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GOL'DFN3,",RG, Ye.M.; M.RCHENKO, B.F., inzhener, Using a log prosthesis with a soft waint brace. Ortnp.travm. i protez. nn.3:52 My-Je '55. (14iffth 8:10) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta prots.- zirovaniya dir. prof. A.P.Kotov. (ARTIFICIAL LPM, leg prosthesis with waist band.) KOTOV, A.P., prof essor; BOGDANOV, A. 11, ; GOLI DY.NBERG, YO.M. Determining tho longth of Droathosis follo'ding aop'-It~tic)tlo Of tll) leg at various levels. Ortop., trsvm. protez. 1~ n,-)-5:66.-6,? s-o 56. (F,,IPI 10:1) 1. Iz Ukrainckogo rmuchao-iosledovntml'nkoPo lautiluta protezirova- niya (dir. - prof. A.P.Kotov) (ARPUTATIONS OF UG) (AW, IFICIAL LIIE-,,;) A C C NR: AR602150 SOURCE CODE: UR/0lG9/66/000/0CG/D0l2,'D0l3 AUT11OR: i~ orozov, M. D. ; Golldenberg, Ye. S. ; Brodovoy, V. V. TITLE: The state of-geophysical operations in Kazakhstan and ways to improve their ,-reolorrical effectiveness 0 b SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 6D87 REF SOURCE: Sb. Geofiz. issled. v Kazakhstane. Alma-Ata Kazakhstan, 1965. 3-3 TOPIC TAGS: seismic prospecting, prospecting, seismologic station, geologic survey, geographic survey, geochemical survey, gravimetric survey, nonferrous metal, rare metal, oil bearing area, gas beraing area/ Kazakhstan ABSTRACT: The extent of geophysical operations in Kazakhstan is increasing continuously. By 1965 the number of seismic prospecting teams in the republic increased to 93 (as against 83 in 1962), the number of electric prospecting teams to 202 (as against 180), magnetic prospecting teams to 200 (as against 150), and the number of gravimetric prospecting teams increased to 124 (as against 77). It is noted that since 1948 the geophysical crews and expeditions working in mining areas Card 1 / 3 UDC: 550.830(574) ACC N,',- AI"6032150 dircc~ly for oii and gases by geophysical and geochemical s'*-ou__c be t' 6 cont~nuod. In searches for ore mineral deposits, the problern of devplopin~r rnethods fol, ~prospoctincy nonferrous- and rare-metal deposits overlap-)ed by a thick mantle of loose formations, becomes ever more urgent. Yu. Kaznacheyeva. [Translation] SUB CODE: 08/ 3/3 :- . , , . 1 . : . ) I . . i - I I- . . I . ANOSOV, M.; GOLIDLPITBERG, Yu. Standard garage design for a car-and-cyc'Ie club of' the All-Union Societ3r for Assistance to the ArmF, Air Forct,~, and Navy. I'.& rul. 16 no.4:11 Ap '58. (mli-A 13:3) I.Direktor Leningradskogo, otdolatlya "Giprowitotrans" (for Anosov). 2.Glavny7 inzhener tipovogo proyekta garazha avtosiotokluba Dobrovollnogo obehchestva sode7stviya armli, aviataii i flotu, I,nningradskoye otdelenire Gosudarstvennogo proyektnopo instituta "GiprOn7tOtrans" (for Gol'denberg). (Garages) ANOSOV, M.; GOLID.-MARG, Yu, -~ -,-, -. ~ I -~-. I I Standard donirnu of motortrwk vara,,~oa with clonod p.,trkAllp ) ~ I If-Co. Avt. transp. 36 no.5:13-14 MY '58. (K.IRh 11:6) (Garages) GOL'Dr,P,FR(-,, Yu., in-,h. A-,,, u . t r,,fn,- ~. . '!~17 r~(, . I : ' - Y% el,., (AITRA 112: 2) (Mo~orbuq GOL'DT'IMERG, Yu., im!h. a%ito, 'hl --- Service stations t,nl fim4pps for privato ~ n ~ as. r-vt.trangp. 3" no.4: ?1-91 Ap '~Q. (MIRA LZ~6) 1. Lenin,-rndsl:iy filial C7iproavtr)tranqp-. (Gnrh!~as) (Service stations) GOLIDENBERG, Yu. Standard design of multifitoriFyd Oraragn for patmoiiror cnm. i-vt. trazinp. 38 no.1:25-26 Ja l6o. (MI[Lk 13,5) 1. Leningradakiy filial Giproavtotrunsu. (Gitrugas ) ALIDENBERG, Yu. Pansonger service buildinrls. AvL tranni- 39 161. RA ', 4 -, 5) (Motorbus lines- Stationi3) CUIJ)~- - 110.13 telS ; CtC, ) GOLIDENBERG, Yu. Standard designs of automobile maintenance stations, kvt,t,-ansp, 41 no.4:27-29 Ap 163. (MIRA 1615) (Motor vehicles--Maintenance and repair) (Industrial buildings) GOLIDENBERG, Yu., inzh. M-otorbus station for interurban travel. Avt. "NI-Isp. 41 n0.5:15 My 163. (MMI, 16:10) (Leningrad-Motorbus linen-Stationn) PODSHCiO'OLDIN. I ~ ~(D Gf)~ ~ T)PI'N;II-R(j, "ij TIKHC~NOV' 11. Alit, 41 -2.() NIL 16~10) I . Pr--)r~-k f.w, K! i.- ov~k r~ i mj--'-Ic;rm-.hncw-) in~, t 4~t,.ita ( for Podn' I wi Io', r, -,I t-.T K; I:-, t'-tnayok oj~o 11v hol,nooo ~I ombinii La 5 for -,-a dFo,.~n f ~i. o c ro ";I ~ - -. I ". I.. -~il:-`-:! -:. ", . , , - 1 1 '; , , ~-, . * , ~.; .. I II 11 . ) - -~ ~ ~. : 1 , . . !..-- twc L`ks c"', ; - " : . . . . ; - - ~ .,! ~, j l-, ~:, [ -:, t i 1 ~ . : . ~ : :': . . : ~, : , . 11 . Z. -.., e , ., . ? ,,I ,,. I . . GOL'DENBLkT, B.I., inzhenor (Udessa); AR01POV, N.R.. Ii-aliener. 6elacting the cal(-illatpd value of voltage loss in industrial lighting systems. i~Lektrichestvo no.2:74-75 F '56. OLRA 9: 5) 1. Giorokommunenergo (for Arkhipov) (Electric networks) I GOLIDEN31AT,,.B.I., inzhoner. Effect of the method of power factor improvnment on thq val'aa of voltage lose in lighting equipment networks. Proin.enarg. 11 no.9:2)-25 S 156. 01I.R& -1-11) l.Proyektnyy institut no.3 Ministerstva stroital'stva. (Electric networks) (Coaiensers (Mlectricity)) GOL'DWBLr, B.I., inzhpner. Development of a single series of A and AO asynihronoun wtors. Vest.elektroprom. 27 no.5:68-69 Pq 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Electric motors, Induction) FEYELMARK, M.M., inzhener; YEWKOV, A.S.; STOLYARvVSK7-Y, N.A., ~nzhenar; GOLIDMLAT, 3.1., inzhaner; GURGENIDO, D.P., in:,hener; 110ZLOV, A.P., t-ePFfiii'-l'-'G6R3AcH3v, N.i., te?hnik: TUNBERG, 3.7., 11'.1zhonor. Pro*.ection of substation ncwer ~n ladustrirl DlAnts. Prom.energ, 12 no.10:29-Yll 0 1~7. (MIRA 10-10) 1. aarlkovskoyeotdaleniye osudnrstve-inopo Proyeltnogo Instituta TyazhpromelelctroDroyekt (for Feyarmnrk). 2. S7erdlovskiy Dodship- nikovyy zavod (for Yermnkov). 1. Proyaktnyy inititut, Odussa (for Golldenblat). 4. Ust'-Kqmenogorskiy ovintscvo-tsinkovyy komblant (for Stolyarevskiy). 5. Tbilisskiy Dryadil'no-trikotazhnyy kombinat (for Gurgenidze). 6. Kam7ol'ryy lcombinnt, Minsk (for Grinberg). (Electric transformers) AUTEOR: Go 11 de nbiat, B.I., Engineer. 1.10-10-1.13/18 TITLE: The Design of High-voltage TestinS S-~Aitions. (Proyektiro- vaniye vysokovolltnykh 'spytatel'nykli bantsiy) j PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektrooromyshlen-nosti, V:)1.28, No.10, pp. ?c)-80 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The design of hiEh volta,-;,e testim, stations is not standardised and each desi,~11~a ovganisati~:~n settlez the -robA.em eCt 4S njt in its own way. The subj men-1-ioned in the "Rules for the construction of electro-technical installations". There is no special literature on the subject. The most important questior-s of' de~3iGri al-_~ cleararices to earth and to low voltuaL~e circuits, sup,..ression of radio inter- ference, earthinL; and safety measures. DiffcrenL points of view exist about the que.~tion of cleFrances; for exaa.,ple, a clearance to e,-.rth of 3 m is rcco=,!ended for a 500 kV trans- former and 6 m for a 1 000 kV transforii-er, MLLr_i;,ium clearances to surge generators are often ili-founcLed. T1 'ere is -iittle guidance about the suppression of radio interference, about earthing or about- such safety measures as interlocking. The choice of equipment-operating voltage i.,~ I n developing a high voILR-Ee testing traLlsi0rffier. the Moscow Uardl/2 Transformer Works (MTZ) decided riot to u:~(- a ~'-a:. r(~la,-; and YM'LOY, A.A.,inzh; SOLIN, N.A.,inth; CHIZ111311IN, P.L.. infli.; CIWPZLF,, Tu.M.i inzh.; MUSATOV, T.P., inzh.; YEDDIIOV, A.A., lw-ntl. tekh.,j.nauk; TAWSIHSTSKIY, L.M., inzh.; GOLIURNBIAT, B.I.,inilh.; MIYASHU, S.A., inzh.; ZAKiIAROV, N.H., inzli.'; SHCMIN, B.D., inzh. Improving planning of industrial power supply. Prom. onorg, 13 toO 18-29 J1 - 58. (M RA 11: 0) 1,Tyazhpromelektropr07okt. (for Yermilov). 2.2hoirproyoktas, &.Kaunas (;or Chop9le). Donbas a nergo (for Mimatov). 4.Moakovak y enbrgoticheaki institut kfor Fedorovi. 5.1TzFiprovodkhoz;,,~,. Taiihk 11'or.Yapshetski:r5- 6.Proyektnyy institut Ministeratva stroi Istva USS11.0dea a for Golldenblat). 7.Elektroproyekt, g.Kuybyshev (for Kudryashov). 8.Gogradioelektronika (for Zalcluirov), 9. Rldroproyokt,g. Kuybyshov (for Shchukin). (Electric power) GOLIDINBLAT, B.I. Use of spacers for increasing the stability o~ low-ioltsgo btiobar r, .5 no.9:L,,1-42 conduct6re in short-circuit conditions. Prom, ~)nerg. 1 s 10. (MITL~ 1):10) (Bus conductors (Electricity)) GOLIDENBLAT, B.I., inzh.; RAYTSI-,[,',':;KTY, L,A., inzh. Three-winding 35/4/0,4 k.v. tran.9formers. Vest,aloktroprcm. 33 no.l:?8-79 Ja 10, (MM,' 14:1Z) (Electric tramformara) GOLIDENBLATI, B.I.; RAYTSEL'SKIY, L.A. Scien"ific and technical conference on tech*n' Jcii jzirl principle.9 of t~he design and operation of elec'~rcil vsf,,~,nis. Elektrich-st-io no.12:87 D 160. ( f, 'L -, . 1 ) GOLIDRIBLAT, B.I.,, inzh.; RAYTSELISKIY, L.A., inzh. Problem concernin-g the installation of emergency lighting, systems in industrial premises. Svetotekhnik,-:L 9 rio-5:27-28 My 163. (MYR.A 16-7) 1. Proyektn,,rj institut Gosstrova r SSR, Ukr (Electric lighting) (Industrial pIan'~z!.----Ldqhting) 1 ~71 .3 0 Qj) lhjL Dynamic longito:lhw I" waW hWAN& Akad. Nauk &SS11. Inlenemyll Sb"k, Mathematioa.1 Reviews S. no. 1, 133-139 (1948). (Rusniao) Vol. 15 No. 1 A 69--walled beam is loaded with a periodically vzriable~ Jan. 1954 thrust and can perr,:~iin bending vibrations in two directions~ Mechanics and torsional vibr~iliotm. In the simple case, when the crow! section of the bar has t%~, ~ of symmetry aftd the thrust' is applied in the centre, the equation of motion is HMs'; equation. The article also deals with the more complicated I cww, when the cross-section has only one axis of symmetry., Then the equations of motion are two simultanimm difler-!, ential equations with periodical coefficients. The stability' of the solutions of these equations in emarnined by extowing the methods used in the corresponding theorf of Hill's equation. W H. AhWet (Ameterdam). USSR /ETkq ineeri ng Aug Ila Elasticity Mathematics - Tonsors "One in th,) Theory of' Mastic ard Plao-tio Deformations," 1. 1. GoildpnbLat, 4 pp D,,)k Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol M1, No 6- m ,? - Finds relation between Invariants of stress texisors and deformations, Concludes that, to describe the process of deformation completely for a soliO- meidilun, Cauchy's conditions for any partial form of cleforma- tion dependent. upon one pazamter must be given with tho equattcn of the st-ate. Submlzted bit Azad L. S. 1,,-~ybemzon, I() Jun GOLIDNIMT.,;,T, I., doictor tekhn.nault; TALI, K., kand.tekhn.11allic., mm"'IKOV. V . , Ili ti I 1C., DORISILLUBUY, 111. . Vani . takh a nau1c; VASILIM. A., kand.toldin.ratti1c; TURK111, V., kuril.tokchn. rauk.; 1041ROVSKIY, Ya.. 1mnd.tn1".hn.riauk-; I Gill V, V., lutnd.teldin.nauk. Rude attempt to miatppropriato achiovemontu.of tho Sovint art of building. Stroi.prom. 'A"! no.10:1~-11) 0 (Rninfnrced concrete conatruction) (Strains and strosims) fS L I. T. 1 - --- ------ USSR/Physics Elasticity Theory 21. Oct ljg "Se,reral General Laws Gov~'rning the ?rc..:(!sii cf Elastic -Plastic Deformiti~.~u~5," 1. 1, "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXVIII~ no 61, pp 10015-IOA Discussion based upon theorem that any eqijilibriust prc~ess of infinitely small deformatio-i iii ~cm;- pletely determined by Ist and 2d invariants of stress tensor as functions vf -let and 2d InvarianIs of deformation ten5or and absolute temp. Submittea by Acad L. S. Leybenzon 1 Jun 49, Mal. 1729177 robt 1 41 to!!I R,1 i 1: 1: In 1, iT, Ths N t If is t TMA iii; AJ4 4, it 0,11:1 oil 111dini Ilas 14 11 ),1 Minim P' 11 (c ~4; Ii two IL9! lij, 0,,(.P,jW1 liquid i -A I (f loads.3tis,sito dti J:, 4:flll~-Ji ~prrt~iid, V tile; 6ioWr lici:t. t slifi,166ilh, 101i 01*,11 11 Ou N 1,~I I r4 1~ j!t p V-66.jis:d hic qfl, Y-bf It, np kiiiathernaticil Rev eus 6. USSR/Physics - Elasticity 21 Yeb 50 Stress, Strains "Problem Concerning the Mechanics of Finite Strain (Deformation) In Continuous Media," 1. 1. Gol'&:!nblat "Dok Ak Nauk SSSIV Vol LXXI No 61 PP 973-'176 Poses problem of determining, accord-ing to partial data of experimental works, general relation between stress, strain, and temperature fields for any deformed state. Solves this problem for Isothermic or adiabatic equilibrial process of finite strain in Isotropic media. Experiments can determine interrelation of these fields only for certain partial forms of stressed state, Es- tablishes general theorem. Submitted 27 Dec 49 by Acad A. I. Nekrasov. 165T70 GOL1DNnLAT,_,I.L; SNITKO. 1.I., kandidat takhnirhedcikh nim&q rodaktor; . - -1) 07, V.S., tekhnicheekly redftktor [Introduction to the theory of creep of building wateiri&1s] Vvedenin v teoriiu polshunhenti otroitellnykh matoritilov. Plosk-ra, Goa. Izd-vo lit-ry po stroltallatwu 1, arkbitakt-art), 1952. 1.19 p. [Ricrofilml WFLA, 7-10) (Creep of materials) GOLIDMML&T, I.I., redaktor; SIA)V, A.M.; SNITKO, I.K., kandidat tekhnlche- skikh nauk, redaktor; CHEBYSHEVA, Ye.A., tekhrIcLesk!.y reduectcor, [Reference book on calculating strength and vibrations in stiuctural elemental Spravochnik po raschetu stroitellaykh konstruktaii ra uBtoichivost' i kolebanita. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-7-y po stroit. i arkhitekture, 1952. 251 P. [Microfilm] (Miduk a'i) (Structures, Theory of) GOVEM&O, I.I. [author-1; ODT11G, I.A.; SOROKIN, O.V. [reviewers]. "Introduction to the theory of creep in building materials." I.I.Gol'een- blat. Reviewed by I.A.Oding, O.V.Sorokin. Sov.kniga 110.8:42-43 Ag 153. (1410A 6:5) (Strength of materials) (Gol 'denb I at, 1. 1. ) STREMTSKIY, N~S,,, professor, doktor tekhnichnskikh nauk; IIELDYSH, V.M., profe3sor, doktor tekhnich8gkikh nauk; GVOZDJUV, A.A~, professor, laureat Stalinakoy premli, doktor takhnichesicikh na-0c; ONISHCHIK, L.I., professor-, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; G0LIDQfBLkT, I.I., dolctor tekh- nichaskikh nauk; KARTASHOV. K.N., kandidat ta-khAT8Nq"tiiIth nauk: BAMIN, V.A,,, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nank-, TAI, K.H., kqndidat takli.- -alcheskikh naulk. Discurinion of tho problem of building calculationti *unlug the method of limiting statos. Strol.Drom. )2 no.4:41_42 -kp '54, (H1RA 7:5) 1. Chlen korrespondant Akademii nauk, deystvitel'nyy chlen Akademii arkhitaktury (for Straletnkiy). 2. Vitae-prezidont jUradenli arkhitek- tury (for Keldysh). ). Chlen-korrospondent AkadomlL arkhttektury (for GqrozjA_ ~-), 4. Chlen-korrespondent Akgdemli arkhitektury ("or Onishchik). (Building- -Tables, calculations, etc.) (Reinforcod concrete construction) GOL I DE119LAT, losif Izrailrivich-, GORBACE UWAI , O.S. , redakt or; MTHUSHOVA, -'-:-' IT.Ta'.,'t kh Jchf39 e n -I-iy redaktor. [Problems of the mechanics of daformiiv; media] Nokotorye voprosy nekhaniki deformiruemvkh ared. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo tekhmiko- teoret, 19t-r7, 1955. 271 p. OILRA 9.- 12) (Deformations(Mechanics)) I I - -' 7 -1 - '11 -1 Translation from: Rutcrati,:tivv zhurn'ti Pf-~T Nr 1, 1) 1126 (USSR) A UTH 0 1 Gol'ilcriblat, 1. 1 FITL E: S0111C Pl-L)blCllll~ of the L'heorv ot Nekoturv,.,'r -,(,prosy lt:0, It iiprilgt)-pi;,~t~( d(-t*i.)rm~il-',iv\ PLR 10DICA1,: V -,I). : Issit-dw.,;iL~ c prm 1)1.(>! 1, 1 p(d 7 t't S t ! ()it. jjj~j I e 1-1 ;j I (~-. .N~J,~( ---), 1) p , ~ Emiatiuji, ,rc oI:;t-,wi(-d k)r the -n , 11 el,- s BST HA CT: tficor% of ~. PI-Stic deformations of dnisctropic substanc-1--c and i-:,i- '0111C '-I r iirlt~ (A tile I heurv ulf I- rk-e P-1 i he re 't ~Iurnngs a re b's-ci 01) th(- uencr~jl teri,ori zil ch ,r icterist. s ij- thE- derc-rimation and !-e f I U I (IS arld, OT! 111(~ inn'11TIP' l0r) A !11~2 VX:SLE'!-,CE- Of a defo-rn"t lon- potenfl't: f'Leld. Fol 1~'trop:c wh~c'- remain isotropic e%en cur-rig the pioce~)s of cleforrnw-on, and for defc. ril-lat i oils it L~; shown that t'ir- rela--on-n'hips ht-t%%ccil ;t lid it k' I~Ilk detcrll~l'wd t txo lk k t"platlotis 't re I,. c 11. St 'i rt,"nI oill i-~lt tllt~ 'I'llptions tli'!t I lit. hodv (!(,t 1) !~'n c !-;i tz-.ti i~ (it- '.on C. a r (1 1 7- 11-917 So I I w 1 1-(, b I t. I I II I lo. T lic, I\ o 1 1-:1 Potenti,il exists, the equations (A tile Iheor% ot sm,ill cletorni,it Ions C it I I) (~ IK r I I t C I 11 TI ~t 10 - III Th'it~t o I,, ~ ~. drn o convert I ell t in I h e I ra n si I iml to !rli ~ 0 1 1 L)1)11, subst,iri( c s. An iila'v_si~ ol the ! en so rof t Ile modul iu, fk- I , S I I ( I 11), rI o I- 111 , ClrI I I-,ia .~TI bUbStdIlCc-s. For imsotropic stib,_,tan~es onle gvrier,d r,-Ictionsh~pS are ~idduced throtitdi the use of the tensor ()I inisotiopv :ind rrior,- espect 111%, In of OIL' Of till.' 1110(1111~ W w tile anisotropic substay,cc, througli 'he tenor of on-WI.I)P~7 drid I-, is shown that the t-nscr ot the modul, of elasticit,, IdirniLH no, JILIS, one. but a seri'es of equivalent concepts xith the -,.-d of t'le tcr-3or i:,,- Further on, CqUaIIOUS are derived it) cies~ ribe tile C1,iStic *j)1,i.-,-.:c- deform;1- tion of arbitrary anisotropic SUbsinces ard, in particu:_r, of ~,Iibstances constItAlted of yrrimetrici] cubic cry~tats, This deduc*inzi :s ba-ged on the assumptions that the first invariant of the stress tensor d(,~perids or-, the Invariants of the tensor of antisotrop,.,- and Ouit _t deform,,,tion ptuit',Al L'Xists, tile 11,0.1irt. of "OlIch (Ifflets betv~,ven a lo.-tdiml proccs., and arl Unloudin~l process. A dernonstrat.orl is (~tfclcd for file Thel)renl th--., if the components cf i symmetrical ten~sur of rank 1%vo hl,~. ;irt- iunc,ions of IIIC Of 111(ItIlL-l' tells(~r (if !,tillk tv.-o on ('I k, t ~ 1! 1 c I ion Card 2 1 -9 17 Som(. Prohlem.,, of the The,iry of Eki nti( -p'~ts-,J(: I (fill I t t t tip t) ;11) 1~ tt, ly , -i % c r,~c ri 1 expuric Tit i;t e r it he n the S c .Iinct;ons also admit, a COMPzIct I-eprv!4cTir1-tI Ton Ili terms of xell-dc[itlecl o rm ~i la T h, i ~ repi't, ~vtl',i I :Cil l"'k ~ III C Ili Il ~ d,-t IT"" (i it t.h, I-C c 1 liva r~-an I al'C 01%C11, %%hurei,v a rclmioll~h~p Is k-tilblished bct,xcen six arbi- !,~i I* v in va I- i a tit s of I'll e t c I Is( I-,a"Ild b,All L-XMIlin,-~ticli made of ~1 S,', stctll-Xposed ~0 th, Ot 11 !~, c Ic 1, alzt.d forces. IIhu autlior advaiTces tile prcposit,~(;n that, -%ton,,, with the potential eriergv the Castialiano potential, 211-2 zidd,t tonal poteni,;als exist, and that. tile Cast~cldiario is I;ut a spec,.al caSe of a oreate r, m:,-c eneral, A. K. NA,-t I n Is t e I- C (i ol'den ]at, _I'he theory wl small elas! "WM= itkisotropic media. Ivj. Alcad-; Mull FI)i orma ons ~of, SSR, Otd. Telin. Nlauk 1955, no. 2, 60-167 1 Russian) 'this paper first develops a filliti!-strairl of the sinall elastic-plastic dt-forniations ~,f isotropii- rnvdi:t. I'he Yiel'I Condition is a.;~Urlled to involve Olt! fillit t,;%.o invadants of dw str(,; ti-n~or. '11k th~!orv k Q;vn e"c. 11. G, jro'114ins. tol'denblat, 1. 1. On the theory of sma-11 clas-tic-P12-stic Urufrffi-ali-ons -ol'anistropic inedia. lla~t'L MI-ad. NiLul( SSSR (N.S.) 101 (1955), 619-622. This papfr th~or.v il~~veli,pzd ill 1.1;(. reviewed above. IL G. frotk;v' (Svv~~Iloak;z). USIER/EngineerinF, Theory of elasticity Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 9/52 Authors I Goldenblat, I. I. Title I 1"bout the theory of elastically plastic deformations of jinisotropic media P1Mr1cdiCft1 I Dok. AN SSSR 101/4, 619-622, Apr 1, 1955 Abstract I A theory of small elastic-plastic deformations of anisotropic media is presented. The theory is a generalization of the contemporary theory of swill elastic plastic deformations of isotropic media. Two U55R references (1948 and 1950). Institution : Central Scientific Research Instituto of Industrial Conotructions (Promsooruzheni ye) Presented by: Academician L. I. Sedov, January 5. 1955 GOLIDENBLAT, I.I.; KORENEV, B.G.; SIZOV, A.M. Snow loads in the building norms and regulationg. Strol-Prom-34 no.6:25-27 Je 156. (MLPA 9:9) 1.TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institiit promyshlennykh sooruzheniy. (Roofs) GOLIDDIBLAT, I.I., red.; BYTaiG-VSKIY, V.A,, kand. i7.drite I 'rit-74: E.M., t ekfin . red [Bui Iding in c, e- r-~ ;,jurikels 1 StroLtel'StvO V Sei=i- cheSkikh I I ac-iblat n i V.A 3ykhovnkogo. M o 9 Vv n , G o i:!` r,,- p ~-t roll, . inrkhilt., L1157. 16(? P. (MIRA 10:11) I n I Ic im r, i v o s t r o i t e 1 'nov Dr o-mysb 1 a nn o 9 t i SSSR. i i t: t.i r, P,,-, ri nd bu i I d ing) GOLIDMIB 08a). Experience in oral questioning of high achool students In geometry, Hat. v shkole no.3:45-10 MY-JO '57. OuaA 1o-.6) 1. Zaaluzhennvy uchitell shkoly USSR. (Geometry--Study and teaching) ,4 n', --:~, , 4,7", .-1 . ,,,vwlArjlo ,V~w GOLIDENBLAT, I.I., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, rqd.; OTMINS11Y, LA., Irand. tokhn.nauk, red.; SNITY-0, I.K., doktor riauchnyy red.; GORYACRKVA. G.V., red. izd-va; RUDAKOVA, N. I., [ Method of & seismic design of buildings and structures *, a collection of articles] Mntody rasclipta zdanit i soorwhonIA na iielsmcutoi- I-e.)st I; abornik ntatF)I. Pod red. I.1. Golldenblata i Y.A. Bykbovskago. Moskva, Ges. izd-vo lit-ry po otroit., arkhit. i 9troit. matorialam, 195P. 151 P. (KIRIt 12:2) 1. Akademiya stroital'stva i arkhitaktilry SSSR. Institut stroitel'- nykb konstz-uktsiy. (Eartqiiakes and building) AUTHORS:Bolotin If I vla'~C)V" V_"" (Mosco I", ~.) TITLE: The Development of 3-6ruct~_ira'_) stroitell- noy melchanirki) PERIODIUAL: Izvestiya Akadeniii nauk .:-.as1)inc- stroyeniye, 11)5'-11, Nr .2, ABSTRACT: A review, in which ttie subjec-t :is VJ1t,h diider the following heads: traditLuilai i:Lru.,tup"11 me c h -Inics; problems of constructional work beyunji 'Llie ol~isti(" 1.ilnit; stability; dynardic problems; aeroe)asti-i--ity allied prob- lems; calculation of oon.,~tru,~.tiloiis f..)rces; prob- lems of theriuo-elastic-iLy, ::i-id t~ieriual creep. There are 95 references, 01 whicti. ~b -~tre 22 English and 3 German. 0 SUBMITTED: JanuarY 3, 1959. Card 1/1 ~11_ -TZ I (-j lll~C -0 'a -lA 'ITT =2.-r i- J~rT,, Jt M.Z -1 -to T.-T. AT r r 1-11-T I se t-7 -1 -4 'Z4 Li -I- m "It 'T GOLIDENBI,LT, 1,1., doktor tekhn.nauk prof.; NIKOLATUKO, N.A., kand. telchn.nau-1c; VILKOV, G.H., red.izd-va, IIA-LJM07A, G.D.. LCreep and bearing capacity of shells] Polzurhe,3t' i nesuahchala sposobnost' obolochek. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry-Po stroit., arkhit..' stroit.mat. 1960. 57 P. (Aloademiia strGitellstva i arkhit-o'Ktur-y SSSR. Inst'Itut stroi~olln;rlcb kontjtr,.xI,,tsii. Na: i c (11:1111A 1):~) -~ii -o soob3hchen'.e. ro.l)). (NIa,:3t!,: plates and shells) ~Creep of materials) PHA~SE I 6OOK EXPLOITATION 3ov/4238 Golldenblat, I. I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, ?rofessor, --- and N. A. Nikolayenko, Candidate of Techriical Sciences Folnichest-11 I nesushchaya sposobnost' obolochek (Creep and Carrying Capacity of Shells) m,)scow, Gos!jtroyIzJat, 1960. 59 P. (Series: Akademiya stroltellstva I arkhitektury SSSR. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitellnykh konstruktsiy. Nauchnoye soobsiachenlye, vyp. 13) 3,200 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: G. N. Vilkov; Tech. Ed.: G, D. Naumova. PURPOSE: This booklet Is intended for construction engineers, designers, scientific workers, and aspivants studying shell. design problemi. COVERAGE; The book deals with problems of the creep and limit state of shells. General equations of the theory of high- temperature creep of shells made of different materials are Introduced. The calculation of shells for creep is based on the momentless theory of A. Yu. I31ilinskly anl the elastic theory of Boltzmann-Volterra. There are 13 references: 10 Card 1/3 Creep and Carrying Capacity of' Shells S,)V,/42--'8 2. Fundamental equations of made of material obeying medium 3. Fundamental equations of made of material obeylng of an elastic medium the equi-librii.un of a shell A. Yu. Ishlinskiy',zi law of a 25 the equilibrium of a shell the Boltzatann-Volterra law 28 III. Moment Theory of the Creep :)f* Shells 1. Fundamental equation3 of the equiltbriL1111 -if a shell made of an elasto-vi3cous ma terial 32 2. Fundamental equations of the equilibrium of a shell made of material obeying A. Yu. Ishlinskly's law of a medium 44 3. Fundamental equations of the equilibriwn of a shell made of material obeying the Boltzmevin-Vol terra law of an elastic medium 50 Bibliography 59 AVAILABLE-. Library of Congress Card 3/3 AC/af/ec 10-18-60 GOLIDEIMAT, I.I., prof., doktor tekhn.n.,mk; 111KOLAVIIJK0, t-.qmi. takhn.nmik; GOHTACIIMV-~, T.V., rod.izd-va; IBIYEIL'~'T, toklln.rod.; RUDAMA, II.I., (The theory of creep of buildiw, rsiteriils ,Ir,,i J,,2 -,Is,5j Teoj-4-lia nolzucho,,iti gtroit(31'nykli Twiterialov i on prilczlio-.: iti. Hosl-v -1 , G,,)s.izd-vo 11 t-ry po stroit. , arkhlt. i I;,:- ' ! -hlarm, I')!- C. 253 P. (14II?A 1,): ~' j (Croou of materials) (Stnictuntu,, 'V~-i - if ) Gor" D.-CmLvf, I. I. (moscow "Some Problems -In reDort urosented at tulie i;I'vot All-Uniin ~Xl AL-diei Mechanics, Moocow, 27 Jan - 3 I.,e-D I~qc,(). - GOLIDENBLAT, I.I., doktor tekhn.nauk: KORCHIIISKIY, I.L., doktor takha. nauk; BTKHOVSKIT, V.A., kand.tekhn.,nauk Designing and calculating eurthquako-proof ,onstr%iclton alemente. Izv. ASU no. 3:95-107 160. (HIRA 13:12) (Earthquakes and building) GOL-MBLAT, I.I.j doktor tekhn. nauk, F~rof., nauchrqy re,:I.; 5TH-0YS?M, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchrVy red.; MW~SXGT, K.L., Iled. izd- va; G&USBA10VA, G.S., red. izd-Ta; NAWOVA, G.D., tekhn. red. [Lowering the cost and improving the quality of eitrthquakiip.-cof construction] Snizhenie stoimosti i uluchBhenie k-itchestira :'ei- smostoikogo stroitel'stva. 14oak-ra, Gos. i---d-To ILt-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 159 p. (MIERA 1-4:10) 1. NELuchno-tekhnicheskaye obshchest-vo stroitellnoy industrii (for Golldenblat, Bykhovskiy). (Earthquakes and building) MISE I BOOK EXYLOITATION SOV/6002 ~___qolldenblat, 1. I,,-.Doctor of Technical Sciences, and N. A. Nikolayeilko, Can- Sciences. Rashchet konstruktsiy na deystviye seysmicheskikh i Lmpul'sivnykh sil (Designing Structures For Earthquake and Dynamic Effects) moscov, Gesstroyizdat, 1961~ 319 P, 5000 CoPies printed. Sponsoring Agencyi Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatells'_.d.y institut stroltell- nykh konstruktsiy Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektiry SSSF.. Scientific Ed.~ S. Yu. Duzinkevich, Engineer; Ed. of Pabli!ihing Housei 6, Bega_k~ Te!:h. Ed.t N. V. Sherstneva. PURPOSE: This book is intended for design engi-neers, aspirants, and personnel in 9~~ientiflc rasearch institutes. COVERAa','~ ~-'Iethcds are discussed for designing some spi3cial structures kliq-'j_'d- fill-J t'rolind -love 1 and undorground tanks and the framed structures whict, ,~upp,)rt them) for dynamic loads Causud by e8rOvIlvikos. Concist? informat"on on Card 1/10 GOLIDENBUT. I.I. Concerping the "clock paradox" -~i t;i,, cjL' nd.~:.tivity. Izv. v,,,s. ucheb. zav.; fiz no.6:1"L-L2 161. (,' IT I-L. -' 5:1" 1 -1 ~ - f 1. Voyermaya ak-ademiya imeni F.E. Dzerzhinskogo. (Relativity (Physics)) GOLIDENBLAT, !.I.; 1,111KOLAYE110, N.A. Determination of seismic forces on framed structur-~~L; sup-porting tanks containing liquid. Trudy TSITI- ':, no.6:3',-.--?' '~-J-. 15tl) I .-I ~,i , (Earthquakes and building) V;,,IWA.~, P.M. ; KIRIYENT, 11. 1.; C I IfUlt. VS? I Y, Z. I.; "'I MYAN, V. A.; P/ ;~N~ V-DYAILCV, A. I.; A . Ye I tj 1,1. ; I ZX,, SC: tj , SI :ll.S.; "'IJYL)ICII, S.A.; SIP-.i?DL(-:V, A.I.; yu. ilOLOTI", 11. V. ; GGL'DEhli LAT, I . I . .,C(P rr~vievs ;in~~ Str~i. L n( . j:4,,-50 GOLIDEN~IAT, Io.,Tif Izrailevi h;. 'E1"6, Nil:ol-,ty Alek~i-ncl:-ovich; - --.- ---c- J.IKOUT ,: - WKSIIA, red.; POFOVA, L3.M., tekhn. red. [Calculation of thermal strenaes of nucleza- r-eactorsj!-'.'as,:!hety temperaturnykh napriazhenii v iadernykh reaktora:di., Noskva, Gosatomizdat, 1962. 158 p. (I"TRA 1~): U) (Nuclear reactors) GOLIDgMTY I.I. "Stastical methods in structural mechanics" by V,V,Bolotin. Reviewed by I.I.Golldenblat. Stroi. mekI.. i rasc-i. snor. 4 no.2:43-3 of cover '62. (MRA 15:5) (Strength of materials) (Statistics) (Bolotin, V.V,) GOLIDENBLAT, I.I. Design of 3uspension bridges and gas pipelines for wind and seismic loads. Trudy TSMISK no.180 ... 19 162. (MIRA 16s2) (Bridges, Suspension) (Gas, Natural-Pipollnea) BYIMOVS-KIT, V.A.; jqOLIDEYBLAT, I.I.; KORCHINSKIY, I.L. Standardizing seismic loads; a note. Trudy TSNIISII no.M205- 206 162. (KRA 16:2) (Earthquakes and building) GOLIDENBLAT, I.I.; KOPENEV, B.G., H-P,13INOVI(MI~ I.M. , ~im_711i.110~,,~ Concerning the article by A.A.Ekovskii and A.A. I "Dynamic the-ory of stability." Stroi.meVIi.i rlt~,Ai.soor. 5 no.2i44-47 163. (I.-M, 1.6.6) (St~l hl I ~I ty) GOLIDENBLAT, I.I. (Moscow): "Variational principles and potentials in non-linear Structui-al mechanics of elastic systemp- report presented at the 2nd All-UnIon Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. GOLIDENBLAT, I.I.; KOPNOV, V.A. (Moscow): "Creep of anisotropic media." report presented at the 2nd All-Union Con~ress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. N -,laulmir Vasil lvevich; izzrnd-'~f.--vic-h; OV , Anatc!~-*y Fi I ~'!pj Ovich; (30!~YACHFIVA, red. protljloi:.~; of : ixuc Wral y -~~-,roitellncl' mekhan-'k-i. dut, 1"10 r". 7-7!7~ "77 31~ L 55159 -651 EN -2API( iy AT PO 4 BWp (,t)// 01ENOW1 ('Ob), ~A gwp( 714 Y:J 4 1 w ~ATI AV15613205 BOOK,H" 64 Bathan ;L: G Bezukhovs N. I., oy~,# 01 atu TechnicU"ge-lences; Proppspr)~; NINO 1 0 Q ay"11MO illi rmkdv~o I: ri alculatious of strerd h,, at'ab !v bftt, p6raturelconditiotiall RalJohety na l3ratallf-cl T. V1 Ch VVY 6 k h i td' 4'0'' i't 011410 lCulmbanl7a v uslo ki er.4 tm 6 965 56u 'bi AlMashinostroyeniy 4kta~~siji~ inserted, 6000 copies hn~oitd, p "d if ure sbreftth: a t6b Iddti~ie TOPIC TAGS: struct p~ stldlty~ thelmal.~,tlai J~t j~ jI vibration,, thermal ela stress f 0: PURPOSE AND COVERAOR: Thli ~b`ook 16 lhtefidedl in'' MV, d scientific w6rkeril~ i4y ~164i bi lie d u An of higher-technical eduoAtf z Nothoas, the theory of theftaLetr6desso, H, la the: Or Is:tabilityp and 'brationt 6f a into ei vi which are exposed to largeld& , emiej%ttW Lb(k i [jr -cacl :T, TABLEM CONTENTS (Ab4agod 1 : Tf,, 41; 1A P FOreft rd Basic Symbols 5 Introduction T W -1 ij PART 1. THM049CHMICAL 'PRO P r OF MATTETALS.! ~-:,Tffmwt, R W-10 ; Ch, Is General Characteristics 'of, vtomicham4d - , f1rop. ies 'Of 4. Stft Structural Materials and *34i~t~bj k Ch. 2, Review of Methods roxioalculati4herdial :..A 00, 1 1 ami~i a of Structures 43 1 Bibliography 65 A Card Ouct "ii 61 306: !of W. I 433:11 -1 55159-65- AM50 13205 t PI: Ch, MI, Certain Dynamic Pilobltmg cr" 6,1004 indit Wit Bibliography Appendices 500 Table of units used in the~~book~ conw6ftel'into ~L' r w in ji system units 500 Appendix 1, Carbon steel --;501 if 2, Structural alloy steel$ 518/ A pp, ndix 3, Stainless aeld esista4f, Lt~Lljkl. e 4 74. "66 530 P, AluminumPllloyo: Appendix 4- 1 ppendix 5, Mgneslum wrought, and cast 11" ~~ 'W 10 al a, .9 endix App 103T: 54 LC Ji if Lit -i-T-. :.~3 A145013205 Appendix 7, PiPer-Staos reiy? to r Appendix Hyperbolic ciro~mfsr6nttsi tunotI6. ;Fi Bibliography ---561 UB CODEs M , 6 141*0 190 -M OTMt 079 jij -:17! TIH~ . J1 Card ~; lj immmm~.Mmiq~ VT EFF Oc) MAW-~JVT~l . . :. ;,: il~ I , 1. 1 4 t -ACCESSION.NRt AP5012430 Uk/ 11 /0( is 6~ 81; 53, ? AIUTHORSs GoIldenblat, I. J' (146se6w) K opnov, V~ ~A. M TITLE: Strength of glass-reinforesd s SOURCE: Mekhanika imerov n 2, 1965, 70-xfg TOPIC, TAGS: fiber gliss, oriented:!plastic remjn~;t ~pilej jvrr~*J; Ww4ile 6;; 'e'so en ten;ilo:strength "ABSTRACT: The purpa e,of the inves;tiptlon~ ij4sa ~q: gellpvalLk~' 11 tho' 1b. bt#4; i ~~tremOh ~or'iterla WAipisoiropia illiss-ioldbilcifia tit I d ~114i;t1 ed,ci:oi 4 pli, I! is exp'rossedUO,~Onsor imai!iaiit forln~ i ~thIi: tenr,.~-e mul iiAions of:the meohanical properties ~:of the mut-d'' Ii t I] Ill ~hha t 6 -atl J :4.n q~ctor EL." (ZE r1a, Old pqTIM0,P104 ik, t,:;. where mic, ot cetera are the strength tonnors: ofl:vari6us ~411tll-il tal 4r, cetera are the applied tensile an 70 L A M~h ra. ret~ CaM .1/2 ......... . C1eT*e1!.M;1MST'3.On 01 BIr a 0, of thd' glasal fi~6kea:;, oq 1~ ilt i1;1 ~6 6ii iM M 1~ i.;i';T t~ 002 GOMDUDIAT, I.I.,za7,1,uzhennyy uchitellshl~nl USSR (Odeiisa) Introductory course of laeometry. %lat. v ,h~,oli! no.6:28-30 S-D 159. Oeome try- --Studv and teaching) ()II-U 13:3) 1. cm 1. -1- 2. U1-- '-~rt ((;()()) 4. riecrietr",, - Study Rnd Tesrhing 7. SolvinF geomfitry problems-- Cor -~'at. v. Shkcle- n,-. 5, 1.9!)'~. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JaL.i;4ry, 1053, Unclassified. (--r7 I Tlyr! -T,~'t M, T. T;7. 2')-'lc Te I.-forii ~-tro` t-.-c I - 0-.' tvc!'--i i'~'i . ~'~ rn it. i ~, 1 1 ~)I. -,, ",). ~., V. "'. . . I, - U,-j3R,/,'Aathe:=t ~.c a r Put) 4 1 -~D// -1 Gol der~blat 1. V., Moscow deformation in jisctro Jc medi s ai p a T-4 The theory of sm, 1 -1 - Pe-r--,c i I:iv. A11 SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 2, 6c)-6,T, Feb 19~)5 DE-rive-1- baL;-ic equations on the theory of small deforra-a- tions in anL;otropic media. using the 6eneral. tensors of deformation and stre~;S a.~ well as the potentialL~ of deformation. The form-ulai! derived are naLural gerieralizations of correspondini, equations an the theory of small elastic-plazitic deformations of iso'~ropic media. ~;oL-., .7eneral re- lation5hips between isotropic ar)d anisctropic media. For=la:~, diaj~,ranis. Two US--,R rvfereitces. jubmitted jun 29, l)r4 GOLIDENBLid. 1.V., doktor tnkhn.mAuk h,cm the history of building tFichnolo~y. Stroi.prom. 27 no-9:19-20 S '5 9. Il.-2) (S true turim , Thoory of) BY'KHOVSKIY, V,A,- &'I'DENDLAT, J.V.; Ko.-.CH.P,7,;XI-LY, I~L~ (flczk7a) Building requirements for oeismiic stresses, Stro~.Lnekh.i raschaoc-r. 3 no.2-11-16 "61. (F,arthquake5 &nd building) GOLDENDLAT, r. I.: KORCHINSM', 1. 1-,.: Byj,2*,C`V-~K,-:Y, 'I, ... /,.. "Des-I.,-n of -, j I.ia~ i,,. t,,1;- report -i I ecolld ",:. L-I'l oll I ,Ik~,,) ,;,I; KY(;T10, - -ibmltllt(~d "or %h,~, jc j JaPall, 11-ILI July 1-96(,,. Gouxmn~lj), I~V, , two - I - 6 - De I i "i ta" i On 1;! oble:a 'i of a,ei:; ilL the -1; va i ll~L ~ll-,Ullela gecl " of t,i~e I . j -61 IlGli ~ -.171-18ii" 1.!- 6 ~ 61, . ..... i" --'Al* (Mo---kvt~/'; F01VIN, 'I.h. crit,i-,`Cn fcr A'; N--!) 161 ~ I - . 1"" i-ti. ~. ..1- 15-57-1-738 Translation from: Referijtivnvy znurnal, (reologiya, 191E7, Nr 1, p 117 AUTHOR: Golldenfarb, A. I. TITLE: ",ravel of' Porous Clay Filler Prom the ~,Iays of' Azerb,aiuz1,ian (KerarTizitovyy Frsviy iz vlin Azerbay- dzha ra PERIODICAL: 31,. tr. Azorb. n.-I. in-tti strolt. nEterialov I sooruzheniy, 19b6, Nr 5, pp 82-97. 4 11 C 7 AFSTRACT: The greatest intensity of sweiling ~ bays on t~_e Aosheron Peninsula and in several other reFions of Azerbaydzhan is found In tne bentonitic clays of Kinurdalan and Agzy-Kinezri deposits on the Apsheron Peninsula and especially In tne 'centonitic clays of the Khnnlar deposit (near the town of Klrovnbad). In preparing t~ie porous clay filler, brick-tile types of clays from the Z,,Ich, binagady, and Lokbatzin deposits are also used. The chemical COMOOSItion and plast'-city Card 112 of the clay3 are ~-iven in the accompanyLnj7- table (in ISM.4YLO111%, Moklibuba Ali kyzy. GOLIDENFARB, A. I., rod.; &HTMIGIV, red. tzd-va [Clays of Az(-rbqijan] Glirkv Azerbaidzhana. Ba.