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/P. pleo AUTHOR: 'Golldfarb, E.M. TITLE: The Dynamics of the Heating of Internal Transformationsk 6 6 ~ 9 ~3 SOV/12 t of a Metal' i,n the Presence PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedenive, 1')~,9, Voll 8, Nr 1. pp 53-65 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Internal transformation processes in metall-ic alloys are usually accompanied by thermal effects !imch as the absorption or liberation of latent heat ot transformation, In normal calculations of' heating of' steels, the thermal effects associated with transformations are 11~~;Ually allowed for by taking the average SDeCifIC 11-~'at Of the heated body, Ill reality, Litu Liltei-nal transformations do not take place simultaneously throughout the body but gradually, depending oil tile time at which a ~,iven 111N,er reaches the transfoi7mation temperatiii-e., Fov this reason tile calculated temperature differeuces may dtfler by a factor of 1.5-2 from the true temperaturo dit'ference, Tile present paper is concerned with tile heating of bodies of different form Ln the pi-esonce of' i.nterrial transtorna ,- t i o ris .The special ar-a: 1) pi"ll'o, C it r d 15 , ) c y I i n d e r , -5 ) -; p I i (! r- s e Ill jI 1 1, i I I i t. ~~ h o r I V. I-- V25 The Dynamics of tile Heating of' a Motal in tile Prosence of Internal Transformations The heating process can be divided Ltito two poriod.9, nariely, iner-tial and regular. Duritig tile itter-tial period tile thickness of it Ileated lavor ContLrillotisly Change., as the heat is introduced into it during-,, the heatiri(i process, During the regular p(?riod the bodY takos part in the heating process and tile thickfios'- (iL a neated layer remains constant, If tile heat, f'lolv at tile surface -LS given, the problem for the regular period may be solved by assuming that the rate of heatin~4 different points of a heated layer is tile same and equal to the average rate of heating of the bodv ati ) i-iholi,., Itl thts Case the rate of' change of' temperature of, the bo(lv mav be directly connected with the amount of' heat reaching its surface, This simpLit'ication is equilralerit to the assumption oC the pre!~ence in tile heated laver of an instantaneous re,gular regime during whicii the rate of change of tempera t tire at different points in the layer is tile same, Tile iriertial. period ;-nay th:~n he looked upon as an aggregato of' r(,~giitar sLates dif,ferl-1-1,4, frow each other Card 2/5 by havin~~, dif'fererit layer thickne-:;Ses" This mett only tr The Dynamics of the Heat inu,, of a Meta I in i lif, Fr esence o f In t erna I Transf orma tions is called 11the instantaneous r-~~,gul :ir method". Th e tran.,;foruwitiori proc~'S_S L.'. precodod 'bN, lit'.1ting 111) to the point where the surUace of the bod,; rr-aches the transformation temperature, After this point the amount of heat reaching the surface will aLso be constimed in the. trans forma t ion proc ess Wil i Ch i,S ~IC C ORlj)aTl i 1:!d bV t, absorption, In this way the situatioti ;.1.1ustrated in Fig 2 will occur Fig shows a -)-- IaN ei-ed body consisting of a layer in which the transformation has been completed, a second elemontary la yer in w1iich Lhe transformation is taking place and a third laver in which the transformat.ion has not taken place, The problem may, tlierefore, be formulated as follows: the differential equation for heat transfer in the. body may he written in ~'llu, form giverl by Eq (1), where t(x,T') is tli*- tempei-atur(l at the point x and time r , a = X/C %%,here C is the specific heat an(] X is the theT*[1l 'I I conductivity, y is the speci.fic gravity, ,j is a geometrical Eactor for ~t plate is equal to -1/2, for a cylinder it 1-S (!(111,11 LO zero and Cor a spher,;e/ Card 3/5 to 1/2, The initial conditions are as folic)-,rs for a I ~i 0 L:2 6 -;) I - 9/ 2 5 The Dynamics of tile Heatit,,g of a Metal iri tiic~ Pri,serice of Internal Transformations regular regime i-ii which the lieatiiigr i.~; (itir, t, a constant heat input. the tomporature distribution in a plate cylinder or sphere at the point where the surface temperattire is equal to tile tratist,ocirl"It-toll temperature is grivoll bV 1"41 tho temperature r L6 tilt' I ot the hod"', t is tile teirij)erature (11 ftereFice givet, hy Ltj ( 7 ) a Ild rl 1. is tile spec i fic hea t flow at the, surt'ace ot I h-_! i)o( I (i I (I - t iw alliolilit of 11pat pa.9sirig 1"ol iiiiit- ar (,,. tjwi- iiiii ter;werziture differ-orice) 171W 11011t1d,11 ~' LOII~li t iozzi-; ive ~_ivvzi by Eq 0) (at tile heated surface (4 the bodv ) Eq ( ~) ) (Jit tile depth .9 equa I to the HIL(kiless o t' tlit, 4'1 i..~t. ll-lver- i-n which tr.ltI%;toT.,II;lI loll (1-11'e11 o1 at: I. ~Iild I a I t 1l t, depth s 4- (is whi ch i -, equa I t i~ t, he La I t h i. c kiiess of t lie f L r --; t c~ iid s (-- c o i i c II , i ~, e r s PI I (t I I k il': I t 0 r, L li v s, it c o iii II a N, 4, r() ii i -(it) t ii i ii i , ('I" ) ,w "I t i I I'l t ('11 t ll O'l t o t, t I alls Vo r 111il t I ()It A ~iolut i,,ii oi' the Ilifferoritial e(piati()ii ( I ) , I I I j 4! .. t to t-1, I-ollildarv Card 5 c ondi t ions, , g, i. ves t h e d e pelld"ric v o 1' 1 ;w :5 Peed Of propal~.l t 1.0.n ~,K' The Dynamics of L I ie I I ea t ing () f a ta I Lrl t lie Presonct? of Int erna I Transformations of the tratisformati-on acros~i the hottv atid. al.sci the temperature di str ibu t ion a-~; A Cutic t loll o1. t ulle Th s programme J--i carried oul. for several cases in part. icul,ar- -I ) q1 : coll~;t_ 12.) t Corl:-i~ (01f!re t t he ti-111peril t, 111-v () f ( 114. ~tl r t f.,111l d L 11L~ ilw-l I uni )I'll, r viii I I t s obtaitiod arv pro~irmt(sd 4 laphicidly ]it k., I 11tolf os There are (1, figures aiid ~5 .1ioviet ASSOCIATION; Diiepropetrovskiv metal.lurgicheskiy instiLlit (Dnepropetrovsk MetallurgiLill. Eristittite) SUBIMITTED- March 1-1, 1957 Card 5/5 T 7, 'on Pi -. fi~ s s: Sc- r es, Go I un tho 1,_,ublev: )f tii~~- Dili u nc, t a t v I, B r 0 vi.: Publi i ri. 111. 1, z I a.ya III ra I, J-,l b1 Lkov .11'. ,11 rn a o Jil - ~ y A" P-":~JOD' CAT,: -11,10,L-,?!~-;:,!,,,1 "o" 1111,~ l 11 t .2 1 t c o 0 i c c, n t o f t 1,::~al I i f u i v I ;T __T 11 -1, d-- !ty j 1.., cd , i~ s --lal-L" ar-i q u -a t was c 1 a t i o n -,,c i q t Di f I usiv -i t-,,- of "a i a' (3 t ""I", ca an~! at r :lc s ov r d GOLIDY-ARB, E.M. Dynamics of the burden fusion in smelting furriac,!)s. Isv. vys. ucheb. zav., chern. met. no. 11:156-166 160. (MVIA 13:12) 1. Dnepropetrovsk-iy metallurgi(-heskiy instttut. (Smelting furnacen) (Thermodynami(!3) TLYTS, N-Yu.; C-OLODFAhB. E.M.; MLNAYEV, A.11. Heating of large inpotn In soaking pits. I?v. vy-3. ucvb. zav. : chern. met. no.8:160-166 160. (MLO-A 13: 9) 1. Dnepropetrovskly MO t1L 1,111 r~1,1d1eqkly ln,.itit-~it, (Steel ingots) (Fvnaces, Heating) MAIE I FMK FxmrrMor; EIV/ 5 5Y-, Moscow. Institut 6t~di. Wavoye v tPorli i prrtktike prnizvc,3t;tvR stall (Ntv in thr., Thcory en,! Practice of Oj-n-fic--Prth Stectmaldrr,) H),-;cov, ?IOtftUIIrFLZdAt, 1961. 1,39 p. Trudy Ya~=hvuzavAogo iauchroLo aove,.3hcIvuAYa) ,~,150 co;,Iev printed. Sponsoring AZincy: MiAsterom wjBshego i aredneFo spetniallnogo abrrLzurantyn R,')F-oR. 1~)sX"akly inatitut stiLlt i-nini 1. V. Stn1ina. EdB.: M. A. Glinkov, Prof-anor, D,)ctor of TecMicnI Sciencen, V. V. Xananyzr, Prof~7.oor, Doctor of Technical Scimcca, V. A. KrUrin, D-c-mt, Crndi(bLte of T~chnical Sciences, G. N. Oylkz, Professor, Doctor of Boience-.3x and V. 1. Yavoyj~dy, Professor, Doctor of 7,?chnical Sciences; Ed.: Ye. A. Bor*,,.o; Ed. of Publinhir~~ House-. ji. D. Grorov; Tech. Edo: A4 T, Kaxarvr, Mi BJS~t Thin collection of articlea Ir intended for mmbera of ocientif'-C instItutiontsp faculty mr-bers of schools of highr eduLation, av4~ine,!,-is concerned with metallurgical processes and physical chemistry, and sl~uleritD specie,lizing in these fields. Caj-d 1A4 New [D,-velni7i!ntfl in the Thnor-1 (Cont.) SOV/5556 C(W~IGE: Th,,, coll,?ction contains pap!rs revicding the of hParth. rteeLnalrzirg th,2or-j mid practice. The rap.-'ra, written ty [It"Iff L=her3 of ochcols of ldgh-2r eduration, scientific rLmmveh irv-Atuterl., Pund rain lqtorLtories of mj~tallurgical plents, were prnn~~nted end dlor-is3,4 at the Scientific Conference of Schools of Higher Education. Thc fol--)vLrg tonics are conaider-d: the kinclics n-n(I =!chn~nism of carbon t~p procecs of E;lv-;,:* femition In ojr!n-ter~rth furnaces using in -.1-m! v1;ar,7,c e'-tb~r ore-li-r- briquets or con~,)aite fbLc (the product of calcining the rdxtzir~ of lirn with bv~ixite); the bcha'-or a' hydroo,~en in the opan-heltrth bath; nete-l deLulfurization processes; the, ccntrol of the open-hparth Lvl,.ing reg'-'~ ~nd its Euzta~tio.-.; probl,=3 in furnac-o; aerody-nemic properties of fuel gasea aril their fi~v in the -f)1rn!'2e co:~-astlon chamb4,r; and the improvewnt of high-a.1loy steel q7.~%Idty tllr(rWh the utilization of vacirm and natural ganes. The follcuing ptrorns t,.,ok part in the discuBsion raf the papers at the Conference: S.I. Fill~,po-rp V.A. Kuclrin, M.A. Glinkov, 1~,P. Nam, V.I. YELvoyskiy, G.N. Oy'.u mid Ye. V. Chcljabch~!v (M-isco-d Steel Institute); Ye. A. KnancWkov una A. S. lOuLritonov (Zhdanov Yetallurgica.1 Institute); F.S. Hikhuyletg(lr:3titut'~, of Chemical Y.!tallurgj of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences MSR); A.I. Stroganov and D. Ya. Povolotskiy (Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Instit~xte); P.V. U=ikhin Ural Polytechnic Institute); I.I. Famin (the Mos~oir "S-!rp t molot" Y4tallurglc&l Flant); V.A. ftklCT (Central Asian Polytectailc Inatitu-.4 C ard 2/ 14 New Ir. thp T6~ory (Cont.) Z~71/ -15,"S arvi M.I. U,~yli nov (Night School of th,! Dnnpro,.Iv!r-.,hIr.!3k X~tmULrglcal 7h,~re are 2(,a rvrerenccu, mostly CoTlet. Referer.c'm follow som of the articles. TAME OF Ya,,,oyr-:-Jy, V. 1, [Xonkmri3lly Inntitut r:j-.U - llc~,,xyw Steel InatItu-C). Prlnclrr~l Trends in the DeveloFment of ScientifIc Research in Stool V.,troafacturing S. 1. ~~Frofcaaor, Do~ctor o~ Tecimical Saienc~s, ljzs(~ov S-teei Inz;itutel. Ee~7LLIarity Patterns of tM Kinetica of Carbon GKidatic-n in 21.~-,talq With Lcv C&eDcn Content N. 1. 'kntoncriko participated in the eXNI'iIwmt5j Le,vln, S. L. [Profesaor, Doctor or TechnicnI Sciences, Dneprolutrwr0ay m2tallurgicheskiy inatitut - Dnepro;~etrovak !;&t&IlurgIc&l Itatituti]. Card ),/14 15 th~ Thr~orj (Cont.) ",U1/5556 qol*,I-arb, E.M. (C,,x1idate of T,~chnlcal Sclenc,!a, Dn(!prop,.tro--,i3.- )I-tallur.-Jcal Introduction to thr- Similarity Tbcory of Opn-Henrth Fiirnac~,B 257 Combln,~). Sp--cifil F~atuzn~s of th-i 0-,~.,m-,on of HiFh-Ca~,kcity 07-2n-Roartla Amme*!o 249 G 1 1, n, G.H. [Cm,dUatc of Tc!Lnicra Sciencem, Zhluovaldy notalurjA- ch~23-iy ln,3titut - Zhdanov ?~~tLlluri;icml InotAtutel. 11,~at-EngircerLng Problema of Figh-Ca~,xcity 0~~r.-13,!-xrth Furnacen 253 Ivazc-ir, N.T. (Do~:cnt, CanaO,~t~, of Techiiical ScicrcLal, V.F, G,-,zbur, and V.I. Shal"hiin [Engineers], m.,tiLUur,jc1--f;'dy ?zz~.blrRt - 11-~~,.Ito~orA Comblni; H'.1r,--1toFOr6k1j -or,-.'J-Mcts11LLrg1cheakiy institut - MWMitoForsk Aning and F,2tf~uurgical Inatitut..). Thporetical Principl-ts of the Unit-BlLxk Syntem in th, Design of Open-Renr-th FurTuices C exd 9/ 14 inzh.; TAYTS, N.Yu., inzh.; LEGOV*--,,T--, L.11., inzii.; SOROKINI A.A., inzh.; CIL.CHURO, MT., iLtzh,; I'OLZ~jUYEV, B.L., inzh.; YAROSfENSKIY, N.D. I inzh. Increasing the heat capacity of blast furnace air prehaat-3rs. Biu.l.TSIICHM no-4:9-13 161. (KEA 14:10) (Blast furnaces) (Air preheaters) KHANIN? I.M., doktor teL--hn.nauk; GO.L'Dv',,Rb, c!,nlj.tekh1l.n.!Iuk Temperature, ions in coke-oven div.-Lsion w-A-1:3, i khim. no. 5:20-24 161. 14: 4) 1. Drieprop-altrovskiy -inBtLtut. (Coke oveno) GOLIDARBY Aylli-lylAi of hoat uxchfullTo bAwoon ciwl,lj~,wlo awl the foundry mold (.Iurl.'4,; moto-I jolidification. 4 no.6tL145-150' I c1l. OUBA 14:6) 1. Dnopropotrovskiy metalliogichojkly injLitut.. ( Founding) (Iloa L----TransnLs.,, irlu) S/148/63/0OO/ooj/ol9/oj9 Elll/E483 AUTHOR: Gol'dfarb, E.M. TITLE: new finite integral transformation for the problem of heat and mass transfer PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no.1, 1963, 167-173 TEXT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Metallurgiya, no-3, 1958). It deals with the operational solution of the differential equation governing heat and mass transfer. The transformation is stated in a form containing a kernel which depends on cylindrical functions; equations for the coefficients in the series for the kernel, and recurrence relations are established. The transformation is used to obtain the temperature distribution in a plate, a hollow cylinder and a hollow sphere. The solutions are in the form of infinite series, the terms of which contain the roots of transcendental equations. The basic advantage of the present method over the Laplace transformation is the simplicity of the inversion formulas. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Dnepro otrovsk Metall rgical Ini3titute) Card 1/1 SUMMED: June 1, 1991 GOLIDFARB, E.M.; LE.GAVETS, L.V. DeteriLming the optim= frequoncy of roversing, blast furnace air pireheaters. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chorn. met. 6 no.2:150-157 163. (MIPJI 16: 3) 1. DneDrocetrovskiy nietallurgicheskiy institut. ~61ast furnacos-Equipment and supplies) (Air preheaters) GOL_IDFAiW,-E.A.; SUDOPLATUV, L.V.; SA&,2ALANjK.Li, A.1-1- Solidification and cooiing of ingote bfaxre uetUng L-, aaakLag p~Jta. - - Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; charm. met. 6 no.3:195-202 163, ('-IIEA 16-5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy meLa-I1Lxgicheskiy institut i zavod im. Petrovskogo. (Steel ingot-j", ~Aamaces, Aeating) TAYTS, N.Ym.; G(JLIDFjUtB, E.M.; 6jWhL'i.!iKJV, A.G.; lixESKOVSK.1y, the EI-12 electric integrator for Lhe solution of twordimensional nonstationery problemin the heat conduction theory. Izv. vysi ucheb. ?uv.; chern. met. 6 no-4:156-162 163. (,V,,A 16: 5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy JeWiur,I--Jchi.-jki-y institut, )(Integrators) GOLIDFARB, E.M. Applying the raethod of' instantant-oui UnIfOl-M 00-1,11til)113 to Problems of heat conductivity in multilayer 3olids. Izv. vy3. u,,hab. zav., cheirri. mat. 6 no.10t!49-161 16.3. (MIRA 16.- 12) 1. NE'Propetrovskiy in~;Uzu". GOLIDFARb, E.M.; L,V. Performance of blast furnace air preheatero with iilutdc-ri by a prehow,ted blow. Meta-Ilurg F n0-3:3-5 1,11- 163. (IAI-In~ 16--3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metal -1 urLjc'ne. M y i ris ti tu ~. (biast furnaces) (Atr prIlle-AC-1-S) S1 I:'-; 3116-311'~COICG 116011o I I A(,5)1/AI26 '~'Iabel lnl~.Ov, A. G., 1 N_ T:tyt,:~, Yli.. Fityri~~ht.eyn, 1, 1., Filonov, V. A. T00, p ElF, icAil 1 1 Plant) .-r; r,li rat, -as of Vne Lde-d'.mens !._~ns, '17'rie III '111.,iti'll fnot'~Iod for tAO.'; plir- viirioul; cil'rec"':ons 1r, 't,:-,t jngot:_~ var~ec botwoi~r, 1,08' r orln-.i:~ ho ~tro -~Im and theJr hf,!ght vms 0 ~::,_,aFur wtwe used. In so-ie tests Uie ternperature and -as mp -asured a, t:,,r-:I t wa2l by nserting .7!hro!-~-n1c' el-alurnmill Card 1/3 ,Cc !nvest' w"a" ,~n i~f ri t n~ t - 1 1 t, r., P f e 0 Al i e A - 21i ti"', ;nner z j r it n t.~3 fiop th. Fr-.. t :i t t I'l 1 t J n tr. a -,r --he gap tie t. ill, ~i ancl on, T i n I ~I o I ro `for-w~~ n ~7r)! "I if 1'a t 1, ; i"t7, e 11 c o f in the at t r A 0. ac c e ,3 to e T".Q of ?,111;!d st-~ei ~IqG~s '13 Practl call ly ccmp:1ot-2-4 in ond (--)'I pourirg and. tne mo.-lent they ire set ti-te soa'~Ing, pit, I , steel -ngots the time allmled Card 2/~ S /133/6VOCO/001/001/011 TrjVe~ftjgatjon of AO /A 126 for co, ~ i :I 1~!i r c1, vs~, !f, ) rthe I rtc,tal ~3cjl I di f JLea tion. TI i ~-~;n : rl.~r :; t(~f" i fr~w holng, 'K,~pt in -ho pits Fi )r er ti-t 0.-1 ttr,~ 1") frc.-~ r*-, p iI'd w i th I wh 1, en fluc- not i'11 1 1y Sol S - i fe; i . 'Aiopr )pet-)v:,- ~y 2;avo(i ",~aporozl'stlnl t I tu te qrld "7i~T01'(.)Zh:3 t-a I" N.,Ult) card V e 7, a re- luz-e cond~'tions Cor flamp ~Ilrnat!e~: ltnear a2~d ouqdrat;c --rogramning. Re. rt n DO 0 no.!-,'-5-)-163 165 institut. GOLTFARB, EJT., kand. tekhn. nauk; GESKEN, E.S., irift.; GOLI-~HEERG, A.S., inz~-.; "'ULEW'iKO, G.V. Appiving the principle of control by perturbation for op---i- hearth furnace control --ystems. Stall 23 [i.e. 141 no.-1.37~-- 374 Ap '64. I.. Die prope trm~kiy me~al.hrgicheskiir ~nSt4l.~,,,' L Ukranskiy gosudarstvenny:7 provektr*,y ~n:tJ-tur TAYTS, N.Ylu.; SA'iELIYF-V, L.", Solving electriC, inr,~Ir'l Izv. v-ys. ilcheb. nr. :onlit-lorls. L 57 GOLIDFARB, I, -- Measures which made possible the improvement of the operations in technical product shops. Mias.ind.S.S.S.R. 33 no.6,20-21 -k 162. (KW 161l) 1. Ulan-Udenskiy royasokombinat. (Ulan-ade-Meat industry-Equipment and Gupplids) uclll-, Dvl~ USSR/Humn ~nA oiii.--al thysiA~,,-y - (N r,.nd T-7 DJ tl -)Il .L)-,: J ur "-f ,iur - !3i)1., M: 1.!.. 1)98, 5,1)9(),, ---- ----------- T i 111,D 1:.ti-.I, G~dl iJnd!.-r L -L.1 -- 1.,~A i -,.I ., f U"o i--nc rcas . Or i - Pub Tr. Tn-t,2. fiziol. ""ili ll,~51R, 1956, 1, 5S-64, :"bstr--ct in 1--go, wli~., suffori~d c!-.r-ndc fistul3!1- -f the --all, aild )f t,'%, indluences upon the --%f tho p"lacre,2mic C-1-and were cotablichod. Whun tll,~ fi~tuln DluL; w:v; )poneol, ~ilrc.-ifty :11~c- -I' the 7,111 caus,--d a sLcnific,,i:--t ---n~!ra7e Li: both the t1,.(2 Jl:,cstivo Card, 1/2 58 GW'DFARB, I.M., iazhmner. I .- 1 -1 r. Instnimont for determining the thickness of the Ia7ar of' protective concrete in reinforced concrete mlim6nts. Rats. i izobr. predl. v ntroi. no.135:16-18 '56. OaRA 9.()) (TimiTiForcmd concrete) GOL I D7'1,PB, T. V. Gol'afm-b 7 1, -,n co. ntj,ac~,ior,; of the c Tftv--Co-.',7ed. -in-t), Tjol. Flj, P- .137-,'il ru r:,rtit~i ta SO: U - 3850, 16, j-L,-,e ,3 'hurna-1. -1 - I- - - . -1 . . . . : f . . . 5 . .. : i I . . . . ... GOL'MRB, I.V,; CIECHETINA, Ye.I. HemorragheB from the Igrynx in oushot vounds. Trudy lzhav.goa.Tred. inst. 13:2W9-255 151. (VIIRA 13:2) 1. 17 kliniki bol,3zney i&ha, nona i gorla Izrhw~nlcoro nwlitsinsko,~o .1 institutn. (LATRYNX-WOUNDS QID INJIMTES) (Fl-~YOIECIACI) GOLIDD.RB, I.T.; CRECHETINA, To. I. Tracheotomy in laryngeal wounds. Trudy 13:256- 264 '51. (MIRA 13:2) 1. 1z otorinolaringologichoskoy kliniki Izh8V3kO,~D meditsinskogo instituta. (TRACIM-SURGERY) (IARYNX-WOMIDS &!TD INJURIES) CrOL'DF.kM, I.V.; CHM=11D, Ye.l. X-ray dla,-nosls of laryngoal wounds. Trudy 1zhav.gos-med-inst. 13: 26~-270 151. OlIPU 13-2) 1. Iz otorinoloar'lnpologichoskoy kliniki 1zhevalcoio noditsinskogo inst ituta. (LATRIX-RADIOGRAPHY) (WOUINDS k!;D INJURIES) GOLODFARB, I.V. Diagnostic significance of bronchoacopy in trach,5al, bronchial and pulmonary tumors. Vest. otorinolar., MosIcva L4 no.1:59-.61 Jan-Fab 52. (CU4L 21-4) 1. Professor. Z. 1zhowvsk. GOVDFARB, I.V., prof. New type of a bronchoscope with, oto-rin, 16 no.5;?3-?4 S-0 '54. 1. 12 kliniki bolezuey ukha, gorla i nosa lzhevc.3krip-,o meditcinskogo instituta. (BRONC.qWCOPY, apparatus and instruments, bronchoscoDe with photographic appar.) (MOTOGRAPHY, bronchoscope with photo,-raphic apphir. LIJKOV, B.N., prof. (r:u-:I,ysli(,.v); ll~-'TR~UV, V.I., doto-ont, (~- . YE,'- -,ngrad); AD-, A D -of VCVSI , M", rc, (Len- kl, . I , I ET FRI Y-'. 1-'"A K V.G., pro. (Leningrad); (:azan'); ETIZOV, G.I. (Moslcva); DULGOPOLOVA, A,V, F.P,, prof.; Z.Ye., p.of.; prof. (Chelyabin-sk,,: i.1'. (Irkutsk); ~~ii"KCIVSKIY, prolf. (Cli r.". doktol F.1~~C.-.iauk (Lenin~nad); za,~Iu.-,h--~iiny-; dt?yatall nauk-J, prof.: TSYH~3iiKE;, I Prof. (.A,avro!,o-l~); TUI;-.1K, G.N. (',.Ioslva-; (J.-0 ,a); 7 L CT L uro!', (I zhevok') prof. .-Cf, iLGZ-','FELID, i-I.O. lirelf. (L4,,ningrad); ~;El IIIGA, A~G. , -rcf. (OrenburC',; IjTKIILI i, ,I,'UYLCV Ye.N. Ye.G., prof.; T7iET'YhlCVA, Z.V. (Moshra); Prof. (Moskva'll ; DOROSII~ZKO, prof. (Ealinin) ; Y~ 0 V. G. 1--rof. Spoec~,,t?.,, in ~.iocuzsion, Trud,. ovc-. niu~~l inzit. ukha, ,,crla i nosa tic. 1l: 3 3-2 4F, 311-,'333 159. (I'L'A 15-6) 1. Ch1cri-korrespondent 21-01 (for ~',do). .,. Liroktor Noskov- skoGo t~o-udarotvonricCo inotituta ukl:a, f,orla I (I'or Trutrev). (OTORHI~;CILULINGOLOGY-(;O~IIGK~,SSES) ,q(,,LIDFARB, Lev Grigorlyevich; Ivan Denisovich- G111"211111Y, F.D. red, ; 1,114W)VA, IM. I. ~ tekh. . red , ("odernization. of equipment and increasing Inbor productivity; from the work practice of the machinery indixiitry of the Kharko Economic Administrative Regicn] ?,odornizF2tBlUi, oborudovaniin i povyshen'e proizvodltei I nos ti truda, i.-. opy-,a. raboty mashino- s'.roitellnoi promyshlennosti Kharlkovskogo okcnornicheskogo administrativnogo raiona. Kharlkov, KhRrlko,takoe kn,.zhnoe i-.d- vo, 1962, 66 P. (M.-[ IIA 16:7) (Kharkov Economic Hegion-..-Machiner- .r industry.-Techn3logical in- novations) CITUMAKOV, I.I.P.; LIVOV, D.K.; SARIIIIJOVA, Ye.S.; GOLTDFARB, L.G.; l.'AYDICII, Mi.; CIlUi',L--IK, 1:.F.; VIL11,1R, L.M.; ZASUMIYA, G.D.; IZOTOV, V,K.; ZAY,LIi:SKAYA, V.A.; UUMSKII, K.G. conparlitivo stl'.(IY of tho opidollliolo~-Jctd orfocti.velle'ss of vAcci- nations iiith tissue cidt'lire ancl braln vaccinoa agairot Lick- borne encephalitis. 'lop. virus. 8 no.3:307-~i15 My-Je63. 1. Listitut poliocayelitii J- virusnylkh mitnegalitov AN; SM, I I-bskva i Kerierovskaya cblastiiaya ~;tutui ts iya. . (Ell' GEPI bILITIS-PREV12 ~ TIVE N"OGULITE01,I) f . . : . . . . - . .-I I I :, ~ - ". - ( n . 1, -, , f- , , . - - i 11 11. - ; -;o , ~ , .- " '-'ffec t f tilf-, ,!,-u~1 (D~ i t, I~ Vacoina"icn n'ld ""Vn v .I: ~3 10 r", 10 1 OT!: i, I ta ro,;mlykh s,!f,j rovg;," r 1% Lc it ~~:i i- !~ !C2 uvin , ~ .(!i Cl, W: f o I n c.-- r -!lCl`- L; E GC)LIIaFAitB, L. I. USSR/ci,,enistrj - Plastics "Conversion of' Pal ymers in cf Pciuaerythr-itol a!' '!etLacryl.fc Ac-i.-.;," Ya. DrinberF7 A Lenln~-rad Inn Lmerd' ,, Lensovet "Zhur Frik Khim" Vol ~j,!V, ~',o 11, 11E1-1190 PA 201,T6 Pnl~ip.pi-17.,~tlnn cf T,.;-IybutyImetI.ricryI Fite, An r:,escnce of pentifn~yt~ritol ester c-i' meth9cT7,,ho ncir, found tr [',rcceed -'cr--,0dcn of rcr(,xades, vieldinr ~,nlvmer. -onverrIc-i -rccee.,-.1ed nn-1- 4i1 ,re erice of 02 "Carijers" (ccbaitic snxip~ ), r'('t "I k'(:2 r,(-`c1;` .~rcrinrtt~cn ir. dark showf~d tha t dror, of Fr nimN- r r,cmirr, i ri rr,, rr 14': a. i IIC Ot' 'IM c [':I polyllif.1 ., ?A 20,4T6 BOCHAROVA, Aleksandra Matveyevna; GOLIDF103, I~yubov' lll~nichllli; ZHUKOVA, V.I., inzh., red.; D.P., red. lzd-va; BELOGUEOVA, I.A., tekhn. r-ed. -V- nyl [Anticorrosive coatings nade from organic dioparsed I:ol.,, 1 ch-loridel Antikorroziorar-le poki-itiia na osnorve urganodisp.,?rsii polivinilkhlorida. Leningrad, 1961. 14 p. (Lcn,:1ng--ad,9k-Ji Lom nauct,no-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredo-vym o~Ttcc, Seriia: Zashchitnye pol-r-3,tiia, no.6) (11-11DA 14:U) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) i,.l. with a (.-.f (~--anfc o,!' ;cIrrin-r-I cinlor,*de. LaKokras. mm., i AkIl prim. no.5:15-18 I o"; . (MEA 1~:11) I. Lenin,-I,~..dskiy 'L-.~ 'khrio Lo~: ~ chv,~~ U v in~~tjimt, ln:!i--' Lt--isov,7,t~.. GOLTFARB, L. S. DECRAaU Oct. 060 Automatic Control z3of, M: n,i% Icii E. Ai. GOL;DFAil, L.,~3. --k'o~.'Jslara)! Prinimal ucha:jtiye: PASTE"OULK, Yo,E' Concernin,r~ the th(,,or.-I, of c(mtrol systenw wiLh f:Xf~=tj.7~- with lirL, 1~ed speed, kj-to~-.l.i telem. 22 no.10:1324~ 1332 0 ' 61 , ( 1,! T ~.~j I / - I () ; I k Loi-p-micehanisim) w 0 0 0 0 4 a e 0 0 a 111 9 0 41 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 1) 14 3 W .1 1 . 00 4 00 00 00 or O's -00 so 00 -00 Os ""'j, go 46 00 0 .40 00 4-0 ** 'of 00 -l- "... as se Alf 010 0 111 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 e 0 * 0 0 0 0 : 00 Of :i*o so 00 41! a, 40 09 GOLIDFARB, M.G. Dermoid c-Ist of the diaphragm; wo obvertation3. 'Tqst. rent. i rad. 3P no.3:61-62 Mq-Je 164. (MIRA 1.8-11) 2. Kafedra rentgenologil i radiologil (7av. - prof. V.N, Shtern) i kafedra fakulltetskoy khirui-gii (zav. .. prof, IJII. POPOVIyan) Saratovskogo ireditsiriskogo institut.a. wi GOLWARB, M.I.,-, KUINOVSKLYA, T.A... kand.takhn.naak Uve of an gutomated f 'Uter prvos for tile ge-paration of dp suspensioas. Ihim.prom. no,634201,421, Je 161. (1cm 1-/+:16.) (Filters and filtration) (Dyes and dyelng) GOLIDARBt I'I.L.; 6HEM~'iN, 6.G, Working (;apL%Ujt-r IA lid t,,Mpjryj I, I-t (--" I:!, f ~ t-, jj~ ~ I j~, or Y, - .1 . . - _ I ~u . L I j ) c t, partial pneumonuctomy in --U, 'i*e---t,, 8,1) no. 7:68-73 Je 16n. L) (1,1; ;~;I,~Y) ~'i ~ I 1'y F;.![,( .1 -, - , "'! , ~ , 7 , , , 1 , , , - , . , " ~ " : -, t I '..; ~ ~, - Ij,.; :-;f I I., . . - lAuc./ol /--c N)3~j/P L L- AUTHOPS: Borisevich, Ye.S.; Golldfarb, M.L.; Mosvagina, M.i. TITLE: A recording instrument with a luminescent ii-.eiroi-N SOURCE: Ak-adcmiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki Trudy, 110. Pj Moscow, 1901,1:eysmiclieskiye pribory, 57-63 TFXT: The authors describe a seismic recorder with a li,minescent memory, in ,;hich li-lit beams from r5 -III (GB III) mi ror galvanometers instal-led in a. standard DO POB-14MIJ H -700 (n66-1,M) (N-71 oscillo-raph are reflected on to moving paper tape coated with a luminophor. Normallythe recording on the excited luid- nophor persists for a certain time and then fades away without '.I tr*ce; however, if the deviation of the light beam exceeds a certain level due to seisinic activiti- then a photorelay actuates an electromagnet which presses a photographic ape against the -tape boated with the luminophor and thus produc-es a contact of the time t ~ -ke the recordin-, Tl!e duration of' the r,,ierory, which is A-teniiined bi - 11 bv tile ;~l-tu;~t 1-ccockling, to reach tho point of Q011toct th~, jlhotoc:raphic tape, ciul lie. varic,i 11-oll! 1 rAllute to .: secs. 'rile recorkler h, !,,e of C;i rd , ~ I/ 33518 A recording instrunient recorders wi0i magnetic and electrostatic memories describ,!d by Vetchink-in and V.B. Preobrazlienskiv, and Ye.S. Borisevich., I.I. Zhilevich et. [I. orl pi: 5-- 56 and ~-51 of the above source, and yet is simpler in design arid easier uo- attend. The frequency range of the recorded vibrations is up to _'.3; cps at an amplitude of 10 mm. The luminophor-coated tape is 110 ii.n: -,adc jrid ]_~O rizi i The width +' rh- photographic tape is i_'C) raii ,ziul its lengvi -'I- DC Speet.~~; OL V~ the luminez~ ~,---. and photographic -pes are 301, 1-'0, and -i~,C n7i./min. _n ar-,nun- ciator clod,, ~~ bed for the time i,.arkinus. Fhe luminaire of the galvanoreLcrs has a type e4 -76 (STs-76) iamp (7v, 0.5 a). The oscillograph and the recorder are fed by a set of _'7 v storage-batteries or a.e. network current and consume not moic than 4 a 'rhe outer dimen5ions of t-ie recor"er are I)C: x ..6~ x 5-0 iiji,. .6 k!-, f .The electt ical circ--iit of' the rec-cr-der consists basi- and its weight 17 cally of an automatic photoolectronic device anI a f,,:- actuating the Pilo to-raphic- t~LPC - t I IIISPO rt me,,*Pnism. Fhe No. jur-nophor icvel- oped by the chemical industl'V ifli'l -I!k' ::C.. (Lenin!,,rad Ingtitute of ~,I-Vliod u- s i V': ~a rd A) &( AUTHORS: Borisevich, Ye--l'. 'Jf'~.! 1) \i 1-. h TITLE: Pe PSI-Aff-l scisii,i, ;or 'SOURCE: d-ademiyP riauk~ I ti 1; L I L !.I II- 11, 1 OTI v ievmll I, ile'd, I % I \10 s Col.; , o I) TUT : The authors dc~,cribe rficnffPn-~- ort -cc ducin.- a cortinuous %r Ls ib 1,2 record ~,Illz - ~' ~~ e i C Osc: t i on~ T! to ~.O 0 iwide on an endless paper uye M, r, of throo with ink polls or he~;ted polls,. III thc '.1',tc-1 (,!:ie, t"pe with a coating is used. Both the paper ta. e :,iid tf!k~ similtaneously, thus produciiif~ -I i-~o; ic~~t -I Ire ~-ocovd,. se i snd c V ib L-a t 10 t1 S W 1 t 11 a 1 1-0, on c N t 1 1 -.0 null. The recordin_- i,~ w 1,incs is 0 5 lljll~ A I 1 1110 ent magnetic systems widi shunt:,, ;t,~A ~,ro on c ii c T, I The paper tape is iOI-rmi ~,Ildc md Card 1/2 The IISDW-t SeLSL!i,- I'Cll F0 0 I'd 0 1 00 and 1 .0 i:im/soc , Th,~ -tit oc- tion of tho vapor The 1~!po irJ ilio i, 0,, sprinE: mechallis"ll wound up O~erv :,I 'I'lic ;0 size and wc~.-fis ki! 1, It, r1w i,,zrin-i t.~m i,o u,o,~ ins" "'o- T;-,,c Lb D -D 112, A UT;iClli G-1 (I f:t i'l) 1, 1) 1- 11 i V . 11 TITLE: A four-ch~-,Ym~~! -,en reccrAor SOURCE,: Ak,tde.-ri'.-,. n,..ulr 30-0-R. I:-,. t,lt.ut fj,,,jjC~ r 4. 1' "lloscow , 1961 , ~;eys:~ i che --"~ i've 1 vil'ury -11o T EXT : The authors describc; a four-ch.-.-innel I:en recorJer for 'prcducin i!-11 diately vi3iblt, i e. c o rA i n~,-.! 0 f I r 0 C 0 ~3 Wh i C h C 11 r !-~v; - r t 1 4 1 fl t '~ C j C , I lations of -electric ~:urrent or vo I t L Th~, m--6e b,,, mi-an,-- of four exchanj3-eable mabnetoelectric pan-recordin~, gRivti.nometers i'13till--- i n a s i ng L e u r. i t -.7 i t h a p e r m -'. n e n t ma wn e t . The r~-corder can lbe aiapt~d fcr ink recordinF on chart paper or for recording-, b-; a he~it,d p-~n .n 3pecial per vitil a col-ttinF. TL.e r~cordin,~s ~kve imaJ,, ~;r a I - The ~13(? of 120-mm wide, 12 m lcr-~-- -.aper tvt- di f rrl- characteristics and the -i e ranv-~, c F av- t-a~:e 1C, v 64 mm/cec) r~ orling vibr,,iLion~i (%f i~p to n-,; - MA - ported b MR ---C ,ard 1/2 Oi,4 A four-channel ~:~n is 2' w , Itj v,r, li--uit is bri-efly and strated Th.--- rccor,,.~-r s., -- ...M !-. ~.- r n -i l'y llnur.ttury to--~3ts. TI-ere aria, Card 2/7 X I*f!O;L-, 11o r 1.,,cv i ch , Ye. i 6o I I,i z,. rh M. L, llveoora:Awn J, i T ILT C P"! 1 11, V.11 O~ 3,01JI"', ..I- , _n:iiN i:. m. U1, [I,-: -w Y, TIAT : Tile authors do-scribe LWo tVlles 0 1 Pell- I't, CO!"I i h-' V... 1 2 LI G P,~ h ) t,_,alvanoineter for ink recol_dill',~ 0 11 11 'M T ,:aivanor,~eter i'or recordin- bv mc~ms of a t)cj, ..oltinz subs,~unce. Both gal_vanon.etev~i ,,ere dovQlopel; 1!1~~ C 'L "U X s6Sit (InsLitute of Physics of L~~, L~rLli, . S 116,t(,; dllk' '1'0 -.I~CJ if] -I.,! t run',c )1' producing dixoctly visibIc rccorhc, . 11 t ,Vr~,L thc.N i: ir,, rro, - _,-a I vil s it'ilar " Ile FE3 ( G13 1101', 0 t ~, F S l *,, ._,I n I t e and T~_-~O of the above SOLIE-CO -ri I,q ink to tile pen. The ink is fc,,i ~Ilrolljl tile !iolfkll~' upj)c:- bl,;-cc connecied with 01", I)CII I)y of il vinyl chlori,;P itself is a diin glass capillary tuk- cwt, of i:lios~, cl.i~ merhod vastlv improves ~Iie -r, Card I/'- r L J I t~y o f t I I v h o.1 I m: b ri! c CI I., no r v er v 'i t I I u.Ir 11,1 L UI113 S Cilt i 0I1 f I- CI k~ [I ~' N' 1; ,~,v2 of - can 've sriloo r I Iv ve t-jl ~-Od I Ith" P"'ll In" avh~;ri flat spring, oflabi i n gtr olnovo v0 r t i c it Ito, t- 1,1th 1"',- t l 1'o ,~, 1~,v c ; 1-~Of tho ron i~,!, I" : cI ': ~; 1 ~ 1 ; " ~~ :~I'' 1~; "": 44 i tlll Tho --n for -,-ho ~i i* O~ p; i 1, th I-Lill "1'L i Lorc ol",~ o,~' t-,) 1-c-11, ilici i'hc other ellki of T~lo re I il tk- h o, 0 f t;oo ap j I I - - ry ulbe III ol-Cor to holt or;v tho '-ij, o ttl~,,1 fticliroi.i,, coaro~~ with cojpp~-r, the til of i:[;~,I I, e u c J:, I IC 1 11 a I, O.:t, 0i s i r r 'o cc scrte i 110 t I-, :!~Avanol.,Orer~; U i 'c"rr. o-j out ~11Ut -'-pr OV Lv, t 1, 11 S,263.iQ OCA'013 002 015 KV, 120", AUTHORS B,mso ich. Yc S , GoNfarb, and Nlosyagm. M, S. TITLE RecOrLIHIP device %Nith a luminescent mcrnor~ PERIODICAL Refcratmi\% i1lurnal. otdel'tiyy vypusk 32. iimeritel'nava icklun'.,a no I.',. 19t,2, 7 ah~Eract 32.13.;3 (Tr. In-ta fiz.. Zerrili, AS USSR, it(,. 19 (18m. 19w, TEXT 11) thC LIO )CC LJOCNbCd. NindOm phenoincria ear1hipjAL,) are rccortl.'d 13~ imani )I a light hearn rClICCtCLI from the mirrors of several FE-1 I I IG11-1 I I ) galvanometcrs mounw,j oil it standard 11-700 (.N-;00) fll(A-14M WOB-14%illij owillograph~ the reflected lirlit bearn is projected 01tO All Clidless paper tape, 110 nini N% idC and 1200 mot long. Coated \Nith a phosphorescent la,,er 'I lie taj-,: closcly emclopi part of the uniform]y-rotating memory drum. Becauw of afterglow of the phoiphorescent layer, th-, records dre stored for N Certain 11111c hill fJdC Otll ~iftcr one compictc rolation of Oic Jrum. Stich an operating sequence ermire~ ContintIOUs recording. I poll,; Lie% UtiOn 0I the liplit he.1111 CkcCCkling the noise level, the pllotoe1cctric relav of the unit is switched on and operate-., air clecttomaim..,t Milch presses zraphic tape onto the phosphorescent IaNer. The contact is interrupted attcr recording tile rotating photos and the photographic tape ceases to rotate. Such :it) arranyment permits sc%crai cal thqualkes Io lie recorded on a sim'de photographic tafic I-lie tinic intemil from the moment %%hen tire phoy'norC.Sce(it Lfj)c start-% tj~" Card 1,,2 Recording de%i,:c "ith I lurninc,afit mcmor., S 62 (99.1 1) (W 01 I k X) 7 120 -, Towle lintil it cont:Icts tile elect ro,naimet is the Stor;ive tiviv,~ of- tile Ullit MILl V311e~ fr11nl 4 SeC 10 1 min The 'Miniz diaarvii 01' tile LI[Ilt is 011tillIC(l, Mid it IS Sh0%%n that the rapid LICC3N Ol ',he hlll~1-1111C~N (11 111 (he phosiphors tested perrilits ilt,imment of' pod records on the photographi,: faf- iii baht licarn speed vawiw from 0 2 to 0 1 fn,~cc The unit ensure, recordiliv of phellolliellil ofI UP to ~ cps oll Paper wall a sensiti% it~ of- 7(K) U. Fhe %% idth ot'die rcc,rding line is up it, I nim . Ili, speed ol the photogr;j phic tzipe is 4A nini,min 1-he zlecessit% to dcvise special I~Pes of plw~phor, i; pointed oul herb, ire 4 fimlre% and i fefercnc~~. 1~0%tracter's note Complete tran,,latiori] aid 2;2 EORISEVICF, Ye's.; GOLIDFARB, F.L~; KASTOhSElY, S.A.; 7-0. The FSETT-1 seismic recorder witY pen trar!inr. Trusty inst. 4'iz. Zem. lloJ9:73-77 '61. oar(A 1~): 3) (Sei-moneters) (Gal.van-xq!-.!t(?r) GOL'DFARB, M.L.; PREOBRAZHEN'SHY, V.B. Fol.; r-f7hanriel roc-)rdpr -.itJ -~n Tr, ~! I -,. 7 11 -, 7 . f :~ ;' . j, ~ - n . I no 78-80 '(-.1 . (Mill 15:3) (Seismor.eters) (Galvanometer) BORISEVICH, Ye.S.; GOL'DFARB, M,,L,; EUULIfUZFEN5hIY, VA:I Inter&anreatle pen-tmcirw f:.z, I no.,].Q-El-~5 '~I- 15: 3,1 ( Se !~- mome tc-r~, ) (Galvan -)ir.,- ter) ACC NRi "APoU07 6 7 7 SOURCE CODE: UR/ 13/6 Sh(mitsicaya, ii. F. ; Gol * df arb. I.;;; (%'I aV GRG: none T I '1"L "L, :Glass reslstai)t to vapors SOlUI-1,CE :Izobretenlya, pmaWobjennyye obraztay, tovari,.yye nald, W. 3, 1,966), 49 TOPIC TAGS: glass, glass product, alicali resistant; glaso A ill S T R AC'1' :An Author C(~rtj_fleate has been lasued for i,esiatant to alr'l-ali imetal vapor~~;containing SiO P 0 -412(~O CaO, at-,.d SP0. 21, -2 '1 j k; .- I Tn order to produce glass products without fiatte, it, Is .3u,:7,,~,ested "'hat '-he above In'-7redlento be Introduced in the foljc,~11.11,r t, q., amoun.tc3 (w't SJL02, 12 + 2; 3203, 32 + 2, A12()3, 32.5 + 2; CaG, 20 + 1, "'; SrO, 35 � 1.5;-and In additi-inY not over 0.3 -,')f Fe20.-.',, [LD] ST3 CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 28,juI61V 0 666.112.92 Mc: 666.117.4 ol L, FC 7 Abs Juur Zhur DiU., 1111-~:~ 10, 4')218 A u tIn _- r G_-ldfarb, M.M. Ins t pl. ~_, C C 1, Title i rl tile Anin -acid ti,-.11 ~,f Stu _-Y1 - cc t1ne CDurl_,_~ of J'IevelDpin~; Rez;i3rance t_- C,rJ.I, lub -11tibi,Aiki) 1957) 2j N,~ -4), 35-317. Ab3trant Z,o Ievei,_)Pmkant by a qualitative chanr;c cf anin3acid c in _sE_--r-hy- i~,cc~cci (determinal by paper T:-_*nic_',I_ lin resiotance increaso-, idanine firs"', traces _)f _aycine and s~,vin,~ rei,~~dn rhe valine ,-,f--.,up ~,.ppears. Thc-,i~ char.--es ari- spucif-ic jf cultu- res acclimated to penicillin and evidently are related 'c~, in I)rl-tein ~,ynthef~t,~ Ln the rAcr-A:i!0 coll. i,,., i 1,) ;Ix~,pt~m~ycLn is n- in aminoucl~_L C it on are 31 ivi ic ro bi o1 -~qy. Ant I bf os I s w, d Symbi os i s . Antiblotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Sfol .. 195e, 171 7C-680. Author aolldfarbf w:. m. Inst P,j,:) t 11 - y f (7 Title ',hanges -)f i.'orphnl-q Yjr, 'CCUS I the Process of the Development of Resistance tc Penicillin. Orig Pub: Zh, ~,Akrobinl., e-cidemiol. i irm-'Un~--birjr- "i i 19-57, Nr) 6, 51-56. Abstract: The process of acquiring resistancc t.- penicillin by rnicrobes is accompanied by change!,- of their morphology. 111th an increase cf resistance t-- penicillin In gclden staphylccoccils cegenerative, cells begin to appear, take on different c,~Inrsl and intracellular substances are '.'ornh--~- Card 112- 14 - !,~ rl !,' -. ., 7- )- - - - - - I - - T': , '-. 7 !.~ 'j, ',.~ I "-. .11 --l L.~: -.. ". ~.. : :,.. 1 - '.. : 1. - , :.,. : ;:~ -, ! ~ :- . I : , GOLIDFARB,M.S. Shower pressure "peaks." Meteor.i gidrol. no.4:16-'37 &P '5~- (141.14, 8: 9) 1. TSentralInaya aerologicheskaya obsorvatoriya, St. Poleormidnayn (Ibiln and rainfall) BELOGOIR~;Ki~YAP i3LUDLTV, N.I.; ~i-fLaGv, i;~P.; GALU'lli) D.D.; GJLTFAldjj 6J.; la~Ci.."()VP A.L. YENOKHOVIGH, A.--'.; ZVOi,'Y!"IN, VIA:10'11 A.V.; POPOV, i'.I.; i~Ay,,,VA, A.Z.; Z.Yc,, I.I.; Yu,;KWICH, D,,.Utrii Ivanovich Sa~iiarov; o-D'Luiry. i,-iz,v iAili:Diu, 22 110.1:10~- 110 ITa-l" I (),. . ( :, J 1; -A 15 KORZHUYBV, P~A.-, GOLIDFARB "Wwr Some ecological and pbyalological cha.-,,a,,,terIBt'.cn of tho blood of harea (blue and brown) and donestic rabbiti. Zool. zhur. 33 n,.6-1384-1389 N-D 154. (MIRI. 8~2.) r2.-.?f(A--" AkadigmIA. nauk MS. (Hares)(Rabbite)(Blood) Elc=,A '1Z.-DICA 71A.n/11- 1625. [IN'TEROCEPTIVE ENFLUENCE OF THE GALLBLADDER ON THE EXTE.RNAL SECRETION OF THE PAINCEEAS (Russian text) - Gold f a 1-1) N. L. 1n3t. of Physiol. of the Belorussian Acad. of Scis, Mins% *---** TI 10 b* *DIST. PIZIOL. BELORUSSK.AKAD.NAUK 1956, 1 (56-64) Tables 4 Illus. 4 Dogs with gallbladder fistulae and .!xteriorized drainage of the pancreas were used for chronic experiments. Pancreatic juice was collected everl 15 min. and pro- teolytic and lipolytic enzymes were assayed. Interoceptive stimulation was effected by gallbladder distension, or alternatively by evacuating it. The re3ults obtained show that stimulation of the interoceptors of the gallblacldt!r by dist,~-ndi.-Ig it caulleg an inhibition of the pancreatic secretion that is proportional to the degree of dis- tension. Sometimes inhibition is followed by a stir-nulation of the pancreatic secre- tion. Stimulation of the gallblauder interoceptors by empt5ing causes an increase in both spontaneous and alimentary secretion. Both types of Lnteroceptive influence of the gallbladder cause a prolonged change in the external secretion of the pancreas. References 11. Semenova - Moscow (S) GOVDYMR9, N.I.. Stud:-in,g, retnrdmr~. inhihitik-)rl In -.-iin. Trudy lrint. All 3,,S.R 2:15-25 1 58. (Mrm 1":I) 1. Lribo,atorlyn v.,sshs!y rif-rin,)y dwintelinostA fizjolo(~ii jui WlHilrploll) GOLIDFA:W, IN.L.. Ef-,*ect of the J'ntensity of conditioned stimai on -,he 1"Mit of reta-ried inhibition. Vestsi All BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.2:Z4-6'8 '61. (MI-LA 14:7) (001~01TIONED -,ZHONSE) physiol, () . nca~ C. , ~ ~ ~ -'. " " - . '. , . - . D , I , . 1-- .1 1. 1 - ol. . -1 5 110.1:3",-37 j~l d. (:'I A T/,: -,) 7 1 1. Ins t fizziolo ii - .;3 . p7(-rlot-,-~', io !'.m: A". -.SS . V.A. Lecrnov -7i. (Ti, i .- 1. -) I(I nuen"' 0 of 101.1 ciillol,lal 61101% I'll the klm(Illir )it In ci)y;crnfjsfri INvo It. 1). t ~-J O(W, [,,.I i7h," KAI-. (j AI,p!,,-d 2 1 In it) I - S I, l-:I rin It v -4 1 r I I,. , ,, -, to .11 , -N- ill, I ... w-, h, Ill Iog Wy )I) Ill ,I lol", . 1" 1 '. 1, big l", I I I -I Owl, if,.,[ J the 'Ime filij, wlI,~ I'll. I %I I ~,t-j 11"t ~!-,mq u".11111 A". :~I! ~-.l I % I K .,I ..I, th~ 6N, .1 ... ... It'll, 1-ttl- j Ill. r. (tom IN 1 1., 1 1,.,% -,f II:- I 4 N; 7 1 ,1 'Ith I I I, . ,, 1-11, h"1 ~t A."It Ill I'll- -I t 11, Of 1111 KI 1 1111" N a 0 0 0 a 9 0 * 0 i4t; 1,414 so 041 4 *Ocoee Is, 0 IN 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 C 0 It 0 a 0 6 0 I t, %Pm N 11 ., W " . . . v " . , " l) V A J, 41 ft r 19 It 00 10 0 01 th~ starch in corn from the %Pfc,Ac wity of the grAiD p (,.,4,dfA,b P,,(,. 1,f., 4, , ,, 040 00 g N,, , It . . 1,11. ~ . ~ h, /!- I I p'.." 14 , , 04 f C A J3. Y I), 1- d. 9 ., I , ? 11 00 : Ind III, 'P ' I'm th, 11 "h1j,11,11 VI a, I", tt-t I hm It'l-I A V " tjtj~ gIAM, (I ISO is 0 JW .00 .104 to 0 111,.L WINITI-1 IWIFI-11C. I ' V ri 1) 11 1 1. AI t ft 1,11 t T 1 t I 41 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 4 6 4, 0 f a l 0 $ 0 0 1 o 4 t0 :101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 4 0, 0 0 0 0 0 4 I ) 1 4 0 0 0 0 t e * * ~O jj 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 a 9 w %I 0 0 : : 6 1 OW 0 0 ; ' ' Pj A J" a; A I a Lt I) p F 4 1 1 It 't I I A 4 1 Ll A Determination of the starchy consuMenis a Veen 15, ral'A '-,h,A bm lhe Jon ,I ih, av, J I, maw.0,1, xh. :-b ~ n 4 th~ q 1, 4 lh -'? wd J."t" J I Itv4-Iv- 410 t,lj~ ~.1 fl. I f""1-1 I,. n4ti I t, OL, 1"I , I---? , -I, ,~. " i, I,, I ,,, .,t , 1- 15 luill.) in Itm Cai, 4 bath, i-It, -t I, ,,, -It. 'vqn irc~ ch. addii. *1 . ..... It-A ~f - C-g,tW,,,n 4 J,- Ous is effm ted with Phl OA, I: I(ydrq6- , ff~, t,,i I-iling with ficl w 11"4), .4 & ul, In ~12-11 I.AlmnCtric moll'.1, A, j! 'D _U_ Vi 4S, I R a K it It 1 .1.) of - it 1 :0 0 A) 'W"t *3 1 1 (f 4 6*0**** 668*90 gee ilillip-owl 1 0" : '0" o1, so" 8 1 A I I I It 11 IS It 14 nil is a lass III) 1IMM41 agi Wainjo - NOWLA I 'I I L A A 40 A IN$ .1.40 r Datemininglbl"by the Moritz MiriS3"1"jijfU ".*to 0: 04 presence at dipboulknalmll a4ullon. R70ol'ilrub. to- l,'6d4CAX4yn Prom. I?, No. R' fill 19610)~Ilw stim. I it dLitd. by the Nfarten melW, dild. ta QAJ nil. with di,ld. "ter, mixed with -, rill. and 0.3 nil. PhIN'll -In. 'in 11,SO.) aM filmled -1th Mnlir suit to the ti'lle '*Ib Sr"riv,4orchanp. F oil 00 -E 00 'S 00 13 00 11 A A 091ALLURGICAL LITERAT01 CLASSIFICATION 110- zoo its III Poll .0 71- 1 U Is AV 10 IS ~21 Ki I I It 1W a It IN 9 a it 3 1 !W P DO VGC INCE Veto Knit It elmon 1194 : : * : * : 0 0 * Ole 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 14 Ill 0 0 0 a * to 00 0* 0 0 0 0 0'*--0 9 a 0 0 0 0 a 4111 a 6 1111 0 6 0 (a W Tho d-tomill.d"n Of wumill ia ho~i'vlatw n. 1. and 11. G. VaiLaidikr., 41"X)t"'T + N-.0,14 tol, (~f the pl~'_ f')modl is dit 1.!.,! ;,f.;(Ttjj ,je 1.11 ~ "'I.o%" 1qrfi.".f J11-i ualw4m o,Illy 1;wdt 01111" N, 01, !MV V,11. , I Wuu'a GOL I DFARP, j',. , . . :. De tf-, rrd , ~ ~ . ~ -,j .. ill 11,~ ;,~--Ixly Uoufll 11- P ric . r, : 15 -1 ~r) km:-,.~', 1t-,:11) ~', - I I . ., , ; , I I I I . : . I I . , . , I I . L ~ . I . , I .. , " !-- : L, ! : ~: , - ~ .- , I-;,. - I '. ;,L I . I; -~ ~ ~, - -, I I: I . I .1 1 ,- : . I. ~ , , 1 -1 ~- - k ': f". , 1: i',OL'DYj-.lIB , R. 1. ; DAii I L B, NKO, P. L. Dotor- I mininr tho unfnrnpntf)d sugar In ripe Imerm. spirt. prom. ~15 no.8:12-15 15~). 13: 3) (Alcohol) (Sugar-Analyf3is an~i tuiqtir4;)