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COT, in, 1W~ tl!Ibl(--:-, I rl 1, 1 J-(j (rc)) -73 VASILIYP',V, V.L.; ~,CITUBEIRG) A.A.; AW''111MV, S.1',, oti,. red.; CISVETSKAYA, A.A., red.; FHIj!-9X'j' P-S., tokhr- red. (TechnicAl control in shipbZilding] Tekhnicheslzii kontroll v sudostroenii. Lenint7vid, ;,~dpro-mgiz, 1952~ 1.78 p. (?-U IU 16:7) (Shipbuilding) 1~1- , , , . , . , , - - . . . . - . f - 1 . I I . I I . . , , 3 . 11 1 . I I . . . . I I . - - I- - 1 3 . j HUMN-ROTHERY, W.; CHRISTIAN, I.W.; PRARS011, W.B.; KADYKOYA, G.N. [trannlatorl; KRASNOPIOTSIVA, T.Y. (translator]; RAVDELI, R.F, CtrauBla"or]; SELISSKIY, Ya.P.. redaktor; rr,,dnktor; ARXEANGELl- SKAYA, H.S., radaktor Izd8 tell toichnirlioukly redaktor [Metallurgical equilibrium diagrams. Translated from the Tn,-llghj Diagrammy ravnovesiin natallichookikh sifitein. Partwod s angliiakogo B.N.Kadykovoildr. Pod red. IA.P.Sulisskogo. goskvII, GOB. nauchno- tekhn. Izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvotnol metallurgii, 1956. 399 p. (Phase rule and equilibrium) (miju 10:4) (Alloys) (Solutions, Solid) ALITGAUZIN. 0.H.. kandidat fiiiko-matematlicheskikh nauk; MSSITTSYN, M,L.. kandilat tokhninheekikh nauk; EIANTIC-i, M.Yo., lrktr,- t,!Ivhnlchq%ktth nauk; BOISHTATN, S.Z., doktor takhnichesklkh naulc; SOUROVITINOV4, Ye.11., kandidat tekhriicheakikh nauk; BORMIA, doktor tekhni- cheskikh nauk; BUNIM, K.P., doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; VINOGRAD, M.I., kandidat tekhnicheskilch nau1c; VOLOVIK, 3.,Te,, daktor tokhniche- skikh nauk [deceased] ; GAMOV, H. I., inzheamr; GILUR, Yi:~.A., doktor takhnicheskikh nauk; GOULIK, S.S.. kandiciat tok,iniclieskikh nauk; GOLIMMERG A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GOTLEB. L.I., kandi- -Ta-t tekhnichea nauk; GRIGOROVICH. V.K., kandidat tekhnicheskil:b nauk; GULYAYEV, B.B., doktor tekhnicheakikh wmk., DOVGALLeVSKIT, Ya.K, kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; DUDOVTS-gV, P,A., knrididat. tekhniche-. skilch nauk; KIDIN, I.N., doktor takhotcheakikh nauk; KIPRIS, S.Kh., inzhener; KORITSKIY, Y.G., kandidat tokhnicheskilrh nauk; LAITDA, A.F., doktor tf3k-hnicheskikh nauk; LMIN, I.M., kandidat teklin[cheskikh nauk-, LIVSHITS, L.S., kandid'st tekhnichaskikh auuY; LIVO'T, M.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KALYSHICV,X.A,, kandIdat togIchnichoskikh nauk; HEYRRSON, G.A., doktor tekhnicheslcikh nnuki MINKirlICH, A.N., Icandidat tekhnichoskikh nauk; MORO7, L~S., dokt,)r tekhnioheskikh nauk, NATAIISON, A.K., knndidat tolchnicheskikh nn~ik; NAKHEMOV, A.M., iiazhener; HAKHIMOV, D.M., kandidat tekhnicheskil&- nauk; POG"ODIIT- ALRY,SAYBV, G.I., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; POPOU, N.H., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; POPOV, A.A.. kandidat tekhntcheBktkh nnuk; RAKHSHTADT, A.G, , kandidat tokimirliesk1kh nauk; RCGUIDARG, I.L.. kandidat tekhnicheakikh naulc; (Continued on noxt cani) ALTITGAUZILN, O.S.-- (continued) Ca rd 2. SADOV-SKIY, V.D., doktor tokhnicheskikh nauk; SALTYKOV, S.A., irizhoner; SOBOLIV, N.D., kandidat takhaicherkikh nauk; SOLODIKHIN. A.G.. kandidat takhnichei3kikh nauk; UMANSKIY, Ya,S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, UTEVSKIY, L.M., kandidat tolchnicheskikh nauk; FRIDMAN, Ya.B., doktor t6Khnichaskikh nauk; KHDIYSqIli, F.F., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KHTWSHCHU, X.M., (ioktor takhniche- skikh nauk; CHARNASHKIN, V.G., kandidat tekhnic.~.qiiklkh nauk; SHAPIRO, M.M., inzhener; SHKOLINIK, L.M., kandidat tekhni3heskLkh nauk; SHRAYBER, D.S., kandidat tek-hnicheskikh nauk; SHCHAPOV, N.P., doktor tek.hnichaskikh nauk; GUDTSOV , N.T.. akademik, r,!idaktor; GORODIN, A.M. redaktor izdatel2stva; VAYNSHTKYN, Ye.B., tek1uii~:heskly rednktor [Physical metallurgy and the haat treatment of steel arid iron; a reference book] Metallovedenle i ternitcheskala o'brabotka stah i chu,guna; spravochnik. Pod red. N.T.Dudtsova. M.L.Berrishteina. A.G. Rakhshtadta. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-toklin. izd.-vo lit-n- oo c'nernoi tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1956. 12V~ p. (ML~4A 9:9) 1. Chlen -korrespondent Akadamii nauk USSR (for.11unin) (Steel--Heat treatment) Oron--Heat treatmeiit) (Physical metallur.,y) ~:e- R M--Vi Muo j07m a wgim 0"I"ft tan*ftutm . 90 i- , ii; 1 age tuaftrAw c d4th. Ito, W!qv 10 I ~ ~11 0' 'atu AT :14. ~, li~ I V f 1 GOLIMBERG, A.A. -;-,. _-t, I Using various forms of the and-quench hardenability tent. Zav. lab. 22 no-9:1063-1065 1510. (NTRA 9:12) 1. Vaesoyuznyy zaocbnly ma8hinostroitel'W institut. (Steel--Testing) 1~1- - LA,I;HKQ, Mkolay Fe4 -c,v'.~- kar;d~"dnt te" In,-J,(i ner, ra !al" skiy reW-t.-.-- Yere~iin, Ni'.:cla,,,- Ivbnr~- A.G.. 'Is~, ritzk, dotsent, retq,: -,~nl ti Ye A. , r irt) A t~k I y; Y. T,;. ~iv tip aneT-- 1 -, ~.,l i sti itoturo of niTtatil * 7 - t z v i a na I z i qtmktura stalei. I it-ry , 1()'l"7. 214 c lom) GOL ID Plr9nG, A.A., knndidat tekhnicho~skikh nanir. Usm of titanium In lniuntrv (frnm "Mnlmrn 14mt-Op" no. 1), 19'56). MmtnllnvAd. I nbr. r,,mt. nn.4-~,~-r,9 Ar (.MLRA 10: 0 (Titanium) AUTHOIR: Golidenberg, A.A. (Cand.Tech.Sc.) TITLE: Stress Relaxation of Hardened 112A Steel (Relaksatsiya nap-.ryaziieniy zakalennoy staii Yl.?.k) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1956, Er. 'if pp.6-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of the author was to study the relaxation stresses in the hardened steel Yl?A (1.11,4 C; 0.18% Mn; 0.2.2% Si; 0.015c,~.', P and 0.0?0% 3). The microstructure in the annealed state consisted ot lamellar pearlite with a discontinuous network of cementite alonE the grain boundaries. The tests consisted of bendirg of rirkr,, specimens with an active part in the form of a beam of equal bendi% resistance as des- rribed by I.A.0ding (Ref.2). The specimens were made of annealed steel, hardened in water from 780C)C and tempered for 4 hours at 150 and ?500C for obtainini'; structures characterising; various degrees of stability and also for reducing internal stresses produced (Wring hardening. In calculating the stresses the author did not ta~:e into con- sideration the stresses remaining after hardening since it can be assumed that the ma,,nitude of these is comparable to Card 1/3 1~ 19 9-9 -9/11 Stress Relaxation of Hardened Y12A Steel. the error of the experiments (about 1 For solvil2g the problems under consideration it was adequate to study the process of' relaxatir,.n durin.- the first and. the begin- ning of the second -Deriod; the duration of oacli of' 'the tests was 35 to 40 hours and,under equal co ndit ions, annealed sjeci- mens were tested at the same time. The primary relaxati;n curves, Fig.1, indicate that for the te-mperature of the process above that of the preliminary tempering the relaxa- tion is terminated in aboui 2 hours; duriinj-, this time 86, 75 and 811i, of the stresses are subjecte4 to relalation for initial stresses of 14, 08 and 4`1 kS/imp-. In Fig.2 the droT) in the stresses as a f~unction of' the initial stress in the relaxation time is given. Fig-3 ,crive,9 the primau relaxa- tion curves for annealed Yl')A. steel. vi~,,ilst in FiL.4 the stress relaxation is plotted Lis a function of the initial stress and the relaxation time for Yl?A steel aruiealed at 150 and 9500C respect ivel-,.r. It is 00ii0luded tLit the first period of stress relaxation of Ina-dened ca~rbon steel is con- siderably accelerated if accompanied by ph~,Lse transformat- ions which take place durin,_ tiie temperiiag. ApParently, this phenomenon is explained by accelerate-d diffusion and increased Card ?/3 plasticity of the metal. Increase of the initial stresses Stress Relaxation of "Hardened Y19A Steel. ~s about an accelerati,-,n oC r brin,r .1. oweve tlie charaoter of the fall Of' streSs dei.ezids on factors which influence the plasticity of tCle rmaterial (magnit-ade of the initial stresses, pha-se transsformations, etc.) TLe intensity of the process of reluxation depends a-~,preciably on the stability of the structure. In a number of cases the in- fluence of the stability of' the structuve predominates over t~ie influence of increased temi-1,erature and therefore the stresses are reduced f~-L:Aer at lower teumer"Itures than at hi6her tem-eratures. TI-Lere are 4. fi,;Jures aild 9 references, all of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Moscow EnE;ineerinS, Correspondence Institute (VsesoYuzn,7Y zaochnyy mashinostroitelliKy-y institut) AVAILkBLE: Library of Corgress. n ~Iard 3/3 GOL'D31TBJM,~,, A., referorit M~! ta ls for hieh-nonrid ~,-.r t:j ti o7-,( *,T.-,-l I Prolrr--!clq" --irj . '71, , 7 f: 19 5 '/ ) .M,:tallovei. ', olir. m9t. no. ll-:~'-()C Jf, 11; . (Rllbk 11 :111) 0l;!,qt-rosirltnnt "Illoys) Galldaterg, A.A., Ca4lfhte of Ritxdcaj SCifrgP[3 ~i 'A I 'i:' 30KhGSNA 11 s f I - 0 1 '7' ~ p G -d A . 5c I'(- ,:) -WI-29-58-10-3/14 Influence cf Internal Transfori-a,,--tions on thc: Rela-,at;ion Stresses DurinC, Temperinj~ of t1he Steel --)fjK'rGSNA -,tilcl AL,eint~ of t,17e Alloy V95 ageing at 100, 140 and 1200 0C. A part; Df the specimens -,.-.,ere -investigate J s ,d in hardene, tf, i t; c. .For preventing -:i he were beat 11, -1 agein-~', the ,pe c e i i s, oc .1F95 nllod treated jirectly prior to the Lest!:;. Tile ty eated Specimens -aere loaded to v~--rious initial 2values, i.e. steel specimens with 20, !~O ,-jrLd 50 e-nd the a!-aminium 3 alloy specimens viith 13 !C~ and were tested at v~,rious temperatures for duritions of 35 to 40 hoars, see Tables 1 and 2. Tile primary stress relaxation curves for tile steel 3OKhGSYiA at 00 0C are 6r~-;phed in Fig.1, at 3000 C in Fig.2 in K6.3 the influence is graphed of the temDerature of the Dreliminary teL:,pering of ~he steel 3bKhGSITA and of tfie relaxation time at 300 C on the ma6nitude'of the drop in the stress. FiLl-.4 s1felows the 0 prir,iar7 relaxation curves for the steel 30R-hGSNA at 500 C; FiE.5 shovis the dop--,ndence of the Jr.-op in stress as a function of the 11-iia-3 -,nd teaper,2,ture of th,:.~ ~,ests for the sa-ne steel. The 0primiz' y relaxatiozi curves for the aluminium L~lloY V95 at 140 C M'o ii) Figr.") and a micro-photo of the ...true turf) of Z~*1-toy after and ageing Card 2/5 at 200 C for 46 hours is reproduced iij SOV/ 1 -29-58 3-10-3/14 Influence of IriteT~i-al Tr;insform~lti()11-3 01-1 the RI"lI*.x'I'.ioII stresses During Temperij-16 of the Steel 5MGMIA aiid AL,~!inc-: of the Alloy V95 The r;uthor arrives at the follo-zim. conclusions: 1) For solvin6 the proble;',r, of Jlefor--i~at:ion-free heat treatment quantit~itive cl-.aracterii-tics were established of the relexation durinE,, the first period; the influence wa-:; studied of the of the ,A-Ir-ucture of internal tr-msformationE~, initi~~J strel,-;~ies, teai)erature and auration of the process on the intensit-,r Of J--~)p in -,he stress and or. the final level of these stresses. 2) Stress relaxation during temper- ing and ageinE is considerably accelerated by internal transforriations both by preparatory processes as weil. as by [he ::rDCOSSU~s associated with soparation froin the solid sc)LiAt~on ),' p`ias--~s and t'neir coagula- tions. The Culler the trarisf -',)rmation the niore i,'nter,.S;v-,) will be the drop in stress. 3) The drou in tiie strc~sses T-s mast 'r-Aensi-Cied durir47 the decomn~sitioz-. of tho/soiiJi s~-,Lutlon (,-3tLte t ransforma t ion of martensite of tli(7, steel 30-KhOSRA) and a-',s,) I.n t`io Ca~;e Df' completion of the seDarat4 on and the be~irmir.F if of s~Icon~ary phases Card 315 (al]-D-~ V914). Durifi T r i,, i,)f' I e, clI d I f o 1, L 3 r o r r, r _i.: Itj, f LL, S U is ~~-o~ LoT,. !D:': e s, e, s tl' t'f' ~tl f!jr4-~,"s im IT-1 c f 'U',I,~ :iie t~,! and An I I C C. 4 r, o 1, C 0 1 e 1'.-" 3e S LC Z, U,- A'! i nc ro S'D 1', T. f 11. i c,, c e -,it 0-a C a rd L/ 5 R D a i n ~A~ la S ',7 1.1 te 1: 1.0 7 of C, J f3T, U;lr j:' c- r- r f D f in -d- -e of t ~A There are 7 fi ~U-re~~ f- , , ' i*~;i~- [, ~jr"~ Su vi,~ t ASS6CIAH01i VseSo~jU-~117.7-.j t, J." i _i 'k 1. Steel-Thenml stresses 2. Alinninim niloyo.-Therrial stresses 3. Metals-Transformations Motals-lient trontment Card 5/5 RYBARZH, A.A.; GOLIIENBERG, A.A., doteent,, rei.; RKHOVA, V.A., red.izd-va; SHIRUOVA, G.V., [Materials for deeD staming] Materialy dlia ghtbokoi shtampovki. Moskva, Gos.m-uchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-i-r, 1959. 191 1). (MIRa 12:5) (Sheet-metal work) FRIDMAN, Ya.B.; GOILDEYEVA, T.A.; 7-IT25EV, A.M.; (YOWD:2113MG, A.A., k-Irld. tek-'an.rmuk, rotsenzent; SHKOLINIK, L.M., livind.te'.1-lin.m-ak, red.; DOBRITSINA, R.,; UVAROVA, A.F.. [Strilcturt3 and amilygiii of various types of twitn't fr,ictii.-eJ Stroenie i analiz izlomov nutnllov. )4osk-,r,,A, izd-vo wishinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 127 P. (141HA 13:3) (14o tillogr:iph7) 83243 S/12q/6o/ooo/ooq/ooVooq E193/E483 AUTHOR,; Golldenberg. A.A. , Candidate of' Sciences TITLE Recrys ta I I iza t ion t' a Ma & tie t o 9 t r ic t x v i! A I L (:),i o f t II e Permendur Type ~t PERIODICAL- Me ta I love deniye i termicheskaya obrabotRzi me-zie-illov, l')60, No.9, PP,42-45 TEXT The ittloy sttidjed by the present aiitht.)r, (:ontailled 411',v Co. 0 . 15% S i -. 0. 080% Mn, 0~021% C, remarnder Fe, It was melted in an induction furnace, reduced to 3 nim thickness, heated to 8000C and water-quenched, then cold-rolled to 0-5 mm. which gave 85% total deformatiori,. Tile arinealing tests wer-e cc;irr-ied out in vacuum (lo-3 mm Hg) at temperatures between 500 and 8000C and tile process of recrystallization was studied by illetallographic examination and hardness measurements, Tile foll,.-)wing conclusions were reached-, 1) Recrystallization of Lhe alloy studied begins at 6500C and after 6h at this temperatui-e, grains '1 to 2 m.1crons in diameter can be seen under tile microscope, The most intense grain growth takes place at temperatures between 71-0 jin,j 730'C On roachi,114 750 to 8600C, the size ()f' tll(~ griki-n:S i-emairis constant at approximately 45 III-cl-olls, ffrdness ot' the aLloy anneaied at Card 1/2 83243 s/12()/6o/00o/0o9/oo9/o09 E193/E483 Recrystallization of a Magnetostrictive Allov of' the P--:!rmendur Type 7WC for 8 h , i s a 1) 1) r o x i ma t e I y ~_'00 k g/mm2 , aga ~~ n s t t h e ha r (I ri e s s of approximately 400 kg/mm2 in the work-hardened condition. 2) The relationship log n ve rsus I/T where T i~; the annealln't, e (ILI a temperature and ii is the degree of softenin" fil 112 H, H2 (HI - hardness of the work-hardetied material, H2- hardness of the fully-annealed alloy, H - hardriess of the alloy annealed at T ) is linear within the o75 to 7604C rangre, i.e. above the temperature at which the order/disorder transformation takes place, The activation energy for recrystallization of the alloy, calculated from th,;~ ahove relationship.; is 67 kcal/g-atom, 3) 'j%jetallographic analysis is a much more sensitive method of studying the recrystallizatton phenomena than the X-ray diffraction tei-Ainique,, Engineer Ye.1,Detlaf participated in the exp(_,riments, Tht!re are 3 fii~ erc-nces, 4 sovLc-~, and English, res.. I table and 6 ref ASSOCIATION; Vse5oyuzxi),y zaochnyy mashiziostroitt?l nyy in!it i.tut (All-Union Correspondence 1115tl_tllte .~)f Machl Card 2/2 ,GOLIDE11MG, A.A.; i).-.VYDOVA, L.H. afect of the testing conditions on tho rosults of twiting an face specimens for hArden-ibility. Zav . Lab. 26 no.9:109:)-1093 160. kMIRA 1):9) 1. Vaosoyuznyy Laochnyy mashinostroitePiVy institaL L TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly Lnstitut chernoy mal-llurgiL im. I.P. Bardina. (Steel-Tootinp GOLIDENBERG. A.A. kqnd.tekhn.nauk ,I- - I? Ukrainian Republic conference on the order:.njY, of ritoms and its effect on alloy propertios. Motalloved. .1. torm, obr. rmt. no,S: 59-60 Ag 162. (KIRA 15-11) (Physical metallurgy-ConL-,resses) 3/165/63/0013/002/006/012 D234/D308 AUTHORS: Golldenberg, A. A. and Selisakiy, Ya. P. !.TITLE: Ordering processes and activation eriergT of recrystal- lization of iron-cobalt alloys ~PERIODICAL: Ukrayinalkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 61 2, 1963, 216-218 :TEXT: The authors investigated 8 alloys conta "-ming 0, 19, 34, 43, ~53, '00, 65 and 77 at.~4 Co. Dependences of -the ;ime of beginning of .the recrystallization on the inverse absolute 'l-,emp(wature were plotted, and the activation energy Q was deter.'ainQd fron theme Con- clusions: ordering processes affect Q essentially above Kurnakovle point. Q is largest for alloys in which superstructure is observed. For an alloy with 50 at.% Co'j = 98 kcal/g.atom; for those with 35 and 77% Co, Q = 51 and 57 kca g.atonj respectively, The bigh values of Q are probably due to limitations of diffusion processes during .--nneal ing, connected with the existence of short-range order above __,Kurnakov's point. There is 1 figure. cOard 1/2 S/18 63/006/002/("106/012 Ordering processes and ... D234YD308 ASSOCIATION: Vfjesoyuznyy zaockmyy mashinostroitelInyy inetitut (All-Union Bxternal Institute of Machine Coristruction)~, TeNIIChM, Moscow Card 2/2 L 18551 -(,1 D-'P(q)/S~T(m)/R)3 AFFFC ASO JD/Flk G ACCESSION NRt AP3001697 S/0126/03,/015/005/0717/0724 AUTHORS: Golldenberg, A. A ; Selisskiy, Ya. P, TITLE: R ystallization parameters and hardening phenomenon In FI-C, -;lloys--,- SOURCE: Fizika metallov I metallovedeniye, v. 15, no. 5, 1963p 717-7:24 TOPIC TAGS: Fe-Co alloy , recrystallization parameter , hardentng, iron-cobalt alloy ABSTRACTt Fe-Co alloys containing 0, 19, 34, 43, 53, 60, 65 and 77%, of Co were studied in order to obtain systematic quantitative data ccncerning their recrystallization and to investigate the effect of harden!ng or. this I)rocess. The energy of the process activation (Q) was determined fiom the formuli"~~:A exp Q/RT where -V is time to the beginning of reGrystalliz;.tion, T ir, ab!oolute temperature, and A is a constant obtained graphically. The error in the values of ~ and A via5 + 1.2 and + 38"J respectively. The relation of the recrystalli- zation oarameters to the Co content was expressed graphic,illy. The autli-lors conclude that the recrystallization intensity above the Kurnako'l point [Abstractor's note: Kurnakov point not explained] depend; on the presence off Card 1/2 L 1F5151-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3001697 superlattice transitions. The short-range order in the lattice lowe-.s the mobility of the component atoms during annealing and decreases -the recrystalli- zation intensity. ~he magnitude of Q does not always correspond to the groifth intensity of new grains; a correct evaluation requires a simultaneous account for Q and A. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas, 1 table, and 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuzny*y zaochny*y mashinostroitellny*y institut Correspondence institute of t4echanical Engjnegr~ng_~, Tsentral n)"NI nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii ..(_q(!n1Lr3! Scient1fle ReseBrch_Ins.t_i-_ SURIAITTED- 17Apr62 DATE ACQt llJul63 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: M NO REF SOVt 011 OTHERt 002 Card 2/2 ire MIRA 1r) z 3) "-~C-1,3TO" "0: 020043 1;04 AUTH02: GolldenlberG, A. A. A motallo:,-raphic mathod of determining tho activation cnevy of riicryatal- lization 507,~CF: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 30, no. 3, 1964, 302-304 TOPTC TAGS: metallor,=hic method, activation, activation ener6y, recrystalliza- tir'n, iron cobalt alloy, microstructuro, etching-, ,_BSTRJtCT: It is shorn that the activation Pnezr~-/ of recryst, Ilization z-_~.y be determined without usin- x-ray analy:;43. 'a,,) 4nvo5ti,-,atior. wat; ma`t- on Po-f',) aj~oys. The samples were heated to prociuce recrjs-lallizat~,on =dl U,'.-n ~--tched t, o bzin.- out the microstruct~e. The tirle required to brin(,, Cbout incipient recrysta~~ lization was determined by microSCODic exam-ination of a series of samplea subjected to definite recrjstallizinJ, temperatures for different periods of time, The entire area of each section (0-5 X 15 =1) was examined. The beginning of recr-ystalliza- tion was considered to be the moment new g-rains 2-3 microns ac.-ous appeared. The new grains were distinguished by their equant appearance and thoi.-I. lower suncepti- bility to etching than the matrix. The logaritit:a ot incipient re-drystaUizat-Am Card 0 ": :' - I 1 1, , 2 1~ijr,c than plotted a,5aillst thc reciPrOc,--l of the tcmpcraturc. "lie An"I-10 of slope of the ro:-,ultin.- line -,ivcs ti,,, ac,.Lvation enora. An it; r'no"In in F" - I " , /~ .4r(-.n ;..nd " -5 1 of the Encloswre, the energy b.24n, 6~! .5 kcall 1, 15 _~Om for C~n alloy vitl%43 eb ~ c0- 'I"hio, mothod is as sensitive X-:~,j '.,2 chniqw a ,,,.n~! -,,ay be used to determine the activation crczL-j a :recryi;ta1_1.i,,:aticii with aa. =w of - 2;jf. Orig. art. has-,: 4 Vsesoy-,izny*y zaochny*-[ ilwtitul; (All.-Union Corresnondence Institute for Mechanical Enjincering) ~MMITTED: 00 DATE AC~~: 272,:ar64 M X L 1 01 ,~M COD:~: PH 110 RZF SOV: 006 OMM: 000, Card .2/3 .- , 1. 1 A."l., ~. Fac t(,,-!z - - : "-' '~ -- I. ' ~' -- - - : ~* 1~ : ~ 7 - ! - 1: . .9 too!. V,3:31 .:;-e, ". , + - ): f~~, . f, . -, -- , ..i-r ~:, . . . I ~: I . J 8-65 EW7'(M)/1UF(b)/T/0A '4) Kw, i L2007 ~41 !A/ IMPPOION NR.' AP4049107 Doroh AUTHOR. Golldenberg A A. a! Mal range for he TME: The o0i at _77 SOURCE: Ketallovedenlye i termich4sRaya pbrabotka A!A~W671-: Y .10' 61 TOPIC TAGS: steel tempering, steel 0enching, is W1. al i ;At s~ 111 property/steel-. 1n12N2vmr. i ;j ABSTRACT; Rod-ishaped samples oist~ei 6,4.% 0. 45% Mo, 0. 22% V, 0. 33% S1, 0 42% 0. d16%1. ~O 022% goli WhIte of 'ea&j from one smelt were heated to fl~ acie 3 ac on mechanical properties were studied by 4,00161 1. !V(TiWfif#n~~ in 0 _p . . i!i 6 ki, 60C 900 1150C, bytempering-at 1600C kr. 6.3i:i2~ 4~'*W 8110, W, urs W~ for 2.hours. Microstructural, x-ray, and oaAldh; iond" sea lbrz~j' h~X41( ve 9 7 ductill , durabiRty, and ot r Oropeiv~s dk j~d fu t ii ils 4 1406ratuto. ty he The optimal hardening temperature for 04s. steel vi41(Mid t6-bej 10 1 -101 Vho,beat combination of durability aid ductilit#'(0;6~ lxokj~m 1, 1- i~ 40/ 2 achieved after quenching and temperft 4t,67"800. 0, .1 M10 rograph. Card 1/3 J e, A0. 20078-65 :j "CESSION NR.- AP4049107. SSOCIATION: VaesoyUny*r jib Zko y -All y ~ ht u ~ l i ~ a ,~ v roi l1 P. esianCorreamndencebatitut2l.-.Za o , : UBYMED: 00 ENCIA: '01 10 0 REP SOV: 000 00C. tv. 2/3 :ard M IN '. :~ . I , I I ~ I I - . I : I -i ~ . . . . - . I . . I 7 t ACC NR: AP6011200 SOU',RCE COD ~R/10413/66/000/006/0032/0032 E INVENTOR: Semenov 0. A.; Alferova, N. S.; Yankovskiy, V. M.; Kolesnit" B. P.; OSLrin. G. Yi.: Plyatqkovqkiy, 0. A.; Khevfetq, G. N., Gleyberg, A. Z.; Chcmerlns~a,ra, R. I..; Gomelaurl,_ N. G. ; Blanter, M. Ye. S. A.; Stiladze, 0. N.; Col denbers, A ; TsereltCli, P. A. Ubtriya,. A....Ye.. !;eperLVl,ldZV' 0. ORG: none TITLE: Method of manilfa Lurfng FIL.E0 01"iled tUbC1l. Ci,19S 18, No. 179786 (announced by the Ukrainian Scientific Research InqLILute of Pipes (Ukriinsf,.Lv nallchn0-18q1edo- vatel'skiy trubnyy institut)] SOURCE: lzobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, Lovartlyye znakL, no. 6, 1966, 32 TOPIC TAGS: tube manufacturing, tube rolling, tube strengthening, tubi_, heat treatment ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of strengthening [lot-rolled i tubes. According to this method, the inol-rolled tube is quenched immediately after I it leaves the first rol11jjg_MjIj, and then is sized or reduced at n tempering tempera-. j ture. (NDI SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: l2Nov63/ ATD PRESS:y _Z Card III L 32937-66 EWF(k)/E?Mm)/E'vYP(e) 'EAP(t)/ETI IJP(c) ATAq H/J D/J"- 'fi 5 7T ACC NR, w-6ol9932 a)URCE COLE, : Ui/0122/("C,/'~)GO/C,01,,/OC)'L)-3/0065 AUTHOR: (C'Lndidate o' te!chnicp-l sciences) ; ]-xmissarov, G. if. (Engin,,er) ; KuzIlet-o-y-, L.. Fi-4.;-'neei , c) clenoerg, A. A Candl7ait-t~-Q-f- t cc--hui--i Cal "'c iences X ORG: none TME: Met al ceramic alicry f3r work lit . ... ....... SOUIkI Vestnik OP 1 C' TA(;-'~: metal tit~~dum carbid- con~,iinint~ borr"11 c,,-,' cuntillnirlE' !ILlov, :;.i--ii-on I I,b i U e containing alloy, allcy exilatio-ii, all-oy t, hermal fatiguf~ ABSTRACT: ~~ ev were compacted lit, Z100-,"I~,0C unfi~,r it k;;.1cm (I~ff~-,~ic,n ajm(-~.Lf~d 1900C or 12 hr ii) rflLe .10OD"Ir" ~JII testeri for oxidation therul-11 'u" -es i~s t' oil rtllo:;,-. oxidi-c-'I in 'I-Lr lit for N mirl, 1.') r, 3." liv, 10 hr, an: I) lir s~-owed that th~-' most iIII.Onsivu oxid'at"i-,I), wife) ~)x:f;-' IIL~m :n the inifi~d perio~l ~ff th" klXP-):011,~1 iuld lrfwti-ally A I i L"!-, t" ~i I fit ~~' ~:"!I in 1) " ri - j:'! ~ r !n t i ;I I rt I I th i i I'd I I.-, Card 1/2 p"'. L 32937--66 -ACC -NR- All f L-9 9 -1 td~sts wasz only 1111(it'l- id"Ilt i" 11 ~-~~Iidi '!' It i~111. ~A, f ailure. ir, quefi(~!!illg from without failure, wl~ich, Ieubl, 1!i~- mi:711-r nA 20 tir.~Tb~ as 71!UIY I,-; 'jui !L1 -1ZI tl!~111111,. 1' 4 ull t'llill-i. 1: u E--11~~Y.l, C!,111 boron- and silicon cnrbide-IL; re t I d f! k I fo- makine parts operatiii-g-itt7h i Eli temperature und-z- oowlitioas of t,-~,rmcerature changes. Orig. art. hass: 1i figures and :2 tables. ~:; I' I SUB COLE: 1111 SUB 'M DATE : none/ ORIG REF: 0 0 OTH REF: J c,.` A711 FIT."ES :5-4' Card w I I-A MT A Ai"' A 'ITS foh. - WF*"4 Op E il TE ~Ts 1 j! $Oda= (f)" An, OW g1pos -tit ;it "LlknooW OFT 0 119! ld"oiItq 4 amm it "PI Subconten of latei awl 4. D. ~j') 'Xellre ILL! Oo Nallk J, GCLIDE~,'iZRG, A.b., Gtv. red.; '.'AVLYU'1'01,', otv. red.; BOLOTOVSKrf, I.A., red.; KULIKOV, S.I., red.; I.A., red. [ReLorts for the conference "Tecimical Progre-gs in the ill"anufacture of Yachinery"] Doklady k konferentsii 11-ekil- nicheilkii prorress v ma:3hinostro,--!nJl.'1 Ufa, 191A.. F", 1). Ufa. Av-i1---',.-:ionm inatitut. -~. ~afed-ra s c. i.- ro ', i v le ni ya :-,.ateria2~v avirtt.-ionnc~o instituta (for Yavlyuzov). 1 j 1 a t v ichn. Inik. un-t. Fiz--ma t e r-. .f, tk . i . i n - f ;- 7, .no. 2, ode-c;!m, i 7 'he 2ff.:!c-. of 'in on e Ir c n e r `7-man e.-mlsions vi,-i:~ i I i (?,i 1' was found thA above ~~r,~!3-,zure f cm L,-.e fi ne s tr ic '.ure of 1;',i e ~,,)sorn t ion PC is !i.-.oo~ :m,~ -~s #3 i ~3 c -). - ! e r e i 1.1 (, e .1 .No liff.-Il"011CO 7~i,3 1 I,; un t'-, e ot c , 1 d e. ii y ~' T) 1 14* t e r 11 e v e 1 at a s e tv, e e. n t a e -j e fc, r -;i (: i a! iI nnll- .L,,iv i expo3e,l an-I deviz'ope] iL,t(?r defor:-ed sec-,ion,,;. .1f, ho-.,.evei m- f I 3--ibjecte3 to a certain reiuotion in D is observell in the sect4ons. ~21,-.e results are explained ll)~' i~3SU,~.:nv that pres-iure ir-,~Art s a36 it ion-al ener~-,y t~j t'-,e linota0le 11C -wil ich con ri -,)r ~ in;-, Card 1/2 -P~ t c "2" )ri, L" iOn . . . i e Y 3 n e r 3 t o " i t h + ions formel -?,',,en iinconqumme '-n for;,.-A-4on 01 latent ima,~e. ~Abszrac*.erlo note: Co,-,:)Jete tranq.IL!Iic)n-1 Card 2/2 Z/c ~-, '. /,", 2i",-) 13 16 a/ L A 3 Ln lvoi- "'Lide, Ii: i. v n.-,- fi-,,., no. 2. 7 1 y; monu 4 c x 1,7, ~1, t~ 0'-, t, ~3 J." !,io- cmu, jion ri,; ;.,,,,c:, ~Tll J:f nectJ or-, investi-ation .udii-,~i in c on I f Gr,-,4v- ion of thle 1LL ton'. ii.-.,:--~e in various silver, '.,I a I la e 1.1-bstracter's rote: ComDlete t.-ulslation.~ Card 1/1 GOLIX:i-i~,G, A.B. Effect of iranochromatlr light on the primary contero of Pilvor halide. Ehur.nauch.i prikl.fot. i kin. 6 no.4:21~1-246 Jl-A- 161. (1:' , LRA 1-1 : 3.1) 1. Nauchno-issledovnteltskiy institut fizikI Odossko:-o U--liversitota Lmani I.I. Eechnilrova. (Fhotocraphic emulsions) RE'NIL'A, Dw~dtni, 0~-): GOIDEI;IJiG, Carol, Ing,. (Bucumst-!) (Buc"re, Asix--ta of inerka:;ed e"Iectiveness ir therno.- ~3ner,--etics. Enerretica 10 no.7:297-302 Jl '62. 1. Sef de atelior Dt inititUtUl de studii si proit:ctari erx-,--'~-etice (for Hentea), -,. 11roiectant sef la In.-ititutul 4 -e U Li, de 3~ proiec~~- I en~-nj-tice (for Goldenberg). 5/'(j7-(/(-,3/'C