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C-3LD:,T, S. Yu. o-* D~r ;il.i'-Aion." D-~r-itr~-~nt Of K. by Dubinin, P.; anll 3, Yu. SO: Dio jo=n:~a (7i,)lo--,-*ch,:?slrii Vol. V, !';3~', USSR/MicrobioloCy - Antibiosis and Symbi.asis . Antibiotics. F-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 9843 Author Alikhanyan, S.I., Goldat, S..Yu., Klep Lklova, .kiiindlin, S.Z. Inst Title Utilization of Ethylentmine is Selection Of StTfLins of Peniciliin Producers. Orig Pub AntLbLottki, 1957, 2, No 1, 33-36 Abstract In treatment of Penl.cillt= chrysoCenum spor-e~ by soli;.- tions of ethylenimine a considerable morph,:)Lo~;_ical vari- ability in degree of sporuiatiozi, form, s1ze, -irrizilding and colony coloration was noted among the sairrivini-, co- lon;.es. White, beige and lettuce-colored variants were Lsolatt!d, and also variants without pi.[,ment7,, which did not form a Eolden-yellow pl~;menlt. Among survived after treatment of spores Of straln E) 2/3 P. chrysogenum by ethylenimine, a separat_;on 167.15 conducted Card 1/2 20-15-45/% AUTHORS: Alikhanyaa-, ""I., Goildat. S. Yu., Tbteryatnik, A. F. TITLE: _1'.0 Mutation -Effect of Co::ibii,.el (Df Ltnyleni_nine and e -t k bini- !.51tC19B.11n~ry eff k O!n rov,nno.;o otilenimir:-t J ult:-_ t-_,:':!-ovv1*:h ltic'iey n~-. tino:.-Atsety) PERIODICALt Do:~11-d,,r Akademii Nau!,: 566,11, 1957, Vol. !I'), Nr pp. 1015 - 1017 Uj 3F, ABSTRACT: Swanson ~,roved in 1 rtlli..t t-le freqizency :,f -utation of AC-Per- ~;illus terrous .-In(.' `i'ourozj~ora incre:10-2s more intensive-ly after the tment of their _3vores :;mall dosec of bis-b- ch lore thylme thlyl,~..Iine , if thay are su.)-it2~.iuertly ex-j'sed to vio- let rays, than b.-7 an expooure to ultra-v--alet ravo solely. It heref'ore preoumed th~it the envirom~ental factors car. -roduce an effect upon the of the cell with respect t o ',rR radiated ener--y, viz. thaqthc frequency of mutation is not onl., a function of thu absorbed ener,,;y. Thi,3 induced 'the aLthors to , L study the offect of the combined action of C-ird 1/4 ultra-violut rays upcii various actinom%c_,tes. -hey used Lrq,)zo~ 20-51-45/54 ~'he -ffect of a Co!.ibincd Ac.'U-ion Gr U.1 tfi- Vi ~ 10 '~ R'~' ".3 -tatiori -11 - u,)cn Actinoivootoi3 I * t r. yce~; ~tureo fr~;iu-,,i 11' i~.rid S 'LiL i L; ti L- - I (Ac, t, ic o 13o ft, On U.'~d - acrie~; of i to, otz - I derivateo ohow an effective ac-.ion. Par, of t,-e in- i-,i-nI score -'uopenzion of the first-merticned .bind of funi,us was kept durin,,,- c, and 21) liour,.- in ~iolutions of ethyl- eni-nine of various conoontr:ition~; (1 : 50'DC t(; 1 -. 1,10C0) ;,rA 'Ar!LS 3ulbsequently ux-,,ased to r~;.:3. An other p- rt of tho :,,u3per3ion was ethyl-,animine first expo,;ed to ray!, Llubjequently t1( "'.tod Solution ("Ls 'above). 1he teit in reopect -,a tho Jro(luced erfect upon the vitalit; ere --iver, in t--ble 1. 1.,e 3eer, from this tn-t the decay of :3pores .is a corje~-,:encc of t'.eir exposure to rays, increases intozisiv;~ly, provided th--t they were sub.iect to a previOUS treatment -with eth'vlf~nimine - (:omj.-:Lr,'d with their -.1ort- ality in case of an inveroo zw,pienco of the oaid fa'~tcrs. The vitality of the spores also decreaje 1)0 tines by their exposure to rays solely;, if their dose bijon 1n:,-rea;3ed from 20C0 to Ordmia'. It falls 80 timoo, if th~j 3i,oro~; ar,a first ex- Card 2/4 posed to rays ~ml :iubsequentl.-, treated cthylanimine,- viz. 2G--5-45/54 fhe Mjj+AtjOn Effect of a Combined Action of Ethylonii-aine and Ultra-Violet aay::- upon Actinomycetes only "our times, -.,m; -aiti: an inveroed ot:(putince of the f,.ctor--- (concentration 1 0 C :`nt~ r,,,ulto obt-ined aith Str. griseus --;ere similar (~Ln%10.'-GUS). -'he t-'.3t 1'H3Ult:1 in respect to the 're- comb~ned quency of mutation of tile --.'Lt~er fundus in caje a. action, -.-.,hen ethylenimine wa-; applied fir-i-It, are given ~n table 2. '."his frequenc% rise in t'-e ca-~e of the latter -seauence of treatnento. 2he -15;me re3ults -.,;ere obt-;--ine.1 with Str. ~.Ufeo faciens. As to the zechaniom o" the r:inid ri:3~- -' the fre~,ucncy :I - J- of !autations which inJuced by ul tr~:.-violet i - a y may .o e- ~,3otmed th;;t the sensibilization of the cz!l ',zi al,-~~St ultra-violet ray3 increases undef ',he u-'ect of 3y 'Ghi3' tile action of the ultra-violet rays -upcii the nucipus io intei:3ified. It ;,I;-y al.30 be iire!~;u..~ed th&t thaSe rays e(CitP The F.-OleCllle U'1hY1- '~nimine -.' nd by thi~3 albru~ tly increa~ie it~-. re.'.~,,tivitly. Thu E. 'Ire .,If i ure'3, 2 t iui,.~, I ;L viC Card 3/4 20-5-45/54 2ho Ya-tation Effect -of :-, Coi.ib-ined j',ction of an,i ~TItr;i-V.rAE:t, Ray.3 u:7on Actinomycete;3 A350CIATION I All-Union Scientific '12jearch Institute for ~'r,"_~-ioticcs (Vseso,;uziiyy ilztitul , FHZJ'2II'2ED Hi I.L. Klmzny~tnts, , March 18, 19W SU3.,,I~22:]D: ..~j"C". 1;"), 11, ;,7AILABLE % Librarv oil I'cn:,-r23S Card 1/4 GOLIDAT, S.Yu. Induced and natural v8riaiility [with nummary in English). 1. 1a),oratoriya selektsii instituta antibiotikov. (STMETTORTC1,S) of Streot,,myies .-Vreoficfen~ Antibiotiki 3 158 (MIRA 11:10) Vaesopmogo nailohno-J..g.:;Iedoviit.:!llskoll-c 17 Alikhanyan, S. 1. '20 - 12' -4 9/61 AUTHORS: Gol'dat,. TITLE: The Effect of the Combined Application of and X-Rays Upor the Mutagenic Process in Streptomyces, aureofaciens LS-316 (Vliyaniye kombinirovannolro deystviya ul'trafioletovyich i rentgenovskikh luchey na mutatsionnyy protsess u Streptomyces aureofaciens LS-B16) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959? Vol 125, Nr 5, pp 1134-1136 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The mutagenic effectiveness of the rays mentioned in the title can be modified by several additional factors and conditions which influence the sensitivity of the cells to the radiant energy (Refs 1-5 et al). In thin connection it was interesting to clarify the effectiveness of the interaction between these two kinds of rays and to detarmine whether irradiation with one of these factors influeneas 1he mutagenic effect of the other one. The fungus mentioned Ln the title, a biomycine producer which had been obtained by the authors due the combined application of the two af.D.*:*~izen ti one d kinds of rays to the spores of the phylum LS--R')36, was used for this Card 1/4 purpose. Ultraviolet rays were produced by two bactericide '-'hc, Ef f,~C' n f, , ~1, *~ I * " , 1 : I- I I - . . - 1. ! ~ ~ .. " " I I- I .- in sti,cptomycee - ,:! 1,,-Violf~ 1, -tl : "l-%, ... - , u rw fhcipm Ls -B 16 "ni StlX-'Pjn'~re3 llz~ofhckns LS-131 6 SA6,o/ I. VOO'D/C~I~ )"I-;I AUl"HOR") k-T Lemboi3kiy. Ya. L, Prokof ~va-D,:!l jcoj.:~,Ija A- A , Shamina, Z ...... Yu-_ Khvostova, V. V , Valeva, S A- N' and Nevsgodina, L, V Effet~t of cosinic tli~rnt factc~.-, tri", "'lTLE and development ol.~' ind r)-i ants S OU R CE Akadern-~Ya nauk SSSR, Zeml-i 11~), 10" Y 0 g C 0 TEXT: The second cogmic space-ship was 1._,ti1iZ,.,d to !,tudy the ~.,ombined eenetio effect of cosmic flight on -irti.cle deals vath the Study of the foilowing cultures: ac-:2-n-) Fjyces erythreus- stems 2577 and 950.4, and actnomyces st-,Ut~~. iry,~ini Kras., stem (LS-.3), After the Card :/4 3/5 60/0- MOO,-) Effect of D 21 9 ~3 D -5 2, -standards and exv~i-imenLall cu,!".ures we're t vi tai i ty and ~2) a C"w t-I h and deve -3-opmen Tf-ie- 12)77 and ci~94 3t~---ms diffir of their nuclear element Ln the sz)nre and b- the,.i- ojc-n::;it:i-vitv J ultra violet rays (UV). it is assumed t,~J~jt: TAII?y in their reactl.on ~"-' 'Lonizing radiation All til,- !. uested Btems were found to be sensitive to conditions o:' 11--ight- The vitality (l e- the nu-iber of spores a.--In developed colonies) of the rad-J,1-resisiant act erytnr~i,v~ ."~:'771 as com-pared to the standards, increased 6 tme '9; t1le n 9 A de:-reased 12 times; the act aa - e o f a c 1 3 3 dropped in vitality by about 771:,L on the aver.-;"~' in '~)f al! 5 types 9f experimental seeds. the cf .--.hang~-,~i -,,;a.,3 somewhat incre!~sed. iloweve.-, ~L-. tliti -a~5e oil 2- tyj~-s ,,;as this in-,rease statistically val-0 of plants, in. increase c"17 mitosis was noteJ. the percentage araphase- wi~,Ii chromr1some lard 2/4 E'ff.~r~ r't D2C,8/D,")2 tc. ')e 1)1,-h about t 'In e- t u ii~i p- ~,, f 71 -1 t. r~:' i s~ t 1 On Z3 C f 1 L'rl t stlmulatDd C~It-L Crcw tir n t2 r- zi i t,',- Th~e f-I, -Ilc;vin- To the .2tanlard u r e s r~n. n t'i r7." i o T f the u I i -~- t*is i, hy 111 nd i, j 1 n~ e r t -A- i n n f mty'~ e i I a t hy r -;i t h C)f l f S Jha t a un the survival of the ~JJ'94 and 77 ccmplletely valid since the -,on,--en-trati7,n-D o- the spcrel sions o'i ttie c;Dntrcl and expe.,:1.rnental. de'~er:--Ired --i s, The ua lr'oL~i 'h.~ susnens2,on turbidity, -he -t c -I Z~ ' -3 n L were investiCa A on Vie act erytvre and act,, aurec'Laciers LSB-220' Obtatined da-t.-a -he changes --i the uctinumyces, both -n the (C--)Smlc fl'ght) and ----ontrol, 12-e- ,-:ithan the szlmf. 11 11 T cyto'ogy analysis of agricultural plant sec-J,~ b, -si-~ - flight vias corduc ted by studyinir the chro.~:ic the ana- and telophases (,, f the ;t Ca-r."A 3/4 S 5 C. Eflp~- of 'fiat in L increase wh F- a Tart d IS r val id Theru~ are f16-ur s i b s and uio-, and T K ~i r e 1, 1' u P C ~an,guage Iubli_-ation read-, a~3 icliov'rs, S Su"i van Aerospace I~ed 70 3~t S u :3 Z.: i T ~111 El D a rd 4./ GOLIDAT, S.Yu. Se lec ', ion o-,:' A c ~ -ino,7.-, ces ,.-.-un~ofitc L-3~n-,: (ch I c:- I.; ~-'.-! - - 'od -I c-3:-) -L ~ - by th'-, OC -lut'lf-,,.:nic factor,;. T-~dy Init . no.10: 1.59-11.6) ',Sl. (ML~A 12~:7) 1. Vse5o:p-,,--nyr nauchno-issledovatc!ll 1,:iy (iit ~ A GT I' N 0' I-E 0 ,is )(AU,~,X ~Y,~E,") GOLIDAT, S.yl~. Le,,-endencc of effect of ccr:bined tr~i-7tinem- of aureofaciens ',:,y ultraviolet Ln(, X rays on the wtvure of trout- '2,~ Jl 161. (i'!-11 1.,'.:7) ment. Dokl. All s6SR 139 no.l:;Il~--'- .1 1. Veesoyuznry nLLuc,~,,o-issl,2do~atells'l-liy institut antibiotikov Einisterstva zdravo-nkhranoniya SSSI~I. -,'redstavl,,~nu alcademlkom I V.~.'. sukaachevym. (ACTINOMUES) (-ULTIUVICL,T (X RAYS--;,EYSIGLCGICAL EFECT) I -'A , - TETERYODID', A. F.; 1102TDAT, "". Yu.; MlKil~'(L,OVA, 0". R. -, KO " " " il lv,-.~ fl, t I Lot, 1 r1ri (, 1, t, ,;,, ~ L - L i ()ri f, t, p: 1"w'!- ~ ~ " ~J, I t , b i~, t i : - p ['(',t !.! -f I - t " n CIM - - ~--- t,!. " I . L ~~ l'u'port .;ubmitt,~,i for Antiblot!"s (,'o'ng, .11j:1 ;),I . A- L-f!n c; - I ~~- - : :.i-t C i, t ~4 ~. , N'~ . - -w. ACCEESSION "*:R: A?4020809 '.'/C297/6i!/009/(~G2/01.26/0129 A !~ T 'H OR Gol-Jdat, 'j. Yu.; Sol~olova, R.V. I T 1 T~ L E' :C3-,,-,b_'nej action oil ult-aviolet, radiation and ultrasonic osclilat-lon on Act. aureolfaciens spores S 0"0 R C Z :~'nzlbiotl'v:i, v. 9, no. 2, 1964. 126-12~3 TOP7C -7.,jGQ: ultraviolet radiation, ultrasonic oscillation, combined action, radiation and oscillation action sequence, Act. _,uraofaclen:5 spores, apore viability, spore variability, antibiotic production activity Several previous studies have shown that ultraviolet radiation causes chromosome lesions and reduces the action of ultra- sonic oscill-ation, while other sources show that ultrasonic oscilla- tion increases chrOMOSome movei;.ent. The present study was made to , determine the combined effec" of these two factors on the viability anc variability of Act. aureof_-,ciens spores. In one series of experiments t~.P, spores were firzz ultraviolet-irradiated with 2000 or 4000 doses and then exposed to ultraponic oscillation (no riptails jlven). In the second series the order of these- actions was Cc, d ACCESSION INR: AP4020809 reversed. Th.e effect of each action by itself was studied In control groups, SurvIvall and antibiotic productlon acclivity of the spores served as IndIces. It was found chat w.'th the comblned action of ultraviolet radiation and ultrasonic oscillation both viability and variability of Ac'. aureofaciens spores are affected by Lhe sequence of the actions. 1.,ihen spores are exposed only to ultrasonic oscilla- tion, the number of low-activIlty variants sharply decreases. The number of 'Low-activity variants decreases when the sl)cr.a,,; are exposed to ultraviolet irradiation after ultrasonic oscillatlon, But when the spores are exposed to ultraviolet Irradiation first and then to ultraviolet oscillation, the number of high-acLivity va,-,-'a:,,ts Increases and the number of low-activity varia.-.z;s decreases. This confir.,,qs literature data that preliminary ultravlolet radiation reduces the efTects of ultrasonic oscillation. The combined action of ultraviolet radiation and subsequent ultrasonic oscillation may be useful In selecting antibiotic producers and developing nighly active strains. Orig. art.,has: I figure, 1 table. ASSOC IA11TONT: Vsesoyuzny*y nauchno-Issledova-ellskly Institut antibiotik.ov, Nloskva (All-Union Scientlflc-Resear,~h Institute of Antibiotics) Ccrd GOLtDP!T, S.Yu. Fffec', of' watf~r radiolysin Tproduc~,n on the vi,-qbilJ,%y an( - variation of spores. Dokl. AN -1,SSR 154 nc,.2:074,59 JaI04. iMIRA Y1:2) 1. Vsf,3oy-uznTy riauchno-iss I i!(lovn tel ' sk I y ! miti ImL rin I otlikov. Preds'avlpno i~kadc-mikom Yu.A. Orlw,-ym. S GOLTA'11'p I Yu. ; SOFOLCJVA,, Co,nl-,',np,d ef!'ect of iilt-avirlot rays hnd -.iltrR.sonic. on a,.tAn;jmycps spovc-3. An~.I!-J-otik. 9 no.2--.126,129 F ~,4. (MIRA 17~12) 1. Vsesoy-aznyy fn3--'tut, antJ104-ol..',kov, Mo5kva. .11 .1.1 ~, ~; : , , : , -, . ~ ~ I--, , - .. % -1 1.. I I(- ; ~ ; I C. ACC NRt AP60358 U4 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/0'u' '1000102010104 /0104 INVENTOR: Golldat, S. Yu.; Sokolova, R. V., Firoova, A. F.; Kadakova, L. P . ; Par f enova , A. IKarakishioheva, T. I . ; Stepanova , N. V ORG; none TITLE: Actinomycea aureofaciena strain L.93-181, producing chlortetra- cycline and tetracycline. Class 30, No, 187242. (Anaounced by All- Union Scientific Research Institute for Antibiotics (Vaeao),uznyy naU:'rz-'0- ii9sladovatel'skiy inatitut antibiotikov)) !SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztBy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 104 :,TOPIC TAGS: antibiotic, drug, Actin.omycea aureofacient3, chlortecra- 'cycline, tetracycline ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been is~iued for stral.r, I.Sil-181 of Actinomyces aureofaciena. Light-sensitive mycelia in 5-6 mn colonior, appear on its tenth day of growth on no. 12 orpanic agar medium, at 28C. On no. 11 synthetic medium, dirty-white colonies 2.5-3 nm in diameter appear, and on pea medium, brown, raised, wrinkled, as porulating col- ~onies seven mm in diameter are found. Milk is completely peptonized !on the tenth day, and coagulation is noted on the 15th day, at which Lqq~d 112 UDC: 615.45:615.779.931 GOLDATV, lnzh. Inntnilation - ,, - ! " -Ioctrio nill circ-Ifts, Pit I I pit. kho7. no.2:3-' - F I ~, 11 Z, . ( wt 1?A 11.3) syntam) GOLDAYEV, A.D.,inzh. Inatnllntion nnd maintennnce of forked trqck rircuits. I)it' i nut. ~tioz. rio.3:37-38 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Electric circuits) (11nilronds-Trnek) T.. (- S T -anslation from-, Rcferat,, niv-~ N1 -:r I N r 1 1 p T US S R' AUTHOR: Golda~c~, 1. P, TITLE: Optimal Par'tinc'.-rs of thc C( Ir!'ti-s' T~ P1 '~cu"! I, L.ql. d 11 rcpulta' t Rocket M,_)turs ~Opt~m,il rv%v p,,:*~_,ilit-i-1 jlr,~I~vs_vlk zhidkostno- raketnvkh di. PERIODICAL: Tr Kha r' ko-, -~- ~ a iats -i ut, 1":)-f ""r 17 , rip 2r,_ )74 ABSTRACT: A th(fri-nodynamic cahzlL'aliul. ivas ot th~- Process of various fuels (kerc_Sc'!_lc oa~ul.' e e'hv~ ilcchcl 1'vdraz;,1e aniline, 11(jUid hydrusletil ~ii i_ c, illIT~ w it q 1.1 1 d o x v.0' 1, n a 'I d 1, 1, a c i (-I. rhe results c,11t.j:llt!d p(-11PI t0I I-"'( IUSLOPS 10 l-C 11-11-1dC such as the followin.: F',) rc c r % I) ! cs t. r k- 1- I'll t: '~ c) in'r) t 1 s I i on c h a rillh c r there is a corresporldiritg up, inrin t-x(_cs~ ox (iartt. (7~etllcierlt n at %vhich the n-ia-vi-imin 'empt-iwirk, ~ Lttl,i icd: the preisl,re ill( rl'il'iCs, tht' OpIll"1111111 d I 1"Ild" !'.v'dld" :Witv, wh (11 explaltic(I h" . fit- c1 dl~"(~( at i 1~~)l j)rvsi1.r('-s r'r I, - Specific till-list )I re(kcl 1'as '1~~ 111,IX-M!'1111 at 21 %ve!! defincd of the ti - hcv--e t-:- a!;-i,- '.)f Card I a fur maxicillim - C( `01(~ 5 C) .1 8 1 1 7 Optimal Parameters of the Com" u.,,' P~ o( k-s L optimum value of a tor maximum clece- dence of the molectilar we-ght ct di-ctb and -lie acla'-d-c expo- ent upon the exces5- oxidant, coe,,iicLew, Thc !r ?Ihe --eat calile o! ~-e :Le' lower is the magr~ tude ~-- "Ilt. op, mo.T--, lc-,-, in working with wictely i,ieiS a-,d ln~ S, c,,: icri*. preSSI.,re combustion chamber lies bet%vecti -`~ a, c! lr-,~i, (-m-' A C a r d GOLDATEV, I.P.; POLEVI(;,M, Yq.P.: J.11.; !.P. e- -- j , I- Jet piercing Of bLrl roc~411. 3WI. I fl .. "rLform. T'13-4:3-4 '58# I.R7,ck: drills) (MIRA 11:6) S/1117/59/000/04/020/020 E03-i/i.-1413 AUTHOR 3 Zolotukhin,- V, K. TITLE The 6c lent i f ic-Tec lin ic a L Conf erene e a t. Khar I kov Av ia t ion Ins t i tu t o PERLODICAL:Izvestiva vy.--~shikh uchelmylth zaveden.i-),, Aviatsionnaya teklinikli, Lo-,-)9, Nr 11, pp H)L-105 (USSR) A B STR A CT In ~Iay 1959, the 16th Conl'orence ot' Profe-gsoria.1 and Teaching Staff took place. At a plenary ses~iion the following reports were readi "The XXI Congress of the Communist Partv of the Soviet Union on rhe Further Development of the Two Forms of Socialist Ownership" by N~N,Aleksandrov, Director of the Chair Marxism- Leninism; "The Contemporary State of Rocket Technology" by Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences "Efforts to Produce the First Aircraft 1qftolr;" Manufactured in China" bv Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences S.I.Kuz,min. The work of the Conference continued in twelve sections, Social Scipri--; Sortinn The fl_)Jlovlirllr 1:apers were read: Contemporary Bourgeois Philosophy" by '~euior I-nstructor Card 1/11 S.I.Epshteyn: "Discussion on Trade Unions in the s/.147/59/000/Clik/020/020 E03 I/ E 4.13 The Scient if ic-Technic a I Co tif erence it t Khar ~ kov Aviat ion I tistitute Kliar5kov Party Orgranization" by Assistintit A.G.Levelluki "The so lilt lon of tilt! 11olls ing Pt-ohlelli Ulidet. soc ial isili" by Seri Lot- Insti,tic toy, i it the Depai-tment of' Fconomica I Sciences, V.A.Yakovenko, "The Firial and Complete Victory of Soc iii Iism tit t he USSR" by Senior IrtsEruc tot- V. A, Kravfts , "rhe Pi-oblems of' Socialist Comp--tati-on at fit(! XII Congress of the Trade Unions o.f Lhe USS101 by Assistant Yu-N.Dox-osheriko, Foreign lanviagres Section. The tollowing paper.9 wei-e t-~ad: "Forei-gri Langiiages in ine Lift, and Woi,k of V,1.1-unin" by Docent, Candidate of Ihilol-ogical Sciences Ca.G.Pochentsov "The Organization and Work of the Departmental Section of Foreign Language Teachex-s ar ge Co I 1e ges 11 Colleges which co-e not Specif~Lci-.illy Lawrtiat by Senior Instructoi- N,S,Slineye; IlWork on Tr-ani~lat.ioris at Higher Technical Colleges" by Assistant V.I.Kryzhenko; "On the Principles of Constr-uctLrig a liandbook. of Tectin-ical- Texts -- Education~il Assistance for,- 111-i-d Course at Aviation Colleges" by Assistants A.M.Gui-evich and Card 2/21.1 L.A.Litovskava sl j 47/5 9/000/ oil/ 0.20/020 E03 I/01 L3 TJ e Sc j. e n l. i f' i c-Techn 1 Conferenc, e at Kharkhov Av I a t I oil Ins t i tuts, Mat I iema t ic!~z and Mcchan ic -s Sec t ion. rli~! f o I Iow I 11,1Z 1j'a I) et-S Wert, I ead : " A S 1) e,: t r a 1 11 v 1, t- e s e i i t x t i 1 1 i o f t 11 (.1 Th e 0 r % of Axisymmetric Turb~ilencell by CandLCIAtfi! Of I-hysical and Mathematical Sc.if~nces Q,M.Taranova; "Some E%r a I ua t i on--, for- Func t1 ons h Flos j t i v (! Rea-I Par t S It b)r As s i!i t ant G. S , Slipak :"Existence, Uniqueness and Correctness Theorems for Mixed System-,i oF Functional Equations" by Docent , Candidate of' Physical. and Mathematical Sciences M 'N.Tikhov- "On the Application of Boll and Chebyshev Points to the Solution of Some IrobLems in the Synthesis of' Four, Har Li.nkages" by Docent, Candidate of' Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ya.L.Geronimus; "The Inf-itionce of' Lhe :jtl-LlC-tI1l-al P'r-o'pert of Ftinc tiorl~; on the Conver ~< e n c e \,4 I mos t Everywhore of' their Conjugate Fourier' Serixll, 1), Docent , Candidate of 1hysical and Matheiiiatical 6CLences H.L.Golinskiv. General Technolooical- Section. Th(! followirl~~ papers were read, -rl)e Relation Between the Compton Length of Waves, Card 3/11 the Length of de Broglie Wa%res and the Acceleration .'~/ Ili ?/5 9/01,10/04/0.20/020 E01 I/E It l'5 'I'll e S'_~ i it t I t I C --'I'ec 11 it I C it I C ont' ereric f? it t Khily- - kov Av ~ia r i oil in s t i t it t e 0- 1,o L en t Lit I f o r li i zh Ene rgy Fa r t. L c les 11 1) y Doc e it t Candi,iate of Plivsical and Mathematical SC Lences I ~ Y'A . Mi lit s ~ "The 1-rob L em ot Dv t e unu ning th e Ilea t Trans f e rt~~Co e t't'i c i en I o r C onduc t oi- _q 11 1) s, Hen i o r Ins t r tic t or P FIT-oz, i. i I I c, v , "Ali F I t-( t ro 11 -Url.t ph I c it I Me t 11(-),:l of I it v(!.g t. i ga t j np., t 1) e S t ruc t Li c e. o F IMa t t or" I.-,v Assistallt 1~ya'surovtsev; "On tlie pesill-ts of the V111 th of' tit(_ I .7SSR" by Mendelevev Congress of' C11(_r1li~~-t.Ci Docent., Candidate of Chemical Sciences 1; . I. Krech~ Electrical and Radio Technology Sect-Loll. Tne F(TTlowing papers wer,~ read, "Oil the Froblem o1 the Optimum Passage of Transients in an Electric Dr:iv*?,,wLt.h a clinic a 1. Controllivo Exciter" 1~v Doce 'l 11 (T it ~f2 o T 0 Scietices-Ni-,~I.P(,r(?,, "The Experimcrital Determination of' the Reactances -lit Sviichroriou.,i Machinc.s" b-v Senior Instructor S.V.Khmel-nlTs1rl.v, t'An Experimental Method of' Investigating, Eler tric Fields" by As!zlstarit A.I.Lopatin, "A Di-gerere Transformer o_~ Current into 7~7oTW_S~Tn_.~_Is with Maznu_c-.EIectr.Lc ComparLson Units" bv Ca r (1 11 D o c e it t . Ca ri d i dl t,,~ o f 'r e (~ I i! i L c it I S c i t? it(, G. . M. []-it t a v e v S/1117/59/000/011/020/020 E031/E413 The Sc ient if ic-Technic a I Conf erenc e at Khar I kov Avia tion Ins tit 11te "The Application of' Inf'rared instrument.4;:'in Av:tationll by Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences I.D.Artamonov. General Engineering Section. "The Adaptation of a Therniobaric Chamber to the g ()I a 11-line Shaft in (Iiiiel s nd Simulation of' the Sirikj-zi(r i: a and Certain Results of investigations to Determine the Mechanical Characteristics of Sand at Different Temperatures and Humidities" by Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences S.V.Blyashenko; "Friction and Abrasion in Cermets" by Docent, Candidate of' Technical Sciences O.I.Goldayevaj "The Construction of Multi- Satellite Planetary Gear.9110by Aststant V.A.Tkitchenk "The Influence of Work Hardening on the FatjjT!"L!,OOf Threaded Connections" by Assistant V.M.Rydchenko; "Investigation of Cermets Slide Bearintrall by A:5sistant A. S. Ef oyan. Strength of Aircraft Section, 110n the Theory of Bending of nin-Walled Columns" by Docent, Candidate of' Technical Sciences L.P.Vinokurov; Card 5/11 "The Simulation of' Static Experiments on ThiTi-Walled LI/ S/147/59/0o0/04/020/020 E031/E413 The Scientific-Technical Conference at Kharlicov Aviation Institute Structures" by Candidate of' Technical Sciences L.A.Kolesnikov and Senior Instructor V.K.Zolotukhin; "The Bendin, Beams Framing ail Opening" by Q; of Candidate of' Technical Sciences L.A.Koleanikov; "The Influence of' the Rigidity of Ribs and Beams oil their Bending" by Assistant N.A.Shelomov; "The Calcu3ation of the Bending of Rectwigt~Yilr Plates by the Discrete Method" by Assistant Yu.1).Petr v; "The Calculation of Cyl iridrical Shells-~'by the- Method of Discrete Variables" by Aspirant N.I.Gur'yev. Engine Construction Technology Section. "The Choice of a Scheme for a Hydraulic Servo-System for the Automation of Welding Processes"Y,-bv Assistant V.V.Balatskiv; "An Investigation of the Process of Polishing by ail Abrasive flelt" by Sonior Instructor, Candidate of rechnical Sciences V.N.Verezub; "The Investig Card 6/11 gation of the Operation of a Pneumatic Hydraulic Plant" by Assistant V,I.Bast(~yr.!Ar; s/147/59/000/04/09-0/020 E031/i,,4j3 The Scientific-Technical Conference at Khar1kov Aviation Institute "A Static Analysis and Calculation of' tho Accuracy of the Technological Processes of ZMachininfill'by O.M.Parkhomenko; "The Automatic Welding of Long Panels" by Candidate of Technical Sciences L.F.Ijamskov; "Prospects in the Use of Specialised Computers for the Determination of the Optimum Geometry of Cutting Tools" by Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences V.P.Kosharnovskiy; "The Spreading of the Experience of f-nnovators and the Classification of Ortranizational- Technical Measures in Machine Construction" by Senior Instructor M.M.Apanovich; "Features of Measurable Abrasion of-a Cutting Tool Jn Fille Sharpening" by Assistant V.N.Nialikov; "An Investitation of' the Process of Compression at High Velocit3-es of Deformation" by Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences A.K.Bayev; "The Standardization of Vibration Effects on the Human Organism in Aircraft Production" by Senior Instructor V.D.Ivanov. Theory and Construction of Aircraft Enizines and Card 7/11 Propellor-Driven Machines Section. "The Investigation S/1 47/59/(-)00/04/020/020 E031/E413 The Scientific-Technical Conference at Khar'kov Aviation Institute of the Flow Between tile lzilet and Outlet VallreS of a Turbine" by Instrtictor, Candidate of' Technical Sciences V.N.Yershov; "The Variation in the Stage Parameters of an Axial Compressor in Accordance with tile Size of the Radial Clearance" by Assistant A.N.Anvutin; "On the Problem of Non-Stationary lfs~,if Tr-)Tisf'vr11 by Assistant S.D.Frolov; "Tile Influence of' an Electric Field on the Flame of a Burner" by Senior Engineer P.11.Kostenko; "Calculation of tile 'remperature. Compensation of Capacitance Pres-gure 1-ick-Ups" by Assit5tant L.Ya.Astat"yev. Aerohydrodynamics Section. "Ideal Hypersonic FlowiRotind a Body" by Assi~itant V.I.Kholvavko; "The Control of' the boundary Layeir%of a Wing by Perforation oF-the Leading Edge" by Assistant Ye.P.Vachasov; "The Gas-Hydraulic A-1alogy and its Application" by Senior Instructor D.A.,L1Unshtukov; "The Aerodynamic Investigation of =177777-=e 31p~ o r Small Reynolds Numbers"Iby Engineer Yu.F.Usik. The Technology of Aircraft Construction and Metal Working Card 8/11 Section. "A New Model of tile. Plasticitv of Metals" b~-V s/147/5 9/000/011/020/020 E031/E413 The Scientific-Technical Conference at Khar1kov Aviation Institute Instructor, Candidate of Technical Sciences 5 Yu.N.Alekseyev; ,The Forging Extrusion"'of Large Components from Sheet Metal" by Aspirant A.P,13Ar_;~_u -kov; "On the Problem of Constrticting Second Oi-der Curves in Aircraft Construction" by Senior Instructor M.A.Zaydenvarg; "The Ele.c.tric-C.-o-n-tact WeldinT,\of Thin Pieces of Metal" by Assistant N.M.Tarasov; "The Influence of Plastic Deformation on the Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel at Various Temperatures" by ASSiStant N.V.Pisareva; "The Deformation of Non-Forrous Motals and Alloys at Low Temperatures" by Assistant N.N.Lyulicheva; "The Investigation of Phase Changes in Austenitic Steels Previously Deformed at Below Freezing Point Temperatures" by Candidate of Technical Sciences A.N.Chukhleb and Aspirant V.P.Martynov; "The Influence of the Temperature and Velocity of Deformation on the Phase Changes of Austenitic Steels" by Candidate of Technical Sciences A.N.Chukhleb and I-'Pllow V.P.Martynov; "The Determination of optimum Technical Grouping in t Card 9/11 Design and Production of Aircraft" by Assistant S/147/59/000/01t/020/020 E031/E413 The Scientic -Technical Conference at Khar1kov Aviation Institute Yu.A.Boborykin; "On the Use of Explosivts in the Technology of Drop Forgin,( Assistant K.I.Za.ytsev; "Welding by Frictionll~by Assistant N_.P.0i~trovskiy. Structure of Aircraft'Section. "On the Problem of Protecting the Structure of Aircraft from Aerodynamic Heatingll~by Docent P.V.Dybskiy; "Passive Methods of Protection from Aerodynamic Heating" by Candidate of Technical Sciences "The Influence of the Parameters of a Thermally Isolated Packet on Heat Transfer Characteristics" by Assistant A.A.Kobylvanskiy; "Aircraft Structures Made from ,Fibre_KjassjPSheets11 by Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences S.I.Kuzlmin; 11 An Apparatus for Investigating Repeated Static Loading'Dand High Temperature,911 by Assistant as nko; "The Approximate Calculation of the Weight Taking into Account the Technical Features of the Aircraft Structure" by Candidate of Technical Sciences L.D.Arson; "The Determination of Stresses in a Shell as a Result of Riveting" by Assistant Card 10/11 Yu.G.Fursa; "The Ultrasonic Altimeter, (!jounding Device)"/ GOLDAYEV, 1.11.; Yn.P.; KPOV, N.H.; MOTORliFITO, A.P. -. SYTICOODSKIT, Thermal drilling of frozen grounds. Biul. tekh. Ocon. irform. . pq no.9-Q-11 '59. (W A 130) (Boring-Cold weathar operation) jjaU~- 'I (1,() Lil, Yi if , I . F. , k~t r,l . t, ol- ~; ll~)T~JIVJCDX. Yf!.P. , 11,71: , ; P)F%'V, -!I-, -1 l,izh.-, W~TOPMMTO, A.P., in7h.; S--IPO(7,()D,:KIY, ;-V.. T.Njn~7 r(~tr:tj(jn burnnr:j in w,)z-l:irt-, frc,~~w-i . f: 1: ro I . I,,- n (-, . --"i : , 1-3 ! 1'59. ( I *,-,, R,,. 1 ): 5 ) GOLDAIEV, Iwin Prokilorovich; POLEVIOLLEK, Yeveordy P,,-vlovich; POPOT, Nikolay llikolayovich; MOTOTUIENKO, Alekony Petrovich; :7MUMMMIT, Allbert Viktorovich; TAXHONTOV, A.D., otv.rarl.; SMOTAMtRY, A.'re., rod.izek-va; LOMILINA, L.N.,; SAWAR, S.Yn.,,, (Usinr, tiiormal -,N)tliods In workim, ., frozen growid.1 ll~izrabotl'ti marzlykh 6~ru.ltov taraichaskim sposobom. Moskra, Gos.nmichno-teklm. iztl-vo 'lit-ry po ::ornomu dal~l, 1960. 46 p. O(IRA 13:4) (Yrozen -,round) (Boring) GC L!1', =, , 1 . - . , !:and . t~,Xkhn .;-,.- - I . ; : , , (7 , .,. 'D-=aal rct-ccl of bc- .'. - ; in -%*Cil-f- 0 ~:"~ * , i ~. 1'': -.], ~:, 2 ~,- i * , clor. ,,ash . Q' ru.10: -, 11 1. (1.1for i ~- - : 1: r:.. IN I, , ~ ;-,,,I,! "- ) V 12 3/6 7/000/020/035/035 AC,,:,-; 14 1/ A in,, A'JT'14CRS-. Goldayev, 1. P.,. Yud1n, A. 1, 7-- ""T-7 ~ -Thermal cleaning of structure, surfaces E"'T-ODTCAL~ ReflerativrTj zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlyn, no. 1`)61, 16, a:bstract 20TS157 ('Mekh-;Lniz. S-tr-va% 1961,vno, 2, 20-21) V-1 -I f TEX.? Tn~, Kharlkovskly aviatslopjiyy in3titUt (Ehar1kov Avlation Institilte) nas developed a new mietnod of clearing sirfa~:es ard designed a thermocleaning; cool, The method is based or, the use of a high-temperatiire and aupersonic gas Jet, produ~3ed by the thermocleaner operating on compressed air (6, atm) w-Ad ga~olllne (10 atm) . The jet Is directed onto the surace ooven9d with a Id'ver of organ13 matter at an angle of 40 - 70 0. The effect. of the jet is of short duration wd the temperature of the surface layer generally does not eqxceed 1000C, e thirlmess of 'he layer being removed Is 0.9 - 2 mm. The thez,mooliDaneir is 1-70 mm long, weltrhq ~ k.g, gagol.ine consumptior. Is 100 - 120 grairV'min, nir can- 5 m3ljn,~r.. msan r:pped of the .119 jot at the output Ls R)O - 1,000 V-4c-~, the operating temperature '~,O - B')O absolute, organic matter In cracks z of itnj~7ture surf,u-,~a 3-5 mm wide are removed from a depth of 150 - 200 mm. Thermal cLeaning is 3 times cheaper than manual cleaning, The authors present a of the de-sign and drawInAs, Yu- Savvir, noto- Compl~t6l translation Card 2.12 . - _ 9(~PA kand.tekhn,rnuk; POLEYICHEK, Ye.P., ka:!~I.(,ekhn.nauk; POPOV, N.N.,; SEROGODSKIY, A.V., inzh. Double cascade air-operated flame drill for rocIc drilling without the use of oxygen. Slu&ht.stroi. 6 no-11t4-6 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Kharikovskiy aviatsionnyy institut. (Rock drills) GOLDAYEV, 1. (Holdaiev, 1.], prof. (KharIkov) Thermal drill. Nauka I zhyttia 12 no.7:30-31 JI (MIRA 16: 1) (Rook drills) qw~ ~ ;k;!,~ "", !:~ , . 1, 1 L , . . , . . .... , I I.. . . : i , - k Curd -~ /1"'. L 015-116-1)7 Acc "":Z: )Y "y -r fieurtls, fol-mul-S Card 2/2 GOLUAYEV, 1,1. , vm.;,shchik for repairing dratiline blicket chainil. ctr(A. I'lesk 2 no.?-214 Jl 1 59. (~qRA 112: 1;) ti.est'-, (&.-,cavatin,,, i Ile 'Irnf: e~ ai-,.l rop:i1r) KOST'i'll, D. I.; GOLDA'E,1VA, 0.1. ; YAYOVL-'!V, A.-'n'. , rpd. T'qO'?I!I.;!,'KO, A. S. , t(17hred . (M-4n,vil for n-oject work for colir.,;p cndit -.h~~cry of moc),is ind m(-!Jnes1 lzml")Vocl.~ tv;) : - -ookt1ro- vniiiiii i)o teorii m4Mviniz,iov i 1~iis'liin. Klinr'~I:ov, i--d-vo K',i:ti 'I:ovs~rmo orden,~ Trii,io%"-),:-) ""r irl. A.M.('Tor'ko~,o, 1959. 252 Ojill-k '--~:12) (Mprh~,.nicil ~'tc.) 7 T~V i 3 I ' l I T I 1 l I T lT .1 1 -a -T~ A-o - I Q j. P-3 '--a Aq . . . . . . . .bz ' ' ' '4 4 : 111 ~ 1 1 1 1 dd (,qf I - Trilcol"d ,ta "Ila .1.1 qN-1.7 I no R.Lnv ~l ,2/1 lol or.o/oro/w/oDo/W41". GOLDE,10,11, ~4. "Photoelectric *-!. 7,_- lr-*r.:7 _i, -, Praha, VC-1. 4, '.*o. 7, Jul,-, ~. "'d- 30: ~~stt:.,-n ., .,;. .1 , 1..I KO,IM-'UF, ID. I.; G-LDAYEVA, F--i I i uchastiy-~: I.L., red. ['-'anual i,hr! pi-oparaLiuii of '.-O'J~ct in -,he OlUC-1-1 Or alid prook -_i rc,vall i ill I-o teo-ii vkhana :~I',uv I i K!.; vo K 1; k C, z&-H/ Ld2u AUTHOR: VAclav Goldbach TITLE: Professor Doctor of Natu-~!tl Celebrates his Si:u-Jetli Btrt.hd~.y PERIODICAL: .es'r1-(:)s1cven--)':~y F. p p ': 11) - 7- 11-L 0 AB3TRACT: Bibliographical details ai-u on P-rofessoi Horaik who since 19!1-5 has been Professor, Physl.cs in the Mechanical Engineerin- Faciilty )f' the le:1-inicai University, Pra~rup) In 1953 hp a,)pliod Bo~e :3tatisticls on phorions arid thtis (ierive,i by a new metlit)(i th.3 Debey Card 1/1 formula for tile atomic beat of sol-'ds. There is I photograph SUBMITTED: November 11+, 19-b "'OLID31-JR1, Dizli. Gircult for citiLrting, up an electric powsir sUAI.-m With con- pleto loss of voltEwo. Energetik 8 no.l.-9-10 J& '(-,0 . 04116~ B!5) (Mectric nwitchgoar) (F-lectric power plmitq) R%U-NOV, V.A., kawl.tokhn. Tutuk,, GOL'D13AUN, I.Ya., I~wll. Optarminint~ itttri+r pharic3 -rr,)rf! in t*ojjni-j--qp q-tr:mf-, crnv,~rtlri~ sinusn!Aal inpitn In to prnport In na! v%r " rtt 1 m: tric- mo to r rotation qT)np~L. I Z" VV!3 uchql-) zav . 12:6) 1. Lpninjrndsl-.1y (Finctri(, 200 AUTHORS: o e- n T 1 T LE' e I e ommun i a n S y s r Pll,,'R I C, D I ~'A L 7, 1: - S a I 17:~-r I-; TEXT ~ This as a -,'~~scrlptirn of a telel-c,:z,,un~.-~~A~.)n used in u aysteEl -)Peratians, Thp wcrk was -matLkL te-lr-,mekhan~kL L?l im. 1. Ka',.r)ima (L-ah;rv.r:,-Y c~~' d 11 en -j e,-, har i-,s LEI' 41reni M. PI ann- ng o f cc mp ~,S Th e mode f D~ a i,Dr. f t.-E 5-7-7 5 7.71, trated by a blo7k dia6ram ih,,,v,., i-i F',-. Ord.r:try b", k~~ w s r- a c w~r~~ us-d for it. Fi~~. 2 shc th p r a mc~ f -, r mi` . n~l apptra,,u -3 whi ch 1 9 1 - 1 Thl 1, -km j S , 11 rL.-~ac " o lr~ rul v T Card (,- . -ye) 6 I,/ 11 - '. -: -~ -! -1 - 7 - -, - I I ... - I I ~n~ r'u' r s 1. 1~ro:n a n,~ fj~: C) L, I s t i n ru v c f~ ;io y a d ra u r - 0 11;7 D an. - m T z ,I, c) rm i nb--~ n~ i i e Du 2 c, f - e d n~ R r i2 zIL I r, i n it n~j i I T j C Ll r .1 1 ~il -/ ;t Ql! ! I '1, 1: '' I., ~, " 1 - , , -.*' I I - .~ , ~,-- .--. . * - . - . ; .: - ~-- 1 :1 1 ': " B:, ~$ -.1 _: " (11 1: 1, T T o t-, o -c u o L'~. r- ~Z;I rl'i 1. - '.3 C, "101 ~2 7,;7 T J 0.7 1~., n ":'CO T I i e u.,~ e J f e r- i, e r e ~-k t i-I e n um: e 1, sin~,le -ol.umn 1:1" the in troduc I c n o f ~iddi 4 lorl'i '3'j 21 C" sen7ed ~a!~ i ex te~,13 c t- number of th-ese deDc.:-d ded rif orff.La t - Cn 1~1 '-fl ji~ re-idi nl~ t',Ie i.~ - i -) C:ird T'!le u~~e J, added ,,,Jth thos(, U7. %., e oul 'i-nin I n i s e eci eleflien~ --~uelai, 4 !it the crol 11 e, t ~i,, 0 L i n, L, imu b e I e c t e d - T, i o C, 0 i-rec i - e t' i ern3r, providel th --fl(I c Aumris of b -Dr, TI~i~l :~i- o 3 e j -1 i t,.e of a f r::~ t: i"rom po,,ric uf vi-e,,N- o:' re, t:ibi JL t y I d 4 ~7 o Cl i Ti 1, E, o,d u :1d e i r e ff e t e 1 e ' e t r i i i s, C -t rd Li/L 1.0/00 L/003 D20111)3o"; AUT11011,3. 601,(U)alull, I.Ya. all(l za"'harov, V.1", TITLL: lnterEcrence-killin- code for roi-.iot,21y cozitrollcd 1962, 5-4 1 0, The analy5ir, of ,~evorai.codcc~ siiow~; 'Cliat L't C C) de, [-_-om 5" has a i-clatively Iiia'a interference and can tliiere- )_'orc :)c w-,cd for the t-ansmisoic-n of information. Two ty ',~r-D of Con- vcrtcrs of paraLlcl- 2 ~-rom 5 code into a co("c , a conve-1-tcl: of coe-2 i-:,,t:o a series 2 from 5 cocle ar~(! -1 con- Wlrucr o-Z 2 fron -:-, code into an ordi-anry Jz- c i,n:,.l c.,)(~c arc qLil~r~x vii'Jil rzezi-~n,-,Aox iiystcresis One of the first t7io is a ferrite !, 0 . 11 loop. The oth(2v typo tlic principle of "current steering ,The latter is to haw tho advantage of 11-rivini, Ito pulscs of conplq.~ shzzpe at the output rails chirin,r the registratio-a oH tiic code ;~,cing forme(I and thAt current pulses of coils 4- ejernile naE~nitude may 1)e obtained (up to 1A inith ferrite type nn -24 (1111-24)). It dard 1/2 .. . in staLed thai: t;i(, circui.ts viodifica:tious, for (lesigning are 2 tables and 3 fi,,rurcs. S/11 62/c, 0 0/0 10/0 k-1 1/oo-3 D20lYu30G described can be used, after certain other types of c(xic T110-rc Card 2/2 a~ COW 4)41141 D.,T('d)/T/ L 189Q-05 EWPM P~C-~ -RAEM(c)/ESI)('C)/ESD(dp)/ESD(gs) j Ci 58/,64j 0 ACCESSION NR: ARS000806 S/00 OA SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika. Ms. 10Zhl33 olldbaum, I AUTHOR: r; Ya. j TITLE: Comparison of plane matrix codes CITED SOURCE: Tr. uchebn.. in-tov'svy~tzi- M-vo s v, "t k z iSR'. vyp. 19, 1964, 88-96 TOPIC TAGS: communication c6di:22 error.detv"CE I Co 1111 ;id TRANSLATION: It is shown that of all the c6l teal! tiat which r v erraro. it tormati~) e intended for the obser ati6n of rand nd a the quadratic matrix is the most effective. The ~Avis;Okjlity OT0-- 1:i1c, rb,mi 6f the! const~afi S using code series with t rutiO,, as, ~ co n nvestigated. Aedommenda't~)ns M r imade cop- controlling matrix is i n'r.' Of 'Q e: co cerning the formation of the most'suitable vari~a' ntroi Card 1/2 . ...... .. ..... !jjjjj;Mi1;' L45661-65 EED-~/M(d)/T/EWP(l) 4/R~T~14 Aj ro GO, 40ABBION IMt A95OU510 Do/ "i SOUMEt Ref. the Kibernettka, Ov,,:t.'i jAbsi 2T0 T AUTRORt Goltdbawl 1. 14. TITM Concerning certain ctwmcteftst-iQ*M,,~:of: CIM SOMEt We uthebu. in-toy N-vo i "i Ow~p i20s!~ i.TOPIC TMSt matrix codeo binary code$ Vmr dmi~4166:4eo6b MANSIATION: The article cohniders coddolidth Is ;A i symbol aof the foUowing typie., The Inorwtion oil". ftrO~: matrix N of order t wd diftensionslitir:' X i trix of order t and dimensionality a + at if adding ci, control symbols In each row 6f the tiet6 diie4t,-~i 6~,-t 1114 It trix 9 in accordsince With one 04 thi: 10M. 0 tho statements holdf d" Card 1/2 GOLIDBA1,T, I.Y-a, Onp letitUr(, r.1 ratlvf~ codes. ;;ad -io I eklm' ka -~(- no .2 1 I te ( %! 11 i A 1 S , /. ) 7- -7q F 16~. I I I 1. j)Oyqtvjt,(,j,-jyy radioteki, n 4 '~. I F.I(?ki,r, -!yfjZj -11 ','(-I-OVq ~ i M,~~ 4 . -) , ACC NR: AR6005247 SOURCE CODE: Ujl~ AMMOR: GoVdbaum, I. Ya. TITLE: Criterion for estimating error correcting codes SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9M67 REF. SOURCE: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii Lenin gr. elektroteldin. in-ta qVY11zi, vyp. 1, 1964, 99-io6 TOPIC TAGS: error correcting code, data tranemLiusion, error correction ABSTRACT: On the basis of a criterion that takes into account the efficacy with which redundance is used for error detection, a choice is given for the length of the computer "word" for a data transmission system with passive correction. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE 09 Card 1/1~jc, L 295R,! A,- C NR; 4' b, m: -cc ve i oI a 1~ f madc 0:T10 171 o r, e ar, a t S L o I LTranslatlon of Card A C C AT6i,06271 SOMWE 10 C) AUTHOR: (74)Pdbaunil 1, Y a, ORG: nor,_-- TITLE-: A Criterion fcr the evaluation of Codfn-- ~Ot-;RCF1: III-.11i1qrad. "'."IektroLck hnicho!-1 i,. honferentsiva. Tridy7 .no-. 9' 4 TOPIC 'I AGS; error cletecting code, ("'MI C:_J"ruotin'~; ocjde. _)T~.n'! ABSTRA(_'T: It is noted that the emergence of different ff2aturuqr the dc.tecLon and correctio,i of errors has raised the qu~-stion of 0 e development of w-, eng-intering r which mav be employed in an objective comparison of such .-odes, Thil by the aulhor for error-detecting code efficiency h.tP the forn) _T( log -- I-- I PIf Card 1/2 L 33303-66 ACC NR: AT6006271 where It is the redundancy of the code. The paper fivals fund anionta) ly with .,-It flat.!~. mission system with passive correction. Stich a system providos fo-r a colwiderable redac- tion in time losses entailed in re-interrogation of garbled information. On the, baqi5 of a criterion which takes into account the efficiency of redundancy utilizitiozi ior error detection, the author justifies a selection of machine "word" length for an ideal lzed datil.-traI113MISSiOP system with passive correction. Orig. art. has: I figure, I table, and 19 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE, 08Dec64 / ORIG REF: 009 / OTH REF-, 00,q Cc,d 2/2 16(l) AUTHOR: _101-11C I---- . i~ 1 .' Golldbaum Lnin,--i-!.d) ." 1 126 . j TITLE: On the Trans f ormation of t'he ",~---u-.ttioi- (11'. P-n~obr?.zovailiy-u veko-,,ogo uravneni7a) PERIODICAL: Pr4~ladnazm :natema'i'~.-a I A.73S TIUC T: Startin,7 from considerat ion,3 -if ti.- trinory cf the in- tei,ration of srstbems of linear un.tions --!v(- a -.i~hod of tnansfe :-r'n~- trie dol-:-miriant A _E into a form, so that: ~he exponen' X only Z!ccur,B in the elements of one i lne. Thn il-'~=Ac: ,-r'c-..-np_nce of thit3 1.--,,,,-Iov trans-formatior, h -lu~-,rerl uas ror, easy. In the r=,,,ent p-iper therefore 7i:i n.tter;io~ is to dF~iv~lop 2. rw.-, mp ~"-icd fox- a "he au`hor states that this method r,~-,~7:.asents thn and C11,7ebraical- 1,7 simnlest one am-rz t*r -! methois wi-Ach in this do- ~111. 1 11 . 1 f A is a r-~,l ma~-ix 3,r ~,rder r and :,- L re-il row vector, Car~l 1/2 on tlip 'fransformation of the '~nulap EqPjatir-r, then by ap-lication of' thi-- row vef~tori; Ax , A and the ::iatrix X Ax A x one can find a fofiu AE X A ',..17/41 0 - 22-4-16/26 for tl~ '(. Secillar A:3 0; wa~; reouLred cl,aracteri~tic exponent /\ on!y oc~~;:'_'S ?1,!ments .-I' +h,! L'i--st line. "-Lis transformation is brou~h' in'_o a simrier form I)-,- -another re- Drcsentation of the x (-~ix_ be also Pnlarr-ed and applied to specilal cases. 'L'1 ~i o. r e a r c 5 ", 0 V 1 L% t !'~' f o' r 0S - SUBTAI T!ED: January 3, 1?55 Card 2/2 GOLIDBERG, A.; RYNKOVSKIY, A, the work of seed c I otat ions. )b *- . --el ev, p rD7.. 20 no"10~:H-l 0 '54. (Klhi 'I' , I Z ) 1, Kiyevukaya normEitivno-.iqi;!ddovatel.'rkayEt Gtanh3iya 121 .:ctzernc.. (Seeds - Cleaning) S,kYENKO. G.; GOLIDBERG, A. Simolif ied method for c.alculating the pV of sloliers and. Bpecialists in grain drying. ffuk,elev.prom. 26 ii ,6o. Oll-Rk 13:19) 1. Zaveduyushchty Kiyevsk4Qy st,ttitstyay (for Sayenko). 2. 6tarshiy tw!hener Kiyovskoy rlor.-.1-ttLvr.o- issledovatel'skoy stantsii (for Golldberg). (Grain-Drying) (Wages) it IY" tot it, hl 1, Am" town CM N-a (kTM 0- ilift! ilia: Alon 0 roved thii, IOV 4 pletPU ttq p I. w s u p SZA rzAf",~ kit An' sit ijiv 4rit imidei tmni Win drder thanh~ defect (bi. tht~ IWWACDC ~,11 1 Vadirim) of a merb4toTWb, fit' bjky- I1~11 it 06 tit, ;-pseq o-an C~ Uamfrnlm AM C oo Kt