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CPYRGHT Approve SEPARAAT 2060 LABORATORIA N.Y. PHILIPS' GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKEN EINDHOVEN (HOLLAND) THE INFLUENCE OF ELASTIC SHEAR STRAINS ON THE CONDUCTIVITY AND THERMO-ELECTRIC FORCE OF CUBIC METALS Approved For RplpaCp 199910917a ? rin_RnPRS_nna2sRnn2nnnlsnnna_fi CPYRGHT pproved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000130009-6 Physica XVIII, no 8-9 Augustus-September 1952 THE INFLUENCE OF ELASTIC SHEAR STRAINS ON THE CONDUCTIVITY AND THERMO-ELECTRIC FORCE OF CUBIC METALS by J. SMIT Philips Research Laboratories N.V. Philips' Glocilampenfabrieken Eindhoven-Nederland Synopsis Elastic shear strains cause a change in the shape of the Fermi surface of metals. The influence that such a change has upon the electrical conducti- vity and the thermo e.m.f. has been calculated for monovalent f.c.c. metals, and the results of it have been compared with the experimental values for Cu, Ag and An. The conclusion can be drawn that the Fermi surface of gold touches the Brillouin zone boundary, whereas that of copper does not, whilst silver is an intermediate case. The theoretical results account also qualitatively for the experimental values of the trivalent Al. 1. Introduction. Even in cubic monovalent metals the Fermi surface in wavevector space for the conduction electrons is not spherical. For sodium it is generally assumed that the deviations from the spherical shape are negligible, but for the noble metals this is probably not the case. The electrical conductivity is isotropic for cubic crystals, but if it could be made anisotropic by artificial means, it might be possible to obtain information about the anistropy of the Fermi surface. This can indeed be done by applying elastic shear strain. The linear dependence of the resistance on the strain can be described by a fourth-order tensor, since it relates two second order tensors. In the case where the coordinate axes coincide with the cubic axes of the crystal one obtains : 4exxIQO = -Op40xx = al1r + al2(#vy + ezz) Jo,/C)o = - eodaxa = 2a44Exy \ ! and similar expressions for the other directions. Here eo is the resistance in the undeformed state, and cc the conductivity. The pproved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA5- DP83-00423R002000130009-6 Approv CPYRGHT constants ay are analogous to the elastic constants, and therefore the same abbreviations are used. The three combinations of interest are all + 2a12, a,, - a12 and 2a44. The first quantity gives the change under hydrostatic pressure and the last two the changes under shear strains, leaving the volume constant. For isotropic materials the last two quantities are equal: a,I - a12 = 2a44. The theory for all + 2a12 has been given by M o t t 1). Under hydro- static pressure the elastic constants increase due to the anharmonic term in the potential energy, which also gives rise to the thermal expansion. Thus the amplitude of the lattice vibrations is decreased, giving a smaller resistance and al, + 2a12 > 0. The theory accounts satisfactorily for the experimental values. Here we shall be con- cerned only with al, - a12 and 2a44. Another property strongly depending on the conduction electrons near the Fermi surface is the absolute thermo-electric power, being also a second-order tensor and thus isotropic for cubic crystals. The changes under the application of strain are given by equations analogous to (1): Aesr = llE. + fl f'12(e + Ell) ('7\ Jec.. = 2#44ezv, /1;, being the components of a fourth-order tensor, giving the change in the thereto e.m.f. e;,. In this case the fl;, are not dimensionless quantities, as in (1). We did not divide by the values for zero strain, as this quantity may be either positive or negative, as well as zero. The clement /344 gives rise to effects as observed by P c r r i c r 2) (transverse currents in a twisted tube in which a longitudinal temperature gradient exists), though the mechanism is quite differ- ent for ferromagnetic metals. It will be shown below that the /3's are closely related to the as, and that both can give us qualitative information as to the shape of the Fermi surface. 2. Derivation of basic formulae. The electrical current density is given by 2e/h(2,z)3 f f J=~ CE(k),Tk; /(k) dksdkl,dks, (3) where -e is the electronic charge, /(k) is the probability that an electron is in the state characterized by the wave vector k, and E(k) the energy of that state. In the presence of an electrical fieldstrength F and a temperature gradient, for /(k) we can take /(k) = /0(E) + dfoj`dE, (cF-f- (E -')IT. VT + VC). X(k), (4) Approvod For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000130009-6 CPYRGHT Approv INFLUENCE OF SHEAR ON CONDUCTIVITY OF CUBIC METALS 589 with A(k) satisfying the integral equation rk E(k) = f f 7i(k) - A(k')} P(kk') (aE/akn)-' dS' (5) Fermi f0(E)is the Fermi-Dirac function f o(E) . (exp. (E - ')/kT -+- 1)-', and C the thermodynamic potential of the electrons. B(kk') is, apart from a numerical factor, the transition' probability. In (5) it is assumed that the energy is conserved during a transition (T > OD), the integration' lias to be taken over the Fermi surface in k' space. The introduction of the vector field A(k) is in general not equivalent to that of a relaxation time r(k). The use of this last quantity means that A(k) = z(k) (1 /h) vk E(k), but for the general case of non- spherical Fermi surface and a transition probability which does not depend solely upon the angle between k and. k', X(k) will not always be parallel to Vk E(k), and the use of z(k) is not correct. The conductivity is given by aij = 2e2/h(2n)3 . f cos (n, i) ~1(k) dS (6) Fermi where for dfo/dE has been taken -o(E - ~), this being valid for not Sij(E) = 2e2/h2(27r)3. f cos (n, i) 21(k) dS (8) where the integration in (8) has to be taken over the surface with constant energy E. Comparing (8) with (6) it follows that aij = Sij(4) Making use of the wellknown series expansion for integrals containing dfo/dE, one finds for the absolute thermo-electric force tensor ee. ? - 7c2k2T/3e.Pjk(dSk;(E)/dE)E=I (9) In order to determine the change of (9) under elastic strain we make use of the generalized equations (1) : L9ij = e,(6ij+ aijk5ekl) Sj(E) = S0(E) Oil' - aijkl(E) -'hl) and by means of (9) find aeij/aEkl = Nijkl = 3L21i,2T/3e. (daijkl(E)IdE)E_I (10) 3. The change of the Fermi surface under shear strain. One of the most characteristic features of the influence of elastic shear strain too high temperatures. After multiplying (3) by the resistance tensor ?ij we find 1 aT ?? dfo 1 a~ Fj= iQij+ - Sik(E)dE - (7) T k f(E dE e axj Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000130009-6 CPYRGHT Approve is the change in the shape of the non-spherical parts of the Fermi surface. This is most easily seen in the one-dimensional case (Fig. 1). A strain eki of the specimen corresponds to a strain -eki of the k space. We shall use the nearly-free-electron approximation. The energy gap is 2V,, VA being the Fourier component of the periodic potential corresponding to the repetency vector g of the zone boundary. Moreover we assume that electrons near one particular energy gap are only affected by that gap. Strains which leave the volume constant do not alter . In fig, 1 there is an extension a -.k ko Fig. 1. One-dimensional energy curve for nearly free electrons. The change in it due to strain is dashed. (E = e .> 0) in the drawn direction, and compression in directions perpendicular to it (e,,, = e? e/2). The change in V. is immate- rial, since Vg is small compared with Eo in this approximation. Moreover it is constant for the "deformierbare" potential of 13 1 o c h a.o., as used in the theory of the interactions between the lattice vibrations and the conduction electrons. B a r d e e n 3) has shown that this is a good approximation for monovalent metals. But also for the rigid ions of N o r d h c i in the change in the ener- gy gap will be small as compared with that of E0. Consequently we shall ignore it. The point A in the first Brillouin zone goes over into A', much nearer to the boundary and having a smaller slope dEdk. W 'e can say that the electron is less free than in A, as a conse- quence of the increased lattice parameter in that direction. This fact increases the resistance in this direction. Since it corresponds to ail - a1z or 2am, these quantities should he positive. In the case of Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000130009-6 CPYRGHT Approved INFLUENCE OF SHEAR ON CONDUCTIVITY OF CUBIC METALS 591 sxx = & , = e,, = e > 0 the same picture of fig. 1 applies, but then C is no longer constant, and A' will be lower than A. These effects are therefore more important for purely shape changes than for volume changes. It is easily seen that much the same applies for holes within the first Brillouin zone. The contrary is true in a point B of the second Brillouin zone, where B' is nearer to the free electron parabola than B, leading to negative all - a12 or 2a44. It may be stressed that for free electrons these effects vanish, and that the largest changes maybe expected for points very near a Brillouin zone boundary, which for f.c.c. monovalent metals lie in the (111) directions. Extensions therein and equal compression perpendicular to it, leaving the volume constant, gives in the (111) direction a relative change in resistance of 2a44s. From these very simple considerations one should expect for the monovalent f.c.c. metals 2a44 > all - a12 > 0, and for those of higher valency with electrons in the second zone 2a44 < a11 - a12 < 0. These quali- tative results are now in striking agreement with the experimental values published by D r u y v e s t e i n 4) for the noble metals Cu, Ag and Au and for the trivalent Al. Moreover it is seen that a will be larger, the higher the F e r m i surface as long as it does not touch the zone boundary. According to (10) then fl11 - #12 or 2(344 will be positive. Following the same reasoning as before we get 2/44 > /311- - fl 12 > 0. But the contrary applies for holes within the first Bril- louin zone, since these holes will become more "free" for higher energy. It will be shown that this is also in accordance with the experiments, and therefore it seems worth-while to investigate this aspect of the problem more quantitatively. From (6) and (5) it follows that Aaii = 2e 2/h2. (27r)3 A f cos (n, i) gi(k) dS (1 1) ask 4 a?i~ = A ~,(k) . f P(kk') (-)'ds'+ ~/ n a -1 + 2(k) ? ,l f P(kk') ()s' - A Vf 7i(k') P(kk') (akE ) ds (12) For shape changes under constant volume the first two terms of (12) are the most interesting. For an isotropic transition probability the last two terms should vanish. They contain the influence of the change in the lattice vibrations and depend also on the change in ApprovedlFor Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000130009-6 CPYRGHT Appr~ the properties of quantities at the Fermi surfaces, but to a lesser degree th2n the first two terms of (12), because of the integration. Also in thV present case of non-isotropic I'(kk') we shall ignore the last two integrals in (12). In the same approximation we shall assume the coefficient of J2;(k), i.e. JI'(kk') (aE/Ck')-' dS' to be isotropic. In general X(k) will not be parallel to pkE(k), but in this approximation the changes in it are parallel. Z 'c now get for the relative change in the conductivity l Qtr h (fEE 1E dSj 6 ck; rkF from which also the change in thermo c.m.f. cat, be derived. For zero strain. we shall take the free electron value. Calculations are then made for the f.c.c. monovalent metals by dividing the k space into pyramids formed by the intersections of the discontinuity planes and with their apex in the origin as indicated in fig. 2, and after- Fig. 2. T1 c partition of the Brillouin zone into pyramids. wards replacing these pyramids by cones of revolution having the same solid angle. The points within one cone arc assumed to be affected only by their own energy gap. For the f.c.c. lattice there. are 8 (111) discontinuity planes and 6 (100) ones, having energy gaps 2V,,i and 217100 respectively. The energy in this approximation is given by lc2 (k - g)2 -I- (k) 2 f 1 /{ h2 (k - g)2 - (k)212 Z k _ Y --- -- - + Vg 2 ( 2m 2 2m 2 Apprdved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000130009-6 {jHT Opprn For RPIPasp 1999109194 ? CID-RnPR3-Md93RM9M(113M(19-R INFLUENCE OF SHEAR ON CONDUCTIVITY OF CUBIC METALS 593 and we find for f 3.E/aki.dSi in the direction of the axis of the cone O and perpendicular to it (2) respectively 27rm fkmax aE 2 ~h2 rhmax 2 aee - k2 kmin \ 31a ) dk and a~,~= m rzmi~ k dk . The contributions for each cone towards the changes in conducti- vity and thermo e.m.f. due to a shape change could now be calculated and then summed up. The results are plotted in fig. 3 for all - a12 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 /a22 8m0gao Fig. 3. The calculated curve for all-e12 (lower curve) as 2e44 (upper curve) as a function of 8 mV10olk2gio0 and 8 mV111/h2g 11 respectively. The experimental points are indicated. and 2a44 and in fig. 4 for (31 '- N 1 (T = 300?K). For the change in the thermo-electric force only experimental values for polycrystal- line samples were known, and therefore we have to average. The result is 011 - fl _L = 0,4 ( 311 - P12) -H 1,2 fl 44. The calculated posi- tive values are practically only due to j344 since N11 - (312 is very small or negative. In plotting the figures it has been assumed for 100 but this is immaterial. simplicity that V111/gi11 V100/92 4. Discussion and conclusions. In the table the experimental values of D r u y v e s t c y n 4) are given for the resistance effect and those reviewed by B or e l i u s 5) for the thermo-electric force an an 2a44 au aiz a,1+2alz (311.10?17J?K f 1.10?VJ?K 1) ? 0110?V ?K 0, in agree ment with the experiments. Since the larger part of all + 2a12 is due. to the change in the lattice vibrations, it may be expected that the ratio between the shape-change effect. and that of the volume- change effect (e.g. (aii a1)/{(tll + 2a12)) is much larger .for 'the: thermo e.m.f. than for the resistance (by a factor 5.4 and 2.2 for Cu and Ag respectively). For gold we now find an interesting exception: The difference (iii - /3_L - 0.6) is smaller than for copper and silver by a factor 10. According to fig. 4 this indicates that gold touches the Brillouin zone boundary with its Fermi surface in the (111) direction. The value of 2a44 for copper being rather small, we may conclude that copper certainly does not touch the zone boundary. Silver with its larger 2a44, and still rather large (fin - /31) may be an intermediate case. Hence copper has the smallest energy gaps, and gold the largest. This corresponds to what one might expect from their sequence in the periodic table, for large nuclear charges give deep potential troughs. In fig. 3 and 4 we plotted the presumable points for Cu, Ag and An, but this has only qualitative value. In order of magnitude the computed effects agree with the effects observed, better so for the thermo e.m.f. than for the resistance effect, probably due to the closer approximation. The considerations of P e i e r l s 8) on the "Umklappprocessen" in the theory of conductivity led to the result that most of the mono- valent metals should touch the zone boundary .with their Fermi surface. This point. has been greatly clarified by the recent paper of K 1 e in e n s 0), who showed that P e i e r 1's calculation does not hold and that the problem of touching is still an open question. Our result for gold agrees with the conclusion arrived at by K o h- 1 e r 10), who considered the magneto-resistance in high fields; this is another way of making the resistance anisotropic. K o h l e r showed: that this magneto-resistance should be isotropic if the Fermi surface. does not touch the Brillouin zone boundary and anisotropic if it does touch. Experiments") showed that it is highly anisotropic. Approv4d For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000130009-6 CPYRGHT Appr 596 INFLUENCE OF SHEAR ON CONDUCTIVITY OF CUBIC METALS For copper and silver no experimental values are available. We have seen that electrons in the second Brillouin zone have a negative (a11-a12) or 2a44and this can perhaps account qualitatively for the experimental values of Al. Also the negative value of (ail-fl ) bears this out. The fact that al I - a12 < 0 indicates that there is also an overlap of electrons in the second zone in the (100) direction. L e i g h 12) in his work on the elastic constants of Al arrives at the same conclusion. This work was started at theTechnische Hogeschool at Delft under the auspices of Professor M. J. f) r u y v e s t c y n, to whom the author wishes to express his indebtedness. Eindhoven, 7 April 1952. 1) Cf. M o t t, N. F. and J o n c s, 11. The theory of the properties of metals and alloys. Oxford 1936, p. 271. 2) P c r r i e r, A. et A z a d, A. A., Ilelvetica physica Acta 17 (1944) 463. 3) Bar d e c n, J., Phys Rev. 52 (1937) 688. 4) Druyvestein, M. J., Physica0 (1951) 748. 5) B o r e 1 i u s, G., Handbuch der Mfetallphysik I. Leipzig (1935) p. 410. 6) D r u y vest e i n, M. J., Philips Res. Rep. 1 (1946) 77. , 7) M o t t, N. F. and j o n c s, I L, The theory of the properties of metals andalloys Oxford 1936, p. 312. 8) P e i e r 1 s, R., Ann. Physik Leipzig, 12 (1932) 154. 9) K I e m e n s, P. Proc. phys. Soc. A 04 (1951) 1030. 10) K o h I c r, M., Ann. Phys. Leipzig 5 (1948) 99. 11) Justi, E. and Scheffcrs, H.,Phys.Z.37(1936)383,475. 12) Leigh, R. S., Phil. Mag. 42 (1951) 139. Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000130009-6