TAGS: cesium, cesium 137, strontium, tissue cesium 137 content, cesium 137 determination ABSTRACT: A reliable and time-saving method developed by the authors for determining the amount of cesium-137 in the bone tissue of deceased persons is described. This method was used to determine the amount of cesium-137 in the hip bone tissue*of 99 residents of Moscow who died in 1961'* 1963, and 1964. The amount of cesium-137 in adults who had died in 1963 was 0. 12 pcurie/g ash; in children the amount was 2-4 times greater. The ratio of strontium-90 to cesium 137 in the bones of adults for this period was (3-4):1; in stillborn children and in 2 7 43. !A!,IZAT,51YZ RAEOT Pl?l Rll,,,O,,ITL.- UD: RIPAIR OF RASsc 7E1, BY 7D. P. P. SoNoLov. .1 17'~ ILLU,~ DIACi, .1 5. AT lla (),F I;ITI,,.. 10 'C" : ", -"L- -..-Y 1 pul. . zI KFILWITIT, L.P., .kandidat takhnichemkikh mauk; GOLMIM, T.K., inshener.' %ftwmww~ Bffect of tba typo of railroad car on lateral rail wear, Test' TONII KM 16 uoe4t4649 Je- 157,, ()C= 100) . (Railroads-Rails) GOWTVIM, T.K., inxh, Tread wear of car wheels. Vest.TSNII M 19 no.4-.37-41 160. O(IU 13: 7) (Car wheels) GOLUTVINA, T.K., in2h. Effect of specific presoure and lubrication on the ve.dr of rail and 001 flange materials in the course of the contact. Vent. TSHII MPS 20 no.3s40-42 f61. (KEU 14: 5) (Railroads-Rallo) (Railroads-Car wheels) GOLUTVINA,-T.K., inzh.---- lasting of car wheele with varioushapes of tires. Vest.TSNII MPS 21 no.20-6 162. (KMA 15sl+) (Car wheels--Testing) ,GOLUTVINA Ye.V. Surgical treatAent of congenital clubfoot by Zatsepin's method. Zdra*.Bel. 8 no.5:38-41 Yq 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Institut travmatologii i ortopedii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya BSSR (dir. - prof. R.M.Minina), 3-ya klinicheskaya bollnitsa g. Minska (glavnyy vrach A.I.Korkhov). (FWT-ABNORMITIES AND DEFORMITIES) I oil GOLUTVIKA, Ye.V. Emergence of malignant tumors on the place of gunshot wounds. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no.12:35-36 D 162. (KTRA 16s1) 1. Iz Minskor nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta travmatologii j ortopedii tdir, - prof. R.M.Minina) i 3-y klinicheskoy bollnitsy Minska (glavnyy vrach A'I.Korlftv). (GUNSHOT W6UNW) (CARCINOGENESIS) Mathematics IECEASM see 11C GOLUZIII, N.I.,6jtarshiy, propodavatel* Efficiency of coal dust control by spraying with water and wetting substance solutions in Ghelyabinsk Basin mines. Izv.vys. ucbeb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.9:83-88 '58- (KIRA 12:6) 1. Sverdlovski7 gorrqy institut. (Chelyabinsk Basin--Hine dusts) (Wetting agents) GOLUZIN, H.I., # tarshiV prepodavatel' - Iffect of ventilating current velocity on the dust-concentration of air in Chelyabinsk Coal Basin longwalls. Izv.vys.ucheb:zav.; gor.shur. no.10:64-67 '58. (MIRA 12-8) 1. Sverdlovskly gornyy institut. (Mine ventilation) (Chelyabinsk Basin-Aine dusts) GOLMIN. 11 1. starshiy prepodavatelf- Y&RTSEV, V.A., dotsent Using weight indices to est4mate the dispersion of mine dust from Chelyabinsk brown coal. Izv. vya. ucheb. zave; gore zhura no 3:61,..67 162. (MIRA 15. :7) 1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni Vakhrusheva. RekomendoTona kafedroy rudnichnoy ventilyatsii i takhniki bezopasnosti Sverdlovokogo gornogo instituta. (Chelyabinsk Basin-Mine dusts) GOLUZIN, N.I., istarsUy prepodavatell Change in the,concentration. of dust particles in relation to the speed of an air Jet along a longwall. I%v. vys. uch. zav.; gor. zhur. 5 no.6t43-47 162. (MIRA 1519) 1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V.Vakhrusheva. Rekomendovana kafedrojr rudnichnoy ventilyatsii i tekhniki bezopasnoati. (Chelyabinsk Basin-Mine dusts) GOWZIN, S. 1. Induction omorgency switch for conveyor acraparee Sbor. nauch.rab, stud. LGI no.2-.154-159 157. (WRA 13: 4) 1. Laningradakiy ordenov Lanina i Trudovogo Krasnogo Znaneni gorrqy Inatitut Im. G.V.Plelthanova. Prodstavlano dotsentom N.T..KaralinVlme kGonvayinp, machinery-illectric driving) inzh. Designing automatic crusbing and grading plants. Mekh, strai. 17 no,8:14-20 Ag 160. (MIRA 1318) (Automation) (Sand and gravel plants) GUZYUKIN, P.G., inzh.;..q_OLUZIX, S _ L. 1._, nzh. _L Electric drive for jav crushmv4 Sbore trud. VNIINerua no.2:124-149 162o - (MIM .1613) 1, Gosudarstvannyy inotitut po proyaktirovaniyu predpriyatiy po dobyehe i pererabotke norudnykh iskopayemykh. (Crushing maehiner~--Zlectric driving) CHISTOVICH, L.A.; KOZH-M41KOV, V.A.; ALYAKUNSHY, V.V.; BONLPF0, L.V.; GOLUDIA, A.G.; KLAAS, Yu.A.; MINN, Yu.I.; LISMOI D.M.J-P LtTMUNSMA, V.V.; FEDOROVA, N.A.; SHUPLYAKOV; V.S.; SHUPLYAKOVA, IR.M. [Speech: Articulation and perception] Artikuliatsiia i vospriiatie. Yoskvat Naukap 1965. 240 P. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziolegii ir-, I.P.Pavlo-va. GMUZINA, Ye.G. Typically real functions with a fixed second coefficient. Vest. WU 17 no,7362-70 162, OWA 150) (Amotions) GOLUZINA, Ye.G, Rnnge of values of certain systems of ftinctionals in the class of typically real functions. Vest. ILU 20 no.7t45-62 65. (MIRA 18:5) jS ZA21RSKIYO GCLIT=p ~oB., arkhitaktor. Itchibition of models of Rtandard economical apartents In Ieningrad. Blul tekh. inform. 4 no.2127-29 7 158. (MIRA 11:3) (Interior decoration) GOLIVIRK A A ,kana.tekhn.nauk; VAGM , I.V. Instrument for testing fuel feed equipment. Art.i trakt.prox. no.8:20-23 Ag 157. (MIRA 1o:12) 1. Ukrainekly nauchno-inaledavatellakiy inatitut makhanizataii i alektrifikataii sel'skogo khozynystva. (Automobiles--Fuel systems--Testing) (Ilectronic instruments) GOLOYERK, A.A.. kand. takhn. nauk; VAGIM, I.V., inzh. Selecting the beet setting for a fuel pump cam. Trakt, t sel'Whosmash no. 7s24-27 JI 158, (HIRA 11:7) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inetitut ackhanizataii, I elektrifikuteii sel'skogo khosysystva. (Fuel pumps) ViGM- I.V.1-QQLIVNIJ~ tekhn.nauk _A.A.. kand. Investigating inIection characteristics of the 4TN--8, 5xlO fuel PumP. Avt.prom. no.9:27-29 S !60. (MIRA 1) .19) 1. UkrainaLdy nauchno-isaledovatellski7 institut mekhanizataii i elektrifikataii E9119kogo khoz7a7stva. (Motor vehicleo--ftel systems) GOLIVERK A.A. [Hollverk, A.A.1p ka-nd.tekbn.nauk; VAMER, I-V-, inabe Devices for determining engine loads. Mekh.sill.hosp. 13 no,12%27-28 V 162. (MIRA 1612) (Tractors-Engines-Testing) GOLITrMtAfAtjj kand.tekhn.nauk; VAGNER., I.V. , inzh. Propagation speed of fuel pressure waves in pipelines, Trakt. j sellkhozmash. 32 no.6tlO-12 Je 162, OrWU 3.5%6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut. mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Diesel engines) ~LLI'ERKI A.A.; VARIER, I.V.; NAGOWNY, A.G., red. [Testing the fuel system of diesel engines] MetodiIka is- pytanii toplivnoi apparatury dizelai. Kiev, Izd-vo I'Urozhai," 1964. 148 p. (MMA 17:8) fA n w-rirk riar Cif 44~ - --ZL~ ._ i , - . - . I I ~ill-l - , 1~1- GOLIVM, P.G.; BARSHTAX, Ye.H. Rodlese welding of vinyl plastics. Rhim.prom. no.8:483-484 D '55. (ML 9:5) (Plastics--Welding) '-,GOLVIN, P.V. --I- OrystalUzation - lo,Inatitut*organicheakoy khimil AN USSR. (sugar) of. ougair,, Mcr. khim. 2hur. 27 no.2:263-268 161. (MIFA 14:3) GAGARINA, A.A., kand,tekhn.nauk., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; GOLVKO M.D.p 'U' kand.tekhn.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; VIUOV,, G5.,. ~re izd-va; SHERSTNEVA., N.V., [Using the electric analogy method to study the stress state of large wall slabs] looledovanie napriazhenwgo sostoianII41,4 krupnox:e~zmernykh stenovykh panelei metodom elektricheskikh analogii. Moskva, Cos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit... arkhit.i stroit.materialam,, 19619 76 po (Akademiia stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut straitellnoi fiziki i ograzhdaiushchikh konstrukti3ii. Nauchnoe soobshchenie, no.3)0 (MMA 1514) 1. Laboratoriya sten i peregorodok Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta stroitellnoy fiziki i ograzhdayushchikh konstruktaiy Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SWR (for Gagarina). 2. Laboratoriya gidravlicheakikh i elektricheakikh analogiy Voesoyuznogo nauchno-iosledovateliskogo instituta transportnogo stroitellstva (for Golovko). (Walls) (Electromechanical analogies) (Strains and stresses) P EXCERPTA ViDICA Seo 2 Vol, 1315 FhYA~)'047 YaY 6? E SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS FOR TECHNIQUES OF CON N 2459. SOM I DITIO ING (Russian text) f- G o I y M. and H o r v a t M. Dept. of Physiol. of Higher Nerv. ActIvIt-y-,-rn-s1-.T(n"0ccup. Hyg. and Prof. Dis.. Pragae FIZIOL. ZH. IM. SECH, 1959, 45/7 (888) Ilium. I dr KOIMNIKOV; S,Aev profo; TSUKMW, G.L,; LEONTIIWA# H.Ses kand. med.nauk; MHYTINA, R.A., kand. med..nauk; PETROSYAN# YU.S., kand,,med.nauk; ~ MYALMo ASTWHANTSEVAO G.I. Characteristics of the operative and immediate postoperative period in mitral commissurotomy in patients with severe pul- monary hypertension* Sovet. med. 27 no.Atll+-20 Je'63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. 1z Listituta eardechno-soaudistoy khirurgii (direktor - f S.A. Kolenlkov IC evro ,, nauchnyy rukovodl*toll - akademl' A.N.Bakul AMN SSSR. GOLYADKIN, A. I.: Master Agric Sci (diss) -- "The precision of taxation in- terpretation of pine plantations in the Kazakh hill region from contact and enlarged prints of small-scale panchromatic aerial photographs". Alma-Ata, 1958. 21 pp (Min Agric USSR, Kazakh State Agric Inst), 150 copies (KL, No 6, 1959, 138) VASIL'YEVA, L.A., inzh. (Voronezh); GOLYAX, D#Rvj Inzh. (Voronezh) ------------- Calculating car circulation in railroad yards..Zhol. dor. transp. 41 no.4.-68-69 Ap 159. (KIRA 12:6) (Railroads-yards) LY : G C ;~',J* G. AN INVESTIGATTON OFT HE ENERGY SPECTR!"14 OF PilPTEL-IS GENIMTED IN HIGH-RIERGY 0CLEAR INTERACTIOINS A. Kh. Vinitskiy, I. G. Golyak, Zn. S. TUkibayev, I. Ya. Chasnikov A study was made of the energy spectrum of particles generated in high- energy nuclear interactions /0/~t ev) in photogr-pahic emulsions. The energy of the charged shower particles was determined by measuring multiple Coulomb scattering. This method of determining the energy is a complex experimental problem, the difficulty being to distinguish spurioi~s scattering from Coulomb scattering. This method of determining the energy is a complex e)q)erimental problem, the difficulty being to distinguish spurious scattering from Coulomb scattering. We utilized the pro- cedure of evaluating and excluding spurious scattering by means of multiple cells and the higher differences of coordinates. The correctness of this procedure was verified on the tracks of protons of energy closa to 9 Bev in nuclear emulsions irradiated on the proton synchrotron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. Besides use was made for the very same purpose of certain published data on measurements of multiple scatteriqr of particles accelerated by the bevatron. Report presented at the International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow, 6-11 July 1959- -31/058/6 Y/000/'b XF/10 10/100 AO01/A1O1 AUTHORS: Vinitskiy, A.M., Golyak, I.G.JTakibayev, M.S., Chasnikov, I.Ya. TITLEt Investigation of energy.speatrum of particles produced in high- energy nuclear interactions PERIODICAL, Referativnyy 7,hurnal.Fizika,;no.10, 1961, 95, abstract 1OB491 ("Tr. Mezhdunar. konferentsil po kosmich lucham, 1959, v. f, Moscow, AN SSSR, 196o, 61 - 7o) TEXTs The authors investigated *showers in which the energy of produced particles was determined by measuring multiple Coulomb-soattering or, in rare cases, by measuring relative scattering of closely flowing particles. In the case of two showers (2 + 16 p and 2 + 14 n), the spectra of4uanta, betig gel decay products of 21 0-mosons, were obtained; the energies -quanta we:re t4,c~t,ermined on the basis of onalysid of electron-positron pairs produced by them. The experimental data 'obtaineo in t~hia way are compared with spectra of ?i.-quanta following from various versions'of'the theory of multiple meson production, L. Dorman [Abstracter's notet Complete translation] Card 1/1 39310 S/707/62/005/000/013/014 D290/D308 XUTI t AOIRS -Golyak, I.G. and Rus1kin, V.I. TITLE: The effect of a nucleonic isobar with isospin T on the results of the statistical theory of: multiple production of particles SOURCE Alkademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR.-Institut yadernoy fiziki. Trudy, v. S. iUma-Ata, 1962. Fizillut chastits vysokilth energiy. Struktura yadra, 155-163 T::XT: The authors summarize the evidence for the existence of a nucleonic isobar with isospin T . 1 and ordihary spin S . 2 2 2 (isobar 7 3)); the maxima that are found at about 700 lle*., in the 2 total cross-section for a--p scattering and in the total*cross-sec- tion for photoformation of mesons in protons indicate that a resonant interaction exists between a mesonand a nucleonic isobar (1 3 The authors also applied Fermi's statistical theory to Oe-p colli- Card l/3 The effect of a nucleonic isobar ... S/707/62/005/000/013/014 D290/D308 sions at 1.0, 1.4 and 4~5 Bev allowing for nucleonic isobars (3, 3) 7 '2 and (IA), and a Jt-mesonic isobar (1,I) or (0,0); the results d`Ld 2 2 not differ apirecj.ably from those obtained without allowing for the (119 3), (1,1) or (0 0) isobars. This is explained by the fact that t 7 2 the (3 3) isobar piedominates between I -5 Bev; them Fie effect of .C.fz (1 L C.L.1-ect of the will predominate at higher energies because of its larger mass. Me characteristics of the resonant interaction of two ,Z-mesons are also unchanged; thus the theory still explains the mm-.ima in the distribution of nucleon momenta and in the angular distribution of Jr-mesons for the reactions Jr- + 1) --+ p + 'r- + jrO and 'jr- + p --). n + -'r+ + jc- at I Bev. The divergences from experi- ment for these processes may be caused by neglecting the correlation that exists between the two v-mesons. However, the large overesti- mates of the statistical weights of processes involving the Jr-meson- ic isobar (1,I) are caused by the degeneracy of the ordinary spin and the neglect of the law of conservation of angular momentum. The iTide limits of error of experiments on :X--p collisions at 1.4 and Card 2/3 The effect of a nucleonic isobar ... 4.5 Bev prevent any conclusion being drawn (0,Q) isobar sincT the results obtained are very similar in this energy range. tables. S/707 ,/62/005/000/013/014 D290/D308 about the effect of the for (0,0) and (l,l) isobars There are 3 figures and 4 Card 3/3 VINITSKIY, A.M.; GOLYAK, I.G.; PAVLOVA, N.P.; RUSIKIN, V.I.; TAKIB&YEV, M.S. Inelastic t-N-interactions at 7.5 Bev. Trudy Inst. iad. fiz. AN Kazakh. SSR 61144-159 163# (MIRA 16:10) $1056163 44/002/006/065 B102/BlUO ATY211ORS: Vinitakiy, A. Kh., Golyak, 1. 0., Hualkin, V. I., Takibayev, Zh. S. TITLE: Interaction between 7-5-Bev n- mesons and nucleons, and their analysis on the basis of pole graphs PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekeperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 44, no. 2f 1963# 424-430 TEXT: Emulsion plates were exposed to the pion beam from the proton-syn- chrotron of the OIYaI, and from the 2100 nN events recorded 200 elastic interactions were selected and analyzed. Among these there were 46, 56, 45, 29, 11, 10 and 1 events of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8-pron-ed stars, respectively. A total of 323 particles were identified, 25) pions, 19 K-mesone and 45 protons. The pion and proton angular and momentum distributions were determined for the o.m.s. The pion angular distribu- tion is asymmetric with a forward peak and the asymmetry decreases with increasing multiplicity. The proton angular distribution has a backward peak, but the asymmetry is independent of the multiplicity. The proton Card 1/2 S/05 63/044/002/006/065 interaction between 7.5-Bev ... B1 02Y31 136 momentum diatribution has two maxima at 0-4-0.6 Bev/c/an'd at 1-4-1 .6 Bev/c. The piona have flat maxima at 0.2-0-4 and 0.6-0 .a Bev c. The experimental results are analyzed from the standpoint of peripheral interaction applying the Feynman graphs for one-, two- and three-pion aysto.;,ts. The peculiarities observed can be explained by the fact that at least 30 of the stars have only few prongs. The anGular correlation botween two pions in the case of low multiplicity are also discussed. 'Ohere are 6 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION:Institut yadernoy -fiziki Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences Kazakhakaya SSR) SUBMITTED: July 28, 1962 Card 2/2 3/020/63/148/004/011/025 B141/B102 AUTHORS: Vinitskiy, A. Kh., Golyak, I. G., Pualkin, V. I., Takibayev, Zh. S.,"-Academician AS KazSSR TITLE: Investif;ation into particle production in inelastic pion-nucleon interactions PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 146, no. 4, 1963, 796-798 TEXT: The production of pione, strange particles, and new rapidly decayinp systems is studied in inelastic interactions between 7-5-Bev pions and the nucleons of a nAclear emulsion. Out of 2100 interactions recorded, 200 were classified as inelastic pion-nucleon interactions; and among the 323-particles identified there were 259 pions, 19 K-mesons, and 45 protons. The angular distributions of the secondary protons and pions was studied, as well as their momentum distributions, which have 2 maxima. The protons of the (np) collisions have less energy than those of the nn) collisions. The c.m.s. K-meson energy fluctuates between 500 and 700 Mev. In 3 cases 2 K mesons were produced simultaneously in inelastic (nN) interactions. Their mass wafj approximately I Bev Card 1/3 S/020/63/148/004/011/025 Investigation into particle ... B141/BI02 (lab-system). A resonance of the KK.system is inferred from this fact. The theoreticnl consideration ia bard on the 5 Feynman graphs of the figure. a r 8 'r , X. Ir N Ir 2 Graphs a and are considered on 2 assumptions, (1) a M(W )=const. (2) aTE TE is obtained from the Breit-Wigner resonance formula for T 1 1. The graphs 9 Z, a describe (nN) interactions with exchange of quasipart icles The graphs 4,1, and a supply the main contribution in the high-energy - peak in the proton momentum distribution at 1.4-1.6 Bevj this maximum can be explained, the other one, at 0.4-0.6 Bev cannot be explained by a-I,. There are two further possible explanations: (1) that the maximum is due Card 2/3 S/02 63~148/064/011/02~ Investigation into particle ... B141VO to hofilpolar ~roc.e rv so tha.tIare'connected with a high momentum , *transfer to protons; (2 it could be explained by a certain ty-pe of polE graph. There are 4 firures and.1 table. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut yadernoy fiziki Akademii nauk KazSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences KazSSR) SUMUTTED: July 1j, 1962 Card 3/3 in, t-n -L.7-- I -T CI te n T PPS R Ar-4049260 )-3 r i 7 f-,- Lif-- ACC NRg AP7008.887 SOURCE CODE,: UR/0367A6/004/004/0872/0874 1 t AUTHOR: Golyak, I. G.; Rus1kin, V. I.--Ruskin, V. 1. 'ORG: Nuclear Phy3ica Institute, Kazakh'Academy of-Sciences (Institut yadernoy fiziki AN KatSSH) TITIE: Are inelastic pion-nucleon interactions at 7.5 gev significantly non-peripheral 50*JRCE: Yadernaya kizika, v..4, no. 4, 1966, 872-874 TOPIC TAGS: inelastic interaction, nucleon interaction, pion ,SUB CODE: 20 ABSTRACT: It is shown that taking into account the polarization of nucleon isobars ,produced in a number of pole processes makes it possible to describe the experi- .mentally-observed proton momentum spectrum in the c. m. s. [center-of-mass system]. .Orig. art. ha.s: 3 figures, 1 formula and 1 table. [Based'on authors' Eng. abst.) 1JPRS: 39,6581 UDC: none Card 1/1 A 9 ATZE11MG, D.Ye. [Aizeirvere, D.B.1; BARANOVA, N.M.; VM'ICH, M.F.; GCLYAK, L.M. [Holla, L.M.1; GCRAK, S.V. (Horak. S.V.j: DIDKOMIT, V. . LDidk-ovalkyi, V.IA.1; ZMIIIMAYA, V.0. Dalinalka, V.0.1; ZER = SKIT, B.F. (Zernetslkyi, B.F.1; KAPTARMO-C OVA, O.K.; KRATEVA. Te.Ta. (Kraievs. IB.IA.1; KRASMINNIKOVA, O.V.; KUTSIU, A.M.; TAWHIK, T.Tu.; HAKARWOs D.Ye.; MGLYAVKO, G.I. [Moliefto, H.I.1; HULIKA, A.M.; PAWMUL%s S.I.; MHYAKOV, V.V.; ROMODAKOVA, A.P.; ROTHAW, R.N.; SLAVIN, V.I.; SCKOLOVSKIY, I.L.; SOROCHAN, O.A.; SYABRYAY, V.T.; TKACHESKO, T.O.; SMIGA, P.L. [Shulsho, P.L.], doktor geol.-mineral.nouk; YAMNICHENXO, I.M. ElAmaychanko.-I.M.1; BONDARCHUX. V.G. [Bondarchuk,-V.H;1, akads- mik, otv.rea., [Atlas of paleogeographical mope of the Ukrainian and Moldavian S.S.R. with lithofacien elements. Scale 1:2,500,000] Atlas paleo- geografichn.vkh kart Ukrains1koi i Moldavelkoi RM z elementamy litofateii. Masshtab 1:2,500,000. Sklely D.IE. Aizenverg i dr. Za zahallnym kerivnytrtvom V.N.Bondarchuka. Kyiv, 1960. xvi p., 78 col.maps. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR, Kiyev. Institut geologicheakikh neuk. 2. Institut geologichaskikh nauk AN USSR (for all, except Bondarchuk, Pasternak, Slavin). 3. Inatytut geologii korysnykh kopalyn AN URSR (for PDaternak). 4. Hoskovskiy gosudarBtvennyy universitet im. Lomonosova (for Slavin). (Ukraine--Paloogeograph.v--Maps) (Moldavia--Paleogeography--Maps) YAMNIGHIRKO, I.M. EIAmmychenlco, I*M.]; PXRMTAZ:OV, V.V.; GOLTAK, L.M. -... CHDli&]C, L.M.] Main features of the geotectoftic pattern of the area within the Ukrainian and Moldavian S.S.R. daring the upper Jurassic. Dop.AN UM no,1:72-76 160. (HIRL 13:6) 1. Institut geologicheakikh mau AN USSR.Predetavleno akademikom AN USSR T.G.Bondarchukom [T.H.Bondarchukom]. (Ukraine Geology, Stratigraphic) (Moldavia-Geolog7, Stratigraphic) YAMNICHENKOI I.M. [lAmnychenkol I.M.1; PERWAKOV, V.V.; GOLYAKI L..M,.I. [Holiak, ~-M.] Special features in the development of basic structural elements in the Ukrainian and Moldavian S.S,R* at the end of the Triassic and during the lower and middle Jurassic. Geol. zhur. 20 no.2: 53-57 1600 (MIRA, 14:5) (Ukraine--#Geology., Structural~ (Moldavia-Goologyp Structural) KAPTARENKO-CHERNOUSOVA, 011ga Kanstantinovna, doktor geol.-miner. nauk, prof.; GOLYAK. Markovna, inzh.; ZERNETSKIY' 5 a Oro . geol.-miner. nauk; KRAYEVA, Yelizaveta Yakovlevna, kand. geol.-miner. nauk; LIPNIK, Yelens. SemenovnA, mlad. nauchn. sotr.; DIDKOVSM, V.Ya., st. nauahn. sotr., otv. red.; MELINIK, A.F., red.; MATVEIYCHUK, A.A.p tekhn. red. (Atlas of typical Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Paleogene foraminifers in the platform part of the Ukraine) Atlas .kharaktornykh foraminifer iury, mela i paleogena Platfor- mennoi chasti Ukrainy. Kiev, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1963. 200 p. (Seriia stratigrafii i paleontologii, no.45) (MIRA 16:8) (Ukraine--Fomminifera, Fosdl) KAPTAREhKO-CHERNOUSOVA, 011ga Konstantinoyna, prof., doktor geol.-min.nauk; G-.OLI5AK IL!y!udmi%I=aMarkovna, inzh.; ZERNETSKIT, Boris Fedorovich? d.geo .- er.na4T,-7MYEVA, Telizaveta Takovlevna, kand. geol.-miner.nauk; LIPHIK, Telena Semenovna, mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; DIDKOVSKIT, V.Ya starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, MELINIK,-A.F., red.; IIATMGHUK, A.A.,, [ktlaa of characteristic foraminifers of the Jurassic,, Cretaceous, and Paleogene in the platform part of the Ukraine] Atlas kharakternykh foraminifer.lury, mela i paleogena platformennoi chasti Ukrainy. Kiev. Izd-vo Akad. nauk URSR, 1963. 200 p. (Akademiia nauk URSR. Instytut geologichnykh nau)