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ACCESSION NR: AP4043644 S/0056/64/047/002/0659/0666 AUTHORS: Gol'danskiy, V. I.; Ivanova, A. V.; Proltop'yev, Ye. P. TITLE: On positron annihilation in alkali-metal hydrides SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 2. 1964,* 659-666 TOPIC TAGS: positron reaction, annihilation reaction, half life, ionic crystal, alkali metal, correlation statistics, hydride, halide ABSTRACT: In view of failures of earlier attempts to explain the long-lived component of positron annihilation in ionic crystals, the authors employed the self-consistent field method to develop a new treatment of the time distribution of the annihilation radiation in hydrides of alkali metals. It is shown that the presence of two components in the lifetime spectrum of the positrons in the hy- drides is due to the annihilation from different excited levels of the system e+H-. The possibility of existence of a third component, Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043644 corresponding to annihilation from the ground state, is predicted. The calculated curves of the angular correlation of gamma quanta in the case of two-photon annihilation for the ground and first-excited states of e+H- turn out to be quite close to those obtained by ex- periment. This also offers evidence in favor of the proposed me- chanism of annihilation. It is pointed out in conclusion tl~at the proposea interpretation of the positron lifetime spectrum is appli- cable not only to alkali metal hydrides but to other ionic crystals, such as alkali-halide ones. The latter should include a third com- ponent corresponding to annihilations from the ground state. "The authors thank A. S. Kompaneyets for useful discussions and valuable hints, and to A. N. Ivanova of the mathematical division, for de- veloping a procedure for numerical integration of the equations, as well as to A. I. Prikhozhenko of the same division for carrying out the computation on the electronic computer. Orig. art. has: 2 ficjureB-and 11 formulaB. Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043644 ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akadeinii nauk SSSR (Insti- tute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR) SUBMITTEDt 27Feb64 Eb[CL, 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOVt 009 OTHER: 007 Card 3/3 777777 L h08"5 EWT(ta) DTAAP/AF~VOSI~90D W ij ACCESSION HR.- AP4046630 FA16~31'2 I' AUTHORS: Arifov, P.-Y.r Gol: danskiyj I Sa d6a ;TITL&: Determination of the momentuni distiibdtik. ''F IMI 0; 1 at elictron-positron pairs from tho'; V wima.w IUMAtum a Vi Lr hcl IL ISOURCE.- Fizika tverdogo telat: V,' '6f 01. 10, 19644i! ~AB!4 :TOPIC TAGS: annihilation reacti6n,;~elOctron, Posit j) n, momentum distribution, gamma quian'tuin ~dlstiibution' .ABSTRACT: It is shown that th~ form a customtkil-W, J.Lseq. n re0on.. i stitute the~momentum distribution. from the -rcpiah"i h! an4jij air 6orro-, ,lation is based on assumptions~ that arif tod: a, J !Irbe, aut iqr i consequently derives a relatio4: 'bet th .14eosi .1~1(p. mentum distributions of e e- pairs aind the'. V ii ci,45'~e iZriting 'c0 n 110e V) :rate I (as a function of angle), in whtcb correcti aNloat~j;' ~6 iakeii,'~ ,of the geometry of.the experiment and of thle v4rilabllldit~~i!~!~.!tie Card 1/2 11 j. -1 imi .L 11086-65 1ACCESSION kfRs AP4046630 'probability that the angles of'the emitted annihit~~Jlon ri6ifuianta CaI6 be correctly registered by theAetector.s. The cohd- tioll~t jW:18'er which the new formulas give results that dif fer a i dci4WF f rom We t 'old formula are indicated. It'is also 'Obawn tbat 411i pnew ;tdrmulaa I- can also be used directly to. d4termine momerkb~iit &st,.~~4-otion of! neutral:pions from the an'gu ar 1co rel4tion of- 1$e y t q#an a. produced by their decay. Orig.-Oi art.: has: 2, fi re0k, i #td Ilil formula$,: jASSOCIATIOU.- * Institut khimidh6sk fiz~jti ~~AN 6461t,~ ~~!661#11 (Institu:e. ~oy of Chemical ph ysics, AN SSSRJ ,SUBMITTED: 15May64 iSUB CODE: NP WOO sovi 002 01tVFf OR t 0 03 "Tij t-~ ;I Card 2/2, L 144-,3-65 E~,Tk'l)/,-,WT(M)/T/I~EC(b).2/-,,WA(M) 2lip MALSO (al it) AS ACCESSION NR: AP4048404 S/0161/64/Ci06/(111)?3301/330~6: AUTHORS: Gol'danskiv, V. I.; Prokop'yev,, Ye. P. TITLE:. On the annihilation of -ERLI-trour-L nalkali-; valide; qyysta3 al SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 11, 1964,: ;11301-11106 TOPIC TAGS: alkali halide crystal,,positron anni',hi111A1t10h,,: polikrolio~ crystal lattice defect ABSTRACT: The authors considex the annihilation polaron states in alkali-halide crystals, ~vithin thii, fraswitiork of, the Pekar polaron theory (S. 1~. Pekar,~1ssledo-vaniy011::po ble%tronnr_~,_- teorii kristallov [Investigations on the Electron TlUeory of Crystal~sj, GITTL, M-L, 1951). They calculate the,lifetimes and. inofii6ni--ura dis- tributions of the centers of gravity of the anuihil~i.Ling' 'rs in the case of positron annihilation by polarc)n stateu !in arL "ideal alkali-halide crystal, and list the additional poodAiron annihilati6,n Cord 1/2 YJ IhO,3-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4048404 possible in crystals with defects. The contributiol~,81 made~ -to the short- and long-live-d co onents of the.aniiihil.itt;ii3~l~l~SP-04,'trum Osrit~~ TY0 lifetimes -2 and -5 x 10 sec, respectively) are:, ~~6und ti). be af - ax fected by annihilation from the ground and excittuil q rin' ti~tates respectively. "The authors thWik A. S.~ Kompa d V. -v,_5 ts: 1 tin -.1or a discussion of the results and for v 1~i able r0ttarks IvanovP Orig. art. has: 8 formulas and 2 tables, ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR4 Ploscow, C:~q of Chemical Phy~~ics AN SESR) SUBMITTED: 26May64 00 iL SUB CODE: SS NR REF SOV: 003 OTAER: 009: Card 2/2 hopip-65 EM (J)/MiT(m).,tYF W/BgF(0-2/Z W ~10 (0/k I pfo A ERAM P--h/pe-5/Pr-.)4/pa-4/Pu-~h/O~b:~ RFL,' ~C A/Ww~% ACCESSION NR: AT4049836 S10000164j 001,IDD0100 00 2 lb 'G AUDIIOR: Gol'dansk Vo I.- Gul' V Ye4 Vj;; 61b Mikhlin Gs, TITIE- A new rgdjochemical metho d\ f ar, pre,-parit ig slFaf I ~d their possible uses f or increasing the _bold _strength between. rubb~ei f SOURCE. Xhimicheskiye svoystva i modifikatsiya polimerov qnLcai jitroperties -vo blat it, 1 and the modification of polymers), sbovnik st:,itey, klost~ow 'El d 964' 8-12 TOPIC TAGS: graft copolymer, bond strength, rubber- fabriclilminate, neutron, ;fabric. irradiation, polycaproamide, elastoirt6r, polymer impregmatidn C on ; , I ABSTRACT: Utilizing the localized effect of neutron irradial aLi jiAlw method was developed f or obtaining graf t ci 7palpierls of emulsions containing both polymer components and a com0ound. b a flow of thermal neutrons. The griLf t copolymers tested Wetlj ID taitid, by irradt- 6 of p I aprodmid ation, in a nuclear reactor, of emulsions made from a mixturt. 5V 44 1. ~ ; in formic acid, containing a Li compound. with solutions of, ifLaustoitie a in o-Ay n% Infrared spectra showed the presence of- a radi,ochemical intel attikL Iieti4een.thq 6 astomei molecules and-.polycaproamide with the formation of;ld. grditl~8polymei.! 1: F - L 40010-65 ACCESkON NR: AT4049836 composition of the resin mixture: is tabulite& r Iltu; coam ri wits, Oi2 The -0.02 mm thick. The vulcanized sa4les: we' oer ijjpi~atui 'on a o1i re testpod -of Sgroi abric: wi I I t'lnon~. r,:4tdiat:ed:-. Tabulated data show that impregnat~ort emulsion decreases the bond strength betweenpuiW~ and 4-4.T4,~o by: d. .4tM i o t~. iie ng~ C the'ad-1 a decrease in the mechanical a&aiion t~G~: lo-vi coheisI4 hesive. The use of the imprAnatiog~ Solution conta niag-Wft cc( i n6r iucriu ges. p the bond strength by 45-60% as compared to the initialLVd' ~~j BY; .1tio 3a initigi J.~. T pregnation of the fabric with a solution of:, k~No.'!: oxy de re i~. and prc g-7:: nation with a solution of an elastomer and algraft copoly~ them j1d 1d* strvnl between the rubber and the fabr a was almost ~dot died 1:11 h e! 4tre4,t ibled ag c~xiph epoxyamiU), and increabod 4our :L obtained by impregnating onL~.with apt; as.: co174 ar~j ed to.materials based an nonimpregiat6d Capron fa�ric, otfi~ modE U 6:~ .4tions of n method OfLlocalized neutron Irradiatio, permit tht . bond ptil~e~ 4th j. )6; increasc d fi rubb6r' coat to 4.1 kg1cm, this value being limited by,the'cobasion ofl This variant of the method will be'describedlh isubsequ4iiit OiEg 7:1 art* has: I figure and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut khimichesk f tzil fit tniitttut.6. oy S (T! H mi ~A 'AN SSSR); Moskovskiy institut tohkoy khimichesko..~.t ekhno Lownw ova e chemic technold at t 0 M5j~owi fiinmica 'OD ;4 :t SUMITTHp: IT - _lUpr62 r R ~~.,)EMCL., 00 P~J. 11 Oprd -2/2 NO-W.:SOVI... .06 001 T LiDX,S~, Alf~-':!' 91 ~va Znanil o )o nauke. Ia A I ,is -~ !,v. GO L t F).,: I ` . '. , ' , A'. SSS!I, i", SE S. M1 L 16513-65 DIT (1) WF(c)/,~SD/ML ACCESSION NR: AP5000360 ai/ U056/d'VD;17/60d/1995/19~ AUTHOR: Gol'danskiy, V. I.; _�.~I~asovr Yu. S. TITLE: Resonant annihilation of pos* itrons in,(1,011isiona "With neutral atoms and with molecules SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretiche;s~!:)y fitilki, 47, no. 5, 1964, 1995-1997 TOPIC TAGS: Annihilation, positron collision a at amn1hilation4i positron molecule bound state, Dirac, annihiia~iorflj, porfl.Cion '4 scatteringelastic scattering ABSTRACT: A quantitative and qualitative i nt e4p' rill!: at i0r'l 18 presented for the anomalous fast annihilation df Posit�dns in polyatomic gases, first reported by D. Paul and L'. Sai:rit Pierre (Phys. Rev. Let. v. 11, 493, 1963). The cause fail, thi~s~:Iann.)- hilation is found to be a positron-molecule botind stake*ith a Card 1/2 L 16513-65 ACCESSION NR: AP500360 binding energy close to 1.0 6V. Since the-'posit~oij~,:slij,4Ve! down t' such an energy within a time much shoiter than 0141 , 'Di#q axinihila~ tion time, the positron is annihilated by, the m,6141-duleiaii, a, whojej in resonant fashion, with a probabili-~y omch hi,114'r di~i that:~ of i th the Dirac annihilation. Formulas are preisented ~5:r the!:~ 10'ross sr.6- tion of this annihilation and for thd existence it)! 1~ a 1,-esi liant'. ene gy level. It is concluded tbat to Check. on this' Jjntei-p ~b tat ion i would be necessary to observe elastic scattering c~f slAw: p6sitron13 1 e' inn -0.1 eV) in those polyatomic gases in which iex-il ase4 ~t! ihila-i tion rates are observed. Orig. art. has: 7 formulais.. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN Sq~ak, (Lrtq~jltute o:r Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences SS R) SUBMITTED: 10Ju164 aiiCL.- 0o SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOV: 001 OUiER: 00j Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR- AP4025112 S/00120/64/155/003/0636/o639 AUTHOR: Golldannkly, V. I, (Correspondiug member); Fl.rvov, V, G.; ShantaroArich, V. P. TITLE: Determining the kinetic constants of the interactiozi betv a positronium and inorganic ions SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady-*, v. 155, no. 5, 1964, 636-659 TOPIC TAGS: chemical kinetics, velocity constant, positroaLum, -radiation chemistry, unpaired electron, interaction constant, annihilatioii gomm quapta, hydrogen ion, spatial distribution, wave function, quantiAn leakage., tunnel effect': ABSTRACT: New possibilities for determining the rate conat.tuit of very fast chemical processeq in a condensed phase have been found in the expzrimentr. de- signed to investigate the chemistry of the positronium (Ps). ne resulting ex- i perimental data bave been divided into 'Iwo basic groups- aW)stances reacting strongly with PG and reducing its lifettme, and substancei; ir~th a small inter- i reaction constant. T%e first group is further divided into two subgmups, depending on the effect of variou6' additions to the axWiDstr correlation of an.- nihilation gamma-quanta. (The experiments in anggulax co)n-elation vere made by Cord 1/2 ACCESSIM NR: AP4025112 B. G. Yegiazarov). In the case of high-valence ions, the mentioned interaction amoiaits to a positronium oxidation. The sub-barrier trcuisition of un electron from a positronium atom to an acceptor may be more probable than the transition from a hydrogen atom since in the case or a positronium the resonwice conditions of the electron levels in the initial and final states should be letis inflexible inasmuch as the positron, as a light and penetrating particle, can effectively j absorb the recoil energy conxiected with -,,he difference in I;h,,! leve.1 positions. i The above data iMDlieG the possible utilization of the inyestigations of the positron annihilation for determining the kinetic constants ol' fast 1)rocesses 4n a condensed pliase, and possibly for acquir-'ag fidditiona]. informt-tion on the role of quantum leackages in chemical reactions. "The authors are g-rateful to V. G. Levich and N'. D. Sokolov for their interest in the worlL and the disCuBBion of the resulto". Orig. art. hail: 5 formulas ajid, 2 tablec;. ASS~-,"TATTON: in6titut kbi-micheskoy fizijU, Akadeinii nault ISSSSR (1~ist.itute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Science, SSSR) SUBMMI'ED: 2d'Nov6-3 DATE ACQ- 17-AprG4 M.1cls: 00 SUB-CODE: PH, CH NO. Rgr.SGV: 005 MIER: 009 2/2 Card f, wr i ac !t III; tri le. Dc k I A N S 1 5 ii I,- h f, ~: k oy z ;, k, i k ACCESS10",,' ',;R: AP41_;,36726 S/002(;/6e./L56/O02/0400/G403 ATEIOR: Gol'dansk_'.y, V. I. (Correspolidin',, 'makarov, Y(~.. F.; Scukan, R. A.; Sum,arokova, T. ',.; Trukhtanov, V. A.; lchrapov, V. V. 71 -11,E :Cl;aracterijticr of 'Micmsbauier effect i*or tin compoundr, with a coordinato. nu,mbi2r six SOURCE: v. 156, TOPIC TAG,3: 'Mossbauur effect, ,,a-=ia fluorcscercc., Del,ye .-1,DSSb,lUC!ri,-M at 01:1, POIVI-,~er cry sLal , cross I JA* nk. cii;;,~ (I rup,-.La~: 1 i. t_', ir, chL-,-.ij'c a'l displacc.-mia-"t, Lin co"nPound, ionicity, crystal 6t.ruccure A -5S'i7,!!,C T: Tne authors dc7nonsLrate that r,at-onant %4 1-,OUt yield !k-,110 Dcbye -Val! er.1kiy factor) and t1le cl-laractcx oi zhe tempeva~ur.,~ clirile essentially dc!pend on the crystal-structure rolation,,;Mip oC a"oms. Two lables nho-,~~ t1w. ~wlollnt Oc chemical 11.,;p1ace.:nOnt ill the co;~qwllnki:; iWd G,L' ill' quantities for soinz of these compounds at temperatures of T - NOK and 1`00oK. -n addition, a probable structure of SnF 4 is illustrated. 7he strong quadrupolar splitting in the subject problem is explained by the essential difforences In tha Card 1/2 ACC17SSION N-11; AP4036726 degree of sp2d ioraicity of th,~ hybridized tetravalent Sn-F bond, wi,-."i 'horizontal F atrims in a basic poly-mer crystal forming crosslink bond5 between Sa an& two other (p,d.2) SnF-bonds which evidently are ionic. During, the mi;;ratLon froait SnF 4 to F L"ry to On with six K?Sn%and Cs2SnF 6, i.e., froi~i the octahedron with a D4k 5 "" (~p3d Sn-F equivalent bonds, the quadrupolar splitting disappeared. Instead, the increase in the degree of molecular sy~-,imetr7 was accompanied by a si:ron;, decrease in the Debye-Vallerovskiy fac,:or (especially at room while the chemi- cal displacement remained constant. Ori,--,. art. has: 2 figures and 2 tables. a ASSOCIATION: inscitut khir-.dchesKoy fiziki. Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR) SLBIMIMED: 31Jan64 DATE ACQ: 03Jun64 ENCI: 00 SUB CODE: cc NO REF SOV: 008 OMER: 002 Card 2/2 077, ~,il EWT(m) D1AAP/300/AJVL.;1 Oil 4. S/0020/64 5, kCGESSION WR: AP4042202, Co sixzdi; AN AUTHOR: Golldanskiy, V. I rre TITLE: C o n c e R'S'"g,-i 'h'-e -m,, "e, c h an i a m0 fthe: ~raai6ao i pro Pc n, ve Lc a emission SOURCE; AN SSSR. Dokladj*j v. 157p nos: 2,j ~1964j )Z1 124,. 4 :-TOPIC TAGS: proton radioactivity~ neutron deficieintTlaoi4r, ii, aneous decay, two proton.radioactivity- radioai.-tiviall: aecrAp- ABSTRACT: In the neutron-deficient Isotopos of Maxiy~ b lep* t to, thre )I types of radioactivity have been.; recently':obse:rvOcli';iian;i)il,j. ji, ; on6,-. proton and two-proton radioactivity, akid the Q'Ini d dj! Al 6. dlaY6 protons, Proton emission in decays,su~h ~s, B9~- p ifl~iauer spectru of solution produced by- mixing col tions (a) and (b), frozen 12 hro after mixing. IMM/sec 3/4 L 13316-66 ACC NRt:AP6003254 re+2 and Fe+3 ion i c lexiand The authors express the r gratitude to V. A. Trukhtanov and It. ff. Divl- sheva for their help in conducting the 1 table - and I figure. [141 SUB CODE: 07,20/ SUBM DATEs 09Jul66/ ORIG REF: 001,11 OTH REF: 005 ATD PRESS- ,d 4/4' J: trAW41, Vj L 55979~65 EW.G(J)A-WT(M)/EPF,(c)Apo.(~i-2/gpjt/i~wp(;j P i Ps:17 W -;4/9.un4, PL i4ACCESSION NR: AP5012769 *Vl~) *6/lne/1~110 'AUTHOR, Barkalov, I. M.; Golldanskiy V., 1. Oorrespondin i )er;ftjf d G S Ro 'Rapoports V, B. 'TITLE.- Calorimetric analysis of the kinetics of r-!adLati,0n lmldri~ tSOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 161i no. 6, 1965' 1360-1370 TOPIC TAGS. calorimetry, rqdiation kinati6s!, -117~a:tion, 1 phase 'th ABSTRACT- A special heat-conducting.calorimetii-~ wAs built ap~ bj~diqo i - a e prin Ap I of Calvier's microcalorimeter for:making measur,ements dlre6t~j ~:."Ln 4~ !~ijAatito~rhi ff !ldtl I o ; ent .!I A diagram of the calorimeter is shown in fig. i of'ithe 34031 t~c i6o ~d 101,' fl vessels of,pure copper with the test: sample (1) an,~: 6 cal#ra j~t,'g ~~y ce~ (2) are' surrounded by casings (3 and 4), which 4" ld~kicai~ in 4b~*j~ I ~armqph' 1 c al, p:r-01OW-~. ven 6 ties and through which flows practicially all t~.~ hi~~t 9i 'PiInIt :damp e :6nll -mal f loq~s which pas's e calibrating device. The ter b~tw~eb c"ij $s 3!;+hit!4 create perature: drop:p between their inner and outer surfaces ten w 0 !!M i~oj' I.tollod ~by,, & mintial i~la9 battery of thermocouples (5 and 6) connected dif fit q i il I ~jj FWT (1)AqT(m)/-EWA(d)/EWP(t) /I;pf V ACC NRt Alyo'W2704 ff.- , 1"00 M/04910061168113.688 AUTHOR: Golldanskiy, V. I.; Belay, V. F.; Devisheva,, M. N. Truhlftncrv, V. A. 6r, ORG: Institute of Chemical Iftsics. Acadermr of Sciences SSSR (ImstitvL hidinicheskqy fizikr"MRFeai -nauk SSSR) - 1~1 6 TITLE: Investigation of internal X -p on Fle" nuclei in magn~tlg fielK1 ferrites by the nuclear gamma resonance method / -2,'7 1~ SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i tetreticheakoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 6p 1965, 1681- 1688 electron dpnsity, zinc compound, fe-romagnetic mate~-ial, TOPIC TAGS: Mossbaue ffe rritepiron) line ffpl1ttingp magmetic field,, Paramagnali'c m=t,rifal ABSTRACT: Tht! authors obtained the Mossbauer spectra of the Hi-VM series ef ferrites and determined the values of t1v internal magnetic field on the TeS7 auclei with the zinc concentration varied from 0 to 1 (at 300 and 78K). The appaxatud uiaed was of the electrodynamic type, described in detail elsewhere (Zavodskaya 11iboratoriya No. 12, 1965). The ferrites were prepared by a standard ceramic technique. From the spectra obtained it is deduced that with increasing zinc content, up to total substitution of zinc for the iron ions, the ferrite goes over from the ferrimagnetic ordered state 'to a paramagnetic state. The line splitting in the pure nickel ferrite can be attributed to the existence of two fields with different ion positions. Smii.ller values of the field correspond to tetrahedral positions of the iron ions. Both the 1>0sitive com- ponents of the field and the electron density in the region increase slmaltaneous3,y. L 25697-66 ACC NR, AP6002704 At 78K the character of the Mossbauer spectra is similar to that at room temperature,, except that the lines converge at larger zinc contents, the internal wguetic field on the nuclei are larger, and the difference in the values of the interiml field due to the different positions of the iron ions is also larger. With increasing zinc con- tent, the field on the iron nuclei in both the tetrahedral and in the octahedral sub- lattice decreases, in contradiction to the data obtained by Abe) 144swri, et al. ('T. Phys. Soc- Japan v- 18.- 1400, 1963)- Orig. wt. has: 5 figures uA 2 formulas. SUD CODE: 20/ SM DAM 25m3y65/ oRiG rwi oo2/ OTH MM 015 "t .. f , I I I . I . I . 11 1 . .1 . . . . - . I I ~ . I. I . . . . I I I I . . , .1 . - .. - . : t. 7 . . : - . ~ " 1 : ~' 1 :, t , t I- . - - - - . . . . ..1 . . . : I I . . I . .. . I L ACC NR.- A116001732 SOUXE CODE.- UR/0020/65/165/00it/0851/0854 AUTHORS: Adadurov, G. At _ Bark~loZ.L~M.; Mlemin A. N.; Ignatovich, T., N.; _ - _- j Mikhayj,~v;_,A._N..; Tallrozo V L - Yqmpo1'5kiyj_f_!--A,.* Golldfln3kiy, V..I.- I - --- -.)- -1 -~~i~espon(:iln-g-member AN SSSR)- ORG: In5titute for Chomical PhyBics, Acadomy of Scionces,,ILSS~ (11-Wtituto kl'Limiche5koy- TITLEt Polymerization of conden.5od monoinors in shock w V0 - t~ /' SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 165, no. 4, 1965, 851454 TOM TAGS, polymerization, shock wave , monomer kBSTRACT.- The shock wave polymerization of condensed monomero (trioxatie, acrylamido, potassium acrylato, methacryl=ide, tolane, /-aLicili~. aldoh:rdo, sti1VWe,-'/and -dAphonylbutadiena)jwa3 3tudiod. The experimntal -tecnrLique that described by 0. A. Adadurov' i dr. (Vysokomolek. soyed., 7 No. 1, 180, 1~65), The experimental results are tabulated. It is concluded that obaerved polymer- Card 1/2 - UDGe 541-641 678.744; 53~.222.1 L 17629-66 AGG NRt A.P6001732 ization oocurs directly in the shock wave arvi io not due to aeaondaxy nn.,acts. Orig. &rt. haa2 I tablo. SUB CODE: II/ SUBM DATEs OlJun65/ ORIG REFi 008/ OTH R-9: 005 ~ 10 Card 2/2 ACC NRI AF60c"'517 SCURCE CODE: LIH/0"K`~C 1f,6 '(x~6 )/0001 AUTHOR: Golldanskiy, V. 1-; Devishe)L;~, M. NA~W'aycnf, YU- F'-; Trukht&n ORG: Institute of Chemical Mysics, Academy of Sciences SS311 (InatiLlxt Rhimicheskal f izikf 79_dw__H_n_aUFTW_ TITLE: Sign of the magnetic field at tin in a ferrodielectric nuLtrix .L nu.S4e SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz. Pialma v redalctsiyu. Prilozhen"re, v. 4,. no. 2, 1966, 63-64 TOPIC TAGS: tin, ferrite, Mossbauer spectrum, spectral distribi.Ttion, mt~gnetic moment line splitting ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determine the sigj) of the indirect- ly induced (super-exchange) field at the nuclei of nonmagnetic 1,~in ')~~ iq introduced Ion, into an yttrium-iron-garnet matrix, previously observed by the authors (Pis'ma Z11ETF v. 1, no. 1. 1965; PbYs. Lett. v. 15, no. 4, 1965). To this end the authors in- vestigated the Mossbauer spectra of the same garnet sample placed in an external nag- netic field. The change in the intesity ratios of the various spectral components, due to application of the magnetic field, is attributed to the change in the char- acter of the angular distribution of the components of the transitions � 1/2 (4/2) -* � 1/2 (1/2). The distinctly observed increase in the splitting of -the Mosubauer spectrum components indicates that the internal magnetic field at the tin nuclei co- Lcard 1/2 ------- ---------------- ACC NR: AP6024517 incides in direction with the applied electric field, with the mMnetic moment of the tetrahedral Bublattice parallel and that of the octahedral sublattice antiparalle]. to the applied field. Since the internal magnetic field at the iron micleus is alwayE, negative relative to the magnetic moment of its ion, it is concluded that -tile fields of the nuclei, both tin and iron, situated in the some (octahedral) sublattice of thei yttrium. iron garnet have the same sign. Several explanations of this fact will be I discussed in a future article. The authors than S..Sherbinin for I k making possibld the operation of the apparatus and Yu_,'.P.Baydorovtsev for supplying the magnet. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CCDE: PO/ SUBM DATE: 2OMay66/ ORIG REF: 0021 02H REF., 002 2 L 2~156-66 ACC ffR: AF6006840 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/li6/008/002/0515/0524 AUTHOR: Golldanskiy, V. I.; Prokoplyev, Ye. P. 05~10 .,ORG: Institute of Chemical PhysicsAN SSSR, Moscow (Institut )(himichenkoy fizi),i AN SSS-kF--- ~TITLX: Annihilation of slow 222ilmijLn ionic media ;SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v, 8, no. 2. 19669 515-524 JOPIC TAGS: particle annihilation, crystal theory, ionic crystal, positron, elec- ,tron positron pair .ABSTRACT: The authors study some of the fundamental characteristics of annihilation lof thermal positrons bound to negative ions. An expression is derived for calcu- Ilating the energy of bound states of a thexinalited positron and parameters are tabu- ,lated for coupling between a positron and anions in various ionic ct7istals. rormu- ~las are given for calculating the lifetimes of positrons on anEcns in fluoride, ioxide, chloride, sulfide, iodide and telluride ionic crystals. A til-le is given ;showing the lifetimes for positrons in various crystals calculated Prola these formu- I 'las. The authors discuss the angular correlation and momentum diatribution for Card .1/2 L 23156-66 ACC NR: AP6006840 icenters of gravity of electron-positron pairs in the two-quantijm annihilation pro- ;ces3. A comparison of theoretical data for lifetimes with the expErimt!ntally Ob- served values shows that annihilation of positrons fmm ~oLmd states in quasi-atomi't :systems of the positron-anion type should contribute a short-lived coml)onent of -10 sec. These data also confirm the possibility of a ntill short x p,2 - 10 er ccmpo- nent in annihilation of positrons from ground states with a lifetime of tonvlO_11 .sec. This hypothesis is also confirmed by the calculated half-width of the angular~, !correlation and by maximum momenta for the centers of gravity of annihilating pairsL 10rig. art. has: 1 figure, 4 tables, 37 formulas. SUB CODE.-- 20/ SUBM DATE: 13Nov64/ ORIG RFF: 01V OTH REF: 012 Card 2/2 L 3152L-66 A idi. A_~-UUJUU,54 SOME.-CE CODE: AU-Lr-,'OR: Gol'danskiy, V. I. (Corresponding mem1ber AN SISSR) OBIG: none TITIZ : Research in the field of gamma7resonan e spectros(:c SOURCE: Ail SSSB. Vestnik, no. 4, 1966, 44-76 /? TGPIC TAGS : 1'.!ossbauer effecL, IV,0Ss1)11.Uc1' SPOCLMIM, ~iLIIIIWI qI1,111tum resonance phenomenon, chemical aziaj~rsls, bioclhemirLry A-' S C T : This is a popular review article eicaliniT with the effect and its Various Lpplications in che';AStIr"', 1"() th principal attention paid tuo cl-emical gammn-rescnarice and vclrious bioloL:ical and chemicnI applications on which z,esearch i:; C-;L~-_va C'u" Ut t"ne Inst'tute 01, ("he;'I;I~nl Plc":;Ics (Ii, t",- ~c' Tr' i c I -, esk 0j" f i z ii i" L d 0:-. 1 ; i i i a -, ii;~ Th,~ topics covcriNl ['.I*C2 effect, the pacra,, cf iiucle;,- SP~T-'M.' ;'-nd ele:-~cnts for -ahich "'he Vo:,-,b~Llier effect; lw-,i alrea,ily be,-!:. som'e o" 11GR in nuclcar an~d Cererai phy:;icr, in rolirl -nnysicsl exar;:plos chemic~_I aj-)plicat ions of I-a,,;',=.a-rcsonarce -,q~cctroscopy, aL r- of ni~,ISIC.,---chemical Card 1/2 A C n c as c - occ.3" o~ 3 s cr C, i n k c t"'.'lt Q'I 'R)dfv) -1- s 'a m n r, La s t',D r S s tJ '.4 cl? ootzl- Ii-, fw r I "'~r a 0 1, 'l, z3 c, i tc. n c i 3 7- o n d 0 a s i: c - py _66 I 'GO I I 'SOUIWE O-Ml`.: III J,/(~ I):,, //(i C) I (-,-I /I ."'UTE(jit: ~-,.-Gol'jandkiy V 1. 'Cori-,-,Indfw~ t-irmh-r I'I'l Ouitov V, ; I) t.c In; ii, N. M ildm.vlov, A P r I.. Y ~I A. ORG: Inst"ute of chvillikni phygics, t"i Ciziki TITLE: wavr %ruicanization of SOURCE~: AN ss,~R, v. 167, no, TOPIC vulcanji,-,tion, rubber, s~kw ki. t'. h.w, 1~~. I. BST i-kk. -O1ItiI1kJ1n;, the ktiviv of pm,;m(.1 'it!, C_. III "I It, cri b", tile p_,.s:4 Of vIII c;Inizjj)- rubb "A "'A %v i th ~~ 11 1 'Id I, :; f v o 11) 0 0 0 to 10 o 0 1! . i illul"C"li'll. of tht, network zZoIll'.1 i .:I be dt-'Acc"C i :n .iw'i~i"io!)I:t~vlcllo (a rubliel- ii!~, il, t'llk, (it, -:e Only 0( (.ic~radation Is-k phc-, _i-~, iv( -ir;:tIl reaction ii-, L-4J, rubber has a definite nJ about :,5, i (JO atin 1'11(~ rej If 1-~jetjorj I-!; ilk) ~ I alillost c(mIj)1k,t('1v cro~;s-hnkcd Vuic:11II.;k,01.)I1 1:1 i.;r!ial ~:k 1 The Vill cani ""M ion ;11. 1! ,tbovc 100. 000 atrn. Card 1/2 1 ) C: 54 t 2. 0 J 4. ACC NR: A PGO 12 921 wave passes through the rubber, i. e. , in a time of t1,(- order of if)-;) si,:!. - 200, 000) at a pl-(~Ssure r)f 0()C J~jjj ~fj rubber (Al \V 80, 000 1 ~ % , _i 10 cross-links arc- formed per grain in 10- I;ec. Oi-g. lcL~: I fii~ti:o ai,,,-' i~;, SUB CODE: 11, 07 / SUBM DATE: 104ov(').5 / 011IG (P'12, / C)T!I P. M' i scullu ccl)-., ur/ AUI'1101~ Ivirkii Lov, I M. I V T, Ymmool-'sklY, F. A. 0 1'\, (7, -. institute of CliemlcaL llliyslcs~ Acarlpqv of kill'.1tches.- 1:ny fiziki Akademil Ilauk TITLE: Intenrification. of a shock wave b,.,- the -nerg,,; vend tile feacibillty of a P-~Jymerizaticii detonntlon SOURCF: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy I teoretich.-,-~koy Lclaktr-~yu. llrilozheniye, v. 3, no. 8, 1966, 309-310 TOPIC TAGS: shock wave interaction, clier-ile".11 c p-law!-Ic expIcAllve, poly- merization kirietic:;, detonation) MCnomer ABSTPAC F 11iis I.- a,continuation of earlicr wor)~ (Dok-L. AN 8 ~ S R 5 5 -',. 19 t--, 5 bt, shod~ e(1, all(, wlierQ poly iei~.ij, jon,of rzeveral solld monomer, ivro i-ti oljt;e , - the ener,-y re] njt = -, rrr-,;en'4 ,!4,1 thin- auth,:-,s 1~-cmpare t hi r -ca,~e was Tn the 1 -4 1 enerFy with 'lie energ, b ITS a resil1i of, cc.,mTren'-ion by the U ; clitained by the su stance shock wave. ThIs 1,~) done 1) obtain:IzV, the dependence of the vol-mit, of Y the .9iibrtance on the applied preosure from tile diock a4iabat of the imrcptfgat~:d substance. The estimates are made for acryl amide, which iras iised ir. the eRrIler study, rr"king use of -oubilalied data on plexiglass and which have the Card V2 L 4Ui~i 66 ACC NR: AP6oiPi82 same initial deniity an(t approNfinately f!qual coml)reGaJon coefficiimits. S 1 n c e t' h c- passage of the shock wave lef't no traces of meltins" of* the rub'stance it it', con- eluded that a considerable pox-tion of the thermal. ener&v relensed at the Instimit of polymerization Is transferred to the shock wave, being c,.niverted Into elastic energy of the substance. It Is also shown that the enerj2,y released. dllrirq~ !)')JY- merization is approximately equal to the energy -lost LTy the shock wave to the C(Ni- pression of the monomer. Therefore the additional fraction of t1w energy o1otained. by the rhock wave f rom tbp chemicR1. processes is comparable with the total energy obtained by the substance upon compression 1-~[ the shock wave. From a detailed theoretical analysis made by N. M. Kuznetscrr at the authorol requent (ZhETF v. h9, 1526, 1965) and from other considerations it is concluded thnt a detonation can occur as a result. of polymerization by a shock wfive. The authors. thank Academician N. N. Semenov-P.nd N. M. Kuznetsav for a valuaIble discussion. lo"] SUB CODE:07, .20 SUBM DATE- 17Feb66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH 002 ATI) PRESS: Card 2/2 L 07336-67 ENT (m) /1"14P (v F1,T ( j 1 .11) ( c V~-J, (',G,/GD,' IN ACC NRt AT6034058 SOURCE CODE: UR/OOOO/66/O0O/OOO/0337/O34V- , AUTHOR: Voyutskiy_, S.__S.; Gol'danski V. I.; Cull v. Ye.; Gustovp V. V.~ Yegorov, Ye. V.; Ra evs ORG: Institute of Chemical Phy s, AN' SSSR (Institut khLmichesk07 fiziki AN SSSR); Moscow Technological In3titute of the Meat and_Dairy Indu 9 tr,,, skov skiy telvhnolor i chesk 1.), fas t'i -tu t myrtsno y 1 no lochnoy promytihlennus ti) ; Moscow Ins tf. Lute of Fine Chemical Techtic I.o-gy_. It'll. M. V, Lo ci o n o s o v (, to 9k- o v a k ly 111 F t I L u L L o n ko y 'r,. It i m L c It e a k o y tkh n 0 1. o g i i TITT.E: Ef fec of rad La L ion on the adhes ion o f certa I.n. polvincrs S OU i, C J.M T) o r) o I: ~1 t S L o n no v k It 1. m I I. o o 1 i'l e r ") V, :'10 a c0 L 9 64 P vlt i a L,,j j. o it nay;,, It t. r, I. Y,1 p~ I Ime vo va d f..-I L toll of pol.vrion', dokLii,.!y r!.ryoz1,,,ma. Moscot~, lz~I-vo Naukn, L 9 6 6 3 3 7 -14 0 TOP FC TA G 1; - e! ~ 1.3 10 ri, 0 me r. ,1) o CL 11 v I.:! lie ,c -p T) f: 0 1 ro - C tXll, a r, s v a,.1 ia t 1. o n , f i n. i s h i n p, A q,1 R"'CT A ~:t:u,ly ikl,-, heell made of .?fftlcl: of' LI, e adhe!j Lon o.1' ct, vLa N i!! 1-.4 t,_-A ers, -or po L)--,, L11,' Leue Lo !wu Lr-i too c. C r~ I ~,, c a 1) r o I a c t a r.1 f j t III t3 o r f~ I 'I r, S .Thc pr~,par,?o an(I irrafl.aL c'! wI.T.11 ct ~,vtcovs V-1- Itp to Ills --nj, ! t w .1 1, ~ h o w n t 11 :1 11 inn a t L rl I it .I it Tq ~1 x I v111,11 I 1~ -i v 12 n,I o n eP. T1 d Card 1 / 2 ACC NR: AT6034053 t'lien r1rops with a further increase of thf! dolle. Tile increa,~;p of the adheq1on was atLributud to the radiati-on-Luduced acceLeration of tile diffusion of macromolecular scaments In the contact zone. Tile drop cf the adhesion with a further increase of tile dose was explaLred either as cros s-1 inking in the e 1 as toners (bu tadiene-s ty rene and ni Lri le rubbers) which causes shrinkage stresses, or as degra6atlon (butyl rubber) High adhesion was att,-iinad by irradiation of specimens prepared 1'ith cellophane or glass fl-ululied with vinyl trichiorosilane . In the case of icellophane, adhesion increased with dose u1) to 107 .-ad (maximum radiation withstood by tile substrate) to attain 275 g/cm. Adhesion of! polyethylene to -lass was increased to about 400 g/cm by combining vinyl trichloros ilane. 1' f inishing of tile substrate with irradiation with 107 doses up to 5 x rad. The high adhesion of oystema subjected to thi.Q: combined treatment was attributed, in addttion to the acceleration of diffusion phenomena, to chemical bonding between the adhesive and the Imodified substrate. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ~SUB CODE., 07, 1l/ SUBM DATE: 25Jul66/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 002 1ATD PRESS: 5101 Card 2 / 2 I 08180-6'~ F.',.,T )/L',,~o ( t )/,"VI 'j j 111 C! T Mr,1011: suzdalev, 1, P. Gen, M. Ya. Ye. ORG: Institute . of. Chei-.Ucal Filyl3ics, A~aderiV of Sciences G.1511 (InGtituto hhimichcii~oy fizi~-i Akadenti SS'OR) TITLE : NU 11ance n h1t;hly (11,spersed tI.n -~ ~ar -- I I 30UI~,CZ: Zhuxnal cksperiniental'noy I teorcticheskoy fI*.,,ikI, v. 51, no. 1, 19661, rL8-12o, rOPIC TAGS: tin, nuclear resonance; acrorol, Mossbauer effecL, MlosGbauer spectrum, temperature dependence ABSTRACT: Ilic Moso"bauer effect was lnvestif,,~ted in h1flily dispersed tin particleG having diameters of 2501 3701 600, and,15" A. 'Mc disperrcd tin was -:)roducc-d by evaporating liquid droj)s in a liqllii 'mloi- argon c1morphere and c(--,ndenriiy~ the vapor into aerosol particles. q'he particle was ref;ulated by the raLi, of flo-,r and also de- pended on the gas. The mean particle cize was determined with an electron microscope. The spectrum for the highly dispersed tin consisted of a rinf,,Ie line characteristic of ordinary polycry3talline P-Sn with a chemical shift of 2.6 irij./rce (re-lative to SnO;2). The probability of the Mossbauer effect f' was measured as a function of the tempera- ture (T) and particle diameter (d) frorn the (Area under tile opectral absorption cur,,re. I'he results show that f' diminishes with decreasing j),irticle diturieter, starting with d at 600 A - The teraperature dependence ia steeper. Yhe variation with particle Pizea is connected with the influence of -the suface. The Debye temperaturo is determined Card 1/2 L o8l8o-67 -ACCNI~l AP6024870- 3 for the different groups of particles and is found to be 120, 1~10, 13~, and re- spectively, as well as for tin atoms In the surface layer (100K), wilich had a thicImess Of 5 lattice constants. Arguments favoring the decrease of f' accc,-npan;rinj, sma.1-ler particles and its strong tem1wrature dependence to be associated with nurf~kcf! and not with any frequency change In the internal-a-tom spectra for these particles are presented. The authors thank VAttLulJ_er for assisting in the preparation of some samples, Yu. 1. Fedoray for the electron-microscope determination of the particle sizes, and Yu. 1. Petrov for valuable discussions. Orig. art. haij: 2 figiireo and 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUB14 DAM 24Feb66/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH KBF: C09 Card 2/2 nat -ACC NRi AP7004569 S(VRC9 CODEt VR/D056/6!5/049/005/i424/l430' AUTHORt Suzdalev, 1. P.; GOPdanakiy. V, 1. I'lachl ida, At So; O?Gi Institute of Chemical ca,_A NASSR (Inatitut kh1alchookoy fisiki AN SSSR TITI.Es Investigation of the dynamics of the motion of tin ataim at tho surface of silica gal by means of the Mossbauer.effect I SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i tooretiche9koy fizilel Yo 49# no,# 50 1965, 1424-1430 TOPIC TAGS: t1ossbauer effect,, silica gal, sorption, tin, chel"30501-ption AMTRACTs The axithors uned the nuclenr psammA renonance (M6ssbaU6%1 -pffect) method to Investigate the dynamics of the motion of tin .atoms sorbed on the surfnee of silica gel. A mp,.iciml cryostat ,~as constructed for temperature measurementrF.-;~ All mer~surements iwere made on a.nuclenr gamma resonance spectrometer with source in the form of Sn'Ly"026 Analysis of the experimentsl results Indicated that the tin atoms at the surface exist In two ntates the tetravalent and the bivalent. Investigation 'or the tempera- ,ture dependence of the HoUsbauer-effect probability Indlented that' he tetravalent tin is fixed on the surface through phynical orption; and the bivalent tino through ohemisorptlon, Considerabl ~ asymetry W-the-Agublot-nonvon ant P was found- IP-the sD.eatrua of.. Card 1/2 _14Ri__AP700456V-- tae tin sorbed on the In* the form or SnO (,M).rncs- c~heml_- sorytion). It wes folind thnt the elpotric-ricid grnrilent at the SO 9 nucleus In SnO Increases with an Increase in tempera`iire and significantly exceeds its vniite for the crysttil state of ^nO,' ,The following were evnluatnd on the basls or the experlmental findings: the absolute vnlues of the mean nqitnre dispIncements 'of-the Sn02 9 Y",20 molecule on the surface and of' tin atoms with- In the mole cule as a function of temperaturel the zero-vibrotion energy of the tin atoms and moleouleni the energy at which the bonO.between molecule and adsorption center on the globule surfaae alsappears; the absolute values of the menn square displacements of tin atoms In SnO molecules In a direction perpendicular or parallel to the surface, as well as their temperature dependencet. IThe authors point out that by extrapolating the absolute iralues of the mean square displacementff as a function of temperature It ,Is also possible to obtain the displacement values at fibsolute !zero temperature, and this In turn makes It possible to evaluate :the corresponding vibration frequencies. The value of a tempera- ~ture dependence ouoh-as the one obtained by-the authore for _Oysic4 sorption makes It possible In principle to find the forn of Via potential well for sorbed atoms or molecules. These questions will be corwidered by the authors In subsequent publications@ The authors express their gutitilde tv.XL_Y_aj__- Noymakr, V. M. Chertovq and L Yao Garzanov for their Interest and Ad In the experimental vork9 and to Yuo M. Wan for his discussion of 1:M resulted Igmt ACC NR; AP7000912 ~i\~-------SOURCL--COI)L:-'UR/0.,L"38i6"0/000/01,- /0015/0C 18 AUTHOR: Kim, 1. P.; Yegorov, Ye. V.; GoVdanskiy, V. 1. Dogad'kin, 3. A.; Tarasova, Z. N. ORC: Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology in, . 1M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii); Institute of Chemical Physics AN SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy f iziki XN SSSR) ; Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry (Nauclirio-issLedovaLel'skiy institut shinnov pronyshlennosti) TITLE: Radiation-induced vulcanization with 20-30 Mev electrons SOURCE: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 12, 1966, 15-18 TOPIC TAGS: radiation induced vulcanization, fast electron, high enerjjy electron, i irradiation vulcanizate, induced radioactivity ABSTRACT: The radioactivity of rubbers, rubber mixtures, and t1heir i-agredients irradiated with 20-30 Mev electrons has been investigated. The study was under- i taken because 5-10 Mev electrons, currently used in radiation-tnduced vulcanization, I PULIULrate only to a small depth (2-4 cm in a substance with a 'density of I g/c:-.13) aud, therefore, are unsuitable for tho vuIcanization of pro-Jiucts Theoretical analysis of thc problem and experliments showed 1.11;1*~. 1) I:ni,. reactions L proceed under the effect of electromagnetic radiation gernerated as a result of deceleration of fast electrons in the substance; 2) irradiation of rubbers, rubber Card 112 nc: 678,028:66.085 mixtures, and their in redients with fast, 20-30 MeV cleccroni3 foi:jqs; the radlo- ar ; C", 0~1~ and ZnG3 as a result of y, n-type pliotrinucleir re~tct:ionis; , tive isotope.,, 3) owing to the short halflife (minutes or tens of minutes) of these Isotopes, Liie radioactivity which is induced in tile irradiated specimens 6ecays in a matter o" hours; 4) rubbers, ruLber mixtures, and their ingredients are not activated with secondary neutrons; 5) the use of fast, 20-30 Mev electrons for the vulcanization of large-size rubber )roducts presents no danger for personnel, proyid,:!d that the irradiated products am held in isolation for one day, Orig. art. ha5: 2 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: llp,13/ SUBM DATE: 12Jul65/ ORIG REF: 005/ O'M REF; 002/ AID PRESS: 5108 Card-2/2 GO D.'- T'3. YU. Cr3n~Ai cs i rol' til'a o" A ca~lc. an io-l'-3ov) (p. E0'' tr~ -~oldat, S . Yu. SO: 7ol. 7, 1 ::0.