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Ookv-j") ) Q. Q ' TUATOT, A.M., prafassor; QWW1N* G.Tes dotsent ~ Achisvenonts in the field of blood transfusion in the U.S.S.R. and the role of Soviet surgeons in its development during the past 40 years. Vast.khir. ?9 no.?:3-17 J1 '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AKU SSSR (for Piletoy) (SIAM TRANSrUSION, to Russia (RUB)) Q GOLOUN O.Y. I I influence of hemoplastic rods on the regenerative process in experimental bone defects [with a,,,---ry in ADglioh p.1591. Test. khir. 79 no.10i86-97 0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Is khimrgicbeskay kliniki (sav. - prof. A-N-Filatov) leningrad- skogo ordona Trudovogo Kresnogo Znmmeni nauchno-iseledovotpliskogo Instituts perelivaniya krovi I kafedry patologichaskoy anotomii [say. - prof. P.T.Sipovskiy) Leningradskogo Institute usovershen- stvaventya vrmohey in. B.H.Kirova. Adres avtors: leningrsd, 2-ya Sovetskaya al., d.,16, Institut perelivaniya krovi. (12AC7URNS. exper. hemoplastic rods insertion into bone cavity on ostoosynthesis (Rua)) (MOTH3RAPr hsmoplastic rods insertion into bone cavity, eff. on osteosynthesis in exper. fract. (Rua)) StImLiating effect of fibrin powder on the healing of experimental bone defewts [with summary In Inglish]. Nkeper.khir. 3 no.2:49-54 mr-4 'M (XIRA 11:4) 1. In khOurgichaskay kliniki (sav.-prof. A.N.Pilatov) Leningradekogo orde" Tr*do"go Krasnogo Zuameni liauehno-iaaledovatellskogo institute parelivania,w krovi I kafedry natologicheekoy mantomii (sav.-prof. P.V. 81povskir) J."incradakago institut* usovershenstvovantya vrachey Imens SAO-Firova. Orb=, eff. fibrin-powder on bone tissue rega4ftP exner. bone die. (Ruel (BOIM DISRAMBS. emper. off. of fibrin uowder on bone tissue ragen. in bone die. (Rus) OOLOVIN, O.T., starahly manahn" motrudulk crunicai use or boos houNWafte preserved by cold. A".Yopoperel. travi ma.6i8-n 158, (KMA 13 t 1) 1. Vainwgicheskays klialks, Lenibgradskago instituta perelivaniya krowl (may. Idinikoy - ablea-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. A.N. rilmacm). (BOIM CRA"INO) GOWVXK,. (F.7 namhu" motrudulk Vlothod of intramedullary ostoos"thesis of the tibia with preserved tubular boas homografts. Akt.vop.paral.krovi no.6:11-13 158. (MI&A 13:l) 1. ghtriwgichenWaga kILluik& (say. - chlert.-korrespondent AM SSSR, prof. A41W. 71latov) LeulWadskogo Institute. perelivauiya krovi. (" ML" ING) GOLOVrIr, O.T., starshiy uaiwhV7 sotradulk i i , ~' ii ~1;1 ~11 wil.-I. i, "I'lJ1316 iothnio'of gl~due the foreleg bones of animals with gosteoplast.9 AIrt.vcT,ps,rsI,IcrovI no.6r13-14 158. (KM 13t1) 1. I~Irurglcbeskoqx klinilm (savo - chlon-kDrrespondent ANN SSSR prof. Aoll. 111atov) Leuingradalrogo Instituta parelivaulya krorl. (Bon QUMNO GOLOVIT, (;*V., (teningrad) ---.. Tivetsomth Plenum of the learned council% of institutes of trnumptolog7 nvi'l orthapedia (in conjuwtion with the All-Union Society of Orthopedists nad Trmumntologists) devoted to the 40th AnIliveranry of the Grent Nstober Soolpilint Revolution. Vent.khir. So no.6:140-146 Je '58 (KIRA 11:7) (CRTHOPJMIA--CONGR3SSRS) OOLOVIN, GoV.. kand.mod.nauk (Leningrad) ,qjj,1jjW , I Virst A33-thion Conference on Tissue Incompatibility and Organ emd. Tinsus Transplantations Vent0hir. 81 no.8t138-144 Ac 158 (MMMOTATIOP OF MGANS, TISSUS, ITO) (MIRA 1119) Cte rewults of bfte union with onteaplqst in experiments [with ~=mary in Mingli*]o Ustabir. 81 no.los67-7i 0 158 (KIRA 11:11) Is Is kh1rurgichookay kl1n1ki (sav6 - nrof, A.Z. vilatov) Lonlapaidakop ordona Trudovogo trasnoeo Znameni nauchno-tooledevatellsko- go instituta perelivoniya krovi. Adres avtorat Leningrad, 2-y& Bovvtskmya -al., do 16, lustitut perelivaniya krovie (BOO AND 301W, surg. off. of osteopUst glue on bone tnion in rabbits (Rua)) (YUMUM P exper. off. of osteoplnst glue on bone union in rabbits (Rus)) (Leningrad) (IOUN is, 0. IV 0,000,0110 ]PIrut All-Rusulan Conferenas of Workers in th,,~ -blood Service. TostodAr, 81 no.10146451 0 158 (miRA nin) (BLOOD-00143CTICK AND PRISMATION) GOUNIN, Q.T. ftljmlmtlzg offset of sterilisedL blood oar= (marce 7) on the re eneration of experimental bone defects:tvith aw-mary In 7inglish, p.121. ftoblogenat. I perelArovi 4 no.1 3,47 Ja-7 '59- ,(KIRA 12-.2) 1. Is 3&irurgichealwy kliniki (saw. - chlon-korrespaudent ANN SWM prof , A-No ftUtov) Loningrodskago ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znmeni smuchw-issledovat ell skogo Instituta. perallyanlys, krovi I kafed37 V*tologichoekoy anatoall (save - prof. P.V- Sipovskly) LeniwadskD- gp Institute us*v*r*hsn*tvovan1$& vrachey intaul S.M. Kirovas (BONN A= SOOS. rbvsiol. a". of Filatovlo serum on regen. (Run)) CTISS= MURAPT, Filatcle 90K as blogenic stinulator, aff. on bone ragen. (Bus)) IN. Gp,"V,%..)mnd.mea.n&vk (Leningrad) *Use of different mterials In plastic surgery for bons defects in the light of the phasic development of bone tissue regenera- tiom and timmus, in generalb by I.L.Zaichanko. Reviewed by Q.T.001cmin. Ortop., trave. I protes. 20 no.5*.69-71 My '59. (MM& 12: 9) (OWSCMICS) (ZLICHEM, I.L.) OMM, Q-T., )u%td.x*d.n%tk (Leningrad) YVat AXI-aussUm Congress of Surgeons. Vest.khir. 82 no.4:140-147 AP 159. Off RA 12:6) (amam-cawaRssus) OOLOVIN, G.V., kond. mod. munk k4 *Acnit epwulent surgical diseases" by B.M. Xhromov. Reviewed 'by d.Y. Gol*yin. Vest. khir. 82 no.6t146-147 Jo 159. (HIM 12:8) (INUOTION) (SM3Ar, ASMPTIC AND ANTISEPTIC) (MLWWV, B.M. ) MLOVIII. 0-T., kWA.Mmd.nauk . .....- 1100 of owteopUst for the Cluing of bones in a clinic, Vast. Ithir. 83 no.7:45-53 JI 159. (MIRA6 12:11) 1. Is kbirwgicheskoy klinW (sav. - prof.A.N.Yilatoy) Lenin- gra4vkogo oirdess Trudavago Zrasnogo Znamni nauchno-issledova- tellskap Instituta perelivantya. krovi. Adres avtors: Leningrad, 2-ya Scmetskuys ul., 16, Institut perelivanlya krovi. (BOIMS--SEMG]IRT) (RISORCINOL) OOLOVIN, G.T., IMma.mod.nauk (Lsolngrad) wFondbook of orthopedleel [in Oarman]. Tol.200oneral orthopedicau by Robmans, Bwkslabroah, Lindemna. Reviewed by G.T. Golovin. Vest.Wr. 83 no.XO;130-151 0 059. (MMA 13t2) (OIRTWPZDIA) (HOMUM) (HACKIMROCH) (LINDMOM) OOIOMg GoT., knmd#m*dltviv~klkh nauk (74olograd) SISTIsw Of T4, Chart*"Idl Is Ihmoral fractures and their treatment. 9 vost-Ahiv, 83 U0,12 1 159" (KML 1314) (MM-4MAD"n). (Canavall, V.A.) GMT=, G.T*" kaNW.Ned.nauk (Leningrad) *&Mto "JO&J diseases of the obdoodual earityu by N.I. OurevIch. P"lswod by O.T. Golowit. UstAbir. 83 no.12%105-108 D 059. (KnU 130) (AZXMW--,WWJMY) (UUUTICH, I-I.) YnATOV,, Antmi% NUmI47evichl Prof., s"l. deyatelt nauki RSFSR; BERINGER# 70-V-1 G0WMv G&V-j MZDVMZYo P.M.; MIEWL40Vt S.S., red.; SUV- [TramupUttation wA repUcement of tissues and organs] Peresadlld i ammabobanila tkamoi i orgamm. Leningrad, Goo. imd-vo nod. lit-ry Hodgim, terdW. W-ulsp 1960. 323 p. (MIU 3.07) L Chlom-karrsm uUnt Akadsmii meditsinaldkh nauk SM (for Filatov) rzSnANTATION OF ORGANS, TISSUES9 ETC.) ,GOWV~U --OMOV, luAN.; KONMKIT, A.G.; YAXOVLEV, A.S. OA4 1 On the 60th ibirWay of Mikbail Konstantinovich Rodionov. Vent. lrhi . 84 no. 4:157 Ap 160. . (KUU 14:1) 01~DIOWVI MIUAIT NONSTANTINOVICH, 3,900-) GOIAMN, G.N., dotasat alimloal v&Uw of an aoo=tio method in the diagnoxis of intarposi- tjoin of tba'soft tissues in fractures. Vest.ld%ir. 89 no.8:77-79 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. is wrogicheakoy kllniki (sav. - prof. A.N.Filatoy) IS t-'2 I ~--- a*0" OT4~eft Tndk"Wo Krasmago Uameall nauchno-isoledova a agago lastituto, Psralivanlya krovi. (PACTUM) (AUSMATION) --4 GOLOVIN, G.r.; DEPP, M.Ye. Antonin Vikolmvich F:LUtov; on his 60th birthday. Vest.khir. 89 no.19040-Ul S 162. (KMA 15s.12) (MATO.Vt ANTONIN NIMOIAEVICH, 1902-) SCLOVIN, 4614, doktok- med.taxtk (Im2ingrad) .... ...... Bo* 6 no.2s62-64 Mr--A 163 Gi 16s10) .. rAD14VIN I . _P~Yro- doh:tc,r me 6. rtsuk (to ning-md, !:~-24, Z--.7a ~,cve tskw, ,, d. It,, kv.12) -. ROMANOTA, A.K., Hamoval anit pretsesirvation of endocrine gla.,dt;. Vel ,. lkl,ir. 92 ri,).lltl28- 135 N 163. (M] RA 17122) 2. l(Mr-urg.'Lehaskay (ZtAr. - prof. A.N.ff '(,iJ:,,7re-J,;kogo t~rdfina rrud,o7ago Krasnogo 'Innm-orti. instituta krayt. GOIDVINI ... NY,, d7J-:-:,o- mee. neak Review of the book "Marrml on surgital interwmlion for surgeons In rural .",ocal and district hospitals." Vest, Kh-'r. 91 no.12)z 304-106 1) 163. (KRA 17-91/ GOLOVTY. G.V.,, prof. (Leningrad)j DUTKEVICH, I.G., kand.msid.nauk (Leningrad) Pievifov of So Gelbko's book "Reatorative and plastic surger7.0 Vast. Iddr, 92 zio,3:148-152 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:12) GOILOVIN, G.,V., prof. (Leningrad) ... . ....... fluirl-ows. Vapt. kbir, 92 11 18:5) GOLOV.1114, Gecjrp~.v KLL!:.AIOV, Yu.Ya., red. , -.I .1 . . .... 1-1-1-1 ". ...... .. 11, (PVot-loill of chomical ostaomyritboilnl I vol-Ilema ,Al e 1- vamllla ~;ostol. Leningrad, 1~'(;dltsina, 113 p. .(:,d11,A 17:90 MSMM, Petr PjOqbiwyich, st. nauchn. sotr., kand. med. nauk; ODLOVINO O.V., red. [SlepWitlaeio of the extremities and genitals] Slonovost' koneckmaniel i. poloVkh organov. Moskva, Madtisina, 1964. 109 p. (MIRA 17:5) ViDSKry~ A. prar.11; VZKSLER, G.Ya., dotment Ax0v ~i;p:rac ,v4vIuzhOnW dayatelf nauki (Lenin- -,G V, prof. 6~d. 4i*d. ad "Mwbm (MIRA 1817) 0 44 MULAMMO, I., upoawlrayushoMy; DOWFIN, L. Inshener-tekhnolog. 2 ~ u'~' We b*wo motored bigh-Sra" wheat milling at & mill of the state faris Mur milling sym%u. Muk.-slovoprom. 20 no*6,.27-29 Je 154. (XLRA 7:8) 1. Restavskir ObImIltrest. (Wheat milling) 2. 4. Coal-Mntn.- Mcb1hory 7. New developments In our work. &st. u&l. 1. no. 9, 1952. 9. monthly List A ItussAnn Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. OOU)VIN,l . --mm"WWAMM"Ol Achievemento of I.Mmakin, an outstanding driver. Ayt. tran6p. 33 w.4;39 Ap 155. (H12A 8:7) (Umbla, Ivan Petrovich) 0 M VIN. I., whofwr. I forms for'Ore service need to be reviewed. Ayt.tranap.34 no.11:26 1 156. 0MU 9:12) (Automobiles-Tiroa) e"0 L 0 111,~t 1, - GOLMN, to, shofer. Xxiwrienae in orgenisivic long-distance transport. Avt. transp. 35 no.22-te ID OR. (KnA liti) 1. 2-ya &vtd*bs,v& Upravlenlya artatmnsporta Dalletroya. (Magadan Province-Transportation. Automotive) DOLCIVIII, '114 pl~ 1~01 , In Awdam Prnvincoo Avt.transp. 3? no.W46 Ap '59. (AIRL 12t6) (*4tadau Province--Traffic aafety) ;l z Uop; 'OTU Z! ;; i ; 111.111VANI t. A61.1 1 011. -too 00 AT g: 4: cA- no of 00 a" asoft in abliave e t0s iok #6v owd I" ar wtinn havv lwen %In =n 00 iftwit. I ,~~ v hl "bal "Camov Jim" dw vallm of nd R*o k I "llmown up to UO". ci afaxit 70' tpe "Odw- ii 1., w . I'm this purg~ illim meW b mb)Wed to a prr- .7 ks"d rwhed th a r itu . re* t br pf"al best-trwtumt. p :I , k aw ma *t=Z - M camings (3-20 mm., M. G. iA." s't. It Woo As 4 go 00 0 0 JUl ilip 0 0 oil gl.~: e: : : : GOLOVIN, 1. L. "Dettp and lFigured Etching of Alumin= Alloyr," Ught A.Uoys. to. 1: Mysical WUMurap Beat Treatment, Casting, and Forming; :Prtwipa Pleparta of We Courereme, Moscow, Ird-vo AN SM, 1956, 497 P. - 1~," j,- " i I ,- - - 0 ; -1 , -.- I ~ ,;I p - T. ~'r" I- , "1 11 1 , I .: / r.> Subject : USSR/Aeronautics - instrument lending AID P - 5492 Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 9/26 Authors Sav*henko, H. A., Lt. Col., mil. pilot class I and Dolovin, 1. M., Major, mil. pilot class I. Title i On the alternate airdrome Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 3, 46-49, Mr 1957 Abstract This is the third in the series of three articles which this Issue under the title "On the Landing Course , The author discusses the problem how the air- planes should be ordered and guided to the alternate airdromes when the landing due to the bad weather con- ditions is impossible on the home airdrome. The article merits attention. Institution None Submitted No date J 0 of 0: L 6w ball" *Wkw all o ima" VMS W~-. -41%k'&Wt at ***Vy b thm drvdoprd and Old WNS Wqd- OM. TOW WWI~- 4 4WA Im bm" mw*i. ot 'Sk.1 km fthl vft*i o"ml of of afw Ise 000 -00 lot -00 see W 10 0 4D a a 0 s 60 III, w Nod the nivitar ik r f(were lts4 if ki hm";"ft r-maptepept r e r w . ( a" 1. f,w oil partu." " , ,1 m,i s ; 1 mKil" ite T 0 7 0=40=t poriki" it *6 .3 00 oil IVALI ptij;.4 %oro.vlat CkalIM.L.14. t z 4!4IV,TAwk, left. 0 a to it 00 0 FW to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 **so 004 A A qi. A 0 0 * 0 ~o 0* * *0 0 *'o * * 0 0 e 9 0 0 9 a 0 COO cc:: coo --o0 Woo I A i *0 MW Offiam audW laft two 0whi A64W. 3mWW4v:wvAfft-w*Wvwm amod vii~ for tm Now" boutrus Ism- -9; al. C.A. 33. 0o WISIAM &84 &arisma 064 1* 0. A Curie anal P. Savich. 00 j Ilmd. &Wt; d. C. A. 33, 2m. pbydw bamla far The 10 Of 111017 MIWW WAW bftkM beabardwest. aft. JkJ. 30-4.'S.~!slfi . :.WsIJIMM A Niels Buhr. 11411. bw 0, ..10 "I"' "u' X00 age goo 800 goo see is** '00 PAO 0 we* 1?9 As a Is Is W000000000 0 9~914 0 0 .1 t-1 A 01 VMMOM mw dMiuss. I-N tkmruls. dw law- 1= $I m--*Am 04) tbi More". p-"njcjn. mW Cb-- Sol- J d. im, moo goo a*0 P WOO 00- 00 "00 40* N*o Moo as* woo siwmi sit'44*04 ------ woo it It A a & A L seado If* Woods$ 3 1 Weil low, 00090000 IM I r0 : : : : : : to 000 90 0 # v 0 i jo aI. w is a is if m 0 a a a a 0 *go 5 1* 1 00 . , . 0. a x a s T , - . 0-0 -4k 14, 6 0. Ae L7 ". re o #I: SWOO tr*dm is. Nu, zoo goo we 0 i;Ao t A a al e 0 a is 0 0 0 o L k A 0- L 10 0 0 4 -11. 1 !, I -Y T 19 f-A. -a. .13 1 A ' - fill 4 .-A vo 0 of *0 $$Oak wade", IN d JP. ow dw t6m. $Mo. awiw lov" 44d -he suottum of th( I?Nthnmr#a go* 000 zee r** see too f 1400 goo Joe $141"4j*4KOt j4t4j"16of C AlOCAVAN laroo I got AV wi-al;r I w 000 1 11 * 0 o 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 40 OL.00 OS114", 0* 00.44,00'n 0,00, 0 sloo 60 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Olt 0 v "Of VOSS PliYSICS CARD 1 2 ?A - 1754 TB R 3 ATO , IVANOV,D.P., KIRILLOV,V.D., 3 AICIPM0 t A. L. , Got ;4.11xv 27TLM -Inv-004ation of 4&s Discharge with High Amperag* in 'yield. mna as* f .5, 26-V (1956) Lodi 195T rho p1resent WO~-do*qii*pes the investigations of a gas discharge in deuterium Pressure* lof'~Trom~~0'65 to j,4 mA torr. The stages of the discharge from the jgro*tkk Of tbollgplold, tlro~L soro!~o t1ko, mi*inus axe investigated. Amperag i%tteiliked 70V~$Joamo~t,*I* and Vie-fteld stroagth of the longitudinal fi:ld was Oroto&1!112~eet lab* Were ~&Vriod, Ott at a field strength of the longi- Aud~Aal field~:*Ihioi CoMpOZO'cle to-thato of the discharge current. The momen- ;Iumidevice unt"4,is e~ tainiod wo the basis of a drawing. It consists of a glass ,:Or ~axfor tul~o,jwf &' O"th of from 65 to 70 an and with a diameter of from 18 :to '70 ox wilt~.1~lane 601por oloctroAss, these tubes are mounted inside a coil of 1*r ~ilot-iith 01 W 23-000 microfarads on the occasion Of its diso'hogo by ~,Oq of a soooiaal tisclarger produces damped electric os- cil4tions vi-thk a Okusnoy a 73 0. jugoa a-ud Aiscusslioft' of, regSIts' The longitudinal magnetic field delays the conotession Of the #*bharge alolvISIM under the inf luence of the eigenfield of the ourrent. Br*Okdovu of: the disobarge column begins later than at Ho a 0. (HO - longitudinal field before the discharge). At R 04 2000 Oreted radial BUSJXCT Tim /,vairsus CARD 1 / 2 P-L - 1977 AlUTRU IIEZZATCUKO,A.L., !~CLOVINJ.N.# IVANOV,D.P., KIRXLLOV,V.D. 'i , On the rmfluence Exercised by a Longitudinal Magnetic Field on a Pulse-LIke, Gas Discharge with High Amperage. PRRIODXCAL 1)*kl.Ak1Ld.Nauk 111,faso.2, 319-321 (1956) / , - Issued: 1 957 The authors istTeetigmted the influence exercised by a longitudinal magnetic field on the stabillty of * plasma column obtained by the pulse-like passage of a ourrent through deuterium. Gas pressure on the oooasion of these experiments amounted to ftou 0,05 to 0,4 mm torr. Amperage attained 700-000 amp6res and the field streingth of the longitudinal magnetic field was 12.000 Orsted. A farfor or clean tube with a radius of 10 cm and an electrode distance of 70 0m served an discharge chamber. The scheme of the experimental system is shown in form of a diagram. On the occavion of theme tests the strength of the discharge current, the voltage between the electrodes, the radLus of the discharge column, and the average field strength of the longitudinal magnetic field in the plasma were de- termined simultaneou.41y. An enclosure ahome recording of the discharge column during the first 10 micro- seconds. In the case 6f the presence of a longitudinal magnetic field the column contract* durIng the first 5 to 6 microseconds but remains homogeneous with respect to length. With an increase of field strength up to 6000 %rsted compression slows down noticeably and a further increase of field strength is DokLAkad.lauk III, faso.2, 319-321 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 19T7 only little noticeable. At field strengths of 700 and 2000 Orsted radial oscil- lations of the discharge column are notlo#d. The time of existence of a sharply outlined column is much longer in the case of the existence of a longitudinal magnstic field thAn if such a field is lacking. In the case of weak longitudi- nal fields the discharge column curves in the 8. microsecond, on which occasion it remains sharpl3- outlined. Rowever, if a longitudinal field is lacking, the discharge column loses, its sharp outline already in the fifth microsecond. The duration of ths existence of a sharply outlined column increases under the effect of a longitudinal field to a greater extent than the compression ve- loolty (liminiebes. Next, the conditions for the development of the elementary theory for the com- pression of the discharge column under the effect of the own magnetic field in the case of the existence of a longitudinal m W etio field are given. At a field strength of 2000 Orsted the computed curves agree satisfactorily with ex- pearimental data, but at 6000 and 12000 Orsted the computed contraction is seve- ral times lower than the observed one. Therefore the strong longitudinal field is not frozen in and a considerable part of its flux emerges from the column during the contraction. The authors obtained a solution of the equation of motion which agTeem well with measuring results. In the case of very weak magnetic fields the flux of the longitudinal field within the column increases. INSTITUTION: BEMATOMMKO, A. L., GCEAWIN, 1. N., KOZLOV, P. I., S-rRZIXOV, V. S. A+VIZNMaY, 11. A. I ...... .... - . "The Electrodeless; Discharge with High Current in a Toroidal Chamber vith a Longi- tuainal Magnetic Fleld." (Work carried out in 1956-57); PP. 116-133. "The F*sIcs of Ples-ma; Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions. " Vol. IV. 1958, prablisbed by Inst. Atomic Energy, Acad. Sci. USM. resp. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial vork V. 1. Kogan. Available in Library. Ail OL VH lip A pix oil HiM 11, 22292 S/053/61/073/004/005/007 B125/B201 Ar S I tem4nkov, L. I., Bogdanov, G. F., Pano o"D. A-., Pietunovich, V. I., Semshko, N. N. TITLE: lorki,vith the thermonuclear installation 110gra" PI~RIODICIAL:!~ Uspekh'i ~izioheskikh nauk, v- 73, no. 4, 1961, 685-700 TEXT: Thi P#ftcip~j-'dala Goteening the installation 110gra" -were already published 0'1958 by I. V. Xwohatov, 110 hekolorykh rabotakh Instituts. atp=oy oneigii ANA= po, upravlyayemym termoyadernym reaktaiyamt' (Atomnaya energiykL 5 5 (1958)). Both this paper and I. N. Golovin' 13 lecture in London (1;59") are presupposed to be knosn. Pinch current strength'an4 conditions required. for a dense plasma to accumulate in the 110grall. In."Pluo operation, the density of plasma is made equal or 7 la;rger than!~.he cli~plly of hydrogen. -The accumulation of hot plasma in tho 110gra" to abo-*. all 4 p4qdeht upon the following four arose sections: (a!) the distociation, Oros: a.e6l'ron 4;~,_of a molecular ion H* in hydrogen, 2 (b) the cross, meo' -ton A -of the. disaociation 'of-a molecu.1ar ion H* by d 2 Ca M I/ 22292 S/053/61/073/0041'005/007 'Kook with the the omucl~ar..,:. B125/B201 rtp protons, (a) the cioss section 0 of the charge exchangg of protons in ex hy0rogen, (4) the or oes sectionaion of hydrogen ionization by protoDs. The values of cra laoed by the authors in 1958 had been measured by Ii. 7. Fedorenko at LFTI (Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology) in 1957- For conlitione in the 110gra", the equatione for the balance of lons and neutrons read, Jr(j%cra + no;) X (2, f) jq. - n,n(yg ve + Pn.. W (2,2~ Th6 equation for The pinoh current reads: CFXO P A for the denmit3, of plnemL- or Iv.1ro.-en at `-ie 11-nch: nnep all a4* I P) (2.4) Card 2/6 Wo rk with the thermonuclear... 22292 S/053 61/073/004/005/007 B125//B201 and t-axt VA P) --oven (2.5) to ONO,% t+CJX 1 0; P respectively. Thw plaama-filled volume in the 110gra" amounts to 6 ft3 B-10 T4. 1 shomb the principal cross sections characterizing the accumulation of a plasma in 1he 110gra". Reference is made to measure- mente carriea out by V. A. Simonov at the Nauchno-issledovatellskiy vakuumnyy institut (Vacuum $oieqtlfic Research Institute). Part 3 deals with the stab 'ility, the space charge, and the cooling of ions by electrons Ii. 'S. loffe and Vo G. Tellkovskiy have studied the adjusting instability (peri3tanovoctiliaya,neustoyohivoit). Aocording to 0. B. Firsov, a strong asymmetry 6f the plasma mayt in case of a positive azimuthal drive, lead t6 an ordered flux of ions t6ward the chamber wall. Part 4 deals -.,ith results of experimen.te made vith the 110gra": at the time while the present paper waa,vx.itten, certain parts of the."Ogrzk" were redesignei With a view to 4plifying the induced flux of H' ions, and to improving 2 Card 3/6 22292 J61/073/004/005/007 S/053 W6,rk with ther~opuclearqv. 3125/B201 t:he vacuum oomditioni. 1. .0. Goncharov and Yu. N. Dnestrovskiy have devised a td*i~hod- 01:veasuring very low electron densities in the "Ograll. V. T. Karpukhin has developed and built an interf,--I:ometer operating on the 3"cm wavelerigth azid,serving*for the measurement of the highest electron densities. ' There, tra always two plaama components in the chamber, a "hot" one and a cold' one, the density of the cold component being considerably higher than. that oT the "hot" one if the pressures of remanent gases exceed 40-7 = Hg.- At pressures below 10-7 mm Hg, the densities of the -t"o components become equal. The cold component has a considerably longer life then the hot one. The apperatua constructQd by A. N. Karkhov permits receiving the magnotio radiation of ions in the rhole sDectrum. Yu. L. Sokolov has irorked out spetial. spectromeiers for measuring the energy of plaoma electront from ultraviolpt recombination radiation and from bremss-trablunt-, -1 A. Part Conclusions: I ~ji the ranee of 1000 From experiments vilh "Lie 110gra": in the case of weak amperages in the trap (10-20, milliamper;t) the ion motion fits well the theory of motion o~ dinale partiC10:0, Ln~ the mean free path of molecular ions is longer than onv kii1ameter. By.a proper choice of the form of the magnetic field Card 4/6 22292 S/053/61/073/004/005/007 110 tbtTmQXiuo1e&rq*o B125/B201 et is, ble to au~gmsnt the mean free path everr further, and to Poe$ 86-OWWlate!* J'Aaalnl's; Ao 'proton densities of jo7 am-3. rurrents of 300 to P milligt4~6r a an be reached. If uecessary, it is possible, 0 by 4 improving'*ho actAux oondittonal'to, reduoie the current required for a very dense plasha to 06me doien milliamperes if the energy of H+ ions is raised 2 tO 2r,0-960!ko*- ' Thus, the prob em of aobumulati* on of hot plasma with a density of 109 fact -tons per omi and even more is by no means solved',as yet. Rese~rOh wo:Ok isas go tar only reached the limit of those plasma d,ensitiea,:belo-w which the ions move am non-interacting particles, and above vh1oh the hjid-rodynami6 prolserties of plasma and the collective Anteraotiops of p~rticlea make themeelvea noticeable. The processes t~aking plia!s. in t)he. 110gra" have -not been completely clarified by experi- Zents. rov axaqp~e, it had not yet been.-explained why the plasma potential tr some,'Variants of the experiments attains dozens of kilovolts. V~arlous Pofial'ble Ozplanations are offered. There are 12 figures and 15 referenaao3 VSo*iet-bloo and 10 non-Soviet -bloc. The two boat recent referenoep'to En ishlanguage jublioations read as follows: r~. F. B6gdan6v, A. Panovt N. N.'Shemanko,.Life time of fast ions in ard 5/6 3 22292 S/053/61/073/004/005/007 'Focrk with the theitiOrIU010ars 4 B125/B201 OjTxa 0. J. Sol. L14exgj~, part 0, 111, 106- (tg6l); R. F. Post, R. E. Ellis$ S.'C. Fird,~and it. X. Rovenblut b Stable Confinement of a high temperature plasma, Phy4l. Itev. Lalt. A, 166 1960). Legend to Fig. 1: The most important ciross stotions L L I 1 LI 11 determining the prooess of. II H plasma acauip6laticat in the 4 "ORra": 14 arose neotione 2 (cz ); 2, Ripoduct.iph of 3; n b in hydrage T pro tono, , disnociatiort of H+ in hydrogen A 3, Fedorenko; At g ostma- Hamblen-Suitimninj !i,, Gerjoy; 6, capture 6f oleatrons by .-protons; 7, discoal.ation of i+ 2 by protonep 8, energy of hydrogen ions (ev). 1 4 ? J 174 11? Cazd 6/6 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/6167 Za~nnovskly, Alekitandr Semenovich, V'yacheelav V'yacheslavovich Kalashnikow, EL1.1d Igor' Steranovlch Golovnin elementy atomnykh reaktorov (Fuel Elements of Atomic Reactors). Koscow, Gosatomizdat, 1962. 369 p. .Errata alip Inserted. 4000 copies printed. Ed.: Ye. 1. Pana,senkova; Tech. Ed.: Ye. 1. Mazell. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students, scientific workers, engineers, and technicians specializing or engaged In atomic- power engineering and related fields. COVERAGE: General requirements for the design and operation of fuel elements are presented. Particular attention is given to various fuel types, structural materials, compatibility of atomic fuel with structursl materials, and of the latter with coolants. The combine(I therowl, mechanical, and radiative effect on fuel and materlals. is analyzed. General Information on metals, and engineering reference data are included. Card :WO GOIA)VIN, I.V. 11 1 Be-equipp1mg trucks with trailers to be used for hauling large reinforced concrete elements. Rate. i Izobr. prodl. v stroi. no.5: 13-14 '58. (MIRA 11:6) (Trucks trnilers) (Reinforced concrete--Transportation) GOLOTU,, .6.(KemerOVID) CirovUr colJoction of containers. Sov. torg. 35 no.9:33 rv 062o (NLU 16:2) Olewrovo Province-containers) I G01OVINI H. G., Fz9r. Cand. Tech. Sai. Diametntion: 011i'motig ptiom of the TechalogIcal Problems of Concreting 3tructures of the Silo Type. I OerAm, I $ci Res Inst of Industrial Structures - "TsKIPS" 6 May 47. SO: Vi1pbgrn-vays, 1520 ya, )Wy, 1947 (Project #17$36) GOOVIN. )t.O.,L kaA,14mt teldmichemkikh nauk, redalctor; AZRILTANT, T&ONSS 9099, L.Ta.. tokhniobeakly radaktor [Itustractions for Industrial and civil construction work using con- orsto arid reinforood conorsts under winter condittons) Instruktolla. Vo proliTodm4yu belonnykb I shaltz: obetonnykh rabot v provWshlen- we t gmhUmmkom strattelletve v simalkh uslovilakh. 2-3 izd. Xosk~aj Gov. tvd-yo Ut-rr po strottelletvu t arkhttekture, 1954. 31 P. (KML 8:6) 1. VWscow. Ybemo7usnyy unchno-issledovatellskly institut orgami- SMSit I ft6kU12AZA%MtI ~trO1t0l'BtV&. (Cono"to construct I on-Cold weather conditions) GUAM W-a kiLndid#A tekhalabookikh nauk. redaktor; KRYUM, Tu. T., Ild '- TCOM, A.M.. tekhnioheskiy rOdAkt0r. OR om; [Kaunal for the concrete worker] Paulatka betonshchiku. Koskva, Goe.ladr-yo lit-ry postroitelletyu I arkhitakt-ure. 1955.72 p (Km 9:4) I.Nosoav. Gam"a"WenVy institut po vuedraniyu paredovykh uetodtm rabot i truda v straitellstva. (Concrete) (joiawjN,x.Q*, kandLidAt tokbnickieskikt, n=k Immoompolowo MeaWmigod M*thod of lifting sliding forus. Stroi. pros. 33 no.?~~Io JI 155. (VMA 8: 9) 1. NISI latial ftbphova. (comareto construction--Iforwwork) Aj"G: U ~/ OWTIN* N4,, Imnd. takhn. nauk, dots, Some resulis of demonstration building. Strol. prom. 35 no.12:2-5 D 157, (MIU 11a) (construotiot industry) 5-0 1 Z'-N i k Qjf ",w %u I), Z-11 A: kr,)/ :,a& \S&j I u"A k.Jf ACC NR3 SCIRICS CODE: ..jZZM: Golovin. M. l.; '"kov, A. P. no-..a Cal-13ration o' pneimmom-atric instrwionts wil,~-. ---- -- ---- - SOIJTR~E: IVLZ. Aviritsionnaya takhnika, no. 2, -,966, 126-i -,g ~TC TAGS: di,-Ital co-myrutor, corru*%Gr '%urbino On.-ino, instru:-.c-n~- C.. PurjLLon equi-etiont F -7z T: .7 o r C,:. 1. c C-1 a t i a v, s %,-i '61 -, d !Z i t a I c o-.- p u tz- a I C, --"C r- '1 0 r, C -!-.1 by zmalytical exprosz;ions. In i:~ t"o irstmilumt. Z-.o r,,sul'Lz of n z t" 0 der parabola oxprossing o r3'! c;c-n t-o true case by & soconel or ZIM. :h a measured prass-m-a ratios (see Tlunakz~~, i 4-t a I a~x be ytrogra=nod to autc~-:--t-ically C -, S .Oy cal.c*alat-,In:, -z~ao throe copf,`-oients of the prrabol,-,, and to of Six,Ai a pmaal.-.xo was dovolo;.)-a-,~', -t~-.i co~pu-.:,r It ~tt to d-sc~ard rozwltm i.-ith an error '-Iargei- than thr,~,a the stan"l-rd Luvia.ion, t-.e :At-%',.o-r botz, usuany less th&.-. o:boutv I~fv. Orig. art. 'aas; 14 equations, 1 tablu i~,nd SUIA CODE. 14~, SUBIC DATZ: 03Doc64/ ORIG RZF: 003 UDC: 518.5 AVIMDR: GolovIA, U., Mat (Mabarovsk) 84-58-1-21/32 On color Film (Na tavetanyu plen1m) COMCAL3 Ctr"hd*n"k&7ft "JAtsi7s, 1958, Nr 1, PP 32-34 (UM) AIMM: The article describes In story form the process of an serial PbotoaraPW Edselcm in the JUbarovsk area. it conveys a very generel idea of the actual teckiniquie Of PhOrtOgrUpbing an assigned save,. No technical data am given. Color film me used on that assigmut, sinoe customrs am said to be vary mmh interested in color PbOtOgrViPb7p which renders a rel- ative3zy clearer pictim of the surveyed lam . Two photographs acconpuy the text. Cm of them shoigthe radio operator at work wearing an oxygen mask and ew-phown, anct the other shows the crew after retuning f& Mission. AVA11ANZ: lAbrary of Congmes I o Aerial photography - IUSSR 2, Color film - Applications 0%rd 1/1. DOW= it lkwk orMwitzation of the composite aviation detachment. )rarhd. %v. It, no.1i12-14 W 157. W-RA 10:8) (Aerone.oltice in agriculture) USSR Chemical 2%ochnology. Chexdcal Products and I Tbeir Appli- 1-30 cation. Fodd Tndustry. Abs Jour Ref 2bur - Xhimiya, No 3, 1957, So 10412 Author 0., and Alimovskiy, 1. InZt :-NDt r.;iVCI% Title :Uriationts in the Natural Losses in Nest During Freezing Orig Pub :)Vasnaya industriya SM, 1955, No 6, 11-15 Abstract :Mhe freecing of meats has been investigated and a method is proposed for determining the dehydration of.the meat during f1t,eening. On %be buis of an analysis of the heat balance duriug freezLng and the theory of controlled cooling rates, 'the authoro conclude that the rate of dehydration of the numt duriiig freezing follows an exponential law: Card 1/4 USSR / Chendcal TechwLogy. Chemical Products and Their Appli- 1-30 cation. Pood Tndustry. Abs Jour :Ref 2.hw- - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, No 10412 Abstract :vbere U is the rate of dehydration at any given instant du- ring freezing in gas/hr., r is the freezing time in hours, Uo it the WMAI rate of da%ydration for IV . 0, and mg is ~ constant characteristic of a given freezinoemperature ancl ~ of the (labjx1ration process. The dehydration at any given Mawmt during freezing my be calculated from the expression: Exptwimemts have been conducted on the separate cooling of a h1md qlaarter weiebing 34.65 kg and of a gluteus muscle weigbing 1.297 kg at an air temperature of 2o, a relative hinddity of 9%, and rate of travel of 0.1 M/sec. It has been fomd that for the quarter mg - 0.1266 and for the Card 2/4 USSR / Memical Technology. CheadcaL Products and Their Appli- 1-30 cation. VW Industry. Abe Jour ; Ref Zhur - Rhiaiya,, No 3, 1957, No 10412 Abstract : g;Luteus miscle mg a 1.2254. Good agreement was observed between the experimentally observed values and calculated vvaues. Mock tests on commercial butte showed that the differewe between the calculated and measured values was of the order of 2-3$. The authors reconmwnd that-Uree welghinga be made when the natural losses in meat cooled under different technical conditions with a central-layer Umperatitre of 30-150 are to be determined. From the two changes In the degree of dehydration, q and g2 at times T-1 and where , a system of equations may be set up and the values of mg and UM can be calculated; subetitution of these values into the basic evation gi- ves the dehydration for any coolLnj; timeV relation- sh1p has been estabUshed between the value of mg and the card 3/ It USSR / Chemical. V~--hxit:)IoEw- Chemical Products and Their Appli- -1-30 ca-Lion. Food Indulitry. Abs Jour i4er zhur - WmiYu, No 3, 1957, no lo412 Abstract cooling rote m (RZMiu, 1956, 41791): -)-t-1. - /- 2 '0 L- -f 0- PO 6, 7 , The valu;ft- of UIh is not constant for different meats and de- pencls on the temperat=e drop, the shape and physical cha- racterintlas of the mmt. The effect of the flow rate of air duilng cooling on the veight loss in the meat has been Lnvestij!~wted, as has the dependence of the dehydration du- rinj~ coixUng on the storage period, periods of 2-3 days b being xv:ed. Card 4/4 L oM847 E~q ACC Ngs Ap6o29965 60 SOUR(x coDE: UR/0413/66/ooo/015/0151/0152 UVEMOR: 8 njdn V, I.; Golovig. Aj A.. ; QL 'A ilenaki,y. S. 1 1. M ; Leyit, G. A.; Petrov, P. P STni ORG: none TITLE: Installations for underwater television inspection of the docking assembly and the bottom of ships. Class 65, No. I /ainnounced by Gunboa_~ Rippair F"aL BaXVjq__ .,~,qa Steamship pt Li. ,_gknjpta Nky MR (Kanonerskiy sudoremontn" zavod Bal- _.Af Aq 3.,S ___ t:Ly;;~-' ;Wk~jo parokhiodotva Hinisterst va morskogo flota SSSR)7 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 151-152 MPIC TAGS: underwater camera, floating dry dock, TV camera Ac1o%c-+L- ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for an installation for the under- water television Inspection of the dock assembly and the bottom of a ship while dock- ing includes & renote-controlled television camera with a transmitting cathode-ray tube in a hermetic casing and an electric cable for power supply and signaling. The television camera, is mounted oa a remote-controlled self-propelled carriage provided with on electric drive, rollers for moving on vertical and horizontal monorails along the wall and floor of the dock, and a switch remotely controlled by a block-and-tackle system. Orig. ar~-. bast 1 figure. ICE] SUB C013: 3.41 330 OW SON DATE i 2lAug64 lCard iii aL Goloviril LT. G., Tudnev, 0. )441 Semnova, V. G., Mikhaylova, Ye . G., Starciverava, A. V., &Lmat.~qg , Baltlys~ao morys .4akly i gldrologlcbes~& atlas ClinsatU-, and hydmlog:Lca3L Alolas of the Baltic Sea), Moscow, Gidrometeoizdat Publ.ishJ* House Or IK)dmiletearologicALI Service), 1957, 106 pages of maps; ~RZXleofiz 6/50-4026 K) (-Book) jACC Nt, AP6 035854 SOURCE COM UR/0413/66/000/020/0059/0060 INVENTOR: iORG: none 'TITLE-. A control device for synchronization of backward wave tubes. I !Class 21, No. 187096 SOURCE: 12obreteniyaq promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zna%i, no. 201 1966, 59-6o TOPIC TAGS: electron tube, backward wave tube ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a control device (see Fig. 1) uned for synchronizing backward wave tubes. The device has two series-connected diodes, a control and a protection, which elinina-.e the need for a separate power supply to fire the tube through its control electrode. The diodes also ensure zero potential between the cathode and the control electrode at the time when the modulating isignal is applied to ths-tube. The dioded are connected between the c&thode and the control electrode and,'through an RC circuit, to the grounded anode of the tube. Orig. art. has: 1 figure 1/2 UDC: 621.373.423:621 NP4 Pig. 1. Controlled backward wave tube ISUB CODE: ! cam 2/2 1 - Backward wave tube 2 - control diode 3 - protection 4 - resistor -capacitor 091 SUBM DAM 03NOV65 Approximating the dispersion integral and calculating the differenti- al nross section of dispersion by means of classical approximation (general calculation methods). 1xv. AN Us. SSR. Ser. f iz-mat.nauk noAs45-52 158. (HIRA 11:11) I., liziko-tekbulcheskly institut AN Us. SSR. (Dispersiot.) - GOLOVIN, U.N. Calculating the differentlSa MIA section of dispersion for t:ha k.,k IsvAN Vs.SM-Bmr.flx.-mt.a&uk noo5:55-67 ,560 L potentj&j. (HIBA U2 22) 1. Fisiko-tekhnicbmakiy lustitut AN UsSM (Dispersion) COLONall, ~N. F. 21499 GOLOVIN" Ill. F. Cidroloillya rck Leainf:radsko,; otlasti. ZT-ezis.; --oklacrl-71 * "rudy Irto-rovo "Vipasoruz. rciour. T. -.- .1-!. , - , v. 4.'t- - 27. A SO: Lotol-is' ;i.hiarnal.Inyl-h Statey, '.'o. 2~~, 192-~? $CMMp V,V,t 3mmdotekbnomauki 0014Mp N.S.9 inzh. INGR*!L "taT diao loods Gar. ibur. no-3:W Nr 161. I I qw (MM -140) (Ore bandlim-lquipment and supp:Lies) AUTHOIZ: GW-4-~ ~-V- 94-58-6-0/19 TIT13:: The lis'xtrusion Method of Making Cable Joint Sleeves (IzSotovleni7e svintsovykii kabel2nykh muft metodom Vyprossovki PERIODICKI.: Frx)uyshlennaya Energetika, 1958,, nr 6, P 15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: lead cable jointIng sleeves are usually cast or made up from, sheet but these methods are not very satisfactory because of surfaoa defects or uneven tbiclmess. The quality is muoh better and less scrap Is made if the slee-ves are extruded. A team lead by K. S. Roshin developed this method of manufacture and a large number of tlxe joints are in operation on 6 kV cables. The extrusion tool is illustrated by a seational. drawing,, it .1s aiDed on a 200-ton Press. The blank is a cast ring of lead.. A sleeve can be extruded in 4 secs. It is easy to make sleeves im this way, power consumption is low and quality is good. The method is being used widely. There is one figure. Card 1/1 1. JUO-Otric onbles - Joints 2. Lead - Apj~llizations 3. Lead - Extrusion SOV/1 24-57-4- 3868 Translation froin: Referativnyy zhurnal. Me-khanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 6 (USSR) AUTHOR: Golovin, N. Ya. TITLE: The Fundamental-4quations of the Mechanics of a Variable Mass (Oiinovnyye uravneniya mekhanilci peremennoy massy) PERIODICAL: V 9b.. Mekhanika (MVTU, Vol 50). Moscow, Oborongiz, 1956,., pp 27:49 ABSTRACT: A presentation of well-known results without corresponding source references. Reviewer's name not given Card 1/1 GOLOVIII? 0. (1,10--poveiraym Oblast 1) III, Device fo::- infmauring the frequenc,'-P charactc:. i--tAc,-; cf transistom. JUidic no.14:52-53 3 165. 19:1) Mhoshiteli bes toontrov v pr^Wkh raslosheniyakh grupp. Hatm. SB. 6(48)9 (1939),, 423-4a. bb asootaistivVkh operatelyakh na mosbast" grapp. DAN, 58(1947), 1257-1260. 3o% lkthamt1as In th* USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kwmabv I.G. Markush"Ich, Aels RambovskLy, RoN. Mosoow-Lomiagmd, 1948 IRINCHIN. 46TIK.; OPUNIS, O.S., rodaktor; "MUN. S.5., tokkalabookly redm*Ur. Eft*A courso i* mOwnstioal amalplol ImWI kars mtematidwaks- "Um. Maskm, G*%. lxd-ve tokknike-toorst. lit-ry,. 1951. 6421~11. (KM 7:8) (olklmlva) 61 -0 /."w .; (3p, -.4y - XMI. CT4).; GOILOVIU. L.t. A.I., rodaktor; t*kbmI*hesk%y ro&*Ior. [trMulaterl; OMM, O.N. (translator]; AGUNOV1CH, K. 3.1., [Noth*ds of sICqbr&jI* geometry] Notody algebralchaskol goometril. Kovkft, tzdt~v* lustraftot lit-ry. Vol. 1. 1954. 461 p.(KLRA 7S11) Oea"tvy, Alsaiwatc) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIt-N i I" Moskovskoye matematLcheskoye obshchestvo Trudy, t.6 (Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society, v.6) Moscow, Gostekhizdat, 1957. 485 p 1,550 copies printed. Editors: Aleksandrov, P.S.; Gel'fand, I.M.; GolovLn 0. N. Ed. of v. 6: Lapko, A.F.; Tech. Ed.: Gavrilov, S.S.; Corrector: Yedskaya, I.L. PURPOSE: This book presents original papers submitted to the Moscow Mathematical Society and is intended for mathematicians and others with strong mathematical backgrounds. Card 1/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 COVERAGE: Volume. six contains 9 articles concerning probleins in different fields of mathematics and 3 extracts from letters to the editor presenting notes and corrections to articles published in previous volumes. The contributions contained in this book are Soviet. See Table of (:intents below for personalities and bibliography and for a brief coverage of each article. TABLE OF C014TENTS: Bokshteyn, M.P. Homological Invariants of Topological Spaces, Part 11 3 Part I of this article was printed in Volume Five of the Transactions of the Moscow btathematical Society. The basic results given in the article were presented at the December 14, 1954 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. There are 28 references, of which 16 are Soviet, 6 English, 5 French and I German. Soviet personalities mentioned include Aleksandrov, P.S., Boltyanskiy, V., Glezerman, M., Pontryagia, L.S., and Kuroah, A.G., all of whom have published work on topology and the theory of groups. Card 2/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 Ch. IV. Dimension of Topological Product 84 1. Auxiliary propositions D A 6 84 2. Behavior of invariants 0 D P P F in connection with topological multiplication of spaces 3. rehavior of homological dimension in connection with topological multiplication of bicompacta. 127 References 132 Skornyakov, L.A. Systems of Plane Curves 1-35 This article was presented at the November 16 1954 session of ;f the article were the Moscow Mathematical Society. The results published without proof under the same title in Doklady Akademii Nauk, SSSR, 1954, Vol. 98, Nr. 1. There are 5 references, 3 of whi'!~h are Soviet (I translation) and 2 English. The Soviet personality uentioned, Aleksandrov, P.S., is the author of two referenced papers cc combinatorial topology and the theory of sets. Card 4/ 17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society i58 The definition of curves in a Euclidean plane a is given and the terridnology used is established. The E set of curves under investigation satisfies the following condition: through any two points in a plane only gne curve from E can be drawn; or, two different curves from E inters(,ct at no more than one point. It is proven that any system of curves which satisfies the above condition is an infinite or central system. Gurevich, G. B. Isomorphism Conditions of Standard Nullalgebras 165 The basic results of this article were presented at the October 5, 1954 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. There are 4 references, all Soviet. One Soviet personality is mentioned; i.e., Sushkovich, A. K., author of a textbook on higher algebra. Card 5/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 The definitions of a standard nullalgebra and its code are given. A duality concept of two standard nullalgebras and their codes is introduced. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the Lsomorphism of two standard nullalgebras are investigated. It is proven that for ITL A 3 , where m is the order of a nullalgebra, two standard nullalgebras are isomorphic when their codes either coincide or are dual. For degenerated cases (m = 1; m = 2) the conditions of isomorphism of two standard nullalgebras are also given. Lyapunov, A. A. On Operations an Sets With Transfinite Indices 195 The basic conclusions of this article were presented at the September 27, 1955 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. There are 16 references, of vhich 12 are Soviet, 3 French and 1 English. Soviet personalities mentioned include Novikov, P.S.; Luxinp N.N.; Arsenin, V.Ya.; Ochan, Yu,S.; Kolmogorov, A.N.; Clivenko, V.I.; Kantorovich, L.V.; and Livenson, Ye.M. The personalities mentioned above have all published work on the set theory. Card 6/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: Introduction IL95 Ch. 1. 195 1. T - operation 197 2. Descriptive measurability 200 3. Types of N -operations 202 4. Principle of the comparison of indices 207 S. Projective classes of conjunctive and disjunctive .extensions 211 Ch. Il. 213 6. Definitions and classification of R-sets 213 Card 7/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society i5~ 7. Transfinite functions 21~ S. Degeneration tests of R-sets 220 Ch. 111. 224 9. R-sets of Baire space 224 10. Cases of inseparability of R-sets 226 References 236 Adyan, S. 1. Insolubility of Certain Algorithmic Problems in the Theory of Groups The basic conclusions of this article were presented at the October 18, 1955 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. There were 4 references, all Soviet. Soviet personalities mentioned include Kurosh, A. G. and Novikov, P. S., both of whom have published work on the theory of groups. Card 8/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: Introduction Ch. 1. The Central-symmetrical Group of P. S. Novikov 1. Basic concepts 2. The central-symmetrical group of P. S. Novikov Ch. 11. Insolubility of Certain Algorithmic Problems in the Theory of Groups 1. Systems of groups 6kq; A, B and Z q; A, B 2. Transformations in O&q, A, B groups 3. Theorems on insoluble algorithmic problems in the theory of groups References Card 9/17 231 233 233 240 256 256 261 296 298 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society i58 Plotkin, B. I. (Sverdlovsk) Radical and Semisimple rroups 299 The basic results of this article were presented at the February 15, 1955 session of the Moscow Mathematical Soci,.-y. There are 30 references, of which 23 are Soviet, 6 Engl,,'---' and I German. The following Soviet personalities are mention,-: Gol'berg, P. A.; Kontorovich, P. G.; Kurosh, A. 0.; Kuty~;-, K. M.; Malltsev, A. I.; Mayagkova, N. N.; Pekelis, S. A.; Petrovlovskaya, R. V.; Smirnov, D. M.; Charin, V. S.; Chernik,:7, S. N.; and Shmidt, 0. Yu. These personalities have published work on the theory of groups., The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: Ch. 1. 299 1. Radical groups 299 2. Se"simple groups, IW - groups 300 3. Superimposing of the conditions of finiteness 309 Card 10/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 Ch. 11. 321 4. Structural isomorphisms of mixed radical groups 321 5. Structural isomorphisms of radical R-groups 328 References 335 Rashevskiy, P. K. On Linear Representation of Differential Groups and of Lie Groups With Nilpotent Radical 337 The basic conclusions of this article were presented at the October 5, 1954 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. There are 8 references, all of which are Soviet including 3 translations. Soviet personalities mentioned are Dynkin, Ye. B. and Berezin, F. A., both of whom have published work on the theory of groups. Card 11/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 'The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: Introduction 337 1. Differential Dv group 338 2. Supervectors and Superterisors 340 3. Formulation of the basic theorem 1 343 4. Basic lemma 343 5. Lemm-q 11 349 6. Lemma 111 351 7. Proof of the basic theorem 352 S. On linear representation of differential groups (without unLmodular limitations) 356 9. on linear representation of Lie groups with nilpotent radical 362 10. Theorem Il 364 11. Proof of theorem, 11 367 Refer ences 370 Card 12/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 Berezin, F. A. Laplace Operators on Semisimple Lie Groups 372-462 The basic conclusions of this article were presented at the Moscow Mathematical Society on September 25, 1956. There are 26 references, of which 15 are Soviet (2 translations), 8 English, 2 French and I German. Soviet personalities mentioned are: Gel'fand, 1. M.; Raykov, D. A.; Naymark, M. A.; Dynkin, Ye, B. and Ovishchik, A. L. An editorial note observes that the results obtained in this article coincide to a considerable extent with those published by Haricb-Chandra. in the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society in November 1956. Card 13/ 17 Transactions of the 'Moscow Kathematical Society 158 The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: 1. Introduction 372 2. Radical components of Laplace operators on complex and compact semisimple Lie groups 387 3. Differential equations for the characters of irreducible representations of complex"somisimple Lie groups on a Banach space 417 4. Realization of irreducible representations of a complex semisimple group on a Banach space 429 5. Completion of the description ofirreducible representations of complex somisimple groups on a Banach space 443 6. Zonal spherical functions on the variety of cosets of a complex semisimple group with respect to a maximum compact subgroup 459 References 462 Card 14/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 Ladyzhenskaym, 0. A. (Leningrad). On the Construction of Dis- continuous Solutions of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equations in the Form of Limits of Solutions of Corresponding Parabolic Equations, When the "Coefficient of Viscosity" Converges to Zero- 465 The basic conclusions of this December 18, 1956 session of and were in part publishedin Vol. III, Wr 2. There are 10 including I translation and mentioned include Oleynik, 0. Venttselt T. D.; Petrovskiy, whom have published papers on equations. article were presented at the the Moscow Mathematical Society Doklady, Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1956, references, 7 of which are Soviet 3 English. Soviet personalities A.; Tikhonov, A. N.; Samar-skiv., A. A.; 1. G.; and Sobolev, S. L., all of the theory of partial differential Card 15/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: Introduction 465 1. Auxiliary propositions 466 2. Substantiatiou of the principle of vanishing viscosity 471 3. Investigation of a generalized solution of the problem derived in paragraph 2. 475 4. Uniqueness theorem 479 References 480 From Letters to the Editor: Levitan, B. M. Correction to the Paper on Asymptotic Behavior of Spectral Function and the Expansion of the Equation A U + QL - q,(x I , x 2 , x 3 )1 L4 :-- 0 in Eigen functions (Trudy Moak. matem. o-va 4 (1955)] 481 Card 16/17