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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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Use of ... B115/B215 235 238
Here, mainly the fission energy of neutron bombardment of U (slow), U
(fast), and 239Pu (slow) is utilized. (2) Energy balance in the fission of
235U by thermal -neutrons. On the basis of publications and hf-s own data,
the author finds that the kinetic energy of fission fragments represents the
largest contribution to energy. Hence, a reactor should be designea for the
utilization of this energy for chemical synthesis. (3) Range of action of
fission fragments in the bombarEed medium. Fuel should be disintegrated in
such a way that the size of burning elements is equal to the ra-,i-e of ac-
tion of the fragments (or smaller). Hence, only such reactors can be used
in which fuels are nulverized (with grain3 of micron sizes). (4~ Possibili-
ties of irradiating the substrates. According to 'the authar,two conditions
have to be fulfilled for answering the probler, as to what compo%inds or
chemical elements can be irradiated in the reacto--: (a) the excitation
cross section of substrates for neutron capture has to te as small as pcs-
sible with regard to the fission process, (b) the value G (mainly the
fragment energy to be used) should be as large as possible with re6ard to
profitable production. Pressure and temperature -.Dlay a considerable role
Card 2/8
0 f
P/01 5/6) 1 /Cco/100'-~/201/001
1 5/w
(~nqrt,-.t for t',,4, :~ur')o3~-~of power
C 1) 10:."1 j::: c; i c a I v i e vi o i i i tt1-3 u 1d b e t i ~ e 0 11 y p 0 -- 9 1 b i 1 i t f
-C-111 C t i on ac t c" con~i , ru C11. "!,2 a ,I t h o I. (I s -
.2.:"! (2-1"
"-cril-d in Ref.-- 1 7, ill (13,?c 'Lelow). 7i, 1 3hoviq a
a -ram 0 -ac,"of. (6) ot' ont&.m4n;,itdn,- ti-? -roduct.
The -Ost-reaeti"Dn :-I.a-c i2 cantaminatoil by f'-soi,-n -i,oduct,- of ~'- and V-emit-
t --. rs ."-O,-.-bl L . i 11 u s t ra t es t Ii e Cradj al d i s a ppea ranc e of ac t ive 3ubstances.
'I"he data are relatrr- to 1 ~-, of Ifi-sion nroducts. The table shrj-,,;c that other
:1 4 11 have-, ~o '-.3 found 'bes4dgs decontaminaticri by coolint:. Since 1
n t:~ c~~,--res s a~,irox- -:a' ely 1 t of 17110 an'.1 9()Sr i!3
conside t i :-ios ' dan. 'ercus -otc! e a the ~)OSr content
L :-d ci
a7loulito lo 6 C/t of 3 9the deccritt-..::i~nat4 on Coefficient can be calculated
a-, bein:- 10 au I-1- - -
-c-s of the papers of -Refs. 1 and ~, as53un-2 that th--'3
Coe 'f i C ient can '--e attained by the inditiotry. (7) Fhys-i.-c,--che-::icaI contribu-
tions are taken "j," the author frcm papers of Refs. 6 and 2. See the
~.,nciosed reac.4-on schomo t).ccord4.i,.,- to qof. 2.
Card 3/8
ULIe of 3'~15/5215
Jonizacja, %v.!budzenit!. dy~occjacja:
N, - Pl-~ -;- e-
N, N + N
N,~ N + N
02 0; 0 - 0
0+ + e- -+ 0 + 0
Reifl:ue prowldzilce do tlenk6w azotu:
N ~- 0. NO-' 0
2N0 2NO:
NO~ N - 2N0
Rca"Cje wt6rne:
N G.. N - N,O :- 0
N 0.. N N, " 20
A substrate enriched with oxy~,en should be used. (0) Thermal wvier of the
reactor for .~roducinf7 chemicals. ' if,~ is the coefficient of the transition
of frL,.,!-.i(?nt enerr:y into the [;aseou.9 phase, Q the thermal poz.,er of the reac-
tor in M the molar weiGht of the compound pro,luced, 17 the amount of the
product, then the final result is: W . 2 .2 QIM (G it). Thus, the necessary
power doej riot exeoud the ifidufitrial j!o9jibilitie.3 with 11,C - 1 . 'Flit? powtir
Card -*~/o
P/01 3/61 /C1C,O/OC-:'/OC 1 /0-01
Use of ... B115/3215
of the ENk reactor of 6wierk does not exceed a few Mw. In ttem 8, the au-
thor gives the production costs according to British publications in British
money. (9) Conclusions. A combination of the production of chemicals and
the generation of electric energy would be very economical -.-iith TLG QK 1t if
~"e process is carried out with regard to the possibilities of energy
Utilization at high temperatures (500-6000C). It was also suggested to use
type of reactor for the irradiation of the substrates CC, - H2 and H20
va-apor. (10) Other possibilities of a2plying the.3e reactors: (1) Production
- industrial gases. The author's representation of tk~ese processes was
taken from Ref. 10. There are economical possibilities of gasifying broWn
coal and coal with a high content of ashes. For this purpose high-tempers, - V<
ture reactors which probably will soon be constricted would be necessary.
(2) Production of glycol, polymerization of ethylene aril phanol. The authc~r
discusses the reactor construction described Ln Ref. 11 with a capacity of
1 Mw for utilizing ionizing y- and P-radiation. The energy of this reactor
is said to be less expensive than that of accelerators and radiation SOU.S~e.S
used at present. References mentioned above: ( 1 ) Daw.9 -D n , L o nj;: , M os e 1 e y ,
Sowden: The Industrial Chemist , Junq 1 ~)5~', , Vol. '15, lir. 412, p. 269-2, 6;
Use of ...
P 10 1 61 /000/0' 0211001 /001
311 5YB21 ~q
(2) Kahler: Chemie, Int7enieur, 1ech.-.ik, l'ovember 1960, Nr. 11 , r,- 7C9-71d;
(7) Krucoff; ifucleonics,1959 Vol. 17, ~ir~ 6; (3) 'Tone Civpn: 6emical an'd
Engineering Neas, 1959, Nr- 10, P. 46-47; (9) Dawson PI; al.: Konferencl'!a
Warna-fiska Mi~dzynar. Agencji Atomoviej , 13-12-6-195') (17/11)/24 U. K.);
(10) Jecht: Chemiker Zeitun,~f - Chemische Apparatur 11r. 16, 1960, p.
534-538; (11) Crean et al.: Chemical Engineering Progress, 1960, P- 72-76.
There are 1 figure, 5 tables, and 11 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 10 non-
Soviet-bloc. The 5 references to English-language publications are given
in the text of the abstract.
AS SOCIATION: Instytut Chemii Nieorganicznej Gliwice (Enstitutp of Inor;7anic
Chemistry, Gliwice)
7 'T; 'n -
d 1%
E-.r- a i -i a d-am ~c~, c-.-- qua1.-,; t_~zztrj oy
I' - W, v i% r-,o,.i I r. mo-, c ~ao! I It, P 1, 0 1.1 0 r!
d m ml, %ii-, I i -g iisud I and c, f'
-uc PT U 3. Q,
lv~- rr-.~boj wl~ I
f 1 n I t r I i x vn I riq, ~.i . t it f it :,it I t o:t I T ot !. 1 ; . ! I/
ot '~.In i'ri~u t Vr: t "0' -I'll" :'(11.1 1- o 3 w r E-1 '~lj' '.-t
5 1 :. tj oj 7 tl)~- Hu' a L~rdnit rl
PI 9L, I ii, Nr)wa. ifut.a T' 9
ra~r nL au
a a..i r -a r c n
1 L r) g r arn ~pp~ a-r J T i,.e - i 1g a- I ~m re zqtjvu.:! r t j 'bv a J s * ru- i v
r1 ~a!lj r,.'. '~r' 1 nz B,~lrnu:tr m: wi;i -p c I,: rig, bv t ~'S' -
ij Ta.,Tj- I a r~ - i I ~p: t lIz- qil t JiC
3r.!z of --.I
a,, r 1 v-'] a E j.,r
T Cl
A -7 /A 021
Ij -,zv :--n CF S"
rr ~rna~ ;j u i n 14,~
,iqla j -~r L,~? I- t i ~:~rt .v.- a, t4-rpd
cl', 1 C
r t a(1
T I T r -
05 1 '12 1. 3.0 1.1"
62 1
3 15 I-ph, lj)uh, 11he c;I~o it! tractim IN&I 01pplied at
t CN T.; AND -!i IN
Oil() CALCUIX11ON OF CURI VOL VAO JC I)hth vidt, i,iy br r-(;i:,:w1 (0 !17411 IJ :t Ic"d illiVictl "I One 60
A POWER SYSTEM SUPPLYING UNILILAhCH) LOADi t)lllv lilt .~ju,tj, ,N !)I f4jo.iIiAloji lilt r~nl.i 41:0 riot *11previatili
VJ.GorusWn and E.B.Golculbo, Ifiltt depend-4
altee U'L. aillulgo etry ,f ( r!o1o inci vultapis. ,
32-0-TA-m-do =an
9 .4AIXeLln the
mataiv tin the dlairlLution of av! t:,*tu:tl.)n laid 1
'Da power system considered to a9sumed (I) Consist of
i of the aubst-Iliollu and h:-t Oft U10 1110`11"'i of sullplY c4
two pat Is a symmetrical 3-ph, sysleln will, &yronit-Irical load
f I-
; s
jjj:j.,t iiyotein, Tt,e ")ninil4rY Of Ow genazator currea
(hr rc.
dujw'0~~ (ill tlw~ load (ilitritailoh lotlYcen Oil! tilibithtiOnS
and gene
ators, and an asymmetrical part consIMIng o
p this h L' I* tre considnrud it) Ow plvjeet or a triellon SY"tem.
loads, Currents and Voltages In the symmetrical part are (".esnivo III proximilticnill are Imitable
Thu cal ciliAl 1011 a by !;u
easily found by symmetrical -cf)mponent methods, provided for pre -determInim, voltll'4o WqYJIIIIP?trIPF- B.F-Xrau--
that currents and voltages. at the junction Or the two parts are
known; however, the lattor depend on the operating cunditicni
and parameters of the whole system. For this reaion sym-
metrical components can rarely be used, Tho only method
which India to a comparatively rapid determination of the re-
quired values Is that of successive approximations which alai)
saves much calculation labour. flowever, a successful appli -
cation of this method is condition! on the crlnvergeft~:e of thu
approximations and Wro again depands an corrvct a prtoti
assumptions, Mathematical convergence criteria may be
often misleading In this respect, U applied m an unsuitmble
acheme. Correctly applied, die method enables a -systent
with many I-pb. !oad-; to be re,rolved fairiv nimply and iccu-
rately, as Is shown by a serteo of cxA,.ili~ s. ,k)ecigI recom-
mendations are made for tractvm loa0r. -iP4CIai
jtl,.~ j,"ll.: Zhu-
Nut'! 1 D r Kuntsur, I.I.Ya., I-baviti,~~_--, Go-Lem0c), S.U.,
~ding C-Va'inim j'.j ~3~)Jjjl ;',lit 'C~._L; -u-A D'If
Titi,-, On Trov
If Vitamln C -)r, Pr),;~,,t,ion l!'j:.,Ulle P. ~d' C j in the
0 1 . C~'. I I i ,.
-pL'b V:) ve nrned, . zh 1
Al~stract In C-alinary preDnxaticris- Ln durin- tl_e
E~-.,,rin-Surner oerild, the actu--.; C-fteril: Cf C
may be beim; 40-6c T..". The soldiers, zed
ed P.11
wi.coine; 1 !'eel, -1
per, ~'n) . -I,-
~o 1 (1: :,_'J - -
antiibcdy titer ('%-L) W--,- aeterm-ined -_an_~ () we'--k-S af'zer
Semiconductor voltage stalrAlizers 'or mea3,.ir-.r,,,-
Avtom. kont. i elek. izm. no.2:83-9b 160, !~~: ~.)
(Voltage regulat0r:3) (Elec-,,rIc mea-RIrerI.,'TIt3)
-ra-llsducC-, w- th a
SO U',, C Z - 1'011't e~Cl n iChO511- --'y in S t i L u~ K oa LC, Ino-izmeri~el'naya tek',-Inika.
no. 3, 1966,
.0-21C TACS: zomperaLure zrans~ucer, trans -"s L or iz.~d circuit
A3 S 7 1.. C7 transduce: outpuc is described.
(S~ae 1) based on a zircuiz dev,!Ioped l3y C. Rof,:--rj is a
:-c LD Z-C conv,,rt~-,-, w"'Ose ouz:7,~;t frcquorcy is zi d-C
Vol :a ~;,2. T,-,o Co.-,verzer (pz) servc~s as ther-mosens' cive t~la-,,,Cnz and cons--'sts
of a t:oro-4dal ring with throe windings: coilcctor (w,,) and base 'wb', , -,*nich
.-Iav~a Ccnzar ZL.-ps, and Lho load d 5~zv~2 as
c-,:ancy I)y switching t'lie su,.):)Iy volta[~'! ':j) to 0ac',~l *Inalt, of LhU Wk
coroidal r4-
switcninZ oczurs .es sazurazed. leacl
of 13 -. w,~-c -,;SOU, -,LzwO.C-. the zhc--Osensitive and ~~,e frequency converter
I,izhouz -.0tIcecble degradation in,ance. '.o=,al transducer ouzpuz ZrE:-
r~n~;a ;rc,-a I to 10 kc and can easily 'aE~ increased; the operating temperature
range Is -200-303C. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 8 for-mulas.
Cc, 6- IJ 2
Fig. Temperature transducer sc"-,-mat-,c
SUB CODE: 09/ SU--M DATE: ncne/ ORIG lz"-F: 006/ OT-H 0021
GOL~P-T,O, Z. B.
"Hard rectifiPre", by Eneiriaer ZB,, G~pjfir.`-o, -~t the Poifer inst. irn
k-qZHIZHA:4(JV3KIY of the Arad. Sce. USSR.
SO: Zlektrichestvo, No 5, Moscow, Ray 1947 (U-5533)
0 solo 0 0 0 00 00
41 TT - -47"i-4 6 0 a IV
0 T
0 4 41 0 S (boo 0000*
L-I i. It of h It M I
~il. j & L a M to ~f
till. of &-kill p"00" 11 "k,"0,
Z- a, GKCI-I. t.-,.4jIdvt.VmA,
4 mad rekk. Ntia*.)VO- -95 (1950) in Rixiial-
A, qVilcatictri Of MMO-IINI Awthid
rriwoliris Atunict) to vill" cim-UlIL
ended, nwndy a Sit*-IAIIv circuill "Ab kaftacilive
litta UA a M-fikir cinvil with Msisunin And it.
- =too
MIC zoo
r4%A 11
am: a calculittlun consitkfimg thim bafntni"
jaudwiory awraitintation (of AH PnICtical POrl'Affs- zoo
06 jb, ,"Id is applied axamfuny w mn-sinusitidil
r C.M.f.,A. Cak-uLlion or the harmonics at varkm
. firing SrAJ c1limIJ191 4ASIn' nuy tt considcratly
lilt ttimly CV".
JiMIO&J. UMAJ qatincionrin
,,.Ud. The rMUIM 6D IWI ddrCr ft(Xn (hi
by 4~ 01 M-i' by 4*9
1 0
T I I I I I I I. t I t I
fro 0
'A too
0 V of it 141
Its pt C1 IT it UP
is 0 g 101 4 6 0
6 g 0 IRS 0 41
0 0 goo 0
0 0 a 4
- '
0 r -Z
AID P - 642
Subject USSR/Electrlcity
Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 111/34
Author Golembo, Z. B., Moscow
Title Transient phenomena ill ct)mple:.,, circuitc,
with parasitic capacitances
Periodical Elektrichestvo, 9, 49 - 551
Abstract The author studies free oscillations -In the three-phase
reotifier circuits of industrial insl:allatlions. He pre-
sents a mathematical analysis of the disturbances caused
by the capacitances of "he rectifier equLpment, the capa-
c1tances between transformer windl-rip and ground, inter-
phase capacitances, etc. 6 diagrams, B references (3 non-
Russian), (19115-1950).
Institution None
Submitted Jl 11, 1,Q52
AID P - 325:2
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 7/25
Authors Yeyeroirich, E. A., Doc. Tech. Sci., Prof., V. i. GorushUn, Kand.
Tech. Scl., and Z. B. Golembo, Kand. Tech. Sci.
Title i Computation of currents and voltages In an electric po;.,or systiam
feeding asymmetrical loads
Periodical ; Elektrichestvo, 9y 32-39, S 1955
Abstract : The authors present a method of computing c=enta and voltages in
a three-phase system feeding an unsymmetrical load at several
points. The method is based on the division of the whole sysbam
into two parts: one symmetrical, the other asymmetric. The
operating conditions of the qymmetrical part are found by the
method of symmetrical components. Currents and voltages in
connecting points are determined by the method of successive
approximations. The conditions of convergence applied for
electric power system calculations are analyzed. The same methoi
is applied in an exaniFlp to calculate asymm-)trica., ~-,urrents and
F,lektrichestvo, 9, 32-39, 3 19'/5
Card 2/2 Pub. 27 - 7/25
AID P - 3252
voltages in an electric power system feeding from five substat.-orx
the contRet line network of a railroad opm,fitlng on gingle-phan
tA--(,- current. Threa tableel 6 cormiection dittgrami,, laid 8 Soviet
references, 1 - 1936, 7 - 1949-1954.
Institution : Power Engineering Iwtitute of the Academy of Sciences, LEM, and
Trust for the Planning and Investigation of Thermal and Electric
Power Plants, Networks and Substations.
Submitted :
y 31, 1955
GORUSHKill, V.I. , tekhnich,36kikh nauk; GOMOO, Z.B., kiindidat
tokhriicheskik-li nank.
Method for approximate calculation of vo':tage ELrAd current unbalance
in substations supplying an out-of-balance load. Elektricheatvo
no.10:22-24 0 '56. OCLU 9:11)
1. Enargeticheakiy institut Akadamii nau1c SSOI. (for Ooruohkin):
2. Teploolektroproyekt Ministerotva elektrootantell (for Golombo).
(Electric power distribution)
J.~.7 ~T -11 I-M, 7
-10 -'41 j- -1 -T-3
14 -1, 1-1-11N
7A j T 11 ml 1, 1
11 c IV
UT T "n;
Val Z-W
I'll VC, "41 J~ -0
J, X~-rv-v -'m
'.IL -141 1 I-T, U, _1
J.j j -.12.-tT- -TL:- :Asodilnj
:'r3 '14-1 -VA'D :-'-II ?- t~VTTq 'a J. M
-g'N -P3
S j. A-j-y Ngl;,q -,-W
d1j. tpt 'V~fzv N, 2' w
-Y T11 I
IAT A-1- olAfl:,
1~1131ul .9i..rvxv
8(5) ~~C)V,,"143- 5 ci--z-2 12C-,
1 j /
AUTHORo: Golembo, Z.B., Candidate of Technic~ll bcie-nces;
Bochek, I.A., Engineer
TITLE: Using Digital Computers for the Selection and the
EfficIent Arrangement of Regulating Equipment for
Transverse Balancing of Long-Distance Fo-ner Linep
(Vybor i ratsional'naya rasstanovka reguliruyushcae.,;
apparatury dlya poperechnoy kompensatsii dallnikh
liniy peredach pri pomoshchi tsifrovykh maphin)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zaveden-Jy - Bnerget-41ka,
1959, qr 3, pp 12-17 (USSR)
ABbTRACT: The capacity of long-distance power lines must be
sufficiently high for providing applicable econor,-,i-
cal power transmission indexe Various balancino
methods are used for increasing the transmission
capacity of power lines, The injeF-Iligation of po,;;er
line load conditions showed that the best volta-e
control effect is achieved with an even diFtribution
of the transverse balancing equipment along the
Card 1/4 CU1-'LtiW)s are re-
power lines. Time-consuming cal
SOV/14 3-5 9-3-2/20
Using Digital Computers for the Selection and the Rational Ar-
rangement of Regulating Equipment for Traneverae Balancing of
Long-Distance Power Lines
2_ ')2
k k-l Pk 1 2+ 'k-1 rk - P ok
Pi-1- _%i_1 x U2Y'.
Qk-l- Uk-1 k-l k .
whereby U 2 U2 are the voltage moduli V and V
1-1 k+1 k k+
at the start and end of a member; Q JCI Pk are the
active and reactive power components, summed at point
k; r k' xk are the resistance and indLictive -reactance
of the k member; Pok is the active power tapped at
point k; and Y is the line-to-,-,:,,round conductance at
Card 3/4 point k.
S-()V/*1 4 3-519-`-2/20
Using Digital Computerr for them Selection ,.ind the Rational Ar-
rangement of Regulating Equipment for Transverse Balancing of
Long-Distance Power Lines
There are 1 circuit diagrairt, 1 bloclk. iia~.'ram a-rid 2
Soviet references.
AS60CIATION: Laboratoriya upravlyayushchikh mashin i si-7,tem All
S,36R (Laboratory of Control !machinery and
Systems of the AS Ub6R)
6UB7,141ITTED: Luly 17, 11358
Card 4/4
GOL~IBO, Zelik Bori-qovich~ FILAiETOVA, A.S.,, red.; LfflICAIOV, G.Ye.,
-- teklm. red.
(Use of cybernetic techniques in electric&I cm:ii-.eerir-g1 F--!.i-
nenenie metodo,r kibernetiki v elektrotekhrBze. '~Oskva' Gos-
energoizdat, 1962. 302 p. (MIKA I.r-.7)
(Electric engineering) (Electronic df-gital compeutern)
G 0 T,~ Z, ',~irian, mgr inz.;
Renarks on laboratorv of ~Jrl.:~ ut -1 v -i tv
t ot' buil i iiL, miter --d,i . .1 rl~; nu.
1 -0.
L . I.: . ~, - , : I I , . I I . . 1, . .
: :1~ i. ~.. - - : :-, -..- .1 1
W-1 zw4erciadle c,emii" (In the mirror of cvw:ti4 s try ) , 'by % . G ~,leob ww --'c z .
1 1;
Reuortc(i in New books (Nowe Ksiazki), No. 11, July 1, *(il,(,'
1 -1 -
Solemn scientific session in commemoration of the 90th anniversary
of V4I.Leninls birth. Spisanie BAN 5 no.2:57-6o 6c. (F-EAI 9:11)
(Leninp Vladimir Illich)
Institute of Health Education (Institut za zd)."avna prosveta),
Sofia; Director; Khz GOLEMANOV.
Sofia, Khiciiena i Zdraveopazvane. No 49 1966, pp 350-356.
"For a Scientific Approach by the Crganization and the Con-
duction of the Health Education."
gOJAMI.WOVA. R.,, asistent pri Ochnata klinika; KHRISTOY, G., miotent pri
Institute. po mikrobiologiia.
Possibilities of application of phytoncides In aphthalmologic
practice. 2. Application of phytoncides in ocular Inflarmatory
diseases. Khirurgiia 7 no.2:101-105 1954.
1. Meditsinska akademiia V.Cliervenkov, Softift. Ochna klinilm.
Direktor: dots. D.Dantilov. 2. Institut po mikrobiologila.
Direktor: akad. V1. Markov.
(EYE, diseases.
*inflamm. die., ther., phytoncides)
*phytoncides, ther. of eye dis.)
Plwtoncides in ophthalmologic practice. 1. UtilizatIon of non-
volatile phytoncides. Khirurgila, Sofia 8 no,5:432-439 '55,
1. Vissh meditsinski institut V. Chervenkov-Sofilm iastitiLt
po mikrobiologila. direktor: akas. V1. Markov, vianh m9dAtsia-
ski institut V. Chervenkov--Soflia ochna klinika direktor: dots.
D. Danillov.
(M, diseases.
phytoncides, ther. of eye die.)
Prevention and dispensary care in glaucoma. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8
no.8:695-696 1955.
1. Vissh meditsinski institut V.Chervenkov - Softia ochna klinika.
Zav. katedrata: prof. D.Daniilov.
prev. 8.. ther.)
'lodifications of elastic curve following load and discharge
tests. Pirurgila, Sofia 9 no.2:13?-144 1956.
1. Vissh m8ditsinski instItut V. Chervenkov, Sofila. lliilka
po nchni bolesti. Direktnr: dots. D. Danii1ov.
(GTIUCOIA, diagnosis,
eleaeto-tonametric test. (Bul))
Cluinres in the vi-m! field in F-hirizrili~-a, Soj-_,~ 10 ar,.Il:
1010-1015 1957.
1. Visc3h me(litsinski inatitut - so-fin katedra T)o ochni bolosti Zav.
kater~rata: Dotg. D. Nninlov.
(GIAUCOMA, nhysiology,
visunl field chnn4cs (all))
Zarly functional changes in the vascular systain of the eye in human
silicosis. Nauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 11 no.4:32'1-328 159.
1. Predstavens. ot dots. E. Zhivkov, zav. Katedrata no o~~hni bolesti.
(SILICWIS physiol) (EYE blood eup-ply)
Use of a cryoextractor in cataract extraction. Vest,oft.
no.5:74 162. (MIRA 1-5:12)
1. Klinlka glaznykh bolezney (zav. - prof. Ye.I.ZhJvkoir)7y-sshego
meditsinskogo Instituta, Sofiya.
ZHITKOV, Z., dotcent; GOL~-YINOVII, R.; DE!fz-,V, VI.; 11H,
Trentn-int of ~indo.~.,enous uvelt!5. K'ni-nmr-i-in 1, -lc", I - 3
L 17 ~,a'edratn F,, oohni 1,olesti p-i IN.- 3 d S --*r S 'i--l
in.stitutj -, Sifiia.
Effect of quinine and aureomycin on the CytOlOgiMll DiCtU~C-
of the anterior chamber in rabbits inoculated with herves
simplex, Nauch tr. vissh, red. inst. Sofiia Z,2 no,1:207--2l)
1. Predntav&~ia ot dots. E. Zhivkov.
ACC NIZ: ld'uoi 3516 SOURC"~-' CC-D---': 1 3/tS 6/G)0/008/0 17 6/01 `6
A172HORS: Golen',_S. I.; Litvin, P.; llutsk~yj 7. 1.; ,'-r11rLLrevich, Ya. Is.; Shne, F.11-
- ---------
ORG: none
T PPLI-]: A cargo-lit,.ndlinC ma o tC, la.;:-, 61~~, No. 1001,16")
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlonnyye obra--tsy, tovarrVrye -ziwi*~.i. no. '9, 1,,-,66, 1!,6
TOPIC TAGS: ship component, carCo handlint, equipment
This Author Certificato p-reoulits a carjo-""~~ndlinsl ;;IIIB" ::)fl
'I'he mast is equipped vith a rrarie arm, a rotitinfl, head mo,,-uited on tne top of the mast,
and a device for shiftin,-, the cr-,Lre ,rm from one working pooit-on to the other
diametrically located working position. 'Ihe desi,,qi permitt3 t.-ne cranc. to be
shifted without altering its rigging. The device is made in the form of two rotating
brackets with yokes mid with an intermediate pivot ('Lsee ?ir,. The yokeo are
fastened to the lower part of the mast.
Card 1/2 UDC 629.112.0i,1.21
Fig. 1. 1 crane armi 2 - brackets:
3 - intermediate Pivot; 4 - Pivot
Grig. art. has: 1 figure.
SUB CODE.- 13/ SUBM DATE: 15Apr6l
-Card 2/2 f,
FAYER, Yu.I,, -rrach; GOL'HMh'M, X. Ytt., kand'awGratilf
Determination of ircapacity ,,or.,,, a-ncl, ratic-rad job
Placement of T)atients with ol'~ronic de-.7-atoses' Vest.
derm. i ven. ~7 ro.1:7C Jal,';3.
Tz Dr,ogobychsh,)[-o 71ezhraYo',T-!-,O 1- 0:11-1110~'-- ell(! rolo Cic lie skojo,
(,'-'1,qvny- i M.Yu. Goilden"berg).
y vracl
(DT1,01LITY "H011) (SKI'::-DISEA.SIIS)
2. !;'S'SH
4. Hack a 'tuna
7. OrA,'jiizinL,, tvinnv
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified.
GOLF,NCHFJIKO,A.P. , kandidat bioloi-,icheskikh nauk
7 0
T~inn f ish In the 131nck Sea. Prirodn ';4 no.9:106-1 -.1 8 'S~).
(muu 8:11)
1. Azovo-Chernomorskiy nnuchno-issledovnte1'!1kiy rybnrr In-
stitut, Kerch'
(Black Sea-Tunn fish)
GOLENCHENKO, A.P., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk (Kerch')
StLulying anchovies of the 1;ea of Azov -,tj th the hull) of thl) AOrIQ
photography. Priroda 45 no.2:10G-102 F '56. NULA 9:5)
1. jlzcherniro.
(Azov, Sea of--Anchovies) (Photography, Kerb:d)
GOLENCHENKO. A.F., kandidat biolopicheskikh nauk.
Television in the mrial location of fish. Prirode mc.11:104-105
N 156. (N1RA 9:11)
1. Azovo-Cherriomorskiy institut morskogo rybno~;o khozy*qstva i
okeanografii, Kerch'.
(Television in zieronautics) (Aeronautics in fishLr,g)
?I c 2 i
r, j the as-
-hca, t,
ce" a,
nol lan el
1 IL
a r t3
2::* -P n i
r-7 e
L y
-T'rc A~Ca-zst-ic ~;earch for i?ijh by
ard inctustry-U,-,'
Aerowtuticg in fish,)r7 rg9parch and fish,~ry surgys. Biul,,
Okean kom. no.3:91-913 sq. " 041]Lh 13:")
(Aoronautic,; in fiOlil~-,)
RMMVSKIT, V.Ya., otv.rpil.; PIDOPIOIC11YO, A.F., kpLnd.biolo,-,-,.nau;c, rod.;
GOLEIMIX, I.Z., kanl.tokhn.riruk: BRRkB,%bGVA, Tn., r,.0.121,'-VfL;
7i~T.r)YlLkIX)VlCf!, I. , tek-hred.
Fsnpr-)r~lr and their utilizationl Sapropeli i IlLh inoollzo-
van!A; T)o nntm-lalam lonfsrnntqli PO 9qprOpf)li8ln 11)56 g.
VITIA., 104q. Iloc? P. Oaq.)' )-~:l)
1. AN 9SSR, Minvk. Imtltijt torfa. 2.
AT; 111)'I? (fnr %qkovskly).
(SapropoI3 )
Increasing the size of metallurgical coke by a new inethod of Belect-
Ing coal charges. Koko I khim. no.l'112-27 16o. 04IBA 13:7)
1. DnepropetrovBkV khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy Institut (for Dal' ,
Finkel'shteyn & Golenda). 2. I)Tiepropetrovskly 14roksckh'.3iicheskiY
zavod (for Popov, Paahkevich and Konradi).
New clas.91fication indices for Done's Basin cnals. Kokc i kUm.
no.9:6-10 163. (MIRA lb:9)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekYinologiche3kiy institut.
(Donets Basin--Goal--C:L,--ssil'ication)
Photosenalbility of the skin in hypertension. Klin. med., Moskva
18 no.11:54-56 NoT 50. (MIL 200)
1. Of the Department of Nervous Diseases (Ifead-Honored Vo:eker
in Science Prof.S.N.Davidankov, Active Member of the Acadeniy of
Medical Sciences USSR) and of the Department of Physiotherapy
(Head--Prof.N.N.Mishchuk), Leningrad Institute for the Advanced
Training of Physicians Iment S.M.Kirov.
WSR/1-!edicin, - Pharmacology FD-19C7
Card 1/1 Pub.
Author Golendberg, A. D.
Title The confutne~! effect of certain pharmacolot;Loal and phyi;i--al agents ol-,
coronary blocd flow clurinIS experimental 'miucardial infc-rc-,
Periodical Farm. i. 1'~J' 20-29, Nov,'Dt~c 19~54
Abstract Tested the effects of the ccmbined action of niti-i),Tlyce-rifie and diathemy,
and morphine and diathermy durin-~ an experimentally invoked Miceardial
infarct. The results indicated that combined action of various pharmaco-
lo6i(-al agents w'r~i ijiuthermy should be avoided unless the results are
?mwn beforehand. Under the conditions of an acu-Le ex-Derimental mic-
cardial infarct, nitroglycerine has a more favorable effect when admin-
istered with dia-vhermy than when diathermy alone Is used. VDrphine, how-
ever, causes an unfavorable decrease in coronary blood flow when Evintir.-
istered in conjunction with diathermy. Four Lzrap'las; --four references (all
USSR, all b.--fore 1940).
Institution: Chair of PIysioligy, Military-1,13:~dical Academy Div:nL c3. M. Kirov (Directcr
of Work- Corr-Mem Acad Med Sci USSR A. V. and Chair of
Physiotherapy GIDUV (Head - Prof. N. 11. AishmL~k)
Certain reflex mochanisfis from diethovii,, curront; oxp~iri lion ta 1
Invest igat ions. Vop.Icur., fizioter. i lech.fiz.!rullt. no.4 :0-12
O-D 155. O."IRA 12:12)
1. Iz ot6ela fizicheskikh notodov (rukovoditoll - A-otsont A.D. Golend-
borr) Lonin~~radskot~o natichno-issledo~,.-.ttql'slcc),:.o inztItuta fizintora,li
i k,irortoloeii (dir. - dotsent S.V. Ku-rakin).
reflex mechanism in ani-nqls)
Tegetattve functiona in progreanive muscular atronlq. ZkLtLr. nevr. I
psikh. 55 no.1:17-221 A ~35. (MLOA 8-,2)
1. Klinika neyvVkh bolainey dlT . p:rof . 9 J[~Davidenkov) i k-af edra
fizioterapii (zav. prof. R.N.Mishuk) Instituta usio,Ter~hanatvovaniya
vrachey imeni S.M.Kircva.
autonomic IS)
(AUTONOHIC ITEMUS STSTEM, in various dtseasns,
progreastve rucc. atrophy)
GOI-E I'D FERG , A. D . :"The effect of dintliermic current on di.:z4urbod c-oronary
circul,qtlon." Acad Med 73ci USR. Joint Councl.1 of the Group
of Lenin-grrad Instituteg. Leningvrl, !~,5(.. (Dl.s:3er-l,a'lClis for
the Do-gree of Doctor in Modicn-1 Scloncvs~
SO: Kninhnnys Ix-toc!sl No. 22, 1956
GOISIMBERG. A.D. (lieninp-rad)
PhyHiothorf,py of vegetative neuraleis of the Bciattv nerve. VOD.Icur.
fizioter, i loch.fiz.kul't. 22 no.(-:)0-32 14-D 157. (MIRA 11:2)
1. Iz ballnno-fizioterapevtlcheskogo otdelentya (7aV, - dots. A.D.
Golendbarg) bollnitsy imgni VA.Lenina (Lzlnvn~ry vrach V.S.R&zumikhin)
f*cr '. I ::; , 1;
.... I i - v :I- w c d
by -h . D. ( o I f:rid ~,3 r~, . I . . .
I V op. -,ur . " 1. z I o ,, : r .1-1 -, t i; . -- , - , -!1 -1,1, :; o . 1 .
U- Q '53 , 11:3)
(PL',~AW,L Till~'R,WY)
GRISHINA, KInvdiya Filatovnn; KOMAIMA, Lyudmiln Alak:,midrovna;
GOLEW)BERG, A.D., red.; Z.V., teklin. rad.
[Technique qnd method of performing physiotherapt~utic
procedures],rekhnika i metodika provedeniia fizioteraplairti-
cheskikh protsedur; spravochnik d-lia srednego medits-Inskogo
personala. Leningrad, Medgiz, !963. 319 r) - (IM"I RA 16:4)
GOLENDBERG, A.D., doktor med. nauk; SKUPLATOVA, Z.S.
Activities of the Leningrad Society of' Health llfsort Specialists
and Physiotherapeutist.,5 during the f i rst half of 1963. Vol). kur.
fizioter. i lech. fiz. Irullt. 29 no.2.190-191 Mr.-Ap 164.
(11IRk 18i2)
1. Predsedatell Leningradskogo obshchestva kurortologov ii fizio-
terapevtov (for Golenberg). 2. Sekretarl Lenin~radskogo obshchestva
kurortologo,; i fizioterapevtov (for Sk-urlatova).
- doktor tekhn.nauk; BOGARIEVA, K.G., Inzh.; BOIIKOVA, Ye.I.;
DOBRYNINA, O.N., inzh.
Effect of exhausted catalysts on the hydrolysis of fate. IJztsl.-zhir.
prom. 24 no.9:17-22 158. (MIRA 11:10)
1.Gor'kovskiy politekhnichaskiy institut (for Gol.)ndayev).
2.Gortkovskiy maslozhirkombinat imeni S.M. Kirova (for all
except Golencloyev).
(Catalysts) (Oils find fats--Analysis)
7 f 0 * 0 41 6-6 6*0 0 to * it 0 a 0 4) (F 0 Qjo
of:::9646004000111110 00600 it 10 Oo* *so 0 a
x It is 9 10 10 11 IF 1)
A At 1 4 1. . 4 A_ Ix a) fx I
it T. at ,
-side amd ekWc
IWWVO valociuse of It It
of eaten of obb-ad. dmift Rcws. 1"rettv -11
And 'IPA . LTB.B.R; F*4 rat(I 3br-
g.-H. b.Mm"r., 11. The
00 14 miu.; M b mm., OvI b. a 0
0 sup 0
b.p. BVA b
min., and aurf 4kidtoi:
IsomaimUms of o1ok to alaidia add takus phao, in
pream of inkkts of N, but rwt of H
(5) Tho rbd~y *1 b tvReWAion (M1..k 1 111 (lie 0
aba" edam ofolui Wlmikog~>thabofnolloof 0
dowle held. whme - oncill(w that olvir noid No jul 0
the cis-vonflitiftflan. B. ,r.
WN 0
;NP o
u G Av po Lsi a ~j' ~ - I I ) I- wo
9 M ft It OW f4 K 4 X W K IN C1 It X ML2 ft I :VA
o 0 so *Is 0 a a 'a m
: : : : : : : : *0 : : : : : : .0 0 4 0 0 oil
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0 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 0
to 0 0 9 do 0 0 wt
iv -, ': " . 11, . ; to to A " 1) a it A A P . :0 11 4. 1. 1,
A A. I_AA_j L LAP, P 2 '1 W I , I A I Z AA 06 W to
Application ol cittiC Acid to of nick-11 in I
Wit of Iron and Of PIIOAP~.10rtt Acid % I'
0 fal "'i J-1 -4,111
1035, X., 2. '-'2 MC q N'. 1,
.4 It
I it :-
Nit, - id""' -416
'j this -41 I'll.) J)p
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00 C' c11,
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A 1- 111-1 V - F. L;411cli'll" "'''l -00
so A pp -1 CA,.. it', S. S~ P ) 9, ~'41 :.(it, Fngh.h Si:"
go I 1 %36 1A ,mittimms jm~~ fw thr pi,-6twit -4
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ve j 1"t: -A Owl .4. -id
00 I'd1i a gig.. 11,1., m. 1""'j 22 mi.'
h,,,t,,i dor~tswaljy at l1:' A". III,
ptwuct W~' stifit'll with .4)" %*j()ll .!1,l firml fiow
90 uswhanitcd oil by "Iritrifulling f~r 5 mm. r1m ak. Jti
ft-1 f '.~ -0,
it, 'In mul to wl, 111,
I A 11-
to 0
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00 lie
00, -00
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10 6
'Mt I flueact of cit-trignm Itimerism on the selective .08
94 hydroge'a'a lion V, (kiletidrev. J ?,,, (
I ,
, .1; R. 1 7, ~; 1, 2, 1107 1 C .4 30. 4-111
111,4 le, or, 11 A,11 IN 1i f4., I. I Is, H) And Ilse~, mm. -to 9
Illv hVII ... pumv-11 -01 sit,
11, It Ils~ ~O?Nt d 1, 1-0 1 h., 441
00 t .,a., tqt,.sl tfi~ 1-0 ... 11
'If 1111i1 31111 R11.01-1 th.111 thit Z**
W A, 1, (111; Il,me in the h vdr-sicemiti -it d 111i)(L;
"I I heir ritrri the r.1-okc omleut .I III In the frarti-m
09 irwmau-
$4111, ;00
Ost ill sia
00f 4*0
0* It
7- .--- ; . r -T if 'I
48T LL .1 -0 AJ %A
I, n t, 9 K .1 R It ~I 3 n
0 it 0 0 40 0 st a
0 9 IF .0 0 so 0 0 0 a 0 11)
4 0 0 a 11 () 0 0 0 0
tsa v N 11 w It .1 q u .1 fe
IL a -X CC L.A t I
I L AL ii P
Detumication Of the hydrocen-ion c"ceatzill'ou 'If ull
gatursted compmnds. ItspecmilY f1ts V
It' S k 113.1- --It
1937. It. 2:"q :-1- -- .4 k. it' "I 'I
k;rtin aild 1e. Il ' - I A 1,
:0 a
Ata vt. W,01-1 411t
f I At t UP6K At LMS- 1111 CL -11-P K-Y,C.
u n 1, c is l
t" a, its It $I a K El tt 'I
0 0 0 0 0 9 or A 1. $j I
*"; a 9 0 'o 0 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 a 0
0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, 0 0 0
4 1 0 F I IF No It 11 to W irbi -thima vesdiletWOR 4f &fill 4,011116 CO dUltill~ 11 go 31 a 0 a ill
= 41 rj a 4
- T 1am 1 1. UOrm; Chinil. Of. Lt. 8 -
11 ,
i Item
11OXONII fit,
II.) to, 11104 1$( h 10
1:01,11 (11), Mcc m IZI-Ill 1.)
,I '00
was Inized with llsontreli(al Writi. (0 " 4 'light 9104") M
CH,:Cllctl,(-Ili. The mixt. wus tirrated lafth 0.14-1
v. 110). (,~.wci.). udded by drupti wbih~ ~)Linj, unit rv.
fluxed fix 3 4 hirs. in A walrr tallh (peloolKally tolLsilling
the ftk). Then the milt "a itrated alith it
aid. monifit noln. till no moor CO, wAs vsolvicil. After '06
00 ~pn- of the watir 14yer. tht, p")dtu:t obtAin" wall trenicii
kith a slight (it 5-111
~j stalm-1c. (1 1) loin. cl
%*.OH or KOH (i~ -k d1k. remocll,ft to litillus" to
neutvslite Untm-fr'l fr~ &-ils, s-olilp.-Li "nth 4.4ter UJ4
JrkA avvir tit ibi, izi~ tJ
(ICIICO,11), the Vallent IC,11,) UW41 WLA (16til. Off, Th,, ties
00 43 irvers ollwiled were di,nd. In taltma In a Cot atm Tbt
following tilefs and their coiistii. were prtpd. and antcl.
go .3 Of, cHclfOC(CH,),Nft-., 1", 75 43" d:, 0.8*19, I'd
0 0 1-4243, AtRo 44.94~ 1 no 1111.0; Cit, Cf!Clt1.'l,C-
, in. 26-J
~C11,)-W, b, 171 71
OSHA nl? 1.14M).
, d:
~r, ov
00 e
00 Is Cl a d Or in CCl,, yiddinj 0.-V~lwhlnr- mrnl -,illm
y I , at r r i i J a - CI i, j le r , A , I it, I.N 1
(1)4 r I ta I i ji~jml
I m,%,
.1:, 1.11KIP, 4j" %IV,. '11-10
1XI-MI, (liattial dftvalplo, 11:1 "1, LIMA
0 0
'1147 ruir if 11, Ill, 17% 1:, 0 JUS4441, "j. %IR"
IWA; do-Be filer, in. '$1% 1:: lAil.r.11. avj~- I 4:41k% If
t 141M.112; CH, ClICHACCII CIII&, his 14% %" it"
-13"40. -%: Nik,05.6-5. (Cit.
iUll -64 Prer-1. 1, 46- and by thi, .,thd c1 .1knoill1lut. 0
. (B#,. It. 1044(1M78)) soul Oil"v U. Hui, Phys,
Clitm. Sx. It, ~NMM79)) Irtim ihr Ag -iialt of thr ac-sil and
Cit. CHOW. It I". I Q, 3% it:, 0.071U~AII17414, allij steel
1,4710-IAT03, SIR ji fit Ill. Two x 4 (if in It, (e. of
Milt trvil(M with I ce. of fir, ijkl"i hy,I"1;..
in M-4'
iieltkd fiamapve
INJON the aboYe rAlm wvrv not ~4. in water hut wA, in
- j I
a 1 1% n0# end mic. 43 referetia-s beLimmius fir-ocit, 13
73. to 0 A 4 1
' t-W
0 0 0 0
I Is
"'P 20 00 to g so a a Dole Ikel
0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 1 A. A. P(mimit-ve
evooD 06 0(1 'm Ito 0 000.0
o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 4 6 0 " 0 0 0 ID'o 0) 0 a 4 0
000000090*000, 0 i--4~ 0 41 !e W v - . - -
10 P 0 p 'P v R # 9 9 1 p P 0 --
r L if i. a Q A I IA Ob JC 9.11 M ~k
~lYdrep"five cd ARYI asun of crolorje, lummule and
00 Itic acids with *t[Avm 464 PAVA41M "t"Irm- I
J. GF, (heirs. (U~ S. S. R.1 to, N.'HI
(tqjO).- -A siudy ot the dilletence in hYdillftfultli'll ta"'
allyl d-.I,lt UmAs AM d(Albk lroJ3 of unutd. &b- of
:0 philic Switis in AUYI eltrrs of unsald. lsli;~Ismllc 16h. Whi
IIIAdC with the yurikm a Mxatic4 to wkvtirt bld1f)-
ffrnal~m., The Ixtpcdcv-VAYM lule Iris vit)(ficilt"I.
t r., the Mlyl tactical was hydrogmated &i( at u rapid
'..Ir whilc 11" a, "I i2dictfli wrtr bpdmvnxlnl Wirt and .90 6
at 4 111wer r%I'* I'd bl"A L"Met t 'Clctti'r ClIall"(
thAn Pt Us,k. I)a~id A,1~4w
J momi
1_; j9*
ac 'r I W 0 a
* 0 a a 6
OeflAose *&sdiem 8,82 :
"A New Method of Synthetizing Glycerides. " Zh. Cbshchei. 6 (1940),
12, 1841-1846.
SO: Translation-2524467, 30 Apr 1954.
'hem. Scil .
GG11:11:11"DEYEIV, ill. P. Dr. ~.,
Dissertation: "Inve E t 1~rti t Ion in tLo ii 1e, Icl of ~,,Vn tLc 3 1!! of tne Hs ter-
t. -4 . . ~~ -a C C"'N
,lor t Ives of' tLe Allyl Lladical ~in,,] -LuLiv ul 'iiielr rr,:ipp-t~eEj." Ii'
Order of Leciin z)tate U Lneni oi. V'. Loi-,ionos,-iv, 26 veb 47.
SO: vechiernyaya ~,.oskva, iielj, ~Pr-,,~Ject iil7~-,3,))
in of t'incitil V. 11. C.' Ir St"I'reil
2, 1~Ill -num7nMilug. all)
FtIl') %ijs addv~l 11) g. fir at 0-.*Y'. ykIding 20 g. llrl,-Ifr
Cmi,cu,( ' i,~ im-r. (it, i.siww. pill, ni,
Is g g. KOAc. I ,:I A,011 rriluxed .1. 1(0' 4
ga, ~ Ill y trkcctill, Ch'(O'lc).
1.160 1. 1 1z:()1 ~
I th"', It" at'll -it-' I" tot 'p;'1l::i" Ill,
Iki Wo of 'i"J" ~1,
I 1; "64 "o. 1~.Jfl I
.0.1 lit !ill :1;;~ o
M, Cl 1111CHIHMA.. 11, o 101J. 0! 1 (11,
t I ' " '
'J. I " J;.) 'an lwoi 1,r,- ~: It,, %%ilh
J~Wcallll '!.', )1A_ gJ116A "it-od jjiclijjlj~ 10g, flimeli 1, lit.$
if 1,' 1.11101. 1. Ac:ttlili.'Anit ill, Ill.
g.) was IlliMult'l ity 11'aling 3.5 g. I f, T " I.m.
ritil 13 g. K jildmilat'! ill :115 lul. C41N. The 11-k crack-
ijig-g.i,; propyloic L~ Ell-111-fial ~i 51lUgOttil.
Oxidation of b9nzoic aldehydo and benz;rl chlorido with pr)1-4ydrol.
Zhur.ob.khim. 2j no.3:5714-576 I,,r 155. (MIRA 8:1)
(Oxidation) (Benzole rldohyde) (Toluene)
T t L A
f; t r
L 1
i3 UZ,
7~, -T -L f
A A 1 L L
., ~ I/- as
'Irl, 1. Fliel cil
GOLENDKEV, V.P., dolm-tor khjn.n!0.ik
i cke 1 s 2-)
I oa-D contained in h;rdlroFerated fats. Vaul-.-zhi7. prom.
no.4:16-18 -5 F . (IrIT 1-~
l.Gorlkovskiy politekrinic4eqIdy institit.
(Metallic so-ips) (Olls !~nd fatti)
GOMIN-D-ty-EV, V.P.; 730G.AREVA, K.G.; 1403F071, Ye.l.; DORRYMIT1, O.F.
Effect of the speTit cpt,-~Irst ou increas,ed rv-idi.ty of h,-,~.ropenated
fat. Zhur.-orikl.khiri. 91 no.11:1722-1731 It '58-
(MLRA 12--2)
1. -r~liteklmiehuMy inntit,dt.
(Oils P-nd fr"g) Olyciroi7pnrtt icn) (Cit t s)
GOLE'TU211N) V.i.
ImprovinE; the deoi.7n of gyptz-.-concretc rolled ~)art'tiomi.
Stroi. mat. 0" no.6:29-30 JO lt':12. (Id"'A
1. inThcntx 'vQrdlovL;koGo ZILVcda T:;j)',;C7y~:!-1 izd(--.*---*,.Ir.
(G,,,,pEum products) (r-r,-,ca: t (W13-1h )
Go T S K 1 Y , G . I .
Sr..Jsmic wave hodographo for thf~ southern Baikal region. Gool.
I (MIBA 13:9)
geofiz. no.2:125-136 '6o.
SeysmicheBklya stantslya "IrIcutsk".
(Iltaikal r~yioti--So i Lim ic
USSR/Geophysics - Seismic Stations
"Mothod of Hypocentrals, " A. A. Tr,2.,-,.kov, J. 1. Oo-
"Trudy Geofiz Inst, ilk Nauk Oj,jj,~11 ~jo L)t ~ OtL)~
Pp 13-20
Proposes a graphical method for jointly detE t~ze
position o; e-nicenter and tile depth of focus of a
distant eart;)quake, which inethod can be empb-)Yel
in processing data L'rom a group of selsmic
Analytical method of plottirw, dfiej-s~nt,)~ Fmrtl(jlj;kkF-l -,,I tne hallim (if
a hodograph. Trudy GeoflE.Inst. no.20~~1,54 (MULA 7 5)
(Seismology) (Hodograph)
Determination of the epicenter of a near daep- eeatod !jarthqnal(:i~,
Trudy Geofit.last. no.20-55 68 '53. (VIju. ..5)
L~. j . ; I;J.', i'-i 1 1
. , -, . '. t .
,~'ethod of isociiioiies. lru~~j uc-oflz.inst. no. "1:91-1)7 (:,, I : 1 7: ~-)
(su i S, lo I oij) 1
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektroteki-inika, 1957,
Nr 2, P-195 (USSR)
k9THOR.S: Golenetskiy, S.I., Gayslciy, V.N,
TITLE: Two Mechanisms for Graphically Procesaing Observations
of Nearby Earthquakes (Dva mekhanizma dlya [;raficheskoy
obrabotki nablyudeniy nad blizkimi zemletrycaseniyami)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Geofiz. in-ta AN SSSRY 1955, Nr 30, pp-195-197
ABSTRACT: The design of two mechanisms is described: a hyberbola
graph and an epicenter graph both intended for simul-
taneously determining the posibion or the epicenter of
an earthquake and the apparent speed of the seismic irtakre
propagation. These instrwnents are designed for
graphically processing observations. The hyperbola
Card 1/2
Determination of the a'nitial ordirinte arA metlioi of -O).cttlnv
epicentral contours in case of P- linear hodof~re:oh [with suiampry
in FrigliFhl. Trudy AN Ttidzl-...SSR 71:2-9-37 1 i7e .
(Selsmomqtry) NIRA 11:1i)
GOU19TSKIY, 8.1.
Aftershocks following the Gobi Altai earthquake of December 4,
1957 and certain characteristics of the distribut~.on of saismic
wzjves in the Baikal region and Mongolia. Geol. i geofit. no.4:
114-118 160. (MIRA 1):9)
1. SeysmichegkaytL stailtsiya, "Irkutsk':.
(Gobi Altui-13arthquakes) (Bailml region-Seismic waves)
(Mongolia-Soismic waves)
Study of azimuthal anomalies based on the observations made in the
Irkutsk seiBmic station. Geol. i geofiz. no.b":106-115 160.
04IRA 13:9)
1. Irkuts~:aya seysmicheskaya otantgiya.
Deter.,-unation of thp thic-'eme.,:s of ihc- E.,art',11s cmot on obseria-
uons on waves reflected from its bas(.- an-i tha- drp~h of foci es
of afLersliocks of tile Celitral Baikal oarthqua":o, Aurust. 2,9 19~9.
Geol. i geofiz. no.2:111-116 161. O'Albl 14! 5)
1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy geolorichossIdy instil,",-. SLIA"skOr-c" Opdeleniya
AN SSSR,, Irkutsk. CZarth-Surf aco)
(Baikal Lake
ACCESSION' IFR: AP40108,32 S/0210/()3/000/011/0132/0134
AUTHOR: Golenetskiy, S. I.
TITLE: Record of TS waves in the Baikal region
3OURCE: Geolog-iya i geofizika, no. 11, 19163, 132-134
TOPIC TAGS: PS wave, refracted wave, seiijmic wave, transmis:3Lori volocil.-j, earth- j
quake, seismogrram, arrival time, first arrival, longitudinal wave, tr1insverse Wave
ABSTRACT: For the central Baikal earthquake of 29 August, 1959, it was discovered
that, in contrast to records of other stations in the Baikal region, the seismo-
grams of the Kabansk station show earlier arrival ti-mes for both longitudinal and
transverse waves on the vertical record than on the horizontal record. A compari-
son with records of other stations with more sensitive instruments led to the
conclusion that the Kabansk seismogram. was typical of records obtained in the
region of the Selenga River Delta and the Proval Gulf. From the appearance of the
first arrivals, it is thought that the longitudinal wave had been refrElOted at an
interface between two media having very different transmission 1relooitieB. It
appears most natural that this interface is the base of oand-clL\y deposits that are'-.-
very thick in that region. The subsequent arrival on the horimatal i3latnIMent May
,Card 1/2
ibe interpreted as the arrival of the F5 wave, which formad by refracbion at this
interfaco. Theoretical consideration of enerey indicateo that lt is possible for
such waves to be recorded on the seiamouram. Tnvestigation of travel timas for
,different materials and application of these data to the Kabansk seiamograms led
:the author to conclude that the variations observed do riot require an interpreta-
Ition of irregularities in thickness of the earth's crubt, but inny be Interpreted
,as retardation of the seismic waves in the sand-clay deposits or the region. Orig.
:art. has: 3 figures and 1 table.
.ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnoy kory* Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Irkutak
.(Institute of the Earth's Crust, Siberian. Department All SSSR)
SUBMITTED: 11jul62 DATE ACQ: 14reb64 ENCL: 00
;Card 2/2
GOLI-W,T,'.'AKlY, '7.1.
Df!torminatlon of thf! t,hlcknr%3:; of thi! eart 'L 1 13 c nis , 14 ?1 d
the study of possible errors in the establitlimen~ of
hypocenters based on the obsrrvatioim of the afterl3hocks
-)f the middle Lake Balkal earthquake on Ault-ust 2c;, P15'
& I
Truciv Inst. zem. kory SC AN S!;'-'~R nn.'8:19-21, ' ni, .
(H-iiifk 18:11)
GOLENETS'?."!", S.I.; 1,fjyl*,rA';O'ir'., 7.1'
- U.
Plodov-raphs of seismic waves based on --he obsi~,rvailions of
-if ~er.
, " qhoc~s in thc-, middle Lake Baikal rpt.7-ion on 29,
P)5~). Trudy Inst- wqm. lkorv 30 AN no.',11011-'16 1-64.
(MIFA 18:11)
Differential method for the determimition of t ,he. azimuth
of a distant earthquake. rrudy Inst. 7.0m. 1-,C1.3, SO AN SSSR no.18:
136-150 164. (111f-~-.~~Jk IV: 11)
ACC MR: A117001834 SOURCE CON: UR/0210/66/oof~/G~~D/01161012"z
-, 4 -
AUTHOR: CO-7Qle:Sidy, S. I.
ORG: Instici-:te of the Earth's Crust, Siberian Division, AN SSSR, (lastitut
zor.,,noy kory SiJbirskogo otdcleniya LN SSS-i)
TITLE: First results of investigations of tve seismograms of industrial exploflions
in Pribay'l-al'ye
TOPIC TAGS: seismic wave propagation, explosion Lff~ct, earth crust, earthquak,/
Baykal region
Thtz. seismograms and explosive effects of natural earthquakes ace com-
pared with industrial explosions in the Baykal region. Recor,'Ls of six
explosions (7-16 tons of explosives) in Siyudyanki and three-00-50 cons)
- at 1 "Irkucs'" Cenmil Sc`amic,
n Chereinkhovo obtained in October 1964 tho
Station were Compared with those received at C11C OULlyillg S~-at:I'OZIS
"Tyrgan," "Zakamensc," "Arshan," "Moady," "7a.11yany,"
Bayanday," A
"Kabansk," "Kyakhta," "Nizhneangarsk," arid others. Notwi,"Istanding in-
cor'.Clusive results from analyses of Wadati travel-time curves, some con-
clusions could be made as to the zauure o;L' the Earth's crust ir,
region. Refracted and reflected waves indicated the average thickness
Card 1/2 UDC: 550-342(571-53)
ACC mR, AP-/OOf834'-
of the'Earth's crust at Kharaar-Daban in the Tunkinskaya deoression to -oe
4Q km. Reflected waves also indicated that the focal dqtas or-eart. .h-
quakes in the southern Baykal reZion vary,con8iderably. Orii. art. has:
4 figures, 3 tables, 4 formulas.
SbB CODE; 08/ SUBM D.AT---: 04AuS65/ ORIC REP: OOS/ ATD PRE-SS: 53.11
Card 212